r/idontworkherelady + r/idoworkherelady - KAREN LOSES HER MIND!

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g'day there guys it's your Z hubby Maki back at it again with another r slash I don't work here lady's story anyway guys with that said I want you to sit back relax Chuck a prawn on the barbie and get ready for some bloody good I don't work here ladies stories now our first post is by user serene Phoenix 89 titled Karen do you need a friend this is what I get for going to the store instead of ordering groceries to be delivered so with the corona stuff going on I've been dutifully staying in my apartment like a decent human being and limiting any time I spend outside unfortunately this has been hell on my partner's mental health and the depression is real so I decided screw it by both food boys and he likes cookies as a giant the next block over so I get dressed put on my sweet Disney mask go in and see the designs are wonderful and head out to get my partner some cookies now for reference my style is Harbor chic sir sweats sneaks graphic tee and a hoodie keep that in mind I go into giant and head for the cookie aisle I'm considering if I want to do Oreos or if I want to be fancy and get pepperidge farm these are important questions of life when an older woman who is very short asks if I can grab something for her off the top shelf of course I say yes because she was nice enough to ask I'm a simple guy and I hand her the item and go back to my contemplation as I decide to get them both I hear the hem I've worked in retail and I've worked food services so I know the sound of a wild Karen when I hear one I say to her what's up what's up is that how you treats look I have zero in the way of spirits and even less patience ma'am ma'am I'm gonna need you to look at me and try that line of thinking again her the [ __ ] hey hey hey uh-uh let me tell you what we're not gonna do I need you to woo woo woo and chill I know you know better Karen still looks mad but it doesn't say anything now I can help you find an employee if you want but what you will not do is yell at me I am only here to get cookies I point at my stomach because I'm a thicky boy not that I need them there Karen cracks a small smile gotcha but at this point I'm committed to this I didn't choose thick life it shows me Karen starts to crack and laughs a little before all of a sudden starts to tear up I'm six foot three hundred pounds and black a-crying karen is a bit detrimental to my continued freedom you okay yeah it's just that this is the first time I've laughed in a while my husband is in the hospital the virus yeah I'm not sure if it means much coming from some kooky guy but I hope he recovers Karen smiled and walked away while she didn't apologize for popping off I'm glad it didn't escalate further her husband's condition doesn't excuse what I'm sure would have been an awful tirade but it does serve as a reminder that crap is bad for everyone unexposed is by user cherry babe Oh three titled a Karen tries to get the owner's daughter fired so I'm not 100% sure if I'm putting this on the right one but I hope I have so background this was about two years ago when my dad owned the pub I was 14 and old enough to chip in by taking orders for the restaurants cleaning tables etc and one day we had just opened and my dad had gone down to the basement to change one of the kegs as I was sitting at the bar talking to our new employee showing them what to say my dad had taught me himself and the employee was barely out of college by the way the employee asked if it was okay if she quickly went down to the bathroom since there were not any customers it was only 4:00 p.m. and the locals normally start pouring in at 6:00 so I said it was okay as I'm drinking my Cola Karen arrives says excuse me uh hello I want a lists her drink and be quick with it I'm sorry I'm not working she cuts me off stop lying I've seen you clean the tables I know you work here I'm shocked I'm like I'm sorry miss Karen but I'm not working today and even if I was I couldn't get you a drink since I'm not allowed behind the bar stop lying you're here so you must be working get me my drink miss Karen I she cuts me off again you're so rude I know the owner you know I could get you fired at this point our new employee returns I'll call them me for nice employee knee is like hello welcome to xx in what can I get for you get me the owner I want this girl fired so I gave me a look that basically said get him my dad I was holding in tears at this point and he could see that he's like I'll just grab him from downstairs one moment good turns out my dad had been upstairs the entire time Karen had been here and heard it all what's the meaning of this he firmly asked Karen mister are my dad's last name this employee of yours needs to be and then my dad cut her off she's not my employee what but I've seen her clean up and take orders and dad cuts her off again that's because she's my daughter Karen turns to look at me who was still trying to calm down and speaks if he really are his daughter then why couldn't you get me my drink me me and my dad was shocked and in disbelief by this but I managed to speak I'm almost in tears and I'm like I'm bloody 14 it's illegal Karen went pale and before she could speak my dad dude now get out of my pub you're banned for the rest of the month we haven't seen her since mainly because about 10 months later my dad sold the pub edits the reason why I cried was because I have high-functioning autism and not good with conflicts bands for a month I would have banned her for the rest of her miserable life my dad's never been that harsh with women plus she had only been in two or three times before so a month ban was enough of a punishment in my dad's eyes he danced sounds like a good man but I still think he treated Karen better than she deserved I'm glad she didn't come in again before he sold the pub to people commonly lie about not working in a place they actually do workout during their actual shifts almost every story here involves a Karen shouting stop lying when informed that a person is not the employee but I've never heard it actually happening I think in a Karen's mind people are always lying it is just extremely difficult for some or maybe even many people to admit that they might have done a mistake so they simply stick to their story no matter what unexposed is by user Demi daydream titled no Karen I cannot help you go to the bathroom in high school I worked for a national movie theater chain while they've since changed them the uniform at the time consisted of navy blue trousers and a red polo nearby in the same Plaza there were several restaurants and fast food places and among these was a Panda Express during my 15-minute break I'd been at Panda and in line ordering and waiting to pay for my food I was minding my own business and hoping that I could get out of there quickly enough to have time to inhale my orange chicken prior to darting back to the box office when my break ended I'm a bit zoned out so I became rather startled upon an abrupt ahem accompanied by a tap on my shoulder I turned and took in the sight of what we all know now to be a Karen oh sorry was I in your way this is my default line of thinking and I have terrible social anxiety I said I need to go to the bathroom um well it's over that way I think I know that obviously I'm confused at this point because I'm not at all in the way of her getting to the bathroom and now she's admitted to knowing where it is and I don't know what she's shouting I need the key at this point it's time for me to pay for my food remember I'm on the outside of the glass slash counter and waiting in a line I figure maybe she's trying to get past me to ask the cashier for the bathroom key so I step back and make room for her to go ahead of me and she doesn't I asked you for the bathroom key do you not know how to do your job I finally realized that she thinks I'm employed there I guess maybe it's because my work shirt is red and so are the employees uniforms there so I'm awkwardly pointing at the cinema logo on my polar I say I'm not just on my break I don't she must not have looked the gestures I'd made to the uniform of the company I'm actually employed by is that your manager turns to the cashier your employee is so rude just because she's on her break she's refusing to help me go to the bathroom she needs to be fired ma'am she doesn't work here will you be purchasing a meal our restrooms are for customers only Karen sputters then turns and storms out of the place to terrorize some other establishment with a public restroom they totally allowed people to use the bathrooms without buying food by the way I think they just wanted to have her leave the store because of this team that she had just made good grief I've never understood these sorts of people who seem to have a one-track mind paid with a severe case of tunnel vision good call in the cashier for coming up with that lie on the spot it worked well against the wrath of Karen and part of me hopes that she didn't find a restroom for a long while afterwards long I think she walked over to the Starbucks nearby they definitely didn't have locks on theirs it was a single stall though and a busy movie weekend the businesses nearby all served customers from the movie theater sir I'm sure she had to wait a while to use it no she probably just walked up to some poor schmuck standing in line in construction gear and demanded the he do his job and evict whoever was in the ladies room yikes Karen and our next purse is by Dark Lord Topher titled but I actually did know where it was my local shop is in little Tesco the staffing there went navy blue trousers and tops I don't work for Tesco I work for a large 3pl and our uniform is also navy blue trousers and table wandering around there after work one day and a lady trundles up and asks where such and such items was as I did actually know I was able to send her in the right direction and thought nothing more of it I got my stuff and headed for the tills paid and left the store as I was walking away the lady was outside with her husband and she called out to me oh I'm so sorry for bothering you I didn't realize you'd finished your shift the penny dropped for me at this point but I just told her not to worry about it and carried on as I walked away I heard us husband saying to her he doesn't even walk in there didn't you look at his t-shirt or his badge it's got the 3pl name all over it not at Tesco you did that is a sweet one glad you were able to help I'm currently going through my brain trying to figure out which 3pl I know that would have blue trousers granted if your 3pl means third party logistics and not something else it does mean third party logistics I'm in the UK okay because I have to talk to a few 3pl tomorrow and was going to ask if they had to wear blue trousers before that sounds weird I have very good rapport with them and I wouldn't be just a random person that I would be asking you know unexposed is my user Daisy's vises titled my Nature Valley shirt has people asking me for samples one of my favorite shirts that I earn is a green shirt with the Nature Valley logo on it I got it for free from a university that I was attending as a giveaway for attending an event I love that shirt so much I tend to wear it as soon as I wash it and it's a go-to errand shirt of course this means that people mistake me for a Nature Valley rep is that a thing and I've had so many people come up to me asking for coupons if I was giving away free bars free boxes and to tell them how much they love Nature Valley not surprisingly this stuff happens when I go to various grocery stores my favorite encounter was one of these moments I was at a health food store and their employees also wear the same dark green colors shut that my shut is a woman came up to me while I was unloading my groceries to pay and asked about the location of an item confused I said oh I don't know she gave me a look of disgust looked me up and down really slowly and then said oh and just kept staring at me I continued to unload my basket and they think she finally realized that one I was trying to pay for my groceries and two my shirt was different from the employees shirts she must have got the idea and finally took off the other way have you tried Nature Valley cereal it's amazing although I think they make it with the bonds that broke into pieces doesn't matter it's like crack in a bag haven't tried it yet maybe I'll just ask the company to send me a sample the he should you're a wrap after all our next post is by user Kevin L one two three titled she didn't work there this is a bit of the reverse of you would usually see here as I am the customer in this story also this is my first post yarn sorry if it isn't correctly formatted a few years ago my wife and me had an evening out at an average restaurant average in the prices but the food was great the restaurant was one big open room with the large windows and it was kinda split into two sections but there were no physical barriers or anything like that it was just one section with single tables for couples and another section with join tables for logic groups my wife and I was sitting at one table on the singular tables and I had my back to the group section we had just ordered an appetizer it was a beautiful summer evening but because the Sun was setting it was shining through the window directly into my eyes I was looking around to ask the personnel if we could close the blinds a bits and noticed one of the waitresses was already closing the binds on another window when she turned around I politely asked her excuse me but would it be possible to also close the blinds on the other window the Sun is a bit annoying she looked a bit confused but she said sure and closed them at this point I noticed a bit of laughter at one of the tables of the group section and when the waitress went back to the table where the laughter came from and sat down it finally dawned on me that she wasn't a waitress at all but just someone from the group at the table that went too close to the blinds because the Sun was annoying her - I turned red and immediately started to apologize but luckily the entire group had a great sense of humor and laughed the whole thing away did your wife let the hilarity happen with the Sun in your face your wife should have had the lady in perfect lighting she was as confused as the lady was I guess it looked like a scene from a sitcom my wife being so confused why I was so rude against someone and me being confused at my wife's confusion after I made a perfectly reasonable request in my eyes that's gonna be a story for the grandkids thanks joy for Jesus that's epic an ex post is by user spread II titled no ma'am you've got the wrong number my grandfather was a minister in Georgian SSR back in the 80s and he was given a certain home phone number that to this day is considered very premium in fact so premium that for 30 years of earning our flats my family has gotten several offers to sell it to pretty high prices the last attempt by our rich neighbor was offered to acquire it for funny symbol 5k while it's easy for people to contact he dude is such a premium phone number the last two thirds of the numbers being simple zeros there have been several calls in our home as they'd be easily mistaking us for a large company so we had their number ready just in case somebody would call us again by error but today as I was about to talk into a fern after picking it up I was met with the typical Karen she demanded to know why her products were not delivered yet and she was going to sue the company as if it had holed up in a post-soviet country courts I started talking sorry man but and then she went cutting me off I don't need any excuses I want my phone delivered today man please listen to me I tried to correct her but before long she cut me off again now connect me with your manager you've got the wrong number man goodbye finally I was able to say it as she took a deep breath before she'd go for another round of blasting left and right two minutes later the phone clocked in the same number I took it again and before she was able to say anything I with my big old manly voice told her man for the second time this phone number isn't registered to any company the number is in my family's possession for 30 years and I quickly turned it down not even bothering to give her the company number I never knew or even considered people would covet phone numbers like that before I mean I could sort of understand buying out somebody else's number if you wanted your business number to spell out something when written on a phone but being willing to pay thousands of dollars for a number with a bunch of zeros at the end though they might begin to regret doing so if they started having to deal with many wrong numbers as you do I hope your answering machine says something like you have reached last name family this is not and has never been a company phone number if you have a message for a member of the last name family please leave it after the turn if you wish to speak to a person at company please hang up and go look for the correct phone number because this isn't it funny enough we don't use answering machines here sounds like an answering machine would be a good investment in your case there I'd consider getting one installed if you don't want to be constantly plagued by colas looking for that company unexposed is by Les Paul 182 titled I don't work here and I'll shame you for not helping I was at a big-box electronic store where the employee is clad in blue polo shirts seems to be a bloody trend here I'm known to be expert ninjas in escaping customers I was wearing a blue button-down and unsuccessfully trying to find a network card they're not a specialized code an effing network code when a customer asked me a question about video cards I watched a blue shouted employee slink behind an aisle to escape the customer I got a little ticked and thought I'll do this jerks job for him I could see he was just standing in the other aisle listening sir I proceeded to help this nice but confused man he needed a video card but didn't know what to buy so I worked with him for what he was going to use it for and was able to suggest a card for him just as I finished another customer who was patiently waiting for me to finish with the first customer had a hard drive question after working with him for a few minutes I had him sorted right as another customer started to ask me for help by this time a squadron of geeks stopped their work to watch what was going on slack-jawed that someone was actually helping customers imagine five stunned Napoleon Dynamite's watching me pretending to be an employee after helping my fifth or six customer I was starting to gather a line of customers looking for help a manager finally walked over I would guess confused why someone was helping customers and asked me what I thought I was doing I told him I'm helping your customers he was frowning now and told me Stanley you can't do that you don't work here I told him apparently none of your associates work here either I saw The Hiding employee quickly looked down the aisle with a mix of shame and fear on his face before he went slinking off to safety now the manager was really frowning so I asked him about my Commission's on all the sales I had made I told him I was flexible if he wanted to just give me install credits he asked me if I had what I needed so I could check out I told him I can't find parts or your employees so I'll just go I thought it was a good idea to beat it before I got banned from the store here's hoping that there was some serious reaming out done when you were out of the door that is slaking taken to the next level the manager must be blind if he has not noticed his employees avoiding customers before and exposes by sure nail 18 titled angry man yells at me while I'm on the phone I work at an urgent care clinic as a medical assistant there's a Walmart super close to where I work so I often go after getting off shift so I had gone one day after work in my gray scrubs I had a cart and was on the phone with one of my friends as I was standing in line to check out I hear a male voice next to me say where are the items located I didn't answer due to the fact that I obviously do not work there and was on the phone this man then grabs my arm and yells I asked you where the hell are atoms are which I then proceeded to pull out my arm away and yell back at him what the hell I don't work here he looked as if I had slapped him and turned and walked away for reference I'm a five-foot two female and this was a middle-aged heavyset male I'm amazed at how many of these stories involve people grabbing random strangers it seems like stores need to start filing assault claims on behalf of employees when I worked in a grocery store it was always middle-aged or older folks doing it mostly men but women did it occasionally as well once when I was stocking shelves I had my earbuds in this store was supposed to be closed and locked and this older man grabbed my shoulders and screamed at me about my earphones luckily my manager kicked the guy out since we were closed but I have a million stories of people who think it's okay to touch and even harass employees at that store now next post is my user good non-evil Harry titled it finally happened to me sir I was in one of those dollar stores where the h-e-b grocery store was too hard to get into with covert precautions and such I had an h-e-b grocery bag in my hand I was looking at the selection of mac and cheese and wishing I wasn't these two women came around the corner and without hesitation they started asking me where crap was I looked behind me to see if they were talking to someone behind me they were not I squinched up my face I had a mask on there and said I don't work here lady one of them said like well you got the bag and stuff my bag was from a popular grocery store for the life of me I cannot comprehend why those women thought I worked there and no hesitation either it was automatic they never even stopped to wonder if I worked there or not mistaken for a caterer at my own wedding so my wedding party was very informal we wore sports jerseys a lot of family and friends of family came including a batch of people I didn't even know which got a little weird because we still only personally invited everyone and told everyone to let us know if they have a plus-one and it would be fine for us to invite them this is so we could track catering expenses and space concerns it was a rough day and I was very limited in supports and was taken care of most of setup and issues myself in a party of roughly 80 people it felt more like work than a party the time finally came where I could rest when issues were being taken care of about halfway through the party the Sun was beginning to sense I sat down in the corner and wiped the sweat off of my face and looked over at the food everyone had eaten except me so I was ready to finally dive into the food that I paid for some woman I never met in her late 20s asked me to bring a plate for her kids said I'm sorry ma'am but I want to bring some stuff for my wife and start eating myself Oh caterers can bring their families to events like this me somewhat confused it her response says the caterer is here are a family business so sort of isn't it inappropriate for you to eat food someone else paid for me confused even further but giving a chuckles like huh no I paid for it I'm sorry who did you come here with oh really you must be the party planner are you a friend of the groom's I was invited by the groom I'm f me chuckling again no I'm the groom oh I'm sorry how embarrassing you're the groom hey nice to meet you I sent invitations by name but we also requested feedback for the Plus invitations I don't believe I sent you an invitation I think everyone invited more people than we initially wanted Oh a Mayans my kids okay to be here I'm actually assist his friends friends they said it was okay oh yes that will be perfectly fine we have much more food than I thought it won't be an issue nice to meet you so I came to the table with my wife and her grandmother and we finally ate my wife Timmy says damn girl you flood him with all the ladies in our wedding party or what's I know that a plus-one of a plus-one that was uninvited is generally uncool but there was no need to stress it everyone had a good time and there was actually too much food radio and unexposed his by flex 2019 titled not taking trash is sexual assaults so first time read it posed to here I don't know if this counts but oh well buckle down for a long explanation some background I'm a plumber and I'm only 18 I went to a trade school for high school and came out with a full-time job as an apprentice this happened about five months ago and has me screwed up ever since I was working in a four-story building inside the city and is only one elevator which we weren't allowed to use cuz of the companies that worked in the building itself and then only one spiral square staircase needed for later my journeyman and I were wrapping up our day and packing up everything as the younger guy I was sweeping and taking the lights back down to the truck to get ready to leave and on one of my last trips I was only taking a trash bag and a few of the other hand tools I hadn't grabbed yet I'm in my normal work clothes but my boss isn't strict about wearing company clothing so I'm only wearing my Dickey pants and a beat-up sweatshirt with no labels I start walking down the stairs with the trash from the fourth floor to the bottom when a worker networking slash calling the helpline company from the third floor walked out with a trash bag I briefly walked past just finishing my day when she scoffed at me me being the kid I am turn around and say I'm sorry I didn't see you there I didn't mean to bump into you and continue down and then she said here take this crap I got a call I need to get on I said that I was sorry and I didn't work for the building and it's not my job to take it so she then exclaims you're dressed as a janitor my son is one too he dressed just like him he has the same tools on him all day I tried to tell her that I didn't end that I'm a plumber working above her on the fourth floor in retrospect yes I could have taken it but there wasn't one of those giant trash bag bins to put trash in so we had to take it back to the shop to dispose of and we didn't have much room for more in the van I started to get annoyed but I just remembered that I need to take breaths and walk away I stopped going down the stairs when she grabbed the back of my hoodie and yanked its I spun around like the hell and she slammed the bag into my stomach sending me stumbling down the stairs this was when one of her co-workers comes out cause of the commotion and she starts fake crying and saying I sexually harassed her and that she shoved me down the stairs in an attempt to save herself I tried to say something getting up but the guy was on the phone with the cops already and he took her away to calm her down I started to get so mad at the woman but my coworker came to me and said everything would be fine this is when the biggest blessing ever occurred my buddy loves to mess with me he'd take videos of me working or being oblivious and he'd throw like coins at me to be funny or dump water on me just as a joke to lighten the day up a bit well he recorded the interaction and the lady never knew that he was there reason why spiral staircase was important by the time he made sure I was all right the cops were there about 10 minutes after the whole thing went down they talked to the woman and they take her side of things at first they start questioning me in the stairwell and my buddy said he witnessed it and had a video he began to show the video to the cop of literally everything from the moment I began down the stairs and past this lady to her shoving me down the stairs he talks to her and from the second he said there was a video she turned ghost wives they took her downstairs to the cruiser and the cop came back to me asking if I needed assistance or ambulance as I had a gash on my elbow when I stumbled down but I was totally fine they're just in complete shock he also asked if I wanted to press charges and I said I worded it in the following time since this happened I've taken her to court and she's been charged and is serving time for assault and battery and another thing I don't recall what's important to know as I'm realizing now that there was no cameras in the stairwell I would have been screwed absolutely screwed it was a huge reality check for myself I could be sitting in jail serving time for something I didn't do at this very moment it could have ruined my life to be quite honest luckily my body was there and ever since then I have never complained once about him messing around with me shortly after this the building installed new cameras everywhere being five months later my parents have been awesome and teaching me about all of this stuff especially since I'm a man and it can get scary with accusations like that they believed me and I've always been raised by them to treat women rights and I'm the kid who wouldn't hurt a fly disclaimer I typed this on my phone and I sucked in English all my life so I know the grammar is probably terrible all right an unexposed is by use ah misirlou 95 titled lady breaks social distancing because she assumes I work there so I mail just about 17 was at Giant Eagle with my dad just now in my state masks are required in public as is a minimum of six foot distance and yes I followed all rules my father was ringing up our groceries and I was bagging them so there wasn't enough distance between us that I guess to this Karen it looked like I worked there but it should be noted that I was wearing a jaws shirt and literal swim trunks nothing even close to resembling a uniform sir I'm bagging up the goods and they hear someone saying something behind me but the voice is way too close I turn around and there she is a middle-aged Karen a mere 1 foot away from me if that but she's wearing a mask looking right into my eyes I freeze for a second because being autistic and having social anxiety eye contact is a big nerve for me so I quickly look way I'm confused so I say once not with attitude or anything just pure confusion Karen Huff's and rolls her eyes and snaps oh my god I said where is insert product here it hits me that she thinks I work there now like I said I'm in fight-or-flight mode so I can't really formulate a response I happen to watch Impractical Jokers the movie last night so the first thing that comes to my mind is up your ass and to the left so I say it's not with attitude I just sort of simply stated Karen gasps saying something along the lines of how dare you and storms away luckily my dad got a good laugh out of it and isn't mad at all as a lady did act very out of line side notes I definitely recommend the Impractical Jokers movie funny staff radio boys and girls our next posters by not your teddy bear titled ex boss called me to yell at me for not showing up at work i'm yuda reddit and i'm a bit tipsy so be easy on me I thought this story would be a good fit here some backstory and general info I'm a female with a somewhat unique name yes this is important I was 18 I'm 23 now when I got my first job at a Western Wear store and didn't even work there for a full year we sold mainly cowboy boots and some clothes and accessories that went along with that general theme I loved working there and it was a pretty great first job there were two locations one in my town and one in the next state I stayed at one location in my town and my boss Smurfs Lee stayed at the other location because she lived closer to its she also had an employee who would go in between stores as the boss needed it at first I thought my boss was a really badass woman however that opinion would soon change you see she sucked at running a business and didn't want to keep paying the expensive rent for the building we were currently using so she moved the store to an obscure location at the beginning of the summer she admitted that summers were the slowest season so in my opinion it was not smart to move locations then she would also avoid regular customers when they would come in to talk to her about their orders taking too long to arrive I also heard she was a homewrecker and the guy whose marriage she ruined would come into the store regularly needless to say she was a bad business woman who did whatever she wanted after she moved the store we started losing business she started scheduling less of us having maybe two employees working at once then she told me it wouldn't hurt my feelings if he looked for another job I remember that wide forward looking back I realized that was her way of saying you should probably find another job soon we weren't getting scheduled at all she was running the store by herself and she kept saying maybe business will pick up next week and I'll need you then one day mom came home and asked if my boss had moved again I said I didn't know that I asked why she informed me that she drove by my work and it looked empty I told my friend and soon she drove by and told me that it was indeed completely deserted I officially didn't have a job anymore thankfully I was working in a barn a few days a week so I had some kind of income I did find out that this woman still had her other store open so I was a little salty now the real story I was chilling at home a few months after I found out my boss had deserted us when I see that she's calling me I thought it was weird and answered the call started off very friendly and cheerful but then her [ __ ] side came out the call went something like this I'm like hello hi Opie yes hi this is ex boss how are you I'm all right how are you I'm good look I'm calling because Q bitchiness you cannot keep calling out of work like this I'm completely confused and like excuse me what you keep calling out when you should be here working I have places I need to be and ex-coworker cannot run the store alone I have no idea what you're talking about oh you don't know what I'm talking about no ma'am I haven't worked with you in months there is silence for a few seconds and then she hangs up i sat there for a minute processing what just happens I figure she must have a worker at the other store with the same name as me and she just called the wrong one but I have a very uncommon name so that is unlikely in my opinion and if it was a mistake why not just own up to it suck it up and fudging apologize but instead like a scared little middle schooler she hangs up it was in this moment I lost what little respect I had left for her I wish there was a better ending but there isn't I never heard from her again I have looked her up in her other store and turns out she eventually closed that store - and now she works at an airport that somewhat makes me happy part of me wants to open a store like hers and run it better than she did but we'll see and our next post is by Vatican cameos seven one four titles entitled shopper wants me to help her insult my wife my wife 27 female and died 28 female were at Walley world a couple years ago for a new garden hers real we were talking over the different options not three inches from each other when this lady actually pushes me out of the way to speak to my wife my wife was wearing jeans in the hoody so there is no way she looked like an employee es is like excuse me where's the dog shampoo my wife just trying to be helpful says I would look in the pet sections es rolls her eyes I already did and I didn't see the brain died once my wife's like oh that sucks and gives her a sympathetic look assuming the conversation was over my wife turns back to the shelf I had gotten irritated when the woman pushed me aside but had assumed she was just a rude person trying to get the items on the shelf I moved to step around her but she tapped my wife rather forcefully on the shoulder now I know I have a anger issue sir unless my wife signals for help I try to let her handle things or else run the risk of causing a scene so I watched quietly waiting excuse me you have to help me my wife's like I'm sorry ma'am I don't know where your item is maybe you should ask someone if they carry that brand er um isn't it your job to know these things tends to me and visit my wife what an idiot me comprehending the trouble before my wife says she doesn't work here the entitled shopper looked at me like I had just spoken a foreign language for a moment she kept glancing between me and my wife before recognition settled in Oh turns back to my wife oh the way you were helping your friend I just assumed you worked here my wife smiled nervously but I was still kind of pissy that the woman had pushed me away my wife and I are trying to decide what to buy squeezes my body between her and my wife excuse us the woman continued to stare at us I didn't look at her directly but I could feel the hole that she was burning in to the side of my skull start to smoke before she walked away we heard her say well that's just not right my wife and I sighed and went back to comparing hers reels ha some people radio game is unexposed is by Mary Rose Tudor titled a no ma'am this is not the dentist's office so a bit of background in my neighborhood there is a dentist office not too far from my house very rarely people would somehow mistake my house for the dentist office even though they have a sign that clearly says dentist office if anyone wants to read this on youtube be my guest thanks Mary Rose chuda this happened in 2019 I was home from work doing some homework and watching a documentary for my history class Britain's bloodiest dynasty if anyone is curious it's a very chill afternoon I had supper on the cook doing homework and some coffee both of my dogs were asleep in their little beds then all of a sudden I hear a knock at the door the dogs jump up and start barking like mad I thought it was my parents stopping by but then I realized my dogs don't bark like the houses on fire when my parents come to visit I set my things down check on dinner to make sure it's not burning I go to the back door and it's a lady that I don't know I opened my door leaving the screen door closed and greet her and let's just call this lady Karen a classic I know I say could I help you I have an appointment with dr. Brown like the doctor from ER and not his real name me realizing she is talking about the dentist down the road oh that's down the road if you just back out and go down just a little further you turn on Rose Street again not the name and you'll see dr. Brown's office Karen just had the baffled like Karen DX stopped functioning she looked at me and then an ear-splitting screaming came from my TV of some poor english lord being tortured because he ticked off some king like i said watching a documentary on the Plantagenet dynasty Karen jumped back at the sound and looked at me like I had spit in her bean curd what is that you can't watch it in a dentist's office me Ted faced good thing listen to dentist office please have a nice day and I closed the door in Karen's face I looked through the peephole and it looks like she Huff's and leaves I never saw or heard from Karen again thank God and now our next post is by Billy's titled I don't know lady but I'll look now this one's very short it was my fault because without thinking about it I went shopping with my wife and was dressed in a red polo shirt and khaki pants and we were shopping at a Depot style home store I was looking for a lawn sprinkler and was standing in the garden section studying the display in the next bay there were concrete stands for garden decorations someone touched my arm and a lady a little older than I asked do you have decorative balls I thought about it and said well I've never had any complaints and she's scuttled away I do hope she found her decorative glass garden balls there and an ex post is buy marble chocolates titled random girl jumped in my car I really don't know how much context this needs but I'm trying to keep this short and sharp I was living in London at the time and had just driven her him after work and pulled up outside my flat on a terraced house streets to my surprise the front passenger door opens and this blonde girl jumps in she's like hi I'm like ah this is not an uber she looks towards me and the colored drains from her face oh crap promptly jumps out and ducks back into a flat without looking back two doors down from mine I parked the car went inside cakung myself and it dawned on me you don't get in the front seat of a new bar so I looked out the window and sure enough five minutes later a black hatchback pulls up sits there a while BG gets in the front seat the car sits there a while BG gets out black hatchback drives off two doors down party ensues either she got in the wrong car again or now most probably the latter isn't it oh good party rider guys are next ones by Bassman l titled need a taxi not me guv this is a sort of I don't work here story but no lady I'm a musician i plain function and cover bands doing weddings parties and so on in bars hotels pretty much anywhere where people ask us really as long as they pay us and we consider we're likely to survive the experience as I'm out working late at nights and usually in licensed premises I encounter a number of drunks stupid entitled people along the way it's par for the course and they're usually not too much of a problem but there are always exceptions one evening some years ago I was playing in a function room in North London there were two bands booked that nights plus a DJ hours was a late finish we were the final band on and our set began at midnight and ended at 3:00 in the morning we played there quite regularly so knew the score the gig itself went fine and everyone enjoyed themselves we finished our set and packed up our gear while the staff began to shoot the customers out and clear up the venue in preparation for closing as it was in the middle of the nights there were few if any buses or public transport running those who had not arrived in their cars had to find a taxi to take them home there was always a queue of taxis outside the front doors plus a scrum of people trying to get into them as there was never enough cars to go around there was no cure it was every man and woman for himself the door staff did their best to try to keep order but it was a bit of a melee by the time we had packed away and were ready to load our kit into our vehicles most customers had left leaving the stragglers would not manage to find a taxi I left my equipment by the door just inside the venue and went to fetch my car from the car park across the street as I play the bass I had two large speaker cabinets this was before the days of compact lightweight bass amplification to flight cases containing my instruments into amplifier another case of full of cables and accessories plus a couple of Lights in part of the PA system I drove a Volvo estates about the only vehicle that would accommodate the amount of stuff I had two transports I parked outside the front door and went in to collect my staff I wheeled the first part of my speaker cabs out to find three people sitting in my car I opened the tailgates lifted the speaker into the vehicle and asked what they're doing you're a taxi came the reply take us to halston ah sorry I replied I'm part of the band I need to load my equipments would you get out of the car please don't give us thanks you're a taxi now take us to I walked around the passenger door looked in and said listen mate look at my face ring any bells you've been looking at me up on the stage for the last three hours I'm in the band now get out of my car please don't fake in liar Yura realising that he was going nowhere I went to the rear of the car and retrieved the pickaxe handle that I kept there for emergencies I went to the passenger door opened it and told my new friends to get out and waved my little friends at them for the last time I'm not a bloody taxi now get out or you'll get this this had the desired effect they got out grumbling and went back to the front door to wait for a taxi I continued to load the car bid goodnight to the door staff got in and started the engine as I did one of the three ran to the car I quickly engaged the central locking he pulled on the handle when it wouldn't open he wrapped his arm over the roof and around the windscreen on the passenger side shouting take us to housed in your car his friends headed towards the car so I engaged first gear and eased forward they stopped but our hero clung on kicking at the door and yelling I increased my speed and swerved from side to side in an effort to dislodge him he clogged on still yelling he held on until I got unto the end of the street but I managed to throw him off by taking a sharp bend at the end of the road at speed he fell in a heap in the road and lay there I didn't bother to find out if he was alright the Lord watches over drunks and little children lady runs over my foot because I wouldn't fetch motor oil for her I'll cast army angry lady confused worker and my hero so let me start by saying I get mistaken for working at Walmart delights because of a lanyard that I wear I keep my keys on a lanyard and they usually wear it around my neck because it's easy to grab it and go when I need to get my car going again and I guess because it's blue a lot of people think it's for an employee he tagged usually it's someone older just asking where something is or if I can get something down from the shelf for them and usually I'll point them in the right direction that or someone realizes the mistake and apologizes it's fun to hear from a manager at Walmart that was very helpful young lady because I helped get a set of dishes off of the third shelf for the lady with back pains law this woman was much different I had just gotten off work so I was wearing a black shirt with my company logo on it and a pair of black jeans and black shoes I had my purse sitting on my lap and my lanyard around my neck I was waiting to pick up a pile of Christmas gifts and was exhausted from work so I was pretty much dozing in this chair they had in their pickup area this is usually where I get spotted that was when I heard it wake up legs eat girl this sharp angry voice and I opened my eyes to see a woman who if I hadn't heard her speak would have thought she was a sweet old grandma she had on this white and green striped shirt a pair of jeans and lots of necklaces with her gray hair pulled back in a ponytail with cute little bangs and she had three of those cheap little necklaces that you find at kids birthday parties around her neck what I'm about half awake you need to help me now get off your lazy butt and help me what are you talking about she paid my question their minds go and get me motor oil what No go get it yourself she's furious my son said that our car needs oil and I'm not going all the way across the store for its do your job and go get it the Auto Center was pretty far away but the motor carts from what I've seen are pretty fast and it's not like she had to walk one I don't work here don't have to listen to you to the employees here are not dogs they won't go fetch for you you don't get to talk to me like that go and get my oil then I want to speak to your manager I don't work here I remembered my lanyard and took it off to show her that it's only had my keys and that it had a local colleges name on it since I got it at a job fair at school this isn't from this store and yet she refuses to look at my lanyard and says no that is bullcrap do as you're told or I will drag you to your manager myself she grabbed my arm and tried to roll along with me but I didn't want to deal with this so I ran I pulled my arm away and with what little energy I had from my mini nap took off running she tried to follow me but I was able to wave my way through a few of the clothes racks and hid from her as she shouted at me I roamed the story bins looking for junk I probably didn't need but could use mostly just avoiding her even made my way to the Auto Center and picked up a tire pressure gauge since mine had broken wall I found myself in the crafts aisle and had at this point stuck my earbuds in because there was a screaming kid in the area I'm the oldest of six and I work in a restaurant as well as babysat you can only take so much angry child's this also amends that I couldn't hear anything so I'm staring at some paints when I see her out of the corner of my eye at least her cards she's really close to me and before I can step away she ran over my freaking foots I don't know if any of you have ever had your foot run over by a motor kites but it freaking hurts it's not a very heavy piece of machinery apparently about 25 pounds according to Google but it hurts when that weight is on your Bernier's health foot especially with the 120 pounds this woman was adding to it and the fact I wasn't ready for this so I screamed I was in shock and it felt like she had shattered my foot especially when her back wheels went over it again and I screamed again I had to sit down on one of the shelves and rip my shoe off trying to alleviate some of the pain while the old lady was yelling at me she's like that'll teach you to disrespect a customer you little [ __ ] now go get my motor oil for the last bloody time I don't work ER and you'll be lucky if I don't press charges on you finally an actual employee CW came jogging around the corner wearing a vest that had a logo on the corner and his nametag clipped onto his chest he looked entirely confused which made sense there was a crying 19 year old taking off her shoe while a woman sat in a motor kite screaming at her they say are you okay men he came over to me first seeing as I pulled off my sock my foot was swelling and there was a little blood because my tournelle had dug into my foot and cut its I need your manager she should be fired CW looked at me confused me trying to catch my breath when I start crying I have the worst time stopping [ __ ] [ __ ] she ran al starts shouting again she wouldn't get my murder oil get me your manager the worker looked like he didn't know what to do he had one person sobbing and sounding like she was choking I do a weird gasping thing when I'm trying to catch my breath it's hard to explain while another was screaming at him that was when she came my hero the mother of the screaming child from before who had apparently been screaming because you fell down don't believe that for a second mostly since I heard I want it but I digress she looked angry at me what the hell is the matter with you she was pointing at al why the hell would you run over some random girls foot the old lady is ticked off now and she says she's an employee she needs to learn not to ignore customers she doesn't even have a nametag you idiots she's wearing a uniform for another company what the hell made you think she worked there she is wearing a nametag look she reached over and yanked my lanyard off of my neck holding on to mah like she won or something see mah snatching my lanyard and showing it to her does that say Walmart to you the lady finally got a good look and realized that they were only keys and the lettuce on a lanyard had the initials of the college on it and she turned white my hero then turned to the worker and said get your manager and a first aid kits now she sounded furious the worker ran off looking a little relieved to finally have a direction to run into and my hero began to do the mum thing where she examined my foot and talked to me in a nice voice the lady tried to screwed her way out of the score but was blocked by the greeter she was trying to had take the murder cards which is a big no-no the manager came and asked if I wanted to get the police involved or if I wanted an ambulance I said no I just wanted to get my things an ice pack and go they let me sit in that comfy chair in the pickup waiting area and gave me a 50% discount on my pickup stuff letting me take the stuff I had picked up when walking around for free I waited until the swelling in my foot had gone down and watched the crap storm as al tried to convince the manager that I was his inordinate employee and that I needed to be fired he instead banned her from the store and told her if she came near his employees she'd get the police call on her my hero got her husband to take their kid home and come back for her and sat with me to make sure I was okay and could get home it wasn't my driving foots so I could drive hurricane and I was able to limp my way to my car my foot was a fun shade of black purple and a little blue for a little while but my mom and stepdad both in the medical field don't think it's broken it's been sore but I probably won't end up taking it to a doctor best Christmas gift I ever got though was watching the angry lady get her motor cards turned off and watch her go off jumping around and stomping edits people keep telling me I should have pressed charges I get it I probably should have but I didn't need the stress of that on top of a lot of other problems I was and currently am still dealing with she got banned she can get arrested by someone let it go also as for going to the doctor's I have the mentality that if it's pain that simply doesn't go away and have my paramedic appearance opinion to it then I go but just because I've been dealing with soreness means nothing I work on my feet constantly and probably need to give it time to rest and heal that's it nothing is broken and our next post is by the same RP guys I saw her again and this time a door came down sir I posted a story ages and ages ago about how a woman ran over my foot at Walmart's with a motorized cart after this happened she was banned from our local Walmart's and from a few in the area which I forgot to mention I got fed up with the comments first of all gonna update on my injured foot I was just fine lots and lots of bruising and the occasional pain but I did take a little break and stayed off of it I'm all healed now second guess who managed to show her face again crazy lady and I guess she figured out the easy trick of changing her appearance a bits and came with someone else and went back in no issues my Walmart is usually good about this kind of stuff but I guess not this time third this was not very recent this was around when the virus was starting to become apparent and before all the stores were shutting down and people were self isolating and of course I just so happened to be there again with my blue lanyard and a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt I was shopping around picking up a few unnecessary objects I saw her staring at me at one point and waved earning their reaction other than a scarf I knew she looked familiar but I couldn't place her face I worked three jobs and I see about a bazillion different faces a day and have trouble remembering unless I see that person more than a few times what I didn't notice for a while because I'm a nun observant freak was that she was following me for how long I don't know but I noticed I was seeing her everywhere the auto center offers suppliers dairy baking supplies even toys I didn't know what she wanted from me she had another woman with her two dark-haired bob cut dark makeup and a low-cut t-shirt with tight jeans and heels she just had this dark scowl on her face as they followed me I didn't recognize her either until I heard crazy lady's voice that horribly shrill voice that haunted my nightmares when my foot hurt and sent chills down my spine and dogs running we were in the craft aisle where I was looking for a specific type of paint I noticed them again and I guess I looked a little too long crazy lady turned to who I will call the entitled lady and grabbed a paintable sign at random crazy lady says look at this entitled lady doesn't this look just perfect that made my brain to a 360 dear gods why was she here she wasn't supposed to be here Oh mom it's great she turned to me isn't this just wonderful I gave a quick nod grabbing the next best thing to what I needed I needed matte fabric paint if you were curious I grabbed slick instead and started to leave they kept following me and I grabbed a pair of jeans and hid in a change room it felt like an eternity waiting for the door to be unlocked but luckily crazy ladies screw too got stuck i sat on the bench and waited to see if I'd lost them but suddenly bang bang bang I couldn't help but scream as the flimsy door to the changing room nearly fell off its hinge get out of here we know who you are you owe my mother for what you did bang bang bang I just sat in the corner and watched in horror as the door fell to the grounds I had to put my hands up to catch it and push it away otherwise it would have landed on my head she looks at the ripped apart wall from where the hinges had been ripped off and she shrugged before climbing over and getting in my face you will be coming with me you owe my mother compensation for getting her banned me shrinking into the corner no I won't leave me alone your mother shouldn't be here if she's banned I probably shouldn't have said that because it more than likely prompted what happens next but I've never been one to say the right thing entitled lady grabbed me by my hair and pulled me out of the changing room pulling me over to crazy lady who was sitting there looking smug entitled lady literally threw me on the ground by pushing on my head and letting me go apologize now i sat there shaking and both women started shouting again screaming that I owed them thankfully this didn't last too long as the associate who was posted at the changing room they never stuck around long once someone was in the change room or if no one was around and another worker came over separating the three of us while the associate was helping me off the floor crazy lady actually got up off a motorized scooter and tried to lunge me I held my hand out so that it caught her and pushed her back she started screaming about how I assaulted her and one of the associates pretty much told her to shut up and wait for the police well they showed up and since there were a few security cameras nearby of all the things this Walmart is concerned with things being stolen via tricks and a few witnesses including the poor lady in the room next to me who was so scared that someone was coming for her next apparently when the door fell the corner of the door cracked the wall to her room and due to what happened last time and even despite how I usually react these kinds of things I pressed charges both women went away for multiple things assault destruction of property trespassing etc etc etc etc hopefully I won't have this kind of thing happen again having to remit the entitled people in my life might be worse than meeting more our next post is by user memory 9 titled serve the guy in the bar that I don't work for got two free pints so I worked in the bar slash restaurant business for nearly 20 years and enjoy a good story about customers and such after reading many stories in here I decided to post mine about 12 years ago I was working in one of Dublin's pubs which had a black uniform policy like every other place one day when my shift was nearly over my mate popped in and asked me if I wanted to have a pint usually I don't like to drink in the place I walk in so we decided to do a bar slash nightclub nearby this was about 9:00 p.m. in the evening and the nightclub hasn't kicked off yet so there was no trouble getting into the bar plus I knew the bouncer pretty well we went in sat at the bar counter and 10:00 our first pint of Guinness which is a blessing after a hard day at work just as we nearly finished and ordered more my mate spotted one of our friends the table further away and suggested we moved to join them that was a good idea and we decided to get pints for them as well to give them a surprise and save time coming back we got six pints altogether and just about to carry them to the table but my mate got an urge to go to the toilets I said it's fine I'll bring them over so I grabbed three pints and went to the friends table brought the first three and went back to the bar counter to get the rest halfway to the bar this middle-aged Jen taps me on my hand and says sorry pal when you're ready it's the phrase used in Dublin to get anyone's attention I turned around and said give me a second please I need to bring pints to my mates I grabbed the rest of them and go to the table and again this gent taps me on the back and goes when you ready pal I thought he might know me or something so I decided to come back and see what he wants came back and asked him if everything is okay on which he replied we'll have three Guinness gin and tonic and a Bacardi diet coke intended me a 50 euro notes that's when I understood what's going on he thought I worked in this bar and gave me the order I'm a kind person loved a good laugh so I decided to play along took the money and went to the bar got the drinks and asked to give me a tray as well to serve them at once when I brought the drinks to his table gave him change he tried to give me a 5 euro tip to which I said it's all right dude I don't need it he replied never seen a weight of the Dozen want a tip and I said oh I don't work here bro better give that tip to the actual staff and walked away to my table told my friends about what happened and they had a massive laugh later on got two pints of Guinness brought to me by the same gent I served with apologies and Dole we laughed made new friends and had a great night's our next post is by user wit assists titled sitting at computer store actually was a good advertising now for a bit of context since a few years I've been learning about building pcs and built some I also like to help newbies to gaming choosing components and building their first machines sometimes they pay me some or give me a bar of chocolate or something I was still underage at the time and this day I was a ceremony master in an academy at my school so I was in suit with a tie after it ended I was waiting for my friend to end his classes so I went to some computer store which dress code was also suit but without tyres so I was walking around mostly thinking I saw that CPU timber dollars cheaper on the internet and came to preen builds which are really not the best they're like putting good CPU and motherboard that doesn't allow you to modify the computer in any way so you would most likely spend much more money on upgrades and etc after some time a lady came in with a 14 year old kid and began looking on those pre builds as soon as I saw it I wanted to help them because they could get much better PCs at the same price but I'm kind of an introvert which most of the time I am unable to start a conversation with strangers so I just moved to the next one but after some time they approached me they say excuse me could you help us choosing a good computer for my son of course what would it be used for as I said they have to break this stranger barrier I can speak normally now it's kind of strange well learning of course I saw them looking at computers about 1000 to 1500 dollars so certainly not the case mostly kid talked her into more expensive ones I'm like would you like to play any games too if yes then which ones yes I like xxx and xxx I saw that that PC pointed it some has some good components for it not all I suggest you ask someone who works here about more specific parameters they showed for example and the i7 CPU not exact model typical in my country so you don't work here her cheeks turned kind of pink probably she got a little embarrassed no I don't however if you would like I can build a much better computer at a much better price than those ones here is my number in the end I build him a much better computer than what the shop offered and earn 20 bucks which I didn't ask for sir happy ending even though the story might not be as interesting one exposes by clammy hydra titled older lady thought i was bringing her a shopping cart to use in the grocery store yesterday I was running the gauntlets at a local grocery store I picked up a disinfectant wipe at the door and went to the cart station and wipe down the cart that I was going to use I was finally satisfied so I started pushing it back to the door to throw away the used wipe just as an old lady comes through the door she smiles really big and says oh thank you and moves to take the cards I said you're welcome then I grabbed another wipe and went to get another cards I'm glad she got a card I was sure wouldn't give her the virus now that's wholesome and our last pose today is by user is that my waffle titled a wild Karen meets her match for backgrounds I'm a police officer in Australia mostly known as copper awoke in plain clothes at work I wear a business shirt with tie suit pants and to have my utility belt with a gun Taser pepper spray and all other necessary accoutrements on the belts I also have a police badge with my work ID around my neck this incident also happened while corona virus was spreading rapidly most business has been closed by the government mandates people have to ensure that they are practicing social distancing or they can be fined the government hasn't mandated that people stay home but have limited the number of people allowed in groups no contact with strangers and you should only go out for work or essential suppliers it's also important to know that in Australia members of the public can not carry firearms in public and it's difficult to get a license to even possess a firearm a few days ago I was at work and my partner needed to buy supplies from an office supply store nearby the staff at this store where far blue polo shirts we went to the store and my partner was getting everything she needed I was waiting when I hear this screeching voice from behind me where are the charges I turn around and see this Karen's standing there with her arms crossed glaring at me now let me remind you that I'm wearing all my work gear and a bright pink long-sleeve business shirt I say to the Karen I'm not sure where the Karen is not impressed and cuts me off steps very close to me well within what I would consider my personal space at the best of times but when I'm at work it's an offensive gesture Karen then screeches you work here how the hell do you not know where the charges are I look the Karen dead in the eye and say with a stone voice first thing first thing I don't work here second thing I'm a police officer I point at my gun taser and badge third thing you are currently breaching social distancing laws and can be fined step back now the Karen quickly turned around and ran from the store I'm just happy that actual staff didn't have to deal with her because she was rude from the start I should have pointed out that a phone charger isn't an essential purchase edits our government deems essential items as food and medicine you can also go outside to exercise or travel to work I'm a 32 year olds and for me personally a phone charger is essential I live off my phone but is anything a Karen wants really essential it's a good question there buddy I don't have the answer for that one carrying things kicking the boss's kid out is a favor first post story has been translated from our language so the whole conversation might not be word for word okay so my parents used to own a small cafe in a small shopping mall I was 13 at the time I'm 15 now so it was not that long ago this event was around a week before we closed down but I still remembered it my parents used to come there once a week to check in and brought me along since we didn't have much stuff only one or two people I used to help out by welcoming greeting customers and taking their orders well one lucky day along comes Karen already to make my day as wonderful as possible I did the usual drill open the door welcome to cafe name if the cafe is full I normally tell guests if they have to wait or show them to a table Karen came at a time when the cafe was almost empty so she obviously could just sit anywhere there was just one more customer a nice middle-aged man in the corner the cafe had a separate room with an opening to go into which was for smokers my parents were in there for privacy reasons but could see me most of the time okay on to the story the cast includes CL crazy lady which is Karen me nice man who was the only customer employee mom dad so I go to Karen's table 1 minute later to take her order ah she was seated on a table right next to the door I say are you ready to order ma'am and she stays dead into me what ma'am are you ready to order kid I don't got time for your BS he played around when I came in now f off to wherever the hell your parents are before I call someone to get you out now I'm wearing an employee tag with my name and I'm pretty taken aback by her rude response ma'am I work here here i gestured to my tag that's obviously a fake wait till I tell the owner about you and have you banned I'm best friends with him okay sir my mom's the owner and crazy lady said him so you get the points ma'am first of all I do work ER and the owners are right here if you know them then you can ask them about me how dare you talk back to me like that you know what and she grabs my arm I'll do this place a favor and get rid of you for them she gets up and drags me out of the door my parents have a view of the door and see me being dragged out so do the employees and they rush over to free me my dad yells outs let go of him let go of my son and he gets me out of her grip what do you think you're doing how dare you touch me I'll report all of you to the owner I'm best friends with him I am the owner liar prove its gives my mom a hard push on the shoulder mall security had been observing from a distance and slowly coming closer we'll see about that she gestures for the guards to come here crazy lady completely ignoring the fact that she saw my mom gesture for the guard says huh let's see you get thrown out for harassing a woman then turns to the guards please help they harassed me and pushed and shoved me and that little brat abused and talked back to me guards they already saw everything SID sure let's go talk about it crazy lady white as a ghost says once you're gonna throw me out I know the malls owner same old trick Oh Karen let's go see him then he would love to know what you did I went to him with my mom and left our dad to deal with it since I was having a breakdown and couldn't stop crying dad came home and told us the woman bawled and literally fell in front of the manager who she was taken to and apologized to my dad a lot and how she was just under a lot of stress my father couldn't take it in that this woman had laid a hand on me and talked with the manager in the end they finally agreed on banning her from the mall and let her be on her way the authorities did show up but by then the issue was resolved and she was sent on her way it might be something to laugh about today but boy I wish I never see that Karen again our next post is myuser gingerbread gal 4 titled you don't even know your job I was about 11 years old at the time and on summer break from school during the summers I'd work in my dad's office it's his business answering phones making copies cleaning etc to keep me busy while I was not in school and give me a way to earn some money the business is a construction type business so it was pretty common for my dad to have to go out of the shop to a store to a job site etc and we wouldn't know when he would return usually there was another admin in the office to handle stuff but very rarely I was there alone for a few minutes / an hour or so max I was never alone on the property and there was always another adult there that I knew a phone number for and could call if I really needed to this one day the other admin was out and my dad had to run out of the shop to help fix something he walked out the door and the phone rang and the following happened CL crazy lady me is me they say hello business name how can I help you I need to speak to my dad's name I'm sorry he just stepped out of the office right now but I can take a message for you and have him call you when he gets back well when will he be back well I'm sorry I'm not sure there was a problem with some equipment Andy Andy girl help well I need to speak with him I'm sorry but he's not in the building right now I can have him give you a call if I can take a message for you no I need to talk to my dad's name I'm almost crying I was 11 for fraks sake look I'm sorry I can't do that right now I don't know when he will be back can I please just take this is ridiculous you don't know anything how do you not know what time that he'll be back you don't even know what your job is what kind of company is this how are you so incompetent me holding back tears at this point and begging this lady to please just let me take a message my dad thank God walked into the office of that moment and don't cut crazy lady off to say I'm sorry he just walked in hold on one second please so I say to him dad you have a call on line one well who is it I don't know I'm crying now she won't give me a name or a number when let me take a message and screamed at me and don't don't know why dad walks into his office and takes the call I don't hear the entire exchange but he put the call on speaker at this point and I did hears him say something to the effect of yes that was my daughter she's working here for the summer I asked her to have calls leave messages for me because I was not in the building crazy lady laughed kind of sheepishly and said oh I could practically hear a face turning red she half mumbled an apology / excuse and hung up extremely fast and that's why I still have some phone anxiety at the ripe old age of 25 I say some because it's gotten world's better I've worked on it Alliance all right our next post is by thistle fizz titled the turn that security prevented me from doing my job so I used to work as an entertainment lighting electrician and console programmer one of my busiest times of the year was working New York Fashion Week birth spring and fall it was a lot of organized chaos but I enjoyed my time there the most important place backstage is the hair and makeup stations in the dressing rooms rows of tables with mirrors and lights with power for the hair stylists and makeup artists for things like blow dryers and curling irons and courtesy power for the models for phones and such while we try to make sure that each station has at least two dedicated to 20 amp circuits invariably someone will come in and plug their equipment into the same power strip as the work station next to them and it will trip a breaker now runaway shows are absolute chaos backstage models hair dresses makeup artists production assistants press designers it gets pretty crowded backstage security is understandably tight during this whole process but gods don't actually come in until the day of the show because we're already in the space long before the show actually starts I always try to introduce myself to security guards so they know who I am usually wearing a radio in the tool belt is enough for most people to clue into who we are and if that fails the all-access pass or wristband seals in but I like to take the extra step and be prepared so one fine show day I get a frantic call on the radio from a lead production assistants the LPA who says this will fizz there's no power at the hair and makeup stations now if it's actually just one station that sounds or all of them it doesn't really make a difference even having one station out can be an emergency so I start making my way over on my way I encounter LPA who looks very relieved to see me and motions for me to follow backstage is packed to the gills so she makes it to the dressing room entrance a little bit before I do as I'm about to go in I get stopped by security unfortunately it's not the same guy that was at the dressing rooms before the show when I was introducing myself so this guy doesn't know me security says models only backstage it's okay I'm on the tech team and I show him my white wrist friends nice try gold wristbands only backstage he grabs my arm and starts pulling me away from the dressing room entrance you need to go just then I get another call on my radio Thistle biz where are you I keep my mic and respond I'm being escorted out by security at the mermans something has now finally clicked in meet lugs head unfortunately for him he was too slow to respond LPA comes storming out of the dressing room security what the Freak are you doing he works here he's my electrician let him go but he doesn't have a gold wristband Gold is for the dressing room only white is for all access now let go of him he let go of me apologized and I went about my business I don't disparage the man for trying to do his job but he probably should have been paying a bit more attention when his boss was going over wristband colors for the day all right and unexpressed is by Montana 13 titled yes I'm sure I'm me no I'm not dead not really and I do work here more even I'm supposed to be here now when I was younger I was very reclusive and rarely socialized with my classmates or anyone for that matter so while parents saw everyone else from the village I live in growing up after we left primary school elementary under I was never really seen by anyone fast forward to our prom when we left secondary school high school aged 16 and one of the other mothers from our village decided it would be nice to get a class photo of everyone who went to our primary school we all gathered together and were waiting for her to take the photo when she approached me and we had the following interaction she says excuse me but this is a photo for our village schools pupils only I'm confused I'm like yes I know that's why I'm here I don't think you understand this is only for schools pupils it was at this point I realized that she didn't recognize me so I tried to explain the situation to her sorry mrs. Smith I'm Montana I went to village school with your son join I don't appreciate being lied to you it's only a photo so just screw off so I can take it I don't understand why you think I'd be lying I've known John for the last ten years I even played rugby and football with him for six of those years I know you're lying because Montana is dead she died not long after they started secondary school at this point I was about to give up but her son finally decided to set her straight mum this is Montana stop making a fool of yourself and just take the photo no I know she died stop trying to make excuses for her to be in the photo fine this is her ghost just take the bloody photo not as dramatic as some of the other posts you know but it always makes me laugh when I think about it especially because it has always been a joke in my family that I'd look like the undead so I guess she thought so too all right our next two posts are by user just acute angle titled lady claims I'm a safety hazard at my own job so obviously the expected arm on mobile and bad grammar and formatting lines blah blah also this is my very first post for context I'm 18 and female and just started at a big chain auto parts store even though I know little to nothing about vehicles and how to fix them family member got me in but I'm getting by fairly well and haven't had a complaint about my advice yet so fingers crossed even though I'm 18 I'm very short five foot even and have big baby face so I often get mistaked for being 12 despite having pastel pink hair and a nose piercing Howcast are entitled [ __ ] coworker I was closing with that nights and me story sorry if it's a long one TL DR at the bottom so this happened last week when I was stocking and facing shelves about half an hour before closing as it's mandatory to have the store fully stocked and neat before leaving for the nights our stores equip each location with a very tall rolling ladders clearly marked with employees only to help safely stock heavy parts on higher shelves it was late so there was barely anyone in the store so I was stocking the top shelves where we keep our carwash supplies when I noticed this lady dressed in high-end business clothes something you don't see here very often she keeps staring at me I finally ask her if there's anything I can help her find and the following conversation ensues young lady you know those letters are for employees only rights I was a bit confused because I was literally stocking shelves and had the employee uniform on with the name stitched on it company policy yes ma'am I work ER I just started a few weeks ago I point to the logo on my work shirt she looks me up and down and says aren't you a little young to be working here I thought they didn't hire until 18 I am 18 my birthday was in January and I just started here yes you get down from there right now before I get you kicked out for lying and playing on store equipment startled I tell her no I work yah I'm doing my job and attempted to go back to stocking the shelves when she grabs my ankle and tries to pull me off a six-foot ladder keep in mind that these letters are as old as the store and aren't the most sturdy so I gripped the handles and pray doesn't fall over while I yell at her to leave me alone no you shouldn't be up here you could get hurt ironic I know at this point my coworker hears the commotion and comes out back to see what's going on she walks around the corner to see me shaking my leg trying to get out of her death grip before the letter falls over and trying to not cry or pee myself as I'm terribly afraid of heights ma'am what are you doing stop she could fall she shouldn't even be up there she doesn't work here while she was distracted I quickly shake my uncle out of a death grip and speed down the ladder and over to my coworker I demand she be banned from this store for being disruptive and a safety hazard ma'am she works here we just hired her two weeks ago then prove it show me her schedule and her ID now first of all I'm not showing you my schedule so you can come here and harass me secondly I'm not showing you my ID I don't have anything to prove to you please leave the store before I call the police oh I'll gladly call the police and she pulls out her phone and dials 9-1-1 at this point I'm so shaken up and tired and just want to go home so coworker sends me to the back to try to finish up my duties before we close about 10 minutes later the police show up and entitled brat starts screaming about how I was being a safety hazard and kicked her in the face the police look at me and again assumed that I'm only 12 until my co-worker explains to them what actually happened the police request security footage which we happily showed them of course it was the entitled be physically harassing me and she started yelling that she was only looking out for my safety did nothing wrong obviously the cops did not buy it and told her that if she was truly concerned for my safety she should have taken it up with the manager on duty instead of physically harassing an employee they escorted her out swear she continued screaming I told them I did not want to press charges since she probably didn't live near here anyways it's a fairly small town and everyone knows everyone type of deal and I had never seen her before it's been about a week since the incidents and they haven't seen her since thankfully but I think it's safe to say I may not last as long in this business law edits I'm still working during the whole curve at 19 because our stall was declared an essential business and I've got a few more stories like this if y'all want more and what would you know and next one is by that Opie titled you guys got what you wanted and she got what she deserved importance many details allude to my last post on here about the same entitled [ __ ] so go read that one first for clarification so last night I posted my first reddit story to this sub because I was bored and all and it got an unsuspected amount of support thank you so much along with that I kept getting notifications at work about comments saying I should have pressed charges I want to preface this by saying I didn't at the time because of excuses I made in the comments of the last post but started regretting my decision however by the fate of the universe or whatever God you believe in or don't believe in I guess who shows up at my work again today story it's about noon and our store is usually dead empty around that time in to my co-workers one by one start taking their lunch breaks I'm on the computer fulfilling online orders checking them off on the computer then going and collecting the parts from our inventory when I hear our doorbell ring as a customer walks in I look up and it's none other than the entitled brat from my story she walks up to the counter before I can duck away to the back and starts listing off things she needs at the speed of sound before she realizes who I when she finally takes a breath and a good look at me the following ensues wait a minutes what are you doing back here I still working a ma'am I said it a bit more sarcastically than I meant and turned back to my computer to finish the orders coming in there's no way you're too young and if you did work here you would be fired for speaking to a customer so rudely at this point I was done with her yelling at me so I decided to ignore her and start collecting the parts for my orders but as I was walking away I felt something hit me in the back of the head she ripped the computer mouse out of the computer and chucked it at me not to mention she broke the wire in the mouse when it hit the ground at this point I'm furious I had dealt with enough rude customers today and she was the last straw and then she dropped the infamous Karen lion if he really were Kia go get me your manager I was seeing red at this points but I could not afford to lose my job so I just went to the back told the manager who the customer was he had seen the security footage from before and agreed that if she tried anything again she would be banned and to call the police after calling the police we both walked to the front where she starts yelling at my manager that he shouldn't let kids roam freely around the store without supervision it's a safety hazard and she should call the police on him now my manager has always been super chill but there's nothing he hates more than a stuck-up entitled customer when she finally stops screaming he informs her that the police have already been cold and she will be banned from this store she looks dumbfounded all the color drained from her face and she bolted out the door as quickly as possible when the police arrived we showed them the security footage again and I guess because of last time they already had her name and stuff on file and could easily identify her I'm not good with law stuff but haven't ironed who was planning on enlisting her help because dot dot dot they asked me again if I wanted to press charges and this time I said yes so I guess this story does have a happy ending after all unexposed is by bagel guy titled just because I'm young doesn't mean I can't be the boss worked at a very popular nightclub multi-level younger crowd downstairs big spenders upstairs we're talking $70,000 night on our biggest nights in down foraging around 30 K on normal nights we used to get tons of applications as staff made great tips I started at the bar as a bouncer for a summer job when I was 19 and ended up liking it and being good at it anyway fast forward a couple years and I'm 22 and have been made general manager of the bar with a staff of about 50 we opened during the week for deck drinkers and I would usually be dressed to impress on some of the days as I wasn't in the office all the time or I would be doing work around the bar minor fixes painting and such anyway I came down and let the staff in so they could get to work and before we open a girl knocks on the door you know the type looking down a nose at everyone with a holier-than-thou attitude I opened the door for her and asked how I can help her she takes one look at me in my boots work jeans and t-shirt and walks right past me without so much as a how do you do to tell the bartender she's looking for the manager so she can pass in a resume I had the distinct pleasure of watching her face go red as I tell her I am the manager and tossing her resume immediately without looking at it's a lot of the customers we have that spend the big money look like nobodies next post is buy use on anslee star titles I'm your server and the manager checkmate Karen I'm not sure if this is inappropriate for this group as it was clear that I worked there but not in the capacity that the customer thoughts but I'll push through I'm in mobile so all the obligatory sorry i'm on mobile just ignore them a few years ago i started serving at a family-owned restaurant in my town i quickly became close with the owner and the owner's daughter and helped them with the more than just serving I became head server and then bar manager since it was a smaller restaurants I kept serving because I made way more money that way we had a special every day for wine we had a shelf filled with wine bottles each shelf was either 15 percent 25 percent or 50 percent off it was a great deal and typically we sold it for about five to ten dollars more than we were paying per bottle of wine I don't know if this is well known but a lot of restaurants are charged the alcohol quite a bit in order to make a profits obviously long so it was a great deal for people one day a lady comes in with her friends and immediately starts causing problems I end up taking over for the server who got them right after they ordered their drinks because they were so rude to her and it was her first full day of serving by herself the lady ends up ordering one of the 25% off bottles which ended up being around $7 more than you could buy it in a liquor store how do I know this at the end of her meal I can hear her talking to our friends about how she's going to get the bottle of wine for free she knew I was right there and could probably hear her but I was just the server and probably dumb also overheard at an earlier time I may be dumb but I'm not stupid that's okay at this point I'm so ready to tell her no I actually wonder by a few times so she can try her crap sure enough she snaps at me and I mean literally snaps her fingers and calls over and said I want you to get your bomb in a jar I looked online and found this bottle of Merlot for xxx and you charged me X X plus 7 I'm not paying this ridiculous overcharge and I also want to talk to them about the service here today now not to toot my own horn I was a good server there weren't many people in the restaurants at the time so I know I didn't neglect them I substituted food for them and didn't charge them any up charges even though a double baked stuffed potato costs more than a side of chips but whatever she looked at me with such a smug face until I smiled back at her and said actually I am the bar manager I've never seen such a comical change in expression outside of a sitcom she said you're the bar manager and I smiled and nodded and said every restaurant will charge you more for products than they buy them for this is how we make a profit I'm not going to be discounting the wine as far as issues with the service I would be happy to listen to your complaints and take them into consideration for the future she's spluttered grumbled and told me well I'll never be coming back yaar okay good riddance lady and she didn't come back her friends did there and became some of my favorite regulars they told me a few months later that the only reason they went out with her was because she was one of their sisters-in-law and she didn't have any friends I wonder why and our last post for today is by KK Wednesday titled I worked there way longer than her sorry first post but this is about the first job I had as a hostess at a breakfast restaurant a bit of backstory I had started there when I was 16 I'm 21 now I had worked there for three years in total but the last eight months that I had worked there I had maybe one to two shifts a week due to a better full-time bartending job so one of my first shifts back after not having one for about a month and a half was a busy Sunday morning I came in for my shift and I had seen many new faces as the hosts rotated out pretty quick I was running the register taking payments and I was also in charge of the seating charts giving customers wait times and ensuring that they was seated when promised I don't mean to toot my own horn at this but I knew the restaurant very well so I was capable of giving very accurate wait times there were a bunch of tables that had to be bussed and there were a bunch of other hosts just standing around and either talking or doing less important jobs so I left the podium to go to request that those tables be cleared and one of the new girls had the audacity to ask who I thought I was and it said that I was new so I proceeded the same once I've been working here for almost three years now and she still proceeded to ask why she should listen and I couldn't do it myself finally the manager had came up and asked me what the problem wasn't I told her and then she told that new girl that I wasn't lying and to listen to me and all my god words can't explain how quickly she went pale and lost that stupid smug face thank you for listening shabbily dressed guy actually does work in the building dude so years ago I got a pretty sweet gig working as security guard shift supervisor actually which is important in a building downtown it was a mixed-use building sir we had a food courts retail stores on two levels as well as five office towers when I first started one of the things all the guards are taught is to treat everybody they deal with respectfully the building did have a lot of transients and homeless people wandered through but we prided ourselves on being courteous and polite to everyone well one lazy Sunday morning I get a frantic call from our building operator the guy who watches all these security cameras telling me I need to get to a specific Bank of chairs on the second floor he's panicking and I can't make out much of what he's saying other than one of the guards names I go rushing over worried that this guide who's a bit of a loudmouth bully might be in a fight or something oh boy do I wish that that was the case when I get there the guard is berating an older gentleman who was seated in one of the chairs guy has a pile of papers and a coffee on the table in front of him and is pretty Shapley dressed a pair of threadbare jeans dirty running shoes have faded and stretched out shirts and a leather jacket that is more scuffed than the leather at this points there's a ratty laptop back on the floor leaning against the table the guard is damn near purple in the face screaming at this guy to get the hell out pointing widely and yelling obscenities about how we don't allow pieces of garbage to live here you've been here an hour move along I walk up tell the guard to cool his heels hey God let's just take a breath what's going on here and then I greet the gentleman in the chair and ask what he seems to be the problem the second gentleman gets two words out guard lights up on a tangent about how this homeless drug addict is loitering and needs to leave but won't get up I shut him and tried talking to the gentleman again and this time he got out forwards before the guard interrupts again and this time starts threatening to literally flip the chair forward to toss the gentleman onto the floor I finally have enough with the guard and tell him to go to the office and cool off and that I will deal with the gentleman godpa grudgingly leaves and I apologize to the gentleman about the guards overreaction gentleman basically says I appreciate it I walk in X Tower on X floor and forgot my keys I was waiting until my assistant arrives and can let me in I automatically offer to let the gentleman into his office we do it all the time and have specific protocols for it and he accepts sir away we go to the elevator we reach his floor and then the door opens which is when I realize where I am every single night we had patrol every single office space of every single tower except for one on one floor the entire space is occupied by a legal firm that is worth multi-millions and we aren't allowed in that office ever yup I'm standing on that floor gentleman steps into the floor lobby and I have to excuse myself to go to get the key for his office we aren't allowed to carry a copy of its so I can let him in and he just nods I raced down to the building operations room snag the key and race back as fast as I can but I get back to the floor I opened the office door and the gentleman invites me in and he goes to shut off the alarm I then have to awkwardly ask him for his ID and to see his office so I can verify he's allowed to be there he chuckles and obliges me he's the freaking owner of the legal firm he thanks me for letting him in and I leave about 20 minutes later the president of our security company arrives on sites with two other people and the guard who blew a gasket is escorted off sites fired as soon as I left the lawyer he called the manager of the building at home to have words and manager then called security company who came down personally I got a nice compliment for how I handled things and I learned why we had the role of treating everybody with respect now our next post is by user flick and snorey titled you look like you're 16 what makes you think you know anything about Br so this happened about a year and a half ago when I was a bartender at a high-end restaurant this isn't all verbatim but exchange is as good as I can remember it I'd been working at this place for over a year and it worked my way up to shift support slash bar manager and was 19 one day I was sat up at the bar drinking with some of our regulars and a few colleagues that had the afternoon off and a man came up to the bar to order there was only one bartender working as it was after the Sunday lunch rush and it was always quiet by that point this bartender was new and I just handed the shift over to him he was capable of running the shift on his own but hadn't quite learned the drinks menu the gent that had just walk in to order started asking about the beers in a really snobbish men are such as what are your why Spears which lager is the most crisp and do you have any really hoppy logins basically he was asking questions about any type of beer possible just to be complicated and sound like he knew his stuff no one really comes in asking those types of questions if they don't have a specific flavor profile in mind eg you only typically ask about why Spears if you want a wee TBR you only ask about Chris beers if you want a refreshing lager and only ask about hoppy lagers if you're into IPAs anyways I overheard this and offered my own guidance as the pour new recruit was looking at me like a deer in the headlights I just ran through the menu and suggested the correct drinks for his questions to which he just exhaled through his nose and outright said you're about sixteen and shouldn't even be drinking here what makes you think he know about beers I'm a polite person and I'm really not a fan of unnecessary conflicts so didn't offer any wise cracks or smugness I just told him heard you asking some pretty tough questions and new recruits names started last week I thought I'd help out as I'm off shift and it's a good training point for him as I'm his manager to which he joked about the new starter being old enough to be my dad not sure what he was trying to gain from throwing weak insults at a stranger but my mind switched into work mode and I just started listing off drinks on a menu like I was advertising half the breweries in Europe I asked what flavor profiles he was after if he wanted a light ale or a heavy lager high ABV or low if he was looking to eat then perhaps one of the wines would be better suited if a heavy beer is preferred as the special was fish I finished off with the new bartender's name can you pop staff discount on for this gent it'd be nice to see him back here when I'm walking proceeded to give him my till and walk through the steps to apply it lo and behold this bloke orders a pint of Carling because all the fancy beers were way too expensive imagine that trying to show off to a bartender that you know more than them and then ordering the cheapest beer on tap I don't miss these type of guests one bit and our next post here is by user only here to shouts titles who did you say your father was so not quite an I do work here moments but I don't know where else to put this I might mess up some things not because my native language is something else I just suck at English so the cast are me store manager coworker and random customer a few years ago I was working for my auntie in the two convenience stores she earns in town it was a temporary thing that stretched two years long story on that one and every day was the same punch in work punch out my father was pretty well known around town for all the years he worked in automotives as a parts store manager mechanic parts manager etc one day I was behind the counter waiting on customers and someone came up to the counter and as I was scanning their items I noticed they had a fountain drink so I went up to ring it's and I'm interrupted random customer is like I'm a family sir I get these for free in which family like my aunts nieces and nephews and two aunts and uncles get drinks for free from the fountain and slushy unlike oh okay what's your relationship to the owner mind you I know my aunties uncles and cousins very well but not their kids and consider I'm about 19 to 20 at the time and I was one of the younger ones so of course some cousins had kids but the oldest wasn't even out of high school yet he looks me dead in the eye and says I'm Brent my father's youngest son I couldn't help but sit there for a couple of minutes with a look of disbelief but he just said he was me sir I decided to have some fun with it I look over to the store manager my cousin hey store manager does this look like my father's name's youngest son she took a moment to get a good look at him she's like he's my father's name's youngest son I know rights you know what that means you finally have a younger brother with the same name the random customer just sat for a moment with the most confused look on his face mixed with a good amount of shock not seeming to realize that the name on my nametag in big bold letters that read Brett I looked over to my coworker you hear that co-worker I have a younger brother with the same name as me isn't that great oh that's great but he looks a bit old to be your youngest sibling the guy looks about late 30s I look a little older than I am but everyone usually says one or two years older that I actually am he's like what are you talking about none of us could believe this guy has not caught on yet so I have to look him dead in the eye and tell him nice to meet you my name is Brett points to nametag I'm my father's name's youngest son he looks around at all of us clearly the random customer finally understood sir I ring up the drink he paid and left with us still laughing Ernest his girlfriend came in a couple of days later and claimed to be my oldest sister not knowing who I was spoiler alert it was not my sister right our next post is by carrying our n64 titles airline pilots so my daughter and I were flying to visit my mother-in-law in Florida the last leg of our journey was in a puddle jumper small enough that they even weighed our purses we were sitting in our seats along with another woman and her two daughters when a young woman in a white shirt climbed into the cockpit the other woman leaned over tapped her on the shoulders and said I believe that is the pilot seat young lady you will have to move the young woman turned around and said I am the pilot the other woman then asked if she was old enough to fly the pilot repeated I am the pilot lady and not only was she had good pilots but we hit a thunderstorm on the way that we barely felt right e'er our next post is by user needs more Burk a titled did you come here yesterday hope you enjoy my first story it's a bit long and since English is not my first language I guess some mistakes might be around so backgrounds I'm a structural engineer and for better or worse I have some experience at assessing structural damage on terrain and because of that I was hired in late 2017 to examine damaged buildings after the earthquake in Mexico City and surroundings my job was to go around the property identify and document damage caused by the earthquake or aggravated by the earthquake and then prepare a report that would be used for insurance claims and other necessities in theory I had certain authority to excavate a building but luckily it was never necessary another thing I have to add is that I have a bit of a babyface more like a lots of a babyface I easily get mistaken for someone much much younger so here I am I was assigned to check this particularly old factory during the day a pretty big building of near 6000 meters squared one of the not-so-good areas of the city I arrived roughly at 9:45 15 minutes before the appointment and the only entrance is this huge metal door with a smaller blue door on the corner I go and knock this small door no answer only at the third attempt someone opens he was like a small Goblin opens the door and looks me up and down security goblins like who are you I'm me I come from company for a meeting with the owner and who sent you me a bit confused I come from company I have an appointment with the owner I proceeded to explain to him what I was going to do and my schedule on a paper that I was carrying and who are you I'm confused about the goldfish like retention capability of this guy but I give him my name and all the information again he Huff's and says he is going to check closes the door 10:15 and I'm still in the entrance waiting and the security goblin has not appeared at this point I had called the central office that was coordinating all the inspections and they were frenetically trying to see why I wasn't allowed to enter after knocking maybe five or six times these security Goblin opens again what he wants I've been waiting for half an hour could you find the owner security guard looks me up and down again somehow my white construction helmets and blue vest with the company name were not enough to make him connect the dots he squints his eyes and says and who are you I'm dumbfounded it actually takes me a second to answer because I needed to be sure if I hadn't fallen into a creative punishments in purgatory I give him my name company name and a brief explanation of why I had an appointment with the owner he squints again without a word closes the door by 11:15 I'm absolutely fed up and asking the central to leave they finally answer that they had spoken to the owner and confirmed he is expecting me at this point I had forgotten how many times I'd knocked on the door and my patience is at the limit still I'm containing myself to keep the best most professional image I can the security Goblin opens again he is somewhat still unimpressed that I have stood near an hour and a half in front of the door says who are you I'm now convinced this is some sort of practical joke but r4i me I come from company and what do you need I have an appointment with the owner I understand he is waiting for me suddenly his eyes opened wide and his face changed the expression of someone who has gone to the depths of his mind and returned with a revelation oh but didn't you come here yesterday at this point I admit I lost it I fully lost my cool and with an exasperated but still not screaming turn I snapped back I have been in the same place for the last hour in something how can you be that incompetent it seems that was the password because now security goblin visibly scared let me in immediately and pointed to a door at the other side of the internal parking lots I passed by while he was muttering you didn't need to scream at me like a hurt kid inside there was the owner and some other guy before I can even present myself he berates me for being more than an hour late so he cannot go with me to the inspection I explained briefly that the guard wouldn't let me in since 9:45 apparently this wasn't so rare because he sighed heavily and muttered that fat idiot he excused himself and the other guy accompanied me I could hear the screams of the owner at the distance while entering the second floor by the time the check was done no severe damages everything was easy to repair I found the owner again apparently the security guard judged that I was too young and my accent was too weird to be who I claimed so he didn't even ask but instead went away and forgot twice I was there I was 31 radio and our next story is by the same IP titled shut up kid I want the engineer second story since the first one was much much more appreciated than I could have hoped I began looking into old anecdotes and I remembered this gem from 2011 again a small pre-emptive excuse since English is not my first language sadly or luckily I don't member anymore stories that fit this particular sob that said here we go at that time I was 26 just out of university with my title and master both completed by December 2010 almost immediately I went into a big engineering company specialized in tall buildings I was still green with little to no experience in the real world and by nature I'm also evasive when it comes to conflict so I'm not exactly the wise choice when it comes to clash against aggressive or too dominant people still I was able to fake confidence and capable enough to quickly gain the trust of clients because of that I was already managing projects with some degree of autonomy at six months into the job that said it was November already very warm chilly so summer in November and the office was working at its usual pace that is calm but two steps away from total panic it was morning when my boss called me let's call him ray he's a great guy professional but often a bit dense when it comes to social cues to this day we're still good friends despite both not working there anymore when I arrived at his desk he pulls up a set of schematics he's like hey I have a meeting this afternoon with this particular clients but I cannot go they have some kind of issues so it's important that someone from the office is there if things go difficult difficult I asked yeah they made a frick up and want to blame us still everything is on the drawings you shouldn't have any issues sure I'll take it the meeting time came and I went off the taxi in front of this 22 storey building the lobby was already finished in floors of black marble and roof in white marble with diffuse white lighting round double-height columns in stainless steel as I entered something calls my attention there are scratches on the floor Oh also in the columns but also in the doors this is bad these are telltale signs of horrible construction management I take the stairs to the fourth floor and the construction auditor Phil receives me he's a large guy with a short beard and stern but amicable face so UI needs more Boca what happened to Ray hi yes he sent me in his place well we're about to start just sit by my side and don't intervene unless it is necessary anything I need to know I asked he smiles me back with a grin just wait and enjoy so we enter this large improvised meeting room there is electricity but the floor is still bare concrete's and the doors a temporary the table is enough for maybe 20 people on the corner there is a small guy with a curved back and sketchy appearance he could be described as a weasel in office attire no one pays any attention to my presence as everyone is taking seats I sit beside Phil near the middle of the table the weasel on the far head and the closest head is still empty that guy is the construction manager he is blaming us for the screw-up he says pointing at the weasel we wait for maybe five minutes with only a rumor of small conversations in the place finally the door opens up and a peacock like office chair enters black trousers white and pink vertically striped shirt and big golden sunglasses wear a helmet should have been a large golden watch kettle bell sized completed the image sorry I'm late let's begin the meeting chat announces I assume for his commanding tone that he is the representative of the owners after some minimal greeting to all the people in the room by the architect he gives the white to Chad I take a glance at Phil he is expectant now Chad raises from the table points to the weasel and the party starts explain to me how the Frick you forgot to build doors for the elevator machine room we are already delayed a month you made a fudging mess in the lobby and now we have to demolish a wall so the elevator people can enter ok our Casa the weasel answered first of all these changes have been asked by EUR you asked for the lobby to be left Freddy while I still have to work with people there and you have it fully scratched how the Frick is that Myra sponsibility turns out Chad and the weasel were not only severely unprofessional but also hated each other with such passion that they had to be put in opposite sides of the table because more than once they went too close to a fistfight they discussed screaming at each other for maybe five minutes chad is fully aggressive and red attacking relentlessly the manager just as his appearance suggests sneaks in between all the attacks and deflects responsibilities blaming everything under the Sun the rest of the assistants are just expecting to let time pass quickly and leave but Phil is happy he was one step away from having some popcorn I leaned to him in whisper so they forgot an access for the machine room not only that but the weasel also declared some construction molds as stolen and they made an investigation turns out they are still inside that closed room what I asked a bit louder hey kid Chad addresses me to spectively shut up and goes back to the fight after some more punches back and forth the weasel is running out from ways to deflect his mistake he tries one more but this wasn't our fault the door was not in the structural engineers drawings he forms a smug smile plus Ray didn't even come to the meeting if any penalties are to be applied it is to them for their incompetence boy that was my cue I clear my throat but fail in the first impression entering in a timid way well shut up kid the weasel snaps and looks to Phil Phil keep your assistant quiet I decide to make me understand more clearly I pull the set of schematics letting them fall heavily over the table and catching the attention of both Chad and to the weasel over the schematics I put my construction helmets with the logo of the engineering firm silence takes the place if I may I now speak in front of a pale weasel and the Chad who internally debates if showing shame for calling me kid or do a victory lap around the weasel I'm actually a structural engineer from company and Ray sent me in his presentation because his schedule was full mind if we check what appears on the drawings here we are yes as you can see the door is here and I think this cannot be attributed to confusion from structural design I agree Phil comments with a huge smile the rest of the table is trying to hide their amusements I continue so that settles it I can make here a procedure for the demolition and installation of the access or if you prefer I can send it approved by raid tomorrow everyone is silenced in a second of contained storm but Phil isn't done yet he leans in and puts his hands over the table now we need to see what we will do to recover these supposedly stolen equipment that is still trapped inside the machine room and what will you do about the two workers view fired this morning he looks to the weasel who was just about to melt and escaped by first crack he can find Chad now turns into a ranging volcano he was so furious that his blood pressure could have been measured in atmospheres you fired people without proof and then another five minutes of berating exploded until the architects who were supposed to be coordinating the meaning called to a truce so they could advance with the problem of the electric and water crews Phil and I were dismissed but while the door was closing I could hear Chad screaming again I sighed relieved truth is I was shaking a little what a mess now this was a quiet meeting Phil said smiling tell ray he missed a good one pleased to meet you kid in the end the construction was finished with five months of delay both the weasel and Chad were fired from their respective companies rageous laughed at my story and told me it was good that chad hadn't tried to punch me because he wanted to fight everyone all the time I never found those two again but I found Phil on another project two years after same mischievous old men - my luck to this day I never had another meeting like that dreadful one entitled lady gets what she deserves after assaulting me and triggering a PTSD episode satisfying ending so this is my first time posting so if I do something incorrectly please let me know and please be gentle I'm also on my mobile so formatting could be wonky for all I know I'm a busy mum so I may not be able to edit in a timely manner sorry in advance trigger warning PTSD and mental of assaults I do not elaborate on that assault as it isn't social media friendly obviously our cast are me just me entitled person slash parents and AE actual employee our support cast our security vet cop cousin cop hobby and entitled parents kid context this is the experience of a time I was just done with people for the day and it got really messy for work I had to dress in upscale business attire with some antiquated ideas on ladies wear like he must weigh heels and nylons I would do anything or errands on my way home from work it was years ago so it will not be verbatim obviously I don't have an eidetic memory story that day had been a long one due to my literally crazy boss so while I was shopping I had two people already asked me for help it was an upscale mall and I was dressed similarly to these store managers the first two were polite and apologized for the autumns mistake and I was jovial about it since they were so nice but this is the encounter to the best of my recollection with the third person yep the third in under 15 minutes I was walking away from the shoes to the ladies lingerie section as I was shopping for nylons when the dreaded excuse me happened sewing travel parent says excuse me me knowing what's happening and what that turn meant what kind of person probably barked so rudely and relatively loud especially in a high-end department store I was completely done with all personal interactions for the day but especially one that could be draining so of course I ignore entitled parents pretending that I didn't hear her the entitled parents being strident and very loud now moving much my closer excuse me she was setting up me off already by being too close and now I was whining in my head so I sighed quite audibly on purpose I turn around and go ah yes you're the manager where is XYZ no I don't remember what it was that she was looking for exactly and I don't really care to be honest I don't know man and she cuts me off before I can finish with her I don't work here thing well you should I'm a frequent and loyal customer so and I kid you not the woman showed me away she was all indignant wanting me to go find out ASAP I'm just stood blinking at her well go find out already shouting directly in my face with spittle to boots ma'am I don't work ER with a dead-eyed expression is what I said no I didn't even care enough to expand upon that well I never you are the rudest employee I've ever encountered get your bus me frustrated and not caring anymore because she now had chute and snapped her fingers at me I'm not an employee so I'm not going to do anything but continue my own shopping you should be ashamed of yourself for your inexcusable behavior the entitled parent confused but going with it sure you want she said sarcastically just go find out I'm running late and I need XYZ ma'am I still don't work here so I turn and take off by the way the employees at the store would never walk away from a shopper or be rude not ever I can hear her getting even more aggravated as I leave but I don't care she was rude as I'm looking at the display of hose in the lingerie section to find the correct one which takes a few minutes as they aren't plentiful I need topless ones for open toed pumps and they rearranged it since last time I was here I hear more screeching there she is pulling the employee behind her with just the magnetic force of her displeasure I don't turn just knowing this is going to get ugly with the mood in the employee looks confused and a lot worried they're like um I think there's been a I want that manager's name and her boss now she will be fired immediately and give me corporates number this is disgraceful sir I slowly turn around I should warn that while I'm normally very tolerant and love to help all the people who need it especially I greatly dislike stupid racist or loudly ignorant people and I have a temper entitled parents stepped into my space again I let loose yelling an entitled parents face I hate that for good reason ma'am very obviously sarcastic for the last time I do not work here I step away and turn around trying to calm myself and avoid a catastrophe it's silence legit only the classical music playing in the backgrounds I'm desperately trying to find the nylons quickly so I can get the items and get the heck out of there ASAP desperately trying to control my temper I see them and grabbed all they had like five I don't even know didn't even check them to ensure they were the correct sizes that's when it happens that's where it all went to crap entitled parent grabs my arm pinching it hard as her hand slips on my silk blouse i bruise easily so it ended up being a huge doozy later she grabbed me so hard she pulled the seam on the sleeve I think I still have it in my back of my closets I never did wear it again so I'm not positive what untitled parent didn't know that escalated the situation drastically was I have extreme PTSD from being assaulted by a gang and any grabbing of my arms from behind me is a major and usually very violent trigger I instantly flashback sorry this is hard for me to recount as even now I shake when thinking about it or the attack this next part ha BtoB since he was watching the security tapes later I dropped my items jerked my arm away backed up into his good of a corner as I could and started screaming in a panic no don't touch me I slide down the wall at my back with my hands over my ears I've gone into freeze and hide mode and repeated no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no entitled parent then made the mistake of moving closer again in an aggressive manner I remember some of this Parts I looked up into her malicious face and went straight into fight mode standing up abruptly and into her face screaming aggressively no you don't get to hurt me I'm not entirely present yet but know something's off as they're in no men near me this is a huge lucky break because any men near me at the moment would have immediately made me go berserk and attack I'm still in my aggressive stance but started saying something along the lines of just leave me alone go away and more no no no no no no no entitled parent backed up and I imagine she thought I was some crazy person and she would have been correct right then somehow the store employee knew I wasn't entirely there and traumatized somehow my pupils were probably blown wide and with the automatic sobbing my mascara was already streaked down my cheeks hobbie said I looked haunted when he picked me up later as I was too distraught to drive home the employee calmed me down a little as I noticed I wasn't being attacked at that moment that's when security arrived to see a still sobbing shaking family on the throes of panic attack from the flashback and adrenaline crazed person problem security was all male back into the flashback I go screaming and freaking out violently I know they took him title parent away at some point and I hastily remember the employee sitting on the floor cross-legged nearby but not too close she was talking to me in soothing tones but I don't remember what was said for all I know if she was repeating supercalifragilisticexpialidocious or some alien language I wouldn't let anyone else near me I was too hysterical crying I was starting to realize in relief it was a flashback only and became more and more embarrassed and horrified the employee got me to give me her phone to call my IC e contact which was my hubby he told me later he explained what likely happened and told them to put him on speaker he started doing this us safe routine and was on his way that's what really got me out of the episode enough to start letting them help me at a distance of course we all ended up in the back offices as they called EMTs because I was in shock was white I'm very pale but bloodless is a different kind of pale and my heart rate went bonkers and almost fainted I got my medications out of my purse took it and waited as the EMTs came in to do their job the cop who was with me was a war vet and knew exactly what was going on how to not set me off what to ask etc entitled parent was in a different area and was still going insane about the psychotic employee who attacked her and all sorts of threats so when hubby got there he heard what she was yelled told the cops he knew I would were press charges on anyone who grabbed me and treated me like that turns out that another cop over with entitled parents was a distant cousin of my hubby same last name from the same great-great-grandfather or something they talked a bit outside the room and I guess entitled parent overheard that he was my hubby she tried to blame my hubby for the PTSD attack as he must have abused me hah be disabused that notion by laying down some facts explaining why I freaked out what happened to me that I was a minor at the time and that it was before we met hubby says he also called her an idiotic hag as he left all the info shut her up temporarily but didn't stop her entirely hobby came in to comfort me and held me police finally asked once I was calm enough if I wanted to press charges and I did of course they'd already seen the recording from the security by that point sir only needed me to tell them what had happened and to confirm why I freaked out entitled parent was told she was being arrested and started up the Banshees screaming again the store manager said he would be banning her for her behaviour indefinitely at some point during that entitled parents kid a teenage girl showed up frantic look for her mum mall security had escorted her and made quite the ruckus I felt bad for the kid and saw her as she waited for her dad with security when we went escorted out to the public part of the store entitled parents kept up their I'm innocent and this is a misunderstanding and threatening me for doing this to her all the way until courts supposedly I really thought I would have to testify for a while which was very stressful the prosecutor's office called me a couple months later to tell me that she was taking the deal after the CCTV footage and photographic proof of the ripped shirt and progress of the huge bruise she gave me was shown to her it was a bad case that would be expensive to fight for her to only lose without evidence she was a first-time offender so she got the option to do a program where they do intensive personal and some group psychotherapy anger management's rehab support groups community service and such depending on the offenses if completed the record gets wiped clean she took it and as part of the deal she had to plead guilty in front of the judges before hands so no testifying about it and my previous assault in open chords I was very grateful for that one last bit of justice happened there her work found out and due to a clause in her contract they fired her immediately found out about that one from the prosecutor - haven't heard about her since never bothered to check up on her as she did her sentence and wasn't importance by the way I still hate hosiery and this wasn't the only time someone grabbed me in public and I freaked out on them most recently was this last summer also sorry it's so very long I needed to trim it down without taking out too much of the needed information and to anyone worried I still do go to therapy support groups etc and have since the gang assault happened 20 years ago you don't get over something like this but I'm managing pretty well for the most parts edits this was in the greater Phoenix metro area and it happened over a dozen years ago so I'm doing much better for those concerns I could get a service dog for crowding but they are expensive and insurance doesn't like to cover them if they aren't for the blinds I've had a lot of time to recover so the need isn't there as much for its to justify the costs and then there's the fact that I'm slightly allergic to dogs I use symbols on the censored wives mainly for my personal well-being to not trigger other survivors or BOTS and cause it to be removed until reviewed I'm keeping it that way for those who want to read in places that those words would jump out of the pages and for all those who are survivors like me as I don't want them to be triggered by the words as well fYI writing this took a lot emotionally and just putting it in the text was very blatant I didn't need to add that this has been cathartic though thank you you guys are awesome and so supportive I can't believe how amazing you all are for whoever gave me awards you're the best I don't know what some of them mean as I'm still relatively new to reddit but I'll figure it out well damn that was a long one but I really hope you guys enjoyed that one and our next pose today is by user local Liberian titles actually can I don't work you anymore or for you so a friend of mine recently reminded me of this the absolute best time I ever had dealing with a caring in the wilds it happened about 30 years ago so I'm going strictly by memory here I also have no clue with a name for a male Karina's smile call him Ken sorry this came out so long but I think you'll enjoy it TL DR at the bottom so I used to work for a chain convenience store and back in the late 80s it ran into financial trouble corporate decided that to cut costs they would sell off slash shut down all locations that didn't have a gas station attached this included my location once the stores were sold slash closed our positions would be eliminated and we'd be out of a job although I was the only assistant manager for our location sir I was effectively running things as corporate had decided to pull my manager off to a different location and the assistant would be good enough since the store was closing anyway now on to this story now Kosta ehh head honcho guys from corporates in charge of selling the store slightly involved near the ends Ken entitled dude who bought our location and of course moi smiley face once chain announced that we were closing the stores it was no secret that we would be shutting down of course us employees were still expected to give good customer service that was usually no problem as we were in a good area and had pretty decent customers they liked us we liked them but at the same time we had no flips to give for the occasional Karan's it was nice being able to shut them down what were they gonna do fire us ha good times I wish I could remember specific instances but 30 years they all kind of run together now the most entitled of older was Ken turns out he had bought our location from chain and would be taking over in about a month and a half during that time I was working with head honcho guys from corporates doing things at stall level for the sale meanwhile Ken came in a few times a week demanding that certain things be done as if he already owned the place he wanted us to change displays all the specific products etc head honcho guys had already told me to ignore his demands so all of them were met with some variation of no Ken I work for chain not for year and this isn't your store yet which sent Ken off in all his huffing glory yelling that I wouldn't be acting like that once he ran the place fast forward to the final day all the other employees had worked their last shifts and as acting manager I opened the store that morning h/h guys arrived to go through whatever they needed and shortly before noon Ken showed up Ken and head honcho guys went into the back and once they came back outs we closed the store in order to finalize everything head honcho guys and I cashed out the register for the last time and most importantly I turned over my key to the store once that was done something close to the following happened headhunter guys are like okay Ken we're done it's all yours now and they start packing up to leave and I'm like just making sure chain no longer owns this location ken is in charge now yes head honcho confirms so I step out from behind the counter of course Ken starts yelling I think yelling was his default mode where do you think you're going home what does it look like you get back here and get your ass back behind that counter where it belongs I'm calmly like no I don't work for you what do you mean no I told you things would be different when I took over here and now you have to do what I tell you to do me with a huge grin on my face say you just don't get it do you ken looks confused you bought the store you bought the inventory but you did not buy the employees and you sure as hell didn't buy me so I'll say it one last time and try to get this through whatever the functional cells you may be floating around in your empty head I don't work for you never have never will Hansen's chain store number 1 2 3 4 no longer exists I don't work there anymore since I'm no longer needed here not to a head honcho guys I am leaving ken starts sputtering and yelling incoherently realizing he now has nobody to work the register as I walk to the doors for my last time of course I can't help myself as I'm pushing the door open I turn around and give Ken my best customer service smile and a cheery have a nice day if I remember correctly the store didn't open again for a couple of days at least while Ken tried to hire some employees but anyone from the neighborhood who had seen him treating us so badly before the sale wanted nothing to do with him and even once it reopens it didn't last long eta I have seen some comments going on about employment contracts how jobs should have transferred to the new owners etc so just to clear things up a bit I heard one us doesn't have employment contract as apparently other countries do as noted in the original post corporate told us upfront that once the store was sold and shut down we would be out of a job - if chain had been bought out by another company then maybe our jobs would have transferred over but Ken bought one location not chained as a whole or even multiple occasions three ken never asked any of us if we wanted to stay on and to work for him as one comment added you don't have enough money to afford me anyway or something close to that for several commenters have tried to guess which chain this was but I haven't seen a correct guess yet as of this edit anyway I'm a bit hesitant to add that since much to my surprise chain is still in existence although I googled them after posting the story and according to their website they're down to less than a dozen stores now right oh and an ex post is bi Dragon Bridge 101 titles old lady tries to get her phone fixed at a Japanese restaurants so I used to work at a Japanese restaurant in a fairly big shopping centre and we were next door to a computer phone and repair place keep in mind it was a normal Sunday we opened at 4 o'clock for dinner but workers would show up 45 to 30 minutes early to prep sir I get to work around 3 10 ish and my boss hasn't arrived yet to unlock the door for workers into random lady walks up to me and asks DIY Keo and I say yes thinking she's talking about the restaurant she says I have Cox home life or whatever it's cold until won't let me view my security cameras from my phone I'm confused at this points think she's maybe just asking a young person if they know what to do about it and I say I'm sorry ma'am I don't have Cox I have Verizon I don't think I know what to do to help you and she goes it doesn't matter what you have you should know how to help me where's your boss and I say he's not here yet I'm waiting for him to unlock the doors and she says I want to talk to him my boss was Chinese and I have a lot of trouble understanding him I say he doesn't speak very good English then she says he should he has to run a business then I finally realized she thought that I worked at the PC place yeah I'm kind of slow but I say man this is Japanese restaurants you want next door and then she goes oh then walks away then my boss walks up and asks what that was all about and I tell him some old lady wants me to fix her foreign radio game isn't her last post for today is by age therethe I titled from raging to wholesome all my sir a while back I posted an I don't work here lady's story which I was little local well mods and and ended up having a manager screaming and hollering at me from behind which I don't hear due to my severe hearing loss and didn't even notice until my roommate finds me in the aisle being yelled at and explained to the manager he's deaf and doesn't work ER resulting in an apology and a gift card well this is an extension of that previous story but it's short and sweet my hubby's stimulus check didn't hit his whale Mart's debit card like it was supposed to so it got sent back to the IRS resulting in him having to have a check sent to him he gets sent check in the mail do we want to go cash it sir I'll hippie neighbors agreed to drive us there and wait knowing we're going to get a little shopping - this was already told to them prior that we'll get a few things sir while my hobby is waiting in line at the service desk and subsequently having the employees screw things up and screw him out of some money deposit this - my card and she makes it out cash and charges him for it's oh I can put it on the card for you charges him more to put it on the card Jesus Christ so while he's doing that I have a buggy and done zooming around the store just grabbing all the items requested of me and that singular manager that had previously chewed me out was waving to get my attention instead of tapping me on the shoulder I get more waves now than shoulder taps which I'm fine with if you're patient for me to see and notice you the manager signs to me me learning signing you deaf no hear me here you understand me of course I said yes I understand you verbally the manager smiles and signs help you to which I said no thanks I'm fine I'm rather used to locating things in my own and she signs nice day and leaves with a smile so she went from raging at me mistaking me for an employee and giving me a discount for her mistake to learning to sign and apparently eager to show what she's learned I'm not even mad I think more people should learn how to sign I mean you could learn any language for a second language but you're less likely to actually go to France or Japan then you are to literally lose your hearing so learning to sign is a great option and does count as a second language on your resume overall I just find it neat how a previous I don't work here lady situation evolved into something being inspired and motivated to learn a whole new language rights that's why I'm gonna leave today's episode guys I really hope you enjoyed this I don't work here lady series it's been a nice one so far and I'm keen to read more in the future tell me what you guys thought about this one down in the comments as always a lot of your faces and I'll see you in the next episode don't forget to go into my channel and on the right side of it you can subscribe to story hawk if you're on the phone you just click on my profile click channels in there there's marque - I'm gonna be uploading on that soon and there's also story Hawk which is my mates if you can show them some love I love you for that as always I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 166,679
Rating: 4.8108749 out of 5
Keywords: r/idontworkherelady, r/idontworkhere, r/idontworkherelady rslash, r/idoworkherelady, idoworkherelady, i dont work here lady, i do work here lady, idwhl, r/idwhl, reddit, reddit stories, Markee, Markee Reddit, Idontworkherelady, Markee idontworkherelady, Wedding Crasher, Karen
Id: RyCwNLUjjIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 39sec (9279 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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