r/Im14andthisisdeep | OMG THIS IS REAL LIFE!!!

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oh wow she's got a brain but everybody else enjoys things how's it going everybody welcome back to MK my name is Robyn and today I'm gonna be looking at posts on our /im 14 and this is deep oh boy I can barely contain my excitement any good news doc well your test results are in you may want to sit down I hate to tell you this but you have humans mental ward 158 Pikachu Charmander one day delusions turned into ashes hey as long as he's happy right honestly I think my back is just target practice for the people I care about to stab me in wait hold on don't make me wake the Beast Within you know I kinda want to just to see what he looks like I'm at school listening to this literally dying inside but everyone thinks I'm okay you might want to get some help then yo dear heart why him yikes intelligence is created out of some old pornography found in the forest that's why it's intelligence I'm not smart enough to understand what the hell you just said how are you me the light inside is broken but I still work yo same though wow this is just bad bad bad bad bad bad wait does the enlighten girl have a hammer and sickle from the Soviet Union on her mind you must conform you will think as you are told my teacher isn't qualified to teach spelling she spells you why oh you she spells BRB re tu RN she spells B F n G oo D P ye holy crap that's boomer as heck I'm not perfect but I'll always be real that's right Pooh you always will be in my heart when the pain no longer hurts that's when you become a different type of monster whoa deepest hat bruh this piece is called the impact of a book yes but now the structural integrity of the wall has been compromised thanks to what is that Moby Dick ah well that's just stupid very very stupid what's the difference between I like you and I love you when you like a flower you just pluck it but when you love a flower you water it daily one who understands this understands life I understand that you're full of crap I'd be drowning in champagne but the Sham is silent okay if a man wants you and only you nothing or no one else can distract him well looks like he's gonna get a D because he's not doing the assignment at all is he we are the real monsters no that's the zombies you're the real [ __ ] idiot I think that's them stupid I hope you're dead now I missed the internet video didn't just stop at the radiostar you know love thy neighbor now that doesn't look right love thy neighbor challenge oh what a Boomer joke and war that's it that's the picture however thoroughly you wash your hands if you voted for this government they will never be clean oh you caught him dirty handed cigarettes after sex cigarettes after X yeah neither are healthy for you also those look like Nerf darts on the right oh oh I get it the TV's getting thinner but they're getting fatter because they're irresponsible they asked 25 and single she replied no 25 and independent yeah you go mez if you know who this is and you have no idea who this is you're probably more concerned about celebrity gossip and pop culture than the future of humanity the future of humanity the future there's no elevator to success you have to take the stairs well at least I'll lose a couple pounds by the time I fail next in this trust exercise I close my eyes and you all catch me it builds trust 1 2 3 wow that was a lot worse than I was expecting woof I'm in paint but the T is silent oh no what happened to my girl Peppa Oh evil does not exist within a it exists within the minds and hearts of those who pull the trigger for evil purposes thanks middle-school friend I'm fine what we can move on here guys he's fine 1990 2000 2005 2019 Oh what this crap makes those sides I'm tired of hearing how everything in your life wasn't good enough including me I'm laughing so hard someone made this gif black and white to make it more dramatic but it's literally from a movie about a talking fish and a vegetarian shark oh great that's one awful looking Instagram account oh wait but they follow everybody back this is really sad that buildings like a metaphor for a crumbling society left to rot with only the outer shell hinting towards any semblance of a glory long lost Wow never thought about it that way mainly because that's stupid over nothing lasts forever except for the pain I feel from how awful these posts are cats versus invisible wall the image of society few will break out while many stay behind an invisible wall confused on how to break free whoa yes Barbara whoa the hunger virus kills about 8,000 children a day and the vaccine for it exists it's called food but you won't hear that in the media do you know why because hunger doesn't kill the rich you know what else can cure hunger eating the rich the others will help they said as they casually walked around a gym swimming pool located in the middle of a mystical forest oh wow I'm not know we're moving on children you spend the first two years of their life teaching them to walk and talk then you spend the next 16 telling them to sit down and shut up why is it always minions what is it with minions and you people I don't understand animality humanity yeah the use of emojis really sells this try thinking positive for once ok I'm positive that I'm a waste of space alright also me oh so you're the one who took all our jobs yeah and it did it better and more efficiently than they all ever did you were born in original don't be a copy man shut up maybe you should eat some make up so you can be pretty on the inside too Oh y'all smoke to enjoy it I smoke to die Oh again the emojis are really selling it I hate you did you mean I think I'm falling in love with you and it scares the crap out of me no I meant I hate you successful man oh no he's mad unsuccessful man oh good he's happy 299 followers 411 K followers I'm I'm not following oh I see the lawnmower is supposed to represent an oppressive government is that right no well it's stupid anyway no one can destroy iron but its own rust can likewise none can destroy a person but his own mindset can we've seen this before and it's still just as stupid as it was last time I'm sorry I'm not pretty I'm sorry I'm not smart I'm sorry I'm failing I'm sorry I'm to blame I'm sorry I'm worthless I'm sorry I'm useless I'm sorry I'm such a mess I'm sorry I can't be proud I'm sorry I'm a person I'm sorry I was born I'm sorry you have to deal with me yeah you should be this is so cryptic and emotional and I have so many questions but I don't want the answers I love it so much it's a woman holding a chicken that's it she's holding a chicken why am I so sad ugly emotional fat tired well I know I'm fat because I eat too much my generation will invent agriculture your generation can't even hunt man this is sad 30,000 years ago this is not fair why only earth got humans today thank God we don't have humans I like how they collectively were pissed off at first though as if humans were something to want nobody knows when the last goodbye is God I hope it's right now sometimes I delete my own post because I'm not the same person that was five minutes ago okay Joker that's really neat since I was a kid I learned that words kill no no no no the wrong ones do don't you even remember playing that game sit I told you no reading or thinking for yourself this image is so bad it's making me upset I'm moving on perspective huh okay right on ah yes the minds of the young are pure and sweet 15:03 be like boom she kind of cute 20:19 be like this is the dumbest picture I've ever freaking seen in my entire life and it makes no sense what's wrong um nothing well why are you being so distant we don't talk anymore I decided to put as much effort into contacting you as you do with me that's why we don't talk anymore Oh Xing and I'm sad to say that that's all we've got for you today always remember if you enjoyed this video hit that like button and hey if you really enjoyed the video consider subscribing and clicking the Bell icon and until next we meet I'll be seeing ya [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,475,073
Rating: 4.9177203 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/im14andthisisdeep, r/im14andthisisdeep best posts, im 14 and this is deep, im 14 and this is deep emkay, reddit deep, reddit inspiration, deep emkay, reddit emkay, boomer memes, r/im14andthisisdeep emkay, reddit funny, emkay, fake deep, inspirational quotes, jaden smith
Id: nPTx587lZdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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