Rimworld: Ideology - Cult of Beyond Meat - Pt 2

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here here i'll just i'll call you bull juna there you go again be warned there's a good chance you'll get butchered soon and no one came in again to say if bribes are for animals let's follow the rules make me a feline so i can rule over the colony okay at some point we will get cats again we're just gonna have to uh if you check your ideology and hope yeah hold on so um boom boom so there is that buff is there yes okay so if we do get some animals it will give us proper proper um happy moodlets good okay so we are going to be incentivized to have the cat i i thought i was i was like was it just a rancher thing or was it the venerated thing i couldn't remember where i had seen it so i'm happy that that is the case you'd be a wild boar uh [Music] little piggy nachos oops it's none of text this is nacho pig it's my pig it's nacho pig all right so we had a few injuries from a raid i think that happened at the end of last stream well that's grizzly bear paws but i thought someone had been shot slightly oh those are all gunshot wounds that have been patched up so that's going to be fine colonists need treatment trev we need to get back in bed i think you're just eating first you'll get that done we did kill that grizzly bear that i think was inside of our base so that's been cleared up yeah just just just slightly shot that's all it is hey fang thank you very much hey quilt maybe a bribe but as i was killed by a link super fast i don't know if it's a good idea right fang was one of our kitties uh anyway hope you're having a good weekend so far um uh i finally am settled after moving across country to start my life in a new state wow we hope to return to victoria too but there have been other things that have sort of uh grabbed our attention more recently unfortunately but uh hopefully we will yeah um clark okay you're doing medical things which is important you're hauling oh you're hauling this corpse over here which is gonna get butchered oh in fact you're gonna butcher them now perfect what i want to do is i want to get recruit someone get them go and bash this ancient pipeline section over here so that we can get it out of our way nachopig only eats nacho or roast beef and she's saying oh that sounds good that sounds really tasty vicky three stream went i don't know hopefully as soon as possible i have no idea when uh what the timelines are for vicky three this is kind of warm right now 32 degrees need colonist beds oh yeah because we've got all these people well for now what i'm gonna do i'm just gonna very lazy throw down some sleeping spots in here so at least they'll sleep indoors uh who's assigned to hunting clark is assigned to hunting and does not have a melee weapon oh that's all of our new peeps over here they had that on by default so we're we're playing a host to these guys over here um they're not even of our religion we've got this reformed faith going on i don't know if i approve of that maybe we can convert them well if they join us we'll convert them at that point do they have anything weird can i click on this to see what their deal is oh they're supremacists oh good so they're going to stick around for a while and then and then leave but at least they can help while they're here um clark's actually a decent doctor as well um i don't know we got more whiskey chocolate it's bitter old guy next cat is loved by all and sits around doing nothing please named emma motorsport manager is leaking does there seem to have a high chance of betrayal since the last patch oh really i wonder if the the difference in religion makes a bit of a difference oh lockhart tried to convert bishop to his ideology mr certainly has fallen from 80 97 to 94 resents the i didn't realize they would do that automatically i'm wondering is it just is it wardening or does it just happen automatically he is the person with the recruit the the convertibility huh just an idle thing maybe it's just as part of a chat like when because these people have conversations all the time maybe some of the conversations are about conversion attempts it could be yeah clark okay you're gonna haul stuff let me go instead i'm gonna draft you and get you to come over here and just melee this please well clark luxar did it and isn't the warden oh yeah i mean it might fall under basic but yeah it's probably just when they have random conversations convertibility is much more powerful than the past converted attempts okay i don't know if i'm going to be rushing to convert these guys though especially since they might not stick around but if they join the colony then we're going to or if any of them join the colony or whatever then we'll uh we'll we'll do that for sure it's gonna be a thunderstorm it's raining so hard here it's like trying to look out the windows as hard because the rain was coming down so heavy the street is just basically a river right now so all the air everything's just just damp and and sticky like i feel like i'm just sweating it's not hot it's not hot at all but there's so much humidity in the air that i just feel like i am which is very unpleasant do not like okay this pipeline's getting slowly smashed good luck basement yeah i keep keep checking on that i have had in the past a little bit of issue with some water in my basement um but i made some i made some fixes and adjustments uh to to the house that i think has solved the issue you want to keep their ability on cooldown because they get a skill boost every time they use it oh really with the conversions that's neat okay you're done that um there's another one over here but what i'm going to do is i'm going to d recruit you so that you know in case you need to eat or whatever i'm going to recruit fig over here and get you to bash this thing so we do definitely get little bits of debris out here what is the yellow i guess it's just some flowers what is your ideology oh right so first of all you can do an exclamation mark what game to see some info there but we'll bring up the ideology screen one time over here for people who weren't here on uh wednesday so we are first of all we did a tribal start okay we are tribal people um the theme we're going with here is that our tribal people believe that there is a hierarchy in nature with plants at the bottom then things that eat plants come next then things that eat other animals come next so like things that eat animal flesh come next on top but then the ultimate like top of the peak must be things that are no longer flesh so what we are is we are ranchers we strictly eat only meat because that's how we see ourselves as superior if we eat vegetable things we get a giant mood debuff because we think that that has brought us down in this hierarchy we dream of being transhumanists but we are tribal we have no technology right now um i am running the mod that will make it easier we can level up through the different eras in fact we're probably on the cusp of becoming medieval in a second um so it's gonna be a difficult long haul to get there but we're gonna do what we can yeah it's sort of an extended food chain in a sense so we are the cult of beyond meat is what we are we are we are fine with cannibalism um we don't we don't we don't prefer it or anything like that it's just it just flashes flesh that's just the opinion of it um i wish you could make insect eating just fine instead of like a preferred thing no it doesn't matter because i turned off the the insects because i hate them clark here come over here and help help fig smash this a little faster cow's pregnant feel on the menu they're made of meat are you one motion sc2 are you referencing the extremely cool science fiction short story they're made of meat uh i'm gonna assume you are and people who don't know what i'm talking about google that read that after the stream yeah it is yeah great little short story about aliens discovering humans but being appalled to find out that like the sentient species on earth are made of meat like thinking meat what it's fantastic it's short just a few just a few pages very very short but brilliant uh so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna expand this zone because it annoys me that it's not square i don't know like if we really need this much smoke leaf on the other hand it will make us good money and i guess we'll keep our people pretty happy i mean humans are pretty gross not gonna lie that's true humans are hurt animals who think they're individuals there's a mod that allows you to construct those ancient things you get the same amount from it destroying it weird you can't just wrench this broken car way yeah it is weird that you have to like smash it like d you know why can't i just issue a deconstruct command and they can just still go and like smash it with a hammer so it's functionally the same but it would mean a little bit less micromanagement that's right banana you did make a bingo card for this uh people there you go i was gonna say x-men bingo we get the the bingo links if you guys want to play rim world bingo mm-hmm my heart is better than your heard die yeah yes welcome to humanity here i should i should name the the coup over here um so we'll grab a darrigan first you know i'll go like that just because it'll make it a little easier for me to remember what these are scrap car wall against raiders very post-apocalyptic right like it'd be great if you could move them and just build a wall out of the trash stuff oh what i noticed before the stream over here ancient walker torso ancient walker leg there was a giant battlemech here on this planet at some point so in my mind we are actually in the battle tech universe that's what i'm thinking oh it could be an atat but i prefer the battle tech universe [Music] cows being kept for milk um likely yeah you know and and breeding which i mean technically you have to right we don't we don't like to think about it but the only reason we keep getting milk out of cows is because they keep having babies found ancient mega cans around those as well in one of my maps oh neat or titan yeah or 40k universe i mean i guess it's like take your pick right we don't have much medicine what i might want to do actually is grow more uh heal route there's a pretty big batch of it it's a pretty big batch of it let's put some regular hauls on there level three in plants hole level three oh you don't even have passion for it you're just chopping down some trees okay um i want to get some flooring down now like it might not be the highest party on the other hand it will keep everyone a little bit happier as well as moving faster actually what i'm going to do is do something like this time to go two edges out i don't know because we'll move a little bit faster on this and it might help to manage a little bit of the dirt inside the base iron giant from i still haven't seen iron giant which i know is shameful because it's apparently amazing and i really gotta get uh do it there's a lot of things i still need to see okay i've never watched iron giant oh what do we have here an old stove we'll deconstruct that we've done any rituals yet no maybe it's time uh i did deconstruct that fireplace over here i don't know uh where else a mad hair [Music] okay let me just we're gonna play this safe we're just gonna grab everyone here oh he's going after paradax run paradox run oh my god coming right for us oh my god it's coming right for us um recruit on recruit there you go oh that was instant i didn't even unpause i just recruited unrecruited wait was it an arrow that was weird is this something we can abuse because i never unpaused i just recruited unrecruited and the hair died so trev attacked when it got flagged when trev got flagged to go aggro trev attacked interesting um what's with the exclamation marks is that were you running away from something maybe that was from the unrecruit they all had a moment to freak out and that's what the exclamation mark was check the bingo card yeah quill sneezed that's i mean i know that's on the motorsport manager bingo card is it on the uh is it on the rimworld one as well scared of the hair corpse yeah they're all um they're really all upset by the idea of hair loss feel free to boo me give me all the boo give me all the booze the paradox how much damage you take bitten in the leg and the torso this is a very monty python-esque kind of uh kind of rabbity thing i know a hair is not a rabbit but they're pretty close like one's not a type of the other right they're just part of the same parent classification something like that quite likes booze exactly uh they're shocked they got the rabbit of sernabog without a hand grenade yes there you go [Music] never boot on common pun so yeah i don't know if we should really be spending the time doing the flooring right now on the other hand once it's there people move faster they're generally going to be happier there's going to be less dirt which will help us with our kitchen which is pretty dirty right now oh oh you're making a bow oh yeah i did set a job for that uh the the visitors they have some sort of weird supremacist ideology reformed faith it's called see if any of them were to join we'd obviously have to uh remove that from them no light in the bed just because i don't want to maintain torches i mean maybe i should have light in the bedroom for when they go and hang out there because sometimes they do go and just chill in their room and then they'll be like oh no i'm in the dark and i'm unhappy but i don't know we're starting a room for rituals yeah maybe huh maybe right now i'm still very much feeling like survival mode um i'm going to hunt a turkey we could have the rabbits as well how am i viewing on meat now we're okay right now don't have to freak i don't like hunting the little animals until i really need to because there's not much meat in them so it never feels very efficient to do light in the bedroom usually isn't worth it i do yeah i do it when we have electricity just because i think it looks nice more than anything else it's most more for me than for the pawns um i just think it looks nice and then at some point the light does help it when you're like construction constructing the beds and things to i think increase the chance of success and whatnot but yeah i'm not going to do it now not when we have to keep feeding wood to the torches or anything like that thank you for cleaning paradox that's really good i was like i probably have to send someone to manually clean here are we out of wood we are currently out of wood so i will issue a little bit of chopping command like so i sent that bear well and we may especially if we uh if we get more bows here and actually we've got the pistol because i don't want to melee them if it can be helped now one of our people so in nefarious is a brawler so they really want a melee weapon which actually they don't have one currently the jade knife um and yeah voxelhound is a pacifist you've got a bow you've got a spear which actually will upgrade you to the bow luckthar's got one and then we've got our guests over here you're actually pretty good at shooting we'll give you the pistol hopefully we'll remember to unequip before you leave but honestly the poor pistol here is not really a big deal and yeah at some point we may go and hunt the bear expendable extras are expendable they do good work in the first part and that's true that's what we did we threw all these guys at that first bear and it did work pretty well ritual opportunities zone hello ritual opportunities coming soon oh right the burning of flesh on the 15th of april may so i i don't know where you do it i mean we've got these shrines these reliquaries lectern i mean oh maybe just build a pyre our barbecue pit yes it's our barbecue pit that's i right i'll just set it for here right now because this is that's our thing our ritual of the uh burning of flesh what we're just doing is we're just having a big old barbecue um and the smell of it is going to potentially attract someone you they're going to be like oh that's that gorgeous smell and they're going to join our colony that's literally what the ritual is for maybe the ritual spot what's the ritual spot oh is that there's an actual thing called ritual spot oh right here but i think the burning of flesh specifically has to use the pyre i don't know but i'll put down the ritual spot say over here just so that it's technically present wayfinder confer conversion public execution leader speech yeah um and is it luck thar no who's our scorpio anything different no rituals of specific starting places but symbol burning ritual you need the symbol oh yeah i think our pyre here i guess we can find out right if we go um symbol focus object any effigy higher sacrificial flag ritualistic burning of a hated symbol oh say christmas tree party hmm well i don't know maybe we won't be able to do it do we need to like capture the symbols like if someone attacks us and drops a holy symbol or we go raid somewhere forbid the berries at the fire spot oh did people pick this bush oh yeah i'm gonna pick those berries um hopefully just one of our visitors eats it now you just build the pyre that's it all right we're gonna find out christmas tree party is a bug it's just mislabeled oh okay oh it's probably because it's a dated like a ritual as a dated thing so it probably was defaulting to something like that i might want to cancel the flooring okay who's our best constructor human meat is right away oh that's a shame um not cooking constructing bishops are best he's currently in bed you're fine oh only stello asariki and beyonders beyonders is us okay so it's not a religious thing for for that person uh so voxelhound except we don't have enough wood because it's being converted into flooring okay i should cancel those flooring jobs drop more trees yeah i know eating berries is non-meat i'm just uh i don't think like force someone else yeah you consume these berries and then you consume the rest of these berries because these guys won't be bothered by it there you go so i don't i assume if there's meat based meals they go for it first but they don't actually know treb's in a bad mood we butchered human like right they're gonna be bothered like they're hanging out here and our people are like no this is fine it's just me we have to use it but they're like i'm sorry you did what use the assign tab right although the thing is with meals oh there we go so i could restrict all right well keep that in mind we could restrict our people we could make like two versions of lavish while we could leave the default lab i should make a copy of it make the humans get ahead in life yeah so we make um i can't remember can we make a new from a copy or no just that but it is gonna do anything like lavish meat so [Music] the problem with simple meals is they don't get a type like we can make specifically carnivore fine meals but we can't make specifically carnivore simple meals i could forbid them from eating like random plants while they're on this again what i can do is i can switch them you know to something else i don't know and actually the easiest thing to do is probably um to change the lavish to something else and then make a copy because this will be i think the default one yeah um i think we may have done that i can't remember for our simple meals oh no i didn't actually block the vegetarian but i guess i should what are the animal products okay that's fine i mean if we get desperate we can just change that back and for my fine meals i did set up the carnivore yeah trev is always in a bad mood sweaty slept on the ground mediocre barracks well i'm sorry they're here just for a little while they're really not here for very long if i remember correctly oh no they are here for a long time never mind oh a bunch more me just brought it away uh i believe human meat was enabled for the meals [Music] oh no it's not okay it is here our simple meals were enabled to have human meat but our fine meals were not okay okay both the simple meals were enabled pemmican we need to enable it there as well okay good that you brought it up i guess they're doing the flu because they don't need much wood okay i'm gonna cancel the rest of those jobs because they don't need much wood for them so they started instantly and then you just keep consuming the wood for that oh there we go lochtar's on a insult spree because he was rebuffed by nefarious all right those insults can really stack pretty heavily though which is annoying um do i want to de-home zone this area no no that's fine all right so we got this begin burning a flesh so i have to do it on the date itself okay so just found out my game you don't get the debuff from killing venerated animals if you're if it's your animal that kills it okay well we definitely got it if a wild animal killed our animal that's interesting though maybe trump shouldn't be upset by us eating meat yeah exactly like it's just meat bro okay let me go and redo these this flooring job [Music] i'm also gonna do this to make sure there's no trees that grow to block these doorways [Music] oops and i'm thinking i'm going to put down some trap i do want to get the defensive stuff up but i think we might put down a few traps oh read the next message and mix up something about venerated animals yeah it's hard to find though oh never mind mufflers were in my last game oh you were confused about what your venerated animals were okay that makes sense extreme break risk is it still trev we've insulted a bunch too yeah so i guess we're gonna need some rooms for them where do i want to build what's the plan i like the way the building here looks i think i'm going to do another like big mega building like that maybe we'll put one over here or we could get rid of we could deconstruct this get rid of the storage and just we could build a mirror of this building right over here we kind of like that idea kind of like that idea a lot a boomerang has self-tamed well that's very interesting we could use them next time we get attack we could put a little animal zone and oh no we can't do that anymore because of the way pens work dang that was always a really fun trick that you could do oh no the boomerang is not penned we can still do it boom that's an exciting meal it's a spicy meal um i'm going to reinstall you over here to not get in the way of my building plants because what you do is you put a little zone where they are you assign the animal to it it wanders over there and then they kill it and it explodes i'm assuming boomerangs explode if we butcher them oh if you butcher them they don't explode really or is this a trap explode when you shot but not tamed maybe we should just i don't know but i kind of want to keep it around this is going to be an exciting little fun thing um do i want to grab a name for someone making a feline bitter old guy i had a request to name an cat emma rap for more cats okay no and yeah i i don't know if the boomerang i know the boomalopes can be milked for um for the fuel but i don't know about anything else i don't know about the boomerangs what happens if you carry boomerang too fast it's exploding shaking too much you just use them like grenades just like pick them up throw them in battle um so what i want to do is i need to put a new dumping zone i'll do it uh i'll do it over here okay so it'd be handy to just grab all this the blueprint that we can rotate but i don't have the mod for that bottom right door in the wall is in floor oh there i did that's right there's a little wall over here our little door over here i forgot it existed okay getting reading pair and make mobile grenades right exactly so leave a gap of two like this maybe and then two extra sections of walls like that and then we go out to this far and what's the length of this that is 15. um oh because i drew that wrong that's why and yeah internally i think uh i mean we could mix up the structure we could do different things with this one like the idea of the building being the same here oh we need to move you outside let's see here what kind of bedrooms now it'd be awkward uh no that's six by six you can do something like a little odd that's too small [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we could have like a throne room ritual hall church kind of thing in here cool shape for ritual throne room right yeah looks like space invaders oh yeah i think i like this idea just leave the little ritual spot in here for now i think we're gonna need a fair bit more wood especially once i start flooring this looks like a butterfly kinda does yeah this cool building a room that looks like parents fighting this is a war shark testing it looks like just like a a pixelated kind of butterfly thing right little amiga games atari games something like that is that still trev god trump's got to get over it listen man i'm working on getting you guys some bedrooms i don't know if i want to make more bed rolls though i really need to make like proper furniture queen burn trevor the ritual if he keeps whining maybe scorpio is hiding in a room because of the environment and fig is going on a food binge because he's soaking wet oh we actually don't have much in the way of meals here hold on a sec um okay here's what we're gonna do oh i'm going to do some drafted hunt but there's actually a lot of scary stuff over here [Music] oh level up nice oops there you go good successful hunt you got bitten that's fine oh it's not down yet finished off okay clarkson days because one cycling environment oh my god all of our people are oh god that's annoying so many people flipping out all of a sudden comment supplier that could be useful who's our best talker fig who's currently flipping out trev scorps15 okay i guess it's gonna have to be trev even though he's not actually part of our colony but they have uh interesting little blue hoods i wonder if that's part of their religion they actually look really neat what is your ideology ancient stella as rep as rakism preferred apparel broad rap yep it just looks like they're ready for the rain okay i don't want to sell components can't afford the tech prints i'm gonna sell some random little weapons well damn that might just be it we might want to buy some regular medicine i think i'm going to buy as much medicine as i can and call that good enough i'm gonna keep the pillow yeah somebody got any human meat we need to make sure that someone is cooking a meal as quickly as possible sorry to wake you up but i want to make sure no one starts eating uh raw meat all of a sudden because that would be annoying nice trip yeah it's not roofed up because we didn't finish mindless guinea pigs a duchess recently lost the scottish scouting party to a pack of two men hunting guinea pigs once draw the beast towards you to be killed uphold their honor okay i think we need to do it for the tech print because it fits into our ideology oh so well a shield belt's stupid good though shield belt would be better for us but the tech print is just so in line with our ideology maybe we'll just grab the shield belt because that's cool technology though and a plastic there's an argument for everything you know what i'll grab the shield belt because it's actually quite neat all right we're gonna be attacked by some guinea pigs what's annoying it's gonna happen while a bunch of our people are currently offline that's not great but they're only guinea pigs what could possibly go wrong yeah metropolis i like it attack by mine hunter bingo square coming up nice i didn't even realize that was bingo square perfect absolutely perfect traders may get to them first oh that's true actually maybe the traders will still be here when they show up that would be ideal bishop's gun infection probably because we didn't have much in the way of medicine although i suspect he's going to be treated okay or we could chop off we could chop off his torso you guys we'll just chop off his torso that works right nefarious doing research double strike oh then we have to research coco and that will advance us to the medieval era or we could have researched half the tech in medieval areas another way to go but this seemed fine um i have tried the extreme arctic before i've tried to do the ice colony it was difficult we'll probably have to do to give it another go at some point what does the torso even do for us right just like connect the arms legs directly to the neck skip the torso completely enough to smash that car yeah we're still chopping trees because we do still need a bit of material there we go roofs are going up over here for the bedrooms all right man hunter pack go go okay they started down here so they might avoid the caravan um they should target anyone who's outdoors so as long as my people are all indoors or all up here i mean they're only guinea pigs i shouldn't really be afraid are they just gonna linger down there that's actually really annoying and the caravan's leaving the other way too oh there we go oh god it's coming straight for us hey vauxhall you can go because you're a pacifist all right one down guys we survived oh my god dude yeah this will definitely be going on to youtube i know we don't have the first episode yet but i've had a kind of a busy week you're powering over there i'm going to reset you so you stop cowering um what's this oh pods oh yeah so this is our pod with her shield belt hold that indoors right away actually cancel that i'm going to tell is inferious because you are a brawler you are going to equip the shield belt right away please and thank you excellent let's clear the fourth thing had it apparel that's on new people mostly because they don't upgrade their clothes not that we have a lot of clothing generation going on so we are almost on the 15th just an hour away and then we can do our ritual there we go burning of flesh expected click this button i'll wait until people are awake express hall is not part of the game i do have a mod for that although i guess the equivalent would just be keep the hall out of one and then you know then then everything gets expressed hauled which is actually not a terrible thing how's your infection there buddy oh you're gonna oh no no your immunity is just ahead okay i saw the 42 percent i was concerned but yeah their their bishop's gonna be fine all right let's go burning flesh so oh i did hold on room impressiveness oh it's nice the quality is 90 but theoretically we could have the pyre indoors like yeah but anyway we're gonna start this oh look at all the hexes i guess that's just the ritual graphics neat yeah maybe if it was indoors the hole in the roof that would kind of make sense empire is a go kind of offended our guests aren't even you know showing up to at least watch i know it's not their religion but cool music too [Music] fun burning of flesh was good everyone appreciated the chance to relax and fun together everyone participating in racial gains plus 5 mood for six days cool and very low expectations excellent all right everyone's pretty happy oh transhumanist oh is it the hexes are there because we're the transhumanist style yeah that kind of makes sense can you pick barbecue well i think both the barbecue i know one of the one of the guinea pigs i think we were able to turn into meat the other one did the instant rot because of the disease research finish devil strand okay yeah now then we have to do coco um i don't even know if we start growing double stranded yet uh what i'm going to do is i'm going to uninstall uninstall on those we can put them somewhere else and then i'll probably deconstruct all this get stuck some extra room for stuff let's press like tables and lamps oh for some of the different art style stuff yeah i'm gonna do look really cool so we're getting some cleaning which is really nice to see fish no longer people walking oh there we go there's a ton of idlers um how much wood do i have stored good amount okay then i'm gonna start the flooring jobs over here since people aren't doing much right now do that and then actually i'll probably order a little bit more wood chopping as well because i suspect we'll need a good amount i'll recruit and i recruit everyone just to force them to revalue their jobs instantly because otherwise they stay idle for a little while it's kind of annoying look for cougars tame the god cats although i should the speaking of tubers they're there but i don't know man i think we'd be in trouble now we do need some more meat actually like now so you know what now i'm not going to be able to use annoyingly the um drafted hunt because then they would they would start shooting the boom lobes and stuff oh yeah this guy's in our base you know what you're right and he is eating her crops i forgot that he was there i was ignoring him because i thought it might be risky but you're right we need to [Music] oh geez he's moving fast is he going for her in ferris probably so i'm gonna try to move her back right eye was torn out i should have pulled in furious back a little bit faster oh well battle scars are cool right uh no that was one of ours and ferris is one of ours but she's gonna look really cool right now what kind of skills does she have does it matter too much mining crafting intellectual yeah it'll be fine yeah we'll just just we're just making room for bionics that's all that's all we're doing save you the risk of eye removal surgery right exactly although as we we have learned you can just do the body part replacement right away you don't have to worry about cutting the thing off first cecine pie's shot is giving birth we got another little piglet do i have the auto slaughter turned on i do okay good that's why you have a spare eye no issues yeah yeah it's really great we got a pair totally afford to lose one it's fine we're going to deconstruct this area here and new floor oops not there who needs depth of reception well they're mailier they don't really need the depth perception the same way right shift to the stars there we go that's one of our quests to to win although i think the tribal start i think the truest winning would be if we built our own spaceship right cool funky stuff find your lack of faith this in your ability to tame cougars disturbing that's the best animal handler it's fig who's got a 13. and if thing gets eaten you know it could be worse just turn it off for lokthar strong cyclops yeah normally tim cougars the bottle of wine say no to danger kitties from rags to space achievement unlocked yeah some urns up in here wait oh did the pirate get consumed i mean i guess it makes total sense but i wasn't expecting it yeah if the guest dies the rest will leave then we lose the lose the quest and then we don't have as many workers which is pretty useful right now i like the fog i always like it when it comes through underdog challenge in room world get those rocks out of there please thank you now this might just turn into another storage room for now which means we don't really need the torches but they look they do look cool travis is in a daze because of unsightly environment oh would convince floor yeah but we did get a mood boost out of it and it feels good to follow our ideology you know our religion there's a lot of mega sloths around we're gonna have to go and hunt some more i just want like more conventional wildlife so that yeah so i can set up hunting jobs not the boom rats i guess we can hunt the hares maybe the rats and the squirrel what we're gonna do i think we're gonna go after more of the mega sloths here let's bring him out i don't know if they're close enough [Music] god damn it why did they keep going for in nefarious there you go yeah [Music] nice i mean i don't want any of these guys to die because that'll be inconvenient if they do but if they take a few injuries it's not a big deal although they keep using up our medicine doing that that is kind of annoying it's the hair what oh he was hunting one of our animals like what oh yeah we have little rabbits and stuff within our borders that's all just getting chocolate who dat refresh faster uh hey undead soldier thank you very much a boom wrap in a wood base what could go wrong right exactly we're not uh attempting fate or anything like that uh thanks for the entertainment in the weirdest year and a half we've had i mean it's definitely gonna be in in the history books for a long time and it's not it's not over yet although things have gotten better right we can all say things have gotten better but it's not over yet stay vigilant constant vigilance as uh maddie mooney would say uh guppy thank you very much for the bits cheers to you constant vigilance don't shoot one of my animals there you go wabbit now we need some refueling are we out of wood we are out of wood so i can't fuel my furnace or my cooker all right working on the cocoa research which we'll definitely have to do stuff with do i want to plant anything else so we're getting our first hay harvest um which will enable us to make kibble which i will do i guess i could do forever because it's gonna turn all the hay into kibble we don't like right now we've got plenty of food maybe i won't bother with this but we could if we get more animals and we can't sustain it in the pen we can just start supplementing with hay plant double strand that's a good point i forgot we did unlock that okay hold on is this all rich terrain here it is i like to put gaps between my fields but maybe that but in this case i don't want to waste any of the um the strong steps need skill ten um i don't think we have a favorite color but we could still plant some of the tincture or whatever which is what you use to dye clothes i don't think our ideology has a preferred color um no wait it's not ideology it's individuals have a favorite color yeah or the color of our ideology but does her ideology have a color i don't know where that would get set i don't see it at a glance ideology icon is coloring counts too right our ideology is a very boring sort of dark gray but okay so we should actually plant i don't know if we need a lot of it i have no idea we're gonna plant a little bit of this so we can start tinting stuff there's a plant over there what is this what is fiber corn incredibly fibrous plant produce a small amount of wood like substance does it literally just give us wood sounds kinky um here's wood well we've got plenty on this map so we don't have to worry about that we'll get a little cycloid so we can do some oh fiber cords for tree lovers so you can get wood without cutting down the trees ah [Music] or in places with a very little tree growth potentially starvation trev oh no you're eating you're fine you're on a psychotic wonder but apparently you still eat if you get starving [Music] oh right i think i set up the do one kibble thing here come back to the kibble we could plant some trees for constant wood supply but i think we're to have constant wood supply so i'm not too stressed about it [Music] mathematically fiber corn is about the same as teak wood in terms of work time wood okay desert calling the only problem with desert calling is going to be hard to grow stuff in the sandy bits but usually there's some areas where you can do it scorpio why are you so upset well if i just reset you yeah there you go go and eat a meal and stuff you can stop hunting for a sec although we need we need more cooking to go there we go cooking is happening i think the cooking was delayed because we had um we had run out of wood hopefully this meal finishes quickly and no one eats a chunk of raw meat while we're waiting there we go um what i could do for my these visitor type people i mean there you're fairly hungry i'm gonna oh you're in a psychotic state number one clark i'm gonna force you to consume some of these berries so we can save the meat for our own peeps there's another stack of berries here we'll try to manually feed some berries to these people much technical refrigeration a while still but i think the plan is going to be to be line it i don't remember it just come with electricity we need this and then we need temperature control right does it give us i think this only gives us the chem like the wood burning generator oh it does enable wind turbines right away and then air conditioning so we need that and that it's not going to be cheap detected a silver mining work site controlled by people oh neat playing the uh a rating ideology group would be fun trav's finally no longer wondering um can i get stop you from eating that meal consume these berries instead buddy since you don't mind eating berries dangerous food oh right bears have like a five percent chance to give food poisoning or something annoying like that ugh does converting visitors affect how likely they are to join you i have no idea there is unfortunately not that information available to us good closing furniture will make moods better before that and that's the thing um i think it probably especially since it'd be cheaper um like complex furniture which isn't all that complex it's just a regular furniture really um there's only 450 research um and in fact when we finish coco we should become medieval so one of the mods and running is called the advanced research or tech advancing tech advancing which gives you the ability to go up so right now we only have tribal tech so everything else would be slow or neolithic tech i guess um but we're about to finish the last research of neolithic tech which should level us up to medieval tech more than 300 i think yeah but then the this stuff is like industrial level tech which is much more expensive um there's not very much medieval tech which i think is just the yellow so if we do all of that that will give us access to the industrial we could also get to industrial level for research half the industrial but there's too much of it to do that so i think we're going to power through all the medieval conceivably i could have skipped the tribal stuff and just powered into the medieval stuff right away but i think we're okay with this we wanted most of the uh the the tribal stuff the neotic stuff anyway the only one we may be in less of a hurry about is the cocoa on the other hand chocolate's very unbrand for us so you know recreation deprived well i don't know what we can do about that buddy oh i never built the game of er board game well that's something we can do make fire burning ritual room for better future rituals i'm wondering if we tune that or this one uh the spacing might be a little off here that actually may have affected how we designed our rooms um okay hold on it will place here i guess it takes up some of the possible standing sites but this could be our pirate room yeah not build a pyramid wouldn't i don't know what to do oh we got a masterwork game of er board game nice so i don't know if they care about the seats next to it but we'll build them anyway there we go so we got more variety of recreation and it's cool off center of center brewery what are we what's off center was it the pyre was gonna would be off center whole building's the pirate yeah uh we might just do it outside again i don't know or make a stone building with a hole in the roof because that'll make more sense that's so many muffalo yeah we do need to do more hunting okay let's wake everyone up again okay [Music] it's actually kind of annoying [Music] oh there's some revenge hopefully it's just this one and not the entire pack oops yeah that's fine okay i'm gonna unrecruit everyone reset you guys so you put out the fire so that hopefully we can get the meat there we are good and unforbid that we'll let them start butchering this stuff and go back out there soon pretty advanced boom stick yeah we got it we got a pistol dropped from uh one of the raids or something early on it was i think it was just a single one i think we couldn't make it into a meal it didn't say uh mega sloth meat times anything right so it's probably just a single piece that just didn't stack properly winded animals might still die yep we'll have to check that for that because if they die from their wounds they'll become forbidden so we want to reset that because yeah hunting mufflers they do have the chance of coming back at us so just flagging them for regular hunting is bad ooh ibexes ebixes and flag them for regular hunt [Music] when a bunch of tired people because i did wake them up in the night we'll let them sleep a little bit and then we might go and do a little more drafted hunt here in a sec especially once these meals are done you don't want to get too much meat right now because a bunch of it might rot before we eat it oh a little burst that's i think from my level up mod it's quite dramatic i keep thinking that something crazy happened heat stroke hit 43. why didn't there's not even a heat wave going on god damn i'm i'm i want to wait we're going to be very soon we're going to get our um our complex furniture i'm just going to make regular beds over here yeah i guess i'm going to well no it's not torches because he's outside it's 43. i mean indoors the torches are going to get hotter i guess i'm going to have to make a few passive coolers i don't think i'm gonna build them in all the bedrooms i wonder how the passive cooler tech is supposed to work i don't know if it's ever explained oh water evaporation okay yeah 43 is really hot i'm not gonna disagree there too hot for me well i don't think i can cool it any further than 33 degrees here at least nighttime is coming hopefully a few degrees will drop yeah that is really hot raising you could fence the plants and let the animals graze the rest oh yeah that's true just put a fence around here and let everything else be a giant pen i mean currently we're okay but we might do something like that yeah it is scorching okay all the meat's been processed oh this one did die this fig just down hassle coolers are usually called swamp coolers here in the american southwest i've seen uh some people call certain things swamp coolers where they have like actual um like an ice-filled cooler box and then a fan attached to it i'm just assuming the term is used for multiple things heat stroke [Music] now theoretically they will seek safe temperature okay 21 degrees in here so they should seek safe temperature and go there do i just build a bunch of how much wood does it cost 50 wood it does last for a few days though i guess we we might just have to god damn [Music] cargo pods nutrient paste meals what's nice is our peeps i mean these guys know but our own peeps don't mind the nutrient paste meals at all and the boomerang doesn't pen we could limit into an allowed area raid attacking immediately ding i was hoping they'd prepare for a while we'd send them the uh the boomerang never did build the defenses or the traps but we've been kind of busy here oh vauxhall hound stay inside oh they got here quick that'd be stabby shield belt for the win yeah on recruit uh allow everything we got some more revolvers now they're really not fantastic we have more meats here we'll do an urgent haul or maybe not on the rocks um okay i have some wood we're gonna use a lot of it for those coolers but i'll let that go i'll uh i'll get the coolers built first and chop them into more trees have we sold that steel armor yet um i think that was from the last game tribal boomsticks yeah okay a bunch of coolers have been made still have a little bit more wood but yeah let me go now and flags more tree chopping but hey we got plenty of meat now there you go now this is gonna upset oh that's i thought that was a human when did the timberwolf die when we butcher the humans it is gonna upset our guests but not by too much apparently fig is wake up withdrawal all right i get i get pretty cranky when i'm out of caffeine too oh pray for the health that's true well no the problem is scorpio would be the person who does the praying oh yeah he wants reader apparel you want a tribal headdress um didn't i set a job to make that apparently we can't make it though oh it can't be made out of leather oh that's interesting all right well we do have some cotton that's gonna come soon at least these rooms are now going to be safe temperature areas so that's going to help a lot i think um do they get auto rebuilt yeah i'm going to toggle off the automatic refueling because i think they were like yeah they're lasting for multiple days hopefully the worst of the heat will be over by then i don't know maybe not but i guess the construction will stay we can always reload it afterwards if it turns out we need it longer they work like torches cool there's some cotton yeah hopefully we get the uh the headdress done soon grabbing some milk milk and meat oh my god the nutrient paste rotted quickly that was disappointing should have wool i mean maybe there's just not um anyone doing enough priority work the paradex if i were to tell you come here and craft yeah okay well he's grabbing the cloth from the cotton you know what we may not have had enough wool there it might be that needs a ton i don't know i don't know i know we don't have a cooler in the storage but i don't think i don't know if the temperature changes the rot rate maybe someone can answer obviously if it's below 10 it counts as refrigerated or whatever i don't know if it's 10 is the thing um and if it's below zero it's it's frozen but other than that i don't know if the temperature affects the decay rate does anyone know i'm not i'm not saying it doesn't i'm saying i literally have no idea it does change it you think i'm not sure if any degree matters i mean logically in reality hotter definitely means things will rot faster but i don't know about rimworld i know frozen doesn't care at all i think refrigerated slows it but i think beyond that it doesn't matter i think it's just static so whether it's 20 degrees or 40 degrees i don't think it makes a difference but i don't actually know for sure [Music] oh clark tried to flip us oh well that's annoying coco yeah make chocolate x and q complex furniture now so theoretically yeah there you go the cost did drop we are now medieval i'm surprised he didn't get a pop-up for it maybe it was somewhere and i didn't see it here i'm going to do it down here coco trees yeah went from 450 to 300 and electric dropped as well yeah so it's not as bad because we're no longer two tech levels behind over here which is definitely better um i'm going to do this and then i think i'm going to at least get electricity plus air conditioning at least air conditioning is fairly cheap and then we might go back and just finish the medieval stuff because it wouldn't take that long clothes first i mean we can we can keep wearing tribal ware we might want to set up a job to do it i want i think i need to get the electricity in the cooler first then we'll go back and finish medieval rate of spoiling does depend on temperature but only if you can get it below nine yeah okay yeah which i thought so basically the food only has three states frozen refrigerated or other scorpio it's an insult spree because a low psychic drone these are just visitors like i think they said they might have something to trade but it's not an actual trade caravan going on no longer an insult spree they've started a social fight hooray oh my god scorpio got downed finger destroyed like what the our evaporated coolers still have a few days left i'm hoping we don't have to refuel them that is the most serious social fight i've ever seen what i love is that scorpion is the one who is downed in nefarious who has lost a leg and is currently hopping on a single peg leg is still up gonna die in six hours like a scorpion because they made it to the bed first is getting the regular medicine in a ferris is only getting um herbals you listen you are going to preach health oh he's asleep so we have to wait until they're awake so you're not just praying for them you're just motivating them transhumanist acceleration bill has passed yep all right i'm just gonna make sure there's no infection here before we go and install a second peg leg here go ahead and equip a revolver and destroy luggage with this i don't know uh scorpion i think did the insulting and yeah just smashed oh that's the other way around scorpio crushed interference's right leg with his left fist like god damn can't get infected the body part doesn't exist okay well yeah there's some i guess the bruises can't get infected all right so we are going to install a peg leg in the right leg in a ferrous we're now going to call you peggy which hand with the finger smashed on the left middle finger can we throw him in jail i mean maybe it's just a social fight stuff happens i guess i don't know needs a peg that's funny uh all right and they dropped their weapons and stuff i might run the mod that lets people auto equip weapons i'm gonna throw a party honestly we could probably use one right now keep some moods up oh and then immediately into a daze because you're a pessimist all right accelerated the transhumanism by replacing that leg i mean trans human is connected she's happy oh a bunch of boars we could tame some but i think we just um hold on let's tame a secondary breeding pair actually i think i've got it limited to one male right now which is really all we need let's tame a couple more females and then hunt the rest uh did you see the burglar yeah he had two peg legs and was missing an eye two peg legs and wooden flooring hope you don't have many knot holes [Laughter] so our temperature's definitely gotten better the passive coolers are still going for another couple of days i'm just hoping to save some wood by not refueling them raw meat rots in 15 days okay what about a cooked meal what's the rotting time on that is it the same amount of time or is it shorter in which case maybe we don't want to make as many things out of raw meat four days or so so maybe we do want to limit this a little bit more but maybe make more pemmican um oh tough tribal start because it's it's a it's a hard start especially the way we got it because our people all want to be transhumanists but we're starting tribal uh it's it's not the easiest thing in the universe dry age human stakes everyone needs pemmican sad wander for paradox because of the low psychic drone a vending machine and a crate the deserter um so okay this would become an enemy of the empire of eternity and they would send us a trooper now here's the thing i'm not going to be siding with the empire of eternity this time the silence would be cool it'd be cool to get access to silent stuff without going part of the empire i'm just worried this guy's gonna show up with a bunch of armor and a really crazy gun i think i'm worried that this one guy would slaughter us yeah i don't think we're ready for empire and that's the thing if the empire like one guy is fine but if the empire starts raiding us in general that would be incredibly nasty and yeah the temperature's gotten low enough i'm not worried about replenishing the coolers we could keep them there though and then if ever we had a heat wave we just flick them back on yeah one guy joins you the empire keeps raiding you yeah i don't i don't know if we can do that yeah i am looking forward to getting the furniture so we can make proper beds for people we can uninstall the bed rolls for future caravanning need to ever try and send the battlemechs yeah we've seen what some of these advanced empires can do one day we will challenge them but today is not that day i'm going to disable sewing on the hay grass after this we'll get another harvest it'll be nice to have a few things banked well at some point they rot oh the kitchen does need to be cleaned it doesn't matter who does it trev off to get some silver flooring down and maybe make it into its own room later on so that doesn't have the filth from anything else yeah we could move the hay out here but the whole idea is like we want them to graze and then just have the hay as a backup in case something else happens no longer wandering sadness yay complex furniture okay so let's get started on that boom boom boom need a chicken coop muffler meat that just ride was number 15 yeah so i don't know well some of it may it may have rotted a little on the corpse i think when you butcher something i think the timer carries over from that because i think we've done things where we butchered something that was on the verge of rotting and meat rotted very quickly afterwards so i think but cooking a meal resets it but it does have the shorter time so it's going to take a long time to research electricity but it's going to be quite good isn't building in a lit room better it is i guess what i could do is i could just build over here and then move things afterwards maybe maybe next time i'll do that okay um let's ignore those two so what i'm going to do is uninstall those deconstruct those but they can grab the new ones although they might double up on some of these rooms temporarily no i think we're okay uh shooting frenzy all right um we're we're we need a proper hospital well not necessarily yet i'll just go and make a couple beds here and we'll flag these as hospital ones [Music] okay passive had furniture workshops the constructor could build lots of beds and tables and such and put them in storage until needed i hate hunting them down in storage afterwards that's my only thing this crafting spot i believe could be used to make smoke leaf joints like so a new not so wild boar we need a merchant to show up with cats we can buy [Music] simple meal times 10 has rotted away god damn it reinstall those over there i don't know if they keep their tag nope how's the temperature 35 outside okay well we're gonna have a few more hot summer days so i'll put on the automatic refilling i've got a little bit of wood and there's a little more tree chopping still going on when dog heretics sec pop up come on can you you can make one custom religion can you customize more than one when you set up your world because it would be funny to intentionally go and make two opposite religions like that just realize i think some flooring over here got cancelled at some point oh i guess i want hex tiles oh that's steel okay long term though that'll be the goal because we can get that technological look in places which will make our people happy as far as i know kind of all the starting ones excellent i guess it's just required to have like i don't remember seven ideologies and then you have the option of making an eighth but if you can edit all of them that's quite cool and customize everything all right well maybe next time that's what we'll do we can have two like opposite alignment cults just because it's funny over here i haven't unlocked any like production stations i i'm actually brewing it's true what mod um it's called tech advancing or tech advancement mod lets you upgrade yeah to the next uh era in tech which to me is the only thing that makes a tribal start bearable forever i think we've got some hops growing oh faster movement that one's great i'm seriously thinking of having a religion like yours my custom dna world thanks for the information that's awesome gotta miss dnd it's been a while since we've played although we do have a shadowrun campaign going on right now that's a lot of fun you have a very fast research option for trans feminists yeah what we haven't done it yet we haven't assigned anyone to the researcher role and that would be one of the incentives if we do get the fancier clothing because we need to make a cape i believe um which i think needs to go that's prestige robe cape is complex clothing over here i guess that would be okay you know what okay i'm sold on it some people are saying that i'll do complex clothing first and then we'll work up to air conditioning over here it's fairly cheap that'll gets a cape that we can you add to our researcher which might be ineffarious i wonder does your research rate is it slowed by the fact that you only have one eye can you search in here that's new oh that's really handy research speed 154 intellectual 10 site site and manipulation oh you're stoned right now like why are you getting a manipulation penalty because you're stoned which lowers your consciousness which affects other things but you move slow so interference because you move so slowly i mean we already had a lot of this turned off she's basically just a researcher all the time and that's yeah i mean we can literally just leave it in this state this is just these are on priority four this just comes up if um someone else is using the research bench she can busy herself with something else we'll bring the construct down to four that's gonna be good i'll turn off the hall even the basic maybe for her well maybe i'll i'll do something like that there you go so she's our full-time researcher so what we do want to do and maybe i can give it to her now she'll be unhappy because she doesn't have the clothing item but i think that's worth it we're going to give her the kaja tour trait so she's going to be our research specialist 70 booster research speed go she needs an ability called research command provide suggestions mental support boosting the research speed of everyone nearby does it include herself while we hit the button i don't know a bulk goods trader hello next we will use fig 2-4 yeah and she's researching how to make capes simple mule rotted god that's annoying how much food we have left okay good amount actually i love these people they're a little blue head gear it's really cute cecine shot is pregnant again we could get some sheep i don't think we need anything like that though we could sell off the calf if we wanted some money sell some of these little stacks of leather that might not be enough to actually craft anything or sell a smoke leaf joint for cash eat purple people eaters sell the milk you get it back why because it's we we keep getting more but we also kind of want the food golden visage mask okay we're gonna do some buying here um i'm also i think i'm gonna sell a couple of bedrolls i don't think we need as many and these two are poor what do we want to buy luxury pack i don't know i could buy cape we're gonna be able to craft a cape really soon though i feel like it's never a bad idea to buy components we still have some that we can mine but components you always need more and more and more yeah for the fridge and stuff sell all the bed rolls i guess i could craft more we'll just effectively make money maybe i'll sell the normal one we'll keep the good ones abc always buy components yeah no cats unfortunately i'm not gonna buy the camels either i think this is gonna be fine i think it's gonna be very good mostly we just made some money here and there nothing wrong with that give them the human leather we've got so much of it we can craft some cool stuff with it although you know what no maybe you're right well we're gonna get more human leather right now we don't have much that much in the way of crafting skill to make something really nice out of it although we could make a human leather cape yeah nope you're right see banana cabana and bb tech same idea i was like wait a minute i'm making a human leather cape is what's gonna happen unless we accidentally use it for i don't think um the human leather is enabled by default that's not true apparently it is ultimate act of transcendence and good to move once in a while because they're all mentioned yeah that's one of the things you can play nomadic although if you do tech up enough you can get your underground drilling stuff okay meals are still okay currently oh figgis having to try to keep well fig moves really slowly a frail i don't know maybe figs should become a burnt offering gut you can't you can't keep up with the boomerang that you're trying to keep tamed oh you're right get out of there have a proper bedroom you're just getting disturbed sleep right now so you don't want to be there anyway wait everyone should be a lot happier about their bedrooms wake up withdrawal damn what's your human like uh-huh it happens chill [Music] i think she'll be fine after she gets a full night's of sleep they've got tattered pair i could force them to wear more clothes but they don't do it oh yeah the altar yeah maybe first of all i'm gonna um remove the ritual spot so what is our specific so knee pillows oh yeah the user interface building you know what i'm gonna make it out of steel i don't know if we need the ritual spot i think this is what you have if you don't have your building my animal handling on can't remember if you turned it off to tame the coup um yeah it is on yeah never i never tweaked it in fact maybe i'll turn it off for fig she's got great skill for it but she's so slow yeah fine meals it's so hard to manage because we go from oh my god we have no food too oh my god things are rotting complex clothing okay so production hand tailoring bench because we don't have the electric stuff yet just gonna put it here we'll end up having to tear it apart later but i'm assuming we have to make the cape there quest expired that's fine we're gonna ignore the deserter all right so we are going to make cape right here clear all human leather needs 80 ingredients we have 109 perfect who is our best tailor that would be bishop although he's currently smoking a joint oh we have more i don't know if we've got a ton of it oh we got a little bit more up there leaving yeah we sold some smoke leaf and then we have some for our people he's not actually stoned i didn't let him finish he's got a little tolerance for it but that's it cow eddie reagan has given birth can assign specific people to a bill wait can you oh right you can choose a worker there but then i would still need to i guess even here does it show you the skill levels okay any worker any slave mu intensifies this is the crafting spot here this is the tailor oh we got idlers well um why don't we go and mine out this steel vein we don't have a ton of steel we're gonna start having more need for it [Music] work frenzy nice now clark do i guess you don't mind i just mark some trees to be chopped uh oh we got tons of wood clark what are we gonna do with you then i guess there's nothing to clean or anything wow oh you're not even on plant cut duty i guess you're just going to be idle then research for oh fake took over the research here which um oh and ferris is currently sleeping so i guess that's fine are we i don't i don't think we're strong oh we are admitted storing metal inside i mean uh most of what we store inside is ugly um yeah i thought i'd turn this off do that keep on the plant matter and the wood okay it can just be stored here although i think i need to then add raw resources let's make it like a lower priority here good bingo tells just takes a while to get what's their pressure change get a bionic body part to any artificial body part maybe yeah maybe although eventually we'll get the bionics uh yeah we're gonna have to do some hunting soon because we don't have that many meals and a bunch of stuff we have might rot soon just hunt a couple for now starvation that's probably someone oh no you're just busy mining it was all okay i mean you got to look after yourself there voxel hound there you go yeah more meals rotting so the hunting is going to be good you do some cat taming [Music] what's a deadly blueprint oh they want me to construct a thingy they're not off they're not offering me honor because i did that we could get some goodwill great boat some hyperweave i don't know this is terribly exciting i do like building those statues though it might be worth it for the hyperweave sure [Music] i don't have stone cutting you're right although we have deconstructed some but we have some stone we have stone probably from having deconstructed stuff and there's more that we can deconstruct as well hey where's the ambrosia sprout is this here no that's wild heel root which is kind of nice so as we as i found out from you guys on our last little campaign the trick here is to make a growing zone around it disallow sowing then when these plants mature they'll automatically be harvested which is kind of cool okay so where did that get put someone must have moved it indoors because i think it had landed here oh there it is let's put it up over here so we've got a fair amount of marble blocks oh yeah on home zone uh i mean i guess it's good for like the fire protection although i guess it doesn't matter too much but we don't really want people going out there cleaning i missed a sprout did i was it over here oh right there thank you detective hunting work site nearby oh man that is really neat i'd like to do some of that um wait was wood allowed no so it's in the list of things that i can use but i guess it won't satisfy them metallic woody stone what oh right here but so okay this must be for some other part of it oh probably for the flooring so the floor has to be flagstone ah but yeah we can just make the rest of it out of wood which i may as well do okay oh did bishop not finish the cape thank you 17 work left see it'll take you seconds your together bishop freaking android if i reset you i'll tell you where i mean you probably would have equipped it at some point regardless but now theoretically we have a mood boost wearing no that's the visage mask few animals that's because of our rancher we don't have enough animals i guess we just don't have the negative debuff from wearing the wrong for not having it i guess that must be there you go monument completed not destroyed for 15 days otherwise we'll annoy them but we at least get the materials right away which is nice and then we'll probably just tear this down because it's not a very useful monument debuff comes from higher expectation levels okay oh trapped indoors was it her that was trapped indoors cabin fever yeah because she's a um i don't know just literally not spending enough time outdoors which will presumably go away yeah okay it's slowly going but at some point she'll probably go and play with the wooden hoops hoop stones and that'll probably satisfy her need to be outside she wears a tinted parka what oh yeah there you go don't wear tainted apparel also why would you wear parka it's 36 degrees outside i guess you're probably annoyed about some nudity or some like that oh my god you're definitely gonna snap you are super gonna snap they have an outside bar in the knees oh they do oh so she's gonna try to kill and furious obviously that can't be allowed that is one hell of a break and that's not even clark that's not the person i thought was gonna break yeah try to arrest rather than melee it's whiskey and chocolate okay we need a prisoner room here we'll turn her room we got whiskey and chocolate one second oh oh they're slaves all right let me just check 68 75 79 83 and then you guys can't do it all right there we go prisoner room also makes a good fridge in tribal why so slow you can set outside yeah it's true um dreyfus thank you not often i get to see streams well i'm happy you could be here now how long do you become a prisoner do we have to we have to re-recruit them enslave reduce will worms will threaten the prisoner to reduce their will but won't enslave them oh the will is probably rated to their breakout right because the meat don't doesn't rot while it moves around um can't you just release her i don't know if you release her is she just going to leave [Music] i think release is what we want here we'll do a save [Applause] [Music] i think this will just get her over things a willis for slavery you can release immediately shove a -6 debuff from what um no she's she's not part of the crew here she's leaving people are saying she will not leave are you sure cause it sure as heck looks like she's leaving you guys maybe something changed in 1.3 i'm assuming this will fail the quest oh she just fell down malnutrition yeah so we're just going to uh reload that i think the patch changes because flavor yeah maybe i think we can do the uh conversion i don't know let's just try to convert her while she's there and see what happens oh yeah she's not she's not in this list anymore the thing is i don't think we want a recruiter she's kind of crap i'm wondering if this doesn't count as failing this anymore she's terrible we don't actually want to recruit her she's not tagged as guilty no it would show up right over here you know why so okay if it was one of our actual true colonists that had gone berserk on a murder spree we could arrest them and then release them right away and it should be okay harvest organs and recruiter for two bingo squares i did just uh go and uh unforbid everything so if there's a dead animal somewhere we're gonna be okay yeah it's because she wasn't part of our colony now i don't know how that affects this quest but pardon 3.2 days i'm gonna leave her here for 3.2 days and then release her afterwards if we still have her or harvest some organs i i think our heart organ harvesting i think is fine with our people this wake-up addiction is just brutal and then eater well maybe well if we harvest the organs you know enough of them she'll die and then we'll get the eater afterwards so then we get lots of things going on oh oh feed your people for a few days hey now yeah but it would be it would be old meat all right replanting our cotton plants because that's always going to be very handy um i guess what i'll do is i'll set up some bills here i want cowboy hats um what do we suppose oh the tribal masks can we make the masks in here more masks yes wow slave callers jesus [Music] this visage mask there it is um pants they're just t-shirts here i tend to like to make the button-down shirts but it's a hot area i don't remember if i use okay well i'm gonna have to make one of these first do this only consider things that have at least 60 hit points and have that copy no i guess there's no way to copy those rules to this i thought there was but i can't see it okay so i just did this one right yep so we're just trying to keep at least one good copy of each clothing bit around i think it's the x by the paste button well no x removes it x deletes it or this x that just closes the window yeah i didn't go i went a tiny bit higher research rate but i didn't max it out x marks the spot the symbol next to the x what this is copy this is this pastes it here as a whole other job which isn't what we want i was just trying to paste the requirements over here i think oh some of the mods i have might let us copy those special requirements yeah there you go some clothing is happening tonight so i don't i guess i need still need the crafting spot from the smoke leaf but that's it cows just joined us and right away some lovey-dovey well that's very convenient all right moving intensifies there's a mod that allows it yeah it's like better workshop or workbench management or something like that does a lot of good stuff for it i think that allows you to link workbenches as well so you can have multiple workbenches that have exactly the same jobs which is handy the beer is beerifying i think we'll be butchering the bull right away yep it's the oldest one that was that was bull juna right rip bull junior oh we got a randomly forbidden weapon in here here we go oh juna oh you're gonna be delicious man it would be interesting if like there's there's options for like dry aging i think i like this clothing's all like spiky i'm not used to that it's whiskey and chocolate whiskey and chocolate banana banana cabana all right but you know if we get another bull well depends on the age right this one's only four it might actually survive a lot banana cowbana still no regular cats huh i'm gonna keep looking at the uh the vendors too if any of them bring some regular cats that's me yeah not too many meals so hunting a little bit more seems like a fairly good idea we're still doing cooking no boxes in bed now so we're running kind of low on meals there buddy you're gonna eat that one then you're gonna start cooking right yeah good excellent okay tap tap tap tap tap tame the links all right clark trev trev you're gonna attempt to tame the links it's whiskey and chocolate still sewing plants wait does it need a really high skill oh wait hold on i was looking the wrong category wasn't i i was looking the wrong category i was looking at wardening um six bishops got a seven it needs an eight i think i was saying yeah that's not the taming skill um so apparently it's not an option five bull judah junior father that sounds like um like something out of the id crowd i mean boo but i'm still 13 guy i think fig fig over here has got squiggle 12. fig could do it except they're so goddamn slow anyway i i don't even i'm just converting these guys for fun to see what it's like because we're not going to be keeping fig around well in our belly once this is all done it's whiskey and chocolate plain coast piglet had to step for an hour and got ruthlessly slaughtered and eaten it happens can another little piggy carry on the name all right all right well we'll do juna uh over here a little young wing and then we'll do the piglet as well although it's not gonna be a bull right it's gonna be cow junior junior and right over here um plain coast piglet oh it doesn't fit plain piggy the second plane piglet cowabunga all right so we've got some things including something that's rotted here oh dead links oh that's probably from my unforbid transport podcast relationship paradox it's your father condor okay 125. interesting wait space refugee so you're not a tribal so paradox your father isn't tribal now were you lost here as a child or maybe your father just had a relationship with the tribal lady and then was left here afterwards interesting he is a member of the cult of beyond meat right away and he has eight animal it's whiskey and chocolate all right well we need to uh rescue him right away rescue or capture because if we just rescue him he might not join us twin for cigarettes in space pump and dump you know what let's say that paradox you've got you've got father issues here you're gonna go you're gonna capture him you don't trust him because he ran away uh i need another prisoner bed which means we're gonna be running out of stuff um or i can just put you in the same room but then they might break out let me flag this as a prisoner thing what if we enslaved your father capture yeah we do need to tend to him really fast three hours hey we might not be able to do this in time i'm going to let them have maximum medicine that's going to be okay we'll set it to recruit before we forget best doctor is apparently clark who's currently asleep you're not stoned are you clark no go go go go go go go go go go go go [Music] thought let's pop up about death yeah his neck has been cut but we've got eccletricity i missed your whiskey and chocolate i'm sorry hang on all right okay no one i see now you are converting fig so he must prove his conversion by taming a cat you can eat him afterwards okay if fig accepts our one true path then we will recruit her and attempt well i still don't know if she's going to leave when this timer goes out i have no idea how it's going to work 18 oh it's not 18 days uh 1.6 days yeah we'll see how that works because i have no idea oh yeah we can have um scorpio preach health oh no he's asleep we've got power get some sparky spark so what else did we unlock with the electricity here so we got lights but i think that's that's all we have with our electricity which i mean would be great we can replace all these torches um but yeah it's not critical that we get do the electricity like instantly but i think we will i think we'll set it up over here similarly to what we did before um where we're gonna have the two turbines sort of facing each other and overlapping their areas and i'm gonna put a growth area some growth zones in here although we really don't need a lot of growing since we're mostly meat based here we get a little bit more hops i know we might just make like a ton more cotton more cocoa oh we can't do cocoa trees here although i guess what i could do is i could move you know what i'll make one of these a little hay grass thing and this little corner over here i don't know we'll put down like a little bit more heel root and what i'm gonna replace this hey grass um which i'm gonna harvest now and i'll make this a cocoa thing you know in addition to the trees over here because i think it takes a long time or just more cotton but we don't need a lot of hay but i'm like yeah okay so we'll do that there and this is just gonna stop any trees from growing in this area we could also floor it or put rocks in it i guess that's the other thing to do but then if the rocks start getting used and cut into stone then it gets dumped which speaking after the um air conditioning is researched we're going to get stone cutting which won't take very long actually one thing i'm not sure is if i just told you i wanted you to plant the cocoa trees right away whether or not they would actually do a harvest or just remove it you got a mad boom rat it's whiskey and chocolate [Music] weasel farmer thank you very much thank you for explaining the word plethora to me it means a lot also can i be a named animal should we we should just call one of our cows weasel because that's going to be super confusing and i love it there you go weasel the cow all right boom rat oh he changed his mind no it's coming there he comes all right harvest and cut do the same i mean if it's grown enough all right boom boom i don't think oh yeah you have a meal i'm gonna get you to go and beat up this thing and presumably these are zoned areas not quite low food what is zest for survivors oh five refugees want to come with us live here well i mean sure i'm gonna do we'll make a new barracks here oh they changed the icon for a standing lamp oh look at the head or maybe it's the the art pack we've got look at the hex tables and things we do need to feed them that's true pipeline section uh in ferris is uh is an eco freak and wants to destroy all the pipelines it's just scrap metal it's not even that great all right so some refugees have arrived i wonder if any of them contain critters hang on good doctor that's nice to see oh you don't haul because we gave you that roll nice what's your skill a nine hey a nine is more than an eight it's link's taming time baby nine is more than eight this is what this is what you come to this channel for that kind of uh salient commentary maybe you have to set up a little art thing over here i think if the visitor dies then we lose the quest but you know then i think they'll just leave and we don't have to feed them so what we got is a free turkey time not turkey lynx tamer who was it it's uh mache right if i reset you there you go take some kibble go tamil links you know what i'm going to set a um like maybe a do forever from a kibble we're going to turn all of our hay into kibble for long term extra food stuff um as well as it'll be useful for taming okay exactly here kitty here kitty here kitty failed oh thought it went preserve but no we only have a 12 chance of seed we have a group of tribes people attacking immediately never did set up our defenses still charge oh it's whiskey and chocolate chip some people bows over here gauge that one whiskey and chocolate bobo you're on a sec nice on recruit i think all of them died i don't think there's any wigglers here human meets back on the menu oh that's going to upset a lot of people but hey if they want to come to my colony they're just going to have to deal with that reality hey bobo catch him on the stream and i just got back from a new kitten what do you think of the name bowie long live the kittens bowie's a great name now i'm trying to remember it's this recent events can i get the full list i need this donation thingy to extend because i think it may be cutting some things off here so i'm worried the oldest ones might have gotten pushed off if we do get the links i don't know amazing how there are so few survivors clubs and bows being used people are death machines you got a cougar here too what's the tape what's the difficulty of you um eight skill thirty percent uh what could possibly go wrong i got the power problem with making these little walls like that if you don't want to see the conduits although you can get a mod for like invisible conduits so that you don't actually see them which is kind of nice um and you know what actually for redundancy will actually be a good idea to do something like that okay best case new cat worst case more meat [Laughter] yeah blocked by poplar trees which should get taken down at some point just as part of the planting jobs although i could make it a little more explicit by doing something like that clarkson a days because wake up withdrawal here kitty kitty kitty here kitty kitty kitty here kitty here kitty kitty kitty okay every time he fails i think it's a 30 chance the cougar will go berserk and there's only 12 chance of taming it so oh yeah we could uh i want to high priority haul some of this stuff well not the rocks because yeah i think they're eating some of these bodies here them good odds yeah possibly go wrong uh all right and we've got condor over here i guess we could pretty up these rooms a little bit well uh wait till the power conjures get built then we can add light and a nice table in here the ideology of the new crew uh yeah i'm not sure can you convert them to the dark meat side so they're tribal hyper hinduism supremacist collectivists pain is virtue drug use prohibited they sound like a real fun group of people we don't battery tech but that should be okay this is getting fancy meds uh probably no we don't have fancy meds though we only have herbals so it doesn't matter they should tame the cat they're working on it i mean they're mostly probably working on suicide actually but in theory they're working on it so air conditioning into stone cutting and then probably actually batteries which luckily is pretty cheap oh they want slabs because they're pain stuff oh you're right [Music] more cargo pods what you got there milks you nefarious is now level 12 intellectual has pre-scrolled unfold he has are you right and we could convert we're trying to convert a figaro over here don't trust the space milk i don't know i've seen that movie with luke i know all about that space milk why was that scene in there so kind of weird uh we haven't finished the medieval text now in fact we're quite far away from that i guess it was in there just to be kind of like disarming and a little uncomfortable and so you know huge success i'm going to no longer refuel our coolers because we could really get some air conditioning uh literally now we have access to air conditioning does this become the fridge do we move something else into the storage room how did i actually want to organize it hadn't given myself i guess i will freezer this for now oh the warden is doing it you're right so if we got scorpio to use the convert action that might be better okay [Music] oh okay yeah good they've been here for 20 days they're happy fig has been converted fig is probably not leaving okay that's what i was wanting freezer because i was talking about we don't want to live in the mountains because it feels a little primitive on the other hand it does make a really good freezer room maybe we do that here organ harvesting's okay but i don't how do they feel about it with like orphan youth acceptable look at a harvest i think if she dies our people would be upset but we could harvest the long kidney and then release her put them in comb until they're low on food i'll just get starve for your bingo squares yeah it doesn't have a lot of harvestable organs you can't even harvest body parts quest completed trans travelers okay yeah i did see post about that like the blue milk thing there may have been a tie in there with luke so we could do well we're obviously going to want to mine out this too and i could make like a little dedicated kitchen here and have a storage i don't know because then we have to get the meals surgery failed i think it's still i don't think we got the lung i think it destroyed the lung luke was just thirsty ray's being a pain in the ass bot surgery bingo yeah we don't have any light in the room so that's not gonna help keep brewing barrels under oh because of the stability right the temperature is stable in underground places tribal's removing organs success does seem unlikely we're they're trying to like imitate you know the the higher end people okay so we're gonna get the battery then i think what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna power through all the medieval stuff carpet making royal apparel some music instruments and well maybe we want to do something i don't know i don't think we're going to be rushing into smithing anyway so i don't think the order matters too much um right now we won't need a pillar if i decide to square this room off i think i'll need a pillar in the middle it could be a fairly big frozen area travel well technically we're medieval now and yeah we've done that we've got some old instruction manuals like our religious person is the reader of manuals and so that's what we're basing our entire life on royal ascent yeah okay so that's just another way of winning the game manhunter pack of cats no we can't kill cats i would say something like we'll just stay indoors the problem is we actually need some food soon some of the guests will still be unhappy no we have to um we have to keep everyone inside until the the manhunting pack goes away doesn't seem to be a penalty for it even if you worship cats why on the basis they're man hunting yes that's a catastrophe okay you know what for science we will go and we will go well there's actually so many of them i'm actually not sure we can take them it is a giant pack this is not two guinea pigs you know i think they're man hunting it doesn't count okay well that's a lot of cats run away oh we can bottleneck them here uh not with you though paradox you need to pull back not with you scorpio either okay i think one of them has died now okay we seem okay all right we might we might lose a few people to cat injuries we can we can rescue them cats they're still madden i don't know how that works rescue all the cats oh yeah i made a bunch of sleep spots over here i'm getting my my own tried people to do the rescuing uh these guys have to be hauled out of there because they're blocking the door the catch is hiss um anyone still recruited no okay they should get medical treatment it still has scaria i know we got to do what we can we have to do we can [Music] and yeah that needs to go away you're right you know when i don't need light in here so the medicine might be hard scary will kill them anyway there's an operation to remove it no oh we need real medicine we need real medicine it's still mad hunting damn oops it's a new 1.3 feature oh to remove the scaria dang it ah i'm so unhappy i'm so unhappy luckily i don't think our people are unhappy oh why is this room green because it's a prisoner room oh i made a dark lamp that's not what i meant to do but all right it's cool it's very moody use drugs why are you using drugs you're not supposed to use drugs no drugs no drugs no drugs no you've got chemical fascination no drugs for these guys damn it uh oh here we go uh mach you're probably toast tell you what we'll uh draft you maybe you can fight back i could you know have him run away have other people run over there and try to rescue him but oh okay i guess because he's not hungry wow he hasn't lost any body parts fine i guess someone has to go and rescue you test of ideology see if they're um they're worthy of being part of our group so anyway back to this uh i should use slate just because it'll match do that and then what i can do over here is set up a little kitchen like that although someone's gonna have to haul the meals or you know do that and then they'll be grabbing meals here instead of buying the dining room it is a very natural cooler area though i could make a little dining area here actually that might not be so bad you knocked the hood or unconscious and rescue it doesn't contain i don't i don't think so but i don't actually know um maybe i'll keep the torches for now dining area on the other side of the hill picnic tables oh like open air dining i guess that's a good point my dining doesn't actually have to be indoors we just make a nice big dining table right here or here although um if we want people to have the buff from having eaten the pretty dining room then we actually do need to have it be enclosed i don't i i might have no i don't have it installed but i might enable the um the little freezer mod because then you can have the cooked meals in the dining room which feels really good you know has to be enclosed just having a roof wouldn't be enough then we end up with two different materials here i guess we make this part out of the wood after all close off to the oh yeah yeah that's yes actually what i'm going to do is a double door over here because we fancy any styling power probably smoky finch finals i mean honestly i i kind of get it so this person is binging on slow smoke leaf because they're upset that they use drugs but i get there you know sometimes it's like oh my god i can't believe i ate that whole bag of chips to console myself i'm going to eat a pint of ice cream human psychology is weird it's a vicious cycle exactly you just get upset and when you get upset you go to your coping mechanisms which are not always healthy wide door mod um i am trying to minimize actually i'm currently running zero mods that add new furniture or anything like that in the game because i just want to see the ideology stuff currently um but yeah the white door mod i mean it this'll look fine it'll look close enough i don't have the mod that enables double width over wall coolers i don't think so i don't think i don't think i'm running any of those considered like having like wall lights because i like that but i'm like no i won't even run that i don't i don't think i'm right anything oh no i do have the overall coolers really hang on let me let me do a little check here i'm gonna go to the main menu replace stuff autocorp light quality builder level up don't block doors show weapons vane miner quality surgeon research pal death rattle what's with the overall coolers is it just vanilla now it comes with replace stuff oh does it i mean i guess it must all right so what does it do [Music] how is this how is this different does it keep the base wall in place the description's the same it overlays on top of the wall okay so it doesn't remove the wall okay oh yeah well i have the showmod designators mod in my list i just didn't activate it because i didn't think i needed it it doesn't deconstruct the wall okay so it's basically the exact same thing it just doesn't deconstruct the wall first okay sure fine fair enough um did we just finish batteries yes good i think what i'll do you know two is gonna be plenty but we have to roof over i'm it give a little extra range here just because can't we can't let it get rained on it keeps the walls pretty looks better because you can see a little bit of the wall through it yeah yeah party cool i don't mind a party keep those moods up oh right i never realized sewing over here oh yes that's right i was going to change it to um to coco tree now that the uh the haze basically gone okay no longer building against my so you're just gonna be more upset with yourself i thought about putting the batteries in here the problem is that they catch fire that's gonna be bad and we're just gonna tear this down later on what if the battery breaks on the power line that will that cut the power to the base i guess it will yes which one thing i could do is and i should potentially have like a little redundancy in our power line here wall def value oh defense value stays ah [Music] so you get the value if you like you're making steel or stone walls and you get maybe a more defensive structure for when raiders come through or something like that who's got an infection mache from being just clawed at by a cougar hmm redundancy is best doesn't see i remember when um uh this is still slate over here right when i was working you know as a computer person um and i was setting up some systems and uh i can't i can't remember what i was setting up maybe like a backup system but like it was a twin backup system or something like that maybe it was an internet connectivity thing or i don't remember what it was but um i talked about like i made sure to set up some redundancies here and then my boss was like oh don't say redundancies that's that's that's bad like having things being redundant is a negative thing and it's like no not for this we want many redundancies in our system i can't remember what it was it's something with servers and backups i think but like it's just like no redone sounds like a bad word right sounds like an inefficient thing if you have redundant systems it's like yeah but this is different you might want to replace the fence the wall stop predator well i mean we are theoretically all walled out walled in right our greater base over here it's conceivable that predators could get inside this inner area but not too bad how's the food over here for them consumption is getting a little bit high i mean we could also in big in this which we might do or the other thing we could do is put the fence as people have pointed out put the fence around our crops and then just remove this fence and have this whole thing be our uh our pen carpet making is done and yeah we can start dumping some hay in there potentially as a supplementary thing [Music] and maybe we just do that right over here oh there's still some floor some hang on i thought we'd removed all of it we go that'll add a little bit more but then this stockpile zone so we're going to clear make it preferred for hay specifically have you ever done this is how you maintain 99.8 yeah exactly you want that uptime needs redundancies oh there was still some wall on so there was floor underneath the walls i don't know if it would do that yeah though i think football manager i think the plan is probably to start football manager mondays management mondays after we finish motorsport manager the eleven nines yeah let's say 99.8 isn't enough up time for um for most things it sounds like a big number but it still means um so hours in a month so there's 730 hours in a month times 99.8 uh oh yeah so that's that's two hours of downtime a month an hour and a half and down time a month would be 99.8 and that's not a good number for internet connectivity or servers and things like that [Music] scottish run maybe either that or maybe um the other thing that could be a possibility is um i can't remember what they're called this the second-tier belgian team that's in brussels right so there's anderlecht well there's no there's no actual brussels team exactly um but there are a few foot soccer ball teams in the brussels um capital area i think they call it or capital province there's another that's like tier a but there's tier b thought about something like that maybe so mache how are you doing there you need a ooh organ harvested yeah we might harvest some of yours your infection is extreme oh no you're fine your immunity is ahead you're gonna be okay club but i don't think they're in there i'm uh in in football manager i need to cut some trees oh am i out of wood thank you what are they called royal nah i'm surprised no one got in the chat roofable manager because yeah i'm talking about not the top tier division but the one because i think there's only the two divisions in belgium in football manager uh noble apparel is done food poisoning from kibble wait why are you eating kibble a rattle food oh because i stopped ah because the cats and then i never started hunting again how come you guys haven't been freaking out about this means maybe someone was but oh geez we really don't have a lot of food we can plant some but there's so much trees on here it doesn't seem it makes sense to maintain it although it would be a steady source of wood so i didn't have to micromanage the same way i think we're gonna have to hunt the big cat um okay this boom rat needs to off right now charge and first stay a little further behind why do you always get targeted first wow every time i know something something sacred cats oh it is raining that's true it is the perfect time to those boomerangs i can release our boom rat into the wild actually what we're going to do is we're going to butcher our boomerang that's a good point because apparently as people have said it's not going to explode from butchering we hope you lied i can't people believe people would just go up on the internet and lie they said no no if you butcher them when they're tame it's going to be fine multiple people were saying that i can't believe a coordinated troll twitch chat never coordinates about anything slaughter is not butcher but yeah but when they're butchered they're dead that's not what we're talking about oh thank you i'm gonna move the battery before the oh no it's gonna get zotted because it's raining hold on uninstall reset cancel cancel uninstall i don't actually need the extra roof there but there we go okay you're right butchering doesn't make them explode but it was slaughtering was what we were asking about is can you slaughter a tamed one apparently the answer is no could it execute someone oh expecting spectating slaves 100 suppressed conversion ritual oh we should convert condor oh no he's already he's already our religion so it doesn't matter that's right public execution of the boom oh the lung's still in there third axe is an extreme break risk ate non-meat oh you ate the cable and your chemic or the the kibble and chemical starvation i'm sorry man we had a few meals we got a little bit of meat kicking around now might have to butcher a few more of our team thing oh here we go there we go nice okay that's going to fix a lot this is this place is going to be too big of a freezer to start off with i think i'll do is i'll probably temporarily just build a little wall over here so we don't need as much cooling yeah i think i like that idea uh i don't have access to sterile floors or anything like that well i should just put down something cheap and easy for now i could smooth the floor although some of it's a little rough so we have some flooring in what will be the kitchen oh oh right you had still do the taming i cut i kind of might just leave it on no i'm going to turn it off because i need to i want to um add more animal handling back up someone's gonna go and get this guy [Laughter] right yeah at some point i need to make sure we've got enough animal handling going on for everything in here okay yeah so um just temporarily gonna build a little thing here this is going to be our food storage area i think i have kind of flagged some more wood to be cut it really entertains me we're just being really silly with our little refugees here last straw was eight kibble i'm sorry laughing snort from quill on bingo so how do you feel about the dark light i don't care awful prison cell you don't like that part but tough wait what happened to paradax did you get attacked by the cougar oh i didn't realize he was maddened oh yeah vauxhall hound sorry you just leave i buddy only one person is going to do a rescue who are you rescuing paradox could you maybe rescue mache mache afraid and furious moves really slow hold on let me reset you orange go and rescue your buddy here i'm furious i don't know why inference moves so slowly i can't i can't remember why that might be the case peggy inferious peggy extreme first medical emergencies oh yeah so this person has no lungs so there but we do have the um the death rattle mod so they don't die instantly from these things none still should be able to move fast uh we got plenty of metal we got components that's good [Music] i'm gonna have some meals brain damage yeah oxygen decoration they're about to die [Music] oh my god i can't believe they died i could have stripped them first but i don't think they had anything worth all right time to butcher some human meat [Music] not a sunlight standing we'll left in some pretty decoration in here later too butcher table is going to get moved there the table's going to go there oh yeah deteriorates quicker outside so i guess i should make sure maybe i wonder if it was roof would it help no it's just unroofed and outdoors i wonder if it's double the speed much is pissed throwing a tantrum all right i should probably just extend this pin so your temperature will be designated to hold shelf for the hey does that work do they eat from the shelf does that work is it under furniture shelf right over here oh yeah we could make a little barn too you know what and then that's where we store the hay that's normally what we do let's shove this up over here like that i'm also going to do this so that we have a little walking path around here and then the animals can sleep indoors too there's actual there we go well i guess it doesn't matter because we're going to be removing the fence gate soon do that and get here and here animals will eat hay from shells cool but yeah we'll we'll move it indoors yeah i'd forgotten we should have a barn you know what our barn's gonna be bigger than this yeah yeah room to grow i don't know something like that then we can extend the fence further or do something else too check roof on freezer oh is there why wouldn't it maybe when this wall would go up it would automatically roof that huh i'm betting once this wall goes up they would have flagged this as a roof job so what i'll do now i mean we don't have it being a freezer yet but that's going to be okay this is going to become the critical storage for uh raw food meals hey because we do want to freeze it we're not critical for this we'll do preferred that makes more sense plant matter i think that's it some drugs ambrosia i think has to be frozen i don't think the rest does so then i want not rotten but otherwise i do want to allow corpses well not mechanoids herbal meds thank you like there's something else it would be nice if there was just a quick filter or something for like everything like make this a refrigerator thing there you go herbal meds not human-like of course we want human-like over here why would we not want human-like corpses in our freezer because you know we got to keep them fresh until it's ready to be butchered wart wart yes beer beer makes sense because we could keep it nice and cold um you know but it doesn't actually matter now i think you keep your jobs after transferring over yes good perfect herbal meds survive for years no need to freeze oh okay oh yeah all right you're right years not colonists why not colonists we butcher we butcher everyone man call us and strangers we don't care unless there's something else i'm missing so sure doesn't like his green screen oh yeah there's like the white areas is the problem because it's a chroma key rather than a color key chroma key is better but it does mean that like pure whites tend to lead to weird issues equal opportunity butcher yeah food is food food is food paddock should eat his father oh i'm sure there'd be some shrinks that would have some things to say about that should be buried with ceremony mood buff right that's true we do have like the ability to do funerals but i think for the actual theme that we built with the ideology i like the the consumption thing plus it's very strange in strange land kind of thing so edible i mean edible bury them dig them up and eat i wonder if that would work to satisfy both aspects of it funerals can be done with empty graves the body's missing really if it's missing as everyone's like eating their their funeral their funeral chili okay we have a lot of extreme break risk oh your hand's been bitten off there's still a lot of eating kibble are we we still not have meat okay hold on a sec we need to we need to do some some extra oh wait is no one hunting you're hunting but you might not be too quick with that revolver oh you're pregnant very exhume cook human kimchi i think i still have some cut wood commands but i'm not sure i might be wrong about that oh yeah right over here there's a bunch that was already flagged i'm gonna cancel this we've got other things we need to take care of wait a minute just realize the infinite kibble jobs is probably consuming a bunch of our meat i mean i wanted the long-term hay storage but yeah let me stop that pasca's gone berserk final straw harvested organ oh right you would be kind of pissed about it ah wait can i not arrest juna well you know what stake's back on the menu oh it's fighting back juno is fighting back big toe destroyed this is too much fun i don't want to stop this uh oh i don't have a prisoner bed that's why i couldn't arrest no we got a prisoner bed yeah i might just uh flagged him for slaughter anyway he's not going down without a fight though oh my god there you go he's finally down be funny if a banana calabana kept going after him though no this was not flagged us for slaughter but i guess we'll do that now oh you can't slaughter because you're incapable of violence you got to put down cow juna junior and you know someone should probably go and rescue tosca i guess interesting i could capture you sorry juna banana cow cheated use a banana peel i don't really need to keep the hay in here although it does deteriorate eventually yeah it's not frozen because we don't have the walls because probably we didn't have enough wood [Music] hosting 11 what requests me favor her friend wants to learn about other cultures you got too many goddamn people although glitter world medicine's pretty nice oh yeah it hasn't been roomed here but i i kind of want that i don't know ugh i don't know let me think about it we can wait a little bit paradox going to food binge chemical starvation or drinking binge i think oh we only have one constructor as well uh vauxhall i'll tell you what i'm gonna well you like plant cutting but i'm gonna turn that off i don't know and then you're gonna go make meals um yeah that's the problem you're the only constructor okay right now i'm gonna do this short term start charging money the hospitality mod used to enable that paradox is a hunter when you're binging so i'm not going to give you a weapon right now anyway make sure guests can't use the best medicine well if i you're right if i took the uh the glitter world medicine i would definitely turn that off okay yeah this is we will go ahead and do this so it's technically a room although we really need this stuff to be done so that it's small enough to actually freeze more piglets incoming bacon's back in the menu and then do this bit because that'll actually enclose it now so it should get nice and cold because it doesn't vent through diagonals yeah there you go temperature is going to get good solar the second we get this room into our room so actually i can cancel these um the second we get this into a room we get a solar flare so all the electrical devices shut down because of course i hate this game i hate it so much i hate room world um right uh stockpile zone right here clear all important hey i guess we'll give a full things like that and then we'll put animal sleeping spots there you go done we'll floor it later oh they can't reach it so now what i have to do is actually i might just hold open here no i'll deconstruct oh not until that's built [Music] weasel's giving birth well hey we'll still rot inside um yeah it'll it'll decay but it will rot but it won't decay the problem was the hay outside was decaying i'm sure these are two different things no okay hold on the paradox you need to move to here have your own room properly inferious same thing need to get you out of that uh barracks okay oh yeah you get the hay down you're right actually i guess we'll do that we'll put that down now lest i forget and do wood later on do that and to the door and actually this area over here we'll also want hey because the animals are going to be going through there and now i can deconstruct all of that paradox let's give you this recurve bow someone did build the table finally did take a while um furniture for chair is gonna be plenty get a couple of lamps in this room just for symmetry we don't really need the two lamps but done um oh you're right this is a fueled stove uh let's leave it here for a sec yeah we'll have to upgrade it to an electric stove well maybe now i don't know um okay we've got a bunch of meals actually i can take a beat and do that now the milk in the i don't see any maybe just gotten picked up and moved i'm not sure and tailoring bench as well yeah big thunderstorm coming um all right we locked smithing and everything too i don't think i need this crafting spot although i guess that's the only place we make the smoke leap the brewery doesn't need to be upgraded to anything vauxhall hound i'm going to get you to prioritize this because i would prefer not to waste material expand the freezer stockpile oh you're right although it's fine now and yeah eventually all this is gonna get taken over by the freezer stuff the temperature in here is good yeah minus five so it's not maintaining the minus nine especially with the doors opening and closing so the one cooler is just barely holding on if it gets any hotter then it could be a bit of a thing i don't know thanks for standing in the doorway while doing that i don't know if light affects the butchering it might make it a little faster but that's not really a big deal so it is a rainy thunderstorm so fire shouldn't be too much of an issue because the range should put it out days because organ was harvested yeah well if you just converted to the right religion it wouldn't be an issue says banana oh i thought something in here oh this the neutral maybe want some other doors in some of these places soon we're just cooking no cooking jobs oh thank you this new one the rake got built so it didn't carry over so i want carnivore five meals times four uh simple meals times four pemmican times four and i think i will just leave those in there i guess i kind of want the carnivore fine meals due forever if you can do it then do it and then here is going to be something like for some reason we can't do fine meals we'll we'll keep some simple meals around and then actually i don't need the pemmican jobs at all anymore now i have to go and re-enable human meat on both of these limit simple meals to meat yeah i guess i guess so okay um survival meals for traveling i think you need tech for that right yeah i don't have that i could make pemmican for traveling but maybe we'll just wait oh we don't have a research project either cheebers um so we have to do is we have to finish off the medieval tech is what we want to do which those two will do it and then afterwards i don't know disabled cat meat we're allowed to eat cats i think yeah that wasn't a problem swords for everyone mint now minsk leads swords for everyone third one near the oh is there a great oh thank you good catch that would have been annoying i would have made one more pass just to make sure but now i don't have to butchering table you've got jobs yet i mean i guess here's always the problem right like like yeah if there's any cooking to be done it has to be done right away and yeah the kitchen is dirty as what i might do is cleaning zone mods and things like that what i like is there's one mod i think it's called priority clean where if you've got sterile floor then that becomes a super high import i think that might be a missing floor part and i think that might be why we're getting a lot of dirt here yeah um it makes it a super high priority to thank you for watching um to clean places that have sterile floor so your hospital and your kitchen basically it's constantly clean we got to clean this dirt here buddy otherwise it's going to keep spreading all right resistance broken oh wart excellent okay do we not need the actual fridge floor too we're gonna want it floored so there's no dirt that comes through i was just trying to decide um if i was i think i'm going to do a smooth floor job the problem is it's quite slow oh yeah that's just a smooth surfaces so we're going to cancel that but it does look kind of nice so i think we'll do this and then it doesn't use any more material either wow we got tons of wood holy crap we've got a crazy amount of wood condor has been recruited all right buddy what was your deal careful shooter too smart mining animal crafting social that's not bad actually and you're the correct religion i.e ours warden into handle into mining into various craftings and i think that's going to be okay yes we need to rename condor yes that's our first actual recruit so i'm drawing a name i got gene c gene c over here where are you bam yeah maybe we do need a dedicated cleaner huh maybe scorpio unless you're out hunting clean throw a lock bar on there as well um we might have a jogger i'm not sure yeah they are pretty good for that so much smoothing going on thank you for standing in the door as well and ruining our cooler but it's gonna be okay we'll be done soon so i need to rebuild our tailoring look at the electric tailoring oh it's a bunch of pigs join well by a bunch of pigs two oh god where the hell are all on animals it's fine they're just they're in the barn sleeping all right everything's okay someone usually it's a condor that was just that was a prisoner over here that was the only joiner okay since this one cooler is barely holding on i'm gonna build the second one now before we get a really hot day and then we can also expand our cooler we still might with these two we might not have room to grab everything but i can just scooch the wall down a little bit to say here i think three coolers would be able to cool this whole area or breeding pair lots of pigs yeah expand and they still need to build some actual defenses i'm just gonna leave a little a little walking area so people aren't required to go through the pen doors go away from bingo on four possible lines oh kez what do you need maybe things can happen mad mufflers psychic wave many mufflers in the area have been driven crazy all right guess we're gonna have plenty of meat in a sec oh you need me to get upset about the game hasn't really piled on too many disasters but we'll see what happens after this where the mufflers not over here um reports of mad mufflers may have been slightly exaggerated condor doesn't have a weapon thank you or jean c up northwest oh there they are let me leave condor or gene c unselected so they can still get armed god damn it click a lot of our people are unarmed actually where's the other one over here i'm just hanging out over there okay if i move this way if i move close enough it'll start chasing us there we go boom all right that worked out really well no problem um i don't think you can reorder the the people because it would be nice to be able to skip over the non-combatants now we do have to make sure to arm some people other than voxel did you cancel getting a weapon that's a little annoying oh i must have recruited and unrecruited you you're mostly a brawler type i have a wooden club you can get a bow oh you're quite good at shooting here you can get this buff okay there's probably a mod that lets you drag and drop to reorganize them i wonder maybe we'd be fine let me deconstruct over here maybe we can turn this whole thing into a cooler we might have to build a third one right click and hold the drag how long has that been in the game a lot of people have no idea and a lot of people have known about it for a while the game definitely doesn't tell you that that's a thing holy so i grouped up all my ranged people i mean i guess i could organize like my people versus visitors but it's like ranged melee non-combatant oh wow i can't believe i've made like a thousand rim world videos and i mean it's possible someone put a youtube comment but youtube comments are actually like useless to actually you know try to get attention for everything um but no one like ever tweeted at me to say by the way oh my god this changes everything everything easy set up couples yeah that's true too god damn it the problem is with youtube comments is you don't get alerts like right like if i if someone asks a question and then i respond to them they don't know that that's happened so the next video comes up and they ask the same thing and then they get mad like why are you still doing blah or something like that and i've already answered so i just i've just stopped because like well there's there's no point why are you flooring everything it'll keep down on dirt and like it was it was just feeling good so i did it that's the moral of story kids if it feels good just do it never goes badly so i guess we could set up some auto butchering for the pigs although we could just slaughter the pigs i know right now we're okay so oh we'll do this but about your belief don't become a debuff about wrong tiles right because they're not hex tiles well we might look into that that's a good point i mean so far i don't think we've seen anything like that slept in the cold okay and yeah the old flooring over here okay are these guys all enclosed yes they are good excellent so yeah we will um remove the floor here and then also deconstruct this over here well we don't have any heaters or conditionings yet so we don't need the vents yet but yeah soon that'll have to come yeah it's a little chilly i guess at night a little cool oh thank you yeah don't want to deconstruct the pen marker that would be poor what are we doing in here yeah good two coolers actually were fine so that's excellent you know what i will put a light in here just because it's looking like i'm not gonna light the whole area i don't i really don't think we need one but i would feel happier i think if there was one somewhere over here plus people do move faster in lid areas um you think the hay grass would be a good idea do you think it'll uh it'll grow faster should we do the whole zone do this and you turn off harvest just do that and that'll increase our nutrition numbers scorp is wearing the cape what why what why isn't furious not wearing her cl cape yeah i know it's it's not hair grass yes thank you um i was still wondering like is this is this is this better [Music] i would just say people spend a lot of time replanting and yeah dandelions are what we did in the last one [Music] i think this will add net nutrition like if i just do the whole thing took it off for the parka oh yeah it's more assured i'm worried that they're gonna spend too much time planting i mean i think they don't the the animals don't eat it instantly yeah i guess the dandelions they do eat and it is pretty grass and shrubs and stuff let me just do it's so weird that i mean i guess i could give her a i could set up a specific outfit but like the nobles don't need to be told anything special to do the right thing with the outfits so i'm a little surprised that the rolls here might not hold on to it but she doesn't have a debuff she didn't get a buff for it either like when she had the cape on she wasn't getting a positive buff i don't think so maybe don't care about it at first i think we're very quickly going to get to too many animals here the floor the northeast corner of the pen outside this i guess that's right that can be removed [Music] no they're not hot boxing the smoke is just their breath because it's cold they were in here smoothing the floor i know it looked it looked sketchy okay bunch of calling aside oh well congratulations i'm going to get you to smooth out more of the floor here just as a dirt management job cow riding knights the fork helmet of the apocalypse [Music] okay first little mini defense zone over here one flooring space missing in northeast corner oh you're seeing there's some flooring missing in here oh in the pen oh this because we had the fencing that we removed and moved there you go thank you and plant it then they have to replant it well our nutrition's fine here maybe i won't freak out until our nutrition numbers get a little bit harsher well you know what you know what we look pretty here's what i'm gonna do i know there's gonna be a missing little part there there there's no more food god damn it and there's nothing to hunt i think i'm gonna butcher the pigs where's the other pig sow oh i guess the right the muffalo yeah it's a little dangerous where's the muffler we should just do a drafted hunt for it so i'm going to grab yeah we want a few melees as backup they're going to hunt the uh the boom rats too i guess we could do the mega sloth [Music] it's so stupid it's so stupid [Laughter] just instant one shot oh and everyone's pissed it's so stupid all right get in there so stupid [Laughter] oh just instant one shot in the back of the head oh lord they set something on fire yeah oh hey guys this fixes our meat problem exactly yeah right drag the same thing solves the food problem it sure does oh we did take a lot of injuries there oh god i love this game indeed surfer [Laughter] oh sometimes that would upset me but not today not today oh i can't believe i've gone for the four hours basically though i am so tired my voice is so scratchy too i'm sure you could hear it [Laughter] uh hopefully no real injuries no we're okay uh keep the pigs um oh it's too late it's okay we got freezers now so it's less of a problem um are you treating yeah there you go tell me so my people i just put them in a line and i kind of wanted them to hunt the muffler um and they shot the boomerang which i expected what i didn't expect is for one of the guys like here to shoot the guy here in the back of the head which given the angle it's 100 like legitimately my fault normally they don't get die from one shot though you know you think like oh one of them got injured hold on i gotta reposition just a one shot to the back of the head with a bow boop and then it enraged and normally that would be sort of bad in itself you kill someone but it killed one of the guests so the other guests all turned hostile against me so it could have actually like skyrocketed to a really bad situation all of a sudden but it actually was fine it's kind of fine just shattered his brain with an arrow yep of course my people can never do that when they're actually trying to shoot something intentionally maybe it helps when you catch someone completely by surprise sneak attack do an extra 3d damage d6s in sneak attack might depend on the addition i suppose [Laughter] oh man oh that was great these sixes i think i'm getting uh confused with mastery dice being the eights i think i don't play a lot of i don't play a lot of rogues yeah so we got tons of meals and some spare meat now what's this quest oh yeah um you know what we might say yes to you now sure oh this says he won't do any work i missed that okay that's less great i do have a lot of beds though you're right about that uh jean c i'm gonna move you to a private bedroom here yeah i might not have said yes because that is someone for like 14 days unless something were to just happen to them do [Laughter] you have a faction glitter world medicine's pretty good what we might want to do is can i do it globally no really one at a time yeah that's annoying because i could like turn off glitter world medicine for like usable stuff i might want to use um mod i can't remember which one it's called um that tries to be fairly smart with medicine usage so for like bruises it only uses you know herbal and nothing better yeah pharmacy okay i was gonna say that i'm like i don't know if it's pharmacy mud i want 14 beer they're not part of any faction [Music] i can give it to them by selecting colonists and right-clicking wait are they on the map or are they on my screen yeah right over here no that's the empire they walk into the base oh here they are so wait what they just want some beer charity quest people with terrible beliefs oh if we had an ideology where charity was important that would be a way to probably get a buff a mood buff when they enter their base question mark will appear [Music] oh you can just forbid the glitter world that's actually a pretty good idea and i'm not gonna do the royal tribute i'm not gonna attack him take him as slaves but that means they'll turn and attack us as soon as we do something we're already a little bit hurt what the hell are they just helping themselves oh no they're just walking through my whole base there they go now they're here they have some weapons yeah they have knives and clubs i mean you know so nothing crazy but they're definitely armed yeah we don't do slavery we're not hardcore cannibals i think i'm just gonna ignore them it's my beer damn it i want my beer what are these things oh human meat mmm delicious fast food with free delivery yeah we'll let them into our freezer let them take a look around and decide if this is a place they actually want to hang out or not you know okay you're cooking do i want you to clean before cooking well yes but i don't want you to clean the entire base before cooking is the problem yeah i think i'm well i'll need sterile floors first but then i will probably enable the priority clean mod where places with sterile floors gets cleaned like super fast and it just keeps your kitchen and your hospital clean all the time which is really the only thing i care about if someone were attacked now we'd have plenty of the things around to tank some damage which would be nice expand them oh you're right damn and you know wow we have a lot of leather we could start making clothing for money oh first of all i didn't we never reset this okay cowboy hat because they look cool um the visage mask pants i'm gonna go with t-shirts this time dusters maybe i don't know and dusters uh where is it i just clicked on it oh our leader might need a warm oh yeah it's true actually we can assign more titles just have to redo that [Music] yeah i don't actually have to get on the 60 really anywhere it would be fine but it was going to really annoy me i'm sure it annoys some of you as well one more mask so yeah um social yeah so the prime cut and the reader of manuals is not assigned currently oh no sorry reader manuals is that scorpio the prime cut isn't a sign master of meat could also be assigned can i sign more than one cogitator or maybe you can move it because like it's in the list i can't assign it to you i wonder if this would just change the title is the idea yeah make duster zero one that is correct the idea here these these are are done they're satisfied right we are at one of one we in storage we do not currently have a duster that meets the requirements that i have set which is why it's zero one which means the gust would actually get made i might wanna put the war mask above that though can you shift click that no it's too bad i don't know why it's not like that to like force it up to the top um our best chatter is gene c i don't i don't think we were gonna make paradoxes father or anything but the morning over here look thar maybe i don't know who we want to make a leader if anyone and what's the other thing we have to assign oh yeah the um the master of meat i mean who's a better like grill person than you know a dad right tame train hunting revenge chance you do have eight animal [Music] now master of meat does it disable anything gives you animal calm or refuse to form some unknown animal one oh they won't cook construct grow mine jesus no i don't think we want to sign it actually yeah i gotta get that better workbench mod re-enabled maybe because it does make a little battle for profit a bunch of tribes people meh yeah it's a lot of excluded jobs but we have the warm ass now for if ever we want it now then the other thing is do i want to put in a bill here just to make money right i could put in an infinite job of whatever as far as i know um it is completely balanced in the game the cost of the items are based on material and i think time is based on basically how much like it's used as well so i don't know i don't think there's like an optimal thing that's like better than anything else to just grind a million copies of so i suppose what i could do is just something that we're making a lot of maybe i'll just make a bunch of cowboy hats because you know what that'll prob that'll eventually consume well i might not want to do forever but i might want to do i want i want to set this to have do until i have 10 instead so we can sell cowboy hats and some of them will probably be out of human leather for the maximum memes yeah hats works for team fortress exactly tail cap is pretty good value per material what is the tail cap anyway oh is this like a yeah like um with the like raccoon tail i don't know i kind of want my cowboy hats that's the one thing if you make something that uses a lot of material it'll use less storage overall yeah the daniel boone hat coonskin hats yeah so if we want to make high value clothing so it takes up less stuff would we making like dusters jackets i'd have to open up the um the wiki to and then sort based on like amount of material used yeah it's only 25 ingredients we'd be making a ton of hats formal vests you think 45 ingredients i might just make dusters because we actually used dusters so it wouldn't be so bad i mean human skin dusters are pretty good too here we'll do that body parts should be kept in the freezer really first of all because they did harvest some body parts where are they they change oh maybe it was always a mod that added the visual but no they don't have to be stored in a freezer they're fine they have this like self-sustaining storage i know they're freeze-dried more visitors wow is that like three groups of people okay you're leaving okay so we have a lot of people on the map we need to get attacked now because it would be hilarious human skin dusters get darker if you wear in the sun yeah they tan dehydrate organ just add water exactly okay they definitely consume the hay even if there's plenty to graze on which annoys me i mean i get it like the animals are just gonna do whatever yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna remove the little storage thing over here prefer dehydrated water probably closest food source when they wake up yeah maybe i could put a little shed down at this corner maybe if i did that maybe they would graze first and you know some of them might get down here i don't know yeah the organs there must be a part of a mod probably one of the ones that adds more prosthetics probably has its own graphics and then also just tweaks the graphics of the existing ones or something to make it a little clearer it's probably a mod that allows you to like cut off arms or something too that's actually that's definitely the case because i remember that little graphic so yeah probably just one of the mods that adds more prosthetics oh yeah that's a little tinting stuff i don't even know how you tint the clothes maybe a research we could start cutting uh cutting blocks at some point i'm gonna have to decide what our production areas are gonna look like because this is definitely not big enough for a full workshop we could convert this bedroom into like a little workshop instead because then you'd be able to get the blocks from here and then put them back there afterwards might have been the autopsy i don't think so because i've run a lot without the autopsy mod um stone blocks are going to be allowed here actually let me click this on turn off the plant matter turn off the wood and this is going to be preferred for this because i think right now we're storing some of that indoors well actually a bunch of it is over here and it's just never been carried over my always hollow yeah no it's not the wrong kind of well this one here is the dark lamp but these standing lamps got a different uh graphic and they just look like like desk lamps to me but i guess it's you know kind of an angle thing yeah i smoothed the floor over here which is going to be good to keep the amount of dirt down barrels under the mountains yeah maybe i would just make a little room here i like this idea well mine out a little room right here and this is where we're going to store our barrels time to get murdering the kids for luck are they doing among us oh she's already streaming oh she's this prisoner architect hold on i can't her the twitch page isn't loading properly but they started early yeah cause i was maybe not gonna stream super late so um i kissed black said she'd start a little sooner she's playing prisoner that's amazing we're gonna wrap up our stream here i had a great time today this is nice i'm so tired and dead though holy crap i am just just zonked completely i definitely can't record anything tomorrow i gotta let my voice rest or i'm gonna have a bad time i hate that it's bugging me that leveling's idle levin doesn't do anything um i wonder if this ruins the harvest if i reinstall this now but i don't know do it anyway although it's important that this door hold on before you move uh cancel cancel cancel we need to get the door in there because otherwise it'll freeze and that will be very bad wait they bring the medicine right away we have the glitter world medicine instantly no i think we'll get it after because you can't like invite them kill them and get it why i assume you know this might stay too cold here is this um oh this is thin roof no this won't be temperature regulated or maybe it will be no figure out what to do there um yeah it's gonna there's a chance that it might get too cold with the freezer being right here i guess i could put i could close this up and just to put the door on the other side that's probably what i should have done i mean i could just like forbid this door so that no one can no one comes through here just do that instead yeah okay let's throw the beer bottles there keep them chilled it's actually botched i know you only got one eye but how hard could this possibly be did you just botch twice on the door come on there you go oh it's it's quite cool oh it's quite cold outside too no it's colder temperatures definitely leaking from the cooler anyway i gotta wrap up the stream i'm just gonna thicken the wall here do something like that and then hopefully that'll keep the barrels okay all right guys we're going to wrap it up here we're going to go ready because for luck i'm going to see you guys on monday for motorsport manager thanks a lot for coming out and uh maybe the steel and the door double wide wall yeah we'll just we'll just go and lock that in then it's going to be great uh thanks a lot folks see you in a couple of days bye-bye give a kiss for luck some love i'm gonna look at her prison she's probably building it all beautiful crazy person you
Channel: quill18
Views: 94,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: 0oUeYgl7jzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 0sec (13860 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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