RimWorld Gloom Seekers - Our Founding Ideology // EP1

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hey everybody rodman here thank you for tuning in to the gloom seekers a brand new series of rim world 1.3 with ideology and royalty before we get started i should explain how this series came about with the release of rimworld ideology i plan on streaming just about every day until this series is over this series was determined because i put out a poll to my viewers and they voted that i should create a society which was highly chaotic but also slightly good so i designed the lore for the gloom seekers in this screen you can see what our preferences are we are based upon transhumanists that enjoy darkness and being underground but have a respect for nature we like to fight in the dark and we hate bright lights we research faster and approve of body modifications amongst other roles and precepts if you're wondering what all this information means i will be posting a ideology 1.3 overview video at a later date let's get started welcome all thank you for tuning in to the very first stream of rimworld 1.3 with ideology installed so before i got started here i did poll everybody that wanted to vote in the polls about what sort of alignment i will take for rimworld ideology and well i do have results so there was roughly equal amounts voting for good or bad in terms of like an alignment spectrum with i would say a slight edge over good so we will be slightly good but mostly neutral in this series and in terms of uh chaotic versus uh lawful we voted to be incredibly chaotic that was overwhelmingly the choice here very lawful was like a nine percent and very chaotic was at 38 so we will believe in freedom adaptability flexibility and we will have a slight tilt towards altruism respect for life and dignity uh so if we take a look at the ideologies here uh before we get going we are the gloom seekers uh we are based on sort of a uh a transhumanist darkness tunneling nature primacy uh setup if you take a look at the factions that we have almost all of the factions are hostile as you can see here we've got a hostile outlander union hostile tribes there is one weird nudist group out there and then of course the shattered empire as uh transhumanists we are essentially going to ignore the nudist tribe as like a one-off offshoot strange who are they i don't know and uh align ourselves more closely to the shattered empire but not necessarily for their cycasts we believe in obtaining technology for ourselves and uh not necessarily obtaining technology um through the blessings of a shattered empire so let me work through some of the additional ideologies uh we prefer to fight in darkness we have a lot of benefits to fighting in the dark and we prefer dark light we don't like bright light or blinding light or even indoor light dark lights are the preference we research incredibly fast as transhumanists trying to transcend this violent planet that we live on body modifications are approved uh we love insect meat because we are tunnelers we are undergrounders and uh we believe in efficiency so killing the bugs that live underground taking their nests and eating their uh insect meat is preferred we don't want to age we do like biosculpting we prefer to uh sleep very little and supercharge as fast as we can and uh and then here are some of the other precepts at the bottom um the ones that are less important but essentially we appreciate the diversity of thought hence chaotic versus lawful but we do think that uh slavery is abhorrent organ usage is not to be harvested uh we aren't cruel necessarily but we are fighting to stay alive given that the vast majority of the factions out here are uh violent so that is sort of the background and the backdrop um the roles here we have the gloom speaker the gloom enchanter for the leader in moral guide the gloom tenders for the plant specialists we do prefer to eat fungus fungus and insect meat is preferred and then the research specialist is the gloom visionary they will have their own certain looks about them and preferred clothing uh the rituals would be the gloom eulogy and gloomath the social festivals and then down here are the relics we have the duskbringer pandora's dark the gloom speaker we prefer ultra tech despise neolithic venerate the panther the cat that fights in the dark and then our approved apparel where people sort of prefer button-down shirts and strongly prefer broad ramps unless their armor prohibits it so that is our long and short ideologies here and you can see the ideologies of the others on this planet so like the possible allies we're going to have is the shattered empire they are collectivist proselytizing loyalists and really we're never going to be one of them and then the odd uh who is the the nudist is the rego okay so the regular alliance here uh would be these guys they believe in female supremacy nudism and they are raiders odd for nudists but it's true they believe in the christ lord all-powerful god oh boy um and you can see that all of these guys have their own ideologies uh some more closely aligned to ours than others but they're all pretty much hostile so here's another darkness and another darkness so this planet for some reason other people believe in being shrouded in darkness [Music] uh so we have some starting characters let's go over them first things first we have tak tak taka tak solara a 46 year old uh natural age of 666 uh cyclically deaf industrious would be good at uh constructing mining maybe artistic implants uh we have natha nathan natha lucero uh 57 body modder and jogger so a body monitor is more or less transhumanist but um the way the traits have changed is now they have to be more in line with the memes of your ideology uh so they change some of the titles but obviously a a good social good plants mining and constructing as well mining of course is going to be very important uh as undergrounders and then last but not least hills uh hillary hills todd uh jogger and kind good at medicine plants and construction we don't have a lot of high combat as one might notice um you'll also see that the maps are full of new things right so here is like a ancient landing pad or we've got ancient fences and wheels and um ancient you know weapons of war that are sort of just scattered all over um we also are going to have some more varieties of food so us being the undergrounders that we are preferring um mushrooms uh toadstools here are now harvestable and uh they have uh the ability to net us food if we pan over here to the bugs uh the spiders of course are still hostile to us if we open up the faction information in dev mode you would see that the uh insect gene hive and the mechanoid hive are still of course hostile but we do prefer consuming their jellies uh so getting started knowing that we are undergrounders the sort of obvious thing to do would be to start delving into the mountain it's going to be important for us to sort of secure a source of food as well because obviously until we have significant research done we are not really going to be able to grow everything underground uh the way we want it like hydroponics so let's get that started and right from the start oh here is the world that we have it is just a very basic world uh with a slightly crowded preference for colonies uh to the point where we are barely even noticeable where we are we do have the shattered empire sort of close but of course you can't trade with them until your night or dame and we are surrounded by um hostile uh factions that want to do us harm so the first thing i want to do is to caravan our stuff now this is a basic crash-landed start but i did remove a lot of the extra resources that we get so we don't have steel or wood to start making a little bit more difficult uh taking a look at my guys here uh i think nathan is going to go for the uh bolt action and then who i don't even know between these two because they're equally useless in um combat but i'm gonna give hills because she is the uh the doctor the revolver and tack the knife so tack also gets the flak helmet actually no i'm gonna give natha the flack helmet and then what i'm going to want to do is to load up all of our food and bring it over to probably the western cave and these guys here if you check their needs they have a little bit of a mood boost because they are in the clothing that they prefer to be so here as you can see um uh tak here really hates wielding a plastic knife because it is a tribal weapon uh so there is a bit of a penalty there and then the broad rap and shirt give a plus one and two um it is really early in the morning and the light level outside is not brutally bright yet but it will be pretty bright soon so it's going to be important for us for a mood to get inside and stay inside uh so that we don't suffer any light based penalties because we are you know darkness preferred hills can you move okay there we go now getting all of these guys uh the cave i want to go to is this one uh because the other caves of course are inhabited by bugs and i'm not about to take a big fight against the bugs for everybody that is cheering and gifting out subs thank you so very much in the chat i'm just gonna have to uh thank you all individually later as i'm just trying to focus on the gameplay um ideology is definitely unbelievably complex and it's going to be important for me to focus as much as i can because i have no more experience under my belt than you might i've just started other things to note is uh tattoos so tack here has a forehead tattoo tattoos and hills have a um i think they're called eclipse tattoos but tattoos are a new addition to this game as well plus uh people will have their own color having more of their own color as um what they're wearing um will help them with their moods so tak here actually likes the gloom purple that we have hills with pink and nathan with green [Music] so that's another thing to note is uh color preference is pretty interesting all right i'm removing them for the caravan undrafting them and we are going to start plopping everything down in one makeshift stockpile i do think that this western mountain is definitely the place to be for us undergrounders uh if we analyze the map tile we also have an ancient danger here and an ancient danger here and that might be about it for ancient dangers we have uh some ancient beds some gold a whole lot of mushrooms that we can harvest which is going to be really important for us to feed ourselves uh that and you know we're going to start hunting so one of the first things i'm going to want to do which is not going to be great for the mood because we'll have to be outside is uh chop down some trees and build ourselves some basic furniture and get ourselves a research bench and things like that so that we can start pushing ahead with research so if we take a look at production here i'm going to want some sort of research table as early as we can we also have other light sources here so uh so we have like a dark torch which produces a very dim amount of light uh dark torches are preferred by anyone with darkness beams as their uh ideology so it's going to be important for me not to install uh normal lights as normal lights are uh obviously going to be offensive to our dark loving undergrounders i'm also going to set up manual priorities so firefight patient bed rest basic with doctoring warden swapping who cooks hunts construction grow everyone can grow in plant cut which is interesting mining and research no one is necessarily a dedicated researcher hills only has a preference of six so are a skill of six so it's going to be important for us to uh to try to recruit uh as well as we can do i have plans to deal with infestations and breacher raids uh yes well not yet no i do i have played a bunch of 1.3 so i have some experience under my belt about how those mechanics will work and how to best navigate um but no i don't have any definitive tactics that i'm going to employ immediately now would be possible to have um dedicated areas that are set up to bait the insect swarms so that we have areas that are slightly lit in areas that are really dark and the areas that are slightly lit also have furniture and things like that uh lowering the chance but of course that's part of the challenge of losing this fun that's part of the challenge of ideology is that we're gonna be undergrounders uh having to fight things that burrow up from nowhere seemingly is this map randomly generalized it is totally totally random i hadn't even seen it before you guys did i created a new game spawned in and then was working on all the art and rules so it's going to be really tough to try to get our like dark tech uh transhumanists into the 21st century uh but that's something i'm going to try to push towards as fast as it can also looks like we have some underground metal here then i'm going to start mining and now that i have some wood we'll also be going after the aggro lux and the toads uh the glow stools uh would it make sense to switch them to a night owl schedule yes it would i'm not gonna do that right now because of course their uh needs for rest are fulfilled um and i want them to get building and i want there to be a possibility of sleeping on beds and the like uh before we go to sleep uh but once i have the very basics set up yeah i think it's going to be uh beneficial for us to be uh prowlers of the night let's say hey yoda cruzio thanks for all the gifted subs oh boy to get through them all uh cotter thanks for the resub subway plays for bits sunshine for bits camacia for five gifted subs a key for bits bonut for bits i mean it just goes on and on kellyanne for gifted subs five of them a piece as well josh for the resub ambers for the resub squeaky for bits this list is unbearably long i apologize i will have to i mean you all know how much it is meaningful to me but uh oh boy can you ranch in sex uh no but uh if you take a look at our celebrations here the gloomath uh one of the benefits of the gloomath is that if the social uh festival is fun or unforgettable um insect jelly deposits will be deposited from underground essentially when we party uh we party up some jellies strange yes i know but that's just uh that's just what the blue mate is for you i do like these new tables so air okay hello hello area revealed is more bugs great fantastic that's what i wanted to poke into an area full of mega spiders all right attack get out of there and hills get back here uh hills i should not have allowed you to wear the uh the vest there all right another way to deal with these uh insects is and i'm gonna sort of force it right now is to deadfall trap them as long as i don't really draw their attention just yet um i will happily deadpool trap as many as i can uh so that we just don't have to brawl the mono amano did the 1.3 patch come out yes it came out officially one one o'clock eastern today or two hours and 15 minutes ago like how there's just old jet engines and stuff that just litter the uh the landscape all right attack keep mining please i think we're gonna need the uh the steel for security so the probably the best way to do this is to lure them to a chokepoint and uh get the deadfall traps to then work once at the chokepoint but i'm just looking around the map to see if there is uh such a good chokepoint for us to use now there's also the benefit of fighting them at night the thing is uh the the insects will move faster at night uh than we will though they don't have the movement speed penalties of darkness that we do um and that could be an issue as a result all right let's see here i think the way i'm gonna set this up is a series of tight choke points uh and this will also aid me in defending myself in the future against uh would-be raiders so let's see what we can do uh sort of a deadfall trap at tunneling entryway so we're gonna have a door here and then a bit of a maze uh where we can rearm it from the sides yes this will cost um a fair bit of uh of wood and and like um but i don't really see an alternative if we want to deadpool trap as many as we can and then this will also protect us from future incursions as well so something like that five deadpool traps should be okay and then what we will do is we'll put um rearming doors on the north and then a pass door for us in the south and tack i'm gonna get you to start building that well uh natha mining seven mining eight all right so basically the same uh will continue to do what he is doing looks like hills has been harvesting uh fungus for me so another thing that i should be able to do is to cook that up into meals at least simple meals so we're also going to need to tag some additional uh trees to be filled for all of this construction now i don't necessarily need to cook the meals immediately so i'm gonna put this no pun intended on the back burner because we do have packaged survival meals that will uh keep us for a bit all right so tech is going to continue working on the deadfall trap area and hills is going for a walk nothing like a casual walk when your home is infested with the insects now one of the benefits of um our home being infested with insects is opening up that cave uh adds a whole lot of potential room for us to expand into and if we take a look at the overhead mountain it is all over the mountain there's really no pockets of non-mountain in here so we'll have to deal with that cheers yeah so i created my own ideology which is why there seem there is sort of uh it's thematic throughout of like worshiping the gloom um and you're able to create your own ideologies as well uh so you know you can design however you like um i just tried to create an ideology that would fall roughly within the uh the poll results where we are um sort of slightly tilted towards good and very chaotic all right i'm sorry to put you out in the horrible light but uh someone's got to do it cut those trees down give the puppies a treat oh man i need to turn that one off i don't actually have treats for them right now i apologize i'll refund you though once we have a basic starting setup i will start pulling you all for uh different priorities and the like of what to work on etc not quite there yet but uh not being eaten by uh by giant spiders is sort of high up on the list another thing that seems uh that we are lacking is recreation but now that the sun has gone down uh the penalties to uh being outdoors are are not you know miraculously lessened the other problem with the campfire is the campfire will put out put off light that we probably won't want so it might actually be worth waiting until we have um uh electric stoves and the like so that we don't uh produce more light than we want all right so we're getting the traps set up and uh then we're going to rally and fight the bugs drawing them through the traps all that i really need to do is to uh wound them enough so that we can outrun them i really don't have anyone that is good at gunning so that's going to be um that's going to be a bit brutal when you rolled for the first pawns you were very intrigued by the favorite color thing yeah i'm not really sure how that will play a role and of course um most colors in previous versions of room world were not really obtainable like they were a pretty limited color palette of depending on the leathers that you could um uh you could butcher off of creatures in the lake so i'm interested in that how about how that you know plays a role all right so these bugs are now sleeping uh and i'm sleeping next to them i think what i'm going to do is slap a wooden door here oh nope it's pissed i was trying to get a wooden door down to give us hey you're eating my meals no i'm sorry excuse me all right my other dudes are going to get active here please no friendly fire i know that you are the world's worst shooter it's not how i wanted to wake them up but if i can start to bleed them uh they will slowly die of attrition that way sir okay there's unfortunately not enough steel in either of these traps to completely build it but uh okay so yeah they're gonna mess with the beds and whatnot but that's fine i do want the bugs be gone all right so this mega spider is virtually dead splat dead next up quit hitting my torches uh tack where are you okay so you are going to head somewhere really bad in order to get more steel how about you just start hauling off fungus because with a plastic knife i really don't think you're going to be all that useful [Music] let's draw some additional bugs in surprisingly um well so here's here's something that's interesting so uh our shooting skill is really ridiculously terrible however we worship in the dark so one of the benefits of combat and darkness is our shooting accuracy uh indoors in dark spaces goes dramatically up uh which is why that despite the fact that you know our actual combat skill and shooting skill is really dismal um we are slaying these insects no problem hey don't go after okay my bench is gone who needs lead anyway exactly all right no my bet here's tech with the fungus so i suppose these deadpool traps can be useful for uh future enemy incursions uh but are really only gonna be useful if i uh additionally wall up other um ways that people can enter and i'm gonna do that with wood for now to keep it cheap uh there is something else which is good which is that uh we as a culture like insect meat so killing these insects definitely has a benefit and it's possible in the future that we try to ranch our own insects um to keep everybody happy but uh there we go um our the insects that were trespassing are dead okay go relax don't major break on me the formation thing will probably gonna take a while to get used to well the thing is you can only really sort of with like a wide swath brush uh give people formation orders uh so i can't really imagine this is something i'm going to use a whole lot of uh as a result of it being crude i'd rather more carefully select exactly where i'd want to go then crudely sort of paint if that makes sense so it is useful but like you know if you want far more careful orders which most micromanagers are going to want uh i don't see it being something that people use all that much so we are losing his fund and it's going to be important for us to get our perimeters up where are you going oh building a random roof cool because randy random can send nasty raids very early on now the first few events are generally pretty scripted where uh the attacks that you're going to suffer are predetermined and often small so i'm not really worried about raid number one or for that matter raid number two it's the raids they're after that i'm a little worried about so uh that's the ones that i'm working towards uh i'm sure you've may have already noticed but uh one of the changes to 1.3 is you can see uh roughly where you hit these creatures so for instance this mega spider that got shot in the head as you can see it has a lot of uh sort of bolt holes in its head same with this one that got shot in the head you can see the the ball holes in the head there is like positional uh injury valentine bubbaloo thanks for the gifted subs cheers happy ideology day oh yeah i like how they uh didn't destroy my dark torch they're just like ow yes let's get the research bench but leave the torch leave the thing that's burning i'm probably gonna want to get a butcher table out here um and butcher these guys when they have only a few days left to be uh or a few minutes left to be butchered and we have an ambrosia sprout which uh is always nice let me zone it a bit different you can just turn on off allow sewing and keep allow cutting on and the way you zone for that is i think a little bit more useful i'm going to keep auto homing on for now but that's probably something i'm going to turn off uh pretty soon so we're going to need a little bit more wood for the research benches and another thing i'm going to want to do is a table and my guess is being the younger undergrounders that we are uh we are gonna focus more on steel so i'm gonna do that steel table and some stools and then as far as recreation goes for now just uh you know horseshoe pin but hopefully getting better than that soon so here's our research first research oh um i'm not sure hydroponics might be useful because i i see that i foresee that uh trying to grow in the dark is going to be tough so this is a a flower that can dye clothing uh fiber corn is um something for if you are like a tree hugger you can grow fiber corn instead of um of cutting down trees it's like a tree alternative and i'm gonna be planting nutrafungus uh so that i can start to feed myself so i'm just gonna set up a whole bunch of neutral fungus zones here my guess is hunting especially hunting the insects is going to be where it's at initially [Music] so neutral fungus light requirement is zero so and it's very very uh has very low fertility requirement or sensitivity so it is it's your cave uh what kind of biome is this this is a mountain town i like how it gave me a name this is a tempered forest mountainous uh definitely northern hemisphere and it has caves it gets a little cold i haven't bothered killing the hive yet because it's not going to reproduce on its own anything else that grows in the dark yes there are some other things i think that grow in the dark so let's plant more neutral fungus it's going to be tough to come up with um enough areas that allow me to grow in the dark but uh that's why oh wow that's why i think hydroponics is going to be an important early research yeah this dlc has definitely managed to add an absurd amount of replayability it's funny actually one of the hallmarks of this channel is that i tended to tell sort of stories and i would i would basically create my own ideologies i mean that's something that i would commonly do for pretty much all of my room world series so uh the fact that uh ideology basically does that for me it like caters to my content which is uh i find pretty funny dang that oak tree with stood a uh a direct hit from uh all these trees did direct hit from these ship parts yeah it's like it was made for me i i couldn't i couldn't agree more all right well my gloomy's looking pretty gloom uh slaughtering an animal what animal did we slaughter one of the mega spiders i don't think that that counts but okay if you insist all right let's put uh hills now on full-time research and cool we have an affair it's an affair where i think nathan here [Music] is wait who has an affair uh let me read this nathawoo attack uh nasa and tech want to sleep together tack is married to someone yet unmet okay and they want a double bed so i will make a double bed for them try to give them their own sort of bedroom uh who's my best constructor now seven eight so tac make that bed and you two tac and nathan get the beds these other beds uh this one will be hills bed and these beds here uh i say yet to be determined what we use them for but hills move your bed possibly uh creating their own sort of bedrooms at some point all right it's a start okay we have about a day and some change so in about one day i'm gonna butcher up those bugs for their meat and combine it with um the raw fungus that we have in order to make some meals but only like on demand i'm not really saving space necessarily for bedrooms i'm just throwing uh i'm just throwing a bedroom down this is not uh what is like a permanent designation of their rooms or anything like that this is just so that uh they don't get pissed off they get to sleep together and and it's terrible but we're undergrounders so they'll use do it all right tack i think what i'm going to do is have you ditch the plastil knife i'd rather have you not suffer than minus five and i think slaughtering that mega spider uh pissed them off so let me double check my own ideology to see if uh butchering the mega spider or butchering any insects is going to be a problem so if we take a look slaughtering animals is disapproved so letting the bleed out is better which seems strange i i totally appreciate but um okay good to know does insect preference override vegetarian well we don't have a vegetarian preference so i don't know if it would but it's moot to us how fast is this stuff growing so very very very slow the uh if we want more fungus we're gonna have to just scrounge for it okay don't care about the affair good for you uh other things i'm gonna do so food preferences here uh i'm gonna do a nude food prep new food preference here uh deleting all the other ones and this is going to be i'm just going to call it daily food and this will constantly change so right now it's just going to be the packer survival meals because they don't want them eating anything else and then as um different food options open up i will update it and then for social drugs uh i'm actually going to put them all on a no drug policy because i don't have any social drugs and then i will build drug policies when we have it but for right now we don't have um we don't have uh anything our doctor uh let's set hills up to constantly carry three industrial meds with her all the time because she is our doc and it's going to be important for her to have meds on her and these here will be hospital beds now i do believe that glow pods are low light i don't think they're going to violate our low light preferences tech go to bed thank you all right we do have tack who is an artist so she could work to spruce up the place but i think um probably the highest priority for us right now is to establish more of a base than doing but i suppose i could also pull you all let me just open up a temporary pole and move where it is okay um all right so here's three very simple things uh you picked the priority i'm happy to do any of those three and i will at some point be opening up a uh a viewer submission box uh once we're not you know so desperate once it's it's easier to sort of pick and choose but the relationship between tac and nafta are definitely going to be very very helpful uh so this lottery animal is four more days the animals slaughtered everybody else has a minus one for one day i like how the just outdoors thing i could do for nath is throw on the broad rap and uh make him a little bit happier as well if need be so if you're looks like the establishment of a base is leading so another thing that i have to think about is we shoot better underground so our kill box should probably be all underground which means that the approach to the base um is important to consider uh taking a look at all of this stuff here i think the approach to the base i want to be like sort of this stretch to shoot down this way uh so that we can utilize this area for farming and the like because it does have some soils and um this can be sort of a backup for deadpool traps something like that foo for thought so for establishing more of a base another thing that i'm going to want to do is to plan it so uh let's plan for a 40 tile run in and then after the 40 tiles which actually works out pretty fantastically uh the first thing i want to establish is a research room research is going to be very very important so if i go to the bio here what is it needs social social i'm going to assign her a role of gloom visionary you're about to sign a role of gloom visionary to hills hills will refuse to do these types of work handle grow cook mine plant cut haul or clean she will gain the following abilities research command and the gloom vision visionary will require uh the following apparel a robe and hood on my shirt let's get a robe and a hood uh ready for her first but i think that means that i'm going to need oh maybe i already have it in complex clothing we'll see uh i will get a uh a taylor bench a steel electric tailor bench and another thing i'm gonna have to figure out is a source of power uh so i think i'm gonna do is set up uh wood fire for now just as a stopgap measure and then of course we will set things up better in the future okay suspend or let's allow the re-butchering see if this okay it does not give me mood penalties it's great and here is our tailor we're also going to want to establish a refrigeration area um so i think what i'll do generally speaking if we're going if we're going hunting it's it's a little weird because our ideology says that um it says that slaughter animals is disapproved which is basically ranching mostly if we're hunting we can let them bleed out so we will be doing some external hunting which means that um i want to i'm gonna want to uh have a kitchen somewhat close to the entrance if possible um given this like long mining run that we're gonna have uh but it also means that the exhaust from the the exhaust from the uh the freezers have to go somewhere uh whether it's outside or not so that's another challenge um whether or not we have like an outside area and yes currently i'm running no mods so i don't have a mod to show celsius or fahrenheit okay uh hmm it's a bit of a brain scratcher where exactly i'm gonna want to set up a uh an ac i think what i'll do is for now at least set up sort of uh air conditioner kitchen area uh here i'll go with that route hey was that a tip i never have that overlay up it's embarrassing i should it was rob thank you what rules roles have i established so far um so if you type the about command there and just click that imager link at the end it will show you all of the sort of ideology that we have the full summary of the ideology but the tlbr essentially is uh we prefer to wear broad wraps and button-down shirts and as you can see hills and tack are in uh broad wraps and uh everybody is in button-down shirts at the moment well our uh chunk yield there we go i was going to say our chunk yield seems to be ridiculously low because i am not getting chunks out of this so this area is still technically outdoors which is going to be useful uh what i'm planning on doing is just slapping in some um that's backwards slopping in some air conditioners and having it uh dump the heat outdoors and i'll probably end up smoothing the area as well so two air conditioners are probably gonna be enough because this isn't like an extreme heat biome or anything like that and then this will be the kitchen which will eventually underground network with everything else this kind of reminds me of tomb world a bit so let's also start to get granite blocks and granite is probably the block most closely uh colored towards our like ethics or whatever our uh our preferred color so that works for me too and it's also the strongest all right we're gonna need some waterproof conduit a little expensive but that's fine and then to run our power over here and then another thing i'm going to want to do to set up is a wooden door here which we can open and close to allow um would-be attackers to go through the deadfall traps or not and then to leave like one door permanently open so that we can lure them that way as well so we are going to establish more of a base awesome i'm going to put a dark torch here so that we can stone cut a little bit more easily and we're going to be leaning into using as much granite as we can i think what i'm going to start to do is to put them on a uh night owl schedule or at least to avoid as much daylight as possible so i'm gonna allow them currently to sleep during what is currently the night but soon soon i will have them move more over to the night owl schedule uh so that we can prowl prowl the night whoa what the hell happened here something hunted a boomalope maybe okay i'm just gonna assume that that is the case so our insect jellies are gonna uh spoil in about a day and a third i think that's plenty of time to get the uh the kitchen constructed there we go now the heater is good and we're gonna stick a door on here like that and i think more importantly i'm going to micromanage him a little bit so that we can enclose an area for a freezer and then we'll zone here i'm just going to zone it crudely as kitchen i like how it's purple all right and preferred for foods i'm not even going to be specific about it i'm also going to bring the kitchen table over here uh what i'm planning on doing is uh burrowing burrowings probably long term what i'm planning on doing is uh establishing sort of tunnels to a dining room uh but you know it will take me a minute to to get that going and let's bring the temperature in here down to below freezing so that our food doesn't spoil and once this air conditioner is set up 26 26 okay now it's going to be frozen in there and in this stockpile zone i'm gonna take foods out entirely okay uh since it looks like you'll be here a while tech thinks it uh that you should give your faction a name um the gloom seekers and loomhaven kinda obvious there if y'all didn't see gloomhaven coming you can be blindsided by an elephant i'm going to temporarily force all so that my guys will move the food the package survival meals obviously don't really need to be frozen uh but at least the insect meat before it all goes spoiling uh needs to get moved and nathan i am going to have you pop this door open i'm actually really surprised i haven't had any opportunities no one has visited me like what am i a persona non grata like what is going on there's not been a single visitor raider anything it's like i don't exist i mean i know i'm a cannibal well i'm not cannibalistic but i am a underground cave person but still you'd think you'd think there'd be someone knocking on my door other than those insects that i've already murdered but nope not at all right yoda mr yoda you want to look at the camera here hi yeah i am on uh losing his fun so if you take a look at the storyteller here losing is fun rainy random and randy has decided to ignore me like i am some sort of uh uh black sheep of the family okay maybe hauling the stone over there is a bad idea because it is now a roadblock let's get rid of that haul zone and nathan i'm gonna have you stone cut cheers marauder proof that i'm drinking whose cup is this this is uh accidental aggros cup oh here we go manhunter pack man hunter pack of rats scoria rats uh well mr scurry rat what i'm gonna do is totally ignore you because i don't care uh so let me quickly paint an inside zone keeping myself from going outside and then slamming that external door shut because men hunting animals have no idea how to open doors not yet at least so area one will be here scheduling everybody to area one and then mr natha close that door i know i told you to open it but uh i reverse course here thank you you know randy is just saving it up all for one giant huzzah yeah i mean that would be the rainiest rainy thing to do i i could see that happening so what i want to try to do which is going to be challenging is to try to keep as much oh you're dead and stupid i'm gonna try to keep as much natural stone as possible um rather than to build bricks or whatever so that means a lot of smoothing uh despite what it does to my colony value so smooth surface that and when we cut granite blocks drop them on the floor all right and there goes another stupid rat all right i'm gonna put a standing uh dark lamp in here which um won't offend people but we don't have to refuel it with wood and then uh next up will be a bit of a dining room so i think the dining room will connect here it will be a tunnel for two airlocks and then a 9x9 dining room and let me open the area up like this so this here is a 9x7 i can make it a 9x9 let me just do that now all right it will be a lot faster oh i don't have any steel so if i don't have any steel uh silver components okay here's some steel it also looks like there's a revealed cave part over there as well so let's get some steel uh this i might need to expand my nope it is inside the allowed zone sweet [Music] all right we will put in an electric stove in here i'll remove the dark lamp so it's not hugging the stove so we have space and then i am going to have who's my best miner eight seven so attack is gonna start uh mining over ooh but let's force her over here where the steel is start mining instead of uh doing anything else transport podcast is stiletto assassin oh that means that they do nothing but combat um suffering from uh so she's paralyzed unable to walk thank you for tuning in to the gloom seekers which originally aired live on twitch if you have any feedback from me let me know in the comments below if you would like to catch a live stream of the gloom seekers i stream this just about every day from 3 p.m to 8 p.m eastern daylight time a countdown timer and schedule can be found at ratamount.com thank you for watching i hope to catch you next episode or an upcoming stream farewell
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 29,178
Rating: 4.9433331 out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, Ideology, 1.3, Gloom Seekers, Twitch, Let's Play
Id: DHqAw9shd8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 19sec (3619 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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