RimWorld - Origins of Magic / Building an Oasis

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hey everybody welcome to the premiere of origins of magic so at this point if you haven't read up on the lore it is going to confuse you just a little bit I have a two-minute video that is a sort of world lore primer or you could go to the website radda Montcalm slash origins and I have written out the lore with that said there are some simple rules to follow the dark arts including the dark arts artifacts are prohibited we can't recruit allies so if allies are downed we don't just you know imprison them no duplicate classes that's gonna be a tough one to follow but we'll have to nonetheless corpse and incapacitated looting is forbidden and we can't recruit or tame monsters what I determine is a monster is a little subjective but there it is the goals establish an enclave where magical magically and physically talented and visuals are welcomed close all the rifts defeat the Lich Tim now for defeating the Lich Tim we aren't necessarily going to defeat them everywhere on the entire world map because the world is rendered at a hundred percent and there's probably multiple real-life years worth of Lich Tim out there but we'll we'll defeat them locally defend against the feudal lords and the mage hunters but treat the Fallen individuals ethically which means if possible to rescue or not rescue but like imprison and release feudal lords and mage hunters we will do that and then safeguard the world from monsters that one's pretty straightforward hey everybody thank you all for tuning in I'm really excited about this one this has been in the works for weeks now long story short rim world of magic is a unbelievably complicated mod oh thank you crimson rest happy about the new series crimson rust actually is right here as a starting character but I digress so rimbor all the magic is very very very complicated if you want to replicate this series well as I've written already on the website you probably can't and I wrote why but but essentially there's a lot of mods at play and there's no way for you to get those mods at play working for you correctly on your machine I really wish I could but but here we go let me give you a little tour so we're starting off in this desert this desert is just a little bit north of where I referenced in the in the promo in the trailer video oh also raptor talon thanks for all the gifts to the community that's very generous so if we take a look at the world here i've done a little bit editing in this individual tile so we've got the great lobster forest and the new rue forest and they're obviously pretty thickly settled by the confederacy of lords and we've got some major hunt errs thrown in around there we've got some boundary forts here up here in the desert we are currently hiding in a little mountainous tile just off the road we're gonna tuck ourselves away so that we can't be found by the confederacy of lords too easily obviously there's a whole lot of them if you look at the world the world is full of confederacy alerts we can't take them all on and then also out here is the for ellis horde they are sort of a savage tribe the factions that we've got here so there's the confederacy of lords they're essentially the civil kingdom that hates magic and they're everywhere they're ubiquitous and all-powerful you know at the present moment because our heroes here are not very high level and re and RV thanks for the sub and then you've got the fur ellis hoard nobody likes the hoard they're just feral humans whatever the Rif did it turned them feral and they just try to kill everyone and everything so they like no one you've got the mage hunters which are in league with the confederacy of lords the mage hunters are sort of elite soldiers oh wow crimson race thanks for the additional gifts so the mage headers are very very scary they're very powerful individuals you have the of a knocko tribe they are sort of neutral with everybody no one will fight them they will fight no one but the late no one's friends with delicious you got the Sears who's obviously hostile with the same people we are and and then the Lich's who are just totally against everybody everybody and that's the way they are so we're starting off in this little desert Isle we're pushed into the desert by the Confederacy of Lords they obviously are taking all of the nice tiles for themself think any of you can see fans think you know you've got the Confederacy lords they're kind of like the holy nation so what we're gonna do is we are going to settle a teeny little probably in here we are gonna settle a little Inlet a little sort of making our own cave so let me introduce you to the characters here we have got Nolan Nolan is a hunter here these are the hunting skills all of this of course is not vanilla this is part of rumor all of magic he's starting off with arrow storm poison trap and animal bond Wow Oh for everyone gifting out subs and everything thank you so very much cheese who's a lightning mage unfortunately cheese didn't start off with any spells himself but he'll get them shortly droid in who's a geomancer rust or crimson rustier who is uh they drew it and then shield who is a Bladesman and if you take a look at their current skills here they are so nurlan of course he's a very good bowman good cook animals social cheese shooting crafting medical and intellectual you've got droid in whose mining construction crafting an art rust who ease medical plants animals intellectual and shield brawling or melee construction mining and social now that i've run you through all that let me get the bots back up as I didn't want the primer sort of interrupted by that so we are settling somewhere in here like I said so initially what I'm gonna do is just dump a whole bunch of stock piles there first things first let's get some weapons now if you're curious about the mob loadout everything is the formal model our dad is set up in on the website but that isn't all the mods I created a lot of mods I created probably wrote hundreds of lines if not thousands of lines of code for this not so much code but like XML and stuff like that redesigning the way the game handles backgrounds and traits and races and all that stuff so thank you too let's see I got a catch-up OBX for the sub Wolff for the gift and sub or the gift rather oh boy hypetrain alright so starting off what we want to do is the very basic get some doctoring in firefighting patient bed rest basic magic is something a little bit different I'll explain it when it becomes relevant it is not relevant yet rust the druid should start planting stuff and Droid instert should start mining stuff now there is a type of resource called magicite Raptor Talent thanks for the bits there's a and you get ret magicite just by sort of harvesting tiles and the like so initially what I'm going to do is grow some potatoes and we are going to get Wow look at this look at this hype train thanks everybody for the bits and the hype alright callin us in these names I don't know if everybody is currently here but I know crimson rust is here just sort of tag me if you are except for right now there's a ton to look at right shield I don't want you mining so there are some changes that were made in the traits here so for instance Dryden being a geomancer gets increased mining speed and increased mining yield also increased carrying capacity at a cost of like move speed melee dodge and things like that global learning factor so what I need to do is make it I need to be very careful about wow bash teddy thanks for all the gifts you guys are awesome all of these starting five characters are predetermined they're named after already subs but for future characters ones that we add as the course of time goes on they will be raffled off just like every other series so would as you can see here is a very rare resource and we're gonna have to be careful about not using all that up the first things we want to do is to get things like research going and get a butchery going man you guys are incredible look at this hype train that your uh your rocking and a fueled stove alright we'll get those set up I don't really have a building for them yet so let's start using some magic so Jordan here is gonna use something called earth sprites and what earth sprites do if I create a new zone Old Earth sprites what earth sprites will do is it actually will improve the soil over time it is a magical ability that druids have or geomancer's have rather to magically imbue the the terrain I can't even keep up with the the chat here you guys are awesome I'll definitely have to thank you ho at one point absolutely incredible what's the most difficult part about modding rimworld and the associated xml's um there is a lot of mmm that's a really good question I would say the most difficult part is there's a lot of little places that things can become a problem so let's say you're trying to get rid of components you can there are many different places where you'd have to oh wow oh he just got a little bit of inspiration inspired champion cool and yeah I would say sort of the world building because origins of magic is sort of built and designed to take place in an immediate evil world and rim world by default isn't medieval and as a result you know you end up getting yeah you have some problems so Norlin is Raptor talent so let me get that set up now what one thing that is very different than some of my last series oh and shields here as well is there is no trait buying and there is a very functional reason for this okay and the reason for it is there's a lot of traits that shouldn't you shouldn't be able to buy and if I allowed trait buying it would break the game so there are traits like lightning mage whereas obviously this is a trait and if you are a lightning mage you could hypothetically also buy like necromancer but obviously that's against the rules but the only way for me to stop that is to disable treat buying entirely oh my god you guys are incredible look at this crazy hype train you guys are ridiculous so here here we here we go let me get shield assigned as well I can keep up with the chat so other things I need to say very clearly is this game is not balanced you can become ridiculously strong like it would not surprise me if some of the characters specifically these sort of attack mages get to a point where they can take out an entire city by themselves I'll repeat that for you an entire city by themselves um oh my god you guys are just going crazy here and I do entirely entirely plan on getting to a point where everyone in this everyone in this community can wipe out hordes and throngs of enemies I mean that's the whole idea behind this this is like you know Heroes of Might & Magic this is like the level 20 D&D that's what we're aiming for so I'm not gonna pull punches and I'm not going to play these characters as if they're nerfed we're going to get ridiculous with this we're gonna be like cyber beat level 100 here alright so the first things we obviously need to do is some food this is obvious so let me let me work on there are so many different types of meats here this is a byproduct of some of my modding unfortunately I don't think I'm gonna be harvesting any humans that's not much of a problem so let's go ahead and show you some of these abilities I am going to have nurlan who's taken a Lobel of rest hunt some of the on some of the local dromedaries and you can see how amazing some of these abilities can become we are also getting buildings up so let's see I'm gonna put this here with a dump zone I'm gonna try to do it quickly so we just want corpses that are fresh of animals and then so that we don't end up like food poisoning ourselves right at the bet I'm gonna make a very very crude building here which will enable research so here's our research tree it's pretty simple but then there's also magical research now a lot of these magic research is not all that important until we research some things ourselves so although we're not tribal we start off with sort of a tribal level of research here so we don't even know how to make complex furniture so obviously that's gonna be first is the code of my mods open source so read up on the website about that but basically even if it was open source it won't work for you I know sounds rude but there's a ton of individual little settings that need to be perfectly replicated for this to even work so here is arrow storm is not a very high level for arrow storm so as you can see something along the lines of three-fifths that missed but still pretty awesome then the less especially when that starts leveled up so the way to level up here is using magical abilities levels you up and the level ups are totally different there's a different XP pool so really anything oh he's using hero storm to finish off this dromedary and there it goes so using your abilities will level up your class so as you can see nurlan here is 174 out of 500 to level up shield is 33 and then the mages have their own sort of pool so droid n' has a little bit more level up because he's he's using his uh earth sprites to improve the soil where is you know cheese here is gonna have a little bit of hard time level up so what i'm gonna do immediately is a let's not commit any war crimes and let's get let's get some tables or a table let's also get some basic recreation and you guys are a me look at this you guys are popping off like crazy I probably will even jump to to research benches just so that I can hammer out the research more quickly [Music] let's butcher creatures and simple meals Merlin you are our cook our hunter I'm training level 4 well thank you you guys are awesome I love the support this is this is I probably worked on the mods here for I don't know 150 hours and you guys are making it worth it 100% so taking a look at the wildlife here there are already Marty's creatures here and if you recall some of our team are these creatures are horrifyingly strong and that should also pose an interesting mechanic here in fact as you can see there's a new armor type called harmony harmony is magic resist and some of the creatures added into this mod I modified them to also have magic resistance so that they'll be harder for our mages to kill otherwise you know mages would be able to just poof enemies out of existence so what I'm gonna do is let's have a little food stockpile I'm not gonna organize this just yet cuz this is not of course the sort of final layout of anything so we have a little bit of potatoes here but I feel like growing a whole lot of potatoes I'd like to have a decent amount of food but it's gonna be tricky because we really have to carve out an existence from from like nothing which is okay I name the other one taters sure fair enough mud coins for Klein yeah absolutely so give I'm gonna give you a thousand karma and it maxes out but alright now you have more coins than you could ever really use so we are currently sleeping on the ground which is not ideal I am I made food at focus but that cost of you know parking our butts on the ground here so for tomorrow I hope to have some sort of bedroom or barracks or something like that trader ship should not be an option don't vote for that one I don't think it's gonna do anything so we don't yet have complex furniture so we're gonna be bed rolling it up we've got enough camel hide for one bed but the first thing I'm researching here is complex for any complex furniture so we should have you know the the basic requirements of four bedrooms soon I'm gonna take auto home zone off and I'm gonna use this as a natural trip point now from a role-playing standpoint we're supposed to be somewhat hiding in the mountains which is why I'm not you know settling right here out in the open the idea is to limit our visibility be fast forward because everyone's asleep mention you need to whisper but yes so when you're voting here you actually have to physically whisper the bat so it's like /w read twitch bot and then 1 2 or 3 4 your choices here because it won't count in chat all of the directions are up on the website and you'll get to you'll you'll understand how you know this works within a few just a few minutes of using it is really not fortunately not that complicated so for some other crops that we need to grow let's get them set up as well I'm gonna actually move that bed roll so what else do we want we want kill group but that's going to take a good long time in these sort of terrible Oh chickens a lot of a lot of hens I think we're going to be eating some chickens here I'm just gonna put them I want them to stay away from my crops so the way earth sprites work and this explains it if you read our sprites but essentially the terrain will automatically improve where there's earth sprite tile so as you can see where I started earth sprites here it actually became rich soil the penalty of this of course is it absolutely trashes your mana regen and your mana pool to have earth sprites up so slowly over the course of time I'm gonna be able to terraform a lot of this area to be rich soil which will be incredible but that does make it hard for Jordan here to use the rest of his mana pool just you know the the the issues of being a doom answer I suppose oh man all right let me try to catch up on chat is not so easy there's a ton of stuff going on so under find magicite here our magic site whatever you want to call it is a very very critical resource that this mod requires that is sort of the it's the bottom of the you know it's the fundamental component of of a lot of the magical crafting that we're gonna end up wanting so we're getting some here route but that's gonna take ages and ages and ages to grow as it should you know this is crummy soil for now the other sort of farm I'm gonna grow these cycloid and there we go go race for speed um in low fertility tiles rice is actually worse than potatoes rice has a a fertility sensitivity so using it is actually pretty bad all right taking a look at the work priorities shield I want you constructing exclusively rust because he's a druid he has a huge bonus too if we take a look here he has a huge bonus to plant work speed 25% plant yield harvest yield 25% so you really want your druids managing your farm fields and you do not want them you don't want you do not want anyone else doing it and the same applies to droid in and the mining year he said you could think of Jim answers is sort of like dwarves in that way alright I'm just checking if a crippled farmer well that's perfect you're also a quick sleeper and an optimist in iron-willed you're not gonna fail this community see if Jordans here oh all right so the other two will be unassigned for now so we've got two little bed rolls they're gonna help eventually for travel the cheese is actually doing some punting beautiful what I'm gonna do is have cheese prioritize now these done shooting a little bit have cheese prioritize intellectual pursuits he's sort of the smartypants in the group let's cook until we have ten and try to limit our hunting looks like we've got some fennec foxes that are being eaten by iguanas that's an interesting matchup all right there we go we've got a whole load mined out and what I could do to these empty spots here that are just rough limestone for now is to set these up as bedrooms also another thing as the terrain tiles improve it has a chance to create magicite as well as you can see I'm getting magicite from terraforming the ground and also from mining the the hills I cannot stress enough that magicite is a very very important resource on the other hand tsoi's bedrooms so for now this looks to be a site of a very basic bedroom and I'm gonna get these guys proper bedrooms eventually it's just you know it's early on they got a they got to be able to squat squattin the hobbles oh i just cut off a ton of that grows on that didn't I that's one do that this is gonna be a very strange bedroom I'm just tossing them together just to have like some sort of roof over their head so they don't sleeping outdoors on the ground and then I end up having like a mood debuff of like a billion and have them you know rubella on me that's that's the hope okay we are moving up on the complex furniture thanks I'm glad that you guys appreciate the trailer I'm gonna try to do that more often cut my teeth on a little bit more video editing from here there you're absolutely welcome for all the cool interaction content I've tried to do the best I can to be as entertaining as I can I'm absolutely florid how supportive you all are so this is the very least I could do so another thing I should be I should want to do quickly we have a lot of soft sand in here so soft hand is another whoa okay so here we go I think people are hitting the fifty minimum of your 500 minimum of sending stuff so yes there's a lot of stuff coming all right one two three four I need one more bedroom normally I would read through all this but I'm simply not to be able to get through all of these so for everyone that just sent me stuff thank you so very much so one of the things that I should tell you if you're unfamiliar with the room world of magic men potions help to refill your mana pool but they're all so addictive and they're also kind of like a it produce a high that you can OD on like wake up so here droid in just took one because his mana was particularly low due to earth sprites so he has an arcane high which means it's consciousness is way up but his sight moving is low and you definitely don't want to Oh Dion mana pots so thank you for that we are almost done with complex furniture that's gonna be really really nice and all these you know what I'm going to do um chickens I don't necessarily want to slaughter you just yet oh look there's a visitor here I know visit us he's uh cheesy female sea mage staff the defender oh you have a wand of fire for sale that's pretty cool you're an arcane mage so as you can see here I am this is a great example I totally changed the way that races and traits work so the arcanist is an arcane mage that is no mistake that took a lot of a lot of doing and then a human with talents of high magic they are a type of human I know that's a little strange it is it is of course against the rules to forcibly recruit our allies so it's not like I can bludgeon her over the head and tell her to join although when archanis would be pretty nice so if you're curious the Lightning mage is sort of a destruction mage there's three types of destruction mages there's lightning fire and ice and then you've got whoa okay there you had shield using a space strike just to blink he is likely going to level up pretty quick by doing that a lot just to keep that in mind okay so we have enough cloth for another bed but I think I'm gonna wait cuz right now oh no come on just just get it done there we are complex furniture is done the next thing I want to do probably is stone cutting for now our clothing shouldn't you know our clothing that we have on our body should be okay for the meantime I'm just gonna have to click off of all of this there's too much okay so complex furniture is a really nice one because that allows us to sleep comfortably some of these bedrooms suck we will absolutely make them nicer as time goes on sleeping outdoors on the floor and then we probably don't want this stuff decaying we're gonna need some sort of stock storeroom of sorts as well what I'll do for now is to put a little stockroom here which we'll have to do so you guys are sending Jade silver remaining pots ambrosia Oh something I have not yet done is a drug policy so let's do moot drugs and for now it's going to be like psych I only if mood is below only life mood is below 88 and that's what we're gonna start on just because we have a lot of work to do and a beer and wine would slow us down the consciousness Crips addresses for my research you give me some wine it's poor wine I don't know I don't know if you want pour one trait with the visitor yes I will be doing that so shield is our in-house social it's funny cuz he's bloodless brawler tough but also you know as a way with words I guess it's mostly intimidate oh we've got some more magicite is the tech captives well so here look this is the tech tree as you can see there is no electricity we're obviously not in modern times more cloth thank you alright shield I know you slipped on the ground hey let me uh wrong strum I don't have stuff I'm actually gonna sell you now I'll keep the one I don't really have anything that to sell so it if see this little red simple red over sprung I don't know how clear it is for all of you that's an indicator of their class so all of ours have it as well these sort of spirally things is sort of magic and then the helmets are combat Might and Magic right so visitor from the Sears is pushing and we've got a raid from the Confederacy of Lords little female peasant let's see I'm going to demonstrate the power that is blade master or Bladesman because he's not a master yet so see this mountain where we're going we don't need mountains he just yes link teleport stabbed thorn banks I also think your hair just changed colors and then when they die their gear disappears there is no corpse looting and one of the mods I have installed is does just that it's removes loot so you can't you know accidentally take stuff Oh Annie's gone I love it yes so as I said shield is a level zero and he just turned this Raider into a heap of ash yeah it is not balanced however the AI does have the ability to use magic as well well it's evident because sprung strong here is an arcane but some of the factions lick the Lich's are 100% magic or the mage hunters are a hundred percent Mike for the most part so if I get a raid of mage hunters for instance almost every single Raider will be you know a gladiator or Bladesman or a hunter or something along those lines they are elite and they are strong thanks for the magicite so one question I have for all of you and I'll probably take it at the end is obviously I'm reusing my wardens vidura soundtrack which is pillars of eternity and divinity for this but if you have suggestions for soundtracks that aren't going to get me in hot water with copyright claims I am totally I mean obviously I can't change it midstream but I'm totally up to do that so Rob resources I guess we should call this I'll just call it raw resource Rob resources are going to go out here - plant matter and wood and then also I want my magicite out here as well not refined I should say I refined major site and then everything else is going to go with stockpile - so if you have ideas for potential soundtracks I can't obviously take them now but if you want to message me at the end of the stream that would be much much cool okay I'll start to put the drugs away as well so we're starting to get some very basic beds I'm going to remove the camel hides soon and use them for travel and then one of the high things on my list of things to do is once we've secured you know the basic food and and that kind of thing we will we'll be making good bedrooms and stock rooms and things like that so if you're asking what cerium does cerium is sort of a learning speed increase drug also addictive you make cerium by refining a plant and then the plant has a byproduct I will show this once I actually have some farmland we're actually starting to get some decent farmland here so the way this works is it starts off as you know stony soil then it becomes soil and then it becomes rich soil and then the earth sprites will move on to a new tile and I don't think I can terraform soft sand soft sands a little bit different because it's kind of like watery and I believe I can terraform that with a fire mage but um but dried in here should be able to improve the soil all the sand and all of the stony soil here - rich obviously that all of it is going to take forever but yeah I'll be pretty important so we also have the ability to make a sculptor I'm not gonna worry about sculpting just yet I want to get through some of the basic research here stone cutting complex clothing maybe smithing - cuz shield would be better suited to have maybe a shield his name is shield after all and then Jordan is going crazy mining up we'll have plenty of steel so what one thing I might want to do is I know it's steel and not a particularly tough material but get some basic steel defenses here just like a wall yes you are gonna see shield popping in and out of existence constantly that's just a nature of this of the mod and actually eventually almost everybody is going to act that way which is pretty funny the mages have the ability to get blink and neural in here won't be able to blink around but okay everybody's hair is turning red let's just pretend I meant for that to happen but nurlan here is gonna come really really fast fleet a foot maybe throw a few steel traps near the door um I would but I'd prefer doing the killing myself because it levels me up using the combat abilities is a really good way top bedroom needs a roof it does all right so we have some awful awful awful bedrooms here one look where'd he go there he is one way to improve it a little bit is end tables and dressers got another visitor from the Abba NACO tribe that is a name I'm not going to try to pronounce he's just a kind underground er with a wooden foot Oh bummer alright anything poor or lower I'm going to discard excellent alright we're getting some very basic bedrooms or just go toss a coin to your stream I love that I was actually sort of interested or I was contemplating a sort of Witcher themed series given that I'm a huge fan of The Witcher and don't spoil it I actually haven't seen the shows yet I've been too busy working on this but I I'm planning on it for sure how do you even light here how do you that even light here what what do you mean that's silver by the door no it's steel there are I'm sure a lot of really useful rare resources I saw a note of gold out here I actually haven't scouted this map not there's the gold there's some more gold here Gold is another important resource in this Jade is actually maybe even more important another thing is if you might have noticed there are no ruins this is a ruinous desert and there are no ruins anywhere not really Oh a competent cook what is its clean in here so it's Lisa's not due to it being dirty okay so what should my faction be called uh I don't know probably not the Empire all right the Raiden and written refuge why not unoriginal I can always change it later by console hacking the rad resistance I like how this guy is respecting my door he's like I'm not coming in you guys don't want me yeah this is somewhat um this this harkens to a little bit of a like Xavier school of the gifted for sure absolutely I can see the cross over there I won't deny that it's not even a bad thing to be associated with in my mind we've got garu and dromedaries I don't think I'm ready for um animal husbandry yet obviously I barely security source of food for myself but that's that's a thought so the first thing is to mine up all the natural steel in the base this offers up additional rooms this might dromedary meat is rotting away so what I'm gonna do with the rooms that I'm getting here someone is vomiting up a storm is turn this into somewhat of a makeshift kitchen now eventually I'm not gonna utilize only the the rough stone as a pseudo exploit to not have filth as you will see filth does not stay a problem there is a mage ability that sort of cleans up dirt for you which is pretty cool nice there's the butchery zone he is teleport around like a madman so here's our little kitchen all we need to do is what I think what I'm gonna do is for now because we don't have any source of cooling that obviously will get added in later if it's not again magic so for now what we're gonna do is just have the dining room in here because it will be nice and temperate and I'll have a giant stockpile for food simple meals we're gonna make it important that simple meals are right there and then meat important for actually let me not do it that way meat it's easier to for me to deselect rather than to select I think so no meals complex cooling is done um next up double strand or smithing probably smithing although the meat is selected by default alright that's gross all these veggies now there is a sort of undesirable type of vegetarian in this game now I hope you got a mad rack coming in I think we're okay with it which is the mashed Polana that is not very tasty food where is this mad rat you are gonna get killed by Merlin probably or rust someone I don't know let's try to use some magic so this is a ability called poison and it creates a sense of pain without really wounds oh and it destroyed the lil rat's heart the bigger you are obviously the less effective it is so if I was to do that to a thrombo it's not really gonna have any effect on a thrombo but a little rat yeah little rat stands no chance little rat is definitely a dead little rat did I set up veggies okay let's get rid of that that's gonna be my crafting slush research room yeah for your first kill exactly alright so chocolate kibble stuff like that where is the now area one should not include this area here chicken how are you even in there yeah that's right kiddo so the few potatoes that are growing on the fertile soil is gonna grow a little bit faster Wow thanks for the resep keep going alright so these bedrooms are still quite dull dull awful awful alright so they're bad I'll a minute hey cheese before you go to sleep a little bit nicer alright here is another event skill increase rare thrum boughs or wild human and just a reminder you have to whisper the but the whisper rent which bond with your entries just one two or three and I do believe I've set it up Oh Nora Lynn because of his food poisoning even though he was recovering he is sad wandering well we have a lot of pemmican so we can rely on pemmican for a while if we need to in terms of health and food sustenance just taking a quick poke around the map seeing if there's any natural Jade Jade is one of those materials that will become increasingly more useful later on and I'm not really seeing any what dead skin spider though Thank You bone dog only and the dead bone dog they killed each other our infestations possible they are yes an extra chocolate a lot of people here want wild humans that might might become a thing that we can add the group Raptor town thanks for the bits for the the viewercount yeah they're most awesome alright so one thing I would like to do is to try to get our guys I'm gonna turn on a lot of their skills on automatic so that they're gonna be using them regularly can you only cast one earth sprite yes and this is in the district in the description so I'll read the description calls forth earth sprites to transform the terrain sprites appear as flecks of light which you can see here there right there and can easily be missed by the inattentive but they're diligent workers capable of breaking rock and stone down blah blah blah once summoned um yeah I don't want to read it all because it's kind of boring but essentially yes you can only have one dark day you are a psionic hmm we're not supposed to have psyonix so we are going to either leave him alone or hunt him Sonic's is one of those sort of band [Music] one of the band traits in fact I don't think we're supposed to have Sonics at all it's just Rimmer all the magic is no this got reset not cool so here is a quick look at all of the all of the potential classes and I set this up and clearly it got reset so some of these don't some of these aren't balanced and some of these don't make sense and my disabling of them so for instance Technomancer is high tech kernel mansur is weird enchanter is unnecessary chaos mage is like a little smattering of everything and it doesn't belong unfortunately for me that this doesn't take effect until I restart cool l also yes so if I continue to get some weirdness with the class settings I will I'll do something about that but I'm not gonna worry about it just yet this is pretty rare that we're gonna get accident accidental classes they're telling me to kill him yep well he's he knows band attack herb fan magic forms so stands to reason that he must die all right next up now that we have our little dedicated research room let's go ahead and get a little bit of a chest table that we don't just have dexterity research all this high bulbous from the oven ah coat red all right Merlin you gotta snap out of it buddy all right smithing is done let's start to get magicite refining mmm yeah will do magic funny and that is I can read that for you all it just allows you to create mana potions it says at the drug lab but that's not true actually before I do that I need to beer brewing it's a prerequisite now of magicite refining my potatoes are still pretty far off from being grown oh dude you're gonna eat my raw eggs all right that's enough of you you're poisoned and Rastas gonna finish you off they're my eggs no stay down go down stay down the the reason why he keeps getting up is the poisons wearing off so the pain he's experiencing from the poison as it wears off allows him to recover but now that he's down I could just run up and you know do what I must I don't really care if the eggs get caught on fire not really relying on source of eggs there's plenty of meat trust does not feel bad about this Oh bye-bye Duarte the inappropriate scout all right Marilyn now that you've snapped out of it let's hope that we can get a good some good cooking out of you [Music] [Music] Jordan's almost out of the [Music] Oh some marble blocks if the research is pretty walls I'm planning on probably focusing on bedrooms first as that keeps them from going crazy also having a stockpile way down here is not all that useful look we hit limestone all right so that is all set up this is also a pretty good stockpile as well I could just wall that up call that stockpile - so regular stockpile popu settings pay settings I don't care which and where it stuff gets put just that it gets put somewhere uh cloth coming down awesome thanks from Seraphin I said wouldn't would for this series what should be enabled think he's jumping around again alright beer brewing is done so let's do refine magicite now and I'm gonna set up my brewery right in here if you can't buy what I'll just have to fix that for next time should be on the list right there we go what raid coming in for Alice horde from the way south what killed you a bone dog little psychopathic nervous so another big thing is to add people to the community I need to be constantly a lookout of potential people to recruit you can add actually treats aren't static oh we've got a male paladin here nope Eldon all done the likes to set things on fire Klein that is sort of like a endgame boss fight think dragon is I think the the most appropriate way to explain it arcane ball Goods coming in from the Sears here we go we got some paladin I'm what kind of major you lightning Age another lightning mage another Paladin paladin's obviously writing a dromedary I'm sort of medieval knight all right mr. Newland let's get you a killer too before our hens how many hint we're getting a lot of hens now all right monkey I don't think you're gonna be surviving this oh you did survive that sprung stroke will help me baby possibly you down let's go punch him now I'll shoot him to death let's use that arcane storm the arrow storm I know pokey full holes is so rude but I don't wanna have to bury you uh shield I'm have you wake yeah I'll let you sleep in all these eggs that I have out here we're about to have a purge our poison traps better than vanilla traps it depends on level Oh also Narellan leveled up so in leveling up there's a few different things to level up there is Ranger training bow mastery I could level up individual abilities so animal bond is like a sort of tame but it is more than a tame it works a little bit differently where you imbue the animal that you taming you can only tame one it's like having a familiar you imbue them with a lot of power so that you know if I use that in like a bone dog or a wolf or something the wolf would become a lot stronger and I wouldn't have to go through the taming or training process and then traps of course and the traps vary in strength depending on your level and all that stuff so for Nerlens first level here I think what I'm gonna do ease see I'm going to get smoothdraw which makes it a little bit cheaper to use it alright shield I need you to wake up buddy rust is up so leviathans aren't allowed because you're not allowed to tame monsters but yes the issue with thrombo is you'd have to be really really really high level to even get that to work so it's possible but it's it's why default not really allowed not really easy to do I should say the stats at the top are also an option yes so Fitness is stamina rate recovery coordination is decrease blanket cost of all abilities strength is the damage of combat abilities and endurance is maximum stamina or in a mages case maximum health or out mana rather and these are all different stats that characters can have shield let's go trade with them we have an excess of steel they don't want to buy steel so taking a look I can sell some mana potions although they're pretty necessary they have some spells that they're not supposed to have and that's because I honestly should probably restart my game now that I've set up the classes but I don't want to have you guys I don't know I could put that to vote for now I don't necessarily need to worry about it so once once I restart the game all of the class settings here that I have set up will no longer see any of those items all it sure I can pull it boom there's the pole typos and all huh maybe I don't have any type of system and these types of votes the votes that look like this well I can't reach up that high but those types of votes don't require you to whisper and the vast vast vast majority of you say yes so let me do this I am watch this this is gonna be so magical be right back restarting Rada Mont would find was a grave mistake twitch toolkit the mod that the viewers relied upon for interacting with the world would die Rada Mont panicked as he spent 37 painstaking minutes trying to troubleshoot a downward spiral of hopelessness feeling defeated he disabled twitch toolkit but also vowed to have it resurrected for the next chapter of the story we now return to our unfolding tale you can rely on these types of polls not that I want you and vote on these but we can rely on these types of polls for user interaction for now because toolkit wanted to super explode on me pull up pull closed all right so Randy random merciless that should be that should pretty adequately represent probably the you guys if that's fair is that fair I'm calling you all rainy randoms so no the bot is dead I just don't I don't know if I want to take the time to try to troubleshoot fix it because there's a possibility of me not being able to fix it and you lost about yeah probably more like 20 minutes Randy is only about 33% of us Klein says yeah that's true you guys relentlessly try to mess me up plague and popcorn are plague and corn in this in this instance alright so what I'll do is after the stream I'm going to take my ban hammer and smash up toolkit till it works because it did not work so we've got a clean kitchen here with some eggs we also butchered all of our our chickens another thing I'm gonna do is leave the development mode open so when you think it's time for me to get attacked by stuff I can have that roll on out all right so Jordan the Jim answer is actually idle for once let's see I am going to send him out just to increase my colony's wealth you know cuz that will surely help to send me bigger raids I'm gonna have Jordan go we got the magicite refining and if Jordan go chop up some gold out here it might not be able to save because there's like skin spiders and I haven't seen any big things yet so if you're not familiar with skin spiders and big things are already Marty who's a member of our community here created a mod where he added in maybe like a dozen animals something like that that come from the game kenshi big things are like if you mixed a shark with a giraffe just like a giraffe looking thing that has a hunger of a shark that likes to eat everything I'm also smoothing walls yes i have shield here smoothing the heck out of these walls so we also constructed a brewery this brewery is going to be able to make mana potions so many potions i to modify Rim Orla magic by default Rimmer oil magic uses go juice in there mana potions but obviously we're medieval we don't have go juice so it uses herbal medicine psycho leaves and smoke leaves yes and those are those are important for some sort of projects here as far as wildlife goes right now we don't actually have any scary things the scariest might be the bone dog and they're not that scary they're just like wolves they're they're literally wolves everybody's hair is turning Norlin well soon you all have helmets but your hair turned red and now it's pink I don't know how that happened what's got you upset let's see you were insulted you have an ugly bedroom you eat without a table which seems to be very much your own fault victim-blaming but yeah we'll try to we'll try to sort that out yes there are leviathans and yes the Leviathans are ridiculously magic immune are not immune but resistant so there be giants so uh Klein I think we're gonna have you do is try to take the pulse of the viewers here and let me know when you think it's time for stuff to happen so here's a quick look we've got like visitor groups wild man wanders in actually let's do another one of those because lesson one bugged out so here's chimp who's terrible oh my god no dumb labor and really loves drugs so like rickety cricket I don't know it's pretty bad how am i frustrated that twitch toolkit is exploding on me but otherwise good happy with all the support you all been giving me for sure shield says he'll murder him shield let's get you to move out so the the face strike doesn't require a line of sight as you can tell which can lead to some interesting base designs because you can have rooms that are literally not accessible to the untalented you know that just have like thick thick thick ridiculous walls oh he leveled up I'm gonna level up dimension blade a little bit oh he's already down that was quick you got bruised a little bit because we're doing welding we get like two attacks which is pretty cool yes the pun is non-responsive I had to murder the bot mm-hmm so the first point I put in is for face strike oh hey you just leveled up again so I'm gonna put another one in face strike this is sort of like a min/max II almost exploit way the more he face strikes the faster he'll level up which is the more he'll face Drake so now with level to face strike it has a quick quick cool down and I'm just gonna keep leveling up and that will be that will make shield ridiculously strong so I tried to run this with the bots on and it would freeze every time when I'm off stream I'll troubleshoot it but I didn't want to waste your guys time trying to fix things on wild live on stream so it looks like the original Earth sprites zone here is looking pretty good we have got a lot of rich soil now which is pretty cool one of the things I'm gonna want to do is the next zone let me start to prep for that the next zone I probably will want like a grow light grows own sized zone which is what nine by nine rough vaguely it's 9 by 5 by 9 by 5 it's uh something like this no its larger than this it's um yeah no it's it's bigger than that all right let me get rid of that have a head spotted Cal I don't know what that is so I can't say I have what I'll do it this started next dream is all I'll sort of edit the viewer information to give a bunch of free coins to all the patient it's bought a cow beer sounds good to me I myself tend to not drink beers that are too bitter I'm kind of allergic to really bitter beers Oh rust leveled up I want rust to save this point to get regeneration Merlin leveled up let's give another level of smoothdraw oh we have chickadees are you kidding all right I'm sorry don't don't watch young loons have to die Randy random being random he just hit me with a heat wave it's almost the first of the summer and I just got hit by a heat wave thanks Randy druids do level slowing at the start yeah I can help to level them up a little bit faster by dumping poisons on everything and everyone but they aren't they are one of the slower ones actually all mages level up slower than the physical and that's just the way the game works it's telling me I need a research project I should pay attention to that so let's get played armor I think is more important than long plates and then let's go ahead and do a field smithy we're gonna have some seriously bad temperatures so let's set that up we're also how much wood do we have we've got 288 I've edited the biome here to support a little bit more animals so that yes we're in the desert but like it's not there's not nothing here and the reason being it's not been too many years of pure desert it's been rapidly desert or fight or whatever uh cheese asking would I be able to get some kills under my belt yes let's actually have you hunt as a priority instead of Merlin and that will help to level you up so Wildlife let's have you go shoot some things that won't fight back so bad a really powerful lightning mage is gonna be very very useful they take a long time to level up but once leveled up they get quite scary oh and there you go first level so let's learn lightning bolt put that on auto cast and in fact forget hauling the start casting lightning bolt now I feel like I'm LARPing I'm gonna start announcing lightning bolt lightning bolt the reference I hadn't thought of in a long time another lightning bolt and here if you if you look at the XP when it uses it as you can see it visibly jumps so it's important to be sort of using your abilities often and that way you can level up quicker so with that in mind you know dumping poisons on random animals yes it's a little cruel and probably role-playing wise a druid wouldn't do that but XP is life man XP is life I know all of you play in like MMORPGs you just bash the like you know the puppies and the kittens in the starting low-level zones and you're like oh well I'll make up to to them eventually I've done the same thing even though I have a puppy right behind me I don't care about the chicken meat fortunately there are really no berries here so so all of the sources of vegetables we have to source ourselves [Music] I'm going to close this door and put in a a passive cooler put in some passive coolers here this is getting hot now some of the classes here have come they're comfortable in higher temperatures and some not so like the druid here not so but the geomancer can take warmer temperatures yeah much warmer temperatures up to 106 I also have complex clothing so let's get a hand tailor bench and start making tooks no we're out the very opposite of tips start making them cowboy hats that will keep us cooler and dusters as well so although I don't necessarily want to clear the whole the surrounding area oh we've got an infestation thanks Randy weird the ran deist Randy I've ran deed he might be worse than you guys would be oh boy let's move back I'm gonna cast in case that didn't really work did not capture them all then there we go oh nice the big guy is already dead run run alright so I managed to with that incase spell lock some of them in in cases temporary so these blocks here will disappear on their own all right Jordan how's your health you got nipped a little bit you're fine don't be a baby in terms of magic let's see you know there are other levels up I can do know yet Jordan leveled up dragons level up I am going to level up sprig in mite which speeds up the sprites okay you're through oh man they broke some walls better rescue a scare make it a pet maybe let's seismic slam these guys are like why do you do why are you trying to trash my stuff this is so rude just to come fight us all right Merlin let's get you beautiful ones dead what alright they're all dead wow this Randy really has no respect at all came out swinging hard a heat wave and all right so one thing I want to do is let's not butcher insects a heatwave and an infestation back to back well the insect jelly will be nice but like Jesus right rust you should be able to you can't heal yet so you should be able to doctor and self tend Norlin let's keep hitting them in the hives wow you missed every will this won't reproduce for a while so let's not worry about it stupid heat wave is gonna make trying to not be heatstroke difficult all right furniture let's grab a steel bed and I guess this is as good to the hospital room as I've got all right Jordans all patched up soon it's not gonna be an issue once I'm able to cast magical spells to heal it's not gonna be much of a problem for the seat strop it's gonna suck all right shield where are ya well keep teleporting around and you're gone again I'm not even gonna bother trying to follow him pretty much impossible all right so he's all healed up that was fast well the heater didn't really take the brunt of it taking a look so droid ins not all that concerned with the heat stroke I think he is naturally higher it resists the rest of them that's not true No construct it alright my heat stroke is serious right now on shield so I'm gonna have shield just hang out for a bit in this nicely cooled room cheese your heat stroke is climbing up there as well unfortunately this is a lot of the precious wood that I would want to have invested in it really anything else there are spells that will eventually allow me to to not have to use wood to cool things down but not really at the level that we need so shields resting what I will do is draw it in we'll put you on on some construct - can i tree so not yet I don't have I know I do have tree sewing yes so I could hypothetically tree sell and maybe I do that out here where it's not going to interfere with anything so I'm gonna make cactus farming reminds me of Minecraft alright so the heatwave I think everybody is fine ish turn off dev mode for now it seems like Randy's doing a pretty good job of you know trashing me pretty hard all right mr. rust you were gonna be so an area like mad I have no idea how it's even a comfortable temperature for the kacct lamb it's only 119 right Australis seen worse alright so before this uh hive replicates let's kill it pop goes the mr. hive all right now that's all inside we're repairing it up this is uh better bedrooms and as Shield levels up his construction skill I will try to get improved beds for everybody I think we're all riding good beds except for one no all good one two three four and five okay so we're all good beds gonna get rid of the notifications I can so it's summer I got a meteorite of slate some car revenge a heatwave and arrow field which is where the gold was Oh Merlyn leveled up again give smooth round three Oh everything got pissed trying to put down to poison trap rust you want metal move I don't know if I've left enough time for the trap to trigger maybe not cheese I know you want to be on in this hopefully I get some nicer bows soon because they will absolutely help the arrow storm mr. cheese with a long-range lightning strike droid in I would use I could use in case let's get shield out here too this is a good way to level up just to tick off a bunch of a bunch of creatures and dance around until we get them killed all right she'll killed that one don't cure disease geez help me out over here boom stunned that's right all right this one over here is just about dead well it's gone now cool as you can see the the use of magic here dramatically changes the way combat can play out being able to poison and stun and lightning and yeah it's just it does make it much much nicer alright so bang for my buck I think cowboy hats are not 101 of them but cowboy hats are probably the quickest way to get some nice Heath resist so gonna have Jordan crank out five of them for us and we'll be the party of cowboy hats as far as dump it goes let's do insects so I'm just putting about here so I can burn them so rotten fresh don't care which humans and insects go out here and then I'm gonna shrink the zone so that we don't overlap and then I will put rotten corpses here referred for like any corpse that is rotten goes out there and then in this butchery no one said corpses there's other corpses that are unwanted and we'll have to deal with them later oh man is getting hot hot hot Jordan how's the hat making business not so good you've not oh we made one head so nurlan has it on protecting up to 124 so that's a lot higher that's gonna keep us safer from melting in the the camel hide is particularly good it's not as good as um camel hair but camel hide is almost as good is it safe for the farmer to be casting poison I don't see why not let's go wildlife let's kill the remaining dromedaries over everything else so that we can harvest their their leather Detroit and incorporated school of aberration to make other casters left's powerful what do you mean the the geomancer here is a very very powerful class if that's what you're wondering about a lot about avid spoil cacti are not gonna grow where this this iguana strapped poison on it oh he also leveled up a bit but no we wanted another point [Music] dad oh it's so much fun can geomancers grow trees no they're more like Earth they're like think dwarves more than trees so the Rhoden here here's the geomancer here's what they're good at they're good at mining so the reason why they improve soil is because it's part of the earth but druids are really the like rustier is really the go-to for or growing and whatnot so now that we have that let's go with dusters five dusters they require eighty ingredients so I'm going to allow light leather and camel hide and we're gonna just have to butcher up for that when we make this we are going to take two simple meals oh no it's apparently our plate leather all these guards should be light leather though let me just allow them all so just with the hats alone our we're probably not gonna get too much heat stroke which is good and it looks like the heat wave might be breaking cuz it's not a hundred and thirty out now it's less what sir I just finished that one off now we have a lot of leathers plain leathers maybe I'll clean leather to actually plain leathers better than the light leather sound be good you're gonna see a ton of um meat spoil and there's really not much I can do about that so the harmony here is part of the rim role of magic it is a it is sort of the magic resist type it's quite literally magic resist I didn't add that in but I did add magic resist animals by default in the Ramola magic animals don't have resists some of the lesser creatures here like the garu also don't have resists not by default but some of the stronger creatures like these skin spiders although because of the heat heatwave I don't really have a lot of creatures on this map they get a lot of magic resist and that's so that I can't just prove them out of existence the bush next to the kitchen is sparkling because I'm droid in the geomancer is improving the soil quality so here's my dusters and after the five dusters I'm also going to make five button-down shirts and then five tabards don't use cloth though Lofty's I probably should be growing my own cotton what cloth is pretty important cheese I'm just trying to keep the map tile a little bit tidy cuz it could very easily become I obviously set the wrong thing on fire but it easily could become nasty full of dead bodies and whatnot will I be able to improve soil in caves yes as long as its soil if it's just a do I have a net I don't think I have natural caves occurring here animal very migration caribou you are way in the wrong biome my filtered head head friends there's really no need for me to go kill it so I'm gonna ignore it did it get the wild dude tamed no he was a drug addict and refused to do dumb labor so I like murdered him just curious how much cheese I could fit my mouth uh you're obviously not being friendly with that but uh I don't know I'm a fan of pizza so enough of it north stock pal actually cheese and I were just playing tarkov yesterday I am really bad at it really really very bad at it alright so rust with the duster okay yeah 138 we are fine now which means that when these coolers run out of fuel I'm not gonna refuel them I don't really mind you sleeping in the heat I'd rather have that than a lack of wood cheese yet normally I'd be like oh no you're fine but no I think you are worse but it's only because I played like pub G 2,000 hours and rust a thousand hours and other similar game or ridiculous amounts of time so I've paid my dues and clocked my time draw it in I want you tailoring over mining for now a thousand hours of rust changes a man yeah having to look at I can't even I don't even know how many times have been bashed over the head by a rock by someone with a really high-pitched voice who's screaming all sorts of like random obscenities that is my experience and rest and you know what I guess I love it so call me a masochist but I can't help it I just can't help it the toxicity burns your soul yeah well I make a pretty active attempt to try not to be a toxic person what it does rub off on you I'm not gonna lie can we get a rust let's play maybe in the future maybe after like seven days is done we've been I've been bouncing ideas around of what to what to play post seven days to die seven days to die still has a lot of legs I don't suspect that series is gonna end anytime soon but if it when it does it will be at least something fun hey cheese let's uh let's have you sit on a stool where can I put I'm just trying to make this torches in the way I'm trying to make room for a stone cutting bench and given that it is really well actually heat waves over so that I don't waste any more wood let's destroy my oh I wanted that let's destroy the passive coolers I'm not gonna put it there it's just the torches in the way of where I want it nope Andy's gone I like how shield even though he's not a mage blinks around like he's a mage you just don't care and now he has a maxed out phase strike now there's other things to level up phase strike one increase that the crit rate one reduces the stamina cost and one makes him hit more enemies around the area that heat phases but having really high-level phase strike will help him level up a lot faster all right so any stones don't care what it is but don't go everywhere for it just go 30 tiles or 28 tiles and don't chunks chunks of stone uh you guys think I'm due for a raid I don't know why Randy hasn't thrown me one I guess he did hit me with an infestation but maybe come morning time will get a little ray going on I'm feeling ready raids for rad raids for red oops you leveled up so let's give you regenerate so we're regenerate is heal over time it's a hot heal over time ability which is I'm not gonna have an auto cast because I want to use it you wanna self tamed lame how about we will do a I'll just do a raid now I'll do it I'll do a special type of raid where are they raids oh we got liches we got two deaf nights silly death nights you don't know here up against it's probably important that Russ don't go Yolo by himself because they are deaf nights but you are standing out in front well just melted your leg very very badly so hahaha alright Merlin you're up oh I think we just poisoned them too oh this poor death knight is getting the kitchen sink thrown at him I'm not gonna jump in there cuz shield actually doesn't have good armor and I don't want shield to get melted yet nurlan are short bows have suck range I'm gonna have to get better bows so as part of the rules here we are - we are to treat mage hunters and the Confederacy of Lords ethically but not these dudes not death Knights the Lich's I don't care much for so let's try to do a seismic slash here we go and a face strike cool let's get rid of that it's done late spin nice shield got him down or really combined effort and about that huzzah these aren't particularly high-level death Knights I don't think but even at their level with their gear they were very hard to take down they were in plate armor and all that yeah well let them burn up enjoy it high level death Knights are very scary yes they do they're yeah they're very scared like they're very strong you don't want to fight them unless you have to so let's do a heater shield and let's make a green leather lizard skin Hayley field I don't know if that's what's the bet that's kind of leather I have so we want sharp eighty-one sharp 81 81 it doesn't really matter alright so we'll have a lizard skin shield eater shield and for now a light plate helmet made of the steel and droid in you're gonna craft that up for a good buddy keep them a little bit more protective oh my god you're jumping around so much forget it can't look yeah yeah meat spoils um when we have vegetables I'm gonna for now because we don't have refrigeration or anything like that I am going to yes no human meat no one took me I'm gonna forever make pemmican so any of our food we can keep from spoiling so much spoiled dromedary meat now what are we researching plate armor be really good alright so here's the heater shield it has decent sharp resists there we go now shields armor goes up well I cut out the connection issues and put it on YouTube yes yes I will edit those out alright so another thing I need to do is two outfits so let's delete all the other outfits might in mages I'm just gonna keep it really simple so mages here there was a lot of gear as you can see that's added in I'm not gonna go through all of it right now I'm just going to remove like plate helmets have you played helmets from the mages come on so that they are not trying to put armor on it doesn't really infringe on them it's just there there is clothing that's custom tailored to be useful for mages and for warriors and yeah just focus on that alright so when we make pin drop on the floor do oh right right right this is our pet I was like how did this animal just open up no don't eat my stop it that's one way to stop it trying to eat my eggs I totally forgot that we had a random random all right so plate Armour is done a long blade no Gladius is the biggest blade that you can use so great Mo's would be really important I'm definitely with development mode on I'm gonna accidentally one of these times hit like immediate research so I'm going to disable development mode until I need it alright shield your gear is a t-shirt it's getting up there exactly don't touch another man's eggs it's a def simple let's give him heavy plate heavy plate make it a steel this is gonna take a little bit of crafting time and I think what I'm going to do is tailor first and then Smith but we can actually make one fewer dusters because shields gonna be an armor as far as time left goes I'm gonna go a little bit longer so that you guys get the full three hours disregarding the disconnects but I am quite ear to get toolkit running for you all for next week I think it's it's probably a pretty solvable issue fingers crossed Merlin you leveled up again I'm going to start investing in an Augmented bond so that he can get a really powerful bonded animal maybe read an enemy base alright I hadn't I hadn't generated the map well let's do that so there was a bunch of yeah once I get a little bit better armor I could definitely rate a base I'm hugely outnumbered but that's okay I'll probably survive I just don't I also probably want foes be honest droid then that means you have a lot of work to do burns like why me taking a look at Earth sprites expanded the zone a little bit that more YES on the website right on my accomplice origins has the model loadouts now some of the mods I made myself so you can't download them but and I explain why at the bottom of that bottom of the list there [Music] but essentially if you install Rimmer Ola magic and vanilla factions expanded and medieval vanilla factions and then use the this storyteller use Maynard medieval you are going to get about 80% of this series without having to do a lot of work is the long and short of it oh my god look at our comfortable temperature range now 156 that's a easy big oven territory I think all right so shield you our Idol I think what I'm gonna do for shield is start to smooth out some of the bedrooms these aren't permanent bedrooms but for now I'm just gonna smooth them out and make them a little bit nicer it also increases colony value which has the added benefit of sending me bigger raids so what can I say but what you're welcome the skins spider pet would be scary enough for me well um taming monsters is against the series rules fYI we just leveled up again let's get another spring in might this increases the speed at which the earth sprites work and terraform tiles and I'm obviously that's going to be very very very important what else can I do so for might let's not allow dusters and for mages let's go ahead and remove fleet armor and heavy plate armor am i saving your points for something um no let me see I would say for you for now hmm gzip yeah I don't know I would say maybe learning lightning storm would be good trying to save up for lightning storm that's a really good crowd control that's actually the ability I used it summoned all the lightning bolts in the trailer looks like we need some meat but we have a lot of pemmican we have a decent mount of fennekin so Oh God there are leviathans so this is what a Leviathan looks like am i able to kill one right now no nope they won't know let's kill everything else that's small though yes these are leviathans if you thought a thrombo is strong you're wrong I would say a one Leviathan could maybe kill five thrombo by themselves if not more they're ridiculously ridiculously strong and that's wonderful all right so some of these bedrooms are becoming dull up from awful which is good because awful has a penalty dull does not have so much a penalty at least they can't be zombified yet that's true they're very very very tanky now a high-level mite or magic character would be able to deal with them I wouldn't say with ease but would be able to deal with them but you're not high level what other abilities do I have so let me run through well everyone's sleeping through some of the abilities so poison is exactly what you've seen it just causes pain and damage to body parts and it's somewhat temporary by Guylaine nature sort of switches from man hunter to non man hunter so you can turn man hunter animals you know passive or you can't earn passive animals men hunted what are the other abilities here in fish approach generation is to heal over time cure disease cure for disease regrowth is a high level spell that helps to replace or yeah basically replace messed up body parts you lose a finger high level drury can regrow that taking a look at shield here next up on the list shield also leveled up let's do I'm gonna save this one so blade training is just passives it makes them passively stronger over time and they change titles so right now he's a Bladesman and then he'll become as I increase that he'll become like a blade master or a legendary blade master so on and so forth and then body mastery is exactly the same it's increase in maneuvering moving manipulation stuff like that blood filtration these are both passives and nurlan has similar passives Ranger training go from woodsman to ranger to legendary Ranger so on and so forth and then bow mastery is passively becoming better at the bow but back to shield you've got seismic slash which is sort of a directed area of attack ability which damages anyone in the path so when you cast it it hurts everybody within the you know the path here so if you take a look everything within that dust burst will take some damage and the higher level it is the more damage it does blade spin which is whirlwind it's a temporary one spin whirlwind kind of like a cleave and then face strike which if you've seen a ton face strikes really good against taking out particularly high-level mages because you could teleport to them and high-level face strike will also allow you to do big crits which is kind of really nice off to Jordan so Jordan here has a stone skin which is explaining it's a it's a it casts like a barrier a magical barrier to protect from damage that has a certain amount of stacks mold maker or in case which creates the sort of earth in cases you in stone temporarily and as that levels up it becomes stronger the stone becomes higher level you know it covers a larger radius so if you have like let's say you're being attacked by two sapper raids at once and they're hitting you at the same time you might be able to actually physically in case one of the sapper raids and render them you know effectively ineffective for you know the duration of the in case our sprites which I'm using a lot of so we've turned a lot of this territory here from stony soil to fertile soil that takes a long time I mean the progress that have made here is great but it's taken you know the two and a half hours or so that I've been cranking on that but that's a very very powerful thing that takes time overtime and as this levels up you become faster at it you've got earthen hammer which uses chunks of stone and launchers then at enemies to stun them and do big damage but at the end of earth and Hammer it stuns the caster because of how much focus it requires and then you have sentinels sentinels create like little gargoyles that remain dormant on the map and then when enemies get within a radius they become active and they will automatically attack like a low-level creature automatically attack nearby enemies so so sentinels are pretty cool as well they're really good to like protect choke points and things like that and then meteor are the master level is exactly what you would think a massive massive chunk of stone comes curling from the sky and absolutely splats anything that it lands on and then the added bonus of that is the core the center of the meteor might actually have silver or gold or uranium or Jade or something like that some sort of high-level high-level material low low level meteors might just have like steel but it's another way to like you know generate metals from nothing nurlan so Nurlan you've got poison traps which this poison trap still hasn't been armed or triggered yet you don't always trigger it when you step on it I don't use a lot of poison traps you've got animal bond which forms you can only do this on one animal and it forms a you can release an animal from bond but it forms a bond with a specific animal it makes that animal depending on how you level it up a lot stronger yes and it trains them automatically and then you have the arrow storm which you've seen me use a bunch then for cheese we've got lightning bolt which I've used as well it's a individual target it does have a versatility so that you can eventually level it up to strike others in the area you've got a lightning cloud which is sort of like EMP grenades form X but it's lightning clouds for humans it just stuns everybody in a certain radius and then you've got the lightning storm which just calls down a ton of lightning bolts and hits people random and then I have a storm which is very much like magical or or the frost orb from Diablo - it's a orb of lightning that travels outwards and just annihilates anything in its path the last abilities of mages here so you've got meteor and you've got I of the storm these are locked and you have to use a master scroll to unlock them so you can't just learn them by leveling up they're a little bit rare and they're very powerful and that about covers it and this is of course only five of the many classes that are introduced so all the other classes have different abilities and in truth I haven't even played all of them there's just so much in this mod that so you know I haven't really played some of the other classes to the fullest one of the some of the more interesting ones I have a bunch of them disabled of course but some of the more interesting ones would be the arcanist is pretty cool cause it can create portals between zones like a transport pod but transport pod driven by magic which is pretty neat so if we end up having more than one colony we can teleport between colonies which is pretty awesome yeah what else is priests our pacifist they literally can't do combat by default they are forced to be prevented to do violence but their master ability is a resurrect ability so if you've might have noticed I don't have you guys don't have the ability to just resurrect things nor is there trait buying but not being able to resurrect things means that if I want if I have a dude character my chance to resurrect them is not to rely on the the twitch toolkit you guys spending points but it is 400 okay apparently uh my stream hiccup for a lot of people but I'm still online okay just refresh refreshing fixed it I had a seven days to die stream last week that absolutely immolated and I was only online for maybe a third of it which was really sad my is be my inner service provider just decided to to destroy me in the worst way possible Oh Alvin acos coming in ooh riding a bolt buffalo riding a bull you my friend have the wrong name another thing I'd like to do let's see I really want research here rust has been busy growing the trees over here and cheese is hunting the cheese I might actually put you temporarily on research just that we can get great bows because with these short bows we're very vulnerable is the model gone read the bottom of the website have it all written out but basically no but not because I don't want to share it but because I can't like it wouldn't you wouldn't be able to use it anyway I think it's the way to put it so she leveled up again and I'm going to give him bleed mastery level one so now he's not a Bladesman he's a blade master this gives him some passive bonuses like movement speed hit chance melee dodge that kind of thing my enthusiasm in the month the mods really fun it's not balanced it's it's very imbalanced by default so if you're playing for yourself you might actually have to impose some imaginary rules upon yourself to make this fun for you because it is very easy to just be much much like being a stealth Archer in Skyrim it's very easy to be like God like and if you don't want to be godlike like that you're gonna have to take care to to sort of balance it out yourself yeah it's it's just it is the way it is so this mod is a ton of fun but it is very easy to just have the fun ruined like imagine playing Skyrim and starting as level 100 and how sort of emerging and fun ruining that would be it's very easy to make the same mistakes here so the idea that I had is yeah like I'm sure our our characters here are going to become very very powerful but the idea is to have monsters like little via fins that are very strong to come attack us and also to have swarms of enemies crimson Russ saying can I consume some wine yeah sure I can do that let's see normal good good and poor alright we'll give you some good wine I don't know about drinking oh it's midnight never mind you're fine yeah I just queued up actually the cooking of fine meals so we're gonna do that until we have seven and take two fine meals so wine here the good wine at least has the added benefit of having a bonus perk so that's kind of nice actually let's mood drugs let's allow wine every to date error every day only if mood is below seventy seven take one in the inventory maybe not every day and that's let's hope we don't get an addict the we are Jordan is about halfway done with the steel heavy plate iron which is going to open up a lot of opportunities for us to wage better war no cheese drinking - well this will help with mood so for you drink pour wine Oh - three yeah what I need to do is I need to I need to sell the poor wine because clearly it is no good refugee chase sounds good do Matt it said no but three major unders is chasing them sixty-five years old starship janitor well whatever alright so they are actually they're physically adept so they can become they could become some sort of physical hero but they're also cannibal I don't think we're gonna add a cannibal in but three mage hunters are chasing her which is needless to say not easy to defeat so Jordan get armoring I'm probably not gonna keep her Jane here I'll do another one where it's not like a something dumb like a cannibal or alright so who are we fighting hey this one's a gladiator the other two are just well geared all right Jing we are you don't have pants on well you are going to hang around because I'm going to send you out at growing the Leviathan for any reason whatsoever is a very bad idea unless you have a some sort of plan to kill it are you lighting my trees on fire that's not gonna do a nice thing that works ooh that killed him that uh arrow storm done murder him so this gladiator here is the really dangerous one depending on what levels and what abilities he has he's also dual derp face Drake oh it's a crit I almost cut off his arm oh he oh he was trying to use some sort of magical ability against me and I killed him in time the gladiators by default have about 30% arcane resistance so they're harder to kill with spells and that's just part of their class Oh an octave who is nimble oh you are fifteen that's cute well um the ethical treatment of of prisoners easy rule so we will do just that I might not want to recruit a fifteen year old but it's tempting cuz he doesn't really have any negative stats a shield can you just be straight with him Jane you are definitely out of here oh yeah there we go we just phased with holding him oh no there's a mana drain all right so the mana pools I guess that is good that it happened right after the fight but the meta polls of everyone is going going down pole to recruit I could get behind that except the pole yes or no one is yes two is no all right rust you're gonna use your regenerate ability and regenerate this dude so here's how we generate work so you cast regenerate and then the wounds that they have start to get become healed automatically and what we're gonna do is patch them up anyway but you'll you'll see some of these cuts just well regenerate just came off cooldown and this manage rain is not helping great bow just finished up let's go with cultivation so certain spells when you use give you arcane weakness because the spell itself takes so much out of you that you become weaker for the remainder of the spell so this is one of those times when um you know when we were weakened well now that we're able to make great bows get for them cranked out he's 15 she's a shopkeeper good it really good a social really doesn't have a lot of talents though he's pretty talentless however traits can be modified now I know I said it you can't buy traits but there is an ability to manipulate them anyway there is a artifact in this game that allows you to steal the traits off of the victim and imbue those traits onto a recipient which is pretty cool bad temperature we don't have a lot of ways so let me uh let me start hunt down wild trees cat die so if the traits on someone suck you can essentially fix it but if their passions are terrible you know there's no really anything to do about Merlin and shield you're gonna you're going to try to reduce the resistance the poles still up it's about 62% of you say yes or uh 38% say no I'll leave it up a little bit more a little bit longer than I've described how traits work but we'd have some heavy armor that's a huge boon and then after the heavy plate helmet we'll get the bows we're just gonna have to get a lot of wood from the environment here looks like the potato harvest is coming up nice tater is obviously growing a little bit faster because the the grounds better yeah hide these so now you can actually see the quality of the soil so this is all stony soil and then we have all rich soil here so in this zone here it actually would make most sense to start to grow rice rather than potatoes because these rich soil supports rice faster maybe he should not be in the same zone as like the Gladius and the Bo's yeah all right that's a fair point weapons and apparel get removed yeah weapons get removed from this zone do the zones grim so the way this works here is there's a zone called earth sprites and I designate where I want the sprites to work so right now I have the sprites working on the stony soil tiles but I can determine where I want them to do their magic yes so if I wanted to if I wanted to write a zone like if I wanted to write the words hello I could in rich soil although it makes a lot more sense to create create a zone that is um you know create a zone that mimics a vanilla crow zone which is III mean I forget exactly I'd have to look at one it's one it's 9x5 something that was 9 by 5 something like that all right so the heavy plate is done the armor the shield's gonna have a lot of armor after this shields armor is already already way up there which is nice start going grapes for desert wine I will now though I have a ton of potatoes yeah let's um this zone here this squiggly weird zone let's get some grapes honestly actually the slight well if I want mana potent I don't know what will grow up grapes for now Wow this mana drain no that pretty much none of the mages have made any more 9x5 is right okay cool minute minute magic is returning to normal that's good being tongue-tied here all right taking a look at the polls we live it up for about five minutes so you all say yes recruit him he comes with a pretty good gear obviously his weapon is gone but I can make a new weapon so prisoner recruit now he doesn't have physical talents so I'm gonna have to make something I'm gonna have to make a special item to allow him to become a Mike character the idea here is we won't have any unamused characters won't have basically this is a school of the talented I guess it's the easiest way to put it Who am in a surge that's what I'm talking about went from low mana to high mana that's awesome I need smoke leaf or manna pots yes I know once this psycho it comes to to harvest all I'll make some smoke leaf with shield teleporting all around I'm surprised he hasn't leveled up a little bit faster no one really has oh cheese you're almost leveled up though what are you currently you're currently working on cultivation so cheese what I'm gonna do is I'm going to set you to hunt again and use some of this mana surge to make your hunting a little bit faster caravan request agave for combat style Ranger that's no revenge no lightning you comets out ranger allows you to be just like Merlin unfortunately we have one max per class so we have no need of combat-style ranger unless of course we wanted to sell it that would be the the only stipulation or if Narellan dies which let's hope he doesn't good shot yeah just finish him off the old old-fashioned way am i able to heal animals with your powers yes so you can use your regeneration to heal anything you want really you could even heal enemies for that matter in fact it wouldn't be a terrible idea if we're trying to recruit this dude to build them a bedroom and heal them up so I'm going to wake you up right now although you're still arcane weakened and now you have arcane sickness which is my fault because you're already weakened whatever so the you just healed him fully he's on his feet already the bot is disabled right now because it was freezing my game so if you're looking for the bot you will not find it not at the moment I apologize for that I tried trouble if you weren't here for it I tried troubleshooting it a lot and I couldn't get it running this is a temporary a little prison I'm gonna build I should start moving away from okay fine I should start moving away from steel and start using the stone that I've been cutting but whatever this is fine for now they're put rice in the fertile zones I will spare what precious wood I have for a torch and let's do an end table and a dresser and smooth it out all right and then he's gonna be out of my potato stash and not eating raw potatoes ooh a master work tavern that's gonna be nice double raid before the end of the stream will all raid once know about a double raid I don't think a double raid would do a little wine we'll take care of that yeah you know a little drunk I'll use 15 actually you just know FBI this comment right here that comment all right so this is a dull little prison cell but hey it's something mediocre mediocre okay so the the bedrooms I've got going on are starting to get a little nice how long will a stream today probably till around or dirty I have like a prior commitment at 5:00 that I have to make it to I feel bad about the stream blowing up on you guys so I'll stream a little bit longer so the up time is wrong here so an extra half an hour yeah precisely animal migration fennec foxes for a second I thought that Leviathan was about to smoosh them I want Fox pets so I'm gonna send fennec foxes are really efficient haulers they don't eat a lot of food and they're able to haul which is pretty awesome though I'm gonna try to get some Fox pets but the thing is they're migrating oh wow you missed every shot you just must not want to hurt foxes okay you're this is ridiculous can you it's something that air we go and we destroyed it's kidney so forget that box we want to incapacitate one of these so it doesn't leave but and then tame it alright i encased a few of them so they they're not going anywhere as you can see you're stuck and I can't shoot it cuz I have no line of sight let's try to down another one this is probably overkill nope wasn't and is dead oh well why yeah because they're migrating through I have a limited amount of time for me to try to capture it right or it just leaves the tile so I'm I'm just trying to do a little bit of um Oh are you know they're still migrating okay I thought maybe the in case would have like reset it's a I to not try to leave but that's not the case the bright person to send on this mission here would have been the I'm just gonna animal bond if I can it might be to Wyatt now it's too wild the wildness of a hundred seventy five percent I can only bond with up to seventy five seventy five herbs up to seventy not seventy five this is failing all I'm really doing is killing a whole bunch of foxes its and your tails gone now the thing is if I had a high level druid missing body parts aren't that much of a problem because I can replace them that's actually one of the wonderful things yep you're dead forget it one of the wonderful things about this mod is um animals that are used for combat aren't permanently wounded forever because I can regrow body parts which is pretty cool it's expensive regrow body parts you can't just like do it on a whim for balancing reasons it takes a lot out of a druid to do it but it's nice that it exists I need a fast person with a club or a maze yeah I should have sent shield out there with a club I will own the I will next you just got a little bit stronger but I'm gonna save up for more Blademaster but that reminds me let's do let's make a mace I don't have any uranium so were to use the next-best steel even Randy doesn't want me to have doesn't want me to have grapes he just tried to set my grape farm on fire I'm not gonna allow sowing anymore I think we have enough soon here I'd rather have rust cut down some trees really you really hate grapes that much Randy come on man eventually majors get the ability to extinguish fires with spells Oh God I was trying to hit me with it all right I'm sorry Randy I didn't diss you I like you you are the ran deist don't smite me don't kill my lightning mage with the lightning that would be too cruel even for you all right shield let's get you this mace here get walking man just jumping over maces are also usable with shields long swords are not I can set them to be a little usable haven't made that decision yet did a pawn actually get hit by lightning no not yet this Drive thunderstruck dun dun it'd be really funny if it hit a Leviathan and set the Leviathan a manhunt or something that would be horrifying and pretty funny at the same time alright so neural in your next point is going to be animal empathy and another point augmented bond I really want Eggman to bond three before I came something so now Merlin can get something up to 80% loudness so what are bone dogs bone dogs are like 75 maybe no that's a shock where's wildness only fifty percent okay yeah so we could get a bone dog of the morning laboratory so some Labrador Retrievers just joined I'll keep them I'm going to kill the one female and keep the three males so I don't end up with like so many pups that can't feed them it's gonna be a little tricky to feed them but you all know how this goes if you're a subscriber of mine type something in the next three minutes and that gives you the possibility of getting a Labrador Retriever this does not however preclude you from getting a full fledged character if you get a full-fledged character I'll just reassign the animal if you want and if you're a subscriber and you've been active in the chat in the last in the last fifteen minutes you're eligible all right so I'm gonna create a possess zone here I'm gonna keep the pets basically just away from the farmland and I will put kibble out for them so I'll put a steel shelf right here for kibble and add this to pets and once they're trained I'll a lift the movement embargo but for now I'm just I just want them closed so it's easier to train them and keep them away from kibble no thanks for the reset alright so here we go I'll give another minute or the Fitz go Marin homeboy what up what fun names assignments because I have a front gate here that's closed I can open up our came bandits so that's pretty cool there's some fighter books so there's a outpost that the seers want destroyed it's owned by mage hunters and for doing it it's gonna give me gear repair which is a fighter skill that automatically maintains their armor strung back which adds carry weight in at the cost of stamina cerium which is a sort of XP potion and mana potions and the seers will pay me that if I if I kill them which very much I would want to do that and I have 25 minutes of stream left to do it hopefully what I'm really aiming to do is get some great bonus before I try something like that great boughs are going to be a huge game-changer for for combat last time I checked yeah allow rotten is checked off so you move that dead bunny [Music] they're starting to get teamed up in obedience give the puppies the sleeping spot that's very good point so I've got a lot of light leather I think nope I don't have enough all right plain leather oh I don't how do I not have enough plain leather - yeah use all my leather on everything I must have all right so they don't they'll have a very basic sleeping spot and I'll have to work on a something something nicer once I have a little bit more material so speaking of material we killed the garu we'll get some plain leather oh wow the cacti already grew so this is the wood that we desperately need for the bows and draw it in after you drink your wine you'll be making bows oh they want revenge get revenge on cheese is tough because he - just oh you hit his brain you hit his brain with lightning oh man we tell absolutely brutal oh I forgot to mention amp amp is like a fibrous mecha Knights ability items - quest for our kalium or however you pronounce it and there is a Garrett guarded by one enemy I'd want to do that to that type of metal is a enchanted sort of it's like a sort of enchanted steel that makes you makes warriors stronger don't eat don't eat don't eat you pissed them all off which is fine I'd rather have them travel towards me because it's a little bit easier to butcher them right poison bows lightning they strike seismic slash and spin there's one rust regen shield and we're done and this regeneration will just get rid of his eyes oh he was friendly fire - we'll just get rid of his torso damage oh but one one's backup let's poison him again a little reminder that you supposed to be dead so we leveled up here with rust I think what I'm gonna do is start to invest in mana regen because that's very very very important if you have no mana you don't get to cast anything there's still shelf you are for kibble and we should I'm gonna have a bill for kibble as well do until I have oops 150 and I don't really care what we make it out of because we're not food scarce right now all right so the tabards builds bills are done I think whoever has the master worked average give that up - yep it would be no 'ln give that up to a shield here just for four reasons for obvious reasons in the nurlan you are a hunter so let's give you the green tavern that kind of makes the most sense mad rat thanks Randy so shield the rat Smasher okie survived it I'll be oh you just cut out his lung like a surgeon but left everything fine this is what 25 let's just you can't do anything they don't have enough stamina hey reduce what spine shattered never gonna get it get up actually that rat there funny enough is gonna be incapacitated like until it starves to death because it has no spine so it can't move but it's also not bleeding because I just like crushed it sad a little rent the up time is wrong I'm going until for a half an hour past the hour you could just not worry about that uptime I could fix it alright so the giveaway for the animals crimson rust what are the chances here alright let's roll that ploor from some rust don't is rust here so he doesn't really need that floor congratulations you are a Labrador lower the lab Jack Burnett II all right mr. Jack I'm gonna name I like brunetti how's that for lab name [Music] it's chief she's alright uh II do she's was a funny one cuz he's also a character and let me know if you want the full name edit or if you just want add because you go by ed on discord so I'm not sure just dead alright perfect are you sure these roles are random yes I am I'm using night but as you can see night Beth literally announcing it but the fact that two of the main characters in the series got animals I just thought was funny it don't look random does it I'll admit that well I guess now that the UM let's cut all the cacti down first but now that this is starting to yield that's pretty nice a good amount of wood do we already have some boat yeah we already have we already have some excellent boughs how well cultivations done that's really important next let's get scribing that's going to be unbelievably important and dragon level that unfortunately Jordan I'm having you be a utility character so you're just gonna get a lot of spring and might so that you can make this desert a wonderful oasis no no that's not what I want oh I'm not used to their being dual wield for shields Merlin you're waiting you have no points available as fine shield let's give you fitness level one oh no I was waiting for blade mastery but I'm gonna give you two levels of fitness so you get more stamina so that you can use your abilities more often stamina mana regen are some of the more important things to invest in Berlin I just want awed ment fog bond 3 and then I'll go get that bone dog and it'll be a pretty awesome bone dog throughout in having yes so the fact that he's a utility character and a crafter means that he's not likely to die I felt really bad about what happened him in wardens and here he is again and hopefully he won't because he's literally the only one to have permanently died in warden the wardens of yurid or just bad luck just got a little disease so now instead he is druids by dirt the rust can cure diseases so he's not gonna succumb to those sort of diseases ever again I think I might not want to store pemmican in here I put the pemmican elsewhere we should just be eating meals in fact let's go ahead and change our meals so we'll call these we'll just delete the other ones to come by default and this will be or meals only and then will will truth the pemmican is travel food which is exactly what it's supposed to be yes in Rimmer Ola magic you need both intellect and crafting to craft so droid in if he's going to be a crafter we'll need to be maybe the second researcher that's a very good point but for now I just want my great bows so we have another great bow here cheese you'll get it and I'll work towards Wands we're not quite there yet but we're working on it we've got a raid from the Confederacy of Lords it's a big one not super well geared but a big one and they are preparing a while so I won't wake anyone up I don't have luck enabled for for night but regular luck for subscribers and for everyone else and active time out of 15 minutes and it only assigns subscribers you're curious about the settings oh here they come in Federer see of Lords all right well I wanted you all to sleep in but that clearly not happening well we have good bows other than Jordan who did just two just casted something oh you casted poison and probably how automatically oh how is don't even shoot how you so be on dead split all right let's jump in there what what can we do here dual welder let's shred the dual will do come on come on there we go oh they're dead so we got bruised up a little bit on shield but not not too too too bad oh you're down uh you are really really really good well you're old though what's going on over here oh geez friendly fire oh my god uh so uh yo here I'm assuming he's Japanese potentially could be recruited but he's quite old I'm also gonna cast regenerate on shield so that he doesn't have to be bruised forever so the physically adept means that they can learn to be white or like bow or melee heroes more easily by default but given his age I don't know I don't know I'm supposed to ethically I'm supposed to treat them ethically so I'm going to capture him regardless one way or another and then you all can you all can vote [Music] start poll there were those yep there you are whether I recruit him or not so a 60 years old which means that he is you know he possibly could get stuff like bad backs or dementia or whatever there's some ability for our druids and priests to cure that kind of stuff but that doesn't necessarily mean we want to be spending our resources to do it however we are supposed to treat the prisoners with respect or at least not the Lich's but everybody else so we've captured him to release him you're supposed to be oh yeah patch him up with the very few herbal meds that I have I don't feel good about that but whatever octave here which you did say to recruit he's only at 11 resistance Jordan just finished smithing because I'd like to go hit quests that we've got so he's done smithing up a bow everybody has great bows and shield of course has the weapon as the mace you're starting to get some obedience training on all of them that's great I'm gonna take bed rest off of a top priority so that people stay productive instead rust you are able to it was more hurt shield shield more hurt so rust let's go regen shield but there was regeneration should yeah he's cured is it time for the potions quest yes it is and that's why I'm trying to get everyone healed up so as far as that goes droid in you're gonna be our warden for the meantime and everybody else is going to go form Caravan maybe I'll leave yeah I'll bring rest too we are going to bring the pemmican and the bed rolls and I'll make one more bed roll on the way there it's it's it's only a about a day's journey so shield let's get one more bed roll and I'm gonna leave one other behind so I'm gonna leave rust you're gonna stay behind I don't want to leave the the home base that unattended too heavy there we go what's the down side of hurt people to deny bed rest they just don't heal up faster you healing in beds a little bit quicker than you would outside of a bed but the thing is when you've got magic to do healing for you you can relax that requirement so Jordan here no not during rustier and drink a mana potion and then just healed Royden and now droid in is not wounded and never needed to be rested anyway alright so for I also need to make new food restriction called travel and no corpse is no mashup amana no kibble no hay and that would be trouble alright there we go one [Music] well taking a look at the polls I think after about five minutes or so enough of you said no that we will release him which is fine I don't disagree though mr. Yeo or be on your way there's really no risk of ever becoming allied with the Confederacy alors they hideous they hate us for life they hate us you know pretty deeply so no problems there so my smithy queue is done my tailor and queue is done so we don't really need any crafting at the moment which is fine rotten well I'm not allowing corpses so rutting shouldn't be a problem in this food restriction let's not allow rotten but because corpses are already off there's no such thing as a rotten food it just disappears looks to me like the there's only a few spots left in this area that requires so let's do smoked leaf there's only a few areas left that require a magical improvement which is great yes the pets need kibble and unfortunately nurlan was our cook so rust you're gonna be either cooked for now cuz hopefully you can't screw up kibble alright caravan arrived oh boy are you kidding me oh no alright disappeared there was temporarily a giant skeleton with skull two guards but it didn't exist very long so this is it doesn't tell me how many defenders there are so I'm not I don't know what are you you are a Bladesman well my opening shot was lightning to your face or something where to hit you arms wait why is there you guys got spell opiates do not want in a raccoon yeah that was it just those three that's not too bad don't know either a spell Opie's here but you know whatever they had some tamed pets that bladedancer went down super quickly do we level off yes augmented bond is now maxed cheese did you level up you now no lightning storm and shield you level up you did let's get you a little bit more stamina the spell appease still alive let's use lightning storm on it I don't know if it's gonna hit it because it's a area of effect but muzzle try we missed but but not that's obviously much better for yes sorry about your ears that's very loud I know that obviously is very very useful against groups of enemies absolutely annihilates groups of enemies as you might imagine but it was very very cool I'm gonna have to take her with some volumes do you know not a lot years so here we are the fighter skills strong back and I'll leave it forbidden we've got the cerium and mana potions and some unrefined magicite so droid in here I want you to take the cerium so what cerium does is blah-blah-blah-blah-blah has a long description everything is long-winded here but with cerium does for you is it gives you global learning factor so because droid Ennead x' to become a better researcher to be able to to be able to craft I gave him a little bit so he levels up his intellect a little bit sure and again cerium you could definitely OD on you don't want to be doing that this is no good I'm probably not gonna get to the items - this stream I'll have to do that another stream but the seers we approved our rep with them a little bit as well in this stockpile let's allow all magic items so we can actually put the stuff away and in here we want to I think I already have cerium yeah it's already allowed well dogs drink it I don't know if it has calories no it doesn't look like ass calories so I don't know if they're gonna drink it or not but either way we're gonna be moving it the dogs aren't allowed in this spot anyway as its they're only allowed in the sand areas all right so we 37 wrap with the Sears which is good don't you want to move the scrolls they're not gonna decay i mean they're their hit points is 1,300 so they could think it's in there for a while i will eventually want to move them but I'm not sweating it at the moment instead of using EMA just instead of moving them I'm just gonna have shield use them when he gets home gear repairs really handy especially for a brawler who's constantly has his armor damaged and then strung back I don't think I'm gonna use I think I'm gonna sell it to the Sears when the Sears come visit me strong backs not all that useful allows you some extra carry weights which could be nice if you don't have pack animals but if you have pack animals it becomes moot and you don't get that stuff for free so what's strong back would allow you to do is allows you to extra carry weight at the cost of maximum stamina so your stamina would go down by like 25 or 30 something like that it says in the in the ability or when you learn it and then it allows you to just carry some more carry weight but he's just blinking his way home all right so let's go ahead and learn was this get repair yeah let's learn gear repair so Aggie repair allows you to do is for 20 max - 20 max stamina which would Ruby down to 80 I start repairing my stuff if I turn this on overtime really slowly but over time my gear will become repaired and then once it's fully repaired I can turn it off again [Music] I could give it to the new recruit but it's also has value in being sold to need warm clothing we are going to need to do chucks soon to art Lee and I only have cloth you know I really need to start growing that stuff don't I because it is gonna get cold who's starting Royden is starving uh I need to hunt oh also uh nurlan you are due to tame the animal bond with the bone dog and that might be the last thing I do here let's bring you down here do that uh Chad has asked me whether I could sing I mean who can't sing but I can't sing well therein lies the rub alright Narellan you wouldn't want to hear me sing plus I have a little bit of a sore throat it would be even worse animal bond cheese is running cannot wait until cheese has blinked alright so Ursula here uh I'm not gonna give any warning I'm just going to roll it slow beau that's not so respectable name for a dog but alright fine slowboat is as you can see it's fully trained a hundred percent and then if we check slobo you have rangers bond so it doesn't it feels a lot less pain it manipulates a lot faster it moves a lot faster it has a lot more blood pumping it has a higher paint shock threshold and it dodges melee like crazy it's a very very very powerful bond I can only have one bond at a time and if I dismiss it slobo disappears just poof disappears how does it manipulate it manipulates by biting biting enemies so slobo is gonna be also might hear you here you could see hauling 200 all right so the last thing I'm going to do this episode is defend against this raid of mage hunters animals slow-mo come to my aid stop what you're doing I'm yeah there we go I just had to redraft and I will I will release the bone dog fortunately because it's like instant training it's not like if the dog was to die I could obviously just tame a new one so it's not that I should treat them as expendable cuz oh there I'm preparing well aren't they let's go down there then can you use your oh dear they're sapping like dummies oh my god are they dumb yes yes absolutely I'm Oh nope nevermind you do not have the mana to open up with a lightning storm but I could change that this will take a little bit longer but it would be fun to open up with the lightning storm so lets me drink some made of motion I also have some ibex wandering through well see there you are a gladiator and just as someone with a melee talents oh another kid jeez you guys need to recruit a little bit older this one's a uh Oh a Bladesman gladiator that's not possible okay uh what are we going to do zoom and Broza everybody is about to have like I think they're all starving because I don't have any food Marilyn I'm gonna have you sit this one out and make us some food another one's self tamed alright cheese let's bring you down here as soon as they pop out of that little tunnel to dig in I'm gonna hit them with a storm you know you could have gone around it like would have been a lot easier all right here they are out Fox is probably poisoned sorry about you here drums shield jumped in on the stunned one birch here probably not gonna fare so well either jumping let's bring them closer I'm not gonna let birch leave help you stay it's so evil it's like I'm fleeing combat no I'm not uh you can mess with them so good and he's moderately poisoned right now oh and you were very very very dead rich he's got good armor I'll give him that I don't want it I don't want to stay toe-to-toe with him what's a half to you I'll just toy with him up there we go the ethical treatment of the downed is not the same as as giving them a free pass to attack me in case and face Drake seems pretty cool yeah there's a lot of synergy that exists in this mod for sure but uh that brings me to about the end here so I am just gonna roll credits if you have any feedback from me suggestions ideas anything of that nature please drop me a line on discord you can find the link at RADA Montcalm additionally if you want more information about this series righto Montcalm slash origins is the place to be it also has a timer of when the next stream will go live it is every Sunday 1:00 p.m. Eastern I'm also looking for ideas for soundtracks has to be copyright free and attribution free music if you have suggestions about soundtracks I am all ears no puns intended I'll catch you all later thank you so very much for supporting the series adios
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 165,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, Let's Play, Twitch
Id: HeJdbNbqijE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 51sec (10791 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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