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g'day there guys it's Yazzie hubby Maki and welcome back to another episode of our slash legal advice today I've got a very special episode for you it's a compilation of all the best stories we've read over the past week so sit back relax Chuck a pond on the barbie and enjoy a couple hours of the best legal advice stories you've ever heard and also the kangaroo court just got back to me and they said if we get a thousand likes on this video they'll lock up every cream in these stories also if you guys are new don't forget to smash that subscribe button and turn on post notifications for news stories from reddit every single day from Michigan my ex and I came to an agreement for me to keep my son for a week she disappeared for three weeks and is now saying that I kidnapped him I have had my son since the 20th of January my baby momma was supposed to pick him up the 27th of January she did not pick him up I texted her and she said I'll be back eventually but during her time away she was doing hardcore drugs driving recklessly and partying she posted these things online she showed up at my door yesterday no car barely any clothes and obviously still high on something wanting our son I refused to give him to her and called her parents to take her home today she is now posting that I kidnapped her son or our son sorry she didn't know where he was and that I'm abusing him absolutely none of this is true she's not even tried to come to get him today I have cameras in front of my house and can prove that what I have one screen shots of every text message between me and my ex agreeing to me having him for a week her saying she'd be back eventually and my where I use during these three weeks to phonecall recordings of me and her parents talking about her showing up to my house hi three screen recordings of her doing drugs reckless driving etc and for the video of her showing up to my house hi how do I proceed from Yale and Moritz you'll call the police and this will destroy my career I am already getting hate mail now our main boy grasshopper one quality contributor by the way says you should consult with a family law attorney immediately is there a current custody order in place if not you should immediately file for an emergency custody order currently he is mandated to be with me every other weekend I will look into this I feel I have to do this very carefully I don't want this to be one of those he will always be under suspicion kind of things oh my god yeah she does she literally abandoned your child for weeks to go off partying you won't be under suspicion for being the only decent parent that child has also you can get it put in the court order that if she wants any visitation with the child she be subject to random drug tests now let's let's hold on to that statement the only decent parent that child is because look through this guy's profile several old look around is posting history that he's had am I the a-hole for being upset that my co-workers slept with my brother for not taking my son when it wasn't my time how do I go about getting custody my son you know fairly mild stuff but now on to a confession I noted in my brothers shampoo is Paiva I can't bring myself to hate my father I can't seem to hate my dad it's too much am I the [ __ ] for the way I forced my employees to talk to Indian people obviously this is all being taken out of context but man this guy is insane unfortunately there's no update on that story so we've got no other choice but to go forward from here don't we and our next post is by user clover Demeter titled charge two hundred and fifty dollars smoking fee for hotel stay but we didn't smoke location us a date on screen we woke up this morning to a 250 dollar smoking fee for our hotel stay over the weekend neither of us smoked in any form and most certainly did not smoke this weekend we called the hotel to see what was going on and ended up speaking with the manager who said she herself confirmed our room smelled strongly of marriage' wanna the sticky icky the smell must have occurred after we checked out for we did not smell any marijuana smell when we did check out earlier around 10 a.m. they said they came up for cleaning around 11 a.m. and that was when they noticed the smell the manager said she would not reverse the charges and overall was not willing to discuss anything further we asked why no one called us or informed us we only found out due to the final bill sent the next day and she said it was because we had already checked out they also said they had no physical proof other than the potent smell in our room I read online I can try to dispute this with my credit card which is discover which I intend to do but they mentioned they can't do anything while the charge is pending and that we'd have to wait for it to clear the part that makes me nervous is that we actually were staying at this hotel dude our wedding the hotel hosted our wedding block ends we put down a $1,000 deposit for any damages outside the guest rooms such as sound disturbance damage to our property etc but the guests were still responsible for individual room damages the group manager let us know this deposit would be returned within a couple of weeks after our wedding weekend I guess I'm just nervous to dispute the charge while they're still holding 1000 dollars from us however I don't want to sit on the charge either has anyone dealt with this what is the best course of action do we ask for written proof from the hotel she'll be back off until we get our $1,000 deposit and then fight or do we fight right away I have to admit I'm trying to stay positive and not let this get to me but I've never been blatantly told I'm a liar before and it was a pretty upsetting thing to wake up to on the first day of our honeymoon update thank you all for your responses it was very reassuring to hear many say what we felt that smell was a vague and subjective proof to answer questions quickly yes we thankfully paid with a credit card and Discover seemed open to in your case but told us to call back once the charge was processed it's still currently still pending and we will go from there we did call them back and ask if any rooms around us had a smoke smell they said none did if they was certain it was from our room they said they were if we could take a drug test they said it wouldn't matter and someone else could have smoked in our room and what we could do to process the formal complaints they recommended emailing them I will say the last manager we talked to we spoke to a few by the way seemed like he may have believed us but said it didn't matter if we didn't smoke and didn't know who did as the room was in our name and without responsibility regardless so I guess if an elephant storms into our rooms smoking marijuana whoops still have to pay a dinner that response didn't sit well with me however good news we're getting our $1000 deposit back today as our group sales manager rushed our return and seems to be trying to sort everything else out as well he told us we would get back to us shortly as he's meeting a higher up about this update - we've been told will be refunded by another manager at the hotel via email thank God for written paper trail though still no evidence on my online credit card account of an incoming refund so fingers crossed it comes soon once that does I will email back my final say with my concerns it's clear they still hold us at fault as they repeated we are responsible for our room even if we let someone in to smoke which we didn't again it was our wedding night so I will be addressing my concerns they have one a serious ventilation issue - a serious staff smoking issue or three a serious security issue if someone broke into our room I will also still be leaving a review of my thoughts calmly not as a petty review but to let further guests be aware still no one has apologized to us which I don't expect at this points though they did end the email saying they hope we stay with them again I admit that gave me a good laugh and now on to a subject I know a lot of you guys love because of our slash but hey tree law and mspaint for your Sunday help me convince my brother that this is worth pursuing a contractor building a house across the street cut down two very large trees and my brother's property the biggest one was a two hundred and fifty year old oak tree there was 75 inches in diameter I don't know why my brother is reluctant to go after this contractor but can anybody give me some links to success stories I can send him maybe something to show him how much this might be worth I know from many happy hours on our slash legal advice but he is going to need a survey and an estimate of value from an arborist abhorrest I don't know that word one additional wrinkle which gives me an excuse to post a gratuitous crappy mspaint drawing isn't that just wonderful isn't that just the best is that the tree is actually on the neighbor's side of the street but my brother's property extends across the street so the entire streets and the tree in this area is on my brother's property the tree is presumably on an easement of some sort so the city could remove it if they wanted but there is no question that the contractor removed it not the city would this change the legal situation at all thanks and now on to our first update a small tree law updates my brother is now convinced that this is worth pursuing and is contracted a legal attorney we did it reddit here's a picture of the tree in its former glory courtesy of Google Streetview thanks to the user for the suggestion the house in the pic has been torn down to make room for the McMansion that is being built update to tree law in process updates this is in Michigan for our robotic Overlord so there's a whole bunch of links that they've provided and they say so the mythical arborists do in fact exist I've never seen one of their reports before so here it is for your viewing pleasure I'm not gonna put those ones up I don't know if I'm allowed to a lawyer has been hired yesterday a demands letter of two hundred and sixty eight thousand dollars was to the Builder who cut the trees down Michigan allows triple damages for trees popcorns in the microwave stay tuned that was posted a year ago and now update three posted two days ago Michigan tree law case full updates yes friends I'm back with an update after many long months I did not forget about you the wheels of justice turn slowly but they do turn as I said my brother accepted a settlement this was reached through an alternative dispute resolution process called case evaluation that is apparently used here in Michigan you can read more about this process here on the PDF document provided but essentially both sides provide a max 20 page summary and a 15 minute oral presentation to a panel of three lawyers no witnesses or evidence per se although attachments documents are allowed the panel then comes up with a dollar amount that they think the case is worth both sides then have the option to accept or reject the settlement and go to trial I was hoping to be able to watch an actual trial or trial but alas it was not to be there is a possibility of significant penalties if you reject the settlements and then don't beat it by at least 10 percent in courts sorry I understand my brother's reasoning and accepting the settlements it turns out not unexpectedly that the settlement will be coming from the contractors insurance company so hopefully collection will not be an issue another outcome of this case is that my brother who is not a redditor is now using the phrase pound sand in casual conversation we did it reddit oh you guys brought that phrase up before you're pounding sins do I need to start using it all right this next one by nick tam air is a bit grim to children 6/7 ran into the streets and I hit them both I was going less than 15 miles per hour but they are hurt and I am getting sued hello everyone I was driving to go see a friend and I got out of my driveway in turn and I didn't even pass for houses when a small boy and girl both ran into the streets and hit my quarter panel luckily I didn't run them over and I don't see how I'm at fault er their mother came out and started screeching at me and threw more insults than I can count she called the police and the paramedics and they arrived all of them went well but today a week after this it happens I got someone knocking at my door asking for my name and they gave me an envelope saying that I am being sued I'm only 18 so I don't know how any of this works I'm awaiting for my dad to get home because he works with stuff like this I do not have a dashcam unfortunately I told the police I was going speed limits and these two kids happened to run out into the street without looking both ways and the big SUV parked on the street was blocking my view they dismissed me and I left so I do not know what they said to the mother but now I'm getting sued and I don't know how to defend myself really and we don't have the budget for a lawyer right now we do but it's not how we want to be spending money at the moment I'm thinking of taking a picture of my point of view with the SUV parked where it was but that's really all I got any help is appreciated thank you and it's thanks to everyone who commented I can't really respond to each individually but I've read all of them and I'm keeping everything in the back of my mind in case I need it and yes my diction was off they ran into me I technically didn't hit them I will refrain from saying that so a suggestion is call your insurance company and cooperate with them they will handle it that is what you pay them for chances are the case will settle most personal injury cases like 98% do but you might have to go through some legal stuff first most likely a deposition your insurance lawyer will walk you through it's just cooperate with them as best you can it's a process that can take years so don't get overworked about it you shouldn't be personally on the hook for anything as long as your coverage isn't crap and if you find out it is cross that bridge when you come to it for now take a breath call insurance and do what they tell you and updates to children ran into my car in my neighborhood and mother sued me I had the hearing a few weeks ago the results are quite anticlimactic I am off scot-free as I should be a shop repaired my car and I didn't have to pay out of my pockets the mother was found guilty of negligence or something along that sword's so I have to go to my neighbor's house to check my mail and I'm looked at adversarially when I passed by I haven't seen them this past week however my car is as beautiful as ever and I don't think the kids have anything against me as they would know part of the idiocy their mom initiated I don't know if I miss anything I'm just writing an update because the original post got some traction and I think I recall a few people asking for an update if you guys have any other questions aren't responded entually and now on to our next post my autistic brother was banned from the local hobby shop is this legal so my brother suffers from high-functioning autism so he has a hard time socializing one place he loves to go is a local hobby shop me and my brother are regulars there and have spent thousands of dollars over the years this last week however my brother was banned from the shop a girl who also goes there claims my brother tried to kiss her and when she refused he groped her I tried to talk with the owner and he knows my brother is autistic but he refuses to unban him he said that he can't allow him in because he's a threat to his female customers I think this is crap I talked to my brother about this and he understands he did a wrong thing but he can't understand why he was banned so he's been very depressed this past week and wants to go back to the store is there anything I can do is this discrimination because he banned my brother due to his autism my parents are planning on getting a lawyer ensuing the owner will this fix the issue edits my lunch is over and I need to go to class thanks for helping me see I was wrong I'm gonna talk to my parents and stop them from suing I'm gonna go to the owner after school and apologize for bothering them and how I acted because of this well that was a quick change he said he didn't bang your brother due to his autism he banned your brother because he assaulted a customer that's perfectly legal I realized that it's hard for your brother but it's pretty hard on somebody to be assaulted when they're shopping - and this was them at the time before they wrote that update steal peanut 22 says I understand their fears but we have gone to this shop for years and nothing like this ever happened before he only banned him because he thinks he's gonna do it again because he's autistic if they think he's gonna do it again it's because he did it in the first place it's not like everybody has to assault a woman once before they learned not to do it but they might not even think that he'll do it again they might just want to let the woman who was assaulted in their store shop without dealing with a guy who assaulted her that's a very good point also bear in mind he seems ignorant because the guy posting this was 16 and the brother was 19 so a little bit of development is needed I think now into the update my autistic brother was banned from a local hobby shop so I want to start out by saying that I was wrong and I want to apologise to anyone I may have hurt with my last question it was wrong of me to defend my brother's actions and I wish I could have seen that at the time but that was the past I went to my parents and talked to them and they have begun to see that they were wrong to me and my dad went last night and apologized to the shop owner for our actions and how we treated him and the victim of my brother and that we agreed with his ban the owner was genuinely happy with us for this sir I'm glad we did that the girl who my brother touched was also with the store and despite what many of you said I felt that I needed to apologize to her too because she deserved it after my actions and she thanked me for it my parents are now looking into different options to deal with my brother including therapy and other programs I really want to end this by saying thank you for helping me learn that I was wrong like I said I'm sorry if I hurt anyone with my post I didn't mean to do that but it was wrong of me - this has been a learning experience for me in the hope that I can be I'm a better person because of its I don't really know what else to say to that one I hope that that 16 year olds you know a year ago from this post has learnt the difference between right and wrong you know even if it is family that not always you know blood is not always thicker than water is all I'm gonna say anyway guys on to our last story a guy drove off with my couch while I was moving in because if it's on the street corner it's public property longtime lurker first time post our I just moved to Nevada and it was just me and a couple of friends unloading so we left some things in the street next to the moving truck while we did the heavier items like desks shelves etc as a team I came out after bringing in some boxes had been gone roughly 15 minutes to find a guy had loaded my couch into the bed of his truck I ran up to him and explained I earned the couch he said that since it was on the street corner it's public property and he's within his rights to take it he drove off before I could block his car I did get his license plate and went to the police to make a report but they asked me if it was in fact on the curb and I said it was but it was also pretty obviously next to a moving truck it was wrapped and surrounded by boxes and I told him it was mine and I was moving but the police didn't say anything that inspired hope the couch has been in the family three generations now and while it probably isn't worth more than a few hundred bucks it is sentimentally priceless is there anything else I can do or further ways to escalate this to get my couch back thanks all men Becky reckons make the reports keep pestering the cops yes it's theft escalation with the PD abandoned property is one thing but the circumstances here clearly indicate that it's not abandoned Opie says awesome thank you sir it isn't actually going to hold firm that if it's on the corner it's public property because I know trash is public property but this clearly wasn't trash abandoned property relies in parts on the circumstances on which it's found in a black trash bag on the corner yeah that's abandoned on a street corner with a sign saying free yeah that's abandoned next to a moving truck with a lot of other items from and in the truck while people are moving things in no that is not abandoned this guy is trying to make a legal justification for his theft and also outside of filing a police reports and providing the information such as description of the driver the license plate in the description of the vehicle the only Avenue I can think of is hiring a personal investigator to go look for the guy but that's going to be prohibitively expensive how expensive I'm literally delaying my parents visit out here because I do not know how to explain that we no longer have this couch I'd be willing to go pretty deep to get it back and they reckon you'd have to hire a PI to track the couch down confirm its whereabouts convince police to take action then potentially hire a lawyer or sue this person in small claims court so probably three months at earliest thousands of dollars in expenses oh yeah I don't have the funds for that if I did I'd be seriously considering this though thanks for the help and now on to the update for this post a guy drove off of the couch while I was moving in and it's considered public property thank you to the user who suggested I look in the Facebook marketplace I found it in there and got the name of the man who took it I took that information to the police and the man had other complaints of petty theft against him even better one of the people who helped me move realized my neighbor has a video doorbell and I was able to get proof to the cops that the man stole my couch with me standing right there with the moving truck and boxes a friendly officer went to his house and got my couch back as well as a few other stolen outdoor furniture pieces one was a bench from a local restaurants obviously abandoned I don't know the other situations I deeply appreciate your legal advice I now won't have to tell my parents the beloved multi-generational couch is gone Cheers Bravo dot-com Dogzilla lost my dog hindered his recovery and damaged my contract in the process I hired a well reviewed Rover comm dog sitter to watch my dog on Friday in order for me to work on a contract out of the city I dropped my dog off at the city's house at noon on Friday did 8:30 p.m. he sends me a message letting me know that my dog had escaped something about his girlfriend and an open door I break my work contract and raced back to the city to start looking for him and posted his info on several social media sources to get as much exposure as possible I find out through buns and Facebook that my dog was sighted about a kilometer away at 6:30 p.m. so this guy waited several hours before letting me know that my dog was missing I get into the city and start looking on foot he informs me that he is called the police and Toronto Animal Services and has ordered a set of missing posters to put up in the neighborhood through Rover he then tells me that he has a bunch of friends and family canvassing the neighborhood looking for him great right this is where things get unpleasant it is negative ten degrees outside or minus ten degrees and as it gets later and my search gets wider I realize that I'm the only one looking for my dog I call Rover comm repeatedly and they say all they can do on their end is encourage the sitter to go out and look but apart from that their hands are tied I get a tip from Facebook that a dog similar to mine was brought in to TAS but I need to call them for a more accurate description so I in fact call the Toronto Animal Services when they open on Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m. and discover that it isn't my dog at that point they informed me that they never received a missing dog report for my dog the night before and that I would have to submit my myself plus 12 hours after he went missing this is the first confirmed lie from the dog sitter I continued my search throughout the morning with no leads I double back into the neighborhood and still don't see any missing posters or anyone else searching I finally get a tip off to his location through Facebook and catch up with my dog at a park that he is semi familiar with around lunchtime this is after 17 hours straight of walking in negative ten degree weather I covered every street and alley way in a three square kilometre area because I was scared to death that my dog was gonna get hit by a car and or freeze to death I couldn't stand the thought of going home without him I speak to Rover comm again and on a hunch ask for the missing poster order number and location it turns out they were never collected from the staples that printed them so this guy never had any posters in his possession and was never distributing them I have them now as evidence emotions inside is there any course of action that I can take to deal with this person by lying about the search the posters and the Toronto Animal Services reports he delayed valuable search tools that I could have procured myself and used in the search immediately I also lost $1,000 by breaking this work contract and have documentation to that effect this guy really should not have any animal in his care and pretending to go through the motions is worse than simple negligence like leaving a door unsecured I am at a loss for how to proceed if it all edits to clarify I did eventually find my dog he's safe but it was a hellish experience so someone says your remedies are likely established in the Rover tos which I imagine says that the client agrees not to hold them responsible if a dog runs away correct I can't touch rovol however I can go after the contracted dog walker I don't know how it is in Canada but in the US you'd have an issue with causation in that the dog independently ran out the door it's harder to prove negligence with something that has a mind of its own and can do things of its own accord then you're going to have an issue of providing damages you can't really say definitively had the guy not lied to you that you would have found the dog any faster that's fair as the caregiver doesn't have a basic obligation to provide a secure environment for the he also didn't disclose the inexperienced girlfriend as a resident interacting with the dog that also makes the home environment less secure than he described before I drop the dog off I don't know guys what's your take on this one that is a hard issue for me I feel like you should be able to suit him for that but obviously I'm not the man in that guy's shoes anyway guys on to the next post Massachusetts man that sold me a car called my insurance company and listed himself as a driver now they weren't take it off until he verifies that we don't live together he's blocked my number I bought a car last year from a mutual friend that I didn't know well at all everything was fine until this past June when he fell into some heavy debt he gave me a call sometime around June asking me to take out a loan for him too which I refused red flag number one right there after this he began to harass and pester me for money was already paying way more than I should have been monthly for this car I eventually just gave the car back and that was that I gave the car back mid July and purchased a new one I'm Nessen Altima from a legitimate dealer this morning I received a call from my insurance company progressive saying that this man has listed himself as a driver costing me another $500 I calmly explained the situation but they told me that unless he can provide proof that we don't live together we absolutely do not I still have to pay it this is absurd how is this allowed the guy in question is obviously desperate and trying to get back at me for giving the car back but how can I provide proof for someone else this is in Massachusetts and I have progressive insurance update number one again sir a lot happened since I first posted for starters I should clarify some things we signed an agreement that I would pay monthly increments for the title until the car 30k was paid in full he held on to the title initially he said I would be under his insurance but only a few days after I saw this guy was kind of switch to my own I did not have the car in my name which is why I was able to give it back so easily I just thought screw this drama I'll just get a new car today my adjuster happens to be out sick but I reported this man to both the state and federal insurance fraud agencies a representative of progressive informed the man in question blatantly lied to my adjuster and told him we live together and that he drives my vehicle occasionally I have only spoken to him a number of times so this is certainly not true I've been in contact with a representative of both progressive and the insurance fraud agencies all morning and in finishing sending in documentation as we speak I'm expecting a phone call and will update soon update number two not much has changed since the last updates except everything has been officially reported with all required documentation luckily I kept all the text messages between us which I attached to the reports I've filed with my adjuster out today of all days just my luck it's a bit difficult to get this taken care of after I settle this because I'm not paying the extra $500 I will most definitely be switching providers and hey I was gonna read some comments but he pretty much answered every question that we could have asked they're so good on him thank you for that Opie Florida neighbors tenants cutting down my magnolia tree without consents guys would you believe it it's tree law and looked as if as a Microsoft Paint diagram oh my god isn't that just exactly what you'd expect from a diagram it's beautiful oh my god so I inherited this house & surrounding property from my great-grandparents when they passed away this includes two rental properties which my great-grandfather had been renting out for years to two families relations between the three families had always been cordial even when my great-grandparents passed a few years ago and I became the new landlord though the dads of both families are only a little younger than my grandfather and I get the impression from our interactions they chafe a little bit's their new landlord is a woman in her late 20s but I figured everything is fine because I've never raised the rent beyond what my great-grandfather set it at and I always have professionals over to deal with any issues in the home within 24 hours of receiving a call from them about three years ago a local kid was messing around in my magnolia dreams and broke his leg my homeowner's insurance paid the settlement to the kids family but just to be on the safe side I had a surveyor come out and mark the property line for my lights they also used the words Platts but I'll be honest this isn't my area of expertise versus the lots of the other two rental houses that is and then had a contractor come out and put a white PVC fence at the property line just to ward off a repeat incident like some kind of fairy tale the kids are the families that rent from me fell in love and have decided to get married they wanted to have a block party and the bride's father asked if I'd be okay with them decorating on my property as well since it's part of the block I admit I took decorating to mean things like hanging lights or other traditional wedding decorations sir I gave my consent this morning I woke up to the sound of chainsaws and went outside to discover the parents of the bride and groom were cutting down my magnolia trees each tree is about 80 years old this house was purchased as a wedding present of my great-grandmother and they planted the magnolias there when they got married if my great-grandmother had lived she'd be turning 100 next year and they were cutting them down because they didn't match the bride's aesthetic vision I told them to stop immediately I didn't give them permission for that and I was going to call the police they stopped but when I went inside to grab my cell phone they started up again when I confronted them I was basically told that since they're my tenants I'd just be suing myself so I could suck it up buttercup I admit I was more than a little intimidated by a group of men with chainsaws I went back in my house they continued cutting and called the police who in fact came out and told them to stop and gave them tickets but they started up again once the police were gone I called the police again and they haven't come back out yet I've also already called an arborist friend of mine I'm a florist to come out and do an assessment immediately I called my insurance company as well and they're gonna have someone call me back but while I'm waiting I thought I would ask Keough can I sue them or am i as their landlord liable for their actions against me needless to say no one is getting their lease renewed even though they lived here for decades sorry if this is rambley the trees hold a lot of sentimental value to my family and I so this is very emotionally draining well if you've kept up with our slash tree law well enough you know they might get a pretty penny for this anyway quick question if they lived there for decades today even have a lease or they month-to-month if they are month-to-month I'd hurry up and send a notice via certified mail I don't think you'd have a problem suing them for the lost trees provided you get a good lawyer but I would be worried about them damaging your property to spite you and Opie says they still have a formal year long leases however one of those leases would normally be renewed in September so August first I'm sending them the 30 days notice that I'm not planning to renew the lease the other has a good six to eight months left if I remember correctly the paperwork isn't in front of me all right epic time Patriot is here tree log I hear I went to second and third some items that user Krieger 81 and others have said this is going to test your resolve it will get worse before it gets better these people have to go now you obviously need a good lawyer a good tree lawyer don't get discouraged if a lot of your attorneys don't know anything about it or don't want to take your case initially I guarantee you will find someone who will salivate over the opportunity god I've been trying this sentence is hard to say this is a somewhat specialty aspect of law and litigators or wills estates and trusts attorneys may not value the case as highly as someone who is well versed with this area of law they attorneys skilled in tree law likely has an arborist referred for you as well beautiful with the trees southern magnolia magnolia Glenda Florio they can live 80 to 120 years and get to 80 plus feet tall for comparison a 10 to 15 foot tall pine tree I know I always get that one wrong is about $1000 replaced and ornamental with a 6 to 8 inch trunk it's got the double they're a $1,500 these are about as big as they can deliver the values go sky high from there especially for certain circumstances your trees could easily be worth thirty five thousand dollars each if they're mature shade providing sentimental etc get a good tree law guy you can't afford not to and don't let anyone laugh at you about this it's serious law and money but you have to find the right people on to the tenants part in the semi repetitive nature of that which is to follow it comes from far too much experience with these matters if anything heed this advice if this is how your first challenging interaction goes with these tenants of yours which would be blatantly ignoring the police and continuing to destroy your property can you possibly imagine how much stress and pressure you're going to be in for for a long long time noodle on that one these people need to go I can't tell you how many countless clients decide to not be the bad guy or try to smooth things over or whatever they decide to allow these relationships to continue when they should have cut bait long long ago billable hours I suppose you need to remove these people immediately Florida somewhat uniquely allows for what is known as a seven-day quit no queuing Otis and if non-compliance is in nature that the tenant should not be given an opportunity to cure it this was criminal and they cannot cure by replacing the trees no I doubt giving you the high five figures they are worth within seven days examples of non-compliance which are of a nature that the tenant should not be given an opportunity to cure include but are not limited to destruction damage or misuse subtle landlord saw other tenants property by intentional act just to think how nice it will be when this is all over to have their houses professionally cleaned landscapes get a new fresh tenant in there and enjoy a peaceable and amicable low libido tenants relationship for years to come the dust from all of this can settle at the same time get them out of there normally you would serve them with written notice intending to terminate the lease for non-compliance then you wait for them to do something stupid again and you send them the seven day notice this case seems somewhat extreme indict wager a good attorney could get a judge to agree that the initial notice in seven day notice can be served back-to-back by the repeated and willful nature of the tenants actions this is tenuous and your attorney can advise in case you hadn't noticed I'm strongly in urging you to get these people out of your life they clearly don't respect you they will cause more damage expenditures and legal fees in the future your life will be happier for this short pane enjoyed good luck now some of you guys are purists about the comments and I understand that so I promise you from now on if there's no yet interesting comments for the rest of these stories I won't read them all right and also you guys said you want a nice sized tree law if there's good stories on our slash tree law I'll put a video up I promise but I'm gonna check it out first and he went back onto the stories update to this story I've received a number of messages begging for an updates but as it's only been a few months I can only give a partial one due to the ongoing legal issues my attorneys have advised me not to divulge too much to anyone number one the day after my post I called a good friend of mine who has been my go-to plumber since I inherited the property we went to high school together to ask for his help he went to both houses the next day saying that I had called him last week since the water bill seemed high and asked him to come look at the pipes he went through the houses surreptitiously taking pictures while inspecting the bathrooms kitchen and water boilers etc for leaks apparently while he was there they made a bunch of comments about me that included racial slurs TLDR I'm biracial and do not pass for whites and such about how I need to learn my place after he'd inspected both houses he came back over to mine and gave me all the photos his people sound really nice by the way let's invite them over for Christmas too I conferred with an attorney regarding evicting them and four days later both families were served with seven-day eviction notices as expected they blew up and started throwing rocks at my house slinging more racial epithets in my direction I'd always grown up being terrified of angry racist white men twice my size I never realized how unbelievably pathetic they actually are until I watched them crying like babies while being hauled off by the police on the video cameras three the bride made a very angry post on Facebook followed up by standing in a church small town most of us go to the same church during prayers and concerns to beg for prayers for her family because our landlord is evicting us all because she's jealous that I'm getting married the pasta feigning innocence said I thought she was evicting you all because your father and the groom's father cut down my great grandmother's prized magnolias hot ass game of you laugh you losers I've ever played still proud I survived for according to the arborists yes plural there my friend came out and did an assessment my attorney for the suit over the trees advised selecting someone who isn't so close to me for the paperwork will submit to the courts based on the number of trees cut down and the number of trees damaged beyond repair and how old / well tended to those trees were the value of the trees alone is more than I could sell all three houses for in the current housing market around er then the attorneys started talking about that how the damages are multiplied and let's just say I would be quite happy with half that number but I know when to zip my lips so I let my attorneys handle the negotiating for they did in fact destroy the houses as best they could I have enough savings / inheritance left that I can live without the rents for a while so I'm using it as an excuse to have both houses renovated since they haven't had major renovations since well before I was born six the bride and groom got married and had their reception in the church basement instead of the cul-de-sac they had to cancel the honeymoon to spend money on met legal fees am I a bad person for being amused 7 hurricane Michael just gave me some wild understorms thankfully passed over us with the worst of its 8 my boyfriend of seven years proposed finally god dang other than that you'll have to wait until the eternally slow court system processed though I do want to take a moment to thank you all for thinking of me and for being so helpful with your advice with what was a terrifying ordeal at the time I'd never really stood up to my elders like that before and it was comforting to know that not only did a gaggle of Internet strangers have my back but there were resources and protections in my community as well hip-hip-hooray for a / tree law alright now on to some more unsettling contents what the heck is even going on 9 says my husband has been secretly recording me and us what can I do California besides leave of course but any advice on how to do that but also be appreciated if that's ok to ask er sir my husband and I have been married for two years we have a newborn baby I just found out that he's been secretly recording me in the shower on the toilet in other private situations as well as recording us having sex and then uploading them to various porn sites some of his porn site content is behind a paywall so I assumed that he's making money off of this I was never made aware and didn't consent and would never consent to something like that to say I'm horrified would be an understatement I will add that I tried to have a conversation with him about this and he was extremely defensive even with the evidence legally what can I do is this a police matter or something to discuss with a divorce lawyer only if I can't get these removed how likely is this to affect me going forward there were no attempts to obfuscate my identity and he gave my first name to comment is not our last name though sir reddit user 1 2 1 1 says in California this is a police matter you can report the crime along with whatever evidence you may have it seems very likely you should consult a divorce attorney in addition to the police particularly about finding any hidden assets in the divorce Durst Bini says this is a police matter if you choose to make it 1 non-consensual distribution of intimate photos and videos is a misdemeanor in your States and he may have committed other offences in the process of capturing that footage I would speak to a family Laura Toney first however and talk strategy criminal charges are appropriate if the police will bites with Internet publication the police likely will but a family lawyer can help you make decisions about divorce custody and the disposal of the revenue he's generated from this that a prosecutor can't handle for you having a strategy before you go to the cops is worthwhile and now many update on my husband's secretly recording me not much of an updates but I did want to let people know that I followed their advice and have consulted with the divorce attorney I've been staying with my mom for a while while I get my ducks in a row which is not that suspicious to him as my mom and daya close I'm trying to be careful because truthfully I don't know how he'll react so I have been taking small steps baby is fine I'm also compiling as much evidence as I can for the police to make a reports there's a lot more than I thought there and frankly I'm overwhelmed fortunately most of the sites have been helpful and the IT guy are hired to help me with the technical stuff has been nothing but empathetic professional and helpful and that ITA's is some of the Payne thank you all again I know this is not a huge update but it's going to be a long process and I wanted to say thanks well I think that's a nice place to end the episode off today I hope you guys enjoyed this one tell me what you thought of it down in the comments below and I hope that's not too much of a cliffhanger for you now by user long sibling this one's titled husband surprised me with a divorce cleaned out bank accounts and shut off credit cards how can I find an attorney with no money custody divorce and family law tonight when my husband got home from work he informed me he wants a divorce and will be leaving until it's done this is not a huge surprise honestly ever since our daughter was born we've just not been getting along what is a surprise is its suddenness I've been a stay-at-home mom since our daughter was born two years ago it just didn't make sense to work and spend 90% of what I made on daycare so in talking to him before he was finished packing he told me good luck with the mortgage and bills I've taken my money out of our bank accounts and I've turned off your card on my credits I should say I was shocked but I really am NOT he's very mean when he's angry and his never seems to connect with his daughter he wanted a boy and from the day we got word we were having a daughter he's been distant I obviously need an attorney I logged into our bank account and sure enough it's at $5 what resources can I begin looking into to get an attorney for free to help at least make him pay the bills and food until I can find child care and a job is there anything I can do myself with the courts that is semi quick to at least have him pay for the necessities since he cleaned out our joint accounts or at least money for an attorney I understand it's all his money but we are married with a child I don't see how he can just leave us with nothing all of a sudden I'm in Wisconsin I've tried to google up the best could since a little one went to sleep but I can't find what I'm looking for or even really know what I'm looking for thanks for anyone who helps so iluminated double-oh-seven says contact your local or State Bar Association you're not the first person to have this squad of thing happen and they will have resources to help you get legal representation and also help with your other financial matters I guess also if you have bills coming jus would be worth talking to creditors to let them know what's going on if your husband is on the bills to his credit we'll also take a hit from not paying within that framework it would be in his best interests to not leave you high and dry thanks someone else suggested and I found their website most of the bills are in my name and he's on some like the mortgage the mighty mogul says see if your state has legal aid I work in an office that handles family law and your ex just screwed himself over so hard judges look very harshly on this kind of behavior especially when children are involved and now update surprised divorced husband cleared bank accounts I wasn't able to get much done over the weekend except sell the wedding ring for some food and diaper money today however was really busy I spoke to a few people I was able to get in contact with through legal aid I'm told by the end of the week I should be with an attorney who can begin helping me file everything I need to begin doing and hopefully begin tracking down where he's put all the money and get some back so I can continue to survive until I can be approved for childcare through state benefits and begin working again I'm really surprised about how often this happens there are entire places dedicated to helping men and women who have their wives and husbands do this to them I am filing for divorce before he can hopefully and for the return of the money into our accounts and in order to continue assisting with Bill's child supports and other necessities such as diapers mortgage etc I probably will not have another update for this for a long good time but so many people wanted to make sure I was going to be okay and with everyone's advice to contact legal aid etc it looks like it hopefully might get better soon I also contacted the bank and other bills that are coming up that I won't make and explained the situation they are somewhat understanding and hopefully I'll be back at work soon to keep currents thanks everyone else and advice and our next post by account number 496 my ex-husband and his new wife made my daughter a back brace out of wood and steel and forced her to wear it ow my daughter is 9 and we share custody by alternating weeks my daughter says her back hurts now inter arm is tingling I have a doctor's appointment for her on Monday and in the meantime I am trying to remain calm I confronted my ex-husband about it and all he would say was one text message where he says his new wife didn't like how my daughter slouched at the dinner table they aren't doctors and there is nothing wrong with her that she needs a brace I freaking want to kill both of them is there a way that I can get a quick court date or see a judge because I don't want her going back there when we divorced it took a long time to figure out custody edits sorry the location is the state of Florida I'm so mad I'm having a hard time focusing so butterflies in here yes says there's something called an ex parte motion that you could file they are emergency motions that get you before a judge the same day you file your local family court should have a form for it's whether your facts merits such a filing is completely up to you and dopey says thank you I'll go to the courthouse tomorrow and ask them about its rural life says report this to Child Protective Services they may take this far more seriously than the police one hand washes the other in my experience either agency will involve the other if need be while I updated the advice to call the police it wouldn't have been my first stop Hopi said they blew her off it's just a middleman even if they took a report and were compelled to contact CPS she could just contact CPS if need be you want the cops to make an arrest this isn't an assault that they're going to arrest anyone for if CPS tells DA there's abuse they still probably won't order an arrest and by the looks of it the update is really so get ready for it guys and our next one is the update to the ex-husband and his wife made my daughter a back brace out of wooden stealin for Stata we're in Florida her firstly I would like to thank everyone for all the support in my first post and all the support of PMS that I received it was really overwhelming in a good way a few people asked for an update so here it is so a lot has happened since I first posted I called into work while I was trying to get all this sorted one of my co-workers has a cousin who was lawyer and she knew someone who was able to help me and file the paperwork my husband's playing dumb in courts but his visits got reduced to supervise and he was ordered to take a parenting class my daughter went to physiotherapy eventually the court reinstated his visitation when he swore that he had learned his lesson and was sorry and with his otherwise clean record the court agreed I was against it but the court ruled against me I gave my daughter her own cell phone so she could call me whenever she needed to on her second visit it happened again this time the brace had steel and fabric instead of wood and they took her phone to the next night she left when they weren't looking and went up the street to a neighbor who was a police officer the neighbor called paramedics in her co-workers they had to cut the brace off my daughter my husband and his wife were arrested they got out quickly but they have been charged and their infant is with Child Protective Services my ex lost visitation in custody and I'm working on making it permanent unfortunately my daughter's shoulder was dislocated from the brace it sent back her rehab and part of her arm is still numb and tingling she needed surgery and is still recovering she always played sports especially at school and did dance but the doctor thinks she won't ever be able to lift her arm all the way up again I hate my ex and he'll see her again over my fudging dead body right now I'm focusing on my daughter while my lawyer takes care of things that's my update don't think that's the update we wanted but I hope that she's okay oh my god and I went to see if there was any more of stories here but um the account was suspended so we can only guess what else happened here oh my word anyway there's no what better way to move butt forward guys on to the next one bye Jimmy's cousin titled becoming a legal guardian to my adult cousin who doesn't seem to have a legal existence the whole situation is a huge mess so I'll have to describe it in length apologies for the wall of text this is about my cousin let's call him Jimmy Jimmy is a developmentally disabled adults he's in his late 40s but has the cognitive abilities of an eight-year-old child he has always lived with his mother she took care of him until she passed suddenly at the beginning of last year Jimmy isn't capable of holding a real job he does odd jobs for people in town and on nearby farms and gets paid cash he and his mum lived on what little cash he brought home and what I suppose was his mum Social Security from how he describes it they were very poor but were capable of buying the basic necessities and the neighbors gave them secondhand clothes or things they didn't need anymore from what I understand his mum owned their house which is quite small and in a derelict state and some lanes where they had a few chickens and a garden where they grow vegetables they are simple people from a rural area who live on very little Jimmy is partially capable of living on his own that is he can do some basic cooking do the laundry the house cleaning and the groceries if it's a store that he knows he also takes care of the chicken and the garden but he can't drive can barely read and is not really capable of functioning in an environment that he doesn't know he can't take care of anything like paying the bills filing taxes he doesn't have a bank account or anything like that he's also shy and afraid of strangers he keeps his cash in a box and knows not to spend more than he has but doesn't really have a fine grasp on how he works I should add that he's the kindest person I know into hard-working man who never complains about anything after his mother's passing Jimmy stayed alone in their home with no one to take care of him he has lived there since then about a year ago I was out of state for years and only just came back and decided to go see how he was doing I was shocked to see although he has organized his life the best he could he lives in absolute poverty there's no working air conditioner in his home and is no heating to speak of he hasn't paid the bills probably doesn't know how to so he has no electricity and no phone thankfully he has a well that he can pump water from he keeps himself clean but with no hot water it's like he was living in the 19th century he survives on what little he makes doing odd jobs buy some groceries and eats the vegetables he grows and eggs from his chicken but it's not enough to feed him properly especially in the winter it seems that he's been left to live alone after his mom died and has not reached out for help and no one has given him a hand either I was very surprised he wasn't visited by Adult Protective Services or anything like that after his mum's passing he clearly needs help and he is not capable of asking for it he needs a guardian but doesn't have one his mother was his actual guardian but that was never made official he always lived with her and it looks like she never took any disposition about what would become of him after she died she was a loving mother but she wasn't very socially adapted herself I end my siblings are the last family that he has I'd like to become his guardian because I think he needs help but I know that he needs to go on living like he used to because removing him from his house would kill him I don't think there's any way Adult Protective Services will let him live in his house but that's what he needs with help from a guardian of course his whole life revolves around his garden his animals fishing and taking long walks into the woods he's capable of organizing his life in the conditions that he's used to however he completely shuts down when he's with strangers in places he doesn't know I've witnessed that putting him in a home somewhere would be terrible for him I inherited a house in a nearby town and I'm planning to settle there so I could check on him he seems to be okay with that I've reached out to his mom's church pastor and he thinks he could have church members organize a watch to go see him regularly and tell him I thought I would help him get help from services and help him file for SSDI because he's a physically fit to work but can't realistically hold a job and he is disabled but as I did sir I wasn't able to find an ID and birth certificates and social security number or anything I searched the whole house thoroughly but couldn't find anything he doesn't have a driving licence or any kind of ID he's never filed taxes or anything official like that he has no idea what a birth certificate to even is I'm starting to suspect Jimmy's mother never bothered to even register his birth that wouldn't be so surprising coming from her sir I have a lot of questions one how can I legally become my cousin's guardian to how do I proceed to find if he has a birth certificate somewhere and illegal existence 3 if he doesn't how can he be registered for what services can a disabled adult in his situation receive and 5 Jimmy's mom owned their house so I suppose he automatically inherited it as her next of kin however I couldn't find a copy of a deed in the house where could I get that and how do I make sure that Jimmy is or becomes the rightful owner of his house and can stay in its it would be a nightmare for him if he had to leave his lands and it's where in Oklahoma and what would you know the answers are always in the comments you need a family attorney that specializes in guardianship cases to handle this your wall of text isn't even close to enough information to give you a super accurate picture and the only way for you to navigate this with as little damage as possible to Jimmy is by attorney 1 you can legally become your cousin's guardian by petitioning the court for guardianship you will have to take a class on what that means and potentially do some extensive paperwork sadly there will be no way to accomplish this easily as Jimmy will have to be evaluated for guardianship because he will likely never formally be assigned to Guardian by the states this means going to mental health professionals visits from Adult Protective Services many many people will enter his life if only to briefly evaluate if he is safe competent etc without a lawyer and no guardian the state will have to immediately take him out of the situation he's currently in if they determine he is mentally unable to care for himself which is likely given you a description of his living conditions without power with a lawyer you may still have this problem but the lawyer could potentially mitigate the issues - if you have his birthday you can find out this information it would also be helpful to have his mother's death certificate as it provides information that would be helpful in researching date of birth full name etc this will cost at most a few hundred dollars but with a manual record search in the country birth registry that would be likely less three you would petition the court to do this with the county birth registry there is a process for doing this that would be easier with a court order for there are many many services that he would be entitled to as a disabled adult too many to list and they all have complicated hoops to jump through to qualify 5 start with the proper appraises office to get the information the county has on the property this will allow you to do a title / deed search with county records as a guardian you could put the house into probate as the agent of the sole heir and get it transferred to him all of this is to say that while Jimmy may enjoy living in his own little world you would need to seriously understand that societally this is viewed very negatively during his evaluation a caseworker may decide that Jimmy cannot live on his own and the judge is almost always going to then follow that determination you're doing the right thing trying to step up just be prepared for how different the landscape may look at the end of the journey and derpy says thank you for your detailed answer much appreciated yes I'm aware that things may not go the way that I imagine I'm torn honestly I can't let him live in his current conditions it would be cruel ends downright neglects I'm mad that his neighbors let him live like that and didn't do anything on the surface he looks like he manages and he's proud of his perceived independence but when you know him you know that he needs help at the same time if he has to move he will hate it I convinced him to stay with me for a while in the house that I'm renovating but after four days he said he wanted to get home and I couldn't convince him otherwise I haven't found a good solution yet as for your first points you're right of course but I know Jimmy will hate being prodded by social workers and doctors I know it's for his own good but he can be very stubborn and it's going to be tough I hope they let me or someone he trusts to be with him for this and it's I must add that I have paid his bills and given him food and blankets so his conditions are a little less dire but there is still a lot of work to do in the house and now update on my post about becoming a guardian to my disabled cousin first the good news I've found an arrangement with my cousin it took a lot of persuasion but he agreed to spend his nights at my place while doing some badly needed repairs to his house at least he has a warm and safe place to sleep and I can make sure that he has a real dinner he develops anxiety when he needs to change his routine and this is a major change for him I'm proud for him being willing to try I drop him at his house in the morning and either we do some work there or I go to work and he spends his day as he's used to tending to his animals and his garden and hiking he says he needs to hike every day even in terrible weather otherwise he feels trapped and gets nervous then I pick him up in the evening and we go to my place he seems okay with this arrangement for now I'm not sure how long it's going to last but for now we're fine he's grieving his mother and spending time in the place where they live together seems to comfort him but I feel better knowing he's not spending his nights alone over there in a crumbling house about the rest now things are going to be complicated I haven't been able to find anything about Jimmy's birth certificate in the county records there isn't a deed for his house in the records either I have no idea who could be the owner of this house and the land around it I'm meeting with a lawyer soon to talk about the guardianship issues and we'll need to discuss the rest - I really hope that trying to become his guardian officially isn't going to do more harm than good and that he won't end up losing his house or being forced to live somewhere else against his will I'm afraid this is going to be an uphill battle but I'm ready and also this was posted three hours ago from me recording this so we won't see another update on this for quite a while because the first story was posted three weeks ago anyway that was really wholesome actually sir I vote we move to the next story Musa Dagh says woke up two construction workers on my balcony on the 30th floor and I lost access to my balcony landlord tenant housing law hi so I moved to a new apartment in Miami Florida two months ago before signing the lease and when I was given a tour by the apartment staff I was told that the swimming pool will be under renovations for 12 months crazy how slow they are so I was aware of it before signing the lease however I was recently told that they will be repainting the building which required me to remove my things from the balcony I thought that was all they needed from me until I woke up at 8 a.m. two construction workers in my balcony I'm on the 30th floor they used the window cleaning platform to get up there the construction workers locked my balcony from the outside and every day for a month at 8:30 a.m. I see them in my balcony when I'm sleeping my question since I was never told of the construction before signing the lease can I ask for a reduction in rents since the balcony was a deal-breaker when apartment hunting is this a viable reason to break the lease and get my deposits and lost one month of rent back and down man monkey man ad says laws don't deal with reductions in rents they deal with is it habitable or nots you can ask in the gross but you have no legal right to a reduction goddess since the balcony construction can go on for as long as twelve months is this something that I can break my lease with and get my deposits refunded I wasn't told of this construction until after I moved in way after I moved in and now on to the updates hi everyone I posted previously about how I wasn't told by my landlord of a 1 year long exterior renovation project before I signed my lease which resulted in my balcony being locked from the outside with a piece of wood well things have gotten slightly worse so I'm seeking some advice I talked to the landlord about a rent reduction and he was fighting back but ended up reducing it by $50 per month however that decrease is definitely not enough to cover the inconveniences below I live in a studio with only one balcony and two windows and now both windows have been sealed with a wrap from the outside this is preventing me from opening the windows as a results my apartment temperature goes up to 78 to 80 degrees if I don't open the a/c especially if I'm cooking also there is no air circulation when I'm cooking so the studio smells like food for hours there is a very loud drilling that starts every day at 8:30 and doesn't end until late in the afternoon there another thing is that my lease says I have a dishwasher but it doesn't work and the landlord has been aware since day one so here are my questions one is it legal to have my windows and balconies locked and have no air circulation besides the microwave fan I know it's in New York it's illegal for any apartments to not have any balconies or windows AEA if it is legal can I tell the building management or my landlord to pay for my a/c bill because now I have to keep the a/c on - I really want to move out but my landlord has my last month's rent and one month deposit that I really don't want to lose is there a way to get my money back and leave the landlord has been defensive since we talked about rent reductions I hope you guys and gals can help and basically I guess the only way that we can finish this story is a comment by haymaker other than the main door to the apartments do you have another way to exit in case of a file here is the code enforcement you can ask at 3 1 1 if this is legal they may send an inspector if they find it not legal they may condemn the apartments you would have to move that day so keep that in mind I do not when only my balcony was locked the building engineer told me the balcony being locked was approved by the fire marshal and that you wouldn't use your balcony as an escape because it's the 30th floor can my parents force a pregnancy test my wife was taken advantage of she got pregnant and the baby could be mine or the abuses we decided to keep the baby and raised his mind we never want to have a paternity test done on the baby because this could be devastating to her relationship with my wife I'm a massive [ __ ] and after my daughter was born I thought that said Mormon ha ha ha I just let slip to my parents that she might not be mine biologically I tried to backtrack but my parents kept pushing and pushing until my wife sat them down and explained the situation they do not believe her they think she cheated and that she is using me now my parents have approached me about taking a paternity test they want me to consent paternity and leave my wife I do not want to I made a commitment to my wife and daughter and I stand by it I trust my wife but my parents don't they told me that if I refuse they will go to court and compel me to do a paternity test to absolve me of my responsibility for the baby they want me to leave my wife regardless I am planning to cut contact with my parents over this but is there any way that they can legitimately force me to do a paternity test is there something I can do to prevent this or fight them we are located in Rhode Island's edits the title is supposed to say paternity not pregnancy I'm still a [ __ ] Peralta says they cannot compel a paternity test it is probably wise to deny them any access to your daughter they might try to swab her and have a test done they wouldn't necessarily need a sample from you they could test to see if she was genetically related to themselves they probably wouldn't be able to take any legal action with the results but it still seems like something you would prefer to prevent edited to add you should be aware that if your daughter is not biologically related to you she will likely discover it someday with lots of genetic testing opportunities available now it is not as possible as it once was to keep genetic consanguinity skeletons in the closets that's a new word for me if she's a baby now it will be many years before it is likely to be an issue and it won't change your legal paternity but as she approaches a dolt hood you and your wife should decide if you'd rather discuss it with your daughter or risk her finding out another way this is scary we will keep this in mind and now can my parents force a paternity test updates I'd like to take a minute to say thank you to everyone who responded to my last post your advice to help prepare me for what came next pretty soon after I posted I received a letter in the mail from a lawyer that basically said that my parents were demanding a paternity test on the basis of grandparents rights I knew from my post that it was unlikely that a lawyer would take this case so I googled the law firm and the lawyers name I couldn't find a lawyer's name anywhere but the law firm was real so I reached out to them the letter was fake and the law firm was not happy they asked for the letter into pursuing some sort of legal action against my parents I don't know exactly what's happening as I have not been in contact with my parents in a while in other news my daughter was recently diagnosed with a very minor skin condition that is fairly uncommon that I also have which means she's most likely mine after all we still won't be doing a paternity test any time soon but it was helpful for our peace of mind thanks again for the advice everyone whoa that took some twists and turns that story and our next post is by user Nick Rochelle titled kid put his stuff in my yard ran over it with my lawn mower mum wants me to pay so my guide goes pretty close to the neighbors concrete page where they have a basketball court set up neighborhood kids always go there to play and usually leave their bikes and things on my grass it's not that big of a deal except I've had to ask them to move their stuff several times there while I'm mowing this is the first time I've mowed this year and the grass is a few inches higher than it should be anyway a kid comes over and done mowing but he still puts the basketball he bought with him down in my grass I get to the basketball and just decide that I can nudge it with the front of my mower and out of the way I made eye contact with the kids several times waiting for him to move it before I got there and he never did so I figured whatever it'll roll well I bump it with my mower over to a section of Mull grass and as I continue forward past where it was there was a loud clunking in crackling like I just run over a rock the rock turned out to be his iPhone he was upset obviously that his phone was broken and I did feel bad but my thought was that he should have said something or moved it before I got there he goes home and about 30 minutes later his mum shows up and tells me that I broke it and I am responsible for replacing it that I should have told him to move his stuff because I'm the adults I tell her I'm sorry about the phone and politely decline her request she just says I promise you will be paying for it and then storms off I'm not really sure what her next course of action is or what she plans to do she mentioned something about that she has a friends that's a lawyer so I guess she could take me to civil courts am i legally responsible for replacing the phone would it be cheaper than court costs if she chooses to take me to court acceptable contest five says it would be very unlikely for a court to make you pay you couldn't see the phone and had no reason to assume that someone else's friend was hidden in your yard the son was the one who acted negligently in leaving their phone hidden in tall grass in fact if he wanted to you could probably sue for and win for the cost of repairing any damage to your lawnmower that's worth mentioning if your neighbor brings it up again you should check your lawn mower blades for damage even if you don't plan to it could be dangerous to continue using that lawnmower a blade could snap off and hurt someone and in regards to that would it be cheaper than court costs if she did choose to take me to courts if she sues you it will probably be in small-claims courts where each party must present themselves without a lawyer it will only cost you your time to defend yourself edits and was wrong about no lawyers still I wouldn't worry about that she would probably pay more than the cost of the phone if she tried to hire one and opie says thank you for the information I've never been decoyed and de voice heard court costs can be expensive but that's probably for more drawn out cases I checked the lawn mower right after it happens because I thought it hit a rock it seemed fine but I'll give it another glance his phone is a mangled mess though he seemed more upset at himself he thought it was in his pockets and had the attitude of man that sucks I actually probably would have given him a new replacements newer than his iPhone 6s as I have a 7 that I no longer use but the mum kind of upset me I guess and made me defensive about letting her win depending on her attitude going forward I might give it to him still I haven't mentioned it to her yet but if she apologizes I would give it to him if not I'll see her in courts oh that's juicy if you have evidence that it's a 6s such as the phone itself hold on to it in the unlikely event that you're sued and lose you don't want her claiming that it was an 11 or something I didn't even think of that and our next post is the updates thought I'd update you all since many people offered advice in the original post yesterday brief summary of what happened neighborhood kid left his phone in my grasp while I was mowing and I mowed it by mistake the mother got upset and demanded that I pay for its well she the mother in son showed up at my door around noon and apologized she said that she misunderstood what happened in thought that I'd done it on purpose to teach her son a lesson about leaving stuff in my yard I guess he explained to her it was his fault which I thought was commendable for someone his age she told me that she just stressed about it because she's a single mother and doesn't really have the means to replace it at the moment and that if it was anything else she probably wouldn't have gotten so upset but he's like hanging out with other kids and that's how she keeps track of him I told her about my spare I phone I friend 7 his was a success I also took the advice of some of the commenters that it might be damaging just to give it to him and that I should perhaps have him work for it I have a detached garage and have been needing to clean it and told her that if he wanted to help me I'd give him the phone he instantly looked excited I imagine he felt like he'd never get a new phone and she acted very grateful and said he could help I left and came back an hour later just the Sun this time and we got started cleaning took about four hours a lot of work but nothing too hard he's just 12 I had a couple of cords of firewood that I wanted moved out and stacked into a rack and then a bunch of boxes I cut up and had him bag and carry to the curb he swept had a coke and a couple slices of pizza then got his phone I had a talk with him about paying attention to where his things are because it won't always work out like this I also told him if he wants to mow my yard every weekend and his mum says he can I'll pay him $30 a week it will probably take him a couple of hours though he again acted excited at the thought of making money and when I asked him what he'd spend it on he said games we figured out new games would be about 60 bucks and he worked out that I'd pay him $20 for three weeks and $65 on the fourth weeks so he could cover tax because it might be hard for him to save the fourth week he will do elect little extra chore to cover the five bucks like sweep off the porch or walkway I hope I've done the right thing and didn't make him think that everything just works out because I did my best to have him own it and hopefully showed him an equal measure of kindness that he will carry with him I also didn't want the mother to stress over replacing the phone as my mom was also a single mother and I know how tough it can be my own son is just 2 so it was my first real opportunity to pass on some fatherly wisdom which I hope is what I did thank you for your input everyone I really appreciate it our next post is by ute bud Cody titled my mom has my cat and repeatedly sent threats all weekend claiming that Sheba hated him however the police say that the cat is still alive and when I showed up to collect him she refused to give him up how can I get my cat back hello for reference I'm 23 and live in Texas my mom also lives in Texas my mom has a history of mental health issues however she was seeing a doctor and everything was straightening out I moved him with my boyfriend and when we moved the landlord refuses to let us have a parent my mom offered to take care of the kitty and she agreed that I can get him any time that I want to we have a verbal and written agreements that kitty is still mine and she'll let me get him whenever my living a situation allows pets over the weekends my mom had a mental breakdown she stole a bunch of her boyfriend stuff and mailed it to me to sell on eBay when I refused to do that for her and sent the box back to her she got mad she sent me message after message explaining how she behead admite cats and his head will be at my doorstep Monday morning I also found out she quit taking a medication and she went off the deep end I called the cops and animal control they did a wellness check in to my surprise kitty was alive and healthy after the cops left she demanded that I come by her house and get kitty and if I don't she'll behead him for real this time so I went to our house and when I went to claim Kitty she refused to give him up I called the cops back outs and according to them since the cat had technically lived with her for more than three days the cat is legally hers I showed them our contract her threatening messages and showed them where she told me to get him they said they can only take custody of the cat if she actually harms him and since he was still alive and unharmed they said that I'd need a court order to officially get custody of the cats after I went home she kept sending threats so I blocked a number I ended up going out to the hospital because I thought that I was having a heart attack anyways I don't know what to do from here all I know is I believe her threats are credible and I need immediate custody of my cat before she actually crosses a line and actually hurts him also my landlords are understanding of the situation and will let me house my cats what do I do right now I've had him since he was two days old nursed him and took total ownership of him he's now 10 years old and I just need him to be safe bad throw away one says if Animal Control walked away from this then you need to go over to their heads to a supervisor even if the cat is legally hers her messages constitute threats of animal abuse I believe I was speaking to the supervisor however when they did a wellness check on the animal they said the pet appeared to be unharmed and they can't do anything else unless the pet is harmed they directed me to the police and now for the updates hello first off thanks to those who commented with helpful advice I didn't feel like advice to steal my cat back was legal thus being in this subreddit so I took one user does advise to talk to the director of Animal Control in my mom's City she basically told me that the police have no idea what they're doing especially when it comes to the law regarding animals she said that the only thing I can do to get them to understand is to report my cat as stolen property she said the police will understand what to do if I referenced my cat as property and not an animal I went to the police station and the police threw me out again despite my trying to report stolen property they got upset at me and claimed that my cat isn't property after five minutes of arguing they sent a cop out to the lobby and he agreed to read my mom's texts the cop read them and said that since she claims that the cat is mine and she told me to collect him I can go to her house with a police officer and he will assist me in getting her to hand back over my stolen property we get to my mum's house and she's not there we look around the outside of her house and find known signs of Kitty either I called her and asked where she is and told that I was at her house with the police she said in quotes I took the cat and ran off into Oklahoma and I'm not ever coming back the police said they can't help since they don't have jurisdiction in Oklahoma so I went to the courthouse to file a small claims against my mom but the filing fee is 171 dollars so I left because I can't afford it's on my way home I contacted adult protection services in one last-ditch efforts but was unhold for over three hours sir I hung up and filed a complaint on their websites I also called my grandparents and they were the ones who tipped my mom off which is why she ran into Oklahoma my mom played the poor me card so my family bought into it and somehow I'm now the bad guy in the situation who was trying to murder the cat when I got home I cut everyone out all of my family I separated every single tie that I had to them I've had that cat since he was two days old and if I'm being open about the situation I was a victim of childhood abuse that cat was the only thing who showed me love and most my childhood and teenage years and it kills me that I won't be able to get him back I ended up hurting myself and had a nervous breakdown and now I'm getting help for my own mental health this situation broke me and right now I'm trying to recover thank you to everyone for listening no that's kind of sad I do hope that she at least gets a new cat if she can never get that one back that's really tough to hear anyway guys I guess there's no way to move but forward our next story is by 29 throwaways titled Colorado my landlord has revoked permission for me to hospice in the harm I've been renting from her since I have been terminally ill there is nothing in the lease re Hospice what do I do I guess the worst case scenario is she can Invicta my roommates but Jesus this is such a freaking mess I wouldn't have even moved in this place except that I needed some way to die basically so what can she do to prevent me from Hospice home anything can share vicked my roommate if I do ETA this revocation was verbal again I moved into the house with the understanding I would be able to die there she has taught my roommate now that that isn't okay any longer young professional says your landlord must clearly state how you were violating the terms of your lease she must be able to prove that your hospice care is in direct violation of some aspect of the lease her not liking the foot traffic or whatever her complaint is may not fit this requirements I'd encourage you to ask for specifics in writing the detailing how exactly you were breaking the terms of your lease also try calling this colorado tenant law information and advocacy hotline and Kegan wherefore says not sure if this is applicable to your situation at all but it's worth his shots a girlfriend of mine had cancer and basically couldn't leave her house except for appointments and even then went outside in what was basically a hazmat suit she was subletting the place and the original lease holder was evicted but kept that fact away from her sublet oh my friend when the marshals showed up to evict the girl she was like yo I literally cannot go outside and the marshals turned it over to a doll Protective Services the whole eviction got put on hold until ApS could find to replace to stay she ended up finding a new place in the meantime thank God for slow bureaucracy and got all moved I would call ApS in your state and see if they have any advice / help / services for you and your roommates they should be able to help and dopey says thank you so much I am fortunate enough that I can afford to live somewhere without a whole lot of headache it's just the fact that she thought it was okay to do this like no not okay and now on to the updates my landlord has revoked permission to hospice at my home what the heck do I do because I know you lovable jerks are all about the updates and seriously thanks for all of the kindness on my post you've all helped break the cycle of panic turns out it wasn't my landlord at all it was my roommates saying my landlord had said that I couldn't hospice there yeah I know I specifically moved in with this person for this reason with the understanding that I would be dying in this house I'm not sure if it was malice or just idiocy but apparently she thought that terminally ill was just a cutesy designation or something and I guess she thought it wouldn't actually happen so instead of telling me six months ago or three months ago or when the hospice nurse started coming to the house she tells me three weeks into hospice care that supposedly the landlord says you can't do in home hospice here obviously this is super illegal thanks legal advice and I call my lawyer who calls me back at noon on a freaking Saturday to say no freakin way is this okay holy crap lawyer wants the landlords contact information ASAP so we can get moving on this immediately I started to get suspicions when the roommate wouldn't give me the contact info for the landlord finally after I threatened the roommate with lawyers roommate gave landlords info to me and I called the landlord and of course the landlord had no clue what I was talking about because roommate hadn't even discussed it with her so yes it is an illegal eviction and interestingly because I subtenant to the roommate and not the landlord yes we are going to pursue it fully my attorney is thrilled my landlord didn't do anything wrong and is we'll be getting rid of a super shady tenants my roommates and my roommate will have to pay for what she did hopefully everybody wins except I still got to die yell after I move law at least I can afford it I guess thanks legal advice well that's a really grim way to finish off of happy ending my god all right this next one doesn't technically have an update ending but we can you know imply it through the edits NYC I am being harassed by the Orthodox Jewish police in my home this has been going on for almost two years since I moved in I am at my wit's end what can I do to stop it I live in Brooklyn New York I purchased a condo about two years ago in a building where a good chunk of the apartments are rented out by Orthodox families I would say that forty five percent of the building is occupied by Orthodox families renting and the rest are condos owned and occupied by non Orthodox people I honestly did not care and did not think this would be a problem since I moved in though this has been a huge issue I don't want to go into this much detail since it would just lead to a ranch but the families in by building my building do not like / agree with my lifestyle and have been trying to make me uncomfortable enough to force me to move out I honestly don't give two craps about their opinions and typically try my best to ignore them the issue is they have been using the Jewish police to harass me to give you an idea of the crap I'm dealing with I'll tell you what prompted this post I chose to have a superball viewing party today about 30 minutes into the start of the party when there were five people here I get a knock at my door and standing there a to fake police who try to tell me that they got a noise complaints and a complaint that we are using illicit substances that I have to end my party we were in my yard at this point literally just talking and smoking cigarettes my condo is on the ground floor and people who live above me can see directly into my yard so I'm assuming they are the ones who claimed the cigarettes with drugs since then they've been standing outside of my building trying to prevent people I invited from entering and have been harassing my guests threatening to ticket them and demanding to search them I don't want to make this post too long but this is the smallest of the crap that I've had to deal with from these fake police over the last two years I am fudging done I want this to stop I have tried everything I can think of and don't know what else to do I have tried calling the NYPD every time they show up this has not worked I have complains to my condo association their help I've contacted my elected officials filed complaints with the city and states contacted the Fair Housing Justice Center to file a discrimination complaints and nothing has worked I keep being told that what they're doing is not illegal and that they have permission to impersonate my word the police and attempt to enforce their version of the law at one point I was gone for a week and my boyfriend was harassed for trespassing for going into the home that I owned with my permission I'm sorry that this is such a long run on rants I'm just so fed up with this bullcrap I'm being discriminated against interests by fake police who are trying to bully me into moving out of a home that I own on behalf of a bunch of people who don't even pay market rents to live in my building because they can't stand to live with a gay person and everyone is telling me this is illegal am I crazy hyung how is this allowed what can I do to stop it now Evan was here says record record record every time they come record them in New York City you were allowed to record them if they don't like it's tough if they try and take your camera have another person recording that let your friends know how to record them if they are being harassed compile the videos and bring it to a lawyer honestly what they are doing is disgusting as someone who was born Jewish I have nothing but anger and how you were being treated someone mentioned zealots this is exactly what they are in towns upstate these the same type of people that was spit on women if they see them wearing pants or a short dress the police can't do anything because they don't want to be called anti-semites but if you provide documentation of this hates that shum rim are doing well maybe the mi PD friendly status can be taken away good luck my building has cameras in depth sharing the footage to the board and des clued it in every complaint that I've filed but it has done nothing I think I need to find a lawyer Nell but I don't even know it for what because technically when they come they are always responding to some bullcrap complaints filed by someone in my building they have never officially harassed me for just being gay sir I don't even think I can go after them for discrimination they always pretend to be following up on a complaint Planes now to the first edits since I'm getting missile light to clarify my building has cameras the police have seen the footage the police have responded to them harassing me and if fully aware of what is going on it hasn't helped most of the time today included I have to call the NYPD in order to get them to move and stop preventing my guests from coming in the building or to stop harassing me at that moment they come tell them to stop then leave and they just do it again today the NYPD came to my home seven times and this is common edit to putting this here since this is locked thank you to everyone for all the advice and supports I will be following some of the advice received and update if I have one if this works I'll be able to stay though an overwhelming amount of what I've been told leads to me accepting that there is a 60% chance I'll have no choice but to move thanks especially to all the Orthodox people who have reached out with practical advice and information about this group and how it works that has been especially helpful because it's put my situation into perspective yeah it sucks but worst case I can move across down the block or something and be rid of it which isn't the case for people within the community and even though the NYPD has been helpless from my perspective they have always responded to my calls and made the group stop in that moments which again is not an option for people within the community hearing from people on the other end has really helped accept the situation I found myself in for what it is will update when I can now today's episode was posted by user can Martha titled in California grandmother gave my brother and me an equal share portfolio each in the late 90s when we were kids brother sold his when they were worth a car I left mine in and now they're worth a substantial amounts brother and his girlfriend went my half now when my brother was 16 in dawa's for my grandmother set aside a sham portfolio for us as soon as we were old enough it was transferred into our own accounts and it was only four years later that my brother dipped heavily into his and bought a new Honda I knew about mine for much longer than he did before it became mine and watched it grow since I understood what it was by the time I was given full control he was already worth the ridiculous amounts because a big portion of it was invested in Apple and I'm torn on using the funds locked up as they are because dad drilled it into me to leave it until they grow until I'm 40-something I don't talk much with my brother he's done some stupid things to the family over the years and I didn't really grow up with him at all so all I usually hear about his life comes through dad his new girlfriend works in law though and I've received a formal letter from them both that the investments my grandmother made were designed to be used for both of us not just for me alone and his was only around $15,000 the number is right but mine was only worth that at the time that he spent it - they went half of the value of mine now and his girlfriend has informed me if I don't give them access then the legal fees and fines would eat up my half and I'd be left with nothing the dividends alone support a huge part of my life and they've saved me a few times if half of that disappeared it had sent me back years I know it sounds selfish but I'm really used to having the extra income backing up when I've wanted to move I've lived in four states by my own choice and I want to move and take in more before I settle down if I ever do how likely is it that they'll win and leave me with nothing as far as I know there was no paperwork or will just my grandmother's word she set up my brother's accounts when he turned 19 but she gave them to dad at the same time as my brother got his and dad transferred the whole lot to me 60 years ago for my share I have all the logins the trading accounts and bank accounts are in my name and the shares are all solely in my name - should I find my own lawyer and if I need one what kind do I need I have an accountant I've used for years but this doesn't seem like an account problem but a law one so Donecker one says okay I'm a California lawyer here is my take solely from your facts one grandmother has set up a trust with your dad as trustee to father as trustee distributes title to both of you when you each reach a certain age the trust and purpose of the trust your grandmother set up is now dissolved three once you're each received control /title of your money the trust was gone and the purpose for which grandmother set it up ie so my grandsons would have a portfolio they each could use as their own once they reach a certain age is complete and for whatever each of you did was each of your responsibilities if he had taken the money out and won the lottery he wouldn't have raced over and given you half the proceeds rights and lastly you have a statute of limitations defense if you were both in your mid-20s or older I assume you're both in your 30s your brother likely missed any chance to sue you for damages and really lastly I'm not even sure what he can sue you for there was no longer a trust sleep well he cannot take your share they're bluffing I work in probate and what they're trying to do is scare you into settling even though you don't owe him a petty PS great job keeping the portfolio I wish I had your father's wisdom when I was a teenager honestly I think that's some solid advice in the comments and now on to the updates good news updates mostly good news I worked with my dad and got my own lawyer I got the timeline of my shares wrong but it comes out the same what my brother and I inherited from my grandmother was originally part of my grandfather's portfolio he was the money savvy one my grandmother looked after theirs after he died and she personally set up my brother's accounts and gave him control of his part she didn't do the same with mine before she died I thought she had already set the accounts up for me and given me control to dad before passing instead the shares were in her will and she left everything she owns to my dad with instruction that what was $15,000 when my brother got his equivalent parts would go to me when I was old enough to know how to take care of them there was no trust she just trusted my dad my dad did the right thing and set up accounts for me and gave me control six years ago my dad put some of his own shares in too as an extra leg up well that's so sweet of him dad admitted to me that he chewed out my brother last year when he came to him asking for money and dad had supported him several times over the years and got to the point that he'd had enough my brother found out I still had my investments because my dad had used me as an example of how brothers should have been using money that's how my brother found out I still had my shares and they'd grown according to all the infirmary it tells me I'm in the clear but it's not going to get to the point of finding that out in court as my brother's girlfriend was only a legal secretary I say was because the firm she worked for apologized and informed my lawyer she was terminated immediately the letter I received from them had been edited to put her name in a position of higher up than it should have been and some of the contact information had been changed a week after she was fired my brother visited me begging for money his girlfriend is in serious debt and she took a chance on scamming some cash from me and lost I felt awful rejecting my own brother over and over and if he hadn't involved his girlfriends needing an amount well into five figures I might have given him some the next morning I found all my tires had been slashed screw him I don't feel bad anymore the rest of the comments in the previous thread made me realize I don't know nearly enough about what I'm doing with the shares and dividends and money in general a lot of decisions that I've made have been with my dad's help and his advice is paid off so far but not because I knew it would but because I had no idea what I was doing and left it up for him I've booked in to work with a financial advisor to make the most of what I have thank you for all of your comments that actually is inspiring me to talk with a financial advisor if things go well on YouTube Hank hope you guys have enjoyed this one so far that gives me some ideas and our next post is by user man for the win titled Minnesota I was just informed I have two duis on my record from 2008 in 2004 I didn't learn to drive till 2013 what can I even do about this on 28 I would have been 13 and 17 at those times how can something like this happen I have never been arrested for a DUI or anything similar in my life but there they are two cases on my record I don't even know what it starts and update thank you for all the advice after some digging I discovered that said duis and license suspensions were attributed to a guy who lives in a different part of Minnesota and has the exact same name as me and someone inadvertently merged our records I have had the situation taken care of but hey you know that was a quick story I'm just gonna read some comments to see what people had to say sir anti-fascists very nice name there someone you may know may have used your information to get out of their own DUIs it could also be a case with someone with the same name and it somehow got on your record you should contact an attorney who does motor vehicle law about this also check your credit reports it may not be the only identity theft committed on you I've considered this my birthday falls on a holiday on a year that ends in zero so it's not likely that it's hard to remember but what like what can I do about it check your credit reports and get a lawyer well that's interesting advice oh yes the pillar for a legal authority autistic kitty says another avenue to check for possibility is whether or not you're a junior my husband had issues with credit score stuff from his estranged father who had the same name but without Junior I'm certainly the first of my name could be a father or older brother I suspect my uncle for a few reasons not as worried about bringing justice to whoever did it as I am about clearing my name there could be a saucy backstory who knows and our next post is by user Yuka 12 titled I am left freezing cold in my apartments as I pay more than four times the monthly hydro bill of my neighbor in June this year I moved into a one-bedroom apartment in Ontario Canada my hydro bills were exceptionally high since moving in averaging around 300 to 400 Canadian dollars per month I am a student and cannot afford these ridiculously high prices I am extremely cautious about using electricity because of these high bills so I rarely use the stove and I only use lights when necessary in the summer I had an air conditioner plugged in and I would unplug it when leaving the house in the fall month when I did not have any heater or air conditioner on for the entire month of October and goes away from the house for over a week my hydro bill was still three hundred and twenty dollars this winter I have a small infrared heater plugged in at the very minimal setting of 15 degrees Celsius in the living room I have closed the doors to the bedroom and bathroom and sleep on the couch beside the heater as temperatures are getting to the extreme I turn the heater off when I leave the house for extended periods of time I do not use the heating provided in the building because baseboard heating would be absurdly expensive I had made a few complaints to my landlord whom I have a number of other problems with and currently have a work order issued for them for other unrelated issues in the units I have also called my Hydra provider and they told me that my units has had a long history of high electricity charges and all the past tenants have all complained about it at this point I just thought that it might just be normal in the area and that I should give up the other day as I was leaving my units I ran into my neighbor right across from me he asked me how I was doing and how my heating was since it was so cold outside of course I broke out - complaining about how high my bills were until cold I was all the time he looks at me surprised he told me his bills have always been around forty to seventy dollars he let me step into his house it was so warm the guy had a heater set so high all the doors were open and now I'm extremely confused he let me take a photo of his last hydro bill the one where it was fall and I paid for three hundred and twenty dollars the table I made comparing my neighbor's october bill to mine after finding out about my neighbors bill i'm convinced that something suspicious is going on there are only four apartment units in the building as we were on top of a restaurants the third neighbor has also mentioned that their bill never exceeds $80 the fourth i have not spoken to extensively on that matter i called hydro again and they told me they could have an inspector come and shut off the hydrates of the unit to see if anyone else is connected to my hydro such as the restaurants i am feeling a bit helpless and would like to know if there's anything further that i should do and if i do discover that my hydro is being bypassed will i be able to get my money back for all these months adding up well to over one thousand dollars of extra payments if the inspector finds that nothing else is connected to me what other possible explanation could there be thanks for your help edits wow thank you for everyone who has contributed in helping me solve this mystery comments locked and i've been receiving a number of helpful messages even electricians willing to come by and check things out basically everyone has agreed that my monthly bill makes no sense whatsoever and that there must be an external factor at play like something is connected off of my meter at this point it is just a matter of what that factor could be some people have suggested it is the downstairs restaurants my neighboring units the hallway lights slash security cameras others have suggested it may be that the hydro is not accurately reading the meter or the wiring is not properly set up i've no access to the meter itself to run any of the tests that you guys have suggested sir I unfortunately will need to rely on the landlord for that some of you have suggested that I look on my online account for usage since I do not have access to a meter however others have said that in my area data is not fed directly into the hydro company in real time and that looking online may not give me the answers that I need I'm still trying to access my online account to see what's going on I tried to make an account and it says that mine meter number and account do not match up question mark even though I use the numbers from the bill sir I still need to wait until tomorrow to sort that out when the inspector comes by I assume he will uncover the underlying cause I should be getting a call tomorrow in the 2018 11:26 to figure out when the inspector comes since a lot of your shown interest in what is to come I will make an update post as soon as the mystery is solved if for whatever reason I don't get a reduced bill some of you have suggested that I apply for a government assistance program to help pay the bill I hope it does not come to that there and now on to the updates I have managed to uncover for the most part the cause of my exceptionally high hydro bills averaging 400 Canadian dollars a month in my apartment in Ontario Canada based on all the advice I received from the original post here is what went down after the comments got locked I managed to get on to my online hydro accounts and discovered some very suspicious activity I noticed that each month was consistently high usage every month I was consistently consuming around 2600 kilowatt hours no matter what the month no matter if I was or was not using air conditioning or heating during the month I also checked the specific weeks where I was on vacation I was not at home at all and everything in the apartment was turned off I paid around seventy dollars for each week I was away a total of 140 dollars I paid when I wasn't even at home for two weeks furiously I called the hydro company and asked them to look further she told me that the usage she is seeing is very unusual it appeared as if the unit is vacant consistently high consumption without much deviation she also informed me that inspector would be coming over any day now the inspector came to my apartment a few days ago and access to the meter which was in the basement beneath the restaurants I was in school at the time so my boyfriend was there when the inspector came the inspector noticed that the plumbing in the apartment for the hot water supply feeding each units possibly also the restaurants were combined the closest tank in circuit was doing all or most of the work for the entire building feeding hot water to all the units to provide this further the Hydra company closed the cold water intake to our apartment and we were still receiving hot water meeting the next closest tank in the circuit our neighbor was feeding our hot water also our hot water tank was feeding the cold water in tank of the nearest hydro tank the apartment next to us Jesus after emailing the landlord multiple times and waiting days for a response from him he finally only came because now one of our neighbours was not receiving hot water we noticed that he was in the basement doing something probably fiddling around with the plumbing after he left we stopped receiving hot water ourselves I had to shower at the neighbor's house yesterday because of this mess yesterday my boyfriend confronted the landlord when he came to see what's going on my boyfriend recorded the entire conversation in case we will eventually need it to support our case instead of getting a professional plumber to come and actually fix his mistakes he's just poking and prodding at the hot water pipes literally and pretends as if he has any idea what he is doing my boyfriend insisted that he get a certified plumber to come and fix this massive disaster and the landlord just complained about money and says that we should do it as if we haven't already done enough the landlord just complaining the entire time and even said if you don't like it just move out I am almost certain that the landlord was aware of what was going on with the plumbing in the building before we moved in due to the fact that all the tents before me dealt with the same high hydro bills and have made complaints before but they were all old and probably did not know that it was wrong or what to do likely my landlord's favorite kind of person since my boyfriend and I having a hard time showering and washing the dishes with no hot water we turned the hot water back on meaning at this point we are carrying the entire load for the building again my question for all of you what do I do now can I trust my landlord to solve this issue on his own even though his plumber we'll likely be rehired to do the work if we do to what happens to all the money that quite literally went down the drain for this and is still currently going down the drain three do I need a lawyer thanks to all of you again you have helped tremendously edits thanks to all of you who commented last night unfortunately the comments got locked before I could even reply to any of you I'm working on contacting some lawyers now and calling the tenant board on Monday reddit is awesome we seriously get crap down on here now there is no more updates to this story but I feel like if I read a comment or two maybe we can get some advice for me thrice says now you take your landlord to the LTB you apply today even if he promises you he will fix it the ltb can order him to hire a qualified plumber to repair the issue the ltb can also order him to reimburse you for the extra hydro you don't need a lawyer for this process but you do need evidence so for example something from the hydro inspector about what he found then hydro bills from before and after you want heating everyone's water to show the difference of course you may want to consult a lawyer or paralegal about how best to put together your evidence and arguments and that's what happened says he's all done stealing from me now if he gets you to move he can increase the rent and rip someone else off there are cheap paralegals who do Landlord and Tenant board work you don't need a real lawyer just get a solid paralegal and sue the pants off this jerk I guess I'll have to do that so much negligence and I'm gonna guess that's what happened from here we won't know unless they post another update in the future but this was posted a year ago so who knows anyway on to our next story by efficient emergency titled a clothing company I used to work for is now sending me a cease and desist letter for using designs they rejected in Michigan intellectual property law so I used to work for a clothing company and I submitted several designs to them they rejected and never used I have since quit and started using the designs I made myself that they didn't years recently they have contacted me threatening with a cease-and-desist this is what my employment contract stated about non-compete / confidentiality each party on its behalf and on behalf of its subcontractors employees all representatives or agents of any kind agrees to hold and treat all confidential information for the other party including but not limited to trade secrets sales figures employee and customer information and any other information that the receiving party reasonably should know as confidential as confidential and to protect the information with the same degree of care as each party uses to protect its own confidential information the parties intend that to the extent the deliverables or a portion of the deliverable qualify as a work made for hire within the definition of section 101 of the Copyright Act of the United States it will be so deemed as a work made for hire confidential information does not include any information that at the time of the disclosure or thereafter is lawfully obtained from publicly available sources generally known by the public other than as a result of a disclosure by the receiving party or its representatives none of the designs were made on company time or on company computers the designs I'm currently using were designs they asked for when I started as a baseline for my work they said if they liked them they'd consider using them but they never expressed interest in them what can I do low effort jingle says just because they didn't use the designs doesn't mean they don't own them just because you didn't use their computers doesn't mean you do earn them you would need an attorney to review your contract in full and ask the questions about the nature of your employment to receive a really thorough opinion as to whether or not their claimant has a merits a seasoned assist is a request not a legal documents if you do not cease and/or desist then they may sue you the letter signals intent to do that if they do sue you you will absolutely need an attorney to defend you and dopey says the problem I'm really seeing here is that it feels like a gray area my contract was ripped straight from Fitz small business and says nothing about intellectual property or ownership of work the quote in the post the extent of its whatever that means they didn't pay me for the time they used to create said designs so I'm kind of at a loss here and now on to the updates I bought this up to a lawyer and they laughed I made the designs before I started there on my own computer on my own time they had no legal claim to them and they were just trying to bully slash strong-arm a 19 year old designer my lawyer sent back some type of legal letter and they immediately apologized and said that any designs I didn't specifically make for customers were mine and mine only my lawyer said something along the lines of they can't afford this type of suit as they're a mom-and-pop type of company lawyer did it free of charge all worked out in my favor and our last post by user hippler 38 bought a ps4 from Walmart's box had books in it and they weren't exchanged / were funded consumer law a few days ago my wife snuck out to Walmart to buy our son the only real thing he's been asking for a ps4 / spider-man today they are off running around and I figured I'd take the time to get it updated set up an account and pay for any subscription that it may have etcetera open the box and it has books in it where the console should be in the copy of a sticker 'we should see the S / end that's glued to one of the books great I take the receipts and head off to Walmart to explain and get a new one however nope I talked to everyone at the store from the sea s desk to several managers and they refused to exchange / refund to the console it was paid for in cash wife is a waitress and used tips so I can't just talk to my bank about getting a refunds what can I do I know this must be a common scam people do but we're victims here and Walmart refuses to exchange it or even refund it I offered to accept store credit / gift card but even then they said no and told me to leave whoa call corporate number you may ultimately have to sue I did after about 20 minutes of menus I received a message this department is closed for the holidays called again and got someone who then transferred me to the same place and that is closed walmart is only closed for a day or two of the year and Christmas is one of those their corporate office is likely closed already wait until after Christmas let's see what happens in the updates shall we so now on to the updates ever since discovering right before Christmas that the ps4 spider-man combo my wife purchased for our son's had books in it and took it in to get a new one it's been an extremely annoying and stressful time I took the advice of everyone and called corporates talk to corporate in their online chats every way possible and it's always the same answer we stand behind the decisions of our salaried managers corporate literally do not care and shifts it to the salaried managers decision so I've been back to the same Walmart four times to talk to them in the last time about two weeks ago they said they would call the cops I wasn't yelling or causing issues I just want the ps4 my wife purchased for our son for Christmas so the last time they called the cops they came and the manager says right in front of me I believe this man has been trying to scam us since Christmas Eve claiming his wife had the books in the Box cop gets my story and says well there really isn't enough to do anything against me manager dislikes this that I've been constantly dealing with and I get permanently banned from the store just that particular one he can't ban me from all properties but said he will be calling corporates I again try to call corporate and nope the same exact replies that they stand behind their salaried managers decisions so what's the outcome no ps4 no refunds because it was purchased with cash and don't count to a charge back if you were ever purchasing anything expensive from Walmart's open the box immediately after purchase and in front of the employee Merry Christmas Walmart from Michigan USA considering suing my uncle after hear attentionally fired an airhorn meant for bears in my ear and now I have what appears to be a permanent ringing in my ear I have a big family with around 20 cousins 10 aunts and uncles and several others who always show up to family reunions I am a male in my 20s last weekend we had a family reunion in a cabin resort in the woods on the last night there while everyone was sitting by the campfire my uncle by marriage snuck up behind me and blasted in the airhorn about a foot or two away from the back of my head this airhorn was not a normal little one that you often see at sporting events this campground has bears around so they keep several large air horns around the place to be used to scare off a bear in case they get too close as soon as he did it everyone called him a jerk and got angry at him he showed no remorse whatsoever he laughed about it telling us how he and his friends from work have blown air horns at each other before as a prank I was so furious when it happened but I didn't know what to do i sat there quietly stewing in Rage for a while I wanted to beat the crap out of him or hold him down why emptied half of the airhorn directly into his ear but instead I walked away eventually and spent the rest of the night in my room it's important to know that this uncle was hosting this reunion it's a corporate retreat campgrounds that his company lets employees use he clearly knew he screwed up because he attempted to apologize the next day but it was a pretty crappy apology while everyone was sitting down for breakfast he snuck up behind me put his arms my shoulders and quietly said I heard you ears were ringing sorry about that he didn't even say it to my face or say it loud enough for anyone else to hear I grumbled something about it's okay but I absolutely do not forgive him this happened last Saturday a week ago for the first couple of days my ears will literally saw and any loud noises were painful to hear since then my ears have been constantly ringing it's worst when I'm in a quiet environment like trying to work or go to sleep I hear this high-pitched sound that drives me sometimes it'll start to subside but it still comes and goes I think I could have permanent hearing damage this guy has been giving me crap since I was a young kid so this is not a one-time occurrence though this was definitely the worst thing he's done to me by far I've contacted a personal injury lawyer in my area to learn about my options but I figured some people here might have good info as well I won't hear back from my lawyer until tomorrow at the earliest any info is appreciated suing my uncle would tear a huge hole in my family but I really don't care about that if I end up having the ringing in my ear for the rest of my life it's interfering with my ability to sleep and work thanks for any help edits I am seeing an audiologist and ent this week I will post an update here when I have one if the mods allow it's so you start this process by seeing a medical professional for your ears your uncle would very likely be responsible for your bills and could be held responsible for damage you suffered as a result of his ass hattery I would also try to get your hands on the horn in question and document the rating plate for the output in decibels and photograph any warning that may be attached try to get written statements from the relatives you trust as best as possible not an MD or lawyer but this problem could go away with time most medical conditions that don't involve broken limbs or organs heal on their own human body is a wonderful thing ended Jacko says he can pursue both sides independently absolutely he should get treatment for his hearing damage he can also start talking to personal injury lawyers one of the hard parts at this point in time is knowing what medical professionals he should be talking to and what amount if any of medical damages he should be asking for maybe he accumulates $3,000 in medical bills after insurance covers their portion so he asked his uncle to cover the $3,000 of damages that he directly caused and they come to an agreement involving a lawsuits but ROP is still left with 50% hearing loss in one year and permanent tinnitus or tinnitus how do you put a price tag on that that's where a competent lawyer would come in even if it never actually gets to a lawsuit and now updates considering suing my uncle after he intentionally fired an air horn meant for bears in my er and now I have what appears to be permanent ringing in my er I promised an update so here it is first off I want to thank everyone who strongly suggested I go to see a doctor ASAP I went to see an ENT and audiologist approximately a week and a half after the incident occurred my hearing tests came back normal which was very reassuring the tinnitus was still quite bad so I wanted to see if the doc could help with that he put me on a steroid cycle for a week and a half which just ended yesterday I saw him again a week after the first visits and we decided to try a steroid injection directly into both eardrums this was a very unpleasant experience as you can probably imagine the ringing has gone down considerably and I'm hopeful it will eventually be completely gone it still bothers me at nights and while I'm trying to work sometimes the biggest problem lately has been these steroids cause insomnia so I haven't gotten a good night's sleep in weeks this has caused me to have to cancel a summer project since at this point I'm far too behind schedule to complete it my uncle has agreed to pay for all medical costs I'm not planning on suing him he knows he screwed up and was apparently crying on the phone when my parents called him to tell them what I was going through my aunt has also had a really tough time since finding out the extent of the damage I haven't talked to either one of them since it happens and don't plan on talking to him anytime soon they've offered to call me and apologize but I don't want to talk to them I just don't want to be around the guy after what he did to me I'll probably end up spending some holidays alone but I don't care freak that guy thanks for hearing my story and for all the advice I would hate to get tinnitus like that Jesus I hope the guys all rights but it does sound like his tinnitus will go down eventually and he'll be okay but I can definitely understand harboring so much anger towards your family it's not an easy thing to go through and our next story Virginia neighbor has threatened suing me and new homeowners because we have devalued the neighborhood by buying homes at their current market value background info I will try and make this as concise as possible I'm in Northern Virginia into my wife and I bought our first home in December 2014 according to our real estate agent homes in Northern Virginia were worth a lot more in the spring of 2014 then they were in the fall / winter of 2014 and 2015 according to him there was a meaning housing bubble for a couple of months last year that crashed in the Northern Virginia real estate market corrected itself also I apologize there's a difference in the audio quality there my microphone was not placed the right way and I just fixed it so that's probably why the audio changed anyway today homes is simply sitting longer and buyers are getting better deals than ever before the townhouse we bought was originally sold 10 years ago new construction for three hundred and eighty nine thousand dollars this June it was listed at four hundred and fifteen thousand dollars sat on the market until late October when it went under contract for three hundred and eighty five thousand dollars the buyers lost their funding and the home appraised at less than the agreed-upon purchase price the home fell out of contracts the first week of November and we made an offer of three hundred and seventy thousand dollars that same day we went to settlement on December 5th the townhouse we bought is the largest of four model types just shy of three thousand square foots and end units and is one of the small handful of end units that happen to have over five thousand square foot of lands in total there are I think eighty-five townhouses in this portion of our master planned community all of the homes in the community that are for sale are still sitting at the pre bubble price per square foot of around one hundred and fifty five dollars per square foot we paid around a hundred and thirty dollars per square foot it's the meat of the story so it snowed here a few weeks ago and I had the opportunity to introduce myself to a few neighbors as we collectively complained about clearing snow from our driveways and sidewalks I attempted small talk with douchebag I will explain more about him in a minutes and he was generally unfriendly but I chalked it up to him being pissy about the snow why is he a douchebag you ask well he drives a Range Rover bumps very loud music through it at all hours of the night when he typically comes home at 10:00 to 11:00 p.m. drives very aggressively in the neighborhood etc it's one of those you know when you see it kinds of things just take my word for it he's a douche bag wonder if he's compensating for anything so yesterday I'm getting a few things from my truck and see him and just make a friendly wave and say hello make some small comment about the nice weather and smile he looks at me and becomes visibly pissed off hands clenched defensive position head turned cheery red at this point I simply asked him big mistake by the way if I have done something to upset him oh boy he loses it long story short he is overwhelmingly angry that I among a few other homeowners have devalued the neighborhood because we bought homes that he thinks and now below market value and this is going to start a trend of a total devaluation of the neighborhood in total since mid-november four homes have sold in and around the three hundred and sixty thousand to three hundred and seventy thousand dollar range all of them including mine went on the market in mid to late summer and were priced at spring level prices initially douchebag calls out the addresses of the other three homes and yells at me how much he thinks they should have sold for he then goes on to discussing that the house they bought a few years ago is now underwater in value as this seems to be the new trend around here dot dot dot at this point I am done with being yelled at in the middle of the streets tell him to calm down and that I am heading inside he then makes a series of comments where he more or less said that he had an attorney in the family who he was going to get help from and filed suit against the four new homeowners as we have devalued his property now he is in the smallest model middle units with the smallest yard my question slash concern I know someone can bring suit for anything my concern is that he is actually going to follow through with this I into my 6 month pregnant wife worried sick that he's going to cost us a lot of precious time and money a quick Google search does not reveal much of anything if there any established precedence or successful cases of existing neighbors sewing new homeowners because they got a deal on a home in the event that I get served what kind of attorney should I look for would this be something that my homeowners insurance would help me deal with lastly we have a pretty restrictive and responsive HOA should I let them know about this possible issue ethan jf 909 says he will get laughed out of court you are under no obligation to overpay for your home to suit his sense of what market value of his own home is I'm hijacking this top comment to say this yes I agree with everyone he almost certainly has no cause of action here in any case he brought would be simply and quickly dismissed that being said anyone can hire a lawyer and file a lawsuit and you will need to answer that means you will have to spend money in time hiring an attorney to give this idiot the legal Smackdown if you ignore his lawsuit he can win by default so just make sure you don't totally ignore it as others have said you can file a claim against him for bringing in a frivolous lawsuit if you wish best of luck Your Honor I want to sue capitalism I don't like this system and now on to our update guys I have not interacted with him at all in any capacity and as far as I know he and his idiot kid have left pretty much everyone else alone until this weekend's I decided to hang my American flag this weekend on my front porch that I purchased at Costco the other week thanks the capitalism the flag came rolled on the pole with some loose mounting hardware I opened the package leaned the flag against a rail and went to work on the mounting rack during the installation of the mounting brackets the flag fell over and ended up with some mud on it's after the bracket was hung I put the flagpole into its brackets unraveled the flag and hosed the mud off douchebag neighbor witnessed all this and started yelling at me for disrespecting the flag rode and went on and on about violating title 4 of the u.s. code whatever the hell that is he came over to my side of the street and told me that I had to follow some sort of flag cleaning procedure and if I did notes he would call the police for violating federal law and have me arrested he went on to say the flag should be formally folded when not in use that rolling it was disrespectful and that I continued to this district the flag when I did not pledge allegiance to it when it was initially hung I calmly explained to him that to my knowledge that the Supreme Court has ruled that I can do with the flag as I see fit as any restriction of my actions with the flag would be a violation of my First Amendment rights he then called me a fudging liberal piece of crap and went back into his home and then started some other yard work I could not believe it 20 or so minutes later a marked cop car shows up outside of douchebags house and he comes out to chat with them angrily shouting and pointing at me and my flag the cops come over to me and chat with me for a minutes asking if I was doing what my neighbor accused me of doing I asked them what it was that he claims that I was doing here is what I supposedly did dragged the flag around in the mud desecrated the flag insulted the flag chose to not adhere to the flag code in title four did not pledge allegiance to it he also demanded that I be arrested immediately and they also didn't break out into a ceremonial smoke dance like what he'd have me do rights respect the laws of the land and everything we got a whole bunch of rules here to abide by I laughed at them told them what happens they could see that the flag was still dripping wets and went on to say that as far as I know even in the accusations were true they are protected by the First Amendment's they agreed and apologized for bothering me all the while I can still see douchebag in his driveway with a smug look / smile on his face the entire time that they're questioning me quietly I ask them what they're going to do about this unnecessary trip they had to take because of the neighbor calling them they pretty much said that there is nothing they can do they will remind him that the First Amendment exists and that I am not in the military slash a government employee and thereby not violating any laws they told him not to call them back about it and that was it my question then concern this is the second time now in five months that I've lived in this neighborhood where I have been involved with this neighbor plus the cops I'm concerned about my reputation in the neighborhood what a restraining order be my next step is this even worth my time messing with the courts or will it judge declined my request I am not really sure how to proceed at this point I feel like this guy is targeting me for an unknown reason all I ask is please keep posting I have no helpful advice but this guy is the amusing sort of crazy will do I'm concerned about my reputation in the neighborhood methinks neighborhood is aware of this guy is alone and your reputation is fine throw a barbeque and invite neighbors for price of a case of beer your reputation will be fine don't invite the Loon what a restraining ought to be the next step it could I probably should advise such but it wouldn't help you have a learner sadly the only real recourse is to watch till he crosses the line that gets him arrested is this even worth my time messing with the court so will a judge declined my request that's on you I think a judge would grant it once you tell the whole story and someone says about the barbeque plain solid plain but I'd invite the Loon to this prevents him from deciding you're conspiring against him with the neighbors he probably won't accept anyway and in the extremely unlikely event that he does show up there's a decent possibility of him causing a scene in front of a yard full of witnesses either way I would do is use it greatly suggested and install some security cameras first and now on to the updates and the plot thickens with an out-of-control idiot teenage son and the h away being pretty ticked off I know this is long but trust me it is well worth the read way to starts the other weekend Northern Virginia got snow where I live we got a lot of snow over 10 inches I only have a lowly shovel a neighbor I've never met owns a brand-new huge and powerful snowblower and being the nice guy he is he helps quite a few of us out and moving the mountains of snow that fell I thanked him and told in my arm a six-pack of something delicious after some polite aah nah man you don't have to do that comments he told me that if I were to pick something up and he were not home one could place a six-pack in the latched decorative crate that is on his front porch between the rocking chairs and he would not object to finding a delicious treasure in there he's a nice guy that following Monday three days later I went to the grocery store and among my items was my nice neighbor's six-pack I did as he said put the beer in the crate on top of his porch noticed his security camera and waved to his security camera on Wednesday evening I saw a douchebag Magee as I was pulling into my driveway hindsight I'm fairly certain that he was likely waiting for me to get home as soon as I get on my truck he starts shouting from across the street that I'll be going to jail for providing alcohol to minors he goes on to say that he discovered his kid wandering the neighborhood wasted on late Monday nights I immediately put two and two together and realized that his son stole the beer from my nice neighborhoods front porch crate and drank it I ignore him and walk right over to my nice neighbor's house and jokingly asked if he got the beers that I left him he says he did not and I tell him he may want to review the security camera footage for the last few days he laughs and tells me that he already did that and directs me to his garage where he shows me his kids damaged snow toys sleds discs tubes from what him and I can piece together I placed the beer in his crate in that evening douche bags teenage son came onto his porch minutes after stole the beer kicked and left a dent and crack in the siding of the house grabbed his sled and took off we head into the my nice neighbor's house to watch and review the security camera footage and she shows me what he just described fast-forward a few hours later and obviously intoxicated teenager comes back with a broken sled and takes a disk in a tube from the side of the house and pees on the AC unit before leaving about 20 minutes later he is back with his empty bottles smashes a few of them in the gutter and puts the broken snow toys on the back side of the house all of this happens when the nice neighbor and family was not home at this point I tell nice neighbor about douche bags legal threats and he decides that we should speak about him at that next night's Wednesday HOA meeting I head home ignoring douche bags continuous yells from across the streets Wednesday night comes a nice neighbor and I get up and address our problems with douche bag to the HOA nice neighbor starts by talking about the theft as well as the damage to his kids toys and siding I get up and discuss the legal threats made at the same time the other three new neighbors get up and grumble that douche bag had threatened them with a suit as well one woman a tiny waif of a woman mind you said that he cornered her against her car when she got home a few weeks ago she went on to say that he seemed pretty drunk too at this point the H away president's the attorney for the HOA and the property management representative call for calm in the room other neighbors were getting mad and asked those of us who had been threatened by douche bag to stick around including the nice neighbor according to my wife while I was traveling for work this Monday cops showed up at the nice neighbor's house in the late afternoon took a statement and a flash drive of the video nice neighbor came over to my house and told my wife that the HOA told him to go ahead and D call the cops to report property disruption and trespassing the cops assured him that they are not interested in speaking with me that they are going after this little crap because he is a problem at his high school and that they are not unfamiliar as to who he is again according to my wife the cops then head over to douchebags house and after some yelling douche jr. comes outside and they arrest him my wife said they pulled out of his pockets what looks like a small bag of weed and a glass pipe I got home late last night and received an email this morning from the HOA president's addressed to me nice neighbor and the three other new homeowners in it it stated that they were made aware by the cops that they had arrested the teenager and that the HOA attorney was looking into figuring out a way to stop the legal threats from douchbag we were assured that there is no legal precedents for suing someone because they purchased something for less than you did but nonetheless they are here to help if need be so that's where we sit now insomnia Green says I was honestly hoping that douche bag was going to threaten the cops and that he would get tased if he's like that in the neighborhood it's only a matter of time that he mouths off to the wrong person and he gets his butt beat plain and simple glad that you have really decent neighbors besides him from someone else in the IT field to another you've shown some pretty decent patience most of my patience was destroyed by end-users san face yeah nice job on all accounts it seems nothing to add really other than the best way to defend against an unruly neighbor is to involve the police as much as necessary you have a right to a quiet enjoyment of your property and he clearly is infringing on those rights you can even place a restrictive order based on the threats should you and your family ever feel the slightest physical intimidation maybe invest in some cameras for your property if you don't already have them set up does anyone else just want to watch a whole movie of this entire saga go down like that would be amazing they sound ridiculously crazy and I feel bad for that kid I hope he gets the help he needs but we always see where that goes right they don't usually go down a bright and sunny path and I hope that you know he does it peacefully if anything does happen and our last story police officials are forcing me to cremate my daughter non us my me 45 female daughter who's 21 female passed away about a week ago I have no motivation to do anything I've been talking to many police officials and doctors I won't see how she died but she went on a vacation trip and didn't come back her friends called me and she passed away soon after police officers are urging me to cremate her body I want to bury her but they keep saying that it's not worth it and they won't allow me to bury her because her body belongs to that country they said the only way I can take her with me is if she's in ashes I'm heartbroken she vacationed in Mexico I've tried looking this up but I don't find anything credible can they legally make me cry mater edits thank you to everyone who took the time to reply and anyone who sent their condolences my husband and I never thought about contacting the embassy we're relieved to know that we do have options my daughter was a US citizen and she was healthy prior to all of this there's no reason why she can't be transported in my opinion and our American baby says I am so sorry for your loss you need to contact the US Embassy in Mexico as soon as possible ask for American citizen services they will help you repatriate the body ACS will advocate on your behalf and do work with you on your paperwork ask them if you should fly down immediately or if they can act on your behalf if there is a US consulate nearby ask if they can send someone to the hospital do not let her friends sign anything at the hospital you should request an autopsy as soon as she was returned to the US good luck life just handed you a terrible card I wish you peace as you grieve I was arrested kept in jail for 62 days then released after the DEA finally got around to my case I did nothing wrong okay so a few days ago I was released from County Jail after being held for 62 days I lost my job didn't pay rent for two months almost three now and my car is in the process of being put up for auction and they won't release its I was arrested for failing in possession of a firearm I'm not a felon and never have been or had anything expunged and at the time of arrest I didn't even have a firearm on me and reckless endangerment which was firing a weapon at the side of a building again something I did not do I had an initial appearance thing in the jail over video where I was given a public defender who was completely and absolutely useless I'm not sure if this is the norm for public defenders but he didn't say anything I told him to at this appearance I had because a simple background check shows I didn't have a felony and on the night this allegedly happened I was out of state plane tickets in hotel with work he literally just said not guilty then asked for a signature bond the judge or magistrate guy denied it because a felon with a firearm is a huge thing so then I sat in jail for a total of 60 days before my public defender even came to see me I tried to call him every day with the ferns and the number on the paper I had but he was never in and never came to see me I couldn't afford a regular attorney who wanted around $2,500 to even start a criminal case I don't really have family or super close friends to call for help I was fired from work obviously and now late on rent and obviously will be evicted probably because I can't pay without a job and definitely not $2,100 plus utilities for rent on the three months I'm about to earn when he finally came around and saw me two days before my next appearance and he finally listened to me he talked to the DA who apparently had also not looked at my case or my letter I mailed them until then also after that appearance I got a sorry computer error you're free to go and DA was released what can I do for any of this apparently someone with the same name but a different date of birth shot at a building after a fight and is a felon but I sat in jail lost my job can't even get my car back they say unless I pay some crazy fees how am I liable for these fees if it was an error this is in Madison Wisconsin sir our boy drugs drug says contact the Wisconsin chapter of the ACLU they have a team specifically looking at possible civil rights cases seems like a clear violation of his Fifth Amendment rights which is no person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury except in cases arising in the land or naval forces or in the militia when in actual service in time of war or public danger nor shall any person be subject for the same offenses to be put twice puts in the jeopardy of life or limb nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself nor be deprived of life liberty or property without due process of law nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation nope this would not be considered being deprived of life liberty or property our Pease lawyer pretty certainly waived speedy trial in that initial hearing why would this not be considered deprived of Liberty sixty-two days I'm really interested in this reply how is being held in jail for two months not considered being deprived of Liberty under the Due Process Clause he was unable to act in the manner that a citizen of the US should be allowed to because his identity wasn't fully confirmed before imprisonments that sounds like a clear lack of Liberty to a layman like myself I'll definitely need this clearly explains this is on the defense attorney sounds like the Court did what they were supposed to they arraigned him and likely held a bond hearing and calendared the next date for two months out slightly long but still reasonable if that defendant waives time they likely did it's not the courts fault the defense attorney didn't talk to their own clients and didn't listen when they did that's a pretty interesting take on it what do you guys think and here they have two edits edit one thanks for all the replies guys and gals I'll contact a wisconsin branch of the aclu tomorrow and see what they say and where to go from here all sir I appreciate the messages offering to help me if I need it but I can survive frugally on my credit cards if absolutely need be and will be contacting my boss tomorrow also and explaining the situation added to to clear up more confusion about my car the city had it towed by a local company they are contracted with the storage fees and $900 and growing daily and I only paid 3500 for the car two years ago the towing company that has my vehicle told me the city can waive their percentage and pay the rest to them and I can get my car but told good luck also their policy is to only store vehicles for 90 days before auctioning the car or oh he's lucky he got out in two months but good luck getting that car back all right guys know we're on to the update of the story from 62 days in jail mistaken identity I've spoken to several attorneys and law firms throughout the states and have settled on one and signed the papers and all that stuff today I want to thank all of you for giving me advice on what to ask and look for when speaking to them all it really helped in narrowing it down and figuring out what was best to go with I can't really give out a whole lot of information because we are just starting to gather all the pieces and to put it all together they most likely will not be any updates to this for quite some time to answer the endless messages I received about race I am white and early 20s the person I was misidentified as is also white but in his 30s I spoke to my boss and HR and will be back at work very soon and two months pay advance that will be paid back with overtime also my landlord was really nice and is letting me pay back rent over the next few months in installments what a good guy I'm glad we had a good ending to this one because that was looking really grim and I would be bored as hell for 62 days in jail what did you guys think of this one down in the comments below anyway on to the next story I have become a forgotten employees for a few months at my job I want to start a new job and wondering legal ramifications cross post from our / jobs this is in Texas about a year ago I was fired for something I did not do basically they thought I was stealing from the company and had me fired in the system before they informed me in person when they caught the real thief literally five minutes before I got the axe I got called into HR where they apologized to me profusely in tow they would be working to reinstate me without losing my tenure on my vacation time they asked me if there was anything they could do in the meantime I asked for the vacation right then and there which made HR really happy because me being gone for two weeks made it easy for them to unfree kiss situation while on vacation I broke my leg and was wheelchair bound for a month when I informed HR of this they offered me the satellite office for a temporary use since it was literally one block away and I could get there safely using wheelchair the company had a satellite office close to my house that was basically just two rooms one had a desk power sockets and internet access and the other one was the bathroom the office was purchased for an exec who was wheelchair bound because of cancer the office stayed empty for a few months when her cancer went terminal and eventually she passed on what I was offered it's they moved my PC and everything out there getting me set up that was the last time I ever had any face to face with anyone in the company even after my leg healed I did not return to the normal building I stayed in the office until a child wanted to move someone else in well that never came five months ago my department was shuttered my boss several employees and a few other management people were quietly let go some kind of thing happened at the top that caused a lot of people to be let go by this time I was pretty much using the office as a second term and had not had any real contact with anyone outside of emails and the occasional phone call once this happens I was just coming to work every day and completing my tasks until they stopped coming then just came in every day until the hammer fell it never did I have been coming in every single day walking since it's only a five-minute walk unless it's raining poking up my gaming laptop and hopping on discs or with my friends to play sometimes I'll bring my ps4 or Xbox one into the office and play that too I've been using this office and collecting a paycheck for the last five ish months with no contact other than company-wide emails and for Mirko of mind calling me asking me how things are going to put it into context of how much I stopped caring when I told my girlfriend about my job situation she came to visit me at work I will keep it g-rated here for you guys and I'll let you use her imagination as to the nature of her visits I do not state this to brag but merely to paint the picture of how things are at my current quote-unquote job all of this brings us to today I have been using my free time to also study for several PC certificates and have finally acquired them I'm getting job offers for a few places that will also be a pretty big step up for my current position what are the pros and cons of taking the new jobs without quitting my first job I know that technically I'm currently in the clear legally but I want to know if that changes if I start working in another job and collecting two paychecks I am guessing very much yes but wanted to know more does the situation change if one of the companies allows me to work from home and I use my office to work at both jobs yes I know I am being incredibly greedy but I am legitimately wondering here because it's like a very lucky situation I find myself in and it would be a complete waste to throw it away without a good reason as in I could get in legal trouble is a very good reason to throw it all away and work at the new job so our first reply says you could be sued back for the wages for the time you are being paid but didn't do any work unlikely but possible you're much more likely to be sued to pay back wages for any time you're working another job and still being paid for the first send them an email giving two weeks or however much is required notice quit and then start your new job so you got reversed Milton's I have actually read and heard situations like this happening before they are more common than you would think and do they happen in all sizes of business only not government jobs is they are heavily regulated with Street bureaucracy I know of this happening quite recently at AT&T at the global headquarters no less whenever people bypass the established protocols that HR puts in place they we'll get lost in the system although in the situation of the AT&T employee he applied for another job in another area and HR noticed he was stagnant in the system he had been turning in bogus reports each quarter to make it look like he was still doing his job and HR did not dig too deeply into it they gave him the position he applied for and moved on with his life the good thing is situations like this where people can become unviable if they keep their noses down the bad is they usually do not have any sort of chance to move up without becoming noticed usually this is a huge risk and now on to our updates so I'm a forgotten employee who's been working for over a year I got found out since that time I got denied for the second job and basically been coasting until I landed another position and turned in my two weeks notice recently I found a position at a tech firm that will allow me to work from home is easier than what I used to do and pays more basically tired of doing nothing even though I'm getting paid for it's the day after I mailed to the keys to the satellite office back to the corporate office I got a phone call at exactly 8:00 a.m. the head of HR for the former company wanted to speak with me in person I asked her if there were any issues such as equipment that was not returned she stated that there were no issues like that they just had some questions about my job function over the last year I told her that they should have that information as head of HR and promptly disconnected stating I had to return back to work she called back at 12:05 exactly I have been ducking her calls ever since a voicemail state that I'm required to come into her office to discuss a few things my emails with her have asked if there is anything else that needs to be returned or issues with company property every time I am assured it is nothing like that but they need me to come into their office to discuss this with me in person she calls at least once per day I am thinking I just need to ignore her calls until she either escalates or goes away how incredibly bad is that plan before anyone says it's I know I know okay I should have quit a long time ago I did not edits Texas now Rodney satisfy ting says they're clearly phishing ignore unless you get soaked with papers in which case get a lawyer they aren't paying you anymore so they aren't entitled to a second of your time the only thing HR needs to do is issue your last paycheck Cobra notices and depends on company policy possible payments of any unused PTO earns over the irony you are only required to return company equipments anything else is a courtesy and one I would not recommend you extending you are in the clear do not give them any ammunition the only thing you need to tell the HR person is that you were no longer employed by the company and you have no interest in discussing anything with her face-to-face or over the phone I like this one Jersey says does she think you still work there where does she get off requiring you to do anything around the time she starts throwing around the words must or required is when I would tell her to stop calling you if he had gigantic brass balls you could quite her a consulting fee to come in and talk to her but I wouldn't recommend it Virginia / Georgia was let go last week from my employer sent laptops a company issued iPhone back to employer they will not accept it because I did not address it correctly they have possession of the laptop telling me that my paychecks will be deducted if it is not properly returned I live in Virginia Blue is Manson employee Riza excute in Georgia sorry I just thought that was a little bit of fun wasn't it was hired in January was let go last week Judah not meeting boss's expectations on pipeline growth or what kind of job is this man working I'm a remote software sales guy you know what you can sell me pipeline growth any day buddy quite frankly I'm glad to go it was not a good fit and I had arranged interviews this week already prior to being let go I harbored no bad feelings Thursday six of the 728 could be 7th to the 6th at our notes America was my last day had a conference called that morning with boss and HR my only instructions for the remainder of the day was to remove anything personal off the PC to wipe the company issued iPhone and head to the closest FedEx where they would shoot me I mean package up the laptop charging cable and phone I was given an account number whereby the company paid for the shipping and packaging the package was to be overnighted and had to be there on Friday I took pictures on the electronics being wrapped up the shipping label and the recouped I was I was told to address the package to the woman in HR who was part of letting me go I could not remember the spelling of the woman in a chars last name it is complicated to spell and I cannot fully remember its I met her the day I was being fired so rather than do first name last name I addressed it to for the sake of conversational caller Susan company company address attn Susan head of HR iover noted the package it was signed by the receptionist it is in the company's possession susan is now refusing to accept the package I called her this morning to confirm that she got the package she was very Curt with me this morning and is now telling me that I did not follow her specific instructions therefore I am out of compliance with their equipment return policy part of an agreement that I signed when I joined the company and that my final paycheck is going to be deducted the replacement cost to the laptop and iPhone unless she receives the package in the way I was instructed to send it to her she did confirm that the package arrived however she is refusing to open and accept it as her last name is not on the package Susan is the only Susan in HR and she is the head of HR is that Susan was khaki maybe head of YouTube Susan is offering no remedy he'll only keep saying that I am out of compliance and did not follow her specific instructions I'm sort of at a loss on what to do here do I contact IT the company's legal departments as part of my employment agreements it does state that if I separate from the company and fail to return any company issued equipments I have to agree to my paycheck deducted for the cost of replacements but they have the equipment so Ronin one three one three says Susan is wrong she has the property and cannot deduct your paycheck for property in her possession well I mean she can but it would not be legal worst such best case your choice this goes to court and Susan gets to explain why she deducted the cost from the paycheck I'm sure a judge would love to hear that she was charging him for not returning equipment that she was already in possession of and they say you should file a wage complaint with the states if they withhold your paycheck they are being ridiculous what do you suggest I do ITA seems uninterested see my edits filing a wage complaints if they would withhold part or all of your paycheck don't bother with IT go through the Department of Labor call Susan back and say according to Fed Ex the property in question was delivered to you if we withhold any part of my final pay I will immediately file like a wage complaints I'd email that keeps a paper trail so now edit one I shot an email off to IT telling them what is going on up to one and a half hours later I got a message back saying that I needed to log into the network and to submit a ticket her this was not an automated responder someone actually wrote me an email added to about a half hour ago I kicked off an email to Susan I added a bit of my own flair to the email but more or less everything used by you slash Thunder five wrote got a response back saying I'm sorry IT chef but I cannot send you a back a package that I have yet to receive in my name I emailed her back and did an email carpet-bomb every c-level single executive heads of IT anjali GLE department was copied on the email I added a very very brief summary at the top of the email stating that Susan is being difficult is threatening to withhold my wages for non delivery of returned company equipments and that they are indeed in possession of the package now we wait I guess edit 3 / final updates I got a short email this morning from the head of legal stating the following IT chef thank you for bringing this to our attention we know that separating from a company can be difficult and clearly we have not made this separation any easier and for that we apologize both HR and IT have confirmed the return of your electronic equipments laptop monitor dongle iPhone and laptop charging cable IT has confirmed that all items are good working order you can expect your full and final paycheck on June 18th thank you head of legal dude Thanks to everyone for your inputs really appreciate it now I have to wait until Monday to confirm that their paycheck actually arrives I suspect everything will be on the up and up now that legal is involved ha good luck and our next post campus effectively removed all men's restrooms administration is dragging its feet acknowledging there's a problem New York the United States so essentially with few exceptions every male restroom on my campus has been converted into an old gender restroom this sort of makes sense given that they are the only existing restrooms which contain both stalls and urinals the problem here in lies that in addition to new signs and the doors the primary door to the restroom has been equipped with a vacancy / occupied lock with locks from the inside essentially allowing a single individual if they choose to lock a bathroom with facilities accommodating up to 8 peeples at one time reducing it to a single use restroom on numerous occasions men have had to leave lecture halls and travel to other buildings with the hope that the all gender restroom in that building had not been locked also I've also brought this issue to our schools Department of Diversity and equity where after three weeks of obfuscation I've managed to meet with the department head and have a conversation with her where have essentially been told to shove it is there any sort of federal or New York State legislation with which I can bring to their attention and trying to instigate real change and it's in less than an hour I've found the solution I've been looking for thanks reddit you beautiful lifestyle so possibly the solution was Queequeg saying I would try your local code enforcement New York state plumbing code determines how many toilets are required in the facility while the score may technically have enough toilets the fact one user can occupy eight at a time breaks that math and I would expect code enforcement to have ways to address that Thanks I just looked into the NYS plumbing code and found exactly what I was looking for so there's your happy ending even though it's kind of anticlimactic Fitz there you go reddit epic an Airbnb I recently stayed at had hidden cameras in the bedrooms my friend didn't I were recorded having sex anything I can do to have the footage deleted some friends and I met up at a Southern California to have a little weekend together since we all live in different parts of the country I brought my girlfriend with me and so did a few of my friends the weekend went our it went and done our last day there we noticed there were small hidden cameras speckled throughout the home after checking the bedrooms we confirmed there were in fact two to three cameras in each room all pointed towards the beds I contacted the hosts and they stated that it's their home and they can legally have security cameras in the home is there anything we can do to have the footage deleted or something I understand the need for security cameras in cases of damage or stolen items but being pointed at the bed in all the rooms it makes me feel really uneasy updates made a call to the local police departments as I'm already back home informed them of the situation and filed reports over the phone with explicit details my friend who lives in the area is going to follow up in an hour or sir after work ends for her and our last one I can't find the original one but looking through this guy's account it was it was a bit wild this son says update sister took two hundred and fifty thousand dollars from mother with dementia original post is nearly a year olds mother passed away and within a week older sister and caretaker of mom for two years had gotten a mother with dementia to sign over 250,000 dollars bought a house put it in her name and had about 20,000 dollars left over that she kept and hid it from me for a year she realized I had a good idea at the value of our mother's estates and admitted it to me I tried to work with her and get her to pay out the other siblings what their fair share of the 250 thousand dollars would have been to them / us she refused and cut off communication I filed a police report for financial elder abuse the detective just emailed me he subpoenaed medical and financial records and is having sister come in for an interview in the next week I hope it gets resolved please forgive me since this is an active case I don't want to reduce clothes the location and the latest one from like three months ago basically stating that he's dead this guy just up and died and everyone in the comments is like whoa was this guy murdered over this post with you know going after the 250,000 dollars because the guy died just like real quick he just died in his sleep or something according to the post so this account was supposed to be deleted three months ago but it wasn't sir well this is like a rabbit hole to come down anyway guys I hope you've enjoyed this one today tell me what you thought of all these stories I'd love to hear your opinions and as always I love your faces thank you for coming here today and I'll see in the next episode bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 180,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/legaladvice, r/legal advice, legal, advice, legal advice, legaladvice, markee, reddit, markee legaladvice
Id: FBP5e1QN0Lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 24sec (10884 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2020
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