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they need to invent gloves for your feet cuz my feet are always cold I think someone's gonna win the next shark tank hey everybody how's it hanging welcome back to MK my name is of course Robin and today I'm gonna be looking at posts on our slash facepalm so without further ado let's just jump right on into this well it's a valiant effort I'm not sure why he had to do this in the first place though this is Al Gore's house it uses 20 times as much energy as the average American home $30,000 a year in utility bills yet he thinks he can lecture you on your carbon footprint someday that man will have to face an inconvenient truth while my popsicle looked like his sinuses acting up I hate the hood I don't think it's his sinuses man you'll do great things you're a natural huh Oh ain't that the story of my life oh man I bet those tastes so sour a kid born in 2010 is now 18 years let that sink in I never thought I would need to explain a basic math but since we here kid born in 2010 now is 2018 so you add the 10 to 8 equals 18 simple math so the kid is 18 years and 2018 simple she doing that our chilli math I'm gonna give them a pass we're all tired in the morning and I'm pretty sure I've done something like this a gluten-free chocolate chip cookie that contains gluten can't make this stuff up folks answer questions to earn tokens which fast-food restaurant has the subway Club is it subway or Jersey Mike's let me think about that for a second picture of dinosaurs and Bengaluru real or not read to find out man it's just it's just a still from Jurassic Park come on I would genuinely like to know where this person is from and what they are smoking I mean come on Asia wTF is this Texas wait wait wait 100 billion views on Minecraft think about the numbers there are 3 billion people on this earth you are one of the stupidest people I've seen in my entire life a deputy responded to a report of a vehicle stopping in mailboxes it was the mailman case closed super cop out how many movies are on Netflix at least 41 well you're not wrong the moon is not a rock in space the moon is its own light source rocks don't reflect light neither does the moon like how you can clearly see the rock reflecting light Rhett is short barafu WTF I don't get it what bro how do you not get it I don't get it K what's matte short for Matthew what is rat short for I don't know what the hell Rhett Casas that's the only thing that it reminds me of I just sent you a freaking message telling you the answer oMFG I hate your crap brick you what Rachel I'm bored Jeff I'm Chuck we should get together bored like I don't have anything to do not bored like chalk board learn to spellcheck oh god I hope you don't worry Happy Easter wait why are they all gagged what's going on here winter testing on LRT vehicles was conducted indoors LRT system plagued by problems during first winter and service mmm if your wife's mother-in-law looked like this would you screw her bra your wife's mother-in-law is your mom that's basically like asking if you would screw your own mother just having mother-in-law would have sufficed not your wife's mother-in-law whoever made this is an idiot just thought you should know yeah this whole thing is just awful watermelon for some strange reason I feel like that's a lie Bron got himself a stalker that's the same game I mean come on it's a little bit creepy she stays the whole time am i right I was thinking just like 20 minutes or an hour removed but not too far sounds good dope I screwed up bad I tried to wipe the dye off my forehead and it won't come out tomorrow's my first day back to work a screw me tough break pal the truth is just so dang obvious a 5g cell tower vaccine based 5g chem trail beam a weaponized 5g bat Koba 19 mind control beam the New World Order 5g activated nano surveillance rolls whoa that was that was a ride installed on octopus steals my video camera and swims off with it did you get your camera back no we didn't the octopus took the camera home and uploaded everything to youtube viruses don't exist 5g is death oh well they don't make you take an IQ test to get vanity plates on April 1999 five a man robbed a bank with lemon juice in his face as a disguise since he knew lemon juice could be used as a visible link he figured it would make his face invisible on cameras I can kind of see the logic tracking there but at the same time no I can't you [ __ ] people drew car logos from memory and the results are hilarious how do you get outta wrong notice we've been informed that from now on black people are not allowed to enter the restaurant for the sake of your health consciously notify the local police for medical isolation please understand the inconvenience caused do what I taught my daughter the truth about Flat Earth and the other day we were in the toy shop and she spots the globe first thing she said was what is this nonsense why does this toy shop preach lies Oh 30-plus photos that make us question the male race are we all in a race I wasn't invited somebody please explain to me okay there's 6% alcohol in this beer no matter how big it is a regular can of this is the same what's the point of a tall can besides more beer why not drink a smaller beer with the same alcohol like who wants to drink more beer if there's no benefit I fell for this craft never again honestly I think your whole life went wrong when you decided to drink bush ice just checking is the garden bin collection back as normal yes Brenda it is oh-ho just checking Brenda is that the emoji you wanted to send it was meant to be a thumbs up but I may have the wrong glasses on sorry if it was offensive oh my goodness I've just had another proper look really sorry don't worry about it you've brought tears to my eyes after a weird couple of weeks it's good to laugh oh that's more wholesome than anything homeless hungry anything helps hiring make gyms essential in Georgia eighty-nine have signed well I've lost hope and at least 89 people are you Samantha I have a bf go away I just found your wallet you left it by the counter at work and found your number through one of your business cards oh that's awesome can we meet up so you can return it I have a gf go away oh how the turn tables and this is where Rockstar will always stay ahead of Ubisoft when it comes to open-world details even in the older GTA whenever you get a car bust it's so bad that the hood came off there'd be an engine you'd actually see a rendered engine and with OB soft watchdogs too no engine nothing a whole this is beyond crazy I'm not one for nitpicking but you got to realize as a developer there are more people out there that will notice crap like the car engine missing from a car oh my god let me explain to you kid the freaking engine is in the back of the car why would the engine be in the back you want the car to go forward so the engine has to be in the front if it's in the back it'll just go backwards oh man they fell for it they fell for it so how's everyone else's home projects coming along a kiddie door installed I hate myself Hey the cat could probably still get through that just fine my cheap boyfriend by himself the full switch and got me the light who cares the point is that he bought you a two hundred dollar console as a gift it's his money the fact that he used it to buy you something and you're upset because you didn't get the $300 version speaks volumes Oh fill it I just convinced my mate at the inside of a cheese grater is in fact a sick new nightclub trippy as heck where is it shortage shall we go yes please imagine being on DMT in that probably freaked out I reckon you'd have a great time shut up BSA please don't park like this that's my car on the right I was contemplating having to crawl across the passenger seat when the moment who owned the car on the Left came back I pointed out calmly that she needs to be more aware of the cars around her when parking oh so it's your car on the right huh you don't say behind the scenes from the first avenger please stop using BTS to gain likes on your photo please stop using our BTS kpop name please stay away no crime between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. so you're telling me I've got a little window of opportunity McDonald's hiring smiling faces for afternoon shits I can get paid to do that multiple choice question Plato dies in 334 BC how long ago was that true or false yeah this is big brain time trapped on an island what do you bring yes a boat that's the smart move why are Nintendo codes so long guys my code doesn't work anymore you're telling me you shared that code on your story and then you waited 12 hours to see if it worked still if wireless pcs existed we could literally take them anywhere and use them to be even more productive than having to plug it into a sock all the time you mean a laptop I think I said pcs very clearly yeah man he didn't stutter now this person is thinking outside the box they're completely protected oh no no no don't worry guys it's four-wheel drive all right three 944 hmm it could be any combination of numbers how do I report a business that's non-essential and isn't following orders try the Gestapo app thank you oh I don't know why but the deep loud voice made me think of the freakin narrator on the Discovery Channel David Attenborough he has a freaking name oh yeah I'm sure he got one from his mom hello yes I found your friend's phone could I tell your friend I found it who the person whose name it is at the top of the screen oh okay thanks no problem hey Caden it's me Adam somebody found your phone have a good day Brooke flat earther died after launching himself with a homemade rocket uh yes natural selection can you win Darwin Awards posthumously congratulations you just earned mastered an n-word oh no no no girl tries to pour acid on ex's face but the wind blows it back onto hers instead sweet justice color name white black wrong white oh so close yet not at all so fake there are no real images in this video all CGI in paintings sabki is fake research close-ups with Nikon p900 cameras those are real images just lights in the sky you could also look at a fish two meters under the surface of the water and come to the conclusion that fish are shapeshifters download more ram prank it doesn't work man it doesn't work pretty much a scam I always thought my phone has too much RAM on it and I thought this app would solve it totally not recommended safe walk and with that we've reached the end of today's video always remember if you enjoyed make sure to hit that like button and if you really liked it then consider subscribing and hitting the bell icon and until next we meet I'll be seeing ya [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 452,688
Rating: 4.9478822 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/facepalm, r/facepalm top posts, r/facepalm best posts, facepalm, r/facepalm emkay, emkay facepalm, facepalm emkay, therewasanattempt, r/therewasanattempt, r/therewasanattempt emkay, therewasanattempt emkay, fails, reddit fails, epic fail, fail compilation
Id: W60eSZ6POz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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