RimWorld Gloom Seekers - Sepsis // EP5

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greetings everybody rodman here thank you for tuning in to the gloom seekers episode 5 which originally aired live on twitch and peg legs do count for uh transhumanist yes i'm not doing that necessarily because you can't outrun enemies when you're peg-legged so i'm gonna try to hold off for uh at least prosthetic or better so i have 2 000 raw fungus procs oh well that's unfortunate i let him starve to death shame on me that just gives me more of a chance to focus on zenny what happened to you oh the lynx jeez that links is just needlessly violent all right let me go hold these alpaca in let the links do the hunting for me alright zenny we're watching your leg is almost cut up i think you'll be all right as long as your tending is good that mega spider's probably dead it is so all that's left is a spelloped [Music] uh sanikin you ready [Music] oh actually just just um why can't we haul it oh because of avoid bugs so i think what i'm gonna do is design specific mood food so the fine meals that have going on right now uh i am going to not allow in sick meat and then i'm gonna have uh special meals that are insect meat and fungus which is our preferred uh food and that will be when people are in particularly bad moods they can eat you know uh they're really really really good eats because we almost have the ability to make lavish meals oh lavish meals is eight okay yeah so let's go ahead and make uh one lavish meal for now out of insect and um fungus which is a delicacy for us uh gloom seekers but i'm not gonna allow anyone to eat it it will be one of those like force feed things oh that's cool the faceplate for nathan became colored sorry zanny for real 95 oh because it was untreated really hills you didn't treat your own husband that's my my bad priority bad all right well that gives us the chance at least to uh do a funeral i think which is a way to show some of the new content i thought we had a ritual for funerals yeah we do uh okay so for a funeral ritual i'm gonna put it in here my bad here i'll turn doctoring up no i'm not going to turn doctoring up to one i'm just going to be better about the priorities not exactly how how this sure how this works so we're gonna have i'm gonna have to poke around figure it out the other thing that i could try to do is um you know uh i take i take that back uh make the sarcophagus here i think you all know where i'm going with this there's chance for a new life so i'm gonna take that chance build it sign zenny and bury him immediately i don't really care about a funeral because we're gonna keep them on ice i'm not really sure how a funeral work maybe it needs a well this does have a tomb designation oh yeah here we go uh begin gloom eulogy for zenny so the speaker here should be someone that holds the gloom enchanter uh roll and unfortunately we don't really have one of those uh so maybe what we do is we wait until we have someone that fulfills that role before we uh kick that off that's pretty cool [Music] now if that's the case another thing i could try to do is to push for resmek serums we're also supposed to be like higher tech so there's uh there's an obvious benefit to trying to unlock high-tech stuff from um crips and the like there was also the uh ancient complex that we could go to uh that's kicking around for a bit longer so what i'm gonna do is reject all of the previous redemptions and open up the channel point redemptions actually in just a minute because um i'm going to have to run to the bathroom for a second so i'm just going to save this just in case and let this go slowly i'll be back in just a sec i'll put yoda on i hope he uh kept you all company so hills is probably yeah negative 10 and 16 and also that we don't have a gloom enchanter um problem is we don't have anyone that even remotely fulfills gloom enchanter well attack it's gonna be you you're gonna be morale guide for us uh despite the fact that you are um totally uh not the right fit for it so you are already in ideology colors i think yes you are okay so then uh if you are [Music] the gloom enchanter you want a mask and cape all right can do it's got a cape made of bloofer and unfortunately our crafter is rip so five four four so nathan it'll be you you know even wake you up for this and power this on and the vision mask you're already wearing okay cool uh it's a garbage one but we only really have garbage that's the way it is so another thing that i could do is try to counsel hills because hills is going to be uh the most upset by the passing uh but i think my chance of doing it well is pretty low yeah 17 because of the uh the the terrible social skill oh never mind totally removed the mood impact so let's take a look here uh counseled by attack attack removed a negative 16 of love or death uh completely countered nice incredibly powerful all right stan uh i want you to this alpaca no this one's alive let's go hunt i need more meat what was the chance for that uh well i can't go back in time and check but the cape is ready for uh for attack at least one shot kill to the brain zach's only a week left of the paralysis for now i'm just going to cancel the expansion of these uh fungal tunnels i don't think we need it and we're back to research to cycle brewing quest available royal scent nope leave me alone so hypothetically now with that we have a um attach being the enchanter we could roll with a eulogy we can attempt it at least and let's have you dye your clothing the appropriate color there we go okay so now everyone has the appropriate clothing and its appropriate color hills uh you should tie your color as well you have a specific role and as a result you need to look it sand you're gonna kind of stand out here but that's okay you love the flower tiles well they're called spike core so i don't think they're supposed to be flowers but fair enough all right there we go i'm wearing the proper colors as well so once everybody's up i'm going to try a gloom eulogy it'll be the first eulogy i'll give probably not the last uh sand i'm gonna want you to hunt a little bit more we're constantly in need of meat you are a jogger oh and you're being hunted is that a car yes they're ancient cars i don't even think they do anything just get in your way uh this thing is catching up with me so let me go aid and help how fast am i moving uh 5-0 it's moving at 5-0 it shouldn't actually catch me in that instance yeah you're gonna want to rethink the strategy mr links oh wow seems like you predicting where i'm going it's weird all right i think i'm actually going to switch their guns just because it's pretty effective to to hunt the with what i had on and let's go get that uh that links i don't i don't particularly care to be hunted i find it rude yeah get aggressive you and your broken body all right that one's down uh let's go for the yak gloom eulogy expected for zenny yes i plan on it unfortunately zach can't attend either being paralyzed at all oh much better much better so once a gloom seekers member dies uh other glooms gather uh other gloom seekers gather around the grave for eulogy five seekers want to carry out the funeral as soon as possible uh to begin the ritual uh select the focus object and click the begin gloom eulogy command the following roles have a part in the eulogy the gloom enchanter completing the eulogy will have the effects depending on the ritual quality participants will be given different moods from negative three to plus eight um and the quality depends on the guide being present how many participants there are up to a count of ten max and the progress got it we'll get that done right now let's start it everybody in attendance expected quality 70 percent [Music] [Music] wow [Music] don't screw this up attach don't screw it up so you can also leave and cancel the eulogy in progress it seems i'm assuming that throne speeches probably are the same way it's lackluster minus one mood for six days oh well an attempt was made at least uh at least it was given here attaches uh tending the grave now the other thing i'm probably gonna want to do uh so that we don't mess with the dead is prevent the messing with the dead so i'm gonna set up vents here to stop for the uh any of the corpse obsessions so this stays frozen uh but inaccessible uh then nasa i'm going to this is going to be unfortunate for you uh but you are going to go to a day schedule and i will be giving you lavish meals as like uh incentive because it's going to be easiest to fight god look at that lavish meal it's gonna be easiest to fight um whatever's in the ancient danger uh during the day and not during the night so that we have a movement speed advantage and then natha um is going to again you know what i'm gonna have uh sando do it not nathan so let me let me switch those around oh uh i already yeah i changed it for stand out okay cool i accidentally did it right so you are going to go make a lavish meal for yourself and then pop open the anchor danger see what's in there after you adjust to your schedule because you're right now you're drowsy and i don't need you drowsy during this fight so these bedrooms are coming together they're um when they're complete they're like decent and i can always improve the quality of the bed and uh and try to make them more comfortable and art and all that eventually so let me open up the suggestion box of what to next focus on hey a royal tribute collector well they're a good smoke screen for if i pop open the ancient danger aren't they not so without a further ado [Music] we've got insects okay luciferium soother brain wiring and a hermetic crate and uh five caskets i did not mean to accelerate time until he went in there though just enough to piss off the uh the insects and coming out we're not gonna be killing the royals we already uh that's not what our culture does determined by a poll that already was ran if you ever want to make sure that you catch the polls um make sure to sign up for the announcements in discord but when this uh series started i had everyone vote on the spectrum of good evil and the spectrum of uh chaotic to lawful and it we were voted to go slightly good and chaotic um so we're gonna follow that alignment that sort of like dungeon and dragon's alignment meaning that we don't do evil for the for no reason essentially i'm not going to hug the royals either we're just sort of loosely unaligned with the royals okay for a shooter who is uh i know we have a disadvantage during the daytime but like my goodness is it really this bad all right i got their attention uh if you take a look here for the combat preference darkness uh when it's light and lit we do have to have a functional disadvantage but at shooter nine a solid professional you think you could at least land something sorry bug it wasn't fair i know utilizing royal tribute collectors against you well it's getting dark out so actually our accuracy should start to improve because now we'll have the night bonus we are night hunters did someone already haul that bug oh no here it is okay uh let's go in here and i'm going to [Music] he's probably dreadfully tired i'm going to caravan this stuff out because i'm uh productively lazy and i think uh given the accuracy bonus our penalties i'm just going to keep him at a night i think the move his jogging movement speed offsets the uh the advantage okay uh we have the possibility of adding matt to our number uh an ugly misandrist okay never mind uh there's haruka and and because we are good i'm not necessarily going to um i'm not going to require these guys to join me uh so instead i might just strip uh matt and uh leave him to his misogyny and ugliness the ugliness is not what bothers me all right let's open up the crate and we have a pulser all right iron head are you going to live maybe i'll keep an eye on that sweet medic thanks for the reset oh my butcher is full all right oh don't drop the luciferium there my goodness so there is one ancient danger popped open uh yielded nothing i'll eventually hunt the mega scarabs i'm just gonna get sand here to go to sleep because he's gonna lose his mind if he doesn't as you can see he's also switching gear around so i'm gonna have to re-dye that gear the green color that he prefers uh zach have you been fed you have good good good [Music] and the rest of the stuff i then can uh reclaim break down whatever i want it's mostly not overhead mountain i've already claimed the caskets and the crate crates over course new and we have a raid of hammerman lenin transport paws god look at nasa god you look ridiculous what is that uh parka all right so flowers and maker all right good luck getting through the uh the royals that are sitting here i wish you the best of luck because i don't even have to defend against this one oh they prepare in a while okay so we have an increasing amount of uh insect meat a warning that zach will need more clothing soon i think the royals are going to leave right before the attack that'd be my guess let's re-die your uh colors here and assault yeah i don't need to worry oh there was three of them all right nathan will be out there for like uh morale i guess but as you can see yeah i don't need to do anything it's already done for me as long as i don't get hit by friendly fire where's their where's their fourth oh yeah okay have fun i guess there was more of them i didn't realize that they were a separate group but they're um they're not getting a whole lot done down that in the crypt it's like cool bash that crypt as much as you want i don't care it's not really mine oh don't inject now our society doesn't really care much for um neolithic weapons so swords and axes and the like are kind of frowned upon um all right sando and natha let's go deal with these weirdos that are breaking some random crypt splat jet are you any good slow poke and tough slow poke is hard to overcome because they're always slow you have to put a lot of uh a lot of um could be a potentially a good uh researcher though i'll have you all vote with the burning passion that uh then we have penna not someone i particularly want and lenka um not really someone i'd want either so pretty low interest there but let's get them to stop burning everything uh hills if if they want this prisoner added let me go carry them and nathan sandow let's get you down here and stop the rest of the raid it's kind of a waste of caskets but uh there's other ancient dangers around oh yes please path right into the royal tribute raid brilliant simply brilliant all right if we're capturing i'm gonna put the let's put them up here capture and pin over here the uh monumental intellect on him set himself on fire oh god i'm gonna get friendly fired get me out of here and yeah got him got yourself a fire good job all right i'm gonna put this fire out uh because i'm curious about breaking down the hermetic crate and what kind of uh resources it can yield and it looks like we'll be adding jet a 17 to 1 ratio okey dokey all right nathan no more caravanning oh you dropped everything right there that's not cool and then hills you're supposed to heal jet jet is still considered guilty oh he'll quit jet's also gonna bleed to death uh jet will be all right so for jet uh we are going to want to probably convert first then recruit uh but i will try to trigger the conversion ritual uh this time because last time we didn't need it they converted too quickly that's annoying we'll let that raccoon just rot for no reason [Music] and an insulting spree targeted on sandow and sando goes on a food binge wait where are you binging to i don't know well tech i think you're going to need to reassure some people our morale is uh remarkably low i don't really have any easy means to get rid of uh human corpses so it's gonna bury people for now but that's not a that's not something that we can do forever because we'll fill the map full of corpses at this rate well get your frustrations out please don't turn into a social fight and you are just eating all of my fine meals i hope it tastes good how goes the memes memes go pretty well oh yep here comes the social thing are you rivals yeah he hates you how bad does he hate you 83 because of uh insults all right well it happens i'm gonna force her to tend him to him she was the instigator anyway right and now here is jet losing his certainty about his own uh faith his own ideology revised ideology and another raid of the white cat margot bunch of travels six of them i like their little gnome hats or whatever they are flop hats it's very cute well uh you know what i'm gonna do i'm not gonna do anything have fun you're gonna get eaten by animals enjoy bye-bye [Music] and i won pretty brutal i know but you know whatever uh let's do a preach health on sando he's our primary defender so this makes sense and preach health gives an immunity gain an injury heal factor of 25 a piece very cool all right obviously i'm gonna have a bit of a noisy animals to my right as a result of the psychosis i just induced but everybody's instructed to stay inside and as long as they don't have any mood breaks uh we should be fine [Music] the noises oh my god let's focus on uh trying to make jets stay here as comfortable as possible i know i don't have any tables to eat on at least clean it up so that it's a decent prison cell the next step would be smoothing out the walls to make them a little bit nicer so i'll do that once we get the uh additional granite um so let's see we're gonna start shaping where we live uh i suppose i'm gonna start uh by digging for more rooms and that will give us some more granite blocks is the ancient danger still home zone it is actually there's a lot of home zones that like kind of spill over but it's not uh it's not a zone that we're allowing anyone oh my god it's not a zone that we're allowing anyone to move towards because that would be zone restrictions i don't even know are they fighting yes what is happening oh no that's uh from the human fight okay never mind zach is starving there you go and hills you need treatment you need to treat yourself yeah there's a bit of an animal fight club going on there's so there's another ancient danger over here that i'm curious about uh roughly where these tribals died there's just a lot wall there how much longer for you zach four days so close it's been such a long wait doesn't it sound like they're fighting i swear they're fighting but maybe not bedrock thanks for sub welcome hey we hit plasteel so i'll try to make sure that attach uh mines the plastic over everyone else sandow let's get you to change your clothing to your favorite [Music] they're still somehow manhunted animals persistent little buggers aren't they and the stash of fortune expired okay uh question i have for you is the for the next priorities that you guys want me to undertake for the remaining time here uh just submit them as a channel point redemption i'll leave that up for a little bit and uh we'll we'll have a vote on that once that's done pretty soon here i'm also going to try a religious conversion full knowing that it's probably not going to do very well um so let me clean up the area for now in preparation for the conversion and we'll try uh to forcibly convert jet there to join us do we make batteries we did yes we have batteries right here all right so tomorrow morning conversion time hard snow 50 degrees fahrenheit 50 degrees fahrenheit is nowhere near freezing by the way just wanted to point that out so how many of these are still manhunted a tortoise only a tortoise okay so if it's just a singular tortoise i can go out there and hunt um oh boy some shooting texts watching santa can't shoot is uh the weather is obviously making it harder under the snowstorm and then it's because we're outside in the light it's uh it's bad as well it's bad in every way possible here and an event we got the plague natha jet and zach all got plagued uh luckily hills is our doctor and forced weather so we can deforest weather of a fog for 19 days for glitter world and goodwill advanced components or a revolver should i accept forced weather and then i'll have you vote on the uh the rewards i'm gonna pause the chat point uh for a minute here because we're voting on other things hills you stay there so we also have um oh god we also have plague so zach has the plague nathan has the plague how did someone that's bedridden and never seen the light of day get the plague just saying and then sandow um start shooting something was there one of these mega slaws were hurt no they recovered okay we'll shoot a mega slot anyway yolo yeah we win so hills is starving and zach is starving getting fed now don't collateral hit oh god seeing everything like just wiggle around it's like oh god oh god not good this is one hearty sloth posture check got it i was already in really good posture [Music] you don't even have a lung my friend okay jesus who never dies [Music] some point blanken and yes so what rewards here are the three choices we have a revolver at 340 value a two advanced components at 400 or goodwill and some glitter world meds at 150. so go ahead and vote and then we'll vote on the next priority and winter has officially begun uh here are some of the teas that we wanted to harvest i think i'm actually going to force harvest early i'm a little worried about uh the cold weather knocking it out but at this very moment we have so many people that are um laid up due to the plague um that i think doing really any sort of adventuring is probably a very bad idea okay glitter world and goodwill uh so one of the things i can do is and i think i will do is uh give all of the plagued one treatment of glitter world medicine if they are falling behind or i'll just keep it in reserve uh if they're falling behind but so far it looks like no one is um jet is a little far behind but that's because i had him on non-industrial an ally with enemies uh the holy chief of the rego alliance is requesting a favor her friend a 58 year old digger named purple hey that's our color um wants to drop mech clusters near us purple won't do any work and um okay do we accept purple it's two mech clusters and the words are quite terrible uh we don't have any cycasters so sidetrainers are worthless chris looking at chris he is an aesthetic too smart he'd be a good researcher um but we'd have to convert him because he's just doesn't believe in our culture and he's incapable of uh a bunch of things or goodwill and then once you vote on this uh we will vote on the channel point redeemed things i'm going to open up the redemption for one or two more choices if you have something to submit okay we need more treatment hills where did you go off to yeah there's nowhere close for the treatment all right i'm gonna pause it i am going to ignore the request to house purple as you voted on that and then next priority uh check out a mech site so do we still have a mech setup i think you mean ancient complex um art bench and statues check out another colony trade caravan somewhere um i don't know if i can actually trade caravan anywhere so i'm going to refund you uh poetic artist because no one is willing to trade with me well no that's not true the naked tribals would trade with me but i don't know if they're if any of them okay they're ridiculously far away so it's hypothetically possible but it would be like a one season journey i'll put it there anyway uh trade caravan uh furnish bedrooms or make craft uh better weapons which would be basically focus on um uh gunsmithing and machining because that's what is the uh limiting factor there i do like how hills walks around with the meds on her person uh so at this point i think what i'm gonna do is switch over the meds that she carries because my um the people that are sick aren't they're doing pretty good so i'm gonna switch over to herbals and treat them now with herbal and just keep an eye on it oh don't do that haul them all and then it wouldn't be a terrible idea to keep our herbal medicine in the freezer all right another boom okay who keeps eating the boomelops oh this is a chain reaction boomeloping [Laughter] the boomelopes one died from some cause i don't even know and then a chain reacted to get all the rest of them died to die they're gonna burn up and i'm not gonna be able to butcher them as a result but i don't really care it is pretty funny all right the ancient complex seems to be the popular choice got it my brother matt died who the heck all right so here's all the teas and we're getting pretty close to being able to do cycle brewing so the current priority is um check out ancient complex i'm gonna put a pause on these bedrooms for now because we don't really have need for them at the moment so jet's plague is 61 over 50 good zax is 69 over 41. fine nathan's out of bed so you're not actually okay you should go back in bed but is not uh is not endangered at the moment bed rest now all right tending to the plate i'm not going to do obviously a conversion ritual until jet isn't plagued um but that's also on my to-do list so what i'm going to do is next time santa can here is uh ready to go basically fully rested and all that i will be sending him out to uh to explore that uh that site probably alone maybe maybe with a person but given that like three-fifths of the people here are plagued at the moment i don't really have a lot of manpower to spare and the the forced weather here um this fire is not gonna be mitigated it's gonna just keep spreading and spreading and spreading because the forced weather is forced for a bunch more days so it might be in my best interest to actually fight this manually so as as funny as it was to see a bunch of the um the bumble ups blow up uh the problem is it can't rain when it's foggy so i kind of have to put this out myself and with my luck uh rainy rand was gonna drop like a meteorite of sandstone onto another bungalow and just start a whole new fire and an assaulting spree that's great we're we're fighting fires out here and you decide to hurl insults i feel like the blinding light should be somewhat at least uh negated when we're outside in thick fog but whatever get inside get happy in fact uh i'm just going to activate the uh the pulser okay we have an alpaca that's self-tamed so here um it's pretty obvious that you can't pen these things right like i can't zone restrict it as you can see but i will be naming this alpaca after someone so if you want alpaca named after you just type something in the chat uh but i'm gonna give it the name alpaca for now and uh in order to get the alpaca to where i want it to be i have to use the animal pen so let's do that allow all i don't really care what animals go into the pen sanikin is now actually the catharsis of the insult uh will be pretty handy um because that means that means that um he'll be in a better mood when i go to the uh site so in one minute i'm going to do the alpaca naming and maybe natha is going to go lead this alpaca to the pen because you know some animals uh can't do that for themselves zach is 22 hours away from from mobile and here we go now we have a packet in our pen that we can use as a uh as like a beast of burden marauder congrats on being an alpaca very strange name for an alpaca but hey i like it before we go to the site let me quickly try a conversion ritual [Music] oh this looks so evil it's not i swear join us join us effective conversion ritual um sweet and everyone gains a mood bonus for some time as a result so now jet has very little belief in his own ideology and i'm going to try to convert some more down goes another 11 all right sando uh let's get you to go to the complex and i'm gonna try to do this before end of stream we're gonna bring with us uh not automatic um eight meals and send and then also before you go i want to make you a bed roll socket brewing is now done i'm going to start to get machining i'm going to make the executive decision that machining is the way to go oh what more fires seriously seriously what is wrong with you stupid animals oh because you all have a perfection i mean fine i'll butcher you up good and plenty jesus uh all right so let's load the bedroll as well and get moving now i'm waiting to apply the tech print for when zac is conscious or alternatively jet because jet looks to be the likely candidate for our full term researcher and now we're heading to the ancient complex now the ancient complex can have dangers but i sent sanikin on purpose because he is a jogger unfortunately he has a flak armor which will slum down a little bit which is not great i should have also sent him with like go juice or wake up if i was thinking of it but i wasn't so oh well uh so another thing to notice here is my uh marker here will tell me roughly how much food is in this pen and how long it can sustain the people that are in here another thing is uh my cook is now gone so tack you're gonna have to be the cook which means uh we are down to we're down to probably simple meals once we run out of what we currently have and we'll start to get ready for a psycho tee off so if we start to get psycho tees let me go to the scheduled drugs policy and psychic tea every two days when mood is below let's say 50. or actually even higher than that say 75 get people happy and then tak is going to crank some teas out for us so he's a half a day away from the complex yeah i'm not taking the alpaca um not on this trip i think it's quite likely that i have to like flee so i'm getting ready for that possibility but zack should be on her feet five hours or on her foot and peg leg sanikin's probably pretty pissed that he's walking around during the day but it happens looks like i need a new crafter so zack after tending to you for so long you're gonna have to be our stone cutter once you're conscious bit of a celebration here because it's been 36 days of just like laying here and you're up all right i am in the mapping counter and santa can immediately go to sleep all right on the lookout so there's an ancient mega cannon platform i'm gonna try to break corners of this to see what's going on uh there's raids that arrive here in four days [Music] some ancient machines some corpses still trying to be as cautious as it can be uh we have fuel nodes columns consoles hermetic crate oh god i don't know what the explosion of this will be but okay big i'm glad i ran and just kept running um i'm technically outdoors because i broke my way in here but i do want to try to get to this ceramic crate before it goes kaputski's oh the floor is all dark carpet i thought it was steel that's gonna make this really tough um but this ancient comms console here can be hacked in order to give me uh a location of a supply satellite it seems so it's unfortunate that i don't seem to be able to uh put this out now the hacker would be someone that is um if you're wondering what that is that's someone that has the uh gloom visionary the intellectual role uh they get the ability to hack which i currently have no one eligible so i guess it's less important um are you going to do this again large damage yeah you're going to blow up again aren't you yeah at least that's concrete it's less flammable there okay there we go so dramatic oh yeah yeah but i haven't destroyed anything all right let me um let me make this outdoors so i can get in there that is one messed up fire all right so now i could just ignore it because it's not super hitting me and we have silver i don't know what the deal is with this ancient generator but my guess is if i break it down i might yield something from it so let's try to put it out before it blows up nope nothing okay well let's open this crate luciferium that i can't seem to pick up i have plenty of carry weight what the heck is going on uh my guess is this is bug uh based upon drug policies or something i'm not sure he's being very very very frustrating though a reformed caravan oh not like that oh well there was one more room i was trying to get him to caravan load it but i have no idea why that uh luciferian was literally impossible for me to ever touch very very strange and we have wrath rumbos here so hopefully you can get home in time for a thrumbo hunt two of them so attack is making all of the tea that we want it was pretty cool i would definitely go to another one of those maybe with some fire from poppers yeah the traps are very very annoying i'm sure there's probably like not knowing about them i'm sure there are pretty good counters to them uh again like like skipping a fire foam shell into the room or something like that you know there's probably a lot of ways to deal with it um but now that i know that those sites tend to have things that you can hack or at least the possibility of things that you can hack that you should also go with a hacker go with someone that can hack the way into it and hack the comms console so that could be a goal for uh next stream is to uh try to hack one of those so zach needs a gun i'm going to give zach this machine pistol because it's the best thing i can offer at the moment yeah they have pretty decent fuse timers too yeah it might also be possible just like you know i i'm not really sure deconstruct them i mean i think the worry is if you if you mess around there for too long it just like blows up in your face and you get set on fire in a superheated room and that wouldn't be good for anyone okay more catharsis and now zach you can hunt uh has guns to do so all right what are some of the other tasks that she could do that might be productive get rid of the uh fire starter animals before they start their own fires just because i know that that's gonna happen eventually uh looks to me like uh let's get you butchering because these things are already rotting i want the leather more than the meat even and a still working site from the rego alliance uh we're allied with the rego or uh heading towards an alliance so no i won't be betraying them and taking over their site and a hunting works site by the lagoon union so the hunting work site that is a little bit more interesting because um you know we're not allied with them we're definitely not allowed with them but it's only for some pemmican and pigskin and it would be a pretty far trip but very very cool that there's like ambush sites and allied sites if we take a look at the uh the goodwill here i do have um so i have a natural -10 goodwill to the shattered empire because they're loyalist and they really only like them their own but i do have a positive 21 um because a member exited the map healthy uh a quest was completed but minus six because someone died so it will show you the whole spectrum of the who when why when and how it looks like to me that jet is about to flip on his own ideology and that about wraps up all the time i have thank you for tuning in to the gloom seekers which originally aired live on twitch if you have any feedback from me let me know in the comments below if you would like to catch a live stream of the gloom seekers i stream this just about every day from 3 p.m to 8 p.m eastern daylight time a countdown timer and schedule can be found at ratamount.com thank you for watching i hope to catch you next episode or an upcoming stream farewell
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 9,701
Rating: 4.9257293 out of 5
Keywords: RimWorld, Ideology, 1.3, Gloom Seekers, Twitch, Let's Play
Id: zmSzOP6YzfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 27sec (3987 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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