Kingdoms Reborn - Emergence From Ice Age // EP1

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hey everybody rodman here thanks for tuning in to the very first episode of kingdoms reborn which originally aired live on twitch so let's get started uh right off the bat i am going to generate a brand new seed forest is above walrus uh what about forest is above yoda or uh yoda is the king yo it is the king let's generate that so we're gonna go map size medium sea level medium everything medium i'm not gonna touch anything else oh also my project descriptions are totally wrong so um set up a new map so one of the things i'm going to have you all vote on when we start the game here it is going to prepare the world and we have to pick a starting location uh much like civilization or a game like that the great freeze left civilization in ruin few were strong enough was to withstand the cold and plague that claimed the earth decades have passed since the frost took our lands and our courage and hope have returned with the melting of the ice it falls to us we surviving few to rebuild a flourishing civilization uh i might not keep this map it really depends on whether i like the seed or not but yes this is the entire globe uh this should look something like sieve there are three ai there was borg hild hostain and uh rowan and they have picked their spots first uh jd thanks for the gifted subs and cheese for even more bits glitch as well and shield for the gifted sub um so the important things to vote on uh yeah i was mentioning this so let me get this polling we have to pick a starting biome so the starting biome will determine some starting bonuses that you have and they're biome specific so there's forest jungle and i'll i'll describe them as well boreal forest or grassland i'm not going to do jungle or tundra or on desert or tundra because they're harder so before you vote here's the description uh the forest gives you a starting bonus to farming the jungle gives you a starting bonus to fruit or mushroom collection boreal uh forest down in the south give you a bonus to fishing and grassland to ranching there are other biomes as well there is tundra but tundra would be very very difficult to start in and then there is desert which again would be very difficult to start on so if you click on them they'll say extreme difficulty or hard difficulty oh no that's grassland uh very hard difficulty so i've not included them as it would not be a good way for you all to learn the game that way uh crazy thanks theresa and zalek for the bits and shield for even more gifted subs welcome all so pleased that you all could join me on this unexpected saturday stream so go ahead and vote it's in the top left there of what kind of starting biome we want here whether it's uh forest jungle uh boreal or grassland and taking a look at the map itself you can also see resources so i'm gonna describe to you the resources before i go any further much like um if you're familiar with the anno series much like anno or even civilization the people will demand that luxury goods are fulfilled in order for them to uh sort of develop culturally and technologically so you have uh three tiers of resources and the first tier is a beer cannabis furniture pottery and tulips a beer can be um beer beer can be brewed through a whole bunch of different materials so you can brew beer with wheat you can brew beer with like fruits you can brew beer with mushroom so they can be fulfilled that way cannabis as you can see the cannabis leaves here on the map they can be fulfilled if you start a farm in these specific regions uh furniture is made through lumber timber you know cut down trees pottery is when you live near a river and you collect clay from the river and you make pottery and uh then tulips is very much uh very much like cannabis but you could see some tulip plots so i'm also gonna have you all vote on what tier one uh resources should i focus on um ideally you're going to want to primarily focus for three of them uh if you fulfill three of them your culture will be able to tech up and then you'll have tier two resources uh which would be and i'm just gonna they're not gonna be important for a little bit but i'll name them anyway uh clothes which is uh there's a variety of ways to get clothes cotton or leather that will fulfill it leather would be hunting um wine which would be from grapes candles which is from beeswax beeswax you get if you uh have forests uh vodka from potatoes magic mushrooms which are a type of seed that you can unlock and grow uh coffee and glassware glass wears [Music] sand mines near beaches or rivers and then coffee is of course um a commodity that you would have on the map tile and then tier three is books um tier three is a little bit more complicated so like books fashionable clothing jewelry chocolate pocket watches so jewelry is linked to gold books to paper which is from wood uh fashionable clothes which would be dyes here uh chocolate which you could find in some of the jungle regions and pocket watches is like a steel high engineering thing so those are the sort of resources that you're looking to provide and you have to provide enough of them so that everybody that lives in your uh your little initially hamlet and eventually flourishing cities have their needs fulfilled there's also one other basic need that everyone will need which is heating fuel so depending on where you settle you can see there is a variability to temperature so if we pick somewhere way somewhere in the middle as you can see it still gets cold there is no like perpetual summers and they will need to heat their homes with either coal or wood and there's a lot of technology linked to that so if if there if you don't provide heating um nobody advances technology so with no hearth comes no advanced homes so it looks to me like you vote boreal forest which is a probably the hardest of those four choices which is fine and then tier one resources so i'm gonna have you all vote on the tier one resources that you want me to focus on now some of these might not be um exactly viable depending on a uh on a start here i can pretty reliably get beer uh furniture and probably pottery tulips and cannabis really depend on the tile itself so if you take a look uh for this specific mac tile there's probably not a lot of tulips or cannabis bordering boreal forests and you in this game you expand by much like civilization you expand by sort of uh adopting adjacent borders so if you did vote tulips i think there is um there's some tulips kind of close to a boro forest up here um but i could also re-roll the seed i don't necessarily need to settle for this seed specifically um here's some cannabis that's relatively close to uh boreal forest as well so that would be doable um growing the canvas here and starting with my home um city you know in a boreal forest so so go ahead and vote and the the polls up that way um you you can also tell what or where at least the other people are starting so borg killed will be near coal tulips and coffee i might change the map seed depending on the um the preference here the preference here looks like cannabis beer and furniture uh so given candida and furniture actually starting here would not be terrible but i will have to buy late game for territory with borg killed as a result of uh being somewhat close to borgild not too too close uh this position gives me uh chocolate wine gold coal iron for steel grapes uh north i would get dyes so the issue here would be no i guess there wouldn't be coffee but yeah this this would likely be my starting location i won't reroll after all so it looks like i'm going to be focusing on beer cannabis and furniture as my primary starting uh tier one resources so i'll hide that uh you can also see that um each different territory costs a different amount of gold right so the larger it is tends to be the more expensive it would be uh so here we go a boreal forest i think this is my best shot going here this puts me adjacent to a bunch of resources that can be useful to me and a pet yoda hi buddy hi buddy okay so confirm initial resources i'm not going to change this at all one thing to note you're definitely going to want to start with some medicine and tools because medicine and tools are things that you won't be able to source yourself early on um stone for construction is not bad either so we're gonna confirm uh then we get to place everything is still paused you get to place your town hall location so one of the things to note about town hall locations it is the hub and another thing to note is uh you are likely to want to build a lot of houses around it it really depends on how you want to lay out your your town or whatever but i am going to place it with so instead of considering just my individual profits i'm considering all of the territory around me so if i put my town hall here i can build a lot of houses around it for adjacency bonuses and this will make more sense later on when i have things like schools and taverns and libraries alright so i'm going to slap it down here i i could put it here but it would um it would destroy the the stone that's there and i want to keep that stone there so i can mine it all right so here we go rademont town uh we have founded our beautiful little town i'm gonna call it yoda town and right off the bat we have uh some information to address so right now it is negative 15 degrees celsius but i'm not going to be immediately penalized for not providing heat to my uh people because it's the start of the game i have uh 1586 gold left over after my territory purchase i have 14 adults four children i have 18 that are on and uh you know that are homeless i have storage space for three more things so as you can see here uh my storage yards there's three spots empty for for stuff i start with 300 food i start with uh 120 wood 240 medicine 180 tools 120 stone and then here is the luxury uh tiers that i was talking about so beer cannabis and furniture is what we're going to focus on um periodically about every 150 seconds you'll get a card these cards determine what you can build but then you can also build no matter what you can build dirt roads houses storage yards and eventually you get unlocked other things as well so here's my first card and taking a look at where i live well here's some interesting things to to note generally speaking boreal forest starts will have a bonus to fishing but i don't border water at least not yet if i bought uh the adjacent province here it's sort of on a a river uh with a bit of a lake which would have water uh but i'm going to have the option of determining a starting bonus pretty soon so i have to choose between these five choices and um if we take a look here at my choices i have fishing immigration fruit forestry and hunting if i look closely you can see i have some deer in my territory so hunting would be a viable method to feed myself and there are some fruit trees there's some orange trees up north in the warmer part of this um of this biome that would be also pretty uh somewhat viable uh to do as well uh if i take a look here there's the guap uh guapi sig le tribe which inhabits the cannabis region so if i spread to them i would likely have them join me and then uh there is some ancient shrines there's another tribe up here uh sudby tribe there are some resource crates here in the west coast i'm just trying to analyze the um you know the expansion potentials uh then if i take a look at south there's coal so these mountains have coal in them which is a very efficient way to heat your homes much much much better than heating with wood and coal burners this area here is just basically borne tundra but luckily it is not very expensive and yes i can filter the view here for overlays and i'll show you that in a bit you can also see the provinces and uh their their resources and benefits and what income they would provide what uh what resources they have you can hide the bushes and trees uh you can see you know what animals you have which is now highlighted in blue they do move around appeal uh so people want to live somewhere appealing and at high luxury tiers they will demand appealing we also have fertility so as you can imagine where it is snowy there is not a lot of fertility so if i want beer i'm going to have to be very clever about where i grow wheat or fruit or whatever for the beer but it really depends on where i expand because if i expand here in the cannabis region there are some farming potential [Music] basically the greener the better so if we zoom out you can kind of see um this area is good for growing whereas uh grapes and cannabis anywhere south is pretty bad because it just gets colder and colder and colder okay uh yeah so with that said i am going to do hunting and i am also going to buy forestry so my hunter here i'm going to set up i'm eventually going to move him later on but let's take a look quickly at a peel i want to put the hunter where it is not appealing for someone to live so i am going to put the hunter here because it covers basically all the deer around and it is the least disruptive maybe even here and it's not very disruptive to um the the trees i want to be able to cut down as many trees as i can so if i open up appeal again um maybe there somewhere over here where it's not appealing to live so i'll put it there well let me rotate it if you destroy it um you get it back it's just that there's a uh some of the roads that it puts down so i'll plop it right there and set it up with a dirt road people do need to live um somewhat close to their place of employment i'm not going to put the forester down yet because there's plenty of trees for me to cut down so let me unpause the game for the first time and it's going to give me an option of a starting card so i can start with uh wheat seeds to grow beer uh trading post or investment so for every 20 gold i own i make one extra gold for a maximum of a hundred um i am going to go for investment even though wheat sounds really good i don't have a lot of farmland available to me initially i'm also going to turn on the guide here as well so for investment if i want to use this card i have to open up my town hall just click on the town hall and click the investment card and it puts in there if i want to get rid of it all i do is left click it again and it gets rid of it i can sell the card itself for 300 gold uh but that doesn't necessarily mean i can get other new ones at any point all right and then uh let's go through the tutorial i'm going to gather trees so there are two different ways to cut down trees there is the gather wood regardless of whether it's a fruiting tree or not or cut only non-fruit trees and i'm going to do the only non-fruit trees and i'm actually going to zoom out and trigger all the trees in my territory and that's all i'm going to do for now i am not going to do the claim territory now here is the biome bonus this is what i was telling you we have a biome bonus that lasts with us it's a permanent bonus to our city forever and i'm gonna have you vote on which one i go for so we have the winter fishing or the winter resistance so winter fishing gives us uh more productive fisheries when we are in boreal or tundra tiles and winter resistance is wood and coal gives more heat so we have to use less of it to heat our homes if you vote for winter fishing i'm quite likely to try to expand towards bodies of water so that i can gain access to um i can get access to things to fish so i would expand this way uh where there's rivers and and the like and if you vote for winter heating um i'm not necessarily going to push for fish but the choice is yours i'm going to leave this up for uh just one more minute while i have myself some coffee here yo do you want a treat want a treat tusk you want to treat come here tusky tusk there you go all right looks like winter resistance wins by a a landslide a two to one ratio so what a resistance it is so then if i click my town here town bonuses wood and coal gives 30 more heat uh great the next part of the tutorial tells me to claim territory i am going to so i can't i can't claim the cannabis territory immediately because i have no way to walk there because there's a impassable mountain between us so i would have to claim this tundra province just to my north in order to get there and this tundra province doesn't really have any fertility there's really no benefit to have it so let me analyze this real quick um claiming this tundra province here would give me [Music] uh some space to build homes and if i open up the appeal yeah i could build some homes there so i think that's what i'm gonna do for now and and save my money so we're going to just do the sort of bare minimum claim adding this area here so as you can see my total size has now grown and it is a permanent um benefit and now it wants me to build homes and i am going to build keep in mind this hunting lodge is probably not going to be permanently there i'm going to build five homes i don't need to use cards for this this is sort of a universal thing anyone can build homes and i'm going to set up um as many homes in the appealing parts uh as possible gonna lay them out a little bit better one two i'm gonna mine uh this stone before i uh i build there so i'm gonna start with three homes and let's gather the stone in this location hey dragon how are you doing give more puppies treats your thing here you can watch yoda eat it just a little peanuts so now uh everybody everybody currently no one is employed because there's no places of employment so everybody is either a laborer or a builder now we did start with some wood so what we're going to do here is use some of this wood to immediately build housing and then everybody else is going to go and cut down trees uh this game is not that much like banished it is more like uh anno one of the anno series maybe no 14-0 whatever it was something like that yeah the visual style might be a little similar but uh the gameplay not so much another thing i want to think about is where i want to put a forestry so if you take a look at a forestry it has a a pretty wide radius and i probably want to put a forestry around here uh where it can regrow as many trees as possible meaning that i'm going to be interested in acquiring this province sooner or later it cost me 1468 and i don't have that currently but because i have just built my first home we do have access to research so i'm gonna explain research right now there are two types of research trees i only have access to the first one uh the second type of research tree gives me cards and i'll get into that once we access it but i have a choice here between foreign trade so foreign trade allows me to unlock trading posts uh trading ports and increase the number of immigrants by 20 or basic medicine which unlocks my ability to farm for medicinal herbs so that i can heal people now one of the things to note uh in this starting biohammer the disease frequency is about one per year if you were to settle uh jungles uh where is a jungle uh three per year so the disease frequency goes up depending on the biome that you're in most most places are one per year but the jungles have more diseases as a result meaning that farming for medicine is going to be more important so i'll give you the choice between those two texts and we're going to be getting a lot of technologies so this is something that's going to happen a lot but uh here we go born trade and basic medicine so where does my science points come from you wonder these science points come from housing when the needs of houses are fulfilled they give me income and science so right now i have three science which is the base benefit for a house um when this house has fuel and luxuries it will level up to higher level housing i don't build the houses at higher level they just naturally unlock when they have um resources that they want available made available to them so that's something that's uh that's pretty important to note also my my technology will i will acquire technology whether i have something queued up or not so as you can see my tech is building up here in the top right um it does not require me to uh to spend it immediately so the tutorials telling me to build five houses i will eventually get around to building five houses you can think of uh the science as just like cultural science not necessarily like them being scientists but yeah that's that's how technology works here we have three homes so now i have a tech base of nine and here it is represented at nine and this will be home number four and then we will have home number five and that fulfills the build five housing now five houses might not be enough to actually house everybody in the uh in the settlement so i have to make sure not to have too much homelessness or people will like leave or die dennis keith thanks for the gifted subs you guys are real kind today i mean you always are i i would i'd like to argue i got the best crowd another benefit of these homes they do provide income based upon their base and appeal so all of these homes are uh appealing and they're providing seven point one or two gold each and there are some things later on in the tech tree that you can do to benefit appeal um but they're not in this unlock if they're in a different unlock thank you gifters cheers to all of you x42 bn6 i missed your resub too you are almost two years subscribed zalek i missed yours as well and jd your community gift cheers to all of you sorry i i uh overlooked that so we have our first place of employment i'm going to pause for a second and if you take a look here uh employed is two the two that are employed are in the hunting lodge so the hunting lodge has two benefits uh there is the upgraded smoking chamber which increases the productivity which i'm going to get and then there's fruit bait um i don't have an adjacent fruit gatherer so i'm not going to bother getting fruit bait some buildings have synergy with other buildings so the hunting lodge has synergy with uh fruit gatherers but because there's really not a lot of fruit to gather here there's like three orange trees or something i'm not going to bother with them with that anytime soon another thing i wanted to point out i have this little leader bonus here called this one is speed boost uh there is cast points but basically what happens is every time i get about 60 sp i can click on some places of employment to speed boost its productivity so i'm going to cast speed boost on the lodge and now as you can see the lodge here is efficient a 130 percent efficient and we'll be quickly producing uh meat as a result of this speed boost so there we go all right let's continue building those houses i also want to collect all this stone so another thing i'm going to do with the stone is i'm going to upgrade all of my starting homes with stone insulation which get make lets a wooden coal provide more heat meaning that i will have to burn fewer logs in the winter to keep them heated and right now uh these homes here like this house has 11 wood in it this house has 10 this house has 11. they add fuel to their homes in order to keep it warm eventually uh once i get this province here i will be able to mine coal and that will reduce my uh dependency on wood for housing which allows me to focus on furniture which is one of the three tier one benefits that you all um suggested that i take it's been 150 seconds so in one second here i'm about to get uh a new card i can also spend gold to unlock cards sooner if i if i so wish so here's the new ones i have corey fruit gatherer fishing tavern pig ranch um i think i'm going to re-roll these for free the reason being i don't have an immediate need for stone so cory is not that important but it's 140 gold so let's not do that fruit gathering yeah i'm in a tundra i there aren't there's not fruit i have no access to water just yet pig ranching would be fine but pig ranching doesn't really yield pigs quickly because they need to procreate or to yield so that's a long-term investment and right now i'm about short-term investments tavern is great except for like people are happy already so whatever re-rolling it it gives me charcoal burner which burns wooden to coal which provides twice the heat when heating housing hunting the lodge again or mushroom farm so mushroom farm allows you to farm mushrooms uh in putting wood into them i'm a little tempted to get the oh boy uh i'm gonna go for tavern and mushroom bar mooney thanks for the reset and lamada thanks for the uh follow so the mushroom farm i can place anywhere it doesn't really matter where i place it just as long as it's not like uh somewhere important and then the tavern has a has a physical radius benefit around the housing it uh it surfaces and it also it also goes off the appeal engine so um the more appealing a a spot is the better the tavern will operate one of the things i'm going to want to do probably pretty early is get these storage yards here and move them far away from where i think i'm going to build homes so one thing i could do is like a dirt road here like this and then i can put my storage yards i can put nice chunky storage yards here because this uh terrain in this spot here is um functionally worthless it's it's low appeal it can't really grow anything it has no fertility so we'll make that storage yards whereas up here there is appeal so it would be better if i put my homes there someone had requests to move the right bottom house down a space for a road yes that's a that's what i should do anyway i completely agree with that so fixed because we're also city planning we have to make sure that we are laying things out in a way that makes sense so now we have four of five homes this will be the last one um the mushroom farm so let's figure out the mushroom farm i'm probably going to be putting the tavern let's zoom out i'm probably gonna be putting the tavern maybe here because it has a pretty decent amount of coverage now the only issue is this whole section of the tundra is a very low appeal um but yeah i'll be putting it here once the stone is pulled and then that means if i open up a peel again mushroom farming i might throw sort of over here where it's not going to take up terrain that anyone really cares about but it's not so far from the center of town that it's uh a long trek give puppies a treat hey tusky you want a treat she just left all right there you go straight we'll see we'll see if they want one see here you can see my little simulated uh oh daniel throwing them spears and turning them into leather and meat up on up tusk there you go so we're a resource gathering and once these storage yards which are much larger than the previous storage yards are built i will destroy these and uh free up the rip the terrain hey remember to chew no choking you're southern suddenly hankering for mushroom now all right so there's a few people that are still unemployed and i'm gonna are a homeless at rather i'm gonna want to get homes for them asap all right so here's that storage yard is complete and now i'm going to destroy these storage yards so that i can open up the terrain for building and we're almost done harvesting all or mining all that stone so we can build our tavern around here maybe maybe on further analysis uh build the tavern up top this way because it looks like there's nicer more appealing places to live around the edge of this mountain here instead so i'll be building the tavern up not down and probably left not right because i don't think any of our homes are going to want to go further this way because it's just bare tundra so i'm going to put um manufacturing facilities where it does not matter uh how nice it is or resources or anything i'll put them that way so tavern there so i have completed the five homes here's the fifth home and it wants me to upgrade the town hall upgrading the town hall would allow me to sell food buy wood and snatch gold from my competitors it would also open up another card slot i think for uh um for benefits and here's some new cards i'm gonna re-roll that uh pig ranch pig ranchers are huge uh but i do have a lot of open tundra so i'm gonna buy a pig ranch and i can place the pig ranch like here or something maybe there that's a pretty good spot there there's a little bit of appeal down there but like not much uh then another thing i'm gonna want to do is cut these trees and let's have everyone focus on those trees there where the pig ranch is [Music] get these trees out of the way and then get the stone out of the way so that we can uh drop a ranch there [Music] the piggies are not bothered by the cold somehow yeah they're they're tough very tough piggies and we are generating per season about 280 leather or uh 280 meter and 137 leather so you can sort of see what the productivity benefits are also to note that there's fewer red deer around in my territory so it is sort of a finite amount yeah we have wooly piggies now the tutorial wants me to upgrade my town hall but though i don't think that that's actually that would be okay but i'm gonna wait to do it until it benefits me best joey thanks for theresa seems like a fun game you haven't seen it yeah this this game has definitely flown well under the radar of most people [Music] so i still have a few homeless people [Music] i am going to continue to house them here's a homeless person and they will leave for um better horizons if you don't house them i also have access to a new card hmm i'm very low on wood [Music] okay i've just unlocked the priority button and this is warning me that my um storage is too far so storage is too far means that um i'm going to need to put some storage yards closer to the mushroom farm in order for it to operate properly so there is my pig ranch and i'm going to upgrade uh the mushroom farm for intensive care for higher productivity using stone [Music] because i need to feed people that is pretty much the top priority all right now back to cutting down all non-fruit trees everywhere basically everywhere i will start foresting uh eventually i just have a lot of trees available to me so i don't need to build it quite yet yeah this this game has had a uh a very large recent update um which is why i returned to it i actually played it a while ago and i didn't think it was quite ready for showtime but now here we are okay so this house is three out of four field which means i have one spare spot uh we do however have our um tavern so here's the tavern there is a uh there is a oh and the research that you all said so you said basic medicine so basic medicine is almost done well not almost done but uh next up next tech will have uh trade i'm just going to call it trade sheep ranch or mushroom um bonus i'll just truncate it so the sheep ranch is a rearing sheep for wool and food and the mushroom log sterilization is decrease the mushroom farm's wood consumption by 50 i do have some cards here so let's go for another forester and then this card here will go for nothing yet i don't have to pick it we can have our cards stack up it's not a problem so i'm looking where instead of spending the 500 gold to upgrade our town hall where the next best uh terrain expansion might be we could expand into this mountain here for 426 gold but that doesn't really benefit me that much right now this province year is a bit too expensive i think what we might try to do is to get a uh an abundance of food and upgrade our town hall so that we can sell food for money or alternatively if you vote on trade i can do that without even um doing that um i'll explain but but if we upgraded our uh yoda town it would give us some cards that we could buy called buy wood or sell food and buy woods spends half your gold to buy wood and sell food sells half your food for market value so the pig ranches get built and if we mouse over our coins um our town hall income is 10 our investment profit is 35 our building upkeep is 25 our territory income is 21 and our territory upkeep is 10.5 uh food does not spoil no there is no concept of food spoiling so here's our pig ranch and as you can see we have a few three animals in it uh there's three choices here we can re uh kill when it's full kill when it's half or kill all now i'm gonna let them i'm gonna let them uh go to full capacity and then if i ever have a food shortage uh i can always just call them for food and leather oh a caravan has arrived they wish to buy any goods you might have trade so pause a second and take a quick look i am going to i can sell up to 80 things to them um what i'm gonna do is try to make the most amount of money i can by selling my tools i'm selling half of my steel tools for 16.38 it's risky but it gives me a lot of gold in order to power play so now my gold is 2402 and that gives me the ability to expand um dramatically i'm going to expand into this boreal forest province i unlocked bridge because now i have a source of water and i unlocked iron mine and it asked me if i want to buy or 99 and i will say yes i still have 700 left over after selling my tools uh so i could upgrade the town hall right now if i if i if i still felt like i will all right so with the town hall upgraded i have two choices here i can gold rush additional productivity to gold mines and oil rigs gold and oil are very late game resources that we might not even see the benefit to this stream and pine foresting will see immediate benefits too looks like trade is our next tech so i'll do trade next so choose between gold or pine it's up to you but i can't really play until we shoot well i i can but it's just in the way whether it's gold or pine all right looks like pine's going to be the bonus so now the tall house level 2 i have new cards to pick from which is sell food buy food and snatch so let's take a look for here i'm going to buy the fishing lodges both of them and the immigration office spend big for this so here is the buy wood card and here is the sell food card i'm going to buy the sell food card when i can afford it currently i cannot because i just bought some other cards uh so here's what i'm gonna do i would like to start fishing down here [Music] and let's get foreign trade and unlock municipal herbs so now i know how to build a farm uh as you can see there are uh there's a there's a sliver here all right so i'm gonna cut down uh these trees here to build a medicinal herb farm and i'm gonna extend this road up and over it's probably more prudent to see food now since it's mid-autumn yes i'm not planning on uh selling my food just yet but um that's exactly why i went for fishing so fishing efficiency is based upon how much of the tiles around it are exposed to water so i'm going to put one fishery here and as you can see the house is too far and then we don't want these blue circles to overlap i'm going to put the other fishery and it will have lower efficiency actually you know what screw that i'll just put it way out here for high efficiency there now that's gonna warn me that the house is too far and uh i'm going to remedy that um let's maybe i'll think about the road let me hide trees and bushes this road comes down maybe diagonal out to this spot and then there and then here it will go across and diagonal to there i can always move the roads if need be so it does want housing to be a little bit closer and another thing that it's going to want is a storage yard nearby so i'm gonna put a four unit storage yard there and a four unit storage yard there and then if we switch over to housing as you can see there's plenty of appeal to live in this area uh so i'm going to have like a second little hamlet who i should i should raise that road a little bit to let it run through the hamlet so let me do that so here is a pillow 95 is probably good enough i will build two houses down here and eventually we will plan on um giving these housing oops let's make that better we'll give these houses uh you know the the tavern and all the other benefits the other houses has and it's warning me that my labor account is now zero uh meaning that i should attract some new people so let's go ahead and do that this is an immigration office which helps to attract new inhabitants and i'm gonna stick it here just sort of out of the way because it no one really needs to travel here and uh i don't want it to take up important room is this going on youtube it sure will i should have put that in the about my bed and a posture check [Music] the other thing i wanted to do is to uh set up a forester as long as i have trees to cut just cut down that are naturally occurring in the biome i don't need to worry about it just yet but that would be a very good thing for me to focus on going forward is to work on forestry it would also allow the people that are foresters to they would be like full-time foresters um you know meaning that it wouldn't take laborers that you know we'd have people so forestry allows you to cut specific trees whether it's all trees um fruit trees or non-fruit trees and then plant whatever type of tree you want or don't plant at all you have all those options i will buy a snatch card next once i have uh the money for it [Music] go to streamer cam [Music] hey shona welcome to the stream two fishing lodges and here's a little indicator that someone is cold i had don't have a lot of wood right now um [Music] so people are having a little bit of a hard harder time heating their own homes which is kind of normal for your first winter and also the fact that i have a mushroom farm mushrooms consume a bunch of wood which again makes it harder so some of these homes here actually just this home doesn't have wood but everyone else is cold just because they're cold this is cold out it's negative 22 so it's ridiculously cold well 22 celsius there's still things that are huntable at this hunting lodge but there's actually not much of a disa there's not much of a penalty for me to move around my hunting lodge so once these houses get built i'm probably gonna move the hunting lodge down here because there's a lot of deer down there and where the hunting lodge is now there's like a little boar and that's it uh johnny just died from cold sorry johnny not doing you justice and kylie because my fuel reserves are low and freya everybody's cold and the town much like frostbunk because you have me in a boreal forest they will suffer a little bit on first winter we'll aim to try to benefit them so here's the snatch cards that i'll buy and the way snatch works steal gold equal to the amount of the player's population times five no we're not gonna go cannibalism go away uh so players population times five obviously it's best used um hitting populist cities so board kills at 23. hosting houston's at 27. uh so i'm going to well before i snatch he does have gold so i'm gonna snatch hastings so for a 50 gold card i stole 135 from hosting no regrets so the issues i'm having right now is i basically just ran out of wood i don't have enough wood to uh to heat people's houses which is why they're dropping dead we will try to remedy this um as soon as the winter is over i'm going to aim to try to grab the coal deposits here so that we can mine coal directly and not have to convert wood into fuel yeah it doesn't really help that i i started to expand for building right at the peak winner here in fact does that refund yeah it refunds me i think maybe it doesn't yeah it was bad timing that uh that i chose to expand when i did we are basically just uh cosplaying uh role-playing frost punk now come on winter it's late late winter get warmer everybody's dying okay so these are fully funded and this is nearly fully funded so i think it's going to stop uh drawing i'm gonna buy another food card and i'll buy a wood card and spend my wood card and that was like exorbitant pricing but at least that will heat like a home or two um and i'll try to aim for that not to happen again we just really bottomed out on wood in peak winter but now it's early spring and it's warmer so as soon as it goes above zero celsius we stop using uh so much wood i can hide the pole yeah sorry let's put the fishing lodge back oh there's bears down here i think nope that's not a bear all right i'm gonna sell half my food and buy the uh first impression bonus to the immigration office now that uh my pop dropped dramatically i'm going to need to draw in as many people as i can to my uh community to replace some that uh didn't make it new card i'll do snatch again husting guess what i am gonna make you not like me check if you have gold first you do yoink yoink is gold of course if this is multiplayer you can imagine that there is a pvp aspect to joining people's resources like that sorry killed everyone wow we have a lot of pigs though they survived pigs did well i did not so to buy the coal i need 9 16. got it that is the number the beat probably the first pvp city builder yeah it's a little strange you can actually well there's there's a variety of different ways that you can mess with um with other cities uh it didn't give me a snatch card that's unfortunate but a lot of that uh a lot of the ways to subvert other cities get unlocked later on i think what i'll do is shut down my mushroom farm to save myself some wood uh focusing more on hunting and hopefully building the fish lodges and i am going to prioritize building this uh fish lodge i guess it really doesn't matter which but i'm going to pause building the housing here because we have available housing now that is not a limitation that we have is this game ready to buy uh yeah i'd say so it is release ready the it's more fun multiplayer i would say the ai is a little [Music] basic and they've acknowledged that and they're going to be working on improving the ai um you know in the future what i'm going to do is slaughter all of these pig ranches for an economic reason which will be made apparent soon here's another snatch all right guess what hosting you're doing so well for yourself and you're super super bankrupt so not gonna steal from you uh board kill is it okay borg hild is tied with the uh other place so let's steal from them so the reason i'm slaughtering all my pigs is once i slaughter all the pigs i am going to sell half my food and make a whole bunch of money to try to fund my ability to get the uh charcoal we do have some immigrants slowly trickling in but it is slow suffering uh like i did first season was was harsh i didn't steal too much room and i stole like a tiny fraction of what their bankruptcy was all right we just unlocked the statistics bureau i'm not gonna bother um sending a farmer to the medicinal herb farm yet so i'm going to turn that off for now uh because we have plenty of medicine on [Music] us thank you for tuning in to kingdoms reborn which originally aired live on twitch if you have any feedback from me let me know in the comments below if you would like to catch live streams of mine has my countdown timers and links to twitch and discord thank you so very much for watching i will catch you next episode for an upcoming stream farewell you
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 14,494
Rating: 4.9436622 out of 5
Keywords: Kingdoms Reborn, Let's Play, Twitch, Tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 7sec (3727 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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