Stationeers Venus - Shelter or Die // EP1

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hey everybody rodoman here thanks for tuning in to rodman plays stationeers venus the very first episode which original aired live on twitch let's get started i think uh last time i played stationeers briefly i played on vulcan so today we're going to be playing on venus so we'll start off on venus if you have any questions about stationeers there is the about command that is a pretty lengthy command but it will give you all the information you probably need so the basic scenario settings of venus it's survival mode so you know dead is dead so on and so forth the temperature is 98c to 544c uh that's a little hot the solar energy is 100 of earth which is odd because it should be higher well i guess there's an atmosphere on venus so it's a bit of a balance of it's closer to the sun but it has a thicker atmosphere i don't know the gravity is about 91 of earth which i believe is true in real life which is pretty cool the pressure is 159 kpa so high pressure i don't think as high as what venus is irl but that's because stationeers isn't really set up for venus like atmospheres so this is a simulated venus with a lot less atmo and then the solar angle is zero much like the moon so it actually makes that easier but certainly venus is not easy mode and in fact down here they'll say the extreme temperatures and ultra high pressures make venus no place for the faint-hearted only the most accomplished stationeers will survive on our once sister planet now a barren rock dig deep or go home all right as you can see up here uh if i can point to it well sort of point to it the current project is just basic shelter eventually once i'm sort of set up i'll be taking ideas from you all about projects to do but i don't know what that time is obviously right on right when i start it is going to be critical for me to just survive um all right let's let's get at it and here a beautiful picture of venus so we know what to expect fires and tragedy apparently so we start off i am not going to have a lot of time to explain exactly what i'm doing given the uh the mass rush for shelter uh but i gotta figure out yeah here we go i gotta figure out exactly where north east southwest is given the sun's path and then find a spot that i like to lay out the base and this is nice and flat so i'm going to oops i didn't actually mean to do that i'm going to line my airlock north south so as to not block uh the sun and then i'm going to lay out a 3x3 sort of shack cabin like this and then the back walls here i'm going to set up as structure walls and you'll see why eventually so that is the basic layout uh let's put the frames in my pack all right next up we're gonna grab the iron sheets and i'm also going to grab uh batteries spare batteries somewhere here it is because i am going to burn through my welder's battery like nobody's business so here we go uh this is the back wall let's not do that first for all the people that are uh donating thank you so very much i will read through them in a minute right now i'm fighting the inevitability of my death if i do not get this constructed soon i cannot survive during the day in venus atmosphere so i'm just rush rush rushing but i will get to your uh get to your donations i really really appreciate them i just don't want my first death to be immediate i hope you understand so welding once makes it structural welding twice makes it uh airproof there we go i have welded um i have drained two batteries oh man the glow of the uh the glow of the light there made me panic for a second like the sun was already coming up and i was like all right i guess i'm dead but no the sun's not coming up yet um so at this point uh let's throw walls down so let me find my wall segments which are in one of these boxes here they are [Music] and i'm gonna be setting up iron windows so we can appreciate the beautiful sun that is trying to cook us alive come on here we go if you want me to adjust any volume i know the music's kind of loud i might turn that down once i have a free moment but uh the stationary soundtrack is much to be desired so i decided to get some dlc or dmca free uh music instead so this is uh dmc free music that i sourced some peaceful ambient type stuff to offset the uh heart arrhythmia inducing complexity of stationeers yeah it's a little loud yeah i'll i'll i can't turn it down right now because i would die but i will turn it down once i have the chance uh so this is all landing pad trade stuff air scrubbers i don't really need let's put my credit card in my uniform though boom all right i don't need the water just yet now i did start with a oxygen tank and a water tank which is good let me put the uh extra battery away oh no no no no that goes in my backpack not rolling on the ground uh here's the door kits that's what i was looking for and make sure they're composite doors there we go i'll get them welded in a second oh god it looks like the sun is coming now right when the sun comes up it's not gonna be super hot but uh [Music] cue the outer wilds end of the world music right now if i don't hurry because there is no way i'm gonna survive 500 celsius heat [Music] gotta get this up gotta get this up [Music] all right welder put that away grab my crowbar throw this away did this get a window yes it did okay i think i'm inside as you can see there was really let me double check every window there was really no time to spare as you can see the sun's coming up um i have aligned my oh god i hope this is true i believe i've aligned my base so the windows are east and west and let me go to the yellow sun mode there we go uh the east and west alignment for hydroponics later on [Music] and now there's literally nothing for me to do for like 10 minutes so if you have any questions about the game i can uh i can answer them because i've crowbared myself in here to protect myself from the uh venetian probably venetian right it's probably venetian phoenician atmosphere i don't know what the adjective for venus is i'm gonna go with venetian um yes we are very orange orangey red here we go yoda's also very okay there we are so yes indeed we have aligned ourselves east to west i did that uh if you could see right oh i guess over here you can see the angle i'm looking at right now i'm at about 90 degrees 90 degrees would be east um zero would be north 180 would be south and 270 would be west and the sun on venus goes up across the sky and down at no solar angle so if you remember um if you remember uh uh vulcan vulcan sort of crested at a weird angle uh whereas this sun will go straight overhead now unfortunately i didn't have enough time to get a basic solar panel power panel down um so i can't recharge anything while i'm sitting in here i probably honestly had enough time to make a run for it and grab the stuff needed i just didn't want to push it so one of the reasons why not to push it is your your tank your um your waste tank will start to fill up with oxygen perfectly good oxygen because what your suit will do is it will dump hot oxygen into your waste tank to prevent you from you know overheating um so if you are exposing yourself to extreme oops to extreme temperatures for a long time you basically burn up a lot of oxygen what is my upload schedule on youtube just go to uh it has it has everything it has absolutely everything so we're just sitting here in my beautiful 3x3 so the reason i made a 3x3 is it's pretty much as big as you can get away with without running out of resources there's actually a little bit iron or no it's a nickel that i can like mine through the floor here awkwardly apparently i've can't hit that hitbox let me try it with the mining drill hello huh well i can fix that later when the uh when it's not super hot out so if i tried to fix that now and i removed the frames from this uh this i removed this the iron sheets from this frame i would expose myself to the external temperatures of venus and well croak can i see the outdoor temperature i will eventually set up a sensor to show me the outdoor temperature but all the information down uh here um is internals so the external here at 100 c this hundred c here is what my room is it's not what venus is given that venus is about midday it's probably about 500 c outside um yeah so let's catch up oh boy we had quite the [Music] the the little hype train kicked off so glitch fang face sky collective sun reap sunlight reaper fang face glitch again sunlight reaper again frank skye again three more times and zero welcome and thanks for the hype train so now we're midday and uh i'm just just waiting for time to pass there's literally nothing i can do with that nickel so i'll just toss it in the corner yeah it's a pretty baked surface isn't it pretty baked look you guys uh apparently according to my twitch i've collected every single emote now what's on the far right so on the far right internal is the pressure of my suit and temperature of my suit i can change these mind you and then the uh the pressure in my jetpack oh another thing to show you is what is a venous atmosphere so if you take a look here it is 93 co2 uh seven percent nitrogen or n2 and a little bit of uh like pollutant chlorine and it's pressured at 121 kpa in this room so some of the challenges i'm gonna have is trying to get the base cooled enough that it can make water that's definitely gonna be a challenge taka toss a nickel to my witcher i wonder if i can toss this hard enough to break the windows i hope not but one interesting thing is um most of the stationeer orbital bodies the celestial bodies or whatever call it that you colonize are um blow gravity but venus of course is 91 gravity of earth so 0.91 g's or whatever uh so the gravity here is a lot different than i'm used to which is kind of nice and i'm also very very excited about uh the atmosphere being part nitrogen because of course earth has significant nitrogen in the atmosphere like 78 percent uh so i'll be able to use the atmospheric nitrogen in order to pressurize a base really nicely because um a lot of the other planets or moons more like not so much planets that you can well some of our moons some of our planets don't really have a source of nitrogen so you start with uh nitrogen as propellant in your uh in your in your suit here so as you can see this uh this canister is just pure nitrogen temperate nitrogen but pure nitrogen um most of the you know if i settled on the moon obviously there is no atmo so you know if i wanted to pressurize a base with mostly nitrogen uh it's really a pain to get that that nitrogen for the base pressure but here on venus i have a bunch how much have you missed 14 minutes and 46 seconds uh and about 10 of those minutes is just me sitting in my little base waiting it for it to get cool out so my plan is once once i'm able to go outside again i want to get smelting the primary three resources i'm going to need right off the bat iron uh well okay i gotta be careful about how i count uh iron copper and gold [Music] i also said i was gonna turn down the music but i don't i don't think it's as loud i guess it's like a song to song basis [Music] if you ever if you ever find it a little too loud let me know just just barely set up maybe i should throw in some uh bfg division uh rip and tear doom music and you know toss that into the playlist for for some excitement give you all a heart attack so once i have uh an external uh an external temperature monitor i'll be able to know exactly when it's safe out but what i'm gonna wait for is just like for the sun to dip low enough into the horizon um it's probably safe now uh but of course i can't get through these doors and unless i uh change my belts because i need a crowbar to open these doors they're not powered yet is there new content uh yes there's loads and loads and loads of new content um this game has been updated a lot like last time i played a series venus wasn't even a planet that you could play on so so one way to check the temperature is for me to open this door okay it's only 134c that's totally fine but you know you can open up your airlock and then if it's too hot you can always go back through the airlock so i'm primarily looking for gold iron and copper gold looks like this and i'll probably want about why am i not finding this come on you bought this today you're lost as hell well you're in luck i'm not the most experienced player of stationeers but i do know roughly what i am doing despite the fact that i don't seem to be able to mine any of this this is really really strange i might need to save and load because this is not what mining looks like i just wanted to add normally you deform the terrain but for some reason another i can't um all right let me do that real quick because that didn't look right at all [Music] yeah normally when you mine it like like minecraft or any other voxel game you actually deform the terrain and for whatever oh there it goes yeah it's supposed to look like this guys that's why i restarted real quick because i was uh i might be confused as to what was going on so i'm only going to really mine up one stack of gold so as you can see in the uh the bottom left here i have 39 of 50 a stack would be 50 and i'll get that smelted eventually and it doesn't need to be exactly 50. just roughly a stack is a good goal all right so that's close enough now i'm going to be moving on to copper and iron so copper is kind of a greenish grayish tinge this stuff i also uh would highly suggest do not deform significantly the terrain around your base because it will make it very very treacherous for you to travel especially in the dark you don't want to cut giant holes that you can't get out of especially without propellant i've seen people especially in multiplayer do that where they'll like dig as far deep and down as they can and uh and then you know if you're out of propellant you can't even get out of it which is pretty bad all right so there's coal here but i'm not too worried about coal just yet because of venus and how easy it is to have solar power on venus um coal would be necessary if i wanted to generate power via coal but i don't i don't need to so i have all the i have all the uh the iron i need what i'm gonna do is head back to my base so that's another thing don't get lost uh there is a tracker that you can set up for me i like to just use my noggin and kind of remember and i should be on different different lighting now that it's uh night time um i like to keep track of of where i live and not set up the tracker because the tracker does uh cost it does cost um a bit of um a power that you're not going to have accessible early on so now at this point what i want to do is i want to start my smelting so i'm going to grab the arc furnace that i start with and let's put this away i also get my solar power panel so the solar power panel i'll set up here with the power point facing the base as you can see and then the arc furnace i'm gonna set inside the reason i'm setting it inside is so that um i can do stuff during the uh during the the night or during the day so i'll set this here where the power faces the wall then the next thing i want to do to get that up and running is get a pc there's the apc's are right here and apc's act is a bit of like a transformer and make sure the arrows face down then the apc is going to lead to a charger and then we want to wire it up so let's get the wires and this should be a junction like that and wire everything together all right now um let's finish the solar panel on the roof done so now i will very i will trickle power but i will passively trickle power when uh the sun is out let me get my crowbar pry these apcs open so i can stick in batteries so i'm going to switch my suits battery at 72 for my full one and stick the battery that was in my suit in here and then um let me switch belts again oops no not like that and stick the iron in first turn it on and turn it on here too and smelt now this will out gas so eventually i'm going to want my arc furnace outdoors as keeping it indoors is adding poisonous gases to my base but because my base doesn't have atmospherics yet i don't care yet so while that smelts i'm going to be on the hunt for copper snap that back in because i mined up about 50 gold which is a really good amount to start with but uh i only mined up like 12 copper is that gonna recharge my battery during the day uh yes unless i'm using a lot of power i will add a significant amount of solar power generation once i have some steel but in my opinion uh solar power is not worth it to to invest in until you have a battery to put it in and i'll be explaining that when i get there i'm still working on basic shelter though as that title up there informs you it's a copper iron and a little bit of gold like a three to one ratio so like three times more copper and iron than gold is pretty much the starting resources you can almost ignore everything else other than coal if you're relying on coal power i'm probably never going to need coal power so i don't need to worry about that so i'm going to get a little extra copper here and let's get on back to the base you can kind of see the briefest of silhouettes oh let's grab this dead battery there we go never have enough copper yeah true words all right so here's my ingot of uh of iron let's get my other ingots smelted and then while that's smelting i'm going to start to bring things indoors oh i'm going the wrong way so let's see what is going to be important that i have indoors the auto lathe absolutely here's my oxygen and my water that i started with uh the landing pad stuff i don't care about yet okay that just basically the auto lathe seattle lathe is your first like construction bench if that's how to think about it um so i i'm going to set this up here for me to build this thing i need uh two iron wall things and let's switch belts and weld it next up i need four cable coils uh next up i need plastic in my welder and if you're new this will take you a little bit longer that's just i've played long enough that i know how to make these things quick all right and then this is all set this just needs power now i don't care how it looks i care how it works so i'm gonna run my power like this splice it in and let's stick my uh iron in there i'm gonna force the copper out well i have to cue that a little longer it's not done smelting all the copper but i want gold now i'm impatient just give me that copper back and do the gold now while i'm doing this uh it's important to note that i am draining my backup battery so it's important to sort of ration what you're doing i'm also like i said uh i am adding weird gases a little bit of o2 mind you some of the stuff i'm smelting outgasses o2 as you can see there's trace elements of o2 here but i'm outgassing weird elements to my base here as i'm smelting but because um i'm not trying to plant anything and i'm keeping my suit on it doesn't much matter i'm i'm oogie so the first thing i want to do is print the electronics printer which costs two gold let me start that come on come on out and also uh i'm gonna close it's becoming daytime so we'll close that up so one way to tell how much power you're generating is if you grab let me grab a little water i'm gonna probably consume the rest of this water bottle yep it's gone yeah it is dramatic music for sunrise so if i open my tablet here and switch in the network analyzer the network analyzer will analyze how much power i'm currently generating and at the moment that number is zero but it will go up another thing i could do is the portable solar panel i could set this down let's see set it here and i can stick a battery in that the portable solar panels don't generate quick what i have to close the door when the sun comes up because if the doors aren't closed the atmosphere outside of this base gets to a point where i die if i'm in it so if these doors stay open i die if these doors close the inside of my base doesn't heat up basically the concept is these windows and these walls have perfect insulation it's weird it's a weird thought i know but that's just how the game is set up let me turn it down a little there all right so my solar panels are generating six watts and going up nine watts 11 watts 14 and so on and so forth you can see it's it's uh the solar panel flat it's currently making power it's not really enough power to do much with yet but come midday it will be better an installation update would be cool i like the pun it would not be cool though oh my god it would be tough so here's my electronics printer i will stick this uh is there enough room for thing yeah i could stick it here uh that's not ideal i need more room but i will get more room soon so i'll stick it there and let's build this so this requires iron sheets and i'm gonna stop smelting the uh the gold for now so that my battery can start recharging so you can tell it's recharging because it's blinking green blue green blue rather than green red green red blue is charging red is the opposite draining so now uh my solar panels are generating about 166 watts and that 166 watts are going into this battery here [Music] all right hello electronics printer [Music] cable coils i'll splice it in already [Music] and then it wants me to weld plastic and a screwdriver so the electronics printer is going to allow you to print surprise surprise electronics um the outlaid is able to print some basic electronics like cable coils if i could well here cable coils but they don't do it fast they do it very inefficiently and very slow or very slow i should say not inefficiently and here as you can see this uh little battery has slightly charged it was in the red before if i pick it up i can see yeah it's 40 charged uh uh because this here let me put it more in the sun this is uh collecting some solar power so you can see it um about 78 watt or 78 watts or so is the ground airtight it is so if i removed this center tile here i would not be exposed to vacuum so you can hypothetically make a big old cave but given that wall segments and given that everything's cost just like a little bit of iron it's not uh cost prohibitive to build instead of cave but if you like the aesthetics of a cave have at it uh so the other bench i want to make is the pipe bender uh so pipe so the the primary three benches that you're gonna need at the start is this autolay that you are given for free the electronics printer which prints electronics and the pipe bender which prints ventilation and plumbing those are the three big ones this is some strange music for uh i'm gonna skip it strange music for venus [Music] okay we're at 400 watts and decreasing it's decreasing because of course it's no longer midday and our solar power panels aren't pointing towards the sun wherever it is where is the sun oh straight overhead [Music] hey fail [Music] also if i wanted to charge uh this battery i could by turning on the battery charger so that this small battery gets charged up as well it will pull power from the large battery into the small battery um so it's just more storage it's not better storage can i make rotating uh solar power panels yes you can make them on the electronics printer it's uh these but they require steel and i am not at the point where i'll be able to make steel [Music] but even before you make um larger solar panels what you want to do is you want to also make a larger battery so there's like a kit battery large which stores the power because there's really no point in making generating a ton of solar panel uh solar power unless you can store it somewhere so now i have two full batteries sweet um so that's another important point is have somewhere to store the power to because without being able to store the power you can make all you want it doesn't really help you at all uh unless you can store it so we'll have to get steel for that let me go through my tools and um and stick full batteries in them there we go i filled up all my batteries my tablet also has a battery i can fill that up this uh the tablet that will fill up like in a second how do i make steel you make steel by mixing uh copper or copper you iron in coal in a one to three ratio or three iron to one coal in a furnace and i'll be doing that eventually no issue with frozen temp oh we're on venus so no no issue with frozen temp just the very opposite my friend everything is melting us but it's probably uh it's probably almost cool enough to go outside but i might as well sit this pipe bender one of the things about these basic printers is they will keep printing and printing and printing forever until they run out of material so if you're not careful you could end up with like way more than you want uh the other thing i need is i ran out of iron sheets when making my electronics printer so let's make let's make two iron sheets at the very least so i can finish this uh this build so there's one and two and it's built uh i am getting hydration warnings so i'm going to need to hydrate soon but uh not quite yet i'm also low on iron and i'm going to start smelting that iron is the cheapest metal to smelt in this game you'd think it'd be gold because gold in real life has a low or lead gold or lead have very low melt temperatures but in this game iron is the cheapest because of game balance pretty much um and a double hydrate luckily for me i've got my uh my mug full of delicious tea it is my uh it's a cheese mug actually today little cheese radar deluxe on it okay so the sun is definitely it's been down low enough for a while now for me to be able to exit uh and the first thing i'm gonna want to do is hydrate in game two let me turn on my um flashlight and i would say where are my oh here's the waters i would say getting the ability to fill my water bottles is probably the first critical project so that i don't dehydrate to death now that the the game just updated and they have now a hydration mechanic um and that's probably going to be my first big hurdle uh the other thing i wanted to do is to make this base a little bit bigger so i'm going to do that first just so that i don't run out of space yo get out of here don't block the door so i'm going to expand this um a little bit wider yeah and this is gonna obviously cost some uh iron i don't think i'm gonna go this way because of the the mountain i could mine out the mountain but i'm gonna have a semi asymmetrical base all right and then the next part is the walls come on face down all right that looks good these extra walls i can put away frames i can put away the iron should be ready for me any second although i have to keep an eye on my power levels because as you can see my battery is um it's going down in power i'm surprised this iron's still not done uh so what next we are going to want some more sheets one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 at least come on battery hang in there how much copper do we get that's a decent amount i think i'm right when i said 23 but that given that it's an odd number maybe i'm wrong if i run out i run out all right so now i am going around the base just to make sure everything's off for running out of power purposes and let's get welding so we'll i'm also going to be able to recover some material from the walls that i had previously built nope i counted right go me i'm a dork oh no actually i didn't because i didn't count those two back sections boo i lose all right so these here i need what crowbar to disassemble all right let's disassemble these because they're in my way now i didn't on my first night have enough iron to build this wide uh so i only oh what was that uh oh wait ghost that was weird it like flung everything i don't know what that was all right we're completing the windows ghost of venus yeah apparently i don't you don't normally see stuff fling across i guess it was a gust of wind or i don't know what it was i don't know i'm not going to pretend to know i have no idea why my stuff started to fly around the room well i don't like it i need one more sheet that's all i need boom done i was off by one okay so this is now airtight uh i guess one nice to do would be to remove the dirt that's kind of like poking up through it come on just it looks cleaner that's all it's cosmetic only [Music] all right then the rest of these walls get rid of them [Music] all right my powers bad let's go ahead and bring the oxygen and uh water tanks inside so we're gonna need to get a wrench and wrench these out and then look for grapple point whoa game was that necessary make sure if that ever oh god where did it go though oh no i don't know where it went sometimes the physics will be like hey guess what eat out like this [Music] and yeah autosave is the answer to that all right so i'm bringing the oxygen and the water inside there is a possibility of getting storms i don't know if uh venus storms exist but if they do you do not want uh storms to take your stuff away so another thing i'm gonna do is uh grab some of the extra water and stick it in my suit so there's my water [Music] and i was uh i made sure to hit my jet pack when i got flung in there come on inside [Music] i think it's easier to walk backwards the chords oh oh okay i thought it was jesus come on man where's the interaction spot all right i'll get this one there are bigger doors later on so now we have our water and our oxygen inside uh my real worry is the battery level that i have here i'm gonna use some of my smaller batteries for now uh if i was truly worried i could yeah let's with the remaining knight that i have i'm gonna mine up some uh some copper just to top up my batteries so i'm looking for gray or black well you know coal colored because it is coal um stone out here hard to spot oh here it is here's some falling will kill you yes oh yes or at the very least break your suit and if you break your suit you're gonna need a duct tape pronto and then if you break your suit enough you're just sort of dead if you have a fully broken suit not a pressurized environment you're dead there is no coming back from from a suit rupture when you don't have a pressurized environment this game will allow you if you rupture your suit to have a brief window where you can like run for cover and stay alive but brief it is brief all right so i'm getting the solid generator the solid generator allows you to generate power via coal and i'm going to stick my solid generator um here uh maybe not because that's sort of like half outside not that it really matters it's just cosmetic but here and i do see the sun coming up um what else am i going to want inside oh none of that stuff nope all right i'm gonna start shepherding this stuff inside because this is what i'm gonna be using next oh come on music and now let's crowbar ourselves indoors i have to remind the music player every now and then can you build upwards yes yes you can um it's sometimes not cost effective to build upwards and the ladders and stairs that go up are sometimes awkward to use and but there's no there are some positive reasons to build upwards too so some of the some of the good reasons to build upwards would be uh for instance during sunrise my plants if i had a farm get blocked initially by the sunlight oh we're yellow now and um the higher my my structure goes the more sunlight they would immediately get much like how on the burj uh khalifa or whatever the giant tower is and you know it the sun rises a bit earlier so yeah here is my water and my oxygen uh once i have a little bit of power in my batteries oh let's do that right now actually uh so to do that what i need to do is wire these the saw generator to above this apc not below it that is important so at this point here and i might run out of cables so i'll have to print up some more cables or i'll just have just enough all right so now i'm not fully reliant on solar power uh let's switch these up and where's my coal that was still in the belt i think yep all right so this coal power i can stick in here and just to note it will out gas some weird stuff so i'll show you that so right now in here it's a normal venus atmosphere so let's turn this on and you can kind of see the ratio of gas change as the coal is burned it burns pretty clean but not perfectly clean so it is generating uh it's generating you know some moles of you know unwanted gas or whatever so but the more importantly let's open up our network analyzer and we've got this pushing 20 kilowatts into this battery here which i'm going to switch my suits battery out for soon burj khalifa is in dubai yeah sounds right i like this peaceful music so the next project uh as i alluded to is going to be uh being able to refill my water bottles so we start off with this uh tank of water that has 7.7 mpas of water in it or i can point my uh network analyzer oh i have mine okay i can point my my tablet with a atmospheric analyzer and it will tell me it has um 2.5 kilomoles of water in it hey battle noodle welcome so for that project uh we are going to need to wire up the hydraulic pipe bender which means i am most surely going to need some additional cabling because i basically ran out of cables so let's print up some keeper coils and i'm just trying to keep an eye on my battery because if it if it goes full i want to turn off the coal i want to turn off the coal generator because there's no i ran out of coal anyway so it's it's moot all right this is enough for now so here's the pipe bender now yep it's still charging so it's still charging because of my solar power panel so that's good uh i am that was that other battery was at 92 so i'm trying to i'm trying to move the batteries around so that i don't have batteries that get full and then i'm not storing power uh speaking of which we can we can go back to smelting now that i actually have some power so on the hydraulic pipe bender oh is this too close all right it's it's usable but it's really close to the wall on this hydraulic pipe bender uh i am going to bend myself a um what is it called a tank connector so that is five iron and it has to be the liquid tank connector there's two types now with the hydration update there's one for uh water and one for gas and then make sure that the tank connector points outwards like this all right and then let's pick this up put it on the tank connector and then wrench it down grab a wrench wrench it down now any pipes liquid pipes that i connect here the water will flow out of this and into the pipes so that's that's cool uh come on music stop fighting me [Music] huh i switched that battery at 99 uh all right so then that's not enough i am also going to need a water bottle filler i think it basically has that as a name [Music] what there's the water bottles and then here is the water bottle filler so that's silicon i don't have any silicon so i'm gonna have to mine up some silicon once the temperature is safe let's continue to mine or to continue to smelt rather okay and [Music] the next big thing i'm gonna have to print up after getting some water supply is uh likely going to be a furnace can i go outside uh yes during the night not during the day during the night it's only 100 c it's only boiling and my suit will protect me during the day it's 500c and my suit would get destroyed and i would die so during the day i'm inside and during the night time i am out i can be outside if i just if i so choose so how much iron do i have i have 29 3 i don't have a lot of iron is my uptime wrong i should say 55 minutes ago [Music] whatever okay so both my batteries are pretty much full which is great and that's just off of my one simple um my one simple flat solar panel because of how easy it is to utilize uh venus uh solar power can i make an underground mine i could you can also have an auto miner you can set up a miner to do the mining for you so it doesn't necessarily require uh you know manual input but that's later tech as you could probably guess yep and there's there's a lot of tech here i mean so much so that you can even make a rocket ship eventually and blast off this planet if you so choose so at this point i think the sun is low enough in the sky that outdoor is safe let's double air lock just in case yep only 136 out goodbye son so i did say that i wanted uh silicon so let's get some silicon while we can actually see what we're doing because of course at night time it's gonna be a lot harder so this appears to be silicon it is and i only needed eight of it but i might as well get a stack any suits to which withstand higher temps actually i am in the higher temp suit already so there is the typic normal suit there is actually three suits in this game uh one of them you only get if you die uh which is the like emergency suit which um allows you to survive briefly when you die so the concept of death in this is you'll respawn in an emergency suit with you know and it'll give you just enough time to basically get to where you died and reclaim your stuff there is a normal suit and then there's a hard suit because of the uh ridiculous and dangerous temperatures of um a venus you start off with a uh a hard suit so i already have the upgraded suit you can kind of see it's a suit hard suit right here if you can read that i know it's small all right it closed up behind me smack i was smitten [Music] okay we literally just finished the smelting of that copper so let's stick this silicon in and my guys complaining of being thirsty will this be youtube later hit xmas mark about i even thought to include that information look at the last sentence i thought of everything [Applause] uh all right so what else are we going to want we are pretty low on copper well not we're not low on copper we're low on iron so let's hunt for iron and then it wouldn't also it wouldn't be a terrible idea for me to get a extra iron and coal in order to work towards steel steel is the first milestone of construction you know what i didn't realize yeah i don't actually have research on uh so we won't be doing the research mechanic because i can't turn that on on the fly as far as i know [Music] yeah i can't turn that on on the fly there is a way there's a mechanic in the game that requires you to make research modules in order to like unlock tech and i forgot to turn that on and you can only do that at uh world start it's it's only it's like first revision so it's not that complex of a system so it's not that interesting or sexy it's just like oh well mine up a bunch of copper coal copper iron and gold to make research and stick it in the research machine the research machine does take up space and does require a little power but it's pretty simple in its current form um i'm sure they'll expand upon it eventually other things that i need to keep an eye out is um bottles like this bottles is sort of uh solid fuel that you can use when smelting and and the like so i need to get like maybe 250 iron or so 150 of it is going to go into my steel and then the other 100 i'm just going to smelt as building materials thank you for tuning in to the very first episode of broadmont plays stationeers venus which originally are live on twitch if you would like to catch a live stream of mine has my stream schedule countdown timer and links to discord where you can sign up for twitch announcements and links to twitch where you can follow for announcements if you have any feedback from me let me know in the comments below keep it in mind there are still of course multiple hours left of the stream yet to air thank you all so very much for watching i will catch you next episode [Music] farewell
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 36,012
Rating: 4.9590583 out of 5
Keywords: Stationeers, Twitch, Let's Play, Tutorial
Id: fH8IRxpRmVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 50sec (3710 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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