RimWorld Ideology Archonexus (New Ending) 1.3 Playthrough (500% No Pause) | 01

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morning as begun so a lot of people have been asking me messaging me posting youtube comments et cetera saying matt when are we getting a 1.3 run when are we getting an ideology run so if you're wondering if you're new to the stream or whatever you just don't know what's been going on for 1.3 i tried out all the new changes and just screwed around since ideology's been out every day i tried a different ideology one of them we did for two days because it took longer to get into the meat of it but really i was trying out all the main ideologies and seeing how they functioned why they were good why they were bad all that kind of stuff just testing i didn't want to get into a long run before i really knew what there was there was too much new stuff to experience however that week is over and so this week what i'd like to do is i was like i would like to go for the new ending and from what i've gathered through our previous trials here the new ending is going to be a massively long playthrough a massively long playthrough so this is going to be very long and i think in order to complete this i'm going to have to take it very easy early on and do low well for quite a while so we are going to really be very cautious on wealth i'm going to do i plan on after this to do the polar opposite after we complete this new ending i want to do a run where we try to get as much wealth as possible like millions of wealth i want to do another one of those runs it's been a long time this one is going to be a low wealth run and i'm gonna do everything i can to survive and get the uh new ending so i'll talk about new ending a little bit more as we get in um but i do have a lost tribe set up specifically for this and this is normal uh tribal however we're gonna start with five normal short bows instead of melee weapons because in our ideology as you'll see we actually um connect with ranged weapons and we hate melee weapons i know i probably shouldn't have done that to myself but there we go we are going to play against randy we are going to do no pause commitment mode is always custom i said this to losing is fun up to 500 everything else is going to stay the same we are going to use the atom versus everything seed uh i'm actually going i know i i talk about how i never disable stuff but i'm going to enable some of the new factions and disable one of the old ones so i'm going to add a cannibal tribe and some nudist tribes blind is the only one i didn't try yeah i will get to it but i kind of ran out of time to try them so i will try it but that's the only one i didn't we're going to do a 275 by 275 map and we're going to go right here this is a 40-60 but the map seed is very good if i'm remembering the correct map i believe this one was was the one so we'll go into that all right here is the dwellers we played this one a little bit on wednesday and i have remade it here so it's supremacist darkness tunneler and human primacy i will read through this if anyone knows i want to clip it or something then by all means uh i'll i'll end up adding but i did update exhibition memes if you want to see a list and as we get started i'll catch up with chat too i see you guys coming in thank you for being here sulking hybrid gem broadwayzan thank you guys um welcome to thecube so supremacist our people should dominate all others so the reason i accept or took this is so that we can do slavery if we want uh if we need a mood boost we can execute prisoners but the main thing is i want to unlock shooting specialist i have a hunch that this is going to be key so um shooting specialist is what i'm going with uh we have the morbid style we have this dark pyramid as our icon it's black that's that's our how do you have black as a color it's just in here i just chose it next is darkness darkness has a high impact one so bright light burns and destroys darkness nourishes and creates people ought to live in the darkness so the reason i took this one is this one has a boost where if we fight in darkness we get a big boost to accuracy and to dodge so if we fight in the light we actually get the opposite of that and if they're in daylight it's a minus eight if they're in room light it's a minus four so this one is a big one this one i'm kind of iffy on but i took it for the extra shooting stats what all right the next one is another high impact one tunneler so humans ought to live underground and enjoy the succulent fruit of the depths so the reason i took this is so that we can make a defensive mountain base this is going to be a very long playthrough i hope you like mountain bases i haven't made mountain bases in a very very long time but we will be making multiple mountain bases i took this one so that not only can we make a mountain base more easily but we also have the option of fungal gravel so we can actually grow some stuff we need under the mountain the last one human primacy humans are the moral center of the universe so unfortunately this one uh they don't like bonding with animals but the reason i took this one as our fourth one is it unlocks the production specialist and the main thing about the production specialist is it they will get a plus one quality on their crafts and their constructions so my thought process with this setup for our first attempt to the new ending is we will have shooting specialists that have they they shoot twice as fast twice as fast with better accuracy in the dark they have even higher accuracy human primacy production specialists will allow us to create weapons that are one tier higher much more easily so an inspiration on those will almost guarantee a legendary weapon so i'm thinking we will be very very fearsome at shooting as long as we're in the dark that's the rub though is if we have to come into the light we're gonna we're gonna have a bad time here is our narrative so this was uh in part chosen randomly but i liked it and i did uh vorace is an easter egg do any of you guys know what that's from i added that part vorage cloaked the universe in darkness and placed humanity within it so that she could share the darkness with us the faithful met unbelievers and vorosh said fight them everywhere in my name until i am worshipped throughout the universe now a prophet has been born with a peculiar dark birthmark that seems to spell out arco nexus is this a sign from varus will we we will find the answer spilled roofs everywhere maybe maybe going on caravans gonna be rough too yeah we have the goddess of the depths of vorosh and that is our only deity and let me go through the precepts and then we'll get started kind of the comment darkness not exclusive to the darkness beam all right combat and darkness is preferred so like i said we're gonna have shooting actually increased in the dark and um melee dodge increase in the dark but reverse the lights um they do not like so daylight is minus eight indoor lights minus four dark light though is a plus four our research speed is increased they love bug meat they get higher yields from mining they respect executions if they are the people are guilty they don't mind cannibalism it's acceptable they don't get a bonus for it they are happy eating fungus they don't care about small spaces blindness is horrible bonding with animals disapproved they don't care about corpses diversity of thought is neutral they can only have physical love with their spouse they hate nutrient pace scarification is terrible slavery is acceptable but not honorable no clothing rules they don't mind using others organ one spouse per person and people keep their marriage names yeah that is true yeah uh the roles we have the leader which is first of vorosh the moral guy the darkener of rosh production specialist hands of rush and shooting specialist eyes of rush we have three different ceremonies symbol burning social festival and drum party all right the pew the fg burial the dark altar carving there's our relic we don't like melee weapons this looks very powerful everything goes to plan spoiler it won't that is very true all right let us get started taxo senderis nuno johnny kk mango sergeant boggs dogs fung go for the eyes t o welcoming all right multiple statuses free love is usually i know the plus 10 move boost is crazy all right so this is a custom scenario and this is going to be a very long playthrough um yeah i think skull spikes is desired for this one i do have a custom scenario where our first five people are going to start off pretty pretty good so we have a really good chance of getting started this is literally gonna be probably like a 200 to 300 hour playthrough if everything goes as i think it will so um if you're wondering like wow those are some op traits yes yes they are all right so the main things i'm looking at here we need some uh people that are construction we at least construction medical social and intellect are very important to us planting as well so in the first week oh god yeah i am going to put me in it actually so i'm going to reroll the first one just looking for construction uh there's burning passion construction right off the bat burning passion mining so already that looks pretty good not good at fighting which is unfortunate so we might re-roll them but we'll see let's go for another construction person here undergrounder with this that's nice um again mining construction is fine good shooting might keep them as well now let's look for planting so looking for someone that's good at planting we might pass some really good people in the process but that's all right uh oh quick sleeper 11 planting good shooting in cable of social which is unfortunate uh but that's that's okay most likely this is a custom scenario so what you can do is when you start a game you can click on the scenario and click edit and you can lock in traits that will stay there even when you re-roll social is more important conversions in the roles absolutely yeah way more important than they used to be all right we desperately need um someone that's good at medical so these last two i want them both to be good at medical i would like medical and social on one and medical and intellect on another that might be a tall order but uh we'll see so i'm gonna keep an eye on oh i passed a good one by accident i want to keep an eye on medical whoa look at that cable violence no have i experienced the animal grass growth nerf no i haven't but we will uh absolutely be at the animatry this time so we will experience it in this one man that one was so good if they had been uh capable of violence that would have been a god pawn honestly so we are just staring at medical right now um radical not really much else 22 social yeah i would like to get too social overall so like medical and social medical it's gonna it's gonna be difficult so might be rerolling for a little bit that's all right that's all right hmm now we can get pretty good at social relatively quickly are you keeping this rude and tough through each roll so when you start a new game when you click on your scenario you can go to edit scenario and you can there's a setting in there to lock uh in trades so you can choose one all the way up to three i've chosen two for a good early start so that hopefully we don't have any we don't have many early restarts that's basically what i was doing uh some of these might still die they probably will but i wanted to make sure that we're not just doing the early game on this uh challenge like you know 20 times before we get a good start so that's why it is man we are just not rolling the things that we want here okay come on come on we're looking at those bottom three medical social intellect medical social intellect we don't get it soon we'll just uh we'll just go with it oh there we go social and intellect researcher social unfortunately i have a bite scar and oh man that's unfortunate i think i'm still gonna keep them though so their manipulation is actually gonna be lower to start with and they're gonna be maybe a little unhappy uh but that's that's pretty good that's pretty good uh we'll reroll this one and if it hits something better then we'll reroll the other one so there's another good social good shooting i might just go with that one too our medical is looking pretty bad not a crafter yeah so manipulation isn't as big of a deal on them but so we got someone that is our primary planter that can fight that's good we got uh someone that's decent at fighting good at mining don't have very good crafting so crafting is definitely something we're gonna look for in recruits um we actually don't have very high construction this one can get higher in construction really fast i'm gonna keep them as is but i'm tempted to reroll this one to try to hit construction and uh what are we low on construction and medical hmm turn up a new playthrough you are yeah this is randy you know i'll catch up to chat sorry if it feels like i'm ignoring you guys just trying to get the beginning of this done and we'll have plenty of time chat deering but i appreciate you being here welcoming i think this is okay all right yeah i wondered that too it seems like for instance uh tunneler has much uh it feels like it's much more likely to hit undergrounder is that really the case i don't know all right let's get the names in and then we will get started welcome to the queue okay um i guess i guess this is me here so i am putting myself in this time welcome to the queue let's see bart is in man bart you sent so many channel points on names he was in often last week so bart is in welcome carlo we got welcome to the queue uh pink sakura lots of people joining in welcome to the queue all right all right here we go here we go you like the hoods welcome to the queue and from the start you won't get next shot instant i hope not okay so we are in search of the new ending search the new ending um i don't yeah i don't know how to turn it off at the moment so our modest fellowship expands praise this they're not all boys no um ventus twitch prime thank you vince very much appreciated okay cassandra's harder you don't know if you haven't asked this before so cassandra is more consistently difficult but randy can be harder in a in spurts so cassandra has a cycle that you can if you know the cycle you can take advantage of it which makes her easier but you're always gonna get hit with her you're gonna get hit with one to two raids every 11 days where sometimes randy doesn't attack you for a year so it just depends um cassandra is consistently difficult raining can be easy or difficult and you never know which one you're going to get all right welcome long playthrough incoming welcome to the queue everyone's wondering that sound means people are joining to get their name in the game okay first off we are going to allow everything here and we are going to equip the short bows on everyone and we need to get some things planted so very first off let's uh all right let's get this rich soil planted up here this should be plenty to start with the rice in and then over here i'm going to go ahead and put um some cotton i think so yeah we'll do that and then here we will put i remember our people we're gonna get unhappy in the light very quickly we'll play heel roots we're gonna have a minus eight minus eight for being in the sunlight uh amma trees back there okay so we're good to cut around here just sell that cut put that down and i forgot to remove this home zone so let's go ahead and do that speaking of zones we'll throw stockpile zone in here for now and a dumping zone out here looks like we got some steel there sandstone the map has two entrances one in the far north one in the far south we're blocked by the ocean on the right so the cursed seed i know yeah we tried this last week we were testing out ideology and it uh i did not go well it did not get well so we'll see this time though we shall see this time all right and we just come through there one two okay we need to block this off at some point he will join us or die master all right we got some stance sandstone blocks so we're just going to close this in and then we'll uh work about on getting them something better so structures the sandstone we're going to draw this out pretty far that way at least it's kind of large for them [Music] and now let's go into their work [Music] yeah that's not this seed that see though is incredible i'll get you the seed um when they're asleep but thank you for 100 bits thank you bert and mashina i'm just gonna take a really good sub to zero one one zero thank you machina very much appreciate it thank you guys for the support of generous peace oh i said the thank you before it even pops up on my end look at that um all right let's go ahead and get this set up [Music] so only one doctor it's uh not really what i wanted but we do have super immune so hopefully it's not going to be a big issue got two wardens which is nice um oh what animals do we have two huskies and is that our rabbit no we have a cat two huskies and a cat all right two huskies and a cat [Music] pretty good uh who's on growing i only have one on growing okay that's unfortunate it's also our cook so oh well uh this i will deal with myself i think i'm gonna go ahead and put four on crafting so when we start cutting blocks they'll do that uh we're gonna put two for all on hauling and one on cleaning and then research again we'll balance that in a bit we also need to claim the stuff up here so that we can repair it uh we're gonna put that in the home zone okay what do we got there steel um no tables around to grab george will come in but standing here i have here and if i missed you coming in my apologies we're trying to get started things right away but i appreciate being here welcoming we'll have time to catch up a little bit after uh after the night comes so [Music] speaking of we're going to have to do their schedule so they're going to be in the dark more often i'll work on that too [Music] okay let's have them throw a table in here [Music] all right [Music] get on that rice planted it's going to rusty welcome in those aren't tables no those are ancient operating tables you can't use them alright so you get a minute yeah yeah i'll give that this is a this is a good one so i'll say it out loud now if anyone wants to grab it you can always paste it in the seed for this world is adam versus everything all lowercase same as my name on twitch just all over case no spaces it's a 30 world the location of this map all the sliders are default is 37.8 north by 47.30 east so again that's atom versus everything all lower case 30 coverage everything else defaults 37.36 north by 47.30 east i'll upgrade update that seed command um later for sure that seed is the best seat i've ever found though the one that's currently the activation seed command i have never had one better than that so it's pretty crazy thank you yeah zero dollars we're good you guys got it you can use ancient beds pawns really i haven't seen that yet that's interesting all right we got a room done on day one that is really good uh they will get the roof now what do we have here all right so we are going to start digging into the mountain over here by the tree uh probably right here so i'm going to eventually have a little building back here uh that's closer by so i might just do one here how much space do we have uh let's see here thirteen seven seven one two three okay there's three rooms uh go further four rooms we'll do [Music] how close is it to this that works that works okay zone we want to uh roof roof area over the animatry make sure we never roof that this will be our initial little base as we dig into the mountain yeah so for anyone that missed the beginning basically now i want to get to the new ending so this is gonna be a very long playthrough and um yeah hopefully we get the air in our first try but it's gonna be very long yeah i'll change the schedule too so that they almost like a night owl schedule so they're awake during the in the night a little more so i'll do one two three four five six and we'll test this one out for now all right need to get some dark torches off they like those we'll get a fueled stove since they don't like uh they don't like lights indoor light is minus four and there's no i'm surprised there's no dark fire um campfire i should add that i should have it welcome to the queue all right so what's the new ending it's called the arco nexus so i'll try that a little bit explain how to get there yeah i can do that you've been calling you're playing same time because bugs started appearing turrets at red mountain there were like 180 rowan destroying some your pc was not very happy yeah i think it might turn you off for that no i i know what the wealth is yeah i know what the wealth is our double sleep schedule i don't start with that to get our initial base done so for anyone uh that don't doesn't want to know about the new ending uh you might want to mute for just a second i'll give you a thumbs up yeah i know about it yeah if you next time so spoiler warning now's your chance to mute when i give a thumbs up i'll be doing the spoiler all right new ending so for the new ending once you get to 150 000 wealth you get a quest and that quest says hey we're looking to procure a new colony if you become our friends and you get to 000 wealth we'll give you one third of a map to something called the arco nexus but in exchange you have to give us your entire colony and all but five of your colonists are gone all right and then so here here's the here's the terrible part about it that seems bad enough right all you get to keep are your five colonists and basically a tribal start five colonists five pets tribal start with what you have it resets your wealth you go to a new map with with basically nothing but some pemmican and whatever your current people have and it resets all of your research and then you have to do that three times three times so it's gonna be really long all right spoilers over so now you see why it's gonna be a very very long playthrough especially with us doing tribal so it's gonna be it's gonna be insane i don't know what the ending looks like when you get there don't know apparently there's new music other than that i'm blind to it so that's what we're going to go with and it's going to be a long one it's going to be a long one um bike thing with apollo uh tito thank you as well and rob thank you guys anywhere else that i missed during the explanation of everything my apologies really appreciate it sounds fun for every time uh this is yeah this is our initial colony this is our first five all right it is night time it's double sea schedule that's the biphasic so the biphasic is splitting uh sleep or the day into 12 hours two 12 hour days rather than 24-hour day where you sleep and recreate twice a day i usually don't do that does this new sound alert too too loud uh no i just started we just started on this today me turn the new alert down a little bit i don't know why it's so loud sorry about that due to some feedback i changed the alert to be less intrusive but now it's really loud so let me turn it down that was your game we do sounds yeah sorry about that all right i was like all right i'll do this one it's not as that way if we get lots of followers wayne isn't talking the entire stream it turns out the volume on this one's even louder so all right that's alright i'll get it edited it's very easy to edit it's less intrusive rolls depth down all right they're sleeping anyway they're sleeping anyway okay so the next step on this is we're going to plan out some more mountain base but again we're going to take display through slowly because it's going to be so long basically i need to make these five people into god puns and god pawns i should have looked at their age because this might be like a 20 year playthrough that's the case [Music] all right drop the sound down save okay there we go we'll see how that is [Music] sorry about that by the way i was trying to make it less intrusive not more that was your game yeah let's go dark shift you just leave this loose leaf your wife basically the new ending command um sure yeah i can't set up the command right now but if a mod can age reversal yeah i might i don't know we're not transfused so it takes for forget ever choose a five or you get to choose the five yes it's going fin find the split sleep schedule uh we will split we will switch over to it and then i'll explain it i really need to get a guide up i was going to make a guide for it yesterday but then i was out of it because i had a reaction to the vaccine but uh yeah i will definitely make a guide for it okay so we're going to make um this initial setup c7 7. this will be our staging ground that we'll live in for a while as we dig out the mountain thanks so this will be our uh our first order of business now these people actually start with stone cutting because they're tunnelers so i might just make this out of stone right off the bat i think i will actually so we're going to want to make a fueled stove and then we want to make uh some stone cutter places so i'm going to make two of them i'm going to go ahead and make a stockpile zone behind these ones so this stone or this zone rather is gonna be for stone blocks i'm gonna set that as critical and i'm gonna do a dumping zone down below it and this one is gonna be critical for stone chunks okay [Music] oops [Music] that's good enough all right for research we need to bang out these beds really quick who's actually our main researcher we're going to put them on researching right away they're not wardening they're researching are you dead i'm going to go with this kid's bottom squibbits uh you do yeah the five of them you do [Music] stonewall's a start yeah that's what i'm gonna do yeah i should probably just get this shut off with wood right away so i'll probably still do that so that we're uh we're safe-ish but um and no we changed the faction so in the world creation you can change factions so we added some of the new ones and we removed the bug one i usually don't remove factions but it's an option in the game now and uh it made sense to me with the tumbler people it really sucks because in the preview for for ideology one of the things they mentioned was worshipping bugs but you can't venerate bugs so i'm not i'm not sure why they why they mentioned that one so no no facts in this book the faction is bugs to finish the previous calling no last week was just uh testing out all the ideologies can you tape them i thought they removed the ability to tame bugs [Music] do you get to pick where you start yes you can pick anywhere on the world map you can't still save them i hadn't tried a long time i thought they removed it did you give an option to tame uh i remember that we have these dogs that's gonna be awesome our people hate bonding to animals though so all right um we are going to set this up first i hate to do it out of wood but we just need to protect ourselves we don't know uh when randy will hit us first he could already hit us or it could take forever we don't know should probably also kill that there's a predator in here uh we have lower accuracy during the day though we have like outdoors during the day it's something like minus 20 all right run him away and for the next big update metamorphosis for the rim connection jaws away from the farm yeah yeah that is true yeah but we want to live in the mountain eventually eventually all right we still have a little bit of pemmican left um probably should have gotten more growers hours officially not i'm not sure actually i've never paid close into that all right production we're going to get a butcher table thrown up out here and they hate the the campfire light so i'm gonna get the stove done instead do we have enough we have 93 steels not really we should mine a little bit more get these two things up yeah new game plus plus plus or something yeah night owl is like 1100 to 1800 sleeping so i guess maybe night starts at 1800. you will join us or die god will sing for the gift sub to frame of art i think goggle which appreciated [Music] um all right so build a roof area we're gonna build a roof outside of this and we might do it here as well i guess we might as well our modest fellowship expands praise the subs boy it's bacon thing of the twitch prime thank you bacon much appreciated well boy whichever um thank you for the time how do i you manage the termite mix so so far it seems like the best way to handle them is to go out and meet them and whatever the best way you have set up to do that is so what i mean by that is if you have like berserk pulse or something like that or berserk you can run out there and use that if you have longer range weapons than him you can pop it and then try to run back although a lot of times they have um scythers around them so it makes it harder for lancers and whatnot or what i've been doing is i've been rushing to get to allies and then when i see a termite i just call in allies and then we help them pop the termite and then we we run away so that's what i've been doing calling it allies all my allies is soapy sometimes it is sometimes it isn't sometimes i call them in to like fight a big raid and they show up with like seven guys and it's like all right what are you guys gonna do when they get defeated immediately and then other times they bring like 70 people and just wipe it uh they do keep their gear inlay yet you keep everything on those five people but the other things i mentioned are reset don't seem to be in a zombie apocalypse must've been lucky the three times called them in yeah sometimes they don't see you very much unfortunately they're just little action rifles kill termites yeah you can outrange them man the downside just is that they have other things with them so sometimes you'll get hit by pikemen or something and caught be caught out but from dorms team george wikibon ginley b2 frame of art you can see it works pretty well yeah that's i so after we had that talk uh the other night where i was saying i might start using ar instead of smgs for that purpose i did test it out yesterday on a test map and it did work pretty well i was surprised yeah so i might end up going ar instead of uh smg first time in a long time all right make simple meal or do this times four do until we have 20 and then we're gonna pause until it's back down to eight uh let's pause until ten and cook somebody will times one see how we have x x is twenty positive we're back down to 10. there we go uh we should also set a meet one up actually so let's do which one are the four one job cat we're going here we want meat to be used first we're going to turn off vegetarian and this one we're also going to turn off vegetarian so what this will do is if we have enough meat to make four simple meals they will if we don't but we have enough meat to make one they'll make one we don't have either of those then they'll default to uh to vegetarian or whatever whatever we have on hand uh all right let's take santa beds [Music] can't wreck that right call us wearing we are wearing uh hoods and button-down shirts that's our cult i mean our ideology's preferred clothing so we have cloth hoods and cloth button-down shirts so this will set uh butch creature and we'll do forever uh and we're gonna make a little zone here this zone we're gonna do critical uh allow fresh only and we're going to do animal corpses there we go all right so on cooking is pink sakura rose raging flower tea welcoming no hoodie it's heresy did you visit mass right a little early face armor i thought about that zoo yeah but i went with the hood for the theme no blind side is still the only one i haven't tried um i'll definitely try that one out so for anyone that's uh newly coming in our goal in this one so last week we tried out all of the different ideologies or most of them and this week i'm starting on our journey to get to the new ending and it's gonna be a very long playthrough beginning is gonna be very low wealth um but that's what we're doing we're working towards a new ending you try blind side as well i've heard it's terrible explain the new design for the kill tunnel sure one second let me finish doing part of it so this kill tunnel is lower wealth than the old one with all the doors doors are higher wealth more material etc and you need doors to repair the traps without being without triggering them yourself uh this allows us to repair and place trash without triggering ourselves but it forces enemies across the trap still so that's why the double wide uh we have to this one takes much less work to repair so we're not rebuilding doors enemies won't break out the doors they'll just leave through here so the fence will slow enemies down so they choose to go over the traps instead um but our colonists can move diagonally between i think i have a clip up that explains it more detail if you'd like it's exclamation trap it's a short clip 40 seconds or something doctor is great online but everything else takes like twice the time twice the attempts the most extreme version is terrible on the least extreme it's really good though you didn't blind every pawn with yours uh we have just ran out of pemmican so we gotta be careful gotta be careful so that rice is not in yet we have much lower accuracy during the daytime look at that oh my all right we hunted nights we hunted at night that's going to be brutal uh what are we wearing we're wearing just hoods what mediums you do exclamation memes to see which ones we're doing it's an extreme one though are they just blind no they hate the they hate the sunlight they hate sunlight oh boy i think one of them might have been shot backwards [Music] this might be brutal this might be brutal that's fine it's fun um yeah those are tattoos so they look kinda like mass but those two have tattoos yeah face tattoos why i choose these memes i went over at the beginning of the stream but just a quick recap um i wanted shooting specialist i wanted the extra aim in the dark so those two combinations seem like they can put out a lot of dps once you are defending inside the mountain um and i wanted the production specialist to have better armor and weapons on those people with increased aim that's the big one so i'm gonna live under the mountain um at some point as we as we gradually move into it we're gonna take it slow moving in this time then yeah that's what i've done yeah until we can be completely dark uh nick thank you follow and guts thank you as well columns and roofs and then die crush and someone gets a tantrum too soon too soon low in food yeah yeah all right it's getting nighttime let's uh make her do this we need to go hunt in the dark we have like 20 extra aim in the dark though how do you sign specialists can use their bonuses from the start so yes to assign a specialist you click on them you go into social and you click assign role um they need specific requirements depending on the specialist it is but you can do that from fairly early on um you have to be careful assigning specialists because your specialist will have two tiers higher uh expectations even going beyond sky-high expectations uh the first tier beyond that is elite expectations and i forget the one after that so you can set them early but but be careful let's go on bib and luminar will come in everyone got stone and raider right after focus op offset speedstones james welcome in so it's night time we need to hunt for some of that delicious meat all right let's go do that i'm sure we can hit it now like work we rely on other ideologies as well it's going sephiroth welcoming [Music] okay we need to go to food restrictions it's like lavish we're going to turn off raw food during this and corpses so they actually cook the stuff instead of just eating it okay now we also need to set our defaults for medicine so default we're going to do medical care but no meds for to start with i don't want them to waste our medicine on things like little cuts and bruises that don't matter all right i'm actually making some meals let's go and shiny pokemon making some meals trying to break chris so what's going on right now privacy hungry awful barracks slip on ground all right we're working on that stuff we'll get there pretty soon we're winning just getting started yeah getting started working towards the new ending it's gonna be a massive playthrough it's gonna take a long time this might be one of those 20-year playthroughs it's to be it's going to be crazy but adam will be crazy oh it was over negative two that could have caused food poisoning all right now it's under negative two so we should be all right a rat self teams how long can it be in your life hours probably i'm i'm guessing a couple hundred hours but i have no idea this is our first real attempt at it so that's what i would guess though honestly [Music] stage the easiest any possible don't tell me but yeah that's interesting he's going fcrp laundry welcoming yeah hope you guys like mountain bases [Music] uh so we turned on some of the new factions and turned off the bug faction so it's time to worry about dolly mountain basically don't like room world so we actually turned on some of the new cannibal factions and we turned on like five the new nudist factions would have jade probably this is the real run yeah excavation memes don't worry we'll teach huntley with bugs but i'm um i'm setting this up to do this run without tyler's love eating bugs yet you're doing the same until i run um yeah i already shared the seed i don't know if someone still has it on copy and paste but if they do they can just start tumblr that's two of them yeah we're doing four it was just one the newscamps are really prolific on the map oh yeah yeah we've done mountain bases where we just deal with the bugs before but uh while we're focusing on other stuff for this playthrough i just decided to go with that there it is thank you agent thank you zane are nudists easier to defeat since they don't wear armor they're easier to kill but because their values are lower there's a lot more of them so when i was testing it a lot of times for instance all melee nudists would end up overrunning us yes i will put a door there yep yep i will should be good enough solar flare doesn't matter for us we just gotta make sure you hold that door open afterwards and the other side well it doesn't matter which side yeah just this will block it it's there our only opening last six or so hour colony to finish the new ending yeah i really want to i want to get to it hopefully we'll get to it this run have over a million well from that one so the run after this i've already decided we're going to do uh it's been a long time since we did a really high wealth run where we just tried to make an insane massive multi-million well colony that's going to be the play through after this one i believe tell you what to do go after the new ending i don't know that's what i'm doing though all right bart i need you to hold that open there we go okay you'll do it but here's nudist seems like tough combos you'll get stuff destroyed costly yeah super soldiers in the moth what's the easiest way to gain extra wealth uh artwork gold stuff that's the big ones like you make you make a grand gold sculpture a lot of times those are like 20 some thousand wells apiece yeah tons of floors floor like the um the fine tile flooring or the fine carpets those are a ton of freaking wealth chains a golden road like i did yeah [Music] what rituals did i have set up so i went over all the stuff that's been in the stream if anyone missed it uh i'll show those really quick so we have um ffg of burial so the burning one uh we have a social social festival a burning festival and a drum festival jade grand theron so what are my early goals and what are we trying to establish in the first 10 days or so so in the first 10 days i want to get an initial base set up a staging ground for digging out the mountain so we will research beds and things like that that we need for the early game and then we'll set up this temporary little building here and we'll stay on low wealth doing nothing but researching and digging out our future mountain home as we just try to survive on low wealth one thing is this map is not a year-long growing it's a 40-60 so we will have to grow extra food to make it through the winter but that's currently the main goal is to get a primary little base set up and get research going and get um uh get cycasting so those things will be able to to save us i'm a little worried with um breach raids actually coming through here so that's another thing i i need to get set up uh before super long into the play through but probably more like a season or two for that and that trees grass is reduced by nearby structures now yeah i did see that but it's okay i'd still rather be protected what's the best thing to sell to make silver fast i like selling drugs because everyone buys drugs everyone buys drugs so [Music] all right uh we're gonna make some beds i'm gonna make sure that our first beds are good or better because i want that comfort bonus and it will also help with room bonuses so we're going to do something so i don't have a mod for this something crazy what's amateur reduce the ammo tree was added as part of royalty in 1.2 and it allows people with the natural meditation background so travel backgrounds to link with the tree consume 20 animal grass to level up their side casting abilities so they get side cast from the tree basically so we are looking for good or better beds if they don't make them we will destroy them why so many beds because i don't have quality builders so i have to micromanage them actually making better quality this is the reason you keep quality builder mod i know everyone doesn't know quality builder um won't make it so that you're guaranteed to make a certain bed what it'll do i should probably have them doing this indoors since they hate the light actually uh let's do that with the future ones what it will do is if they don't make the quality that you want it'll automatically re-cue another one until they make the quality so it'll destroy and then re-cue all right [Music] let's go ahead and hit this turkey up here i know rose i know all that daytime accuracy is so bad sorry we scared it into a trap [Music] all right i want to make sure they repair this anything happens [Music] yeah we're going to stay really low wealth on this until we knock out much research especially because we have tribal research so our research takes longer psychic t the drug for the refined homes [Music] lucian i don't remember who that is i think it sounds familiar but i don't even know why it sounds familiar so i'm gonna go with maybe resounding maybe uh athleans thank you to follow welcome in you guys ready for some mismatched walls i know you are i know you are nothing chat likes better than some mismatched walls it's like a t's right for everyone does it increase quality if you were to make beds in a room with better lighting no uh so the better lighting just makes it so they uh they're worse lighting slows down global work speed but it doesn't affect the quality nice imagery yeah it's a very good seed let's go on nero wookman sunblocker yeah yeah that's what i'm thinking too like we i really want to get a sun blocker so if we have any quests or a sun locker we'll take it a hundred percent let's go to aram ixam purity welcome yeah they just make the beds faster and it is lit in here so we'll stay in line or in the range of the light from the light or what cycles like i don't know does the sun blocker stop you from growing we're gonna be growing under the mountain anyway so it won't it won't really it's slow is growing for plants that are reminding me natural that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer we are the dwellers and this is our first base a name thanks zecha sorry not feeling well a-ram but thank you for the lurk all right so we gotta get these beds done welcome to the queue how long until rice starts coming in 87 a mad hair all right there comes some meat so that's nice that's nice kind of like mint strong mint taste maybe for the the psychite see are you talking about within with the ending if you're talking about with the ending machina no you do not what mad bad hair was that to you you do not it resets back to your tribal start basically uh no all three of mine are for getting you colonists then oh well i mean welcome i'm sorry you don't feel well meaning you know what i mean hey ram i wish you felt better uh we don't get manipulation bonuses in the dark we get uh increased aim and increased dodge in the dark hey good do you have to start research all over again you do yep uh nope you don't finn tested it okay we got three good beds a nice start we'll get there we'll get there this meme gets improved aim and dodge in darkness but the offset in light so they are god awful at shooting in melee dodge in lights but in the darkness we get a bonus one reason why i chose this meme for this playthrough i chose several memes that will help with their accuracy as long as we're in the dark don't know if it's gonna work but that's the theory oh my lord could we get can we get these beds please ever played here's my magic i am not no it's one of those i just never got around to playing i don't know why holy crap where i still was done terrible actually during the day where they vampires pretty much you also get a minus eight moon debuff during the day for blinding lights blinding lights all right let's get rid of this uh predator excuse me excuse me thanks [Music] all right we're gonna put a roof over this part so this will make it so that they can uh can meditate while in the dark and we'll put a dark light over there too so they actually the mood boost while meditating for dark light [Music] okay imagine you can make a sun locker yeah that'd be really nice there we go louder music please just roof the entire map boogie's trying to build a sunblock irl like mr burns simpsons did it cargo pods we got eight five meals is filthy and grass generation too heavy i mean the side casting is super frigging strong so i don't know they did change it recently right so it's uh it's even harder no it's minus 11 that's negligible i thought it was gonna be way worse minus eleven percent yeah screw it who cares something's free uh drive the car around sir yeah mine is 11. i thought it was going to be worse that is going to be minus 30 like the sci focus gain minus 11 is just structure yeah they patched it last week structures now impact grass growth yeah it can get yeah it can get higher if you like surround the whole thing but ours will probably get a little bit higher but i thought it's gonna start at like minus 30. that would have been that would have been bad where's our doctor that medical experience welcome to the queue need one more good bed just one more are you actually bleeding there carlo no you're fine you're fine where's that one honest when you grow grass surely we'll get one shot please don't jinx yourself you always get one man is that have you 100 of the time gotten one shot in my runs i think so god hopefully that's not going to happen in this one oh no please no not again roof the entire map if i challenge you two times more time fake one shot uh miss emily i think with the follow and chuck they even follow also see the dog backing up like moonwalking through the slalom traps it's down and blood out because something printed rescue oh right right i forgot about that somehow uh we could save them for rep they're not about to die yeah rep and uh [Music] our modest fellowship expands medical experience praise the sub rapid medical experience all right [Music] phrase the sub uh gene finger the subscription was in twitch prime either way it counts the same thing gene i appreciate the support was ron though joined colony less than seconds later oh yeah that was crazy i think it was a lancer right yeah i think i think that was before pikeman even existed no i can't remember another one last we're done with our test week so this is the uh this is the real run now the tree run all right i'm gonna have to put someone else on plant cutting even though i didn't want to do that but uh we're just gonna need to get it done um i'll have woozy help with that for now and then we'll get him back on research so our second research that we're gonna grab uh i probably get double screen before year two but this does only have a 40-year growing so uh we're not going to be starting it this year um i think i'm just gonna get started on smithing and go from there complex clothing yeah let's grab complex clothing first what's the psych uh cycle through colonists thank you heap and jamie yeah it's uh period and comma buttons and you can do that with their window pane open as well all right let's pause on this suspend those orders don't want to get our wealth too high while this is uh going on here okay rice is coming in that's very nice oops actually clicked off onto chat because i'm in windowed mode so randy's being nicer than he was the other day so far probably shouldn't say that but the other day we had a raid at end of day one beginning of day three day five hands praise this not today no i haven't done the ancient complexes yet yeah it seems like an easy way to get advanced components a little else in your experience so far yeah i haven't uh dope into those yet uh laundry i think you're the subscription thank you audrey very much appreciated think about the sport what's the dog doing was it doing the weird slalom again backwards yeah yeah i saw that too no idea what's going on there he's just having fun he's just having fun he's kind of like loot sucks right now aside from advanced components yeah that's interesting i thought it would have things like um how ancient dangers does you know like weapons and things the ancient complexes count as a raid if you are the raider meme it's going star field not at all not even a little no not even a little seen attack friends lose through those are the best things you've seen so far [Music] [Music] all right getting some more wood chops trying to get that last bed so after we get the last bed we'll start uh working on this little building here found some glitter oil meds to you so let's jump have you guys noticed that literal medicine seems more common now it feels that way to me it seems like uh a lot of the um like what are they the goodwill type quests give uh glitter world so for instance when you have refugees and you get the quest where it's like hey can you betray these refugees that you almost get a you almost always get a crapload of uh glitteral medicine offered to you yeah and it seems like more or traders more likely to have it now or something blind ranged run as possible i don't know the blind one is the last big one that i haven't tried yet all right we got all the beds nice i still haven't seen a reds here you get them all the time oh speaking of quests uh i need to turn off goodwill for all these because i want more monetary rewards so there we go give me stuff to beggars anyone else get something later on it seems if that's one of your ideologies or precepts you get mood for it but otherwise it feels yeah like a wealth don't stay very rare unloved today what my basic pattern is it worth adjusting for seasonal conditions more work in the spring more relaxed in winter too much effort to do that um i've never done it so i get i guess it would just depend like if you have clothing that makes it so they can go out and do whatever in the winter anyway then it it feels no different to me but you can always do that if you have less to do like um you don't have any crops growing indoors or underground or anything yet and uh you want them to just be happier like you could always do like the 444 during those off seasons and then switched over to the 336 or something during the more work heavy seasons i haven't done it but uh it seems like it would make sense depending on your map depending on your setup of course how do you turn off goodwill you go to quests and in the bottom left is reward preferences and you can turn off goodwill and honor and this will mean in those sections where you would use to get goodwill you will have monetary rewards instead what i did all right let's see my daughter needs to lock her in her computer real quick [Music] yeah no problem yes let me know if you try it out if it works well for you but yeah it would make sense though is it bad to build by animatry um you there are downsides to it your side focus gain is reduced and grass growth gain is reduced but it's still worth it to protect it in my opinion you will something you never pick yeah so highly recommend go to reward preferences and turn these off this is not a mod you can just do this baseline you'll get more monetary uh rewards all right we've been into you after watching [Music] i have no idea who that is but welcome and flip didn't know that existed yeah it's nice uh what else we got we got some sandstone blocks all right let's finish this one up but welcome in we got some marble what's my favorite ideology so far i really like tunnelers yeah tumblers i don't know there's a lot of them are pretty cool and some are kind of funny but i've enjoyed tunnelers quite a bit party all right so we got a bit of wood in now so i'm gonna go ahead and put woozy back on research so we'll do plan cutting back to it soon on him tree connection is pretty fun oh yeah uh earlier someone asked i'm sorry that i missed it when i was first getting stuff set up but someone asked if i tried out the dryads quite a bit we did we did dry dryads for like nine hours or something the dryads seem a little underpowered the combat ones at least they're very brittle even the tanky one uh they seem to be good fighters early game and then fall off pretty hard right now um so right right now it seems like the hauling one is the best way to go uh this is a new run yeah so last week we were trying out basically all the different ideologies we're given each ideology set a day or two and then this week we're going after the new uh the new ending and seeing if we can we can get to it so and i have chosen uh exhibition memes you want to see the entire list of which ones we're going to be doing for that it's going pain to welcoming j welcome back trees versus mex tolerance for the win kingdom out of the mountain with some mods it's going to be good for filling holes in other memes not worth it on their own need to be able to get veggies or wood yeah yeah start a stream once it's the only time pipe dream going forward yeah we haven't gone too long today though we're here pretty early on today [Music] rain's been pretty quiet so far in general like we've only this is only like our second event of course we're still pretty early on oh god we're way earlier on we just hit day seven it felt like we were further already no pause has a 4x speed you can use 4x speed without a mod though if you turn on developer tools it'll add the 4x it won't show the icon but if you hit 4 with developer tools on you can do forex or just get a mod yeah the word tree people try it seem pretty bad as it went on so just try to cover your map try trees for beauty yeah not too great not correct it's great uh there was a patch two days ago that made it so that the dryad tree event is more common for uh other ideologies now too so on average your ideology unless you're on like ice sheet or something like that will get one of the seeds once a year that's almost exactly what i'm playing right now padfoot only instead of collectivist i have uh darkness [Music] very very close yeah it's already had a lot of patches i'm sure it'll get more and more for sure they've been there was a patch about every two days in the last week sometimes multiple mighty kingdom outer mountain built by the labor of slaves all right let's move some of these over really another plant growing person oh barracks i i usually don't do a bear to the very start of the game i usually switch to it a little bit after send your leaders to the new settlement uh you can yeah you can i'm trying not to say too much we basically start a new playthrough daily no none of the flowers need light to grow there's new ending yep that's what we're going after it's a very very long one so that is the goal of this playthrough is to get the new ending might think hundreds of hours we'll get it well it's about tree fitting uh sandicator i think it was the exactly tree 15. thank you sandy here i appreciate the support all of yours open oh yeah thank you i'm going to patch that in catch catch there we go yeah so flowers can increase the impressiveness and beauty of a room so you see this room it's already at mediocre with nothing with nothing so this is already not giving a mood debuff any longer you can choose location you do get to choose location you get to choose the five that you take and the location yet yep so try keeping the dailies growing even with some heavy micromanaging they keep dying and not getting replanted you just have to have enough people set up to where they can do the labor day lilies don't grow for very long so if you don't care about the lower mood hit you can use roses roses will stay alive slightly longer but are slightly less less beauty so less work for the same number of plots but if you want more plots obviously more beauty it's going to take longer and then dandelions even even more so dandelions last a long time but they're not super beautiful my factions opinion on slaves is it's acceptable but not honorable yeah last week was just a test week last week is all gone so last week's runs we're just testing to see what i wanted to do try out all of them and um see what we want to do for the new ending dailies also give more experience every time for replanting you just need more people to plant is the only thing and they'll get it done as long as they're zoned for it which one was my favorite so far i like tunnelers best so far uh noodles and kale thank you for the followers welcome in uh this is the same map as a tumbler play through from last week yeah it was such a good seat i didn't want to waste it just for a single day so we're gonna actually play on it really really good seed try to figure out how good beer setup would be for transgenis and sleep accelerating um so yeah you just do it the same way only you so the sleep accelerator can only impact one bed so instead of doing the like four set up that i do you would just do you would have less beds share an end table or just not use end tables basically you could see for a solid mountain uh this one is a pretty good seed but the best seed i've ever had is that one exclamation seed uh you do that command that is the best seed i've ever found it's a ridiculously good map and we just happen to hit it randomly it's the seed for my 20 year run [Music] it's a pretty big map but that is such [Music] mountain or otherwise that's one of the best maps i've ever seen it's crazy good crazy good i can't believe we're only seven days in we've got a lot done man tribal get stuff done having five people it's so i used to play travel all the time but i've been doing naked brutality uh for a very for longer now the current scene is 275 275 yeah so yeah you might want to add that yeah thank you some reason you cannot build and alter any ideas you don't um did you choose it you got to make sure that when you set it up [Music] um that you choose the altar as one of your buildings sometimes they're not set as default so you have to go in and set it having the gates being better than doors they nerfed that like three weeks ago like the the first weekend 1.3 they nerfed it 100 means world coverage all right [Music] so we have some idle people uh let's go ahead and do this [Music] put plant cutting as a four as well [Music] crafting is a three beside the room requirements we're building the altar uh no no you don't they nerf when gates were first released they were better than doors they had the exact same stats did everything the exact same but they opened 15 faster but they changed it uh that first sunday the 1.3 was out so now great gates have very very low hp probably overlooked it yeah you have to set the furniture you love this game it's pretty good it's pretty good [Music] do [Music] yeah it's better for internal doors the only downside is because of its low hp when you have someone that has a breakdown um they just break it in like one hit they used to uncle jazz i haven't tested a long time but i know before 1.0 which is a long time ago you could do that with a statue in the corner of four rooms they would all get the bonus but i don't know if it's still that way a relic soothe holster for example is it usable i don't know yeah i haven't i haven't set one of those does it that would be kind of weird use your relic the suit pulsar [Music] transcendence humanist drug dependent very happy colony you're loving that combo [Music] yeah it's true if enemies drop inside your base some doors can sometimes save it save you from them whereas the gates just they're like paper a wooden gate is 13 health 13 hp uh we are going to have to get some more food in so we might do a little bit of hunting again just being there i really needed more plant growers but uh world war whale i think it would follow we'll come in yeah we're gonna have to hunt a little bit we have to hunt at night though because our people have terrible aim in the daytime yeah i'm sure i'm sure they would have changed it either way but yeah i was telling everyone immediately like stop using doors yeah we could build uh mushrooms inside yeah pretty slow growing but we will eventually do that probably over here we're gonna stainless series fueled sakura colony was pretty fun really hard to manage though she's just that's an old seed i need to update it but that's the best seat i've ever had if you want to use that one it's not the seed though all right we just hit our ninth day so we're not even one season in got a lot done do i prefer separate bedrooms now no i just oftentimes will start with separate bedrooms and then upgrade to barracks later what's the most important thing on a colony setup um defense i guess like it depends on which stage of the game but um being able to [Music] defend obviously your your colonists but also your ability to grow crops in the event that you have crap going on outside of it like man hunters so a layered defense seems to be the big answer upgrade to barracks yeah barracks might be a little too strong in the game i hope they don't nerf it because they use it so much but [Music] all right is there something yeah down here let's go hunting [Music] what's the new ending it's the arko nexus ending stay tuned it's gonna take a long time lots of wild cars dawns [Music] [Music] this person ain't good not bad actually overall [Music] uh their research specialist i believe can hunt and deal with animal or yeah the shooting specialist rather uh let me double check [Music] let's see here um they can't cook construct grow mine plant cut smith taylor crafts so they can clean they can haul they can research and they uh can hunt and they can also just deal with animals in general you want to see your character let's see super mutant tough burning patch construction and mining only 28 no no health issues looking pretty good bard excited about the new audiology update yeah it's crazy you have so much i don't know how long since you played but our modest fellowship expands crazy hazardous guy with the subscription thank you hazmus very much appreciated much love to hazardous guy thank you right it's similar to stonehearth yeah but it's not the exact same there are some that are very similar to other ones good time within a run start giving pawns roles in the ideology when you can keep them happy because what's gonna happen is as soon as you give them a roll they get two higher expectations so the setup plus 24 will have whatever plus nine or something so yeah it just depends on when you keep them happy where am i from like originally or right now right now i'm in indianapolis in the united states originally i'm from southeastern tennessee deep in the country of app in the country just deep in the country you love the dlc let's go diego wookman [Music] girls he do the whole thing once there's ideology new velocity yeah lots of different playthroughs good way to look at it [Music] yeah i like this one better than royalty overall i mean royalty added some nice sigh casting is insane and such a good thing um the weapons and stuff that royalty added awesome as well hey we're gonna get our first cycast i don't think we have anyone that's [Music] i'll see what we get an onion base probably roy did you get a lot better by 1.2 yeah [Music] zero heat dump we're looking for stun or word of joy or where to trust i mean we got pain blocked now what i wanted has some uses but know what i wanted solar pin hole yeah solar panel will be terrible for us terrible that's the animatry grass nerf video so far it doesn't feel that bad honestly it looks like it gets up to a negative 30 percent so it does get to the point the same as sci focus uh gain reduction but that's still fine i mean what day is it in basically eight days since we didn't uh meditate the whole time or we didn't start until i called these in um in eight days we got one side cast out of five people meditating that's not too bad not too bad i had alert mode thank you thank you i was going knobbling welcoming the chunks get right lightning favorites at the time chunks get it's not balanced enough yeah i don't think it's supposed to be balanced though it's more about like the social and um story side of things right so i don't know if they will end up balancing it all or not if they do they'll balance it around just like the normal mode right but we'll see we'll see i'm sure they'll make of changes psychic c huh chunks the big cover get to it start using it let's give it away yeah i did that too it's still clunky though still clunky i don't know if i'd say godly [Music] randy was hearing our conversation about t might be right that mining speed five meals rice will be coming in again soon another day or so [Music] should put the door there it seems people don't get upset yeah we'll do so it's fine what's that just move awesome stone use uh construction i believe why are they mining so fast [Music] eleven burning passion mining plus the an eight burning passion mining with a tunneler meme i think smoothing is construction construction it's going six open construction for smoothing flooring and walls thank you [Music] [Music] i'm gonna replace that wood earl signed yeah we had i mean even in 1.2 or 1.1 or whatever we had someone 1800 mining and now it can get even [Music] stupider uh dual drill arms plus the mining specialty that's going to be insane this new ideology run yep this is going to be our permanent run tunneler double drill arm level 20 mining industrious very neurotic with a mining specialty that's gonna be crazy [Music] plus work drive plus work inspiration oh my god you can probably get like thousands of speed we could see permanent run it will never end it might not i don't know we'll see so [Music] [Music] oh whoops uh so that's just decent accuracy for the short bow we'll change it later on as we get better weapons do this loose theorem as well [Music] yeah so in our 20-year run we had someone named pon scum and he had over eighteen hundred percent mine speed and he basically just walked through mountains i can't imagine adding on the mining special specialization on top of that now so i called endless room world play on the same map over and over again forever and ever and ever where's the redundant pillars now what's going on it's hello welcoming it's been welcoming also very neurotic and industrious he was at least industrious i don't remember if he was neurotic or very neurotic but i knew he i know he was industrious so all right i prefer the 18 tiles through the smg's heavy smg's a little bit more accurate so you get into that like 60 to 70 range on a normal one around that 15 to 18 tile melee can close the gaps a little sooner but that's okay anyway all right the mods of the expanded ideology symbols add-on save the whole ideology they add uh yes you can save your ideologies now without a mod i tried reading other facts 1.3 yet yeah i tried that i think last thursday we did the raider ideology costume ninjas those are hoods hoods and button-down black shirts i can see the randy's quiet camera raiders seems like it'll be fun all right um we need to replace this we're gonna have to hunt some more man we gotta get another i think that's what we're gonna set up now [Music] start getting another recruit and hopefully if someone's good at plants shiny applause challenge ever that before a bit scary because secret room worlds you have to have forks try it out yeah let me know what you think quiet rain is good for a uh yeah for a good start yeah because the last time we were on here we got day one day three day five raid now we're almost a season in without our first going to the menu still pauses no no don't pause ever whilst the game's minimized or exited [Music] you can minimize if you have to walk away yeah all right so who is the other social pawn woozy you're gonna be a priestess all right [Music] what is the priestess title on this one darkener of rash let's go ahead narc welcome in there's another patch came out one minute ago what did this one do downside to organ harvesting is a bad wealth increase yeah that's true so yeah starting to feel extremely over um overloaded with importance now yeah i agree with you there you more excited now hail for us changes the slaves dryads and bunches of bugs [Music] the dryads there are these little uh creatures that spawn from guarantees there's a tanky one a more offensive glass cannon one one that hauls one that produces wood one that produces medicine a herbal medicine one that produces berries and another one that can combine three of them to make a new tree [Music] dude again it's a major update it's mud it's so you can't figure out if it's modded item or vanilla item sounds like a rimworld hey look speak of the devil guaran sprout welcome back your steadfast loyalty is greatly appreciated i'm gonna use it right now though according to eight months thank you a quart beavers at your anniversary yesterday yeah that's why i say you should wall it in even if you get the minus thirty percent it's colony care about paste yeah they do so basically we have a minus four but if it's made with mushrooms we have a plus three so all the other paste with mushrooms would just be a minus one for this one i think [Music] the mech node you can deconstruct it for materials is all just from uh it's just from a uh mech cluster our modest fellowship expands praise the sub uh theory the twitch product i don't know if it's actually theo or the odellus theodoliss theo thank you for the twitch prime very much appreciated how do you plant the seed so once you get the seed from the event just click it and then you click the plan [Music] no market value was hold on to it [Music] wait [Music] you'll get in zones for so long yeah just click that and then i might actually switch the cook i'm going to there we go do you run i can do explanation memes or explanation ideology but hey we got an auto join a basia i'll see if they fix this [Music] nope do we want you miss andrus wimp planting sure happy is good [Music] we really need another person on planet construction yeah we gotta take him we gotta take him too good to pass up [Music] whip is so bad well they hardly ever die because of being a wimp but so that's good at least i'm worried about bar eating kidnapped down here though let's keep an eye on that want to see the memes if you knew what they were anyway we basically uh get huge buffs in the dark and debuff supporting the lights both mood and of accuracy mood actually and dodge oh god bard alright he's gonna be fine um those are the biggest ones say meme presets yeah yeah human primacy means that they think humans should rule above nature the main reason i chose that is because they get shooting specialists what are the memes there dynamism or something we'll have to convert them so dynamism so collectivists ah they should be pretty easy to convert global certainty loss factor 200 yeah she's gonna be no problem easy who's gonna be the wimp i don't know i don't remember who's next so all right put a stockpile down here and then we're gonna do another zone out here this one's going to be things that we don't need in like steel plastiel uranium that is important okay all right so processors have a couple other pawns just since inform another ideology do those people can arrest them to get them out of the way made your other pawns unhappy yeah it's really annoying you just have to try to convert them again you can eventually uh convert them back over but if you have like um one of the ideologies that they don't like having like diverse thoughts and it's gonna be a big mood hit for a long time under the previous runs those were uh so last week was all test runs so yes last week we were just testing out each group of ideologies to get a feel of which ones i wanted to try to take to the new end game and so i'm determined to try this one so nothing happened with any of those we'll go back to some of those runs but this is our new permanent run you guys know of asia and you're calling for three years and some good luck for you [Music] how do you arrest them though is that your best um draft them and then right click from that person to the one you want to arrest and if you have a prison they'll arrest them and once they're in the prison you can set to convert chickens join a lot of chickens i really don't care about them uh matrix thank you for the tier two thank you matrix not a lot of tier two subs for which appreciated much love the matrix yeah so you just uh draft the person you want to do the arresting and then right click from that person onto the person you want to arrest man they're already at 39 that's crazy that's crazy one think of the following i drafted you all right so i might just leave that as wood for right now let's not worry about it and then we need to chill and uh start working towards our uh our mountain base walk towards the dock what's going over welcome back it's been a while it's been a while all right so yeah this is the point where i'm probably just going to uh buckle down and say low wealth we're going to probably deconstruct this um yeah back to luck ideology and do exclusion memes to see the list of them but mainly darkness and tunneler are the big ones starvation on amaziah uh wuzzy's on it voices on it all right that works the man eater pack of your venerated animals attacks you um so i had a manhunter on a test map yesterday of squirrels and we venerated squirrels and it didn't count against me so i don't know if that's always the case but it didn't count against me when i was testing it yesterday excited to see this ending but generous be stoked on staff think about the hundred bits house ideology so far you haven't watched it at all yet it's really good uh so ideology is all about the story and social aspect of the game where royalty was more about combat so it depends on which thing you like the most about room worlds uh but overall yeah it's been good [Music] all right i guess we'll get an area of mushrooms started although we're gonna have them done by winter and we need another person on plants that's the big thing that's the big thing yeah no problem an affair woozy tried to woo adam by boasting about her own kindness adam was aroused and agreed to become woozi's lover see this i don't have a command for the seed um there's p1 chat with it on copy and paste though i don't know if they're still here no i'll share it with you how grown in airlines need to be for animals eat them 10 they changed it in 1.3 now they need 10 still a better love story than twilight what isn't so happy with it just got the space battle event start everything space battle is a modded event so that shouldn't be in the base game adam and woozy sitting in a tree let's go nick welcoming as far as i'm aware that has been added to the base game should be wrong but wait do i want to keep them i don't know you have to play it on 275 size accord don't play it on that size the animal tree will be in a different location you have a clip of it you don't have any mods you got a space battle event with no mods i'm not saying that you're wrong i'm like legitimately asking we have lots of mods because it seems like space battle is a modded thing this 275 second by default map it's not 250 is default [Music] phelan usually posts those in our discord thank you failing monsters here to follow yeah that's what i was thinking vanilla expanded events or whatever space battle i'm like 99.9 sure is not in the base game [Music] it happened you kicked your butt yeah that's a vanilla evins thing but yeah they do suck i did i used to play with a lot of mods so i thought i was remembering that correctly [Music] hey our first traders what do you guys have we don't have much for you either way i might go ahead and sell our cloth um that's fine we don't need to see somebody use the inventory with structures built so close to it yes couldn't build a certain tire radius what it does is it reduces uh side focus gain rate and animal growth speed uh it caps out at 30 so this is getting 30 less animal growth and um and recovery speed for sci focus but other than that doesn't matter [Music] [Music] so close nudists they got mad they can get mad so so nectar matthew's welcoming our modest fellowship expands this house recorder not so think about the switch prime thinking not so counting as a tier one so thank you for the support on the stream much love to not so maybe i'll keep some of those chickens would be pretty easy [Music] then we could eat them when winter comes what was the marriage before did that give a mood buff it no it's a precept yeah if your precept is um specifically like set that way then get up to a plus 10 or they can get to a negative depending a mood hit yeah it's to do with your precepts [Music] so makes a lot of audiology places around being a trading hub yeah we're talking about that maybe being the next expansion we need [Music] oh yeah we could sterilize chickens for free medical experience anything about that cross grows put a pin marker yeah that's true i don't know if they'll eat the animal grass i think they chan they fixed that there was a bug where they could eat it at one point but i think they fixed it they still do yeah it's better safe than sorry it's going yeti welcome in [Music] the wiki says it was changed the door [Music] anymore [Music] chickens let's see [Music] max one adult male [Music] and one young male females let's go with like five of them female young one all right we go it's no longer insulting on slaves that's nice hi for rebuilding rome you love this long shocker queen shocker it's a good one yeah are there any bad ones though i guess i don't think there is [Music] all right so we're to remove the roof over here and tear this down because we don't need this extra wealth it's going to came open thrombose will no longer eat anima trees in the new update that's nice or guarantees where the menu comes from that's a 1.3 edition so the auto slaughter menu is an animal tab manage auto slaughter it's part of the 1.3 update so who is on animals bard yeah let him finish it's not ground around your tree haven't tested yet that seems to be okay at least so far it's going doom cool welcome in uh i think that's enough of them i'm a little worried these ones can just venture off and i don't care go back i don't like you guys being next to the edge of the map yeah a new update just a couple minutes ago apparently yeah it'll be fun come to cook i'm doing the best i can sorry woozy all right is all the roof gone okay tear all this down someone's gonna attack somewhere ah that's too close to the edge of the map screw that oh thank you dance yeah if you ever keep track of that i actually have a an alarm a silent alarm coming in the mail through amazon today that i'm gonna set up here so um it'll remind me but i don't have it yet so thank you man what's going on with randy he's got one of those sleepy randy's i'm kind of worried because i feel like when we do get attacked it'll be bigger than i'm ready for her because he's so slow so different the other day what was that sunday or saturday when we had the killer randy i can't remember this color is such a small buff and fur is already pretty color yeah it does seem like they should increase that slightly maybe like a plus three yeah i just need to split the recording in somewhere else will now always have high yield mining yeah we're just accepting the 30 loss to anima growth into uh sci focus gain yeah it's worth it protect the tree i think do yeah i've accidentally been making videos that were like nine hours long so i need to start splitting them more often the stream will continue straight through so are we no interruption as far as that goes but the youtube side of things i need to start splitting these correctly and not just for viewers saying but like youtube has a really hard time with those huge uploads uh we can wait on that she's it's gonna be a while all right so i'm gonna grow some back here as well then on starting to do lots of research he didn't last week was a test week so every day i was testing new ideologies now that we've tested them all aside from blinds i'm going to do a more permanent full attempt play throughout the new ending what quality do i record at um source resolution 1080. most animals don't get blocked by fence yeah that's true i'll be ready for tunneling we're going to start planning out the the mountain base here pretty soon and then uh our goal is to move into it next by the next spring the second spring 45 are hard for you to watch but you can just come back to it right so but i mean everyone has their own preference obviously but sleeve system also thrombosin trees yeah so if you were saying a stick again all right well have i then that we'll have last time well we have this shelter set up so that we don't have to worry about uh freezing to death or anything who's on that carlo carla can you clean this place thanks still think there's going to be some breaches that come through there so we might put another fallback position get ready by 89 monkeys questionable shelter for friends lion chief of the breirachi pact is questing a favor her friend grasshopper is interested in learning about other cultures and she wants you to host it for six days keep her happy won't do anything you'll gain goodwill if you keep her about 50 petra probably not so that's a barrel of monkeys it isn't too bad yeah but i didn't want that pawn other words are kind of whatever hey woozy can you clean up my vomit thanks be a dear and clean up my vomits the baja god yeah i don't know i'm cursed with a beige joints hyperweave burka that sweet minus four speed i that one didn't i don't think say that she wouldn't work which is interesting so this one would work it seems usually they say but she will not do any work even the ones that weren't for the empires this is kind of nice but every challenge would work on amazia that'd be nice 25 faster gate on it yeah [Music] today's item is awesome i just don't want the award reward so [Music] here with a large literal medicine it can yep yep start setting up some zones here so we'll do inside walls welcome back where your steadfast loyalty is greatly appreciated animals we are meat shields yeah no problem feeling uh krueger favorite switch crying two months get all the chickens i think krueger i appreciate it animals we got some chickens auto joined so we're gonna branch those all right inside that's pretty cool my wife made something it's mario carrying a mushroom like this one okay already [Music] thanks did you basically an assumption that pre-shelves would work fortunately glitter will bed seem to be more common yeah we're talking about that at the beginning that was awesome yeah i really like that i'm gonna hang it up at some point all right inside we'll do on that side and over here inside the walls looks like there's an opening right there [Music] match store yeah i don't have one of those a lot of people have asked over the years but i don't know i feel like i would really want some awesome quality stuff in there and just don't have the ability to get super awesome stuff in it yet so maybe someday [Music] oh yeah thank you i'm used to them being straight i think i'm gonna delete that one yeah we're gonna delete that one all right [Music] okay expand the work zone don't want them going too far from the base but we will allow them to go out and cut trees and stuff around there okay all right good enough need shirts with recording as we go and that would be interesting no one's ever mentioned that one what's up with a random trap in that area in these areas so if we have uh breeches or anything come through here or sappers they will take cover behind these to shoot at us so these are in areas that uh raiders are prone to go to to take cover because it has a shatter spine as you would know if the biopod fixes it i've not tried it with a spine some people were saying that it actually won't replace body parts but spine might i don't yeah i don't know does anyone know has anyone chat tried biosculpting to fix a broken spine yet shattered spine raid prepare for a while our first raid four um inside the walls so a pretty easy one probably should have kept that as a as a makeshift prison we don't have a makeshift prison i need to set something up what do you have we have slate we got slate yeah i probably should just left that general disease flew these are a little bit far away but just something for now all right let's look at that message again okay our first pirates unless there's any tougher nimble we should just die to the traps sanguine cycling death social intellect arts ironworld tortured artists with crafting tortured artists with crafting and we have the crafting specialization they're 56 with a bad back already iron will kind of is not great for tortured artists but uh night owl is because we can force them on a daytime schedule and really break them to get uh better stuff grady abrasive jogger optimus cable plant work body pure is tough so there is a tough one so i might keep an eye on aaron here and maybe on madeleine maybe mount sculpting no info on body sculpting all right got some sick people right now hmm become skilled in my body why that was me so i tested out how sleeves work with colony wealth last night slaves do count against colony wealth i don't know if they count against population curb they absolutely count against uh wealth you need a splash one it's they fixed the abeysia trick no they didn't nope i don't like ideology i like it a lot yeah i'm really enjoying ideology uh we down yoder abrasive greedy so we don't want them but we can execute them for a mood buff uh if we hurry with this so uh bard get down here yeah slaves do count for colony wealth same as a colonist slaves a lot of wealth it depends on how good they are but it yeah it's going to average probably around 900 700 to 500 yen what if you say yes they're friendly if you say no they're to die makes sense to you how do you set up melee pawns kill box to avoid friendly fire um they depending on your weapon they can be um someone was saying that it was changed at some point to be seven tiles i'm a little scared by the seven tiles so i usually do five tiles in front of them they shouldn't get friendly fire that way all right uh do we need their gear it's pretty crappy gear so we're just gonna execute them after we get the medical experience oh no i gotta hurry um you're on yeah all right executed there we go let's leave them in there our ideology slightly is better than prison labor slaves i've never used the prison labor mod so i don't know a fun raid if they try to liberate your uh your slaves why is it three by one not two by one i don't know it's an old habit for throwing in um a bed plus oh look at that [Music] bed plus end table to make them rest faster so they're awake and they're filth longer what's in the kill box next to the traps fence fences slash mill welcoming so against reach backs keeping them away from your firing line uh what these do is allow us to zigzag between to repair traps and enemies will still walk over the traps pretty sure our people don't care about cannibalism right so we gotta be careful because human leather is very expensive uh it'll up our wealth by a lot so i might not want to eat too many of them to start with so cannibalism is approved but not like required or honorable [Music] we're kind of good on stuff right now anyway who's doing the least carla let's have you uh do priority cleaning [Music] that was a manhunter that happened during the raid [Music] so so we're going to do human life corpses stranger corpse only the darkness being any good or using it for flavor my thought process is the extra aim on it is so good that if we can utilize that it'll help us survive yeah but it's kind of rough otherwise so many different ideologies one college as possible so allows you to have more than just the max two specialists oh of the leader in the priest yeah food binge it's all right more holidays as well even more as long as they uh don't oppose each other as long as they're not bigoted all right tier two we're gonna rush to tier five we're gonna wait so carla's done attack triads always go straight for your haulers promising tails and kidneys that's dead how sad that's me to make ideology that just agrees as many as possible yeah yeah this is a very good seed yeah one of the best seeds not still not the best seed i've ever found randomly but close to it top five for sure and the train linking ceremony works in line to the new ceremony ritual from ideology so yeah it's much similar to that they they change this to 1.3 now the ideology itself yeah the ceremony now is like this and the more people you have the more grass is left over afterwards so right now we'll have four grass left over which is pretty awesome uh slash and thank you guys for the follow crazed wolf lemon thank you as well so we at one point uh on a previous playthrough we're at we were to where after the ceremony eight grass was left over eight grass it's really crazy beef supreme i think you can follow as well thanks beef supreme comedy coke yeah whatever i'm getting there it's not my fault it's not my fault that's good enough what's the grass do so once you have 20 grasps you have now you can have someone with a natural meditation backgrounds travel background link with it to level up in cycasting and gain a new sidecasting skill up to level six [Music] they made the penalty worse it stacks up to 30 but it's still worth it so especially with so what they did is there was already a minus 30 penalty or it could get to minus 30 for sci focus gain and with the patch they made it so that also applies to animal grass growth but with the ability for animal grass to be left over after you use it with enough people anyway it's still super worth like still protect your tree um i don't know so the nature shrines do offset the sci-focus gain amount i'm wondering if they also offset the animal grass growth haven't tested that it's a good idea how's it going tournament renfield welcome in yeah so it does get to a minus 30 percent but with this new um events or whatever call it it doesn't seem to be a big deal [Music] god food poisoning is going through everyone i'm sorry i'm getting there what's my cooking it's our five i always want to get an end of stone you ever see one in the game the easiest way to do it is to travel to tribal bases and trade with them or invade them it's the only ways i've actually seen it some kind of threat following you two star uh no 30 for increased protection lower travel time seems very worth it yeah yeah absolutely trade-off is kind of negligible definitely [Music] a screenshot of multiple anime trees yes i do know what that's from it's to do with the new ending i don't know any other details but i know what let's do the new ending [Music] uh let's wait till nine kids things falling looking kid it's exciting yeah that's what we're trying to get to on this one all right let's get our tier two so this is the ceremony so my character is gonna get a tier two stycast when this is done and four grass will be left over well eight actually [Music] what do we get for tier two we got word of joy which is excellent and use that on rose when she gets up probably woozy needs it there we go hit woozi oh i forgot to check his consciousness oh no i put him in a coma i talked about that before so things like word of joy uh reduce their consciousness so if they're already low unconscious you can knock them into a coma no penalty for puking during the ceremony that's right sorry woozy you'll be up don't worry you're almost over there cycling talking about well you're not going to be breaking down anymore [Music] all right once again don't we done he's a little bit more woozy than he was before you thought you killed him [Music] [Music] yeah that's true i've talked about that before so if you drop conscious to zero for any reason they will die and so if you have someone that's like on anesthetic or whatever they're laying in the hospital bed and they only have 10 uh consciousness you can actually apply smoke leaf and they'll kill them so someone's laying there dying they just put the smoke leaf joint to their mouth just just breathe in just trust me no no i don't just breathe in and they just die that's rim world that's rimworld who's here you're already back up yeah he's hurry back up it's good luck let's knock welcome in another raid uh they're gonna attack immediately wheezy grab that oh god they're here immediately is right jesus okay we had enough traps good thing uh oh he's got a shield pack show packs already flak jackets strip um let's see here jolla the jogger jealous josh jaws jogger body modder social fast under gourmand they're all like okay actually but uh strip them and strip her drop some medicine we gotta get this traffic up we actually got a gun off that too rose gotta equip that and you know what just equip that too uh it's when four hours all right capture them right here in our man they were right on top of us that's kind of crazy how fast things are gonna get on top of us we're gonna have to make that tunnel a little longer uh the normal auto pistol i might just use the bow over and honestly we'll see yayo high life cannibalism colony interesting combo all right we'll get some medical experience and probably execute him as well using it so much faster than the doors he used to use yeah this setup is really nice you just gotta clean this stuff out otherwise it works better it's got some other small problems but overall i like it better heat wave oh man i was trying to not use uh passive coolers we're gonna have to [Music] heat wave [Music] i need to knock out electricity here soon i didn't get to execute him obviously got some medical experience though which is important well that's a lot of wood going but gotta do it because the heat waves my least favorite events um probably well i mean aside from the new breeches i really hate the new breeches but aside from that the most dangerous to me is generally drop pods especially because of no paws because a lot of times i'll be since it doesn't pause ever i'll be on 3x or 4x and then a drop pod raid happens and i have no time at all to react so the breaches are really annoying specifically termite breaches but um at least we have it some time to go out and handle them we've had runs just in because everyone's asleep in the barracks and suddenly drop pod raid pirates in the barracks on 3x before i can even do anything everyone's dead or dying anytime spell out never ends for 10 days that's yeah that's really bad luck because the max is like 11 and a half days you're getting maxed in every time four acts and made it were you worst rumor because stuff like that yeah absolutely bases off map are really annoying too especially late game big pirate bases [Music] go to bed and full recon armor just in case just in case make sure you're more sad i know the max is eleven yeah so you've been on the top end of it every time that's rough bottom end is like two and a half days or something crazy which i hardly ever get you you keep hitting the top end as well so play in the difficulty of rainy events it does but it also has a random multiplier from a 0.5 to a 1.5 that's applied afterwards so hey it's labor we don't have anything got me money so is it 4 4 to 11.5 yeah maybe it's four to eleven point five not two point five i think the point five i had on the i think of another event yeah i think you're right four to eleven point five or something like that but anyway point is uh those events don't scale with with uh wealth or anything like that or with threat scale luckily so you're getting the top end on those toxic fallouts just from bad luck uh randy's events do scale with wealth but also he can roll as low as a 0.5 so sometimes you'll get these raids they're like what is this like you'll you'll be at like 200 000 wealth and you'll have this tiny mech cluster and you're like what why is this mech cluster so friggin small well that's why he probably rolled at 0.5 and then other times you'll be like what it's only year two why are there 22 centipedes on their way to my base well i probably rolled the 1.5 contain the wild person give it to them really quick ah they're headed out it was made oh my god turn this off turn off fertilize eggs get that out of here there's just a chick explosion in there i threw anders on day one yeah yeah absolutely happens some of the uh when i was doing the 20-year run in fact it took us 16 attempts and part of that was because occasionally we just get killed on the first day and one of the runs i remember specifically we got like the flu or the plague on the first hour the first hour and then like hour before we got uh hunted by a wolf it's like all right well i guess i should have played better we're dead and then another one we got uh two raids on day one like one raid a couple hours in like four hours in then another one like just a couple after that before i had traps it's like well i guess i'm i guess i'm dead someone rang for chick explosion oh look at all those chickens [Music] good lord bart let's go ask me welcome [Music] [Music] there we go a wonder our first auto join other than beijing home just be slaughtered for their parents yeah all right kill let's see what you got table of violence pretty passion crafting slow learner i'm just gonna take the minus three i hate to do it but uh wait i should probably kill them because then uh it'll make raids smaller are they related to anyone no we actually have some rivals they're almost rivals with everyone we should just have them killed [Music] they're already gone yeah we'll just get them killed so we'll name that so we know at the end we could trade him into the empire but i don't really care about getting a royal title this time so sounded sterilized there they ride more meat too what square size is a 275 map 275. [Music] [Music] all right he's dead if any way you're getting rid of the pawn we'll get a moon debuff but it's still worth cut up someone in chat right for the murder send them a message uh kim j new and no cree thank you guys for awesome what kind of mood do you want to get for not um there's no mood debuff for not wearing the hood you just get a positive if you do wear it blights oh no oh no that was pretty early blight that sucks usually pretty lucky you don't get them that soon but not to this time me hey what the crap how are you going outside the er zone [Music] what what that's not good that's not good man i wish the blight cut thing got blighted was in the base game just have to micromanage this i just ignored the zone it was very weird that seems like a bug i've never had them do that before i mean they'll ignore it during breakdown or to travel between but mack oops um [Music] so all rights clues to space inside the house nope i checked er see there's nothing there they went to multiple different rooms that's the only thing so welcome back it's real really weird loyalty is greatly appreciated never had that happen before um bart thank you for the subscription bar how many months two months [Music] there we go well that was annoying starvation ah that'll be fine so what do you well yeah they hit our i already had it set up but i had to micromanage it because they were literally running so i didn't see i actually put a zone over it i set everyone's er that zone i put them all uncut plants and some of them just left the zone to come over here to the rooms and meditate it was very odd but oh well scheduling shouldn't overwrite zone allowance so it seems like a bug [Music] used to they would stay in his own until they either break or died so uh yes you get a bar oneness of the universe knows no zone boundaries did we get some fire somewhere yeah we did uh equip this actually first sorry you guys don't need a no are you actually like gonna die no it's trivial all right where we leave your bow there it is let's have movies target cause the cat meditating so doing a sign test yeah if you haven't said to anything but the zone the zone wasn't anywhere over here so they were actually going out of a zone even though they weren't having a breakdown uh which was the main thing yeah i've had that happen with the uh sci-focus allow or uh target but not leaving their zone how far can black jump i think it's three i think it's three it's either three or four but i feel like it's three ah blue barracuda thing with the following why she was seeing part of just better than her clothes yeah that's what you're talking about it's four not three thank you flight jump sounds like a side gas ability uh also double strand can't get a blind so you can actually break the blights by putting a row of double strand in between it finds you that's you and walk out stargaze into manhunting timberwolves even though they were zoned correctly yeah that's not good at all definitely a bug called my survival that's fine a lot of this ibiza 24 days quite a while quite a while this is how your research stands on uh yes yeah but i don't want to do that because we're your darkness they'll actually get a minus eight moon debuff if i do that within what what mod wife oh wrong face okay i don't know i don't know if it'll actually leap over them someone was saying they break them by putting a row of double strand i haven't tried it myself this run yeah it would be good this run but you can do that uh it will let heat out really quickly but you can do a remove sealing a tile above like the research thing so they don't get trapped indoors [Music] another raid all right what what kind was it randy's awake uh they're gonna prepare for a while okay so not a breech raid doesn't look like they're preparing for a while were you guys headed oh the empire's leaving mining crafting tough pretty good sure happy aesthetic nudist pretty good too we got that makeshift prison set up let's get this changed we're game's in the lead for my story day and next time we have a story day batman's in the lead right now no i'm probably not going to start to the mountain until the second spring hey i didn't even notice the ship chunk [Music] so i'm loathing welcome in you called for batman finish dragon age no i'm not it's on hiatus because of this release a raccoon self teams there was a tough one they might get past the traps this time we didn't even get the medicine brought in yet tribals fascination don't want that one slow learner yeah it's fine they're good otherwise but i'm gonna deal with it from you really particular early game really really picky on what we take early we're gonna run ourselves out of wood for those traps all right so basia we really need you up hopefully i have enough food for the winter when he gets here but i could execute them um here don't can't don't break that down yet do we have everyone over capture them they're not about to die they're not going to we'll get them dead let's go on conrad wilkemon wish you a world had bats issues with cannibals not wearing human leather um i have nuts i'm not have you checked their outfit restrictions like one thing i can think of okay we're going to execute them for the moon buff where's our mood buff from that plus 10 for six days that's incredible remember so they should want it yeah the only thing i can think of is check the check your clothing rules this is all but a material selection that's where pants button up oh i was thinking of tainted my bed my bad yeah there's not a material selection for some reason i read that or my brain processes tainted apparel i don't know why you'll be putting tainted on your cannibal anyway so no they're refusing to wear it that's weird it could be an actual just bug but uh i haven't done any cannibal runs since you're gonna run since uh the day this was released all right these guys need to stop eating our food so it's night time [Music] i'm not um so we started this run a little after 11. so probably about 30 minutes from now i'll do i'll split it straight the best clothing so you can trade the better clothing to the ground and force them yeah it seems like they need to add a human leather specific now thank you flip i appreciate it thank you for hanging out uh hopefully we'll see you back uncle jazz head to sleep hey ringing out sorry i missed your first couple of messages everything was kind of uh crazy when i was just starting to get things set up for this run so well thank you for sticking around wasn't intentional charizard welcome in all right deserter yeah we're not gonna do that oh the hoods are going away charizard fall almost electricity that'll help out a lot oh the chickens have the plague not so sure i care if you live you live if you don't it sucks for you all right we can close these doors back again wait are we actually getting to serve sleep no all right well we'll leave them open then just kidding just kidding rip the pile of nuggets um right now the black clothing doesn't give like a ton of mood boost it's like what a plus one i think they should change that maybe to a plus three to make it more worthwhile i don't know it just doesn't seem uh seem all that's too important barry's recoil and mountain base yeah i think i will start with the barracks in the mountain base i was thinking about that too uh we need to start planning that out so um get started on it this coming it's coming here so we're gonna mine the steel anyway so maybe that will be uh where we start our tunnel at yeah it does look pretty cool yeah can't wait for those black cataphra have you guys seen the morbid versions of like the power armor and the um the morbid version of the marine helm is a skull it's pretty awesome it's very aesthetically important uh so yeah we'll mine into there i don't want to get all that well we actually will need some of that steel here pretty soon do you have any components nearby yeah we got some burgers out for caravans i don't seem to eat chocolate if you supply that i usually send them with either a um chess board or a game of er that unless they change it that typically allows them to do their recreation while they're out [Music] those dishes makes the fact just a lot more flavorful yeah yeah i really like the spike core stuff too spike core uh that's some really awesome floors they auto use chests when they rest uh they used to at least so i haven't done it since 1.3 i don't know that that would have changed it but yeah they used to recreate if you uh give them that sort of stuff to take with them so i would usually throw like hoop stone and chess or hoop stone in gamer or um horseshoes and chests or whatever if you try and it doesn't work anymore let me know and i'll stop telling people [Music] bryce plant died from rotting oh whoops i think [Music] so we'll get that mined out should do that pretty quickly and then let's see how deep this goes [Music] for firearms recreation one of your pawns still suffers from boredom do they is it one of your leaders they have higher expectations carlo and rose in a relationship nice nice well they did get disturbed sleep my bed our ideology makes so they can't sleep together until they're married though so um mumbles and pap thank you for the following purdy hurting the camera runs tried all the wreck stuff even to billy receivable none of it works anymore that sucks cleric roll yeah those rolls take or have two higher expectations it's really pretty annoying rebuffed by woozy times three uh it's a pretty big hit that's all right planet islam based religion no nope [Music] what's going abby just wearing whatever we picked up but we started with hoods hoods like a colts statue pines again at least talk to each other seems like that's changed as well seems like recreation is a lot harder to manage now yeah i think that two tiers higher of expectations is a little severe i think maybe it should be a one because it doesn't just hurt mood it hurts things like recreation yeah yeah i guess i guess none of the recreation works yeah chocolate doesn't work anymore it's crazy i want to tell bishops up you playing with three update you agree with the two higher demand requirements yeah it's really and also it doesn't cap out so for anyone that hasn't gotten there used to when you got to sky high sky high expectations it was just a zero you just didn't get a positive anymore but now the people with rolls will have two higher so it goes um to elitist and then which is like a minus six or something and the next one that they get at sky high is -12 so you're a leader and your priest you're gonna have minus 12 for pretty much ever once you get to whatever it is 180 some thousand wealth or whatever the number i can't remember you think br and c might still work on caravans recreation electricity hooray tribals with electricity nice nice all right we're gonna grab battery welcome to the queue people joining to die it's like all rolls need to have singulan or iron will or something yeah they need to be eating only lavish food or something like it's pretty pretty crazy minus 12. tribes people are hunting mao 52 year old framer framer is construction 52 a little in the upper end we could actually kill this it's tin most of those will get taken out by the traps we're already low on food and we're having to feed this a basia person so probably not gonna do it speaking of feeding people i'm sorry little raccoon i'm going to kill you most people are going to be a colonist like three months of the future it's like 300 people or more right now but some people are in there multiple times so if they've already been in the current run they'll get skipped yeah it's like 300 people but i plan on going high population during some of this so we'll end up having quite a few goodness just be like 150 yeah it's going up there really fast like a month or so ago it was only at 150. and that's what all the names going through last week [Music] what's the max number of slaves and columns you can have there's no max i guess there might be a theoretical max to how much your computer and rimroll can handle but i've seen people with modded runs have like 500 colonists which is just ridiculous but if a pond is level 6 cycasting can you continue getting new animatry powers you cannot get new powers at tier 6 from the anime tree whoa nutrient however you can get them through neuroformers and stuff like that thanks abby nutriment we'll take that um seal here haul this instead those brought in there we go thanks randy that's right your warm clothes ah they're fine they're fine although we do have this cloth that might set some stuff up sometime and we'll do a little patch for the uh whoops um do you have any soil left that we're not utilizing no all right we'll do a little patch over here for the uh what you call it the tincture plant the dye i don't know how much we'll need let's just do a line of it here i want to say to grow i know we looked at it but i forgot it takes two days harvest yield one all right that should be plenty uh this is randy yeah i'm playing against randy going super glue crucial welcoming carlo let's get you the word of joy there carlo don't you break down [Music] that'll do i need to change this prison out minor breakdown ah he'll be fine it's all the times four good lord good lord what's the quality of this room dull because it's a beige's bedroom whatever beige prisoners we can't feed five prisoners sorry [Music] we did it for this one yeah we didn't own the last tunneler one that i did but for this one we uh we did but we enabled some of the new factions so we have some of the new cannibal faction enemies and some of the new nudist tribe enemies that we're going to try out don't know how those will be should be interesting to see you uh like hundreds of nudist tribals trying to run over the top of us at some point [Music] all right it's night time there's a predator out here let's go ahead and go kill them we have higher accuracy during the night and much much lower during the day something's now coming back to royal and ideology is crazy yeah that's a lot all at once yeah [Music] big change for you uh we're gonna do animal corpses there we're gonna allow fresh only that's you critical okay carlo all the links please anyone else nearby bart i'm sorry i'm get this rabbit [Music] thanks bart such chill music [Music] all right mining continues a war merchant we actually have some stuff we can sell you there war merchant [Music] let's see seven nine so woozi is gonna do our trading i explained the trap set up exclamation trap is a short clip that will explain it and um probably better than i could re-explain it right now but acceleration trap is just a short twitch clip but long story short it basically makes it so we can repair and build traps without tripping them and enemies will go over the traps yeah there's the there's the clip thank you come on up animatry linking again nice [Music] whoa that sucked all right i'll see what you can give them uh we're gonna sell them the goat juice all this junk we're gonna keep the molotov we'll also keep the crap this crappiest clothing we might actually need it so not a whole lot we can sell them but still lower our wealth a little bit get some stuff from them it's gonna be a long winter i might as well just buy pemmican while we can too um yeah that's great let's just [Music] oh nevermind all right bring that in bring that in bring that in it's going shambler welcoming [Music] how long until beijing is up asia will need their own rooms we're doing it this way so maybe i'll go ahead and start moving these man they oh they don't care about tight spaces i forgot about that nice [Music] tellers don't care about tight so okay so this night time we'll link with the great anime tree to get our tier three [Music] similarly most american offices with that set up here welcome to your cubicle this is where your spirit will die hopefully not your physical form all right let's do it [Music] the wage cage welcome to the wage cage really curious what uh we're going for tier three uh we got vertigo pulse next vertigo pulls very good why so many research benches because the more people researching the faster research goes so what i like to do is i like to put everyone on four for research even if they're bad for it or i'm bad at it and then every time someone goes idle i throw down another research bench it makes the research go much much much faster [Music] yeah so the more people we have researching the fat the more points get poured into the research and we're tribal so our research point amount that we need is is uh pretty hefty so it's pretty good mining speed though huh what is blasphemy uh let's shrink this nice i could soothe yeah let's just shrink it a little bit there we go what kind of blocks we got yeah we got some sandstone still start over with the new in-game yes it does it does do they not care about room quality no they still do they just don't care they don't get the so the space still impacts room quality but they don't get the you know confined or whatever the debuffs are but yeah they still care about the room quality all right battery is done very nice on smithing power okay we need to make sure there's a roof over that battery there already is nice foreign yeah this is our forever run so i lost in the world map does that mean you can have more than one colony in the same world yes you have up to five i usually have more than one so in that you just go into options and right here maximum number of colonies put up to five without mods uh you can settle them temporarily to harvest stuff go to ancient dangers or you can actually set up multiple colonies and almost all my playthroughs end up having multiple colonies going in fact in the melee run that we completed the melee challenge a couple weeks ago i think i had four up at one time at one point and go to explanation melee if you wanna check out that playlist yeah that one was last wednesday i think actually [Music] uh it's not in dev mode option though i i don't know it's been it's been not a dev mode option since at least one point oh ever zoo biome challenges yeah we actually did a frozen tundra all the way until we're building the ship last uh what when 1.3 was announced but it just depends on what we're doing so we'll definitely get some more of those at some point [Music] we do not have any venerated animals on this run though yeah this is gonna be a long run the new ending is gonna take a long a long time to get sued so it's probably this runs probably gonna be multiple multiple weeks that's if it goes well it goes well it'll be multiple weeks you guys here for the long run long haul all right we're gonna do uh cook simple meal times four cook small meal times one top one we're going to go to do until we have x we're going to set this for not 209 20. we're going to pause until it gets back down to tin this one we're not gonna allow vegetarian same thing here so we have x 20 10 turn off vegetarian now we're gonna copy these again and we're going to turn on vegetarian for the bottom two it's all out so that we don't need a fridge or freezer for a very very long time so what this does is if we have meat they will cook that meat into simple meals we have enough to make four at a time they'll make forest time we don't they'll make one at a time we don't have any meat then they'll go and they'll start using the vegetables anything blocking that no we're good thousand hour run god i hope not two hour streams were long it'll be multiple streams yeah mountainous ice sheet run with a tunneler precept that should be interesting in this opens up so much [Music] [Music] our modest fellowship expands praise the sub who's that uh psycho was here with the twitch prime thank you psycho counseling was a tier one sub thank you for the sport what you love to psycho we actually had a a new record for subs last week i could not believe it it was like some kind of fever dream uh i think you guys helped me get to that it's been it's been insane all right we'll go and make a bad probation sought to lord i think with the we're gonna need well not quite as much wood anymore [Music] [Music] i hate the storage so much feels like a hoarder house advertising meat first is smart never seen that before so a lot of my first like thousand years in rim world thousand years thousand hours god i was on the 20-year run i thought there anyway yeah i played rimworld for a thousand years my first thousand hours or so i always rush for freezers always just get to electricity get cooling as fast as possible and then i realized that you can you just don't need a freezer for a super long time as long as you're not having to store lots of meat by setting up cooking things like this where you're not over producing meals this rice lasts for 40 days unrefrigerated corn lasts for 60. so you just don't need i sent it you to 1 000 years on the rim 1 000 years i knew it yeah thousand years uh reusing the ball what when were you a thousand years on the whim lizard people all right what quality is that poor bed we're gonna make a new one we're gonna make new beds until it's at least good quality poor yeah let's just eat through all of our woods fine transhumanist confirmed really meant when he said he sculpted his own body come on hey we got it all right i mean in ancient danger speaking of we need to pop those sometimes yeah i actually do vince in this as well i don't know we'll see we'll see see how multiple people are researching right now we have another person idle so we need to make another one of these and we have another person idol where's the table over um that's fine some home redecorating drive upon mining not yet not yet start moving into the mountain in year two most likely [Music] what's going on it's derek were you deck uh noodles welcoming monster you just died evil area by one percent 13 10 with glitteral medicines whoa was it a self tin in a really terrible area or what that's really low for glitter world it's kind of crazy zero percent light terrible environment self tint it was indoors clean and lit area was the person doing it like super low manipulation i guess by that time they probably were huh super low manipulation self tinned or something uh naked brutality sucks though still uh working on the tiny map welcome to the queue two major or medicine skill oh that'll do it oh i see what was going on this is the prison that's why they weren't hauling it like no we have lots of food what are you guys doing oh i see i see so perfect prisons to break people in right i've started using worse prisons now so i used to make good prisons so that people would join quick more quickly now i have these crappy as work as bad as i can get them prisons because it's easier to break people's ideologies that way so i put them in there i make them have a crisis of faith and then once we convert them then i put them in the good prison until we can recruit them social skill increase too yeah yeah that's true looks like buffalo numbers rapidly going up i think so i think they rebalance all that yeah the cia method malaria that's just a roll yeah yeah it's true sounds like something tunneling cult would do um i actually really want that a beach person to get up are you unhappy someone is feeling fat a little bit a little bit let's go ahead and hit them with the word of joy hopefully i don't knock you unconscious this time there we go i might actually do vince i usually don't no i probably still won't honestly the door feeling festive we're off by rose got a lot of that going around apparently all right let's put uh animal zone out here there you go there you go one of them can already haul though that's all right uh nab and sanchez thank you guys follow welcome in senior placement matter in the room not really the reason the reason i put it at least i don't think so uh here is because i don't want it to block near a door so we can have the three-person choke but i spread them out so they don't both ones don't get destroyed it seems you know same time everything were to happen but i do not have the word to love zycast yet no not yet all right um man i guess we're just gonna finish off this steal [Music] a little worried about that but this person chokes like something from the hub the hub i don't know what you could possibly mean by the hubs i don't even know why i'm setting to destroy those doesn't do anything look at that smithing died watching my stream after you woke up funny i give to the sub magma that's awesome joe sadly singer follower welcome in all right start planning some stuff out while they're getting this research done so i might use a different kill setup than what i usually do for this playthrough um let's go ahead and mark the back wall so don't have to worry about that [Music] we'll start our tunnel here throughout the map when you hunt them yes it is it's really annoying they run really like they go a lot further now now they can escape by running off the map yet uh word of love um i i like yeah i like all those word of love word of joy word of inspiration is insanely good um yeah all really good stuff let's go ahead and finish premiere joy wires can be really good you just it's so the problem with all those is the consciousness hit right so you got to be careful but as long as you're really careful about the conscious hit and definitely worth yeah i'll show show that so for anyone that doesn't know if you're wanting to do a mountain base you can actually scan the mountain for overhead mountain or excuse me to openings before you do it so to do that [Music] select someone give them a melee weapon so spear a log excuse me whatever you want to do but select it draft them click to attack and melee with their weapon and hover over the mountain you can scan like this and if you see the icon for the weapon then it's um not open but if you see that you see that cancel mark that means that's open to the sky so you can you can check that just by doing this and then you can mark it so that you don't dig there so i highly recommend doing that for the edges especially so you don't open up a new path into the map um but yeah you can use that so you don't need dev mode or anything like that if you see the cancel mark it means there's it's open to the sky because you can't there's nothing there to attack so you know it's open so if you like doing mountain bases highly recommend doing that trick especially near the edges because for anyone that doesn't know mountains a lot of times they're more just like fog of war and you can open huge openings even all the way to the edge and enemies won't attack you from that edge if it remains fog of war but as soon as that path is open you cannot close it back because you can't build past that point and then you're gonna have some problems yeah you click the melee attack button with a melee weapon and you do that don't let time to know he'll fix it yeah ancient dangers too at least you used to be able to yeah with ancient dangers as well [Music] i don't remember i know it's required obviously for advanced research but i don't remember if it's actually faster too all right so i think i'm going to do like a 2 18. you still use the anime tree in your buildings yeah it's only a thirty percent hit so very well worth it still watch a lot of my darkest dungeon series ready bio and sorry for tennessee what grand division are you from i don't know what grand division means um i i'm from near near-ish chattanooga hamilton county it's only 30 percent less growth and sci focus speed yet that's it all right um so let's say we do a three wide tunnel there no i don't want to do that yeah yeah i think the bio does say near chattanooga right so yeah southeast southeast the mountainy-ish parts uh so we have an opening there let's do a single tunnel in a couple of tiles and then we'll do double after that probably not all the way but i'm just going to mark it for now and then we want some traps in and then we'll do the kill set up like over in this area see if that palacio returned to the mountains uh no there are no mountains here that's friggin sure i'm in indianapolis now it's all completely flat waste this is on my map today and everything that was open was caves oh yeah yeah it just is an open area so it doesn't always mean open to the sky but it means it's an open area so be careful especially when they're at the edge um we'll do let's see i want to leave that one so we can do bedrooms over that way and then we'll do like the initial barracks here i suppose okay and then we'll want a three wide hallway going up that so kilton will be around here i suppose guild tunnel is gonna be 11 wide by about 18. so that'll be the initial one and i don't think that's anywhere near the opening so that should be okay uh no i haven't set one of those up yet stop box i really need to i was going to yesterday but i was kind of knocked out from the vaccine i had a reaction to it so but i'll make one yeah but basically you can do either a four four four split or a three three six uh three wreck three sleep six anything or you do four four four depending on how much of a mood boost and we'll switch over it once you get the mountain dug out [Music] um yeah yeah i haven't added it to the command but thank you louise yeah if you want to have the discord uh thank you please you'll see a clip of it i haven't made a command for yet um i think i'm just gonna bang out research i think when i'm banging out research we're gonna just hunker down and we're going to get to smgs and then we're going to get to flack make sure the investigation will spawn up to your place we're attacking immediately oh god they're here we're so close to the edge of the map right there so how many was that about six so there should be about that many down here no this is smaller three okay we gotta make that longer what's up dog then five hours quick sleeper underground or slow learner good plants plants and shooting tries people a fortune [Music] come on over some trap inspectors are here uh those guys are gonna die it's too cold out there it's another good thing about the three wide is you can put a campfire or a torch in there to keep them alive um in your base yeah that that's that's that's true you can so infestations won't spawn if it's uh under negative 17 degrees celsius if you made everywhere else cooler left one room where they can actually spawn temperatures up that should do it four hours woozy uh we're more likely to want this one so this one we will execute let me boost is it possible and worth trying to team bugs apparently you can team bugs but uh i haven't done so since before 1.0 so i don't know how worth it it is does it seem worth it yeah i haven't but haven't done it a very long time i only had one and it caused so much freaking filth all right that's a real cryo casket it's a couple of mega scarabs didn't seem worth very much all right i'm going to split this recording for youtube the stream is going to continue but i am going to split this here so it doesn't get too long at the end of that range good place to split it in the beginning of yayo
Channel: Adam Vs Everything
Views: 106,503
Rating: 4.8776469 out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld ideology, rimworld 1.3, rimworld 1.3 ideology, rimworld ideology let's play, rimworld archonexus, rimworld archo nexus, rimworld ideology playthrough, rimworld 1.3 playthrough, rimworld ideology gameplay, rimworld 1.3 gameplay, rimworld ideology tunneler, rimworld ideology darkness, rimworld ideology supremecist, rimworld ideology human primacy, rimworld new ending
Id: HhNreA67l1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 34sec (13294 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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