RimWorld Guide: How to Plan Efficient (and Pretty!) Bases | Detailed Tutorial & Mod Suggestions

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I never plan, my base grows like cancer

👍︎︎ 46 👤︎︎ u/ripmorld 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is my first RimWorld tutorial so if you have any tips on improvement, I'd love to hear them!! Or if you have any suggestions on other tutorials. I'm thinking of making a tutorial on how to run an animal farm with the Colony Manager mod but I'd like to learn from this video's mistakes first lol

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/CelestialButterflies 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is awesome!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/jsmcdorman 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

Replace "code" with "base/build":
Thats my philosophy

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Moartem 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

I never plan my bases, not a single one in my 500h playtime. But these are some great tips, I will be implementing them in the next colony I start!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/G4MEler 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

I've recently been trying to have a more well planned colony and have been kind of failing at it haha my colonies always just kind of grow naturally, but they end up very inefficient and I don't like tearing down large parts of it to rebuild. It amazes me how some people are able to plan out such great looking and effective colonies.

I think my main issue is I try to plan it out in advance but the map always seems to get in my way. Like I need a room, but a hill gets in my way of where the most effective place would be, so I build elsewhere while I'm mining the hill, but then I wind up building off of that new room. Or more recently, I wanted to incorporate some well placed ruins that were on the map, but it was hard to do so while keeping the base clean and effective.

So yeah, this video is exactly what I needed!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/neotericnewt 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

Wow, i am not a fan of rimworld tutorials that tell you "how you should do" stuff, because playstyles and preferances are very different. But this is actually really good.

I like the planning tool very much, sometimes i when i play rimworld for half an hour i dont even press play, because i am just planning stuff on paused. Like "Ripmorld" said he grows cancer bases - I was like this at the beginning, but with the tool I managed to grow the cancer the right way over time.

I would have build everything more cramped, bc i think its easier to defend. I wonder if there is any fertile ground around, I would always try to plan farm areas on fertile ground of course. For that reason i never plan my farm rectangle shaped

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Reyniier 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

Efficiency? Prettiness? Pre-planning?

Out here on the Rim life comes at you fast. You never know when you're going to need a bigger stockpile, more bedrooms, more growing space, etc. You gotta roll with the punches and build as you go!

Edit: But, if you're confident in yourself, go for it!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Hurgablurg 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

For a pre-planned base you've made some interesting decisions.

Research (which requires no resources) next to your stockpile.

Crafting (containing chemfuel and new shells) next to the killbox.

At least you didn't put your hospital on the far side of the dining room. My bases tend to end up with regular trails of blood through the middle.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/passesfornormal 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone answer me this are you tired of having your bases look like crap do you regret putting your fridge 500 meters from your kitchen why aren't your colonists eating in your beautifully decorated dining room do you hate having to rebuild your entire base after five in-game years wasting valuable resources well you're in luck lore plays here with a basic tutorial on how to plan your bases with efficiency and looks in mind I am making this tutorial because it is something that I do before every one of my rimworld playthroughs and it's something I ended up learning on my own I wanted to share my technique for beginners to rimworld and also for veterans hopefully this can help you come up with new ideas of your own now make sure to comment below how do you plan your bases what are the differences between my bases and yours I love looking at other people's colonies for new ideas just a quick note that this guide is going to act as a sort of generic base for you to grow your colonies based off of your own play style and to give you ideas if you ever feel stuck this guide is also not for hardcore merciless ice or desert biomes naked brutality those kinds of runs where you really need to build very carefully those bases are another beast entirely I'm assuming you're the type of player who is a little more casual you're having a good time you're relaxed you're confident you'll get pretty far into the game and you don't want to regret the decisions you made while making your base and having to redo everything later so if that sounds like you let's get started for this tutorial I'm just gonna go with a very basic starts crash-landed it's fine we're gonna go with Kassandra classic don't care I'll click savagery laughs anytime doesn't matter just a tutorial cove is fine for our world let's go ahead and generate okay and here's our world now if you are a beginner to rim world I do recommend starting on a temperate forest biome with large hills now large Hills are really easy to build around they provide natural choke points for your defenses and the temperate forest gives you all four seasons lots of wood to build with and it's overall just like a nice experience so let's go ahead and select the random sight until I get a temperate forest with large Hills okay temperate forest large hills we got two types of stone this looks good where are we exactly we're kind of close to some neighbors but you know what it doesn't matter because we're not actually going to be playing this game I'm not even gonna look through all our colonists here it's just for the tutorial so let's go ahead and start okay let's see what we have to work with that's not bad I like it if you are new to rim world and you don't like your starting zone here you can always use the map re-roll mod which I have in the corner here you can click reroll map and then find something that you prefer more than what you landed on but for this tutorial we're just going to keep this map as it is I always plan my bases before I even start playing I think of it kind of like The Sims where you make your family and then build them their house I obviously don't have the resources to build their house immediately but we can use the planning tool to figure out where we will eventually want things to go now I do recommend the mod more planning tools so you get a lot more control over how you play on your base you can cut your plans copy them paste them and even sort them into different colors which I love so this is what I'm going to be using for this tutorial I also follow the same steps when planning my bases I always start with defences then go to the farm the freezer the kitchen the dining room the bedrooms and then I fill in the rest with recreation hospital crafting rooms prison in any order after that so the first thing we want to do is look for some natural choke points where we want to put our defenses there's quite a few choke points here so this area here this area here we don't want to settle this close to the ancient danger that would be a bad idea but this area is pretty good or for defense in fact I would actually move a choke point down here so you could potentially set up a colony here now what I'm looking at actually is this whole spot up here it has a lot more land for us to use versus this is very very small but it's really up to you if you would like to settle right in the middle of the map unfortunately there's this big mountain in the way but this place works it's a little small but I like it and then there's this big ol place up here now it is close to the top which isn't ideal but I think that for this tutorial we're just gonna go ahead and use all this space up here let me go ahead and cancel this planning now when you're planning your defenses you're gonna want to turn on this little toggle down here the visibility of terrain affordance and you'll see what you can and cannot build on so this red means that we cannot build any heavy structures so that means anything above a wooden wall you do not want to put your defenses on any red obviously and also any orange because you're gonna want your defense walls to be made out of stone what type of stone is of course based off of what's available in your map so I have a lot of limestone and a lot of sandstone I recommend going to the rim world wiki and looking at the different types of walls you can build and their HP values and of course you're going to want the walls with the strongest HP for your defenses they're a little longer to build but that's the price you pay for having stronger walls so let's go ahead and plan out where we would put our walls now you want your walls to be three tiles thick it's not really a magic number it's just better than two tiles thick for tieless thick is kind of ridiculous and then one tile thick is not gonna do it for you one tile wall is fine at the beginning of the game but eventually you're gonna get enemies who are sappers or even just miners trying to get on through your wall three tiles is just enough to maybe convince enemy readers to not try to SAP through your walls but again it's not it's not the magic number they will still try to get through these walls and based off of this map the thickest that we could go is four tiles because of this little area here in red we wouldn't be able to build here so let's just go ahead and and plan out for I'll probably only end up building three if this was a real game it's good to know that there is room for four I want to use this area as my kill box just because it is faced toward the middle of the map instead of all the way up here I think that would be a very silly place to put to put a kill box it does depend on your play style if you are in the kill box kind of type or the kill field kind of type or maybe even someone who doesn't even build walls around their colonies maybe you just have like a little box here that you would shoot out of it's up to you and it's up to your play style personally I just do like a type of kill field kill box it's like a hybrid of the two um let's see here so I would put a wall here you can't you can't build on the geyser unfortunately but it is only a 2x2 space you can't build on I believe I'll build here and I have the wall go up here so I'm using the mountain to my advantage here and then I'll set up just like a simple little trap that you probably see everyone make this tutorial is not really how to make a kill box tutorial this is really just a super basic kind of field here tip if you do have a bunch of rocks in the way of your kill box turn on the toggle visibility of roofs and this is going to put a green highlight over where roofs might be especially on overhead mountains as you can see these rocks here luckily do not have any of this green highlight that means there's no roof over these rocks and we will be able to mine them out and leave no shelter for the Raiders and same with this area here you don't want your Raiders to have something to hide behind if this did have a roof and I tried mining this out the roof would end up collapsing and leaving like a pile of debris that Raiders would be able to hide behind and I don't believe there's any way to get rid of that so if that were the case I would end up making my kill box look like this instead but that's not the case here luckily enough after we've planned out our defenses the next thing I like to do is locate all of the steam geysers that might be on the map and planning around them what you want to do is plan a six by six air around this geyser and this is going to be the size of any geothermal vents that you might want to build eventually which I assume you will go after you plan your six by six you can go ahead and make a room for that or canceling out the middle part and if you ever want to build around it you can do that or at least just leave one space around it so colonists can walk around your geothermal vents now I believe if that's the only one in our base so I might be starved for power if I end up playing this game which I'm not going to now I do have this geothermal base that I might end up trying to use later on if I was playing this game that would mean having to shorten our kill box by just a little bit but unfortunately that does leave this area a little vulnerable to Raiders so we would need to make sure the walls are super thick so that hopefully the Raiders don't come in and and try to mess with our geothermal down here all right let's go ahead and turn off the roof so we don't need those on anymore the next thing that I do it's plan where my farm is going to go the best place for your farm is going to be on rich soil and to see that you can probably see it just by looking but sometimes it is a little difficult to see so you can turn on this toggle fertility overlay and this bright green spot is your rich soil the orange spots are kind of crappy soil you can see in the corner that it says fertility only seventy percent compared to 100 percent fertility in the teal and then 140 percent fertility in this enriched spot here so we do want to avoid farming in this area here so I'm gonna get out my planning tool and just sort of plan a general area around where I would want my farm to go I'm not a pro at how big you want your farm to be I usually just make a decent size like something like that is fine there are videos out there that go into the numbers of how big you want your farm what exactly you're planting the type of soil you're planting it in how many colonists you have things like that it gets a little ridiculous and it's something that I've never really gone into myself so you can look at videos if you want like a particular number of how big you want your farm but for me I'm just gonna make it like this size I think is good just a totally random size that I came up with 14 by 18 and then we can turn off our toggle fertility overlay protip it's also a good idea to put your farm around any steam geysers you might have if you build around a steam geyser it's going to heat up that room by quite a bit and this would allow you to make a greenhouse in the winter time without using any heaters if you have a steam geyser by any rich soil all the better for this game though I'm not quite comfortable putting my farm so close to my kill box so I'm just gonna keep it over here for now do make sure you are planning around your farm like this for two reasons first you will want to build some kind of wall to keep wildlife out from eating all of your crops you can always build a wall and then Unruh fit and it's an it's fine the second reason is eventually you might want to put in some Sun lamps for the winter and again you're gonna need that planned and walled up to plan out your Sun lamp room get out your planning tool and make an eleven by eleven zone and then clear out the corners by four and this is the radius of your Sun lamp at this point you could choose a different color and go through and highlight the edges of your Sun lamp copy this and move it into your farm and you can see exactly how the Sun lamp would look inside here so I would only need maybe like two Sun lamps to fill most of this room which i think is a good size next let's go ahead and color code this green for farm this will make it easier later to see exactly what's going on okay next is the fridge and the kitchen now you want your fridge to be attached to both your farm and your kitchen so it is in a nice position to pick up and drop off food and you want your kitchen in an area that's out of the way from the rest of your base you don't want random colonists just running in and out of your kitchen tracking in dirt your kitchen needs to stay clean now I think for this base of good out-of-the-way position for the kitchen might be this area here let's go ahead and plan that the kitchen can be this yellow color I suppose and I'm just making it a random size for now that seems good and then I want my fridge to be attached to my kitchen and what I'm going to do is add two thick walls for some extra insulation in our fridge maybe something like this that's a good size for a fridge I think it is nine by nine seems good to me once you have your fridge at your kitchen and your farm planned out the next thing you want to do is plan out an airlock between the fridge the farm and the kitchen and this means placing a one tile thick little hallway something like that that's going to help keep the freezer cold whenever the doors are opening and closing now you can plan something like putting a door right here in the middle a door to the kitchen a door to the outside and then a door to the farm either here or here or both that way the doors have time to close before another door is open to the outside something optional that I like to do is add a little butcher area off of the fridge you do not want your butcher production table to be in the kitchen because that provides a high chance of food poisoning - whatever you're cooking in the kitchen it can be placed inside the fridge but the cold air is going to hurt the speed and efficiency of that butcher table so what I like to do is just make a little room off of the fridge here and maybe that's a little too small and do something like that and this sort of acts as its own airlock so you don't need to double insulate into the butcher room and we could put the door maybe like there and then the door into the fridge here you can put your butcher table here let's go ahead and do that so we can see what its gonna look like sometimes I'll put all my production tables out and just forbid them until I'm ready to build them and same with the kitchen okay so we have a really nice area for our freezer kitchen and farm I'm liking it the next step is to add a dining room you want the dining room to be near the fridge so that colonists can enter the fridge to grab their meals if they want if you are using the rim fridge mod you don't have to do this you can put the dining room anywhere you want but for this tutorial I'm going to assume with that we do not have the rim fridge mod so we do want it nearby the fridge and before you plan your dining room you're gonna have to make a decision on whether or not you want hallways in your base now personally I like outdoor hallways because it gives the colonists an opportunity to go outside when they're walking in between buildings otherwise they might get a mood debuff of being stuck inside this isn't always a good thing though because it does track in dirt whenever they're outside all the time but you could use the doormat mod for this if you're worried about dirt indoor hallways are really good because it's much easier to control the temperature of the entire base it also doesn't get very dirty or no hallways altogether it makes it even easier to control the dirt and the temperature so if you didn't want any hallway as you would just make the dining room attached just like that for me personally I love outdoor hallways and that's just like how I always build my colonies so for this tutorial that's what we're going to do but do consider how you play your games and whether or not you want these these hallways or not now let's make the dining room I don't know let's make it Orange I guess and plan three tiles from the farm in the fridge and just draw a little line and that's where our dining room will eventually go I always do three tile width hallways it seems kind of big and excessive but it does give you room to add decorations or lights or heaters or whatever assuming it's an indoor hallway if it's an outdoor hallway what you can do is add a little road in the middle here and then plant some nice flowers off to the side so it looks really pretty again totally optional it's up to you how you guys want to design your hallways I do recommend at least two tiles and width for your hallways if you're going the hallway route just say your pawns can walk around each other if they need to now how big you make your dining room is completely up to you you do want a large size always make sure that you're not going above 11 or 12 on one side of the wall or us your roof is going to collapse and that's no good although you can use columns to keep up your roof if you do decide to make a very big dining room something I like to do is just go into furniture and pick out a nice big table that I might end up wanting to use maybe a 2 by 4 table or a 3 by 3 table and then making sure that there's room for a dining table a space before the wall and then the table so something like this and then I would plan around this something like that and then I can go ahead and either cancel or forbid these until I'm ready to make them you can do the same thing with a 2 by 4 table maybe you're gonna want like a ton of different tables if you're planning a very big colony so the size of your dining room is going to change depending on your play style next are the bedrooms the bedrooms you want to be placed all around your dining room this way colonists will prefer to use the dining room for breakfast when they wake up and if your dining room is really nice nicely decorated it's very clean they will get a mood buff that will carry on throughout the day so it is a good idea to make sure your bedrooms are near the dining room just so they prefer to eat here first thing in the morning the size of your bedrooms is again kind of up to you let's go ahead and make them pink now I usually make my bedrooms like a 5 by 5 maybe even 5 by 6 or in this case we would go all the way up to 7 by 7 and then clear out the middle here this size fits all of the furniture pretty well and it also allows you to put a door right in the middle here which is always very satisfying after that I usually just copy my plan and then paste it all around the dining room if something like this happens where I've run into the the fridge or the butcher area it's not a problem this is exactly why we're planning out our bases like this so now what I'm going to do is either move the butcher room to maybe over here or just make it a little bigger I think it might be a better idea just to move the butcher room up here somewhere and then we can cancel this we do want all of our bedrooms to be sort of clumped together and connected in a way that only one bedroom needs either a heater or an air conditioner and then you connect them all with vents so that they are temperature controlled so I went ahead and planned something like this this gives the colonists a way to walk this way whenever they want to access the fridge while also being able to walk around the dining room to get to their bedrooms now the problem with this is that I did not give myself an opportunity to possibly expand if I ever get more than eight colonists or eight bedrooms so what I'm going to do is cancel this room copy a bedroom and then start moving over like this so something like that and then we can go ahead and start building down here if we ever need to we might even want to go ahead and remove these rooms here this so that we have room for our colonists to walk this way if they need to and again this gives opportunity to add vents in between each of the rooms whenever they're clumped together like this this blue is where the vent would go you might put a heater in this room and then an AC unit in this room and it should go ahead and normalize all of the temperatures in this group now for this group here I might put some vents in like that and then maybe I would put both the heater and the AC unit in this room and hopefully it gets to the edges here okay next thing we want to do is plan a separate room for social gathering or a rec room it is a good idea to have the rec room be slightly centralized to your base so that colonists will prefer to go there when they can I might go ahead and plan the rec room for this area here so let's pick the color I don't know yellow is the color of our kitchen but it's now the color of our rec room not a problem it's a good idea to make sure that the room is at least a little large because your colonists are going to get a mood buff if it's a big room and if it's nicely decorated protip if you are using the hospitality mod I recommend putting little rooms off of this room and setting a zone just for guests in this area I'm gonna go ahead and assume you do have hospitality and we're gonna plan something kind of small kind of nice for maybe something like this which gives a room for just like one little bed I will go ahead and put in here and forbid it because we actually need that bed made sometimes what I'll do is I will make the little rooms a little bigger and have two beds that way we can put an end table right in the middle here and then have a door right in the middle which I just love and then we can go ahead and plan the rest of the rooms like this and if you found that you need to increase the size of your rec room to accommodate for these bedrooms that's exactly why we're planning this out and now so you don't have to do that later and there's our rec room next is the room I always forget about making until it's too late the hospital now you're gonna want the hospital either right by the entrance to your kill box because this is probably where your colonists are going to get injured the most or you want it near your fridge because this is where you're going to be storing your heal route unless you have of course the rim fridge mod or you're far enough into the game that you're making your own medicine I'm going to assume we're making our own medicine at this point so we're going to build our hospital up here somewhere now the hospitals I make are pretty particular I always make them 11 by 18 and I'll just do it right by those guys are here so we can share a wall and then after 11 by 18 I go ahead and cancel out the middle so it's actually a 9 by 16 room the reason for the size is that it gives me a room to make two little batches of hospital beds and I'll show you what I mean so let's use this wooden bed as an example I want it to be at least two tiles from the wall here and make a shape that's kind of like this and you're going to want two tiles from all of the walls here now whenever we research the vitals monitor we can put that right here in the middle but let's use like this as the vitals monitor and all of these beds are going to attach and we can do the same thing over here and then you can put whatever else you want around the edges here maybe like a big flat-screen TV and that also gives room for your pawns to walk around if they want to so after we've made our hospital then we want to find a big empty spot for our general stock pile and this stockpile is going to hold almost everything early game and then it's going to act as a sort of overflow late-game now I like my general stock piles to be either a 13 by 13 or 15 by 15 with columns to hold up the roof because that's the size of the orbital trade beacon now I don't think I can fit a stock pile here unfortunately while still maintaining my three widths always here so let's go ahead and build it up here we can go ahead and make it this white color okay so here's my huge freaking stockpile 15 by 15 and you can see how the orbital trade beacon is going to fit in that area now for the areas that it doesn't fit what I generally do is go into the storage mod that I have and put in like a bunch of pallets off on the on the corners and they hold a bunch of raw resources for me okay so after we planned our stockpile we then want to plan our crafting room your crafting room will want to be very close to your stockpile zone because that's where they're going to be getting all of their resources so you can have that either attached directly to the stockpile room or just adjacent to it you're going to want to plan your crafting room to be pretty big because eventually you'll want to include what I like to call closets of materials of raw resources that are going to be close to your production tables so for example a closet of Steel is going to be by your smithy or closet of textiles will be by your tailoring bench I don't normally do that early-game all of my textiles and steel and whatever it's going to be in this stockpile zone here but eventually I will want to be a little more efficient and have the closets much closer to the production tables you also want to consider tool cabinets tool cabinets reach production benches in a 15 by 16 area not including the corners so maybe you can plan something like a 12 by 16 or even like a 12 by 32 so you can have two batches of toolboxes if you do want to plan the size of your crafting room based off of the toolboxes area-of-effect what you could do is do like a 15 by 16 room and then half the corner is act as closets now for this plan in my tutorial I only have this space to work with I could make the crafting room up here but I don't like having it so far out of the way I think this is a good spot for it so let's go ahead and see what size crafting room we have to work with okay so I basically in just made a crafting room to fit wherever I could while still maintaining the three tile width hallways just because I think that looks really nice the room is 17 tiles wide which is perfect for the tool cabinet I think we'll end up filling in the spaces around the radius of the tool cabinet where it doesn't reach with my little closets or I might go ahead and just use palettes from the storage mod there's also plenty of room to expand whenever I need to something else that I thought I'd point out is that a lot of people like to put their different production tables inside different rooms which you can totally do if if that's what you want by putting different production tables in different rooms you can potentially cut down on the chitchat between pawns which kind of flows down efficiency but I typically don't do that I like having just like one big crafting room and then setting up I their little closets or storage palettes or shelves for the resources that they need so really it's up to you after I plan my crafting room I go ahead and plan where I want my research benches to go it is better to have a separate room for your research benches so it counts as its own room with its own cleanliness factor now you do get a speed modifier on your research if the room is considered sterile now the speed modifier isn't terribly significant I do generally just put my research benches inside the crafting room but I do recommend at least considering where you might put a research bench in its own room if you do want its own room I recommend once I'd be at least five tiles because that is the size of a high-tech research bench let's go and see where we might put our research we could put it here this is five tiles exactly so the research bench would just fit in this little room here we can close it off like that or we could see if we can put a room here or even up here would work too in fact it might be better to have a 10 tile width research room just so you have room for to research benches if you wanted so let's go ahead and plan something like that I'll just use yellow from my research room you could just do something like that so now to research benches will fit here then you can put your multi analyzer up here and maybe even like some cabinets to increase the speed of the research you don't want it to be too big because you will want to floor this with sterile tiles which of course is very expensive so you could make this a huge research lab if you wanted but I don't recommend it now once all of this is in place you might want to go ahead and plan where your prison is going to go if you are using the prison labor mod maybe figure out what it is you want your prisoners to do if you want them to mine or if you want them to craft this is going to influence where exactly you put your prison for me personally I love having my prisoners be forced to mine or be forced into the quarry which is its own mod here so that's what I'm gonna go ahead and plan for you guys but again it's going to be very different for you depending on what you want your prisoners to do I'm going to plan where my quarry goes first and I think this is a good spot for it here I planted it so now it has a bunch of mining setup which I will cancel later now I'm just going to plan around it what color do you think let's do red now the quarry is a little dangerous because it is a 12 by 12 area if you end up mining even just like one tile too far the mountain is going to collapse in on itself which has happened to me it was very very disheartening because then you actually lose this area to even put the quarry so just keep that in mind if you're using this mod so then I decide where the platform is going to go how about over here and then I'll plan around that finally I can decide where I'm going to put my prisoners and I think this little area here is perfect for now make that out of white here and then you can force your prisoners to actually make their own little area here protip it is actually a very good idea to put your jail attached to your fridge in some way this way what you can do is put the nutrient paste dispenser inside your fridge that feeds directly into the prison you don't have to worry about feeding your prisoners and you can put the hopper right into your fridge to keep it chill now because I am so close to the fridge I might go ahead and plan that but only worry about that maybe later in the game also when you're planning your Jail you do want to have your prisoners in little individual rooms if prisoners are all clumped together in the same room there is a higher chance of a prison break what I like to do is plan out an entire prison for them with individual cells now let's see what we can do here now here is the jail that I planned you can see all these tiny little rooms are going to be the cells and then this purple is going to act as a sterile little prison hospital I also included a poker table so that they can have some fun when they need it obviously this is very optional you probably don't treat your prisoners humanely and rimworld I do also a nice little table for them and the nutrient paste dispenser I do want to note that my colonists won't be the ones mining this out it is that first prisoner I get who will be stuck in this little room here and will eventually mine the rest of this out again using that prison labor mod okay the last step in my planning process is power you will likely be using wind turbines early in the game so it's a good opportunity to find where you want these to go a lot of people like to put them inside their farm and it looks like I coincidentally made it the perfect size by putting these in the farm you are making it a lot easier to keep the wind turbines areas completely clear of trees if you happen to have any sort of poor soil in the garden it might be a good idea to put the wind turbine there now let's see here yeah it's a perfect fit so if you want to copy this what size is this this is a 14 by 18 zone so we could potentially do that although it does get rid of some spots for our crops now we could also put some turbines up here because this is very out of the way and this red area actually kind of guarantees that no trees are going to grow there so we could actually put it here that would be a good spot for it alternatively over here perhaps eventually you might want to unlock the older power which you can put in front of the wind turbines you will not block the turbines and it will keep trees from growing there so that's always a good spot and then after that you might want to consider a room just for batteries this is totally optional usually I just put my batteries and either the fridge or the stockpile room just so that they are roofed early-game but eventually it might be a good idea to plan out a room for them and actually this is a very good spot to put it it would be connected to the geothermal vents whenever that gets created and it's basically out of the way from the rest of your base here let's go ahead and plan out a little small room let's make it out of red for explosions something like that works and then we clear out the middle here and then you would put your batteries in here now I don't actually have any batteries right now to show you how it would set that up but a good idea might be to actually separate the batteries with some sort of stone wall like this and put the batteries in here like that that way if one battery happens to explode or catch fire the other batteries are not going to be affected protip have a separate batch of batteries connected by a switch fill up the batteries and then turn off the switch that way when you get an event that causes a sudden power loss you can turn on the switch and have some backup battery is at your disposal and that's it you now have a nicely planned based now we do have this big empty spot right in the middle of our colony which might drive you nuts that there's no building here it's just this big empty space but what you could do is plan like a very fancy town gathering spot or something you can put some fancy floors here and then maybe cancel out the corners so that it looks like a nice circle we can probably cancel out a little bit more here and then maybe right here in the middle you can put some sort of statue or something so that fills in the space and it also makes it look really pretty when you are ready to actually begin playing the game I do recommend building the fridge first along with the stockpile room and that way when you get your items indoors they don't deteriorate sometimes I'll put my beds inside of the stockpile room and then branch out from there based on what the game calls for I usually end up making either the bedrooms or the kitchen or even the crafting room next so what do you think make sure to leave a comment down below about how you build your bases and of course leave a like if you enjoyed this video thanks so much for watching I really appreciate it
Channel: Loreplays
Views: 617,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld tutorial, rimworld gameplay, tutorial, rimworld tips, rimworld guide, rimworld 1.1, how to play rimworld, rimworld mods, rimworld game, rimworld steam, how to play rimworld tutorial, rimworld beginners guide, rimworld review, how to start in rimworld, how to play rimworld guide, modded rimworld, how to build a rimworld base, rimworld advanced tips, rimworld basics, rimworld best base, rimworld colony, rimworld for beginners, rimworld guide 2020
Id: HOehtx-dAOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 54sec (2214 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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