RimWorld - Origins of Magic / Life and Death

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hey everybody right I'm on here thanks for tuning in to the first minute of origin of magic yes I'm excited about this the rules are pretty straightforward the dark arts and things that are evil are strictly prohibited from us using with yeah some exceptions may apply just some there aren't going to be duplicate classes not yet that rule may change it really depends on balance and late-game rating we'll see we can't tame or recruit monsters either the goal is to establish an enclave where we can live and defeat the lynched him or at least the local ishtam all right so here we are hi everybody welcome to the stream a quick little recap of what's going on I did make a lot of changes my developers and I have been troubleshooting a lot of systems it's set to run long story short things are gonna be a little bit more difficult and I'm going to continually ramp them up as I find them you know when we feel like it is appropriate to make things a little bit harder a quick recap nurlan of to st. teasing are coming home from their little ruins excursion we have fixed some of the issues with him for instance like pig skin etc that's all fixed a lot of the elementals they're not perfect they're not exactly where I want them to be breaking the fourth wall here but they're frickin they're getting pretty close they're getting to the point where I I like the way the design they just need to be I need to make some fine fine tune adjustments other things that is going on so we are planning on building a new farm here that will be a lot of fun as you can see here there's a bunch of plans and then of course some of the little sprites trying to terraform it already I figure maybe I'll move some of these beds out of the way we have a skinned spider trying to eat Eady no I won't let that happen whoa I was gonna have shield come help but then he disappeared for all the people that are okay looks like coins are already up that's awesome oops good spider is very mad and soon to be very dead all right we go that was a good hit oops I think I just beat his dead body let's pretend I didn't do that so just a quick review we have got addy who is in queue to become a priest but not there yet all the little issues with spell books that I had last episode I think I resolved I'm not 100% sure but fingers crossed the work we are currently trying to crank out high tier weapons and armor so that we can better defend ourselves that will be very very important and critical when it comes time to us being attacked without those kind of defenses will be will be yeah that won't be good Cline sending me some Umbro so is this is this a peace offering because the green swarm that you uh saddled me with maybe maybe not we'll have to see okay we do have this I think we determined that we I'm not entirely sure we want this wildwoman I don't know we'll see the events list has been updated I'm hoping to add some additional events next episode but the events list has been updated with some additional ones as well so that will be good Denisha cool you are leveling up I'm gonna save up a little bit more so that you can get ready hope that'd be really good Rochelle asks how torn scripts work so torn scripts have the chance to give you skills when you learn them whereas tomes are a hundred percent you will gain some skills so one will unlock the class and the other will unlock the class and guarantee some initial skills so for instance Vanessa when he became a fire age I had to manually learn fire bolt that's fine it's a little bit cheaper to have a corn script but the actual tome is nicer I suspect or at least I think pink link sending me some wood thank you then we got beer from Arne Marty and I suppose at this point okay yeah we do have one more skin spider and it's corpse camping a veterinarian Isamu calls Isamu neurotic and beautiful you know I'm just gonna assure you right back out so we're gonna have some bowmen coming Scotty is definitely going to want to run day be with the rest of them I'm totally okay with you know enemies coming in I'm just because there is no sort of treat buying and twitch tool kit like very often is I have to be very selective about who I allow but fighting is fun so I don't mind the fight I do believe we had blinks we haven't crafted it yet that would be why we'll try to get blink out for the other two mages paronto can I make a quick recap of what book scripts I wouldn't really worry about books or scripts at all don't worry about gifting them because ultimately we're gonna cherry pick the recruits and you might as well have the recruit before the script rather than the inverse client saying he only has a few coins Oh Jordan just knocked himself out one second here Cline give you more coins than you'll have okay so he od'd on uh on manna pots that was fun I guess we'll take we'll take some cover back here so these bow these are all Bowman they all have great bows oh and here you go first Tory Tucker event just a reminder you have to whisper the who are you what are they doing all right you want to sit there just an ear trigger warning it's about to get loud it real loud alright shield you are gonna jump in rust is already droppin some poisons all right she is taking a bow shot or a few bow shots I really like that rust drop a regen on him all right Raven you are already set to sprint let's have you close the distance unfortunately T Singh's not here to like leap in that'd be pretty cool all right we will have ouch we'll have enough stamina to jump in just a second I'm gonna jump over here what uh one thing I I ought to do is set up so that I have some outside defenses rather than relying on like chunks and whatnot all right you guys shield just hit all three at once killed all three at once view the Reaper right all right uh let's see what can I do here not much she'll just uh unfortunately that wasn't shooting and for the romp on and kind of everything went wrong there we also have an inspiration let me see what that is rust surgery cool anyone critically wounded no I don't think so Android in your backup all right Jordan you should where did your bow go where did your bow oh here it is yeah Oh deed a little bit alright so we did capture mugs here um some slothful mugs I'm just gonna capture him and Ravens going after Sparrow didn't issue you want to help nevermind sparrow be no more Denisha I'm gonna have you go he'll actually nurlan and T saying are now home that's good news they've been a way little one I'm gonna drop another one of these regens on cheese try to get cheese up and running let's go ahead and drink some mana potions get our mana back up so we're not vulnerable grizzly bears just migrated in we're a little Grizzlies okay cool I guess sounds dangerous but sure doesn't hurt all right so cheese with the archein you should be healing you've got a point to spend I think I am using it on lightning ball deficiency so you can cast more often all right shield you are all set mugs is going to need a little bit of traditional healing as will a bunch of people we're kind of running all over the place bleeding aren't we all right prisoner rescue request being held by the Lich doom bolt magic she's a biosphere manager guarded by three cool good to know all right so we're finally home we are bringing home I guess some poor furniture to break down and dead capybara I don't know if they're gonna be rotten or not that's not for me to worry about right now they don't look run fresh spoils in just a few hours okay we could deal with it all right you will be released because of course Ethical Treatment of prisoners is a thing all right rust I want you to tend to the rest of them we also got a raid of traps people more potential recruits crews Oh says I don't think so these are potential victims I think just in my opinion all right well at least T Singh's home so he's gonna be able to help out with this more meta posts pots coming from say horrible and yeah I think I'm caught up it'll be nice to have nurlan home too he puts out a lot of damage all right so these travels are coming in quick let's see you are I'm gonna say healthy enough and another rate of mage hunters Oh a rather large group of mage hunters what kind of mages do thee well uh two are hunters which is a high percentage but not like crippling Lehigh all right mr. Shield we are gonna have to drop a regen on you t sings unfortunately because he was in the dark he's going on a little food binge alright Merlin you ready what's going on we just want these guys to flee quickly we can prep the next fight rather than to be bogged down unfortunately I don't have the thought it was gonna have another male heir but that just isn't the case you decided to leave up there he goes Trek oh you just got creepy breather underground here okay you just got splashed hard by the Med fire wand unfortunately Jordan also took some some area of effect from that alright so the next group is almost here I'm gonna try to drop a Sentinel alright shield let's have you pull back rust where are you you are gonna come join us do you saying thanks for the bits everybody that is donating bits and subbing and gifting subs thank you so very much you guys are amazing try to live up to that legacy alright so these here we go here's a little Sentinel this is there there's basically stationary little statues until well it died pretty quick but until enemies get close enough to trigger it and then they go active and when they're active they fight alright so here we go more fighting I'm gonna try to take out the woodsman they're probably the most dangerous that was a good hit I kind of wish my uh my other male lair wasn't oh he's up now come join us cool you just Thunder blast today haha dead buddy all right so there's back up and back up Gary mascius pretty doesn't do dumb labor we I thought we had two beds here did I I think I removed the other one because prisons are more effective when you have that when they're not barracks I guess all right so our catch and release program we will try to treat these guys well that was an interesting fight I move to give one two-bedroom oh that's right okay so mugs how are you doing you are all patched up you'll be released cocada thanks for all the manna pots that's gonna help a lot all right I guess I can also try to relate to release that tribal as well that wouldn't really hurt so I tea from unit and Matt squirrel from leo that squirrels already dead instead of waiting for that bed to be made I'm just going to capture the old-fashioned way because I don't think he is yeah he does not have a lot of time in fact even if I ran ran ran right now he might not have enough time anyway all right end yourself and then when you're done tend Royden actually you know what tend back up carry no meds no meds all right there we go Oh oops I have no idea how you got set on fire all right we're gonna deliver some last rites sorry tea saying for being the bearer of the dead body burning don't make that there's so many dead bodies you guys continually make me make him you're making me a mass murderer here y'all know that right now smoke leaf from Lord made us thank you guys addy you need yes you do need meds wow this prison is disgusting is all I'm gonna say Thank You Raven Ravens like you know what I agree Raven I'm not sure why I didn't send you out to fight that last fight but next time I will do better I promise all right addy let's get you rested so droid in and addy needs meds looks like cheese is doing it alright these prisoners I don't believe I want either of them this one wouldn't be terrible but like no one wants a creeps breather and you either pure not will it do dumb labor you can shove off now pretty rude right but that's just the way it is oh thank you teasing I feel like you did not burn the body as I told you to I told you to do a tour of dead body burning and it does appear like you didn't my mugs got a torso infection Terry kinda looks violent what's going on with you Oh your preser Krait now so she's a wild woman that went berserk cool excuse me woman what are you doing yes that that that won't stand she's surprisingly hearty yes you like all right quit hitting me wench how rude all right we'll get the rest of these bodies cooked up to sing only really got punched a bit it'll toughen him up yeah she really could take a beating I think she's tough though yeah she's tough that's why and she's a melee of 16 so oh where I don't know where one all right so these guys are starting exit another disease infection lucky me for right now cuz I don't really have the space I'm just gonna put a bed in there like that why am i letting the wild one die I don't want her all right we'll put him in prison I thought ed was gonna rescue but nope apparently not all right who needs backup Kari I think it's just blood loss yeah it's just blood loss all right Jordan you levelled up a bit a part of me feels like Wellstone skin would be awesome as would earthen hammer but given our reliance on your mana pool I'm going to crank out mana pool for you you're sort of the utility at-home character let me see I don't know why I would say event oh yes because you're trying to buy more wood than you can afford oh uh right right so our freezer is not frozen I forgot about that Jordan let's help you drop a cooler in there my bad you got all these bug meats that are decaying all right bye-bye mugs like these these fellers up no priestess yet so the idea with addy was we've she's got traits that we might not necessarily want and I'm not gonna be able to treat wipe her if she becomes a priest first so it's like chicken in the egg unfortunately those Grizzlies passed through and I wasn't really able to do anything about it because prisons are because raids rather not prisons all right so you guys are restricted to farm I need to move farm around because this is going to become a proper grows own so I'll just keep moving it now unfortunately for them there is not a lot of food here is there oh no they're allowed down here yeah yeah they're fine all right we got a visitor from unit just a paladin coming in saying hi and another raid of Fairless horde a whole lot of them - the Horde was sent by Vaughn all right Merlin I think we all should fall back a little bit rust you've got enough mana to give some healing out all right Raven and T sang and shield are already his uh okay yeah he's all healed up now Edie run ouch I want to use the cover as much as I can even if it's uh not great for Edie all right Edie you should go to farm bring it in all right so here is their chief already getting targeted Ed's down that's good did we just bow him really guys oh that was little literally their chief their entire chief just died that's cool I guess uh lightning cloud drop a cloud in here make it a little bit easier I don't think I hate no I don't have the metaphor valiant charge it's a lot of a man it's a lot of enemies all right Raven that teasing let's get around to there they're flakes draw it in see I'm checking see if there's any abilities I can use dropping everything on them yeah let's not let Nomo catch us as you can see a larger okay they're fleeing now a larger mana pool is very very useful in cases of big fights now the more mana you have the more you'll be able to do all right so we've got some knocked out folks I wouldn't say any of them are particularly useful but I'm somewhat obligated to save them I suppose or try to although the the reality is that would just tell them where I live but whatever I'm gonna leave the body's forbidden so that it's easier to just burn them up all right don't be cowering you're fine all right no meds simple meals let's see the okay cheese actually forget that go tend to Edie I don't know if there's time but we will try all right so these guys are fine actually this one didn't even get all that hurt just was beat up a whole lot all right that's good as far as operations go I can't really do any seeds any pet healing yeah so I don't the missing body parts are just missing Dinesh II you just leveled up learn wave where I've hope and turn that on to I don't know why I can't right clicking there we go on auto cast so what Raya hope does is it is sort of a an aura of Hope it periodically buffs allies that are near Dinesh II for benefit and it's a really really good way to level up a mage all right taking a look two things missing a big toe hmm right foot now the problem is rust yeah alright let's let's suspend this rust isn't gonna be doesn't have the mana pool to do any surgeries for a bit what about our on the mages so there's also soothing breeze doing kind of the same thing and we'll set that to sketchy as well and now they both have area of effect soothing aura I'm not sure if oh yeah so here here we go ray of hope and II just got ray of hope so a little bit more moving manipulation blood pumping consciousness very very helpful as you can imagine alright meteorite coming down Paul this episode sounds good to me you sent me some marble yes we definitely want another bed for backup for his infection good point get that constructed already alright meets a little thin as is veg but I mean what else is new I was really hoping to get a full double strand grow but that might be a little bit more difficult than we that we you know we might not be able to get there all the way additionally not that it's a wonderful idea but if let's put some potatoes in here if absolutely necessary there's also the whole my garu can become food [Music] quit chasing me oh let's see Merlin head on down oh it's not good cheese being eaten and no one is even remotely close those skin spiders are way dangerous yeah I don't know one is anywhere within the rescue distance yeah I think it's a big old F honestly cuz there is no way I can spell cast or anything yep he is dead so one of the things I could do here if I can keep his body safe from that that skin spider is push a D towards a priesthood a little bit early and keep him on ice so I think that's what I'm gonna do so here was the order of process here would be for me to make a arcane insight this would be a Jordan thing nope what is it requirement under 12 oh we need okay so what I need to do is to have rust prioritize intellect and get the intellect up so that we can get a a gem of arcane insight I should have just blinked come on quit eating me all right that also means that I will need a spot I think what I'll do is a proper sarcophagus spot okay don't have the marble I'll just do it in steel all right so there's an air King tone priest client sending it because he thinks uh cheese has earned it but ultimately that wasn't really help I need the arcane interest gem that is the troupe requisite all right so let's haul cheese shield there we go stupid skin spiders um what else Merlin you're coming down here let's haul the wand the other stuff we don't necessarily need to worry about cheese does die he has a history of dying every series yeah you're not wrong all right so we are putting him in this storage that's a pretty weird place to put him Clyde I know I just don't have the the ability to get the arcane Jim oh here's a thrombo though that will be Nerlens that's gonna be a crazy strong beau the thrombo if you're wondering yeah it's it's it's crazy strong all right shield where are you where did we okay so here's cheeses body we are going to make the sarcophagus keeping it frozen I sign colonists and he is frozen on ice ready to be recovered there are some troubles coming in Oh yep he's sleeping right now let me just show you how strong these thrombo is yep throw it down the thrombo is ridiculously strong it's very costly to make but ridiculously strong and not a bad way all right so I got tea coming down so what I really need to do is have yeah I need to have rust power through the intellect but one thing I just realized is I don't have any cerium which would really help in this case so here what I'm gonna do is grow the hamana bushes as a prereq for cerium Ravin your up and shield you are - all right so here is Cardozo dropping some cereal what I what you do is only use this yes perfect only use this when we are about to do a lot of whatever we need to do whatever we need to train no paddy not supposed to grab that for what are you drinking it for fun where'd it go okay well we drop some more [Music] okay now rust go research so what the cerium does I've mentioned in the past but it gives you a little bit of a global learning factor when you use it because we're not going to be able to make the arcane gems until he hits 12 intellect because that is the prerequisite for the arcane insight intellectual 12 we also have some more Fairless hoard coming in literally I release them as they show up all right shield I'm gonna have you go over to rust he's gonna drop a region on you these beds are actually pretty good alright let's go hunting leave rust to research yes indeed I'm basically planning on it Jordans working on some from backs from bow axe and the flame alright let's start to get a little sanitation around here des terres you're gonna really have to figure that out for yourself it depends on what you feel like balance this question was what band classes should we have if we're doing the multi player series of this in my opinion necromancer and Lich are definitely the probably the most imbalanced but every class has their own balancing issues and some of the classes I think just don't there aren't they're not well designed but that's all my opinion and that's why I'm I'm hesitant to say like man these classes cuz you know your opinion might differ considerably Nerlens friendly fire scary scares you it should he his damage is ridiculously high alright so rust you need to level up food jordan is vomiting everywhere cool that's exactly what I wanted what is my alright my magicite is actually pretty low so I'm gonna actually have droid in mine up some more we're starting to get some some real grows on here going though and then also Jordan another thing that he could do is to make better clothing for us Ed's capable walking again and would from leo how can it be in this playthrough subs have a chance when a character is added it is a raffle have a chance to become part of the series that is the only way how so let me catch up we got foggy rain from Cardozo that will help clean up a lot of these um blood and everything more magicite from teasing cerium from loggy shield is leveling up in melee considerably he got the command right and yep you are male late 20s all 20 now beer from 9 smart-aleck cerium night divinity storm cache sending some tea with the message to all the pain of losing cheese it might be a blue blue cheese later uh-huh and cracked sent him in a potion and I think I'm just about caught up more mana pushes for fun of me funny man thanks funny man alright so rust is working on that another way to get that item is to potentially buy it nurlan leveling up social or raptor talent or nurlan rather alright looks like Raven yes looks like we have no longer need to we have idleness I know this is not bad it can give inspiration so we just got in Vance advanced enchanting and next up will be our cannon herb let's go towards arcing facilities rust there you go I just prompted him to do that again I'm just having to do that to free up some mana snarling you leveled up a ton [Music] okay I just leveled you up so Bo mastery just went up up up up up your bow damage is gonna be ridiculous you are gonna be the shredder of large beasts like they don't even exist let's go through everybody make sure that we're leveling up so rust I would like more disease knowledge just in case shield you are going to max out coordination and then get critical phase three droid in your good Narellan I just leveled you up see saying you are gonna get one more point clarity for mana regen addy you're not a mage yet or a mite Raven let's see heavy blow increases damage by 25% would be a really good first point yeah let's do Leuthold e1s Cathy we're going to level up your soothing breeze breeze and level up your ray of hope twice alright increase skill to saying for me lay awesome pulls up rent it ready when I am awesome so let's get this going so for this pole unlike the Tori talker votes you can just vote in check here we go three options mining the mountain a better kill box or better prison fancy stuff hopefully uh hopefully we come to a united conclusion those are always my favorite when everybody agrees on the same thing all right so backup is able to move around again we'll be releasing them soon feeding these prisoners is burdensome of that I do not deny but that's part of the reason why I made it a goal is getting them fed is is the challenge all right I think what we need for Droid an ease up he's unconscious all right so there's the grow zone that we are going to eventually want his max man is going to be miserably low until we level him up and give him better gear that increases mana pool because he is sustaining a lot of spells at once maybe it's possible that we get another character sometime down the line to help share that burden but for now he's taken upon himself to try to terraform the entire desert by himself which is crazy but also pretty admirable if you ask me shield looks like you need things to build or yeah things to build one thing I could do for all of the idol characters is set crafting to four so they at least cut blocks when they've got nothing else Ravin leveling up a little bit in medicine and new Oh Denis she and Eddie are they were talking about spaceships whatever that is huh all right what's the age difference 38 and 37 oh it's kind of perfect okay well that definitely frees up another bedroom I like how cheese is on caravan apparently all right so if that's the case let's go ahead and crank out a double bed or maybe a few to make sure that we get an excellent one shield your up that one's good so no another good one come on you can do better than this cable coming down from my D all something like that another good one come on man you're killing me the lack of construction skills just oh there we go all right Dinesh e and Adi you guys got yourself beds and that frees up some other bedrooms which is great maybe I shouldn't build those certainly not gonna need them or maybe I will but not anytime soon our Jordan you're back on your feet I'll have you grab your weapon sometime rust how is the intellect coming all right you're halfway to eleven you got to get to twelve so we're working on that shield you leveled up again you're now totally maxed out with face strike and I am going to start leveling up your bleed spin so I'm going to increase the reach first basically hit as many people as you can for crowd control I'd run you're up ed is fully healed quote/unquote without a tail left ear or front paw about as good as we can get our cane facility is now done let's go with a mana storage which would be very very helpful hard - thanks for gifting out to the community Raptor 5th time what do you mean ok so there we go we're actually making some blinks this one is gonna be where did it go so here's gladiator priest oh here's my blinks okay so Dinesh II you were reading one and Scotty you're reading the other once you've done these are life savers of course being able to blink and then also they help lovey up when you're using it as utility as well there we go we've got a bunch of blinkers now maybe use the ice major to the freezer um yeah it's that would make a bunch of sense once I have enough to crank out another tome so that would be the dispel heat and that only takes cloth so I could I could make that of course the other issue is every spell that I make uses a magicite and magicite is a you know is a limited resource yeah here we go dispel heat dragon we are going to dismiss your cooler cool no pun intended and thence Cathy where'd you go let's put the cooler Oh let's drink a mana potion and then put the cooler in we don't want melty corpses all right your mana pool is a little a little reduced but we'll get we'll get we'll get the your gear up soon make check the requirements for the gems we want to use these on the right person alright so here's what I'm gonna do the mood drugs will no longer include cerium just so that the cerium isn't recreationally used and that way rust it's reserved basically for rust when rust wants to love love yes I could definitely close the poll so better kill box is the winner winner chicken dinner hmm often think about what that means glitch sending me some unrefined magicite how much granite do I have I've got a very very limited pool of granite and I don't think there's really any granite mountains around this is not naturally a granite tile if I recall meaning that this back wall I'm going to leave as granite for security and then I'll build a like sleep I guess slate I'm not gonna say kill box it's not gonna be kill box but something like it all right another thing I could do is let's just make this sleep I could have areas like that Kim called a battle arena all right so crews go sent me woo they have a lot of animals don't they crawl sent me a mini pot and crimson rust light leveling up mining I think accidentally on Scotty wait what I'm a little bit low on food oh but we got a mad dromedary go get him he says alright well you can watch how quick Merlin makes short work of creatures now didn't even live for all the arrows checking wildlife okay we have a ton of wildlife so there's no need for our lack of meat Raven you are waiting on the thrum axe if I recall correctly droid and we'll get to that soon Dinesh EU level it up because of your ray of hope let's level that up yet one more time our trader would be addy I guess more magicite from crass awesome Oh in a great bow sit out there okay so take it a look they have magicite that are that is dramatically overpriced but given its rarity what choice do I have I'm gonna sell them some just random leathers and I'm going to give them Edie he's just too wounded to be helpful and useful it's sad yes but like needed I'm also gonna give them my wine supply except for the good wine keep the good stuff alright so we purchased about as much magicite as we could afford they do have mystery me yeah mystery meat is uh let's just say it's not fun to eat all right Jordan getting drunk and trying to work on that thrombo axe a silver thrombo axe nice these visitors keep stepping where I'm working well frustrating fortunately our giant cacti farm definitely has been keeping our would supply decent not entirely sure we're drop the dromedary there all right and I'll add to this kill box this isn't the upgraded kill box this is just stage one a very simple quick way to make it a little bit better burn pit definitely needs to move now we also got a raid Confederacy a Lawrence coming in just a few of them they're all do we'll ders that's kind of funny Raven you leveled up as well [Music] [Music] just give you a little bit of XP gain alright so let's get out there actually rust I'll leave you alone you keep researching no you're not gonna catch me they're like aha get her she's vulnerable nope they're gonna be coming up from this choke point more magicite from star Phi dusty a name I I'm sure I just butchered no no they're coming two different way splat and what they're already fleeing that makes it easy yarrow is like you know what I want a piece of that do you though do you yarrow where did she'll go she'll just use his ability to go elsewhere well it's raining so I'm definitely not gonna be able to burn these corpses funk good job Kathy got her to saying has a recruiting spiration meta pots from Tim and thorne sent that raid all right our meats looking okay now we're not hurting the way we were before another thing I might do before this convoy goes is seldom the leathers that have been processing to try to get some of the silver back that I've been handing them in large quantity I'm keeping the thrombo fair because that's one way that I could have kept cheese a little bit better protected Pilsner saying no more rain she's loving up yet again reach and damage all right shields the the Mike characters at some point they start to snowball like crazy so like shield is at that point where he's snowballing it's just a just to make that clear he's good just the strong gets stronger so much faster because they have a greater stamina or mana pool to draw from and they get ridiculous pretty quick it's a lovely thing so the oven you are leaving I like how my insects are for corpses and my corpses are for insects like I definitely miss name that but also I think I'm going to put them elsewhere [Music] all right so here will be a preferred for fresh or rotten human likes that are not colonists and I'm not gonna worry about bugs because we could keep the bugs in the freezer for now shoot frenzy for nurlan oh boy that seems unnecessary he already shoots like a frenzy alright funny man I forgot to set you to release that's why you haven't left yet [Music] well Eddie's still at it hopefully we get that Intel sooner than later bye-bye [Music] so we have this prisoner camp that I have not yet done more magicite from back now there we go much much better as far as home zones go let's make sure to update no don't beat them to death but Raven how twisted are you are you having trouble setting them afire you seem to be having incredible trouble setting them on fire like I'm using the ability and it just is not working hmm what's that noise I don't know I was listening to some strange like Chungking noise shield that is impossible I've coded it to be impossible so that is not a worry he asked so what is gonna happen if I release enough prisoners that we become friendly yeah it's it's it's not actually possible for that to happen fortunately so yes there is a setting which it forces hostilities so we are forced to be hostile that's something we need to worry about all right there we go I guess Raven doesn't like to burn things are you scared a fire something no you're not scared fire I don't know what it is increase skill just leveled up legend loving up Raven a little bit more in melee and beer but well let me buy anything other than beer well there is an items list that you can actually check out is there any faction I can befriend yes well we already have two friends here case in point the oven ACOs they're friendly and then of course we've also got the Sears and we're friendly with them as well here's the current setup Nerlens leveling up as well let's give him a little bit more accuracy for his arrow storm considering how crazy strong is arrow storm is here's another route just make sure to whisper the bot so slowly this is becoming terraformed or whatever you want to call it so that you could become a grows own we have a ton of idle people so what I think I'm gonna do is level up a D a little bit in construction I think what I'm gonna do is Narellan and you were going to take the pemmican a bedroll two meds in slow-mo he's not gonna ride the the garu cuz he runs faster anyway but it's for the prisoner if I do end up wanting the prisoner oh it looks like the thrum oh yes raven here we go now we're talking business here you are set up with a thrum Bex so throwbacks easy crazy strong melee weapon just like the thrombo did the of anaka sell slaves no they do not not to my knowledge these guys will buy some stuff oh they have a much more fairly priced magicite which would have been helpful a little while ago I'm gonna keep the one two lightning not gonna sell that all right so more magicite for me we're up over the threshold that we required rust is 11 out of 12 so he's getting there and we have the flu so who picked up the flu Adi teasing and Jordan alright [Music] we are just gonna get rid of that all right so no flu for you rust can just cure diseases like outright who else got it Eddie yo Eddie do you want the flu or you want to stand still done no diseases and then you saying done we also got soothing breeze love it nurlan already arrived oh they have a death knight protecting it neat so bolt magic let's take a look at you ugly jealous creepy breather doesn't do crafts and cooking or dumb labor I might execute myself who are you you are a some sort of mage you are a necromancer well eat this yeah that's what thot Nerlens like just like legolas on droids now rice eat the death knight come on ray see you want to fight eat this and then you are a warlock yeah it's not fair my range is ridiculous and you're all dead all right bolt magic what do they got here some Buffalo wool stuff cool hello and goodbye mm nothing I don't like when dumb prisoners basically I don't like to ever ignore dumb prisoners because they keep asking continually relentlessly for help and if you don't just kill them like that you will always be plagued by them just if you're familiar with them wardens of Erie adore you know exactly what I mean so it's a little bit easier just to get rid of them you know might be cruel but uh it's so that it doesn't become a harassment can i enchant the thredbo yes I can I don't um right now all of my focus is try to get cheese back but yeah I can definitely enchant deer later on granite blocks coming from tea row for safety and men a putt from AI all right so we got soothing breeze up next now that's really good and then we can also increase the soothing breeze breeze efficiency can priests resurrect they can gonna rename as Swiss cheese maybe I don't know cheese is always cheese to me at least New Orleans headed back home actually resting we are midsummer it's not too hot though do we have sprites I actually don't see sprites right now Jordan I mean I could definitely deconstruct this white because I don't need it at the moment this isn't ready to be a full internal garden but I think his sprites stopped casting so I have to fix that as well why don't they use the Sentinel I don't have the mana pool he's learning all the utility skills and there's not a whole lot of mana pool left all right Jordan I'm gonna have you suck down a man pot and get the first sprites queued up again let's see this our sprites should be working in it's set up correctly now don't blink okay cool they're set up another thing I'm going to do is you're not going to be researching anymore because I want all the intellectual to go to rust oh he's a bit text from that another thing I wanted to do is rust we I think have need of your regrowth I think T saying is missing a toe yep it's just teasing Stowe so it's unfix this it's Toth I'm Denis XI you're leveling up again awesome cool Russ leveled up and also surgery or whatever you want to call it went well let's max out disease knowledge and that way I can also cure the plague because nobody wants to get plagued I don't think yo burn Eddie really you drinking beer dude you're already super drunk oh alright hauling pets guess what your zones are not going to include my beer don't touch it I think what's going on is there's just not food for them but they could honestly they could be eating this skinned spider so I don't know they're just being picky speaking of food let's kill a bunch of garu Nerlens back home Oh Merlin you know what before you go away let's have you go home why you're standing right in the right spot I hear a lot of vomiting oh great you still have a stubby foot arcane ball codes from the Sears oh there's a possibility that I can buy something really important here I could have any already set up as a pacifist but I'm not gonna not gonna bother just yet more epic than it's worth unrefined magicite from an racks poker sending a caravan of Sears and then silver and I missed that that was sent by squiggly thanks for the silver squiggly I like how persisted she was you will die you will die you will die die die just careful blasting it with spells alright taking a look at my entire numbers I think yep Eddy is still the the trade to be Wow I like how she's double boosted here super manipulation where is there not here yet Raven we need to give you heavy blow what I think I'm gonna do for Raven is start doing Fitness for now ooh a lump of jade thank you I appreciate that kiyah black [Music] nope are the Elberfeld if I okay Nerlens showed up folk now you can kind of understand why I have the class 1 per restriction cuz some weapons in some classes are not exactly well balanced and if you had a ton of them you would get ridiculous alright rust how close are you mana storage just got done let's give you arcane Forge and you are about a third of the way up to 12 nice working on it [Music] don't we got a rate of mage hunters oh it's just one I should still take it seriously especially if they have a bow oh and grizzly grizzly bears didn't even notice the grizzly bears come on Marilyn let's get him granite blocks coming from Panther let's focus on the mr. intruder here then I could do grizzly bears night intruders dead Scotty you might not want to stand whoa all right bears dead one shot where are we hitting it Oh in the skull yeah I guess that makes sense we hit the other guy in the liver rachelle a leveling up shield a little bit in plants no you shall not leave Oh Merlin actually got a wild regrown leg I didn't notice that so what this is the leg that he regrew is better than it wouldn't even be naturally so it's sort of like a bionic leg which would explain why he runs around really fast very cool you ask bear companion I already have a companion actually do I where'd he go oh yeah slub oh he's my companion but yep it still has a ranger bond I could release him because he's missing a paw but like he's still faster than been faster than a natural I will need beef your enemy's beef your enemies do exist they just haven't been raiding me long where did this lake come from the druid made it and in fact we might get a wild foot for teasing - all right so these guys do not have what I am looking for well I can sell this I could sell a bunch of my gold but like gold actually becomes pretty useful later on ya know they don't really have anything I'll take your silver thank you no no little doubled up his sleep let's give him more accuracy I'm really afraid of that the volley friendly-fire you're you're right to be fearful that going through make sure everybody's leveling up okay we're good so what would be an ideal companion pet bone dogs are fine I like phone dogs got a nice little pet another one wants revenge you know how impractical that is to try to kill Norlin all right as far as wildlife goes let's stop hunting them because we're running out of butcher space uh no it does not de start us it does not at all yes does the rim roll de magic come removing stuff like high-tech stuff no it's actually some of the classes are designed for tech you've got a Technomancer for instance that can hack mechanoids it's one of the reasons why I've disabled Technomancer in my series because that wouldn't really make any sense for me to have a technomancers that literally does nothing because there's no such thing as mechanoids but no yeah but questions like that you I'm not gonna really answer about how to mimic this series while I play it as I could talk about it for weeks and you wouldn't really be any closer to getting it mimicked correctly no offensive meant just a lot of things to set this up right alright I don't want a lot of this bear meat to spoil so I'm hoping that we move it come on start calling it trying to make a little bit more room all right let's see teasing how is your foot fledgling foot alright well it's coming she had leveled up yet again so you were already maxed blade spin as well castle ruins quest from Chirag not to far-flung we could we could head there the coolers are not very expensive to upkeep which is why I haven't put coolers everywhere here we go again I'm gonna get more fitness small raid volcanic winter or trader visiting come on go burn him no one's gonna mind time to get a bear freezer it's possible I could cut into this area yeah let's what I mean it's it's unfortunate because this is this is like prime fertile soil or whatever but I guess it is time for a bigger freezer I don't know how efficient we can be we'll see I'll see if one freezer can freeze this entire area hopefully it can not teasing a little leveling up what do I want so we got max clarity on you I'm gonna give you like ridiculously good shields to make you very tanky that's something that shield really isn't shield you're not stuck all right volcanic winter seems to be the thing that you all want to buy how close is rust now you are really a stone's throw we need you to just focus on that all right let's break down all this wooden stuff that I brought home leveling up again yeah this is the expanding wave forceful wave let's do expanding splash is always fun oh there we go crimson rust level enough rusts intellectual that is enough oh but now we need what do we need we need crafting six alright so rust you are going to be given the ability to tailor now and we're gonna take that away from Jordan temporarily I'm sure we're gonna get a bunch of junk as a result but like it just is what it is alright we have a bunch of uh more tribals coming in if I think I can manage it without the use of magic that's how I want to fight these fights so that I have you know I have stuff left in the tank for when a bigger real raids attack Oh a few of these guys are actually bowmen though so those who do not have really good armor pools back up the the ones with the little green are oh no your druids they've brought a whole bunch of druids interesting interesting so they're gonna try to be healing one another unfortunately for you guys shield is a bit of a druid honor and teasing is is well and Raven we need to we need to make tea sings a valiant charge a little bit of a bigger splash I think splat yeah these druids are dead nope took a little bit of damage I like how he drops a heal on himself and all of the wounds he had just disappear you guys stop it let's try my new blade spin Foom oh dang now even Dinesh he's dead uh yeah I really should have restricted him and literally right when they were about to flee all right another Sark I think what I'm gonna do is wait until I've got a larger a larger freezer for that all right beer coming down from Game Hunter marble from Ness I suppose I can mine that up yeah even if I can trash these guys if you're not wearing a lot of armor well actually he had mad the double-strand Parker kind of sucked I'll be honest all right Nolan you can let him go we have construction projects to work on crimeans sending a beast attack so we got some ice fiends coming in animals let's get you all to home so there's what four of them shield and have you nope where are you going shield Merlin decided to run straight at them that seems a sound decision another beast attack I sprites a whole lot of little ice cries trying to keep the ice fiends away from my heal a my vulnerability boosts enemy some chuck lit our so there goes that bellboy you oh there is a errant home zone apparently I did not know about this let's get rid of that she's saying we're dropping you heal you're good all right I think that's it yeah that's it all right I was uh that was interesting and messy I like it so how's your health are you rejecting you're fine don't be a baby all right shield I'm gonna have you unfortunately you're the constructor I'm gonna have you work force work a bit getting that nice and frozen for us okay temperatures coming down struggling to get lower but maybe it will maybe it won't what kind of floor do we have we have gusts late all right a sign colonists dinesh e let's haul him in I have no idea what that said because it was way too big all right so it's hovering around freezing it's it's it's freezing technically but barely I think we're I think we're okay it depends on the the temperature crimson drop in some more intellectual on Scotty rain from Kolkata trying to clean up all that nonsense I suppose we've got the oven ACOs wanting to trade sure let's check this out you guys got even more magicite I will always take your magicite let's give you a great bow alright so as far as butchery goes let's I believe I need to allow these new creatures again I uh I changed some things about them and it it made it so that they weren't valid anymore all right yeah that's cold enough all right so what we're gonna do here is store all the meat in there and that should keep it good unspoiled double-strand I'm gonna need that for rest scroll you're not wrong thank you for thinking ahead well ahead Moranis so what I need to do is rust you need to just keep tailoring we need to get your crafting up to six it's not that big of an ask maybe drink some cerium first all right t saying you leveled up a bit more your foots I think regrown so charge efficiency charge versatility in charge power maybe you don't want charge I did I did say I want to make you a tank so let's keep working on that but taking a look yeah your foot is fully regrown awesome beer from Game Hunter mana pots from crime in did it with the best intentions no I appreciate it this is gonna yield a lot of magicite and in fact it's gonna allow me to make some more mage clothing for our mages that I have not been able to do for a while so rust here's what we're gonna do cloaca supremacy is a ton of magicite that might be too much same with the robes so I think what I'll do is one more arcane hood and wanderer cloak unfortunately it's gonna be pretty junk stuff cuz my crafting skills pretty low but we're working on it I think as far as wood goes I'm stop suing it let's not let these things rot or rather we should allow them to be butchered I think specifically so two and done now when we butcher them just uh yeah best doctor all's fine all right so the freezer is not quite staying it frozen I think droid in you're gonna have to throw in another cooler we're gonna have to double cool it I don't want to risk not having a properly frozen freezer no need for zombies to come back right now well that ties up a lot of droid enzyme in a pool but so be it what are we doing here spending wave forceful waves ambrosia from crawl clear whether from kata thank you guys even leveled up too huh let's give you more focus as well all right wondrous cloak just got done that's gonna be Scotty's where did it go here it is it's poor but it's better than nothing it's still enchanted no are we done arcane hood uh yeah it's allow arcane hood without the thrombo get that one cranked out too you know it actually might be too difficult for us to even ya know we should be able to do that but it's not working well if that's the case what I'm going to do is create a copy of this and I'm gonna purposely have this bench have like really slow craft time so it's in the dark it's in the cold and we're gonna grind out some crafting oh it's locked - Jordan yes that's probably it yes it is all right let's get a really crummy hood but this also helps get these mana pool a bit okay the freezers frozen now that's really good I think what we'll do is grind out dusters because they're good trade materials so do dusters forever while we have the leather for it or cloth I'm even gonna use the cloth just to level up the tailoring and then we're gonna make this with rust Kimble coming down from cocada this Caravan is here and addy you want to go trade with them am I gonna make a panic room accessible by portals maybe something like that it's possible I'm gonna sell a bunch of the meat that I have because I have more meat than I need let's see beak thing eggs no thank you well human leather you guys are gross Guess Who am I to judge right let's also sell 533 of the wood and then buy some of their fox fur I'm actually gonna sell enough of this to buy yeah to buy all that fox fur so that we can make another duster our earth rumbles coming in I'm not sure what you mean Cline box the thread bow I don't know what that means who's exhausted shield go have a rest buddy ooh he has an enchanted eye nice that one had a wild mutation as well he's got better than 20/20 oh right right right we we screwed him up and gave him like only work never play we'll fix that alright so there's the arcane hood it's awful sorry SCAF II lose weight force we're not there we go but even then even though it's awful it does help to increase mana and all that stuff it's stolen chanted we'll just be a big old IOU magicite all of these Alvin Akko is using my facilities I guess you're welcome [Music] how's the grapes coming along yeah they're coming slow as always well we have a lot more room for meat Merlin can you like one shot to thredbo I'm legitimately interested if that is a possibility here maybe I shouldn't stand in a dead-end corner though almost came pretty darn oh wow really close really very close sick one more shot than a one shot [Music] more wooden furniture to break down so the castle ruins is definitely begging to be investigated so I might have a crack at that in a minute adhi we're doing so much work try to get you able to be your your priest e self alright so as far as crafting is going let's risk some cerium addiction Oh slow Bo doesn't know how to rescue anymore we also should allow them to halt it slow but you can't rescue yeah you can and that's a that was a that was a lie crimson you definitely already drink booze to slow you down you're already little drunk trying to throw the whole bucket level on you up I'm filling this in for you no infestations medieval pursuit might not be working yep so you might fire it and it might not hit the required basically if an event doesn't work don't do it again it's not gonna work if you keep mashing the same event that doesn't work there's something wrong with this song custom music quit jumping like I'm stomping on a discman Oh Ren sure we're Stimpy oh wow you are Stimpy nevermind get out hmm wine coming down thanks Luke and then the raid that was following Stimpy named Ren so you guys are no drew is this time that's good rust you chill I guess literally cuz you're in the freezer so one thing I want to do is I want a spot where my melee can sort of queue to attack [Music] [Music] all right she's saying they're more or less stationary here you could do it oh that was delicious nice Kathy Drude nurlan ouch shields getting hit you hit me uh there's another rate of more Fairless horde coming in they like to travel in big packs all right rest we're gonna need you to drop a heal I don't think this requires line-of-sight so drop it now to saying you want to hit uh heal yourself cool consume in a pot other is coming in uh that's not that big of a group mostly ranged once again though I'm not that much of a fan of a bunch of ranged coming in over and over and over and council ruins quests from different thanks different bye guys the pleasures killing you alright so we should be regen you just made a potted you should mana pot - you're coming down from unit all for rust you know you could just like level rest up with you know XP buys but you know what do I know alright shield is already full yeah we're gonna have you been charged here nice that's good hit actually teasing leveled up from that let's make shield even better make you even take your splat you know begone pygmy greedy magically gifted I mean won't release you he says I can always regrow my liver but you're the one that has to you can't you can't cast it on yourself and we don't have another druid man you are making some junk it's real junk where's them a beer would be over here I don't know where is the beer I don't even know sorry Raymond I didn't mean to Conscription just have to stand around I'm short on manpower uh yeah sure I know not much I can immediately do about that though this whole series is actually sort of designed to be short a manpower what teasing needs a name again yeah rust is leveling up again let's make the regeneration more powerful I guess also I don't think we have any screw any no we don't have any need of body parts didi sending me some wine and another refugee uh fine I guess oh you're a wake up addict alright wimp as well cool well hopefully the raid pisses off these big things so I don't have to and my recruits have been lame alright so here we go more hoard unfortunately the big things haven't gone for them all right silver coming down from modern Jade from Jade princess I guess that makes sense and some wine [Music] do you have druids in your group yes you do but he's standing all the way in the back smart druid unfortunately it doesn't really help that much druid here I come splat OH are you the leader you might be and you're already fleeing well if he's the leader leader I might I might pay him a little visit anyway are you the boss no you're not the boss uh willow wisps attacking hello little willows no rest for the wicked here huh are you still high you're high and everything what is your problem man anti toxic fallout rip grapes amillion says alright alright what I'm gonna do is drop a harvest oh wow nothing is basically harvestable that is outside we are going to work on walling this up cuz even in a toxic fallout we ought to be able to grow some stuff in here of course this is gonna require a door oh this is a soft sand was that bridgeable nope well if today she was alive he could drive the ground man had a pack of wolves coming in as well arctic wolves well thanks toxic fallout in free food all right if we have a toxic fella come in it would probably benefit me to toss kind of a roof up everywhere I'll just it will be very annoying to get rid of later on but that at least keeps us safe from the fallout all right so these will-o'-wisp should be here any second eyes are crazy bunny oh one of you guys did that and Fairless horde coming into a really small amount of them but still animals you're all home now yeah that's not what I meant but whatever uhh ravenous Cathy how hurt are you not that hurt I guess I could range them down so we've got wolves coming in nope yeah we don't we might eventually but not yet here we go fog you read skill increase or met animal so you're crafting Wow is still four out of five that's gonna be well the building with pr2 for fire purposes here comes the wolves doo-doo-doo-doo it comes the wolves boom in to the walls well immediately spoiled they all died chata been clear weather thanks artur onyx raid from Draco and Mayans says sorry not sorry yeah of course you're not sorry I know and then already sending me the wolves cool skill increase is the vast majority of what you're all voting on that's awesome animals let's haul for some farm for the others we are going to now neural in you might want to finish them off from a distance or you will get burned stop drop roll buddy stop drop roll no that's that's not stopping or dropping or rolling which shield will help you if you stop moving actually it's kind of amusing that you're just running away from help there we go oh well we're using um grapes to make kibble I guess forget the wine right oops Cathy making the same mistake we're fine they're fine tattered apparel for nurlan that would be your lizard Tabard needing treatment but honestly not really I'm gonna need a shelter the animals yes I know well we're going to get a lot of this sort of roofed up built up shields working on it we're trying to kibble as much as we can increase scath e for some plants rain from star and then raven also got some social Oh rust we're really trying to get you crafting up you're almost a five but then you'll need to be all the way to six we've got plenty of limestone to finish off this zone although this corner of the wall is kind of problematic unless we wanted it to be a choke point maybe we do I don't know more cable for moschella awesome this really doesn't need to be walled up it doesn't hurt don't worry burn we're gonna cover you up in a sec so many dead bodies how can you spend coins to end the talks Apella you can't it is a game state that can't be countered unfortunately all right let's try some cerium while we craft no floor get inside [Music] where is you guys stop trying to kill ploor start fighting teasing backups come in addy runs in there alright supply you need help but your you'll survive this big thing will not though nurlan let's go hunt the beaks there's just one left you know what it's so far away forget it raid coming in from H honors ah what are you you are a gladiator and you are a loser you're brawler just a brawler Andy what's uh-oh yes Dinesh II yes I forgot about that you were how was a relationship alright so this is from thornback skibble from dark specter no shield i wanted you here alright histor time to die unfortunately I'm pretty well years yes he was in everything class the multi classing is just bugs and would prohibit us from ever recruiting them anyway all right shield you leveled up a lot I've ignored that for a while so now you're kind of maxed out you're just gonna be level in endurance for a bit rust what about you nothing Jordan nothing Merlin more unwavering focus you don't have any splash attacks Eddie I'm surprised you haven't lost your mind yet Raven and Scott oh wow you level the plot okay there we go and right as I was leveling up everybody up Merlyn leveled up again let's get some notched arrows as well more damage per per shot let's also fix the so hauling pets should no longer include inside of here at all we have another will-o-wisps attack they're the little Bernie things farm I'm gonna fix the farm so this zone here is going to shrink and this is going to expand and then the farm is going to include this i misclicked it this here that will allow them to eat the corpses stinky little corpse eaters okay shaky send me some more will-o-wisps nine more NBD Scottie's sit tight Jordan sit tight shield can you all can you pop like a whole bunch of you at once yeah and spin spin spin he's like man I don't feel like it fine face oh he's on fire [Music] well this will help out my my need for resources I guess I'm gonna finish them off manually from a distance rust scath II might require a little bit heal done I should bring you up full shields was lost cavern Marilyn thanks for the shooting Ravens always late to the party yeah not having a sort of a teleport hurts you are running sprint though you do move really fast actually hold on what is what's the deal here the heavy plate is slowing you down in all my lot that's really the issue and he went four days well I'm gonna allow her tour days out there until the toxic build-up goes to high dangerously high I'm hoping that it breaks before then there goes your mana pool and a pool is kaput at least we can grow now so let me replant what do we want we want [Music] first things first let me remove all these plans at this point it's kind of built I'm gonna bake more double-strand no I'm gonna make rice it's too bad it's not one big contiguous zone so if I want to plant rice I have to just keep correcting these micro zones eventually the the terraforming will spread I could probably set the earth sprites up to create like one tighter zone if I cared it's kind of it's kind of funny to have rice sprouting out of all the sand though all right there we go herbal meds coming down from Seth meteorite of marble from Savior way down here near the big thing big things just gonna die from toxic felon I think animal migration of cobras hi cobras wandering through the base is pretty much dark oh you need to be released stop eating my food rust house of gila crafting of five you need about five thousand more experience to hit six and then we can maybe get some resurrections going maybe you're coming down from ron double-click the grow zone select all of them well I don't want to change all of them to rice but yeah I should have just dragged clicked or something done it like this is there any other grow zones that got wrapped up in this maybe not all right there we go race no this one I should stay calm well it doesn't really matter what's grown anywhere else in truth because it's um it's not gonna have enough light to grow anyway so yeah those are the only grow zones now have I changed double-strand no I have not all right floor you should be fine when we're done in fact let's accelerate that we got the mana for it look at how powerful the regeneration is now that he's leveled it up a bit almost yeah every single wound just gone auntie you're starving for poor Annie yep I was hoping that Adi would collapse by now oh there we go finally I've get to cover we're working on it we're working on it Eddie getting your uh your lover back actually you know what shield you should do this you have the mood to burn up bodies everybody else would go a little cranky haywire a rate of dark mages ooh we got some Lich's by Elitch what kind of you're a blood mage blood lust of blood bandage that makes sense nope I missed get back here nope you're dead yes shield is ridiculously strong if there was a horde of blood mages that might be a different matter but yeah it was that was rough droid it is there somewhere where you can mine that doesn't that won't get you poisoned Raven used levelled up a bunch give you more fitness a lot more fitness Scottie also you leveled up at this point frost ray alright let's learn some snowball snowball is kind of weird it's not all that powerful but Blizzard will be really really helpful when you unlock that hoping that we do all right droid all the animals you just be home or in farm no need for them to wander out there getting poisoned Jordan how's your health you don't even have any problems with the toxic fallout so let's start mining [Music] crow zone 14 paying your respects so how many terrible dusters do we have a zoom all the way out probably have quite a few now we've got two here and I actually see any over their work frenzy for shield it's not a lot of work to be had here I guess just filling in the bug zones now Jordans actually underneath some some roof tiles so he's not going to be as poisoned light heart attack animals wander in make sure to whisper the buck alright shield now you just get ridiculous Eddie's sucking down all her drugs no longer inspired recruit so I'm doing this so that Jordan has a chance to get some magicite as a better chance to spawn mining steel than it does you know raw stone checking your he'll only initial tea sings level enough let's get shield efficiency we're gonna make you a nice tank I'm hoping your virtues a little low but we can work on that in fact even shields armor is low oh man it takes so long to level up when you don't have a passion alright we're a third of the way God it feels forever it's a whole lot of Steel that we'll be able to do something with it looks like you all voted for animals wandering in this would be pretty handy your keys rip you all know what I do to your keys oh boy hats yes I'm like ATS something like hats if only you could haul but you can't make your key duster yeah yep something like that and light anyway - so destruction well uh you're black kind of missed the parts of the stuff that matters these plants we're never gonna grow but I appreciate that you're trying to you know light me anyway sort of low-key sort of we also wanted maybe fertile lands if I have enough for that this is 40 double-strand we really should save up for resurrect so I'm not gonna I'm not gonna get that yet but that would be really dead well no I should I'll do it I'll do it because it will allow it allow us to get more double-strand in the end let's make some fertile lands 40 doubles man okay so I'm at 32 double-strand we're close all right as far as work goes to saying I'm gonna have you off a plant cut I think what I'm gonna do is harvest some of this double-strand early just so I can get so I can get my there we go that should be enough get the scroll going and that way we plant double-strand more quickly up double-strain coming in from not even Whitney Witte anyway and cerium from Scitex rust you know what that means hope I haven't taken Syrian lately cuz you're about to get pumped full of it Scotty let's get mana regen I think we already have fertile ends somewhere where to go Oh maybe we didn't even start no we haven't even started yet more double-strand from true heart rust is actually leveling up to cool I don't know how to spend that yet alright so here comes Jordan with the fertile spell book alright fertile lands is done rust go read it this is will help with our harvest - all right so fertile lands is sort of like well you'll see it's like an area of effect that increases the the growth rate of the plants in the area so we went from 140 to 200 80% basically doubling the growth way rate doubling our double strand harvest I can normally really cast that on one farm plot but it's worth it we're gonna get a lot of double strand out of it fingers crossed I hope alright someone used to animal handle what is going on here work handle oh it was on rest uh Raven you got the big executioner's axe let's get you big old executing animals [Music] Splatt Splatt Splatt gorillas doing it too everyone was doing it all right come on rest you're on cerium sense let's get that level up again at this point is just endurance which is his max Sam in a pool he's just gonna get scarier and scarier and scarier everybody else will catch up they just take a little bit longer nope and fall has begun anyone could purchase upon skill increases I think correct me if I'm wrong I'm usually not on your end of the interaction so anyone could buy it wouldn't be a lot of crafting it would be 3252 crafting skill would give rust the ability to make the arcane gems anyone can buy the random ones and then the specific ones someone the crimson could buy I think only but again could be wrong zooming closer and the butchery what for alright so we're just turtled up there is some castles that Narellan might be itching to go to just by himself like Humpty saying this armor is heavier so heavy that you can't even um you can't even wear it alright let's go with pemmican and just bed and some meds we'll go to the one that is uh going poof sooner where you going rest Oh some harvest increase kill Ravan leveling up cooking okay you're already really really good cook that's pretty cool you know what I did research is our King capacitor I might as well build one yeah I will set up that to be built so what this allows you to do is allows mages that have mana to feed into the capacitor and then we can draw from the capacitor when we need mana so it is it's like a battery for for mages I guess and it's good to you know put it somewhat in cover so I'm gonna put it in this corner here it also has a radius that it can support so it shouldn't be too far from your front lines and I am going to make it limestone because I don't have any other materials at the moment this is something for cheese to work on or a hot cheese shield oh hello loan up even more gonna get some strength so what I really also need is heavy blow what is the cost please say the cost of heavy blow is just cloth heavy blow magicite and 125 of something so I'm gonna make it dog leather and that's gonna allow Raven to start hitting harder which is crazy considering arity has a thrum backs if you're wondering about the zone this zone will be just fine as far as capacitor is concerned there's things eating you big things a little bit yeah all right so have you blow just got done reven that will be earmarked for you when what I really need is a proper library there it is now Russ is making regular shirts and you're up to 3,600 out of 6,000 well this little farm zone has worked out as is this this double strand pretty close to being harvestable which is really good yeah proper library would be fantastic it's uh it's TBD but it will be really great when it gets there ooh an inspiration of mana regeneration rust regenerates more Damian just made him inspired to do that well first thing let's just get a little regen seed cuz why not good use of mana allow you to blink around a bit Scotty becoming even better will give you a frost ray shield I want you constructing this whoa you just teleported there shoot frenzy Ford Roden a lot of people just sort of stand around there isn't much to do in the middle of a this sort of toxic fallout though doing our best being the most productive we're able to do - saying you're inspired better social interactions and then nurlan you have arrived might be an ambush of bunnies of bunnies of freakishly fast bunnies why are you so fast animals let's have why can't I release all right uh glitch and night divinity seeing that there is nothing here I'm just gonna have you guys exit anyway no point in hanging around smooshing bunnies [Music] all right animals are moving to join the caravan up yep here they are all right let's hit up the other one underlain needs sprint yeah he does he definitely definitely does let's see we could do that now we will make splint at a point leather Jordans got it ploor how hungry are you using a whole big thing what are you nibbler you gross man gross all right another one there are animals in the area it's one bone dog and there's actually goods here there's actually clothing and stuff the other ones of course had nothing and they were not worth sticking around for master work mega wool mega sloth wool parkas that will fetch a pretty price a bunch of healing meds and stuff like that bye bye bone dogs Oh more weight no that's that's a different one okey uh you know I'm gonna animal bond with this one oh maybe it didn't work because I already have a bond yeah I already have an active bond okay world let's reform Caravan we are going to take your stuff Stone what I I don't know I don't know forget the steel we don't need steel granite blocks sounds delicious to me and then the mega swappable parkas and the warble and the Dukes and the cowboy hat all that good stuff okay and maybe a few chairs awesome nothing I missed I don't think I missed anything all that important right on nope rust is doing a bit of a harvest that's worth not crafting for a minute shields getting ridiculously strong rusts I will give you longer regeneration crafting is two-thirds of the way there we're slowly moving it up Scottie just got a big boost of shooting from Damien Nerlens on his way home shield and Royden you guys are just oh rust is farming again nurlan is on his way home yes but you know what I could do I could visit I could visit my neighbors are we gonna double up on classes not yet no plans to yet maybe but there's a lot of balance problems if we do that okay so this thing o refugee bunch of mage hunters are chasing you you're 74 years old now too old said yes so here's one thing I'm gonna do is everybody that is magically inclined he's going to queue up to help charge the the capacitor here so as you can see rust is feeding mana into the capacitor and he is a inspiration of mana regeneration which makes that even more efficient and now if I can if I draft around here I will draw mana from this capacitor and it will feed my mages you know mana we're so close with all this double strand this double strand will be enough to get that scroll up I'll be exciting got to get that quick all right rust how close are you now 2,500 away I'm just gonna have him keep going and going and going more refugees an actor named Simms well you're a psychopath and you don't do dumb labor those are some pretty strong reasons why to turn you away Wow Jordan your mana pool is dismal scath II let's have you charged so you put mana into the capacitor and then suck down a man potion so two raids we got the Confederacy Lords and then more Lords coming in so double lording oh lordy I'm gonna send my rangers up front so as you see Jordan just got a little man a boost from from being drafted near the capacitor all right so these lords some of them are um sort of magically inclined but not most and then another one of dark mages they fight everyone all right Raven we I'm going to turn on heavy blow and send you in let's try a frost ray to saying rust where are you can't hide for me oh just got shield off all rights Kathy help her to you Oh shot in the head really alright this group's fleeing save your mana see if your strength no / go away you're barely alive just go away sappy creepy breather drug addict cool look at you 17 years old and already disgusting rust drop a regen on shield so the other groups are about here but some of them should be fighting each other so there's a Dark Mage what is he he is a summoner coming in he I can hear him fighting and he's gonna die pretty quick though not much chance there while this idiot showed up with no armor so that's not gonna be good for you yeah Ravens hitting like a beast now if I check numbers for let's do what it would be melee dps Ravens melee dps is way higher than everybody else is that axe chops up quick alright so everybody is fleeing now some some light wounds meta pots got dropped from shadow wolf meteorite from shake skill level up Raven for shooting I think I'm sort of obligated to imprison this guy or whatever capture him and release the others I don't really need to worry about that kind of far away I'm gonna leave them forbidden for now as well I don't really feel like moving bodies around rust you got a bit of a mana pool hang on to it actually you know don't hang on the way let's drop it on zappy and we'll get sappy out here sap into no shield don't use meds in fact shield you shouldn't he be doctoring it all in truth and then those raids were Gigi or gamer and mg clearing that out Raven you're okay just some bruises alright sappy be gone wow he's already fully healed that's quick whoa he teleported him out of the base how does how disorienting would that be well I guess he'd feel a little bit like Daryl every time one of the mages teleports Geralt and he hates it I can packed it steel dropping from Dan thank you turn on gear repair my gears kind of falling apart before it fully falls apart rust your back to just tailor man other people people will doctor the rest Raven will do it alright Nerlens almost hit our allies just get pretty close to saying just heals Kathy here we go almost done increase skill rust leveling up intellectual it was useful it was just the wrong skill so he's intellectual thirteen not crafting six very very close though alright droid and it looks like you need a job how bad is your toxic fallout not at all bad shield is the leveling up some more he's a true and honest monster glad he's on our side t saying you level enough to let's keep doing shield efficiency so that you won't go down it's really nice to have like a tank I'm I'm trying to make him as tanky as possible so that he's like the Alamo rust is gonna level up regeneration cuz I rely on that a lot animal migration spell yo oh well thanks I guess alright well the animals can eat bugs so let me go fight them where you going buggy bugs are dead man is so fast to do that we have a ton of dusters that I really need to run on a trade run cuz I don't need a bunch of junk dusters and then it's not currently raining so there's also like not a lot of flammable things in this desert let's just get rid of these bodies hide the bodies hide your wife hide your kids we ran all the way over here what can we do our King James wonder spell mending or burr the eternal orbit the eternal is like he'll MEK serum that would be pretty good if we had wounded dogs and stuff but I don't know if you can administer it on dogs from memory the meat I'm carrying I'm just gonna sell cuz it's likely just to spoil mo a home I was more interested what they have to sell but clearly it wasn't exactly what I was looking for all right Thank You Scotty and head on back travel trader from Kolkata they risk in the the weather maybe it wasn't toxic where they live but it certainly is toxic out here no I don't do that Raven you don't need it no you don't need it watch all of his wounds are just gonna disappear what uh magic rust is no longer enchanted or whatever no longer inspired with mana regen I think addy is still the trader yep she is so before these guys decide to like leave because it's nasty let me just do this quick trade they have more your keys as if we need more your keys small stack leather can probably go because we can't do much with a small stack and I'm going to buy all their cloth so that we can level up our [Music] crafting as much as we can I'm gonna sell all my normal line even though you guys are gifted to me I apologize but this is cuz money I'm gonna call that good for now man the wait for rusts crafting oh it's so close to you know I might just um mmm I don't know I might just I'll have to go until I get revives going as far as I know it's stayed frozen in that freezer which is pretty good all right let's give some last rites to this poor sap and find some of the other ones too rotten corpses are pretty gross nice more no more toxic fella toxic foul it's pretty annoying I just don't like how sickening it makes the whole map look all the time once we get the roofs removed I can set up some like potatoes and stuff like that to be grown again my grapes can't forget the grapes increase skill shield leveling up a lot more construction how close are you to the big 209 - you're real close I should start trying for master work master beds given your skill BR coming down to celebrate the world not ending Diamond says well thanks I appreciate it the world has not yet ended hopefully it won't too soon on my watch you never know sometimes I'm a potato I'll admit all right my uh my visitors can just go Moo elsewhere we already traded with them I kind of appreciate that the game allows you to trade multiple times like it doesn't immediately dismiss them afterwards but sometimes it's just like okay transactions complete goodbye leave stop using my dining room while this rice is gonna definitely supplement our our harvest and hopefully the biosphere the animals will start returning I let me catch up mg you send me some wood increased skill of animals for teasing and I'm kind of perfect oh look at that we have an honest-to-goodness double strand we have 500 roubles France we had an honest-to-goodness double strand harvest George what does this mean I could get meteor for Jordan but he won't have the mana pool to use it Scottie ah we could get Blizzard for you so let me let me make the few things I really really really need I need resurrection I need a holy wrath and I need Blizzard these cost 100 apiece we have 500 so that's not a problem all right all right all right Rose at this point I'll definitely allow all maybe Reese oh you haven't removed all the rubes yet but then we'll we'll start to fire what is holy wrath do once again it I'll show you or I like to read it I like how it's just like hover your mouse for more information but it doesn't give me information we're throw bows from ask silver flame two of them - all right so nurlan let's get oh you're almost home I really want to see if gnarling can one-shot one so I'm gonna wait for that moment it's a very strange way to hunt teleported next to the Iguana then started blasting what are you Danny DeVito tribal trader unrealistic hope for orb well unfortunately was the Alba nachos so yeah it definitely won't be rust what I want you to do is drink some cerium and make some more dusters I guess we're starting to make like decent dusters - not that his skill went up I've just been at it so many times Nerlens finally home could i roof the farms off with the Sun still in them I mean I could remove the roof off this but I might as well keep it it doesn't hurt me twitch only let you view one ad for some reason I don't worry about it I almost make no money through ad revenue through twitch like yep one bunny wouldn't bunny Valley Valley that's all - yeah that's pretty cool alright Adi we are going to trade with the oven alcoves won't the Serie make them addicted uh it can if I keep taking it back to back to back but just like wake up cerium is very similar to wake up just like wake up if you take it every two three days you'll be alright no but you know what he won't be alright because he needs to eat food there's that too at some point I just don't want to keep getting chills just keeps level and level in level alright have a now echoes Eddie's coming and what do you got you got PEC bowls and dromedaries you've got you got garbage you got garbage I'm gonna buy their cloth same reason just because I'm trying to grind away the the skills magicite wine good nope alright that's about it me buying a whole bunch of whoa that is exotic Lee pink cloth more rare thrombosed from Gustav all right well nurlan will abide new orleans real pissed right now what is making you so pissed you want to well everybody liked oh well all right so he's deciding to smoke up before hunting I'd sure I guess this can't go wrong didn't go wrong or do they man hundred yeah they're one of them of man under two he's not gonna be problem Timmy promos are not allowed they are monsters we're strong enough without it okay so poker this chance might work oh but my uh my allies are definitely gonna get eaten by this Trumbo hurry nurlan Hurley [Music] but one time not to like one tap them uh-oh I didn't mean to attack your pick or peck full it's not my fault you got in the way well one of them died but I take no responsibility all right so let's see if the seers have it if they don't I am I hit six I hit six I hit six I hit six I hit six yes this Punk zogar you gonna die I would I wouldn't hit you up with a regenerate but I'm busy trying to revive my friends addy let's check out what Gordon has maybe he has a crowbar for us to buy he's got a sprint skill but we already made that he's got mana regeneration gem no I didn't really have anything unfortunate the well thank you for sending them yeah I if I had more stuff to trade I would uh here we go don't forget to whisper the bots because if you just type it in the chat it won't count I want your votes to count Rd thanks for the beer and we still have one more thrombo to kill don't we yeah we stole one more throw a bow but I'm gonna have all this beautiful thrombo meat sigh kaity whoa a lot of big guns oh jeez have you been lurking you just drop off the tee at once alright let's plant some taters I might not worry about grapes cuz we never ever ever ever get grapes up - to harvest it's just the curse of grapes my longtime viewers know exactly what I'm about in the wardens of your door I've tried to plant grapes I don't know how many times like dozens it just doesn't it doesn't work out and I know it alright so herd migration is overwhelming a whit I think you guys are gonna vote for wow there's a lot of blood Kathy could you just make it rain thank you that is a convenient skill oh right you are um rust let's see if their Peck Bowl I want to be a good friend alright so you made the Jim yes so the only downside about this Jim once we use it with addy is uh her traits really won't be able to change again but that's okay so now she's magically gifted and here's the priest scroll now she's a priest and she has all her pre skills wow she got really lucky there okay so now I want to get resurrection and we probably haven't made that yet no we have not so let me suspend the other stuff Jordan there's no time to wait Oh what is the requirement here we have that rust I'm gonna wake you up cats what was it scary negative noise - Oh mad the pepper went crazy this wasn't an enemy's Peck oh there are petals down here oh cool I'm okay with that as long as it wasn't there Pat : all right scatter you want to try a ray of Frost in its face no you don't have the mana Raven go help no never mind not needed so here we go red scroll coming up don't spill the copy on my keyboard addy the priest so addy now is a priest really really really should put the bow away she can't use it anyway so let's go read this Reza scroll additionally let's make a holy wrath and Blizzard rust I'll let you drink beer alright so that's done the resurrection is done so there is so here's the challenge I can try rezzing now but I might get negative side effects or I can let her level up and reduce the chance for side effects so here is a poll for you all so the that poll is kind of in the way isn't it all these polls have been haven't they let's make this poll out of the way and you all can vote on whether I do it now or later so the side effects are psychosis and that kind of stuff that might end up happening if I am impatient about the resurrecting but if I wait you know we lower that chance but we have to wait longer no and she's I can't register them that soon anyway cuz she's she's gone a little batty and is hiding in a room and it's uh it's close you're all voting it close alright so if we're all potentially potentially queue for it being later I'm gonna give her a blink skill so that she can powerlevel packbow revenge these two hunter hunting buddies is really funny ones throw in like ice bolts and the others got a thrombo super-dead um she's jealous let's see rust has the best bedroom cuz of his plants yes that is a good observation there so let's we could make her bedroom a little bit nicer I guess with art do I have an artist droid in is a little bit of an artist so here's what I'm gonna do oh you know what rust you should just finish this off and then I'm gonna break this down sometime today all right so we are the man of dusters give Nurlan sprint that's a very very good call neural and where are your sprint skills I really need a library don't I there's blink but I can't give that to addy right now where is sprint I think it's up top uh Seraphin I am not using that sort of training I might actually make an exception in this case though that is a fair point but I don't think any of my mages are high enough level for that anyway all right so he is now able to sprint how fast you move quick fleet of foot I might do a little bit of combat training look at that meat alright production we are gonna go with sculptor it's gonna be in bad temperature in the dark and all that that way we like mimics our level ups shakes enemy and made a pot kibble coming down for mashella and yeah that giant stack of tea that's keeping us going what is that um what is that like HIO game we're like you're an amoeba and you're trying to like absorb other creatures because that's what I feel like this rice farm is a bit just a little bit let's put grapes back just cuz they're already planted couldn't hurt agario yeah thank you that's what I was trying to get grapes cotton all this Cotton's about to die anyway but whatever alright sculptor table we've got limestone so let's try it we're gonna make a small statues forever of lime over here I'm just gonna plant some more potatoes these grapes were not all that matured so it's not a lot of waste and maybe put the cotton back here couldn't hurt although again likely takes a very long while ooh willow wisps attacking where are they oh wow they flew past that spawned oh I forgot to kill this uh thrombo didn't all right let's group up like when it's already raining now even get in here to saying time for rebellion charge animals you are you guys should be farm and everybody else should be home [Music] these little guys aren't that strong as you can tell but you don't want to be too close to them when they explode how's my other scrolls link got done but addy still can't learn it as far as the poll goes later but safer is the winner I know I'm up on my uptime now so I'm gonna ask one more thing here is a poll that you all get to vote pretty straightforward I'm sorry Raven I always forget to run conscripted really you're having this much trouble Merlin I guess they're pretty tanky so maybe I shouldn't oh uh but nurlan wait wait wait Oh Scotty no like like like get out of there Scotty tried to oh but you know this um he's got Alzheimer's so not that much of a threat in terms of thrombo although this rain is gonna make these arrows maybe a little more inaccurate nope never mind that was a assassination like I've never seen one before I'm just gonna hide the poll overwhelmingly you guys want me to keep going until I get the Reeboks done I would very much like that I hate to leave things unfinished all right addy is out of a room eating a fine meal and having a bit of rest so we're trying to do is level up graceful resurrection so that those that we revive don't become psychotic as that would be really really bad yes babe be a bit of a waste at this point uh rust don't even worry about tailoring cuz you suck at it sorry what is true alright so we'll give her a nice bedroom then that should keep her a little bit happier and then we'll try to revive Dinesh II which will remove a lot of those negatives my meat doesn't really need the Guru or pack bowl yet but I'll hunt the small stuff just for the sake of it level ups Cathy's uh shooting now what else Scott's crafted we're still waiting on holy wrath and Blizzard I'm gonna go through each character oh my god he's just such a monster rust what about you you have better regens droid n' nurlan maryland strength t saying I will level up shield efficiency so now your shields efficiency is next purify would be really good to use on Scotty so once Addie is awake I'm gonna purify scath II of the scar priests can courage scars oh and Raven too so let's go do that now this will be a little creepy cuz a lady's coming into your bedroom and sort of violating your bedroom alright so there is graceful res one that we got let's consume a man a pot so we can hit purify again soon teacher blink yes that's a very good good point will first make her bedroom nicer and teacher blanks so the blink is right here yes it is utility skills like blink allow mages to level up a lot faster too when they're not vomiting everywhere I think she's vomiting because not food poisoning but she just expended too much of your energy getting rid of the scar but if you check Raven Raven no longer has the torso scar so awesome also Raven has heavy blow to heavy blow to is melee damage multiplier 25% that's a good 100 gari oh here we go big old expand zone all right so this is a decent bedroom rusts is slightly impressive we need more art and we're working on it is the butt down um let me reconnect it should be reconnected now us Lobo is missing a paw it is not a scratch but let's check all the animals for scars that's a good point so glitch has a scar which could be purified night divinity is good floor is fine what I could do is actually release slobo and just tame a new one and just I'll name them slow again as if slow but never changed but yes Lobo has a cut off paw so as soon as I see a bone dog out here - - animal bond with I will do just then why is there hole in the wall at the farm it's soft sand and I can't build on it I need to terraform it but because actually the ambience temperature kind of sucks right now so that's a good point what I'm gonna do is earth sprites all right there we go I just instructed the air sprites to terraform their next you can't build a bridge over it either how does it tear for me so shield leveled up Raven leveled up shield at this point is just getting max stamina it's at the point where he's gonna be stupid scary and taking a look else leveled up addy addy soon we'll be able to purge another scar it's a long cooldown for very good reason Raven leveled up and I'm gonna make you gain more strength strong like bull Adi might be useful to have dust devil as well yeah that's a good point let's get one of them out as well that's another utility skill that you can spam another thing there is a what is it called I think I need the arcane Forge but there's a an item that allows her to have really good manner regeneration as a pacifist the thing is if well yeah we do have some full-time cleaners wait Raven you're the one scrolling that seems wrong I'm just gonna I'm gonna force that sorry Raven it's just weird but okay so this is the dirt devil there we go graceful res too do you she has an arcane high you know what I could do actually let's uh let's feed her mana from rust cuz she needs to use her spells oh no charge there we go we're basically just transferring mana over to her rust head a a larger pool and just dumped it to her uh that also means purify what is this seventy meta we don't have it yet [Music] rust drink a pot and charge that up again No did you just level up again oh yeah here we go here we go graceful rez is maxed so open the sarcophagus don't put him back you need more mana to cast a spell I know he's gonna wake up in the freezer be like guys I'm not food alright so resurrection is a ninety five minute we almost have it let me charge this up with uh Scotty now there we go ninety ninety ah so close it's killing me uh teasing you probably have a mana pool yes you do I think it's actually designed not to go above ninety percent hold on I just need to change a mod setting in where more magic where is it no that's not it well I could be patient bot is down again well someone is buying something that is killing the bot just to throw that out there so careful what you buy events wise but should be back up Addie's almost at 95 yep all right bots up all right here we go no one's gonna be around for this I'm going to [Music] friend corpses critically important that fresh colonists corpses get put there don't consume him meteorite strikes a man hunter packs of dire wolves those big there's only three of them know the me ranks from kya black made the man to be with me oh thank you and then Kyle send in the pack alright let's try to watch this though well I casted it but it did not take I don't know why not that's weird oh no it's it's casting ok as far as Darwin's go let's get there cheese is he's alive he's resurrect weakness but he's alive alright let's get some people to the front for the dire wolves please I am NOT dire wolf food no thank you know how Eddie let's actually move him from there ok I know wolfies [Music] are you thinking what I'm thinking that we are that we are is it possible no it's not possible okay get away from me now stop begone thoughts now Jesus you almost bit my head off no biting my head off I need that dar wolves are scary is the only thing I've now learned from that experience [Music] [Music] two more Manhunter packs of Huskies a lot of them and bone dogs all right well apparently it's the march of the canines well Nolan we put your head back on this is kind of annoying they're kind of like spawn camping all right t saying Raven let's stack up as a brawler group Scottie I'm gonna drop some heels on you to saying you might want to oh that was a jerk thing to do right there yep hello instant backup Raven bring it on in nah no problem buncha brawler way through this oh they broke my door though Jade coming down from age Jaeger that's a mouthful hello Huskies size may expand coach scath you uh no no actually Scotty don't join your wands will like do Splash Damage and get really annoying of an aqua tribe coming in now one dog made it through sorry dog all right I think all the little pretties are dead did a whole I don't generally don't rely on brawling like that but that was pretty good all right someone should you know like tend to cheese drawer didn't you want to rescue him we don't need to keep them on ice the way we're doing it seems a little cruel and then as soon as uh as soon as Eddie's cooldowns are done resurrect has a rather long one but as soon as that's done we will cue that up that was pretty cool very excited any bone dogs left I can rescued now I I don't think so we're not allowed to tame dire wolves oh no there is one bone dog here or there's a few okay well we'll rescue this nurlan where is Lobo all right so slobo has disappeared poof and this will be new slo-mo no don't hunt him wha that was a mistake that was that was close that was close not gonna lie all right rust drop region on him don't use meds I don't even know why we're patching them out because we're rejoining them lovely rain uh Eddie let's get you to do some trading Merlin you're ready to have a new Slovo hello slower number two like nothing ever happened thanks for the reminder their shield much appreciate it so here is slobo all trained up like nothing ever happened here's the trade I think we have a ton of meat so like let's let's sell some meat for silver we can get rid of the Yorkie meat hide our guilt or shame no that's pretty good trade oh I have another sculpture apparently where is it there it is what chicken chicken Jessa Eddie I don't think you need to aggressively vomit on Huskies that's just gross go see a doctor about that all right what majors of mine have a mana pool that I can what are you doing oh you use blur huh all right you saying go drink a potion and then feed the charge so Kathy I'm gonna have you do the same and this is so that I'm putting a man in there for another revive because Eddie's just about ready for another one I'm trying to get her not arcane high though cuz I won't be able to drink a pot if she's high 89 84 that's it's pretty good oh boy we have too much meat this is a slightly impressive bedroom she should no longer be pissy about the nest the bedroom she's kind of has the nicer one yes I definitely want to get the bracer you're pacifists that is TBD looks like the Droid ins little earth sprites didn't take so what I'm gonna do is break down temporarily break down the grow lights to lower his mana sapping and then recast it to try to do some wall terraforming so he's got all that back uh you probably you should drink a metapod as well you like earth sprites costs good we have enough there we go now we're gonna start terraforming there as far as our sprites go let's see just terraform those wall pieces actually do this whole area lag there we go that should be a good zone right in the middle here let's do just a metal tile because we know that's never gonna be usable that's where they grow lights gonna go mana pots congratulations on leveling up shields Mele yeah he's he's level 84 it's it's ridiculous I think we have a ridiculous amount of meat and actually a lot of smoke leap - alright Adi 87 you're still arcing hi who else has a mana pool everybody's arcane I I'm trying to charge it up so I get the rebuy of sooner but it takes a little while there's some fuel in there I think come morning she should actually let's do it now I turned everything off of auto cast 94 94 all right let's start the process cuz we're more honest look close enough resurrect your husband or lover whatever it is alright here we go needs more mana that's bogus it's average rounding up right now here we go maybe you should stand around like keep him company or whatever we didn't really do that with cheese there's a little rude and Dinesh ease up well that is awesome we fixed my accidents and I hope not to have another accident so I know I'm a little bit over my uptime but that's gonna be it for me before everyone leaves I just wanted to thank everybody for their gifts their bits all the support for the series if you have any suggestions and feedback for me do drop me a line probably on discord because I'm likely to raid here in just a second thank you all for watching I will catch you all next week adios
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 38,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, Let's Play, Twitch
Id: K5CEd-5Gfz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 205min 18sec (12318 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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