r/Im14andthisisdeep | PHONE BAD

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okay nope I'm not touching this one with a 30 foot ball how's it going everybody welcome back to MK my name is Robin and today I'm gonna be looking at posts on our slash I'm 14 and this is deep oh boy I can barely contain my excitement the eternal struggle do I watch Will & Grace for the 400th time or do I read a book that's clearly blank you can do 99 things for someone and all they'll remember is the one thing you didn't do I mean I guess no feelings don't try falling in love ever again in love's not a word nice try idiot oh dear oh oh dear what do I even say about this I nothing's coming to mind it's terrible I would have stayed in the nut sack if I knew it was gonna be days like that my boy djinji me talking to my family me talking to my friends me talking to myself Oh ain't you so quirky quarantine is when you restrict the movement of sick people tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people I don't know enough about this to dispute it so sure fake chicks want a man who has it all a real woman helps her man get it all she's not gonna be very helpful if she keeps playing with that like that though I'm not crossing the road the roads crossing my forest true but shut up hmm yes I see no I don't what if Beauty matters I would date my dog rather than you okay what what kind of beauty you talking about here Society has made me this way nah dude that was just tumblr so many selfies and so little knowledge of self now I'm pretty sure they know about themselves just fine you can you can you know mind your business this generation was the first to be raised online Google taught me to be curious tumblr taught me to be inspired YouTube taught me to be myself vine taught me to laugh deviantART taught me to aspire blah taught me to reach out Facebook taught me to make friends Instagram taught me to share Etsy taught me to be proud Twitter taught me to listen and I wouldn't want it any other way so much of that was so wrong that I do not have the energy nor the time to try and dispute it also bloggers are you serious what year is it life is soup and I'm a fork alright fine me ignoring you how badly I want to talk to you oh just say hi how hard is that how does a bill become a law oh come on that's not nearly enough money if people keep testing me they'll unleash horrors that the world isn't ready to see yeah you're right I was not ready to see that at all this is why I'd rather not make friends they find someone else and bam you're alone sounds like a you problem doof oh man another one of these photos hey at least it's pretty though welcome to reality be faithful get cheated on show love get left be honest get lied to show feelings get hurt play one-on-one get dumped on me it's 7 I want to be a singer everyone that's great me at 10 I want to be a doctor everyone that sounds nice me at 12 I want to be a lawyer everyone we're proud of you me at 15 I want to be dead everyone thanks for 800 plus likes I never got that mini wow that was a roller coaster I did not sign up to ride on how are you fine 14 year old white girls your current behavior will be reflected in your future life oh no he was mad and punishing his kid for doing stupid crap wow what a terrible father this is what it looks like when you're trying to look at memes through your tears to cheer yourself up joke's on you there tears from laughter because those memes are funny as heck as soon as you're born you're given a name a religion a nationality and a race you spend the rest of your life defending a fictional identity yeah and getting the tattoo was the worst part of it you don't need a reason to help people dang those dudes are pulling in some serious cash just kind of sitting around doing nothing real men screw up what defines a men is up man men are the Frick we stopped looking for the monsters under our bed because we realized it's inside us from the minute we're born we start dying yeah that's how living things tend to work you know too much psychology when you can't get mad because you understand everyone's reasons for doing everything hey if you think you know why I'm eating three day old doughnuts over the sink at 4:00 a.m. you're wrong this is deep no no it is not name these brands named these plants this slaps you in the face with reality no no it doesn't ily Oh spell it out it'll make it more special I'm leaving you Oh didn't see that comin did yet yeah I don't know about this one chief can't relate can't relate some stories are written with pen some stories are written with pain God pain does not make a good writing utensil I'm just letting you know now I set myself on fire to keep you warm and you just watch me burn sounds like a pretty one-sided relationship you should probably leave what two emojis you use the most wow that sucks man sorry to see it you're so stupid I fake a smile every day and you believe it how stupid you are well whatever these posts are draining my will to live this is the most dangerous animal in the world it's responsible for millions of deaths every year by its side a great white shark swims peacefully showman's bad when the phone was tied with a wire humans were free oh this is how stupid this generation is half a million nine hundred thousand yeah I'm not following here what are you talking about oh my god what are you talking about look I love my homeboy Yoshi but BGO she come on come on trust no one No don't trust the guy with snakes for hands because that's a little weird potato is tired potato is stressed potato needs a hug potato is me roses aren't always red violets are not exactly blue I live in a world where not everything's true you are a liar I am one too but this is society and it's what we do the only thing we definitively got from that is that you are a liar you admitted it I don't even know who I am anymore you're a good boy you're a good boy and you know it when girls are kids they like dolls when boys are kids they like electric toys but when girls are adult they like electric toys and when boys are adult they like dolls silence anime profile picture true friends stab you in the front what kind of friends you got OMG so I just figured out the word hurt it's past present and future you will be heard you are heard you were hurt because of something truly hurt it never really stops you poetic little crap it's because it's an adjective you will be stupid you are stupid you were stupid thank god there's someone smart left on tumblr son it's 8 a.m. time for your behave in school drugs that's mommy ah man this makes me feel things I don't want to feel some people don't want to be fixed because being broken gets them attention ouch they always ask what are you doing step bro and never how are you doing step bro man that one hit me hard this is important mom I took nine months to form your heart do not let anyone break it in 15 seconds hey sometimes it's not your choice I see one thousand boys I know a hundred boys I talked to ten boys I love one boy everything in this world is either a potato or not a potato yeah that makes sense it's your birthday Mateo said I didn't respond are you not excited to be fifteen he asked reading my book I uttered I turned fifteen long ago ha ha ha ho Jaden stop this tweets seven years old but stop I'm the Hulk so what I'm an M&M we think we are the doctors we are the disease then what are the actual doctors and I'm sad to say that that's all we've got for you today always remember if you enjoyed this video hit that like button and hey if you really enjoyed the video consider subscribing and clicking the bell icon and until next we meet I'll be seeing ya [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 307,813
Rating: 4.9273486 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/im14andthisisdeep, r/im14andthisisdeep best posts, im 14 and this is deep, im 14 and this is deep emkay, reddit deep, reddit inspiration, deep emkay, reddit emkay, boomer memes, r/im14andthisisdeep emkay, reddit funny, emkay, fake deep, inspirational quotes, jaden smith
Id: dE91xGu-P04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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