Starsector - Explaining the Basics // EP1

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hey everybody rodman here thanks for tuning in to the very first episode of star sector which originally aired live on twitch all right let's kick this off as promised i will be going through the tutorial and we'll be starting a new game and as you can see in the about it will be a mixed galaxy age and a normal sector size so i'm gonna name myself ratamat to no surprise uh i don't so if you take a look at the portraits the only ones that are i mean all portraits are basically the same it doesn't matter it's all cosmetic but the the ones that are like red like this are clearly pirates or designed to be pirates i don't think any of them look like me so i'm gonna pick just that guy sort of almost pirate but not quite um i won't be playing on iron mode because i am not that good and my sector registry my seed here here as you can see it i'll probably share it on youtube but it's random as you can see i i didn't pick this at all so my most recent occupation was i am going to be a bounty hunter commanding a wolf class frigate now there is the scavenger who is probably best designed for trading and then explore mercenary and freelancer uh the explorer and the mercenary are more rich they're more wealthy and therefore they skip a lot of the early game struggle i don't suggest to do that unless you want to cut out the first i don't know 10 hours of gameplay or 15 hours of game play um yeah and then the freelancer which is just totally random so i'm going to do bounty honor i think we're going to be more combat oriented and then i am not going to have a second in command i'd rather hire them myself so instead i'm going to have a shepherd class drone tender full of heavy machinery which is a good trade good it's also useful for other things but and we'll be playing on uh normal and we are going to have the tutorial hey trusted oh man so much is happening my activity feed ah let me i'll catch up in a second mr pokemon thanks for pokemon pokemon thanks for the follow and trusting for the raid you were playing rim world i caught some of that you looked cold and hungry glitch for bits mvp and damn tacos for resubs and fang face for bits as well and sky sky collective as well so let me get to the story welcome to the sector your fleet is in the middle of nowhere and critically low in supplies if you don't acquire more supplies your fleet will suffer through a slow but ultimately fatal decline so this is about a game mechanic called supplies supplies you could think of it is food and water more or less all ships require a certain amount of supply upkeep poor per day and once you hit supplies zero your ships will start to fall apart um i guess supplies is also like nuts bolts steel that kind of stuff it's just generic supplies and then eventually your ship will fall apart enough that uh you'll die there are some really easy ways to die in star sector one is to run out of supplies and two is to run out of fuel it can be very challenging to make sure that you have enough supplies and fuel but you know do as you can fortunately there's a debris field nearby move into it and activate your scavenge ability to search it for useful cargo scavenging requires heavy machinery but there's some in your cargo holes also i started with the drone tender which has more machinery in it make sure to take all the supplies and other valuable cargo but feel free to leave the cheap and bulky metals behind get your fleet moving click on empty space in the direction you want to move into so the way the game works here right now we are in uh sort of travel mode so there's combat there are is galaxy combat and then there are galaxy travel and then there is um solar system travel so right now we are in a solar system we are in i guess i don't know how to pronounce it and we're traveling around the solar system um if you take a look down here i have zero fuel you don't need fuel traveling around in solar systems only on the galaxy map and then um or no rather i have 30 fuel i only have 10 supplies and i'm using about 0.3 supplies per day i am obviously critically low on supplies as a result now when you want to move all you got to do is hold the mouse button in relation to your ships so if i hold back here i turn around if i hold up here i go forward it's just that simple uh there is a lag delay time for controlling your ships so if you you can't do like tight maneuvers all the time as you can see if i'm spoiling around my ship i'm not really spinning i'm just sort of going in one direction there's some you know input delay dragon slayer dude thanks for the gifted sub and shelbel for the resub and dragon slayer for the bits jd for the resub trustin and orton thank you all so uh down here uh where my mouse is as you can see press six to start scavenging this is the tutorial in this tutorial will carry you through maybe the first hour or so it really depends on how fast we go so your fleet assumes a stable orbit relative to the debris field the field appears stable and will not drift apart anytime soon long-range scans indicate it is possible something of value could be found inside so possible is um not a great scavenge likely is better uh unlikely you know and it can get worse than possible and then the salvage that remains is extremely difficult to get to and there's a higher risk involved in running a salvage operation now we don't really have a choice the game wants us to salvage so we're going to access it so here at this point we have ideally it wants us to have 80 crew to do this salvage and we only have 46 which means that the salvage is more difficult because we're uh you know short staffed but i do have all this heavy machinery that i need and this tells you how effective our scavenge is it's a whopping seven percent and an accident during the operation has resulted in the loss of one crew in uh five heavy machinery and i got 22 supplies one fuel 11 hemi machinery and four metals you can hit r to take all and then g to confirm and continue uh it did tell me that i could leave the metals behind so if you mouse over the metals it has a base value of uh 30 uh credits per unit which is very low uh compared to supplies which is a hundred you know obviously supplies is more valuable but uh we do have the cargo space so down here in the bottom left we have my total credits my supplies and supply use per day my crew in the fleet which is 45 because one person died and the other number there is the bare minimum number of crew to be able to have the ships run and on the right side is marines this white bar here is the total cargo capacity so if i didn't if i didn't have room you would want to ditch things that have the lowest value so heavy machinery here has 150 credits per unit obviously it's way more valuable than metals five times so uh then this next here is personnel capacity personnel capacity is your maximum crew so sometimes you're gonna want more people than your maximum size uh unexpected giraffe thanks for all the gifted subs and fanface for the bits welcome what a welcome indeed under that is fuel capacity so we looted one fuel brought us up to 31 out of 60. and then this is burn level which is sort of travel speed and there's a variety of things that can change your burn level you can also hit f1 for more info so um my ship moves at a burn level of 10 and then the shepard class that i'm escorting or that is in my fleet has a burn level of 9. you only can move at the speed of the slowest ship in your fleet so we're moving at speed nine under here is combat readiness combat readiness is basically how ready the ships in your fleet are ready to fight really low combat readiness and it will cause a lot of maintenance problems on your ship weapons won't work engines might fail shields might go down you want to keep your combat readiness high because if you go into a combat situation with a damaged ship that's not combat ready you will get your butt kicked then you have your sensor range your sensor range is how well you search for other ships and then your sensor profile how um how obvious it is that other ships can find you in this game you can become a smuggler there are upgrades to your ship which allows you to hide your ship well and shrink your sensor profile making it so that you can you know smuggle things like organs and weapons to planets that otherwise would be illegal uh then this here is the fleetwide hull and armor status everything is repaired and then uh what ships are being repaired right now which are none so that's enough of that now this debris field here you can scavenge it multiple times if you wanted to but every successive time in increases the difficulty and lowers the rewards and increases the chance that something goes wrong um so there is a really high diminishing returns a lot of players will tell you to scavenge at least once if not twice but probably no more than twice for me i usually only scavenge once unless i have a salvage ship in my fleet which increases my salvage efficiency uh so the tutorials saying f5 to quick save to advance this tutorial dragon slayer and fang face and bonup and popcorn and gray herman thanks for all the bits in the resub bonnet all right now now where are we going oh boy where are we going a pirate fleet is approaching first you'll spot it as a sensor contact then as an unidentified fleet and then when it gets very close you'll see its true colors don't worry the pirate ship is a shoddy rust bucket and if you don't if you do lose you can press f9 to quick load easy enough uh am i going to be playing this as a pirate or normal uh it will sort of be up to you guys i have a sort of a concept of how i'd like to play but i'm going to be pulling you once i'm out of the tutorial about the direction of the series as always you know i want my viewers feedback even so combat can be expensive especially if there's no bounty on the enemy you fight deploying ships in battle reduces their combat readiness and recovering combat readiness consumes supplies battle damage can cost even more supplies to repair however fighting is often necessary to survive wait for the pirate fleet to approach and then defeat them so as you'll see this is an identified contact this is basically this bubble here i have the game pause this bubble here is is a fleet uh the larger the bubble the larger the fleet and then that's their sensor profile and then these two bands here i know they're really hard to see these two gray bands is sort of the um range at which they can detect me so i'm already inside their range so basically they see me i see them and then as we get a little bit closer uh we start to resolve what this fleet is it's an unidentified fleet now it the reason it's unidentified is it's not flying a transponder a transponder uh we'll get into soon but the transponder is basically like hey you know i am me and this is these are my intentions um so identified fleets that don't fly transponders typically are pirates and then if you uh mouse over it you can see that their danger is two star which is pretty easy and their maximum burn is six so unless if i wasn't into tutorial and i wanted to get away from them my max burn is nine it would be pretty easy to get away from them and then as they get really really close here now i can have visuals on them so even though they are not uh flying their transponder or anything like that it's very clear that they are hostile and intercepting my fleet the pirate ship maneuvers to prevent you from disengaging easily it does not appear to be certain of your identity any hostilities will have a reduced impact on your reputation so i can try to talk to them and they're not gonna speak to me i can attempt to disengage or attempt to or move into engage i am going to move in to engage bonnet thanks for the uh the gift itself and i love trees thanks for the follow funny i was just responding to youtube comment moments ago turtle sandwich and hannibal thanks for three sub as well so the tutorial here wants me to engage this pirate and you have two choices when you engage sometimes you have multiple more than two either i can transfer command and pick a different ship for me to command the reason to do this is if my flagship was really damaged i didn't want to put it into combat i could switch which ship i commanded from so i could enter the battle as any one of the ships in my fleet or continue and in this case continue you can select which ships to deploy at the beginning of each battle and deploy reinforcements that the battle goes on deploying a ship reduces its combat readiness by a fixed amount in addition the ships will begin to gradually lose combat readiness after their peak redness time runs out recovering combat redness takes time and consumes valuable supplies so it's talking about the gradually lose combat readiness what this is is essentially each combat engagement by default you have about 300 seconds to resolve if you play the clock out further than 300 seconds your ship will start to degrade which means that if you don't finish up the battle or have the ships that are starting to degrade leave and bring in reinforcements they can actually they will become damaged just from being in the battle for too long which is weird uh so you're wondering about the mods yes this series uses mods but the only mods i'm using are visual graphical mods so functionally the game is vanilla in the default and i'll explain why in the default star sector when you blow up enemy ships this is the only reason i'm using mods when you blow up enemy ships they explode in a massive flash of white which is very bright and extraordinarily annoying to some people so the last time i ran a star sector series which was about maybe 18 months ago um that was a mod that was requested because you know it was sort of a epilepsy warning it's that bright and that annoying so the only mode i'm running is one that uh reduces the sort of bright flashing and does some other graphical overhauls so now at this point we can pick which ships to deploy into the fight uh i can deploy the custom drone tender that i have here and i can also hit f1 to see that it has some very basic weapons it's not going to be all that helpful but i might as well uh deploy it anyway and then i can also deploy myself and you can see that the deployment recovery is projected to be eight supplies i have about 35 supplies so it is a pretty significant amount of my supplies that will be used up and then if my ships take damage considerable damage that supply recovery cost will go up even more alright let's deploy at this point the battle is basically paused and i can control the battle from a battle overhead map like this which i never do almost never and what i could do is i can say hey drone tender i can give it different uh commands here so i can take control of it directly i can show the video feed of that ship i can get more info about the ship uh i can tell it to escort me which is what i'm gonna do by right-clicking on my ship so now this drone tender will become my light escort a light escort are small ships that are just sort of following around making sure that you don't get destroyed they're guarding you in other words i could also tell it to retreat or direct or treat the difference between retreat and direct retreat direct retreat is basically stop everything you're doing and gun it for the exits and regular retreat is you shoot and defend yourself on the way there's not a lot of reason to use direct retreat unless it's like a fuel ship or a civilian carrier that has basically no weapons because direct retreat will likely get you destroyed if you get intercepted and then down here it's rescind orders basically cancel i mean that's pretty straightforward and then here is a search and destroy there's also up here a full retreat for everybody and a full assault for everybody uh which are sort of easy ways to just go hey everyone go attack uh then if i hit tab i will zoom in to the battle and now i am controlling my wolf this is a wolf class custom frigate the wolf class custom frigate has three weapons it has a pulse laser which is the primary it has two swarmer swarm missiles which are very low damage but there's a lot of them so they're hard for enemies to intercept uh then the third weapon is actually two it's a bunch of point defense there is a here if i select it as you can see i have two point defense lasers and a point uh sort of an ion cannon to protect me from fighters and the like um some important controls if you hit one two or three you can see the different weapon groups so here is the range of the laser and the firing arc basically has the target has to be in front of me uh the missiles slightly longer range and there's two of them they're set up to alternate fire so that there are two missile salvo racks or whatever you want to call it and then the point defense which is set up to auto fire you don't want your um you don't want to manually control your point defense trust me just let the game do it all right the rest of the information here on the left over here it's hard to show you the left but on the left we have zero flux engine boost what this means is well let me explain flux and hull so flux is essentially um your ability to deal with the heat that your shields and weapons generate so when you fire weapons it generates soft flux which will dissipate over time when your shields get hit it often not always not all weapons generate hard flux but it will generate uh softer hard flux lasers tend to generate soft flux which will dissipate over time hard flux can only be generate uh dissipated if you have special abilities or if you vent your flux which is the hotkey v eventing your flux shuts down your shields and your weapons entirely leaving you extraordinarily vulnerable you still can steer around if your flux max is out like let's say your shields are up and you take a hit and it pushes you over the max of flux you will overload the harder you get hit when your shields overload when your flux overloads the longer you will be stunned essentially you'll be able to steer around but again your shields and your weapons will be offline um and it could be anywhere between one second and like 20 seconds it really depends on how much damage that that sent you into overload there might be reasons to overload however let's say for instance your hull is very low and the enemy shoots a massively high damaging torpedo at you if it hits your ship you die if it hits your shields you overload in that situation overload might be the better of two choices um so if you have zero flux it gives you a speed boost basically if your ship isn't having to deal with the heat generated from weapons and shields uh it will move faster and then here as you can see it says no enemy presence peak performance steady peak perfo at peak active performance remaining time 180 seconds i have 180 seconds of peak of my ship being you know operating in perfect condition and then it has my combat readiness 70 which is standard i have a speed of 200. armor is a little weird in this game but essentially the way it works is when you get shot if you have shields up it generates flux if your ship gets shot the weapon that you get hit by will then damage your ship and as it you have a little bit of a buffer of armor on your ship where you want to immediately start taking hull damage and your weapons that they shot at don't immediately start to break down but if you continue to get shot your weapons where you're getting shot so let's say they shoot me right in the front if they shoot me in the front of my ship my pulse laser is likely to go down if they shoot me in the back of the ship my engines are likely to go down there is positional damage for every um sort of weapon in the game so it's important to note and then we have flux and hull and then phase skimmer every ship has a special ability the wolf's special ability is a small teleport like a blink um and then your weapon groups and then if you want to change your weapon groups if you you have to refit to redesign your weapon groups because you can redesign your weapon groups however you want but if you hold control and you hit the number associated you can turn them on auto fire or not and uh bob zephyr aries thanks theresa all right so let's get this uh let's get the combat underway so here is my special ability and you do jump uh the wolf can jump in any direction so i can jump backwards too like this where if i'm facing whoa hello i jumped straight into this battle alright so if you see here um i have taken a little bit of armor damage mostly on the starboard side of my ship as you can see it's yellow here and it's green everywhere else um it might be hard to see but like two-thirds of my flux is hard flux a third of my flux is soft flux because there's a little bar in the flux and then my hull has taken i don't know maybe a 20th of the damage um and you can see the flux over here as well the bar of flux i know it's small uh i have disabled some of their weapons i guess my i'm guessing it's my elion cannon hit them and i can see their flux their combat readiness and their hull uh there will be things like asteroids uh that you can hit they generally don't do too much damage but uh you shouldn't be speeding into them so i could see that one of their oh here comes my swarmer missiles and i'm gonna back up and vent so this point i have hit my venting flux and in the bottom here in the red text you can see five seconds remain i can't cancel this once you start to vent which is the v key there is no stopping your venting so if this ship was to uh step on the gas and close the distance between me and him he could shoot me scot-free i'm vulnerable for the next five seconds i just think that i have enough distance between me and him that it won't matter so my drone tender here is a small carrier it has a 100 health of its fighters um you'll be able to see his shield arc is very very different than mine my shield arc is maybe i don't know let's say 170 degrees or something and then the drone tender as it's not really a combat ship only has a shield arc of like uh 60 or 75 degrees something like that some ships can have a 100 shield arc so at this point um this enemy ship here is almost fully broken uh the r key will highlight so with when i target it as r uh the reason to do that is to basically tell you tell your ships what your ship's missiles who to target so if you want your ship missiles to target something specific because most of the ships aren't dumb fire dumbfire meaning you shoot it and it just goes straight and doesn't steer any homing missiles missiles will target your primary target there um i can see that its vulcan cam cannons are down its thumper is up um yeah let's just kill this thing another really important thing to note is and this is something that a lot of new players won't oh a lot of new players won't know is it is very essential to hold shift when you're in combat so there's two movement routes and in the next combat scenario i'll explain this further um but i'll get back to that all right your forces were able to gain a complete victory in the last engagement and complete victory means that there are no enemies left no one fled everything is destroyed my salvage crews were able to recover 344 credits and then i can pick through the wreckage picking through the wreckage i get one of their vulcan cannons and then you know the rest of their their stuff there and then my fleet's supply consumption has just gone up recovering combat redness used to deploy ships in battle costs supplies as does repairing battle damage uh to reduce supply repairs or uh combat readiness recovery on ships can be suspended from the fleet screen so what this is saying here is in my fleet screen my combat readiness of my ship is 52 and the glory of the stars which is the drone tender is 51 and what i can say is hey don't bother recovering the ship um and it will just sit at 51 percent if i need to you can also mothball which is essentially turning it combat readiness to zero and not having it supplied supplies or fuel you can scuttle it if you're in a bad way so if you're stranded with zero fuel you can scuttle ships for fuel but i am not going to suspend the repairs i have enough supplies on me uh that it won't matter i did however level up so i've gained two skill points and four story points learning a skill requires one skill point some skills can be made elite after they are learned this requires a story point instead of a skill point you will gain one skill point when you level up in total uh 15 skill points will be available to you after you reach maximum level story points using story points enables you to take actions that are in some way exceptional the range of effects include making permanent modifications to ships improving the effects of skills officer customization and getting dialogue options that are not otherwise available such as disengaging unscathed from battle you do not want you will gain four story points over the course of each level in addition you will come you will continue to gain story points after reaching the maximum level use some uses of story points grant bonus experience which doubles your experience gain until it's used up the less long term or impactful the use the more bonus experience it grants 100 bonus experience means enough to earn an extra story point eventually compensating for the use of the story point entirely some of the bonus experience is granted immediately while the remainder is gained on reaching the maximum level i know that sounds confusing but basically the story points allow you to [Music] if you think of it as d and d the story points allow you to load the dice so it's like oh i'm about to get in a really bad fight i'm going to talk more out of this and there's no way for me to fail story points are indeed new uh so if you take a look here there are four classes of skills there are is combat leadership technology and industry combat skills uh is helmand ship or strike commander these are the first two that i can pick and they're in groups of two for four of them right so uh if you think about this we get 15 skill points total and that means that you can fill up uh you know you can fill up one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifty you sort of have to pick uh three columns not to get for me i'll probably focus more on combat but i'm actually going to allow you to make that choice for me and press f5 to quick save and advance the tutorial boiler thanks for the uh the resup in turn thanks for following cheers trust in all right so this tutorial is going to tell me that i gained a level and it will tell me about story points and i just explained that press c to open the character tab yep okay i don't have to use the skill points right now so what i'm going to do the first question i'm going to ask you all is this what type of skill should i gain so we've got combat and i'll read the options there's helmanship which increases my new maneuverability which is sort of like your turn speed and your top speed 10 maneuverability 50 and then the elite version of this is zero flex speed boost is activated at any flux level as long as the ship is not generating flux uh or i can pick strike commander which is more for like if i was a carrier my missile rocket bombs and torpedo hit points go up so they're harder to shoot down and i get extra damage to ships of destroyer size and launcher longer uh larger jesus um so those are the combat ones and then we have also got uh leadership so the leadership skills here weapon drills which is uh additional maximum damage for the combat uh ships and it also allows at elite it allows you to unlock a whole mod of advanced turret gyros which allow your turrets to turn quicker or auxiliary support which is increased combat readiness and then hull mods of assault packages or escort packages which increases the tinkiness or the maneuverability uh then we have technology let me write this down so technology is navigation it increases your burn level it increases the burn bonus for sustained burn and decreases the terrain movement penalties uh this one allows you to move around faster as the fleet um pretty important and then the alternative one is better sensor where you are it's harder to detect you and um you move faster when you're moving slow so this the sensors upgrade would be more if i was a smuggler and then last but not least we have industry i know this is going slow soon we'll pick up a bulk transport which allows me to move more personnel fuel cargo and increases the burn level of all non-militarized civilian grade ships basically if i wanted to lead a tr a mercantile caravan like a big trade caravan bulk transport would be it and salvaging increases the resources but not rare resources that are found after battles um i gained additional post salvage post battle salvage and crews are less likely to be lost when salvaging so between those choices we've got combat leadership technology and industry and i'm going to have you all pick the type of skill i'm going to go for but maybe not the skill itself so that i can sort of design a somewhat coherent character shortly after dispatching the pirates you receive a tight beam communication from the system's main inhibited world angsira the message is brief and asks you to travel there and contact station commander linz as soon as possible let's lay a course in for incira you did not need to do this uh to travel but it helps to keep track of where you're going and how long it will take to get there after dismissing this dialogue please press e to open the intel screen and view the details of the message you've just received select the message and click show on map button to open the map centered directly on the sierra then left click and hold the planet and then select lane course he was you redeemed pet oh here we go hey cerulean spider thanks for the resub i think he's getting pet you could also press tab to open the map and locate in serum manually once you get to incira open the com directory and contact station commander lens so here are the two ways it tell me to do i can e go to the intel tab and then show on map and it will show me where it is and then i can just right click on it to create a waypoint there so here's where i am sort of in the bottom of the solar system and now i already have a waypoint there but i'll show you the other way the other way would be to just hit tab and then find it myself and then any time that you're off course uh it's in teeny little letters for you all but if you hit a a is the resume course so any time if you want to steer yourself like this you can just hit a and it will resume like an autopilot to your target so that's what we're doing right now and siri is pretty far away and it will take a while to get there at this rate the sustained burn ability is useful for long distance travel activating will briefly stop the fleet and reduce its acceleration to a minimum but the maximum burn level will be much higher a sustained burn can be interrupted by other fleets activating the interdiction pulse activate sustained burn to get dancer more quickly you can also press and and hold shift to speed up time all right so the sustained burn here allows you to basically move twice as fast but at a massive cost of maneuverability and also it takes a little bit of time to charge up so if you are being chased by pirates turning on sustained burn will actually bring you to a halt and they'll likely catch you and then it also mentioned the interdiction pulse the interdiction pulse is a way to sort of temporarily pause everyone around you so that you can catch them or you can stop them from catching you all right so let's activate the sustained burn and you'll see how we come to a grinding halt for a second and then we speed back up and now instead of moving at nine we're moving at 18. uh 20 is the maximum speed and then if you hold left shift it just doubles the time you're coming up on an asteroid belt if you go through at full speed there's a chance your fleet may be knocked off course and some of your ships might even suffer damage from asteroid impacts this is new by the way uh a slow moving fleet avoids danger press and hold s to move slowly until you're through the asteroid belt the danger is low however especially since the belt is thin and you're only going to go across it so you could also get away with just going full speed so one of the things to note here is if we take a look at the character screen again uh this here the sensor skill gives you additional burn level when you're moving slow essentially you can um move through asteroid belts faster with uh good sensors which makes sense it's interesting interesting benefit and taking a look it looks like industry oddly enough is the leader wow no one wants combat huh i'm gonna leave it up just a little bit longer so that more people can vote so here i'm holding s and we've moved through slowly now everywhere we go there is going to be uh things that you enter into so down here in this bar here right now it's telling me that i'm moving through a nebula my fleet's speed is reduced by five percent and then we hide in here better uh it is fifty percent reduced range that which we get um you know detected so it reduces the travel of large fleets uh so one of the interesting things about a nebula here is that uh really really really large fleets travel slowly through nebulas so if you're a small fleet and you have a large fleet bearing down on you you can ditch into a nebula to avoid being caught now as we approach and serum uh i don't think i need to say this but don't fly into suns it will mess you right up the game allows you to fly into a sun for a little bit but you will take a lot of damage your fleet is getting very close to incira which is controlled by the hegemony a major militaristic faction in the sector while in hegemony space a fleet is required by law to identify itself by keeping the its transponder turned on this is a view shared by most though not all major factions turning on the transponder makes your fleet highly visible and everyone seeing it will know who you are unlike that pirate fleet you fought earlier which had to be very close to positively identify keeping your transponder on is a crippling disadvantage in hostile space but as we're getting closer to port we'd like to dock there it's a good idea to turn it on activate the transponder before getting closer to incira both to avoid unwanted attention from patrols and receive docking clearance since turning it on and off has major consequences it requires a double tap to turn it on or off once to prime and once more to confirm so now our transponder is on and if you look down here our sensor profile um goes up by a thousand because of the transponder bar uh is on and also goes up by a hundred percent due to the sustained burn basically transponder on and sustained burn means everybody hears and sees us coming so we have a massive sensor profile now it's about 2 000 units per map grid and we're at 1780. so if you take a look at the map grid uh everybody within sort of this box here knows who i am and what i'm about because of how loudly we're going about it so here is the the world that it wanted me to travel to and then we were told once we get here to open the comms directory and talk to lens but instead of talking to linz i'm going to ignore that and sell some stuff so there are different ways to sell stuff you can sell in the open market and you'll be tariffed or you can sell in the black market and you won't be tariffed the disadvantage of selling on the black market is if you move enough volume the solar system security basically the security forces of in this case the hegemony will know that i've done black market deals because they know how much cargo they don't know what my cargo is necessarily but they know how much cargo i have and if i offload or unload way too much cargo they know why i've done some black market trading so if you're trading in small volumes there's really not a lot of disadvantages to selling to the black market um and it will tell you as you can see uh if you are being you know if you're suspicious or not uh but in this case i'm only gonna be selling uh little medals and a single gun it's not much of a problem so this is the buying and selling of weapons ships you know trade goods fuel etcetera etcetera uh then you have refit when refitting a ship while docked at a station you can uh mount both the weapons in your cargo hold and the ones available to purchase station undoing the changes to the ship's loadout or simply unmounting the purchased weapons will refund its credits used so essentially what it's saying is if i switch a weapon out here like this swarmer to something else that's in the open market or the black market it will cost me when i confirm it'll cost me credits but if i don't do it it won't cost me any credits and then here's the weapon groups i was talking about uh the i'm gonna put the ion cannon on a different weapon group than the pd lasers i like it that way and then here's the other ship i have with uh a borer drone a vulcan cannon and a salamander and i'm not gonna get too deep into the um the ship designing yet so i've shown you where you can buy stuff you can refit and then there's fleet where you can sell or buy ships so here there is no ships for to buy in the open market only because i think we're in the story mode but in the black market there are four ships and one of the things to note is these orange things is d mods um the sort of the concept of the d mod is like damage to the ship so this wolf for instance has degraded engines degraded life support compromised armor glitch sensor ray and degraded shields it is a very very very damaged ship uh which is why it has been discounted um there is a bit of a meta i actually don't know if it's the met anymore but there used to be a bit of a meta where you could purposely take a bunch of d modded ships to make it cheaper to run i don't know if they've left that skill point in um but either way for your flagship you probably don't want a bunch of d modded ships i'd imagine it looks to me like you guys have voted technology for the first skill so i'm going to get navigation and then i'm also going to um yeah i'm going to get navigation and then let's see what next skills should i gain because i do have two skill points uh considering your military options is like attacking the planet this would be a dreadful idea because i have a tiny little fleet and they don't um but we can launch a raid consider an overwhelming environment or engage the orbital station you can't do the other two in the until the orbital station is gone and the orbital station would blow me up in a heartbeat then there is take a shuttle down to visit the dockside bar there's no one here but normally there would be and they would offer you missions and try to sell you stuff give you loans that kind of thing and then let's do the um mission i was told to do which is to talk to whitney linds but before that there's lindsey uh jinxing which is an officer for hire they are an independent officer they're available for hire and then i can ask what can you do and this officer has helmanship and their personality is cautious so personality matters a lot cautious is maybe good for like a carrier you know a a large ship full of fighters something like that but it's not particularly good personality for an attack ship i don't suspect i'm going to have a carry anytime soon so i'm going to say no i'm not going to hire her she doesn't have the right personality your officers can only level up to five so it is also important to pick officers that have skills that you particularly care about um yeah cautious is good for carriers or long long range missile boats neither of which i intend to use not now at least all right so let's go talk to linz establishing connection your connection request is accepted surprisingly quickly given that a citizen has many responsibilities ah you've come excellent as you're well aware recently well i suppose we can skip that part so i'm going to say a refresher on recent events just to get into a little bit of the lore but another thing to note is that whitney lin's here is a citizen that is a station commander that works for the hegemony and i have a neutral relationship to her and a neutral relationship to the hegemony um a team from the uh galatia academy has been running experiments on the dormant gate in the system trying to connect it back to the domain game network promising experiments or so they thought until an energy pulse we expected would get a response from the gate to stabilize the jump points leading into the system cutting us off from the rest of the sector it's rather like how the sector is cut off from the main writ small the stars have a sense of irony do they not so essentially uh where i am now he they experimented and they broke the gates and i'll show you those uh soon the miners of the duransh kuyu station which is also located in this system and was operating near the subsistence level were hit the hardest they turned to piracy intercepting one of the last food shipments to come in at a desperation no doubt but there were deaths and they've put themselves well outside the law their leaders know that if jump points are stabilized and the system is once again part of the sector they can look forward to a life sentence at a penal colony at the absolute best where do i fit in the miners turn pirates are guarding the jump points preventing us from gathering recent readings and coming up with a way to stabilize them we do have a security detachment that could handle their forces but they're tied up defending and sera the pirates are too much for you to take on but fortunately you don't have to you've got an agent on the during kuyu station who was able to gain access to the recent sensor readings from the ships guarding the jump points but they have not been able to get a long-range com array to send the data to us that's where you come in head to during kuyu and retrieve the data from our agent then return here let's say what's in it for me uh ah a mercenary some credits naturally with more along the way if all goes to plan we'll be able to reconnect the rest of the sector such as it is gained 2 000 credits what's the plan first off make sure to turn off your transponder once you undock i've instructed the security detachment not to give you any trouble about that if you're lucky the pirates may even think you're one of their own and may let you approach deer and crew without any trouble still it makes sense to go dark as you get closer to make sure they can't get too good at reading get a good reading off on your fleet you can also approach along the asteroid belt that'll give you almost perfect color cover as long as you're moving slowly and if they notice me then you're in trouble activate emergency burn to get out of there lose them and then come back around and try again don't e-burn unless you really need to uh though it's hard on the ships and costs you supplies to recover from it eats up a good chunk of fuel too excellent thank you okay so let's leave so we have just unlocked uh two new abilities we have unlocked go dark so go dark makes us move much more slowly but hides our sensor profile and then we have also given the emergency burn it increases the maximum burn level by eight reducing sensor range by fifty percent and increases the range at which the fleet can be detected by fifty percent basically it it's a hard burn it consumes fuel and supplies to recover but it's a sort of uh very quickly flora accelerate which can be useful so we need to go to the deer and ku mining station up here and she did mention that we can try to approach going dark or go along the asteroid belt for almost perfect cover and it wanted us to save to continue so right now i am sustained burning so our sensor profile is rather large and as we get a little closer i'm going to turn off the sustain burn dropping our sensor profile to 390 and then as we get a little bit more close to it i will go dark there's no need to go dark so early because there's nothing to even detect us but we just also oops that's not what i meant to do uh we just entered a debris field that i'm going to salvage and we have too much fuel so i'm going to ditch one fuel all right so if we really wanted to do this very stealthy as you can see in this um in this asteroid belt our sensor profile is almost nothing which means nothing can see us we can sneak up on this mining station with very little trouble and there we go we docked now i need to contact may riggs you contact the agent using a special columns id and exchange passphrases to verify each other's identities the agent then transmits a data file with recent raw sensor readings of the unstable jump points while i'm here because i am here i can also trade on the pirate open market or the pirate black market which is odd i know again still tariffs so sell to the black market of course uh and then let's see is there any weapons that i want being sold here no i don't think so i'm always looking out for weapons so here is a insulated engine assembly this reduces the ship's sensor profile by 50 this would be a smuggler engine mod okay so we got what we came for um i can also talk to people here but they're pirates they don't like me so they're not going to have much to say and then let's just go wander out away and uh now i'm even sustained burning away because you know we're far enough away from them that they can't even bother us because you had me um go for the navigation skill uh i am able to burn at level 20 which means that nothing can catch me that's max speed also looks like uh you guys want me to get industry next so taking a look at industry i'm definitely gonna get salvaging over bulk transport i care not for bulk transport so let's do that and salvaging gives us more post battle salvage and better resources from salvaging and our crews are lost at lower rates okay there's another debris field around this gate so there we go as you can see the amount of stuff i'm getting here a little more than normal i am also uh over my fuel capacity considerably which i am paying for in supplies so if you're over if you have too much cargo or too much fuel you'll use up more supplies so it's going to be important for me to sell this fuel if you hold control it sells all the fuel until you're maxed so if you see here i have 78 at a 60 and i hold control i'm going to sell just enough to be at max fuel i'm actually gonna bring this down a little bit so that i can loot more fuel and still not be above max and then let's sell them metal as well i will hire 16 crew to be max uh personnel capacity and yeah we're good let's talk the lens again and my relationship with the hegemony gone up two my relationship with lens gone up four relationship with individuals in previous versions i don't know if it's still true but in previous versions was not really all that important but your relationship to a faction is pretty important so you have the data well done there's a brief weight as you transmit the data file now while the system is running a preliminary analysis of the data i believe you are due a reward we gain 5 000 credits there's a chime in the background and she looks concerned yes the system estimates it'd take about a cycle to analyze the data and come up with a stabilization algorithm naturally by then the data would be out of date and any algorithm based on it meaningless if we had an ai core on hand we could analyze the data more quickly unfortunately there is a survey probe or sorry fortunately there's a survey probe somewhere in the system one left over from an initial exploration of the sector by the domain it should have at least one ai core serving as its brain where is it and why hasn't it been salvaged before to answer your second question the domain artifacts are usually protected by automated defenses that still function to this day and the probe is no exception the hegemony generally forbids civilian interference with the main artifacts for the sake of public safety of course desperate times however so let me explore explain a little bit of the lore here um there was an ai ship uprising and the people blamed ai cores for their uprising so ai cores are rare some of them not all of them they're rare expensive and illegal almost everywhere as to where it is my data indicates it's somewhere beyond the orbit of pontus get there then head out and activate the active sensor burst you should be at very least get a sensor contact with the probe so the sensor burst is sort of like sonar where you send out a ping and it pings back uh it allows you to see things further than your sensor range but when you sensor burst you are also very visible so if you're sensor bursting your pirates pirates are gonna know that they got hit by a sensor burst all right uh let's see is there anything to buy no not really i'm gonna see if there's anything to refit on my ship wow no they really don't have anything for sale never mind all right let's leave so if we take a look here uh pontus pontus is this gas giant so she's saying that it's somewhere beyond pontus like around here so let's go there and again uh don't fly into the sun easy easy to do and unfortunate when it happens so here's pontus the activit uh the active sensor burst here is eight and down here there was a bit of a ping on my uh radar map uh right there unidentified sensor contact so that's where we're headed is there a fuel scoop i don't think so no this isn't uh stargate universe and there it is domain error pro i gained 500 experience just for seeing it and bring this in your fleet approaches a domain error probe left from initial domain exploration of the sector pitted by small impacts the probes hall displays iridescent typical of uh displays iridescence typical of fearsome radiation scarring though this probe's manufacturer could well date to a thousand cycles ago some systems are nominally active explore as your fleet moves in closer several energy signatures are detected coming online inside the probes hold basically it's uh dumping out uh enemy ships on me and we are gonna defend ourselves i'm gonna take the my main ship and then tell the drone tender to protect me thank you for watching star sector which original aired live on twitch if you have any feedback for me let me know in the comments below if you wish to catch a live stream has my stream schedule and countdown timers to upcoming streams thank you for watching i'll catch you next episode or perhaps an upcoming stream farewell
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 23,416
Rating: 4.9359536 out of 5
Keywords: Starsector, Let's Play, Twitch
Id: r8m5oE3D1pM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 10sec (3730 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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