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g'day there guys it's rosie hubby machi back at it again with another assassin titled parents video now if you love me like I love you than you know what to do went to the mosey on over to that old like button and tackle it like bloody Crocodile Dundee maybe even Chuck and Ozzy flanks and prawns and the Bobby down in the comments below now with that said I want you to sit back relax chug a shrimp on the barbie and get ready for some bloody entitled parents Karen's go now our first post is by user Linda looser titled entitled mother abandons her child at a camp she didn't sign up for and tells me to send another kid home so he can stay long time Luka first-time poster etc etc this happened before quarantine now to preface this story I teach gymnastics in a very affluent part of a very very big city in Southern California you know the one most of the kids I work with are either Russian or Israeli and speak Russian or Hebrew and I've encountered a lot of entitled parents in my time at this gym most of them irritating and not worth posting about but this one Russian mum who was absolutely off her rocker my boss has some experience with her and doesn't put up with her BS - the cast are me myself and i insane mum and k her poor son every school holiday we have day camps we're up to 30 kids come to the gym and we played games practice gymnastics generally screw around our camps are really popular and usually fill up at least a week in advance additionally we allow parents to use their kids missed classes / makeups as credit towards a day of camp for a reduced rates this particular day of camp I was working at the front desk and we were slammed I'd already turned multiple walkins away because we were over capacity for us Ag regulations which is in violation of our insurance policy around two hours after camp started around 11:00 a.m. kay walks in the front door by himself this is weird for two reasons one because parents are supposed to come inside and sign their kids in an ounce - because entitled mother sent doesn't email the night before that and explicitly extract not to enroll K in camp and not to change her card so I asked Kay to run outside and ask his mom to please come in so I can sort things out he opens the door yells him back and forth with her in Russian suka blow up the knock away just for a bit and then closes the door as entitled mother drives away Kay tells me that entitled mother is going to call me great this is how the most insane phone conversation of my life wins entitled mother from an anonymous number moire ad says once hi I just wanted to speak with you because I'm a bit confused last night you sent us an email instructing us not to enroll Kay in camp yes because last time you enrolled him you charge my card sixty-five dollars that's one day of camp and you stole my money ma'am that is how much one full day of camp costs I'm going to have to ask you to come pick up your son because we're at capacity for the day no there's no way your camp is full I unenrolled him last night when I sent you the email yes and we had walkins this morning that took his spots no I sent that email at 10:00 last night there's no way your camp is full between now and then actually we had the last spots taken by a few walkins this morning so we are full you can't just drop your son off here without paying after instructing us not to enroll him there's no way your camp is full I sent that email at 10:00 last night five full minutes of me trying to explain to her how spots are limited and when she gave Kay's spot up it became available for the first person to walk in eventually she seems to get it okay that makes sense extended pause well you'll just have to call one of those other parents and tell them you made a mistake and they need to come get their child because K is special and has been taking classes there for a while and he deserves it excuse me that's not how this works kay lost his spot when you told us to unenroll him kay deserves to be there he's more important than the other kids and has been there longer so you can call their parents and tell them you made a mistake no you need to come get your child but I made plans I'm sorry but we don't have room for him because he specifically told us not to enroll him because last time you stole from me you took $65 from me I work hard for my $65 that's how much one day of camp costs no I want to use makeups and you charge my card $65 in stole from me ma'am we don't know you want to use makeups unless you come in and tell us most people just use them for another class oh that makes sense silence yes I'm going to need you to come pick the kid up but I have work I thought she made plans look I understand that but we don't have room for the kid it's against you sag regulations for us to take in so you can either come and get him or I can have my boss call you no I don't want to talk to your boss then you need to come get the kid I can't I have work fine I'll have my boss call you I don't want to talk to your boss either you come get kid or I can have my boss call you I don't want to talk to your boss okay this conversation is unproductive I'll have my boss call you I hung up and called my boss as promised her kids still come to class but she's banned from bringing them to camp unless she walks in and pays at the beginning of the day she still constantly brings them in an hour before our half-day starts and asked me if I'll be charging her for a half day instead of full and I always politely tell her that no I'll be charging her for the full day now she just speaks to her kids in Russian and has them talk to me for her radio hooligans an ex post is by spam alfie titled entitled father suing his 18 year old daughter over unemployment's money not mine but he close friends her parents are divorced and father got full custody and the issue is he is an unbelievable jerk he basically forced her out once she turned 18 to living with her mother however she's employed by her father at his pizza shop because he made them work for him with the quarantine he had to fight his own daughter since they couldn't afford to keep her on I should also mention that the only way he afforded to open the pizza shop was using his mother's child support money now most of the kids are 18 and he's getting significantly less of it she filed for unemployment since she was fired and her father is now taking her to court over it saying that part of that money should be his she hasn't even lived with her father since at least August can you imagine oh yeah hey Dad you just fired me and up oh god you know what I'm gonna give you can you give you my $1,200 what's that oh you want more than $1,200 God dad you know you're just too kind of a person today no worries buddy here you go all right an unexposed is by mr. adorable titled entitled mother and her entitled kid try to steal my sisters switch light so here's a little bit of context before the story begins animal crossing recently came out on the switch and I bought it on release and since then my sister has wanted but didn't have a switch and neither of us could buy one as it all sold out pretty much everywhere well anyways on to the story also first posting the sub so don't judge eeehm is entitled mum ek is entitled kid Mia's guess who mmm is my mum so because of this corner corner we haven't gone to the supermarket as often as we normally would so whenever we do go one person needs to go to help out with all the groceries that we buy so I decided to go with my mum so I could finally leave the house now as my mum did the grocery shopping for one of the stores I went around looking through a few stores to see if they had a switch light in stock I finally went to EB Games it's basically Game Stop but in Australia off anyone who didn't know I talked to the lady at the counter and she said she had only one switch in yellow which was the one my sister wanted so I text my mum and she comes over to pay for it as we believing I hear mommy I want that one oh god here we go entitled mother approaches us and it's like her hi I saved you ever switch light there yeah I bought it for me cuts me off well we just asked the lady at the counter and she said that that was the last yellow one and my son really wants it he's been such a good boy don't you think he deserves it yes so you should give it to me keep in mind he has the damas look on his face wha no sorry we just paid for it and it's for my sister she wants it so probably as much as your kid and to be honest I don't care if he's been a good boy or not how dare you speak to me at my angel like that you know what for being rude you will give it to me now and she goes to grab it now at this point I kind of just lost it and surprisingly my mom didn't get mad at me afterwards for it and I still got my 10 DS and good boy points Karen I don't give a crap what your fudging demon of a child once if he wants a zone dam switch tell him to wait until one goes in stocks and if you can't get one use the many to get lessons on how to have some fudge in manners whatever that means at this point she looks more infuriated than ever however me and my mum start walking away she's screaming at us get back here and give my child why he deserves the ignorant little crap I pay no attention to it and just keep walking we do the rest of the shopping and Karen seems to coincidentally end up in every store we're in we leave and head home and my sister loves the switch light and Animal Crossing to the end or it would be if we didn't have 20 minutes left now our next one is by the Recker een titled entitled mum treats me like an ATM backstory allowed a friend of a friend who was down on her luck to a room with me at its for two years so we did become close friends and she needed to get away from her abusive ex / father of her son in hindsight the fact her boyfriend at the time would not spring for a place for her to move in with him should have been a red flag for me there's a whole other story regarding both the father and the boyfriend's plural that I won't get into right now Jesus this is this is a roller coaster already I don't know if I can deal with it I thought abusive ex / father you know she was dating her dad and now they're broken up just kidding fast forward a couple years stuff happened lost my job had to move back home literally across the country and got rehired still kept in contact with her and since I could afford it's $100 every couple months to help her out wasn't touting my finances while she was down in her luck she was back living with a mom on government assistance for a while sorry it was infrequent enough that it didn't bother me but after a while I was getting real tired of her begging me to borrow some cash realized I never did tally the total amount and was shocked to find that it was over twelve thousand dollars over eight years so I basically gave her an ultimatum early last year essentially I'm cutting you off at the end of this year 2019 you have a year to get your act together if you do great you don't need to rely on me anymore if you still need help then I'm just throwing money away into a black hole I thought I was helping you get up back on your feet not letting you live off me whatever the case come January 1st I'm not responding to any requests for money period things were pretty cool the first half of the year but then the latter half is when things went south first it was more frequent requests for money like helping for the initial deposit for an apartment as her job didn't pay her gets all groceries okay critical life stuff I can accept like she'll need a cellphone plan to handle email and such for job hunting but then it was requesting like $500 in the span of two weeks in small chunks of $40 here $80 there then one time instead of asking first she'd just send a money request from her bank as if I was an ATM and would just blindly send it along and if I didn't respond right away she would spam my phone even though she knows I'd be busy working in meetings or committing a portion of it is on the subway sir I'd be offline for around 30 minutes but obviously she can't wait that long Kier the phrase we'd seen in this sub for a lot of entitled parents failure to plan on your part does not constitute an emergency or mine then the parent parts they were incidents like asking to pay for her child's medication because his dad forgot to pack it for his visitation why should I be paying for this not my kid shouldn't you be asking his dad no I'm not giving you $80 for a bus ticket for your son to visit you I know you miss him but I don't see it as a critical expense I'm sorry but maybe you should try deferring the visit till later when you're more financially stable I'm sure your twelve-year-old son will understand then the kicker this past Christmas she had saved enough to buy a Nintendo switch nights you know saved up the money to handle surprise expenses or pay me back not that I expected but went immediately towards a very expensive gift for her son the reason she was contacting me however was that her ex-boyfriends not the one from before I've lost count of which boyfriend probably number eight at this point had serious entitlement anger and mental issues broke into her apartment and stole a bunch of stuff like the switch and pawned it thankfully the police were able to get to him and I believe he's in jail now however she's still out a present but instead of getting a cheaper present or asking around other friends and family to pitch in she contacts me first and asks for 200 bucks to go towards the presents obviously I declined I think she eventually settled on a gaming keyboard and a mouse for him naturally she uses the ruined Christmas light on me which got me really ticked off her ex ruined it not me I don't really owe her anything she's not entitled to my money I'm not an ATM at her beck and call and it's not like I'd ask for nerds or anything as compensation really given what I know of her family I'm staying very far away from all of them from now on again what is with the connotation here that is the family asking her for nudes that's what's so far in 2020 she's still trying to borrow money but I've held true to not giving her anything also never having roommates ever again especially people with kids and our next post is by user addicted to coffee oh nine aren't we all I used to think some of these entitled parent stories were fake until I encountered the most entitled mother ever today I'm a parent and when I read some of these entitled parent stories I think there is no possible way that someone is entitled or at least that entitled then today it happened I encountered an entitled mom and now I've been humbled because I realized I was wrong there are some crazy entitled people out there the caste army and the entitled mum so today I had to go to the grocery store as our family's low on food it's warm here so I wore a tank top and jeans I'm also a type 1 diabetic and we're an insulin pump with a continuous glucose monitor you can see the monitor on my arm I'm at the store when my pump starts beeping alerting me the my insulin is getting low in my pump so I pull out the pump and silence the alarm I hear a kid behind me say mommy that looks like a cool toy can I get it I ignore it until I hear entitled mothers say excuse me I need your video game as she is tapping me on my shoulder I say ma'am I do not have a video game with me of course he do I see it in your pocket there you're too old for video games give it to my kid ma'am you a mistaken that is a medical device and I cannot I couldn't finish this because she reached over and grabbed my pump I smack her but she had a death grip on my pump and ended up poor Oh yuck ended up pulling it out of my body ow I start screaming telling her that there is a needle at the end of the tubing and that she needs to be careful that her kid doesn't get hurt employees come running into the aisle and start asking what happened this crazy person just pulled this thing out and tried to stab my kid with the needle on its I want them arrested actually that's my insulin pump but you just pulled it out of me because you thought it was a video game as I'm bleeding from where she pulled it out onto my shirt shortening a long story entitled mother insists I came after her because I'm crazy and hate children police are called because she wants to press charges police review tapes see that I'm telling the truth and arrest entitled mother I leave without my groceries because my pump is freaking out that my sugar is rapidly rising as I don't have it inserted in my body giving me a steady stream of insulin just typing this post has me shaking my head because it's teams made up and if it didn't happen to me I would question it Oh pulling it out of your body just makes me cringe ow I can't imagine that's like one of my worst nightmare I mean that's something like a needle pulled out of you no thanks and our next one is by someone that's a recurring user sub-2 dead meat crazy religious science takes revenge for the stories I posted last time we met my conservative Muslim auntie she demanded me to delete her stories and I refused which led to me bleeding from her scratches and her son confronting her for the last time or so we thought disclaimer entitled auntie does not represent all Muslims in the world's al cast are entitled auntie yours truly and cool cousin rest in peace nice uncle let's begin my cousin and I were chilling in quarantine after entitled auntie assaulted me and suddenly we hear the door ring I went to open its really hoping that it wasn't entitled auntie but sadly my suspicions were confirmed she's like why the Frick didn't you delete my stories because you assaulted me after I warned you that doing any threatening action will result in me keeping them but why did you have to add two more because in addition to harming me you have harmed cool cousin emotionally again you deserved what was coming your way you stupid crap I'm gonna sue you and there's nothing you can do about it actually entitled auntie you simply cannot sue me because you simply have no legal grounds to stand on I want to speak to cool cousin right now wish calm version of the I want to speak to your manager statement after she said that she tried to push me again just to talk to her son but I stood my ground and pushed her back the look on her face was priceless but how you pushed me please just leave you will pay for this I'll a to go into the house to continue playing games with my cousin cousins like who was that oh your mom came back she wanted me to delete the stories but I didn't let her in good thanks man I really appreciate it yeah man don't mention it later that day I heard some scratching on the door and when I opened the door I saw entitled auntie with a knife and she's like oh [ __ ] get out before I report you to the cops after entitled aunty ran away and when I saw what she was carving she literally carved the words cerf ears in Arabic on the door anyways no cops were called and now we're simply chillin at Cole cousin's house on a sidenote thank you guys for advising me to stand up to entitled aunty I really appreciate it rightio game is unexposed is by crystal LBX titled entitled mother Karen tried to get me fired for being gay nicknames of those involved Karen Leslie the friend of mine super fabulous friend also the manager and of course me just an innocent by sexual women in my twenties it was a normal day working at Claire's a retail store focused on female targeted items with me on the register and I see walking in what appears to be a religious Christian woman probably homophobic her shet said God loves me and my child not the rainbows after grabbing a plushy from the plushy display she quickly went straight to the counter karen then said to me you need to be fired on the spots for context i was wearing a pride winds shirts and a rainbow necklace in my confusion forgetting I had a pride stuff on I asked her what I did wrong she Karen then said quite angrily your show the necklace is toxic you cannot wear something like that in a retail store aimed at young children you will infect them with the gay and the trends I tried to calm this obviously enraged Karen saying you are wrong that's not possible but regardless I am only here to help customers with their shopping experience the Karen then proceeds to yell pretty much at the top of her lungs I demand to speak to your manager for you're spreading gays my friend Leslie comes in and asks the Karen what seems to be the issue man the Karen that asks Leslie if she's the manager to which cat Leslie said yes then proceeded with the following your employee is wearing an offensive and Infectious shirts and necklace that needs to be removed now for context we are allowed to wear pride stuff thanks Leslie Leslie responded and it's clear she must have heard that Karen as she was walking in Judah how loud the Karen was with a to hear that how can I help you the Karen Lennon responded with fire her leslie then said okay sure would you like to buy the merchandise you're holding first note leslie was clearly being sarcastic something that karen did not pick up on the karen then said yes but I don't want to her touching the money or the plushie it's for my daughter and I don't want her to get infected by the gays so you do it Leslie says okay valued customer I'll do it if you really want me to after the transaction she calmed down and said thank you but as she was leaving Leslie said to the Karen by the way hi I'm Leslie and I'm bisexual the Karen's screamed through her change back at Leslie along with the plushy and plastic bag and then ran out of the store whenever we teach new workers how to handle problematic customers we bring this story up now our next post is by langu YT titled entitled mother wants me to give her precious angel my PC I have a gaming PC but not the best it runs games that I play with averages FPS of one to two hundred I was having a birthday party with some friends that went to my school and they also had gaming PCs except for one kid the entitle kid he has an office computer that isn't meant to run games while having a good time and I asked my friends if they want to play some games on my PC they all agree keep in mind entitled mother is at the party with the other parents so by taking turns at rocket League and playing games like that and entitled kid says I wish I had a gaming PC like yours Opie so I could play my games I responded with well yeah you kinda are running on an office computer you should save up for a gaming PC he then asks in an annoyed voice can't borrow yarns I don't want to save up the money for my own I kindly responded with sorry no you can't this is my personal PC that I paid for and they don't trust anyone with it keep in mind my other friends are also here my mom walks into my room and tells us kids lunch is ready so he went out and start eating our BBQ in total KITT is whispering to his entitled mother I can't hear anything but it didn't bother me entitled kid then stands up and says he'll be right back and says he's going to the toilets his entitled mother sneaks off to their car and brings it in front of the house in total kid has been gone for a while and I go to check if he's ok I find him in my room unplugging my cords from my computer he notices me and bolts to the front door with my PC I quickly run outside and tell my mom what's happening and she runs to entitled mother's car and ask her where she's going she said she was leaving in the back of the car was entitled kid with my PC in the seat next to him I noticed the PC and go to the door and try to open it and it's locked my mom manages to get the door open and goes at the kid for taking my PC entitled mother says don't yell at my entitled kid he deserves the PC more than your son does my mum responds with if you don't give my son his PC you'll have to deal with the cops she hesitates then gives the PC back and speeds off to this day I haven't seen entitled kid or entitled mother since thank God for that entitled mother is forcing me to marry my cousin to make her a US citizen sir I was gonna post this on my main account before I came to my senses this isn't really a throwaway but more an account I'll use to share stories of my entitled family basically my mom before you call bull crap and start joking around saying Sweet Home Alabama roll tide one believe me I wish this was bull crap but unfortunately it's an actual situation I'm facing - we are Dominican don't know if that changes everything 3 I hate that song so I'm 20 and male cousin is 19 and female Spanish was my first language I have a third cousin in the Dominican Republic they are not well-off in that country and her mom is a little neglectful at this point it feels like my mom cares more about her than me but whatever she deserves it she's a good kid who does well in school and wants to move to the US to go to nursing school she can't however because she isn't a legal citizen my mom decided that it would be the best plan for me to go to the Dominican Republic in June or July and marry my third cousin to make her legal she brought this up a few years ago but I thought she was joking apparently she wasn't because recently she brought this plan up again and she actually was talking about how she already booked flights for the Dominican public in crap what the hell I'm in a relationship already and my mom literally told me that she doesn't give a freak about my personal life all she cares is about going to the Dominican Republic and forcing me to marry my cousin thankfully I talked about the plan with my significant other and they are supportive due to the pandemic and not knowing if it's going to get worse I think it's safe to say we are not flying out of there but my mum for some reason still acts like we are still going basically I marry her and stay married for a year then we divorced amicably my mom pockets any money that's made from this if any when I try to downright refuse this this was met with screaming physical anger and threats to kick me out I'm afraid to go to any family members because I don't know what's going to happen right oh and uh next post is by user random Melo titled my dad was looking through very private files so this happened just yesterday the cast are edy my dad me is me IRL mum who did nothing mum and sister that did nothing sister sir I was using my phone browsing through reddit I checked what my dad was watching because he usually watches kdrama I liked kdrama so I checked what he was watching anyway and when I checked my dad he was going through all my files which firstly he had no right to do so I scolded him and told him he has no right to go through private school files my school files were all supposed to be looked through by only my teacher and other school officials anyway after I scolded him he slapped me and said he has a right to look through my files because he paid for my school fee which doesn't even do much other than pay for the necessities yet he said because he paid for my school fees he has the right to go through all my files I know this one was quite short but thanks for reading this love some random guy on the internet that has no life god it almost sounds like I wrote that story Jesus anyway guys this one's by user that's one nerd titled you're shopping for someone else yeah right so some context because of this pandemic two families within my families friend group are unable to leave their houses due to one or more of them being immunocompromised one of the families a gets groceries delivered to their house but sometimes my mom and I will go buy stuff for them but the other family B which only consists of two people don't go through as much food and they have a ton saved up so when they need something my mom and I will go buy it for them this story is about family B last week my mom sent me to the grocery store to not only pick up shopping for our family but for family B - one of the items on the list was hand sanitizer and because some people are crazy they will do anything to get the sanitizer I went into the store fully expecting there not to be any left but was able to find some albeit small bottles of hand sanitizer now the sign said one bottle per household and I had asked a store employee if it would be alright if I got to one for my family and one for family B I got the okay and continued to shop as I was looking for bagels the bread section was torn apart and things were literally everywhere this woman the entitled mother comes up to me and taps me on the shoulder me somewhat freaked out as I didn't see her come up behind me is like oh sorry I'll move in a bit why do you have two bottles of hand sanitizer in your cart it's one per family I'm shopping for two families right now I find the bagels I was looking for put them in my cart then get started on getting the shopping for family be walking away from the entitled mother as I pulled up the list hey she grabs me by the shoulder and Yanks me away from my cards you can't have two bottles of hand sanitizer it's one per family me shaken up as I don't like being grabbed by strangers say and I said I'm shopping for two families the entitled mother looked at my card and scoffs she reaches in and grabs one of the bottles of hand sanitizer like hell you are I need this for my family and there's none left so I'll just be taking this I grabbed her arm and yank the bottle from her grasp put it back in my cart and start walking off stop her she just stole from me thief someone stop her a store employee stops me and asks what happened she says that child pointing at me is taking two bottles of hand sanitizer for one family and there's none left and I need one first off I'm not a child second off I'm shopping for a family friend who can't leave their house due to a compromised immune system the store employee signs and says okay ma'am referring to me you can go sorry for the inconvenience I leave but as I am I hear the entitled mother yelling and berating the store employee I finished shopping and left the store family B was very happy to finally have some hand sanitizer and so it was my mom alrighty with that story dumper on to our next one bite restart 2018 titled entitled parents invite themselves on a vacation and then complain it's not good enough for them I'm on my mobile I apologize in advance for any fit spelling or grammar errors I thirty two female was talking with my mom the other day and mentioned a family we hadn't seen since I was about ten she told me that after a vacation they joined us on they decided to stop being friends with them here is the story my parents planned a vacation to take me and my brother 29 to Yellowstone when we were 8 and 10 they told the entitled parents about the vacation they were planning and they invited themselves to go with us they figured it would be fun for us all to go together as they had kids the same age as me and my brother not wanting to be rude to the family or cause issues since we went to a Bible study at their house every Sunday my parents included them our plans my mum want them the cabins we were staying in were extremely rustic think no walls separating bedrooms mismatched furniture and small they said that would be fine and had my mum booked the cabin next to them everything seemed to be going pretty well until our vacation actually started my parents wanted to start driving to yellowstone fairly early we lived in utah so they wanted to leave around 7 to 8 the entitled parents didn't show up around until 11 and my parents couldn't get a hold of them before this they weren't even answering their phones so this ticked my mum off and she asked the entitled parents what happens to leaving early and they told her oh we like to sleep in on weekends my dad told my mom to just let it go and to still try and have a good day when we arrived the entitled parents instantly turned their noses up at our accommodations and said they wouldn't be good enough for their kids my mum told the entitled parents that she warned them they were rustic the entitled parents had friends in the main part of Yellowstone and told my parents they were going to go visit them my mum reminded them that they had bought food for dinner for all of us and to the entitled parents assured my mum that they would be back for dinner at 7 so my parents cooked a really nice dinner for everyone we had steak potatoes corn dessert and waited on the entitle parents to show up at 8 when the family still wasn't there they decided to go eat without them as they had no way of contacting them we went to bed and around midnight the entitled parents showed up they told my parents the cabins they booked weren't good enough for them and they would be staying with their other friends for the rest of their vacation they also said it was a mistake to include my family on their trip because of the cabins that were booked and they had to start driving so early in the day to accommodate us my mum and dad had enough of their attitude and reminded them that they were the ones to join us without being invited and said they were fine with the cabins we booked and our travel plans believing they also told them they were inconsiderate for bailing on dinner and should have told them if they had known of having it with us at that point the other family left and we never saw them again Jesus screw those guys unexposed is by use our em braids 2017 titled put my friend on the phone now I guess this lady qualifies as an entitled grandma so this just happened and I'm still shaking my damn head I manage an automotive repair center in the southern US this morning I had a very nice elderly lady walk in she was wearing the new normal face mask and rubber gloves and asked us to diagnose a few issues she was having with her vehicle I proceeded to check her in and she elected to sit quietly in the lobby an hour later her friend calls and the following conversation in serious acosta M yours truly AOL entitled old lady so I'm like thank you for calling company name this is M how may I help you yes this is AOL my friend mrs. friend's name was going to bring her vehicle in for y'all to look at and I wanted to see if she made it in oh yes ma'am miss friend's name is here and we are looking at her vehicle now that's nice can you put her on the phone for me ma'am I'm terribly sorry but with the global pandemic going on we are closely following CDC guidelines and that includes not sharing phones I would be more than happy to relay a message to her and relay her response back to you if you would like that's ridiculous she's not sick and you don't sound sick so just put her on the phone I understand that miss friend's name doesn't appear to be sick and that I don't appear to be sick but that's not how this virus works we're trying to keep all our customers and employees safe by following CDC guidelines so I will be happy to relay a message to miss friend's name but again we are not sharing ferns well bless your hearts this is southern speak for you an idiot and go copulate with yourself violently you are the rudest and most annoying person I've ever had to speak with now unless you want me to speak with your manager and make no mistake I will have you fired put miss friend's name on the phone now ma'am I am the manager and I'm not going to continue tying up the phone lines and my time by arguing in circles with you now unless you would like me to relay a message to miss friend's name I'm going to say have a great day and end this call well bless your hearts I'm gonna call your boss corporate my attorney the local news station I had had enough at this point and rudely interrupted her tirade look I have the number for the governor's office and our state and local reps if you would like those what what whites you know what we're done I'll just call miss friend's name on her cell phone click she hangs up two seconds later miss friend's name cellphone rings in the lobby and miss friend's name asked AOL why she wasted five minutes of my time arguing instead of just calling on her cell phone to begin with his friend's name apologized for Yoel when he finished with her vehicle and tipped both myself and the tech that worked on a vehicle for our troubles rowdy or unexposed is by user per jasker titles I will be lonely and loveless forever because I'm chubby and didn't share my Disney Plus account with Karen and her son here's a story to keep your poor Quarantine Souls entertained the Stars myself Karen Karen's kid brief cameo of the h-e-b store manager this one kind of hurt to enjoy not gonna lie I'm not sure how the rest of the world has done stuff like this but this past month we in my hometown have treated our shopping days like Black Friday wake up real early stand in line outside of the store wait etcetera I decided to show up on a Saturday morning woke up early went to 8gb Texas based grocery store while waiting in line I decided to start Star Wars 3 I haven't seen it yet and I've only just seen episode 1 2 7 8 and this last Christmas 9 a cute woman enter a kid had just queued up behind me her kid is running around and she's trying to control him I turned the volume on my headphones up a few minutes later I feel someone poke on my shoulder I turn around to see who they are what they once and it's Karen I pause the movie and take out one earpiece so is that Disney Plus you're watching I it is I'm catching up on Star Wars oh my son loves Star Awards she pronounced it's Star Wars like for real yeah it's not as cool as Harry Potter and I'm more of a Trekkie myself but it's not bad I thought that was all the conversation was going to be so I go back to streaming my mouse house subscription she pokes my shoulder again I'm like yes she has a pan out and it looks like she's going to start writing karen says so what are your login credentials I'm sorry oh you know to your Disney Plus my husband and kid loves Star Wars and Marvel and I could go for a classic Disney fix to that I just turn around holy crap how do people like that even exist Karen decides to get in front of me and get in my face like she's gonna fight me um excuse me did you just ignore me I asked for your login stuff we don't have anything to do at home how could you be so selfish I don't even know who you are does that matter boy you know you're the only person here who is alone and I think I know why not only do you take up five spots but you're selfish I know I'm big but not that big I identify as Peter quill from infinity war chubby but not obese so anyway Karen is crapping an unholy brick about not getting what she wants until somebody interrupts it's the store manager apparently this woman had upset somebody a few feet up ahead and now the manager is here to investigate store manager says excuse me but can I help with something I explained the problem Karen gives him her version of events store manager says sir I'm so sorry that you had to enjoy this please come to the front of the line and be one of the first people to shop today at that's no joke I swear I heard Karen cry like a five-year-old child God screw people like that anyway our next post is by user Clippy blacken titles I have to give your son money because I beat him in a game so this story started a week ago and it's been on my mind since sir I have an xbox and play rocket League for people who don't know it's a game where you are cars and you're playing soccer now in this game there are things called trading in which I'm involved in the community you can basically buy items to make your car look better now to the story I was just playing my normal rocket League game on an early Saturday morning I've been on a winning streak in once if you don't know what one's is that's 1v1 games soon I get into the match with entitled kid now the game goes normally I score some goals he scored some but halfway through the game he becomes really toxic and what saves me now if you're in rocket League community you know everyone toxic does this when you miss an easy save the only problem with this is with I was beating him 8 to 3 I quickly message the chat 8 to 3 in response but he says yeah but you're trash I'm confused but I don't really care the rest of the game continues on with him being really toxic with about 30 seconds left he messaged me again ffs for people who don't play the game this means forfeit and he wants me to leave the game and let him win I said no and quickly reminded him the score which was 12 to 5 he then responded but you're better than me and can get your rank back and yes this was a competitive match and I was about platinum 2 at the time trying to go for diamonds again I responded No finally the game ends and I say GG and leave not even 1 minute later the entitled kid messages me on xbox bro you're garbage and should quit the game again I just say the score of the game 12 to 5 he then says to join his party I join and I don't say anything and he doesn't either about 1 minute of silence then this ten-year-old Fortnight player starts to talk about how trash and is basically cussing me out again I don't care and I'm used to this stuff finally his mum he is him we will call her Karin she's like entitled kid who are you talking to some kid harassing me yes I was harassing him haven't said one word yet but when he said that I started laughing soon I hear a different voice in the mic she says who are you and I'm like who are you I am entitled kids mum and I heard you're harassing him sorry miss but I'm not and your son's lying my son doesn't lie he's an angel and you're like 18 harassing his small child now at times I can have a monotone voice but I was nowhere near close to 18 and I was only 14 like miss you got to believe me how can I believe you where do you live I responded jokingly and said Mars she didn't take this well and went ballistic on me finally she asks her son what should they do I can't hear a kid but then Karen comes back on and says give me all your items and in your game and buy more for my son I responded with a no and asked if she was stupid she's like why can't he have your items because I spent my own money on them well give it to my son since you harassed him and gave him PTSD yes she said that I again respond no just give him your items now I was actually getting mad as I did have some semi expensive items like some black-market decals which cost about five to thirty dollars so I'm like sorry miss but no but you beat my son in a game so he should have your items now wonder your son has a bad attitude you raised him she then went ballistic again and started cussing me out I soon just left the party and have blocked them this was a super weed experience and it was really funny for a Saturday morning all right with that one done we're on to our next post by strawberry bisque titled entitled mother tries to get me fired now when I was 16 I worked as a hostess for a restaurants I had a lot of fun interacting with the kids and helping such nice customers I was familiar with some of our regulars who were delightful people and had very few hard customers but we had one who was just terrible this woman and her eight kids come in one day while I'm on shift for lunch a particularly busy Sunday afternoon I loved kids so I looked forward to helping these folks or maybe even striking conversation while they waited for his seat I greeted them with my Pepe hi welcome to friend leaves how many will be joining us today the woman who had a caring vibe flowing from her looked at me and said oh hello he must be new it'll be nine of us one adult and eight children I noted and pointed out that we were busy which should have been obvious and told her I could put her down for a waitlist and there would only be 5 minutes for a larger table since all the large groups had been finishing the lady looks at me and says what about our table I was confused because we had no call ahead reservations they would be written on my podium if there was so I asked and said I'm sorry did you call ahead she looked almost offended at that question she shook her head and says no no we come every Sunday at 12 p.m. there is always a table saved for us she pointed to a table in the center of the dining room and said that one right there it's always free and clean and ready for us did you give our table away I didn't understand nobody told me about a woman who comes in every Sunday at 12 p.m. with aid kids I also wasn't aware we saved tables for people unless they called ahead maybe she did call ahead and it got lost somewhere well one of the servers didn't inform me we had a reservation I'm sorry there was no reservation made for that table um did you reserve it I asked doing my best to sound professional while working through what the problem was no we don't call ahead the table is always available at 12:00 p.m. on Sunday it is our table that confused me more did they assume the table was theirs because it was open every Sunday did they assume the waitstaff saved them a table each time as a new worker and a kid I was worried I had done something wrong none of the waitstaff came to me saying not to see to that table nor did the waitress whose section it was alert me that table 18 was special I was super worried thinking that it was my fault that I accidentally gave this woman's table away um miss we want our lunch one of the ladies kids said to me the woman after hearing her child pipe up raised her voice and said yes miss we want our lunch I cannot believe you gave away our table how dare you she grabbed one of her sons by the shoulders pulling him in front of her and says do you see how hungry my children are this is your fault the people seated began to get quiet and stare and looking back on it now it was probably her goal to make an audience I'm sorry miss I i she cuts me off no no no no I do not want excuses you gave away our table that table was for us my children are hungry you were negligent and obviously not competent enough to work as a hostess if you're giving custom is saved seats away perhaps you'd better be a dishwasher or at a job where common sense isn't a necessity she yelled I felt so ashamed the whole restaurant was staring at me and whispering I think someone was recording too but I'm not sure before I could speak she hollered manager I want to manager hello manager my manager and friend of the family who I will call Mel rushes to the front and says is everything okay min absolutely not your employee gave away our table I don't know where you find these new employees but this is ridiculous I stood there so embarrassed my manager looked at me then to the woman and said I'm sorry what was the name of the reservation the woman's jaw dropped um she took a close look at my managers nametag before finishing Mel we come here every Sunday at 12 p.m. and every Sunday at 12 p.m. there is a table open for us maybe you should have told she looked at my nametag before finishing IEP before sitting people my manager shook her head well Sundays at 12 p.m. we usually aren't this busy so I could understand how you'd be able to sit at the same table each time however because the Big E Eastern States Expo we are very busy I'm sorry but you'll just have to wait I refuse to wait you know we come here every Sunday at 12 p.m. we should not have to call ahead because Opie gave our table away Mel remains professional replying ma'am it isn't your table you didn't call ahead and reserve it and it wasn't given away it was open when we had a large group so Oh peace at the group if you didn't call to reserve it we can't reserve it but we only sit here on Sundays at 12 p.m. the woman hollered Mel who somehow kept calm while this lunatic yelled at her replied ma'am if you continue to disrupt our guests we will ask you to leave the woman shut her mouth looking around at the people dining who had then changed their gaze to her she said I I demand that we get our meal paid for because of this this situation or free kids meals I want my kids meals paid for I'm sorry but we won't be doing that you've harassed my staff and disrupted my customers please leave the restaurants this is where it gets crazy fair warning the lady was so upset she basically began calling racism saying we weren't sitting her because she was white and that because I was Spanish and not Spanish black and white mix that I was discriminating Mel who is whites family said you will either leave or I will call the police please leave the woman who pulled out of fern germanica Lee says oh you're gonna call the police I don't think sir I am going to call the police and you will be getting shut down and everyone will be fired and arrested she said as she dialed on her phone and called the police keep in mind she had like four children under five who looked terrified one was even crying the police showed up and display you the whole Sunday at 12 p.m. the woman was escorted out they almost arrested her because of the scene that she was making Mel said that she didn't want the one back and if she did she would be trespassing after that the day went on normally with Mel offering discounts to everyone who had to endure it's only two people took the offering I continued to work there for about two months before I moved on I'm still friends with all the staff and we still joke about it today I don't know if the woman ever went back updates so I texted my old manager to see whatever happened with the lady apparently she came back not once not twice but three times and got banned from another location she went back the first time when I already had left and basically did the same thing with the other hostess who is now a waitress that girl is my favorites once tipped her $20 for a $40 meal just loved her that much before the police were called she ran out and said she'd be back the second time she came with her husband who was an officer of the law he was a security guide best bits a patron knew her and apparently her and her husband were married for years but not all of the kids were his she wasn't arrested but cited I think the officer took pity on the children and didn't want to see their mother dragged off to jail third time Mel wasn't on shift she planned this too sadly for this woman the whole staff had been alerted to the call the police if this lady came back the other manager of Viki who was having none of it said sure one moment please went to the back and called the police went back to the woman and struck up friendly conversation while the staff was preparing the table they were not she was promptly arrested in front of those poor kids as far as me and Mel know she hasn't returned but did call corporates nothing came of it because corporate never visited or cited the restaurants also for everyone who knows friendlies and the big e love you guys didn't know how many people would know if it either my child can bully because she's bullying a freak I had a bully in school and she was the devil she had a weird pleasure in bullying me because I have dyspraxia and her mother supported it when I was in year six grade seven the bully slash entitled kid just pushed me out of my nerves and when she insulted me I just said well at least my dad's not in jail not my best moments and then at home I guess she cried to her mum and when I was at school entitled mother yelled at me you [ __ ] you're a freak so my daughter can bully you he wanted to kill her so I just replied I may be a freak but hey ho I ain't a [ __ ] again not my finest moments and I swear to God she looked like she was gonna kill me the next day entitle kid and entitled mother came over to my mom and said your daughter called me a [ __ ] and insulted my daughter I was too shy to tell my mom of the bully so I got in trouble our next post is by user exotic potato tornado titled entitled mom slaps my brother for trying to grab a toy from her child's quick little thing before hands I'm on mobile so the formatting may be bad and I'm sorry about that I hope it's at least kinda legible this story takes place when my brother was really young about 8 years olds we were at a school function and he wanted to use a toy that another kid was playing with al Costa entitled mom entitled kid my mom brother me obviously now let's get on to the story brothers like can I use your toy no please no ok sir for a little bit of context my brother has autism and he was like eight at the time so he didn't know any better my brother starts to reach for the toy and the entitled mom's like what are you doing to my child's my brother turns around and he's like oh I'm sorry man entitled mother grabs my brother's wrist and says what do you think you're doing by now he's starting to get really anxious and scared entitled mother slaps my brother and says don't ever touch my child again and she lets go of his wrist my brother starts crying and runs away now to where me and mum were mum says hey my name have you seen brother no have you mum starts to get a little scared and says I haven't seen him I'll go look for him I look everywhere for him but he's nowhere to be found I run back to mom and say I can't find him mom starts to freak outs I'm gonna ask the teachers if they've seen him okay a few minutes later over the intercom has anyone seen brother's name we are looking for brother's name people started to look around and we still couldn't find him a while later I had given up mom can you drive me home I'm tired I want to keep helping but I'm tired okay we get into the car and she drives me home I go inside as mom waits outside to make sure I'm okay it was at this point that I went upstairs to go to sleep and then heard the soft crying for my brother's room brother my name when sniff were you I was looking for you he ended up running home after the woman slapped him he got in through the unlocked back door he never told us who at once that hid him because he was scared edits yes I am aware that my brother is pretty entitled since he begged for the toy after being told no I understand that and I know that it may have been partly my brother's fault for being a bit of an entitled brats but still the mother had no right to hit him and if anyone is the victim in this situation it would probably be my brother since first of all he didn't understand what he was doing please don't put the blame on our parents it's not their fault and instead of explaining what he was doing wrong the mother slapped him and yelled at him our next post is my user snowy three Oh double six titled Karen wants me to swordfight her kid this happened yesterday and I was typing it out last night but I passed out if there are any grammar mistakes I am sorry I have been training to fight with wooden swords I carved for a few years now and I had my first random challenger today I was practicing in my backyard with my face mask on a few important things to know for later is that there is a large tree in the center my backyard and from the upper right to the lower left there is a line that divides the yard into a rocky section and a grassy section there is also a concrete patio with a grill and a table by the travel is a large red bucket with many weapons sticking out of its all ones I carved also I was kind of on edge because I did a tarrant reading for myself the morning before it happened and it pretty much told me to be cautious and watch out for those you can tell a dark anyways with the scene set let us start I was casually practicing with my two favorite short swords when I saw a kid and his mum walk by without face masks on the kids stopped and watched this boy was probably 15 to 16 as he had a school shirt that indicated him as a sophomore he seemed transfixed when I looked at him when my arms were tired I stopped and saw he and his mum were watching I looked at them and nodded slightly to acknowledge them without talking as I was trying to regain my breath I then noticed the mom had the classic Karen look hand-cut expensive sunglasses and the works she says hey beardy do you teach classes I took a second to regain my breath before I said anything yes I have a beard because I haven't needed to shave it never taught official classes but I used to teach the neighborhood kids last summer for a huge fake Hunger Games the fake hunger games were a tradition in every summer in my cul-de-sac since I moved in I was pretty much the best cause Jason a 17 year old who has a special staff that is the only non wooden weapon allowed a staff made from a plastic pipe I trained pretty much just to beat him and I got good enough to beat not only him but everyone else in the cul-de-sac the boy was freaking out a bit due to him seeming to love Hunger Games and says can I fight you this was amusing to hear as I never was challenged before I was the one used to challenging people I smiled and laughed a bit hey well I'd love to but because of the virus we shouldn't get close and sorts of a close combat the mum seemed annoyed she looked at me and said the most stupid thing ever sorry fudging heard and trust me I know how bullcrap it is because kovat was a huge topic we often discussed in microbiology class us white Christians don't need to worry about it God sent the virus Jan to cleanse the world of non-believers other races those who are mentally ill and those who were gay it won't hurt us believers I was kind of used to hearing bull cramp like that but nothing that intense I wasn't Christian at all but I was raised one I then realised I was wearing an old shirt from the church my family used to go to because I wore it to sleep due to it being comfy and forgot to swap shirts in the morning I realized it would be awkward to say I am a Christian suffered from ADHD and that I'm bi especially to a lady that could be high on weed I live in Colorado and it's always a possibility I was kind of mad but I can't really show emotions well I try to say something that won't make her mad at me um sorry but I just don't want to take any risks the Karen seemed somewhat mad she pulls a wallet out and pulls five bucks from it and says I'll give you five bucks to fight him I bet she can't beat him her challenging me was a bad choice as I was someone who used to spend hours beating bosses that you shouldn't beat in games plus money is a motivator and I haven't had a good fight in a while so I say fine I'll fight him we can either fight till submission or a 3-hit kill role also don't yell at me if he gets hurt I was used to three hits but I could withstand a fight till submission I look at the boy and he was kind of muscular but not too much to worry me that he would easily overpower me I look back at the Karen and she says he won't get hurt now what do you want to do son I'll fight him til submission I say are you sure this way of fighting risks injury more yeah come on in then the boy enters my backyard and so does his mom he looks through the weapons and chooses a huge staff which I call the rally Club it was six feet long and mainly only used for tricks a friend tried to use it before and I use two daggers I just held it off with both approaching him before poking him three times I shake my head remembering that I recommend using a different weapon that one's slow and is only able to be used well after serious training the boy nods and puts it back before pulling out the two most dangerous wood swords that I made and they belonged more to my sister as they were the only ones that she used they were heavy long swords that I made to fit her style and she used only one at a time he looks to me and I shake my head sorry there's a kind of dangerous when used by people that haven't trained with them before Karin stepped in I am sure he can use them you play beat saber right Brandon I realized Brandon was her son's name and smiled yeah but these are heavy he pulls them back and I set out a few weapons for him to try he Stern settles on having a primary set of a long sword and a short sword one of them was one of my favorite ones and having a dagger as a weapon to use in case he was unarmed I grabbed two thinner short swords and two of my thicker daggers the daggers were just normally a thing to make me feel comfortable and to not worry about being defenseless if he disarms me Brandon's like ready yeah I am we proceeded to get on opposite sides of the yard and count down together once we got to zero he charges at me I walk forward and get ready he did however do something I didn't expect he threw the dagger at my face I partially blocked it but the move caused my glasses to fall off I was suddenly glad I practiced something without my glasses on it was hard there as he managed to strike me twice while I only got him once cuz I was getting used to them being off he did retreat when I got his thigh there I walked forward any charges again I was however ready but couldn't tell if he picked up the dagger while retreating so I assumed he had it only reason I didn't try grabbing my glasses was cuz that would leave me open he tries to go for the double overhead but I block I hear the sound of wood cracking the swords were unsafe now so I tossed them aside jumped back up and pulled my daggers out I was going to be more careful I charged Mahad that he broke the swords that I trained with many times I block his attacks while dealing my errand i disarmed him in the process and he runs he ends up grabbing the rally club he held it the same way my friend did he charges and I do the combo that I made for this sort of combat situation I ready my left dagger to my rights making an upside-down V he then tries to jab with it like a spear so I push it to the side and get him once in the wrist once in each forearm into final time on his left shoulder I then disarm him and point the dagger at his neck this had tired me out obviously I honour your valor but you seem to have lost D Huez submits yeah dude just chill I submit I relaxed for a second before jumping as the Karin yells at me how dare you hurt my son she grabbed him hugged him and then looked at me like I was a murderer I thought you wouldn't be mad also you can keep the money it was a good battle yeah mom let's just go home the caring cuts him off and pull their phone out I sigh and look at her deciding I'll drop the bomb here if you're gonna be mad that your son lost to a bi dude that has ADHD then you can leave she looked at me in shock she dragged her son away from me wait you're an invalid why do your caretakers let an invalid like you see the Sun and walk among us normal people I always hated those that bullied me because of my ADHD but only a few had dared to call me that word I take all my rage and bottle it up so I can stay calm I've learned to live with the normal world now look you've pushed me far enough today get out of here the Karin dragged her now quiet son out of the backyard and they continued their walk in silence I was glad that I beat the kid but I encountered him this morning when he knocked on my door alone and he now had a mask on he's like hey dude hey sorry about yesterday I have to do whatever my mom says or she gets mad and he yells at me at home don't worry I recommend you train on your own son yeah you really beat me hard and you were right about the huge one are your glasses okay yep they weren't damaged at all just just it up a bits good I should go now see you later Brandon then ran off I was glad that he came and apologized our next post is by Jacob Jane's trowbridge titled I am briefly held hostage by my own entitled grandmother sit back and grab a snack folks this will be a long one now cast for tonight's special me yours truly the pseudo kidnapping in our tale my mother my father my granddad my grandfather on my dad's side not sure if entitled da Knights nan my grandmother on my mum's side grandma my grandmother on my dad's side also the mother of all fudging entitled parents and so without further ado a fair semi rural town in northern England is where we lay our scene I am an idiot child my parents broke up a few months after they learned of my conception but did so on good terms and never had any serious fighting between them owner that falls to my grandma but all in good time my mother's side of the family is pretty standard and has nobody in particular worth going into you for this but my dad's side was an unholy hot mess my granddad had an ultra religious ultra disciplinarian father who took the ideological crusade method of parenting and sir at 18 my granddad did the only logical thing got drunk came home tripped over a spade angrily javelin tossed said spade through and diamond through a shed got lambasted and blurted out that he was joining the army and he did paratroopers in fact he fought in two places Northern Ireland and the Republic of who the Frick knows sometimes it's Sudan other times Libya or Lebanon Cambodia even Vietnam despite him being about three during the Vietnam War I don't know and apparently neither does he we also think he's a narcissist but we don't press that more on that later stay tuned he married grandma and had we children the eldest a daughter my aunty who put up with her family for 18 years and sir at 18 she did the only logical thing flee to the USA Mary dropped the English accent and dark low until things blow over middle childs my dad a short pasty guy who likes video games and not having malevolent parents he achieved one of these goals youngest my other auntie who shared my dad's ambitions to not have a malevolent parentage also has a deathly phobia of ketchup for unrelated reasons hey you in the back stop laughing I'm completely serious and so that brings us to entitle grandma henceforth just grandma my granddad was lacks on the reins of discipline to say the least grandma was a draconian authoritarian and took discipline to the point of weaponizing it we can confidently say that she was a psychopath untreated and dangerously clever if you're having trouble picture a 60 year old female Ramsay Bolton also a smoker that - you know what screw it grandma's nail Ramsay Ramsay's favorite hobby was to manipulate people and play them off of each other I am completely certain that she married my granddad because he was a narcissist and she knew exactly how to massage his ego to get exactly what she wanted after that she practiced on her children if she wanted to punish my dad she would drag his little sister in by the wrists and press a goddamn carving knife to her sternum this should give you a good idea of what she was like she was a lot more psychotic and controlling than most entitled parents she's the one who would spread a few rumours to get to entitled parents to attack each other tooth and claw for her amusements that's what my dad grew up in after serving in the army my granddad worked on an oil rig out in the North Sea as some kind of safety inspector high paid and out for months at a time leaving my dad and his siblings at Ramsay's mercy that is until granddad had a minor spinal injury which meant he couldn't work on the rig anymore now that sounds bad but he got a bloody massive Compensation Fund so he came home with a sore back but a metric fuckton of moolah to spoil his family width now that sounds good but it meant Ramsey had another toy to play with and hundreds of thousands of pounds to boot that is not a good combination my mother enters the scenes somewhere around 2000 and doesn't really see much of any of this but I'm born in 2003 and that kicks off a fudging civil war between the family chiefly between mum and Ramsey see Ramsey had grown to dislike her family but she adored and cooed over me and always wanted more so now she actually had a goal break my mum off from me so that Ramsey could take control dad was young confused and weary and couldn't do much mum was similar one auntie was in the USA the other was paralyzed by the mere thought of resistance granddad didn't have the fighting spirit to resist his wife either and he Nuits aside from that we think that he understood what was going on and disliked it but he did also adore me and probably wanted to have custody over me just as much as Ramsay he wasn't a willing participant per se more like passively supportive of Ramsey's schemes now please bear in mind that this is only what I've been told there were probably more games being played that I'm not aware of first Ramsay attacked my non dysfunctional family rumors began to circulate family friends were trash-talking my nanny on my mum's side nan actually secretly disliked uncle ex uncle ex hated auntie wise cooking and so on none of them were true but to an outsider looking in this looked like a dog-eat-dog world then she turns to me directly mum had been most of the time so Ramsay started demanding via dad and grandad of course that they she have me over more often she puts lots of emphasis on the money and how good my life would be here and how unfair it was that she'd only seen me for X days that month Ramsey was playing the game from another angle too she started turning mum against her family she spread more rumors claiming to be proof that it was actually mum who had a dysfunctional family some of those rumors targeted mum to relatives x y and z disliked mum and mum disliked cousins a b and c bullcrap but calculated bullcrap mum grew more distant from her own family as they tried again and again to sort things out the scheme started to collapse right as Ramsay went in for the kill she shared grave concerns about how much mum actually cared for me side notes I am less than a year old at this point and it's winter mum is going through all the stresses of a normal new mother on top of this she didn't love me she said sometimes she forgot to feed me and Ramsay had to breastfeed me herself I really fudge in hope that she never actually did she went as far as to say that mum was deranged maybe even insane she had grandad do their dirty work as well but that had proved a bad idea he got drunk at a barbecue and started railing to nan about mum and I'm paraphrasing here have you ever noticed how mum never loves me whenever nobody else is around nan is visibly shocked oh no mum loves me ever so much no you've got to listen to me you've got to believe me you've got to listen by this point he's literally grabbing nan by the shoulders and shaking her so Ramsay dives in to salvage things and to get him home but the damage was done all suspicions were raised about Ramsay and grandad and the rumours began circling back mums end of this family realized what was happening and started for a lack of a better term gearing up for war that is except mum herself remember what I said earlier about her being delicate at that time she had been depressed through high school and was already brittle on that front now she was a new mother and on top of that she was being hounded by Ramsay not only that but Ramsay focused all of her efforts on mum after the barbecue incidents she staged interventions aimed at knocking at mums self-esteem her self-worth and even making her doubt her own sanity it was gas lighting in full effect and it was taking effects at this point mom is a wreck but her family have mobilized for a wall and they're doing all they can to support her and me finally one night things turn around my eye until my mum's side gives her a pep talk she says that Ramsey has been manipulating her everyone concedes she laid out evidence of Ramses attacks and propped up her nerves mum had to take control or Ramsey would win six-month-old me was with Ramsey at that points but due to be collected the next day Arendt fired mum up when she went to pick me up tomorrow she was going to lay down the law to Ramsey she was going to tell her she wasn't welcome with mums family and not welcome with me unless at mums specific and direct permission tomorrow arrives mum comes in the evening as planned she steals herself and walks in through the front door takes mum directly into a dining room in the middle of the house sitting at the other end and smoking heavily like a mafia boss is Ramsey very obviously waiting for her Ramsey says mum We Need to Talk she said it as hard and his monotone as possible I am nowhere to be seen neither is anyone else where's my son sit down he's upstairs asleep don't disturb him mum remains standing up she shouts for Dad and to bring me downstairs no answer Ramsey gets angry a cold kind she bites mum for daring to wake her grandson while he sleeps before she can continue their mum launches back she accuses Ramsey of manipulating her of attacking her family of trying to steal me mum tells Ramsey that she has taken me back right now and permanently dad eventually skulls downstairs having to overcome his fear somewhat and offers to bring me down Ramsey's like no mum you're clearly in no state of mind to have me right now I'll be taking me for a few days more and you can have him back when you've calmed down and you've apologized to me she then stood up as mum began to protest he's sleeping granddad's taking care of him and I won't let you take him when you're so hysterical here we are folks I'm quite literally being held hostage and my own grandmother's behest and so thankfully mum loses all restraints and verbally wails on Ramsay she attacks her as hard as possible threatens lawsuits the police her family and demands to her and dad that someone bring me down immediately or she will March up and take me by force Ramsay sits quietly until dad calls for granddad who brings me down timidly mum marches outs dad in tow to her own house a few streets away that wasn't the end to this war but it might as well have been dad finally stopped playing middle ground and fully sided against Ramsay younger auntie followed suit I wasn't going to Ramsay's at all anymore and granddad rightfully blamed her for it along with the atrocities that she committed during dad's childhood they divorced a few years later in those few years Ramsay launched a full-on campaign of lawsuit threats but mum threatened them right back and clearly had the stronger case the divorce was the killing blow she didn't get much not the house and not to me her kids had all moved out by then and after that they cut ties with her the last we saw of her she was shopping at a local Sainsbury's a bit like a British Walmart's we don't know if she's still alive or nuts but whatever the case she's dead to us granddad is alive well and probably still a narcissist but as I said we haven't pressed it for a few reasons one it isn't a serious danger at this points - he's alive and in contact with the family three dad and his siblings needed someone in their childhood to latch on to as a parental figure and with granddad being the least awful they latched onto him they've started to see what he really is in recent years but it's a taboo subject and we're content to sorry if this is harsh died with him when he passes so there we have it mum has completely covered married and had another child's dad also married to a woman with a daughter so I have a stepsister now Ramsay has basically faded to the wind and I'm happy to let it stay that way wind can't hurt me any more than memories can entitled mum tries to steal my face mask gets kicked out of the store howdy howdy let's get rowdy so this happened yesterday and I'm still kind of ticked about it the stupidity of some people I come across at work could give anyone a migraine yesterday I added yet another person to my list of idiot customers that I've seen at work a bit of background information I'm a cashier and stalker at a local grocery store in my town Judah was being an essential establishment we've been able to stay open the problem is the store doesn't provide us employees with much to protect ourselves the best they've been able to give us is disposable gloves which I suppose is still better than nothing still I live with my 60 year old mum and don't want to bring home anything from work that might put her at risk I've voiced these concerns to a friend of mine who makes masks and she happily made one for me I've been wearing it to every one of my shifts and have received many comments from people asking me where I got it once I explained to them that a friend made it for me they usually dropped the subject until yesterday that is here's the cost me entitled mum and manager so there I was barbecue sauce um I mean standing in my lane and watching the clock slowly tick by I had already had some particular infuriating customers before entitled mothers showed up so I was more than ready for my shift to be over I see entitled mother approaching from a distance and suspect nothing of her for she doesn't hold the trademark appearance of a typically Karin oh how naive I was entitled mother pushes her cart through my lane and I plaster a forced smile on my face and switch into customer service mode we make polite small conversation and she seems nice enough but then she asked me the fateful question that started this whole debacle not debacle I know you guys were roasting me for that entitled mothers like so where did you get your mask Oh our friends made it for me well it's very pretty looks well made to it is a pretty mask a sky-blue fabric decorated with red roses my friend knows me well smiley face yeah my friend has made a lot of masks so she's pretty good at it entitled mother then gestures to her daughter who is sitting in the car it's playing on some kind of tablets I wish I could find a mask for my daughter I wouldn't want her catching anything I'm sure you can find someone in your neighborhood who makes them or you could try and make one yourself they're pretty easy to make and then entitled mother says this I don't suppose you could just give me yours I'm a bit taken aback by this question and move away from her a couple inches I'm sorry ma'am but I'm gonna have to say no I need this mask for my job well can't you just get your friend to make you another one she's very backed up on orders from other people asking her to make masks for them besides I've been wearing this mask all day it's full of my germs oh I can wash it when I get home I'm sorry but I'm not gonna give you my mask I needed to keep me and my family safe entitled mother has started sounding like your average Karen at this point and it's also worth noting that she kept slowly inching towards me during this exchange as we kept going back and forth with her saying that her daughter absolutely needs it and me saying that I need it because I'm an essential worker she keeps getting louder and louder to the point where one of my managers noticed us and was watching the exchange after another minute of Sarov going back and forth entitled mother suddenly lunges forward and tried to grab it my mask I was able to move my head back and away and devoid her but her fingers almost grazed the fabric it's probably like when Lord of the Rings and Bilbo Baggins gets vibrated that was enough for the manager to step forward and put a stop to her antics managers like ma'am I'm gonna have to ask you to leave but this woman just stole my daughter's mask my daughter needs it ma'am I was watching the whole exchange and I know that's not true leave now before I call the police and never come back at the mention of getting the cops involved entitled mother realized that she could easily get arrested since we also have cameras over all of the check stands she lifts her daughter out of the cart and leaves in a huff with no groceries and no mask thank God for my vigilant manager and our next post is by user bath Queen titled I need that toilet paper so here's a quick one that happened to me at the beginning of quarantine right when all the rushes on the supermarket started and the paper goods started vanishing I got a phone call from my mother at like 7:00 a.m. telling me to switch on the news and that I should probably run to the store now I look at my storage closets one roll of TP left well crap but it's okay I guess I have to go so I get to the first store they have the crow Suri's I need but no TP go to the second store nada a third store nada finally I get on the highway and drive 30 minutes upstate there on the shelves under the red glow of the giant bullseye a 427 packets of toilet paper the only packs in the store the only packs within miles I've struck gold folks curiously there were several shoppers with carts I only needed the one thing so I didn't take a cart just sort of I don't know patrolling if you will as if they were in a slight orbit around these TP packages with one eye looking at the front and the other trained on the Shelf I got the feeling that no one wanted to be the first to make the grab for the TP well let me tell you I grabbed one of those packs so fast it was like lightning faster than a speeding bullets deadlier than the strike of the mantis shrimp pow I like to wipe my butt folks so now I've got my TP in hands white knuckles like you wouldn't believe and I go to make a hasty beeline for the checkout immediately one of the orbital shoppers an early middle-aged woman with a half-full current starts chasing me all the while shouting hey I need those I have children I need those don't ignore me you freak you don't need those I have children I don't know what it is with people like this but they only seem to want things that other people have you see despite the fact that there were a three unclaimed 27 packs of TP on the shelf none of those other shoppers had made a move this woman had to have mine because I guess the idea that a single man could be buying TP when her children needed its grounds her gears that much I mean how did she know I didn't have 13 good Christian children of my own back home I don't but the point still stands anyway I'm still moving toward the register it's all the way across the store ah and she's still hurtin in Hollerin at me with their I have kids and stop ignoring me while following about 10 feet behind and closing finally I've had enough I turn and loudly enough for half the store to hear shout the first thing that popped into my head I have diarrhea well let me tell you she came to a wide eyes screeching halts without a word she turned around and went straight back from whence she came I managed to get to the register without further incident in fact after my announcement just about everybody was keeping their distance I checked out ran to my car clutching that package like it was the Ark of the Covenant and telling her him to deal with my non-existent diarrhea imagine my shock when I got home to find my roommates proudly displaying the TP he had managed to find just 10 minutes from our apartments on his first try I love it I love it and I next post is titled entitled mother spits in my face when I won't accept her counterfeit money I was going my usual thing just working the electronic section at my job helping customers as best I could and doing my best not to get fired for being on my phone when this mom and her daughter came up asking to get one of the few Nintendo switches we had left along with a copy of animal crossing I pulled it out for them and brought them to the register and the turtle came out to just under $400 the mother henceforth to be referred to as entitled mother hands me for $100 bills and this is where the problem started recently the story workout had a massive issue with counterfeit bills so now the new store policy is to run any bill over 20 through this machine that will test it and determine if it is legitimate or not in the event that the machine determines them to be fake we're ordered to call a manager down right away and under no circumstances are we to give the money back I already had some small red flags going off since these bills felt way too much like regular paper but when I started to run the bills through the machine entitled mother started demanding to know what I was doing which set off another red flag in my brain I'd let her know what I was doing and she got very defensive right away telling me how the bills were real and how she had just picked them up from the bank when I told them that it was the store policy she got very irritated and told me to hurry up and looked really jumpy just constantly looking around and swaying back and forth like she was on something I ended up running all the bills at least five times each and every time the machine said they failed whatever authenticity check it ran on them at that points I start following store policy and called the manager down while trying to play it off like it's just a simple glitch that we needed fixed I guess she got spooked by that because she immediately demanded that I give her money back saying how she'll go somewhere else when I told her I couldn't she went into full Karen meltdown mode pulling out her phone to record me demanding to tell her my full name and worst of all kept insinuating that I was treating her this way because she was a person of color for whatever reason the manager was taking forever to come down and things were only getting worse as entitled mother continued to make more of a scene when out of nowhere she tried reaching over the counter to grab the switch I managed to pull it out of her reach just in time and got on the walkie-talkie to call the security when all of a sudden she spits in my face calls me an expletive and then storms out of the store with her kid who was screaming and crying maybe five minutes later the manager comes down and I get to explain what happened he ran the bills through the machine and got the same result of all of them failing and maybe a half hour later was giving a statement to some rather disinterested looking cops I called my boss after that and she said I could go home if you surely if I wanted to which I took her up on I got home took a couple showers and thought I'd share how my crappy day went sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes I'm still kind of ticked all right send our next post is by spoopy bum button titled entitled parent tries to convince me that celiac disease isn't real entitled parent in this story was one of my relatives and this was a restaurant two years ago with entitled parent entitled parent spouse and my mom for context I was diagnosed with celiac at 14 my doctors think it's been a lifelong issue for me rather than something that spontaneously developed due to the sheer damage on my intestines anyways here's how this goes I say I've never had Greek before what's gluten free the saganaki is really good let's get that to start mum says that has bread crumbs in it let's go ask if there's a separate gluten free menu entitled parent goes it's just a few bread crumbs it's not that bad actually it's cut off by entitled parents they're so small and it's just a dusting yeah but cut off again can't you just cheat a little know it cut off again the whole gluten free fat is just a phase no it's a medical cutoff again we're in a road trip enjoy yourself I have been it's just that God kids in their trendy diets these days my mum was at the side of the table talking to the waiter who was very observant and empathetic she explained that it's not a preference that I have a legitimate medical condition I think he saw how uncomfortable and upset I was getting with the entitled parents because he didn't even charge us for the extra modified saganaki I looked it up that's how you say the word I'm not getting pulled up by you guys in the comments for this one mom and I slipped him a 50% tip at the end I say it's not a trend I bet all these food intolerances and just from over processed garbage and hormones it's the liberal propaganda to make you buy a special expensive food I'd like to point out that it's really irritating when people see celiac as an intolerance no it's not like a lactose intolerance when I can take an enzyme capsule or just exploding craps and be fine in two days celiac is an autoimmune disorder and much more serious me at this point I'm just silence because I know entitled parent isn't worth it entitled parents spouse who never ever speaks up says Jesus Christ entitled parent let the kid explain they're the one with a gluten issue I'm pretty sure this shocked entitled parent into silence so I see it's not a trend or a fad diets I was told by my doctors that I needed to be on a gluten-free diet because I have celiac disease we know this because my antibody levels were off the charts before going gluten-free and now that I have been off of gluten they've returned to normal celiac is not an intolerance it is an autoimmune disorder when I have gluten my immune system attacks my intestines this causes a body-wide rash excruciating abdominal pain diarrhea sometimes vomiting and severe fatigue but it's small bread crumbs the gluten proteins that cause these reactions are microscopic size doesn't matter well why can't you just do half gluten free like full gluten off the weekends my mum who is done ordering now says okay entitled parents if that's what you want to do I'm sure you'd be thrilled to pay for your grandchild to have a colostomy bag by age 30 because that's what staying on gluten will do she'd also need a feeding tube due to severe nutrient deficiencies which ope already has because the damage is that bad now when can we add opt or insurance plan entitled parent to went totally silent entitle parent spouse was laughing so hard he had to step outside eventually Alfred came and the rest of the trip went smoothly ironically three years later I had to have an emergency exploratory surgery of my abdomen I was in the ER because the pain was so bad we thought it might have been my appendix which there is a family history of but the ultrasounds couldn't see crap it turns out I have about six inches of scar tissue in my abdomen which is likely the result of the celiac damage in some parts it actually wraps around my Cole and small intestines so when there's any inflammation the scar tissue constricts them ow ow ow ow and unexpressed is by misirlou 95 titled entitled mother harasses me a disabled child at Disney World so my I don't work here lady's story blew up the other day so I figured I'd share another classic entitled story over here to enjoy now my backstory is my parents took me male 10 at the time to Disney World for my 10th birthday in 2013 I'm also autistic and it's noticeable it was especially obvious when I was younger even more so because I was incredibly excited to be at Disney now when you're at Disney parks around your birthday they give you this big old button that says it's my birthday along with his space where the cast member writes your name I was very proud of my button and proudly wore it over my whole trip on this particular day of my actual birthday my parents and I were in the Magic Kingdom we were around Tomorrowland and just about to enter the Buzz Lightyear Astro blasters I was carrying a stitch plush that I had gotten from the first day of the trip and these two kids around my age at the time a boy and girl NK 1 & 2 which stands for nice kid because they were nice with their mum entitled mother noticed my plush they got their mother's attention saying mommy mommy look he has a stitch they mother smiled at them and at me and then she noticed my button and said happy birthday young man nice kid 1 and nice kid 2 also saw its endorser happily told me happy birthday I was excited that they noticed and I grinned and thanked them as I happily flapped my hands around a bit something I do when I'm excited nice kid 1 & 2 didn't think anything of it but entitled mother's face scrunched up as if I had just dropped the f-bomb what's the matter with you entitled mother asked her rudely I didn't hear her but my parents did my dad asked her what she just said well I don't want him doing that around my children entitled mother said that disgusted he did nothing wrong my dad said I do not want my children catching that and acting like him entitled mother spats me and nice kid one ends nice kid too when not paying attention to this at all we were too busy happily discussing stitch I was having an awesome time talking with my two new friends when entitled mother grabbed their hands and rushed them into the queue for Buzz Lightyear before we could get there we deserve to go first after what your child just did entitled mothers smugly stated however when you're autistic at Disney you get a special pass to skip cues winky face so of course we walk right on past entitled mother towards the fast past queue attendant who directs us on what to do she's throwing a fit about us cutting the line as my dad presents the past to the attendant and entitled mother totally shuts up about seeing the actual pass this was before it was all digital talk about justice the funny part is that if she'd bothered to look at the other pins on my backpack she'd have known from the get-go that I was autistic as I have a couple buttons there in case I got separated from my parents also at the time I thought entitled mother was just mad that we skipped in line I had no idea she was all ablest beforehand again me and I skip one and two were having a nice happy little kid conversation so this didn't ruin my day at all sight notes a lot of park guests and cast members saw my button and I flapped my hands every time sure I got a few raised eyebrows but nobody said anything especially not as blatantly rude as entitled mother even the characters went out of their way to show their excitement that was an awesome trip I hope nice kid 1 & 2 are doing well and I still sleep with that stitch plush every night teary eyed smiley face all right now our next purse is by CG whitey gaming titled entitled mother gets exposed by her own children entitled mother gets exposed by her own kids at a restaurant I work at a small diner in New Jersey it's not really much of a hassle because I make a living off of it and most customers are nice and gave generous tips I've been working there for five months and real incident has happened until recently we were about to close at around 9:30 when to the entitled mother came in with her about six-year-old children she walks up to me I'm the host of the place and begins the conversation she says can I get some food for my children um we're about to close but I'll see if we have anything left I would like the expiratory and ich consisting of different meat cuts our item went known for takes about one to one and a half hours to prepare I'm sorry but we're about to close and you have to call ahead for that dish the best I can get you with some spaghetti come on this restaurant should always serve that dish is no matter when it is I demand the exper adder and for all the hassle I gots I wanted it in a no cost look ma'am the expediter is very difficult to prepare and make we can't serve it for you but my kids are starving mum I thought this was your dinner the entitled mother blushes and immediately leaves I love that kid for calling the entitled mother outs I gave him a lollipop for what he did radio our next post is by user sub - dead meat titled holiday special crazy religious science throws a tantrum over a man who was eating in a public during Ramadan hey guys I was thinking that I should post this during Ramadan as a form of vengeance against entitled Muslim ions which explains the reason for posting this story during Ramadan so here goes nothing disclaimer not all Muslims alike entitled aunty disclaimer sorry for some translation errors I had to translate the story from arabic to english since that's the language my cousin told it to me in introducing the cast entitled aunt cool cousin Christian men nice uncle who I mentioned in one of the previous stories rest in peace yet rest in peace nice uncle is a good man nice uncle cool cousin and entitled aunty were going to a beach in Australia to have some fun before they had a feast after sunset entitled aunty was just minding her own business until she saw a man eating Wow truly shocking and now we kick off the entitled aunty encounter she says hi sir cool man's like huh cool cousin jumps in mom what's going on this man is sinning wait what did I do don't make yourself look innocent you know what you did what did I do you're eating during Ramadan and why is that wrong what are you an idiot it is wrong because you aren't supposed to eat during Ramadan but ma'am I'm a Christian huh how dare you how dare you what how dare you not be a Muslim please just leave him be you were going to hell you hear me you're going to hell you piant listen leave me alone or I'll call the cops how dare you reject my message of peace I'm trying to sit no ma'am you're literally trying to convert me like an ax okay buddy now leave me alone before I call the cops how dare nice uncle rescues the Christian man at the time and says let's leave entitled auntie now entitled auntie like a five-year-old is like no now when the 11 nice uncle apologizes sincerely and the cool man is cool about it's important updates entitled auntie will be having a negotiation session with me and cool cousin later about the stories and since she wanted peace I believe that the end of the saga is near and it just to clarify one thing if there's anything you don't understand about the story or simply think that it's just not real just write it down and I'll be glad to answer now on that same topic we've got terrific top fan says my entitled aunt found my post I'm gonna try and keep this clean for you guys oh now plus I am doing this on mobile so I'm sorry for errors yesterday I made a post of my entitled aunt not letting my cousin go to my 9 year old laser tag party because her daughter couldn't come and I made the mistake of not putting it on a throwaway accounts so my entitled cousin found it and this happened yesterday I Skyped my nice older cousin and nice cousin and then entitled auntie came on and saw me and yelled there's the snitch and me nice older cousin and nice cousin went silence and what I didn't say anything my entitled auntie said you made entitled cousins so sad as you made my look like I was the villain when you ruined my daughter's special day yes she did say her daughter's special day nice older cousin cut her off and said mom just shut up me and nice cousin aren't allowed to do anything if entitled cousin doesn't like it so we just shut up and let me a nice cousin talk to your cousin it looked like entitled auntie was gonna kill nice older cousin and said but entitled cousin wants to talk to her friend nice older cousin got so mad look entitled aunty I'm sorry for putting you on reddit's but you need to understand that you're kind of a jerk it literally looked like steam was coming out of your ears and she screeched what you entitled jerk do you know what you have done entitle cousin is crying because you made us look like the bad guy nice older cousin just said you can leave Opie you don't have to deal with this and ended the call I feel so bad at it for clarification entitled cousin found the post I'm not using a throwaway because my cousin's scared entitled cousin into not telling entitled auntie anymore entitled auntie has the mean bit nice helicopter parent personality so she's alright when it doesn't come to her or her twins but mostly entitled cousin I hope you guys were able to make sense of that post because my brain is rattling around in the my head right now anyway and expresses by minimum titled me a gay friend homophobic entitled mother and a plot twist hello dear editors this probably won't get any views but screw it I wanted to share it cast of characters of the crap show that is life lesbian friend entitled mother a 40 year old grunt and dopey original poster just kidding you know who it is so basically I'll keep it brief I am 13 bisexual male I have yet to confess to my mom and brother but I have time a month ago before coroner crap and isolation emotional devastation I was catching up with a girl I used to date in the fifth grade considered eighth as a term as Lucis spaghetti since we were in the fifth grade after all we were in a park on a weird kind of construct which was basically an elevated plateau lying down we got chatting and she said to me how she already confessed to her family and considered me a close friends I was her first boyfriend and ex after all she confessed how we broke up because she was in a phase of denying she was lesbian and to prove it to herself she wasn't basically the fact we broke up is because she realized she was gay and you know she couldn't date a boy if she was I said it was okay and then I was really happy for her we got chatting about the lgbtq+ community and how we realized we were a part of it then came the freaking math speak to your manager haircut having tear-inducing four kids having entitled grunt of a Karen she had her daughter in tow she looked about 15 kind of hud Jesus I'm sorry why are you speaking of sinners um we're talking about gay people wouldn't call them sinners they are gay they have sinned and should burn in hell you aren't one of them are you sweetie don't call us sweetie beer besides how dare you call gay people's sinners got your dreams crushed because you man crush Monday turned out to like the D instead of B double OB I get really pissy when someone is homophobic I can't stand anti-gay asshats basically Karen went freaking berserk Jesus Christ you should have seen it I'll admit I was keeping a poker face but inside I was laughing my ass off thinking how can someone be this level of gay intolerance after a few minutes she said some crap about how we were poisoning her child and crap like that lesbian friend was texting someone who I didn't know but when the entitled mothers daughters phone rang it clicked lesbian friend got herself a girlfriend a few months ago it was the entitled mother's daughter lesbian friend whispered to me when you see my signal just walk away with us let me tell you I had a grin the size of East Texas what ensued next was a Power Move leveled 10 million entitled mothers daughter walked away from entitled mother to hug and kiss lesbian friend on the mouth entitled mothers daughters said to her mum by the way mom I'm gay see you at dinner we walked away talking about the situation while entitled mother stood there jaw on the floor and walk the dinosaur it's good to be bi but even better to have gay friends who stand up for the lgbtq+ community don't know who will see this probably no one but if you do thanks for reading crackhead gets offended when I won't give her details about my reproductive system I live in a small apartment building with my wife and two kids there are four units together in a row and it isn't a great neighborhood this is sort of a temporary situation until we're back on our feet but a lot of the other people who live here are older and we'll just say unambitious towards life normally I try to keep myself to myself but we're in the middle units and sometimes being neighborly is a hazard when the kids want to play outside I sit in crochet or read and might share outside the door this leaves me vulnerable to chit-chats so the lady next door i crap you knights introduced herself to me as Wanda you're crazy crackhead neighbor I don't know if this is a well-known rumor she's heard about herself or if she's actually wanting me or what but we are already not off to a good start as politely as I can we make small talk and she asks that question that everyone asks the gang couple so who's the mum we both are no I mean like who's the real mum that ARCT me a bit so a little more sternly I repeat we both are she gave me a snide look and changed tactics who's the dad they don't have one this is true both spiritually and legally there was no intercourse so there is no legally intended father so how did you get the sperm now I could tell she was getting angry but I really don't think she had the right to keep asking these kinds of personal questions I stared at her for a long minutes mulling over which direction to take this I wished real hard and I clicked my heels at that point I was done with the conversation and ushered the kids inside just to be clear you are not entitled to ask someone personal questions about their choice of reproduction just because it isn't obvious to you edited for a bit of backstory annex posters by user Fred Zed read titles entitled neighbor expects my gardener to clean her garden for free this happened recently I live in a unit complex or about 20 units where most of the neighbors know each other or have spoken at one point or another one of the neighbors been has a lawn mower and mows everyone's lawns for free important for later I've been in isolation because of covert 19 for the past month and have been getting extra money from the government's lately that I don't need so I decided to put that money to a good use and hire a gardener to fix up my front and back garden the front garden is a complete mess for the past two weeks he's been coming and going to fix up my front garden in small increments not interacting with me directly for obvious reasons this happened yesterday when my gardener was working on my front garden one of my neighbors Jessica came up to the garden ah I have security cameras outside so I can see what is going on in the driveway and began complimenting him on his great work I popped my head out so I could hear what was being said but they couldn't see me she's like yeah that looks really good I think you're doing a really nice job she started getting overly complimentary and they had a sneaking suspicion of what she was getting at Jessica not knowing that I was around the corner and could hear everything you were doing such a good job here um do you think you could work on my garden after you're done here I don't think Opie would mind me coming around the corner hi Jessica what's up Jessica realizing she was busted oh oh hi Opie um well I was saying that what a good job your gardener has done so far oh do you think he'd mind doing my garden as well I'm sure he wouldn't mind it's $30 for an hour or $300 for the whole day what I'm not paying for it you hired a gardener so you'd see your responsibility to do my garden as well I hide a God not to do my garden it's not up to me to pay for your garden to be done as well but Bain mows the lawn for free your gardener should do my backyard for free too sorry Jessica but if you want a private gardener you will have to pay for it like everyone else but I'm on disability pension and I can't afford that clearly you can I'm on a disability pension too so don't try that I spend my money on important things not the alcohol I see you buying all the time so unless you're gonna pay for his time please let him get back to work Jessica huffed and stomped off and I haven't heard a peep from her since but give it time I'm sure she'll be back soon enough to get more things for free all right and uh next post is by user wall ad 22 titled what the hell is wrong with these people so I'm outside in my car far too grossed out to go back into my job I will have to of course but ah I heard someone having a huge coughing fit a while ago and followed the sound to a guy with his head in our freezer he was hacking up a long inside our freezer all over the food in there and it wasn't clean coughing either then he pulled out and spat up mucus onto the floor he then wiped his hand over his face and started touching stuff with that hand he was coughing and hacking all over the store everything has to be wiped down or even thrown out now myself and a few others tracked what the guy did in touch and we had to throw out items because no way in hell we were going to attempt to clean them to sell them yeah the manager hates that we chose to do that but at least he understands now my stomach is churning but I have to go back in screw the idiot morons I swear edits yes the man was kicked up yes he is temporarily banned from the store yes we used all manner of protection while cleaning unexposed is by user empathetic reader 92 titled don't park in my driveway sir when we first moved to Texas our house was behind a pasture and as the years went on the pastures became schools every weekend there was some kind of event or sports something going on at one of the two schools and there was never enough parking so of course people parked in our neighborhood and this is the story of mr. red pick up Mr P well Mr P loves to park in our driveway I don't know why maybe he liked the white brake of the house or that it was near the corner I don't know but he loved to park in our driveway every weekend and I don't mean politely I mean he would park in the dead center like those jerks who Park over the lion well my parents would leave notes on his car for a few weeks till one week we found a letter taped to our door hi this is Mr P please stop leaving these notes on my truck or I will have to find the police for harassment my kid has his sporting events and there's never parking it's not hurting you to let me park here so just leave me alone well you can imagine how fast my parents called the cops and once they explained and showed the time-stamped pictures of every time he'd parked there he was towed and is an added dose of sweet Karma the tow truck pulled off with his car just as he was rounding the corner to my house he got to watch his car roll away caramel was issued as well as a trespassing in harassment tickets he turned up as red as his truck at least his kid won his race and unexposed his by Deion of the wilds titles my husband's father went public about my pregnancy without consulting my husband or me about two weeks ago my husband and I found out we were expecting our first child as a bit of backgrounds we had been trying for two years and were understandably excited to tell our immediate family because we found out early I was 6 weeks at the time we asked our family to please wait until we posted to post it on Facebook fast forward to this morning my brother-in-law shared a screenshot of a status my husband's father posted saying he gave us a week and they need to understand that grandmas and grandpas can't wait that long so he took it upon himself to post it in a public Facebook post he even tagged my husband in it's so a number of my extended family and friends sorts as well as a couple of my co-workers I assumed some privately messaged him about how uncool it was because he deleted it but the damage has been done my husband and I are now devastated because we had a super cute announcement planned for a month from now updates husband is on the phone with his parents and they are trying to justify it by saying well you should have gone public when you had the chance and he deleted it so you shouldn't be upset update to husband received an apology from his dad but it also came with a message stating that he should call his mum because she fell and hurt herself right before he called to confront them what's wrong with this guy that's no reason ah silly old people and their excuses our next post is by user KH 8 1 8 8 titled stop touching people my sister is deaf and works in a store stocking shelves and is an essentials worker the number of entitled people who have touched her to get her attention in the past month is atrocious one guy actually shook her shoulder to ask her a question and since he was wearing a mask she couldn't understand him or respond if he didn't know ASL he scared the crap out of her and then got annoyed with the fact that she couldn't communicate with him if you were trying to get someone's attention and they don't respond to your verbal cues or a wave walk away and find someone else don't touch other people really at any time but especially during a pandemic with a mandate to stay 6 feet away from other people edits I walked away from reddit for the day and obviously didn't get a chance to respond thank you to all of the deaf and hard-of-hearing people who responded to the comments and questions as you are the appropriate people to answer these questions and provide suggestions edit number 2 I personally think it's very entitled to touch a stranger I also think it's entitled to assume that because someone is stocking shelves it's their job to help you their job is to stock shelves maybe in a tiny family-owned business the family workers are Jack's of all trades but most places have different descriptions for different jobs the bakery person doesn't stop food the deli counter person doesn't ring you up at the register and the stock people are not there for customer service so many people stocking grocery shelves don't even work there they work for independent vendors and don't know the layout of the store anyway if someone offers you help that's one thing but if you have a question the proper place to ask is at the customer service desk or if no one else is there possibly a cashier only because they're paid to have contact with you and generally know the layout of the store sorry some people don't find this as outrageously entitled and some of the stories on this sub but to me this is oblivious entitlement at its finest expecting someone to be available for you to service when it's clearly not their job to speak to you edit number three if it wasn't clear my sister lives in New York State and this happened during covered 19 I posted my opinions about tapping people but obviously when we are mandated to stay six feet away from others you should definitely not be tapping strangers on the shoulder for any reason let alone shaking them an ex post is by user ft x 7 7 7 titles it's your body you can just change your sexuality okay so a little bit of information before we starts I am a 15 year old female and I'm asexual meaning that I'm not sexually attracted to nd gender and feel no desire to have sex now or in the future the guy that I will be speaking about let's call him entitled for guy is a mutual friend of my brothers personally we have only spoken once or twice and I don't really know the guy but about a month ago he added me on snapchat and we started talking this is how the texting conversation went hey cutie hi can you send me a selfie I want to see you I then proceeded to send eg a photo of my face you've gotten cuter since I last saw you I did that's not true XD too bad you won't let me smash I don't think I feel very comfortable with that statement plus I do have a boyfriend what if you were single still would be now damn you mean you know XD how am i mean why won't you let me smash firstly I have a boyfriend and secondly I'm asexual how were you a sexual how am I supposed to know it's my sexuality I can't control it it's your body you can just change it come over here and I'll make you a follow card oh god I hope you're joking edits I have posted the conversation on my profile I didn't expect this to blow up added to sir today I finally confronted eg and told him to stop messaging me and that he was borderline harassing me and it was revealed that we indeed have an R / nice guy on our hands thanks you all for sticking with me to the end and if you're interested in knowing what this are / nice guy said then head over to the sub reddits or check on my profile unexposed today's by user angel e 2015 titled entitled guests sit themselves down after waiting 20 minutes of a 1 hour 45 minute wait this is a longer post I apologize guests sit themselves down when they only waited 20 minutes of their 1 hour 45 minute waits on New Year's Eve so this was last year's New Year's Eve and my restaurant takes reservations we seat them first and we always make sure to try and accommodate walk-ins I was a seed of that nights and a double that day as soon as 3:30 hits we were already going on a 30-minute Waits and once it was 6 p.m. we were slammed we always tell our guests the we will call out their name we used first and last name and never use pages guests would drop them in the fountain Oh what's wrong with people so on this beautiful nights I'm running around seating guests and helping clean tables our bar seats are all first-come first-serve our waiting area out front is packed I get handed my next card name to walk it's just a piece of folded paper with the name and party number we set it on the tables so servers know who is new and who hasn't been greeted yet so I go and start shaking outside then I go to the very crowded very loud bar it's around 8 now and crap is crazy I'm screaming out the name and to be honest I don't even remember what it was at this points then this guy at the bar turns around one way and said all party for blah blah I said yes your table is ready he's like oh we will pay out then the woman next to him turns around the opposite way so that backs it to each other they're next to each other - she's like oh amazing we will pay out right now so I'm like ok bet that was easy I go back to the front desk and the guy comes to me and says his friends are cashing up the bill and he would like to be sad no biggie I double verify the name there and walk him to be sat and it's a large party booth for five to six people I get my next name card and then the woman comes up to me and she said I called the name I smiled and said your other party member just sat down just walked straight and at the very back is a large party booth and I continued to walk my current party guests well they're not the same party so the lady comes up to me and says someone is in their booth I quickly respond with the name of the guy's party and she said no you called out Jill I only remember her name at this point in my life so I'm standing there and I know sure rizal get outs I never said that name I look at her and don't repeat the name of the guy's party and I said sorry ma'am I called out for the party of John let's call it John it could be journey Oh John when I say this this woman went ape crap on me she went nuts she immediately goes why are you arguing with me I'm sorry I'm not arguing she puts her hand on my [ __ ] face and said well then seed us now I grab our system and ask for her name which I find out is Jill at that point her name is still on the wait list I even check when she came in she was waiting 20 minutes she had one hour and 25 minutes left I looked at her and straight up said ma'am I'm sorry for any confusion but there is no possible way I could have even said your name you were only just put down on the list husband in her immediately raylon me well we just gave up our bar seats so you have to get them back for us me and my head hostess she's hearing everything as she deals with incoming guests joins in the conversation and says we're sorry for the confusion but that is first-come first-serve we have no authority when it comes to the bar we thank you for your patience I think okay that's good nope she continued to scream and cuss about wanting a seat then walk off into the lobby and I get the next card name when I start to walk them who goes in seats themselves my managers were told what was going on and we radio over headsets what happens and I was told to get them up I go over and before I even talk her husband puts his mother freaking hand in my face as well and my managers are seeing everything at this points he immediately starts cussing me off telling me they're not fudging moving he knows our general manager and they consider if they want I leaned down and I tell them they need to get up they have waited only 25 minutes well I've had guests wait for two hours and they were sure as hell not more important than my guests currently waiting on their rightful booth that no I would not get our general manager because he wasn't there and if he curses in my face one more time I'll make sure they don't eat there tonight I'm good friends with the assistant manager she comes over with menus and when I say slammed them down I mean the booths all near us got very quiet she tells them here are your menus since you feel so much more important than the other guests the server will be with you later as we are very busy and if you ever cuss at my hostess again I will make sure you never can come back and eat in here again and you can make damn sure Jacob will hear how you cussed her out for no reason we walked away at that points I have to say her response made me so happy and because of their BS I got to leave even earlier that night with a free meal I wish they could have been kicked out but there were friends about general managers the next time I saw him he apologized for their behavior and said they won't be coming in anytime soon this will always be my favorite hostess story I have so far no one has beaten it just yet but some have gotten close and our next post is by user deku dad eaten forty-five knives titled entitled neighbor tries to have a tree older than her house cut down illegally tree law tree law this is gonna happen a couple years back but I'm just now getting into reddit so let's go also sounds like tree law my family has lived in the same house for about twenty four years now my entire life we've had the same neighbors in both sides of us on one side is the sweetest elderly lady who bakes us fudge every Christmas to thank us for any help we give her throughout the year on the other side is a family whose parents seemed to think the world revolves around their own jerks their own [ __ ] ha ha ha now this family moved in about two or three years before us giving them the idea that their opinion Trump's the lives of any of their neighbors I know this because both the parents and the children who were the same age as myself have explicitly told me this there is a giant tree in my parents backyard that admittedly had become a bit overgrown a branch or two have reached over the fence leading into our neighbor's yard in the fall the tree sheds its leaves as trees do and maybe 1% of the leaves will make their way into the neighbor's yard this tree has been a part of my childhood and all three of my siblings childhoods needless to say my family is quite attached to our tree well about 15 years ago our neighbors decided to build a pool we've had issues with them over time so when they started to gripe about the leaves from the tree falling into their pool we just brushed it off fast-forward about two years ago I had finished up for the college semester and came back to visit my parents for the week I was at home relaxing and enjoying my time off when my dog started barking so I went to check it out while looking out the window I saw a team of tree trimmers begin to unload and set up in the backyard it wouldn't be the first time my parents didn't mention having work done on the house so I didn't think anything of it I called my old man to see if the trimmers would need anything from me while they were here but he was working so I just left a message he got back to me about 30 minutes later completely confused so I knew something wasn't right at that point I went out back and told them to take a break because there has been a mistake luckily they'd only managed to take two or three of the major branches off the tree so there was still a chance the tree would survive it was the quickest I've ever seen my dad do the drive home I went out back with him so that I could figure out what was up after a very loud discussion and a lawsuit threat later the trimmers decided it was best they didn't finish up the job of taking down all of the branches well it turns out that our entitled neighbor decided to take it upon herself to hire a company to come and take the tree down in our yard when she told the company that it was in her neighbor's yard they only asked if she got it cleared with us they didn't make any effort to make sure it was cool to make the situation even sweeter the crew working on the tree wouldn't stop the job until the owner of the company came on site and cleared up the situation I don't know about you guys but if I found out what I was doing was unauthorized work and trespassing on someone's property I'd take it as my cue to leave when my parents demanded an explanation the only thing our neighbor would say was that since the couple branches were reaching over the fence she had the right to get the tree taken down that's when the police got involved she was informed that she was allowed to have the branches trimmed past the fence something my parents said they could have done if the neighbor paid for it but due to these significant branches trimmed off the property she would be looking at destruction of property if the tree died luckily the tree stands to this day and the wind seems to blow just a bit harder towards their yard each fall and our last post for the day is by alkaline photos pates titled send me pics no ok you screwed up first time posting and on mobile sorry for any formatting issues I met this dude on hinge tonight and I am always terrible at checking the app so when someone I match with asks for my number I'll usually give it international dude adds me on whatsapp we get to talking on the phone pretty immediately he's a rich finance dude and is super into dropping his status but he's also funny and charming so I let that slide for now a little later we're both not fully sober at this points and the conversation turns a bit hot and heavy I'm not super invested but go along to start to get invested until he asks me to switch to video or send him nudes I don't send nudes and I won't show my body to someone over video that I've never met those are my rules he gets mad keeps pushing I say no multiple times and eventually just give up and say dudes stop he gets angry says I've turned him on and won't deliver and hangs up an hour later I get a text that he was having so much fun with me but I screwed it up lamelle I don't even owe you crap dude you can throw your money in my face but I'm not gonna take off my clothes for you if I don't want to entitled woman doesn't like me bagging her groceries like she asked and then tries to tell lies about me yay I finally have a story to tell here so I recently began working in my local supermarket since covert 19 has temporarily put me out of my job today was my third day and I only recently began learning the process of bagging groceries at the end of the checkout line so entitled parent approaches the register and tells the cashier and I that she would like us to place the cold items in the same bag half of her bag was cold items we were like ah okay and so I began carefully trying to see what the best way to carefully pack her bag was while over stuffing as little as possible after watching me work with it for about 30 seconds she says it is okay and asks me to hand the bag over she then looks me dead in the eyes and tells me that was the worst bagging work she had ever seen after making eye contact with the two other employees who were witnessing this I apologized to her and asked what she would like she said it didn't matter and asked me to just start putting her stuff in bags and that she would fix it later so I finished packing her groceries and her cards and told her to heaven stay so which she said yep and she leaves my co-workers and I all acknowledge what just happened do we think it is over no such luck apparently when she got to her car she discovered that I'd placed a bag of bread and a sealed onion in the same bag when I was putting all of the items in her bag for her to fix later like she asked now I learned after the fact why this might bother some people but keep in mind I literally just started my first ever grocery job and had slash have no concept of many specific things like this that may annoy customers yet and it certainly did not merit the way she reacted I had no idea that any of the following was happening until after it was over this lady came back into the store from her car and pulled aside one of the bakery managers who have nothing to do with the checkout line and ranted to him about it he acknowledged her complaint and apologized she then left for her car but then it turned around and came back in to find a different manager this time she found one of the shifts and repeated her complaints I hadn't yet actually met this manager but when she pointed me out he explains that I was a new hire to which she said that was not an excuse now I still don't know for sure what she said about me but her story apparently contained many embellishments because the other employees who saw what happened felt the need to approach the manager and set the record straight he had acknowledged her complaint and told her that he would talk to me so he then approached me and told me that she had not been reacting appropriately and that she had turned something that needed a minor correction into a massive fiasco he then introduced himself and that's how we met turns out he's pretty cool and we share a lot of interests and an ex post is by user faded platinum titled fiancees ex-wife demands stimulus money that hasn't arrived yet and is not legally entitled to receive some backgrounds my fiancee claims his son on his taxes as allowed by their divorce settlement meaning child tax credits are his he is caught up on supports and voluntarily gave her some of his tax return this year because they needed a new fridge my future mother-in-law also provides her with financial and material supports because she doesn't want her grandson to go without things that he may need the ex-wife doesn't work and her husband gets disability yesterday while at work my fiancee received a text message from his ex-wife here is how it went entitled x ee from here says watch for our sons 500 stimulus because people are starting to get it this week my fiancee says if your husband gets a stimulus half of that 500 is mine note he meant half the child credits he was going to be nice and give her some of the money that 500 is our sons I'm not spending it on myself I'm spending it on son we have a dryer we have to buy we have crap we need to buy you have your own money that is son's money you get your twelve hundred stimulus the child gets her stimulus too you don't need sons money to second text from EE and I have a car I have to fix I don't even have a car right now it broke down fiancee and I discussed pulling a portion of each of our 1200 payments towards household needs and using the 500 on things for his son such as an air filter for the house because kiddos allergies are getting worse and it's not something we can easily afford and giving her a portion of the money it enters me that she's demanding money she has no legal right to instead of asking I am not married to him yet so I don't really have a say but I'm hoping he won't give her a dime now alright in our next post is by Mary Shelley one titled co-worker says the way I dress makes her self-conscious I am an essential worker I work in a factory and I wear a uniform but I still come in dressed how I normally dress I love to wear skirts and decorative tights under my ripped jeans body suits crop tops etc I'm pretty slim and petite so one of my co-workers is the same age as me female 20 and she's a bit on the curvy aside she always comes in sweatpants and baggy sweaters I've seen her outside of work before and she does put effort into her appearance when she wants to one day we were changing back into our normal clothes when I caught her staring at me I asked her if everything was okay and she just shrugged and walked out without saying anything so I ordered this cute yellow plate skirt and since the quarantine I haven't been able to wear it so I decided to wear it to work walking in I saw my co-workers sitting in the break room talking to some other people I go over to the table I usually sit and start chatting with some co-workers when I put my stuff in its place one of the guys is this man in his 40s with a daughter close to my age he said he liked my skirt and might get one for his kid this caught her attention and she asked why he would allow his daughter to dress like a [ __ ] this made people stop and stare at her when she realized what she said she just got up and walked out of the break room into the locker room upsets I followed her in and just saw her changing into her uniform I asked her why she would say something like that and all she said is I have no reason to explain myself to you I told her considering you were talking about me I think you do she huffed and said I've obviously trying to get people to look at me and expect that every girl has to dress like this that I was begging for attention and how I made her self-conscious first off I don't dress for other people I dress for myself I basically flipped it on her by saying well I don't like the way you dress because you're making people think that girls shouldn't take pride in the way they look she says I don't give a crap about what people think about me which I reply with then why do you care so much about how I dress her responses because no normal person dresses like that you look stupid and people think you're a freak she leaves the locker room all smug as if she just won this fights but because of her little outburst in the break room people start giving her the side-eye she noticed this and now blames me for making people think she's a bad person sorry if the story is a little bit jumbled it just makes me so upset thinking about it edit thank you everyone for your kind words I did talk to HR and they Ceyda since it's her first offense all they can do is give her a written warning also I get my confidence from my grandma all right a nun exposes by sweet poison her two titled entitled man steals my plane seat and just to clarify I was flying from Schiphol so technically not Belgium I was flying out of but only direct flight I could get where I had been attending my best friend's wedding I was very sick at the time but I was her sole bridesmaid and witness so I couldn't miss it not to mention I was the one decorating the venue if you want a summary of how sick I was the girl who did my makeup for the day actually jerked a hand back when she first touched my face I was that hot anyway this story isn't about the wedding but the flight back home to Scotland I must have looked awful because when I arrived early at the gate and struck up a conversation with the flight attendants asking how their day was going etcetera while waiting to board they ensured I got my seat first and told me if I needed anything to call them and they brought me a bottle of water and something to nibble on before the plane even took off I had a window seats which I always get I love flying and I love looking out at the water and I'd also paid extra legroom as I have a screwed up leg and if it's bent into one position too long it locks up the plane was nearly fully boarded and it seemed like besides me in the person in the aisle seats no one would be in our row which was awesome I always liked having a seat in the room for extra room however sadly this was not to be as one of the very last passengers to board was a rather drunk and let's say portly man he shambled into the seat and sat down I prepared myself for a flight next to someone who smelled like a pub while I already felt sick the plane takes off and we're in the air and all through the flight the guy keeps leaning more and more into my space clearly trying to get to see the window I actually leaned back a bit to let him see out figuring this might be his first flights and trying to be kind but this only seems to make it worse now for context I'm a tiny woman so I was quite literally getting crushed between this guy and the wall I get up to go to the bathroom as my stomach finally has decided it's time to vacate the man is quite annoyed that he has to move to let me out but he does so with only a grumbled protest I go to the bathroom and take care of business and then return and what do I find the man in my window seat with all of his stuff on the middle of seats I ask him to move back to his seat so I can sit down he refuses and tells me it's his seats and begins to kick up a huge fuss at this one of the flight attendants comes over to figure out what is going on he tells the whole story about how this is his seat and I'm trying to steal it's not knowing the flight attendant we're talking to shout out to Kevin was the one who had gotten me the seeded in the first place the flight attendant turned to me and smiling asked if I had my tickets I'd taken my handbag with me to the bathroom as I never leave it unattended sir I was able to present it he then read my tickets and with a crap eating grin told the guy who'd stolen my seats that it was indeed my seats but not to worry he could keep it he then turned to me and told me he had a free seat in first class and he was giving me an upgrade so he took me to first class and I got a really nice rest of my flight right here guys our next post is by okay flyboy titles entitled mother wants my window seat but weren't even asked me for it I didn't even plan this so a little bit of backgrounds normally I travel for a living and fly to and from Canada a couple of times a month my company uses a travel agent and with only a few exceptions we are required to take the cheapest flight option regardless of convenience / inconvenience to ourselves this means that while I travel often it's with different airlines every time which in turn means that while I have thousands and thousands of airline miles that are spread out over several airlines and it takes me forever to reach and keep any sort of frequent flyer status with any of them it also makes for very very long days with me leaving my house or hotel at 3 or 4 a.m. and often getting home slash to my destination at Midnight's or sometimes getting my travel split across two days so this happened in March just a few days before my company started having us work for our home for quarantine final leg of my flight home I'm on an airline that I've finally managed to build up enough status to start getting possible upgrades this is literally the first time I've been upgraded and it's from a standard economy seats to a bulkhead window seats as I'm boarding the plane there is an older lady enter approximately five-year-old grandson in the aisle and middle seats grandson in middle grandma in aisle as I'm walking up she is telling the kid that she is going to take the window seat just as soon as they're sure no one is sitting there I politely inform her that someone is sitting there me and I take my seats she then starts telling her five-year-old grandson about how much she wants a window seat and how sweet it would be if someone were to give up their window seat for her I should point out that the grandson is busy playing with his iPad and clearly isn't listening at all when I don't immediately jump up and offer her my seat she switches tactics and starts asking the kid if he wants the window seat how cool would it be for you to have a window seat on your first flight ever and stuff such as that kid still doesn't give a crap and keeps playing with his tablets and I again don't rise to the obvious bait she then grabs a flight attendant and asks if there are any open window seats flight attendant says she's pretty sure that they're going to be a full flight but she'll check back after boarding is done grandma switches back to how lovely would be if someone would just give up their seat for her notes we're back to giving the seat to her it's no longer about the kid getting the window seat for his first flight ever at this point I put on my headphones and ignore her she stops trying to hint her way into my seat and instead just starts loudly sighing every few minutes notes if at any point she had simply condescended to speak to me and ask me for my seeds I probably would have given it to her but her passive-aggressive entitlement bullcrap was never going to work with me especially after a long day of travel all right an unexpressed is by Schmo Tapia titled entitled friend claims me getting physically fit makes her depression worse hi guys I've been a lurker in reddit for so long and I finally have the courage to post something I'm 17 female and unfit there I'm not fat I'm 49 kilos my body is not turned infirm I admit I do like the exercise and so that is why I decided that I would work out I decided to work out on late January and I could see the little progress that I made my friend let's call it a noticed it too when I posted some pictures of me working out on Facebook a is a little on the heavier side she's a good friend and I've known her since sixth grade she's always tried to exercise and to have a healthier diets but usually she gives up in a week or two a messaged me and here it goes I translated the conversation we have in English aces hey I see you're working outs why would you do that oh I just want to get toned along stop it stop what stop working out you're making my depression worse I'm sorry how is me working out making you depressed don't act like you don't know stop flaunting your body and stop exercising you [ __ ] if you're really my friend you would quit stop contributing to my anxiety and depression before I could respond she had already blocked me well okay then so II decided to tell him you told friends about this and now some of them had been calling me to just give her what she wants and to stop being so insensitive I don't know what to do anymore added to sir I was finally able to talk to her and she told me that she no longer wants to be friends with someone like me I apologize that I offended her and even invited her to workout with me but she said her words are final I'm devastated to think that five years of friendship was gone thank you so much for your kind words everyone and unexposed is by NT engineer titled z-- my neighbor the hedge and covert 19 I posted about my neighbor before but this one shocked me so today in the middle of the day I've been working at home my old lady neighbor came over and knocked on the door so I opened it up and talked to her briefly she was complaining that my hedge hasn't been trimmed in a while and she really wants it trimmed this is the hedge on my property that she somehow thinks she has the right to tell me she wants it her way after getting the past that this exchange took place just me trying to be friendly I'm like so how are you doing you staying healthy I saw that you were walking your dogs yesterday oh yes I've been doing ok I try to walk my dogs every day to keep moving at my age if you stopped moving it's hard to get started again yes it's very good to keep moving I did however have to go to the hospital this week oh are you ok yes I went because I've been having this cough and I don't know why and when I went in they decided because of my symptoms that they are testing me for the virus ok then I hope it comes back negative then I closed the door who the hell goes next door to complain about a hedge being overgrown that is not even yours if you've just been tested because you have the symptoms of covert 19 what the literal hell all right and don't expose my user swore Cal's titled no sir I can't valet your car I don't care if you're friends with the president of the company once upon a time I was a valet for a semi local hotel chain my hotel in particular had multiple floors of event space and no on-site garage therefore sometimes we would have four hundred people attending an event and we could only Park a handful of cars this night was one of those nights we had two large events which had already begun two hours ago and for some reason people were still showing up in arrives our entitled man I'm busy opening a door for someone when he pulls up in our loading zone and stands outside his car talking to someone on the phone I walk over and he just holds out his hand with his keys and continues with his conversation I'm like hi sorry but we're full for event parking ah then just leave it where it's at I'm late look unfortunately that's not a sports I can certainly direct you to the nearest parking structure oh what's one more car just pockets I'm sorry but we just can't accommodate any more vehicles it's a car it'll fit anywhere I'm sorry but I don't really have room he angrily walks back to his car phones still in hand then turns back towards me does it help that I'm friends with the president of your company know that I'm gonna call him and tell him that his hotel can't even valet like they're supposed to this is unacceptable and he Huff's his way back to his car and speeds off into the sunset or around the block but whatever and I did not run into him for the rest of the nights which was nice because I thought for sure he would come back to scream at me he actually did call the president and told him how we couldn't valet him in which the president laughed at him and told him to arrive earlier all right and uh next post was by user divine Ms underscore M titled old lady gets violent in Mall Watts over one-way arrows in the aisles so this happened yesterday L local mall Watts my daughter works in the vision Center and they just reopened yesterday after being shut down for a month juda what else curve at 19 my daughter was standing near the deli section waiting to pay for her drink when she heard a female start screeching she turned around and saw an elderly woman screeching at a man because the aisle she was in had a one-way error she was facing the direction of the error and man was at the end of the aisle grabbing something off the end cap he was not in the aisle at all he also had a mask on the woman did not have a mask on she was headed towards the end where the man was my daughter heard the man apologized as he grabbed his item and away from the woman his apology was apparently not accepted because she started grabbing items off the shelf hurling them at this poor man all the while screaming obscenities at him for not maintaining a six-foot distance etc etc according to my daughter the woman was not out of the aisle yet and had a cart between herself and the man and if she had just stopped and waited a moments he would have been out of her way like coming to a stop sign and stopping but not this elderly Karen she threw several items at the men and one hit him in the head and down he went who knew old Karen had such a throwing arm mole white employees immediately rushed to the man's aid and someone else called for security the man was bleeding from his head and his nose from landing on his face the woman was now screaming at the man and the employees and was not at maintaining a six-foot distance at all my daughter felt terrible for the man her break was over so she had to go back to work but she did see the woman led out of the store by two police officers about twenty minutes later when will this madness end edits my daughter just got home from work and the police visited at her work today and took her statement one of the other employees told them where to find her the man is pressing charges all right and unexpressed is by user Malik chisels titled harmonii uses stupid logic to get out of pain stupid title backgrounds my husband works for a construction company and we live in a very rural area my brother-in-law is incarcerated one day my husband went to a house to do a repair while he was there the Herman has stated that she knew my brother-in-law many years before she and my husband chattered about the past he left and she texted him about how it was nice to catch up with him later she called his office and refused to pay because how dare the company send my husband to her house didn't they know that his brother was incarcerated my husband forwarded the text to his boss and washed his hands of the whole thing the goal of some people amazed me and our last post is by user liquid fears titled entitled odd man tries to force me a disabled girl to give up my seat in a communal area a few years ago I 18 female 15 female at the time went on holiday with my mother my dad brother aunt and uncle and their friends who were a couple my aunt and uncle live far away from us so the holiday was specially planned to spend time with them and to show their friends the brilliant parts of our country one evening the family decided we would walk down to this fabulous deck with a lovely view of nature and the sunset for some evening drinks this deck also served as the waiting area for the reception of the hotel we were staying in and as results and about five areas of seating with enough space for about six people at each my brother and I decided we would walk down a little before while the adults got ready when we got there we picked a spot with a good view put our stuff down and ordered some cool drinks 10 minutes later my uncle arrives with his wife and a friend who immediately go to check out the curio shop he sits down and orders a beer it arrives but then he gets up to look for his wife and a friend to ask what they'd like to drink shortly after this until a guide arrived with at least 20 couples on his tour they obviously then all waiting to be booked in it's worth noting that his guests were all elderly but that they were in no way unable to stand for long periods of time with my brother and I and the other people who were previously in the reception area there weren't enough seats for them all now I have a very visible physical disability that renders me unable to walk without a walking frame if I even attempt to stand without it I'll fall on my face the tour guide walks over to me and my brother and says while leaning on my walker excuse me but you two need to move now my guests need to sit down here my brother and I were bit taken aback and we didn't really think it was fair considering that it's not only the reception but also a place for social gathering and that seats work on a first-come first-served basis however because our parents always taught us to give up our seats to the elderly I slowly start getting up at this point my uncle returns and says excuse me but what are you doing we were here first the guy replies with you need to respect your elders my guests need those seats they referring to us can move this is my business my uncle calmly comes back with sorry but I don't know if you've realized that she's disabled and can't stand for long periods of time who are you to tell her to move we won't be moving the guy calls my uncle an [ __ ] and tells him to show some respects but he goes away huffing not even ten seconds later people in his tour come up to my uncle and say well done for standing your ground we're so sorry for his behavior it's embarrassing the guy comes back later to try to give my uncle and inadequate apology which my uncle accepts but says to him considering that your guests told me themselves that your behavior is embarrassing I think you need to rethink your business skills he walked away read and avoided us the whole evening we had a lovely dinner beautiful baby ducklings manhandled by entitled mother's disgusting brats this happened when I was having a cigarette in a quaint country pub garden in the east of England the place is stunning countryside dotted with local pubs everyone knows who is local every summer the pubs are filled with rude disgusting Londoners and their breaths story time I had been out in the lovely flowered pub garden a few times already as I was drinking beers on a gorgeous sunny afternoon with friends I changed Merrik when I drink every time I went out I was thrilled to see this lovely white mother duck tending to her baby ducklings there were about seven of them and the pub staff explained that the mum duck comes back each day to get food from the staff members and to chill in the Sun with her fluffy ducklings I'm back in the pub with my mates when an entitled mother and her four snotty large disgusting brats enter they proceed to make a load of noise and generally ruined the vibes we ignore them after a while I walk outside for my final smoke and I am followed by entitled mother and her brats it turns out entitled mother smokes - we both light up and ignore each other and immediately her breaths spot the mother duck and her babies they all squeal and run over to the birds and to be honest they were so loud I looked at the mom already expecting her to say something reasonable like calm down guys you don't want to scare the babies but instead she just watched her brats fondly I watched the mother duck panic and try to assure her babies away from the entitled kids but they all ran up and surrounded the birds trapping them all in a corner by the wall they then proceeded to start grabbing at the babies and roughly trying to pick them up the mother duck and her babies start to quack in panic outraged I look at the entitled mother and she is still smiling at her brats as if this was the sweetest thing in the world so I turned back to the entitled kids and shout don't touch the babies just look at them entitled mother turns to me with a screwed up face and says how dare you speak to my children like that they aren't doing any harm I look back to see all the entitled kids still grabbing at the babies and distressing the mom one of the entitled kids is even picking up a baby duckling by its wing I scream put those fudging babies down now you little craps the mom turns to me with a death stare and says if you talk to my babies like that again at this point I look at her with an even deadlier stare and I say in a shaking voice that duck is a mother too and if you don't do something I will manhandle your babies the same way they are hers the mother looked at me like she was gonna argue but saw I wasn't kidding she shouted her brats over and stormed inside I finished my cigarette and watch the Ducks leave the garden looking panicked when I got back to my table my mate said the woman was making a complaint about me to the bar staff they came over and said the entitled mother told them I threatened her kids I told them her entitled kids when grabbing the ducklings and I politely asked them to stop I denied the threat they asked the entitled mother whether her brats in grabbed the ducklings and she said they only wanted to hold them they wouldn't hurt a fly the bar staff then told her into her brats to leave and when she kicked up a fuss they said those ducks are locals lady piss off huh hope you enjoyed that one and exposed his by flippy as King 18 titled entitled mother calls the cops when I wouldn't give any stake to her son this happened maybe about a year ago before the whole pandemic started the way there had been nice and I had just gotten some sirloin steaks I haven't used my grill since the previous year so I decided now would be a good time to try it out for a few days a group of construction workers had been busy working on a new house it's built now and it's pretty nice way too expensive for me there but it had been hots and or rainy almost the entire duration of the build and they were working their asses off the whole way through so I decided to be nice and after going over to the site I own for them to come get some free food when they went on break they were incredibly grateful there were about five workers present and four of them showed up for steak while the others passed I had enough for everyone including one for me and we had a nice time chatting and getting to know one another one was a veteran of the Marines back in the early 80s he's friends with my grandma now one was even related to the sheriff of our County anyway I made the conversation we heard and excuse me from the other side of the fence my neighbor is this middle-aged woman with a super freaky son he was this sterner influencer who loved to go on social media and post about his fetish for pots and live off his mother's paycheck every week while living on her couch he was also in his mid 30s there she was on the other side of the fence acosta entitled mum grown-ass kid construction worker 1 & 2 and police officer entitled mum says my son was wondering if he can have some steak - sorry I don't have any left but you have enough for all of them yeah I do if he wanted some he should have come earlier no you should have bought enough for everyone look lady this guy was nice enough to cook state don't you have work you should be doing what on lunch man she soon left in a huff but not before shouting that she was calling the police I was the only one who heard that I think so I asked the relative of the sheriff if there was really anything the police would arrest me for of course he said no in his words there were no laws against not sharing I asked if we should tell her that and he again said no again in his words it would be the most fun they've had on the job ever since they started building that damn house notes I actually did have an extra stake I was saving it for later sure enough after the construction workers went back to the site proves to show up but a police officer no lights so it's a non-emergency but he parked right outside entitled mother's house both her and the grown-ass kid walked out and greeted the police officer I walked out on my own lawn and entitled mother pointed straight at me I can't quite remember everything said here but she was accusing me of discrimination because I left her 30th year old little boy out of a little stank party I swear it was like a kindergarten lunch police obviously shook it off warned her not to get the police involved in something so ridiculous again and started to leave but I said wait officer are you hungry well I haven't had lunch yet why may I offer you a steak I knew it you do have more steak I demand you give it to my son now and I demand you both to go back into your house before I arrest you for disturbing the peace and possibly harassment but but but you can't do that he can't do that tell him grown ass kid um I just wanted some steak man officer you have to do something about this this man is performing a hate crime on my son we both actually laughed police officer said something along the lines of have a good day and I led him into my backyard I had to give him his steak raw that's not the owner kidding since he had to go back on his patrol but we had a good laugh entitled mother and grown-ass kid finally went back into their house and every time I see them nowadays she scowled at me while grown-ass kid just pays no attention I occasionally see the same officer from time to time and every time I see him he asks the same thing did you remember to share today hmm our next post is by user raisi Ragan titled that time I knocked an entitled mother out in self defense buckle up burgeroo's this might break the rules but I was defending myself and others I don't condone unnecessary violence outcasts are me entitled mother nice kid nice dad okay sir I'm at a local big-box store having walked there this was years ago when I was in my early 20s and before I got a car I was walking around in the electronics section just window-shopping and killing time before my dad got off work and picked me up so we could clean gutters for one of his friends who was wheelchair bound nice kid comes running around the corner and runs into me I managed to keep myself from falling over but this kid stumbles and falls he yelps and then gets up his dad rushes over but didn't see anything after verifying the nice kid is okay he scolds me for running after being told not to and then both apologized to me enter entitled mother a massively overbearing woman that immediately gives me the third degree about how I'm irresponsible violent and hurt her baby and must be drunken hi at the same time because I'm stumbling earth nice dad and I inform her that I'm not the one at faults but she gets in my face and starts poking my chest with her fake nails hard enough to hurt me telling me to apologize or she'll have me thrown out because she is friends with the owner I tell her to go [ __ ] I mean I tell her to back off because she is being rude hurting me and she smells like she's been drinking she slaps my face hard enough to cause me to see stars and I lose my balance I stand up clear my head and tell her to back off as does the nice dad she walks up and slashes my face with her nails and might have blinded me if I wasn't wearing glasses she then slaps me again as I'm reeling from the pain cure my I'm the youngest child I have to defend myself from all the cousins instincts I lash out blindly and right hook catches her in the chin as she starts pulling my hair next thing I know she's flopping to the ground unconscious employee had already called management and another customer called 9-1-1 after entitled mother clawed me as I was bleeding kinda badly manager brought me some paper towels and a med kits EMTs checked us both out and said most of my bleeding was from scratches near my eyes which will be fine after a few more minutes she likely didn't have a concussion but she was acting dramatically screaming and uncooperative they took her by ambulance at her own request to get her checked out of the hospital cops got testimonies and only hers didn't match up even nice to add sided with me cops arrested her at the hospital later for assault and battery false testimony and for attacking two nurses and doctor and one of the cops I got off with a you shouldn't have done that trying to not hit people in the future lecture from my dad afterwards as I was defending myself I had no charges brought against me happy ending to the story is that family was there so the nice dad could drop off the nice kid after weekend visitation she lost custody I attended nice kids birthday a couple weeks later and got them the game that they wanted had to buy it used but they didn't care I don't condone violence and was in a full panic mode I should not have hit her but I felt I was in danger edits for clarification I shouldn't have swung like I did because I've learned how to throw a punch and make it hurts I'm not saying I shouldn't have defended myself but I could have seriously injured her or possibly killed her since she may hit her head on the way to the floor the chances were good that she'd be fine but this could have ended very badly edit - for clarification dad didn't lecture me because he didn't want me to defend myself dad knew I was capable of defending that situation without knocking someone out I know many ways to do so and he lectured me about learning more self-control and applying said techniques instead of slugging the insert favorite insult here slugging the noggin as will say techniques such as walk away before it gets to the fighting and ex-post is by its sheer at titles entitled parents ignores birthday to bathe dog so today was my 31st birthday and I had mentioned to my family that I had baked a cake and some cookies for my birthday celebration and they told me that of course they would come over for a couple of hours on the day in question then the day of rolls by and died here nothing not even a happy birthday text or anything so I call my mother up and asked her if they were coming by at any point during the day only to be met by thee no we decided to give the dog's name a bath instead this is also the second year in a row when my entire family just up and died there ignores or forgets about my birthday for being a middle child and unexpressed is buy go ptosis twelve titled entitled auntie thinks she can't take my Xbox one to give her entitled Brett probably sure let's Ken take my xbox one but whatever so a quick rundown I earn an Xbox as well as a PC and play on both of them as I have different saves on different platforms my auntie and cousin are both entitled and they think that they can have my xbox but I refused Howcast are entitled auntie entitled cousin me and my mother the conversation goes like this my auntie is like can I have your Xbox for my son no sorry I still use it but you're not using it now that doesn't mean I don't use it by now I'm getting a bit irritated as you would but you don't need it because you have a PC and my angel needs it more than you I'm sorry but unless you want to buy it off me I'm not giving it to you by now entitled aunty is frustrated enter entitled cousin mom I want an Xbox just randomly saying that is he I know darling but I want it now shut up he is now in full temper tantrum on the floor mind you he's almost 11 he's so old hand over your Xbox or I'll tell your mother sure go ahead I then closed my bedroom door a few minutes later so why didn't he do it immediately I have spoken to entitled aunty what did she say my mother goes on about how her and her angels need it more than I do but my mother is very supportive of my gaming and said she refused for entitled auntie to take it after intitle cousin did end up getting an Xbox one which was a crappy pre-owned one and entitled auntie has no longer bugged me this was typed on mobile by the way reminds me of von musel dental yak by in the Borat movie or he's like.he I get a clock radio he cannot afford his great success an ex post is by user yo it's no one titled entitled parent tries to coach our in daughter on how to treat retail staff rudely so this is a story about my own mother yup she's the entitled parent so I am a young lady with a rather large chest I'm an e in my country and I think a double D in the USA because of that if I'm leaving the house brazo mandatory about two years ago when I was 19 I bought the most comfortable bra I have ever bought before it was soft and silky had nice thick straps five back clamps etc I only had that bra for about three months until the underwire broke free and started to stab me it happened at university and when I got home that afternoon I told my mother about it I like to think that I take good care of my bras as I usually only get rid of them because I outgrew them all the straps became too loose beyond but not because they break the brow was $60 in don't leave unsaid so maybe it was just effective bras really should not only last three months so I was going to go to the store and ask for an exchange or refund the only thing was I did not have a receipt like I said I take good care of my bras so I did not think to keep the receipt I also was not part of their brands customer rewards service as I only bought products from there once for a sale so they could not look up a name slash membership slash profile with them I told this to my mum and wondered what I should do she's like well that's not okay my mother started you know what to do rights let them know that it is illegal for them not to sell faulty products do not leave the store until you have that refunded and if the cashier says that they can't refined it without a receipt then ask to speak to the manager they'll sort you out FYI my mother never worked in retail herself but I at this point in time had been for about four to five years I know the annoyance of the phrase can I speak to your manager and was not going to enforce that on an innocent civilian no I'm not going to do that I replied that would just be rude well I could just do it for you then I'll just say my daughter bought a defective bra which is illegal to sell and we demand a refund because according to the law no we're not doing that either it's not the cashiers vault that one bra happened to be defective so I'm not going to treat them as if it is I'll just go in explain my situation and ask what the policy is about refunds without a receipt so you know what ladies and gentlemen that is exactly what I did I walked in found the cashier and explained that my $60 bra broke in three months and I did not have the receipt in the friendliest and kindest way possible because I know how much working retail sucks lady said that she did need some proof of purchase and asked me what day I bought it on she was so kind and lovely as well and I pulled out my phone I opened my banking app looked at the transaction three months ago and found the date of the exact $60 purchase I gave her the date she typed that into a computer and found a transaction on that date for $60 the exact bra color and size is mine she printed that off scanned that and refunded the original purchase all while a different attendant found the same bra in my size off the shelf and brought all three color options to me in case I wanted the replacement in a different color I chose the original color thanked both ladies for their amazing help and walked out of the store with my new and non defective bra see mom you can have a social interaction without belittling retail staff acting like a know-it-all and God forbid demand to speak to the manager just be kind how next post is by fuser spiky Steve titled entitled mother Yanks off my beanie revealing my batted mostly bald head to our entire family so this obviously happened before quarantine but I didn't have read at the time and it's still by far the most mortifying experience I've ever had this story includes G my good friend entitled mother G's entitled mum and me serve I 15 female struggle with this disorder called trichotillomania it's basically where you use hair pooling as a coping mechanism when things get stressful in life at the time this happened I was almost completely bald because of it I had patches of wiry regrowing hair and some completely bald patches it was not a pretty sight and I wore a beanie 24/7 to cover it up luckily I had really supportive understanding friends who did so much to cheer me up on a daily basis so my friend G invited me round to her house for dinner one nights I'd known her family since primary school so I was aware of her mums strict dinner table policies they were pretty acceptable no coats hats elbows on the table etc but I figured my friend had explained my situation to her and she would understand this was definitely not the case she was visibly uncomfortable with me wearing the beanie as we sat down to eat she says my name would you mind taking off your head at the dinner table me immediately uncomfortable considering how to explain the situation in front of G's younger brother mum it's okay just leave it boy don't talk back to me like that this is my dinner table and I don't allow outdoor clothes during mealtimes entitled mother I'm really sorry but I prefer to keep it on for personal reasons she now gets up and is like this is ridiculous just take off the hats when I didn't budge she grabbed the top of my beanie and started to pull it off my hands started to my head trying to resist she went to make a comment about me being childish but promptly shut up as soon as she revealed my batted patchy and bald head her mouth kinda hung open for a second or two as the rest of the table stayed silence my friend blesser was furious with her entitled mother yanked my precious beanie from her hands and quickly rushed me from the table edits just in case anyone is interested nothing much happened after this incidents my friend was really apologetic for her mum and I was honestly too shocked and embarrassed to know what to say she discreetly let me out of the house because I wasn't comfortable in that environment anymore later on I know that my mum had a discussion with her I don't want to get into a whole other story with this but entitled mother started to exercise her gossipy care in nature around the other parents in the end she did give me an apology it was awkward but I accepted it and our last story for the day is by heterochromia katz titled an entitled parent told me to turn off my in-flight movie because of the gay kissing no not the gay this occurred fall of 2019 I was in a 14-hour flight that was only half full there were storms recently prior to takeoff sir almost all connecting flights to arrive at that Airport were late this meant I had a whole three-hour seat row to myself since those Flyers didn't make it almost every road was like this into the flight I had my third movie it's impossible for me to sleep on planes so I continued looking through the movie list until I saw rocket men I've never seen it but heard good things about it - once halfway through the film the song take me to the pilots came on and a gay sex scene with Elton John and John Reed started playing I was a little surprised but I didn't skip since the cabin was dark and everyone else was watching their own screen or sleeping so I thought I felt someone poked my shoulder from behind it was a middle-aged woman she says you need to stop what you're watching that's extremely inappropriate for my kid I glanced at her boy probably about 12 in the middle seat who was sleeping the kid even had a sleeping mask on so how the heck could even see my movie anyway this part will be over soon there's been no nudity in it and I turned around I could hear her scoff oddly I'm assuming she pressed the help button since a flight attendant came over 10 seconds later record scratch that's extremely fast for a flight attendant on a bloody international flight she like said I have to wait like 20 minutes to get one by the time the flight attendant came to our section the steamy steam was finished anyway and no there was no nudity just steamy kissing and pectorals flight attendants like may I help you yes this person is watching gay porn my kid can see that and doesn't need to know about those relationships she's watching a movie provided on the list there's nothing I can do except advise you to watch your own screen it's not a family appropriate movie on a plane she needs to change the movie or turn it off I apologize but she has the right to watch what she wants to watch if there are further complaints in the future we could take action the flight attendant walk to the back of the plane I heard entitled mother say ridiculous under her breath I was super tempted to rewind back to Elton's one-night stand but I didn't need that BS at the moment later I turned around at her during the Elton's drug into alcohol overdose at his pool party and her eyes was fixated on my screen she must have enjoy the movie entitled sister reneged on a promise and acosta this happened around 1996 when I was 10 years old at the time my sister was acting out a lot and was always in and out of trouble this is just one of many stories from that era in the summer of 1996 my older sister was regularly going across the street to hang out with two neighbor girls whose family had a pool every kid on the street wanted to swim in this pool because the homeowner had built a deck around it that everyone could chill on and jump into the pool from I of course wanted to go swimming there as well but I wasn't often invited most other kids just walked in and were allowed to swim but before long I was noticing my sister was going more and more without me I ended up the lonely kid sitting in his room or in the front yard playing a gameboy pockets one day my sister tells me that she wanted to do something funny with my hair nothing permanent mind you but my hair had gotten long enough that you could make it look crazy with a few tweaks she took some hair ties and made my hair into some style I don't remember then my sister told me that if I kept that hairstyle for the rest of the day and let our parents see it then I could go to the pool party at the neighbor's house that Saturday I jumped at the opportunity to go and agreed I did exactly as she asked and got parents had a good laugh about it that Saturday my sister ran ahead to the party and left me behind I got ready and walked over with an inflatable tube around my waist that I think looked like some animal been too long don't remember what it was I got to the gate for the neighbor's backyard I did not try to open it for myself as that would have been rude the rule was that you were supposed to be let in and I didn't want to make anyone mad my sister was playing in the water with several other kids I had to call out a few times before any of them even acknowledged me my sister gave me a mean look and asked why I was there I said to her he promised me I could come to the party if I did what she wanted she looked at me and said yes oh sorry you promised me okay get out and then i hobbled across the streets sobbing it what it just happens I just sat by a tree in my front yard crying because I didn't know what to do after 10 minutes of me loudly crying non-stop my mom came out to see what was wrong and why I wasn't at the party I explained in detail what it happens and what she said to me there was a fire in my mom's eyes that could have melted ice with a glare she stormed across the streets the ground seemed a cave with every footstep as she stomped over a few minutes later she came back dragging my sister by her arm kicking and screaming my sister got grounded for a week and my mom instituted a new role if she was to ever go to another pool party at the neighbor's house again I had to be invited to my sister's screamed that it was not fair and openly blamed me for the whole mess lo and behold the neighbors girl stopped inviting my sister over all the time we lived there for three more years and she only got to go to maybe one or two pool parties over there again and she blamed me for it for two years straight I called her out on breaking her promise to me and she just said it was a joke like that was supposed to be a good reason for what she did after we moved in 1999 my sister seemed to forget all about it I ended up bringing up the story again in my late 20s and told everything in detail just like I did here my sister who was about 30 at the time broke down crying because she had totally forgotten about it still I reminded her and she apologized to me profusely for her behavior back then she used to be somewhat entitled but not anymore edits I would like to clarify that my sister no longer being allowed to go to pool parties next-door without me back then didn't mean that she no longer got to hang out with those two girls she still went over to their house and played with them regularly and they were still very nice to me we even had Super Soaker Awards in summer the role was only for the pool parties plus my sister admitted to me years later that both those girls weren't as nice as they seemed but there weren't a lot of other kids on the street for her to hang with an ex post is by user lydia pzp titles can you wake your husband up so I can ask him something I could have asked you instead this happened a few years ago something else I read on here reminded me of that incident so here it is when we first bought our house it was my husband my brother and I living together my brother was responsible for paying for the Internet plus he pitched in on the rest of the utilities my husband was working overnights so he slept during the day I had the most free time sir I was fixing the house and was often around if any of our neighbors stopped by now Casta me dear husband my brother and the neighbor who also happened to be a drug dealer as we later found out I was outside working in the front yard so I wouldn't make too much noise while dear husband was sleeping dear neighbor comes over and asks if dear husband is home I say yes but he's sleeping wake him up I want to ask him something I'm not waking him up he's working overnights if you need something then you can ask me but I need to talk to him tough luck he's sleeping and I'm not waking him up dear neighbor looking frustrated I wanted to ask if I can use her Internet I get a strong signal from you can you give me the password my brother pays for the Internet so he would be the one to ask fine can you get brother sir I got brother who didn't really like the neighbor and for a good reason neighbor asks him for the password and he says no that's a security risk and without another word brother walks away neighbor left after that sir I was able to get back to work this wasn't the first or the last time neighbor asked to get media husband for something I could have answered I don't know if it's because I'm a woman or if it's because I'm an immigrant but apparently I can't answer any questions or make any decisions dear husband just has to be the one to do it all even though everyone was well aware of his work schedule unexpressed is by formula fan one two three titled entitled couples stealer Katz end up with bills costing more than the cat itself so this has been going on for years and now it has reached a conclusion I thought I will finally post it now castor auntie uncle vets entitled Kabul aw and diem which is entitled woman and men and the daughter of entitled couple plus her kids story this started four years ago when my auntie and uncle adopted two cats one is very quiet and sleeps a lot and doesn't really go too far from the house the other catch is the exact opposite he goes out loads he only stays in for food and sleep and has an appetite all the time one day the cat didn't come home for a week okay suspicious but definitely not strange for a cat that it happens again and again by now my auntie is getting worried and buys a cat tracker it turns out that the cat was spending his time in a nearby house at this point my uncle went round and talked to them about it instantly they denied everything they didn't encourage the cats or feed it or anything suspicious it becomes more apparent over the next couple of months they were talking out of their asses the cat is getting fatter and fatter until one day on a visit to the vets he is placed on a list for at-risk animals by now my auntie is angry and to be fair I can see why these people were denying that they had ever fed the cat at all whilst causing it health problems that could cost it thousands in vet bills this all boiled down to what can only be described as one of the most entitled acts I have ever heard at a family gathering the entitled couple's daughter is just leaving when she spots the cat and decides it's now hers she just picked it up and drove it back home 50 miles back home fortunately for us there were some plumbers doing work in the street who watched her take the cat at first they had no idea whose cat it was but when my uncle started asking around to see if anyone had seen it they told him we were astonished that they had the audacity to do that and what's more they claimed it was their cat they had lost my uncle was friends with someone who knew the entitled couple's daughter quite well and confirmed that they had lost a ginger cat who was quite old the cat they had taken was black they lost their cat over a year before how can people be so stupid this is where my aunt calls in backup legal backup in courts entitled couple are given a cease-and-desist as well as bills for health care issues the cat had during his time at their house entitled couple's daughter is told to give the cat back and is also given a community service projects to completes on animal welfare oh the irony all went well but waits the entitlement continues when untitled couple's daughter brought the cat back to my auntie she was ticked she virtually threw the cat to my auntie and started a screaming rant with the whole street watching she says me and my kids deserve this cat more a classic then why don't you just buy one easy do you completely ignore this my kids are so sad you should at least pay for a new cat for us sorry are you off your head oh my god why don't you just take your cat and leave me alone oh my god please leave and she screams again then as in titled couple's daughter drives away she flicks off my aunt as she gives her a friendly wave edits it has been pointed out that I didn't explain well on two parts one the bills that entitled couple had to pay were for treatment for weight loss and diabetes - yes the cat is allowed outside it was a rescue and gets violent when not allowed out the other one is a Behrman cat so stays in an ex post is my user godly kid titled she thinks she has to get in line in front of me entitled mother thinks she is entitled to get in front of me in line sir I was in line at the store to get some groceries I saw that the person behind me had just one item so I smiled politely and told her she could go in front of me she thanked me and went in front of me that's when entitled mom came in so I turned back around in line when I heard entitled though she says hey you let that lady in front of you go in front of you I have kids so I should be able to get in front of you too I turn around to see her shopping cart filled to the brim I tried to smile politely again though it was really hard and then I reply she only had one item sir I let her stand in front of me then I turned around and face the front again hoping that the conversation was over but then I hear her shrill and outraged voice how stupid is this I have to get in front of you I have kids she gestured wildly der two kids who were both staring at their mom I turned back around this time not even trying to smile and start talking again I got in line before you and it's my choice if I let anyone go before me or not her face turned extremely red and then she shouted you have no respect for your elders at that point everyone was staring at us my face felt hot as I turned back around to face the front of the line then my turn came except when I started to put the items on the counter the lady shoved in hers before I could the employee at the register saw what was going on and quickly intervened he took the items and pushed them to the side then he said I'm sorry ma'am but this young man got in line first so he gets to go first please don't make a big deal now this employee was an elderly man so the lady couldn't scream you have no respect for your elders again which was a big relief because her voice was really high the rest went is it should have except the lady's face was bright red I got my items and I walked back home and in the comments Verdine says I saw someone try to skip in line the other day the guy was social distancing sooo she scooted over in front the guy just stood there and waited for her to load up her stuff in the conveyor walked through the line next to it and walked in front of her then he took the separator and pushed all of her stuff back onto the ground looked her dead in the eyes and said it would be smart not to try that in the future the checkout girl could hardly breathe she was trying so hard not to laugh Alex de winter says I was in a checkout line at Dollar Tree only one cashier either was at lunch lady in front of me was playing with her crotch goblin and ignoring everyone else I was behind and to the right of her other people came up and got in line in the other side so when she moved forward I moved in behind her she turned around and told me that the other person was behind her I told her that she didn't even bother looking around or she would have known that I was already waiting in line so she beckoned to the other lady to go in front of her and then turn to me yelling see what she did now I'm going to be late because of you you don't have any manners you should always let a woman go in front of you know I don't cater to the whims of entitled expletives such as yourself kindly frig off and leave me alone an ex post is by rainbow que titled neighbors wanted to get the city involved over a shared fence my parents live next to an interesting European couple we have so many stories on them one year my father had taken leave from his job and decided it was time to change all the fencing we never asked any of our conjoined neighbors to help us foot the bill he just let them all know that it was happening you know good neighborly stuff the year he decided to do this he mentioned it to our entitled neighbors just before they left for their yearly vacation overseas they always go for approximately six months of the year so my dad planned to do it then since he would need to be on their driveway for a small portion of it this is where he was able to make the fence higher as it would be part of our decking right at the back door to the house the neighbors came back and were furious stating we were blocking their views there are no views they are enclosed by large houses and people's backyards and that it was an ugly color it was cedar wood clear coat finish we brushed them off and forgot about it a few days later there was a knock on our door from a city official he and my dad went through the city plan and everything my dad did to code when they were done the official went next door to tell the neighbors the news it turns out my dad had built within our lights the official gave him the option of tearing down the Finch on the neighbor's side and relocating it to our property lines which happened to run down the middle of his driveway and through his garage they also got left with a permanent reminder of its as the official spray-painted markers of where our property was waits is their garage and driveway halfway into their parents property did I've read that right I think the property line cuts through the neighbor's driveway and garage same and it could very much happen if the neighbor's house was built without garage and driveway if whoever lived in that house possibly before entitled couple when those were added thoughts my house needs a garage in the driveway and look there's so much space from our house wall to the open neighbors so why not there well maybe because Opie's family hadn't taken materialistic advantage of their rightful property slash liens if the people living there didn't check the lines this issue would easily occur both houses were built around the 1950s and the original property lines were never changed from then until now so it was a surprise to my parents we all moved in about 15 years ago so all was standing but we had no idea until this all occurred purples Smith says growing up my parents property line was three feet too close to the garage we had a lease with the neighbors for that three-foot spanning the length of the property line for $50 a year super cheap because we were all friendly and respectful when we moved the new owners were dicks the cool neighbors charged them $50 a month for the same three for its bit turned out our lease was the same as the new owners but since we were a cool family they only charged us in January each year what would you guys do about a property encroaching on yours like that would you have them remove the building anyway unexposed is buying nutmeg at 23 titled she gives born-again a bad name my sister entitled sister was the firstborn child and grandchild on both sides so she got used to being put on a pedestal quite early entitled sister was smarts but as she got older it was apparent she lacked both common sense and common courtesy she was also a master manipulator so mom and dad did everything for her this would come to bite them in the rear later in life when our father was ill the only time entitled sister and her husband's brother-in-law would visit him would be the one hour a day his favorite television show was on other than that nothing at the post funeral dinner entitled sister made sure to load her plate with extra food and brother-in-law said the waitress didn't deserve a tip because she wouldn't in phil entitled sisters wineglass to the rim there is a legal limit mates they left paying less than their share when our mother got ill entitled sister and brother-in-law would visits expecting mom to serve them but not take her out or anything once after they took mom to the doctor mum was quite nauseous for the rest of the day entitled sister had to sit in the front seat while hubby drove mom begged me not to ever let them take them to the doctor again once they left mum leaning against a couch after moms leg was broken in an accident they couldn't move mum to a chair because entitled sister and brother-in-law have bad backs so why couldn't they have asked me for help I was nearby in the end entitled sister showed her true self when mum asked her for help with something an entitled sister outright refused mum died knowing just how unimportant she was to entitled sister it's amazing how people show their true colors when their parents are dying I have a cousin whose mother's got sick instead of taking care of her he already lived with her and was 40 years old at the time lived with her his entire life he sent her to a nursing home this story is going to start to sound ridiculous but I swear it's true he broke his hips falling on some ice and checked into the very same nursing home that she was at he was in heaven he loved being waited on scheduled meals etc his room was down the hall from hers as far as I know he never ever went down to her room to see her in the month he was there she died soon after this guy was coddled on his mother his entire life she cooked for him did almost everything for him he's about 60 now and still lives in that same house and has never been married when I read he broke his hip I was like , but I kept reading and that went downhill real quick honestly I blame the mum for some of that people don't do their kids any favors when they coddled them and inhibit them from growing up and becoming independent adults some kids break away and some don't guess your cousin didn't I call that 75% parent and 25% kid mainly from seeing the dynamic with my mom and little sister it's crippling for a parent to treat a kid that way and started from infancy not a lot of kid can do to combat it well took some very hard times and hard struggle for mom and sis to curb the dynamic what do you guys think of dynamics like that my mom has been like that with me for a bit I think that's just cuz I struggled in life alights but I feel like I'm independent now so it could be like a case-by-case basis not sure an ex post is bike Leonardo 96 titled entitled teacher insists that there is a law forcing me to marry my cousin roll tide so first off this happened a few years ago and I'm gonna crap load of meds so I'm a little loopy so my storytelling might not be the best so I was in an online class but my teacher insisted on us all meeting up once or twice a week that didn't seem so bad that it was a language class after all but I was the only one that was ever there and we rarely ever talked about class related stuff one day I mentioned that I was native I'm white passing but I'm a card-carrying tribal member raised on the rez my whole life my teacher was super white and this is when it got crazy she started saying that there were laws saying I needed to marry within my tribe to keep the bloodlines going I told her that my tribe is very small and we are all cousins or aunties uncles nieces plus there is no law she insisted that it was a tribal law and that I needed to have my kids with cousins to keep the bloodlines pure she insisted for about 20 minutes even saying once I fulfill my duty of keeping the bloodlines pure I can divorce my cousin and do whatever I wanted and eventually I just gave up the next time she wanted to meet I was creeped out and skipped out after that my grades went down I had nothing under an 87% previously and now suddenly I was getting 5% on all of my assignments I went to the Dean and they said it was unacceptable and they talked to her and she said it was a misunderstanding I had to meet with her on campus for the remainder of the semester but she gave me 100% no matter what so I guess that's a win I have a couple of what the hell's young won as a teacher what the hell is she doing telling a student who to marry and sleep with - as a white person not associated with the tribe whatsoever what the hell does it matter to her who you have kids with she's a teacher and white so therefore she knows everything better than those backward under Jill what the hell such a colonizer attitude I know your laws better than you [ __ ] yeah like she was in the tribal meeting every month I roll it was super creepy who even thinks it's okay to insist that I screw with my cousin it sounds like something that would be printed in a local newspaper with no verification as a flavor piece that she took hook line and sinker I suppose one of the bigger tribes may have it to implement something like that in the past if there was a more ethnocentric element in the leadership although I do doubt that this was ever really a thing anywhere the closest I could think of was the propaganda in Nazi Germany even if there was such a law at one time and she had evidence of it I'm not even American and I know there are several different extant tribes all of whom would have their own traditions how could she know be you belong to the ones she knew had this law you Ryan it sounds like a tabloid thing and it does sound very very Nazi ish and yet she had zero knowledge of my tribe unlike me who is a part of the tribe and grew up in it we actually have the opposite of what she thought even before the colonizers got here we had very organized systems in place to go to other tribes and to make sure our spouses were not related to us it's against our culture and tradition to commit incest like she was insisting and that's why I'm gonna leave it today guys tell me what you thought about me reading comments I think it does add to the video like you guys were seeing in the AIT a video I won't lie I don't know how you feel about people just reading the stories and not some of the comments maybe it's something I'll try out as well in these videos it feels better to read comments I know sometimes I read too many but when I'm reading them it just feels good because it adds so much more to the story the Opie replies when we get to a second side of the story anyway that's just my head Canon I hope you guys have a good day night sleep whatever you're up to and I'll see you in the next episode bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 67,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EntitledParents, entitled, parents, r/entitledparents, r/entitled, r/entitled parents, rslash, markee, markee reddit, markee entitledparents
Id: vwiu46LfUDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 214min 11sec (12851 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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