r/JustnoHOA - Attempted Break & Enter Almost Cost Me $1000!

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cadete guys it's rosie hubby machi back at it again with another episode of Asajj just no HOA now with that said I want you to sit back relax Chuck a like on this video and a prone on the Bobby and get ready for some bloody good contents posted by user motive lebra's titled being considered an unauthorized border by HOA cross post from our sash screw HOA well over a decade ago I was forced to move back in with my dad was only planning to stay a few months till I was financially stable enough to get my own place once again but my dad insisted I stay rent-free while I got my car paid off and some serious dental work done this lasted four years my dad owns a really nice place in a subdivision that had a nature way for about two of those four years things went fine until a woman who I shall aptly called Karen became head of the HOA me and Karen had some unfortunate run-ins in the past she would constantly ask my dad how long until I move out then she would always report me in my dad to the ancient way for these silliest things which the HOA would usually ignore or at best dismiss after getting our side of the story but now that she was in control she took direct action the first was to declare me as an unauthorized border after instituting a bylaw that all adults 21 and older in a household have to be registered with the HOA as a permanent residence with a minimum of five years they have to stay without penalizing the homeowner my dad refused to do any such thing because I would eventually be getting my er in place but Karen insisted even serving him two years of back dated penalties for having me there my dad ended up having to spend money on a lawyer to send her a cease and desist order because I was legally grandfathered in since I was there before the bylaw of course the fines were be grudgingly dropped but afterwards she would try to nickel and dime my dad with constant little things like me being out at all hours of the night I worked late all the way I dressed in public being inappropriate jeans and a band t-shirt mostly and other stupid crap that most of which weren't in the bylaws she even took to using a selfie stick over the fence to see if there was anything in the backyard violating the rules I since moved out of there and a year or so later karen was voted out of the HOA after pissing off the wrong people reminds me of a sing-along thanks to James Bond and Paul McCartney for the inspiration he used to say live in land laughs say angel wings bye honestly I don't know the words to this song I'm sorry posted by user Fred King one three one three titled how to kill an HOA okay so here's what's up me and my wife have been getting harassed by a new HOA to join as my house is the lone holdout on a beachfront strip short and sweet I write this today because my friends I have discovered the two-step process to kill an annoying HOA with my highly evolved eight brain I have spent the weekend scouring the laws and legal loopholes and have through a series of quantum calculations that will only make sense to me I have found the means to kill the HOA anywhere step one organize your community and friends at the next meeting have someone or yourself call for no-confidence and vote to remove all HOA board members for its in new members step two have new presidents vote to overturn all standing fines then end meeting with a vote to dissolve the HOA entirely any properties owned by the HOA are to be sold off to pay any debts owed by the HOA record everything then turn a copy of the video into the governing body where you live as proof and grow it on to what a downer he reckons that doesn't make much sense since if you have the numbers to vote in a new board you can vote for a board that works properly everyone has something to gain from an HOA working well grown up this is not a HOA support sub get out of here posted by user Jake simp I titled you should follow your own rules not my story but my dad's also not technically HOA but I think in the spirit of it let me know if it's not anyway so when I was two my dad bought the house I grew up in it was a major fixer-upper in total he probably put $100,000 fixing it up if not more so this is where the store comes in the city building inspector informed my dad that because it was documented that he spent over fifty thousand dollars improving his property he would have to build a sidewalk but only in front of his house the expense would come out of his pockets if anyone injured themselves in the sidewalk that abruptly started and abruptly ended he'd be responsible for that as well along with upkeep it would also cut about three feet into the front yard and would permanently lower the property value now at the time that this happened the city had completely renovated a park playground costing well over the $50,000 and this was public knowledge also the park was within viewing distance of our house and had two historic trees within feet of the road my dad wrote a letter to the mayor's office and why did the cover letter in such a way that they would have to publicly read the entire letter outs during a public meeting the letter basically said to lead by example and put in a sidewalk at the newly renovated park meaning they'd have to cut down two historic trees the public was outraged and after that the building inspector basically let him renovate the house however he liked and there is still no sidewalk yeah don't want to get treble-damages on that I'll slash tree law now dear we buddy haha man's found a way to outsmart the HOA garden posted by user Clooney Anna titled don't stand so close to me pesticides in covered nineteen neuter edits please instant message me if I'm doing something incorrectly in Florida we're trying to do yard maintenance and our property has a public sidewalk in front of it we are required by the HOA to maintain the sidewalk in front of our property pressure-wash etc and the grass in the front of the sidewalk near the street as well people keep walking closer than six feet to us while we're working someone in the house is on chemo and we will be spraying pesticide are we allowed to temporarily block the sidewalk off to stop people from coming near us or the pesticides while we work it would only be for about an hour thank you so much we have thought about hiring someone but money is an issue right now with a loss of income I would say no because the sidewalk itself is public property and most likely a utility easements if anything used some wood stakes and loggers tape to kind of warn people if necessary thank you no don't block the sidewalk hopefully you're wearing a mask while spraying pesticides so the fact that they walk clothes shouldn't be an issue what I would do is very obviously step back six feet when someone comes close if they say something you can tell them you prefer to maintain a safe distance to prevent the spread of the virus also put a small sign up that you've applied pesticides because of kids and pets wearing a mask is to provide protection to others in case you're infected and don't realize it if they have it and are not wearing the mask and cough in your direction your mask does very very very little I want to print your comment on post-it notes and aggressively put it on the forehead of every jerk who looks at me funny for wearing a mask in public eventually I would probably get my ass kicked but maybe that would make the point go viral no pun intended Oh humanity turn the pressure washer on them trust me it will keep them back at least six feet apply pesticide with spare hands while fending off people with the pressure washer ok sarcasm aside maybe greet them as they approach and explain that someone inside his immunocompromised and see if they would mind walking around or waiting for you to retreat the proper distance if they are neighborhood members take it up with your h away and see if they have any bylaws applicable or could vote on something beneficial to everyone until this is done good idea couldn't hurt to have the HOA address this if this goes on a long time we're in Florida so quite a few older couples in our neighborhood as well I've seen all the neighbors duck into their driveways when they're working on their yards when runners come past and make no effort to avoid them I mean how big is your neighborhood if I blocked off the sidewalk in front of my house for an hour wouldn't be a big deal people would understand herping nots but with everyone home I always wonder if the HOA police are watching more thank you and from the posts on this sub HOA is always watching all watching Wazowski bloody bastards posted by user K lil titled just venting I've been in this house for a year and of course I never saw or received any bylaws apparently my trash cans have to be in a certain location behind my fence this morning at 7:00 a.m. I woke up to the sound of trash cans moving but I didn't think anything of it and figured my neighbors across the street who I already don't get along with we're moving their trash cans I went out this morning and found out that one of my neighbors I think it's the one that I don't like had come into my backyard placed the trash cans there and dumped out some cans of water that I had I'm definitely annoyed since I live alone and really don't love the fact that people think it's okay for them to just enter my backyard none of your neighbors has any business coming into your backyard without your permission even if they think they're helping you to comply with the HOA rules that is trespassing if you know who did it send a letter reminding them of that and putting them on notice that if they do it again you will contact the police if you're worried get a security camera I definitely avoid but I'm putting the house up for rents so right now isn't really a good time good security can up rental value are you sure they weren't just trying to be helpful just say something to them if you know how it is no need to be aggressive about it that will only make tensions worse and no need for that if they don't abide then turn on the aggression next time helpful or not it's still trance passing if they had good intentions they should have spoken to Opie by knocking on the door then explained the discrepancy they could have even been helpful and offered to move it afterwards they could have been trying to be helpful but this person was right next to my bathroom window doing things at my backyard at 7:00 in the morning so I'm not just crazy about that hope you can work it out with them with a friendly word I mentioned the helpful possibility just because I've heard people promoting being helpful and assisting neighbors during these stressful times especially seniors not sure if you fall into the senior category but I have even heard bringing in trash cans as one of the neighborly things people could do posted by user insurance throw away one two three titled HOA president just did the dumbest thing imaginable backstory iron a bunch of rentals in a bunch of communities I'm her stranger to HOAs and legal battles I have a company attorney on retainer I just moved into a community and finally bought myself a house I plan to stay in for a while a month after closing construction starts permits pulled all legal work during the day follow all the CCR's in cetera Karen recently got elected to the board and in her own words the war is on this war started when I requested the following HOA financial documents two months and they do not have them produced a temporary reasonable accommodation after a major surgery I was told to go screw myself and her husband changing his oil in the parking lots got it on video on my security cam so far I've received four violation notices speeding in the parking lots political sign which is opponents to her political sign in her front yard violation of peaceful enjoyments which is construction noise harassing the HOA this one was a cease and desist and destruction of community property for washing my car with a hose so my attorney goes to work on the upcoming fight my attorney BCC's me on all emails to the association and to the management company I wish I was making this up Karen is served fudging stupid she replied all on an email meant for just the property manager a few snippets I'm going to keep fighting him and make his life hell he's a nightmare and a punk kid with too much money we are going to drown him in lawyers fees and send him the bill until he finally submits to me this is now personal I'm on a mission to show the punk kid with his parents money that I'm goddamned president and he will do as I say my lawyer called me six times at 10:30 last night and said holy crap check your email 9:00 a.m. my attorney sent a cease-and-desist to the entire board and included a copy of the email mine and his phone have been blowing up non-stop from the four other board members in their attorney just trying to talk this woman may be the stupidest person on earth I honestly cannot wait to see the fallout from this I don't want to sue the Association or to get paid I just want the board to make decisions that have good impacts on the community and raise my property value suing the board honestly does nothing the insurance company pays for its or it comes from reserve funds nothing happens to them personally because they are indemnified I have only sued when I really have to last year I won an ad a judgment against another property where I have a disabled tenants I wound up giving the tenant half and donated a dog park to the community under the condition the current administration resigns my attorney is trying to figure out a way to get around her indemnity as a board member and go after her personally personally HOA board members should be required to have licensure through the state's similar to Realtors and a state oversight committee it's insane the things that need to be resolved in courts with enormous ly expensive lawyers you seem like a genuine good person I hope everything goes your way her attacking you personally might be able to get you past the corporate shield she is acting outside of the duties of her office as president of the Association that are specifically stated by the bylaws I mean when you use the words it's personal I would think you're no longer acting as a fiduciary at least in respect to putting Opie in the grounds the HOA would have a better chance of not being sued also for acting outside their duties as an entity if the board terminated that rogue individual off of the board and chastised her for these activities that are clear harassment perhaps a cease and desist letter to the board members from the Opie's attorney would have an impact on the rest of the board to take that action you're the best person she could have attacked because you don't want to pay out therefore you can't be bought in the traditional sense I do hope that you are the cause for a positive change in your community and that you can help set up an etch away if there has to be one where they are held accountable sue her collect $5,000 donate to charity of your choice winning they are not indemnified if they break the rules or take actions which violate the HOAs articles I'm a former HOA board member here you should talk to the other board members and tell them that if they can provide evidence of her violating the rules in her course of duties therefore removing her protection that you will remove them as defendants and sue her personally and we'll get her thrown off and under the bus faster than anything also as far as I know selective enforcement is illegal and indemnity does absolutely not work for criminal actions yes let them stew for a few days and Bologna make her crumble even more knowing from the others she done screwed up and now you're not responding back to the board law please update when you can don't respond to any of them your attorney should do that this is why it's very important to take your HOA elections seriously keep people like this off the board they will cost you dearly someone was trying to start an H away and as soon as I learned that I went around and asked my neighbors not to join after telling them how much power they will have over your property it never got started thank God starting one from an existing area is very very tricky they basically need to be made when the property is divided from the original owner classic example is Pharma sold thirty acres that was divided into 100 parcels and the developer put an HOA in place and yes you guys are truly blessed on this day as there is an actual update as I've said in comments they don't really ever put updates for HOA stories but when I do find them I will post them updates HOA presidents did just the dumbest thing imaginable I'm going to sum this up and give as much detail as I can I've also been drinking since noon so this may be a little jumbly and I apologize in advance my phone Facebook LinkedIn all social presence stopped getting blown up by the other board members after the attorney made it clear to them to leave me alone it's becoming harassment of course covered 19 courts are closed the attorney sent them letters stating that what this hourly rate was and they would be receiving a bill if it doesn't stop and that seems to work last night my attorney calls and asks if I'd be willing to hop on a zoom call with the entire board Karin included and the association's attorney my attorney came to my house and we hopped on the call together their lawyer started off aggressive stating my harassment of the board would not be tolerated etc my guess would be to intimidate us my attorney shared the screen with the email open and silence we assumed Karen told the rest of the board what happened but apparently she didn't give all the details just that there was an email exchange and apparently I was being aggressive my attorney and I aren't quite sure what they were all thinking but once they all read the email silence and Karen immediately hopped off the zoom call the VP asked if we can take a recess and call us right back in a few minutes ten minutes later the attorney gets an email with Karen's immediate resignation we all hop back on the call less Karen the other four board members could not stop apologizing and kept asking the attorney why they were not informed of the brevity of the situation he quickly hopped off the call we assumed he won't be representing the Association any more and the other four board members said they would need to confer with the counsel moving forward but they will make this right for right now the board told me I can leave my political signs up but to just ignore Karen until they can figure out what to do unfortunately in my something to do with homestead your house is protected against litigation but my attorney did draft up a demand letter to Karen personally for damages because the courts are closed we can't serve her until the stay in place order is lifted and the courts reopen but it was made clear Karen is to have zero contact with me my family property etc we are not waiting until the remaining board hires new representation next week and we expect some sort of settlement to request nothing super exciting but she was fired immediately they are going to also start searching for a new property management next week but I'll update when we hear something side notes I was walking my dog this am karen was outside and walked right up to me and started petting my dog like nothing happened I have 300 cameras in front of my house they caught the entire thing I asked her three times to back away and his stop I put him back inside the poor guy only got a mid two minute walk and we called the police who made it clear to her that if they have to come out again she will be going to jail in short she isn't indemnified by the HOA and is no longer on the board this is going to cost her and the HOA major bucks we did make a clear we don't want any of the community's money it will only hurt the other homeowners karen is royally screwed I'll post an updates when I hear something else and that was a month ago if there is another update I will post its courts may be closed for the period but they are still open for the issuance of restraining orders and all serious criminal matters approached a local DA via your attorney to get the restraining order and they will likely issue it electronically to you and you can then have it served certainly his made-up lawyers knows this and can effectively navigate this fake inconsistent situation just fine karen is playing nice because she doesn't want to be the neighborhood pariah she knows she's screwed up and she knows what will get around the neighborhood about what she did so she's trying to play nice so she isn't forced to move by nature of nobody wanting anything to do with her she probably has deleted herself into believing this will all blow over my guess is she moved away inside of 18 months people like her can't keep the crazy bottled up permanently posted by user schwifty 2000 titled how my mum shamed the HOA into disbanding my mom lives in a nice newer home community with a voluntary HOA my mother being the firecracker she is refused to formally join the HOA but agreed to do the things she would do anyway to upkeep her home we paint for her she has a gardener wash windows etc she never signed any document and doesn't pay fees but told the board she would adhere to the standards she didn't find silly the volunteer presidents lived next to my mother and this guy has never liked our family since mom didn't join he would knock on the door for friendly visits to tell her what rules she was violating it was all very silly and we continued to ignore him his biggest pet peeve was her trash cans they stayed out too long after the trash pickup and said it was an eyesore for the rest of the neighborhood now I have to explain a few things about mom mom is a double amputee has a dysfunctional side from stroke is wheelchair-bound and is still about 95 percent independence there's a few things she can't do and bringing the trash cans in and out of the side gate is one of them for that chore my sister or myself come over the night before trash day and put them out and the following evening to put them back in he pitched and complained for it letters and called the city about her trash cans this guy knew my mom is in a wheelchair but he kept harassing her it was after a winter storm that the trash can blew over and sprayed the neighborhood with trash overnight it wasn't just her trashcan by the way it was several my sister and I walked the neighborhood and picked up the trash as soon as we could well the president lost his mind he gathered up the other members of the board next trash day and stormed up to her house he yelled at her through the screen door while the other Psychopaths nodded their heads I happened to be there and was preparing to grab a broom and sweep the trash he yelling at my mom off our porch but to my mother's credit she didn't yell back she simply opened the door and rolled her wheelchair down the drive and then my tiny mother struggled to pull the trash can back up the driveway with her one good arm it was actually pretty sad mom hemmed it up she had adapted to a weak side but you wouldn't know it from watching her that day by the time she got the cane halfway up the drive the angry mob was glaring daggers at the presidents I would find out later he never told them she was disabled and painted her as lazy and most of the meetings where the president tramping about my mom and telling lies about what a nightmare it was living next to her after a round of muttered apologies they scattered like roaches in the light once they left I moved the trash cans in and we had a good laugh the volunteer HOA died very soon after that and apparently no one wanted to attend meetings that were little more than glorified tramping sessions about my mum and other people in the neighborhood the president had been harassing the other homeowners and telling similar lies about them he was proven a liar and we almost never see him now I'd say the neighborhood has gotten better at this point this guy turned out to be the cause of all the strife and without his influence people began to actually talk to each other nowadays people stop to check by online mom during storms and sometimes her trash cans will magically appear in the side yard on windy days and mum in perfect fashion sent out Christmas cards to all her neighbors you may have seen this card in the stores but it has a raccoon on it and says merry trash myths all your mum's my hero just saying I love your mom I want to be her neighbor must be sure to bring your trash cans in if you are law in my HOA we have containers for trash and recycle sonar cans although my neighbors treat their place like their own personal trash and put furniture and mattresses and construction debris which is not allowed into the trash container or leave it next to the container I hope your mom's saved enough of the trash missed cards to send them to the next-door neighbors for at least 10 years great story I hate HOAs absolutely the worst way to earn a home marry trash mess and a tidy New Year to your mom and fan I'm sorry this BS happened at all I've lived in several neighborhoods and there are always neighbors who helped each other with kin placement and removal it's not a big deal back when we had metal cans without wheels it was not a big deal that guy is making himself miserable I live in a housing association and while we have no HOA we still have association rules etc typically neighbors here will do stuff for the all the people next door since our apartments are really close to each other my neighbor next door lives two doors down from her mother so she gets her mum's can and always collected the trash from another old man in our row until World War three broke outs because he wouldn't move his can from out from under the neighbors mom's vent you know because that's a great place for it she asked nicely what was yelled at then my neighbor gave him hell for telling her mother off this same guy stole my grandfather's handicap parking sign that he paid for unbeknownst to me I'd have never known if he shut his trap and allowed my mother-in-law to use it I thought it was a regular handicap spot there and nope he straight up moved it for himself and tried preventing anyone else there's a lot of handicapped people around here from using it we have monthly meetings these meetings usually consist of bitching of some sorts I'll never understand how someone doesn't actively see someone lying about a disabled person no less and not fudging lose it if someone had me angry enough about something to go to their house as a group and your mum even opened the door I wouldn't be able to contain my pissed off HOA is finding me for something beyond my control a few weeks ago we got a pitiful little snow that was barely really a frost just enough to cause a little trouble on the roads because any sort of weather causes trouble on the roads here but nothing severe so my husband and I go out get in our cars and leave for the work day a while later I don't remember if it was five days or a week we get an email from the HOA saying that we are being fined for something they aren't very specific at first but they are saying that it's about the snow and our cause we are very confused there's not enough snow to shovel as you will soon see finally after a few days of back-and-forth emails they simply send us a picture describing the problem y'all Oh picture with license plates blood hey is that a snow angel in your pocket or you just happy to see me haha the imprint our car left in this pitiful ass snow a shape of a dick and somehow that's al faults I died laughing y'all this is the most ridiculous thing I have ever been fined for and we flat out told them that we won't pain eventually they realized we were serious about not paying and since there were no bylaws in the books about something like this they dropped it also like crazy the xho a president has still been plying her trade of making my life miserable but that's a complete post for another time I had to look really hard to see a dick yeah the fact it's not in your face and readily apparent makes it even stupider in my opinion it looks like a fire hydrant more than anything I thought I was thinking and gummy bear yeah this is beyond stupid who ever reported this needs to get a life or some help for their hallucinations you should tell them to get their minds out of the gutter and stop being inappropriate more of a plug the size of which appears to be up their ass I was a good one yeah you got to be looking really hard and thinking about it dick to see it there and Joey Karen may just need to get laid well now you need to go out there next snowfall and make proper dicks in every empty parking space to make sure they know what one looks like we're at Chewbacca outfit and blame the Yeti a careful sprinkling of ice melter in the correct shape will produce the right results ideally on the HOA president's drive even better if you do it before the snow when no one will notice yes the salt residue will last for ages perpetuating the penis huh hmm imagine seeing that one other context and the regards to this part of the story do they normally try to find for things that aren't in the bylaws what the hell is the thinking behind that other than trying to invite a lawsuit against the HOA petty people with power petty people with power and nothing better to do if someone is seriously bothered by this I'd suggest they get checked for mental illness or substance addiction this is not something that a Serb a rational person would be raising a public fuss about there is no universal cause for an individual who simply wants to make the lives of everyone around them worse or don't hurt me like that buddy not sure what state you're in insanity but usually a warning and time period to cure the violation is required before being given a fine I'm guessing someone complained about it and that's why you were sent a violation for something out of the bylaws and why it was closed without much arguments request a hearing with the Board of directives to contest the violation and fine if the issue continues okay I'm gonna read this last one because it's just a good comment I keep seeing a lot of this in these threads but if she's using the HOA to harass you sue her for harassment if you can prove selective enforcement you can sue her and the HOA what you have to do is tell everyone she's harassing you and that their dues are going up slash the HOA bank account is going down because they have to hire an attorney to defend the HOA from her personal vendetta then every single bloody time you get a sideways glance from her and notice whatever you give it to your attorney your attorney contacts them and it costs the HOA if you're really lucky and you live in a place and the cops are bored you might get them to go for criminal harassment it's usually a wide statuette but if there's a pattern of emotional distress that's going on by law that's criminal harassment god that's amazing I love that idea posted by user rich fun 55 titled all I asked was proof of insurance before allowing work to be done in my property so I am in and long-running dispute with my h away because they refused to follow the CCA nas and bylaws anyway they decided to take down some trees on HOA property behind the houses on our street and wanted to access the trees by coming across my property and I refused until I had proof of insurance from the contractor the HOA said that the contractor gave them a certificate of insurance and they provided one from the HOA to me problem is that the tree removal company provided a COI that stated information only in the certificate holder box which means that maybe they have insurance but if something happens on someone's property that they are not liable neat little trick and the HOA idiots fell for it I still refused work until I have a valid COI naming me as the certificate holder from the tree company OSI stream law so the HOA president comes onto my driveway and starts to argue with me and I told him to leave my property he refused stating that he has a right to be on my property anytime that he wants to told him to leave again that he is trespassing and he again refuses and says I should call the State Police he finally leaves and I call the SP they went to see him and let him know that the CC and oz+ bylaws do not supersede state and federal protections for privates property protection told that son of a bear that if I call them again he will be arrested and taken to jail idiots time for a restraining order yeah what the hell I would file for a restraining order and harassment charges how on earth does he think him being on the neighborhood HOA gives him the right to trespass that man's got a right to catch these hands absolute power corrupts absolutely but sometimes extremely limited power corrupts to read love speeches says I work with HOAs for my job and have read thousands of pages of CC and ahhs and you'd be surprised by how many HOAs have this clause hidden in there they love adding this clause in and people sign it like it's nothing step in my house you're getting shot if you made it past my pitch pit bull or are you digging Ponzi traps all over your yard yes the only correct answer how much does that cost lawyer filing fees what else it's a long shot 20/20 says as an insurance professional good on you for asking for a search for many people that doesn't even cross their mind you only have to get burnt once to never make that mistake again my next-door neighbor wants to use our driveway to trim her trees and freaked out on me when I asked for proof of insurance needless to say the trees are still there what does a seoi provider you know to put it plainly it serves as proof that the tree trimmer has insurance to cover his actions while performing his work and prevents the injured party from going after the homeowners insurance policy on a primary basis should be standard practice for any contractor to provide certs my parents had a guy put a pool in this past summer and they didn't even have to ask for one he just provided it and dopey says I typically ask new clients for their insurance minimums and provide certs as a part of accepting their business I always want to be on the up-and-up with my clients and want them to know that our company is fully insured and bonded just good business practice hope he also says next move F him go to your City Hall or county office and get an injunction against him if the person tries to contact you in any way direct or third-party they are in violation of the injunction and it is a trespassing order that extends to all communications edits make sure you look it up first that there's a deadline in the morning to have the paperwork turned in by you have to stay there until the decision is made or it is dismissed theoretically could you do that to everyone involved in the HOA and effectively be done with their nonsense forever the court won't grant an injunction without reason ah make sure you have cameras around your house to show if someone comes on your property a million times this don't put it past them to try and sneak onto your property to do the job when you aren't home I would like to further reiterate this while this cameras can be used with smart home devices and you'll phone us super cheap on Amazon and they work great invest in this right away good luck getting H away permission to install them you can easily set up cameras inside looking out windows without permission some HOAs even have rules about what's visible from the outside it can be crazy posted by user Ellen x64 titled HOA vandalizes father's truck gets immediate justice I originally posted this on our / malicious compliance but they removed it for some reason as far as I know he didn't violate any rules please note I'm not complaining about the HOA and this is merely a story of what happened to my father and died when I was living there I'll paste it below this happened a few years back our HOA has always been known to be sneaky and to flat-out give false accusations on homeowners especially in this day with security cameras and we can pretty easily spot out who the investigators are most recently a homeowner was told that she was supposed to get approval before she started reshingle in her roof the thing is her roof hasn't been reshingled in ten years and she had no plans to do it things like that call it just a mistake call it malicious well a few years ago we had our time to shine it was a simple morning I was still temporarily living with my father at the time well one morning we decided to go out to get groceries when we found that his pickup truck had been smashed into nothing was taken it was just smashed into in fact I still have pictures from that day just before the cops arrived oh oh that um looks a bit intentional there what the they really did a number on this thing look even the the rear view mirror smashed SEC shut there's like a gunshot in there goddamn cops arrive they do some investigating and found that a rock inside the truck was from a house down the street unfortunately they couldn't get them to admit to the crime nor could they prove it was even them understandable criminals will grab things that they find but it was suspicious the rock I should say was a special kind of rock that no one else in the neighborhood had some round polished type very unique after this incidents I installed a security camera on his house well not two days later we got an HOA violation for a vehicle eyesore that needs to be removed just two days later I'm confused how such a letter could be written up so fast but I started to suspect foul play one day we were home and had a knock at the door the HOA actually called a code inspection officer that we couldn't even beam over yet so the parts to fix the truck delivered yet and we weren't paying expedited shipping for damages we didn't cause and the truck was so old insurance would probably just total it the truck is sentimental to him so he wasn't going to get rid of it it still ran grades code inspection tells my father that vehicles which do not run need to be removed they both stop talking and take a second and both almost say at the same time do I know you turns out the code inspection of a sir went to the same church as my father and knew each other this isn't the malicious compliance yet we are only just beginning the officer tells my father if he can show the truck starts he's going to write it up as being incurred my father starts the truck just fine as the engine isn't damaged he tells him to go on and with his date and to have a good one at this point we are furious because we are starting to suspect the HOA may have did this as there's no way they could have possibly known so fast unfortunately our turn of the street had no neighbors with security cameras until I installed one in our house so it caught nothing specific to our incidents down the street these people supposedly broke into a car as well but the camera on their house was unable to see anything damn here's where the fun begins fast-forward a couple of months after nothing happened I decided to install a new dashcam in my car I found a good one that uses very little power off the battery and can activate if there's any bumps to the car even if the car is off it just needs to be wide straight to the battery for this it's a think we're a few days later we got a violation notice for our mailbox being crooked it wasn't crooked much but I do remember it recently having an angle I'd I could just fix it but my car was aiming straight at the mailbox I'm thinking no this couldn't be possible it only records if there's a bump I take out the memory card and apparently I either didn't configure it properly but it was recording the whole time it never went into sleep mode I watched as the investigator walks up to the mailbox and pushes it crooked they writes down on his tablet his findings and takes a picture for records I'm appalled at what I see I have the proof I needed now for the malicious compliance they wanted to use the board meetings to present what is going on at our address we haven't told them yet that we had the pictures but to summarize real fast how our HOA works the board hires an outside company to do the grunt work let's call it Ben tree management we go to the meeting and sit down Ben tree management has the one in control of our accounts and I swear to you she looked like a Karen so the name fits for her as time goes by in the meeting we get to discuss what is happening in our house we present the timelines and tell them about the truck being smashed and just two days later we get a letter we ask what dates the investigator was out for that time and Karen refuses to answer it she argues ignorant ly that we should keep better care of our staff as if it was our fault then comes the mailbox incident we tell her that we have reasons to believe that the investigator is the one causing damages to our property and is harassing us karen denies this and says that it is impossible and that she knows him personally all was that sir I asked she says yes why I then pull out my laptop out of my book bag that I had been hiding open it up with the video file already loaded and show it to the entire board enter exhibits a I said loudly and played the video Karen's face is bright red she says that is not her investigator I then also pulled out the letter about the mailbox which was complete with date it matches the cooked on timestamp on the video she still tries to claim it's not then no it's a coincidence I'm sorry but you have a vandal and it's not us it's not hmm I let the video play knowing she's falling into a pit hard right now as the man walks towards my car you can clearly see plain as day Ben tree management on its shirt she's no longer red now she's white as a ghost the board looks over at her and ask her what she has to say about this Karen is silent and has nothing except a few noises which I assume was her brain trying to comprehend what just happened I then proceeded to bring up a previous case which I happen to remember before we left for the meeting where we had a gross violation beside our house now this area they were claiming was actually not visible from the sidewalk due to the houses shape I asked point-blank has it any time your investigators walked onto our property illegally trespassing knowing as per their rules they aren't allowed to do that Karen is visibly shaking now and mutters out no of course not with her head down unable to maintain eye contact with me she probably feels that I have more evidence but unfortunately I didn't so I asked again she asks why our neighbors whom our lawyers literally next door to us where the sight of this wall was stands up and says actually that's not true I have witnessed one of your investigators go between our house and poke around to the trash bins bingo I didn't even realize she had this information I couldn't have asked for more better timing Karen at this point just starts arguing with our neighbors about no proof the board proceeds to apologize for the incident and they were going to discuss what is going to happen in the future about this at that point the meeting is over a month passes and we get a letter that a new person will be in charge for Ben Sri management's and new investigators she was fired that night since she was fired my father tells me we only get the occasional blip of errors but they corrected immediately and don't bother us anymore our / Pro revenge might like this one - they hate HOAs as well I actually posted it there as well so far so good I just can't stand HOAs but I know that some good ones exist I live in a new house with no HOA my grandparents old home just after the estate sale so I'm glad to have been able to get out of that toxic area though as my father reports all has been good since I've got justice but I know some good ones exist that is where you're entirely wrong you know what I'm damned if I do damned if I don't I say all HOAs suck and done bashed for it I say some good ones exist and done best for it I try and play devil's advocate just to be fair I'm entirely wrong you are still wrong pulling out my bashing stick I think I had someone say it's the 99.99% that are bad ruin it for the Pointer 1% that are good but doesn't that seem extremely generous seriously you think one in 10,000 is good I have a friend in a nature way and he always says but they are actually really good all we do is pay for the Clubhouse upkeep but when I pressured him he admitted that people get in trouble for inviting too many people to a party and he once got in trouble because his barbecue was too close to a tree my boss also thinks HOA is good but he doesn't live in one he just argues with me when I am bashing an HOA Defenders correct me if I'm wrong but tampering with the mailbox in any way is a federal crime should have also contact your local postal inspector it put a stop to my HOA from going through my mail real bloody quick that's also a good points I honestly didn't even think of it I believe it is tampering with mail including opening the box without authorization is a federal crime ever wonder why UPS and FedEx bring the box to your door they aren't federal employees therefore they really aren't legally allowed to leave it in the mailbox even if it's small enough hmm I'm not so sure that's the reason FedEx actually transports and handles USPS postage regularly you're right they do but USPS has a contract with FedEx to use their airplanes during the daytime to transport airmail most first-class stamped and small packages and Priority Mail is shipped via air that doesn't affect the policy of only USPS using a mailbox these HOAs run by crooks the management companies and law firms that back the mob I always loved the weed problem we supposedly had as well huh throw a throwback to that we decide story I used to use my phone as a dashcam previously and would just pull up videos from the previous day of the inspection I think what was going on is they were trying to get us with something they kept getting fought back with evidence perhaps they thought the dashcam only ran when the car was on and technically think where should I believe I had to adjust the settings for the battery voltage in the end for it to properly sleep when the car was off and I didn't do that so it kept rolling went off I got so lucky that day and the neighbor being there was the icing on the cake he apparently found a way to get our entire street off the HOA because technically while we were part of this development we weren't getting any benefits at all like for example we're supposed to have a sign with lights at the entrance and for the past 15 years it's been gone I don't think it went anywhere though blams ER says it is typical for the HOA to require approval for a new roof almost other permanent exterior changes to the home if your father owns a home in an HOA they should read over the paperwork to understand how that works the HOA property manager not a neighbor that doesn't like you but someone the HOA hired smashed your dad's truck with a rock then they were fired but not arrested Wow we know this she wasn't getting a new roof done they're hard to request the roof to be done when you won't even doing your own roof edits screenshot of discussion with this neighbor they never even showed up and swept it under the rug yeah my email to them was somewhat funny in the beginning and serious in the end well that might help break the ice with them hopefully they realize it's narrow I did however demand an apology for this violation being sent in writing they might not do it they never did when we tried we had to go to a meeting with proof and demand the apology in person and it got pretty nasty but that was someone else in charge of Sentri and it gets better I will be on site today and we'll take a look at your home I will be happy to close and delete the violation if there is no evidence on-site is an interesting choice of words all they got to do is look at the house and visually see that the roof was recently done or not but how could they have mistaken it for you actually doing it versus no living soul being on the roof working etc that's fairly comical got a laugh at that one yeah it's a big hmm moments right there and last comments by the pianist of doom my biggest question is why what do these people gain from doing that stuff my guess since this was the management company is that they collect a fee from the HOA per violation that they reports I wouldn't be surprised if the management company also has a bonus structure based on how many violations and inspector issues this is pure speculation but it wouldn't surprise me based on the behavior thanks for explaining thoroughly in that case RP should report them to the police as well as they're trying to steal from him with fraud sounds like it to me just kidding this one little last story at the end bye spaghetti [ __ ] as someone who works for an HOA management company I personally do my community's inspections and I hate every single second of it I literally don't get out of my car and I would never step foot on someone's lawn let alone touch their personal property it infuriated me that she would do that as far as inspections go I do the bare minimum I am NOT writing anyone up unless it's a bluntly obvious write-up and I usually look the other way at least two times before I write up anything dead grass / bare spots for example the board gets copies of all letters sent and I get paid to do the inspections so I have to at least write some people up their trash cans are an easy write up I favor those anyway I just found this subreddit and I'm obsessed I know this is long and no one will probably see it but I don't know I enjoyed reading this I love this story tell it loud and proud to hell with HOAs my HOA fee is brutally high while the HOA itself barely does anything I get my money's worth by sending the board members passive-aggressive letters monthly about things they've royally screwed up here are my favorites hi guys why is there an eleven sixty six convenience fee for processing HOA payments online this is indeed 2017 yes Fandango has been around for 17 years and then convenience fee is one dollar fifty it costs me an extra 100 39.92 cents per Kia to submit HOA payments electronically that is 21 Chipotle burritos 21 you clearly prefer me to mail you paper can you hear that sound it's the environment screaming this one's titled neighbor has decided to give to me his shitty useless furniture hi guys I live in unit number a 306 my neighbor has recently decided to move and put the unit up for sale the night he moved out he left an enormous shitty old Walmart TV stand with packing tape holding the corners together on the landing and he left a note on my door which reads scotch I have a TV stand yours if you want it the guy who wanted it on Craigslist did not show up not only do I have a very nice and trendy TV stand I paid a lot of money for but I have no use for this colossal piece of trash that has been involuntarily bequeathed to me I know the days of breaking kneecaps are past but is there a course of action which would result in this [ __ ] realizing that he conscious dumped his trash and other people with no consequence thanks and Happy Father's Day a sentiment I do not wish upon my father man neighbor in fact I hope his children forget what day it is or at the very least that he is sterile and holy unable to experience the joys of being a father in the first place please see attached my picture of my new front patio furniture best wishes Scott titled your website hi Ben in a perfect world I could simply log onto your website and pay my required dowry on this the first of the month alas your service seemed to be latent ly affected by the y2k bug 17 years postmortem attached is a screenshot of your web developers failures please let me know when this is rectified so I can continue to pay for my three our electricity shutoff notices while my fish are being slowly and agonizingly gassed while I am at work happy new year a few quick questions regarding home improvements hi Ben I've been undergoing a few small home improvement projects and I was curious if I'm allowed to access the crawl space above my units top floor in brayer I have access to the space via the cutout in my bedroom I assume this is a common area and such any improvements involving it would have to undergo a permit application I'd like to install can lights throughout the unit's just want to lay the groundwork so this is smooth what would I need to do to be able to do that also unrelated that TV stand I was bitching about a few weeks ago was still there would you happen to have the number of the previous change I could contact to ask him about it I understand you said the home sale is part of an estate sale and as such I don't really want to piss someone off in what I can assume is a trying time but their tenant is a dick and needs to come pick up his useless furniture thanks in advance speak soon hi Ben I do fear that the cordial manner and far more polite than usual tone of my previous email may have led you to believe that I'm not looking for a punctual response however I do want to assure you that it is certainly not the case the more I am forced to wait for a simple yes and here's the number response to my email the more I become disillusioned entirely with the idea of once again waiting for weeks for permission to modify the Condor I dumped my life savings into her and the more inclined I become to simply start tearing holes in the ceiling to put a fir mentioned can lights in place you remember the hardwood flooring permit requests that took four weeks to respond to I remember good times Scot no that's fine I'll copy my concerns here and you can feel free to pass this along to whomever you feel is necessary over the past few weeks someone has been taping printing eight and a half by 11 inch Flyers to the landings of all the buildings invariably and passive-aggressively addressing trivial matters to the vindictiveness that only being an out-of-work hairdresser with no other pressing concerns and freshly elected to the HOA board will provide therefore I imagined the list of potential culprits by proxy is rather short admittedly I found to be a tremendous waste of time in trees when the board elected to send every member of the HOA a packet of papers detailing that there were exactly two vacant spots on the board with exactly two candidates running for its however I do respect the beauty of the democratic process and but grudgingly accept the fact that a vote is required to complete this process however stupid it may seem however subsequently having a passive-aggressive note taped to the banister of the stairwell landing saying something to the effect of we cannot proceed with electing dick and Darryl to the board until a simple majority of the HOA has cast a vote so submit your ballots now really spilled some sand in my Cheerios not only does this undermine the core values of a democratic system by neglecting to consider that maybe I wasn't happy with dick nor Darryl to begin with as well as neglecting potential protest votes by virtue of absent ation it was also ugly I took the liberty of removing the notes as soon as it was posted thereafter on July 4th a note was put up that reminded all residents of the ostensibly groundbreaking news that fireworks were in fact not allowed to be shut off in a communal rip private residence the efficacy of this note was also immediately demonstrated by the considerable firework litter across the parking lot to the next morning and I'm really glad to see that this was so effective to preventing morons from launching off fireworks finally the following note was posted this morning and I am copying this verbatim please break down boxes and put all garbage and recycling in containers the recycling company will not pick up anything unless it is inside one of the blue recycling bins fines will be enforced if someone caught dumping items next to or behind the containers please help keep this property clean Thank You Briere management's disregarding the capitalisation graveyard and the palpable irony behind please help keep this property clean paired with the active plastering a bunch of crap on every single stairwell notwithstanding I do want to remark that the last time I saw a note of this caliber posted in any sort of public forum was my freshman year of college when I lived in a building where stealing ramen and sandals was common that time in my life was memorable but now I'm an adult with things like a mortgage and eczema and my friends now get excited over things like which mattress they've decided to purchase by extension I no longer think these passive-aggressive notes are effective forms of communication between productive adults the stairwell is not a bulletin board I have a very nice mailbox made of brass that I check semi frequently the board members are welcome to drop notes in as you please I also have a nice functioning email address as you can see I have contacted your office a few times to try and get a hold of the board members responsible for these notes however you do not release this information to residents which is wholly understandable however until I am able to hold a two-way conversation with this person to ascertain their intentions I will continue to remove every single note that gets posted up and throw it immediately into the garbage it makes a very handsome community look like trash is this an overreaction probably I wake up at 4:45 a.m. to start work by 7:00 a.m. and I get home at 10:00 p.m. most nights so I'm usually not in the mood to deal with this tripe when I finally get home thank you in advance for forwarding this to whomever is responsible and feel free to direct any further response on this directly to me if you'd like I'm happy to open a dialog I'm in unit a 3 or 6 my cell number is listed below best Scott's quick question I was not at the most recent HOA meeting may I inquire as to why the monthly HOA payments has increased from 248 to 295 hi guys forwarding just in case you didn't see this um Ben Cassandra I sent my original inquiry I sent my original inquiry as to the reason for the HOA dues increase on December 26th it has now been 22 days with no response I have tried taking the high road on this one seeing as there is probably a legitimate publicly voted upon and utterly reasonable answer and really I just want to be informed as to why it's going up admittedly I do take some small modicum of pleasure in writing extended emails to you as who no doubt aware but it does disappoint me to know that the only way I can adequately capture your attention enough to merit a response is to write some long-winded vaguely [ __ ] - email in the hopes that I'll raise your blood pressure enough to goad you into hitting the reply button it is tiresome for me and annoying for you but here we are so buckle up in fairness to you and in an attempt to not deliberately waste your time I did attempt to find the record of the HOA notes on the community websites however there are starting ly few buttons on the site over 80% of which include literally every single services and amenities button to vault to a page that reads arrow 503 the service is unavailable which I find to be both ironic and oddly fitting and one promising bit on the frequently asked questions page which reads records and reports of the Association are available to the members based on lore establish under your stage for specific information on what is available to you as a member please contact the management company as that was a dead end again here we are there are many reasons I can think of as to why the HOA payment has increased the first that comes to mind is the expectation that the landscaping budget was appropriately underfunded last year as was proved to me and to the neighbors when the gardening company would arrive every other week to terrorize the neighborhood with gas-powered plants trimming tools at shockingly early hours of the morning as my desk is in the upper and furthermost corner of the units I had a front-row seats to watch the gentlemen running the lawn mower take it upon himself to mow the dry dirt between the a block I used the term mow loosely it is more accurate to say that he shot pine cones at high velocity at the wood siding of the building while running the mower over a patch of plant life that I hesitate to refer to as anything besides kindling EE compounding this were the results of the yearly tree trim after which the clippings and trimmed branches remained on the ground for 10 days before a crew came and removed them the second reason that came to my mind while I was brainstorming ideas as to why the H away payment has increased was for security increases but that can't be true since my car was broken into for the second time in as many months and smelled like hobo stank when I came to drive to work in the morning I am happy to report that I no longer keep anything of value in my car a lesson I learned the hard way back in August when the lack of any appreciable security presence in the complex caused me to lose a pair of nice sunglasses and a five guys gift card with around 40 bucks on its Teel credits there was once a security guard driving around in an SUV for a few nights who accused me of walking around weirdly and then chastised me for not reporting the break-in immediately as if highway 99 adjacent condo complex wasn't reason enough to bolster security in and of itself I appreciated his condescension there I mentioned in a previous email that I calculates nearly everything in my life in terms of how many times I can go to Chipotle with the money saved or how many times I am being restricted from visiting Chipotle with the money lost in this particular case the difference is five hundred and sixty four dollars and that is an astounding amount of Chipotle when I was an undergrad I bought an entire Orchestra Chipotle for one of my thesis rehearsals and it didn't even cost me that much and that included chips and salsa and guacamole do you understand the gravity of that for the amount the HOA payment has gone up over the year I could cater Chipotle for a group of no less than 70 people all of this to say that again I am intractable forbearance of this situation provided there's a reason attached to it as I stated in the original email December 26th and the forwarded follow-up nearly two weeks later on January 11th I just want to know why the HOA payment has increased by nearly 20 percent I was not present at the yearly HOA meeting and I refused to ask my neighbor on next door as I am not willing to involve myself in Mabley crises such as there was a strange Camry parked on the street for more than four hours today should I call the police in conclusion I would accept even the simplest most dismissive responses such as the HOA payment has increased by 18.5 percent due to insert reason here a single sentence would placate me I hope it's not asking too much thank you for your undoubtedly precious time Scott I won't lie I really enjoyed reading that there are some back stories I will be happy to elaborate if you'd like Cheers background the original thread was deleted because the original screenshots contained by email address though I appealed this it was submitted to the reddit moderators who hilariously banned me for seven days for posting personal information the information in question being my email address in screenshots which I took of my own email which could never be traced back to my reddit username which is actually a clever alias I have concocted by using a random name generator and name which does not actually exist in real life the absolute irony of this turn of events taking place from a post I made on a subreddit dedicated to making fun of and ranting about the ridiculous rules that HOAs try to enact is not lost on me anyway enjoy moderator reckons hey it wasn't us who banned you I tried to ask the admins who completely misunderstood what I was trying to do and basically covered up what they did as a response sorry interesting faces in reply to that I'm interested in hearing some of any of their replies to your lovely emails unfortunately their replies a role very g-rated as I think they're very much aware of how little of a leg they have to stand on most of the replies are fairly standard but I take joy in passing through whatever little digs they can reasonably get in their responses Scots as per our previous email and then just replying with some 8 paragraph novel detailing exactly how screwed up they've made life for all the residents of the Condors I did once get into a fantastic argument regarding a surface laptop I bought on Amazon a while ago and I managed to pee off the sales rep something fierce I will see if I can dig that one up if there's any interest not to be a tease I'm gonna cover that one again next episode it is another saga it is hilarious how high is your HOA when I moved in it was 250 a month it then increased to 295 a month after the first year and has now increased subsequently to 352 a month an increase of nearly 20 percent per year which perfectly tracks with the concordant increase of fudging nothing except for the ineptitude of the board sounds like embezzlements contact a lawyer lawyers are good at mailing paper this is the actual sorry about that the devil just came out of me this is the actual story for why it's that insane which I typed out in the previous thread the HOA fee increased by 20 percent per year over the last three years because when the HOA originally hired someone in the early 2000s to do repairs for all the unit balconies the company took the money repaired six balconies and then promptly ghosted subsequently these balconies were found during an inspection of the property to be wholly unsafe to even stand on apparently despite the fact that they've been bearing weight since 1979 with no issues whatsoever I am NOT a contractor and as such can't comment on the structural soundness of the balconies but I don't doubt the efficacy of an inspector with a friend in construction looking for a quick job so the HOA paid $40,000 for a contracting company to come in and tell the community how much repairs to all the balconies would subsequently cost the total of these repairs for the entire community came out to just over two million dollars keep in mind we haven't actually moved forward with these repairs yet the 40k was literally just the cost of the inspection and quote when this was brought up at the yearly HOA meeting which is the only meeting I attend they informed every residence that not only had they not gotten any of this in writing but they hadn't actually gotten any information or breakdown whatsoever for what the entire quote would entail except for what essentially amounts to a contractor handing them a fudging post-it note saying it'll cost two million dollars to account for this cost over the course of two years which was the deadline for the repairs they started aggressively raising the HOA dues people went fudging balistic in the HOA meeting I had spent the prior almost 15 hours standing in the hospital where I do rotations so I was already in a horrible mood so I went 20 15 minutes in person rent still standing in my dirty scrubs about the sheer scale of irresponsibility of handing a fudging contracting company $40,000 to tell you it would cost you another two million dollars to do repairs we also found out that as an inspection like this is reportable to the real estate board several people who had their units listed for sale had their buyers informed of the potential $2,000,000 special assessment coming within the one to two years and the buyers backed out then we found out via word of mouth from one of the board members that this assessment also included preemptively replacing the roof while they were audits when the roof was already replaced three years ago so the contractor was padding the bill and hoping the community would blindly accept and just toss them a huge payday before they'd probably goes to the community - oh and we have a tanning bed that cost $25,000 I am currently drafting up a multi paragraph sarcastic email detailing just how shockingly important it is to keep that maintained in fudging Seattle Washington and insisting that we never ever sell that to try and recoup some of the money we lost by launching $40,000 via trebuchet at the first contracting company to insist that they'd never ever take advantage of a condo complex run by clueless freak wits I knew this was Bria Linwood but there's no fudging way you live here - no I live in an equally tepid apartment complex on the east side to be fair but I work in the multifamily housing industry and in particular I sell my services to HOAs more specifically I sell water heaters so oldish complexes are my best candidates kind of like the guys who sold your board the seismic retrofits I have solicited your community before and had every bit as much luck reaching your board as you appear to your what's the water heater company name it's not fast water heaters is it's the water heater experts so I guess tank from that what you will I'm going through a similar thing with my co-op board I moved in a year ago and since then there have been non-stop major emergencies units flooding the entire heating system going out in December in all three buildings the roof failing and code violations of plenty our management company fired us for some mysterious undisclosed reasons and half the board resigned after we moved in it turns out that for the last 40 years we'd been getting nothing in writing from the contractors HOA dues had barely budged I'm talking about five dollars per year increases major plumbing slush heating issues had literally been repaired with glue and paper towels and we had just been siphoning money from our emergency reserve to pay for outrageously expensive emergency fixes I'd say the property is 80 percent retirees who inherited their units from their parents it's a weird place so the budget solution now is to just raise the Jews in increasing percentages every year because they're planning on dying here and screw everybody who has a mortgage and might want to actually sell in 15 years all the young people want to do special assessments and to get it over with but since we all have jobs and can't devote a million hours a week to endless board meetings we have zero power boom is strike again I guess your co-op is almost a micro version of the United States being led by the Berman's reading back over my comments holy crap it's almost a perfect representation down to the Boomers inheriting it from their parents back when everything was spiffy and financially solvent now I'm extra riled up for the board meeting tonight roast them good they deserve it for running this HOA like they're 13 and mad at dad for making them take out the trash someone else says to that huge story I'm Estrada Canadian HOA presidents we just had a moving truck hit one of our balconies total repair cost was 2 K which was basically a gut and redo our condo fees are 350 to 390 a month we run a 10% surplus on a $100,000 budget that goes into reserve critically I give out my email does giving out your email help with transparency sorry I missed the meaning behind why that helps people can actually contact me with issues and I'll help them I'm not here to be a bad guy I'm here to protect everyone's investments that is the beginning and end of the job I literally don't give a flying freak about anything else I rarely terkoz issue noise violations anything of that sort because I usually just go and talk with them and take care of it my god a sensible HOA member never thought I'd see the day and in response to the Opie yeah I get it asks I don't know crap about owning a home what would happen if he just chose to not pay the fees bad things you are unfortunately legally obligated to pay your HOA dues it's part of an extensive contract you sign when purchasing does the other member of the HOA are ok with it maybe you could dissolve this eDoc with enough members I've heard that there was some HOAs with by laws that forbid dissolving the HOA without another HOA absorbing the neighborhood so that would be a disaster the key is to probably get a Bourdon change the bylaw about dissolving the board then dissolve the board it is also possible that clause is unenforceable so here's someone arguing with Opie 350 for a monthly is reasonable for most any building I see far higher where I live and it's way less expensive here it would be shockingly reasonable if the HOA responded diligently to concerns and otherwise did their basic duties however I dislike wadding up my money and throwing it down a hole and getting nothing but fight noises in return and the last comments before I wrap this up for part 2 to be released tomorrow Jesus what does your HOA even cover at that price mostly gardening but not really because it's Seattle and landscaping upkeep is only realistically a thing for like five to six months out of the year the gardener's did continue to show up one winter and murthy non growing grass in November and December if I recall correctly which essentially amounted to running a gas mower over a dirt patch and then collecting a paycheck until I wrote an email about it's something to the effect of if I wanted to listen to the din the garden is made every Saturday at 5:30 a.m. when I get the only reasonable amount of sleep I'm able to achieve in the work week I would have walked outside and throwing pinecones in my own fudging window or something to that effect you should cite a local ordinance for reasonable noise levels at that points I used to get woken up every Wednesday after working overnights and just falling asleep because the management company that ran my apartment complex was run by someone who was clearly not an early adopter of this newfangled phone thing I was also not able to speak to her in person even though she almost lost me the house that I was buying because responding to phone calls and emails in any span of time shorter than weeks is too hard her name was Susan and my contempt for her is unmatched in intensity I'm interested in hearing some of any of their replies to your lovely emails unfortunately their replies are all very g-rated as I think they're very much aware of how little of a leg they have to stand on most of the replies a fairly standard but I take joy in passing through whatever little digs they can reasonably get in their responses scotch as per our previous email and then just replying with some a paragraph novel deed exactly how screwed up they've made life for all the residents in the condos I did once get into a fantastic argument regarding a surfaced laptop I bought on Amazon a while ago and I managed to pee off the sales rep something fierce I will see if I can dig that one up if there's any interest edits unfortunately I was not able to find the entire laptop saga I could only find snippets of it's essentially what happens I ordered a surface off of Amazon it cost nine hundred and twenty one dollars and 42 cents then as soon as I ordered the laptop it dropped in price from the price I paid to eight hundred and seventy nine ninety nine from the same distributor and I thought that was some shady bullcrap so I emailed them and basically said please respond me the difference of your Ponzi scheme and their response was the only way we'll sell it to you at a lower price is if you return the laptop then purchase it again at the lower price then we'll ship you out a new one so these were my responses to that hi Daniel the laptop arrived today are we actually truthfully going to go through with this am I going to repackage up a perfectly functional and working computer for a refund print out a shipping label packaged it up send it back to you and then repurchase the exact same computer for forty one dollars and forty three cents cheaper you're going to get it back in your warehouse take it out of the shipping box put it back on a shelf only to go to your office and see a list of newer orders take it directly back off the shelf and put it back in the same box and send it back to the same address to the same person who bought it the first time I mean by really going to do that I'm not a huge hippie but I do care about the environment a little more than I used to after living in Seattle for three years and this just seems like a supreme waste of resources for everyone involved including the UPS driver whom I imagine will be driving a large freight truck completely devoid of parcels save for a single laptop box being comically and unnecessarily held down by ratchet straps he probably hasn't seen his family in days and now has to drive from Seattle to Texas or wherever you guys are based because I refuse to simply bend over and accept the fact that you're going to try and capitalize on 40 $1.43 by assuming that I'll cave in and just live with the purchase instead of going through a long drawn-out process to save money I am more stubborn than you and I analyze every purchase I make in terms of how many times I can go to Chipotle with the money unsaved encase that number is 5 and that is more than enough for me to tell you to take your overpriced laptop back I'm being more vindictive than usual about this because school starts in five days for me at this rate I'm not going to have the computer buy the first day of classes and while that's not the biggest issue in the world it isn't inconvenience being brought upon me for no other reason than poor customer service from a company that refuses to credit me back the difference in price on a product they themselves lowered the price on two hours after I bought it I swear to you damn Daniel I will have fix your return shipping label to the box they normally deliver motorcycles in and fill it to the brim with packing peanuts to ship a 2 pound laptop back to you they'll need a forklift to get the box off the truck let me know if I should drop by the average Powersports shipping and receiving departments hello this is damn Daniel thank you very much for following up with me and we appreciate the purchase I may not be able to refund the amount requested which is 41 dollars and 43 cents however I'll definitely let you know shortly with how much I'm able to discount I'll be contacting you within the next few hours or so I'm on pins and needles Daniel four minutes Jesus thank you for following up I am able to apply a twenty dollar discount please let me know if that's acceptable looking forward to hearing back from you hi Darryl that sounds great but where is the remaining twenty one dollars and 43 cents going to come from Dennis thank you for your offer I am afraid I must reject it as there appears to be far more pressing issues with the laptop I've purchased I am attaching for your reference one or two or eleven photos of the state of the laptop which I can only described as being a pipette to all state of blue-screen horror and which spirals into a blue screen if you even so much as sneeze in the same room I was very confused by this a blue screen of death the very first time I opened the clamshell which is extremely odd for a brand new factory stock products I figured it must have order updated while in the packaging or something to that effect and the update was causing kernel issues so as soon as I got it out of the bsod boot loop which is about four cycles I updated windows and restarted only to find myself in the same boot loop around the second or third day of using it I figured I'd start taking a photo every time it crashed to see if the errors was similar they once this struck me as odd because that would mean it's likely a harddrive issue instead of a software one and this is after all a brand new laptop right Darryl I mean Denise I mean DeLorean see you this is where it gets interesting for me when I put the computer out of the box I noticed that the little anti-tamper adhesive seal was broken and the adhesive backing has what appears to be cat hair all over its look I do not own a cat the little chrome windows logo on the back of the laptop has fingerprints on it's under the plastic wrap the pen nib on the stylus is slightly worn down overall it's still in great condition apart from the small caveats where due to the aforementioned issue of constant crashing it literally cannot even remotely function as a laptop on day 5 the laptop is now failing to hold a charge beyond about 30 percent I don't know what state of refurbished you might consider this laptop Darren but but under no circumstances is it a new product sir I called Microsoft's tech support line and explained to them the situation and gave them the serial number which they told me had been registered before I told them that I purchased this device brand new on Amazon from a questionable company who insists on haggling me over $21.00 after jacking up the price on a laptop and then subsequently lowering it to after I had bought it's because that makes sense after a few hours of problem-solving and testing the representative on the phone decided that the best course of action on the Microsoft's parts would be to simply replace the defective product with a new one and bring the bad one in for diagnostic testing and eventual recycling so congratulations digital and more Microsoft is bending over on your behalf and eating the cost of a laptop because you think that repackaging relatively clean laptops with unknown drop histories is an acceptable business practice so all of this to say no I do not find the $20 discount acceptable the original price that I purchased the laptop was for nine hundred and twenty one dollars and forty three cents and the price you lowered the laptop subsequently too was eight hundred and seventy nine ninety nine a difference of forty 1.43 cents unfortunately by the time I had started having the conversation with you about the price difference the only screenshot I was able to grab of your retailer selling laptop at a cheaper price was at eight hundred and eighty seven dollars which makes the difference thirty four dollars and forty two cents it is entirely up to you which of those numbers you'd like to apply as a discount although I imagine I know which one you'll be choosing based upon our previous interactions truthfully I do feel like the money is a bit of a compromise what I'm really after would be a nice seared ahi steak or tilapia braised in wine sauce because usually when someone screws me their side they at least have the decency to take me out to a nice dinner afterward I suppose the 34 dollars and 42 cents will have to suffice there is a great seafood place around here called Anthony's and I think $34 is at least enough to utilize the wine pairing menu so there's that your new furbished laptop is on its way to Microsoft in a few days I strongly suggest you check your stock for other units that might be opened already and remark them as refurbished unless you want similar customer experiences such as this one I would make some sort of thinly veiled threat about how the price match refund is the only thing keeping me from writing a scathing one-star review on Amazon of this transaction but honestly I really do feel that these long-winded emails get my point across far better than by being unnecessarily [ __ ] on social media and public review repositories people are more likely to rate a transaction one-star and reflect poorly on the seller because hurricane armor got in the way of the UPS truck for a day then they are because of some actual issue with something that was the sellers fault in the first place so I feel they're not an accurate reflection of how a seller does business refusing a $40 credit for a price change and then shipping out a broken product however is good job please don't forget to examine the attached images they are very important to the narrative best Scott's and it's just six pictures of the blue screen of death gotta say I love that for you Scott's that is terrible HP writer one says I thoroughly enjoyed that the price of a Chipotle is a standard measurement for year I mean it really is second nature at this point a Beretta used to cost 671 before the prices increased a few months back I don't like change and then one of those weird people who would eat the same thing for like 90 days straight and be totally happy with it I'm also a reasonably financially responsible person with a savings accounts and good purchasing choices but the one thing I do allow myself to spend money on is purchasing a meal for lunch every day I don't really like packing my lunch and it's just one of those vices most people try to ask you but I allow it as an expense because I enjoy it so when that choice is compromised I tend to get angsty about it I also feel that Chipotle is universally relatable and almost anyone can understand the pain on losing out on cheap pseudo healthy fast food so I use it often as a relationship building tool with people that I email 4th and pike Chipotle because somehow that's my favorite Seattle Chipotle even with the fact that it's basically on the corner of 3rd I used to go to that one don't anymore though does that guy with the Jesus Saves sign and sermons still camp there or has he moved on he's always gone until summer gets closed I figure he'll show back up in May oh you guys know that guy now that server we're back onto the topic of HOA peach Apache says my HOA is 350 dollars per month I wish I had your courage Senor at the very least make them extract the money with pliers don't just hand it over my fee is exactly the same you were literally entitled to crap like this you are giving them over 4 grand a year make your concerns voiced what in the hell that's a freaking car payment every month but you can never escape unless you decide to leave your home when looking for condos around where I live I think the cheapest fee I found was 2 to 250 dollars condos are expensive to manage and unless an owner is involved on the board they have absolutely no care or concern for why fees raise every year and why that is practically inevitable they just [ __ ] and act like they're being taken advantage of the best owners a know what they bought in to be maintained at a minimum or enhance what they bought into and see do their diligence to understand what's going on or no they aren't doing their part and keep their mouths shut captain Tripp says dear fudging god that is expensive my HOA fees are 115 dollars a month and that includes grass mowing snow plowing not just the roads driveways to hedge and tree clipping and street repairs screw your HOA screw them to death Jesus fudging run for the board just so you can tell them how incompetent they are in an official capacity RP says it snowed quite badly in Seattle in early February and the hill I live on is a convergence zone that averages around 30% or more of snow or rainfall than the surrounding area less than a mile away so while the general metropolitan area got anywhere from 12 to 18 inches we were sitting around two and a half feet when all was said and done and then it stayed cold for the next two weeks so this narrow stuck it was seriously a crap sure I can't share that video there's lots of swearing in it but it's hilarious it's basically like six to eight cars all stuck on the hill because they move and two people pushing a car up the hill the HOA didn't bother plowing until the very first day of warm weather and then what they actually did to plow and I find this truly utterly hilarious was instead of actually paying for a real snow plow to drive through the complex two people must have sat on the hood of the sedan holding snow shovels down while they drove forward or something to that effect because we had two parallel tracks running the length of the complex like an auto Pia style central median between them so you could traverse the complex and have a good look at your parking spots but you couldn't get out of the central medium to actually park you're fudging car I Drive a WRX with snow tires which is notoriously awesome in the snow but it was totally hopeless to actually try to park my boyfriend drives a 4runner and he literally had to use the crawl control function just to get out of the median and park in his spots and Zach 87 asks why not run for the board I would rather push ball bearings up my PB one by one then put one foot in that dumpster file I didn't spot anyone suggesting you actually attend meetings I do make it a point to attend the yearly budget meeting I'm unfortunately working in the hospital almost always during the monthly smaller meetings they have which is most likely intentional my HOA while dysfunctional not to the extent of yours typically has the monthly meetings at 11:00 a.m. or 1:30 p.m. on weekdays you know when 90% of said home owners are at work it allows the retirees and stay-at-home moms to rule the HOA roost keep the faith and hilarious letters Sika 3 says genuinely amused that you prefer elaborately floridly complaining and writing ineffectual emails rather than running for the board on a promise to fix things you complain about if these people are so terrible surely it will be easy as pie to vote them out I guess the emails are funny but it's all rather self-indulgence I want you to understand that your suggestion amid copious other suggestions in this thread to simply run for the board and fix all the things you complain about is utterly asinine and baguettes the entire premise of why HOAs have issues in the first place an HOA board commitment is not some one hour per night pow well you have with people to rectify some issues it's often as time-consuming as a full-time job among people who generally reside in communities with an HOA which is largely working-class there is seldom extra time for the people who would genuinely affect change to actually commit to working on one the people on my HOA board are all retirees by no small coincidence because they're the ones you have the time to commit and because they're the ones with the greatest current interest in keeping the status quo for the last two years we have had the same board presidents because she has run unopposed nobody enjoys her or her antics but nobody has the time to run against her literally nobody out of an ad unit complex you seem to think I sit on my ass all day doing literally nothing but writing emails expecting the world to change but neglect the fact that the earliest email in this chain was from 2017 a time differential of almost two years to write a few paragraphs about some basic crap I don't subscribe to your false equivalency that not running for the board is analogous to not caring enough to do something about it Sika three claps back this is a lot of words you have time to type run for the fudging board or encourage someone else to if you are so busy not to be too melodramatic but a huge problem in our country right now is people's enthusiasm for complaining and posting on the internet about how creatively they are complaining and then not doing a goddamn thing to fix the problem participate in the solution what an asinine suggestion Jesus I enjoyed the part where you directly respond to literally not one single arguments I made having four minutes to type out a response doesn't really equivocate to you point you suggested but I hope you personally have the time to commit in regards to the original post last episode missus woody 96 says I'm pretty sure they have to provide a report of what the Jews cover what they actually pay for those services and what is held in savings for big things like roof replacements the building etc when they ask for an increase in Jews they are required to state the reason for the increase such as cost for landscape maintenance increased or roof will need to be replaced within two years and we do not have enough set aside etc they are accountable for how they are spending your money insist on seeing the breakdowns pretty sure if they won't give a reason for the increase getting a breakdown will be even harder without paying for a lawyer to pry it out of their cold stupid hands find out exactly what the law is regarding disclosure and send them a copy of those laws if they will not provide that information not disclosed in the budget is a huge red flag and needs to be looked into second last comment thread by sweet ET 1180 I help manage HOAs and I send letters like these to the board but yours are hilarious I love the amount of Chipotle you could buy I just get ones like my toilet isn't working so I refuse to pay my dues normally in the governing documents it will see the board is required to maintain and repair on a normal basis or they can get in trouble I'd look there there is nothing worse than a crappy board you can vote to have them removed or you can step up and volunteer even with that time to spend on it that sounds likely to be an improvement all rounds how much time does it take to vote against I see some awful HOA abuses on this sub I also see victims not using a relatively democratic system to stand up for themselves go to the meetings ask firmly WTF mate tell the secretary you once the answers recorded depends on your documents and state laws normally you can get majority vote or signatures from owners to have them removed it can be hard getting on a board if they like things the way they are I've seen some really nasty crap pulled with the voting process or shady boards in general one I used to manage would turn their backs on the owners and each meetings to discuss things they bullied people to resign and then put two of their friends on then they screamed at parents of children that lived there and used the pool just really look at your documents if you want PSA's board info is in the bylaws and rules and state laws are in your cc and ours and last one by deleted you really think three hundred dollars a month is brutally high IRA Pyrrha pliers I can tell from the way you phrased your question that you don't think that's very high and perhaps relative to other HOA fees that isn't too bad but I think what you might have missed from my copious comments throughout this entire thread is that I don't find throwing three hundred and fifty dollars for screw all in return to be as other people might say a good deal if I paid that and saw substantial return on investments I would be happy to pay that and more but I don't I'm also in Lynwood which is fairly far north of Seattle proper and paying twenty five dollars above the average for ballad which is a much more expensive neighborhood so actually yes it is relatively high and they reply well have you seen your expense reports I can tell you that our HOA is high five hundred bucks but the spending breakdown shows where the money is going approximately one hundred two utilities 110 two insurance ninety two reserve fund one hundred two services and maintenance and a hundred to repair and yeah that's why I'm gonna leave today's episode guys sorry that it was all comments but I thought they're all relevant and really interesting this is a screw HOA complain about the HOA subreddit sir I thought it was appropriate to give this one the Jews it deserved that's all I have to say if you've got your own stories I'd love to hear them down in the comments I'm gonna Chuck you guys to answer a marquee now alright guys that's all for today's episode I hope you enjoyed it if you did be sure to tell me what you thought about it down in the comments down below if you're new to the channel also don't forget to subscribe it would really help out with my channel growth and also I'll huge shout out to my channel patrons and members I just love you guys and thank you for supporting me on this journey if you guys are new to the channel and you'd like to support me links it down below for the patreon or you can click the join button next to subscribe if you'd like to become a channel member alright guys that's all for today's episode I hope you enjoyed it I hope you have a good day night sleep whatever you're up to and I'll see you in the next episode by
Channel: Markee
Views: 38,260
Rating: 4.8971806 out of 5
Keywords: r/justnohoa, r/fuckhoa, r/hoa, r/legaladvice, r/aita, hoa, Home owners association, reddit, Markee r/justnohoa, Markee Reddit, Markee HOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 44sec (6164 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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