Rimworld: Divine Despair - Part 1: This Sounds Oddly Familiar [Cassandra, Losing Is Fun]

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hey folks this is tico here and welcome to the newest rimworld series ever so as you may have heard a new dlc was just released ideology as well as the gigantic 1.3 patch which brings all kinds of changes i'm not really going to go into this much at the beginning because i think would be more fun to discover it organically as we play however there are some highlights so first of all the ideology dlc lets you create well an ideology which can perhaps cross the border into a new religion depending on how bizarre your ideology is you'll get a significantly different experience in the game so long-term viewers may guess that i'm not likely to produce something to just have fun saturday meetings but i'd rather build a dominant religion so if you've looked around at some of the other realm world plays it seems that everyone's super excited about cannibal mad max scar-loving crazy reavers that's not the direction we're gonna go our religion will be ruthless but fair no somewhat fair we'll get into that in a bit once we start the colony there's some other great stuff here in 1.3 there's new types of sappers for me to rage at facial hair vegetarian fine and lavish meals there's a search bar built in and even some crazy things like grenadiers not running into their own explosion area there's also some actual proper care and feeding of animals and our colonists can now keep food and medicine in their pockets till drafted instead of just dropping it on the dirty ground most excitingly you can change the loading screen background check this out i'm tired of being judged by this jerk so i'm switching over to the slightly weird lady i'm sure she's cool so mod wise this is going to be a fairly thin set for a couple reasons first of all a lot of the quality of life stuff was actually integrated into the base game which is great a lot of others haven't been updated yet depending on the author's free time things will get slowly added and updated as the authors release new versions so my mod list which will be on both steam and mod manager which again has not yet been updated that will change over time i will however be doing tea and liquor because come on let's face it life on the rim kind of sucks alright so with all that said let's go ahead and let's get started here so the usual things losing is fun reload anytime because it crashes and let's see here so here's another cool thing that you can do is you can now control how many people there are in factions so i can go through and i can just pick this out like for example gentle tribes lame cannibal pirate gang awesome um different tribes different outlanders um no this is fine this is okay and let's go with um nudist tribes ah yeah that's weird that's pretty weird you know what let's take some more of these out let's take out fierceness nudist or do we want to have different numbers of factions i guess we could yeah this looks okay all right so let's take a look at what we got all right here we are oh look at this place so my plan is to go with um the arid shrubland i've played with basically every biome as far as i know um including a whole bunch of the modded ones so we're just going to go back to one of the classics a classic which is also modded but that's not the point so where do we want to live water road near people that wouldn't be a bad idea this is kind of a busy area right over here we could set up right here that'd be fine on the larger side of medium okay so now here uh we get to create a custom religion so this is going to be fun so how do we want to do this so none of these really fit quite how it is that i want to do this we'll go with abstract theist the gods do not have physical form except they do but are everywhere at once they know all and can do anything their will defines the moral structure of the universe yes that's us so let's go ahead and let's pick out some of this stuff here so there are a bunch of things here that we can choose so there's a couple different um memes here that form the basis of the ideology and they have different amounts of impact depending on what they do so for example i want animal personhood which is awesome because we are going to be worshiping an animal we'll come back to that just a second we could do rancher but we're not going to i'm not doing pain as virtue we are going to do darkness because i love that because that is when our god hunts you can go with tunneler cannibal blindside nudist tree connection you've seen all this before transhumanist flesh purity raiders we are gonna proselytize because i think that's a good idea um high life male or female supremacy and then either human or nature supremacy down here we can have uh supremacist loyalist or guilty i like the idea that we're all going to work together as a team so that's a good plan all right so let's get this set up here okay so here is our religion set up so we have the name here obviously which is cool we've already gone through the memes this is our kind of background narrative which is auto-generated we are going to be following music out of animals and tenebrous the god of dimness i think that's kind of cool so next up we've got a whole bunch of precepts so eating meat is terrible we prefer to fight in the darkness you cannot kill innocent animals and we prefer uh dark light because we're in the dark slaughtering animals is horrible strong connection to our animals we're pushy i don't really care about spouses let's keep it to two or fewer so it doesn't get out of control um we're going to try to only execute the guilty whereas if we execute somebody else then that's sad okay uh we disapprove of slavery pants and chart are sufficient you can set this to something either higher or lower um i'm pretty sure that there are many people playing with their females i noticed or something not gonna happen no cannibalism um the apostate are absolutely horrible we hate them blindness you need eyes to look upon the beauty of our religion corpses are bad fungus are gross we're only mild bigots hate insect meat we try to keep it in the family we don't really care but we would definitely prefer to do that uh nutrient-paced research scarification is awful we don't really care if you stick a spike in your skull that's weird but okay we can use organs and our marriage names are random next up we've got a bunch of roles that people can take in our colony in order to provide unique benefits so for example we have our leader who is let's see here gonna give leader speech increased work drive and combat commanding so that'll be cool we have a moral guide that will do all kinds of cool things lots of different abilities we have a creaturizer this particular person has 200 to train and tame animals chance so that will be good i guess unfortunately this does disable cook construct grow mine plant cuts smithing tailoring and crafting which is kind of a lot i foresee a clean bot and the only other thing that we can add would be shooting specialists but i can't actually um have them because there's other prerequisites so i guess we're going to go with tunnel mastering so these are people that like to work underground i guess so they are plus 70 mining which is good they also will not handle cook construct grow plant cut smith taylor and craft so i foresee a halbot next up we've got a couple different rituals that we can do uh we're going to do with funeral so after somebody dies we're going to kind of remember them it'll be great we're going to burn the symbols of bad guys the apostates the heretics it'll be fun uh we'd like having christmas tree parties ah the saturnalia it'll be a lot of fun we're gonna enjoy it and really we're just gonna be kind of partying in general i just think it'll be cool we are happy guys we have a couple different buildings here we have just a place to sit which is fine we have a faithful shrine which is kind of cool a patriotic effigy which lets me make these flags in order to burn them and a christmas tree because obviously you need a christmas tree if you were gonna have christmas we have a couple different relics these are things that show up um from quests and you want them because they're good for your religion so we'll try to come across those more or less as the game progresses you can choose some weapon hearings that you would like i'm not i don't have a strong opinion on like range versus melee and long shots versus short shots actually yeah i do yeah let's do that then we want ultra-tech weapons and we do not want neolithic weapons so finally our venerated animals this will not be of any surprise to you that we are going to be using cats because of course i'm going to build a religion based around cats that hunt at night hate other people are very pushy i think that we can turn this into some good rp i think this will be fun so there's like 15 different cats in here i count case in his cats they're kind of cats this does not include the sphinx cat because i think they are gross we're also going to kind of prefer a hood because it's kind of neat there's all these different articles of clothing that you might want to make preferred i'm just going with i don't know relaxed so plus one if you're wearing the right stuff and then hair and beards are all basically in use so that's our religion i really hope i haven't screwed this up we'll find out all right so prepare carefully is broken so now i need to spend some quality time picking out our colonists which is dumb it's just looking at randomized over and over and over again and so after an eternity of clicking here are our starting colonists we've got convero who is going to be doing well actually i'm not quite sure you're good at thinking you're good at medicine and you really like plants so that could be interesting um we've got nephi here who is our well i don't know i guess a chef and then also we'll be doing some shooting and stuff so that's all well and good um incapable of firefighting that's fine i don't care and then we've got trom here who is going to be doing construction and crafting art if i feel like it you are a pyromaniac this is almost always a hard pass but in this case we're gonna do it it's worth a try so i think that is it i can't customize anything any further so let's go ahead and let's jump on into the world all right well here we are hooray well this looks nice so let's take a look around here what have we got oh all kinds of old stuff ancient war walker shell most of the armored shell of a war walker turn off all the valuable parts were eluded and the rest is badly deteriorated okay not really sure what to do with you um what is this i'm an ancient stove completely useless hmm interesting pipeline sections um almost basically useless what else do we have an ancient shopping cart [Laughter] the story is long and probably quite sad isn't it just ah the wheel well someone invented the wheel so that's kind of cool um okay neat oh with this an ancient podcar neat unfortunately it doesn't look like i can claim these yeah no repair could salvage this all right all right focus ah there's so many cool things oh this is gonna be so much fun okay um ancient beacons ancient mex shells so where do we wanna set up this is going to be a tricky one let's take a look at the fertility overlay here that's not it this one hmm it looks like i want to camp out around here i strongly prefer building up against a mountain but this is just too good i mean i could kind of build into a mountain but that's definitely not where i'd be able to start i'd have to start like out in the middle here you know what let's do that i think that would be okay probably um let's go ahead and let's just put some marking in here unfortunately um oh here it is well never mind hello planning i didn't realize this was in here at the moment it's a surprise to me when mods suddenly appear and disappear so okay so let's mark this real quick okay so that's one that we don't want to accidentally grow over or i'm sorry accidentally wall over so let's start going this way wait no this way so let's see here let's plan this out real quick here so loosely thinking here this is kind of what i'm gonna do um we're gonna close this for the growing area this can be the entrance probably facing actually it doesn't really matter i don't mind sacrificing these and then we can try to build some buildings and stuff down here oh no sand oh well sand sucks that's interesting that doesn't seem to work at the moment okay whatever all right so let's unforget everything on the map because of course wait is allow tool not active oh there it is ha just kidding hello everything and let's see here we've got a couple of weapons here remington a maine welcome it's nice to have you with us you get to keep your name so shootin plus eight let's go ahead and let's give you this gun uh oh no never mind nephew's gonna grab that gun should be a pistol under here somewhere too there it is go ahead and grab that and convero why don't you at least grab a knife yeah that will be okay then you guys can put on pants and stuff as necessary i could simply have you move some blocks around that may be the quickest way to do this yeah let's do that well i think i'm gonna have to do something dumb like this so i'm hauling over these bricks over to get a head start on my outside wall because that's actually fairly important we can go ahead and we can take this planning away now i know kind of what i'm doing well okay that's a strong word i know a little more about what i'm doing um i guess i don't want to trap down trees we have so few trees what is going to be a huge problem i guess i could just go straight to uh stone cutting i mean i could build some walls and stuff out of steel temporarily fences yeah i guess we could do that so i can't deconstruct these i wonder if i can just shoot them or something ooh an ancient jet engine neat okay yeah i think let's try that so for work uh this is a mess i have a doctor who is also gonna be my researcher um they're the only person who's any good at mining but i can't spare them um i like having my grower uh along with like constructing and stuff and maybe crafting within the base that's all nice and my cook is gonna have to leave periodically for mining these are not these are not good setups not even a little not even not even slightly so let's go ahead and let's give you guys some furniture um you're gonna need some sleeping spots i suppose i could have planned this out a little better i say constantly there whatever good enough i'll even put a roof over your head eventually there we go won't that be nice yes yes it will and then over here we should set up our stockpile this can just be like everything just take care of it so much hauling to do i do need to get these meals indoors somewhere too that's actually fairly important in fact let's set up a little stockpile we'll use some of our steel but i need to make sure that animals aren't coming in here and eating all of our food have that i guess just have a steel door obviously we want to rough this area in as such and in here you want to have a stockpile um for food and medicine so they're both pretty important at critical priority okay do that somebody if you don't mind take the stove apart whoa that's trippy what's up with that huh okay well that's a weird one okay haul this thing urgently please and this can also accept chunks sure why not actually all three of these need to be hauled urgently need these outside that is really really dizzying i'm not a fan of that hopefully that changes okay so growing zones okay so i've got a couple different things set up here so we've got here root cause we need to get that going we've got cotton because we'll need that eventually um some potatoes here and there some extremely important tea where'd you go here we go tea is very important and then there's something new called um let's see here these fiber corn here we go these are an inedible plant that produces a small amount of wood so i definitely want to get that going so you guys go ahead and take care of that oh well that's convenient hi okay do we have everything moved yet no but i need you guys to get this stuff started yeah you know we do have enough steel to make walls oh yeah we're blocking that tree over there the um what's it called the animus tree but we don't care we don't care about trees trees are lame here just go together like that something like that and please feel free to haul things whenever you've got time what are you hunting hunting cactupine let's see how well this goes hmm not too great unfortunately we can't use here for food so alas remington will just have to keep so be careful please don't die oh i should have a table to eat at that could have been a disaster we'll just make a little steel table and at the moment we can go ahead and we can sit outside and we can sit outside on metal stools because that is just going to be kind of how we roll for a while good morning team really wish you would spend some time building this oh it's nice that you're building walls but why don't you go ahead and build a table before someone else freaks out at least get those two done too late eight on the ground war crime obviously [Music] alright team please finish this up please finish planting start carrying things over looks like you're actually starting to do so i need several people hauling so just please do it look at this it's a nice graphic isn't it huh i like it okay a long last oh recreation that's not a bad idea um let's build [Music] just the classic horseshoe pen sure why not that can go here actually that can go here because that won't be blocked and oh i have not set up your schedules yet there something like that i don't know if i have any night owls or anything yet i haven't really looked [Music] we'll get there i'm sure wait how did this all get canceled hold on the answer of course is that your faithful narrator did not click on some of them so please do this i really need this done i like this new graphic for walls that need to be built i like that that's cool looking yep we need a meal source we need defenses we need all kinds of things especially like walls so that's why i'm focusing on that right away so what are you all up to you are hauling you are hauling an ancient air conditioner oh no all the ancient air conditioners and stuff got oh no there a way to re-forbid all these well whatever i guess i could deconstruct them [Music] mad cactupine well there's not a whole lot i can do about you um in the sense that i have to kill you which makes everybody sad oh yeah check this out we can put them in different orders isn't that cool i thought it was cool okay we'll give it a good stab okay well this isn't going as well as i'd hoped okay well good job i suppose what did you get for injuries not good not good okay luckily you're my doctor now did we get a negative from that oh yeah blinding light i gotta take care of that oh right right dark light yes so i think that just scheduling them at night it's okay i hope where are you going you're hauling steel okay that's fine how about we start building some stuff what do you think about that buddy let's start building for example um geez it's hard to tell i guess we can go ahead go ahead and use a stone cutters table ugh it's more steel than we have but we will soon well these don't even give any resources uh that's unfortunate okay i thought they gave you some steel or something i'm not sure why i thought that crap okay fine no problem now what are your thoughts because you're it's at night okay that's not so bad we can deal with that and we have some wood so we'll go ahead we'll make you some beds it's not a great use of our wood but i need something so someone go ahead and go build those and i hope that you will get around to repairing things too wouldn't be a whole lot of fun otherwise so they're gonna haul all this junk around the map despite the fact that it's worth absolutely nothing okay let me let me go find it all here oh and i can't re-forbid it hilarious okay i think i got all the ones i can so that's kind of a pro tip for anybody who's uh trying to get things started here can you actually come repair these things that would make me really happy there just like some of it oh okay good our stone cutters table is set to go so we want to make any stone blocks harden slime into food yeah i think we i think we did that before um do that forever um definitely missing some stuff here that i'm used to having but go ahead and work on that somebody will get to it i imagine who's set to craft trom okay you are currently cloud watching oh i guess that's okay eating the rest of our meals we will be able to um eat up a whole bunch of fruits and stuff in the near future i just need to get around to building you know some place to cook so we're getting there ah a name okay [Music] desert town all right yeah here we go good deal psychic drone unfortunate but it kind of is what it is and here's our raid uh so you are boris underwood you have a stab scar um are you any good incapable of dumb labor skilled labor or no you're terrible you can art and you can social i am not interested in you oh i suppose i should set up some zones um let's see here okay so i'm setting up some different zones here um that should be all i need for the moment i believe so let's go ahead and let's get you guys set up let's see here you're on normal and now let's toggle emergency this is hard to find sorry and kitty or you at the same time you're gonna come into animal base which does not yet exist but it will shortly um how about that just be like right here for the moment no don't eat all our food oh good psychic run is over all right you're beginning your assault all right well you know what you come over here oops that's not quite what i meant to do yeah close enough i just want to make sure you guys don't shoot yourselves in the back it's been a problem on and off all right come on dude where are you seriously you know we have better things to do boris okay good there we go coming into the base i can't believe he took time to just like go knock that down i mean it's fair enough i wouldn't want to attack me either well at this point it's not that bad but it will be and these cacti pines are gonna be a problem we're gonna have to get some doors set up to keep them out of our food right come on dude nice shot kill another pawn nice so let's go ahead and let's just make a grave for you um this is furniture is this miscellaneous you'd think that after playing this game enough i would know here let's put a grave for you out here and we can go ahead and we can flip this back to off and you need to go to unrestricted and you need to go back to unrestricted okay good nifty well done team all right so this door is set up that's where they should go ahead and take can you please haul this guy um this should be what people attack we need to give them something on the other side of the wall but it will also make sure that animals aren't in here like eating our food animal transport pod huh you are a horse um yeah we can come rescue you if you join us great if not whatever here actually let's put um a medical bed out here cargo pods weapons eh oh they're kind of junk but oh well okay so let's get some food going here we're down to 10 meals that's not great for the moment this can go here right yeah do this then we're actually going to put some floors in too um we can just put in ooh straw matting that's kind of cool um but let's just put in oh wow this isn't quite what i expected let's go with herringbone this time won't that look nice i think it will and then do we have any research ready can i make any power stuff yes kinda it can go here without blocking much of the fertile area yeah do that i don't have batteries yet which is also pretty bad nine meals i'm gonna have to build a wood fired stove aren't i yup wood wood-fired stove it is well okay it'll be fine for a little bit fueled stove lame okay so now i've got the stove built although it's hard to see so let's take berries and let's turn them into simple meals here let's do that initially here because i'm kind of worried about it no meat obviously but all vegetables and we're gonna do this yeah sure there's something like that keep the medicine here remove all the food over to here as soon as you guys get around to building it who's my cook nuffy okay let's get these berries harvested so we've got something to eat not much to eat but something this is going to be pretty tricky not being able to rely on animals for some of our food source i think we'll be okay but i am a little nervous to be honest i guess we'll find out [Music] all right so we do have some power so that's good let's get these floors in come on and more importantly the walls so we need not to give uh people food poisoning rescued animal didn't join okay okay it's time to learn how to do some stuff here uh unfortunately that does mean that we need to start doing research i don't love it but there's not a lot of options here all right get this place cleaned up because like i said it is extremely important that we do not get food poisoning quest available the ambush duke okay sir let's see here for a few hours until the shuttle can pick it up yeah let's do that now will you do anything while you're here no no nothing actually i need you to haul that's about it and haul urgently a man hunting shock goat do we see shotgoats yet they store static electricity on their bony structures cool three pairs of eyes really oh that's cool all right temporary guy did not that did not work okay that seems to be okay and i saw that this added a bunch of homo home mary over there good enough a shock goat do you even have a weapon no word of love that's cute not that bad at shooting why don't you go ahead and come grab a grape bow and help us oh we should probably start some research ha just kidding uh we better get going with batteries we just have to have batteries ah there's our shotgun all right everyone come on up here all right here it comes we are engaging a very short range so please don't screw it up okay well you're doing a really bad job at this so far oh i take that back well done well done indeed so let's actually i don't have a place to put corpses corpses i can now go over here they're all corpses yep cool well that worked nicely done did you guys go back to where you should be yep thanks dude well done long so now we need a ceremony and everyone's decided to have a party oh cool i don't have a party spot hmm how about right here well let's quit the party oh i need to set some of these people for roles let's see here you get to be our leader yes visage mask yeah that's cool i don't think we have one and then what i don't want to put you all on things because it disables a whole bunch of work so at the moment yeah yeah we'll come deal with this at the moment we will kind of leave things like that just for now oh look at this you're shuffling papers around oh that's cool oh there's no requirements um okay oh well that just happened i did not mean to click on that but that's okay that's all well and good so it looks like we aren't gonna starve i know that this stuff isn't refrigerated or anything yet i don't think we've learned how to do that um you guys have weird names participants room impressiveness let's get the floor down then maybe that will help that's interesting okay so let's see if we can do this now um well well okay whatever will negatively impact my [Music] colony okay so now that i've cleaned up now this is merely dull so um well let's give it a try tada it was honorable huh okay cool so what'd you get word of trust that's okay you can accuse people gather people for a trial interesting work drive oh neat leader speech cool i like that quite a bit okay well i tell you what on this note let's actually go ahead and let's take a break but before you go the usual things that i say first of all if rimworld looks like fun to you you should go buy it it's important to support the people who make the games that we love so that they can continue to make them second of all you should pick up the soundtrack it's wonderful it's cheap and composers do not get the credit that they deserve and then finally this has become kind of a thing on the channel so um i'm going to be doing a giveaway here with the entire room world pack here bass and then both dlc just post in the comments just post whatever and then at the beginning of episode three i will random that off and so on that note thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Decoherent
Views: 63,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rimworld, Ideology, Cats
Id: CVeogLzk6gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 37sec (2437 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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