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hello welcome back to the 1 000 person colony we're all going to die in fact one colonist has already died and there are another one just now there are several people trapped in the mountain they landed there in drop pods i don't know how really but they are still in there like i said we're probably doomed but we continue to manage the ant farm until that day we sleep we plant we work and we enjoy nature and we pick away today i will build defenses along the outer perimeter because the last night my friend rademont on discord was trying to explain to me how a mega raid is headed my way using math and science we can expect to see a large raid so one major problem with the colony is that if i wanted to equip everyone with a weapon i would need to manually equip 1 000 weapons i don't want to do that for obvious reasons so i'm going to work on our strengths and do what we do best by building power lines yes under wood judge me i don't really have so many options here we're going to build power lines along the entire outer perimeter of the colony we'll have to smooth out these walls they are rapid in construction these people they finished off this entire steel walkway in a matter of minutes so once we get this in place then we will just build turrets all along this outer perimeter pretty much right in a row and then if we're ever attacked we just send everyone to bed i mean at least it makes me feel safe there we are everyone smooths one wall tomorrow good job man look they've already got so much work done on the power grid camaraderie will pull you through i'm realizing another problem with this colony is that uh we're getting both colonists died times two and my friend guy died everyone technically in this colony is friends with each other not only are they all identical clones but they consider one another friends this means that everyone that dies will ripple throughout the colony because they are all love one another so much because they're all created in each other's likeness and image it's like a colony of 1 000 teletubbies all crying out in pain for the one lost sheep the one prodigal son they are truly too pure for this world and if this is to be their end i will give them horseshoes before they die that should be enough to keep about a hundred of them entertained at once we've created research and we finally uncovered the dead bodies so there were two colonists in this cliff their sacrifice was not in vain but we can't have them all digging up the bodies it's time for a crematorium we're just going to have to gloss over this incident no one go in there now onto a new mining adventure and as much as things could be better or feel more secure we still haven't experienced a single mood break everyone's having a great time but i'm starting to see the folly of this strategy you see the fact of the matter is that we're going to need to deconstruct every one of these corners and put a turret in its place this will handle most of the threats we'll go every other one to start normally i would go in our hallways but that would cause the turrets to blow up and destroy the dining room i'd rather they destroy the bedrooms because the bedrooms are just easy so here we go on with destroying our bed on with bedroom weaponization who couldn't sleep soundly knowing that a turret was between your bed and everyone else's oh that's that's interesting that is so interesting oh not well this is gonna destroy the entire colony so you thought you could win cassandra it wasn't a military threat it was one of morale this is going to be bad this is going to be very bad i have only one choice everyone needs a bedroom now this could mean the difference between life or death the ones who have awful bedrooms get the five buff and we're going to need to wait five days to get rid of these other mood debuffs then the catharsis will be felt felt across the colony do you want to play this game cassandra oh we can play this game yes we can firstly no one is allowed to leave uh we're walling you all in drugs all of the drugs as far as the eye can see you may call it cheating i love myself and i want to make it to the first raid and we can't live with this arrest him arrest him arrest him arrest him everyone join in good good we've downed him so here we begin the world's greatest party oh god they are all heading for them come on in everyone get some get some you love him it's like a hash convention oh jesus christ oh this is like my sophomore dorm oh come on get some before you fall apart everyone you can hear it listen to the sniffing listen to the sniffing they're so happy this is this is like a woodstock mecca look at these teenagers coming in droves to see jimi hendrix perform and this one guy's just coming over to insult them okay one of them has an addiction this is fine you know obvious we'll be getting a couple of addictions just listen to the sniffing someone is overdosed oh how many did you have somewhat good pick him up get him out of there just look at the haze that's come over this entire region somebody's going into a daze i think that's because of a poor mood though that's because he didn't get to the drugs in time everyone has stopped working there's no one left in the beds no one at the mines everyone is okay we have a couple of tantrums don't destroy any of the drugs i'm sure it'll be fine no experiment has been done quite like this in real world history before but i'll let you know one thing we prevented a lot more pain than could have happened look at all of them leaving now what are they like when they're leaving oh this guy is so glad sure we'll lose a few but overall it will be a good thing just ignore all of that stop your hating and start celebrating sir we will reform him all right i think we've nearly reached the end of this massive mass hysteria will have a few addictions but uh i accept it rome wasn't built in a day these guys will be so happy for uh 24 hours and then we'll probably have to send them back there again now i've also given them both smoke leaf and psychic to offset the effects of each one they are moving both faster and slower at the same time so it's roughly the same speed that they began at and we've avoided most of the violence it seems like the concert is ending now they still they didn't even really go for the beer they went right for the heavy stuff but at least they have a few more days to quell this in the meantime we can prepare um two dining rooms so that they will eventually have something that will sustainably keep their moods up rather than just this uh short-term win okay the the sniffing is dying down and the panic has subsided it looks like a lot of people are just insulting other people i'm just gonna let them go for it because i'd rather not deal with the injuries i know it has a domino effect but there's plenty more psychic tea and smoke leaf they can handle it guy couldn't reach guy oh where was guy anyway so he decided to redirect his anger at guy archer oh we still have a couple of people trapped in the cliff in particular i'm most interested in this columnist if this isn't already modded into the game someone should create this mod i've also decided to just leave the injured out in the open as long as nothing is bleeding they'll recover in time yes you will unfortunately my fps do seem to be dropping again so i'm just going to go to the bathroom i'm back and nothing has changed but the dining room looks good and i want you to think of this playthrough more as a slideshow than a video think of a think of it like a historical presentation of things that led up to the geneva convention i think my favorite part about this colony is the places that people are choosing to sleep this guy's just trying to find some peace and quiet even the animals have found unlikely companions to sleep with the lion shall lie down with the sheep unfortunately there there has been a death this man's left arm was destroyed by another man's left arm that said a domino effect that caused him to die speaking of dominoes we're going to begin work on a series of chess tables this will serve the dual purpose of both recreational variety and fun and ingenuity it's like washington square park but it's a crime just listen if you listen closely enough you don't need the twitch asmr category anymore rimworld far dirtier than anyone ever heard it i think i'm going to need to give rimworld a little bit more time to catch up with all of the orders i've given it has overloaded the game there are several people dying in the fields just lying there but i won't really know about it until it happens i also believe that we've run out of wood and i think that it's slowing down the game to have all of these construction orders here without actually building anything so that's right i'm going to give them the wood just for the sake of speeding up the game because right now this is actually real time performance it's a little disturbing let's just give them as many resources as they need for god's sake whatever we can do just to see what type of event or raid cassandra will spawn for this sort of astronomical wealth which is apparently dropping i don't know why i know you're going to judge me for this but uh yeah the game has practically stopped running now it was good to begin with yeah i'm at 2fps again but i don't consider that a failure i consider an accomplishment to have brought this amazing game to its knees three four seven back down to 4 fps clearly it's due to the amount of activity going on at once i can still scroll well when i've paused but hold on to your hat when i unpause pause unpause look at that maybe it's because there's so many orders being designated and it's just too much for the cpu core to handle i legitimately don't know here i'm just going to cancel all of the construction orders and see if this makes a difference in our fates cancel everything don't no one do anything just sit at home and lie in bed don't go to work tomorrow just do absolutely nothing okay that's great my computer is getting warmer and it started again okay this just might be enough frames per second to see what's going on i'm not quite sure how much slideshow vision i can take you give me few options rimworld i'm actually going to need to install rim threaded which uses more cpu threads except rim threaded and rocket man are both competing to be last in the load order um we'll just have to try it both ways oh the irony they both want to be last supposedly they're incompatible i don't know which one pick your poison okay we'll give this a shot now we need to find out how many cpu cores i have open the performance tab eight cores rimworld is really not using up all of my cpu cores that's a shame let's change that one to two per cpu core let's double that and let's see if this works it doesn't really seem to improve anything okay um we're getting somewhere now see that number down there tps that means ticks per second and it means how fast the game is running 60 means it's running at full speed and this is at one time speed right now we're running at about one-fifth of the normal speed if i try to increase that it just it's not happening but right now my cpu just says that there are 5 000 over 5000 threads running what if i just close everything else on my desktop now we've lowered the number of threads by about a thousand and now i'm just experimenting here but let's just do let's just do this okay again it's not really having an effect oh look look at how many threads we've opened up well i think we've done about everything that we can i mean we have a few minor problems in the colony let's just ignore all of that and get on with our lives we still have snacks we're learning and we're keeping the ball moving they love it here so let's just focus on what we're good at hewing large portions of rock we're great at that let's destroy all of the mountains on the map that way there can't be any obstacles in our way and we hopefully won't crash my computer and while still making some progress along the way that way we you know we liquidate our stores of rock at least that's how i'm looking at it oh this is great the game's running again god knows how i've undesignated almost everything they're finally bringing in rice oh you love rice you love rice you can't get enough of it oh this is fanta i don't even know why the game is doing this now but suddenly everything's going smoothly running swimmingly maybe because they're using up the last of the smoke leaf and now moving on to the uh psychite tea i can't believe we're actually running at 60 ticks per second again i'm proud of this computer after my supporters i'll name this the aaa organization trademark it seems the utilization of the last of the ambrosia the smoke leaf and the psychite tea as well as the beer is causing the game to begin to speed up again either that or i'm just seeing everything faster because of the inhalation next it occurred to me that they actually walk slowly in the dark so we're going to start putting lamps everywhere okay this place is starting to somewhat make sense good now there's enough work to go around for everyone and let's connect everything with a perpendicular set of minds one going lengthways and one going long ways and then if we just drag a path straight through our field this should speed them up there we go now we won't have to take so long to walk to work anymore get rid of farms but it just makes the whole place a massive high superhighway and i don't really know why but i just feel like i need a giant cross going through the middle of this colony to make me to make me feel like movement is happening when was the last time we talked about my feelings all right begin the super highway someone has created a masterwork bed and it already looks like this is speeding up our colony by a lot homelessness is going it's just homelessness now it's not even it's not even people without beds this is a this is a country well that's pretty good they've actually managed to complete a super highway around the colony in just a matter of minutes however i gave them wood because it just it would be cruel to not give them wood here they need it to build their bedrooms under the mountain though two of my colleagues have now gone on a murderous rage and that starts it's becoming more common on uh it's a trying time it's a trying time unfortunately freedom is paid for in blood and murderous rages are paid for in murder oh god oh here it comes okay i'm just gonna let it let's just observe the ecosystem as it happens look for the names in uh pink there goes another murderous rage right there like everyone's fleeing in fear maybe they'll just run away from him they're all identical they're all the same speed shouldn't they yeah good get away from him oh here comes a few more oh wait a minute we still have drugs everyone don't get so ahead of yourself there's still beer there's still we're all having a good time right it's all right you know charles darwin told us that this would happen oh god look what that one is doing he's just terrorizing those other ones what will happen if both murderous rage guys run into each other will they it's like two birds with one stone here people they look away in fear oh wow look this is the murder guy is run into the insulting guy so this is like the perfect storm we're going to destroy one problem with two guys we're going to beat two problems with one guy right here one of them will die yes you'll regret insulting that guy in murderous rage except i wish that there were a better default uh reaction to running away from people with a murderous rage in this game because now they seem to be cornering themselves over here these ones have all run down a single hallway and it looks more like a simulation now well we'll still have like 900 left hey why who started this fire oh great look he went into a murderous rage at a boom rat then he went on fire just desserts oh i was waiting for this moment two murderous rage guys that one murderous rage guy is just he's coming back to his senses having seen the fire murderous rage guy go into a murderous rage finally gotta hold him right no his murderous rage how much concentration on anger do you need to go on fire and then still decide that you want to murder someone look this guy's cleaning in the middle of the fire this is where the ai is at can it even catch up to what's going on there's a links right behind him too the lynx is just watching the fire though lynx has decided it doesn't care doesn't care doesn't it never has carried in years and we still had all the psychiatry why didn't we need this okay all right i'm taking off all the stops you know let's get a hold of ourselves people have as much as you need just everybody's gonna come for this section of the colony again but if i can prevent world war iv probably worth it considering all the things that are going on i wonder what would happen if i just let the colony go here look at this one guys chasing everyone down a hall terence mckenna was right there will be a party at the end of civilization all that work and i can't imagine why is the game not even speeding i'm just gonna let it go there's no sense in trying to fight it now oh this is fantastic oh what do you what has happened here someone who died wait calm down this is like when a kid throws up at school and all of the other you see everything around the throat but you don't see the throw up itself all of these guys are cowering in fear you can trace a line from the center of the cowering is it this guy no death there were about two deaths or is one death there's another death and another okay this is gonna be a damper on the colony of course let's see how it's going with guy he okay five columnists have died this is gonna bring them down almost as bad as the psychic oh no the psychic drone has actually ended that's weird oh so things should come around now oh oh wow it's like a convention where everyone cosplays at this the same character i'm just gonna draft then undraft everyone i think my computer is going to blue screen now oh it's like the hebrew exodus look this guy's trying to murder people in the middle of the drug haze you can't do that you would be so high you would be so high that you couldn't even you wouldn't even know who you are in the middle of this thing like he's still so focused i don't want to say that it's over it's not over till it's over but clearly i have only so much power as a player you know everyone has given up or is going on a murderous rage near the drugs this is like the cornucopia in the hunger games just i i think i'm just gonna let the computer run i'm gonna be back in a few minutes we'll see what's still left of the colony who's why is everyone heard over here did you did you cut yourselves on the rice there's blood all over the ground there's a dead guy in the hallway nobody's taking responsibility for this but there's a murderous that is actually quite menacing he's coming down the hallway and there's a dead end down there so this is the end well mass psychide addictions swaths of men cowering in fear from a man insulting them a scary man chasing a bunch of other men down a hallway and then another scarier man chasing men even deeper down the hallway deeper down the hallway i'd say that's just about the end my cpu has kind of kicked it but i miss doing these insane challenges what will it be next 100 roombas animals only let me know what other challenges you want to see and i'll read them until then i wait with great anticipation for the day as always thanks to viewers like you and a majestic overwhelming thanks to my patrons for when we are all united one day there will be a celebration with hooting and hollering in the streets and there will be peace again as always i'm ambiguous amphibian until next time [Music]
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 303,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld ambiguousamphibian, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, rimworld let's play, rimworld 1000 colonists, rimworld 100 colonists, rimworld 1000, rimworld 1000 pawns, rimworld 1000 colonists run, rimworld challenge, rimworld game, let's play rimworld, rimworld pc, rimworld mods, rimworld modded, rimworld playthrough, rimworld let's play modded, rimworld 1.2, rimworld let's play 1.2 modded, rimworld royalty, rimworld lets play
Id: M-mLjShsfGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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