RimWorld Gloom Seekers - Shroom Room // EP3

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greetings everybody rodman here thanks for tuning in to the gloom seekers episode 3 which originally aired live on twitch so the reason i'm not using fences there are new fences uh predators like wolves can walk through fences as can raiders raiders would ignore my rats unless my rats tried to bite them um but i don't want my i don't want like a wolf to go eat the pets that i've been hired or or asked or requested to look after so i have to be careful about um about how i uh how and where i put the the rats does preach healing work on a basia uh i don't know let's try oh again zach is asleep so here in the pen marker what i could do is say all rats let's use the search bar oh you know what rats don't need to be in a pen okay either way uh what i'm gonna do is have a zone called pen and put the rats in the pen so that the rats don't eat my mushrooms or meat or whatever and they eat the grasses and whatnot instead once the pen is built but uh the the animals that require pens are listed here they tend to be the farm animals yaks horses geese chickens ducks stuff like that can fenced animals be attacked yes they can be attacked by predators uh or raiders if they bite the raiders so regular fences uh these things here like you can make fences out of different materials they are uh they will keep your farm animals from traversing through them but they will not keep predator animals or raiders from moving through it so they aren't designed for predators or raiders i see different furniture so the reason you see different furniture is my furniture is based upon spike core which is based upon my ideology so my furniture is spike core furniture and your furniture is going to be different as a result of your style category for your ideology all right zach must be uh sick or injured to be preached at so no i cannot preach away the uh the abbasia yeah i am a techist um i have techist and spike core so techist will affect columns uh plant pots standing lamps dark lamps doors tables etc so the reason i have this sort of um shaped tables and the like is from techist and then spike core is why uh so here is like a spike core lamp with spikes on it and here is like a techist lamp um this is a techist shelf so on and so forth each uh different ideology ideology style will have its own reflected design as a result which is very cool all right rats i hope to have a pen for you soon i'm going to move the rats soon i just don't want to move them until the uh the predators or until the wall are are done but nathan here just keeps not doing it sorry hills whatever you were doing go back to what you were doing getting that fungus i guess and now zach will have the comforted or counseled for three days to help with the mood because uh low mood is bad oh looney you are starving buddy okay so now my animals can be moved to the pen here they go and the pen is enclosed walled off entirely as you can see and therefore safe battery just finished so i'm going to have you all vote on next research we could do smithing microelectronics what are some other decent ones uh solar power which would be weird for undergrounders maybe i'll leave that off uh geothermal let's also include carpet making because that gives us uh some none of these carpets here actually really appeal to the i guess dark carpets would be the closest but as you can see the indigo hex carpets would be for good for transhumanist so yeah let's do carpet making too not that i have cloth but i could definitely plant cotton if i needed to uh beer brewing and psychic tea six options okay i don't currently have a free way for enemies to attack let me also get rid of this uh remove plan zones i mean that's so far in the future it doesn't even really affect me at the moment [Music] [Music] it looks like smithing has a slight edge there i could dig it let's cue that up i'm just trying to get rid of uh all of the ridiculous amounts of granite that i mined up so here we have a uh ideogram which is sort of like a ritual circle area it overlaps with my ritual spot so if you read the tooltip on these because i'm not 100 sure but basically a large image drawn on the ground and reinforced with metal edges it is used as a focus for rituals hypothetically to improve the rituals so we have um a conversion ritual to try to persuade someone to our ideology a public execution ritual uh we can start at any time to publicly execute people depending on whether or not we think they're guilty uh begin the leader speech but we don't currently have a gloom speaker or a leader uh to do that or we can start the gloomath which is the social festival uh but i would want to wait until he had more of a bounty of food and maybe a spot worthy of that ritual here is there any new research in ideology uh sort of yes there is but no research items itself so for instance um micro electronics unlocks sleep accelerator and auto bomb autobahn creates clouds of smoke leaf around it and a sleep accelerator speeds up your sleep speed uh but makes you more hungry and draws a lot of power so there are some new items that are unlockable and that's just a few of them there's a lot more but there's no actual individual uh things to unlock itself as far as i'm i'm concerned let me see if that's true no neural supercharger is new um the biosculptor pod is nude so the biosculptor pod um lowers your age uh makes you younger fights aging i'm trying to see about it replacements yeah there's a few others that are related to transhumanism that's about it all right do you need the royalty dlc no you do not it would help there is some tie-ins but it's not uh required [Music] i'm just looking if there's uh any opportunities of uh to steal some jellies but there doesn't seem to be all right now you could go to sleep buddy all right it's coming together very very basic little cave here check you got it and a hydrate that i missed jargos sorry about that [Music] yeah any ideological mood benefits or penalties are shown here with your ideology symbol so our symbol i picked the gloom seekers which looks like two crescent moons um and if we overlook the needs here you can see that the things that i've been doing which in lines with our beliefs are in purple so if you do a lot of things that um your ideology likes i believe the way it works is that your your mood because you've been acting in a way in accordance with your ideology your belief in that ideology will grow stronger so looney here uh probably lost some his of his um belief in his own ideology because he's not eating um you know he's not acting in accordance with his ideology so here here we can see eight non-cannibal food and eight fungus both of them aren't part of his ideology and therefore as a result lowered his belief in hyperman porquism whereas uh valve here um doesn't hasn't been forced to do anything against his own ideology and as a result uh he still holds stronger belief in his ideology because we haven't forced him to break his own beliefs so if you have prisoners um that are closely ideolo ideologically related to you they're going to be harder to convert i'd imagine than ones that aren't um because the closer they are ideologically related to you um the less that they have to break their own ideology in order to like fit in or uh assimilate or whatever is valve a lover of zack uh yeah yeah a psychopath bottle jogger yep sounds like a stiletto assassin's lover um well the problem is of course there doesn't seem to be a fail condition here uh let me get rid of this poll though you know what i'm about to ask do we betray the uh shattered empire to convert uh valve because they are lovers again it's up to you man it's hard to keep this place clean we're almost done with getting rid of the important amounts of stone that are like blocking the door here uh but it looks like nathan you're gonna need to deliver some food and i think what i'm going to do is move the uh move the kitchen over and start to min max this so what i'm going to do is set up meals here or uh simple meals preferred simple meals and then in this spot fungus preferred raw food vegetarian raw fungus and that way uh it's gonna be a little bit easier for us to grab meals and cook we don't have a lot of fungus though so uh another thing i might need to do is to start cooking other things unless we can find some cave fungus to harvest there's some here but i don't think harvesting that would be a good idea it is uh seems to be protected so alternatively uh we still have our simple meals but um another thing that i meant to do is the drug policies so new drug policy um we're just gonna call it scheduled schedule drugs will allow ambrosia every two days but only if the mood is really low let's say 35 um and then all of my people will be put on a scheduled drug policy so these guys are here for 17 more days so i would have 17 more days to to try to convert but it does look like converting valve is going to be the way to go then the other thing i have uh the other thing i'd like to try to do is to try to do a conversion ritual on valve um it has a much larger outcome to be effective than ineffective but i think what i'm gonna do is uh wait for the convert cooldown to happen and then try to do a ritual on him to convert him to our ways geez thanks for gifting out even more subs buddy i i appreciate it and look at all those people if we do convert him of course uh just a little reminder to you all i will name him after you all so then let's put uh meat and insect meat here in different stockpiles so uh meat thank you cheese and what time is it for you so not human meat and not insect meat and then our insect meat will go here can we convert looney too uh maybe looney unfortunately is the lesser of the two so if you take a look at looney's skills uh looney is no actually luna's fine yeah we would convert both i think but but let's have a vote do we convert just valve or both all right pulls up i think for the time being until i have uh more time to spend making well let's not even do that hyperman porquism what a belief that guy has can you believe it ancient shopping cart brought to you by walmart ancient wheel ancient stove i'm just gonna break some of these down ancient macro engine block i'll leave lamp posts alone the cars are too big to break down at least for now i don't know how how's my rats doing they're fine they're uh they're eating whatever grasses are in there and they're being left alone all right both it is so let me update my project here convert both prisoners sorry shattered empire but uh i died yep don't care and then of course we can pick a target ideologin uh which will be gloom seekers unfortunately due to the uh the natural circadian rhythm of my prisoners we aren't really aligned with them all that often um they are on a day schedule i'm on a night schedule so it's kind of hard to convert them at but times try all right looks to me like we have a pretty healthy amount of steel and granite or uh wooden granite but our steel is only in the 200s so let's get some more of that and then next i want to make a um maybe a dedicated research area i think this area is going to be more of my workshop so this here could be like hospital slash research where are we going yeah these aren't yielding any resources just breaking them down these little doodads yep just going bye-bye they're for design hopeless drifters asking for something before i look at that yeah here's some glow stools that i can harvest i just have to be careful not to run into any uh bugs so drifters three desperate refugees the leader is called white they're asking for permission to stay here uh do we admit the drifters sweet so much spike core all right wow it's it's closer than i thought it would be is there new music for the dlc not that i know of what does val believe in oh yep all right we're going to try to get them converted so nathan almost has his conversion up and if we take a look at their certainty uh as you can see looney's certainty of hyperport uh man porquism is really really low and then valves certainty of his uh citriconian archism is lowering uh so it's it's working fungal gravel a spreadable form of gravel used for growing fungal crops sick all right fungal gravel i'm gonna get graveling because we are really low on food and i'm gonna be cooking uh bulk uh simple meals until we have eight out of anything that we have and uh my cook here is tap because we're currently out of fed so yeah you could change the soil here only because uh being an undergrounder such as that i am it would be really difficult to farm without hydroponics with that uh without that i'm really curious what can even go in the hydroponics basin so i'm going to build a test basin uh just to experiment but i i foresee that it it won't really allow me to uh uh it won't allow me to uh to grow the things i want to grow in there but our temple is becoming mediocre nothing like having a mediocre temple oh god these stools are awful i should fix that so nathan is about to get his convert and i'm gonna hit uh valve with convert so let's look at the overlays here for a second uh base factor of six percent using convertibility 200 uh nasa's conversion power 235 percent uh but and then he's volatile and but also a psychopath so then it changes the conversion whoa that was big look at that his belief in his own systems are gone deadweight thanks for the sub and the follow uh next up when nathan's awake we'll also try a conversion ritual so convertee will be valve expected quality is a 45 we'll see what that looks like once uh everybody's up but i think i believe the way it works is the more people that are in attendance and the relationship between the attendees and the convertee uh affects the the outcome and the uh the strength of the conversion process i did also research battery and i should probably start building batteries but that requires me to mine up some more steel my uh my miners are doing anything but i'm gonna just forbid this for now so we work on things deemed more important oh nathan tried to convert valve valve was convinced and yeah okay i don't need to convert him anymore nice all right uh i'm gonna start trying to recruit him he has zero will zero resistance and uh very likely to be recruited soon and this was a result of you uh voting and then the drifters here are gonna be admitted as well which is gonna be tough because i don't have a lot of uh space for them uh so the drifters a chemical interest pyromaniac oh boy uh a quick sleeping wimp oh joy and a cannibal wimp oh god what the heck all right i am going to allow white to do some growing while she is here yeah she and [Music] hmm i don't i don't know at least they don't care about uh being outdoors so i'm gonna keep them on a day schedule uh they're gonna need uh some beds clearly so we'll get them set up with beds uh in a second i'm not sure where i'm gonna put them i'm just putting back here guess what you're cave people now uh and then i'm gonna set up a growing zone here for we'll do some hops and some psychoid hoping to uh to get some drug production going at some point and nafta tried to convert looney and looney converts as well what come on guys you're supposed to like resist or whatever so that i could you know convert the ritual or but no you just you just converted for free i would try to convert the guests here but the guests uh they suck i don't need like cannibalistic wimps i have no interest in cannibalistic wimps so um instead one thing i'm gonna do is grab nathan here and start um violently shooting at all of the alpaca because we're gonna be out of food pretty soon i don't want to finish them off because that's technically slaughter and i get penalized so i just get to shoot them all until they bleed out which is so very odd but it's a way for me to avoid fail to convert valve no that's not true they must have known how streaming yeah the convertees get over here pekka really running into the bumble ups all right i'm now in the bright sun it's becoming upsetting all right don't worry thousand times the chime from what i'm told don't hit the mega slot though and now he's major breaking blinding light and yeah an ancient danger i already do that all right where's the other alpaca i think we already held it perhaps yak alpaca yep we already held it so now we can start growing our uh nutrafungus underground with the spread gravel around it has a fertility of 70 which is on par with the regular cave dirt so no real penalties there you hope he doesn't pass through insects he didn't i probably should put them on avoid zones though you're not wrong about that so let me see about that um new area avoid bugs invert everybody will avoid bugs by default now um none of these guests here are particularly good constructors which is too bad and let's see what their ideology is they believe in the dark creed so they do believe in darkness much like ourselves they also find slavery abhorrent uh they believe that cannibalism is horrible which is funny because you know they're kind of cannibals or at least one of them is uh so yeah their beliefs are relatively similar to our own they do have a mining specialist which is cool that's not a role that we have employed but yeah okay you know they're okay miners i might employ them as miners as well uh so if they do like the dark uh it's gonna low-key suck for them to be working outdoors as i've scheduled them to do but they're guests actually i don't even see that they care yet uh let's take a look they do have high beliefs in dark creed so i'm actually kind of surprised they're not complaining about the blinding light right now have you forgotten about your own dark preferences here i guess they have okay so valve has joined us um our relationship with the great empire has changed to negative six as a result we're not hostile so that's fine valve is the lover of zack the paralyzed uh abbasia person that we have here and um i am obviously going to have to uh to prevent looney from leaving and putting zach and uh and valve in some double bed and i'm gonna have to work on better beds here uh so what i'm going to want to do now is arrest looney boom he's arrested and then build a bed for valve and zach whereas this bed here is going to be designated for someone else i guess so valve and zac now um we are going to raffle mr valve off to y'all uh so if you'd like valve to be you know a character that you are named after uh just type something in the chat let's take a look at valve skill uh good hunter good hunter and cook uh maybe he's gonna become our dedicated cook and hunter there he is whoa he's already dressed in the part so he's a volatile psychopath jogger uh i believe my guess is his um relationship to zack is going to get terrible real quick because psychopaths generally don't keep good relationships and uh looney is now joined as well so i no longer need these um these beds here so looney will be raffled off as well and mr looney is a good animal handler he'll be our chief handler uh another good hunter i think let's double check yeah good brawler so no not hunting um a really good smith taylor and crafter so that's good we now have a dedicated smith taylor crafter and we'll also be raffled off uh bgm and try or whatever i botched your name i'm sorry uh thanks thanks for the sub so there's valve and looney and our numbers just swelled so this is for natha and tank and uh i will start to work on like proper bedrooms because i know we got not for bedrooms at the moment all right so valve is a hunter without a weapon and hills has a weapon but sucks at using it so hills where are you over here so valve will take the revolver i'm going to let uh nap nathan even though nafta is not a very good shooter keep the rifle you know some sort of like uh loyalty to the people that have stuck around a while i'm also going to go after the uh the alpaca here all right and here is the new aggro lux or the uh nutria fungus and let's continue to turn this zone back here into a gravelly fungal farm i'll fill pretty much everything back here into a fungal farm why not all right nathan you are ready to shoot don't finish it off because i'm penalized for that seems very strange to me but rules rules just keep shooting it so right now i don't have the mood penalty of slaughtering animals if we shoot at it real close we won't miss and yeah we never got the penalty so yeah i'm just gonna have to micromanage hunting it seems very strange uh steel mining work site from the borrow treaty so the embargo treaty is uh who are they who are they what what the heck am i overlooking their name oh here they are uh nope wait where are they i don't know they're some faction i'd that we could still steal from the problem is we don't really have animal haulers to steal the steel so it doesn't really help why is there a car on the map uh that's just a thing let's just do dad's design i i can't tell you why it just is another thing i'm probably going to want to grow is the dies so that we can make clothing either people's preferred colors or make clothing um the faction colors and i'm gonna shrink my uh my farms not to include the rough soil here uh so that we farm more efficiently [Music] hillary wouldn't be a terrible idea either here is cotton and i'm not gonna fully use all the zone oh there's a fertile zone over there uh let's put the fertile zone as heel root uh because i think hillary's gonna be important thing if we're going to get random randy sending angry things at us given that we're losing his fun all right if you have any ideas i'm going to open up a channel point redemption if you have any ideas that you think i should focus on uh feel free to submit it in the uh suggestion box for ideology and we'll get that going just require some channel points and that will be done all right so i'm trying to solve long-term hunger issues uh by gravel planting a huge swath of this cave with fungus a lot of people submitting the suggestion for individual rooms i hear you i agree that would be on the top of my personal list too also i think a good idea would be to get uh batteries and start working on electrical grid but you're you're honestly welcome to submit whatever you want all right so yeah the blinding light is uh okay so what i'm gonna do here is uh correct everybody's uh night owl schedules because everybody wants to be inside what's interesting is i think the guests don't care the guests yeah the guests don't seem to care at all which is strange to me um that they have the ideology of uh dark creed for darkness but um it isn't affecting them so if that's the case i might put them on i'll just keep them on a no they'll be they'll be in the night crew all right i'm gonna pause the redemptions because i already have too many and let's get you all to vote on some of these i'll type them up just a second now one of the advantages of individual bedrooms is there is no cramped penalty so if we want nice bedrooms of course they have to be large but initially i can have them just be like basically lockers that we stuff ourselves into all right i refunded some of you because they were redundant and there we go oh betrayal okay [Music] yeah you can bash your own beds that's cool uh looney you are a brawler give you a knife okay please don't shoot around furniture uh where is this secreted fly okay clam is out here cool unfortunately the excellent bed just got destroyed but whatever all right you're dead uh why do we like that what was the positive thought here defeated hostile leader white ah yes so shall we did i have no idea why hills has all the armor and no weapon but this idiot's trying to set fire to our farms so let's kybosh that okay that was fast we shot you in the heart get wrecked and then uh clam is leaving clam decided to betray me outside of my own farm and then tried to breach into the farm which was a big old joke so bye bye you treacherous little bastards um what to do with your body though i am going to for now uh put you on graves and now um one more minute i'm gonna do the giveaways for looney and valve i know i'm really bad at remembering to do giveaways but um i'll pinch myself to to be reminded let's get rid of these bodies at least i don't have to uh micromanage uh the three guests anymore which is kind of nice so looney is going to have a bit of a mental penalty for wielding a plastic knife because it is neolithic and we have a preference for for uh ultratech but oh well all right here we go cowley you are officially valve what you can pick any name you want for valve as long as it's you know family-friendly and uh i'll re-roll the next one in about 30 seconds congrats cali cheers all right let's currently work on individual bedrooms the first pass of individual bedrooms is going to be awful i'm just going to let you know that um and then we're going to prove it as time goes on but the the starter bedrooms is going to be something fiercely fiercely terrible uh we'll keep this as like a bedroom but the rest of these bedrooms are gonna be bad maybe if i plan a little better we don't have to have to be so bad i'll have to think about that all right and then the other one zenius you are loony whatever name you want let me know all right hills let's get these graves made so we can get rid of uh twiddle d and total dumb that tried to betray us don't want to stare at corpses merit corpse worshipers look they even defiled our ritual spot for shame bye-bye nice try zenny you got it oops that's not what i meant to do not at all that was the wrong name all right we've got a zeni and then callie just at me if you want to change your name we're working on sprucing up our uh dining area you know the one that's covered in uh trader blood well that's not what i'm meant to do we'll kick off a gloomy uh once this gets done how's that sound gloomy is the uh social festival where we celebrate i still don't have a lot of food though so i'm probably gonna take uh shipped to the stars yeah i'm gonna ignore that i'm gonna probably take uh cowley hunting uh it's six in the morning god this is so dangerous oh you're a jogger though okay cool [Music] the danger is because of course uh if the herd gets aggroed that's real bad [Music] they're not aggro they're just scary i don't oh okay well speaking of which uh man hunter pack um so you hall and everybody else i need to set up a new zone so i deleted the last one because i'm an idiot stay inside i'm not scared of rats i just don't really care to have to deal with them [Music] so i'm going to force everybody inside behind our walls so that we don't leave and yeah i saw the miss paintings there don't worry i saw it uh one and two okay sorry rats you're on your own for a bit uh the man hundred pack is oh they're not gonna attack the insects that's too bad and kelly you're now inside with everybody else double checking on everyone making sure they're inside uh there is the risk of zenny like wandering out uh i don't know if i'm gonna aim to mitigate that them is a lot of rats write a look at loonie's traits or uh x looney straits uh brawler and pretty and cali is psychopath voladile jogger i could wall zenny in but i really don't think zenny's at really any risk here [Music] what is your belief okay so i think they need a little bit of uh reassurance and i'm going to wait until zenny's no longer mentally broken but that should help yeah i'll eventually door off the spike trap so that the uh random rats can't go triggering it that's certainly not helpful there goes more steel i'll cue that up for the future and no longer wandering so you're fine all right speaking of individual bedrooms let's actually make some progress on this front uh i think i think i'm going to want it to be as orderly as possible hmm that could be some other room some separate room all right so let's put organized rooms like this we'll give everyone like a 5x5 for now let's not even worry about this side of the mining there is always going to be a threat of insects um i don't think i'm going to game the system so that there isn't it's just going to be something that we have to live with constantly i don't think i'll be uh cooling it down a negative 17 celsius to prevent them bring them on we are all overhead mountain everywhere okay a little bit more fungal gravel for every last ounce of this tunnel to be one giant farm [Music] and then i'll combine the uh the zones here leave this door open there we go that's a lot of uh fungus that will uh solve our like constant annoying hunting hunger problem and then eventually once we have like a massive fungal tunnel back here oh god that looks so cool uh we will um stop um planting the stuff in front this this stuff up here that will get converted over to something else [Music] all right i'm gonna have my two miners start mining over growing oh that is troublesome the person who is paralyzed got a lot of loving god i mean i guess you can still technically consent but that irks me that makes me uncomfortable in ways that i don't want to think about um all right can i construct the mushroom grave thing uh no i don't think so that might be like a tree hugging hippie type thing and not a uh not a cave tender like i am might be a slightly different uh ideology or trade or something all right the other thing i'm going to need to do is to update the stay inside zone to allow me to actually mine this stuff out there we go uh let's pause the research area so that we can do bedrooms because bedrooms was the higher priority [Music] should i be making the hallway to the bedrooms too wide um i suppose i could it would look like this no i wouldn't uh like this do i still get animal slaughter for killing man hunters i doubt it let's see all right bring them in now they're just gonna mess with that door [Music] i wanted to lure them in stop hitting the door well another thing that you could do is uh repair while drafted which stops people from going through doors when they you know are finished with their task which is huge god look at this cave lovely so we are getting the steel mined up and then we're finishing off the dining room and then we are also starting to mine out the tunnels for the bedrooms yeah it is a nice feature cali you are idle how there's stuff to do we can allow you to mine no matter what everyone can mine no matter what is growing mushrooms part of your cave dwelling ideology uh no i think they keep the growing the mushrooms is a result of a tunneler so yeah i mean technically yes uh new buildables as you can see fungal gravel so if you are toddler you'll gain access to fungal gravel which gives you the ability to grow mushrooms like this so mushroom tunnels the spirally thing here is an ideogram which helps to focus the positive result of rituals so if we were to put on a ritual here like a conversion ritual or execution or leader speech it uh increases our chance for a positive uh result animals or wildlife yeah there's three man hunters left that are still active so right so here will be the bedrooms eventually yoda you're on you're on your little star also seems to me that yep we are running out overhead mountain not that i'm going to oh boy that's not good it's still good just fill it in and they'll be setting up uh symmetrical bedrooms over here as well all right mr ratz how long are you here for so rats are here for 10 more days okay zach how long are you paralyzed for 20 more days so we're almost halfway through your paralysis uh i am definitely struggling with some hunger issues so cali i'm gonna send you out the there's two rats left that are manhuntered but they're really far away so i'm gonna risk it [Music] oh boy this accuracy is not good i also don't want to be shooting next to them because raises the manhunter chance proximity that is there we go those are some good shots on food stuff back all right you're pretty fatally wounded there we go and put you on an unrestricted so you can haul it we'll get that turned into food right away maybe you need to polish the stone um i will be doing that in the bedrooms eventually but getting bedrooms is the priority making it look pretty is not the priority and as far as i can tell i have not violated any principles here by like shooting the animals it's just when they slaughtered that's the problem so hills are you getting that cooked up oh no you're not the cook anymore uh cali you're now the cook so you haul the animals you also have to cook the animals there we go here finally getting some food on and then zenny yeah we're gonna have you make clothing for us [Music] thank you for tuning in to the gloom seekers which originally aired live on twitch if you have any feedback from me let me know in the comments below if you would like to catch a live stream of the gloom seekers i stream this just about every day from 3 p.m to 8 p.m eastern daylight time a countdown timer and schedule can be found at ratamount.com thank you for watching i hope to catch you next episode or an upcoming stream farewell you
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 11,302
Rating: 4.9653678 out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, Ideology, 1.3, Gloom Seekers, Twitch, Let's Play
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 32sec (3632 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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