RimWorld Keepers of the Gauranlen Grove - Keeping Balance with Nature // EP1

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greetings everybody rodman here thank you for tuning in to the very first episode of keepers of the gwoberlin grove which originally aired live on twitch here is a brief overview of the ideology of the keepers and a link to this image can be found in the description of the video before i get going i also want to tell you that this entire series was based upon viewer feedback if you wish to provide feedback for future series please consider joining discord the link again can be found in the description of the video let's get started the poll results were pretty overwhelming that uh people wanted me to be tribal and have a strong connection to the grower lin uh with crete tree connection and transhumanist the strongest of the two suggestions with proselytizer and collectivist uh as the sort of runner-ups actually collectivism was pretty strong as well i should say uh so this is our series we will have a strong tree connection and we will focus on dryads but as transhumanists we will also try to better ourselves with uh architect parts bionics and use the biosculpting and sleep accelerators hopefully uh attaining sort of the immortal druid status what else is there to say uh these starting characters yes everybody always wants to know that so we have brenona bernona uh bob maul super meme bloodlust jogger she really is the killer of the group she's 51 years old and she has no relationships adriel adriel here is a hypersensitive bloodlust hard worker uh with a well so she has a burning passion in shooting and a passion in construction and cooking then we have adriel adriel is a hypersensitive bloodlust hard worker passion burning passions and animals and plants and minor passions in a bunch of others then we have ifa ifa is a pretty kind fast learner with social and intellectual mining as well uh taylorson tillerson body modder t toddler uh another thing to note here actually let me put this screen up real quick so we have some additional rules as you can see on the right we are not going to allow body purists because of course we are transhumanist we aren't going to allow pyromaniacs because we have a connection to trees we will not allow slow learner because again transhumanism and our you know desire for knowledge and we won't allow lazy or slothful as that goes against our collectivism that people should serve their community we aren't going to accept royal arnold and then our alignment is chaotic neutral neutral on the spectrum of good and evil neutral being that we basically make decisions for ourselves for you know um not suede for charity and not you know leaning towards raiding or violence and then uh chaotic which would be freedom and flexibility all right back to the characters here and last orianna orianna is our medic of sorts sanguine quick sleeper great memory uh plants and medical uh we are here on this planet rendered and we live in sort of the corner of the boreal forest the factions around us are almost again all hostile uh there is the gentle tribe that is not and then everybody else kind of hates us oh yes and then let's see here is the map tile it is a 400 by 400 which is unusually large but given the area that the anima and guava len trees take up i figured larger would be better we have the anime tree here and a lot of marshes around us alright well let's get started and thank you all for uh oh so many bits so many bits i i really appreciate it uh yoda and i both if he would look up from his perch here he is i'll put him on so the first thing i want to do is to settle near the near the tree right because we are going to be tree side casters and guava line connectors so i also cannot cut down trees without a large penalty uh commandeering this little infrastructure here is definitely going to be what i do initially we're going to grab uh what clearing this has caused and use it as around uh slowly spreading out when the trees die off now another rule that i guess i hadn't uh enforced is that we can't or won't purposefully kill uh plants so one of the ways around the uh penalty of having to deal with trees is uh you have the opportunity of course to um to just sort of murder the plants by throwing molotovs or whatnot and you don't have to suffer the penalties of those actions and this is not how we will play uh we are going to play true to the dryads and and or druids rather but we'll both dry as androids and uh not knowingly intentionally burn uh force now we being wardens of a forest know that uh natural fire burns happen and sometimes they're necessary but we aren't going to trigger them all right so i'm just going to get us caravaned because i'm not starting anywhere remotely close to the center of the mat so let's see here i'm gonna slap down a stockpile zone i'm just gonna put it here for now get back to our starters i'm trying to get all of this done in one trip as you can see these guys are a little uh fussy come on there we go nope you haul that we're collectivists after all everyone do their does this share so it'll be interesting to try to mesh together uh transhumanism and the cybernetics with uh cycasting and uh guaraland tree keeping but i'm very hopeful that we will strike a balance welcome everybody yoda welcomes you all hope you all have a wonderful day today and i'm glad that you're here hanging out with me i do have a suggestion box uh that honestly actually should be okay it is paused good i have a suggestion box uh for later once we have a basic startup is the rules about to say the work types due to traits no you can have all works disabled even firefighting as long as it doesn't originate from um pyromania so let's go through the works here i'm going to do manual priorities we have one doctor a warden uh a chief animal handler a cook uh the hunter who's our other hunter tailson no uh adriel probably yes well both of them i'll put them on three most people can construct and that is going to be required early on we have our miner grow and smith taylor craft no one really doing art uh first things first i would like to redesign this little uh infrastructure to benefit what i want to lay out so let's see i'm going to have to source a lot of metal uh the reason for that is wood is going to be very very hard to come by except for of course trade or dryads uh that will be explained later because cutting down trees is it's really really deeply frowned upon it's not strictly forbidden we're allowed to do it uh but there's penalties so if you take a look at our needs here we get benefits from being in a rich forest surrounded by trees we are as you could see very bigoted intensely bigoted and very proselytizing which means that we have a uniformity of thought essentially if there are community members that believe in other things other than what we believe in it will upset us greatly we're wearing our robes and hoods like the trues that we are and this healthy trees is a result of the desire for trees and if you cut just even one tree down in a season it will be in minus one and then as you cut additional trees it can climb up to a negative 25 which is quite the penalty so it is important for us to leave trees alone as best we can i'm also going to set up some meditation spots around the animatry because i think we are definitely going to be anima casters we are tribal after all uh there's going to be another requirement um where everybody that joins us has to also be tribal which will severely restrict a recruiting but i might loosen that that's not a hard rule um it really depends on our ability to add others all right let's see here this is seven and seven okay i am going to break down a whole bunch of these walls and redesign this area to fit my needs using some of the concrete floor that we have and everybody that has gotten here is going to be removed from the caravan so that they can get work done so first things first we should expect at ifa here to head to mine the compacted steel and that is exactly what she's doing um let's see bernona will be helping to construct adriel will be helping to construct ifo will be mining uh tailson will be constructing and orianna orianna you need something specific unique to you so i am going to have you try to plant some crop here uh the caveat of course being that we can't cut down trees which adds considerable complexity so the crops i'm gonna put in this fertile zone here are going to be specific uh high fertility crops like rice but then let's also turn off the overlay and we'll have to shrink the zone to where all the trees are as you can see this is going to get mightily complex uh where we have to weave around [Music] and i would say actually forget everything but this southern edge of the zone because seems to me that everything else is going to be really tricky to get planted hey buddy now if there's ever a naturally occurring forest fire i can move quickly and swiftly to reclaim swaths of land that was otherwise locked to me and then once she has that area planted um i am going to [Music] put down some additional crops so this area here to the north seems rather open and easy to commandeer uh i all i have to do is paint around the trees like this and then turn off uh allow cutting so that we don't cut down trees that are adjacent to our crops and let's do that for the original zone too and this here will be for potatoes and then i'm also going to want uh zones for a variety of other crops as well [Music] over here i will put cotton but i'm not going to allow sewing just yet because food is going to be the higher priority and then i'll also have a growing zone just west of it where we'll put uh cycloid because we do start with a cyclic brewing as tribal so we'll be able to brew some cycloid drugs are allowable um not required not uh you know not tolerated they're allowable here and again i'll disallow sewing and cutting uh power troll you're actually incorrect about that that would be true if you uh had the allow cutting zone on but if your allowed cutting zone is off uh you can grow around it as i'm sure you will see in a minute so i'm going to try to have the back wall of this uh be as much granted as i can and now we're mining we have our basic tools now one thing to note is we don't have a weapon preference we do have uh venerated animals and you know a certain amount of allowable tattoos and and hairs and the like [Music] missed a tree in the cotton field bottom right uh yes yes i did okay uh we are going to then continue let's leave these walls intact continue these walls in maybe i'll even make a taller yeah that's fine for now this is just a starting building and then as we develop we'll uh we'll grow bigger i'm gonna put a wooden door here even though wood is a very rare resource uh because wooden doors open the fastest and i don't want to be stuck actually no uh scratch that let's have this be a granite door with a wooden air lock that'll be a lot more secure and then around this wooden air lock so that forest fires cannot easily spread i will roof as much as i can to keep the door from being uh burned all right ifa here oh a roof collapsed already come on now there goes an eye all right uh let's see orianna you are the medic tend to yourself you were standing under a roof i don't really even see how that collapsed that fast but that's fine uh slaves would not be able to trap wood no um any disturbance to the forest done by our colony counts against the uh the penalties there and again that would violate our rules anyway as we're not supposed to purposefully damage or kill trees okay i'm not sure how much uh material i'll have left for this but we'll see we're going to bring the walls in like this i wanted as symmetrical as i possibly can uh given the uh terrain constraints and the these caribou are definitely gonna get themselves killed they're making a ruckus all right let's put down some recreation and see how far we can stretch the granite could we buy wood from traders yes we didn't kill the trees we just can't destroy trees essentially there is no there's nothing there's there's nothing i'm going to do to circumnavigate the trees desired so we desire trees on this map tile um if we raid a lumber camp and take their lumber that's fine we aren't going to be removing trees from this map tile um purposefully but if it happens someone else's hand and we purchase the trees we're also pragmatic right like i'm not going to not buy wood or not raid lumber camps if we need lumber we're just not going to kill trees on purpose so hey important distinction but one that needs to be made okay we're going to need to get a butcher table out put that there and a fueled stove fuel stove is going to be rough to fuel uh after a short period of time because of the demand for wood and now you built that let's get the rest of the walls up we have other um granite structures obviously we have granite walls up here that we could uh commandeer and sandstone slate i'm not going to travel too far across the map so that's what's uh locally available uh we won't be able to build or grow cacti because cacti is a arid or um desert only the restriction for trees is specific to biome so if we take a look at the growing zone here um cactus is not one of them that's how rimworld has always worked why is this door still oh there it goes it was like stuck interesting all right let's set up a simple meal for eight made by uh meat only and queue up a bit of a kitchen area um here foods and foods will be raw food that is not animal products and simple meals this will be preferred this will be low all right so we're starting to grab uh looks like we're gonna need a bit more granite but we're starting to grab uh steel from the other zone so then we're also going to want to get production up pretty soon i'd imagine i'm gonna be put production or research bench there and let's get some steel walls i can go about this far until i violate the radius of the animatry and uh they've changed it now that prog grass growth progress uh slows when you build within the radius so it's important not to do that all right thanks ifa you're doing a wonderful job what is my plan for future bases uh well you can always go into mountains because the terrain underneath uh stuff that you would mine out is going to be stone and thereby not allowable for trees uh so we have this huge stoney outcrop here which would allow for uh quite a large structure um and then we can also what we can do is we can annex slowly so uh one thing to do is just to build a lot of roof around your base uh where you prevent uh future tree growth because of course all plants require sunlight and then when the trees naturally die because trees do have a lifespan and they will eventually die on their own uh you can just grow into that spot it adds considerable complexity no doubt but it is totally viable as well [Music] give puppies a treat here you go salient thanks for the bits let me let me try to go through the uh log here chaotic bananas thanks for the follow arclight for the resub our davey for a uh is that a subscription in advance well thank you and jimny hawthorne uh shield jasim kamasia master satate matt glitch tooth shield again glitch again silver thank you all and thank you for uh yoda street so we are going to then roof this up and we will be roofing it up um without a complete roof we will have um areas that are open for the trees there's actually a benefit to having trees within your base because everybody wants trees around them so having trees sort of implanted into your base in this way um you know has it comes with its own benefit interestingly enough what about you timmy did i miss you i want a pet yoda hey buddy how's it going all right those caribou on my short list of things to shoot what about beavers and thrumbos well bieber and throwballs are obviously going to be uh enemies of our uh ideology because they try to you know eat trees and being tree eaters we obviously will not uh tolerate them all right so we have about a third progress for anima grass um let me see now that we have a research bench ifa i'm going to push you towards researching and i'm going to have you all vote on the first research that i get we have stone cutting as a possibility uh the benefits of stone cutting of course is that we can't really construct with wood easily because we have a very limited supply so that helps complex furniture for beds and the like complex clothing that way we can fulfill the clothing desires of these specialty rolls and uh we could also do smithing if we want to uh start to better ourselves in terms of weaponry so there you go four simple choices i'm not going to make the leap for electricity just yet and i'll kick off with stone cutting so the complete list of ideologies uh you could find with the exclamation mark ideology command and then the additional rules with exclamation mark rules um but the rules are also included on the audiology link as well and if we take a look at our probable only ally the gentle tribe uh they think meat is abhorrent they think body modification is abhorrent so we're really not going to get along all that well but they do like the diversity of thought so at least they will like the fact that we don't believe in what they believe in and then the only other possible um ally would be this proselytizing collectivist loyalist um saturn empire uh who's intensely bigoted against other ideologies so could be very very tricky to get them to consider us allies at all another thing i wanted to do is reward preference uh let's not allow honor and then i'm not even gonna allow goodwill from the rough uh factions i'm really not well no i'm not even gonna do it we're really only looking to have one ally okay uh stone cutting it is we got that cued up and here we go as you can see we can plant and sew crop around the trees like this as long as we trim out the tree zones we'll we're good i will however if i do want to commandeer bushes i will have to trigger the bushes themselves to be cut out of the way which is kind of important because bushes can develop into trees and that all that serves is to reforest more so uh we're going to have to be very careful about how we prune our farms now i do hope that eventually we will reach a point where we have um walden farms you know arboretums and groves that are protected in such a way that we don't then have to treat it so carefully uh let's definitely create uh fire breaks so another reason to do this here uh not just for area annexation is to add a natural fire break because not of all our walls are fireproof so fires can only hop a distance of three so if you create a fire break like this you can keep fire from spreading within your walls and ifa is now researching um i'm gonna turn off the automatic home zoning because i'm sure i don't want its settings actually the home zones i have so far are fine i guess that keeps my farms safe and what is everyone else working on so they're just breaking down the granite walls how do we feel about neutral fungus uh we don't you have really have to be a tunneler to want neutral fungus as you can see it's it's gross as is insect meat we don't mind nutrient uh paste however because we are transhumanists so that is something that's a little different uh could i please do a quick summary of the ponds sure ronona here is a bloodlust jogger uh very good at shooting so she's definitely one of our warriors adriel here is hypersensitive bloodlust hard worker uh very good plants possible future grove keeper ifa here is our researcher with intellect mining and social probably going to also be one of the community leaders um pretty and kind so people will tend to like her uh taylorson here is a body modding tea toddler construction crafting animals so basically our chief crafter and orianna last but not least is sanguine great memory and quick sleeper with a very high skill in medical and other passions in plants as well one of the things i plan on doing is having everyone use their own favorite color uh rather than have a pre-designated color for the ideology because we do believe in the freedom of expression despite the fact that we are collectivists we also are highly chaotic um that was also on the poll so that's something that we will also address uh let's start to kill off caribou well maybe there's actually easier game nearby that is a bit safer my my worry with the caribou is a herd mentality revenge uh but i guess if i only send uh brenona let's only send bernona i think she given her range and skill could probably hunt them without uh vengeance so we'll go ahead and do that and then out here in our near butchery i will name this butchery fresh only animal corpses that are not insects preferred and then butchering creatures a very small radius that only includes the butchery do forever of non-insects as well will roofs uh distribute animatry disturb well yes uh you can't really have a roof without uh walls or pillars of some sort and walls and pillars would disturb it if um if there was a meteorite strike next to the anima tree uh where i was able to build roof off of the anima uh off the meteor extract like if somehow i could get natural stone to appear next to the tree you could build rooves but of course the tree can't be roofed uh itself so adriel talison and orianna let's try to find tasks for you you are highly why aren't you planting all right let's see about this allow sewing allow sewing there we go all right they all have tasks now good if they do actually go idle i can always set them up like taylor's in here uh he's a crafter and constructor he really doesn't have anything to do at the moment uh so what i could do is i can quickly schedule him to just pray at the end of a tree instead so we are planting this here is potatoes here is cotton this is uh cycloid looks like something died already or i don't know and then this over here uh let's put heel root and i am going to clear out these bushes for myself uh you can in fire break for the tree very easily though uh one of the ways to do a fire break would be for me to like flagstone around it uh i would just have to be careful not to knock any trees in the process of flagstoning but that's not all that hard if i am patient and i work overtime we're also transhumanists that believe in research so fire foam is probably a clear requirement another thing to mention is that um the animatry is fireproof it's just the grass that isn't hey super carta wow it has been a while i remember you in um in the uh survive the pantheon series just seems like ages ago and yes we will also get fire skip and things like that to protect ourselves for sure another returning sub welcome back and diamond cheers i always like the coffee fire skip would be fun well the new matting the straw matting that they've introduced is basically fire skip to be perfectly honest with a molotov and straw matting uh you can be your own fire skipper [Music] all right getting things planted another thing i could plant is fiber corn so i'm going to cue up a large region of fiber corn fiber corn is a sort of a husky corn like substance that grows slowly and yields one wood per cut which is a alternative method to uh okay there is a birch tree back there it's an alternative method to grow your own yeah don't do that dude to grow your own um wood without growing your own wood kind of a a hack so to speak but uh a necessary one for the tree huggers no stop cutting the trees she had cued that up before i said no cutting so the no no cutting here means that they won't clear spaces for farming which means they won't cut trees if they're not zoned uh that's why i have to manually uh trigger the bushes to be cut some of the things here that i've left in place um like if i wanted to clean this up a bit i would have to cut the grasses manually like probably the easiest way is to queue up an area where you cut everything you unselect the trees and then you plant uh because there's a lot of wild grasses and lichen in here that um prevent growth as you can see but we'll we'll get better at converting things over to farmland um with practice i suppose saunder thanks for the sub as well oops that's not what i meant to do because tall grasses and uh mosses and like and all that stuff counts so uh much like a zen garden we have to equally be uh cautious and careful about how we uh how we plan yes why is he marking things because the no cutting that saves the tree indeed exactly all right bernona you need a task it's too bad that i can't say hey when you're idle go uh go pray at the tree so we have just one grass one and a quarter all right that looks that looks cleaned up of course this needs to be cleaned up i do find a bit of like personal catharsis uh trimming grasses like this i don't know maybe i'm meant to be a a gardener or something what is this plant back here grass but this is also why these grow zones are so large um because i fully expect to have to fight nature in order to gain footholds for my own crop and likewise that pretty much this whole area needs to be clear-cut now i'll i'll do a better job in the future of clear cutting it like bobble wrap yeah exactly like bubble wrap cilian here we go hey yoda you ready to get fat maybe tusk wants some too tuscany i will also have to regularly check to find if any of the trees around my perimeter hey girl coming up if any of the trees around my perimeter have died off allowing me to re-roof so it looks like maybe there was never a tree there i'm not sure but if there was i can now um grab that myself all right so if it's researching unfortunately she's getting rained on but that's my only source of light so if you take a look here i also have a hole right above where she's researching and i have a hole right above the butchery table where i can use natural daylight instead of torches because i do have a very limited amount of wood and chances are i'm probably going to want to use the wood to build bows and the like or or you know cook with or you know other tasks like that uh instead of um instead of using the wood to uh uh to you know illuminate would stray shoots killing a tree count for the mood debuff yeah really any destruction of trees so well no that's not entirely true you can't you can cheese it um it is entirely possible if you want to play this way i won't be but if you want to play this way where you just throw a molotov at a bunch of trees and walk away um it won't actually make you guy make you upset because you're not directly responsible for the destruction of the tree you're indirectly responsible uh but with that said that's not what we're doing it's against our rules so if you're trying to be a druid and you want to do it with the least effort possible uh use a lot of molotovs because you can clear massive swaths out of trees and not really suffer anything now if you do that you're also not going to get the rich forest benefit because if you don't have a lot of trees around you um even if you weren't responsible for killing them uh you will suffer a mood penalty anyway so it's not a perfect solution uh but it is a pretty effective one just again not how we're playing and a flash storm luckily it's not a dry thunderstorm okay i think i'm pretty comfortable with the amount of farming that we're doing i probably don't need to pay any more attention to it uh this is a lot of crop uh that we can get yielded and at this point uh all i really need to worry about is having a source of food so um brenona where wow there's not a lot of creatures here are there those caribou are just like i'm out of here these druids are violent they're good with their bows waterskip would be uh very very very helpful but we'll never have the uh we'll never have the rank required to trade with the um the shattered empire because we aren't going for honor and they will only trade with knights and dames or higher rank than that which means that if we are going to get uh water skip it's gonna have to be through uh tree focus or through questing either either way is totally fine uh just let you know that it's not something that's necessarily gonna be easy to accomplish once we start to get um so this simple meal here is only meat uh once we start to get vegetables i will make um better meals that incorporate uh vegetables for fine meals in the land and a pet tusk she's already left tusky come back how dare her how dare she leave me come on girl i have to pet you summon hi good girl just stay there oh hi echo you want pets too hop on up i'll pet you i'm your paw thank you she's not going to stay she never does this is the longest she's ever stayed i think because she knows that she did some sort of command and she's demanding reward for said command and then she'll leave and she's gone all right let's do some assignments here uh so talison is gonna be on no drugs because he doesn't like drugs and then i'm gonna do a new policy uh schedule drugs and these scheduled drugs for the moment aren't going to include anything so they're going to be the same as no drugs these scheduled drugs are stuff that i'm going to schedule um only when we have drugs available to give out and then orianna is our doctor unfortunately our one-eyed doctor but that's something i'm going to fix and then the meals here oh that's not what i'm going to do currently we are just going to eat simple and lavish meals um so we'll call it available meals and then the outfits i'm just going to say 51 plus so we don't wear tattered and no actually tainted apparel is fine because we have two people that are bloodlust zillion thanks for the bits here yoda i'll feed you while i pet you and jordan for the posture check oh don't fall uh in in order to get so the only other issue is no one really has a skill to give orianna and i um but i will be looking to recruit soon and i'm sure the storyteller will send me uh the possibility of recruits pretty pretty quickly they generally do all right so stone cutting is uh almost done and i'm going to propose next research which will be one of these three things uh it will either be complex clothing complex furniture or smithing so your choice we now have three out of 20 anima grass whoa bernona you were really where were you you were hunting very far away looks like you injured it yeah if you you killed it you just haven't gotten credit yet so to go over all of the research benefits uh just so that you all can assess uh smithing would introduce simple helmets breech axes axes gladius ikla maces a fueled smithy allow me to put down steel silver and gold tile a complex furniture opens up beds chairs uh chests armchairs steelies sarcophagus poker and billiards tool cabinets vents shelves and then complex clothing uh allows you know all the clothing that people would demand for their uh their social ranks all right adriel you are currently idle how is there not things to sew here all right adroll and orianna guess what tree time go have fun uh getting rid of the enemies that so there's no concept of like the opposite of venerated like uh like kill these specific animals so it's a really neat idea and i like it uh but it just doesn't exist unfortunately my research is getting real wet who's my secondary so orianna i'm going to actually send you to mine stuff instead of the praise schedule now another thing is that there are diminishing returns on how long you can pray in a given day um and currently the schedule that we have running is probably going to butt up against the diminishing returns so that's important to note i'm also not going to assign any of these specialty roles until we have complex clothing because until we have complex clothing we really don't have any way to fulfill the desires that those people will have for those specific roles so this is the very start of my eventual complete fire break just for the grass itself um this will be a considerable amount of um what's behind there poplar tree this will be considered amount of steel given that it is uh hex tile uh but i think it will look pretty cool all right stone cutting is now done and you guys say smithing is next that's lopsided all right there we go what is venerated uh so arctic wolves are venerated i wanted to actually to make it a little bit easier i wanted to pick a creature that doesn't commonly um exist in the biome that i'm in so that i don't have to regularly kill it or anything like that while we go seeking out ancient dangers oh absolutely we are transhumanists after all and the ancient dangers are full of body parts that would benefit us um that's probably something i'm going to do pretty early on in fact i just wanted to get the um you know sort of the basis squared away all right so the hex tile fire bricks orianna with her miserably bad mining [Music] plastial spores and we did also get stone cutter so i am going to build one of those and then de-roof the area to allow uh some sunlight to come through so we can see what we're doing update the objective yeah sorry about that um basic colony i always forget to do that but i appreciate when people warn me it was fun watching last night tacos your uh interesting mix of ranching and uh big old struggle bus there but fun to watch the struggle buses are always the most fun to watch anyway right struggle bus uh it's a colloquial term for the enjoyment of watching people struggle at a task because it's difficult all right bernona um what i'm going to do is actually no not yet i so the worry about hitting an ancient danger too early is there is a small possibility but a non-zero possibility that the occupant of the ancient danger um if we even have an ancient danger on this tile is a uh is a aggressive centipede which would be very very very difficult okay there is an ancient danger here it would be very difficult for us to deal with um so travelers desire charity i'm gonna have you all vote on this they want 11 herbal medicine and i'm giving it to kruger do we offer charity yes or no up to you so what i'm doing right now is just claiming all of the ruins one of the advantages of blaming the ruins like i am is when we get raids the raiders won't really know what to attack because our base is everywhere and what will end up happening is they will um they will specifically target the random ruins and not come directly towards us so this is one of the reasons why i like to claim everything but definitely make sure that you have auto homing off so that not ever not literally everything becomes your home zone another thing i'm going to need to do is zoom in and change these beds to slave beds so that we don't sleep there for any reason because they are technically beds that we could sleep on um all right and now that i've done that let me take a look at my home zone and add this to the home zone subtract a whole lot of that and i will trim around here as well this almost looks like a grow light radius it's not quite but it's close so will or will we not offer charity uh because we're in a boreal forest we do get wild uh heel root to spawn naturally so it is not something that is necessarily um all that limited it does require a considerable amount of time to go harvest it ourselves but that's totally fine uh tail you are one of our constructors so i'm gonna take i'm gonna pull tail off of prayer duty getting him to help with the hex tiles and then orianna is still mining oh more grass 8 out of 20. okay i am going to need a little bit more food i am down to 46 pm so bernona get hunting and ifa i'm going to have you although it's not really your responsibility uh quickly rearrange the room a bit and then i am also going to set up fine let's do a batch five meals i'm gonna set up batch fine meals to be made as well up to eight the reason eight uh i don't wanna make too many because if i make too many it will spoil uh before we eat them so i'm trying to keep the ingredients as fresh as possible and bernona you better not pull caribou to us israel let's offer medicine to kruger that seems to be where we want to go one of the beautiful things about you all voting that we are neutral chaotic is being neutral we could really just vote however we want to vote we're not constrained necessarily one way or another uh so we can vote to be good or bad in any given scenario whatever benefits us most so these benefits uh these bakers have been gifted stuff uh but of course we don't have any sort of concept of desired charity so we don't benefit from being charitable um and i'm not entirely sure that there's any real benefit to doing that other than to lower your own wealth if that's a benefit that you can even mention at all right tail let's get the stone cutter table built now we have a stone cutter and go back to hex tiles i like the design of hex tiles obviously it would be a lot cheaper if i went with stone-based tiles up rather than steel-based tiles but uh aesthetics matter especially the aesthetics of people that sit at a tree all day uh because they're going to want keeper styled surroundings around them so there's a huge benefit to having these hex tiles which are our own styled um you know structures because we get a plus five because we are both techist and um [Music] totemic it's not charity if you benefit tipsy yes no i agree i agree although i will say um in reality even if it's even if you don't benefit if it makes you feel better that it's still a benefit anyway right technically oh uh foods so this should allow for fine meals as well and now we have better meal sources and we are finishing or continuing the uh smithy research berno is going after yet another caribou who has trapped itself in a bay [Music] the way i've built around the trees is impressive well i have to leave them alone or i get massive penalties so it's a mix of required and desired [Music] i'm also going to head hunt for some hill root now that he roots down to 13 uh that might not be enough if plague was to strike well bernona i really need to get you a better bow girl if you ever want to take part in the polls that help to determine the series a discord is definitely a suggestion that i would make for you uh because a lot of these are just flash poles that go up for mere hours and if you're not on discord with the either rimworld or twitch uh self-assigned role it will be hard for you to catch the polls before they're gone it's possible of course because i do put it in the announcements on discord and sometimes on patreon and my website but uh understandably it's you know difficult to catch how do you approach apparel requirement i'm not sure about it so um the apparels aren't requirements so much as preferences and uh it really depends if you're min-maxing or role-playing if you're min-maxing having like i did here having a button-down shirt um requirement or a strong preference is obviously very powerful because uh most the time when you wear armor you're still gonna wear a button-down shirt so it's a way to fulfill the preference and also wear armor uh but there is you know if we take a look at the other well no one else has preferred apparel in the other faction size it's just oh well here here we go um for krishna for instance um you know if they want to wear helmets they basically don't get their preferred apparel um so if we wear armor you know oh it's no big deal because we will still have some of our preferences fulfilled okay so you've gone from three to four mining and i am going to go open up the suggestion box at this point and take a handful of suggestions suggestions from you guys about what sort of priorities i should focus up on whether it would be to have someone be a secondary researcher or to expand farming do more hunting etc etc uh just keep it within scope and reason of the limitations that we have for being early on and all that yeah she's starting to get better yields yeah keeper style surroundings another thing i could do here with for ifa is a keeper style surroundings as well um so that you know we can be a little bit happier in our uh base so something i could do is um sandstone cutting sandstone blocks where we drop them on the floor and do turtemek style sandstone for the base thank you for watching the keepers of the gwarling grove which originally are live on twitch if you have any feedback for me let me know in the comments below if you would like to catch a live stream of mine ratamont.com has my stream schedule and countdown timers to upcoming streams as well as links to discord where you can sign up for announcements and twitch where you can follow or subscribe thank you so very much for watching i will catch you next episode or an upcoming stream farewell
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 40,452
Rating: 4.9668508 out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, Let's Play, Twitch, 1.3, Ideology, Druids, Gauranlen
Id: SNhxZynMswo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 51sec (3711 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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