RimWorld Gloom Seekers - Gloom Guide // EP4

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hey everybody rodman here thank you for tuning in to the gloom seekers episode 4 which originally aired live on twitch trying to think of um if i want to impart any roles here so whether or not we have a plant specialist i think nathan you are already the speaker but you do have a burning passion for plants so if we did have a plant specialist i think it might be hills [Music] but if i signed tender loom tender it would prevent you from handle cook construct mine smith taylor craft um you'd still be able to research technically but i'm gonna hold off on that until i actually have a full-time researcher and then the other roles that we could assign uh let me use my mood thing on hills because hills is about to go running for the hills what's your mood at go eat food fool all right zach and cali you're gonna get the first bed uh except for zach you can't move it can you so let's kick zach out of that bed and get zach moved this is zach and callie's bed and i'll clean it up to be nice so it's awful for now but uh we'll be making it nicer and i'll probably continue the spike core uh aesthetic rather than smoothing but i'm not really sure i could pull you all um should my aesthetic match spike and spike corin and what was the other one a techist for smooth all right so there's four options for you there of these sort of aesthetics that we will incorporate i'm happy to to go either way we have a huge mix here in our dining room but i can always change that at some point so we have one two three four bedrooms required and building four bedrooms uh let's let everyone out again set up for avoid bugs because i don't think the yeah the manhunter is gone how's my food well soon the beautiful tunnels will yield so i'm not not worried too much about food these rats are eating happy um what i can do for the rats here uh for the pen is remove them uh where i have grow zones so they can't eat my my plants that i care about because rats uh unlike some other creatures do adhere to zoning uh so we can keep them away from our crops and have them just eat the wild grasses and well wild grasses in in room 1.3 are more powerful than they were in previous versions so there's a there's a benefit to it so now you'll see them threading around it's going to look really funny but yeah they'll behave hey why is there rot in our kitchen why would there be corpse bile uh are there new statute types for the archbench i don't have one yet um all right so spike and tech both cool all right what i'm gonna do is reject everybody's current redemptions for uh suggestion boxes and i'm going to open up suggestion boxes that i work on after i set up individual bedrooms because we're getting close to the individual bedroom mandate now so if you have any suggestions the box is now open so next double bedroom is going to be for [Music] uh they're gonna move into this one and that means that this room is going to be probably for prisons can you grow past four animals uh what do you mean sir all right let's attach an athlete live here oh i'm getting some sort of event a stash of fortune and then hills you will live here this will be hills bedroom starbucks thanks for the reset finally caught up in frosted fire hope you've been enjoying it another thing i'm going to need to do is to get rid of all these chunks that are in this bedroom because they're hideous and this current quest is a statue of fortune which is a uh crafting skill trainer glitter world medicine um but an unknown threat offered by the high stellar all right we have a whole lot of redemptions here so uh next priority we'll have um batteries and more power um a gateway to the external farm um that would mean like just a tunnel here or something like that uh hunt bugs for meat open up an ancient danger work on ideology roles do quests read a neighbor okay there we go have a vote it's weird that i'm i'm underneath it i can disappear bye so this statue of fortune is a bit of a trek away there is a new benefit to having caravanning animals that you can ride which is you travel faster but we don't have any of those tamed not yet but possibly that is uh something that we aim to do all right and then zenny here's your bedroom and we have a lot of work to make these nicer because they are deeply deeply deeply awful but we'll improve them when we can do just naming all my uh farms and we're finally mining steel again i'm going to force clean everything i cannot wait until zach is a functional member of the society that's probably enough cleaning and fall has technically begun i really don't ever need to clean that area all right so the temple here is getting slightly more impressive and as a result we'll have uh huh rival you hated him and then you hated her and then you killed her lovely what happened to zack zack's fine just uh paralyzed zach came down from the sky paralyzed for 36 days and she's 18 days into the 36 paralysis so um nothing happened to her she just was paralyzed by default so now i'm starting to smooth out some walls to route my power through the walls so that we can um um make the bedrooms maybe illuminated or at least just nicer and you all voted on hey chunky pandas thanks for gifting out subs you got yourself the pink light for a bit uh we voted on spike core and um uh techcore uh sort of designs here in the bedroom so despite the incredibly high cost for steel uh you did vote on individual bedrooms so i am going to honor that so we'll set that up i think for walls i'm going to smooth and then for the flooring i'm going to uh spike intent cord like that you for the gifted subs cheers so that means we're gonna need a lot more steel now there's a lot of uh tunnel steel here that i can uh i can tap into still and i'm sure there's even more that has yet to be revealed because we do live in a giant cave uh but i do i don't want to uh dig enough steel that it reveals like something terrible where uh we have some sort of vulnerability that would be bad and that's always the risk the other thing i'm going to want is mining over construction so tach and natha uh start mining because i want to smooth this out so i can start eliminating it i'm going to put a dark lamp here and then smooth this corridor out so just we can move around a little bit more freely underground trexler thanks for the follow welcome so look at the results uh a mix of power and batteries and ideology roles so current goal is ideology rolls and power i like it so for power that's pretty straightforward all i need to do is set up some batteries for now and then if i do draw more power than the batteries can offer uh we will switch over and add some additional either uh wind power or solar or something like that dang cheese this month you friend must have hit the uh the jackpot or you're just far too kind but thank you cheese always pleasure to have you here the lurking moderator uh the deserter no we are not taking the deserter i'm already gonna um i'm going to decline this without voting because we are not betraying the uh shattered empire either we aren't working for their honor but we're also not working against them okay this wooden bed needs to get uninstalled it is now a barrier in fact that wooden door can go to if the newest update ruins your colony save you can very easily roll back to previous versions so there's no need for your save to be ruined forever just to let you know that you can go and select your branch set it to 1.2 and as long as the mods that you rely upon have not also reverted to previous versions uh you should be good [Music] all right for now i'm going to limit the amount of steel uh mining that we do so that i can get back to construction and set up these bedrooms uh they're we're starting to pull them out of the awfulness that they are which will be very nice not to have disgustingly gross bedrooms and uh then i need to work on the rolls so for gloom speaker bloom speaker would be like our leader so to speak and we really don't have anyone that is like particularly high social skill other than nathan but nathan already has nothing to change and i i guess i can have you all uh vote on whether he becomes speaker or not so should natha become gloom speaker so the role of the gloom enchanter which he currently holds is sort of morale officer and also conversion [Music] to become gloom speaker would give him leader speech which is very much like the royal leader speech the throne speech and he could kick off the gloomath which is the uh this sort of celebration ritual another thing i just noticed is i'm again very very hungry but uh plant cotton harvest is ready a bunch of these neutral fungus is they're good to go so let's get that done what are my farmers waiting on let's get a plant cut as the highest priority we're going to get real hungry all right here cowley's going there we go finally i'm going to remove these zones so we don't have all these micro farms and cali is now making uh fungal uh food for us we shouldn't have any uh food shortages pretty soon uh because i think a lot of this uh fungus is getting uh kicked off now [Music] hey matt alpaca well uh cali you wanna murder it for us oh deep water that shot did not look like a hit oh wait what i heard it grown and it didn't hit uh who knows all right so nathan will become gloom speaker y'all have spoken so let's set that up uh right before it becomes gloom speaker let me reassure hills again might as well use the ability before he loses it [Music] where was he i don't even know what he was doing we also have uh enough to start so let me cancel these simple meals and we're gonna continue eating these simple meals but i'm gonna start doing the fine meals so i'm gonna do five meals forever and the five meals are gonna be raw fungus and any meat that is not human because we don't want human meat but we do want uh insect meat so those will be the requirements [Music] i like this gloomy aesthetic we got going on uh she became upset okay time to lose your title done so now he has the ability of a leader speech a leader speech uh the effectiveness goes up with the participant count the room impressiveness and the speech progress it's initiated at the seeker's image the gloom shape or any ritual spot or gathering spot so i can give a speech from a table or a seeker's image or a ritual spot accuse which is a trial over some heinous accusation the initiator will accuse someone of terrible wrongdoing and gather people for trial spectators will listen as the accused and accuser or accuser and accused argue back and forth and then decide if the accusations are true or is true if the accused is convicted you can freely banish arrest or execute them and no one will mind the chance of a conviction depends on the social abilities of the accused and accuser and the noble number of spectators a work drive call on a person to work harder for some time and then combat command create an aurora that boosts the combat skills of everyone nearby the effects last 24 hours and remain attached to the leader during for the duration so kind of like a paladin i'm going to work drive cali and if we take a look at cali here uh work drive three days global work speed increase 50 damn should have dropped that on my uh researcher but hey that's pretty good get cooking and as soon as we eat this last simple meal i will change our diets over to five meals that is strong yeah no kidding of course that puts his stuff on cooldowns for 10 days so there's a you know there's a cost i'll take it it is fall time i'm not really sure that sewing is going to be helpful at this point so i'm going to forcibly stop sowing this stuff it might be too late in the season to bother sewing um except for kill root because sewer isn't affected by uh uh ambient temperature so i'll continue planting the hill root because it won't die during the winter but everything else might die so let's get that rid of that um so the other problems here is if i do want a dedicated grower that would be probably tatch attach has plants six or hills actually it would be hills so if we do have hills as grower um because you wanted me to focus on the ideological uh roles if we give her tender we are going to want a shade cone apparel so let me work on uh adding shade cones so we'll make a shade cone out of bloofer and our crafter is zenny okay there it is it's poor so let's try another one and a third okay these bedrooms are almost net neutral now they're improving and we have eaten all over simple meals so this is going to be fine meals now i'm gonna have to make sure to supply uh a constant supply of meat but here will be fine meals and our diets are going to improve our daily food now is going to be fine meals and simple meals because i there might still be simple meals in our inventories yep there still is rice paddy hats yes well shade cones hopefully we get a good cheek cone out of zenny so these fine meals definitely should trigger some additional happiness as they're made of fungus oh new lovers hills and zenny right on even fewer bedrooms required i'm all about that let's get a double bed go go in and uh chelsea thanks for the reset cheers to you chels everyone is paired up now it's a perfect community so here's the double bed nathan moved the old one nope nope nope not that hope that's rotated wrong and then working on like higher quality beds well i guess that could be a channel point redemption but uh hills and zenny and then these here could be hospital medical or or prison for that matter whatever we deem necessary i can also put a prison there [Music] all right was that shaykh terrible dear lord man all right you clearly need a lot of practice zenny try again i like how every shade cone has been poor what are even the chances oh your crafting's four so pretty high four okay uh again three more can you make steel shade cones no it's uh leather or wool only it looks like yep leather wool or cloth not uh metal pour okay probably another pour coming up either way i'm going to give hills the the roll oh there we go so hills you are now going to be our gloom tender we're going to give you a shade cone and a gloom tender has farming command offer guidance on farming techniques boosting the farmers farming abilities for everyone nearby this effect remains attached to the caster for 24 hours uh so if we take a look here farming command from hills plant work speed 40 uh she herself does not benefit so i guess it helps to have two different farmers that um can buff one another but if she stands here with nathan nathan will farm faster no no no if you stand here okay if you stand here with nathan she's not getting the the gist here and now that is her uh her role gloom tender so it's going to be important to do like group harvests it's gonna be really cool there's any i had no idea you had a purple uh goatee that is um that's very very strange very very very strange uh i can always build a styling station which i think would allow me to change that uh so zach cowley or zenni if you want to change the look uh you can always tag me and um and uh make suggestions now the other problem is i don't really have anyone suited for gloom um enchanter but i'm going to give it to zenny anyway because zenny is the closest uh so nathan for gloom seeker um gloom speaker rather vigi's mash is the only requirement so uh take off your cape and then we're going to make another vision visage mask and uh zenny will become the enchanter and a pod crash of a relationship zack's father just landed slow learner psychically sensitive and capable of caring um all right what i'm going to do here everyone's related to zack zack you are okay yep you're the new naz of the community zenny's like anything but purple hair okay noted uh hills tend to [Music] are dear related i'm not going to imprison them that would be evil and we're not supposed to be evil uh instead i'm going to just treat them and if they want to join us they join us so they're our guests uh so we have a visitor's mask it is terrible but uh that's the best you could do let me try at least for like a normal quality and then have him become enchanter so the reason why i'd have him become a chanter is he has at least a passion for social skill another poor one and even just a pass uh uh a passion is good enough for me okay i go to sleep you've disappointed me long enough friend i'm definitely going to need to make some additional progress on my uh my batteries i certainly haven't yet and smithing is now researched so uh what's next will be up to you let me get the pull up so next research we could do micro electronics machining we could do biofuel because we could always biofuel refine our fungus into fuel for a chem fuel it's too bad that the colored lights don't match up the colors that we want i suppose i could mix blue and red for purple um what else uh carpet making [Music] uh let's do brewing and psychic tee and carpet all right so those six you choose and another transport pod crash my god why is everyone falling uh irokin he is a plank cutter and he is of the nudist faction that we are trying to somewhat slightly a little bit befriend so i'm gonna um befriend him and let's continue the vigi's match you know what i'm going to do uh do until we have one normal good luck zenny you got this for years and then hills let's get you to tend to irokin another fail more failing another fail pet yoda hey buddy another fail one of these days well once we're done mining uh i will get those batteries set up but we have to fuel zenny's failure of masking it's uh it's it's getting ridiculous here come on 10 in a row 11 in a row yeah the next trader is gonna have a lot of junk to buy um he's gonna look at me a little sideways i think oh did you do it yeah you did it all right so zenny congratulations you are promoted to social you are now our enchanter but stop stop at the masks you can make no no you can make that one because canceling it i would lose uh resources but uh no more no more visual mass and then i want him to wear the cape which natha threw on so i'm gonna have zenny come force wear that and then clean up and haul and his next one was poor as well yep no kidding um all right cool then he had a parka on nice so you all are voting that uh t slight slight edge of winner we have a lot of hops that are about to be harvestable and then some of this tinctoria is going to be harvestable as well as is the heel root uh i'm going to give my constructors a higher priority than mining so instead of continuing to mine out because there almost is no more steel left that we want to mine anyway we should be able to finish off some of the smoothing cabling bedroom projects and stuff oh i'm also starving because i don't have enough meat hey kelly let's go hi noon actually it's p.m good because otherwise it would have been upsetting here we are uh i'm going to temporarily forbid this stuff so we can get other stuff uh done because it's we've neglected it for long enough ancient installation rating there's an ancient complex really close to home you've learned of an ancient complex nearby and is said to contain ancient treasure you can break in and collect the loot inside be warned these kind of structures can contain a variety of threats in addition your activity in the complex might draw unwanted attention don't worry i will be polling for whether or not you want to see that done quite soon i just want to try to get the other stuff done so zenny suggested that i change styles and uh let's see here i didn't know that you had a face tattoo uh i'm gonna give you the oh you don't like body tattoos or beards why why have a beard if you don't like beards oh with huh okay so you're happier now um if you don't want purple hair i have bad news so you like pink colors so i'm going to change you to views that oh i don't have any dyes nevermind but at least i got rid of your uh your facial stuff all right i really need to to make sure that i supply enough food so we're doing that now we're also uh we got our batteries up and we got our i can turn this bench off soon we'll have cabling and traps and all that i'm sorry it's just the colors you prefer everyone has their own preference colors another ambrosia sprout which reminds me about the first one oh yeah we recently harvested the first one so let me finish the first harvest and the second sprout i will zone for harvest all right oops is that all of it it is indeed ambrosia two now the only role that we don't have fulfilled would be the visionary and we're waiting for zach to become the visionary um because i can't change the clothing that zach wears until zach is conscious or not paralyzed i should say i'm not gonna sign that role until then uh so that we don't have uh upset visionary i'm also gonna uh temporarily forbid this construction so that we finish this stuff because i'm getting impatient living in the dark here because i want to embed the cables here so we can have a lit corridor how much more time until zach is not paralyzed uh 12 days started i think 36 or 7 36 and change maybe it's been a while these guests are getting fed uh i'm low on fungus again but i'm pretty sure that most of the stuff is yeah a lot of is actually ready to be harvested anyway so that's uh not so much a problem and then hills we need to make sure your growing is above research and it is cool another transfer plot of relationship what the heck uh leo is zach's ex-lover whoopsie [Music] [Laughter] uh well mr leo oh you're part of the gray empire yeah i can uh i can rescue him and he won't join um because he's part of the shattered empire faction uh otherwise i would have like left them there um god she is uh she gets around for a paralyzed lady a wordy land [Music] way up there all right sending my jogger is this a nas 2.0 run it's starting to feel like it related to kind of everyone all right few more cables and we will have light or not because i don't have enough power to no i have enough power oh cause it's not built aparri and thanks for resetting welcome all right where is we're still moving him he died in transit bummer i don't think zach will care my rival leo died yes i was correct [Music] okie dokie well an attempt was made to be good i was just slow at being good and then this will become for prisoners again i have to worry a little bit about your mood here though you're sad you lost a role but you gained the leader role very strange all right uh let's try to make the bedrooms a little bit nicer what are the symbols next to the mood the symbols are their uh ideolo ideology roles so um natha is our gloom speaker which is a leader uh hills is our gloom tender which is a designated farmer and then zenny is our gloom enchanter which is like a morale officer a morale spiritual leader there we go all right so here are the dies that allow us to change your clothing and what i could do is i can prioritize the people that have trouble with their own mood as uh preferentially getting the dyes another thing i'm going to want to do i think these dyes don't decay but of course hops do so let's make sure that the hops be worked and let's go to raw plant matter uh dye doesn't matter in here but the leaves go in here as well to get frozen and preserved we don't have beer brewing yet but once we get it uh we will have a whole lot of beer at the ready these bedrooms are starting to look nice and a food binge because you're awful bedroom i was just complimenting the uh oh uh something i want to do is let's continually make uh dusters out of anything that we can and i'm gonna send callie out to go murder some stuff looks like a boom below got itself killed where are my animals my flow a way way far away all right uh what about you you are missing zero percent body parts well guess what whatever hunt did you didn't eat you oh i shot you never mind this is one i killed previously let's go haul that now to let's demo a little bit of the dies uh cowley here likes uh this color green so you are unhappy with hair oh you don't want you have your own hair preferences so let me give you wow it's a lot of i i i like actually how they have whatever options that you have you can have any gender hair style um i think that's cool that this is like his preferred hair and if i i'm assuming what happens if i um get rid of his brief ponytail it drops off of this list so basically this is his sub list of of hairstyles that he wants to have and um you can change his hairstyles to only things that he prefers uh which is interesting so if you're my hunter i'll give you this um this little swoop here i don't know one of these swoops yeah uh i don't you don't need to look like a rock star here i'll give you uh none of it looks now i'll give you just giant mohawk there we go um go back and you're happy with beards there we go and then for so some of the face tattoos don't bother you body tattoos doesn't bother you and the apparel color it was i'm assuming this color green so let's try it dyeing your own clothing maybe it was not that color green but i have a lot of dyes so it doesn't really matter let's see it's kind of hard to mat color match yeah it's a brighter color there's a button set for their favorite color oh yeah favorite color or uh we could also do ideology color let's uh let's well you know i'll have you all pulled for that um what colors should we prefer ideology colors or favorite colors now one thing i do want to note is we did vote uh originally that people have more freedoms which means that personally i would lean more towards favorite colors and then maybe have the people that have um specific ideology roles where they're roll colors so i'm actually going to change this poll real quick people with roles have ideology colors everyone else favorite and then if you're ever if you're ever uh so i'm not going to die anything right yet if you're ever have a character assigned to you like let's say i'm zenny and was like i don't want to be in pink you could then choose you know your your specific color but it seems like you all agree all right so let's change him over to his favorite color then and i'm almost had it right and then we should see a mood boost here of him dressed in his favorite color which is pretty cool idea come on oh man he's slow at this though oh because someone's in combat cause zenny went oh zeni you're not very bright buddy dear lord you're not in a good way zenny is on a uh a bit of a bender and uh decided to run into an insect nest and get himself nibbled in the heart so backup is coming buddy just fall down just fall down all right cali i'm gonna have to conscript you so wearing favorite color uh just a plus one all right so the escapee is fully healed and leaving and okay cool i'm glad you all agreed that individualism will be respected uh but if you have a role in our society that you are um you know color-coded is there any bonus in ideology colors so the ideology colors i think would help you believe in your ideology it's a boost to that all right i'm not so keen on uh bugs taking chunks out of me so i'm gonna get some revenge is any really that for cirrus you barely survived with your heart cut open and you decide to go wait where'd these bugs go you decided to go straight back to the uh the lion's den so to speak you aren't a bright man uh i'm gonna do my best to try to save you but okay yep yep and you're flopped unfortunately here hills have already used all of her meds that she had available on you but uh i'm going to carry oh nathan's getting hurt i'm going to carry him out oh i'm losing toes well luckily he's a body modder so you know well body mod so that spelliped is just south of me i'm going to pick up zenny and run i'm gonna get caught though so hills is now hurt i'm gonna go help hills instead so i'm gonna transition north start shooting what are you doing oh man hate shooting my butt all right well it's ignoring us so let's go away let's just leave bounce bounce on out of here your jelly will be mine in the future and that mega spider is probably gonna fatally yup fatally all right hills i'm gonna have you tend without medicine oh uh maybe zenny first wow i didn't realize any got that tooled and we'll tend the rest all right nathan you're next it would definitely benefit me if there was light in this room if this is going to be my temporary hospital nathan's already well yeah okay matt nathan's missing missing toes but he's also a body modder so bionics will be good and then let's allow self-tending so you yourself don't bleed out uh but let's uh no meds and let's actually sign nomads to everybody zenny got infection all right we did gain some grey empire rep because uh a member of theirs exited healthy which is awesome because we also betrayed them recruiting um zenni and cali so some redemption there oh there goes the entire wooden bridge bye bye bridge so attach we are going to change your style you're happy with your hair really it's not the same color okay sure beats me yeah there we go ideology and color there uh nathan you're gonna do the same if i have dyes nathan why would you be considered guilty because you i have no idea and another infection on zenny really zenny really buddy they need at least 60 of their clothes to be considered um wearing their appropriate attire it's a 60 requirement not a not 100 all right pills um i need you to oh never mind you're not gonna do anything for me i was hoping for uh them to start harvesting the fungus okay good attaching that they're doing it my dedicated farmer is skipping uh farming that's a good time and then cali will be able to uh craft some meals for us because we're out again so i'm gonna wake him up and do it and i'm gonna cheers the centric center the other shield okay i am going to need to give someone else doctoring attach i'm going to have you do it because uh zach needs to get fed okay no one's starving uh you need treatment though this is using a whole lot of my uh medicine hey vagos here's the little guy in all of his glory all right thank you would you kindly watch for tagging me i appreciate it it's hard to notice sometimes so santa can you got it well that was a very short bonder which is good because i need a doctor so these infections the immunity is [Music] the immunity for the left leg is not great but will be treated uh better so i think what i'm gonna do is have zenny cannot walk um i'm going to rescue zenny in the hospital and then try to keep this room clean and keep the wound clean so this will be zenny and hill's bed bedroom but uh zenny will be in the hospital bed shuttle has arrived for my rats i basically ignored the fact that they existed and i am going to be lazy and zone the rats next to the shuttle before anyone loads them in because rats at least can be zoned whereas farm animals cannot [Music] and here are my advanced components and the silver oh oh mighty mighty fungal harvest i am not worthy dear lord this is a lot of food i'm gonna need to supplement uh some meat for [Music] the harvest because obviously we're gonna have so much more fungus than we have uh meat yeah we got a lot of shrooms and that will solve our like relatively annoying food problems that we had all right zenny how are you doing i don't want to have to chop off your leg but i will if i have to so the wooden bed is uh good quality which means it's a little bit quicker to recover there's also unfortunately he's the one that would preach health and he's unconscious so he's the only one that can help himself and he can't help right now it's kind of funny that uh oh boy yeah there's still a lot of dyes laying out there though i i don't think they decay no they don't hops are getting ruined though farm command look at that and a go frenzy yeah this is uh this kind of reminds me of uh northern maine's potato harvest um being a big staple crop everybody takes time off and does one massive potato harvest all right zenny how's that leg i'm gonna have to chop it off maybe i'll have to keep in on it your torso is fine though and zach is starving does nutrasounds come from ideology yes it comes from having the ideology of tunneler um when you're a tunneler and you live on the ground it gives you the ability to farm things without you know ever really seeing the lid today thank you for tuning in to the gloom seekers which originally aired live on twitch if you have any feedback for me let me know in the comments below if you would like to catch a live stream of the gloom seekers i stream this just about every day from 3 p.m to 8 p.m eastern daylight time a countdown timer and schedule can be found at ratamount.com thank you for watching i hope to catch you next episode or an upcoming stream farewell
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 10,572
Rating: 4.935657 out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, Ideology, 1.3, Gloom Seekers, Twitch, Let's Play
Id: o4Rw5VLWP5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 36sec (3636 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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