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he's got his own little couch hey how's it going everybody welcome back to MK my name is Robin and today I'm gonna peruse through our slash made me smile so without further dilly-dally let's jump right on into it well it's a guy covered in kittens what can I say other than I wish it were me we got happy bees be happy smile watermelon wedge and then in Illuminati symbol somehow that doesn't seem to fit judging by the look on his face he's not having a great time same these things don't seem to go together we've got a tropical island a bird and a pacman ghosts oh I see they've got fresh balloons in today oh my God look at that baby sea turtle ain't he just a cute little son of a [ __ ] when you can't find the sunshine be the sunshine can't really do that I'm not you know the Sun staying positive doesn't mean you have to be happy all the time it means that even on hard days you know there are better ones coming oh how cute I really like this girl but I don't know how to tell her just ask her to the movies this weekend do you want to go to the movies this weekend no I meant ask her I just did what did she say I don't know you tell me what do you mean I like you dumbass ah look at them we got big spoon and we got the little spoon taking a nap I feel like they're just being an a-hole seems more rude than nice ah look at that another full rainbow except this one's almost as large as the entire island of Manhattan whoa I do not like Easter Bunny costumes something is wrong about him hi hello welcome to my New York apartment yes it is $4,000 a month thank you for asking we all need more chalk art like this in our lives after an 80 year old man in England moved into a retirement home his 98 year old mother moved into the same home so she could help take care of him she said you never stopped being a mom I mean I guess that's true but come on you could take a break sometime 89 year old woman has knitted 450 blankets for shelter dogs and it's adorable yet to say the least how tawny became Iron Man Oh No look out it's a radioactive iron a pizza is basically a real-time pie chart of how much Pizza is left oh my god he what's he watching though me having a bad day old napkin he found under the couch my cat I bring you good tidings master my little brother found out I'm not as fully sister and I came home to this I'm crying Oh ain't that sweet I screwed up a job interview so bad today they asked me why I wanted to work at this fast-food restaurant and I blanked and I said that when I was little I liked their fries and wanted to be the French fry Queen I got the job she comes here every day to give him a kiss and then leaves hey whoa social distancing all right we got a hip a rough a bark and then a boof a delicate scale a precious scale I just passed by an 80 something-year-old woman in Nordstrom's she was looking in the mirror and said I used to be young and beautiful so I said now you're just beautiful her smile as she said thank you truly made my day and I'm sure you made her as my friend I love my dog if I ever cry he collects up dirty socks and brings them to me they're his favorite thing in the world and they make him happy so they'll make me happy too he's a good boy no he's the best boy if you're having a bad day here's a smiling alpaca thanks I really needed that Oh Frick he about to do some sick tricks hey now come on she doesn't look that old yet why are you why are you doing that to her why you feeding her like that you're probably making her feel dumb kitty please get off my chair I need to work oh yeah that's right you let him stay there it's his throne now either someone woke him up from his nap or someone took away his Twinkies ally has two settings high alert and goes EEE EEE I love Olli I'm a rose macaroon I'm a pistachio one I'm a honey and almond macaroon with hazelnut filling I'm a macaroni it's a macaroni party that sounds great oh it's a ten-piece nugget meal you telling me I could have been getting that many puppies at McDonald's this whole time do you remember Abby the dog from I am Legend she's now 13 and still a good girl oh look at her she may have put on a couple pounds though but she's 13 what's that 700 and dog ears this photos from 1955 it was called a few seconds before happiness this dogs walking herself up and down the train so everyone can stroke her oh wow breaking news may your delays know who you broke the ant Highway kid one smelling it the other ones taking a big ol bite there are two kinds of people in this world I was having a really bad morning until this baby reached out to me and smiled he shoutout to this baby for being amazing he's a true bro elephants are one of the most emotional creatures in the world they've also been known to rescue other animals such as trapped monkeys we don't deserve elephants give you goose you know don't touch me thought I was meowing back to my cat for the past hour but it turns out it was just me and my dad meowing at each other from different rooms in the house is there a problem here just remember that after the plague came the Renaissance the Renaissance cascade it's an explosion of arts and culture Gordon super dad creates beeping Easter eggs for blind children to hunt super dad the best hero in the world my cat looks like he just told his favorite joke and he's so proud of himself oh that's just actually kind of scary to me he just talked to my mom who's 84 and has advanced dementia on the phone she told me at the end of the conversation I think about you when I'm not even thinking which I thought was a pretty profound way to express how we all feel about those we love I'll say it is oh good oh my God look at that big Oreo colored chicken nugget my pencil drawing growth from 2014 to 2020 he can draw images better than I can take them with a camera the real anime title please your name Andrew Andrew Andrew is definitely my favorite anime movie Jade Jupiter how come your mom lets you have a billion moons share with the earth please oh I have feeling this image so heavily right now God the bride's father died and donated his heart the man who received the transplant walked her down the aisle God those heart transplant stories always kill me I want someone to stick around and annoy me for my entire life like this don't we all don't we all look we've all got to take this copán situation seriously okay all of us my grandfather just informed me that he has a cocktail hour every day with this cat where they each have a glass of milk at the table I mean come on we still have to be somewhat social right this is Miller a good boy who lost some pounds he just wanted to post his transformation pic to inspire you you know he really has inspired me I need to lose a little weight myself bud I'm stockpiling food it's for my dog oh yeah okay yeah that's totally fine yeah this kid is a genius oh wow how the heck have I never thought of doing something like that oh that's the best cosplay I've ever seen dad out here on a whole nother level look we would all do it okay it's impossible to resist a cat coming up and be a nice happy birthday I hope I didn't mess up the date I can't believe you actually remembered thank you isn't it nice when someone actually remembers something super simple like that mm-hmm mom in a small town in County Cork Ireland a monument stands an appreciation to the Native American Choctaw Indian tribe although impoverished shortly after being forced to walk the Trail of Tears the tribes somehow gathered a hundred and seventy dollars to send to Ireland for famine relief in 1847 freaking ballers dude you know there's not really any context here but good on you for graduating your mom's having a good hair day and his mad she can't go out she had to share it with someone yeah that is a good hair day you go mom walking my sister down the aisle was one of the most special moments of my life bindi you're the most amazing sister and friend always there for me through it all and I couldn't be happier you found Chandler and Chandler I'm so happy to welcome you into our family as my brother we don't deserve the irwins I can't keep calm today is my last chemo oh you go celebration time shots all around oh geez is that supposed to be the Mars rover don't judge me I'm not very bright bright enough to make an educated guess that's correct don't be so hard on yourself we're all learning new things every day thank you I also needed to hear that I'll take them both oh I really want to know what he's reading now party hat for a party girl it god damn it she's adorable the New Jersey Devils used hand-drawn portraits by kids to introduce the players on game day that bottom left one sometimes you just got to sit down and think about life you know take a look back on all the decisions you've made that led you to this point told my parents I miss archeology and my mom was very sympathetically like do you want to go dig holes in the garden and I was like yes I want to go dig holes in the garden a Toronto Loblaws was mistakenly left open on Easter Sunday and apparently nothing was stolen customers even returned items to their shelves once they realized the store was actually closed man Canada is just lawful good for the first time ever Chicago Animal Care and Control has run out of adoptable dogs man if that headline doesn't fill you with glee I don't know what the heck well my daughter had her first Easter egg hunt and it looks like she did very well a duck on top of a dog I repeat this is not a drill we have a duck on top of a dog a diaper come on want something to be happy about Muppets have been delivered to puppeteers home so Sesame Street can tape new episodes ah that's awesome grandpa brings dog to furniture store to make sure she likes the chair to happiness noise the face you make when you thought your fart would be silent no that's the face I make when I trusted that fart this is the best poem I've ever read hands down this is what poetry is about for me personally there was a cat long ago there was a cat who swallowed a ball of yarn and when the cat had kittens they all had sweaters on oh that's got a cute happy Thanksgiving let's say what we're most thankful for turkey I was gonna say you and you the turkey provider hey the turkey provider is very important you know I'm really liking this trend of recreating weird art pieces from our past and these two have done it masterfully mm-hmm oh my god my heart's going to explode ohh oh my god aren't they just the cutest little things I need more bear got more bear a perfect story in three images or less I chained him down while I went back inside to get my jacket came out to a very good boy I must teach you to be fierce but mom I are fierce in a lockdown city someone tied a bag of food and water to a pole for stray dogs there are still good people out there Michael che paying one month's rent for a hundred and sixty apartments in New York City to lose a grandparent and to turn around and give to others when everything is unpredictable is the epitome of an everyday hero especially when he's doing it in two places expensive as New York freaking City Swann embraces men who saved his life it's amazing how they just hugged with their necks like that handsome dog oh thanks the photo shoots for him I mean of course it's for him who the heck else would they have been taking a photo of this is sushi she knows it's been a long day offering to split her pancake with you fourteen out of ten Thank You sushi that's very kind very kind indeed when you're day working from home starts out completely crappy but your beautiful wife is there to help rescue you with something as simple as sticking a piece of paper to your laptop when you're not looking quick man wifer again that lamb is cuter than I ever was or ever will be again my dog's face when she saw me on the first day of quarantine my dog's face when she sees me on day 31 on the verge of mental collapse she just loves you she just loves you whoo and that's all we've got for you today folks always remember if you enjoyed this video smash that like button and hey if you really enjoyed the video then subscribe and hit the bell icon and until next we meet I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 888,013
Rating: 4.9449635 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/blessedimages emkay, blessedimages emkay, emkay blessedimages, emkay blessed images, cute animals, cute dogs, cute cats, animal compilation, blessed, wholesomememes, r/mademesmile, mademesmile, mademesmile emkay, emkay mademesmile, r/mademesmile emkay
Id: kBcjUUEN3gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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