r/EntitledPeople + r/Revenge - Entitled Teacher Reports Me To CPS FOR WHAT?!

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g'day there guys it's your main man Marky back at it again with another episode of our slash entitled people now if you love this content I want you to sit back relax Chuck a prawn on the barbie and enjoy the content posted by user 1 SL 1 kk 1 titled crazy lady accuses me of kidnapping my stepson tries to kidnap him from me so this happened about a week ago and I honestly am still fuming from this I'm not sure if this belongs in this sub reddits but here goes first a little backstory I mixed ethnicity individual I've been confused for many races over the course of my 29 years on this planets but I'm literally Caucasian and african-american usually it can be figured out but the difference with me is my father is the Caucasian so therefore my hair is straight I'm originally from Texas and I'm usually confused for being Mexican but now I live in Massachusetts and have never had an issue with anyone concerning my race until this day also I'm married to a Caucasian woman who had a child before we were married his father is not in his life as much and I took the responsibility because I love this woman and I love this little boy as if he were my own he's four now and I've been in his life since he was one anyways on to the story my wife needed a few things from the grocery store and she needed to run a few more errands and usually she discouraged and knocks things out herself because I'm asleep I work nights but this particular day I happened to be awake and they offered to go for her she works hard and does a lot sir I definitely felt it was necessary to do something for her so she could just relax for the day I took my son with me so she could rest up and just take it easy and it gave me time to spend with my son for some bonding we completed all of the errands which went smoothly and then we headed to the grocery store to finish up our day my son being a typical four year olds was full of energy running ahead of me laughing and speaking to everyone he comes across which I generally don't mind as long as he doesn't hate anyone and stays within I view as I'm making my way down an aisle looking for canned corn my son jogs to the end of it when an older lady is entering at the other end my son the sweet social butterfly he is approached and exclaims and excited hi me for and me Ryan bless his little hearts the lady looks down and says well hello there you shouldn't be running around unattended let's go find your parents I don't think anything of her statements because I assume she just hadn't seen me Ryan come back here bud please he excitedly runs back towards me and starts turning in circles because you know he's for long I'm still searching the shelves as the lady walks past me and stops behind me again I think nothing of it because it's a grocery store and you have to share the aisles I turn my basket around and start to walk towards the front cash registers when this lady literally blocks my path I say excuse me and try to walk around her and she moves her card in front of me again I honestly thought she was just getting confused and said excuse me once again and tried one more time to go around and she just blocks my path the following convo in series sorry about that we'll get out of your way oh I don't think so you're not going anywhere with that child you mean my son that's not your child he's white and you're Mexican he probably didn't even know his name until he said it to me sure whatever lady can you just move my wife is at home and anxiously waiting for us stop your lines you're not taking him anywhere you pervert this whole time my son is standing close to me holding my leg because he was honestly getting scared I was getting angry because I hadn't had much sleep and I have a short fuse anyway thanks dad I say as you can see he's standing close to me because he trusts me and you're scaring him so how about you buzz off no he's scared because of you he just doesn't know how to express it yet she looks at my son come on now sweetie I'm here to rescue you come with me thankfully my son was able to communicate to her he wasn't going anywhere with her but she was having none of it she literally grabbed my son and began to run it caught me off guard because I honestly could not fathom what was actually happening my son starts screaming loudly because he was so scared and this lady is just like don't worry sweetie he won't hurt you I promise suddenly I snapped back into reality and I begin to chase after this crazy winch while running through the store I yell for people to stop her and that she's kidnapping my son and thankfully a worker stops her before she makes the exits why are you stopping me this Mexican here is trying to kidnap my grandson my son is literally bawling his eyes out and extending his arms out calling for me this lady was relentless and would not let go of my son even after he slaps her face multiple times I laughed a little I'm not gonna lie at this point a manager shows up and asks what's going on the lady spoke before me this pointing at me pervert is trying to kidnap my grandson and I was just trying to escape that's my son you freaking psycho now let him go the manager didn't know what to believe I don't blame him he was caught in a weird situation so I pulled out my phone and showed him pictures of me and my son that dated a year or so back as proof this lady still would not give up and accused me of thanking them like how would you do that exactly I'll never know but whatever sadly there were two other ladies they're taking the psychos side and said I was attempting to kidnap my own son because there was no way we were family because of our different skin tones one even called the police which I was actually happy about because I knew they'd be able to review the security cameras even still I called my wife to see if she could come to the store to get this situation cleared up quicker as soon as I told her what was going on she zoomed to the store she got there about the same time as the police the crazy ladies were giving their statements to the cops my wife walked in as soon as she walked in my son goes mama help my wife is a true mama bear and she immediately flew into a rage when she saw this lady holding my son let go of him now sorry sweetie I was just trying to protect him from this pervert over here yeah we saw him trying to kidnap him but this lady saved him the cop looks at the lady and is confused I thought this was your grandson oh I have no idea who that lady is she takes out her phone and shows the officer a picture of my mother-in-law okay I'm sorry he's not my grandson but I was charlie trying to protect him from this dirty pervert over here yeah I witnessed the whole thing he snatched that child and tried to run away with him but this lady stopped it yeah I saw it too he needs to be arrested and you pointing to my wife should be thankful that this lady was here to save your son because you obviously just let him loose wherever who are you talking about again all three crazy ladies pointed at me oh you mean my husband husbands yeah who do you think called me and got me here so fast I presented my ID to the officer and the manager and my wife did the same we also each showed us pictures of us on our phones to prove we were really a family the cop nodded in approval and handed our cell phones back and jotted down a few notes the three ladies for some reason still kept trying to say this is all fake and my wife was in on the kidnapping and said we needed to be arrested my wife lost it at this point and let off some colorful words I won't repeat here but she definitely got her point across then the nail in the coffin came from the psychotria the officer turned to the manager and asks sir did the cameras work er yes we have them inside and out okay great let's go review the three ladies faces went pale like ghostly pale the officer reviewed the outside camera as I pulled into the parking lots and saw me take my son out of the car and then as I went up and down the aisles and most importantly the instance when the woman snatched up my son and began to run upon his return he asks would you like to press charges and lady one says yes I would why would I be asking you that question shut your mouth and sit down he turns to me and repeats the question and I say absolutely lady one was a charged with attempted kidnapping false imprisonment providing a false police reports and child endangerment the other two were also charged with providing a false police report as well to make matters worse for lady 1 my son bruises easily and she left some terrible spots on him from where she was grasping him but he's fine this added a charge of child abuse to her rap sheets I have caught later this year but I'm not sure when because of kovat the officer will be following up with me in a few weeks sorry for the length posted by user saya Knights titles and titled teacher calls CPS on me because I refused to talk to her about my mom long term looky here I've dealt with my fair share of entitled people both in school and at work and have so many stories to tell but this one I remember so vividly I'm also not a native English speaker so mistakes may be made for context my mom was in and out of the hospital when I was around 10 to 13 years old because of bipolar disorder and by the time this all went down when I was 15 my mom was doing better home and she was even working so in my final year of secondary school one of my teachers began pulling me out of class in the middle of lessons and at first she just wanted to chat about my grades which for average but then she started asking more and more intrusive questions about my mom and her illness and began to compare my mother's illness to her mother who apparently had suffered from the same thing and began telling me sob stories about her childhood she also began asking me uncomfortable questions about my home life I didn't say much just sat there feeling very confused about it all this happened over the course of three months and eventually I got really sick of her pulling me out of the classroom in the middle of lessons and I snapped I told her to stop pulling me out of classes and leave me the hell alone I turned to leave and go back to class she grabs me by the arm and tells me that if I continue to withhold information she would have to call the CPS I told her to call them they wouldn't find anything and she'd be wasting their time a few days later I get called out of the classroom not by her but my principal who takes me to her office where a CPS worker my mum and my dad is waiting I realized I already knew the woman she had been at our house sometimes while my mom was ill the CPS worker my parents and I talked and she came to the conclusion that everything was fine but I broke down in tears because the whole situation had been really stressful my parents were ticked they demanded to know why the hell this teacher thought it was okay to harass me about something that was none of her business we never got a proper answer and the teacher refused to say anything she stared daggers at me though the CPS lady was angry about having her time wasted and demanded some type of action from the principal the teacher was not allowed to be in the room alone with me anymore and under no circumstance to take me out of classroom alone eventually she was moved to another class and ladle that go for harassment and assault of another student by the way I didn't tell my parents because I was a dumb kid thinking I was the one who would get in trouble about it's posted by user eagle-eyed tu-95 titled Karon throws a small wine rack on the ground because I ordered it hello reddit's I'm Belgian sir if I make any mistakes I'm sorry a little context first every year on the second Sunday of June it's Father's Day for Father's Day I ordered and paid for a small wine rack with six wines in it online so on to the story names are changed obviously characters are Karen the 40 year old woman without Karen haircuts Josh a male employee in the store Sarah a female employee in the store and friend of mine good guy Brian Brian for shorts who is the store owner and me the store in which I ordered it has a regular line and a reserved line the regular line the usual you get in after you took your stuff off the shelves the reserved line is for people who ordered something online this so they can get their stuff without having to wait in line so the regular line was pretty long around seven people but the reserved line was free so having ordered and paid online I set myself in the reserved line this did not sit well with a Karen she says sir you have to wait in the back of the line no I don't i've Karen cuts me off yes you do it's against the law oh no here we go again men I've ordered online and she cuts me off again I don't care what you did or who you are you have to wait in the back of a line like everyone else she looks around for supports but no one was with her on this one by this time the Josh saw what was happening and tried to explain to Karin what was happening didn't really pay attention to the conversation but she was off my back so I give Sara my order number she goes to the back comes back with my package and I go home happy I wish that happens but this would not be a good one if it did there so here is what happened during the time that I gave my order and she got back with my package the other employee was done explaining things to Karin don't know if he gave up or if Karin brushed him off in the end but I get my package turn around and see Karin storming to me takes my package out of my hands I was a bit surprised about how strong she was and throws it on the grounds the wine rack foot was bent and four of the six bottles broken she says there now you have to get a new one and stand in the back of the line like everyone else I'm dumbfounded Sara says what the frick takes phone yeah Brian can you come to the counter we have a situation well what are you waiting for go get your stuff and get in the back of the line starts to go back to her place what is wrong with you woman what is wrong with you young man you cannot cut in line it's against the law meanwhile Brian arrives Brian separates both of us and gets our statements apparently according to her I cut in line and when she was stopping me through the wine rack to her then Brian goes away for a second to check the camera footage no change in Karen's face there comes back following conversation goes ma'am I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the store why I didn't break the law he did pointing at me why should I leave I haven't even paid for my stuff please leave the store or the police will be cold call them they'll say that I'm in the rides Brian's size takes out his cellphone and does the police a few moments pass by and the police comb take statements from me Karen and Brian Karen went again with the throw the wine rack excuse police go to the back the room for the camera footage comeback and discord her in cuffs to the police car the whole time she was yelling this is against the law I was in my rights you can't do this what about him one of the police comes over and says technically what she did is assault do you want to press charges hell yes then let me sign a paper with my statements and wish me a happy day further the owner of the store replaced the wine rack with another one they still have in the store but this one was with more expensive wine mine was 80 euro in total this one was 95 euro but didn't charge me for the extra 15 euro posted by user wafer 2016 titled x' the waitress licked my mother's plates or how my inner karen was released hello happy people this story takes place several years ago in a time filled with pre-pandemic innocence people were free to eat at restaurants and actually sit in a dining room at the tables a wild concept I know but there you go my mother and I like to frequent a well-known Canadian restaurant chain known for their delicious rotisserie chicken and sweet potato fries do not forget the sweet potato fries all my Frank they are so good but I digress one nights just before Christmas that year we decided we wanted chicken for supper so we bundled up in our many layers and headed on over to miss Chalet see what I did there the hearse dance sent us next to the fireplace Christmas music was playing softly and we were filled with anticipation of the delicious meal to come we decided to start with the baked garlic Life a drippy buttery monstrosity that is delivered to the table under a mountain of diced onions and tomatoes having placed our orders we sat back and chatted idly about stuff that I can't remember now we had noticed our service seemed a bit snappish and dismissive okay she was a [ __ ] shoot you know the Grinch was freaking Barney the Dinosaur compared to her maybe her shoes were too tight or her apron was upside-down or maybe her heart was two sizes too small whatever the issue her or her shoes our server clearly disliked her job after a while our noses were greeted with the beautiful scent of garlicky goodness and our delicious buttery loaf was placed before us along with two empty plates for us two years all was great until I looked at my mother's plates and so it had a huge dirty smudge on its ill I got the server's attention and pointed out the dirty plates and this is where our wonderful candy canes scented evening went to hell in a handbasket what I'm about to reveal is the absolute truth with not one smidgen of exaggeration the waitress took my mother's place licked her thumb wrapped the dirt off with said spit covered thumb and then handed mom her plate back and said here you go I stopped dead looked at my poor mother who was looking equally stunned and then turned and glared at the server my mother would like a new plate now server huffed fine full out Stover to the counter and got my mom a new plate I was able to watch the entire time as it was within my view so I made sure it remained spit free after she slapped the plate on the table and stalked away I waved another server over and asked for the manager manager came over and I quietly explained what had just happened and she was horrified this is where the evening took another bizarre turn the manager apologized naturally and offered us free pie miss chalets go-to response for unhappy customers and told me to call head office so they can be made aware of it too I don't know what kind of drama was going on behind the scenes but a manager asking me to call the big bosses for her we had right next morning I did as asked and called the head office I was greeted with complete silence for a few minutes after sharing my story of garlicky wire then the rep squeaked out that is not proper miss chalets serving standards we were given a gift card for a free meal for both of us and after internal investigation the entire staff was sent for retraining on proper ways to serve customers which oddly enough includes not licking the plates yet that the boy posted by user title lion titles people using a loophole so they can vacation in other countries and following knows self-isolation protocols sir I saw on Facebook today a post about some Texans vacationing in BC they told border security that they were headed to Alaska but told restaurant staff that they were taking a detour to vacation in British Columbia the post said that they were not wearing masks or PPE no social distancing the visitors have no plans to self isolates etc decided to fact-check and while the article doesn't mention everything the post did the rest of the story checks out this is by Global News titled American tourists in Alberta RCMP investigating possible breaches of covert 19 restrictions seriously it's a global pandemic and do you want to abuse the system to say you're headed home to Alaska but just so you can go a vacation at the risk of exposing others how entitled do you have to be posted by user Justin on a morph titled she took my cat this is both a rent and a request for help my cat is not an indoors cat she's an outside one I tried to get her to stay inside but she's a big one that loves climbing the huge trees and chasing feral cats she did occasionally go inside but after a time she would always wait by the door to go outside and she always came back she responds to her name she responds to commands and behaves in such a way we sometimes call her the guard cat it's been a week since I saw her I was worried I didn't know what to do until I was outside with some neighbors they knew her very well and they said it was strange that they haven't seen her around and then an old lady walked by and said that black cat you mean or she's not black she's spotted and she's not that cat she's cats replaced name because it's foreign and tied to her spell no no she's little puffs she's mine I took her in it's the best for her outside is not a place for a cat I can't believe you taught her such bad manners she only stays by the door who knows how you beat her that she's so afraid to stay inside how dare you how dare you I was really angry at this points I really care about cats and I can't believe someone is forcing her inside another neighbor says what rotten soul do you have inside that you steal others pets what a fuss you make about such a good thing I adopted her and you're lucky I didn't call animal control on you for animal abuse let cat outs she's not an inside cat you're stressing her you don't even know her she'll bite your hand when you pet her wrong that's the bad manners you gave to little puff I'll teach her discipline and you can't prove it's yours can you that's heartless give her cat back you should be more wise at your age I'm surrounded by idiots and she ran inside and she's right it's not like I have a certificate for cat or anything you usually don't have papers for Pet CR unless there's some breed and you want to prove that how do I get cat back this sounds like a stage play updates first things first I want to thank you all for the advice and shared your stories and so on you've been a great help yesterday I gathered all evidence I could the cat is mine but most of my photos with her were with her alone and I was a bit worried until we struck the gold mine my sister had a video old one of us hanging around with cat inside with cat getting scratches from both of us I went that evening to the old lady but she didn't answer the door it was dark outside so I figured she was asleep I talked to her neighbor instead who said she'll be looking for cats I didn't sleep much but I met with my neighbors today and a lot of people because there's nothing faster than the word of mouth in a village we discussed what we should do showed them the proof I had and we decided the police wasn't going to help there were multiple stories from them about police don't care or even worse giving them fines for wasting police time and that is how it is for villages so instead we decided to go together to the old lady with proof I gathered there were so many people at first old lady didn't answer the door but we kept insisting and some people started yelling give cat back give cat back give cat back she answered the door finally and a shouting match started I don't remember much of it but I remember very well when one guy shouted above everyone else we're not leaving until you give cat back a couple of shouting between both parts and then it was over old lady went inside to release cats as she was outnumbered by a lot and couldn't fight the whole village if you're wondering how she kept cat inside she had cat tied to a bed leg with a blue rope used for making hay bales I wish I could say cat ran faster that everything but that's how she runs always we left old lady's place and headed for mine some people left and there were fewer by the time we reached my house but in the walnut tree in her usual place there was cats and after I thanked them and they said stuff like you're welcome they left me to attend to cats her fur looked a bit rough she came down from the tree when I called her she didn't want to go inside so I brought her food outside I stayed with her until she finished eating got her some water too but she wasn't interested I got close to her and scratched behind her ears her favourites and she had nothing against it I'd looked her over she didn't seem to have any injury or part that hurts you could see against her fur where she was tied but it didn't go into her skin so that's good after we hanged out a bit more she climbed back in the tree to stay in her favorite place I'll stay outside a little bit more I talked to the village vets and he doesn't have what he needs to get her microchips I thought so therefore I'll be taking care to the city in the next days I'm so thankful she's back and for your and village people's help you could say that I see what I want to see but the male goose looked a bit happy too as he doesn't need to fend off ferrets alone anymore the guard cats is back posted by user panis t turned their azĂșcar title Karin tries to use my mother to get free breakfast this happened a few months ago English is not my main language so I apologize in advance for any mistakes that I may commit our cast are Karen Karen's daughter my mum my dad myself the manager and the waitress so me and my parents like to go out to have breakfast every Sunday or that's what we did before this pandemic and on that particular day we were in one of our favorite restaurants located in a mall without suspecting what was going to happen my mum ordered a club sandwich and just before she took the first bite she noticed something was out of place among the salad was a blue wire the kind that is wrapped in plastic and used in bread bags to keep them closed she quickly called out our waitress and explained the situation in a very discreet way the waitress apologized took the plate away offered to bring her a free courtesy dish and said she would talk to the manager thinking back maybe the word free was what made Karen notice us right next to our table was a woman Karen and her daughter Karen's daughter when the waitress went away Karen suddenly began to talk to us she says that was awful they should have been more careful you could have chalked if you've eaten that huh good thing I noticed before I started eating yes maybe the cooking staff should have paid more attention while serving but we weren't particularly angry about it mistakes happen and Sunday morning is always a [ __ ] time at that place as my mother said no one got hurt so we just let it slide Karen on the other hand proceeded to complain as if the wire had been in her plaits instead of my mum's she told us about this time someone she knew friend sister I don't remember found a nail in their plate at another restaurant and sued the place I doubt it was true I feel like she was trying to impress us my parents were acting Polites just playing along probably thinking Karen was just a concerned woman I was silent for the most parts wishing she would just shut the hell up well I noticed that Karen's daughter was silent as well and that she had this expression of absolute misery in her face now that I think about it it was a signal that Karen usually displayed the tip behavior quite often the manager finally came and because of the fuss Karen was making thought she was the one who had the problem and apologized to her the waitress corrected him and then he talked to my mother manager says we're very sorry please feel free to order what you want - free of cost I'd like to have another club sandwich please no you should order something more expensive they committed a mistake you deserve it Karen's daughter quietly says mum please stop mum getting angry at Karen says a club sandwich is fine thanks the waitress and the manager retired and we thought that was all but we were wrong Karen's still complained about what had happened and in a not so quiet or discreet manner basically said that my mum was stupid for not taking an opportunity when provided she says if it had been me I would have sued this place for endangering my life Karen's daughter slightly raising her voice says mum please just stop that didn't even happen to you eventually the waitress came back with my mum's sandwich and at that points my dad and I were angry and wanted to tell Karen to stop with her complaining and bad-mouthing but my mom insisted we ignored her and tried to enjoy our breakfast the best we could Karen and her daughter finished eating and finally went away we sighed with relief thought that this was over and would have some peace but no again we were wrong the waiter says to my father shyly excuse me sir could you come with me please is there something wrong we just need you to clear a misunderstanding if this is because of my wife's incidents there's no problem from Alpine's we understand it was an accidents do not worry the waiter looking extremely embarrassed says yes is because of that there's this woman with the cashier claiming to be the missus my mum sister and requesting a null bill for herself on your behalf my dad practically stormed out my mom asked me to follow him and so I did just in time to see Karen the cashier a young woman and the manager trying to calm the situation she says my sister and I have agreed to sue this place because your irresponsibility nearly killed her we put a piece of wire in her plates and you still want me to pay for my meal that's enough you've been disrespectful to my wife and the ladies the waitress and the cashier you are the worst kind of person and are in no way related to me stop lying and pay your bill already my dad is the kind of person who rarely gets angry and when he does he gets extremely serious so I was really surprised to see him like that I want to clarify that he isn't a violent person but I had never seen him yelling at someone like that before I also noticed that Karen's daughter was crying right behind Karen talking on her cell phone and couldn't help to feel sorry for her because honestly she did nothing wrong and her only fault was having Karen as a mother something that she couldn't have chosen looking back I wish I had approached her to tell her that I knew none of this was her fault and that I noticed she was trying to calm her mother and we didn't blame her for anything meanwhile another way to arrived with the mall security they made sure Karen paid her bill then escorted her outside with her poor daughter following from afar the manager apologized again and because of the incident with Karen canceled our bill despite this my parents and I agreed to leave half of our total bill as a tip because the staff was in no way responsible for our bad experience and they suffered from it too still I doubt we will return to the same restaurant out of embarrassment or as we see in my country where bencher been young lady yells at me for giving Husky heatstroke so anyone that knows anything about Huskies is that they had double coated their coats are meant to protect them from both heat and cold because of this you shouldn't ever shave a husky except for medical reasons I just need everyone to understand this before I explain what happened I have an elderly neighbor I've been walking her dog mow for a couple of years now he's a big fluffy husky that loves playing with his frisbee due to restrictions slowly being lifted it's safe to take him on more again I don't take him far just to a little baseball field down the road where he can play in a fenced area for a bit the other day I took Mo out to the fields and we were doing our thing on the other side of the fence saw some mailboxes and a car pulled up to them I was focused on Mercer I didn't pay attention to the woman that got out of it until she started yelling at me yo car stop me yours truly entitled lady and sweet neighbor lady I just throw in the frisbee and Marie went after it with a vengeance when entitled ladies started yelling when I look over she's practically climbing the fence I say can I help you she says what do you think you're doing with that poor animal do you realize how hot it is why haven't you shaved off all that fur the poor dear is probably dying of heat stroke now if you looked at mo he was fine bouncing around all happy like a good dog ER and I had a couple bottles of water and a bowl in my bag for him ma'am he's a husky he can't shave his coats ah teenagers these days I'm 21 mates don't know what they're talking about any vet would tell you you have to shave your dog's fur when it gets hot out not with double-coated dogs he needs his coat in order to stay cool I'll spray the next ten minutes on repeat the same arguments she kept insisting I was going to give him heatstroke finally I had enough and hooked Mary to his leash to take him back home guys this crazy witch followed me back to my nice neighbor's house I was really creeped out but I took mo up and knocked on the door Anson was grateful for my help and paid me in customary batch of baked goods but before I could walk away entitled ladies stormed up to the door I couldn't make out what she was saying as she was screaming so loud at sweet neighbor lady what I did make out at the end I'm gonna call the police on you for animal cruelty you do that deal I'll be here with my darling boy waiting for them and she closed the door in her face the look of self-righteous anger on this woman's face was priceless she stomped off back to her car and I went back to my house i sat on my deck watching lady talked on the phone in her car turns out she actually did call the police now I wasn't actually around when the cops showed up but sweet neighbor lady told me it was all pretty cut-and-dry the officer checked out her puppets saw nothing wrong and left entitled lady was furious mode wasn't taken away and came pounding on sweet neighbor lady's door sweet neighbor lady didn't even bother opening the door just told her to leave or she would be reported for trespassing and we haven't seen heads or tails of the woman since posted by user nightingale gray 15 titled entitled teacher tries to give me detention at a school that I don't go to I saw a similar story to this on our site entitled parents and it reminded me of this if there's a sub that better fits this story please feel free to let me know and I'll remove it from this sub let's start with background info so this happened two years ago when I was in my junior year of high school I was involved in a group at our high school that was pretty much in charge of going to middle schools and telling them about high school and how to get involved you know all that boring stuff we went to one middle school that is notoriously known for having really entitled teachers another important detail to mention is that I am a relatively short dude so people sometimes mistake me for looking a lot younger than I am despite being nearly in adults now on to the story I'll include dialogue but everything is more paraphrased considering this happened almost two years ago and I of course can't remember exactly everything everyone said the cast are me friend 1 2 and the entitled teacher so this whole thing starts when we enter the school the teacher from our high school who drove us to the school left to go to the office to sign us in and told us to head to the library we do as we're told and start walking to the library as we are we come across a wall showing past graduates the two girls I was with both went to this school so we stopped so we could look at the photos I pull out my phone to just check my texts while I wait for them in comes entitled teacher and they say in a very entitled turn you know the one what are you three doing here Oh which is looking at the old photos she assumed the teacher would have known we were here for the high school presentation and that was a mistake get back to class now she then looks at me who was looking up at her from my phone and says give me your phone ah no thanks I really didn't know how to respond the girls made fun of me for saying this after all this happened it was a jerk for a while internal teacher holding out her hand says give me your phone no phones during school hours at this point we all realized she was unaware of the high school presentation oh we don't go to this school we're here for the presentation and just wanted to look at that I don't want to hear your excuses you've all been terribly rude to me go down to the office now or I'll call your parents I was shocked at this considering my middle school was never like this when I talked to the girls after they said this sort of behavior was normal from teachers at this school but they assumed the teacher was new considering they had never seen her before sorry but we really don't go to this school we're just gonna head to the library now no you are not give me your phone and I'm calling your parents she then tries to reach for my phone so I back up and put my phone in my pockets and say don't touch my property entitled teacher looking absolutely offended that I disobeyed her says this behavior will not be tolerated tell me your teacher's name and I will make sure your phone is locked up for the rest of the day while you are in detention this is just a summary of what she said she rambled on a bit about respect at this point we are saved by our actual teacher coming down the hall from the office she stops and asks what the problem is and we explain entitled teacher looked horrified and instantly apologized acting all nice we were ticked but quickly moved on from the incidents and went to do our presentation that's pretty much it not as exciting as some others but hope you enjoyed nonetheless posted by user dr. who all the way titles my sister-in-law is angry at me for saving her kids a long time ago when I lived with my ex-husband I was a free babysitter for his sister's kids we all lived in two stories building top floor was hers her husband and two daughters middle was the parent in-laws and my ex and me have a basement turned into a flat I was used as a babysitter in times when I was out of work and I took care of two girls one was three years old the other from her birth until she was two and her sister five then I started collecting a fee and sister-in-law was very angry at that before she could ask me to stay with her kids and not have to pay but my job gives me very little money so I needed that to pay for my rent and shopping a few months after I stopped babysitting I was coming back from work and I see sister-in-laws kids running from the house to the street it was late winter so no snow but still cold and they were only in t-shirts and tights I called to them to come back home the younger one turned around to come back inside but the older little brat that she was just started running faster I caught up with her before she reached the street and then she said my mommy said that I can that was a lie that was the light that she said every time I caught her doing something bad and yes her mother and grandmother spoiled her rotten her sister was listening to me because she knew that I will always tell her why and will not be angry just ask questions and yes their mother screamed at them a lot I pulled the kid back to the house and she's crying sister-in-law finally comes out with mother-in-law why is she crying I did not let her run to the street she did not let me play my poor baby why did you hurt her I did not just did not let some car run her over where are her clothes there was no car and you screamed at her I did not what if there was a car though well there wasn't she was just playing in only a t-shirt outside in the freezing cold well you're not her mother then the younger girl peeks out from the open front door and I tell her to go inside kid it's cold sister says stop ordering my children around you're no longer their babysitter true and it won't be until you pay me and I'm going out but you just got here I know bye I returned a few hours later and my ex-husband gives me a lecture about acting around his family I was irresponsible and unpleasant to them and I have to admit I cried that guy knew how to push my buttons to make me feel guilty it was not long before I divorced his narcissistic backside that's an offer from me posted by user anonymous mami titled 'he's entitled woman thinks she can touch my drinks and kid how dare you drink coffee while pregnant I'm eight months pregnant 26 female and this takes place in March a little over two months ago I was in a coffee shop enjoying my evening with my three kids two female form female six female and I just ordered hot chocolates for my two oldest babies and milk for my youngest I also ordered a hot tea for myself when my name was called there was a woman about 60 or so there we'll call her Karen she saw me reach for the tree with the drinks but she got to them first and threw the drinks in the trash crying about how I was being irresponsible and should not drink coffee pregnant the thing was my oldest will call her Lucy was standing beside me and she started crying and hugging my leg the barista saw this and she made us more drinks and again Karen did the same thing Lucy was crying harder which got my other two kids will call the foyer odd Sophie and the youngest will be Erika to start crying I picked Erika up and Karen snatched her from my arms here is the conversation how irresponsible of you first ordering coffee for you and these very young kids now holding a child while pregnant give me my daughter now no I'll hold on to where for you I'm a better parent than you listen lady I ordered milk for my youngest hot chocolate for my other two and tea for myself and you have no right to touch any of my kids give me my damn daughter you [ __ ] at this point the cops came I assumed someone in the cafe called them most likely the barista the cops asked me if I wanted to press charges since where I'm from it's illegal to touch anyone without their or their parents if it is a child under 16 you need permission so I told them yes I don't know what happened after the cops took her away and gave Erika back the cafe refunded me for my drinks made more gave them to me and gave me free pastries since they felt bad I tried to decline it but they insisted this is this is Karen's fantasy this is absolutely Karen's fantasy it's everyone else's problem not mine posted by user squid-diddly 56:34 titled entitled woman thinks she can talk down to me and then acts innocent when teacher confronts her sir hon 12 and I'm going to a childcare at my school there are notices everywhere and at every entrance saying no dogs but people do it anyway and it's really annoying we were playing hide and seek there is not much to do there sir I get caught and see this woman on the courts I go up to her and go excuse me but I do not think this is a public place I knew it was not but I was being polite she lingers how are you the police yeah I was annoyed and equipped back no actually I am a child secret enforcer and that I said again that it's not a public place and she went I've been walking my dog here for ten years which was a lie so go away and mind your own business I was shocked and mean the other person I was with went back chuckling as she was so horrible we went to a teacher and explained he went up to her and explained to her that this was not a public place and then she started acting all innocent and apologetic and I was angry people in society think that children are not their equals and do not respect them these stories are something else posted by user - a Lulla titled and titled parent thinks I'm lucky to be invited to my family party each year my parents rent a big summer house for a family weekend during the early of this tradition we would alternate between my father's and my mother's side of the family as both sides countered around 45 plus persons which is the capacity of the house after the first few years my dad's family stopped coming since they lived far and most of them don't get along with each other my mum's family was happy to come every year instead and my dad decided to invite a few of his cousins who still wanted to be there I was there every year since I liked it so much people would often ask me where they could set their things or find something as it was well-known that my parents organized the whole thing about five years ago my dad's cousin brought his new girlfriends he went through a tough divorce the year prior and was depressive for most of it we were all happy to see him with someone and his mental health had improved a lot now while his girlfriend isn't your typical Karen it didn't take me long to realize I did not enjoy talking to her she has this way of expressing herself that leaves no doubt that she thinks she and her kids are better than any other people and often give constructive comments or advice even when nobody asked overall she's got this sickly sweet and condescending vibe going on from now on we'll refer to this woman as Becky I decided to just steer clear of her for the weekends she mostly sticks with my dad's cousin and the few members of my dad's family as she already knew them this includes my half siblings whom have my dad's surname while my sister and I have my mom's however we think of each other as siblings on the second day of our stay Becky cornered me while we went for a walk and the following conversation ensued she says it's a really nice place how many years was this family reunion organized I think it's the fifth year it's a really nice place wow you're lucky to be invited I was confused by this comment since my parents organised sir I don't see why I wouldn't be invited she must have seen my confusion and continued well since your dad's side of the family organizes the events actually the event is organized by both my parents so I am here each year I just meant that it's nice of your father's family to so welcoming with your mum's the way she said it implied that we were lucky and should thank her boyfriend and to a certain extent herself for being there got me a bit mad since it was the first year she was present and it was the first time I ever met her besides this year is actually my mom's side of the family my dad decided to invite his cousin since they enjoy it so much here so I guess you guys are lucky to be invited this year I changed pace so I wouldn't be walking alongside her anymore I saw her talk with my dad's cousin while looking in my direction he must have told her that I wasn't lying since she looked at kind of flustered and diverted my eyes the rest of my weekend was Becky free and it was awesome TLDR the new girlfriend of my dad's cousin tells me I'm lucky to be invited to my father's family gathering turns out this is my mother's family event and she's the guest yeah suck it Becky posted by user wafer 2016 titled neighbor calls the SPCA on us twice so my Duggar is part bear dog double coats she's also really pretty she has the long curly coat of a duct roller and the coloring and double coat of the bear dog one day last summer we let her out to do her business we have a fully fenced yard completely shaded with ancient trees and she had a bowl of cool water honestly she was having such a great time out there that we forgot to let her back in before we went to church but my brother was home so it was no big deal right apparently not our dog is a rescue and like most rescues she has separation anxiety so when she saw us pull out of the driveway she started to cry after about 20 minutes or so my brother let her back in and dole was fine nope SPCA came knocking on our door - very nice officers who explained that it concerns neighbor called saying we left our dog outside for hours on end in the heat I explained that never ever happened due to her extreme separation anxiety they had a look at her saw a well-fed well-groomed dog IKEA's a little too well-fed okay fine she's spoiled rotten and has the cookie belly to prove it they have a look at her yard and said it was one of the nicest setups they saw in a long time our only fault was we were late in getting her registered with the city which given she was only recently adopted they forgave and reminded us to make sure we did it fast forward five months later it's nearly Christmas it's Canada there was snow on the ground and our good Duggar is loving it she has a huge yard full of snow all to herself to run and dig and poop in she was in heaven sadly she still got scared if she couldn't see her people when she felt she needed to so one day after about 15 minutes of snow time she came to the door off our deck to be let in I was busy so it took me about five minutes to let her in five minutes she's a bear dog yeah it's Canada yeah it's cold but she's a bear dog they use them to pull fudging sleds in Alaska two days later same SPCA officers came knocking at our door same neighbor complained this time we believe in our dog out in the cold she insisted the SPCA take our dog away because we were being so mean to her once again the officers checked the spoiled rotten pooch noted her full balls rather furry spot on the couch toys on the floor and her double codes for insulation from the cold and heat once again they checked our yard noted the happy romp II tracks in the snow from a good dog havin a blast playing now I have to say they were both really nice but after the second unnecessary call to our house I could tell they were ticked I said look I know you can't tell me which neighbor it was and that's fine but one call okay fine maybe they were honestly concerned I appreciate that but first they complained while leaving her in the heat now they complain we're leaving her in the cold she's a frickin bad dog when the hell is she supposed to poop they laughed and agreed and promised to speak to the neighbor and officially tell them to shut the Frick aah only more professionally we never found out who it was that called but honestly I am of the mind that they were hoping to get our girl taken away from us so they could adopt her themselves she's a really beautiful Duggar dog tax she is looking royal posted by user maximum weight zero titled guy sues restaurants then believes he earns it mini-story times there's this guy who comes in like every Saturday and Sunday morning and just waltzes right in and sits himself right down at the same table every time mind you the place he sits himself at is a place with no server so someone has to pick up his table it's so annoying he is the most infuriating person I've ever met because he sued the restaurant because his coffee was too heids and he burned himself I'm not kidding and so now he believes that he can boss everyone around and do whatever he wants there's this other regular who comes in frequently and just sits himself down wherever he wants and the servers are okay with it because he leaves a good tip but sometimes he'll just walk into the kitchen and talk to the managers and servers and I know I'm just ranting at this point but it is so frustrating to see people who feel so entitled that they can do whatever they want at a restaurants there is this other couple who are regulars who are the nicest people and I enjoy talking to them but just because you were regular doesn't mean I'm gonna bump your name to the top of the list and seat you first so the other day we were on like a 30-minute wait time and I told him that and he was like seriously there's nothing you can do to bump my name to the top and I just flat out said no anyway long story short just because you come infrequently and give us your business doesn't mean you're entitled enough to boss us around and treat restaurant staff like your servants posted by user gargoyle Gunners titled entitled woman follows my brother to prove a point some infer this happened a bit after Hurricane her hit so we had no electricity for some time me and my family was staying at my parents house during the story plus this story is short so don't expect much I don't do anything other than watching this story also this was made on mobile so sorry for poor formatting ROP is me beers brother si is step-aunt aw is entitled woman so the place step on two lives has a public pool that needs a card to open the gate but there was no electricity so we only had to go in brother brought a scooter that step aunt's daughter let him use we just played around in the pool and brother would drove the scooter around the pool he was 11 and I was 10 but we know now that that was probably a bad idea then entitled woman comes out of nowhere and saw brother driving the scooter and instantly looked at step irons and said hi are those your kids no but I'm their aunts well brother shouldn't be using that scooter here yeah but he knows not to go near the pool still he shouldn't be using that he'll mind you we were the only ones there I don't remember what they said after this but they argued for a while and then we left plus she probably wasn't even there to swim or be in the shade and relax because she was fully clothed brother said that he was going to go ride a scooter outside for a bit so I went with him and we took turns going back and forth around the sidewalk until we saw entitled woman coming towards the house and she asked to bring out step irons we did what she told us and they both started talking and step aunts asks how she found where we lived and she said I saw bro and followed him here step on to brother did you see her following you brother shakes his head no so why did you follow brother and come here I just want you to know that Bea shouldn't use the scooter at the pool so you followed a child just to prove her points well I wouldn't put it that way it's more like informing you well you didn't have to follow a kid just to tell me that you already told me at the pool yeah but you looked like you weren't listening and that was the last I heard until me and brother just went inside silence me for years enjoy losing all of your friends so some backstory my freshman year of high school I was sexually assaulted by a PR and so was another girl I kept it to myself because we had a lot of mutual friends and I didn't want them to be uncomfortable or feel like they had to choose the side I also felt like I was responsible and it made me feel really guilty I also suffered a lot of psychological repercussions an eating disorder and I began cutting I developed severe anxiety and depression finally it peaked and I forced myself to tell my English teacher the police were called I was interviewed already I could tell the detective was not taking me seriously he also blatantly misquoted in the statement and used wides like misunderstanding and he went in for a kiss even there I made it very clear I struggled and tried to push him away and he had me pinned to the wall with his hand around my throat he confessed after 10 minutes of being interviewed by the police the charges got dropped by the prosecutor because he felt that the case would never go to trial he was a star student and was very well respected after this he was banned from speaking at school sanctioned events I was still quiet because I'm not a rock the boat type person eventually I found out he was planning on going to the same College I was going to I wrote him a letter asking him to please reconsider he said he was very sorry Elya I told him in the letter to put his money where his mouth is and prove it he never replied a few weeks later I found out he's planning to speak at a baccalaureate event put on by a local interfaith community I emailed the teacher in charge and told her what happened and politely asked her not to allow him to speak she emailed back and essentially said that that's terrible I'm so sorry we're still going to let him speak though feel better I'm livid at this point I've been dismissed belittled ignored and unheard for years despite my efforts to get justice he's still incredibly popular and everyone loves him I decide I've done all I can I tried to take care of things on the down-low talk to him privately to come to an agreement talk to the organizer to try to come to an agreement and they both ignored me just like the did so I decide I'm not going to be quiet anymore I attend the baccalaureate event and while he's giving his speech ironically about treating others with respect to law I hold up a sign that says redacted has assaulted two women is this the face of class of 2020 stop giving assaulters and abuses a platform to speak stop silencing women by the time the event is over everyone is talking about it and everyone has take that both him and the organizers for letting him speak many of the girls there are victims of sexual assault themselves and they are all furious that the organization knowingly let a creditors speak I feel incredible it's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders the last thing he told me after he'd finished violating me was don't tell anyone and even after years had passed and I felt comfortable speaking about it to a select few and the police knew and all the teachers knew he was still praised and every time I heard someone talk about him fondly I heard that little voice from deep inside me saying you're letting him win now that everyone knows and everyone hates him I know that finally finally I can lay this matter to bed I can finally let go so there's a few edits here this first one is talking about the gold and that they just like to make a blanket statement to all sexual assault victims in my DMS and on the comments of this post you are enough you are loved and even though the system is rigged against us I hear you I am listening you don't need to hold up a sign to get your revenge sometimes taking care of yourself and moving on is enough trust me I know it's easier said than done but just know that I'm on your side I'm in your corner I see you please don't hesitate to reach out if you ever need to talk I love you edit 3 hello everyone first of all thank you so much for all your well wishes I love all of you so much you are so so sweet I would like to address a few things I've gotten a lot of direct messages as well as comments on this post from survivors of sexual assault telling me how brave I am and how I'm the hero I appreciate that so much you have no idea how happy that makes my heart but I have something to say to all of you who said that yes it was scary and hard to hold the sign up I'm not saying that it wasn't a brave thing to do it was and I'm proud of myself however I don't like what that implies I don't like the implication that a survivor who is not yet ready to share their story choosing to keep it private is in any way an act of cowardice my friends you're all brave you were brave just for waking up in the morning you're brave for going to work you're brave for making yourself dinner and letting yourself enjoy it you have nothing to be ashamed of that I can assure you you are perfectly enough and you have nothing to prove you do not have to earn your place in this world with acts of courage you do not have to prove to the masses that you deserve to be alive that you deserve to be happy just know that for yourself because it's true how could it possibly be anything but true how could you possibly be anything less than perfect you were kind you were compassionate you were strong you're resilient you're intelligent you were brave be your own hero my friends I love you all I hope those kind words help some people even though it's not particularly our /prayer revenge it still needs to be said posted by user take me to the dumpster titled restaurant scans me for fake Google reviews I burn their Google reviews page and reputation to the ground and get the media to cover it's hi folks first post here thought it would definitely fit so about a month ago I applied for a sushi restaurant called Yoshi's and I got a text from their hiring manager and we chatted about my availability location start date yada yada she then asked me to write a review of general Japanese food to show I knew what I was talking about and could upsell customers fine I write a long review and sent it to her she then sends me a tiny link URL and tells me to post it there before I would be invited for an interview I click it and what do you know it's the Google page for a whole different restaurant all the way across the country so I read the reviews and they had done this to 30 or so people in the last two weeks at the different locations franchise to the same crazy Erna I was ticked to say the least this happened Peake covered in my state people are unemployed at staggering rates struggling to feed their families and these a-holes the scamming potential hires for fake reviews being unemployed I had some time on my hands so I screenshot at our convo and posted it all over social media they went from three point forward to one point two in a few hours with more than 70 new reviews about their crappy behavior I was satisfied with that and to report to the Attorney General here but then I noticed the owner had managed to get all of the reviews removed so at that point I went full nuclear I contacted every media outlets reported them to every oversight board emailed corporate about its and reported them to Google I managed to get one of our local news outlets to cover it and Google ended up removing all of their reviews altogether scam me and countless others during a global pandemic I ruined your business's reputation for your crappy behavior posted by user GTC infinite titles my dad had an affair with his best friend for life's wife sir my dad had an affair with his BFFs wife let's call her Jane she claims she was pretty much in love with my father and of course her husband didn't know I found out because once I got a Facebook message from a fake accounts telling me that my father was banging his BFFs wife I actually didn't care my parents are divorced since 2005 the problem was that someone unknown was sending my mother text messages telling her to leave my father alone and many offensive things we let it slide for a while but then there's anonymous text messages became a daily thing we confronted my dad and he confessed that he was sleeping with Jane but he said she was not the one sending the messages he said he was sure because Jane's husband was also getting those messages my dad was practically blinded by her manipulations and my mom and I had a really strong hunch that it was her my dad got so mad after we suggested it that he stop speaking to me and my mum for a while I also got mad but much more offended because he would still not believe me I mean I had no reason to lie to him still I let all that slide but then I got another anonymous message offending me telling me I was just like my mother and that's why my boyfriend had dumped me and then we would be alone for the rest of our lives and things like that then I got really mad I went to this cyber police which is a thing where I'm from ok and they tracked the source of the anonymous message it turns out that it was her and she was also sending her husband messages because she was so desperate for the truth to come out so she could be with my father although I think that just confronting her husband would have been better what she really wanted was to distance my father from me and my mom she was messing with my family so I decided to mess with hers and since the proof to her husband and her sons that she was behind the anonymous messages and that she was in fact sleeping with my dad I also showed my dad the proof and exposed her on Facebook she was a saleswoman so it did affect her her sons and her husband was so mad at her she had to move out of her house and my dad broke up with her as well she was left alone but I feel like that's what she deserved posted by user Arizona Avenue titled revenge on evil landlord when I was in university I'd hear stories about horrible landlords of students housing but hadn't experienced it myself until third year when it felt like we got three years worth of crappy landlords all in one go it began when I heard noises in the wall behind my bed at night I brushed it off for a while until I realized that it was an animal in the wall I told the landlord's the next day and they immediately played dumb acting as if I was stupid in front of my housemates for suggesting that something could fit inside of a wall that was the first alarm bell why immediately try to embarrass me into dropping it after explaining that I know what a cavity wall is she asked if we'd seen anything in the kitchen oddly specific we didn't think about it until later from then on her husband's dealt with us we weren't aware that he was our landlord to a little time passes still nothing done about the noise in my wall not that it was a surprise I'd worked out by then that it was probably something like a mouse and that it could run through the terrace of houses as long as it didn't chew its way through my wall or die in there I put the whole thing on the back burner until we were all sat in a living room and we heard a thud in the kitchen then squeaking there was a giant rat in our kitchen the rat disappeared into a hole in the completely crumbling kitchen wall and the landlord claimed that we made it up and that they'd never had a rodent problem I contacted the previous tenants through facebooking names that I found in letters for them that had been posted to us by mistake the property had had a rat problem for the last three years before we moved in at least I set up a rat trap and caught one took photos and sent them to the landlord to tell him to sort the problem outs he told us that because there was a line in our contract about the landlord not paying for pest control the contract specified wasp nests etc we didn't even think about rats when we signed it you know that we'd have to pay the hundreds of pounds to fix it he had knowingly written that into our contract so he wouldn't have to pay out instead of fixing the kitchen wall and the exterior wall where the rats were getting in to cut the rest of the setting the scene part of the story short we called the council who sent a pest control team while on their visits one of the men took my housemate to one side and told her that a landlord is evil and he is known for getting nasty they told him that it wasn't our fault that there were rats it was his and he screamed into my face until he was bright read about how I was a terrible person and was trying to take him down for no reason one of my housemates had to leave because she was scared I wasn't we were in a room full of men who were backing us up making himself look worse for screaming in my face like that I'm female and was 22 at the time about half his size he tried to sue us for slander H isn't slander if it's true so swinging a mis buddy for the revenge it was written into our contract that we had to be notified 24 hours in advance if anyone needed access to the house which included house viewings I began my mission stopped any other student from getting stuck in this hellhole the house was being shown by agents so it made it fairly easy I left the rat traps in prominent places casually explaining why we needed them if asked and if I felt I was being too subtle making a show of oh gosh please ignore the rat traps the landlord said he'd fix the kitchen wall where they get in but hasn't gotten around to it so we have to catch them I was honest about the mold problem in the bathroom when I found out they were planning on increasing rent by a hundred pound a month I made a point of saying something like well it's just about worth the rent I'm paying I made sure to say his name so they wouldn't get away with using his wife's name as a front while his reputation for aggression stayed hidden the agents never said anything directly to me and because we had to be notified I could always make sure I was home when there was a viewing my housemates fully supported my revenge but I was the woman of action in the house when I'm sure I'm in the right I will do what's necessary to make things right that was until they tried to turn up unannounced one day not even knocking just unlocked our front door and walked in luckily I was in the house and kicked them out for not informing us and told them that they were in breach of our contract if the crappy landlord could use it to beat us with two can play at that game no new tenants had signed for the house by the time we were free of that hellhole it's been two years now though sir I have no idea what happens to the rat house posted by user Reggie one titled 'he's got my freshman dorm leader fired a year after he called the cops on me I've never really posted anything before but I have a funny revenge in commerce story that my friends have always enjoyed I first got to college my freshman year and met the dorm leader the RA at most schools like most colleges the dorm leader was the upperclassmen that lived in the dorms and monitored the freshman halls my dorms leaders name was Julie our fake name by the way and at first he seemed nice dude that minded his own business we talked about how he would stay out of everyone's business if we would stay out of his also he tried to be the cool dorm leader and always mentioned to me about how he drank tons of alcohol and his freshman years in the dorms he gave off the impression that he didn't really care if we ever drank in our dorm rooms but to just keep it on the low if we did I really didn't drink much at all but I appreciated the fact that he seemed pretty normal and didn't try to rat on kids during the last week of October of my freshman year of college I had one of the hardest weeks of my academic career I was a biochemistry major taking some pretty tough classes and had three exams that week at the end of the week a friend I had recently made down the hall invited me to his dorm room to watch an upcoming NBA game as we were watching the game he had a bottle of vodka and gave some to the guys in the dorm being a naive and stupid freshman kid just trying to make some friends I took one shot of vodka and continued to watch the game as we're watching the game one of the guys in the dome spills a bottle of soda and rushes to the bathroom to grab some paper towels as he walks out of the dorm room Julia walked by and noticed the bottle of vodka he laughed and said something of the sorts of I remember when I was a freshman haha just try and keep it down we thanked him and told him to have a good night it seems like a normal conversation and nothing out of the ordinary thirty minutes later we hear a knock on the door and two policemen show up with breathalyzers they told us they had received a complaint from Julia about underage drinking and a party being thrown in the dorm room remember it was three guys watching a Lakers game on a Thursday night and a p.m. I ended up getting a minor in consumption charged for blowing a point out to to do 20 hours community service a reflection journal and appeared to the Judicial Affairs Center at my college about my supposed drinking problem I'm not blaming the officer for giving me a tickets but I was pretty upset that Julia who always talked about getting crap faced freshman year in the dorm called the police right after he essentially gave us the OK for the night a few days later I see Julia and straight-up asked him why he decided to rat me out specifically I asked why he didn't just tell me to head back to my dorm if he had a problem with the alcohol instead of calling the police right after our conversation he responds word for word with you made a decision and have to suffer the consequences of that decision after that incidents I never really talked to him but he always tried to be buddy-buddy when he saw me in the hallway anyway I eventually leave the dorms and move off campus for my sophomore year I decided to rush a fraternity my freshman year and ended up meeting some really nice guys I have never been the fraternity type but I went to a smaller College where fraternities are a lot different than most places during the second semester of my sophomore year my fraternity was taking new pledge class one day I received a text from Giulio saying one of the guys pledging your fraternity has been caught dealing alcohol to another freshman in the dorms I thought I would let you know turns out Julia was the dorm leader for a freshman pledging my fraternity and ratted him out to Judicial Affairs as well thinking the term dealing alcohol was the lamest and funniest thing I've ever heard I send that to our fraternity group me and everyone laughed about it's about a week later that kid pledging a fraternity came up to me asking about the message I received from Julia essentially a pretty similar thing happened to him like what happened to me Jolie I found out he had given another kid in the dorm a bottle of wine and reported it to the police this kid ended up getting a minor in possession and had to speak with Judicial Affairs this is where the story gets hilarious in his meeting with Judicial Affairs the kid pledging a fraternity told the Judicial Affairs guy that his dorm leader Julia was now a senior at this point had texted me about the charges pending against him apparently it's a huge violation to discuss pending charges against a freshman in your dorm to a third party the Judicial Affairs guy told him that if he could prove Julia was discussing this charge with a third party aka me he would receive severe sanctions basically if I sent that text to the Judicial Affairs people Julia would be in a crapload of trouble so I sent the text that night to the Judicial Affairs people after that I didn't hear anything about what happened to Julia anted honestly forgotten about it however nearing the end of the school year in my sophomore year I saw Julia at the dining hall and came up to speak to me he tells me a story about how he knows I was the one who ratted him to Judicial Affairs how he ended up getting fired from his dorm leader position lost the scholarship money his dorm leader job provided him and overall how crappy his life has been since he got fired after going through this entire sob story he asked me why did you do that this could have been handled completely differently I didn't have to get fired and I could have kept my scholarship money I look at him dead in the eye for what seems like 30 seconds and say Julia you made a decision and had to suffer the consequences of that decision I can imagine what kind of guy Giulio is he's not really popular so he's trying hard to look cool using his seniority and position his stories about him drinking as a freshman was one of his ways to make him look cool it could have been a true story but it's just probably him drinking alone and no one knows the fact that he ratted people for drinking and used the term dealing alcohol really shows that he's not a popular guy probably just a loser who wants to look cool in front of his underclassmen Oh everyone thought Giulio sucked he would make these outrageous stories and try to pass them off as true one time he made up this wild story about how he was engaged in his senior year of high school and his fiancee cheated on him and got pregnant from another guy turns out he was openly gay in high school and went back in the closets when he went to college also he always told this story about how he was once offered a full ride to Princeton but turned it down the other dorm leader in the hall was actually a pretty cool dude and basically let everyone know that Julia was a pathological liar posted by user my crew 7 titled half the class fails the min term after cheater copies me I don't have a problem helping classmates I really do I even tutored several classmates during my final semester of undergrad because they needed the help they all ended up passing their classes with my assistance this story comes from a particularly tough business information systems class during my undergraduate education the students in this class were mostly non-technical business majors sir this new material wasn't at all similar to anything we'd learned in other classes needless to say most of the students were struggling including me I still had a 4.0 in college at this point there I finished with a 3.9 nine and I was willing to put in max effort to keep my stellar GPA I started studying hard I made my own Quizlet sets I read the book every night I finished assignments a week early and I did outside research after grinding it out in this class for about a month I was working on assignments in a room designated for quiet homework time and that's where our story begins several other students from my class were there and working on the same assignments I was on judging by the size of exasperation the irritated whispers send requests for help they weren't having much success having studied relentlessly for a month I was having an easier time of it as I got up to go get some water from the fountain in the hall a classmate asked for my help I told him I could do that and I'd be right back I returned a few minutes later to find what I can only describe as a bunch of busy bees happily working away this was strange since they were hopelessly stuck two minutes before that spit whatever my classmate tells me he figured it out without me now I'm not an idiot so I know the five people in this room probably copied my work off my computer when I went to get water scumbag move number one but as it turns out no one in the class needed help the next day or the day after whoever in the study room had stolen my work had forwarded it to most of the class scumbag move number two I don't mind being helpful but I hate being used so I made a plan to get back at the people who had stolen my work it didn't take long to organize my plan to carry it out here is how it went one I changed an answer on the next assignment by multiplying by negative one $1500 became negative $1,500 on this question to the next week I left my computer in the same place as before and went to get water just like I had done the week before 75% of the people in my class of 40 people put negative 1,500 as the answer to Question 3 which was definitely incorrect 3 I began studying relentlessly for the midterm our professor had said that he wouldn't adjust the weight of the test something like your score divided by 50 on a test with 60 points available so the score of 40 becomes 80% instead of 67% if anyone scored particularly well that is this class was difficult and no one was expecting anyone to score over 75% so all of my classmates figured the weight of the test would be adjusted my plan was to wreck the curve even though it's not a curve and deny everyone the adjusted weight by producing a sufficiently high score for I recruited a classmate who hadn't stolen my work to study with together we aimed to score high enough that our professor couldn't adjust the weight of the midterm here is how it all played out no one who copied me realized the answer was incorrect every last one of those idiots submitted the wrong answer the question 3 this next part surprised me but my classmates began insisting the class was unfair too difficult or rigged and launched these complaints that our professor one day after class I had the following exchange since I was the last student out of the classroom professor says Irby do you think this class is too hard honestly this class is hard but if people spent as much time studying as they did complaining they would be fine they really just need to get to work I thought the same me deciding spur of the moment my next move I also happen to know that most of the class incorrectly copied my work on the last assignments question three should be a net income of $1,500 not a net loss of $1,500 I put down the wrong answer initially everyone copied me and that I changed the answer late I think you can reasonable conclude that anyone with negative 1,500 is the answer cheated off my incorrect work I figured they all copied but I didn't know you were the source anyway thanks for your candor and your dedication to the class I didn't cheat so I don't know what happens to those who did but depending on the class they would get either a zero for their assignments or a plagiarism citation so they got one of those fast-forward to test day and I'm ready to go I know since most of the students are business majors they need 70% to pass the class because it's a required course hurting them on the midterm will go a long way in helping drop their grades I take the test I'm the first one done and I leave pretty sure that I've done enough to deny the class exam wait adjustments a week later we get our exams back tests are distributed all around me with scores on the top in red ink 68 71 70 66 75-67 and these are the smart students someone on the end of my road takes a test from our professor and lets out a sigh as he begins passing a test and my row it stops on my desk 93 percent I have won some idiot in the front of the class says so was there going to be a curve nope what was the high score 93% average score for the exam was 71 so a good number of people didn't get a passing score maybe they made up for it on the final and passed but I don't care I got mine TLDR people steal my homework sir I bait them into giving a wrong answer tip the professor off on their cheating and score high enough on the midterm to deny anyone a chance for an adjusted score I'm sorry who are you context I've 20 female benboyd all my life and have been in recovery for a multitude of things for the past year Oh sir I go to University in the same city I grew up in so there's a high chance of me coming across people that went to previous schools or who hurt and bullied me I was well known for being bad tempered and easy to wind up when I was younger what happened I was in the pharmacy waiting to pick up my prescription when someone shouted something at me I pretended to not hear them and they shouted again they ended up getting frustrated and tugging on my arm I twisted around and immediately recognized who it was a guy 20 male who would bullied me for over 10 years so rather than get angry I thought I would mess with him and see what happens he says hi how'd you wear in local uni I say I'm sorry but I don't know who you are do I know you from somewhere immediately he deflated and it was glorious to see I had to stop myself from smiling he says it's me his name from school come on you know me me with a confused faced acting 100 says I'm really sorry but I don't know you did we go swimming together perhaps no I don't think so well I'm really sorry but I just don't know who you are I think you should go to the back of the line sir I went on my phone and just blocked him out he looked lost and eventually went to the back of the line I got my prescription ignored him and went to my car and drove off I literally screamed for joy and also because I was about to break down it was a wonderful feeling to see him like that and to feel like he had nothing against me to make him feel like he hadn't had a large effect on my life edits I'm amazed so many people read this seeing as I wrote this in five minutes in ASDA car back to the people who think he was about to be nice or that I bullied him I have to disagree he was never nice to me and would love to pretend to be nice and then pulled the rug nothing I could do would be half as worse as what he's done to me I don't owe him anything hi again edits thank you all for the love and the awards it means a lot and I just want to clarify that he didn't shout my name but said Oh ginger and that he was probably gonna make fun of the fact that I'm going to the local uni and not a better one oh that's a spicy detail left out what a dick posted by user toasty pony titled keep taking things out of my cubicle now you're gonna get sick too this was pre pandemic but I'm kind of a germaphobe anyway I work in a warehouse and the leadership team uses radios to communicate not only did everyone make fun of me for always sanitizing everything in my cubicle at the end of the night but one manager in particular would always steal my pens and radio he came in about two or three hours before me and was always too lazy to walk to his office to get his own I used the label printer to put my name on it started using really girly colored pens and even locked my stuff up at the end of the nights to no avail every day I would come in my desk drawer would be broken into filing cabinet type so if he really talked it enough he could break it open and he thought it was some big joke made worse by the fact that I would lie soul everything once I hunted him down and got it back because motherfrickin never washed his hands either well one day I came down with some sort of flu / cold and suffered through the workday but this time purposefully didn't sanitize anything at the end of the day guess who came in feeling like dog crap a couple days later washi hints and keep them off my crap posted by user rusty the maker titles forced me to eat something you know I cannot digest get ready for a nasty surprise when I was 8 years old I started having awful digestive issues and lactose intolerance I mean sick out of both ends kind of digestive issues sensitivity to food etc at that age I knew that there were simply certain foods I had to avoid my mom didn't really believe me but also didn't care what I did my dad however decided that I must eat whatever he puts in front of me he either didn't believe me or got some sick pleasure from forcing me to eat things that made me sick well Greek yogurt was something that I absolutely could not tolerate just the smell of it would make me ill now my dad liked to make smoothies in this fancy blend of the we had and he would often give me these for breakfast usually no problem well I saw he heads bought some Greek yogurt for some diet that he was on at the time I said to him hey Dad please to not to put Greek yogurt in those smoothies you make me I cannot eat it it will make me sick he says bullcrap there's nothing wrong with your stomach two days later he makes me a smoothie that he tells me is pineapple as a kid pineapple was my favorite thing he sits down watching me drink it as soon as it hit my tongue I knew the idiot had put Greek yogurt in its immediately I feel the beast in my stomach awakened I hold back in dusk forcing my vomit down dad what is this he looked surprised but his smugness returns within seconds oh you know pineapple a couple frozen bananas some orange soda a little Greek yolk and I proceeded to look him in the eye and projectile vomit about a quart of nastiness on him and all over the bathrobe he was wearing checkmate a-hole posted by user yard dash titled more shopping one way aisle shenanigans sir another post that reminded me of how petty I can be when cranky I was in the shop the other day and here for whatever reason folks can't understand the concept of one-way aisles and following errors personally I think it makes shopping much more efficient overall not having to squeeze by folks but that's another thing heading up the baking aisle in my fruitless attempt to find yeast I'm standing there looking at the once again empty shelf when I noticed Karen like the stereotypical Karen she could be placed in the dictionary as the go-to example of Karen coming down the aisle from the wrong direction well I was in a bad mood had a rough day at work sir I casually took one step towards the middle of the aisle conveniently right next to one of the one way only arrows on the floor and proceeded to take my sweet time looking at the adjacent flowers well of course Karen gets to me and I hear a big hmm apparently using big girl words was too much I ignore and continue my examination of the flowers another loud hmm the sound only a true Karen could make sir I turned to face her and stare at her for five seconds of silence look down at the one-way sticker that I was standing next to for another good five seconds followed up with five more seconds of Karen stare and went back to the flowers this was met with some choice words that being a gentleman I shan't repeats but defeated Karen turned her cart around and soaked away sadly that filled up my yard ash can be a dick to strangers quota for the month if not year but it was worth it posted by user Malay Michelle titled we don't share alcohol in this house this story takes place a few years back when I came home from university for Christmas holidays to visit my family I was of legal drinking age at the time as well to set the scene it's just my mom and I having dinner at the beginning of our time off she pours herself a glass of wine from an average bottle I'm not a wine snob but she is I asked for a glass as well to go with dinner and she declines her exact words are oh we don't share alcohol in this house okay not a problem I didn't know this rule and as I'm not a heavy drinker I didn't see the issue with just having a glass out of her bottle so I go on off to the liquor store to grab myself a bottle of drink over the next few days and lo and behold I find her favorite bottle of wine it's burrowing owls the liquor store only has a case of its and limits the number of bottles you can buy it's a rare find and I lucked out i buy the max which is two and hid one while I bring the second inside by now it's evening and after dinner my mom is in the living room finishing her wine I open the bottle and bring both the bottle and glass to the living room my mom eyes up the bottle and asks for a glass I'd look her dead in the eyes and say sorry mum we don't share alcohol in this house she offers me two of her bottles for mine says I won't know the difference but I stand firm we don't share alcohol in this house so I force myself to finish the bottle in front of her while she sulks Christmas morning after my family has opened up all our gifts I come out with the second as a gift to my mum she shared it with me that nights posted by user Umbra joke titled you want to invade my space with your car while I wait for a tow truck hope you didn't have to rush off this happened to this afternoon today was balls huts and between my car's AC not working and my body's habit of sweating puddles in anything over 70 degrees my mood was already a bit thin I was picking up some items from Home Depot and parked halfway in a quarter full parking lots plenty of open spaces arounds I haven't gone to the store much in the past few months so while I was trying to remember the PPE order of operations I absent-mindedly let my keys slip for my lap to the cup holder I'm all kitted up and go to get my stuff from the lockers and head back to my car I start patting my pockets and filled that little bowl of fear rolling around the pit of my stomach I started walking faster and as I get to my car I see my keys in the cup holder I'm standing there staring through the window while sweating buckets from a 3-minute walk annoyed but eye contact right side and get a truck dispatched quickly as I'm leaning against the front of my car a van comes down the lane on the opposite row and pulls into the spot right in front of my car as the driver starts pulling closer to my legs I shout hold it and put my hand out she stops the van about a foot and a half from me and looks pissy like hitting me would have inconvenienced her plans for the day I look around at the nine other open spots all next to or behind her in the area and gestured towards them she gestures at me and mouths why I guess she was asking me why I'm just standing there and despite it not being any of her damn business I say I'm locked out of my car she sits in her car for five minutes just adding to the heat around me while I dig around her my phone eventually she gets out scales at me and goes inside about twenty minutes after she went in my tow truck shows up but it's on the lane opposite me I was feeling a bit petty so I stopped the guy right the venn not thinking anything would come of it well right as he goes to get the tools van lady comes out of the store she was livid Lee muttering to herself as she gets no car and turns it on I explained the basics of the situation and he looks around at all the others still open spots in sheer confusion when a crap eating grin comes across his face he starts opening the door taking a few extra minutes to make sure he does it right and then has me sit in his air-conditioned cab while he fills out an order form because his phone was acting up the dude took probably an extra ten minutes to do his job while van lady is stewing in her annoyance I appreciated the Solidarity and threw him a few bucks for the service he then made sure I got to leave first before rolling out Dee a tow truck guy you rock TLDR van lady gets in my space with plenty of other choices truck driver wastes her time edits some quick answers I lock my door by hitting the door lock button on the door upon exiting the car I may start using the key to lock but I hate that damn confirmation honk that the car gives I didn't call a tow truck I contacted my insurance who contacted a terror company who had a driver dispatched with the door opening tools in parking lots there are usually two sets of parking spaces separated by a line I was parked away from every other car she decided to park in the space right in front of my car and was driving towards my legs not sure how much clearer I can make that and edit to to everyone who commented it's possible to turn off the locking horn you've just changed my life thank you posted by user Sakana titled I got fired employers lawyers should have done their homework I did this happens to me about 20 years ago while in college I am being deliberately vague because reasons backgrounds I got a job basically office sitting on weekends I showed up at 8 a.m. and every hour I checked over things handled the occasional phone call and the left when the 4:00 p.m. person arrived most of the time I read watched TV or played games on my laptop I probably worked no more 10 minutes of every hour unless something went wrong aids went on like this for years the pay was decent holidays would double pay and I even had opportunities to cover weekday shifts when others was sick one day while I was covering the midday shift my boss asked me to come into his office he told me that the evening weekday position was going to become available that night he offered me the position which I accepted I was told to punch out and return at 5:00 p.m. that nights the reason it went down like this should be obvious things went okay for a while I showed up at 4:00 p.m. did the normal things and then left at 12 a.m. when my relief arrived it was a little more work more coal volumes etc then after nine months things started to go south the daytime person developed a huge attitude problem and went from a nice person to a total Karen she would complain about everything I did for example one time a system jammed up at a remote site and she called them five hours later I saw the jam was still there so I called that site again to see if they were still working on it or if something else was wrong because the woman on our rent who would be the one to help them was leaving soon they did have a problem and so I hooked them up my reward for making sure the problem got solved and not having to bother an upper-level employee at home on a Friday just after having left work I got yelled at because Karen complained that I apparently ignored her log entry about the issue my defense was ignored the boss had me highlight important things on the log to verify that I had read them things plotted on for a while with this new normal I tiptoed around Karen when needed thankful for the fact I had only had to deal with her for no more than five minutes I did this stupid highlighting thing and my log entries started getting more and more detailed even referencing Karen's calls when I had to follow up on an issue that crossed shifts the firing the following summer just after I crossed earmark I went on vacation to visit some friends out of states when I got back after about a week my boss came down after everyone had left and had me describe how I did a certain task which involved certain updates I explained to him how I did it and so forth he then told me that I had not been doing it at all and that he was firing me I had transposed the date code of the English file for the French file which was the previous one the newest one had already been applied anyways so nothing was wrong it was just a reason to get rid of me so I left the office my state is an at-will employment states which means that I can quit at any time for any reason and my employer can terminate me at any time for any reason the only exceptions were state and federal laws such as race religion etc I thought I was screwed sir I just started applying everywhere I could during my job search I happened to accidentally stumble upon a link about employment law out of curiosity I read it and discovered that my employer had shot themselves in the foot in the employee handbook there was a job security clause what this stated was that they would never lay us off and such if our jobs were eliminated we would simply be retained and sent to fill an opening elsewhere in the company it sounds good but it resulted in them cooking up reasons to fire people to get around it but their fancy high-priced lawyers had missed something in my States law the ones passed by the legislature I was screwed because of add to will what they neglected was case law the ones determined by courts this cite cited a case from the state Supreme Court that had ruled that a job security clause waived at will on the employer side turning it into a Just Cause relationship this means that they had to have a real reason to fire me the revenge with that in hand I sought out a lawyer after my consultation with her I said about collecting my evidence my former boss did not realize that I knew more about this program than he did seeing as I ran the same software on my own computer in laptop I experimented the date of the file which they tried to use against me is baked into the version too I was able to demonstrate to my lawyer that if I applied the same update over and over which my former employer stated would change the date every day would in reality display the date of the file I showed this by backdating my own copy by a year using the update archive available from the vendor next I showed her how the tasks used to be automated a script would snag the file and process it every day on its own a change on the vendors site broke the script it was an easy fix but no one bothered to do it because the guy who had wrote it's retired the fix involved deleting three characters on one line in the script the task was also marked as only being a weekday task in my firing I was told how important this update was and so forth if it was so important why was it not done on weekends or holidays the vendor pushed out updates on those days too as I showed my lawyer the one from Christmas morning and why had the automation not been fixed with all that in hand she contacted them after presenting them with the law they broke into all the evidence I'd collected they were forced to settle with me so in the end their fancy high-priced lawyers did not do their homework I did thank you to the wonderful librarians I have known in my life who taught me my information literacy skills they paid dividends in this case TLDR I got fired by a large corporation and thought I had no recourse then I found out their lawyers missed something in my state's law and forced them to pay me edit one obviously the terms of settlement are confidential and as far as I know still in effect it was a good portion of my salary though I did also get unemployment during this time as well I never found out how the reaction went down as the main corporate office that would have dealt with it was in another state and I never had any contact with those people I imagine a new handbook was issued before they cut my check though I feel bad for those who remained Karen's fate was sealed about a year later I saw a Facebook pro by a former coworker mentioning that his job with them had ended so I asked for details the company experienced a huge loss in revenue as a results Charon lost her job as the site Island work dem was closed of about the 50 of us that worked in that office only ten or so were moved to another location thankfully most of the ones I liked too old enough to retire it did not take a genius to realize that my termination was simply a layoff disguised as a firing posted by user small potato titled payback for my horrible roommates after college I accepted a job across the country and moved in with a vague acquaintance that I'd met a couple of times it quickly became clear that we were not going to get along he was incredibly rude and condescending routinely making snide remarks about my intelligence since I had been in a sorority in college he would instruct me on how to redo all my chores in his way always insinuating that I just wasn't as smart as he was this led to a few heated arguments and we ended up basically avoiding each other my room was in the basement and he was on the second floor except for going in announce I stayed in the basement to avoid him one night I returned home and my cat was missing he is a huge fatty and never misses a meal so I was immediately worried I texted the roommate to see if he had led him out by mistake he ignored me I looked everywhere in my room and in the common areas no cats I could hear that he was home so I texted again asking if he could please check his room or just let me know if the cat got out by mistake again in their response I couldn't search the neighborhood much off the duct since we were in a pretty rough area so I stayed up all night making fliers and online posts I called animal control and my parents and broadly had a massive mental breakdown I'm gonna guess that mean briefly had a massive mental breakdown I figured the most likely scenario was that he had escaped and wandered into the road early the next morning Saturday I looked all over our neighbor losing hope I returned back home right before I went back down to my half of the house I heard a faint distressed yowl I followed the noise upstairs and realized it was coming from horrible roommates locked bedroom I found him repeatedly and waited several hours for him to come home unlock his door and let my poor cat out of his closets no explanation was given and this cat being an OG fatty and also a jerk there is no way he silently slept all night simply put there was no way this could have been an accident at this points we had a 1 month left on the lease and I was able to make arrangements to stay with family for that final month interestingly enough our internet service was in my name I paid the final month in full and loaded my stuff into a u-haul I gleefully unplugged and returned our rented router and ergy fatty cat nigh left town a month early wouldn't she know it's later that night my phone starts blowing up with texts and calls this man is looking for his missing Internet somehow I couldn't be bothered to respond posted by user Sonia says titled my roommate stopped paying me utilities so I got told to come here from a different sub so here I am my roommate stopped paying for utilities in rent sir this happened back in my college days I moved in with a friend from University she was nice enough but she definitely had financial issues which I didn't know about before moving in together our apartment complex had assigned separate lease agreements because I guess they had too many situations with one person not paying which made sense so I was never liable for her part of the rent but the utilities had to go in someone's name and I was the chosen one think electricity cable internet things got a bit rough for her and she was quote-unquote having trouble paying me for half of the utilities which I was ok with and just covered it until one day I hear her talking to some on the phone about their fancy spring break trip to the Caribbean and Florida what the hell man you can't pay me but you can afford to go on vacation and drive a new car no boy no I locked her out of the Internet I'm pretty good with computers and things so I even kept her boyfriend's phone on the Wi-Fi but locked her devices out of it and just played dumb I even got a new router she spent hours on the phone with the internet people she got a new phone which I allowed to work for a few days and then shut out again then comes the TV parental supervision is great I knew all the shows she liked to watch and blacklisted them I barely watched TV anyway so I didn't care at some points I'm talking to the apartment people and I find out she isn't paying rent either again what the hell not cool even though it's not my problem I make it my problem we had sub panels for electricity in each apartment so I screwed with her by randomly turning breakers on and off she couldn't understand why her hairdryer would work one day and not the next I just flick a breaker while she was showering I convinced her that maybe her dryer was too strong for the electrical in the apartments and it was tripping it so she bought a new fancy hairdryer she was actually an idiot and bought one that had a higher electrical draw than the first so I explained that to her and she bought a third one I kept this crap up until the day we moved out I never saw a cent from her but man it was worth it ETA from other comments on the other sub yes I did talk to her prior to being controlling she continually could not pay me but would come home with high-end clothes or bags expensive food makeup etc posted by user hikes EV titled use my Netflix account for free have an ugly profile pic okay so this is a truly very small victory sir I got the highest tier of Netflix accounts so I have the option to have 5 profiles I have one for me one for the kids one for my wife one as a joint profile for me and my wife and the last one is for guests basically freeloaders one of the things you can do with Netflix is change the avatar of each profile which I did for each accounts while leaving the guest accounts one of the defaults my sister-in-law crazy rude violence just a really bad person got permission from my wife to use the guest accounts which I didn't mind as long as she only uses the guest accounts so she doesn't mess up my viewing stats and she understands she shares the account with more people one day I've noticed that she changed the profile picture of the guest accounts to some actress from some show she was watching and for some reason it really annoyed me so like the mature adult that I am I've changed the profile picture to some ugly creature from some other show such a stupid little victory if you're gonna use my account for free you will use the ugly profile every few weeks you will try to change the pic again so I know who she cares but I will quickly notice and change it to something even uglier the last one was the demo Gorgon from the stranger thinks it's really Petty and small but it's fun to imagine her frustration to have to choose some ugly creature as the account she uses handicapped parking is for handicapped people not rich ones first just an FYI in most handicapped parking spots there's a place next to the parking spots marked off for loading and unloading wheelchairs in the US it's usually painted with diagonal stripes onto the story my son and I were at Walmart's and as I parked I saw that a new BMW convertible owner decided that the striped spot was set aside for him I looked and there was no sign of a placard or handicapped tag ticked me off and I stood about it the whole time we were shopping when he was still parked there when I came out I decided to get spiteful I found a piece of paper and left a note on his windshield it said so sorry I did not mean to scrape your car with my wheelchair I would leave my contact info but you were illegally parked blocking my event so good luck buffing that out we sat in the car another 20 minutes and waited out came this guy that looked like a personal trainer he came jogging up to his car chatting on his phone he saw the notes screamed all crap then he spent the next 20 minutes going over his car inch by inch rubbing every speck of dust or dirt he was still looking when we left nothing harmed no damage just a lesson hopefully learned posted by user Burning Spear RTP titled you want to steal my mail I'll give you some mail to steal this happened a few years back I was going through a nasty divorce custody fights crazy legal bills having my reputation drug through the mud etc I'll spare you the usual details but my wife was really into making my life hell for no reason other than not putting up with her abuse anymore anyway I noticed my mail started disappearing this was out of my own mailbox and anything that still went to the old house showed up weeks late and already opened if at all I took my complaint to the postal inspectors but they refused to take the case after hearing a divorce was involved because they didn't want to get in the middle of a he-said she-said thing thanks guys sorry enforcing the law is such a chore anyway I forwarded everything I could to my office and would occasionally send myself letters just to make an estimate of what the loss rate was some of the stuff was real and some was made-up letters about trips I'd gone outs when I was in town and other nonsense just to confuse her I was angry in bored one nights and decided I'd really give her something to really think about I looked up the address of a law firm in my home town and an offshore bank in the Bahamas I cooked up a nice letterhead inward and wrote myself a letter confirming that a six-figure sum had been forwarded from my parents estate to an offshore bank account giving details the next time I was in that town I dropped it in the local post box the letter disappeared of course and I kind of forgot about it about a year later when in courts dealing with some other ridiculous bullcrap her lawyer demands that the marital property be re divided as I had fraudulently covered up some major assets I was floored that she'd gone to all this trouble I figured she'd eventually catch on but that it would majorly mess with her head and she would start doubting what of her spying was accurate and where I was gaslighting her but know she spends a ton of money on a lawyer to pursue this treasure trove of gold I'd buried on a tropical island I denied it all of course she sent the lawyer to try to subpoena bank records and talk to the other lawyers and so forth and they came back to the courts all flustered when they couldn't prove anything when I pointed out a couple of Easter eggs I'd hidden in the letter such as that the bank account number was my mother's birthday and that I'd mentioned a law firm named Dewey Cheatham in hell say it a couple times is like Dewey Cheatham and hell do we cheat them and tell huh in the letter they went ballistic and demanded the judge prosecute me for impersonating a lawyer fYI not actually a crime and forgery on a nonsense letter I'd mailed to myself I pointed out that while neither of those accusations would work they in fact had submitted evidence of a crime namely theft of u.s. mail which is a felony and things got very quiet the judge actually laughed in their faces and told them they had gotten made fools of and deserved it for stealing mail that lawyer her forth for God's sake quit soon after and she's now toothless has sheered money to all of her different lawyers when words started to get around town I can see it being a real thing you might say it's fake I think it's real and I want to believe it posted by user Annie Phoenix titled where the freaky you from sir this is a very very petty revenge to set the scene I live in a small European country and the older generations here can sometimes be incredibly xenophobic which I really love I am a linguist and my husband is pretty into languages as well we like to speak different languages together for fun and practice so about three years ago we were going home from an event a theater visit I think which had us a bit dressed up think tux and a long dress we were on the subway because parking in the downtown is hard and at that time of the day it was faster than a cab when I noticed a total Karen with her husband sitting down right across from us she immediately gave us a look apparently disturbed by her attire my husband kept on talking to me and in a moment I hear the Karen go can you see them showing off their money freaking Russians this made no bloody sense like what I need my hubby to pay attention to them her husband gives a sigh and reacts honey calm down and I don't think they're speaking Russian of course they are listen on cue I switch language and hobby follows we end up keeping the conversation alternating all the languages we can manage Spanish Italian French German Japanese some Serbian and of course English I can see the pair listening with raising frustration quarreling about us the whole time after about three more stops we get up and get off the train the Karen actually gets up and yells after us where the Frick are you from we smile and wave and my husband shouts back in our native tongue locals have a nice evening pursued by user who killed Samantha I would like to know titles I let my brother wash his hair with summer's eve for those who don't know summer's eve is a soap for women's in intimate parts it's supposed to be gentle er than real soap and aid in cleansing a little better than just water my 20 female brother 17 is one of the most spoiled and entitled boys I've ever met he acts like the world owes him for his existence and living with him is like constantly walking on eggshells he always gets what he wants and he always gets his way he is all of his own things and refuses to share despite having no problem taking from the rest of us this includes personal hygiene products he is extremely wasteful so he gets all of his urn things I share with the two youngest siblings and sometimes guests there have been times where he accused me of using his products and blew up I swear you'd think I'd stolen money from the way he acts I'll admit to using a shared shaving cream once or twice but never anything else after the way he blew up I never touched the shaving cream again last summer my boyfriend left his shaving cream here during her visits and my brother finished it he never asked for permission and he knew it was my boyfriend's he would get it out of my side of the cabinets and used so much of it each time he shaved I was ticked but my boyfriend didn't mind I just started keeping his stuff in my room when he left things behind after that I left my shower items in my room recently I figured that now he had two bottles of shampoo and body and face watch he wouldn't touch mine so I began leaving my things in the shower including an expensive shampoo who prescribed from my doctor for an ongoing skin condition I'm only supposed to use it once a week but I noticed it going pretty quickly I brushed it off earlier my brother and I were bickering and he brought up the fact that I recently bought stuff for my mom and my boyfriend some expensive ish lotion but none for him I mentioned that I wasn't obligated to get him anything especially what he never bothers getting anything for anyone else he threw back that's why I only use your things I decided to teach him a lesson or whatever and I left my summer's eve bottle in the shower I had taken off the label months prior because I didn't need my roommates knowing I was using this products after he showered he came and sat with my mom dad and died I instantly recognized the smell as it had a nice lavender scent and he had quite obviously used a lot of it I asked him what he used to wash his hair and he says he used my shampoo with a cocky attitude I explained to him that it was in fact a vagina syrup he flipped crap and called me stupid among other things but I wasn't fazed at least he learns not to touch my stuff my mum thought it was funny but my dad is ticked that I let his poor boy wash his hair with that soap he told me that I shouldn't be greedy with my other products even though I am the one who pained for them in the first place I'm not sorry posted by user J Ross Eddie Tuttle's my landlord was kind of a [ __ ] so I pay her rent at the latest possible time so my landlord is kind of a [ __ ] sometimes I believe in being frank and honest with whoever I am renting with so they can prepare and they know what's up when card hits I gave a heads up that we'd be fine for a few months due to savings but it's possible we might run into some issues if the lockdown lasts too long but no worries we'd get caught up as soon as we could get going on our three businesses she gave this big lecture about how if we can't pay we need to move outs and she has lawyers for things like this and will send us a one-month letter I blew it off after telling her that she really should speak to that lawyer since she legally can't kick anyone out right now and he would set her straight two months later I talked and said things are getting a bit tight and we might run into trouble in a month or two but I'll make sure you at least have a month's notice a few days later the local paper put out info that Illinois might pass a rent freeze and allow affected landlords and such to get paid out a pot so everyone was okay this was great news I shan't her the link and she calls me on the phone to bark at me about how I just need to move out if I can't pay and she has bills to pay and worried about and she'll get a lawyer if she has to I hung up on her mid-sentence she called again I ignored it she texted me Tess same ting she was tramping about I told her she needs to stop making idle threats that the only time she has problems with me is when she is rude and I tell her to pound sand and that whether she likes it or not she's still bound to the law well lucky for her they haven't wiped out late fees for late rent by law but it is in contract that we can pay up until the fifth with no late fee so now instead of paying two or three days early I have a monthly alarm set and I send her funds and ten minutes before the cutoff and take a screenshots if they wave late fees and evictions at any points I've fallen intend to withhold and save her rent until the last legal day possible to avoid any penalties and pay her then posted by user angel guide indie titles he ruined my sister's only birth experience so I made sure he'd never forget her obligatory apology for formatting as I'm on mobile kind of my revenge kind of my sister's both of us really proud this is gonna be long so TLDR at the bottom here's our cast my sister we'll call her Sarah for the story sister's ex-boyfriend Paul ex-boyfriends new wife Jane ex-boyfriends parents mr. and mrs. doe oldest brother Zeke our parents and me when I was 14 and my oldest sister Sarah was 22 we found out that she was pregnant with Paul her boyfriend of four years they immediately got engaged and they were really happy for a time that is Sarah had a horrible pregnancy about 16 to 18 weeks in the wonder of creating a human life evaporated within her she developed hyperemesis which if you don't know is really bad morning sickness she was constantly in pain she developed gestational diabetes and just all-around hated the experience around this time Paul the then fiancee started getting sick of the complaining I believe the argument was well your body is built to do this it can't be that bad Sarah was jus around Valentine's Day and Paul's parents mr. and mrs. doe were very excited both about the grandkid and the fact that he could be born on a holiday she was very against that and really really hoped that her son wouldn't be born in a holiday even one as small as Valentine's Day her birthday sometimes falls on Easter and she sit because it might make him feel that it his day isn't very much about him well mrs. doe says something like well if you want to name him Valentine or Valentino then that'll make the day even more special to him again sister hated the idea she thought it was tacky he'd be bullied for its and just really didn't like the name Valentino Paul loved it but agreed to go with a more average name like Daniel or Jared fast forward to February and she was ready to get this over with Sara had officially been put on bed rest because while standing or walking her blood pressure took unexpected spikes and dips I looked back now and goodness do I feel bad for her she was doing her best to avoid giving birth on Valentine's Day because again she didn't want him born on a holiday unfortunately births happen when they happen and the baby was going to come on Valentine's Day whether she wanted him to or not I remember waiting out in the waiting room with my dad brothers and Paul who couldn't stand to be in the delivery room because it was gross I was so mad that he could have gone in but wouldn't because he thought my sister was gross while giving birth whereas I had to stay outside because I was too young to go in with my mum and other sister dad went home with the youngest two brothers while the oldest Zeke stayed to watch me because I refused to leave 16 hours after Sara went into labor my little nephew was officially part of the family on the evening of Valentine's Day unfortunately sara was not okay she had to have an emergency cesarean section and while doing the operation discovered that the back of her uterus facing her spinal cord had a very large and very severe thankfully non cancerous tumor when I say large I mean it was twice the size of a standard uterus the doctors were shocked and didn't understand why nobody had noticed it on an ultrasounds it accounted for her severe back pain and blood pressure issues the doctors immediately went in for more surgery to remove the tumor but sadly ended up having to perform a full hysterectomy this meant that my nephew would be Sarah's only child's now while Sara was in for surgery Paul was taking care of everything baby related to make sure his son was okay in my 14 year old selfs memory I remember him being suitably distraught but I didn't really pay much mind and spent my time in the waiting room with my mother and other sister Zico ever wanted to be a good future brother-in-law and make sure that Paul was okay he found Paul filling out the baby paperwork on his own looking in my brother's words like he had not a single worry in his mind Zeke asked why Paul didn't wait for Sara to fill out the paperwork as she would have been out for surgery within the hour and Paul said that he just wanted her to rest and heal that checked out with zinc as he was 16 and didn't know any better at the time now I know what you're probably thinking no he wouldn't he knows how much she hates that name and still she'd need to sign the paperwork to my fellow peoples of reddit's I regret to inform you that Paul forged Sara's signature on the paperwork and waited until she was out of surgery to hand said paperwork over my sweet nephew that was born on Valentine's Day was named Valentino on his first official birth certificate I still to this day don't know why Paul and his family were so insistent about that name he'd even picked out a different one with my sister and before you ask no he was never brought up on forgery charges because his parents were witnesses to signing the papers even though they only got there at the last minute sir Sara dumped him and got a son's name changed a month later she was willing to do split custody with him because that's her son's father and she wants the kid to know him but Paul vanished and she never heard anything back which seemed weirdly out of character to us until a mutual and friend on Facebook was tagged in his wedding pictures six months later Paul had apparently started cheating on her not long after she got pregnant Sara was livid but there wasn't much she could do so she filed for child support and continued to live her best life until six years later this is where the revenge starts my friends so sarah has been a single mother for the past six years and has been amazing edits at this point in my career I've been a hairdresser for about eight months and our local great clips I'm working one day and who is seated before me but Jane Paul's wife herself I take her back for a trim and she clearly has no idea who I am that adds up because a mutual friend that still keeps in contact with Paul said that Jane doesn't know a thing she has no idea about Sarah that she was the other woman or that Paul actually has a kid and that he's been infrequently paying child support for she's in the dark on it all I told myself not to be an ass and treat her like a normal customer which I did now at this point Jane was heavily pregnant so a lot of our conversation was about that she loved being pregnant but it was hard her husband was so unsympathetic big shocker and she was Jew in 10 weeks and they still hadn't picked out a name for their baby girl ladies and gentle people's this was my chance I asked her what kind of name she was looking for and she said I want something unique and unusual but not ridiculous like braids Lee yay-yay-yay you know the ones I'm talking about brilliant Lele what the what kind of name is that and Paul had suggested so many already and she didn't like any of them so I can Ivan little weasel I am said what about Sarah my sister's name isn't actually Sarah she was named after an old a family member that passed not long after she was born but there was no female equivalent for his name sir our parents created one it's a beautiful name and just what Jane was looking for she loved it she stuck by it and I found out by stalking her Facebook months later that she had put her foot down about it and that was their daughter's name now Paul has a daughter with X's name to remind him every day about her and also to remind him to pay his freakin child support little nephew was 10 years old now with a new name and no contact with his biological father though we do still call him vowel as a family nickname he like sits but doesn't want to bring it to school so it's staying a family nickname Sara pretends to hate too when we call him that in a joking way as long as he likes it she doesn't have a problem with it and she's seeing a new guy who's really great and like a great father - Val posted by user deadlock 1989 titled goodluck paying for the car so this isn't my story it happens to a friend of a friend so exact details are difficult to get but this is what I was told for ease of story and to hide identities the names I will use a jack-and-jill bit of backstory Jack and Jill had been going out for nearly five years by the point of this story a year prior Jill lost her job due to the company she worked for being liquidated money got tight for Jill so Jack offered to help by covering her car payments monthly installments road tax insurance and fuel so she could put the money she got to rent and utilities until she got a new job and was financially stable Jack had a fairly decent job so wasn't a strain on his income a year goes by and Jill is still unemployed but not through rejections she got lazy and just spent all day doing nothing around her house while Jack was at work one day jack gets work off early and decides to surprise Jill on the way back home but as he is approaching her house he sees another car in her driveway he parks on the street and sneaks up to the house and looks through the window to see Jill with another man Jill was ticked spit he didn't burst in there he walked away got in his car and drove off when Jack got home he did a little digging and found out who the guy was through Facebook and found she had been having an affair for half a year with this guy he was now really ticked off and wanted revenge and he knew the best way to do it this is where the revenge comes in jill loved her car even though she barely used it so what Jack did was stop all the payments that were going out of his bank accounts and put them onto her accounts as the car was in her name it was easy to do as the payments had only just gone out he had to wait for the end of the month for his revenge to unfold the end of the month comes and Jill's bank card is declined at the shops she calls the bank up to find out what is going on and they tell her she has gone overdrawn because of the car payments going out of her accounts Jill found Jack and asked why the payment is coming out of her accounts and not his Jack coldly replied because I know you cheated on me and I'm not gonna pay for my ex-girlfriends car and hung up fallout of the revenge she tried to get Jack to pay for the car even got lawsuits involved but as she was the sole owner of the car it was declared he had not to legal responsibility to pay for her car as she couldn't afford her road tax or insurance she couldn't drive the car and eventually she got so far behind in the co-payment that the car was repossessed to pay the debts she had to get a minimum-wage job and now takes the bus to and from work g'day there guys outro Marky here hope you enjoyed the episode as much as I enjoyed making it today if you did be sure to LIKE comment and subscribe tell me what you thought about it down below also if you like memes be sure to head on over to my second channel marque - it should be one of the sexiest ralien faces on screen the one without the flag it's my latest and greatest creation and I hope you like it also I'd like to give a huge shout out to my channel members and patreon subscribers you guys do so much good for me and the support goes without saying but I'm gonna say it anyway I love you guys and I appreciate all the help and support you provide me on this channel also if you want to join the family links it down in the 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Channel: Markee
Views: 44,696
Rating: 4.8792233 out of 5
Keywords: Markee, Markee revenge, revenge, prorevenge, pro revenge, professional revenge, r/revenge, r/prorevenge, r/pettyrevenge, petty revenge, r/nuclearrevenge, nuclear revenge, reddit prorevenge, reddit, r/entitledpeople, r/entitled people, entitledpeople, entitled people, entitled, people, entitledpeople markee, markee, markee entitledpeople, r/entitled
Id: wzCdwTgL_sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 36sec (8376 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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