RimWorld Gloom Seekers - Gloomy Paralysis // EP2

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hey everybody rodman here thank you for tuning in to episode 2 of the gloom seekers which originally aired live on twitch do we accept this refugee yes or no so the the penalties and and this will be a flashball it'll only be a three-minute pull um so she's gonna be paralyzed for multiple days unable to move whatsoever and we're gonna have to feed her uh she is a stiletto assassin which means likely she has high combat skills but doesn't really do dumb labor or anything like that i think that's a prerequisite of that background i could be wrong um she is willing to contribute once she is recovered but she will not leave voluntarily uh which means that we would have to banish her which is fine if we have to banish her she sucks but you know and then of course uh she will land somewhere as a transport pod uh out on the map tile but you know i think fighting the remaining two rats to get to her is not that big of a deal i can pro postpone it for a bit uh and then circle back to it when she asks again or you know when you guys have a definitive answer here in uh about two minutes time ah nope nope nope nope keep mine in all right so the animal slaughtered expires in one day that'll be good yes so if you take a look here uh gloom seekers think that slavery is abhorrent we do believe um as we are as you all voted that i would be a chaotically based slightly good uh society that we believe in in individual freedoms uh which means that slavery would indeed be abhorrent execution would be horrible if innocent so i tried to set all of this up as most role-playing as i can so that we we don't really believe in the skull spike you know because we're good we're supposed to be slightly good at least uh blindness is horrible because we believe in um you know uh technological insight um people keep their own names we do only have one spouse so there's a lot of uh a lot of that going on oh here's a cave nice i like this cave this cave goes almost to the edge of the map but not quite which means [Music] i can't quite caravan out that way but still very convenient all right it looks like the yays are gonna win i have 19 hours left to accept i'm going to take my time with this and one rant left uh stiletto assassins just disabled social art good well that's a lot better than i thought it would be hills with a minor break let's get their super halls off and we are going to accept larussa so here she is she is uh no social no art body modder industrious optimus wow hell yeah that is a good person to have oh wow look at that last name uh rinik so that's uh what like a youtube channel that does uh electronica or like uh like chill dubstep type stuff i even recognize that that's weird okay uh nathan let's go get larussa we're gonna have to get through a rat but uh i could do that yeah that is a the jackiest of jackpot pawns there no complaints whatsoever so another thing that you could do in room world 1.3 is i can just um oh i have two people selected i can just carry her which is a much more functional way of rescuing someone than previously having to like tend to them close or whatever uh let's just bash this rat sorry mr rat and then whoa that oh what the heck dude don't offer up your neck to a rat um i'm going to do dr care no meds for now and nathan's going to head to the hospital so here i will show you um the benefit of carrying so now we just have larussa carried and i can move her wherever i want to move her which is so much better than the previous rescue mechanic which was you had no control over where you moved here so now i'm i can choose when to drop her and then if she was hurt i could feel tender so there's a lot of mods that were made obsolete by that but um thank goodness too right uh so hills is our doc our dockery do i'm gonna adjust larusa's and uh as you all know if you're a subscriber of mine and you would like larusa named after you all you got to do is type something in the uh in the comments here and i will be raffling her off uh in just a moment or rather in a few minutes i should say miss larussa so loris is going to need her own bed i am going to set her up i actually don't know where i'm going to put her i'm going to put her here for now and then i'm going to have to work on like proper bedrooms soon so there she is uh she miraculously is dressed the way we would dress so that's because she joined us but i do like that feature is like she's just automatically designed the way that we would want to design her unfortunately she has a peg leg uh but if she's a body modder yeah so that peg leg is gonna be good for her um so she's slow but like there's a there's a benefit there uh hills would you be so kind to 10 nathan so he doesn't bleed out from his rat bite thank you and another thing i wanted to check is the robe right so um if i did want to officially give hills the title of uh gloom visionary which would dramatically help her research speed um she does need to be intellectual six she is she is just six um i don't know i i can have you all vote on whether she gets that title or not because she really isn't designed to be a good a researcher she doesn't have the passions uh even larussa has better passions for for research being industrious and uh intellectual so i don't know i could wait but we are also going to want to put larussa on a night schedule and our belief is pretty strong here in the gloom seekers which is pretty good okay i like that so i am gonna have a double airlock door uh between the kitchen and um the dining room is in tattered apparel but i don't think i think the tattered apparel doesn't offset the fact that she's wearing the clothing that she wants to be wearing so that's fine and then she's also on daily food but someone needs to feed her uh do you you don't do oh no you do medical so another thing i'm gonna do is larussa here is gonna be your backup dock i'm gonna have her carry around uh two industrial meds with her at any given time uh but someone needs to feed her so hills when you wake up you'll have to feed her because i don't think it makes sense to starve her to death attack is getting some more steel for us and my polling software broke nice still broken all right let's say two more minutes and larussa gets raffled and i'll try to remember to do it unlike uh sometimes and i'm also gonna put nathan in the uh broad wrap rather than the helmet for now i think what i'll do is instead of trying to smooth everything out i'm going to establish the boundaries of the rooms as a priority so i'm not going to worry about the smoothing just yet uh all right so the animal slaughter should yeah half an hour it'll be gone that'll be helpful for nathan he's been a little upset and uh chilly but slept in the heat interesting combination there so the slept in the heat is probably a result of the wood fire generator wow that wood five generator really is putting off a lot of heat so that's another thing i could do is to set up um some sort of internal wall uh so that we can prevent the heat from bleeding in so i'll be doing that soon so we don't cook ourselves all right tech i'm gonna have you start to uh are you the better minor i keep forgetting yeah you are the better minor so nathan i'm gonna have you craft over mine and we're gonna grind up this granite get out of the way all right and we'll put a door here keeping the heat out looks like we need a little refueling is the dlc worth the money i really wouldn't be able to tell you that yet it's too early i would be inclined to say yes as it looks to have a really unprecedented and ridiculous amount of replayability but again um you know i don't i i'm very much one not to jump to conclusions but so far uh the possibilities of storytelling and the like are incredible there are so many options that you can pretty much have like every single colony that you ever make from now until the dawn of you know a new age could be unique hypothetically conclusions time to take my money yeah but but of course come up with your own conclusions because um you know i thought that uh royalty was pretty amazing and there was definitely a contingency of rumored players that did not agree with me all right so it is now clean here which means we can start to cook and i'm going to make no one has the skill for five meals okay i'm going to make simple meals uh but in order to help with our mood i'm gonna make simple meals exclusively out of insect meat a little reminder of course that um our people like insect meat as a result of tunneler tunneler uh requires you to have a preference for fungus uh a love for insect meat and to not care about cramped spaces it also makes it so that you can't not mine like mining is going to be required and that unlocks the role of mining specialists but that is not a role that i had uh added we don't have like a designated uh dwarf digger or anything like that all right to speed you up nathan let's put uh i'm gonna crudely run some um cables in here so that we can start replacing our wood fire burners with something a little bit more high-tech and larussa what are your needs larussa is getting assigned and brahms brahms what do you want to name larussa and hills i'm going to have you wake up and feed larussa because the heck don't let her starve so her paralytic capacity has her out of commission for another 35 days and uh the only way to cure her early would be an infusion of glitter world medicine zach got it all right her title is brahms after you keep track of who owns what these starting characters aren't gonna be named and uh i do think that we'll have opportunities to name additional people um so it's not like there's a uh a limit here or anything like that i will do my best to uh try to keep you fed and alive all right so now that this is all almost all dug out attack just finish it up i'm going to want to clean it up so that we don't have food poison chance or unnecessarily high food poison chance and maybe put one more dump stock pile to bring the chunks out because chunks aren't good either as you can see slightly unclean okay there we go uh who was my cook again so tack it is you oh and we already have the meals okay i ignored that so if we take a look we should start to get uh some benefits from eating the insect meals next research i'm gonna have you all vote on this um i'm gonna put up some options here not all of it so i'm going to include smithing as a possibility battery as a possibility and what else smithing battery or the jump to microelectronics i guess so one two or three it's weird to have microelectronics without smithing but that's just the way it is so here as you can see there is some um benefits new structures through the dlc so let's quickly analyze there's the brick breech axe in the smithing tree which is a weapon and tool and it breaks down walls quickly [Music] another one of the options here is battery there's nothing new about the battery and microelectronics adds a sleep accelerator a sleep accelerators is a device that accelerates the sleepers circadian rhythm it speeds up sleep but consumes a lot of electricity and also increases hunger uh and transhumanists tend to want to be in that and then if we take a look at our ideology here we do have um the sleep accelerator preferred people in this community will prefer to use sleep accelerators and they'll have a plus three mood boost if they do and it is hot in this tunnel who would think uh one wood fire generator would cook us all i guess it's actually just the uh the cooler ventings uh another thing i could do to prevent the cooler ventings from you know cooking me is to change the location of my door and maybe i'll go ahead and do that and let's allow everyone outside again because we're also going to want to replace the deadpool traps and ambush knight is a quest now keep in mind that we did want to potentially um align ourselves with the royals here so let's read this dialero das gonos my god a knight of the great empire is calling from nearby his guards were killed in ambush he escaped but is now being followed by man hunting yorkie uh he wants safe harbor and he will bestow honor upon us so here's the thing uh this is a charity quest people with terrible beliefs will be affected by this outcome uh i am not going to accept this because i need to update my reward preferences i'm not looking for honor from the gray empire i'm also not looking for goodwill from uh either of these factions either so just goodwill from rego or gray so goodbye but that would be the default quest the generic quest that puts you on the path towards um uh towards a royal title which uh i am not planning on doing i'm going to update it like this where uh yeah so now the heat is gone not gone but dramatically reduced in our colony here let's put corpses over here rot corpses all right looks like uh battery will be our next research works for me what's funny is now that uh the dining room here is a little bit higher it's not uh lined up knowing that that's gonna bother some people i'll just uh fix it immediately and of course we'll have some walls there to fill in tell me the new expansion is good uh it's good it's it's i think potentially going to be a lot of fun has anyone eaten the insect meat yet and of course hills you are really oh so let's update sorry this is my bed uh so the daily food is going to be updated from the pax survival meals to simple meals um to reflect our diets and i'm going to go feed zach who is again starving-ish but here is the benefit uh where is the wearing the ideology colors uh here's the eight cooked insect meat plus six gotta like that insect me alternatively i could have it be 11 by nine that'll be fun then we'll just fill in a chunk there now look at all this uh beautiful mood benefits from uh cook tanks at me once i hit six i could start doing fine meals as well can you farm insects um not traditionally no there is some some ways to kind of do it by uh allowing just a few insects to survive after you've slaughtered them and having them tend to the um tend to their hives good old short circuit right after we managed to bring the heat down in our uh colony we get a short you can tame um insects though yes once the hives are destroyed they lose their hive-minded hyphen-mindedness and they become tame-able but taming an insect slaughtering our own animals is forbidden in our culture so ranching isn't really something that's going to be done by us unless it's for eggs or something that isn't slaughter based lag spike thanks for the bits but uh taming timing spell opens and mega spiders is not new that's something you could have done um previously all right dining room get done i'm gonna put this whole thing is my home and some of the raigo are passing by oh yes right they're nudists so here is more most obviously you can see their tattoos so this karciaka has a tattoo and the tattoos that they wear are determined by the ideology so here as you can see this is the tattoos that they're the the body tattoos that they they use so if we take a look uh tiger buttons and rings are the tattoos that are uncommon on the appearance of these tribals and she has tiger on her and then this person has a face tattoo i can't make her face me but like looking from the side uh she looks like tyson doesn't she let's take a look at what tattooed that is just to show you that um you can even customize the tattoos that people wear uh so that would be tattoo [Music] face tiger as well so yeah there it is yeah ideology is totally separate uh from royalty there are some crossovers there are some things that um that in order to gain access to you you need both so for instance uh if you wanted to be tree huggers that worship trees and worship the enema tree the animatry is part of royalty and the tree hugger ideology is part of ideology so it would be required to have both as far as i know um but my little gloom seekers here there's really nothing about there's nothing in here that includes royalty not really uh the only things that include royalty might be the relics and these relic choices could have included something else that wasn't based upon royalty what kind of mushrooms can you plant you plant uh nutrafungus nutrafungus is a new mushroom so there's new plants in this version so there is uh nutrafungus which is a plantable fungus there is fiber corn which is um sort of like corn but for wood and then there's this uh tinctoria which is um for for clothing dyes all right so nathan is just about done getting all the granite blocks that are close by i'm gonna reduce the radius so we don't go hunting for granite blocks i'm gonna wake you up and have you clean up your room there looks better and better yes i mean look at all the options here look at all of these options i don't think you realize how customizable your every single ideology here is different you know we have our supremacy cannibal raiders we have our um loyal collectivist proselytizers we have our you know every single um faction is going to have their own unique ideology their own unique set of beliefs and uh interact with you in those ways your ideology will help determine uh the way that you treat others which is uh quite cool yeah this is huge the the replayability and the ability to storytell um is pretty incredible fraggles thanks for the resub rock on man all right it is summer zach is starving so hills you're fired you're lord hills uh so i'm going to set hills to research too so that hills can doctor uh that's kind of my fault and i've been micromanaging if it let i'm bound to forget eventually luckily the game would warn me that i had someone that was like uh starving to death there is an alert so now that we have i i'm purposely mined through a cavern here so that we can have um our dining room you know relocated and then another thing i'm going to do is put a um let's put a granite chest table here that we'll make and uh who's again best constructor would be nath so i'll have nath finish that off i'll let hills make some progress and finish it off with that i'm just going to slap together a crude um cable here eventually we will embed it in the walls once the walls are smooth but for now it's just gonna look like garbage biggest neat things for the bits as well i have no idea why my alert sounds didn't go off but thank you for the bits the randy random bits i'm a big fan of randy and his work i have a youtube series going on right now where randy attacked me in 45 minutes he sent 40 centipedes and 60 scythers in some other mix so thank you randy you are the best makes for and and that's on losing his fun difficulty randy really likes me sending me 100 mechs for me to kill i'm his loyalist servant of destruction nope i didn't spoil anything but i didn't tell you the outcome of the fight so at least there's that all right uh in here we're gonna want to get another dark lamp uh dark lamps uh for the uninitiated are a light source that the worshippers of the dark which would be me and my uh gloom seekers um they don't find revolting xenius thanks for the gifted sub cheers wow into alexa you've detected a hunting work site nearby controlled by the rego alliance so uh if you wish you can raid the camp to collect loot which would be heavy fur to do so uh they would get pissed now normally i would pull for these things but here's the thing our faction is supposed to be slightly good and doing that to a neutral would be evil so i'm not going to do it as part of the faction gloom enchanter roll unfulfilled i can uh assign someone as gloom enchanter i'm going to sign nathan as bloom enchanter he's going to be the moral guide so he will be able to convert counsel reassure conversion ritual and preach health he's going to want a vicious vigil i can't say it mask and a cave have you ever said a word so many times that it stops feeling like a word and then you're just like that's noise what is this noise um so yeah i'm gonna assign it to him visage all right so now he is gloom enchanter uh as mentioned he wants a mask and a cape so let's get one queued up that also means that we're probably going to need to hunt so here's the uh viz edge mask man i am just fumbling around and we're gonna make it out of steel or silver um now let's make it a seal for now and then a cape and i'm not really sure i have any materials for said cape yeah i really don't so the cape is going to be on the back burner until we have material which means potentially hunting creatures that would yield us cape material maybe yaks this sage yes so here's the abilities convert attempt to convert someone to the speaker's ideology or ideologin this will reduce the target's certainty that their own beliefs and the certainty reduction depends on the speaker's negotiation ability which is exactly why i gave it to natha who has the highest social in our community um you'll also see right here it's really small but he has the icon of the um the gloom enchanter uh on his pawn avatar uh reassure increase some certainty in their own beliefs the regain certainty is based again upon the negotiation ability uh we have counsel offer counsel to a person to cancel the effect of a sad memory the chance of success depends again on the social skills and the relationship with the listener and then lastly preach health preach moral strength to a sick or wounded person through the concepts of your ideology this will improve their rate of wound healing and immunity gain uh you could do this every one day you can do this one um i don't know what the limitations are hey can you do line of sight dude you're having problems wow you are a terrible shot i cannot wait for zach to be conscious so convert reassure counsel doesn't seem to have a cooldown but preach health has a one day holy heck let's just say um he is not my ace and yes we are date well it's it's like it's almost nighttime hunting the current outdoor light levels is uh low dude you are the worst there we go nope slaughtered animal yep so hunting is slaughter unless i let them bleed out maybe that's a bug maybe it's not i'm not sure which either way uh we gotta be careful with that clearly uh so i'm gonna put a dump stockpile here uh butchery and i'll put it critical for animal corpses of fresh quality and we'll haul butcher and this amount of plain leather is probably not enough for cape yeah so let's see if we can't um hunt one of these without the slaughter part are any of them hurt no no and no yeah i'll do a hunt not slaughter uh another thing i could do which would be weird uh but it would work is this where i can set down a uh animal spot where are we furniture animal sleep spot i'll plop it here and nathan is then going to rescue this yak and wait for it to bleed out puglie thanks for the follow and your alt as well oops sorry all right let's see if this counts so i already have a slaughtered animal minus five which lasts for five days can we just uh counsel ourselves no unfortunately we can't um let me see about counseling the mood of uh cool so we just canceled tack for plus eight so here it is canceled by nathan and now we have all abilities on cooldown for three days worth it all right mr yak just bleed out i didn't slaughter you you just died naturally natural causes rip there goes and am i penalized no i'm not brilliant a brilliant exploit okay uh the best crafter that i have here is not a good crafter i guess nathan you're gonna have to make it yourself so good luck making your own mask and cape uh do i have them set to team no i do not and then nathan i think you're going to want to be the one to finish off that uh the table i think what i'm going to start to do is the internal rooms here instead of wood i'm gonna set them up to uh especially the ones that aren't temperature sensitive i'm gonna set them up to be um granite but then prop them open all right so my cape here is going to be made of plain leather and get that going big hiccup what's going on visitors a stool keeper and some other person and sociable prisoners a high stall arc of the great empire has captured two prisoners from an enemy faction with no place to store them wants me to look over them for 21 days until her prison is ready uh i will have you all vote on whether i keep that or not so it'll be up to you the advanced components would really nice in terms of teching up uh but whether or not you think we have the resources to do so uh that is up to you another thing i'm going to do is a forced clean up around this base because it's getting filthy wow nasty you're starting to look really weird our moods are definitely uh floundering so that's something i'm trying to work on right now it's getting things to look a little bit nicer uh before we get super penalized but here go to sleep and we're down now to uh making meals out of fungus so i'm gonna start making the meals out of fungus instead of um insect meat because we don't really have any insect meat left and uh leaving the yak beef as like emergency reserves because yak beef is uh our lowest interest nathan looks like a zombie no he just has a metal plate over his face he kind of looks like um um i'm blanking on his name he kind of looks like amman from uh legend of korra a little bit you know with the uh the metal plate mask or doom yeah something like that what is this blindness ideology can you blind people now uh yes you can believe in being blind as part of your ideology and uh and blind people in that um in that you know would be revered and a logging work site so uh this is again a logging worksite i'm going to ignore the logging worksite and the hunting worksite because we're not going to portray the regular lights we're supposed to be good not evil or slightly good at least all right trying to tidy up the uh the old dining room much larger than i probably should have made it initially but oh well and getting people to increase their moods soon we're gonna have a bit of a fungus harvest which would be good because we are low on the food that we prefer to eat and let's stop super cleaning so we can go back to cooking and working and all that stuff oh uh this should be a batch yeah these should be patched there we go all right let's go ahead and accept these prisoners that's what you all voted for we are going to pick the glory of the advanced components we are after all sort of like prior like we prefer transhumanism um i could put them in the uh man this is a bit of a pressure cooker uh let's remove some additional roofs here because it's probably making it very hard to uh [Music] to keep that cool and then we're gonna have to slap together some bit of prison unfortunately i think this uh double bedroom is going to be changed into uh the prison for these prisoners and i'll work on bedrooms eventually nope you keep making that chest table looney and valve okay cool interesting names looney and valve uh let's slap together another bed so tack cut down some trees for that and then nathan that just finished the uh the granite chest table get that going this is going to be for prisoners and we will capture looney first and i'm going to be ready to capture valve let's hope the anesthesia doesn't wear off too soon attack just stand there get ready to punch him in the face if he gets up all right so we have looney and here is valve uh as far as their assignments are uh we are gonna give them we are going to try to reduce resistance uh for social practice um they don't have blood rot or anything like that wow they are hyper manportism is there uh okay interesting very interesting ideology there they're world eaters they both oh no this one's different they have different ideologies uh so we're gonna reduce the resistance uh which will help train social skill and then they get daily food yes so that is totally normal it would help with the cooling if i did you know what i i i know i would help with the cooling if i did this and increased the volume of uh open air to not open air i know that much matthew here is going to get like heat stroke yep there he goes hills why are you flirt with him don't do that man is spoken for all right then we mine up this granite and remove the roof that is over it uh it will be easier to cool down the area because it will be significantly unroofed it's weird to be like standing outside and still super hot but i'm going to have to increase the further increase the volume of one roof i'm not that worried about it as long as the freezer's still working all right valve and looney are up i'm going to have to treat them i'm also going to plant some additional nutra fungus much of the cave soils i can find i'll plant it down the initial plants of nutrafungus are almost ready to go [Music] and a baker's wish for charity a group of poor travelers are approaching uh looking for help the travelers are begging for eight medicine they need medicine to help their friends at a nearby settlement that was devastated by raiders uh the travelers can be given items by right-clicking on lobster travelers will move on after one day these travelers are not part of a faction if you wish you can kill them arrest them harvest them etc without diplomatic consequences um do we offer medicine to those in need so the reason to do this uh is mostly for role-playing if we had in our ideology a belief in charity uh it would help people that with that belief in being more charitable and having a positive feeling we as uh we are role-playing the gloom seekers we are supposed to be slightly good um it doesn't necessarily mean that we give charity freely to everybody uh we are of course keeping prisoners for the royals and uh we weren't even told what these guys did wrong but uh yes so if you believe that we should give this medicine or not that is up to you have i tried this version for some time or is this a no this is brand new to me i just uh try to learn fast all right it looks overwhelmingly like you guys want to give some charity so here is lobster and sam uh they're part of a confederacy that isn't one of the normal factions so they're separate and uh i was told oh boy that's not good i don't okay the regular alliance had a run in with the bugs and the bugs kick their butts mertonis thanks for all the gifted subs my goodness so generous put on the uh the pink light next uh when nathan is up i'm going to have natha uh give the visitors some medicine uh so we'll be doing that 75 of you wanted that done and i feel like a conspiracy so this is an awful dining room uh it's going to require us to cut a whole lot of stone in order to get it looking nice the needs of these guys are pretty low so another thing i'm going to need to do is have natha high priority um warden so that he feeds the people that need feeding [Music] all right so he's up eat your meal no just eating this meal because it was fungus yep eight cook fungus plus three so a fungus and uh a fungus and insect meat meal would be like most ideal but here we go uh giving meds to the lobster beggars leaving with requested items you're welcome and these guys have their own ideology which is interesting they have the algae ideology of uh dim forest so if i wanted for them to convert to my ways i would have had to preach to them uh but of course we let them go we uh we believe more in free will and not so much in proselytism so we offer shelter to those that wish for shelter but we do not force it upon others that is uh part of our ideology and role-playing [Music] you think there shouldn't be any references to actual religions you know i'm actually there with you um some of the ideologies can be based on buddhism islam or christianity and i feel like it was not necessary to include world religions and uh i would not be surprised if there were patches to change that because there is really no need um to have you know sort of those i don't know it just i i completely agree with you i don't feel like um it really adds to the lore of room world in a in a beneficial way to have it based on religions so now uh our uh nathan has the clothing that he wants on so he's happy in dark light he's happy with the cook fungus he's happy with his butt down shirt he is currently wearing the clothing that he wants to wear crisis of belief looney loony's spirit is broken as a result he was forced to question everything looney's certainty with his belief of hyper-manportism has been reduced to 48 percent um why because um he was malnourished well i mean if you're vomiting everywhere yeah you're going to be malnourished you dummies keep it in your mouth so i could if i wanted to convert them uh preach to them but i'm more interested in completing for the quest so here um in our historical logs you can see uh the baker's wish of charity is green because we did it the ambush knight is yellow because we did not and then i believe red would be for fail all right let's get rid of all this uh all these granite chunks so we also uh part of our ideology here is spike core so style category spike core seekers will be happy if they notice buildings floors and art matching spike core styles spike core style category effects torch lamps simple helmets flak helmets flak jackets dusters parkas and jackets so we can make spike core clothing the yoda cam um and spike core art and have the people in the community be happy with the uh the spike core so that's exactly what i'm going to do and tangier thanks for gifting out subs giving this our little lord yoda here very happy with you right now so i'm gonna start making some spike court tiles here in the center of the room and eventually probably um hey i can also start the gloomy which is a social festival uh given my limited limited food right now i don't think i'm gonna be doing that but um noted ooh a bit of a pause loyal rats walrus biodoa uh holy chief of the alliance is making requests she wants me to take care of two rats uh yeah well uh i'll have you all vote on this so they are the only neutral faction other than the shattered empire and uh i have declined to raid them twice so here are two raid locations that i said no to uh whether or not we make them our friends is up to you shield i just got your message it's you oh lord it's you that is awesome oh you looney so um you can see the the spike uh quartiles here and you know what's actually funny about that shield is uh just this morning i found uh artie marty what are the chances so looney is actually shield it was shields uh designed character um through the name of the game that is awesome i have a design character if you ever find me if you find ratty r-h-a-d-d-y uh that would be me oh but you don't have a name in the game well that's incredible then all right so now this this uh this physical zone is um is uh technically outdoors because there's enough outdoor tiles that it's not gonna get super heated which was the problem before if we take a look here um we should be getting [Music] some spike core happiness but whatever the case might be uh you know our little dining room is fine now my only other worry is that we're very very low on uh fungus at this point so i'm gonna have to it looks like we're starting to harvest the raw fungus from this nutrient fungus but i'm gonna have to make that a higher priority so plant cut and grow is gonna become a one for now just to make sure we get it done so we were gonna take care of the rants and let's take a look at the quest rewards uh what rewards one two three just vote with your numbers so one would be gold a little bit gold uh to note there is some naturally occurring gold on this map tile up here oh there's also the uh the ambrosia that i should go for hell yeah let's get some abroasia and then um advanced components or silver or goodwill and here we go the uh the harvest of the neutral fungus oh this is a lot of fungus this is really really good now there's also a possibility of um although we are undergrounders to make an overground farm so like walling off an area like this and putting nutrafungus plants under roofs uh so that we can feed ourselves a lot of fungus and not really have to worry about like uh starvation or anything like that attack has a shoot frenzy all right attack i am oh yeah you're already going to the okay so nasa's going to the ambrosia already so everybody else is going to stay home for efficiency's sake does gold affect my ideology in any way no not really we don't have any reverence for uh gold although making our ideological art out of gold would be good um because you know there's a benefit to that oh i missed a spot and then another thing now that we have some ambrosia is i'm going to add it to our drug regimen and i'm also going to store it uh in our freezer here because zimbrosia rots and uh and bros is a really really really good drug to have um is that a harvest okay yeah that's a harvest not a cup plant i was worried for a second that i just chose to cut it and done let's call this ambrosia although i'm sure i will forget to do it and now unrestrict everybody option number two seems to be the popular choice except fly in siegfried where's ro oh god here's roy get away from roy no all right so one of the interesting things about rats is the new um the new mechanic of uh of ranching is going to apply so what i'm going to need to do pretty immediately is to set up a specific pen for them to live in otherwise i won't be able to corral them so i'm going to set them up to live in here and i'm going to put a granite or no i'm going to put a steel door on it and then a pen marker i do explain this in my [Music] in my 1.3 overview video that are released on youtube a few hours ago but there's really not a way for you to move around certain animals like i can zone restrict these oh no that's wrong uh if i go to the animal tabs i can zone restrict them oh actually it looks like rats can be zone restricted i guess they have a intelligence level high enough uh but either way i do want them corralled so i'm gonna turn this into a temporary um a ranch for them to live in mm-hmm trying to get this dining room up to snuff also feeding and cleaning so another thing i could do is try to convert looney but you know i actually might prefer to counsel so you know what i'm gonna do i how is your how is your belief okay your belief in gloom is really really strong uh but i'm going to counsel you because you are asleep never mind when zach is awake i'm going to counsel zach in order to try to help with um you know mood because zach has been paralyzed for uh many days for six days and is going to continue being paralyzed so sick free and fly uh we will get that external here i'm gonna temporarily forbid and put uh construction is a higher priority let's get this set up for them thank you for tuning in to the gloom seekers which originally aired live on twitch if you have any feedback from me let me know in the comments below if you would like to catch a live stream of the gloom seekers i stream this just about every day from 3 p.m to 8 p.m eastern daylight time a countdown timer and schedule can be found at ratamount.com thank you for watching i hope to catch you next episode or an upcoming stream farewell
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 15,299
Rating: 4.9537191 out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, Ideology, 1.3, Gloom Seekers, Twitch, Let's Play
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 50sec (3650 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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