RimWorld / EP 1 - The Rules of the Swarm / Survive the Swarm

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survive the swarm a very very new series for me and I guess for all of you as well by extension I don't even have a rules splash screen because there really aren't any it's kind of no-holds-barred surviving the zombie onslaught so I'm just gonna give a quick overview of what's going on in here here we go we started off with more or less a crash-landed uh but there's an O Maj two left for dead I'm sure a lot of you friendly gamers know what I'm talking about we have weapons that are sort of left 4 dead associated so in left 4 dead you started off with sniper rifles assault rifles SMGs and shotguns pump shotguns or Oto's I figured to change shotgun was a little overpowered so here we have the guns I think that fit there is a severely reduced items and events here I think they are all applicable the sort of idea behind this is the viewers act as an orbital station that is either trying to resupply our survivors here or they're acting as sort of the zombie master trying to spawn swarms of zombies to come and murder me the amount of zombies that I get will of course be up to you the mod itself will also spawn some gradually so I want to go over all of the survivors we've got here and thank everyone for tuning in today is of course a big push for me possibly getting partners so the more you can spread the word the better so we've got witzy here a quick sleeper fast Walker careful shooter I'm thinking that's a sniper yeah yeah I think so too alright cheese tough jogger bloodlust bloodlust speaks to me like an assault rifle we've got Krunk here who is sort of a crafter and researcher I'm gonna give him the pump shotgun not someone that is reliably accurate at long range and then we've got mr. Russell a psychopath jogger super immune and crunk of course is kind neurotic and fast learner so for some of you that are already here you probably already have sir people named after you right because a bunch of these guys already have their associative viewers so let's try to assign this properly and she's oh there you are chatting up right now so I can copy and paste your name all that makes it easy and Russell's not here he's bringing his dog to the vet but he'll be here in spirit and we'll be here next week and then crunk I don't know if krunk's here but if crunk you're here just say something so I can copy your name whoa that is a crazy name we are definitely going to have to rename that what's going on there there we go I was having them being renamed after the person themselves all right so we're starting off um let's take a look at the quick man right so as far as factions goes there is some less than civil outliner unions that sort of hate us there are definitely a lot of pirate bands and then there's a few people that are potential trading partners the world looks like this it is very much a jungle world hot and gross and the local environment oh there you are how do you krump the local environment we've got some training partners in the immediate vicinity we're in a tropical jungle it's grow year is all around and it has some pirates nearby as well before I forget let me just go into the name queue here and there we go now I think they're all pops definitely assigned I hope I hope well we'll see yes so the factions that that in terms of work priorities the game always gives you defaults I always do patient doctoring bed rest and basic is really really high and then we'll decide to do the rest how we want now there is a kind of a very nice natural environment here that will allow us to turtle up and given how many zombies are gonna probably come and stomp us I think turtling is exactly what we need to do so let's take a look does anyone have yeah we don't really have a good grower which is a bit of an issue but that's just some something I'll have to deal with we have some good hunters so what we need to do is start stockpiling our food now the way the zombie mod works the zombies attack everything I don't have it set on easy mode so they will attack elephants and alpacas and cassowaries and if they infect you oh thanks Klein a little bit of a Umbro yet there our beer in this in the item drop list so the way this works is if they infect you not every attacked infects but most do and if they infect you when you die and you haven't been like euthanized instead when you come back you are a zombie copy of that whatever it is so for humans they're just a zombie humans once you're a zombie there's no way to undo that there's no you know heal mix serum to not be a zombie you're just a zombie now let's say you get bit on the arm or the leg or some other part that's mmm let's use a dirty word like detachable you can amputate so if I get bit on an arm I could always amputate the arm and I don't believe that Bionic parts are valid for vector disease vectors now of course if you get been on the torso there is just no cure for that you can't amputate a torso so the best thing you could do is either euthanize or yeah you're probably looking at euthanize and here's what they look like alright perfect thank you Oh if a zombie elephant really that's the first thing that comes in man I have PTSD from like yung-shiu death here already so what I'm hoping to do is to try to make use of as little cleaning as I can using natural tiles as much as I can so it looks like there's some steel here that I'll be able to use natural tiles now the idea here is if it's rough don't it doesn't get dirty and that will be quite nice for long-term survival so the first things I want to do is to get a probably a stonecutter table made out of steel so it's less flammable and then I want to start immediately planting up some crops I don't have a whole lot of fertile soil so we're probably gonna be relying pretty heavily on my guess is hydroponics but we'll have to deal with that cross that bridge when we get there you know taking a look at the immediate vicinity I will have to keep an eye on these elephants so other than the twitch toolkit and the zombie mod there's really nothing else that I've installed that isn't more or less cosmetic I've got numbers here and numbers will help me keep track of zombies I think I haven't actually tested that and then in wild life as you can see these zombie elephants aren't really popping up what are they enemies yeah they count as enemies so there we go we've got some mega scarabs around the map and we also have if I go to enemies we also contract the zombie elephant now any creature that this zombie elephant kills will then if it transmits the zombie plague will convert that creature so if this zombie elephant for instance stomps out this tortoise the tortoise comes back and as you can see very quickly if you're not calling the zombies they could you'll find yourself in a situation where they snowball and pretty much everything on the map will become zombied and that's that's pretty rough not gonna not gonna lie that will be rough but that's exactly how I want this to function all right so some furniture let's go ahead and build a table and some stools out of wood and make sure the we don't really have a chief crafter constructor which is gonna be a little rough hopefully we'll get one from recruiting the pretty much all of the same every every setting and Twitter toolkit pretty much carries over other than of course coins so the coining rate and all that stuff it's all very much the same alright so now we can sit down at our poor tables and as Klein asks if the colony dies we do just start over as that stated on the website maybe not specifically in the goals here but that was part of the website and if you're curious it's just Rada Montcalm you can find it under the twitch heading survive the swarm and they'll have it all right so stonecutter table doing granite chunks let's get people on crafting crunk I'm gonna take you off of crafting everyone else is gonna start crafting and then we can start also doing research I think research is going to be critically important the sooner we get turrets the better it will be for us to survive you know turrets art of course able to be converted into zombies and that is a nice advantage now there's a lot of Steel around the starter base and then there's the possibility of finding sort of caves back here if I want to expand into them I just need to make sure not to open up the west side of the map a blue very barry asks about zombie pets know when animals become zombies they pose just as much of a threat to you as a regular zombie in fact I would go so far as to say this zombie elephant is probably more of a threat than a regular zombies given that it's a damn elephant and you know could stomp me pretty hard so of all the recent people that just subscribe to re-subscribe zoey sin and sasquatch and yuki thanks for that and crunk of course our dear moderator alright so we're starting to get granite blocks and what I was hoping to do is use some of the rough stone here actually I'll paint it like this to turn this into our first living area it's not going to be great but it will have to do where we're very much in makeshift survival mode here and you know starting slow and then we're also gonna have to unfortunately bridge this up which is expensive but you know worth doing so yeah there's definitely some zombie monkeys incoming and I will get warned about that in fact there's gonna be a lot of zombie monkeys incoming and there's really not much I can do about this unless I want to leave the base but I'd rather have the base somewhat protected and set up then go hunting a giant elephant as my opening act I think humping a giant elephant may work but probably not to my benefit it'd probably get me killed that's gonna be one nasty elephant alright and as you can see zombie resurrected Cinelli of zombie monkeys and soon there'll be a whole host of zombies so pretty much everything in the southeast of the map is a foregone conclusion they're all zombies now and we're gonna get a lot of those messages I might even have to disable that noise given the frequency that we're likely to hear that alright so it's telling me I need a research project I think the best thing I could probably do is push bow let's get batteries first and hydroponics let's make sure that we have a source of food and then we need protection you know the hierarchy of needs so to speak so the question was meta green asked what about butchering them if you butcher them you get zombie meat and zombie leather zombie meat and zombie leather heavy an enormous penalty for eating it so you can eat it if you're desperate what your people will go crazy when you do that just to give you a heads up more than likely I'm going to have a chem fueled power to base powered by zombie corpses is likely I think and that's you know how we'll keep ourselves from perishing all right wit sees already asleep krunk's working on the front wall I'm curious if I can remove that mod settings now I do want to be alerted to it but resurrect notifications will turn off when they wander and I want the alert though yeah there is no penalty to butcher butchering um zombies there's just a big penalty to eating them so you can butcher and turn the meat into chem fuel and turn the chem fuel into power but you definitely definitely definitely should not eat it unless you absolutely positively have to because as I said it comes with a crippling penalty that stacks up to net seven times or so I was doing this in testing and seven times is something roughly in the ballpark of like negative ninety mood or something like that it's it's crippling and you'll die it's all I'm gonna say you'll have some horrifying mental breaks and that's exactly what will happen so turtle sandwich dropping me some kibble either to feed these zombies or not another thing about these zombies oh and sine curve given some steel thanks for that another thing about the zombies is they're attracted to sound so the more noise ie like gunshots and the like then I make inside my base the more they'll be attracted to my base so you can't just turtle up because if you're not proactive about clearing out zombies in your neighborhood they will reach a critical point where they can absolutely Massacre you and there's very little that you're gonna be able to do which is not good I think all right so this barracks sucks but I don't really care these guys don't have options here I'm going to actually just make any block and I don't care the worker drop on the floor I could also use the sandstone it's possible that great foes are better for this but of course you really really don't want the zombies to get close to you either there's not a lot of wiggle room once you're bit your amputating or you're dying there's it is possible I'd I ran some tests it is possible to actually get bit and die without being diseased vectored so it's possible if we take a quick look at these monkeys I bet this monkey never oh no he's affected this monkey no they're both infected so as you can see all of the monkeys that this elephant killed a hundred percent of them became zombies but I would say there's maybe like a 10 percent chance that when you're attacked by zombies they'll just kill you without actually infecting you but it's pretty uncommon oh we got some Oh sending cheese sending uh items to himself alright so cheese says he's idle but we can still crank out some some stone blocks so for now I don't have a lot of power I'm just going to illuminate this with torches I know like we're in the Stone Age so our team arty sent some Kim fuel cheese and cookie bunny cents chocolate so the idea behind all of you guys when I need help you're the orbital station that's trying to send me help and then when I'm too strong and too tough you should probably start sending these zombies so you are the storyteller and I leave the balance to you guys which is you know tricky so if you know if you think I'm doing too well you can change that pretty quickly additionally raves still work they're just expensive and you're not gonna get as much bang for your buck out of raids as you will with zombies I don't believe yeah that's a good point free I should reduce the radius of this so that they don't leave walking across the map and endangering themselves once now that I have like a perimeter wall I really need to sort of respect that and make sure that we're being quite careful about not letting enemies in so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to initially spike trap it up how would I do this without screwing up a path I really couldn't on a diagonal could I I need like two two doors but I'll leave that open for now I have bigger things I want to work on okay looks like we're getting mostly granted some planning and filling in everything that isn't natural tile so that I don't have any cleanup to do nice keeping me happy at the start I also need to have a proper place to store goods for sure I would say given that this is all-natural tile this is probably a really good spot for a kitchen and a butchery so I'll go ahead do that all right and the bedroom sucks but is expanding it is getting better by the minute let's move the research bench in I think at this point I really ought to invest in beds even though more than likely we're gonna have pretty crappy ones so let's see about min maxing the bed situation one end table and one dresser all right it's weird but it will work who's our best constructor its crunk probably the engineer yeah makes sense all right we'll make crunk work towards that really early on in the game it does give you a little bit of wiggle room as to how moody your people can get but I don't want to push it and have them all have mental breaks this early which is why I'm sending Russell to go construct somewhere else because they're wasting some some in fact let's have you grow on plant cut as a priority carbon fiber thanks for the sub all right so these beds suck oh no one's good a few ones good ones normal and we're leveling up in construction crunk here is of course is a quick reminder a fast learner and neurotic so he works fast and he learns fast he's just not the most stable of moods all right so two poor beds a good bed in a normal bed we're definitely gonna have to be seeking better beds and then of course another problem is I am in a tropical jungle choked with plants and disease so I can almost guarantee that I'm gonna have a lot of diseases not that you can send them to me I wanted to sort of have I'm not gonna say it's gonna be like purely lower based aid but I wanted it so that you guys the stuff that you could send kind of make sense for a noble orbital trader to send not all that makes sense like ambrosia sprouts and things like that but I guess you could seed ambrosia from the sky now the maximum karma here let's see I'm just gonna double-check karma is it should be 125 and eat or what did I have on the website I guess I suppose I could check real quick I think a lot of these settings got reset but the Karma shouldn't all rights between 80 and 120 all right there we go so 120 and 80 the idea here is but basically I don't want to penalize or reward you too much for being nice or evil as you guys are more or less responsible for keeping the game nice and balanced so instead of the big pic penalization z-- that you can't can have for karma swings I'd rather just allow you to send what you think is appropriate I'm not not you guys with huge penalties so there's clearly a very small point of failure in my little what is this like uh I'm trying to think of what this would be in real life like a little grotto or something I don't know but there this will probably need to be reinforced in fact it kind of looks hollow a bit alcove something like that yeah I'm not exactly sure that the terminology there another reason I'm removing all the flooring here so that it doesn't get all filthy around here as well we do have some pretty cool tunnel systems and what's crazy is actually the road runs through the tunnel naturally so there's a packed dirt road here that of course I'm sort of destroying all right so whit sees outside now if I check enemies here yeah as you can see some of the monkeys Oh who killed you huh I guess these zombies have a little bit of infighting as well a part of me wants to just go clear out those zombies so they don't spread further and ruin the sort of food that I have on the map because the next big thing I want to do is to start hunting and building up a healthy amount of food because I suspect that a map like this is going to have a lot of food scarcity problems all right so what see is removing the road so that it doesn't get filthy and then we are lining up some granite now the mined granite spot here because it will generate filth will just be filled in with a butchery and then we'll have we'll have that be a dedicated butchery spot and then I eventually have to put in AC I haven't done that yet but we'll get there and let's go putting in the start of electric stove so I'm going to dig here and maybe fill that in there and pretty soon we're gonna need to we're gonna need to generate power so I think what I'll do power wise is I don't know if I could put chem field generators on bridges I guess I'll find out in a moment but we're gonna have the power outside because we're in a we're in the jungle and I really don't want the heat so I I don't want to put it inside there are not research restrictions here in fact we have to leave on a ship so with that said I kind of need to do most of the research okay yeah so we can do kim field generators outdoors that's good to know package survival Mills coming down from quantum Drake's wants me to eat I think trying to keep my health up alright so another thing I could probably do is double wall a lot of this just for insulation insecurity it's kind of an expensive thing to do now though so I might wait to do it now but it's definitely something I will want to do so I'm gonna run cabling around and we're gonna have to replace the doors eventually with Auto doors that aren't so flammable oh and components that's wonderful and steel yeah so obviously the orbital base here trying to help me out as much as they can okay so we have a regular chinchilla I'm gonna start hunting it though packets of rival meals have some food I like it cheese is already hunting some chem fuel oh boy I've definitely made these orbital people happy so once I actually have a something that allow that needs power I will turn that on synth read some threads nice and uranium and wood wow there's a lot of care packages going on I'm surprised that this oh this is registering as a barracks that's funny because it's now thinking it's endorsed okay but it still has ignore roof good I would not want it to all be roofed up that would be nonsense maybe in the future but for now it'd be nonsense okay we're starting to get power needing power rather so let's get the chem fuel in now we don't have batteries yet and it looks like I need to build one conduit lots of chem feel coming down all right so now we have kim fuel uh who do we have to cook mr. Russell alright we are going to start probably with simple meals and I will do them forever and then another thing I need to do is proper coolers so let's add the coolers there hmm maybe not right there I'm gonna add one cooler for now but I'll probably put it where yeah I'll put it like there I don't know why you destroyed that but okay so mr. Russell your cooking skill actually we're capable of um fine so why don't we skip that I jump straight to fine meals hopefully you don't get too much food poisoning now a lot of this stuff out here will start to deteriorate and rapidly so I'm gonna need to find a better spot for it soon I'm oh hey we have enemies at the gate what I did I didn't make them I guess I shot an animal that was enough [Music] yeah I'm a bass I need like a little bell and tripwire luckily the zombie elephant makes for pretty good target practice as he is healthy as hell if you want to buy zombies you're absolutely welcome to I don't discourage it not for a moment well another thing I really need to do now that I'm thinking about that meat let's disallow zombie meat for fine meals cuz um projectile vomiting would be terrible in fact that kind of happened to be yesterday my wife bought me a doughnut from a gas station just cuz we had the sugar munchies and my donut was covered in green mold and I immediately spit it up everywhere it was not not that cool it was pretty unfortunate yeah it is my fault it was a gas station donut all right clearly this door needs to get closed these chunky monkeys are coming at me cheese here having bloodlust he's more than happy putting them down though zombies cost 1,500 yeah I might change the prices of course this is a test run so if you think the crisis need to go down I I could definitely allow for that and I have no problem I just don't want to fail on Episode one and I you know because that would be pretty unfortunate I'm not gonna restrict them or anything yet can I add guns for sale now I don't really want to actually it wasn't it's sort of intentionally not to the orbital survivor people want us to make around guns they just want to help out with resource supplies the problem with weapons and this is the same problem I have with survive the Pantheon I end up with a stockpile so full of weapons it's it's sort of spammy and problematic and that's not really a good way to be so it looks like most of these zombies here are actually migrating towards me attracted by the gunfire leaving a lot of the other animals around the map to be left alone by the zombies the zombies hair definitely coming to me as you can see here they're slowly but surely heading my way in small numbers alright so here's one thing I will do the Vance zombie hoard 500 and 300 making it a little bit cheaper for you guys to spawn some actual selfies now not every zombie that you make is going to not ever example that you make is going to be a human zombie some of them will be animals depending on colony wealth and whatnot and don't worry I I definitely see these monkeys coming my way we got what a monkey a cobra a turtle while that turtles gonna take forever monkeys leaving someone like crunk needs as much gunfire practice as you can get as he is not particularly skilled Oh men spend is 500 but you can wager so I think even at a 300 pack you can wager more points to make it a larger pack I don't want to get spammed with care packages which is why the men spend is the way it is alright so that tortoise oh the chinchilla actually just died um all right I'm gonna intervene real quick there isn't I don't want this tortoise converting any of these elephants these elephants are going to be a lovely source of meat and I don't want that tortoise biting one and then eventually making it turn having more giant elephants to put down definitely not something I want to cue myself up for and witzy here I mean maybe a bit of trouble trying to land a bullet but it looks like mr. Russell was idle so we'll send him in to do it instead more bolts per minute alright taking a look at what we've got I'm gonna start harvesting the berry bushes and starting to get actual meals up and out so the first things I really want to do was asleep can we do we don't have any granite in the nearby area do no no we do let's force granite just for a second I want to finish up the kitchen area so that we can insulate it and then keep it nice and cold because of course this cooler is not gonna really work until we have proper walls all right Rd Marty send in some actual zombies oh are you kidding me that is more than an actual zombie that's a damn Trumbo that's not good that is what we call it not good now luckily the thrombo is pretty slow but it's gonna it's gonna really quickly turn everything in the nearby area over to zombie so I'm gonna have Russell who says he's idle and I'll take his word for it - head on over and start to fight against that because that Trumbo probably has the combat capabilities of turning everything now another thing about the zombie mod if you shoot the head like if there is no brain they don't come back either so as you can see the zombie version of the thrown boat doesn't move that fast which is why Russell's able to go here so low none of the zombies move fast you sit here swarmy now taking a look at the okay definitely got infected infected they all got infected okay come on stop walking away from me alright looks to me like the kitchen is getting insulated what was your wager out of curiosity oh when we're also getting beat stroke so I'm gonna start to actually let's go ahead production Electric Taylor we're going to need to start tailoring up cowboy hats and the like pretty soon if I'm getting heatstroke just standing around uh-oh this looks like an explosive situation and it was flaming zombies flaming zombies indeed now the envelopes that are on fire you'd really think that boom elopes given the fact that they're explosive would also be a little fireproof but they're just not alright here we go so we took that down Oh No already stupid tortoise alright cheese is gonna have to lose his feet I was clearly not paying enough attention and weirdly enough he's set to flee and he didn't so I'm gonna have to be even more more careful here alright so mr. cheese you're gonna be a double peg er that sounds dirty and wrong but yeah there's really not much options here so I need to do a right foot left leg and let's see zing spur sending me some bits thanks for that all right so the the thrombo turned yeah I'm just trying to be an anti zombie defense so this thing is just burning naturally it's also possible that these boom blow up corpses decay so let's check numbers real quick so there still is that zombie tortoise [Music] cheese and unfortunately Russell was the other doctor so he needs to get home to be able to help with those legs I don't believe that the zombie virus let's call it can be through eating corpses now alright so crunk just leveled up some shooting and Russell we are gonna get you home to operate I also need to keep an eye on this tortoise I thought it was just the one tortoise and I killed it but it clearly was two or one tortoise converted the other I don't know I simply don't know alright so first things first we are going to tend to the wounds and then we'll use actual meds for something more uh what should my faction be called survivors of the swarm and the settlement aim is uh evac point not Mercy Hospital not this time all right so cheese is getting a little bit of medical attention and now he's gonna get a little bit more than medical attention looks like week what do we need to do we need to change his medicine amount so taking a look at the map right now there is currently no zombies yeah those boom elopes ended up burning out and they remove themselves from the zombie gene pool uh actually this door is propped open I do want the zombies coming to me I don't want to be surprised out there like I just got so that is intentional where are you going you are cutting blocks from a way far away all right so wooden foot and peg leg what a way to start right by a little tortoise that's all it takes though one moment of not paying sufficient enough attention and you're then immediately known as captain peg leg but fortunately Bionic legs and architect legs are totally a thing Kombat supplier coming on in nice they've got a whole lot of good stuff on them I don't know what I have to trade but you know we'll take a look oh yeah the the whole thing with the not being able to send items when they're researched uh hold on one second I could fix that item extra settings uncheck done so now something that isn't researched you can still send to me anyway obviously the orbital base in space doesn't need me to research it it kind of knows already right alright this probably needs to become a wood door and then I need to start putting meat and veggie R I'm just gonna roughly name it food and we'll just do raw food and meals I don't know if I have a good whoa mister Russell is their warden so here we go first vote so you could vote in the regular chat the commands obviously we're only work at the command chat and you could just put down hmm it's the bots down the bot is down right is this popped up which is unfortunate because that kind of means that it's gonna be I'm restarting the bots okay there we go now the votes are starting to register guys apparently a lot of you think I need a pet I'm not gonna disagree all right and this freezers having a little bit trouble keeping up so I'm gonna start double insulating as much as I can now some nice rain to wash away the zombies I should probably also turn off auto zoning and turn on auto replace Oh zombies coming in from Zoe oh and it's an elephant so again no joke of a fight oh I don't think cheese is gonna run to this one so actually cheese because you're a patient sniper now due to your leg injuries i'ma have you change spots with witzy and zombies from tide Locker in the north whoa there Labradors and they're already ripping up everything that is the mess that is a big old mess sector two down sector two is down yeah cheese is definitely not running anywhere so um some York a whole lot of your keys all right go home your keys go home I can't promise you won't become food cuz you guys don't haul your keys are kind of the worst they eat more than cats they do less than foxes Russell are you really I don't all right let's go ahead and harvest early and get some meals going the elephant died what I think I need to do is I'm gonna need like incendiary weapons to destroy the the corpses of some of these enemies because now that it killed that elephant it's not like I can really I guess it could haul it but but I can't do much with this castle well you know what I could do hold on let me see I don't actually know if this is gonna work but but your spot I think this will work Russell you're a cook right or witzy whoever was out here let's see if we can't just butcher this thing on the spot before it comes back and prevent it from prevent it from being resurrected not assigned to cooking uh you're all cooks number four now yeah there we go oh that's not good it came back as I was butchering it why why are you kidding me and yet another leg is tainted I will all right that's that's a pretty useful method but obviously I'm gonna have to do that faster this is a think of this is like the early days of a zombie infection we're learning sort of the rules of the infection are very very important and I'm doing it very poorly all right so they're dead but the northern Labradors are obviously chasing the hell out of everything what do I have to sell you guys I really know I really don't and that's too bad we're gonna just have to say no to the trade there which is unfortunate okay so wit see you are gonna be a proud new owner of a banach leg or a peg leg do Mexican infected no they don't I'm not even entirely sure they're Mex in the game to be honest um so my good doc would be cheese or Russell so let's have cheese do this what we're gonna do is deny medicine for real quick don't arrest it tend to them without meds and soon my entire colony is gonna be immune to leg bites because they're just not gonna have legs left animal handling wits Oh unfortunately Krunk it's gonna be you right now all these stupid dogs eating all my stuff don't don't listen to them whimper uh-oh my visitors are definitely happening upon the zombies out here they're doing a better job of it than I did that's for sure all right so I will use ad-hoc butcheries to get rid of the soon to be resurrected but I'm gonna have to be real careful about that in fact I would go so far as to say it's probably safer just to burn them when it's not raining so hard all right this is definitely not staying all that cool I'm gonna have to add another cooler to here first I'm gonna try to double insulate a little bit more but I think a second cooler is probably inevitable whoa Damian that is very generous if you dude Damian I've known for quite a while and wasn't expecting that out of him that's awesome yeah the legs are expensive prosthetic legs aren't as expensive just it heads up but yeah the bionics and the architects are very pricey and for good reason as they should be all right so butcher creature do forever I'm not gonna care about what creatures actually know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna do to put your creatures so the top one is gonna be animals and the bottom one is going to be zombies so we're gonna put your animals first and then zombies all right what's he's backup and fortunately some of these like fast Walker's aren't gonna be that affected by the fact that they have pegs oh all right so here's a perfect example this um cassowary needs to get put down in fact why was there meat up here where did this come from that's kind of sketchy Wow cheese I don't know if missing by like 50 feet warrants the level up so let's go ahead and do this stay oh I think it's gonna be critically important that I don't really allow my guys to leave this area here so when they're out there conscripted because at this point oh these are human zombies the first time we've seen them and four of them too to boot I think zero is a subscriber so he makes a little extra cash yeah I'm not gonna be able to get ahead of this um infection that I think is apparent so the best I can do is hunt what I can hunt and hunt carefully nice oh let's bring cheese home I'm going to that's a really weird place to eat I'm gonna actually close this door I don't know how much they'll want to bash my walls down that is something they learn pretty soon in here too oh yeah these zombies are going to town and these zombies weren't sent by anyone they're just part of the storyteller all right yeah this map is overrun it's already pretty much overrun no need defenses yeah no kidding no kidding thanks mr. narrator or whatever you are trying to tell me I need two fences dude I know I'm not a double amputee without realizing that already so the bleed effect of the air conditioning actually kind of makes the bedroom s ich area kind of nicer which is great oh there's the zombie cassowary do we want round two yeah I'm gonna have round two here wow this you're not a level 13 shooter you missed it point-blank with many many rounds no one thing I should probably do is to do a hunt of elephants and maybe the hurt oh this hurt one is already zombified as you can see the human zombies are not as slow or sometimes they're slow but they're three dogs sending even more oh yeah alright the map is crawling this is turning into a night of the living alright I'm definitely definitely gonna want some turrets pronto this is an overrun level scenario already for me sasquatch sending some more all you subscribers want to see me die huh alright these elephants are dead most care packages are maxed yeah I understand karma goes up karma comes down now it's actually possible to capitalize on the zombies work if I can get to these elephants before they get turned so I'm gonna try to do that as best I can do a teeny little bit of team calling here so the even the zombie elephants can run and this one definitely rotted fully there's definitely safety in numbers I could tell you that much another thing is as you can see the zombies can't be stripped so whatever clothing they have on them isn't to be stripped at all please don't manhunt okay who you are gonna be temporarily unrestricted alright and then I don't think given that he this one was uh already infected hang on a minute I have a home zona need clear out here I'm not gonna take the chance of running all the way home with it I'm just gonna butcher it here all right now llamas dead we're killing some tortoise if you're trying to use commands in the regular stream chat they won't work unless it's a public vote so you're gonna have to hop over to the commands channel by switching channels all right so we got all of the 223 meat and I'm just gonna grab the leather and go on home with that and this will help to keep us fed for now let's rear strict to stay home I think one thing that's gonna be really important for me to do is to try to get crunk to really push ahead with the the turret research because it's becoming pretty apparent to me that there's gonna be a whole bunch of nasty zombies on this map and I don't really have the guns for it yet yeah the butcher spot way out here is now removed and I'm just gonna forbid it so we don't use it for any reason all right another thing I wanted to do and I started but let's do it here then all right so I'm gonna have spike trap security and I'm not gonna skimp obviously I'm already limping because I skimped before and I won't skip twice so we're gonna have an actual door that we use and this one's gonna be at a metal so it actually opens and then this is going to be a door that we don't use very often so rearm rearm rearm they're a nice long tunnel of things that fall on my enemy's heads big project but a security project so definitely something I want to work on I'm gonna fit the traps for now until everything else is built up uh all the information about karma and coins and all that stuff is on the website if you are interested oh yeah hello we've got company all right let's forbid that door for now I'm not quite ready for them and let's cook find me until we have 10 or 9 okay I do have some I'm gonna call him perishables so I'm gonna have a stockpile here of preferred and then I'm gonna have a stockpile here of just stuff that doesn't really decay all that fast so non non perishables and this will just be normal quality so in perishables we will just get rid of raw resources of stone blocks and steel and wooden stuff and so many of these zombie corpses are already run so another thing I need to do is maybe put them in here just to keep the area nice and clear let's pretend there's still Dawid disease vectors so we're gonna say allow Rutan for corpses I don't care what kind of corpse we'll just throw it in there as you can see here here's some zombie leather and zombie meat zombie leather is really not very protective or insulating but I don't believe there's a mood penalty to wear it and then zombie no no no what are you doing for bid yeah they're just camping me look look there's eight of them just camping me here if I check numbers yeah there's 13 zombies on the map that is no joke so perishables yeah won't include the steel and that way stuff like ambrosia and chocolate that you guys have been sending won't get destroyed and in fact Imbros Oh should be in here so this should be let's fix this a bit this should be normal this should be low and this is preferred and this will also include manufactured drugs of ambrosia yeah and herbal meds he's not a good straighter coming in good luck to you maybe they'll be able to fight to me I don't know they are crazy but that was sent by Damien oh cool they are taking the really gnarly route here I'm really curious nope nope yeah you got bit to the neck how how is it even possible I don't know sine curve sending even more zombies in my way how does a tortoise bite your neck what do you do like cuddle it hold it to your neck and wait for it to snap that's that's deep low levels of stupidity right there is all all I can say about that all right so I think the embrasure was the most sensitive actually medicines pretty sensitive too let's haul that in I'm still also probably getting part of me wants to make it out of the zombie leather but I'm just gonna say make it out anything all right so we got a prosthetic leg that is awesome cheese is gonna get this one because he is too prosthetics and that makes him particularly vulnerable to the speed colonists need names oh yeah mystery irony no mr. Russell needs names and another prosthetic leg so this one's going to what see speed enough look at you guys helping me out I call for help and help shows up alright so Russell let's get operating uh so this lady here is gonna turn and she is gonna turn on these guys here are these guys actually respecting my forbidden door I think they are I just allowed them in yes I do realize I'm allowing a zambian I'm aware of that [Music] all right so cheese is now not pegleg just would footed and wit C is now prosthetic leg and that will help with movement speed oh look at the swarm in look at that swarm these visitors are awesome now I just have to keep an eye on calina she is going to try to eat me brains brains user brains tell bus your delicious delicious brains it's too bad the first really badass fight isn't even me I'm just like standing here watching it alright crunk let's go trade with these guys the clearly mad Oh they've Bionic hearts psychic soother yeah I don't really have anything to sell them unfortunately Oh Karen ik a new sub of mine I think that's a similar enough name sending me yet four more zombies this lady here it's only a matter of time till she turns I'm gonna have to keep an honor she's gonna she's gonna be like in my dining room won't she she's gonna turn that's what's gonna happen with my luck oh absolutely that's what's gonna happen she'd be like ah pleasure pleasant pleasure eat some Chow with you guys and then like oh no your brains are delicious too I know it that's that's that's what's gonna get me killed I don't have the hospitality mod on so I can't really forbid them uh combat medic visiting the colony Oh a bunch of visitors man there's a lot of visitors out here I am surprised that they would have the lack of a better term cojones to even travel in this deeply travel ill-advised area but so be it alright so the really sensitive stuff like the synth red in the medicine let's haul first so don't lose it muscle parasites or muscle parasites or some fog really that's a rigged election right there if I've ever seen one like what do what do you want to go wrong with you apparently you all want fog because given my current limbs situation muscle parasites would be pretty crippling for sure ooh area okay cool yeah I sort of figured that there was some sort of area there at the moment what I'm hoping for is actual chunks gold I like that I'll be able to trade that to my neighbors zinc spear sending me some more zombies oh wow that's gonna be quite a really interesting spawn there cuz it spawned on top of that elephants and those elephants are gonna turn and when they turn oh here's a chance for actually me to do some good I think so one of our visitors here is downed and it wasn't it wasn't zombies so I'm gonna actually give them some affection for lack of a better term so let's actually wit see our zombie come ahead so I'm gonna go rescue jet Falana here is still preparing to turn well I got some wake up that will help me be productive thank you what where any I'm sorry that's that's not your name but I made it your name and I apologize for that another poor bed look alright where I have to check everyone okay so this dude's gonna turn this dude's just has heatstroke I've got fog coming in and a transport pod let's check them out nervous no dumb labor yeah your zombie food see horu sending me some components cheese is starting to look like a zombie when I saw him in the base for a second there I was like oh god I already have one in my base but he's just wearing lizard skin shirt and a green cowboy hat definitely panic me a bit I'm not gonna lie I I thought for a moment that he was a zombie and that I had already failed it perimeter management alright so you guys need work um there is work to be done there's intellectual work right here on the bench Provo go sending a little caravan my way and what whoa what who dubbed that did they dig this did they select a West exit and just like well this doesn't even go all the way west I am so confused about how this cave even got found cuz I don't think an insect up there I think these visitors did but this visitor is like taking the weirdest path I've ever seen in my life yeah he stepped straight out of the base I see that now I did say that this was gonna be a weak point and they made it immediately true so I don't let's see I have some slate blocks I'm gonna have to replace these with slate what a weird zapping visitor I figure because I already have this giant zone here maybe I'll just use it and I'll start filling in the walls on this side okay so that's alright that's really strange that they sapped right through my walls alright so jet I was rescuing but he got back up tornado just sent me a whole bunch of tortoises to try to eat me to try to bite my neck everyone's asleep and I don't want to wake him up given their current mood so you know wait oh what's he's up what do you guys got I don't think I'm gonna sell anything to them cuz everything I have is pretty precious to me but I don't mind the extra guns hanging around the base when no one has work to do I'm gonna have a bunch of four tier tasks so that have fewer idle pawns I think that will be pretty important I have one mess of a bedroom slash every mile it's kind of an everything room please get some granite medicine and zombies zombies from light void phantom and there oh wow this map 45 enemies now on it some are uninfected the obviously well that visitor that plowed into my base definitely got himself killed but um all these insects are not hostile oh the dudes that visited me just gave me some plasteel that's pretty sweet and the medicine from Shibuya alright come on guys mind up some - regretting it ooh a regular iguana that was owned by a faction it died a natural death there is their machine pistol and more zombies from Nate Nick Beast all right so the stay home zone I'm going to even more carefully paint so that they don't even leave the door I don't want them stepping foot outside of my perimeter without my knowledge I think that's probably pretty important it's also not even include the walls so they can't repair it from the wrong side and was that mega scarab man if only I had like a doomsday launcher oh krunk's on an insulting spree that will be great Oh another thing I failed to mention is a lot of these guys are brothers so Russell and witzy are brothers and crunk and cheeser brothers um to add to the heightened requirements trying to keep them alive all right so it looks like this tunnel here does not have a lot of overhead Mountain which is good it's not going to cause me it's not going to cause me any infestations and then there's only one overhead Mountain tile in here which is right right there which is also good so that's additionally not gonna cause me any trouble let's go back to any stone blocks do forever and drop all right the insult spree is over sigh kaity coming down cheese is definitely gonna drink that immediately another thing I ought to do is to start expanding the plant so let's get that going I will separate it out a little bit so that I can't get giant blights so this looks corn colored we'll add corn in my fertile will have a formal rice with a capital I because typing is not my strong suit and then down here let's do a cycloid leaves and hops cuz what would life be without beer I don't know how to brew yet or tea make but we'll have to cross that bridge when I get there so battery is researched that's awesome let's go I think what's really important is to work towards um gun turrets so we have to start with smithing and work our way up and now we have some sandstone so let's whoa okay pod just came through my roof and it is a prisoner named chicken nugget and you just yellowed through the roof really all right so you're a night owl and you're jealous you are a fantastic constructor and crafter yeah all right so um I suppose what I gotta do is imprison you and then raffle you off despite whoever bought it doesn't mean you get it so cheese so didn't have a constructor and I definitely need one and a pretty good dedicated crafter would be good too we have one person that oh she's standing in the door it was Pro note how could you strip her she looks pretty naked a female slave um construct the door arrest Oh oops arrest Alimentum thanks for the the subscription there that's awesome so let's go and put her down she also came with a peg leg 20 years old and she has a peg leg she fits just right in come on just go easy don't make me kill you just get knocked out there we go capturing her that also means I need to put someone on warden II and it's gonna be Russell actually it probably shouldn't be Russell I believe Russell is a psychopath yeah Russell is indeed a psychopath so it's gonna be wit see psychopaths don't really form relationship bonds so that's really not all that helpful to have a psychopath trying to build a relationship with anyone for that matter actually witzy is 24 years old so that might even be a good match oh man the dude I rescued just got ambushed by the Panther and he's dead and that's not my fault steal from Zhang spur and kibble from tadpole sin thread from acid lots of gifts all right we're patching her up it's actually pretty good practice it is hot hot hot hang on a minute I'm gonna crack that door up and see if I can't do it that way see if my now my freezer is actually defrosting pretty hard it's really hot out holy moly another prosthetic leg nice I'll probably keep that until she formally joins that's a pretty crummy little prison that I had for her though she's not gonna join if if that's what I'm offering her so it whoa whoa that's a lot of zombies at my door that's like far more zombies than I'm even gonna have the capacity to kill haha Luciferian you mad man already a new med man you already want me to be junkie might help though just might help Sue's my research at crunk mr. crunk he's going to take wake up drink some tea and immediately go to sleep how are you even sleeping Wow witzy thanks I'm trying to keep you alive I'm doing my best so I think those bits are just because your heart's still beating I've had to do some emergency surgeries and chop a few good people up but that's just uh sometimes the way the cookie crumbles all right I think uh I'm thinking here silver another thing I probably should invest in well let me think I'm not gonna do an electric crematorium I think I'm just gonna work on mall tops man it would be awesome if I just like carpet it up this whole tunnel and set it on fire just like burning them all to death that would be totally out the okay esteem for me to do all right so the limits of that steel vein are done I might have the ability to expand to this giant tunnel here if I sort of dig my way through and plug up the hole oh my god that is frightening out there that's hole let's get a 50 50 seriously what about wildlife oh we still actually have some wildlife that's like live but most of them returning yeah they're pretty much all turning life as we know it is ending my friends so another thing I should invest in is uh decent bedrooms they're certainly not gonna be the nicest but something you know so I also don't want to have to clean them ever so I'm just sort of brainstorming where they might be located I don't know I haven't really thought that over yet self-cleaning bedrooms not my strong suit because there's also so much Marsh around here that makes it hard to find good swathes for for growing so actually this zone here okay so I think what I'll do is have I'm just sort of thinking slowly here have my bedrooms like that Pinnock so cyclin definitely gonna take one for each right now Wow crunk is very happy why are you so happy what am i doing oh you're catharsis that will do it alright wit C cheese and Russell wastes no time go treat yo'self hope the reference isn't lost on y'all it's a weird place for a bedroom bedrooms but it's the land around the the kitchen should probably be for growth and was there anything I didn't read pink link sending me steel awesome we do have a lot of it a lot of steel I cannot wait to turn those into turrets which makes me think are their components yes there's a few components down there I don't know how good I am gonna be it and some they're fun these bugs to gain access to the components there's components here but of course they might as well be on the opposite side of the map where oh wow are these the visitors well that one's dead shield just run man just run I don't I wouldn't blame you dude I'm not worth visiting I will expand the power here leveling up in plants that's good a little rain to get rid of all this blood man this is like the road to hell is paved with good intentions this is what good intentions looks like all these half these guys were coming to like visit me and you all know what happened to them oh look at these poor guys oh my goodness he just got eaten to death by zombie rabbits that's terrible and the other ones making it out only to go infect his primary colony there just wasn't enough visitors to do anything there they got overwhelmed so fast so hard all right so who is no actually I'm not gonna have them attempt better beds I'm just gonna wait until I recruit lady what's-her-name the the slave not because I'm being misogynistic because she's literally a slave that was her designation so I'm out of blocks again let's only move that one bed because all the other bedrooms aren't enclosed another prosthetic leg nice I guess slates really not gonna be a building material I have a renewable amount of stuff for maybe a little bit all right so what is what's got you oh you were just super insulted that's what's got you all britches in a bunch did they just get yeah I think one of them just got hit with lightning that is awesome I heard it well now they're covering my southern exit to my like escape route that's no bueno all right definitely need to get woodsy to go to sleep this barracks is awful another thing I could do is level up their construction skill but I'd really rather have chicken nugget chicken nuggets gonna be our salvation towards nice buildings cheese oh okay oh it was purchased Oh MF DOOM but intellectual boost and I was like how did she's just like ruminate over something in his head while sleeping and get a boost that had me really confused first a second there it's like dude I wish I could do that I'd have gotten straight A's in school if I could just be smarter in my sleep all right skill increase witzy bought by witzy got better shooting I like it I can't wait till I open up the like killing fields or whatever you want to call this I'm gonna have a little bit more construction to do for sure who everyone's replanting all right let's see how terrible are we at warden terrible holy moly terrible the first thing when I can afford to do it I'm going to try to treat her real nice and put her in a proper bed give her a place to eat basically remove all our negative moods the pain of course she has to wait because she resisted but everything else will will work towards all right so we're starting to get sandstone blocks wonderer joins visit oh boy if you guys vote for wanderer joins that will be interesting not that I'm trying to encourage anything over any other choices but trying to get someone all the way to the colony holy mole ads gonna be brutal and it looks like I might have influenced the vote a little bit or maybe you wanted to see that anyway but it's gonna be exciting very exciting it's gonna have to who's seen bolt his way here okay so is this all the granite ends here and turns to you sandstone alright can I move the vote window sure I don't oh yeah yeah right cuz it okay I see I have to tap out to actually see what you guys see so there we go that should be a little bit better I forgot that there's actually information up there Russell what do you need you are gonna drink some tea this tea is really helping me out I actually don't know why I disabled beer if I'm gonna be perfectly honest if I have tea I should have beer I might even be able to let's see where is my tea if I could spell it so tea was at 75 pot beer is gonna be the same send me five a pop it doesn't really make sense to have one and out the other what's the chances of a full bionic dummy killing the well yeah I mean it's it's possible that the so when the zombies come back they come back the way they were generated so for instance this thing was chewed to death and then has a bunch of wounds right that's why a lot of the zombies are really slow oh here we go Zach naked Zack you are underground or tough and pessimist you have every right to be pessimist you're a teenager and you're artistic okay I am going to have you run as fast as you can to get here mr. naked Zach now your pants on at least you have that kind of decency right alright so there's a bunch of tortoises but I think if I like this we'll be okay alright well you guys know the drill once I have someone added to the group they are up for grabs so in the subscriber room I am thinking I remember between 1 and 20 and the first person to guess it or guess closest after a sufficient amount of time gets the pawn our friend Zach the tough underground a pessimist who's 15 poor little 15 year old what a life he's inherited huh maybe he's better off with us than as a zombie and also just vote once oh all right zach is now zero day zero day guessed it I think and then wow 0 days popping up in a lot of what a series I'm gonna call you zero I'm hoping that's what you would want alright so mr. Zack needs work priorities and we'll set him up to mine and do art most of all he's also he likes plants so we'll have him so which is funny cuz a zero-day tends to be my gardener in almost every series as well there was also oboy so Todd Walker you sent combat supplier my way I would probably turn back if I was oh here we go bite to the neck now she just died but she kept her head meaning like literally her she was not decapitated which means that she's gonna come back to haunt us I'm also gonna want another cowboy hat and a button-down shirt for Zach and I think his pants was at 40% is that right no just pour all right well we'll get that done okay there's still some tortoises there some chocolate thank you uh fern hall and a group of travelers so I think all this recent gunfire is definitely gonna attract the swarm of zombies back north to us which is I suppose a little bit of a problem but one that I'm gonna have to deal with or rather these visitors might have to deal with they're kind of getting overrun a little bit these um there's definitely a long line of zombies and Artie marty is sinan even more my way oh cool Liberty spikes on a zombie and some of these zombies are actually pretty fast because they were not the zombies you generate from commands have not been wounded in the way that other zombies have so they're speedy little little dudes Andrew definitely gonna have to expand the bedroom area hmm so have a steam geyser here and that's gonna prevent me from expanding too far that direction all sorts of madness is happening out there like Loki don't even want to look it's just people getting melted let's see maybe that's not even a good place for the additional bedrooms let's do something like well I am gonna also want a hospital so I shouldn't take up too much of the nice territory I think these visitors are pretty doomed if I do say so myself alright I'll just put the bedrooms like that for now Oh apparently zombie boom levels do not explode they are holding pretty good but I think all but one of them is infected yeah infected infected infected they're all gonna turn they're all going to turn here are some of the artis Ami's shucks wildlife so there's still a lot of wildlife out there and the zombies recently have been called certainly not all of them there's maybe 20 or so left but it might give us a bit of a leg up in order to clear out the people that are still up I don't want any infestations so I'm trying to mine in such a way that is responsible which means doing a whole lot of remove roof and figuring out where I can mine that doesn't generate even more infestations because that would be really terrible I do need a chem field generator badly you are not wrong about that I do have a very limited amount of chem fuel but that is pretty deep into the research tree and we just one thing I could do is have crunky or prioritize research over everything else Oh Russell ran out of the bed coz zero took it that's not good can't get adding treats correct someone in the chat that's done it before I might be able to help you these syntax is a little weird more pirate merchants from Provo Gow all right so Jimmy somehow walked away from all that but Tigers down this is so madness it's great yeah they did drop a bunch of stuff I could probably grab there is some heavy smg's there's a you know actually what I'm gonna do is orders allow all alright witzy is my warden I'm gonna go talk to them and see if I can't sell all the junk that's on the ground perfect circle thanks for the chem fuel so if I want to sell this junk I kind of need to put it in a stock pile it's funny it's like take what you see wholesale it to everybody oops that's one big stock pile what's he wearing I really don't feel safe standing where I'm standing for obvious reasons apparently other than selling chicken nugget there's really not much else it's possible I try to make enough money selling the meds that you've been gifting me to but well now I'm not even close to buying these slaves and there's EMP and fire foam shells I can sell them where did I get these I don't recall yeah so I'll sell that stuff and witzy we are going to don't allow anything in the stockpile so that we all carry it out and put you back on stay home I'm very worried about that I was very lucky to have been bit in parts of the body that could be amputated Glitter world wow that is a generous amount of glue oil for quantum Drake's just needs to be in my home zone Bearman Thanks that is good to know there's still a lot of good stuff to mine out here let's check numbers number says there's just one zombie alpaca out here and the rest of the zombies are dead or have yet to turn which is good news so the whole point behind building this is we are going to put our visitor in here and I'm gonna start smoothing out walls to make these areas nicer is there something you need to do to join the sub chat uh if you've subscribed but I know you're a patreon sub so I wouldn't so much worry about that so this is smithing oh my god that took a while [Music] kidney kidney I always find it funny when I'm sent stuff that like Loki doesn't make that much sense you know like kidneys because uh I don't have one yet you're not wrong but I obviously don't need one yet hi there fortunately I have somehow managed to keep all my organs intact our team RT says take the loo see any of the current characters here want to be on Lucy it's sort of up to you guys alright zero-day says he wants to be on Lucy so we're gonna have elusive fury medic in just a moment let me fix social drugs so I'm gonna take just a moment to schedule some of these drugs I should have the chart out in front of me but I'm just gonna say take it whenever I don't really care they're almost never gonna be max happiness anyway and the one new policy is gonna be the same schedule every three every - every three or two three - take one and then one will be scheduled Luciferian keep one take every six days for addictions there we go Oh gift er gave a sub to stormy so now stormy year not only a patron but you're also a twit sub so welcome to the twitch sub chat Thanks whoever was anonymous and Andy sent me that kidney alright I need to probably start uh hauling some of this stuff in I don't have a whole lot of resources so I should take care of it Wow and then she's just gifted a whole bunch of you guys which is funny uh at least at least some of you were already patreon subs - like Cardozo who happens to be our resident llama is it rigged I don't know if it's rigged it might be make sure to assign em - yeah you're right zero you are gonna be assigned to drug policy number two Lucy addict friend right now I'm just gonna say Cara but no meds and then we'll use meds on demand help and more Lucy coming down from cookie the yeah so he's a fifteen year old on Lucy that's uh that's gonna be quite an interesting mix there what was he good at again well maybe his traits will change once zero can earn up a little bit more capital chocolate from sambar nice well it is relatively peaceful right now isn't it before the storm and it is very hard to uh to get progress done beset by zombies so you guys have been quite nice sending me visitors I might have to rebalance the visitors so that they're a little bit more expensive because it is pretty easy for them to clear everyone out at no risk to myself so what I'm doing is I'm just checking the roof zone here and trimming away the overhead Mountain that or the mountain and not getting overhead so that I can keep it nice and infestation free free cup of tea I like it nice these bedrooms oh well these bedrooms aren't even symmetrical Jesus what I can't count apparently now that's set alright well we'll fix that presently and shortly this is indeed gonna be a three hour stream the weekend streams I will keep longer long-form because I think there's demand for it alright so mr. chicken nugget or mrs. chicken nugget I really really really need the sandstone wall we have no blocks I think what I need to do is assign zero doesn't craft ah you got to be kidding me alright who's doing a task that can be replaced cheese you're gonna be our locker or mr. block which is probably not a good task for you given your movement speed but whatever all right there we go we have the blocks we will move this bed don't be backwards alright so the prison is ready to be moved and then I'm going to illuminate the prison so it's not in the dark and then put in a table and a chair and try to keep her a little bit happier do what I can you know all right that says the reserve bed so let's just copy the bed that was a poor bed so it's not like I don't really want to keep it anyway zero you can crank one out all right that's for prisoners this is not and then we'll get rid of that bed all right so there's our prison what C smooth the area it's awful yeah I mean I figured it was gonna be awful it's rather tight and small okay it's a roof over your head and you're not being eaten by zombies so that is pretty generous I'd have to say I say she's getting moved that means I can remove the the wall and the door and all that we're almost ready to open up the tunnel of doom getting pretty close all right let's go unrestricted replace this door what is going on more wake up no time for sleep thank you any zombies coming to my way and hint nudge nudge poke prod cloth just call me a PC all right you got it mannered I tease so wake up has a really small chance to sort of cars ha ha heart attacks here we go I asked for zombies I got zombies zombie caribou and zombie rats oh wow zombie wolves I think just next to it so this was let me name who did this all like void tide Walker Karen Nick and the end is the best boss Owen we actually got some humans - humans Abbie's thank you wanted to send me a gift but I asked for zombies zombies are still a gift just a deadly one that wants to eat my face and brains you know how it is I've got some delicious delicious brains zing spur sending me what was it elk I guess and party Marty sending mecha scarabs well now I'm outnumbered by zombies like 15 to 1 that's how I like it oh that was not supposed to be destroyed a well zero you because you have you're young and have a nice ticker I'm gonna make you take the wake up Dameon just sent to prisoner to me it it kool-aid guide through my roof named Damian a incapable violence yeah she's not gonna get recruited there is no room for pacifists in these zombie apocalypse [Music] god I would have to say the most angry I've ever been in my entire life at a movie and sure there are some frustrating movies out there was probably album from Saving Private Ryan because he was like kind of a helpless was that got that got his comrade killed and that's what I always think of pacifist pawns in this game as just like horrible pacifists that watches their friends get massacred which is why I really don't much like pacifism she does possibly have healthy limbs she has a lot of good skills but yeah it's just not worth heaven go away she's also monopolizing the bedroom here could you alright you know what you are gonna be captured and released I guess we'll just we'll just have to release you send you on your merry way to pacify these zombies we all know that that's not gonna work alright be gone thought I could sell our organs but I'm I'm pretty sure in the zombie apocalypse I don't need extra to be extra cruel there's plenty of Cruelty to go around all right so this electric smelter doesn't have enough power to turn on um I suppose it's time for batteries so I'm gonna be lazy and just build my first battery outside with a roof over it all right chicken nugget you've got an awful little prison cell you're still complaining about that thing you know it's funny as I actually had to moderate allow that comment there chicken nugget about the epic gone thought YouTube was trying to censor it I don't need no unnecessary censorship alright so she is some here serious heat stroke that's probably uh probably something I should take care of right she's it's not to me worth um cooling her bedroom so I'm gonna go ahead and do that it also occurs to me that I will need to cool these other bedrooms as they are probably hot very very hot and I sort of failed to do that so far alright so nighttime and just go to sleep you're not al you're an adult go to sleep at least you're eating with the table right health administer let's just go ahead and minister a psychic tea and ambrosia to hurt make her a little bit happier and maybe recruit her a little sooner she's not a pain in our behind wow look at all these rotten corpses I would say probably right now is a good time to do some external mining so 0 the tunneler you my little tumblr are gonna be sent out here while there doesn't seem to be any zombies in the immediate vicinity I've got steal from pinko link and I'll just have to keep watch that's what I the auto turrets will be really handy for is they will automatically fire in any zombies and alert me when they're coming too close that's what I really really want oh man so let's see these zombie corpses how ugly are they ooh they don't count my people don't even see them as human anymore that's pretty dark gunsmithing definitely restored researching that and then there's to ship chunks just north of me that was sent by no one no I guess the storyteller sent that unexpected there's also potentially some sort of hidden terrine here as well which I will figure out what that's all about krunk's honestly doing a pretty good job doing the research you think the ship chunks were you it's weird that it didn't attribute it to you but I believe you it is an event that I have it's just weird that it didn't show up on the on the list there it just doesn't have a name but not all the events work properly I've tried to disable the events that don't like party doesn't work or Aurora doesn't work and therefore I've had them disabled because I would really hate for you guys to use your points and then have your points not be spent that kind of sucks hyper weave I'm gonna cherish that hyper weaves really important in this because the thicker your defenses are oh thanks come ASEA the thicker your defenses are the less likely you are to get a bite or Swiper whatever you know so if I have really good clothing underneath my armor once I have armor of course it could save me from losing limbs to tortoises and cassowaries like I have like I've done another thing I'm probably gonna want to do Oh friendly AI cool but yeah I'm not about ready to go seek an AI core kind of early for that let's take a look at numbers whoa all right so we have 75 zombies out here they're just really haven't hasn't been in a gunfire which is why they haven't come to my gates alright so here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna have granite walls and a door here and then a little end cap there Oh even more zombies and this was sent by the storyteller Thank You storyteller all right so my people say that their Idol I'll just keep keep on mining so now if we open up the doors on either end and I should probably uninstall this here so I can open up the door without stepping on a trap if you open up the doors on either end we allow for the influx of zombies into our territory muscle parasite seems to be a very popular trend here keep keep being added to my egg group I don't know why so I'm barely producing enough power to to Net+ so I'm gonna start turning off things I don't need like the tailoring for now I really like dusters though how much leather do I have I definitely don't have like dusters amounts another thing I should probably invest in is some basic req items I was hoping to get well no maybe I should wait for chicken nugget well the horseshoe pin doesn't have it quality but the chest table will so we'll wait just a little bit I struck uranium zero is going to be the one to be allowed to mine that stuff if you need a mining skill of nine or over to get full yield so uranium is valuable enough to warrant that and then uranium turrets are some of my favorite mini turrets so I'm very excited to be able to field some uranium in eat art soon uranium aces would also be pretty good but i considering zombies I don't think have a well let's find one let's figure out what what they're weak to they are I don't think they really have a slash resistance sharp resistance no they really don't have any armor or anything so with that in mind plasteel blades are gonna be more effective against them than uranium maces uranium aces are fun though don't get me wrong I like bashing the faces of enemies but gotta go with what's tried-and-true and this additional rain uranium is going to be used for uranium gun turrets which are fireproof nothing says war quite like a fireproof turret now there is a bit of an infestation risk in this here is mainly safe um probably not that safe but that doesn't mean that I shouldn't have a back-up plan for when everything else goes belly-up and fubar if that makes sense so yeah I would say it's definitely not safe there's no doubt about that but sometimes you got to do what you got to do right if you're getting overwhelmed and I think if you're wearing marine armor high high enough quality marine armor and maybe some hyper weave underneath you're not probably all that likely to get bit but that might just be an assumption that I shouldn't make I don't know so bear man if you're wondering what I don't ever use quality of life mods ever that's sort of been always true except for the briefest of brief moments I had pickup and Hall installed so mods like quality builders and that kind of stuff definitely do not have enabled and likely never will and I want these things to turn oh yes new recruit all right chicken nugget is here chicken nugget as a reminder was a super good constructor so what we're gonna do is put her on one construction and as you can as you can guess it's now time to guess a number first guests just guess once closest between one and twenty gets the pawn this also means that I think Krunk you're out of a job because she's not all that much used to us for other things if you happen to guess the same number someone else you can guess again but only guess once and whoever gets closest after a sufficient period of time will get the pond chute belts don't work for melee so she'll belts will definitely not help you not get bit you're still totally gonna get bit [Music] all right bear man this is you are now chicken nugget also if you'd like to be male you can gender swap that is a command it's on the website so let's see bear man 129 actually there we go the sign perfect I'm gonna call her bear woman just so it's not confusing the mod list that I have going on here is numbers and like chat bubbles most of it is basically cosmetic except for the zombies and the twitch toolkit everything else kind of doesn't really matter mod wise new area revealed okay so I was digging here on purpose I really should have kept an eye on on him though but actually now that I'm out here let's equip this change shotgun cuz that's gonna be a lot better than my dinky knife I've got Luciferian from sinneth Jeb's and a Balkans trader coming in from AM F doom oh boy they're gonna attract a whole lot of zombies actually there's already a zombie getting pretty close to zero here I'm gonna have to be a little cautious yeah I'm gonna start hauling this back and get down out of here I can smell the sea change you know when it's obviously gonna become unsafe so keeping bear woman on the restriction there and what another prisoner named chicken nugget alright so uh you keep kool-aid Duke Manning through my my rubes here very destructive way to introduce yourself I'm not gonna lie fair woman what are you doing building a roof okay that's okay um sorry cornfield we're just gonna have to tap and do actually that's bigger than it needs to be so no nevermind cornfield you can stay but that might actually interrupt the yeah we're really gonna have to figure out a better sleeping situation soon we're just gonna be in bungalows alright so right here seems to be just a fine spot but as we add people it's gonna be increasingly difficult to house them appropriately and in fact what I should do is just add this whole zone to to home zone because we do have a lot of idle pawns there isn't so much work that we need done at home so we might as well clean everything up and fight all the fires and all that good stuff another thing I could also do is to remove and deconstruct all this steel and see what kind of floors underneath here with any luck its natural stone tile that probably won't be 0 you have an awful bedroom so you're on in salt spree power clock coming from you you guide or something chicken nugget from chicken nugget steel from ping click build walls where you mined out the uranium yo yeah I know definitely gonna do that I just want to get more of that uranium chem fuel from King's uber psychic soothe pulser which has been hauled away from blue very berry here is yet another bedroom the ever-expanding group of survivors uh-oh yeah they definitely wanted to punch each other and that's what happens on an assault spree all right I kind of want to check back over here there is like World War Z happening over here once I get the base set up a decent amount I definitely want to join that I want to go out there and rampage like that all right new area revealed cool whoa okay that's not good so if collapsed rocks are landing on my head that means there's overhead Mountain tiles that can't be removed and that's true so we got to make sure not to dig around that and get clocked Oh my first batch of beer well cheese let's go drink some I think these visitors are helping but I'm not exactly sure oddly enough the storyteller keeps spotting them wearing inappropriate clothing so they are always like heatstroke which is kind of strange if you ask me all right so as I suspected this is all rough sandstone so it's like perfect perfect that's just wonderful this whole zone is gonna be like perfectly sterile so this could be a giant triage hospital or something or maybe the new kitchen cuz it's enormous I may want to rob a dead muffle oh well I don't think I can leave the base right now it looks a mite bit dangerous to do that I bear woman you have all right you're our constructor what I need to do for you is I need good beds I don't want to spend so much time sleeping so let's crank out some good beds here zombie leather chairs sounds awesome to me that will be high up on my list of things to do all right good excellent let's just keep the excellent ones and she said wandering wow that didn't take long zero if you have nothing to do go over here I think she said wandering cuz she's like naked or whatever jealous oh yeah you're jealous well fair man if you want to remove jealousy that will make it a little bit easier but it's up to you she also needs a shirt and she needs a cowboy hat so let's get that done and unfortunately she herself is the crafter of such things so that's not a bit helpful all right you apparently have a lot of energy you do all right I think at this point it is psychic soothe pulser time so I thank you for that zombies coming in from light void bunch of cassowaries that's scary food is not at a premium right now [Music] all right let's figure out what we can do about here we are gonna make simple meals until 9:00 cook with Russell and just drop on the floor how do you send zombie invasions everything you need to know is on the website including zombie invasions but maybe someone in the chat can direct you correctly regardless oh don't wander on the dead falls that is not good that is bad behavior unfortunately witzy just built one of these beds and you know they're not gonna be any good hedging story me sending wolves Lots gonna be a tough tough group alright one thing I'm gonna do just because we are constantly having idle pawns is start to expand the farms so I'm gonna start by clipping all of the plants everywhere just that I can see where I have Marsh where I have like low quality soil and where I have fertile soil because it's not always all that clear and we'll just DeForest everything now it looks like we have space for another bedroom as soon as bare woman gets back to us mr. Russell are you making meals you weren't why weren't you cook first event traveler or group so the thing is each different event has a cool-down of how many times it can be used within five in-game days so if something doesn't work it's likely on cooldown and not necessarily disabled because that way you can't send like 15 of the same event all at once and sort of break the game engine and break the game balance so if you're curious why something might not be working keep in mind that it might just be as simple as it's on cooldown and not that it's actually broken or not working now sometimes the events don't work and I'll give you that but generally speaking it's the mod functions as intended not always but generally speaking okay so back to this zero we want you mining the uranium I'm just gonna have him pure mine it and then I'm gonna have to put a roof back over that bear man is now a fair man probably some time off screen I will have to change your hair or at least put it in a helmet we got ship chunks awesome I don't think they tell me who sends them so that's a little bugged but I'm sure it was one of you guys blow back our operation just got research so gun turrets don't stop at witzy stop go do something else I don't know go cut a palm tree I don't need poor beds out of you come on bear woman bear me in whatever you are gender swap doesn't change the shape of the pot or anything like that transport pod crash for nyan stedfast psychopath jogger looks good to me let's try and save him don't really have a bed yet uh who's going going oh it's gonna be zero and I'm gonna rescue him rather than capture him he was a spacer so he'll join us it's what they usually do all right bear man you are gonna hop up on wake up and start getting productive so I'm descending zero cuz he's a Lucy addict in a little bit faster we also have the gates open oh wow you're just being rescued like straightaway Luciferian for milk no bran which already got hauled bionic leg from cheese all right I'm guessing cheese wants the leg so that's what left and meds and I'm gonna have to have a proper hospital bed here as well so let's try to make a wooden bed that doesn't suck how about it bear another bionic leg and that's from turtle beer from a PO 34 and the gender swap of course all right that's a good bed it's gonna have to do uh why so many good beds I want excellent ones granted I don't think bear man skills all that high rate yet that's fair but uh the excellent ones are awesome all right what's he get out of that bed I think I'm gonna have to settle on the good ones for now and then just try to make something better than good later all right as for the surgeries this is now a hospital bed so we've got to Banach legs they're gonna get installed and then we'll be faster than we ever were before cheese is gonna be the first surgery oh no that's not what I wanted chem fuel coming from Marty Marty keeping our base nice and powered speaking of powered we got to turn on this bench again all right cheese you are a doc yes and you're gonna install wit seize leg bear is making herself himself I'm gonna get that confused a lot a shirt I have a totally open door policy right now and no one's even coming in I'm a little insulted there's a lot of wealth out here though oh wow this is it does honestly look like proper apocalypse it's absolutely great so the leg this is a terrible operating theater but at least it's mostly clean there we go bionic leg all right cheese you're up and Russell you're doing it that's not his bedroom come on all right bear you'll rescue all right these beds sucked or at least weren't up to my standard I think bears now hopped up on wake up so look at that done awesome most of the slow prosthetic legs are now replaced I am definitely building up a lot of them now uh also bear I guess has a prosthetic leg too huh I forgot about that she came with it that one wasn't my fault to be fair that that one's on the game expanding the zones a little bit Newton here has no health problems he's just healing up a guest you all know what that means some boom elopes are dying out here the screen shaking no stop building oh well that one's excellent so thanks your ire was not deserved fair man resting oh but let's suspend and crank out even more beds good good good Oh raw rice gross food is a little scarce I'm gonna have to work on fixing that soon and at this rate woods gonna be scarce - but pack of Survivor meals coming down from a PC that will help let's see we've got I'll just fill this with steel normal more normals good Wow that is what a waste all right I think what I'm gonna do is let's go do it like this everyone else is gonna get rid of their construction there is gonna be construction top top top highest priority and then I'm gonna order a giant smoothing the walls out and this should level him up so that we're capable of crafting something better then that will work I hope all right filling this in so we don't end up getting a infestation wit C's catatonic 8 zombie meat well yeah that that will do it let's go into the assignments and forbid that so food assignments um nothing gross alright so that means we are not going to eat raw zombie meat or human meat for that matter until we have a or insect meat yes because you could be knocked Condit catatonic that's pretty gross skill increased crunk bot for himself of intellectual it's getting even better I do find it funny that he was like hungry so he ate zombie meat and then he's like not hungry anymore I'm just gonna go take a very very very long nap kind of fight why was there zombie meat because I was butchering some zombies for their leather and meat I'm eventually gonna have a base that is more or less fueled by chem fuel made from zombie but until that time we're gonna you know have to just not eat the zombie meat I feel like this rice or corn rather is taking like forever in a day to grow do you guys feel the same way I feel like it's been planted forever now and it's just taking its sweet time watching me hungry it's because it's corn yeah that's a fair point the corn sucks like that he'll root no one can grow cool let's put some [Music] strawberries there why not they're not all that useful plants but there's some fertile fertility there so I'll go ahead and do it I like how everyone's totally okay with woods he just sleeping on a stool well actually put you into the bed actually you know what we're gonna put you somewhere a little bit better into your actual bedroom rtu really want everyone to be a loosey attic don't you I'm starting to sense a trend here naeun just joined you know what this means so in the subs roam chat number 1 to 20 don't guess someone else's number you can regress if you guessed someone else's number anyway and first to get it get it gets it you know it is and hopefully we'll have another productive member alright so gun turrets just got researched I'm gonna jump straight to micro electronics to try to help me research a little bit faster that will take a while chicken nugget actually gets this one that's really funny you sent me two and then you actually get one for yourself so oops I'm gonna name you like that and then assign you like this there we go I think that's a sign correctly yep okay only one unnamed colonists so chicken let's take a look at you you are steadfast psychopath jogger very artistic you're now the artiste of the group steadfast will be nice too I'm gonna take you off of construction for now and we have need of yet another bedroom booth is all I'm gonna say to that hmm so Marcia soil is minus two so I don't want to make a bedroom over Marcie soil because that will piss zero off greatly what do we have we have a lot of granite right now cuz chicken nugget can just sleep there so you're gonna take this spot here no but that ya know that that that will have to be a bedroom man I am running out of space in this t little cave I don't want to be like an underground troll but I might have to be at some point soon just cuz I'm constantly run out of spots to expand to BOTS dead alright let's fix the bots bots coming back up thanks for the warning now I think what I want to do is start to shoot up zombies from fern Hall some more humne human zombies let's get some turrets oh he'll mech serum that is a generous gift right there how does that help us it would fix the catatonic breakdown I think what I'm gonna do is wait until I really really really need it that is a good emergency right there how much more room do I have to mind out the area what what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to build the the the rooms unnatural tiles only provoke Oh sending some more zombies as well and he'll mech serum was from sorry it was from winter Sun so what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to prevent bedrooms for being on rough-hewn and rather just being on dirt or natural tile so that they are self what is it self-cleaning I guess and I think what I'm gonna do is make this a very nice big kitchen and that will save a little space up north and turn this back into like a workshop area because this will be very easy to double insulate mad wild boar actually we can leave that like that apparently there was like a not insane wild boar this is actually a really good way to feed me I guess happiness is a choice nice Russell you are gonna need to be happy drink beer consumed chocolate who's shooting oh there's some pirate merchants good luck to you guys I don't think you're ever to making it to my base animal invasion or drop simple choices and division is okay I mean not that I can tell you what to do but given how most people die horrible deaths before they ever get to me you know invasions aren't so aren't so scary all right so I think this is gonna be my hospital room it's it's rather small maybe I'll expand it a little bit where is the rough the rough Hume starts here and red Bay thanks for the sub so there's a relationship in here mother of bear man oh and pirate merchant man these merchants are crazy I'm gonna have to rebalance them so they're not psychotically risking their own lives constantly looks like we also need another cowboy hat and maybe I'll make another button-down shirt and have a spare cowboy hat all right looks like this lack of a better term let's call it a bedroom it really isn't he's ready to go and I have a raid coming of pirates bunch of melee pirates but this rate actually probably will get to me oh you you're eating zombie yikes who's my warden oh it's my warden the one guy that's laid up and not doing his job yeah that would be that would be totally the reason why this person is brink Oh death all right zero go warden all right so I do have some Raiders coming to me I'm not gonna forget about that I don't need the bridges there I just need it here okay but these brawler's are not gonna make it very far so bear man you don't even have a weapon zero change shotgun right here come on guys you wanna oh you got wake up for me huh and let's Auto rearm rustle you're a psychopath you want to kill people right or watch them die yeah these guys did not make it very far all right so the uranium turrets are starting to be constructed that is very exciting and the Pirates are fleeing that's what you get that's bloodless yeah that's true but Psychopaths don't really care if they have to kill people so there's the advantage there now we're also going to want dead power for this turret so we can turn it off when we want no just construct it there we go so there we go and now we have a little bit of a base defense let's start quite a small start but it's something I am just continuing to shave the mountain down to suit my needs we're just about at a mountain now as you can see weird message at the top of the screen I don't know what that could be I don't see it alright Russell huh I think these eight zombie meat is really what's doing us trouble and I think that's because I forgot to click it off here yes that would be it so Russell none of the meals in here have zombie meats that all is safe how's the captive doing the captive is resistance is dropping but needs are terrible because once you eat zombie kind of sticks in your mouth while you know and that's that's gross so we have some pretty bad moves as a net result zombie meat is far worse than cannibalism yeah oh absolutely and it should be eating zombies I think would be absolutely revolting can I expand north uh yeah a little bit I could definitely expand up in that direction and that actually that zone right there is actually pretty awesome I just need to do it one little thing at a time the end is best boss just sent me a prosthetic arm don't have knee to that yet but I'm sure I will soon alright you are very very angry zombies oh this was just the storyteller sending them to me I'm trying to keep them happy zombies are actually coming to me here I wrote the trap and I've got some visitors oh yeah yeah we dug through that okay so we finally dug out the South here and now they're flooding in so let's get serious here bear man I guess you're gonna have an asari eyeful for right now another prosthetic arm so what I'm gonna need to do is plug this hole probably quickly I wanted to build here first but priorities oh you know I could plug it like that so I'm gonna have to fight my way down there to plug that hole I didn't cause that hole but I was trying to work the zone a little bit better so the more shooting you have the more zombies you're gonna get so it's like a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy here so what I'm gonna do is I need to beat this back here so that we can have bear man plug the hole all right so that works there let's keep moving the steel a little bit further south zombie Rhino man they're not easy to kill not easy to kill it all the turrets are holding the front door nicely okay so everything just died let's get plugging quick guys we are almost out of deadfall traps to a 2k pack just spawned you said all right so I wasn't really reading let's see Chiharu oh yeah that's a huge pack I'm gonna have to close my front door and this is just story teller of zombies alright so what I'm gonna do here is stay homes knocking include this area and this door is just I'm closed for business we'll get back out there when we can alright so we still have South coming in because bear didn't finish the job bear what happened you'd built one and then you were like Oh see if enough to boiled potatoes [Music] can I build before this thing comes through it's a race yes I'm able ha all right so you might have my future kitchen a little infested but we're okay we're okay for now like voids sending in more a lot of wolves seven and the balance is a hundred and four enemies every dog dropping a prisoner on me let's see you are a pretty good prisoner to have the real issue that I have is who can I feed at this point oh you're attacking my doors ya little bastard go away okay they went away no no no no no no no no don't do that BOTS dead again sometimes when I think you guys think the bots down it might not be I could be wrong so free dog we're gonna release you no I I don't know will reduce resistance I just don't I need to put you somewhere I'll put you in there we don't have enough bed for you buddy alright so the zombies sort of do bash walls but like not continually our team Artie's sending a horde of zombie pig 's the buck doesn't respond when my game is paused yeah so if the game is paused the nothing's gonna move or continue or anything zero you're still out of a bed aren't you so we gotta fix that for now you're gonna sleep in here apparently you're not allowed to have a bedroom I just need to build another one all right so let's figure out rough-hewn versus normal what kind of materials do I have I have granite all right that will be a bedroom quit hit my doors so I guess they sort of poke the walls a little bit to see if there's holes in them and they let up pretty quick but I think the fact that I had a giant gunning of a lot of zombies really did attract them to this area they these zombies have mined my crude language a hard-on for this space pretty seriously and I don't have a lot of food at all part of me wants just to go hydroponics as soon as I can now let's see is there what there is wildlife that is huntable I just need to get through 130 zombies to get to them which is a tall task ooh what see you're back up cool joining us again steel awesome Steel's gonna be a resource I'm definitely gonna need so one thing I might want to do is mine up another hole I know seems crazy but the reason for another hole would be for a northern escape and that way if my front door is absolutely clogged up with zombies I can sneak out a back door and get myself some hunting or whatever I need you know because at the moment food I'm hurting for food there is six rice and the only meal is being fed to our prisoner that's brutal there's so many berries out here yeah all right so I'm definitely gonna have to work on that northern so what are your needs you are gonna drink a beer I know you're 15 but as long I don't think there's cops anymore that can even think about arresting me well I guess we could eat kibble kibble is gonna be probably the least worst scenario if we had eat something gross I much obviously prefer not eating kibble but like again not sure if I have a choice oh why are you out here you are gonna get yourself super killed how work oh you weren't restricted that is on me bear man is very dead very beyond death I'm not even sure what she's trying to do but yeah it out outdoors is not good it is seriously not good I kind of want to get that rifle I feel bad about that one but obviously need to check the zone restrictions more often than that I'm being told to leave it yeah it's being camped pretty hard I'm gonna forbid these doors okay so zero you decided not to finish the back door where all the zombies could walk in and murder us that seems healthy and by that I mean not witzy is now eating raw rice let me just consume the kibble cuz that's gonna be a little bit look you don't actually consume the chocolate alright who can hunt for me someone who's fast so you have moving improve okay hey Eric Marshall thanks for the stuff I'm gonna stop butchering zombies cuz we don't need a room full of zombie meat I need that a sorrowful that's all I could say is that a sorrowful is my salvation to actually hunting cuz right now I guess change shotguns are huntable so let's switch some suits some gear around alright cheese you ready I don't feel ready cuz they're camping mic bass really hard uh-oh Russell's on a daze umm-hmm steel wall here here and here let's try to build those up so this here is going to attract a lot of attention as you'll be able to see here a lot of these zombies are gonna start wandering north so I got to get these alpaca killed quick really only gonna be able to get one and then I'll have to run all right so zone stay home Paul I could run out of the mat but I still need to bring it home or it's just gonna spoil all right zero likes to build once witzy I'm gonna have you built too we need to kill it keep Russell here and I need to wall it up oh wow yeah you could see the like the mass exodus run speed very very important the upside the rifles probably more attainable yeah you're not wrong in fact going I just joined that real quick all right let's get that rebuilt these turrets don't need to be draining my battery where is Russell Russell is just standing around zero was gonna grab it but doesn't need it and let's go remove some of this roof expanding in the base by chiseling into the mountain it's weird so they don't even know that I have left the area although I just absolutely doomed to those alpacas that's another thing I have to keep in mind which is if I want to hunt I better kill it oh go away I better kill everyone I can as fast as I can because those opak are just dead very very dental pecker I'm gonna plant some more rice everybody's learning yeah you're you're not wrong this is new to me as much as it is new to you as a as a battle type so I have Russell mostly contained of course I lost my constructor so chicken you are now top constructor I think increased skill you can name them nugget okay cool zombies yeah are pretty easy to game the system you're not wrong I kind of want to start clearing them out though oh here's a mad world are so there's bars in the south that could be hunted no what I need is I need Russell to not intervene I need him to be somewhere safe some more kibble coming from you guys its nutrient I mean what can I say food is food there's not really any other food anywhere else I don't really have any good planters I might even need to yeah actually let's ditch go straight to hydro and then on top of that I probably want bio fire biofuel refining as well between hydroponics and biofuel refinery I'll be able to start feeding myself proper and not munch kibble because kibbles gonna have some pretty long-term negative effects as you can see by the the mood of everyone but it wouldn't be a zombie apocalypse without some good old-fashioned rationing in food scarcity so these things aren't fooled for long take a look at them they're all coming back south and now they're littering up my backdoor to butcher they are where is the attacker oh yeah yeah uh mr. Russell was a cook and he stopped cooking because he's on a psychotic mental break so I'm just gonna have to wait for that the lookup command doesn't always work I don't have it disabled myself but if it's not working for you that's why it's just not working zombie meat even through NPM is still zombie meat why would there be five days to buy everything it's just the way the mods designed and um yeah so I can't answer that for you as I didn't make it that way I think at this point we have too many mouths to feed I really have to just turn these guys loose I think I just have to release them I don't have much of a choice huh I don't know their resistance is zero they're ready to join all right let's cook with someone else then and just risk food poisoning so who are we cooking with witzy well cheese is up so cheese you could cook all right so these simple meals here any worker tired eating raw and kibble it's gross now look they're back now if I had any faith that these guys wouldn't have mental breaks I would open up those gates and shoot them all the valhalla but my guess is all right so these zombies are no fools despite the noise they know exactly where to go look at that look at that there is no door I can't sneak around yeah mortar might even be an option I don't know how the sounds gonna work but yeah that could be a good late gain option to try to lure these things away if it counts is proper sound uh-oh wait your stay home how is this even Oh cuz you're on a mental break and you walked how did you get out oh you went through these doors yeah why didn't I think of that uh well Russell I should have clogged the doors quicker let's see is there any way to he is already losing a lot of essential organs here he's down an arm and a leg and he's running away I will try to save them like the walking dead but [Music] all right so right now he's two arms in a leg all right I think I shot him two foot leg okay he's gonna be like a stump and then the other issue is he needs to come willingly and quickly zero you're gonna need be needed here okay well that works stay home I don't want to lose a good gun get him boys all right got some antibiotics more zombies coming in he went berserk sorry zoms show's over you might want to bash my doors a little but I don't think you're getting in all right so let's see he is going to be given regular meds let's quickly throw a torch up in there and we're gonna do some medieval stuff here so for starters right foot his left leg is savable because it didn't get infected but his right everything needs to go and the left leg knees oh no no II I left arm okay so amputate so what I'm gonna do is yeah first no meds and who is this cheese you're gonna attend to him after you build the torch and you botch it come on man just light it up tend to him to patch him up man it is so easy to lose track these guys it's like CI survival all over yeah there's also power clause but that doesn't really help the arm out and I'm just about out of time so we might have to end on a bit of a cliffhanger here I will actually I'll go long enough to see this this medieval surgery soon my restrictions are fine I just checked them another time whatever happened is it all packet I don't see them so I probably know what that means you know quit hittin my doors uh unrestricted let's go repair that just a floozy barrier between me and a swarm of death I do have a random spot yet actually I thought I cleared that out no I did not good good point alright zero you better not have a mental break alright so right arm definitely has to go I need to make sure not to amputate the wrong things so amputate right arm amputate left arm amputate right leg uh let's see amputate right leg and I got a bionic leg very generous and a new recruit free dog guess what you're getting recruited in the middle of hell I'm gonna set immediately send him to stay at home um [Music] I'm not going to assign him anyone just yet I know you'd want them but this episode is about to be over so what we're gonna do is what is it right arm left arm to both arms and a leg so let's go ahead and do this prosthetic right and left shoulder and the right leg right leg unfortunately this is also our doctor which means that in effect the medical care that we're gonna get as a net result is not gonna be as superior which is gonna be tough I should build a little steel wall in front of that door yeah cross two more prosthetic arms awesome from cavity quantum drapes giving lip medicine all right so let's actually do this with glit it's a big tough operation so we'll try to do as best we can cloth from blue very berry more zombies antibiotics and trying to save a man that should not otherwise be saved all right cheese keep it together you got this buddy days is in his zero days okay yeah I'm gonna have to wall turtle myself I see no other option so nugget what were you you're our constructor perfect let's go turtle up the outside world's gonna have to wait nugget unrestricted so that we can haul this chinchilla first surgery is a success and now no one can get out no matter what there's no way out we are stuck inside so that's good so I think what I'm gonna do is expand stay home to this area now and include the walls because we can repair it from this side the back door is walled off as well there's no way out you Rahmi alright let's operate again we're just gonna keep cutting into him until there's very little human left because this is of course when you're infected it's a time trial and you don't have in event time to do this surgery number two a success a lot of meals coming in oh that is so helpful thank you turtle sandwich they were eating raw meat oh and zero days eyeball on the zombie meat that's gonna be bad come on cheese bionic leg so his manipulations gonna suck but his speed is actually gonna go up chicken nugget gone berserk oh yeah probably weren't feeding you where we I'm gonna make warning like really really important so he is not zombified and that's about all the time I have for this episode oh my goodness so let's just go over stats real quick see how we're looking witzy got better at shooting that's really no surprise at all but has been eating a lot of cooked zombie meat so is very upset by that cheese been eaten kibble definitely level up shooting in medicine as well Russell here well let's see Russell is a two prosthetic armed one bionic leg psychopath and he wandered out and you know got himself bit up a bit Klein or croque rather not clyde is the only one that's doing okay but he's been sitting at a research bench so that makes sense zero is on a days i hope his days ends before his Luciferian need free dog just got recruited he has no idea what he inherited and he currently has heatstroke so that's not good and then nugget again a new recruit and just trying to keep above water yeah so if you have any uh have any questions for me as far as this stream goes i'll be sticking around after it ends and i just wanted to give a big thank you to everyone that showed up i think all of the viewers here might have helped me get twitch partner today and if that's the case i'll have a little bit of a celebration of life for you next episode thank you all for tuning in i'll catch you all next time adios
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 814,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, Let's Play, Twitch
Id: kvBRuEONyL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 56sec (11156 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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