RimWorld Gloom Seekers - Unburrowed // EP8

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greetings everybody rodman here thanks for tuning in to episode eight of the gloom seekers which originally aired live on twitch oh boy they're gonna be like super messed up now the other advantage that i have is i'm under an overhead mountain right so i'm basically not siegeable uh just to make that clear there's nearly no way that they can actually siege me because of my entire base they can hit marauder and this spot here which is uh super low likelihood uh 99 of my base is under overhead mountain and mortars can't penetrate overhead mountains so um but honestly i think sander can is going to single-handedly win this fight without really any backup at all what i'm doing is i'm just spreading out the damage so that they're all going to bleed out roughly at the same time which is vicious but honestly why the heck not oh accidentally shot you in the face accidentally henry you're up and they're pissed cool good luck trying to chase me all right nathan you are here cool let's um unrestrict you and see what's in the ancient danger didn't mortars get upgraded yes they did get upgraded uh where they have barrel durability now uh but even upgraded they're not gonna penetrate overhead mountain they're more accurate but they're not uh they're not you know they don't go through mountains all right sando i want you to [Music] let's actually lure them into bugs if we can so these bugs are dead uh but they're trying to attack my colony and they're gonna be trying to chase sandow so oh good good good good good good good these mechs are hostile uh so these backs are moving at four seven nathan's moving at four six so let's get out of here there's a 50 50 chance when you open a ancient danger if the uh if the inhabitants are hostile or not uh insects insect gene hives are never really hostile they don't like actively try to murder you whereas uh mechs are so i guess there's like a 25 chance of like immediate hostilities but in this case uh they are immediately hostile look at all these guys they're not even patching themselves up you idiots they're gonna bleed out and i'm not gonna have to do anything hermetic crates are new they have artifacts in them like a random item that you won't know until you pop it open all right so sand you move at 7.5 speed so i'm going to have you just kite and fight like you are well hopped up a goat juice like you are i suppose so let's keep killing and now that you i actually don't even think i need the deadfall tunnel but i'm going to only close one side of it i'm going to get you to go home via the ranch all right uh the assault rifler is coming towards us let's fall back i would like to get their weaponry though okay we totally hit the wrong person but hey means to an end 11 hours of bleed and henry is the only one thinking about coming to the base at the moment and i think it's only because nathan's uh sort of taunting him and that will be changed soon all right let's try to shoot bray down oh uh yeah here's the pikeman so let me get out of the pikeman's way so where'd the lancer go okay the lancers going to henry the pikemen are going to bray and lori and i am going to essentially watch these guys get murdered and bleed out up there goes keith again shot to the stomach how big is my map uh 325 i believe the largest generic without turning on death mode all right uh nathan you're inside you're good uh the inside zones can be updated though so the standside zone can now include the ranch because it's uh secured santa's gonna stay out here actually he's gonna keep ramboing these guys because i'm doing quite well oh my god i am totally annihilating them one man army nope nope nope you can't see me i have three range further than you and you're gonna die for it all right so the needlers did totally obliterate uh lori and bray they were already wounded um henry is going to bleed out due to that lancer and the rest of them are basically on life support so oh keith is down let me strip you there's also a possibility of uh adding these guys to my uh faction so if any of the people that i see look good um you know i have to consider that uh adding them is is always a possibility uh but i am definitely going to take keith's weapon so sando let me put you into a caravan so i can grab all of his stuff including his assar rifle um yeah let's wear a flat helmet and load everything up into the caravan i like your flared flak helmet more than my own all right so the pikemen are moving see let's take the shotgun and the pump and this is why i very oh god pikeman trying to go for me very happy that i popped this open because it's free support i'm going to load the glitter world and the soother in as well because it's possible that the raiders try to steal stuff when they try to flee and i don't want them taking artifacts from me and how much weight do you have uh four kilograms left no problem look at all this granite too giant steelies okay i'm gonna have uh santa come over here murder henry uh let me put on my raid colors murder henry and then drop off the rest of the stuff i think henry's coming down here to smash things and they're fleeing burroughs dead they did take out one pikeman so there's only one pikeman left and now i have to figure out if i want to go hunt them but i do get a steel mortar out of it which is nice i don't have to pay for it and i'll put that bad boy here and then let's allow all i get a spare reinforced barrel and a bunch of shells stupid raiders you don't know when you're outmatched let me put these shells here important that manufactured mortar shells go there uh henry's gear is not worth much to me well i guess he has a flak jacket black vest oh no nevermind he has nothing dead man clothing what about you pokram not a terrible recruit potentially uh i'll try to down down her for recruit purposes i think my best chance of doubting her is not with the uh assault rifle though it's with the balti so shoot at pukram as a recruit opportunity nope died okay never mind um taryn no not a good recruit possibility what about you fast learner industrious with tons of good skills yes i would like to recruit you i don't even think i need to shoot at you but i will anyway okay and you're down perfect i have a free bed and you my little friend are going to prison hills is going to go grab you oh what is your uh no nathan is going to go grab you cause he's closer all right who who else is out here taryn is downed but i don't care although i might want her molotov cocktails uh to help burn corpses uh keith i already dealt with uh whatever you were you walked into the bugs i assume nope you just bled out from me shooting you and uh let me go i don't have an enemies tab so bobby no interest for chemical fascinated gear would have been nice but uh he's too far away i'm not gonna catch it so i guess at this point all i have to do is kill the pikeman so let me equip a chain shotgun that's going to be my weapon of choice for killing the pikeman and the pikeman is here 15 melee sounds like a lot i know to to ignore uh who had the oh was it skirter was it this guy i can't even tell hey chili biscuit long time no see welcome raiders playing rim world if you oh let me focus on what i'm doing or am i about to get shot if you want to know anything about our series here the about or ideology command will fill you in i just got sieged and i turned the siege into a money making opportunity where i totally told everybody i'm sure and cleared an ancient danger while i was at it nothing like turning a uh-oh into a aha and that's what just happened so let's let everybody avoid bugs uh these bugs are dead uh so i don't have to avoid bugs in this zone anymore just uh this one actually where are these no no there's still bugs in here i'm not too scared of them but they're still technically there all right uh hills i'm gonna need you over here for the healing parts and this prisoner is going to convert first and then recruit that is our order of ops let's get you a dark lamp and a table and oh well a granite table they're going to be cheaper because i have a lot of granite why does it say i have no granite did i how did i use all my granite block oh cause all of these fancy tiles yeah okay okay okay uh so let's open up the steel cutter our stone cutter uh no i take that back we'll do steel it'll be faster and i apparently don't have any granite xavier thanks for the sub welcome uh the spider was dormant you know i would clean it up but i think i actually want to farm them for jellies um so i'm not gonna do that just yet uh nathan let's open up the crate get another soother and then of course there's the possibility of recruiting people that are in the ancient cryoslip caskets but i'm gonna wait until it's um a new new day that explains where all my uh all my granite went to all those spike core tiles so yeah the longest short of it is we're individualistic transhumanist darkness worshiping tunnelers that uh believe in you know technology and we all the almost all the other factions here are either permanently hostile or very very hostile so we're kind of on our own uh we are not planning on aligning ourselves with the shattered empire for royal favors and um yeah that about sums it up i think so it's gonna be tough for us to get side casters into unless we betray them and i haven't made that decision just yet uh and we are trying to recruit a new guy that i just captured who's a good shooter an industrious fast learner so very strong pawn there with no permanent injuries and talos is someone that we had recruited but then um she tried to proselytize us so i uh i threw her in the clink if you have any other questions i'm sure chet can answer it if i can't or if i don't see it uh i did just research the fire foam uh so i'm gonna get some fire foam shells i'm gonna make four of them and head to the ancient the ancient um complex with it are the spike quartiles more resource intensive than fine floors i think they're the same i think it's a styled um yeah it's 20. it's so it's a stylistic uh fine floor oh yeah i don't need this to be home zoned anymore burn away and then here i'm also going to want to shred mechanoids because we did just murder some mechs not too many but a few apart from clothes can you die anything else nothing i know of this style bench is for really clothes and facial uh stuff looks like i'm lower on meat the light loser 213 just keep hunting just keep hunting all right so this prisoner's certainty is dropping and then we'll keep an eye on nathan's ability to convert talos um still pretty high there though yeah no slaves this run uh so before this uh series ever started we voted on whether or not we were going to be good or evil chaotic or lawful and we voted on um chaotic but slightly good so that is uh that's what we're focusing on oh you'll never haul uh i am going to super hall so that we can grab some of this stuff because this is a lot of uh components and other resources to be ignored that i don't want to ignore yeah we're not we're not a slave colony as a result of our alignment microelectronics is done so we're going to go for um precision rifling as soon as we have a high tech research bench so let's get one of those out i'm gonna build one here and one maybe here so that actually works perfectly uh just by chance i'm definitely gonna need some more steel though so we'll queue up some more mining and i'm going to have two high-tech research benches so that uh my researchers have adjacency bonuses i'm going to run out of steel real fast let's also set up uh the [Music] hmm bobberton i'm gonna have you craft for now making some uh granite for me yes the mechs are set up to be shredded uh but since they don't decay very quickly that's not really a high priority you know it'll happen when it happens uh another way to get our granite would be to break down those grand steelies so i'm going to do that as well that's going to be very helpful so i want to finish up this uh ritual room so that we can do the conversion um rituals so i guess my new question is what is highest priority uh the ancient complex or recruiting prisoners uh because i really can only focus on one thing and i'm happy to table the prisoners if the if you know if you all say that uh the complexes is more important happy to go either way all right we have more reinforced barrels to carry and some incendiary shells i don't think i have power running in the walls no i don't have power running in the walls anywhere near where these shells are so that's not any risk did you just take a chunk no all right ancient complex seems top so if that is the case we're going to want the fire foam poppers 25 steal a pop um for all the fires that the complex will probably cause and then we have to send bobberton and probably some armed backup escorts to go to the complex a button give the puppies a treat absolutely there's one for yoda and here's one for tusk her little face poking out of the corner there all right so we're starting to get the granite needed for this fence which is good that will keep marauder from eating the things that are important for him not to eat or her i don't even know what gender are you him 100 wool growth too which means i need to do better animal handling so nathan guess what you are our handler please sheer marauder frau thanks for the uh tuning in i really appreciate it alright complex it is so priority is ancient complex then prison then wept so in that order there i'm still i still hear them doing some of the leathers so let's see nathan let's get you machining shred the mechs let's drop the shredded mechs on the ground and then make the fire foam shells so the last time i did a complex the complex exploded in a giant thing of fire and i think it's going to be important for us not to have that happen anymore nope that's not what i wanted butchery one all right i'm moving the butchery outside so that we don't have bloody everything all the everywhere what is an ancient complex well you'll see better to show you than to explain it but it's a it's a point of interest site is the the cheapest way to say it so this will be for dead mix preferred met corpses and then nometh corpses down there it's sort of like an ancient ruin nice i guess and we're starting to get tinktoria so i'll be able to dye clothing soon those floors are pretty yes everything that looks different isn't an update you could just assume that because i'm not running any mods whoa hills you are failing a lot of harvest why your plant cut is really good i'm not sure why that was strange so we've got uh what do we have here have i made my fire foam okay apparently i've made my fire foam let's turn off the machining bench i don't see where it is oh it would be in these shells yeah here it is roof butchery uh i'm only roofing this so that there's less of a decay while they're laying there i don't really care about uh efficiencies here i'm just trying to get this fence built so marauder stops eating my seeds and then we'll head to the complex but i put this outside so that the blood isn't something that we have to constantly clean in fact i will even remove home zone around it so that it's not uh cleaned tis the dash thanks for the sub and welcome now the only the only negative part is when we're butchering during the day uh that means that we are subjecting ourselves to bright light which is unfortunate now let's try to convert talos again 62 uh it also looks like our um our ideogram is almost done for a conversion ritual the dusty compound more info about the pandora's dark i'm just gonna accept this and that is another ancient complex so cool we're gonna go to the first one first the one that was offered earliest and do them in the order that they were offered i guess what i could do here is uh build a roof over everything like this and then put uh dark lights so that we don't have to uh we don't have to be in the bright light when we're moving around that will have a little bit less of a mood penalty and then over here we could you know once i have power running over here we can light it up but we almost have the perimeter around to protect our plants from marauder who's been marauding our our farm dormer rider i don't blame you and then we'll also be able to color our armor now that we have some dyes ew the base is really dirty though everybody clean that's something that i've never really been all that fond of in uh rim world is like the constant ridiculous dirt build up all right so we have the better research bench we gotta get it powered put dead power underneath it and then i'm going to blow up the other ones to replace it with another high tech everybody that came over here oh there's nowhere to haul the package survival meals well that's unfortunate i would explain why no one's picked them up i no longer care at all what happens over there and talos isn't in days she's in a prison too so it doesn't really matter all right so here's the big cleanup that's enough uh zach you're going to clean up now before you research we'll get the perimeters done and then we'll go to the complex i'm also before i'm going to do that i am going to dye everybody's clothing back to the colors they should be so there one uh you don't like your hair bobberton there the columns will recolor apparel when dye becomes available okay die is available oh god you're hauling it one at a time how to make me angry with inefficiencies 101 all right so bobberton is now proper colors done hills you're next you're going to be personal favorite colors because you don't have in a uh an official role you also probably should not be in flack pants uh but i'm gonna let it slide for now uh zack your personal colors as well very cyan and then sando last but not least same deal the rules here are as follows if they have an official role in our um in our ideology they go the id theology caller else they do not they go their personal best personal favorite because we respect individualism okay so it looks like these are now fenced off so now now as you can see the granite pen marker um is properly laid out um and looks correct for marauder so marauder can't eat our crops um let's think about a contingency to this ancient complex especially using the um the psm the practice of rivals that we got so let me go for travel food and travel food will be practice survival meals and fine meals a defoliator ship way up north with some scythers okay uh defoliator ship has a maximum range of 100 so let's see if this is ever going to be annoying to us here is 50 and here's another 50. yeah all right you can shove it i don't even care defoliate away it would also be pretty easy to like get the insects angry at the mex and get them to fight but i think i'm going to keep the defoliator hit ship here for when i get sieged or something uh he went from steel to plastiel to okay i i see i'm gonna keep it on him anyway um he also needs to switch guns too i suppose and as does sando as does us all so who else uh zach you're gonna switch to a chain shotgun because now we have access to a lot of better weapons uh hills you're a sprinter so let's give you the revolver bobberton you have ridiculously high uh weapon skills as well let's give you the pumpy and attach um give you the other chain shotgun because you can't aim worth a damn so now everyone has a gun uh we have a bolt chain shotgun pump shotgun revolver uh chain shotgun and assault rifle huge improvements to our weapon loadouts i'm surprised that didn't do that earlier okey dokey uh let's go on that uh that their caravan now one of the big things that i am about to complain to you about caravanning um is that care vending is dumb oh actually bobberton uh switch guns to something longer range because we're about to go actually switch to the neither of the none of the above i think what i'm going to do is actually research precision rifling um i think it is probably our best interest to go not half cocked to the um to the uh to the complex but go as armed as we can be so i'm gonna wait until i have assault rifles i hope that you all agree with this but i don't want to go before i think i should and then get absolutely annihilated by the fact that the defenses of the um of the uh destination are way stronger than i can handle so uh we're pretty i think it will be really easy for us to get um the precision rifling it's not that much of a long shot we'll have two research benches and it's definitely gonna be best for us to have the the stronger weapons strange way to get a granite but why not all right this also means that our shrine is about as impressive it's going to be so let's do a conversion ritual for uh where is talos why can't i put talos in there oh cause they're uh mental state psychotic wandering okay yeah i'll have to wait until talos is not uh psychotically wandering and a heatwave oof now i don't want these wire cables to get too close to the uh to the shells but that let's see uh maybe that is better that way a feedback event can't harm us and we are now mining steel so that i can continue making acs and stuff like that i could make a shelf for these shells outside yeah i could it's just low on the priority list there but you're absolutely right okay so there's our double research bench and then once we have the multi-analyzers i can add one there and add one there and perfect that works we're already uh four fourteenths or two sevenths of the way to uh precision rifling and then once we get precision rifling we are going to want uh components i'm gonna leave these components here in my um in my tunnels and instead go for uh components out in the world so let's get a bunch of components for me to make assault rifles [Music] while avoiding bugs multi analyzer to default effect multiple benches oh you know what i should have moved this research bench here then there's always a chance to do that in the future um here construct that stool you're probably doing something more important but denied there we go more ambrosia sprouts i always worry when randy's being nice because uh when he's nice he's usually mean shortly thereafter oh there's a hidden sprout all right so talos is uh you know let's strip talos too because talus is a nudist so stripping talos sounds mean but it will actually make talos happier uh right yeah you're news uh which will increase our um chance to convert so naked talos oh god this place is nasty hey our first infestation you are going to get a machine pistol everybody else rally here it's too bad i don't have combat command zach go to this door hills tank bobberton back these guys are our heavy hitters they're coming in uh i'm going to keep this door open and actually try to have them follow me into the deadfall caves or at least up here it's possible follow me if you'd like to die alright here we go stop hitting stuff get line of sight [Music] not a good place for my power grid but we will uh weaponize or steal ourselves against uh insect swarms in the future yeah bash bash bash bash i probably should rotate this uh kitchen as well all right so it's going to be important for the auto shoddys to have a front row view here we go uh maybe not have my i'm sorry to do this to you nathan but not to have my uh doc in front you stay there i don't know we're we're there's so many balls coming down range that uh i might not even take that much damage because the auto change shotguns annihilating uh did just lose a table though and of course some lights come on stop eating my lights come fight inspired taming in the middle of the fight he imagine the thought huh you know what this reminds me of we could be ranchers we could be insect ranchers quit hitting my stuff get over here i hate when they just like ignore you and they're like all right so let's just smash as much of the valuable production as possible um is what it is right all right only a few bucks left i don't even think i'm gonna get wounded from this uh what other noises do i hear i hear something else going smash smash just this one oh and the hive of course five hives yo what is up come on line of sight oh my god okay y'all blind nope nope that's not what i meant to do follow me dumb bug wrecked bug all right uh at this point who has a chain shotgun you come clean it up uh so i lost a smelter i lost a mech bench and a battery and a few lights no one really got hurt at all so i consider that an overwhelming success um plus i got some jellies this is not where i'm going to want to ranch uh insects so time to moida i do however want to butcher these bugs because insect meat is revered in this uh your colony so all right let's put a light back here and here [Music] and here i don't know exactly where my lights were but let's also set up auto repair for the future because i had that off shouldn't have been no oh okay that's kind of annoying fine walk i don't oh yeah i don't actually have a table that's my bad well that was messy but worked in our favor still a heatwave i don't think one air conditioner is going to be much of a help uh i could set up other air conditioners here i guess because this is outdoors on the roofed at least so i'll do that in the future set a few here and have vent there i guess to get it a little cooler but being in an overhead mountain does help [Music] a logging site whoa 1127 wood that's a lot of wood and the wheat is over nice all right bobberton's about to be able to trigger research command to help speed up research speed uh we are getting our insect meats sort of and a lack of fuel uh does look like traditional meats are low so i think what i could do is set up um the fine meals that we're gonna do will be fine vegetarian meals we're gonna slowly transition i'm gonna wait until i'm out of normal vegetarian meals and slowly transition to fine veggie meals which will use a lot of this uh fungus which would be good all right sando i need you butchering we're very close to having precision rifling and then i'll make some rifles once i have my machining table back up and uh we'll get out to that ancient complex where are you going oh yeah there was some random rats uh the other worry i have is there's no room for insect meat so i think what i'll do is have a corner here uh specifically just for me preferred meat and then i will have uh vegetarian allowed in here if there's no space so that way we don't lose our meats okay so now that precision rifling is done i'm not going to give any other research tasks i'm going to turn these off to save power and we are going to focus on uh get the assault rifles going which requires steel and components so let's uh make we don't have good crafters so i'm sure they're going to be oh no one even has the crafting skill never mind i totally take that back we're just gonna go with what we've got i guess uh what was here this was a stone cutter and what did i put there i don't think i had a smithy taylor they got broken too all right uh let's do a quick force clean because those insects were gross and then we'll do a bit of a force haul so that we can haul the uh all that beautiful insect meat oh styling station yeah that's what it was thank you for the reminder yeah auto repair is now on so i won't have to remember for the future because i'm bad at that [Music] how long do i have on this since a little while hey a regular alliance person coming in what can we sell you uh the tribal weapons i don't want and some of the shredded clothing i love just being able to like recycle what do you even have pemmican you have some herbal meds and i'm sure i'm i'm bingo herbal med so i'll buy that and tease sure yes now one thing i am in uh dire need of is a properly good um crafter let's keep the duster and some of the pants and shirts perfect that is almost perfect price wise there we go and i'm going to force hall to get that meat put away so yeah no one has crafting skill six uh nathan's at five but really we want zenny we want to try to bring zenny back i don't see that happening anytime soon but that would be the best case scenario all right so now we're actually hauling the meat where it belongs uh we are totally out of you know what i'll do i will allow forget the vegetarian meals i will allow the insect meat to be used up as well in fine meals and the advantage of that of course will be um even more good mood so i'll put the regular insect meat here so that it will be easier to cook you're cool where you are i still want to revive you it was embarrassing i let a disease like that kill you it's not normally the skill all right so we're done hauling and now we're going to replace some of the stuff and clean up a little reggoe gave me a bunch of the weapons that i wanted to get rid of back as like a low tier troll good job they're uh they're better weapons than i had but that's hilarious i sell a bunch of tribal weapons i don't want and he's like here have them back thank you i guess it's like handing a water bottle to a dude that's drowning generous but you know a little weird a little weird and we have a conversion so we're gonna queue you up to recruit if we take a look gloom seekers 50. uh let's do the conversion ritual now because of how much time i've taken oh we also have marauder camp to vote on i'll have you vote on that in a second because i want to show this uh conversion ritual so talos room impressiveness is as good as it can get let's do this so this works is the guide here [Music] brings the convertee to the altar the seekers image in this case but you will have your own altars people convene the person running it stands behind the lectern and the convertee is here in the center of the room and we're going to try to convert [Music] so if we take a look at the social it is a 55 belief in this mankindism and it it was effective so it went from 55 to 25 and then boom oh no you're asleep i was about to do it again but yeah awesome looks like rim world of magic yeah it really does i wonder if there's some inspiration drawn there i like how these guys [Music] switched clothing entirely and a party nice all right i'll i'll continue researching in a bit i'm just gonna focus on uh trying to get to that trying to replace what i lost and then get to the uh get to the complexes not a conversion party no not not in this case are we feeding okay yep it was a fisticuffs party hills kill these idiots good job all right so we're getting pretty close with talos telos probably will absolutely wow she hates all of us what do we do about talos she why do you what i guess what's more important why do you hate us holding you prisoner and having a different ideologin okay so there's a possibility of that to change that was my my main concern was is this a permanent like she hates us forever and ever and ever and never gonna change or not why did it go from 55 to 25 shouldn't it not increase so what you have to do to convert someone is you have to decrease their belief in their own ideology and then once that hits zero uh these they convert to yours so for someone for all of the pawns that don't believe in our ideology it's not a increase it's a decrease so this is telus's certainty in the architect mankindism 23 where previously it was 55 and uh nathan is probably about to reduce that even further yep 23 to 21. and once i hit zero they're no longer certain in their own ideology and they are you know they can be converted all right so i've shackled sando to the uh to the old cooking look at this mood i have done you no wrong essentially i'm brainwashing them i guess so prosthetizing brainwashing i mean whatever you want to call it i'm gonna switch to cycloid and i promise i'm gonna go to the complex that is what i'm gonna do uh who get who needs to go so sando natha and boberton i think so i'm gonna send the ones that need the good guns there with good guns let's let's i keep saying i'm gonna do it let's actually do it so bopperton and then who got left with no gun hills uh zach okay there we go so now these three are going to be the ones heading out um specifically i'm gonna wait until sando is uh recovered from sleeping or eating okay so we are all set bobberton go eat eat a lavish meal really seriously man oh you know it's just one muffler no it's four of them well dear lord don't do that schedule everybody inside is anyone outside right now hills nope tack is in bed sando nope nathan nope okay so we are good i'm gonna send these guys did you eat your uh lavish meal you did i don't want to be locked in i do want to fulfill my promise to go to the ancient complex so let's have them fight good downing because they're not uh they're not gonna block me where are you going what are they doing come on hit your shots thank you all right done uh tomorrow or rather later today when it's nighttime i'll send them out tim dupaca and it says no allowed penned areas so in order to have a pen you need a fully walled in area and then put a pen marker down um i have a youtube video on on youtube that highlights how this works if you need oh they woke up on their own cool uh i guess i just add them to the avoid bug zone so this is just a a void zone now don't go near here and you'll be fine uh i think the dry thunderstorm hit them for no damage maybe but i think they woke up because the thunder hit the uh site their exfoliator which is pretty funny all right so sando bobberton and nathan are about to take off on a bit of a caravan and i think they're going to bring uh marauder with them something big happening oh i also had a uh the marauder camp so sorry about that marauder camp yes no i totally forgot until that other quest was offered so this marauder camp is eight outlanders how many fingers eight outlanders lotio pack power claw uh side trainers and plastil or goodwill and it's goodwill with the nudists the regular alliance uh then i also just got a convert covert complex hacking and i'm going to accept that um but let's read it the style arc of the gray empire has discovered an ancient complex a long distance away she believes it contains information about the pandora's dark can't spare people to look into it hopes i can help by supplying exactly five colonists to carry out this investigation uh it contains unknown threats and is also sought by the white cat margot the white margot is tribals so that's not so hard uh she will send a shuttle to pick me up five huh uh i guess everybody with hills would go and that is uh time sensitive so i will accept that and go there now so uh let's look at their needs eat eat eat you're good eat oh well i'm kind of out of chairs but whatever all right dalio and pet yoda dragon rage thanks for following unknown terminal as well and kahika tea forest thank you all for the subs and forceful fist man i lost a lot wasn't paying enough attention all right hills good luck i hope the prisoners don't try to break out she's like wait what why is this a thing what's going on now so where is this hacking oh wow yeah you weren't kidding as far away did i send the fire foam no i did not but let's hope i didn't need it and if i do need it at least i'll have more hands to help put fires out yeah yoda is very chill i could just he doesn't care complete in full trust thank you for tuning in to the gloom seekers which originally aired live on twitch if you have any feedback for me let me know in the comments below if you would like to catch a live stream of the gloom seekers i stream this just about every day from 3 p.m to 8 p.m eastern daylight time a countdown timer and schedule can be found at ratamount.com thank you for watching i hope to catch you next episode or an upcoming stream farewell
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 5,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, Ideology, 1.3, Gloom Seekers, Twitch, Let's Play
Id: Y4q6B8RKEZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 40sec (3640 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.