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g'day there guys it's your OC hobby Maki back at it again with another awesome title parents video now if you love me as much as I love you then you know what to do I want you to mosey on over to the old like button and tackle it like Steve Irwin maybe even Chuck and Ozzy flag down the comments now with that said I want you to sit back relax Chuck a prawn on the barbie and get ready for some bloody Karan's now our first post is by user Cole : ein t9 titled entitled parent threatened to kick me out after I have a seizure so before I start getting into the actual experience here I should provide some background information so this hits harder first of all I am a 20 year old type 1 diabetic since I was 2 years old I'm also an epileptic since I was about 10 now I am also diagnosed with anxiety and depression which weirdly enough shows the symptoms for my diabetes in develop C basically if I'm anxious or depressed I'll either show in my blood sugar with spikes or drops or I'll just have an epileptic seizure despite taking meds now my mother is on a different level of uniqueness she's been a paraplegic since her 20s and while she has a service dog to help her with everything she will force me awake at like 6:00 in the morning to help her with literally anything she can think of even though her dog can do it I go upstairs probably about 20 times a day ranging from cleaning to baking now since my diseases it's not safe for me to have a job as it actually causes me to have seizures at work this is important because for the past few months my mother is either forcing me to take like for university classes or get a full-time job basically she's sentencing me to endless seizures which if I fall the wrong way I could get brain damage break my neck or skull or even to kill myself today was the worst I had a seizure this morning and when my boyfriend practically revived me crying from stress he took me upstairs explaining I had a seizure this is the conversation I didn't even make it up the stairs before she started ranting at me and blaming me for everything and saying that because of this seizure I had to get them under control or she was going to kick me out even though I have no money nor can I work I also can't get into disability yet because of this whole covert thing I had to leave because she can't do this anymore my boyfriend pulled me away downstairs and told her off but she still rented but he ended it with what the hell your son just had a seizure and hit his head and you're making it about yourself her response was to freak off planning on moving out with him to his sister's for a while but this is my daily life so far thanks for coming to my TED talk alright in our next post is my user sleepy Inc titled entitled mother leaves her son at a party so she can smoke weed disclaimer this story is in no way intended to criticize marijuana or the people who smoke it's the Casta me myself am a dreaded entitled mother CP cute boy SF stepfather su step-uncle M is my mum love you mum so this happened last summer my stepfather got invited to a family barbecue that was being hosted by his brother step-uncle and me and my mom decided to tag along we got there without incident and for the first hour or so everyone was having a pretty great time food was good the weather was great everyone was laughing typical family BBQ about two hours into the party stepfathers daughter the entitled mother arrives with her son choosing beggar just kidding CB which is a cute boy who was about three when this went down almost as soon as she arrived she sent cute boy loose into the yard so he could play and instantly started complaining to the other guests about how difficult it was to get there how expensive gas money was how difficult cute boy was being etc putting aside the fact that she came to the party out of the blue with no indication that she wanted to come and how she was bringing everyone down with her complaints the main issue of the situation was that she just lets cute boy roam around this yard unattended now this yard is huge with a very deep slope that leads into a busy street and a small hill towards the back the property that leads to the woods with a pretty deep Creek on top of that cute boy is autistic with a few other special needs to boot so he tends to wander off and get lost a lot needless to say this whole situation was making me very nervous so as we were talking by the grill I was constantly looking over my shoulder to see just where cute boy was and what he was doing after a few minutes however entitled mother spoke up she says Opie let him play on his own he doesn't need you breathing down his neck I'm just worried that he might get hurt or go a little too far into the woods what are you a child experts you don't have any children of your own what would you know about any of this well I hope he is studying in college to work with children you are yeah I want to get my degree in child developmental psychotherapy after I said that entitled mother went silent for a bit and the conversation ended there about 20 minutes later cute boy came running up to us and told us he had to go potty entitled mother suggested that I should show him where it was because I had been to step uncle's house more than she had I thought it was a bit odd but I didn't mind because I love cute boy and I'm always happy to help out so we go inside and I help him get to the toilet and wash his hands no problem however by the time we came back both entitled mother and her car were gone I quickly asked my mum where she went but she had no idea so I'm rushing around this party asking pretty much everyone there if they know we're entitled mother drove off - which was a resounding Oh everyone at this point stepfather step-uncle and mum are all trying to contact entitled mother cute boy is slowly getting more and more upsets because he doesn't know where his mother is I tried to calm him down telling him it's just gonna be me and him chilling for a while until his mother came back he quickly perked up and started to play around with a few toys laying around for the kids to play with for hours pass before entitled mother comes back to the party cute boy runs up to her and gives her a hug basically the only person happy to see her right now that's when stepfather and step-uncle storm up to her and start questioning her stepfather says where the hell were you cute boy was worried sick I'm a grown adults I don't have to tell you where I am every five seconds chill out you were gone for four hours without telling us where you were going or when you would be back you can't do that well Opie is here so I can what are you talking about she's majoring in child whatever in college isn't her future job to watch kids all day that doesn't mean you can abandon your son now at this point I knew I had called upon the courser Drath of the entitled parents how dare you I did not abandon him I came back once I can't have fun anymore he's a good boy you should feel honored to care for him I go to smoke weed one time and now you were all on my case like I'm a bad mother you don't even have children so how would you know you were smoking weed does smoking weed take that long I don't think entitled mother intended for anyone to know that she was smoking weed because after she realized that she added herself to everyone she grabbed a cute boy and quickly drove off the property I haven't heard from entitled mother since then stepfather told me that she has sent him a ton of text messages about how I'm a terrible person and how I should cut ties with his side of the family honestly I'm not that concerned about her trash-talking as selfish as this may sound I'm more upset over the fact that instead of enjoying the rest of the party I had to spend four hours babysitting while trying to track down entitled mother but hey karma I guess okay so something crazy happened yesterday which is totally ironic seeing as I just posted this story so entitled mother got arrested I haven't gotten all of the details yet but from what I've been told entitled mother got caught with possession of marijuana weed is illegal in my states she hasn't been able to post bail as of the time I am posting this update SF has refused to post her bail much to the entitled mothers horror SF has taken temporary custody of cute boy until this whole thing gets sorted out although step-uncle has expressed a lot of interest in becoming cute boys legal guardian and has even begun just a day to build a fence around his yard so a cute boy can't wander away if he came to live there I'll try to update this post as I get more details on the situation all right - now next post is by the same IP titled entitled mother tries to poison my cats because I wouldn't let her have him hi again everyone just got off of a 40-hour shift so that means it's story time if you are new to my entitled mother stories I suggest you go to my account and read my two other are slash entitled parents posts to get a sense of who we are dealing with everyone else you know the drill note this happened two years ago to clear up any confusion Castile Me Myself CB cute boy a B awesome brother eeehm entitled mother insert Thunder sounds st stepdad m is mom so I have a pet cat named squish guys I cannot even begin to tell you how much I adore this freaking cats my brother and I found him abandoned in a cardboard box when he was a newborn he hadn't even opened his little eyes yet we took him home and quite literally begged on our knees until our mum said we could keep him ever since squish has been a part of our family now something I need you guys to understand is that this cat is very attached to our family he will run to the door to greet us if he hears our voices he will pour at any of us to pick him up and cuddle him he will even try to pick up cat treats and take them to me and my brother to try to share them with us point is my family loves squish and squish loves us back remember this it becomes important later enter our entitled mother eeehm she and her son cute boy had come over to our house for an afternoon to visit and stay for dinner at first this visit was going perfect entitled mother wasn't being a total jerk cute boy was having a free time seemed like a smooth evening rights yeah not with entitled mother me my brother cute boy and entitled mother were all in living room playing with squish when entitled mother started talking keep boil up squished so much what's not to love he's such a bean yeah so I've been meaning to get cute boy a cat that's cool I'm sure you would love to have a little pets yeah he would but most pet stores are so expensive well I would go to an animal shelter if I were you there are plenty of pets there that needs some love and I think it might be cheaper than a pet store oh I don't think you get it I don't want to have to pay for a cat well you know you can't have squish rights and why can't I first because he is not your cats second because he's already has a forever home third he is very attached to us and I don't think it would be right to take him away from his family cute boy deserves a nice cat he's a good boy then go to a shelter like Opie said there are tons of cats there that need a home those cats are boring I want your cat no but I'm not having this discussion with you entitled mother the answer is no drop it by some miracle that actually worked for a bit the night continued as planned after dinner cute boy was getting a bit Restless so we decided to take him outside and play entitled mother claims she had an important phone call to make so she would stay inside I was suspicious but I didn't push it me a B and Q boy played around in the backyard for about 20 minutes while mom and stepdad sat on the porch I got pretty thirsty from chasing an energetic toddler around so I went inside to get some water from the fridge I went into the kitchen and never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined what I saw there was entitled mother in front of the counter with a now empty bottle of epilepsy medication she was using a spoon to crush up my pills and she had an unopened can of wet cat food standing by needless to say it didn't take long for me to put two and two together something I need you guys to know about me is that I don't get angry often I get upset annoyed frustrated etc but it is ready for me to get truly furious at someone seeing her there in my home trying to poison my squish just clicked something in my brain I felt my chest get hot and tight and the corners of my vision were turning red as I stomped up to confront her I say what the hell are you doing IP it's not what it looks oh I think it is what it looks like so I'm going to let you try again what the hell are you doing well you wouldn't let me have him so you're trying to fudging poison him it's not like I didn't give you an option I asked you to give him to me and you said no take this as a lesson never refuse a request by someone who was older than you she then continued to crush up the pills now I am NOT a strong a big person by any means I am four foot four and entitled mother is five foot seven and that size difference has always been a big reason as to why I try not to get physical with her but I was just so mad and worried that she was actually going to poison the catch that I just acted I grabbed her wrist instead of very firm stop she then proceeded to stop then turns around grabs me by my hair and pulls as hard as she possibly could I started to scream at the top of my lungs and that was enough to get my mom and stepdad to come in and see what's going on entitled mother lets go of my hair and my mother proceeds to tear into entitled mother how dare you grab my child like that well she grabbed my wrist I don't give a Frick what she did you have no right to touch my child like that I'll get you arrested for assaults sweetheart I'm going to be arrested for your murder if you don't get the hell out of my house I guess that was enough to scare entitled mother because she quickly grabbed the cute boy and drove off of our property as fast as she could I filled my mom in on what happened after she left and my mother got a scary look in her eyes she grabbed my stepdad by the collar of his shirt dragged them to their bedroom and stayed there for about three hours when they emerged stepdad said that entitled mother was no longer allowed to come to our house happy to say that squish still lives with us and is as happy as healthy as he can be the best part of this story is that ever since this happened my mother makes a point to tag entitled mother in random pictures of our cats from time to time all right and our next post is by user guide tier fappa titled entitled mother Yanks my 81 year old dad out of the way at the local supermarkets I have been taking care of my parents for the last two months while during this coronavirus I have tried forcing them to stay in but there are some things that they refuse to give up going to the grocery store is one of them we were at the store in front of the pasta when three young girls come flying down the aisle in front of us the first girl slammed into my father's cards the other two won't far behind us and stumble over the first girl who fell over my dad being a normal human being tries to check on the girl next thing I see a rather large woman who I assume to be their mum lumbering down the aisle my dad was offering his hand to the girl when her mom grabs my dad by the shoulder and Yanks him to the side my dad who isn't the most fleet-footed in the best of times falls into the shelves and onto his arse I ran to check on him and luckily enough he seems to be fine I look back at the woman expecting an apology or something the like to hear her betraying my father she's holding her daughter at this point and I didn't want to scream in a child's face but I did demand an apology for assaulting my father she continues parading my father and me and storms off luckily my dad is no worse for wear and has a grin on his face he thought the whole ordeal was hilarious and says he can't fix stupid I'm still seething which is why I'm writing this to Vince and our next post is by user in Wall 8022 titled entitled parents at my job several quickies nothing too big I am ready to torch my job down to avoid everyone first off every single damn parent asking for toilet paper when we had none I adore my assistant manager Tom one entitled mother kept clapping in his face every time he told her they had nothing back there check the back again clap my baby needs it then Tom claps back in her face I checked four times today they are not going to suddenly appear after the fifth time she started screaming but he just walked away second we had shoplifters someone trying to shoplift food candy small products but we have our people going up and down the aisles all day so no one is getting away with it yes it becomes a screaming match with these entitled people parents mostly who feel like they deserve to get their stuff for free one guy even threw a freaking sucker punch at someone because he wasn't allowed to steal it third we got toilet paper delivered last week and we have a two per person roll yes arguments abound with people wanting more than that but we don't want them to get away with tanking more this one guy put up three packages onto the counter I scanned two but told him I wouldn't scan the last item so guess what he does he looks me right in the eye picks up the fourth package and coughs all over it's getting spits and whatnot all over its he put it back down grinning at me now what are you gonna do with it thanking my manager for enforcing the use of gloves I picked up the package without looking away from the guy reach under the counter for the disinfectant wipes we have down there and pulled out two of them the man gave me this really angry look as I wiped down the package from the top to the bottom I used a third wipe as he is gearing up to yell at me and I pull out the rolls behind the counter I gave him a sweet smile he explodes at me as I ring him up with that smile I may be autistic and yelling does make me upset but the sound of another co-worker laughing at this guy told me and juoh as I finished ringing the guy up he called me every dirty name he can think of which at this point in time I had heard at least three times daily since the pandemic started I really wish I was exaggerating he paid and walked out of there ranting I wiped down the package of fourth time and the manager took it back to the shelf I would throw it out to be honest but we had to make a sale finally Tom got us some lockers that looks somewhat like these they look kind of dope not gonna lie we have to have bins with our names on them in the back for our coats and such however too many customers have been caught going through our things and even flat-out stealing items tom is the best assistant manager he went out and bought us those lockers we still have people trying to break into them but up until today no one has gotten into them today however someone was able to when I came into work today I saw a police car leaving the parking lots with someone in the back and someone taking a crying kid I couldn't tell the gender to another car I asked someone what happens apparently this parent came in and went into the back room somehow he got two of the lockers opened and started putting things in his bag with this kid was holding money their own supply of disinfectants their lunch anything they could put in the bag he was caught of course by one of the employees and the police was called and I was told it was just going to get worse ah not looking forward to this and our next post is by user Phoenix underscore B FN titled a mother and child try to steal my dog so for some backstory I have a dog named Archie we have had him since last summer and have loved him ever since for people asking for pictures of him I think there's one read it somewhere anyways I took him out for a walk today into the forest near my house like I usually do the walk went as usual up until we were on our way back home we had just reached our neighbor's fence when I heard a scream and running behind us it was a I'm guessing five-year-old boy running towards us her mother behind him I have gotten used to this type of reaction when walking with Archie he is a white West Siberian licker so people seeing him and gasping isn't really anything special to me but this felt difference here comes the following conver Ches like what's his name his name's Archie you may at him he doesn't hurt you hello what a nice doggy guts what breed is he Thanks he's in West Siberian Lika are you sure he's a licker looks like a semi to me they do look similar but Samoyeds have thicker fur look kid I'm older than you and know more about everything than you do he's a Samoyed but you don't feed him properly and that's why he's so skinny search images of Siberian Leica's and compare them to Samoyeds they look different I kneel down to the kid and I say hey kid meenatchi going to go home now if you want to see him again then he is in the yard of lights every single day okay bye Archie by the way the kid was the cutest five-year-old I have ever seen so we had gotten back home and I was casually relaxing indoors I let Archie outside because my mom was in the backyard some time later my mom came inside leaving Archie outside a couple minutes passed and I hear Archie barking and similar sounding voices outside Archie barks all the time when someone walks past but what made me look outside with the voices it was the kid again patting Archie but I couldn't see the kid's mother who I assumed was the other voice I walked out of the front door to see the mother opening our front gate to let Archie outs I rushed over to her to talk to her what are you doing you are mistreating your dog I am letting him free we saved that dog from a man who beat him with a metal pipe stop what you're doing or I'll call the police because the front gate opens in wood I just leaned on it so she couldn't open it the entitled mother literally grabbed me from my jacket and punched me straight of my face I fell down to the ground which allowed her to just push the gate open then she asked the kid to come over to her Archie of course followed the kid then just like in a movie my neighbor who had seen everything happened to walk up to us wearing her leather jackets sunglasses and holding a replica lever-action shotgun he looked like a freakin Terminator he quickly told the mother to get back and got Archie back in my yard the entitled mother was frozen in place meanwhile her son didn't even care - his petting archie again my mom had already called the cops when she noticed that some stranger was trying to steal archie so the waiting didn't take long after some civilized talking entitled mother was accused of attacking me entering private property trying to steal Archie and attacking a police officer after she tried to tear one's face off when she was asked to get inside the policeman's new boyfriend starts acting as if he would be my dad and at first made her back him through smart lies till he overplayed his hand big time satisfying karma at the ends let me first give you some background so you get where people are coming from my father has left a few years prior my mom bought a small house from the money from the divorce and a few months after has gotten herself a boyfriend at first I was truly happy she had moved on but soon I realized she had fallen for some real piece of crap now you need to understand my father was an alcoholic and a narcissist so my mom's normal Mita was truly broken anybody treating her halfway decent must have appeared like a prince charming to her so please do not judge her too harshly for her choice I don't now he was not only halfway decent he really treated her well though he was an a-hole to me he brought her flowers went out to eat regularly etc but what I realized and she did not was that he was a parasite he had maybe 100 bucks to his name and his only income as support from the states a couple hundred bucks now I already hear you ask how did he afford flowers and going out by living rent-free and having all of his costs paid for till he gets back on his feet one last thing as the headline already told you he soon started to show an immense entitlement towards me basically he said this is his house so now I have to follow his rules of course I told him that this is my mom's house not his and I did not have to do jack crap unless my mom tells me so he took that really badly since he had an ego problem as you probably already guessed I tried to tell my mom but she would not believe me since he always acted very nice to me when she was around but as soon as she was the Cold War started he pulled a lot of small crap like demanding in a patronizing voice that I bring him some beer while watching TV with me while mom was on the loo when she came back he told her he had asked me nicely to bring me a beer when I stood up to get something but I refused insulted him and sat back down sir of course she told me to apologize and get him beer again I tried to explain but she wouldn't let me so he kept pulling petty bullcrap to establish dominance after this whole story I asked my mum why she would always believe him and not letting me explain there apparently he had told her I was super jealous that he was in the house and wanted to get rid of him by trying to make him look bad so she backed him to show me he is not going anywhere time for the main accounts I had gone out the night from Friday to Saturday and had come back at 3 a.m. my mom was gone over the weekend and he fudging exploded how dare I disrespect him like that's coming home this late I told him calmly he does not get to declare a curfew on me and my mom allows me coming home this late which is true provided I stay at the house of three specific people I am friends with and whose parents are my mum's friends he flipped out even more and called me and dirty liar he then gave me the classic' as long as you put my legs under his table and me being a smartass of course answered this is my mum's and my house you are a guest here he screamed at me that he's going to kick me out of the house and I will not be allowed back till my mom returns I screamed back he cannot do that since this is not his house I threatened to call my mum he emboldened by her backing him up all the time told me to do just that but I better not lie to her and tell her what is actually happening I put her on speaker and told her he is trying to kick me out of the house till you come back Monday it was Saturday she did not believe me and told me to put him on the line so he started by telling her I disrespected him as the man of the house by coming home so late and lying to him about this being okay when I stayed at a friend's and that I need to learn to respect him so it is up to him how he disciplines me since she is not there then he lied and said he told me to be home by 1:00 a.m. for the first time he let his mask slip and she picked up on it right away she says so let me get this straight I allow my son to be out till 3:00 but you think you get to overrule my decision on my son and now you think you get to kick my son out of his house he realized he screwed up he tried to get her to take his side but only dug his hole deeper he says well he keeps not respecting me in my own house if you let him win now if he will never respect me and do you think the right punishment for disrespect is to kick him out for two days yes finally you get it I knew you would come around well he did nothing wrong since he was allowed to go out that long you have no right just to over all my decisions on my son and bitter the but I am not done apparently you think the right punishment for your disrespect is to kick you out till midday but I only have a hundred bucks this is not fair what am I supposed to go I am sure my son had even less money and you did not give a crap you've got thirty minutes to leave I tell the neighbor to check if you were still here in half an hour he will call the police and have you trespassed when I come home Monday we will talk I am such an idiot that I kept believing you over my son once mum came home I told her how he kept pulling this bullcrap on me and she was so sorry she kept backing him up I had tried to tell her many times he treated me exactly like my father did when she was not around one major reason for the divorce but since he treated her so differently and acted so differently than my father she believed him that I was jealous and trying to get rid of him but when she heard him say these words my father said so many times you owe me respect since you live in my house she suddenly realized I was telling the truth all along while he was the liar this is why she got furious so fast she never realized how badly he really treated me and how entitled he acted since he had hidden it so well before but when he started to talk about deserving respect in his own house something my father kept saying from me a house he did not put a penny into but was somehow his even worse was thinking he could overrule her on her own son my father kept overruling her decisions so she finally saw through him and got all the evidence she needed I was telling the truth all along they broke up that Monday he never even got back into the house they met for a coffee and she demanded her keys back originally she wanted to give him a month but when she entered the bar they met at he right away started to scream at her how dare she kick him out of the house like this and that now he would never get the respect from me he is entitled to so she told him she is only here to ask for her keys back and that they are through PS I did not know if this belonged here or an entitled people it fits for both so I posted in both all rights and our next post is my user sheep queen titled I don't care what you do to your body I don't want you making us look bad to your therapist so this is a story that I thought I'd tell I have posted about my father and stepmother before this time I figured I'd pick a highlight from when I was 16 going on 17 please keep in mind that I've blocked a lot out reflexively so I'll be paraphrasing as best I can the title itself a quotes I remember is clearly as day though it all started with my self harming I don't remember when it began but it started after my grades started going down my stepmother father and I would have constant screaming matches or we would argue over my grades leaving me to dissolve into tears many a nights I spent crying myself to sleep or self harming to get rid of the feeling of being a disappointment to them I remembered when I finally told my stepmother about my self harm at first she asked me something along the lines of do you want to go to a mental hospital yeah that scared me sir I said no we had argued about it after to which she finally said I don't care what you do to your body some way in this time I had talked to my dad about moving in with my grandparents to finish my last two years of high school which would give me a karma environment to focus on my studies and to improve myself away from a toxic environments my father had said no saying at first to the idea of counseling that's you don't need someone to solve your problems for you not even a month later my then best friend got the school guidance counselor involved over my self-harm and she sat down with my mother father and stepmother to show them that I needed help for my depression he took me to get evaluated by the county in order to find out which fit me better being put on suicide watch or being inducted to therapy through the county mental health they deemed that I would go to see a counselor after showing her where I did the self harming calling me brave the seeking help I'd wanted to improve my life and have a better future after my first or second therapy session my stepmother asked me what I had talked to my therapist about I declined to tell her saying that I wasn't comfortable discussing it yet she got angry and defended saying you're probably making us look like bad parents to her it was clear she didn't want to respect my privacy after a few more sessions my father and stepmother complained that my sessions cost too much money around a hundred and twenty-six dollars a session or so and told me I'd have to pay half if I wanted to keep going they forced me to agree as by then I was 17 and I needed to be responsible for myself I managed to pay half in one session before I had to stop going years later I've got no contact with them for the better I wish this had a better ending but sometimes entitled parents win it's not always a happy ending all right so now next post is by user type an a21 titled entitled parents versus firefighters another story from several years ago another bushfire another community at risk the plan is simple start a back burn along the back fences of the community to create a fire break and to contain the fire the wind is blowing towards the community so the backbone will be going against the winds good conditions so we start lighting up the bush 90% of the residents pit up with the smoke and die the closed windows and doors all come up and talk to us over the fence asking if they can do anything now I will take this time to mention that we were full face respirators to protect our lungs from the smoke we can barely talk out of them and when you were next to a running pump but you can barely hear anything so back to the story we are walking along and paused at a house to monitor the burn there is quite a few loads so we want to make sure it is burnt don't notice anything until we see a resident trying to use our second hose line um once a quick discussion ensues this mother had come out to inform us that the smoke was affecting her kid okay this happens so once she'd come out to demand that we put out the fire we were lighting and when we ignored her she decided to do it herself a quick apology it's noisy we didn't hear you she is understanding but still insists that we put out the fire or give her kid one of our masks no I am NOT going to affect my health for your kid also he hasn't done the course we advised her to close the windows and doors but we are going to burn to protect her house this is where she demands to see our commander who at this point in time is hiding in the cab he gets outs walks up to her and issues and on the spot fine for obstruction of an emergency service let's just say for a while after the incident the bush behind her property was burned quite regularly after all we have to reduce the hazard to the community all right and our next post is by user imaginary broccoli six titled entitled family aren't desecrates a family grave to obtain a priceless family heirloom for herself yes the title is very real and I cannot wait to tell you what happened this here and in case this question comes up the family is on my father's side my grandmother's mother so several months ago before the lockdown occurred my great-grandmother ggm passed away from old age she was 108 in the early life she worked as a jeweler she made beautiful jewelry for the entire village she worked in her most prized jewelry was a rare opal ring she kept with her at all times it is extremely valuable and she never ever takes it off unless it's for cooking or bathing EFA was always jealous of the ring because she keeps saying I never have nice things just like her family even though her background comes from a pretty wealthy family her children at the time were already back with her after they spent a few months in an orphanage until such time she was fit to be a mother again her children are the most criminally insane pieces of crap he will ever meet they have no sense of what belongs to who and would simply take and take in take one time they took my phone and got angry because they couldn't unlock it which is a story for another day anyways it back to my great-grandmother I was very very close to ggm as she was always telling me her stories about finding certain jewels during her many many travels her family was poor but that didn't stop her when she grew up she basically helped them out of the poor side with her skills during the will reading and instructional works for the funeral my great-grandmother said that she specifically be buried with the opal ring any of the other jewels on the other hand went to me EFA did not like this she demanded the great-grandmother give her the opal ring at least as she deserves since she is part of the family even though genetically she isn't the will stated that any requests will be de mmediately denied as great-grandma spent years to make sure everyone got a fair deal on the will I was most surprised by her generosity since she hardly trusted anyone in handling her large collection by the way she had like 150 different jewels EFA was warned by her lawyer that she would get nothing if she ever made a fuss which by the way she did get a watch which she didn't know was worth like fifty thousand euros EFA got furious that she just got a stupid old watch while everyone else got something way better than her not true my uncle got her car which hasn't started for 20 years EFA stormed out with her kids and husbands my uncle that got the car and never showed up until the funeral it was a simple funeral just talking about how she was in the past her crazy antics like that time she accidentally set her house on fire don't leave the grease part nearby kids and of course her many many travels in her youth to many countries to make her precious jewels said goodbye to her and so on she was buried in our largest state of all our families buried that was rights wrong EFA and her family including my uncle wanted to stay with us for a while as we were still grieving she gave a crap about that except for uncle so we agreed to have them stay with us just for a few days on the second day I was making myself a drink when I noticed EF a cleaning something with many many cleaning products I say that EF a what are you doing I'll hire P this ring is amazing on me writes what did you get that ring ah from ggm of course I talked with her lawyer and he couldn't bear to see that gun so he gave it to me I don't believe you for a second tell me where you got that ring or I'm telling uncle I don't know what you're talking about I got this ring fair and square all right I believe you and I left the room I went outside just to think what to do go to the police or go to my grandma and the lawyer so I called lawyer and told her what happens are you sure you saw Gigi M's opal ring yes I'm positive all right I'm gonna call the police see me at the estate sir I go to my car and drove straight there what we saw was gruesome dirt everywhere in broken stones and gee GM's coffin halfway open with her ring and the finger missing I can't tell you how much of a gruesome sight this one's like I blinked many many times thinking it wasn't real but it was I was sick in my stomach of how much someone would go for just for a stupid ring like I get you're angry [ __ ] but don't go starting to desecrate a family grave sites I called my uncle and told him what had happened he also couldn't believe its he was also wondering whether they'd call the cops or not after seeing the opal ring on a FAs finger the police came and arrested EFA for grave-robbing misdemeanor and desecration of a family gravesites theft and breaking and entering I did not know there was such a thing as grave robbing or desecration of a family grave sites but apparently it's a thing the extended family got light of what happens and practically shunned EFA before her sentencing and due to the severity of the crime the court was stunned rather quickly without a jury EFA emitted that the children played part in it as well although they had no clue that their so-called treasure hunts was to steal a family heirloom I didn't believe that for a second they see a body yet they continue to steal from it without a heartbeat the judge sentences her to three and a half years in prison should be more and four years probation as well as her children being taken away again she was also fined twenty five thousand euros for damages in the estate's since she hasn't done anything to the ring that was a short sentence only six months but because she practically cut a finger off a dead body that kind of gave three more years fortunately uncle couldn't take care of the kids because biologically they are not his kids previous marriage of EFA and financially he wasn't stable enough to take care of all three of them EFA pleaded with the judge to reduce the sentence but was immediately denied saying that this has shed light on her very very selfish behavior despite being a good know-it-all POS she has had trouble in her youth with theft of such similar crimes so while she is in prison she will also be investigated only just two weeks ago everything was finalized with her I was contemplating whether to post this on nights after she was arrested we went to no contacts with her the children have been put with a distant relative of EF A's into another country uncle went back home taking care of things to move back to our town he is better now that she is gone I am sure some of you will ask what did I do with the jewels that I inherited I put it in a private safety box in the bank so if ever I need some cash I could sell the jewels to joel shops or auctions and considering there a 100 50 of them I won't be having an issue edits my family on my father's side is not near rich but we have close ties with many many people we are like a mafia but friendly ish my great-grandmother despite her wealth was a very kind-hearted woman and nowhere near a description of an old crone she was willing to help anyone if you asked her nicely friend family friend of a friend family of another family the list goes on I still mourn her death but she lived an amazing life house a nice one anyway guys on to our next post by user this one knows things titled entitled mother yells at me for drinking on my own porch I get that quarantine has everyone on edge but holy crap so this happened yesterday it was really nice out so I thought I'd take a break from writing all the papers to sit out on my porch with a nice glass of wine since I live on the first floor of the complex I have a small green patch where I have a bird feeder set up in some flowers past that is the public sidewalk and there are no fences so it's all pretty open I take a chair out the sliding glass door into the patio slash porch I forget the difference leave the screen door closed so my cat can get a bit of the outdoor air and plop down and pour myself a glass of Cabernet at that point in the day the sunlight was right on my porch so my cats were laying in the sunbeams right behind me as I'm just watching the day go by seeing the occasional dog on the walk or people just taking a stroll a little kid about 5:00 or so comes up into my view trying to jump from sidewalk square to square I hear the mum somewhere out of my line of sight say don't go too far ahead so he stops where he is and looks around he seems me and my cats in behind the screen look mum he says those kitties of the same colour is small I guess his cat is also a calico by this point the mum catches up and glances in my direction to see what he's pointing at oh yeah she says then she looks over to me and tone changes quickly what the hell are you doing me I say a bit thrown back yes you what do you think you're doing you can't drink here there are student dorms these are actually just apartments unaffiliated with the University but since they're across from campus pretty much only students live here so many thinks it's another dorm I'm over 21 no you're not these are student dorms I guess she forgot that students can also be over 21 I'm pretty sure I'm over 21 don't you talk back to me get rid of that drink right now you can't drink in public I guess she decided to switch gears on how to get me to get rid of my drink so she starts walking towards me her kid comes to I guess wanting a closer look at the cat's lady I'm on my porch I can drink wine if I once she clearly didn't like me talking back and she got angry I said get rid of that drink she continues to approach yelling at me like I'm her kids and I won't put my toys away by that point the kid was on my porch looking at my cat's through the porch screen ah no and I take a sip get rid of it or I'm taking it by this point she's right in front of me face red hands on her hips looming over me like that cramps gonna work on a 26 year olds no now get off my porch I said standing up with my voice raised by then the cat's had run off and the boy was bombed we continued to stare each other down I'm on my own porch I'm not hurting anyone and own 26 I'll drink on my porch if I once I take another swig in front of her entitled mother than smacks the wine out of my hand and it nearly hits her kid as it shatters on the floor what the hell lady I told you to get rid of that drink she yells not at all worried that her kid could have gotten hit screw you I shoved her and tried to pick up the big pieces so her kid didn't get cuts he was wearing sandals after all her kid runs off back to the sidewalk how dare you push me how dare you destroy my property get the hell off my porch sure I started waving around the broken glass pieces and she took that as a threat are you threatening me I actually wasn't I just get expressive with my hands when I'm mad and I happened to have the broken glass in them but by this point I'm fed up with his [ __ ] I'm like yes now get the hell off my property by this point we had attracted a couple of on lockers which entitled mother finally noticed she looked around and saw a couple on the sidewalk gawking at her as well as my neighbor sitting on his porch nearby she looks around her face which was red with anger was now red with embarrassment she hops in puffs and spins around grabbing her kid's hand and speed walks away from all of us as fast as she can my neighbor asked if I was okay and I said I was fine just annoyed I swept up the broken glass went back inside and poured another glass and watched some Jojo to get things off my minds what a weird beer and it's wow thanks for the wanking upvotes even though I'm a crap hamon user because I spilled the wine also proper TLDR Karen approaches or you're approaching me instead of running away you're coming right to me I can knock that I can't knock that wine out of your hand without getting closer or ho then come as close as you like Ooo Ooo ahh and I punched in title mother into space the end wasn't that epic guys I don't watch Jojo sir I don't know the character voices I'm sorry you anime fans it really do be like that no anyway boys and girls were on to our next post by user love monster titled bitter entitled neighbor tries to seek revenge on my elderly friends fails every time so I was going to post this ages ago but I'm in the process of moving during the pandemic so hmm this is not my story but a friend of mine who we will call Hilda Hilda and I would meet every morning with a group of earnings at the dog park before self-isolation was in effect now there's not a lot of details as Hilda is a straight to-the-point kind of storyteller and this happened a good few years ago so Hilda is an elderly widow and she lives alone but as two gorgeous German Shepherds whom a very well-trained they don't bark they are good listeners and can even walk off leash with no fear of running too far away she had a next-door neighbor Bob who is of similar age and lived with his wife bob is our entitled parents / grandparents now since Hilda's dogs is so well-behaved the local postman have no issues with them and would even give them a quick Pat's during one of her walks with the dogs Hilda walked past Bob's house and offered a wave but Bob just looked at her not too long after they got home from their walk Hilda was greeted by a police officer at her door Pierre is officer HS Hilda he says good afternoon how are you today good thank you can I help you we got an anonymous tip about your dogs acting aggressively towards the postman and your neighbors that can't be right are you sure they're my dogs you earn two German Shepherds rights may I see them you mean these dogs Hilda called her two boys over who then proceeded to greet the officer with tail wags and happy Derby faces she even showed him how well-trained they were the officer shook his head told her not to worry about it and to have a good night Hilda figured out Bob phoned in the bogus tip when she realized he was the only one in the neighborhood who saw her with the dogs now I don't know how long it was since that incidents but Hilda found meat in her backyard spoiled rotten meat of course dogs can eat raw old meat but I'm pretty sure meat with green discoloration isn't good for them Hilda caught Bob's grandchildren throwing the meat over the fence with his wife providing it she didn't blame the kids as they were young and probably thought it was a game but she called the non-emergency police line and explained the situation including the previous incidents Bob and his wife were only let off with a warning and define as I guess it was considered either littering or destruction of property I'm not sure the final incident that wrapped everything up in a nice big bow was when Bob went on a full Jack Nicholson's screaming ranch in the middle of the street in front of Hilda's house I wish I could tell you what he said but not even Hilda knew what he was on about as she just called the police as Bob was making threats and threatening gestures towards her house Bob resisted arrest but was eventually taken away after that Hilda didn't know what happened to Bob and his wife they just stopped living next door she still was baffled why they targeted her until a mutual friend of Hilda and Bob mentioned something that jogged her memory Bob and Hilda met each other way before they became neighbors he had actually asked her out on a date but she wasn't interested thirty years ago this man got married had children had grandchildren but needed to seek some sort of revenge on the woman who turned him down thirty years ago whilst Hilda did all the same but didn't even remember who he was I love Hilda and I love Hilda too what an absolute sweetheart and a gem we don't deserve her all right boys and girls were onto our possibly last story I'm not sure by user Dax Aryan titled entitled ants wants to decide whom I'll get married to RP stands up for himself for the first time hi this is my first post out here intense I apologize if I'm doing it wrong the characters of the story are Opie I the all-knowing air P entitled ant one wife of my mom's oldest brother entitled ants - wife of my mom's older brother si one entitled auntie ones married daughter my oldest cousin and my mum my mother who is too sweet to say anything against anyone to their face so a while back I decided to introduce my girlfriend's to my family and started having a mature discussion about me wanting to marry her and seeking their blessing the challenge was that she was from a different religion so dead this was during a long weekend associated with a festival and my extended family had gathered around at my grandmother's place things were going well and I just pulled into the wedding of my older cousin to the discussion and soon the conversation came to where I wanted it to come to my wedding hooray but boy I was wrong I wasn't being asked for an opinion they're entitled auntie one says when it comes to our pees wedding I think we all should have a say as to whom does he marry same woman who informed about her daughters my first cousin wedding just a week before that happens but once full control of my wedding how cute yes he is the only boy in our side all my cousins on my mum's side of girls and we have to be 100% devolved in his wedding so it is only fair that we get to decide the girl this place is India and arranged marriage is still lurking around here help I just peeped at my sister and she gave me a sympathetic note as if to let me know that she understands how horribly all of this is turning out for me in a while on the table when names of girls they know that would be a good fit for me and more garbage so I decided to man up I said actually I have a girl friends I assured them a picture of the girl and then when they got to know that girl is from a different religion they lost their crap my parents would come ticked at me doing this without discussing with him first but calm so that was a huge relief my uncle's become too they were asking logical questions like when do I plan to proceed do I have enough savings for a wedding and more stuffs but not my auntie's they were wailing and whining about how I was going to ruin the family reputation and how I am ruining the name of my parents how my aunt's would have to be ashamed in front of all their family and the rest of the world because I decided to pick my partner I have always been the nice kid in the family had zero rebel traits was always soft-spoken so telling them about my girlfriend itself was a big move from my part the next argument from ei1 was how my mother has raised me wrong and that is what triggered the whole love in me he is going to set a bad example for the rest of the kids around here yes look at Siwon she never fell in love with any men and quietly married the boy we chose for her she's so happy Siwon is in an abusive marriage with zero guts to divorce she never had any guts to stand up for herself and I am guessing you can figure out why my mum cried a bit and that is when I realized that one what the hell was I thinking - I need to step up we'll have all of my cousin's give up on their dreams because their brother could not stand up for himself so I say ëi 1 & 2 you guys practically raised me when I was very young I know you love me a lots ea1 now coming down to bits yes we do I am 25 now I would be marrying in another two years and I would probably live to see 65 so how much is that 40 more years and 38 years of marriage I hardly get to see you these days how many days do we see each other five days a year let's consider one week so in the next 40 years of my life you would be seeing me for 40 weeks do you might get to see my partner even less than that let's say 20 weeks that is just five months or less can't my loving auntie's pretend to like my wife for 140 days for me and all of this assuming that you'll be alive to see me turn 60 it would break my heart if he died before I did that dinner was a very silent affair that in a coma for six years and I was able to hear every single thing my entitled mother said about me hi guys this is the first story of a friend of mine who I got permission from to write but I will write it in first person as it will be easier to understand also will be changing the gender multiple times because my friend didn't want anything known about them not even gender from here on I will speak in first person mode okay sir I moved into a small but lovely house with my parents when I was 10 though the house was small it had a nice backyard with a tree my father did his best to improve the house in the backyard and always tried to make us happy he worked six days a week in a construction company and we live on his job he is the loveliest most caring father ever my entitled mother however never worked she would sit all day on TV smoking and drinking which resulted in a lot of arguments between my parents I hated these arguments and always ran away my father built me a nice tree house to play in and stay away from trouble he then bought me a beautiful puppy who became my best friend and would always play with in the tree house now this all happened in a span of yes sir I was about 13 on to the story one night the argument really heated and my entitled mother was screaming saying that my dad should get another job as he isn't buying her expensive stuff like all of her friends husband's do it was a mess sir I sneaked out of my house with my puppy and went up to the tree house but I must have slipped because the next thing I know I was on the ground with immense pain and I can't move while my dog was barking non-stop I regained my consciousness in the hospital and heard the doctor saying I was in a coma I was so confused as I was clearly conscious but I wasn't able to open my eyes or move at all my dad was talking to the doctor regarding my health while entitled mother was talking with the nurse about the prices her freaking daughter was in the hospital in a coma and all she cared about was the price I was transferred back home with a special device for my respiratory which was huge important for later it was so terrifying and sad that they are right there feeling terrible but you can't reach them anyways my father used to come to me every day and start telling me about his day it was the only entertainment that I had in this state then he would start turning me over and rubbing my hands and feet for blood circulation then he would leave entitled mother always thought my dad was being ridiculous talking to a lifeless body my puppy though never left my side as if he knew that I was conscious I started hearing arguments every night while my dog was beside me but once I was able to slightly squeeze my eyelids which my dog noticed and he started barking rapidly and loudly my father rushed in but didn't notice anything but my dog stayed barking all night and about Midnight's my entitled mother came to my room while my dog is still barking and took him away I never heard him again after about a year there was an argument about me my entitled mother said how long are we going to keep this lifeless body around to which my dad was funds until she dies but sadly the argument ended with my mum winning and my dad had to move me into a smaller room in the house because I was taking too much space in my entitled mother's eyes now I was moved into a very small room barely enough to fit my bed equipment and room for one person to get in and it was right next to the living room so now I can easily hear the chats and fights and it was starting to hurt my ears fast forward another year and my entitled mother had friends over and she was bragging about meeting this wealthy businessman at the bar and how she will leave my dad and why it's not I was livid but I literally couldn't do anything so two days later she left my dad saying he was a lazy husband and never satisfied her in anything and she left my father was heartbroken so was I my father is the most hardworking person that I know a few months later of peace and quiets my father decided to take me to a nursing home and he cried over me saying he can't see me like this and that it breaks his hearts so there I was for the next four years in a nursing home with only a person coming to my room twice a day for blood circulation I entertained myself by creating my own life in my mind which by the way turned out to be healing the damaged brain cells to the point that I can't differentiate between make-believe and reality but I knew what my entitled mother did was totally real one day I heard a familiar voice it was my dad he came to me and started talking to me again I was beyond happy he said I can't believe you are finally nineteen today I missed you so much I couldn't let you see me in this terrible heartbroken state at that point I knew I couldn't stay like this any longer I was hurting my dad so I tried as hard as I can and I actually opened my eyes when my father noticed he freaked out and called a doctor they performed some tests and said that my brain cells have healed but it will be a while before I walk and talk again the news heard about my story and did a few interviews with me and who did see me five days later my entitled mother she came back because of the fame my father tried to kick her out but she said I should decide I of course said a big fat no in sign language she didn't know I heard everything law but I wasn't done there I told the news about how terrible my entitled mother was and she got a lot of hate in both real life and in social media I also found out she left her wealthy businessman for the fame and now she is all alone no house no money and no work experience sweet sweet Karma now back to the third-person view my friend has been healing great he can talk now and is lighting to walk again alright I hope you guys enjoyed that post now on to our next one bite Arisaka titled entitled dad gets arrested sued and chose the judge his true colors and chords so I've had this story in my back pocket for a long time I was never sure if I should share it because it's such a typical entitled parent sounding story and I often see people being accused of making things up however I've been bored so I decided what the heck I'll share this is a two-parter the first part took place in a parking lots and the finale in a courtroom I want mobile and I'm going to use a couple of nicknames so please bear with me the general cast of characters are Kim my nice neighbor Dick the jerk entitled dad and me the fabulous arasaka sir Kim and I used to carpool our daughters to a large indoor Athletic Center this place at everything a soccer quote unquote field a skating rink a gym a basketball courts all indoors so the kids could practice their sports year-round our daughters used to go there for gymnastics / cheerleading lessons at the same time occasionally we would actually ride together to watch them practice this was one of those days so there were plenty of typical soccer moms and hockey dads that had go to this place but most were bearable except for dick he was well a Giants um dick I guess thus the nickname he always complained that he deserved premium parking that the coach didn't give his kid enough play time etc he was verbally abusive towards his child also we could hear him screaming during the kids hockey practice all the way from the other side of the building he belittled that sweet little guy would shove other parents out of the way as he was walking he believed he was the king of the arena he was and still is by far the most horrible person I have ever encountered sir on this day Kim and I went to watch the girls practice together dick was in a particularly bad mood he was telling off the front desk woman when we walked in I still don't know why he was smacking his sweet innocent little boy in the back of the head because he wasn't walking fast enough to the rink it was awful coincidentally I mentioned to Kim that maybe it was time to call CPS on him that very day sir now we are leaving and sir is he he's still swearing at and belittling his kid we get the girls in the car first and we pull to the main road a two-way Highway by the way Kim's driving we need to take a left so she had to stop and wait for an opening he whips out of his spots never slowing and just as she breaks he slams into the back of her car the cars were damaged but everyone was fine Kim dick and I all get out he immediately runs to her screaming that she was a stupid freakin B whole dumb [ __ ] the whole nine yards you know even though we knew that she did nothing wrong we don't dare argue back Kim G says give me your insurance information and that set him off BAM he punches her right in the nose screaming stupid cont and shattering it the kids all jump out and begin screaming and crying I'm trying to come and wrangle them and at the same time fumble for my phone to call 9-1-1 long story long he was arrested there was a criminal case where he was found guilty put on probation and had to pay her reparations but she sued civilly - to make up the extra costs lost work pain and suffering future medical etc so fast forward to this civil trial I was there as a witness the judge was trying to ask us questions but he kept interrupting being just as obnoxious and rude as always finally the judge asks him straight outs did you punch Kim blank in the face his response was shocking classic and dull sorry ended the trial immediately yeah I punched her look at that [ __ ] I gave her free plastic surgery I improved her ugly face I did her a favor oh my god sir yeah she received what she was asking for plus some bonus cash dollars last I heard his long-suffering wife divorced him and got a restraining order she the mum brings the sweet kid out to the hockey now she doesn't say much but she seems fine I don't know if he had visitation but if he does I pray it's supervised and our next post is by user a Vatican cameos seven one four titled entitled mum says my seven-year-old isn't allowed to mourn her grandfather any more ruins seventh birthday sir my dad died on the winter solstice 2016 why pagan and we celebrate Yule instead of Christmas it was a very sudden heart attack in his sleep there I'm not convinced he didn't purposefully overdose and caused it himself my oldest was six at the time and my dad was her best friend it hit us all very hard and I was struggling to help my daughter through her first real loss while mourning myself my mom decided to self-medicate with crack into whisky ironically what my father you to overdose she kept making promises to my daughter about spending time together being six she was suddenly terrified she would lose my mom too and then my mom bailed last minutes always to go to a party or to hang out at the bar she said this was her grieving I said it was her spiraling but she refused to seek help mental stability was not a top priority in that household ever he is where the entitlement comes into play less than two months after his death my mom starts dating a new man by a February she told me six-year-old that grandma had a new man friend she didn't tell me I got to hear about it throw through my six-year-olds tears she felt like grandma was replacing pop-pop and even if that isn't the case the relationship was near you and the kid was still grieving she didn't need to know about grandma's new relationship yet but my mom disagreed she said she has the right to tell her granddaughter whatever she wanted we got into heated argument after arguments about boundaries and my daughter's rights to mourn my mother said you need to support me on this and I informed her like she did when I came out of the closet that now I don't have to support you but I do have to accept you she accused me of demanding she break up with her boyfriend because a child threw a tantrum I told her she was welcome to live her life but she didn't need to involve my daughter and every aspect of it so a few months went by of my mother constantly trying to force her new boyfriend into my daughter's life she would ask to take my daughter somewhere to spend time together I would ask if her boyfriend would be joining them I had to turn her down several times after asking my daughter if she was comfortable enough to get to know him she was not each time my mother would scream at me about ruining her life and impeding on her grief she was in mourning how could I treat her this way sir my daughter's seventh birthday rolls around and we get ready for a family party held in our backyard I specifically told my mom that she was invited but her boyfriend was not this was a seven year old's party birthday girl made the guest list and it is no place for drama well can you guess what she does not only does my mother bring her new boyfriend oh no turns out the poor guy had just had a stroke or something and he needed assistance walking he temporarily needed a walker and the party was through the grass to the backyard my mother left her date to fend for himself at the side of the road and strode into the party with a look of absolute triumph that it didn't make sense at first then I saw him come around the corner a man I didn't recognize and could only be one person on either side of him were my in-laws holding his arms to help him across the grass they didn't know him either but they saw him struggling in the front yard and decided to help him make it to the backyard the moment my daughter saw him she started to sob seemed just my mom without my dad was hard on her and enough at the moment seeing another man in the place where pop-pop is supposed to be broker she ran inside to her room and before I could get someone to cover the grille for me my mom chased after me I found them in her room my daughter trying to pull away from my mom and my mom hugging her tight and muttering in her ear something inside me just snapped I knew that position well she was being told that she is a selfish child for having emotions I jerked my mum away from my child and called her into the other room where the yelling began mom says she needs to learn to get over this she's seven mother this is hard for her you're being so mean to me I just lost my husband and she just lost her grandfather we're all hurting mum I told you he wasn't welcome she wasn't ready to see him well he's already here so there's nothing she can do but get over it you need to leave you can't kick me out this is my house now leave she didn't go quietly everyone at that party knew she was thrown out by my own daughter I'm just here to celebrate with my grandchild when she was finally gone I hugged my still sobbing 7 year old and asked her what grandma had said exactly she said I can't be sad anymore because he was just my grandma but he was her husband so I can't be sadder than grandma my stomach churned and I suddenly feel very sorry that I didn't pop my mother across the face before she left edits we did go no contact for nearly a year and despite my mother throwing tantrums herself we waited until my daughter felt ready to let grandma back in she was able to mourn and heal in peace thank you to everyone who expressed concern second edit yes she was high and drunk a lot of the time this didn't faze me much because my parents have always used drugs and have slash head and impressively high tolerance I grew up thinking this was normal I absolutely understand now it is not of course the new guy is deeply religious he has the occasional beer and smokes a little bud but he got my mom off the crack and other HUD staff Jesus Christ what is wrong with people and our next post by user buckling entitled mum thinks I should lend her kid my laptop hey never thought of posting this but left it as a comment on another post and opie there thinks it deserves its own thread so here goes characters me entitled mother entitled child last Christmas I'm on the plane home to visit family it's a three-hour flight and after a while I take my laptop outs I'm sitting in the window seats and next to me in the middle is a fat annoying little entitled child I'm guessing somewhere around 10 or so and next to him his entitled mother so I start playing a video game evil bank manager if you're interested and after a few minutes I see the entitled child is looking at me in my laptop entitled child and entitled mother talk among themselves in a language I didn't recognize in any case a few minutes later entitled mother pops the question excuse me sir my son thinks your game is fine would you mind lending him your computer so he can play in past the time well I mean I don't know she wasn't rude and I guess it's not an unreasonable thing to ask but he is my logic I are you and your child's nothing he is your child not mine we don't even know each other and we just happened to be sitting in the same row by the sheer vicissitudes of fates all sir I charged my laptop and prepped for this because hey I wanted to have something to do to pass the time so I tell her exactly that I'm sorry but no I planned on playing some games to pass the time myself she pulls a face and goes oh come on he's just a kid you're old enough to not play games anyway I'm thirty main how can you say no to a kid really [ __ ] I'm still a solid no and now I'm getting pissed off mind your own damn business sir I basically just tell her it's a strong no and I'm sorry she hops and says fine and then goes back to speaking with entitled child in their language the kid just sat there afterwards huffing and puffing and staring daggers at me I just don't get these people I mean it's okay to ask and I'm getting there are some kind strangers out there who will do you a solid and all but if I said no then be respectful enough and don't push it further the world doesn't revolve around you and your kid and not only a you rude and disrespectful in my opinion you're a horrible parents because you're basically telling a child they are entitled to whatever they want even if it belongs to someone else that they come first so this kid is quite likely gonna grow up into an [ __ ] alright and done next post by user big Gator North tornado titled entitled mother tries to get me fired after I won't give her kid and award he didn't earn for backgrounds I used to work at a summer camp as a counselor and as the director of the archery range one of the things campers had the opportunity to do was sign up for merit badges including one for the archery program the requirements were to pass a short written exam and to show that their shooting skill had improved because it was summer and because some kids struggle with tests I would offer to provide any assistance they might once I was willing to do anything sort of giving them the answers or doing the tests for them the only caveat to this is if they refused my help then I would leave them to their own devices because there were other kids who did want it during one season a 14 year old boy here will call Colby signed up for the badge by the end of the first archery period I could tell he was going to have trouble with the exam I made an offer to help him and he turned me down fast-forward to the end of the week the exam is administered and he bombs it so he doesn't get the badge after the closing ceremony he comes up to me demanding to know why I explained that he didn't pass half the requirements after trying to argue with me about it he stomps off about ten minutes later he comes back with his mommy in terror she asks me the same question and I give her the same answer she then goes into a tirade about how her son is a golden child and deserves to have everything as she's doing this Colby is standing behind her wearing a smug look while I'm trying to decide if I'm actually hearing this and trying not to laugh in this woman's face when she finishes I tell her it's fine if she believes all this but I'm still not going to give him the badge because it wouldn't be fair to the other kids seeing how their expressions changed was priceless she tells me that she's going to talk to my boss about it I tell her that if she feels that's necessary then fine but I'm pretty sure they'll agree with me a short while later I I see them both come speed walking out of my boss's office with anger written all over them I go into the office my boss spots me smiles and gives me the thumbs up all right and our next post is titled make me stay late and yell at me no I will not break policy me is me the store manager s is the staff member working am entitled mum Kaye entitled kid so I was working as a store manager for a medium dress for less retail store we carried mostly clothing in home goods due to being short on managers I was closing the store that day and tend to open the next day 8:45 p.m. announcements the store will close in 15 minutes please make your way to the checkouts customers started heading up to the front 8:55 I noticed one lady with her daughter is still shopping with a basket overflowing with items announcements the store will close in five minutes please make your way to the checkouts 9 p.m. she is still shopping announcements the store is now closed please make your way to the checkouts the lady started to walk toward the front to checkout I assumed I had to wait for her to check out before I could close out the registers and to figure out the money for the day so while waiting I went to the office to quickly send some emails at around 9 10 p.m. I walked up to the registers and began to close the registers I finished up quickly in about 5 minutes I quickly put the money back in the safe and walked out walking by the fing room I hear voices inside there were only two other employees on the sales floor and I could see them both straightening items the fitting room attendant was sorting clothes to go back to the sales floor is somebody in the fitting rooms I asked s yeah I think so I told her that we're closing she responded hello this store is now closed we are getting ready to lock up soon we open at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow I hollered back into the fitting rooms soon after a very entitled lady and tech daughter came out with a lot of items picked up her basket of stuff and said she was ready to check out I'm sorry but the store closed almost 20 minutes ago we are open in the morning I let her know no my daughter and I need to buy all of this right now entitled mother declared to me that is not possible the registers are closed and we are about ready to go home and shut down the store I politely told them that's [ __ ] they always let me shop at this time this is unacceptable she yelled at me the store is closed you can come in the morning to shop if you would like I responded assertively fine then I demand you hold back all of this for me until the morning I will be back when the store opens to get it she told me now due to us being a discount type store we do not hold items as we do not regularly get the same items it is a company policy I'm sorry but due to corporate policy were unable to hold your items we open at 9 tomorrow and if you were here than I am sure they will still be here I reminded her once no these are my items she demanded these are the stores items right now but tomorrow morning they could be yours I let her know now I need you to please leave my staff and I would like to go home that's bloody stupid and you're awful these items will be waiting for me here tomorrow and dine two men to have your store manager waiting sir I can tell him about how horrible and stupid you are I will be here at 9:00 she told me the store manager will be here in the morning I told her smiling politely entitled mother stormed out kid in hand grumbling and griping the whole time it was late and we were all tired so we all got our stuff ready armed and left the store I get there before any staff normally to get the money ready for the day along with my paperwork while it was quiet I made sure to spend the extra time that morning to put the basket of items away on the shelves and racks spread through the store petty I know but it felt amazing knowing she might come in at about 11:00 a.m. I was up near the front talking to the morning staff and I saw entitled mothers storm in already looking mad I watch I not even look at us and to walk straight to the fitting room shortly I get a call on my earpiece from the fitting room attendant that a customer is asking for me I strolled back a professional look in my face calmly ready for the storm I get back there and entitled mother looks mad she sees me and says no I asked for the store manager not some supervisor ma'am he is the store manager s told entitled mother she gasped in anger how dare you put my things back I told you I was coming back for them she said to me her face now red and I let you know last night that we cannot hold items due to the policy it has to do with the nature of our store I informed her so where are my items now they better all be here still I told you I was coming back she demanded the retail merchandise is on the sales floor all unpurchased items get put back I said I can assure you they were here when we opens but I do not know about now entitled mother huffed and started walking around stomping and huffing she ended up finding some of what she had from before but made sure to make comments to the cashier about how she could not find all of her items and she would never be coming here again if only rights I did see her at other times but she went out of her way to never talk to me or acknowledge me which was fine and our next post is by user miss a match titled entitled mother demands I let her kid pet my dog so I should preface this by saying my dog isn't a service dog or emotional support dog that isn't allowed to be pets nothing like that she just doesn't enjoy being touched by people she doesn't know she's also currently has some kind of eye infection and even we her family have to be careful with touching her so I was taking her on a walk up the park minding my own business I was aware of a mum into a kid over by the football goal kicking a ball around but didn't really pay them much attention just registered them as being other people in the park to avoid because you know social distancing we walked around the edge of the field and as we came up the other side of the football area I saw the kids start to approach I just kept walking but she wouldn't go away so I put the dog in the lead she's so good off it's and sped up here is where entitled mother comes into play eeehm is the mother EK is the kid me is myself entitled mother see me not stopping to let a kid pet my dog says excuse me me but grudgingly stopping picking up the dog says yes can I help you entitle kid tugging on his mum's top can I pet the doggy entitled mother to her kid of course to me I saw you not stopping to let entitled kid pet your dog why is that because she doesn't like people she doesn't know and I don't want your kid touching her or coming near me really but that's not fair she wants to pet him my dog is a girl but everyone seems to think she's a boy rights but people aren't supposed to go near each other what if I have symptoms what if she does do you really want to be responsible for spreading it this clearly was the wrong thing to say what my kid isn't sick she doesn't have the virus how dare you now let her pet your dog they start coming closer me stepping away says no teach your kid boundaries she has a contagious eye infection that's stupid people can't get dog infections they keep coming closer and she turns to a kid go pet the dog sweetie me walking away now ignoring them entitled mother and entitle kid literally following me home they stopped after I turned a corner and they lost me but Jesus teach a damn kid nura just means no one day she's gonna let that kid pet a dog that won't want it and the dog is gonna snap or something all right and our last post is by the lizard wizard titled girlfriend has an entitled mum so my girlfriend of five years Hayley has a really entitled mother it was so bad that she moved out to live with her father in another state her mother constantly harasses her to go to babysit her almost ten-year-old brother so that she can do as she pleases without the responsibility of appearance with all that coronavirus crap my girlfriend has been staying home and keeping her safe her mother keeps spamming her to go out of state just to babysit during a massive pandemic when Hayley refuses her mother uses the guilt trip that her brother misses her mind you her mother kicked her out at 17 and told her she wasn't allowed to set foot in her house after the law got involved of her perfect parenting my genius of a girlfriend got the bright idea to get her mother to leave her the frick alone every time she gets harassed she spends stupid worms and a-string memes and it works all Hayley has to do was threaten her mother with the ones and her mother stops out of fear of her phone freezing the screenshots are amazing my girlfriend be smart using worms to shoo away her entitled mum glad that I'm getting married to her in October I love her goofy-ass how about mother tries to get me to give my Easter basket to our kids I live in an apartment complex with my boyfriend I work overnights so I'm usually asleep during most of the day yesterday my boyfriend went out and bought me stuff to make up an Easter basket for me something we did for each other last year but hadn't really talked about doing this year because of the pandemic he set the basket up and left it with the passenger seat out of my car for me to finds when I went to work this morning I got home around 7:30 and as I was walking through the parking lots a couple of the neighbours kids were playing outside I'm pretty sure they're brothers as I always see them together and I passed them to go upstairs while carrying my baskets the basket itself is a pink wicker baskets it had a small pink stuffed bunny a giant lollipop scent a chocolate bunny and plenty of colored eggs and it's I had just taken a melatonin and put my sleep mask on to try to go to bed when I hear a knock at my door my boyfriend is fast asleep so I figured I might as well look through the peephole to see if it was an Amazon delivery or something I pick through and see my neighbors from over the stairs so I open it up the two boys from earlier were by her door watching our conversation entitled mother says my boy said you had in Easter baskets um yeah okay so give it to them I'm sorry give them the Easter baskets you're in adults why do you even have one I'm not gonna give your boys my Easter baskets well why not do you hate Jesus or something I stood there for a second with a confused look on my face before she snapped give them the basket already I see look I've lived here almost a year I see your kids all the time and I've never really interacted with them but they seem like fine kids even if that is true though I don't have to give them anything especially not something that was given to me as a gift if they want Easter baskets and you want them to have Easter baskets why don't you buy the supplies and make them up yourself why should I have to do that when there's one already made up here trampa because it isn't yours well I'm sure you'll get much better use if my boys have it rather than you hand it over or I'm going to call the police and tell them some from apartment number store their baskets you might think that it'll get more use from your boys than it will from me but it's all suites that I'm going to eat to keep me awake during my 12-hour shift tonight the one that I'm going to sleep for if you would leave me be also I even still have the basket I got from him last year and don't let you in on a secret it holds all my sex toys Happy Easter after that I closed the door in her face I could hear her through the door give off one of those partial groan partial screams and she actually called the police on speaker right outside my door so I called the non-emergency line and said of a woman called about someone from a dress stealing her kids Easter baskets that she was delusional and told them what happened police still haven't shown up now and it's time for me to snooze Happy Easter all ETA hail I pretty much passed out after posting this and replying to one comments but let me add a few things I know my boyfriend shouldn't have gone to get Easter baskets during the pandemic I've told multiple times not to leave except for working groceries both of us are essential employees but no matter how many times I get on to him he keeps going to the store for non essentials I have gotten unto him multiple times and he just doesn't listen to me I did thank him for the basket and the thought behind it but then got onto him for going out for it many of you are saying this isn't real mostly because of the sex toys comments after she sanded the do you hate Jesus comments my brain was running through all the things that I could say to get her to leave and let me be and buy sex toys being in the basket from last year actually popped into my head but I didn't feel like it would really say oh yeah I hate Jesus so once she said that her boys would use it more than me I was like oh thanks brain and I said it it's possible the police did show up after I fell asleep but if so I have no recollection of its melatonin knocks me out and it's hard to wake me up even without it so if anyone would've answered the door it would have been my boyfriend who also used to be a police officer though I don't think they did show up because we got a notice saying that during the pandemic the police would not be sure upon calls for things like petty theft and it even had a salt on the list which blew my mind to those of you saying I should have slammed the door in her face right after she asked your rights I wish I had so I wouldn't have had to deal with such stupidity when I was so tired already to those of you saying I shouldn't have opened the door regardless because of the pandemic you are also right the only reason they opened the door was because I recognized her as my neighbor and I know she's a single mother with three kids in a home and to my knowledge she isn't working at the moment sir I thought she was just coming to ask for something like milk or a couple of eggs or something which I probably would have given her if that were the case to those of you saying to report her to my apartment management my boyfriend has been living in this complex for over five years and is very close with management's so if anyone would report anything he or I did management would call him and ask hey what happened with so-and-so but we've reported our upstairs neighbor four things and nothing has been done about it those of you saying it's just to report it for a paper trail I've lived in the apartment almost a year and haven't had an issue with family until today so I don't think much more will happen with her or at least I hope not her boys are in middle school which starts at around 7:00 or something in the morning here so they're used to being awake as early as 7:30 it's possible they haven't stopped their school alarms and is still waking up early in the morning and before the pandemic I'd seen them playing in the parking lots as I got home from work multiple mornings nobody usually bothers them when they play and when they see a car coming through the lights they grab whatever they're playing with and move to the sign for the car to get through the boys seem to be very respectful as every time I've been outside to clean out my car or just walk through the lot to get my mail they step aside and stop playing so they don't hit anyone with their ball usually a football a basketball some occasions a soccer ball now I'm at work so I probably won't be interacting with this post much more tonight I hope you all enjoy it Easter to those who celebrates and to those who don't I hope you have a wonderful day if you still doubt this story go ahead I don't care just remember that you weren't there all righty oh and our next post is by w fdn DDM titled entitled mother demands my pokemon cards that i stole from her brats so i have a binder that has the first two pokedex pokemon in order and with a lot of rare cards in the back plus a lot of different Mewtwo cards as he's my favorites my collection is my pride and joy I would die protecting its that's a joke there's a pretty chill comic book and card store by my house and when I go I bring my binder with me so I can see what cards I have so I don't get duplicates and because the owner likes to see what new ones I have one day as I'm at the counter showing them to the guy in charge chatting about what I want to buy a kid about ten comes over and watches intently staring at the binder he asked if I would trade a pretty rare card I was putting into it and I tell him now I'm good he whines and asked again and they tell him nah guy looks pretty annoyed the whining kid but the kid soon leaves only to come back with a woman who was glaring and demanding I return the cards I stole from her child I asked her what she's talking about and she demands to see my binder I asked her if she is kidding and she snapped that I need those cards you stole from entitled kid and I'm tired of people like you stealing from children I wanted to facepalm and thankfully the guy in charge tells how to beat it well she tried to grab the binder and I quickly gave it to the guy behind the counter and told her that if she needs the cards so much how about she buys some like the rest of us peasants no idea what went through her head but she threatened to call the police as she left and I simply waited around and bought more cards kind of disappointed that no coppers came sad face alright a nun exposes by leers one oh two three this is an update number two to be roommates with my son and give him your games and food hey people have read it's my cousin's gave me a second update about a couple days ago about entitled mother and kid that has been harassing them this semester now they told me that this happened three days after the New York trip so this was before quarantine so cousins told me that they do first-year student elections during January to February entitled kid threw a tantrum when he lost the election for class presidents and his entitled mom held at my cousin time to meet everybody IRA see all the cousin L see little cousin RM roommates am entitled mum ek entitled kid ek RM entitled kids roommates vice student body vice president NK nice kid ek and D entitled kids nice dad D is the Dean serve the setting my cousin and his roommate were having a council meeting discussing the first year elections now I was told that the meeting are for the student council members and prospects only because nice kid was going to be a candidate for the president's serve he was allowed in his dad is a janitor and he works as a campus job so he doesn't live on campus the door opens Q and titled kid hi everyone my cousin didn't want to deal with his BS and told him to leave he asked why he couldn't stay and he stated that the meeting was for student offices and prospects only then entitled kid asked what's a prospect a prospect is someone who plans to run for office they are then included in the meeting because they are an associate member then entitled kid asked why nice kid was allowed in then all the cousins stated nice kid is a prospect that's why entitled kid than said I'm gonna be a prospect now my cousin knew that if you're on disciplinary probation like he was it's impossible for someone to get an appeal the last time an appeal was successful was 1996 and the last time someone tried was 2009 with that in mind all the cousin laughed in his head and wished him luck knowing that it would never get approved then his mom called the student council office to try to get the information about an appeal now my cousin said the PIA council is in charge of Appeals it is comprised of 12 student offices 3/10 years 3 11th years and 3 12th years the student body vice president's for eight counts twice now his mom was there in the parking lots during the day of the the vote was six out of five so entitled kids appeal was approved all the cousin had this why and look on his face and he saw entitled mom was in the parking lots and her boy came through and hugged her she then said I told you that Mommy would take care of its she then saw all the cousin walked up to him and said my son got his appeal approved you have to share that room and be his friend and title kids like yeah all the cousins sat there blank for a moment as he realized that he now has to spend time with entitled kid because he is a prospect then entitled mom says excuse me didn't you hear what I said you're going to spend time with my son now all the cousin then leans towards the mum and told the mum in an eerie way let it begin but in truth all the cousin was scared crapless he realized that if nice kid lost he would be stuck with entitled kid for the rest of the year the election was on February 25th so he had four days to get a game plan he asked nice kid and the rest of the gang to meet at the room to figure out what to do it went like this okay guys we need to figure something out if entitled kids wins we're gonna be stuck with him for the rest of the year I have a good feeling I can win that's not the points yeah I can imagine that his mom is going to bribe other students to try to get them to vote for her son we don't have a lot of money that's the point so we have very limited cash resources to make you look good oh I see then entitled kids roommate calls his dad and told him what was going on he stated that his roommate could be class president if he doesn't help them entitled kids roommates dad agreed to help so getting nice kid exposure was the only thing that was left the gang worked tirelessly to promote nice kids campaign even had a town hall with free pizza all the cousins said that entitled kid really wasn't campaigning all the cousin was thinking that maybe he just thought that he was going to win sir he didn't put in any efforts the eve of the election all the cousin had a meeting with the prospects in his room and told them that their parents had been called and that there will be an announcement when the results are in all the cousin then proceeded to talk to nice kid and entitled kid about students governments nice kid was being cool but entitled kid was demanding to eat sweets and play games it went like this come on let me have a honey bun and turn the ps4 on that's not what this meeting is about it's to prepare you for what is going to happen tomorrow oMG turn it on now he said no fu mother I'm gonna be a roomate when I become presidents you're gonna have to share eventually so stop holding outs everybody just sighs loudly to where it's obvious that entitled kid says white it was time to end things so older cousin dismissed entitled kid ends nice kid nice kid left at that time entitled kids a roommate was coming to sleepover entitled kids roommates like hey can we are still on for tonight right little cousin yeah I'll put out the couch then entitled kid asks can I sleep over to know entitled kid pants he's like why nots because you don't live here and don't our guest well I'm gonna stay anyway entitled kid then proceeds to sit on the couch the gang asked him to move but he doesn't the gang isn't having it especially little cousin little cousin stands over him and entitled kid says bro what the fu want keep in mind my cousins are black he's whites we can either do this the easy way or we can do it my way shut up you ain't gonna do nothing the gang then drags him out and he banged on the door for an hour begging to be let back in fast forward to tomorrow the parents students and faculty are all there vice was getting ready to read the results the Vice says everybody thank you for coming this is a time where we greet the new class offices our first-year students everyone please be quiet we will be starting at this time vice then proceeds to say the candidates and how many votes they received four entitled kid eighty five votes because student elections aren't that important to first year's 85 was a lot of votes then parents started to chat entitled mum and son were looking smug looking like they had won all the cousin admitted to having this ol crap look then-vice bang dis gabilan said order vice says four nice kid 764 votes nice kid wins little cousin and entitled kids roommates 10 too entitled mom and son and pointed in their face and said booyah nice kids parents were there and congratulated him and so did the rest of the gang entitled mom and son were pissed but my cousin said that entitled kids tab was just there and he was really polite entitled mom and son pulled her husband away from the crowd and she demands he do something entitled mom says you pay this school a lot of tuition our boy has to be presidents well over 700 people decided that they didn't want entitled kid to be presidents I can't do anything entitled kid having a tantrum I'm supposed to be presidents now look what you did you made him cry come on mummy we'll buy you an ice cream she then turns to older cousin you jerk he plotted against my son didn't you well I didn't help him you owe my son you didn't take him on the trip with you and you've been bullying him all semester if you don't want to be his friend you're gonna get an earful from my husband's yeah you effing jerk language the entitled kid then flips the bird to older cousin and leaves with his mom older cousin then had to talk with the dad and found out that he's sent into the school hoping that it would break his son's entitlements older cousin tells the dad what has been going on the semester everything the dad looked shocked he begins to apologize profusely for his wife and son's behavior he stated that he thought he was improving and making friends all the cousin had to dispel that and said that entitled kid is being a grade-a jerk and was being very rude and disruptive to the game he gave older cousin his number and said if entitled kid bothers them just call him and put him on speaker nice kid ended up choosing entitle kid's roommate as his vice presidents as the days went by needless to say entitled kid became even worse they went when entitled kid's roommate was in student government he said you stole the election for me you have to pay for this entitle kid kept getting worse entitled kids roommates made a desperate plea and begged the Dean to switch his roommates and the Dean said I'm really sorry but I have to there is nothing left I've asked other kids if they'll switch and nobody wants to can you do something well there is one thing what is it well theoretically student offices are allowed to live together I'm not following you if you can convince the guys to let you move in with them I'll allow it in title kids roommates later asked the guys if he could move in my cousins and roommate said he is more than welcome to live in the room with them so they proceeded to go and get his things and it went down like this okay just put all your things in the bed and we'll get it all rightie entitled kid then says um what are you doing I'm moving in with the guys what yeah cool then I'm coming to the game gives a very sarcastic oh yeah sure you can and proceeded to move entitle kids roommates in the roommate says in a really smug and sarcastic way oh wait you can't move in with us remember you lost entitled kid throws a tantrum in the hallway and everyone sees the gang gets the rest of his roommates things and finished moving him in entitled kids roommate has had the best sleep in weeks entitled kid does still wait by my cousin's door and begs for his for his roommates to move back in and gives a half-assed apology the game promptly ignores him and says this pizzas so good man in Seoul Laos Wow look at these graphics this is such a cool game entitled kids begs to be let in and the gang never does they have woken up to him sleeping at the front of their door prior to the quarantine on more than one occasion I know I was long so thanks for reading my cousin's have said that he hasn't been around much due to the quarantine due to mandates by the Dean so it's unlikely that I'll have another story to post but if so I'll keep you in the loop what a truly epic story and Dunn exposes by user the death a of us titled entitled mum tries to steal my sweets for her entitled kid then tried to claim I wanted to poison hello all hope you were doing well during these unknown and uncertain times I hope you were all finding the best out of the current situation so here's my story of what happened to me a few months ago this was before everything sparked up and went into pandemonium I loved wrestling and whenever there is wrestling event on I'll try to buy something for the night like sweets because the wrestling events are on really late in the place where I live which is England so I walk down to my local we'll go on a Monday a British shop which sells all types of things ranging from calculators to wallpapers but most importantly for me sweets my favorite type of sweets are called pick and mix you get a cup and fill it with different types of sweets and different spots you can pick which sweets you want basically quite cool and I'm sure most British people in the subreddit will know what I'm talking about so I picked up my cup and left the store and waited at the traffic lights to walk home it's not a long distance so walking is best for me but as I'm at the lights waiting for them to turn for me to walk I see an entitled mother and her son next to me and this is what I hear mommy could I have some sweeties he says is while looking at my cup okay sweetie mummy will just talk to the boy real quick she then turned to me could my child have one of your sweets no your child should never take candy from a stranger no matter what's what if he has allergies to the sweet I'm sure he warrants so just hand it over why should I I spent my money on this and I don't want to be liable for your child if he has a reaction to it for all you know I could have poisoned them by this point the lights have already passed and going back to red I should have left looking back on it now while the light was green the entitled mother then proceeded to try to take the cup out of my hands I prevented her and pulled back making the entitled mother stumble backwards and almost fall to the floor I am NOT small by any means but not big either so I was actually quite shocked about it she then tried for a second time and yet again I prevented her but this time she actually fell to the floor while her son looked on in disbelief what happens next was kind of a blur but I will try to recount it in the best way possible what I heard next was the entitled mother scream this pervert is trying to hook take advantage of my child and poison him somebody called the police I looked at her shocked and her child started screaming alongside her by this point there was quite a scene being made and people almost felt like they closed in on me this is where it becomes a blur I think it was a man who asked me sir is this true no obviously not she tried to steal my sweets for her child he's lying he said he might have poisoned the sweets and that he wanted to take advantage of in I then saw the men pull out his phone and call triple nine but just then everything became clear there was a man in a bandana who I would call my guy for this story my guy says ma'am I was on the other side of the street and saw the whole thing the kid was just using self-defense because you tried to rob him of his sweets he didn't want to do anything to you or your child entitled mother then turned to the guy on the phone that's not true tell the police my side of the story guy on the phone to the police hello I went to report an incident down in my town name the entitled mother gives me a crap eating grin and I was horrified but just then guy still on the phone yes this mother just tried to rob this child of some sweets that he bought entitled mother went white she ran away with her child who threw all of this was still throwing a tantrum the guy on the phone then turned back to me with a huge grin on his face he then showed me his phone it was never on and it turns out he never actually called the police and just pretended to this made the mother run away and leave me be god damn that guy was a good actor I thanked both of them my guy especially and then I walked home with a sense of victory and let me tell you those pick-and-mix sweets tasted 10 times sweeter that day alright and our next post is by user knives 1 2 4 entitled parents tried to get me arrested at Walmart for being a bad employee so I was at Walmart about two days ago because I was getting something for my dad he's at high risk group for this coronavirus going around but I had just gotten new powerbeats as a present from my girlfriend because I had been looking at them for some time I was heading down an aisle because I needed to get some deodorant I don't want to smell like garbage during this whole lockdown thing while I was walking down the aisle I saw that some bottles of shampoo had been knocked over and I decided to put them back so that way the employees could do more important stuff cue entitled mother I was listening to my music while I was putting stuff back so I didn't hear her call or let alone notice her up until she decided to yank my earbud outs which hurt a lot I'm like ow hey what's your deal woman maybe you shouldn't have your headphones on while you're working a job where you have to interact with people sorry but I don't work here but you're stacking shampoo bottles so that you must work here no I'm just trying to help out please leave me alone I wasn't in a very good mood at the time so I put my earbud back in my ear and she proceeded to yank it out again for being so ignorant you have to help me with my groceries I tell her no use some colorful language that I don't want to repeat and I walk away to grab the rest of the things that I needed while I'm at the register scanning my items I get a tap on the shoulder from a police officer there's a police station just down the street from this Walmart so they got there pretty quick young men did you assault this woman sir I tell him the whole ordeal and in true entitled mother fashion says I was lying to get out of trouble her son who looked about 16 showed up and told the cop to look at the cameras to see what happens we all went and did just that the officer apologized her son told her that he was going to move and live with his dad and the officer gave her a fine for making it not urgent 911 call sir no crazy ending I guess but at least she was put in her place thank you for reading hope you all have a wonderful Easter and please make sure that you and your relatives stay safe during this pandemic alrighty right now we're on to our next post by Mitch rag group titled aren't demands that my mum pays for her family portraits so this happens quite a while ago at a party for something back story ei entitled aunt is the youngest sister of my dad and just like the rest of my dad's side and titled piece of crab she's the youngest out of three siblings and has been spoiled since birth as the only girl in this she was pregnant with her second child this will be relevant later I was eight at the time so while I was there for part of the story most of this is a retelling of what my dad told me so entitled auntie comes to our house along with her husband and entitled kid me and the other kids stayed in the living room watching TV and playing with toys the parents on the other hands were chatting in the kitchen soon everyone was called for dinner the parents started bragging about how amazing the kids were and my mom wanting to fit in told them about how well-behaved we were during the family photo that we took after dinner the parents followed my mum to the fireplace where the picture was their conversation then moved to talking about their own family photos until entitled aunties screaming broke the silence I want a family photo too dad's like okay where did you get this photo my coworker does photography on the side I could ask him give me his number huh okay so EA m and D head to the kitchen M gets her phone and tells EA the phone number of her co-worker DS like you forgot the price entitled auntie the price is X amounts price for the photo why are you telling me your pain dad starts chuckling mums like what do you mean we're paying you have to pay for the photo dad through his loft is like we're not paying for that cramp you have to you can't put a family photo up and not pay for everyone else to have a picture that's rude dad then laughs louder causing everyone to come to the kitchen entitled aunty starts screaming at my mum about how she wants a photo to entitled aunties husband tells her to stop entitled aunty continues to yell dad finally stops laughing and wipes the tears from his eyes entitled aunty first we're not paying for anything second get the hell out of my house entitled aunty then collects her kids and leaves there I'm not sure if this was true my dad said on her way out that my brother told her bye bye rude fat lady and I said she's not fat just rude the party was ruined after that and everyone left after some dessert dad got a call from multiple members of the family telling him to just pay for entitled aunties family photo dad always replied with the same thing I'm not paying for her entitlements he then laughed when they started yelling and hung up my dad is waffling aaron is confused for getting the police called on her because she broke into my house after I went on holiday backstory this happened in 2015 and still makes me wonder how dumb people are I was on holiday with my mum and dad in Spain for a week to make sure our house stayed well maintained we would give two to three copies of our house key to our neighbours and told them to make sure nothing is taken one of them was Karen who was the only person in her family who was entitled now to the story so my family was back from our holiday and by the time we get back we were so tired we left the luggage in the hall and went straight to our rooms to sleep it was about three hours later when we heard something like glass break in our living room if you have read my other stories then you would know I play airsoft so I had a pistol with me I took it and I loaded it with bb's airsoft bullets slash pellets and went downstairs with my dad who was looking for his airsoft rifle but it wasn't in its case so he followed me down with me I walked into the room and I see Karen trying to rip the TV off the wall in the process she knocked over a glass phase which made a loud crack that went through the house the conversation went like this what the f do you think you're doing borrowing your TV what does it look like you're trespassing get off my property now you gave me a key sir I have a right to take all your stuff as having a key means I earn this house so go away at this point Karen notices the gun and goes white I take advantage and say go over to the kitchen next to my kitchen is a small bathroom so as soon as she is near it my dad pushes her in and locked the door afterwards he called the police about 20 minutes later they arrived and when Karen heard them she started screaming through the bathroom door so that we kidnapped her and how we refused to let her go I tell the police what happened and offered to show them the camera footage as we have cameras all around the house they took the footage and took Karen into custody until they looked over the footage to sum this all up Karen was stealing from us the whole week with stuff like radios and phones we pressed charges and she's getting 18 months in jail for robberies and trespassing thank you for reading all rights and our next post is by user that's one hardcore JX titled my psycho grandmother versus my parents this story is quite long so I'm going to start from when I was a baby up until now I don't have official dates but I will put up the year of when this story begins also if you're really easily triggered do not read the year 2004 as it contains a very serious topic please read 2004 at your own risk if you decide to read it spoiler alert guys I'm going to read 2004 my mom and dad met when they were 14 they never really hit it off until they were about 23 to 25 now 1994 while they were dating my grandmother was always saying things such as my daughter deserves the best and has no business with someone who is dirt poor my dad wasn't poor but wasn't very wealthy he always had a job and has multiple degrees under his belt when I was being conceived he was working as a security guard and pulling in a decent amount of money to keep himself and my mother happy my mother would work day shifts at a local grocery store packing shelves working the checkouts etc jumping forward a few weeks later my parents decided to tell my grandmother that they're having a baby which is me they had already told my dad's family and it was good vibes all around but once they told my mother's mum she wasn't very happy when mum told her she walked away went outside for a cigarettes and didn't talk to mom or dad for about 15 minutes according to dead mum started bawling her eyes out and locked herself in the bathroom my grandmother comes back inside and walks up to my father says here is what's gonna happen she's gonna get an abortion and you're going to disappear my father was absolutely destroyed that she did not approve of the pregnancy so dad left the house and went home without my mother I do not know what happened when dad left the house I haven't heard what happened after that 1995 I'm born while my mother was in hospital my grandmother came up to see me according to both my parents she kept calling me her baby dad kept his cool in the hospital as he didn't want to cause a scene as there were other patients in the room that my mother was in but my mother absolutely freaked out she asked my grandmother to leave and was saying something along the lines of how dare you he tried to force me to get an abortion and now you want to say that he is your baby no screw you etc from what I gather she ends up leaving a few days later it all blows over and my mother and grandmother are okay quote unquote 2004 whoo-hoo spicy year boys my father is suffering from depression anxiety and had lost his job he searched for about two months to find a job but no one was returning his calls he starts freaking out as bills need to be paid and food needs to be put on the table my father gets a call from a grandmother asking how he is going with getting a job he tells her he has been for an interviews but no one has called him back yet my grandmother starts to belittle him on the phone saying you're a worthless piece of crap my daughter is gonna be homeless because of you and your son will be taken off of you dad hangs up the phone a few weeks go by and still no one wants to hire him my father starts falling into a deep depression he starts spending the next days in bed just crying I remember coming into the room trying to play with him and he would just lay there staring into nothingness a few days go by I think I am upstairs playing my PlayStation while playing with something as kids do I hear my mother screaming I run downstairs into my mother screams Rp help I finally get to her and I see her trying to lift my father up around his ankles I look up at my father and he had tried to kill himself by hanging we cut him down and send him to the hospital and they hold him for 72 hours a few days go by and dad tells mom that my grandmother had sent a letter to my dad telling him that this family would be a lot better if he just disappeared etc etc my mother cut all contact with my grandmother after that and dad starts going to therapy just to clarify my dad is still alive and well in 2020 after he started going to therapy he became a lot more open with his feelings and started to improve mentally 2015 it's Christmas and we have some family and friends over we are all having a good time some family members are having a good laugh while others are very drunk either way it was good vibes all around around 5:30 p.m. my mother's phone rings it's my grandmother my mother disappears into her room with the phone and doesn't come out for two hours me and dad check on her every half hour to see if she's okay when the phone call ends about two hours later she comes out and pulls me aside and tells me what was talked about apparently my grandmother has lied to my mother her entire life on who her real father is mom is bawling her eyes out and dad grabs her and they both disappear into the bedroom for a little while about 30 minutes later they come out sit everyone down at the party and tell them what has happened everyone is disgusted in my grandmother and most of them don't talk to her ever again after that little stunt first of November 2019 it's my father's birthday my mother bought my father tickets to see his very favorite band called Grinspoon both are very excited as they haven't seen them play in years they get ready to go to the concerts and while at the concerts my mother complains that she has a headache she takes a few painkillers and soldiers on they watch five of these supporting acts and the headache is getting immensely worse Grinspoon comes on stage and starts rocking out they finished their first song and mum says to dad need to go home my head is killing me dad throws her in the car and they both drive home the second they get home mum is sprinting to the front door runs into the bathroom and vomits dad follows behind her and holds her hair and gets her glass of water mum did have a few drinks at the concerts but she wasn't drunk or even tipsy after she's had a good vomit she goes and lays down on the couch with dead ten minutes go by and mums eyes start rolling in to the back of her head we all start to freak out the next minute later she is having a seizure dad calls triple zero and we wash her to the hospital after a few tests dad rings me and says you need to come to the hospital now I get to the hospital and dad is waiting outside he holds me and says maybe you need to say goodbye to your mother she has had a stroke and the doctors say that you need to say your goodbyes now just in case she doesn't make it I say my goodbyes to my mother and she heads to surgery six hours later we get a phone call the surgery was a success and she is alive me and my father are over the moon the doctors explained to us that she has lost a lot of her motor functions but will regain the most of it with therapy a few days later I'm out at work and my dad is going to the hospital to visit my mum my dad goes to walk into her room and guess who was there my grandmother somehow she caught wind of this I don't know what was said between her and dad while mum was recovering but I know he said to keep it under wraps as we will tell everyone in the next few days the next day Dan goes to the hospital and my grandmother is there again only this time she has brought people that we don't even know dad immediately leaves and calls me to ask who they are I tell him I have no idea I call my mother's sister my auntie and ask what the hell is going on apparently they adjust my grandmother's friends and in my personal opinion had no right to be there as they didn't even know my mother at all now I'm not a violent person at all but while I was on the phone to my auntie I said to her do you really think my grandmother deserves to be in the same room as my mother she has cut her out for years and now only gives a crap when she almost dies what about when she needed her support my auntie said nothing I reply with you know if I was the one that walked in and saw her she would be very lucky to leave with a full head of hair I hang up the phone after that phone call my auntie must have spoke to my grandmother and she never returned to the hospital two days go by I get a phone call from the one-and-only Witch of the West I answer not knowing who it is hello I repeat speaking she replies hey RP it's a grandmother remember me I reply with ya sadly I do what the hell do you once she starts going off her nuts at me calling me every name under the Sun and saying that now my mother is a mobile that she's going to try and becomes her carer and that she is going to make up a bunch of lies on how my dad is a drug addict my dad has never touched an illegal substance in his life while she's losing a crap I press the record button on my phone and just let it capture everything she hangs up and I immediately go to get a lawyer I Steve a lawyer a few days later and we talked it over because I am my mother's son I legally consigned to become her carer sir I do and I give my lawyer the audio recording of the phone call me and my grandmother had I hand her the USB with a recording on it and she plugs it into her laptop she listens to it and is in total shock we set up a court date to take my grandmother to courts and our last one two months ago we finally go to cords my grandmother is facing two counts of harassment over a cellular device and one count of defamation of character she is also not allowed to go near my mother or anyone else in my household until 2023 overall I'm satisfied with the verdict also my mother is doing much better since the stroke and is slowly regaining all of her motor functions I couldn't be more proud of her and our next post is by user sub 2 dead meats titled extremely religious in jizz me because she found out I was an atheist thanks to a videogame hey guys it's my first post on the subreddit so please excuse the mistakes how Casta open me EA is entitled and CC is cool cousin M is my mum okay background I come from both Muslim and Christian religious backgrounds but I am an atheist M NCC knew that but EA didn't it was a cool Saturday evening cool cousin and entitled aunt came over to visit us because we just came back from abroad so while mum and entitled aunty were chatting me and cool cousin were playing Assassin's Creed and when we are almost done entitled auntie barges into the room and begins watching us she's like BAM what is the game you are playing about it's about killing and assassinating targets for the apple of Eden during the Third Crusade of course but o be or not that these actions are haram forbidden in our religion she believed that we were going to practice sorcery if we continued playing it's so I say it is in your religion what do you mean your religion aren't you a Muslim I stayed quiet but cool cousin defended me and said each one can believe in whatever they want and dopey here decided to be an atheist out there you'd believe in the devil Hopi is like actually I'm being an atheist means shut your mouth you filthy kaffir mom that's enough you always do that with therapy when he was Christian just let him be no I'm not going to let that little crap continue being lost after all the yelling my mom decided to intervene mom's like enough EA every time you meet up with us you try to convert us to Islam would you like it if I did the same to cool cousin besides your brother my dad became Christian and you continued your attempts to manipulate him Opie is an atheist so what he's my son and I will love him no matter what that's it I've had enough if you're gonna let the devil worship believe with you I won't entitled auntie grabs a wooden statue and held it at me it hit me in the eye and I went to the hospital cops were cold and entitled auntie tried to justify her actions by saying that it was kay because I was an atheist obviously that didn't work and she had to pay us three thousand dollars for medical bills entitled auntie never tried that stunt again and of course me and cool cousin stayed close to each other PS sorry if some phrases are a little bit off I had to translate the arguments from Levantine Arabic to English PS all caps lock sentences are entitled on - yelling TLDR insane Muslim aunty tries to kill me because she found out I'm an atheist thanks to a historical game edit thank you kind stranger for helping me fix the text format it isn't a wall anymore edits I have posted the ending to EA's problem it was one roller coaster of emotions all right now we have to check that one out so it's mandatory insane religious aren't Peretz my cousin over her boyfriend and soon-to-be husband and is shocked when her son's sided against her hey guys since my last post had so much supports I decided to post more stories about my insane ants backstory my aunt is an ultra religious Muslim and she has injured me in the past sorry if some sentences don't make sense I had to do a rough translation from Levantine Arabic to English al caster I see the innocent cousin Opie yours truly Cici the cool cousin PBF poor boyfriend EA entitled auntie it was a nice winter evening entitled aunty had just come back from Dubai I was spending the weekend with innocent cousin and my entire family has greeted her with an open heart but my words with her are still fresh innocent cousin was also entitled aunties nephew and cool cousin was her signer but innocent cousin saw her as a mother figure because her mother was always away at work later during the night innocent cousin decided to introduce her boyfriends to entitled aunty but problems began to develop when they started talking about marriage entitled aunties like all sweetie is such a lovely person where are you getting married Oh am I getting married at a church excuse me please in total aunty we all know what happened with you and Opie we don't want that to happen again for some random odd reason and no one knows why entitled aunty started young again if you don't want that to happen again don't marry this jerk in a church man please I really love her if you really loved her you would leave her alone after I just warned you mom that's enough yeah we don't want to repeat what happened between me and you if he wants to marry her in a church so be it I'm not gonna listen to the talk of a pagan worship are you already cost me my relationship with your mother you little crap you're not gonna do the same thing now CC was getting mad and he started yelling enough mum stop hating on other people for what they believe in you have already ruined many relationships with many of friends and family why can't you keep your mind open and accept the fact that people who are different too also exist at this point the tension in the room can be cut with a knife innocent cousins like please call cousin that's enough no that isn't enough she's already harmed opie and she will be willing to do the same thing to you if you marry him then entitled aunty had the guts to smack CC across the mouth for speaking the truth she's like your son of a bear I raised you for 18 years and now you were supporting her fears I am an atheist she was talking about me so I say that's enough entitled aunty don't you realize that the more you try to push your own agenda on others the more you will be hated even your own son hates you for your actions the son which raised you it's about time someone called you out on your stupid actions like trying to kill me poor boyfriend's an innocent cousin are getting married whether you like it or not PBF is like thanks man entitled aunty and cool cousin have finally calmed down cool cousin says mum please just for once open your mind please don't always be so opposed to the actions of other people please mom I implore you to work with us this time entitled aunty says sorry cool cousin I simply can't and if you want to stay with our pee poor boyfriend and innocent cousin just know that I will never consider you to be son after entitled aunty said that she cut off contact with her son who was in college this still remains a very touchy subject and most of my family doesn't want to talk about it two months after the incidents poor boyfriend and innocent cousin got married in a church me and cool cousin remained close with them and we occasionally hang out sometimes entitled aunty went to divide to live with her husband the rest of our families accepted the marriage without any problems very epic all right and now our next post is by user type an 8 to 1 titled entitled mother vs. emergency services sir this story again it happened many years ago involving an ambulance there was a family fun day and emergency services had sent some vehicles down as displays for kids to clamber over and have fun with however emergency service workers get bored so behind the display was a selection of operational vehicles parked up and the operational crews having fun we're talking fire trucks police cars and ambulances once we were bought that day now the difference between a display and in operational ambulance the display ambulance has the drugs locked away the operational ambulance has the drugs easy to access operational vehicles stay locked at all times while drugs are inside the story begins with myself in my paramedic uniform next to the operational ambulance on my phone a kid comes up and demands to crawl over the vehicle the answer is no and he is directed to the display model a short time later the mother turns up and demands the kid is allowed to go through the vehicle as the other one has a long line the answer is still no it is an operational vehicle and is required to be able to respond at any moments she continues to demand so I direct her to the crew at the display ambulance making her their problem I don't hear from the entitled mother again 30 minutes later we are activated for car crash the firetruck responds we respond and a police car responds we get on the scene not catastrophic the occupants of self extricated and all Odile it's the entitled mother into a kid complaining of neck pain I guess you get that ambulance ride then Karen congratulations all right I hope you enjoyed that one our next post is by Josh Tilly titled caring demands that hospital gives her dozens of masks backstory my uncle is a doctor and he shared this story with me and the rest of our family the cast our uncle Karen's security guard the story a few days ago while uncle was working in the hospital he was sanitizing some personal protective equipment as his hospital was having a shortage of them he had just finished cleaning them when Karen busted the doors open and after waiting less than 10 seconds shouted excuse me uncle saw her and asked her what she needed I need some face masks uncle thinking that she may be collecting for a family member how many notes my uncle wasn't supposed to even offer her any masks but he believed that she may actually have needed them thirty or forty uncle flabbergasted may I ask you why you need so many well I want to go shopping sitting at home these weeks has been the worst first of all you shouldn't be leaving your house in the first place unless it is totally necessary second why do you need so many well I want to go shopping every day and I don't want to reuse masks like a peasant I'm sorry but we're already suffering from a shortage of supplies I can't give you PPE unless it's absolutely necessary well why did you ask how many I need if you weren't going to give me any I thought that you needed them not that you wanted to go shopping at this point Karen runs up to Uncle and knocks over his kind of freshly sanitized PPE and starts to grab as many as she possibly can the cart being knocked down makes a very loud noise attracting the attention of security so security comes over and says ma'am I'm gonna have to ask you to leave Karen says this is your job I need to go shopping security is forced to drag Karen outside as she screams about how she'll sue the hospital for not catering to her needs and assaulting her uncle is then forced to Reese anat eyes the PPE which takes him almost two hours edits I see that in the comments many of you are asking why my uncle was sanitizing masks as a doctor the assistants who were supposed to be doing all of this work had quit or refused to show up leaving this job to the doctors my uncle has been working as a doctor for only about four years making him much younger and much more inexperienced than some of the other doctors there so he volunteered to do the work of sanitizing the masks others have been asking why my uncle was cleaning the masks in an area with public access when my uncle was cleaning the masks he was in a protected area but after he finished cleaning them he was returning them to the area where they belonged and that is when he encountered Karin I hope this clears things up all right and our next post is by user slender man 208 one titled homophobic Aaron wants me to draw for her tongue is the almighty homophobic Aaron K is kid gf his girlfriend me is mystical enchiladas okay sir a bit of backstory I like to draw I like to draw a lot and anyway I posted a drawing I did for my girlfriend's birthday on to my deviantART because I know she hadn't followed me arts and I wanted to ask people's opinion on it anyway later when I was editing the drawing thanks to a couple of comments I gots I get a notification saying I had a message on deviantART I opened it up and the message said hello fredbear 1 9 8 7 4 which is my deviantART name I saw your drawing of these creepypastas me and my girlfriend both love creepy bastards and I was wondering if you would draw something for me you see it is my kid's birthday and he loves creepypastas I can't find anyone who was willing to do it for me please reply with your answer ASAP tah k now as I said this drawing was for my girlfriend and I'm not comfortable with drawing things for people unless I know I'm close with them so naturally I replied with hello Karen I'm sorry but I cannot draw anything for you I am NOT very comfortable with drawing things for people who I have never met or I am not very close with I hope you can understand fredbear one nine eight seven four I didn't expect a reply so I went back to editing the drawing I get another notification and clicked on it and lo and behold Karen had replied again to fredbear one nine eight seven four if you weren't comfortable drawing four people why did you draw this this is someone else you're just being selfish I have to reread the message a couple of times and I'm starting to stress out of its I have autism and even though this wasn't in person it was still panicking me anyway I reply with to Karen I drew this for my girlfriend as I am extremely close to her and it is her birthday and anyway even if I were going to draw for you you would have to pay me which again I am not comfortable with as you may not like my work and I would have to refund you without getting anything back meaning I would have wasted hours of my life and no reason if I knew you personally I would consider it but as it stands I have never met you and I am not comfortable with it as I have stated many times already it isn't going to happen please leave me alone fredbear nineteen eight seventy four I didn't even bother going back to my drawing at this point I got a message a few minutes later saying fredbear one nine eight seven four that's fine by me I don't want a drawing by a or anyway you gays are sinners and should all die I wouldn't accept a drawing from you even if you paid me she sent a few more messages but I ignored them that message left me shaken and I could feel a panic attack coming on I just closed deviantART and went back to my drawing trying to get it out of my mind a lot of my family are homophobic and I'm currently closeted just to clear up I am a female and it is very apparent to my deviantART is I have a self portrait on it's and I have since deleted the post as I wasn't comfortable with it being up after that I hope at least one person liked my story bye oh thank you for sharing that one o.p and our last post is by user I I the legend titled entitled mother tries to steal my keys makes fun of my hearing aids sir backstory my parents were having a garage sale and it was a big one we had to take our truck and car to make room we had items in total sold in about $1,000 I asked if I can ride my quad around they said that I can't drive over the driveway for safety and I can't do my normal cause which I listened to them after a while driving in the backyard which I do to warm up the engine because it would like to turn off when cold I moved to the front yard some mums brought their kids and some was staring so I went over near the driveway to them and the kid wanted to try the quad so I let him rev it's not right it obviously I went my ways and after a while an SUV pulls up on the side of the road like other people and gets out her five-year-old son and the first thing he sees or points at is my quad I believe he said that he wanted one of those for back story I have rode quad since I was six I only wrecked in total of five times broken someone's arm without anyone's knowing and my sister did a barrel roll crash the quad was messed up so nobody else can ride up at me everything bought fixed but a crack in the handlebar plastic and some scratches now back to the story the kid points to the quad guessing he said that he wanted one and I went over I went over fast but slowed immediately just to show off I go over and say hi to both of them I turned off the quad so I can hear them and they answered some questions from both of them and the kid asked if he can try and I let him rev it's the mum helped him up and I tried turning the quad on and it turned on but I accidentally let go of the brake and it went forward about a yard on to the road so I went backwards and apologized but the mum looked paranoid I showed the kid the throttle but the mum stops her kid and it went like this you can't ride that the entitled mother says I asked why and she said he almost ran my angle over her kid was about five feet away from the quad so there was no way near my tires I said he wasn't anywhere near any of tires and she of course cuts me off entitled mother says I don't care you still were near him you shouldn't have this he should have it better than you since he can drive better than you at the time I was 13 and drove quads for seven years I told her that I drove for seven years and she said bullcrap you look like you're ten I got mad at that points I tried turning the quad back on as its told and it wouldn't budge so I went for the choke and flicked it up while I was doing that entitled mother grabbed my keys and put it in her pockets I go to turn the key but it isn't there I look around and ask her where my keys went she said the same thing I still don't think you should drive that made me realize that she took them so I say give me my keys back I emphasized my to make it in her mind that it is hers I take off my helmets and reveal my hearing aids remember my hearing aids for now I go to her and ask for my keys again and she shoved me back and I look at her pockets and find the Bulge whoo-woo of my keys I try reaching for her pockets and she pushes me back and screams the casual line help he is assaulting me obviously trying to make a scene and people onto her side my dad looks over and sees me and her shoving each other he runs over and asks what happened and the dialogue went like this she stick cut off by Karen he assaulted me no I didn't you stole my keys for my quad no I didn't you tried to run over my son dad says both of you shut the hell up a drill sergeant type yell then his silence and he says I I the legend what happened the kid wanted to rev my quad so I tried starting my quieter but I accidentally left off the brake and when it was on the gas and the quad went up a yard on the road and I reversed back and then she accused me of almost hurting her son and when I tried starting it up again with the percussion she took my key I'm trying to put what I think I said while this happened a guy comes down to us cue the heaven music as he saved me his name would be as safer savior savior says I saw what happened you did then tell me what happened he taught my dad about the same story as mine and Karen gets red hot in anger my dad asks for my keys back and she took it out of her pockets but threw it in the yard luckily it had a big chain and said to me go get the keys mr. mechanical ears I knew she was making fun of me so I said go get a husband you single idiots because she didn't have a wedding ring she stomped off and drove away I feel bad for that kid he just wanted to press a throttle never saw that Karen again and to me and my dad kept making fun of her we thanked the Savior and Dole was good I was on mobile at the time so there might be spelling errors in the story edits also she said before she took my keys when she said I shouldn't be riding that I am a dangerous driver and pointing to damn did I break her son out of jail so some quick backgrounds I work in a County Jail and I'm the guy who once working the floor housing units and driving I am pretty good at dealing with talking to the inmates and I'm even better when we're past the point of talking that being said every officer is required to work a guard station at least once a month even me these stations are just dealing with the public answering phones and door opening and closing doors okay cool on one such guard station shift Karen storms in cheese's southern kinda Karen totally unkempt hair ratty clothes and at least five missing teeth a criminal record that's largely drug-related charges you know the type she matches into my lobby and up to my bulletproof window I hit the intercom and the following conversation ensues I say to her can I help you and she says my son entitled kid needs to be released right now he served his time and needs to come home I look up the entitled kid on the jail computer I say men he's got a hauled out of blahblah County he'll have to go to court and serve time there first no he needs to be released now his time here is done he can go to blahblah County after he comes her me already over it say ma'am this isn't a hotel the law requires that he's in custody until he answers for the crimes that he is charged with if I release entitled kid I will be fired and arrested on she's supposed to serve and protects yes I am ma'am entitle cabe was charged with domestic assault and has felony charges in blah-blah County keeping him in custody serves and protects the community how dare you my son is a good boy and he doesn't deserve this the other inmates are threatening him what are you gonna do then serve and protect him me suppressing a grin says well ma'am I'll go ahead and make an announcement to the other inmates to leave him alone and that he called his mother and that she's not happy with their behavior I'm sure that won't put him in any danger I demand to speak with your supervisor me knowing that Sarge is about the last guy that you want to piss off say it would be my pleasure to let you speak to my supervisor Sarge arrives and asks Karin what the issue is she rants and raves for about 15 I kid you not minutes about her sweet boy being wrongfully incarcerated my behavior how entitled kid is in danger and he's served his time she concluded that if we didn't release entitled kid she would raise hell in the lobby at this point Sarge raises an eyebrow in a look that I know pretty well it's a look that means I'm genuinely impressed that you're this stupid he says I remember you you've been in jail before wonder where entitled kid got it Karen goes to rant again and Sarge cuts are off so much is a fight in my lobby jail cops are going to arrest you on disorderly every officer was deputized and I have been through police academy and patrolled to boot entitled kid is going to pay for what he's done on our schedule not yours and certainly not his you are going to leave my jail and never come back if you ever come back here again you'll be charged with criminal trespass now why don't you go outside and play hide and go screw yourself Karen doesn't even think about mouthing off again she all but runs out of the lobby Sarge and I have a laugh about it later amazingly Karen never filed any complaints not that this would have got her anywhere this is how the south do all right and with that done we're on to our next post by gamer guy 3d gang science this happened a while ago I was eating at a Burger King with my family and wearing a hoodie which is important for later I was 15 at the time when an entitled mother and her kid who was not entitled sat down with some food I was talking with my brother and he showed me a Minecraft house that he built and I was impressed so I pulled out this okay sign as a sign of appreciation you know so I took a big bite out of my double whopper when my dad needed to go to the restroom so he left to go and the entitled mother came and gave me a mm-hmm what are you doing um eating he pulled a gang sign um ma'am I entitled mother interrupts me I saw that gang sign I don't want you to teach my little son gang signs the kid looked as this was normal behavior he looked embarrassed he looked about 10 me who feels bad for the kid ma'am I'm not using gang signs everyone uses it only gang members do that an employee that looks 19 was minding her own business when the entitled mother looks at her you do young people use this gang sign pulls up gang sign employees like um yeah sir sir kick this kid out for teaching my angel gang signs the kid finishes the last of his kids meal quickly and says um we should go mum honey mommy is getting some justice looks at me I'm gonna get you in jail manager comes over and is like what's going on here the employees like this lady is complaining that this guy is using gang signs ma'am what sign did he use this gaw the manager then laughs that is a regular sign employee says I know rights entitled mother says let's go honey we don't need to see these gang members and she storms off manager tells me that she's sorry that she thinks teens with hoodies and gang members oh okay sorry about that he then gave me in my family a free dessert of choice for having to go through that well that went well in the end at least hope you enjoy my story and wash your hands edits I was wearing a black hoodie with some black jeans and apparently I joined a bad gang don't want to be messing around with them now do now our next post is by the rumor Hargreaves titled entitled mother doesn't know how grocery shopping works so I was hoping my entitled aunt would be the only stupid person I submitted here but alas stupid people are everywhere sorry for any mistakes I screwed up my thumb so typing is weird careful in the kitchen kiddos so I was doing a run to Walmart about a week ago now and it was going surprisingly smoothly waiting to check out took a while but I finally found chicken broth sir I wasn't bothered lots of the stories here have been about shopping horrors and I was feeling pretty great mistakes all around once the person in front of me was done I loaded up the belt thingy I'm very short and my cart was in the way so I couldn't quite reach the back of the conveyor which is fine because I still had half a cart full of stuff in comes entitled mother the cart was between us which maintains some distance but she started to load all of her crap before I had a chance to pass the halfway mark on my honor I asked her to please wait and all I got was I have more things than you so I should go first since you were rude enough to go before me I won't let you slow my day down further she had been nowhere close to me but I asked if she'd tried to get my attention could have been spacing I had an earbud in and tend to be a little stupid entitled mother literally snorted and said that I should have asked if she wanted to go in front of me since she was a mother I saw in her a child so I'll have to take her word for it she turned everything into a huge cluster fry and used it to try to get me to pay for her groceries too since they're all mixed up and it would be so much faster the cashier was obviously used to this she only looked up once to assess the situation and since it didn't seem like we were coming to blows she just kept going kept our staff separated too I'm - high-five her butts I wish I had done something cooler but I just gave entitled mother the death stare my mom taught me to use against my dad and she finally left me alone I just don't get why people can't be normal human beings right now stay safe everyone all right and uh next post is bye super blooper boss titled entitled mother demands we stop eating annoying mom demands we stop eating so this is a short story but I still wanted to share it for some backstory it was my cousin's birthday and she wanted to go eat at a Texas Roadhouse it's kind of like the LongHorn Steakhouse if any of you know what that is but with country music and sports the one I went to was a private room with no windows other than the one with the view to the city the room had just enough space for one party at a time so we were the only ones there we were eating for a long time because of the birthday but then I saw her enter the entitled parents I'll cast army mum dad auntie 192 uncle entitled parents manager the birthday girl and my other cousin and my big brother so I saw the entitled parent walk up to the table briskly she had a bright pink purse and what looked like a clear ax bottle spray filled with something her two kids who seemed about 8 to 10 years old walked in tow entitled parent says hello are you the people that have been eating for an hour my dad says yes it's cousin ones birthday and we're waiting for desserts entitled parent says me and my kids are very hungry please leave now I had a reservation for this room and I have been waiting for an hour we knew that this was total BS because when we booked the room said we were going to be there for at least two hours so I say just Waits it's packed today but please leave us alone shut up brat you're just selfish and you don't want my babies to eat everyone but me my dad my brother and my cousin started whispering to each other my bros like please just leave us alone so we can celebrate her birthday the entitled parent storms off and the 10 year old apologized for her mom we thought that was it but right when dessert came to table is when entitled parents stormed over eat quickly dad's like leave us alone or I'll get management entitled parent reached for her clear bottle she then stated that it was a spray bottle of vinegar and said that if we don't leave at that moment that she'll spray us he would think it's not that bad but apple cider vinegar is not that nice dad's like we're not leaving entitled parent then starts spring we all got up and ran for management but my dad fought back when the manager came over he saw my dad having entitled parent pins to the grounds and the bottle far away on the floor managers like what is happening she tried to spray up this man tried to take advantage of me then beat me up entitled parents to kids stepped in kid ones like no that's not true he looked ten years old kid twos like mommy tried to force them to stop eating managers like is this true and we all agreed entitled parents started denying it so then the manager brought us to the camera room and she was forced to watch as she was proved wrong the kid's dad was called and he picked the mop the cops were called and asked if we wanted to press charges my dad said yes and we went on with the dessert the manager already took the desserts and got us fresh ones the entire meal was free and he apologized for the accidents we also saw people leave because of the smell that was mixed in with a bottle of the vinegar this may seem fake but I assure you this was not the experience sucked but at the end we got a free meal my family still jokes about it and it's something we'll never forget I still can't believe that happened all right and our next post is by L 4 TT 3 M 4 CC 140 0 or more graciously known as latte macchiato titled entitled mother thinks it's okay for her entitled brat to stalk and attack me verbal warning and English warning yada yada you know the drill this story was from about a month ago and I only got reminded by it because the entitled brat and her boy-toy of fudging around near my boyfriend's house and it's my cake day so screw it I'm posting it EB entitled brat / yada hey I don't care about your privacy anymore so screw you eeehm [ __ ] daughter creator ek entitled brothers older sister M is my mum bf is hubby and me as me so in the past I wrote multiple stories about the entitled brat or yada and how she would continuously harass and stalk me to the point that I didn't feel safe without a knife in the meantime I had called and visited the police multiple times with digital and physical proof of stuff that she did to me and after three months they decided to get off their lazy asses and force a restraining order upon her I have more stories about her but now we're here for the demon summoner herself the entitled mother when my boyfriend and I were dropped off by my father-in-law we met the entitled mother and her two demons pawns entitled brat and entitled kid they gave us dirty looks and to be honest it took the biggest effort to not simply give a friendly wave but because we had better things to do we went on our merry way this part of the story is told by my mum so I don't have any dialogue so my mum was shopping in the same store entitled mother entered and crap hit the fan as soon as entitled mother saw my mum she verbally attacked her saying that I'm a lying piece of crap and whatnot and threatening to kick my ass as I don't have a restraining order against her the entitled mother my mum being the smarter one and knowing that she's lying simply told entitled mother that her an entitled brat is the one lying simply because I have both video and screenshots as proof my mum simply turned around and went on with her shopping but not without the entitled mother entitled kid and entitled brat following her and throwing insults at her my mum was done with it and scanned her stuff and went to a different supermarkets but the entitled mother and her brain-dead family followed her they spent time according to my mum for about three stores until my mum had it and just went to her car and drove back home but not without the entitled mother tailing her on her way home it was not until my mum grabbed her phone to dial one one two that entitled to mother made a u-turn and sped off sadly they're exiting ending as the police is once again not doing their work alrighty now with that story done were on to our next post by I fear bears titled entitled mothers stole my autistic brothers toy I genuinely can't believe I'm writing this people are so fudging unbelievable sometimes so my brother is seven and he has autism he's extremely shy / quiet and always carries around a stuffed giraffe that my aunt bought him when he was a baby it has his initials embroidered on its back leg he squeezes it when he scared or upset my parents jobs are still open so they're at work from around 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. I'm 18 and my school is online and I've been temporarily laid off from my job sir I'm home all day with my brother I've been doing all the grocery shopping and because my brother isn't old enough to stay at home he comes along with me today we had to go to Walmart because we ran out of some food that we needed my brother was walking behind me why push to the cards we walked past a woman indicated about my brother's age after we checked out and I didn't think anything of it until I heard my brother start sniffling I turned around to look at him and he started full-blown crying and that's when I noticed that his giraffe was gone I asked him if he knew where it went and he just pointed back to where we came from so we retraced our steps and I looked around for it a few aisles later we came across the woman in the kid again the kid had the giraffe and he was beating it against the shelves as he walked when my brother saw this he started crying harder because he treats his giraffe like it's made of glass I put him in the cart and walked over to the woman this is basically how it went I say to her I'm sorry I think your kid took my brother's stuffed giraffe could he have it back no it belongs to my son it's definitely my brother's his initials are on the back leg he's autistic and it means a lot to him so please give it back well if it is his he should hold onto it tighter it's not my problem that he's too stupid to hold on to his crap she started walking away after this so I just went up to her kid and grabbed it out of his hands the minute entitled mother heard it she whipped around and started screaming about how I assaulted her kid and that she was going to have me arrested for theft and call CPS for my brother I was fudging livid but I thought if I said anything else she might get physical and I didn't want my brother to see that I gave him his giraffe back and we got the hell out of there before she could try anything edits thank you for the awards edit - we all want you to know splotch his giraffe is happy and currently having giraffe naptime ah that's cute all right and our next post is by user decompression illness titled entitled mother aggressively suggests I hand over my switch because I'm a university student who should be working so I've been off University for a while due to the current pandemic and elected to go home rather than isolate alone in my University's halls as such I've been able to save some money on petrol and decided to buy a switch while in lockdown for something to do half was paid by me the other half was paid by my twin this saved us money as switches not the light version are currently going from 100 pounds more than the usual price due to high demand yesterday I was sat in my front garden yard with the switch talking to my father who was cleaning his car I offered to help but he declined so I spent half an hour keeping him company while playing cyber sleuth the current lockdown rules in the UK mean that someone can only leave their house for daily exercise shopping for essentials or key workers needing to go to work entitled mother has three children two of which were with her when they returned from their daily walk yesterday we've always been on friendly terms with the family so she stopped and said hello before the following conversation happens she comes and says is that one of those switch things Jacob has been nagging me for one but I can't find one anywhere that isn't fairly priced yes it was a nightmare getting hold of this one Chris and I had to buy it between us to save money can I buy it off you I had 300 pounds saved for one you can go looking for another on eBay no sorry this one cost four hundred and ten pound between us I wouldn't sell it for 100 pound less not even a week after purchase plus we do in fact want to play on it why does the extra 100 pound matter when you get money from the government anyway you mean my student maintenance loan that I had to live on and the further 130 pounds that I saved each week from doing a part-time bar work this switch was bought with money from my job not that that should matter I've already told you once that I'm not selling it to you you shouldn't have a switch anyway University students are supposed to work not play kids games I think it would be better if my son had the game and you started working at this point she started moving closer to me look I think would be better if I stopped talking to you so I got up and walked towards my front door entitled mother looked like he was going to follow me but thought better of it when she spotted our neighbor looking through the window to see what was going on entitled mother glared at me for a few seconds before turning into walking away I gave her a cheerful wave and returns to my house never thought I'd catch one in the wild let alone it'd be a usually friendly neighbor alright and our next post is by user Bruns butterfly titled you need to stop making plans for your birthday because I have plans for your birthday TLDR entitled father wants me to cancel my birthday plans so he can take me to a birthday dinner and take pictures of it to show off so this is another tale about my entitled father this was a few days before my second last birthday spent with his family I left the following year the whole family was in the supermarket to getting some groceries you know the usual crap knowing full well that they wouldn't get me anything for my birthday and barely even acknowledged its I decided that I was gonna buy a small cake and a one-person bottle of green apple vodka my favorite kind I mentioned that these were going to be my birthday treats and that I had plans to just stay in my room and watch movies with them he immediately starts getting huffy and starts hinting that I shouldn't make any plans for my birthday at all upon questioning him he refused to let me know exactly why that was I knew full well he wasn't the type to throw me any sort of surprise party so I knew it wouldn't be that me and my paranoid self I later realized that was more common sense than paranoia character wondering what he would be up to he promised to pay for my driving lessons and he never did that he promised to buy me a certain thing for a Christmas gifts he didn't do that why would I actually expect him to keep his bite this time my birthday comes and I emerge from my lair to go and make a sandwich or something for breakfast after all unlike the others I don't get a fancy breakfast so that was also something else I did not expect when I turned the corner him and the rest of the [ __ ] are all there with completely insincere smiles in their faces cheering and shouting happy birthday Opie get the hell away from me it immediately puts me even more on edge than I normally am around them what do they want from me I feel no happiness at all from this pseudo display of happiness from them my stepmother says they want to take me out to dinner for that day and told me to choose a place hesitantly I did but the place was closed so we ended up going to my second choice of place I got to order what I wanted and I chose the cheapest thing because I was still wary of them and mostly enjoyed it they took pictures we go home and pretend all as well a few days later I see pictures on his social media of the birthday dinner saying that he treated me that day because of my essentially forced unpaid unappreciated care of my recently deceased entitled grandmother she was another set of freakery altogether I'm a post about her one day oh ok then now I finally knew his real motives he just wanted to look good and flex on his friends and other family members especially the ones that he didn't really like of course and our next post is by user Holly Hart one titled my girlfriend's parents threatened to come to my house if we didn't break up sir my girlfriend and I have been dating for over a month closer to two months by now we're a lesbian couple my mom is all right with it of course my dad's iffy he's got a you to you attitude and I appreciate it her parents on the other hand where do I even begin her mom's a pathological liar when girlfriend and I had just started dating and we're still hiding it from them I had invited her to my birthday celebration her mom told her that my mom called to let her know it was canceled you see the problem with that is she doesn't have my mom's number I contacted her directly later that day my states locked down order was issued instead of sending a text to tell me her mom straight-up called and rubbed it in my face I don't know if you heard but there's a lockdown girlfriend's name can't go and it pretty much shut down your party for a year yes she actually said that when my girlfriend came out to her parents they told her that she was just going through a phase they then said that because we haven't done anything romantic when not a real couple one what can we even do right now and two hugs kisses and chocolate is not her love language her parents then told her that if she continues to see me they'll take away everything she owns so she has no way of communicating with me they even said they'll come to my house to yell at me little do her parents know that my entire family is full of aggressive jerks who aren't afraid to cut a [ __ ] or in this case scream at one her dad is denying her lesbianism entirely girlfriend has pretty much nothing to do right now so she stares out the window honestly can relate one of her neighbours passed by and her dad said staring at boys again I see he was in college she's not even a senior in high school he claims I'm a bad influence and I'm teaching her bad habits I have never even met the guy he won't even give me a chance but anyway right now we're still dating I'm using a fake account pretending to be a guy so he can date secretly I'll update if anything goes wrong also sorry for the semi clickbait title updates this morning her mum tried to drag her to a post office and when girlfriend refused her mum called her a [ __ ] and a brat and said she wishes she could hit her craps hittin the fan y'all alrighty and our next post is myuser sub - dead meat we've uh we've read a story from them yesterday titled ultra-religious aunt embarrasses everyone by insulting relative for wearing a tank top hey guys I'll be translating this post from arabic to english so i'm sorry if some translations seem off backstory entitled aunty is an ultra religious Muslim who almost killed me because of my religious affiliation and I already posted that story and that's actually the first time entitled aunty has been out in her place introducing the cost ei entitled aunt and you nice uncle RP yours truly and PR poor relative it was a nice hot summer afternoon in Australia we were having a nice family reunion in the backyard coke and meat on the grill and relaxing with each other poor relative who was 15 at the time and died we're talking and catching up when out of nowhere entitled aunty pops out and says aren't you a little young to be wearing this outfits excuse me keep in mind that poor relative was wearing a tank top because the temperature was 30 degrees Celsius out there you look like a [ __ ] in that tank top she decided to crank it up to 100 ma'am it's 30 degrees out here entitled auntie started yelling the second I opened my mouth I don't remember asking you for your fudging opinion you wakin please ma'am it's so hot out here sir I would really appreciate it if you would don't you have any respect you [ __ ] you are disrespecting your religion and I by wearing these trampy clothes at this point the entire neighborhood was hearing us argue entitled auntie had a reputation for embarrassing my grandpa after arguing about religion with his neighbors sir I had to calm the situation down so that we won't get the cops called on us I say please ma'am I'm begging you to stop making a scene every time someone does something that you don't necessarily agree with at this point entitled auntie tried to slap poor relative but luckily her husband nice uncle stopped her before she did and she says why aren't you letting me punish her she is disrespecting us and our religion because you're hitting someone for doing what they want Paul relative who was a Christian started yelling to take her to a fudging mental institution she's clinically insane that's enough you guys especially entitled auntie stop making a fuss like a two-year-old whenever you see something that you disagree with now entitled auntie was trying to hit me because why not and at this point nice uncle snapped I've had enough of you entitled auntie you have to produce religious tension every time you go to a family reunion you have always been embarrassing me and my son because someone believes in a different religion I am sick and tired of this bullcrap if you do this to anyone one more time you and I are gonna have a serious discussion at last entitled auntie has been put in her place for what seems like the last time and she shut up for the rest of the day before everyone left for their homes nice uncle came and apologized for his wife's actions and he promised us that this was the last time entitled auntie will act like this and he delivered on his promises until he died two years later after he died entitled auntie got married to a man from the United Arab Emirates and began acting like she did before nice uncle died in the end it took one wedding with many problems to put her in her place mother lets her kids still my blind cane so a bit of backstory I am a 28 year old woman who recently just went fully blind when I was a teenager I volunteered with my local youth group to help rebuild Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina and while down there I picked up a fungal parasite called histoplasmosis that over a decade migrated to my eyes and slowly caused blindness I've been totally blind for about a year now so I'm pretty new to it but I digress when I first went blind I barely left the house and was afraid to go in public I felt like everyone was staring at me and did all honesty I barely knew what I was doing the transition had been difficult and I didn't have any support group to teach me one day my husband asks if I can take an uber down to the bank and deposit a rent check and I reluctantly agree while outs he messages again then reminds me that we're out of a few crucial groceries there was a Walmart grocery literally across the street from the bank so I figure everything in life is an experience and I'll have to learn how to shop alone eventually so why not everything was fine at first and I was only grabbing a few things so I didn't need a cart I was using my cane and what little echolocation skills I had at the time to get around but we're still bumping into things as we blind tend to do sometimes my cane suddenly hit something a bit softer and I figured maybe I had whacked someone's leg and I apologize cue and title kid and entitled mother I say sure I'm sorry hey you just hit my son I'm sorry ma'am I didn't see him there how could you not see him he's clearly right here now I'm fully blind but I don't wear sunglasses mostly because I can't afford a good uv-blocking pair but also I'm not ever looking for pity or to play the part of a generic blind person I just want to be treated like a normal person but I do understand her confusion as blindness is a spectrum so I try to calmly explain ma'am I'm blind I can't see anything let alone your son that's why I have to use the cane so I can get around without she cuts me off if you're blind why aren't you wearing big sunglasses now as a blind person I get a lot of stupid questions but I understand a lot of them are just people who don't know better so I try to happily answer as many as I can I say there is a really expensive around $200 for a good pair and I really don't need any inside you're not blind you're faking it here is where my blood starts to boil I can't think of any reason someone would want to pretend to be blind it's an actual hell and nothing pisses me off more than when someone calls me a liar when I'm not just as I'm about to respond I feel a tug and before I blink I realize this little demon spawn has snatched my $100 cane from my hands for those of you who don't understand that's like if you're shopping and suddenly the power goes out and you can't see a single light without my cane I can barely move it all without crashing into anything my voice gets shaky as I begin to panic but please give that back I really do need it no you don't you lie huh my son deserves to play with this more than you I hear her shuffle away and my expensive cane cracking into metal displays and such as they leave I start crying and waving my arms in front of me to grab on to something anything and end up crashing into falling into a center I'll display making a loud scene without fail I somewhat curl into a ball and cry I'm alone in public in the dark and I had no idea what to do suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder and a man's voice will call him a g4 awesome guy and asks if I'm okay and to stay right here I do but begin to at least sit up and listen this man must have been Toland built like a tank because his footsteps sounded like a giant and I felt a suction of wind when he took off maybe about 30 or 40 feet away I hear this loud bellowing like an angry lion and a loud crash then before I know it the man is back in helping me to my feet he takes my hand and puts the cane into my palm and helps me pick up the items I dropped when I fell into the display me wiping tears from my cheek says thank you thank you so much I didn't know how to handle that don't worry about it some people are just monsters this guy restored my faith in humanity and even helped me finish shopping and helped me out of the store as we're leaving I can hear the familiar screech of entitled mother something about the awesome guy grabbing the cane and pulling hard flinging her little devil child into a shopping cart I don't know if she was exaggerating or not but it would explain the crash I heard it's easy to feel alone in a world without sides but even through the sheer terror of being stripped of my cane at least I know now that there are people willing to stand up for me what I needed and it's because of the Shia overwhelming amounts of people asking if you're blind how are you typing this our first answer with my fingers and secondly I'm using a screen reader called narrator that reads the screen wherever my cursor or finger is over the screen it reads when I type a litter it reads guides just like google it or something alrighty and on to our next post by christen or blue boons man's incest is inevitable do not resist that's some 2020s warning guys it is so just a little background this happened a little while ago due to the Rona I've had lots of time for nostalgia so this happened around June or July 2019 my mother's side of the family is large close traumatic and oftentimes unpleasant there are maybe five people I unequivocally like excepting my immediate family and my cousins meaning I don't like my uncle's grandfather and one aren't we all get on well enough but my cousin arund I have been very close our whole lives she's a few months older than me so if she was 19 when this happened I was 18 it's also important that she's a woman and I'm a dude during the summer and winter breaks our families will congregate around our grandparents house sometimes for weeks people leave their kids come and go we all live less than an hour away at a time my mum brothers stepfather and I used to live there so it had been a long day and we were deciding where to sleep my brothers and our siblings plus our cousins from our other aunt and uncle we're talking about sleeping outside our and I decided that we would like to sleep in real beds went inside and claimed my younger brother's old bedroom which has two twin beds on opposite sides of the room we watched the entirety of Chicago with our grandma told her what room we'd be in and went to bed her in the bed closer to the door we showed each other some crappy memes talked about boys and then we turned the lamps out I laid in bed watching the bats outside ah stared at her phone about 15 minutes later the door opened up it was one of our cousins Zedd who's 17 female and our oldest aunt L 45 female if you even care they saw our there and dena asked if she could share the room with her I mean no why can't she because current firm her is in the other bed then my aunt flipped on the light like people weren't trying to sleep flung the door open and glared at me oh that's kind of inappropriate mm-hmm and I shared a look she's one of the four people in the family who knows I'm gay Zedd and del are not this isn't Alabama on T which is sleeping in the same room yeah but it could give our other cousins ideas what look mister either go sleep outside or sleep downstairs I don't care what you to say or think mixed-gender sleeping at your age is inappropriate well our ages adult auntie and it isn't your house and it doesn't really matter what you think because I'm not getting out of this bed you're welcome to try and move me stop being a disrespectful Punk and move Kerber Hummer end of discussion you're right it is I'm not moving on this grandma says sir and since she knows I'm sleeping her I bet she won't leave me alone seriously auntie this is ridiculous young lady I suggest you quiet down - before you have to move - come on Colonel Cthulhu don't be a jerk just move rooms F our other cousin is down in the basement this is the dumbest crap I've ever had to put up with just shut up and leave me alone okay then my aunt started showing me out hardcore and we wound up having a nice 3 a.m. shouting match over whether or not I could sleep in a bed I was already in we're both theater people and I'm a little deaf so in the midst of it we woke up my grandma elves Hmong and other aren't ours mom who came to check it out grandma's like oh it's all the yelling far mr. entitled here won't leave the bedroom and let my daughter sleep there it's so wildly inappropriate ah Cthulhu y'all gonna have sex or anything right absolutely not never good enough for me come on then walked away and went to bed while L jabot on about setting in sample then oz mum grabbed her by the shoulder l I love you but if you wake up the whole house at 3:00 in the fudging morning over kids sharing a room again there will be issues don't swear in front of my daughter can I please just go to bed somewhere Oz mum says the other couch in the living room is pretty comfy I'll grab you a blankets absolutely not well if you try and make the boy move again you're gonna piss everyone off including mom aha so maybe just stop being a [ __ ] and let people sleep I fine when he apologizes for being rude to me not gonna happen lady then I got up ran over closed and locked the door while L yelled at me from the other side to open the hell up oz mum I'm surprised he didn't punch you in the face I would uh so yeah we had TM post about me on to you have fun all right in done ex post is by it is I and I love me titled entitled mother yells at me for infecting our family with Corona music let me introduce you to a new Karen the Indian Karen a little longer hair tied into a ponytail and rolled into a bun that serves the function of hiding all of the seven deadly sins a voice shrill enough to make all the street cows turn the head to look at their mistress a gold necklace to announce her dreaded arrival one that I encountered I don't know if anyone has read this article basically it tells how some scientists converted coronaviruses famous spiked protein into music I have no idea if it's legit I thought if it's true it's cool if someone was able to do it and I thought it I would share it so I did to Karen's son good person good friend he is happy that smart people are left in the world anyway back to the story the next morning my mom calls me from the other room and I pick up this was the conversation input job' this is a rough translation hi MA yeah I'm not reading that how dare you infect my family at this point I just woke up and didn't still in the way half asleep phase one during which six star I never had that she was talking about shut up Karen don't you dare speak to my son like that I'll speak shut up or I'm hanging up what's going on who are you I have mrs. Karen on conference did you give her son coronavirus what No don't you lie I have seen the music you sent my son it's coronavirus it took me a full minute to realize what she was talking about and then it hit me have you even read the article don't talk back to your elders you're acting pretty elderly now there is two argued for about 15 plus minutes they started yelling at each other about other things like I am a bad influence Karen doesn't know how to talk to anyone stuff like that so I say it's a translation of what a scientist at MIT I put a phone to the speaker open the article and started reading all the technical terms which her fifth dropout ass would not understand you are not making any sense huh you're lying to my mom you thought him lie - what kind of mother are you she finally breaks me apparently better than you did friends show this to you or did you open his phone without him knowing again that is none of your business so I cut the call and immediately call my friend I tell him everything he's mad this was the sixth time this month she had gone through his phone her excuse being I don't want any local harlot to corrupt his son it is my duty to make his son marry a proper Sikh girl without any distraction what an epic story thank you so much Opie and our next post is by what the heck DN DDM entitled art demands my consoles for my cousin this is the second experience I've had in my 26 years of life and I'm hoping that it'll be the last doubtful I have a glass case at home it has all my old consoles and a lot of let retro ones that I brought through the years as well as their games it's my pride and joy and sometimes I take them out and play on them my cousin who's 11 and a male thinks they're cool and likes to admire them when he used to come over he knew not to touch them well my auntie the definition of Karen calls and asked what I'm going to give him for his birthday keep in mind I hadn't received a gift from her since I was five yet she insists I need to give her a child a gift usually I just toss him a couple bucks and when I told her I hadn't thought about it I knew I messed up well how about we do a joint presence he really loves those games you keep in that case and he's so bored since this silly flu started going around surely you can let him have one I told her no that they're not for sale I wasn't asking to buy them you would seriously charge family for something you don't use I didn't know you were so selfish he's been driving me up a wall you can't just give him your switch or something Grammy s will hear about this seriously I'm so tired of your generation being selfish I'm tired of him whining when he's bored I need a coffee and a nap and I can't even get that phone bad book good wide newspaper no work when touch like my Apple iPod anyway she joined on for probably a good five minutes before I hung up she left five voicemails but I just don't even want to bother listening to them is I already feel my lost brain cells dying thank you for the post and our next post is by user star gazer 7 to 8 titled how an old rain jacket became my defense against an entitled mother this happened about two months ago before all this covered 19 lockdown get a load of that guy to give some more preface a long time ago I got an old hand-me-downs jacket from my uncle who happened to work in the prison system this jackets happened to have a DOJ Federal Bureau of Prisons logo on it I've worn it many times and it's always guarded some interesting reactions from people I just so happened to be wearing this jacket for our encounter with the entitled mother now on to the story me and my fiance went out to grab a bite to eat on a Saturday evening as we ordered and Saturday table we decided to play with a Nintendo switch which apparently is entitled mother Bates while we waited for our food they must have read this story before this epic after a few minutes I had to go and use the bathroom about a few minutes after I left according to my fiance some lady the entitled mother of the story came up to our table and had a child the entitled kid sit down in my chair which prompted this exchange entitled mothers like excuse me did you mind watching my kid there's no kids play area here and I saw that you were to switch for him to play what games do you have on your switch do you have fortnight's entitled mothers starting to walk away is like have fun my fiance putting the switch inside her bag um ma'am I'm sorry but I didn't agree to watch your kid he's your responsibility also I don't trust people I don't know with my switch but my mum said I can play your switch entitled mother to my fiance says hey now hey now don't be like that it's hard being a single mom plus you obviously have the means to entertain my chance and why not help me out help me out it's my fiance's like like I said I'm not responsible for your child I didn't even invite him to sit here please leave please leave now you listen to me I know the irony here I will have you thrown out if you don't watch my child as the entitled mother is yelling this I happen to be walking out of the bathroom towards the table where my fiance was as I'm walking up to the entitled mother sees me coming and notices the DOJ logo on my jacket a smock crossed her face and as I go to the table the entitled mother says to me now you look like someone in law enforcement this rude lady here is refusing to give my little angel her switch to play with after she promised to do so me cutting her off and with a stern voice is there a reason you're harassing my fiance and trying to take the switch that I bought for her I watched as the entitled mothers smirk give way to a look that said oh crap she quickly grabbed her child and made a beeline to her table the entitled mother didn't bother us afterwards outside of a few stolen glances we got our food edits and left after finishing our meal I was glad I picked that day to wear my uncle's old raincoats edits holy crap this blew up but to give more detail about the jacket I got it 15 years ago and it was old when I got it I never really had any issues from the police officers when I wore the jacket outside of the conversation about where I got it there are times though where I will have somebody nervously ask me if I work for the prison system and breathe a sigh of relief when I tell them no I wonder what makes them nervous it actually is quite rare for me to wear it considering that 98% of the time I wear other jackets that I have and on to our next post by hey it's demons it's me titled entitled grandmother thinks it's okay to take my items without my permission back when I was a freshman in high school my grandmother thought that it would be a good idea to take my belongings without informing me while I was at school to elaborate I had a small table with cubby holes in it that I kept belongings in that were important to me I had autographs signed art and awards that I earned over the years in those cubby holes I came home from school to go to my room only to see that the table had been replaced with an enormous dresser confused and concerned for my belongings I went to confront my grandmother about where everything went this was the conversation as follows eg is entitled grandma or Opie is yours truly Oh G is the oblivious grandfather who doesn't understand why I was ticked off so I'm like hey grandma um what happened to the table in my room oh I took it out and put it on the porch for a place to put my shoes I hope you don't mind Opie look I thought she was joking because why the hell would anyone use a table as a shoe rack we already had several by the front door and I didn't think she was serious but I went down to the porch and sure enough there it was decorated with shoes potted plants and empty mason jars I then come back inside to ask where my belongings were and what she did with them I'm like if you wanted my table you could have asked when I got home also where's my stuff that was inside of it at this point my entitled grandmother starts to get defensive and tries to avoid my questioning grandma's like I wasn't going to wait for you all day to come home I have a lot of work to do and you should feel grateful that I replaced a table with a desk yeah she thought that the dresser that she got me was a desk I looked at her still trying to decide if she was serious and nuts and she was I tried to explain to her that a desk has legroom and doesn't have a drawer that a dresser hands for you to put clothes in she wasn't hearing it however I wasn't either and continue to ask her where my belongings were until she finally gave in and told me why do you care so much about those things it was only several awards and other crap I had to do something with them in order to move that table so I put them in a box while you were at school and moved them to storage what the hell you took my stuff and put it in a box without telling me don't use that type of language in my house Opie I'm gonna smack the head out of you if you use it again I don't give a Frick if you smack me he took my crap without even letting me look through the box to see if I wanted to keep anything not long after my grandmother and I started arguing my grandfather comes into the room after hearing us argue outside he had been on the phone with a client of his and as soon as the client hung up he came in to see what was going on he's like Oh be in tattle grandma what are you arguing about this time for context my grandmother and I never got along well and this only tipped the boat even more into the water she took my table and crap that was incited to use as a damn shoe rack when she already has three of them by the front door Opie you shouldn't talk to your entitled grandmother like that I've noticed how disrespectful you've been getting around the house towards her and you need to straighten up your act upon hearing this entitled grandmother tries to play the victim card and starts tearing up voice cracking and everything aunt bee why are you always so angry at me have I not done enough for you already what do I do to deserve this kind of treatment from you please tell me don't pull that crap with me entitled grandmother you've been doing it every time I catch you doing something crappy just so you don't have to take risk on sibility my old grandpa gets furious at this point with me he disregards the fact that his wife had stolen my belongings and starts going off at me Opie look at what you've done you need to learn to respect your elders you've always been a good granddaughter but this is unacceptable I can't believe how you're displaying yourself right now this is my household and you are only 15 15 or not entitled grandmother stole stuff that was important to me how would you feel if I went into your room took your clothes and stuff out of it stuck it in a box while you were out of town and told you that I put it in a storage room and replaced your furniture with something else that serves no use to you well I would feel grateful that someone would take the time to think of me and spend money on me see entitled grandmother is thankful for things in her life why can't you be Oh P you need to learn how to be thankful for what others have done for you in life otherwise you won't get anywhere what do you think your boss would say if you spoke to him like this I think he'd have some common sense to know that you shouldn't steal other people's crap even if they aren't in the room I had ended up storming off and could hear Oh G and E G talking about how rude I was the storage area wasn't too far from my house currently down the road so I walked there the next day and couldn't find the box that my grandmother was talking about to this day every time I try to go and see if I can find the box I believe that my entitled grandmother threw it away and tried to come up with something that would get me to stop questioning her updates I have edited out repetitive statements in the post if it looks different this is why I apologize for the edits that I made if it confuses anyone while reading update - whoa I did not expect this post to get this much attention also thank you can solve for the award I've seen all of your comments and I can understand why you suggested that I needed to get over it however I will say that while this is true I had important belongings of mine that were taken away without my knowledge the most important being my signed artwork I have done over the years and given two actors to sign while at conventions I don't think I can ever get over losing those I'm also taking into consideration editing my grandfather's name since some of you have pointed out mistakes that I made while addressing him as oblivious it seems like a good way to describe it to me but that's just how I saw it and other issues concerning the story thank you again for your comments for pointing out some stuff within the post all right and that's where I'm gonna leave it today guys I hope you enjoyed this episode of our slash entitled parents tell me what you thought about it down in the comments down below I'd love to know your opinions on everything that we read today and as always this has been Mark II I'll see you in the next episode guys bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 626,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EntitledParents, entitled, parents, r/entitledparents, r/entitled, r/entitled parents, rslash, markee, markee reddit, markee entitledparents
Id: 66SpqjGdD7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 209min 10sec (12550 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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