r/EntitledParents - Entitled IKEA Karen Can't Take It!

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g'day there guys it's a Manman monkey back at it again with another episode of our slash entitled parents now if you loved today's video I want you to sit back relax shuck a prod on the barbie and enjoy the content posted by user blue lights bookworm titled entitled mother doesn't like where I parked my ambulance whilst we were saving a life so crashed her own car hello I thought I would tell another tale from the weird and wonderful world of a UK ambulance service sorry guys this is a long one I work for an emergency ambulance service and have done for many years this happened about four years ago my crew mate and I was sent to call down to our local computer / sat-nav at about 2:00 p.m. one very warm and sunny shifts we were given just an address at first and that it was the highest category of calls which means we had eight minutes to get there but no details on what the call was this isn't unusual they get an address first to save precious seconds sending us then downgrade the job to a lower category if needs be once the details have come through I'm driving whilst one of my favorite crew mates was in the passenger seats so on go the blue lights and sirens to get through the building traffic then our dispatcher calls us up on the radio female mid-50s CPR in progress well damn we race like hell to get to this poor lady every minute counts when doing CPR the longer it goes on the more risk of brain damage and less likelihood of getting the patient back luckily we weren't far off and got there very quickly the lady lived in a very nice house on a well off streets it was a typical Crescent streets Halfmoon shaped with both ends of the road connecting to the main road there was a long line of cars parked on one side of the street meaning that there was only enough room for one car to pass at a time thankfully there was no one driving the other way and I was able to drive to the lady's house without encountering anyone coming the other way score there was a rapid response car already on the scene that means we had another set of hands to help and they will have already taken all the equipment into the house so we didn't have to because of all the parked cars I was unable to pull the big box van in to allow other drivers to pass so I just blocked the road blue lights were still going but the sirens had been turned off no use deafening ourselves whilst we work we rush into the house and find our lady laid on the floor of her entrance hall with my manager making sure that her Airways was clear whilst a poor lady's daughter was continuing doing CPR I quickly swap with the daughter and continue doing chest compressions whilst the other two went about doing all the other little things that need doing at this time I will spare you all the medical details but I will say that during chest compressions a heart is not working and is stopped and we attempt to restart its whilst also pumping the blood around the body and to the brain enough that the patient doesn't get brain damage unfortunately CPR has a very low success rate as other medical conditions usually cause issues as well that day however everything was in our favor and we got a heart rhythm back this is not the movies she didn't suddenly wake up sit up thank us and go on her way we had sorted the immediate problem but not what caused the heart to stop you need some very specialist doctors for that it was at this point we all heard someone beeping like crazy on their car horn but we were all busy and ignored the noise as we had gotten a rhythm it was now a race to get the lady into the hospital to the doctors before it was lost again I raced back out to the ambulance to find some Karen in a car in front of my ambulance just sat there beeping her horn angrily as soon as she saw me she opened her window to shout at me you need to move that ambulance I need to pick up my kids from school don't you know how to park you can't just block the road ma'am this is a medical emergency I will not move and I am within my rights to park where I am but I need to pick my kids up you fudging expletive so move I would like to again point out that this was not a dead-end street she could have easily reversed or turned around in someone else's Drive and gone out the other side but no she decided to sit and shout at an ambulance instead I ignore her open the back of the ambulance and get the stretcher out and to the house all the while Karen is shouting and swearing at me Karen I deal with drunks and drug ease of the weekend we haven't even managed one-third of the bad language I get from them I'm not moving for you my manager had heard the shouting but was busy so didn't do much more than look up at me I'm not showing signs of worried so he just shrugs it off he has been working with me for long enough to know I can handle most things we quickly lift our patient onto the stretcher just outside a house but the movement means that her already weak heart stops again ding we start chest compressions again and as we do so we hear an almighty bang and the sound of metal scraping on stone far what is Karen done as I'm stood nearest the road in the front garden I am the only one who can now see what's happened I don't know how many people know this but outside some British homes between the pavement and the road there is sometimes a patch of grass called a verge most people don't want strangers parking their cars on this verge and tearing it up so go to all sorts of lengths to stop people from driving on it's around here it is quite common to have a large bits of concrete around the size and shape of half a yoga ball placed on the edges of the verge and painted whites so that they are clearly visible can you see where this is going yup instead of doing the same sensible thing of turning around or reversing and were dumb Karen has attempted to go around to the ambulance by driving onto the grass verge at full speed hitting one of these yoga balls and actually going up onto it beating her car on the concrete I could see her sat in the driver's seat shouting and hitting her steering wheel my manager doesn't even look up from the patient he is walking on and says what's going on ah nothing boss just some karma at work I take over the chest compressions as we quickly roll the stretcher to the ambulance I see the moment Karen sees us she was red-faced until she turned her head towards us to see three ambulance workers doing CPR on our lady I have never seen someone go so white so quickly she shrinks down into her chair tries to disappear as I just smirk at her at this points both my crewmates and manager have seen the beached car to be fair it was hard to miss and I heard a quiets what their hell from my manager we loaded the patient up and just before we set off we got a pulse again yay a very quick run to the hospital and some excellent work by the doctors meant that our lady was awarded a brilliant prognosis and was able to leave the hospital not long after sorry can't remember how long she was in for to know what happened to Karen maybe she's still there stuck for all eternity posted by user Keith the ghost titled entitled and thinks she gets my child question mark sir this happened when I was a teenager but I still think about it and when I found this sub reddits I just had to post it so when I was 17 I got pregnant and the father didn't want anything to do with it which was fine as we weren't even dating I intended on putting the baby up for adoption because I wasn't ready for a child and I'm sure there is lovely people out there that could love and care and provide for my baby however my aren't you already had six children five boys and one girl for some crazy reason automatically believed the child would be hers once I gave birth she was also a terrible mother so there's no way my child was going to her I asked my parents if they told her this or anything and they had no idea all they had told her is that I was pregnant and was going to give the baby up I found all this out when I went to hers for my cousin's birthday she made a comment about how she was going to have to make some room for the baby and I asked wait Wow are you pregnant again she laughed and then told me no when you give your baby silly at this point I literally thought she had lost her marbles I told her no I was giving my baby up for adoption she just laughed once again and said sure that's what I'm saying now I continued to clearly tell her no you were not having my child like this isn't some kind of can I borrow your Barbie doll this is literally a human she just continued telling me I'll change my mind once I meet my baby I gave up in the end because she would not accept the fact I wouldn't give her my baby when I went into labor my mum told my grandpa who told my irons and she turned up at the hospital waiting for me to give her my baby I was ticked and told her to leave she finally left and it was the weirdest experience of my life I'm close to my cousins and sir I have seen her since but I haven't really properly spoken to her since my baby girl was stillborn and it was devastating and I know my entitled aunt made some comments to my parents behind my back but to this day I refuse to find out what she said posted by user redline bit off titles your dog is dying give me it back story about two months ago my family got a black Labradoodle puppy she is now 19 weeks old she was born on Valentine's Day actually and doing very well this happened while I was taking her out on a walk through some local fields the car star me I'll let you decide who that is entitled mother the kid who looked around 10-ish shopkeeper or into cafe at the top of the hill so I'd taken our dog out on a walk in some fields near our house and there's a path that leads up to a cafe that overlooks the hills nearby my dog was drinking from a water ball outside and I was sitting on a bench browsing on my phone Anto entitled mother Stage Left entitled mother and Kay climbed over some steps and came towards the cafe now I need to point out that my puppy is very overly friendly and thinks everyone we meet is a member of the family and she loves to run up to people we meet to get strokes I felt her pulling on the lead so I got up and let her walk over to say hello Kay's like oh he's so cute can i stroke its she's a girl and yeah she loves meeting new people entitled mother had been looking at the dog with caution which I didn't think much of as obviously some people are scared of dogs my puppy didn't seem to be bothering her much anyway she says are you sure it's safe to be walking her in this whether it's been the hottest it's been all year in the UK this week yeah she's fine with warm weather she loves it but what if she gets heat stroke or gets ill I don't think you should be walking her in this weather as I said she's fine walking in this weather because our code is designed to keep her cool labradoodles can have either normal or double coated fur she is double coated no she's not we have a dog at home and you should never take them out while it's this hot without shaving their coats but Mum we don't even have a shut up kid Kay just shrugged it off and went back to playing with my dog look look how much she's panting she's not well give me the dog now she put her hands out so I could give her the lead what the hell no as I've already said the coat is designed like this so she doesn't overheat you can't have her bullcrap entitled mother then tried grabbing the lead out of my hands this was made even more hilarious by the fact that Kay and my puppy were pretty much oblivious to the soul and was still playing it was at this point that S came out as he'd heard the commotion and says what's going on here they thank God this boy stole our dog and is trying to kill it that's not true I was letting her drink and this lady is trying to take her away because she says I'm going to give her heatstroke it's very important to mention that we go in this route regularly and we've talked to s a lot before he looked at my dog and realized it was me oh hey RP miss I know this boy and if you don't leave him and his dog alone I will be calling the police but no buts now go entitled mother realized she'd been defeated and pulled on her son's arm to go as they walked off her son looked back at me pointed at his mom and did the crazy hand movement with his hands TL DR woman who doesn't turn a dog herself thinks she knows better than the owner tries to steal a dog because it's apparently dying and gets Instant Karma when she messes with the shopkeeper posted by user this squishy stapler titled a brief encounter with a care at the IKEA restaurants so today my husband took me shopping at IKEA for some random items we needed but were unable to get due to previous public gatherings restrictions we decided to make a day out of it and grab lunch at the IKEA restaurants while we were at it now for clarification due to covert 19:00 there's certain rules and procedures to be followed at IKEA meaning that now you stand in queue first to get your table number then move forward to order and go take your designated seats and one of the server wheels your food to you all fine and dandy we stand in line to get our table number though the queue is kind of long and we're considering scrapping the idea and just go eat somewhere else right next to the window is a giant menu with items offered in the IKEA restaurants the usual meatballs salmon salads and the like in front of us stands a Karin with a kid in a stroller which looked to be around four years old Karin stares at the menu and looks over at the restaurant employee handing out table numbers and says do you have any chicken nuggets silence the employee is staring at her we're staring at her God and evolution arguing in the background about whose fault this brain fart is given that they usually not served here at all and the giant picture menu was quite clear on that subject not to mention that McNuggets are a kind of a different restaurant chance gig no no we don't I'm sorry you don't what kind of a kid unfriendly restaurant is this my child doesn't want to eat anything on your menu while I'm sorry madam the menu you see to your left is all that is offered Karin Huff's grabs the table number and moves forward the employee glances over at us gives us a table number and goes oh pardon me madam is pregnant you don't wait please just step here to the side and follow my colleague he'll take you to the register so you can order Karin's head whips around so fast I thought it might fall off her face is a picture of shocked and unjust treatments she glares at my eight month pregnant belly then at the employee and screeches I have a child as well the employee now with another one on toe stares at her blankly and goes yes but sure I madam here is pregnant I can sense him struggling not to say while you pushed yours out a while ago didn't you as we leave with the other server I can still hear her in the background arguing that she has a child and should be given the same treatment as a pregnant woman while the IKEA employee is still patiently trying to explain to her that it's company policy that disabled people and pregnant women have the right to cut cure and unless she or her son is disabled or she herself as pregnant she can't cut in 20 minutes later we're done with our food and we stand out to leave I spot Karen's still in queue third in line from the register glaring at us I resist the urge to wave and just Pat my belly happily then model away with my husband's I have no doubts that IKEA is getting a bad review on Yelp or something due to not serving McNuggets and not letting her entitled self cut in line even though she played the child card fairly early on posted by user allied funk titled entitled mother tries to make my friend and I leave the seats that we paid for this took place in a mall movie theater a few years back here's the cast there's me the teenage wheelchair user AR is my friend also a teenage wheelchair user and U is my friends nurse and e/m is the entitled mother AR and myself went to a movie in to be bought tickets for two wheelchair seats the only two wheelchair seats that didn't have a regular seat between them the movie trailers had just started when entitled mothers stood in front of us and demanded that we moved to another seat so she could park her stroller we refused but she kept getting louder she said that her seat was right behind us and she wanted to keep an eye on the stroller the theater wasn't full so I suggested that she moved further down where there were open wheelchair spots this really set her off she told me that it's rude for a child to walk back to an adults I told her I was 17 but she didn't believe me she started yelling at us going on about how kids like us already get whatever we want out of pity how we don't know what it's like to spend all day walking around the mall with a little kid the movie was pg-13 by the way and how we shouldn't even be out by ourselves anyway at this point and you came over and told entitled mother to stop harassing us and you also pointed out that those spaces were reserved for wheelchairs not strollers this sent entitled mother on another tangent full of racial slurs and mocking n you for working for two white brats and you is a black woman and knew calmly left the theater and entitled mother kept yelling at us at one point entitled mother tried to physically move a Oz manual wheelchair the only reason AR didn't completely flip over is because a man a few rows back saw what was happening and grabbed the back of a ours chair as she was falling forward and you came back in with the manager of the theater and a security guard who had a brief confrontation with entitled mother before removing her from the theatre the manager ended up giving the two of us each a free popcorn and drink as an apology all that for a movie my dad had already spoiled for me hah that sucks posted by user arc night 40 titled my entitled mom thinks she can tell my sister what to do with her body hey guys I've heard a lot of you want to read more about me protecting my sister's rights from our mother so here we are first you may want a bit of context but you can skip it if you want my herma phobic racist and addicted to alcohol and cigarettes mom used to physically and verbally slash emotionally abused me as a child but since I'm in adults now she can't get to me as much as she used to but she continues to verbally and emotionally hurt my little sister her actions toward her family caused my father to divorce her and leave the house apparently my mom mistreated my dad the same way she did and still does to us I recently started a rebellion against her I aim to protect my sisters and I rights and freedom as human beings it happened an hour ago before we get started meet the cast me looks like it's me I be isn't sensitive Bertha I have to call my mum D s equals desperate sister D s and I was sitting on the couch minding our own business and having a conversation about the new haircut D s wants to have her new haircut is an important part of her gender identity because she wants to come out of the closet as gender nonconforming the same way I did I don't use they/them pronouns for D s because she told me she doesn't want to change her pronouns for now as the conversation goes by D s shows me a picture of the haircut she wants I tell her it will undoubtedly look amazing on her because it really will this is where IB chooses to interact with us what do you mean getting a haircut mum D s already talked to you about getting a new haircuts why do you seem so surprised to hear about it D s says look what I want to get next August and she shows her the picture excitedly a proud smile on her face i B's face becomes suddenly red and a look of disgust and anger appears in her eyes oh no not that absolutely not you won't be getting that you should have a longer hair guards but not that it's too short look at that I don't want that 4-year ds's smile vanishes now she looks sad so sad god I just couldn't stand it then she turned to me with that same face her deep blue eyes screams help me she's yelling at me now and I don't know what I did wrong today I saw myself in her eyes I was in the same position as her when I was a minor I be thought I was her property I couldn't have an opinion I couldn't be who I wanted to be because I be thought she earned my body I remember how depressed I was how desperate I was in the closet I had nobody to turn to but D s does because D s has me now a bucket of rage and injustice fell on me like it weighted the world's I forced the bucket into me to stay in me I kept calm and I reacted I'm going to use the power I have as an adults to counter IB zone abuse of power I say hey why are you judging a person's choice of haircuts it's not like it'll be your hair that's going to get chopped inner eye B is already feeling she hates it when someone disagrees with her well D s is a minor and I said she can't have that haircuts because it's too short for her it's not actually her real excuse she just doesn't want to have another child that doesn't conform to the gender I be chose for D s LGBTQ phobic you know I tell her I am an adult too and I say that it's not right to choose what D s has to do with her hair instead of herself it's her body not yours I'm still the adults and I do what I want for my daughter the conversation isn't really a conversation at that point IB is screaming while I'm talking des is watching incredulous I still can see the look of hurt from the last time she looked at me but I can tell she wants to try to stand up for herself I decided to include her in and do you think it's right if I take your words I can do what I want to my daughter does that mean you'll take advantage of her if you want to and I'm gonna stop you before you respond because I know your answer already it's no sir do you think it's okay to treat DES more like an object you won't than an actual teenager your child's IB tries to speak yell but I can't afford to let her cut me off with her bullcrap so I continue about that have you seen D asses face while she was showing her the picture she was so proud she wanted you to see it she wanted you to support her and yet you start lecturing des he basically tell her she can't think for herself have a different opinion than you and on top of that you tell des you own her des tell your mom what you think about this situation ds's voice isn't as strong as mine but she says I think it is unfair for me I think I met her enough as a human to control my body and to look the way I want to be I want to be treated like a future at all and learn to make decisions by myself and that was the last straw for IB she storms off yelling in the process I'm going for a smoke and a drink not gonna lie I feel so proud of myself for what I did I think it was the right thing to do and it was the first des was able to speak for herself I'm a proud sibling guys and so you should be happy there is amazing that you're standing up for her and I'm glad that you're so powerful and able to be there as a rock in your siblings life although I would recommend calling CPS and having that mother dealt with dear lord I don't I have no words for her entitled parent tries to enter my apartments to measure the bedroom so this happened three years ago I was renting a basement apartment that I loved my landlords were great aunt and uncle of my childhood friends and I lived there for three and a half years halfway through they told me they wanted to sell the place but probably not that soon since the husband was working on a commercial ship nine months at the time I just asked them to tell me when they decide to sell anyway thirteen to fourteen months pass and they decide to start the process they introduced me to the Realtors everything gets sorted outs up to this point everything is going graves Realtors give me 24 hour notice before they bring buyers I can stay home during the showings or go about my business I have no complaints about them or my landlords throughout the entire process then one day I just got back from work and didn't feel like going out again Realtors came with a family of five or six it was announced I just forgot so I decided to stay family consisted of mother father adult daughter and two or three kids can't remember father was a piece of work now thing is I live in a touristy town on the Mediterranean coast it was summer people try to pull all sorts of cons here entitled father says I know you said someone lived here but we hope to stay a couple of days to get the feel of the apartment um once this place isn't for rent herpy already lives here well I can't buy something just like that but okay obviously we can't stay the night sorry no you can't I live here he moves on measures things left and rights wondering out loud of the large wardrobe will fit into the bedroom how he wants to buy an apartment for his daughter because she wants to go to college here eventually they pack up and leave for the beach I saw them later Beach was two minutes away from the apartment the next day there was no scheduled showings so I decided to do one thing everyone does when they live right next to the beach take a nap after work but before my head even hit the pillow I hear someone coming down the stairs there were only two basement apartments and my neighbors went away for a week I get up and to go to the door to spy but before I even made it halfway there someone rattles the doorknob and then 10 seconds later start knocking I was really confused and freaked out I go to the other door and lo and behold it's entitled father from yesterday I do not open my door I say who is it it's me entitled father will be here yesterday what do you want I want to measure this space in the bedroom to see if my daughter's wardrobe all fits no you're not getting in but I can't buy the place if I don't know it's for my daughter then call the realtor they'll have all the measurements on file I'm not letting you in I'll buy this place and evict you good luck I have three months left on the lease you can't do crap about that my landlords told me that if the place sells before my lease is up contract will state that I can't be evicted before my lease is up plus I already had a place lined up entitled father starts cussing out and I hear him go away I called landlords and Realtors after that they were all mortified and worried someone like that just came to my place tried to let himself in and threatened to evict me entitled father did not buy the apartment after all because landlords refused to ever deal with him again Realtors told him it was sold to this day I believe their plan was to find a place to crash out for a few days for a free vacation under the pretext of buying the place for their daughter I still had to improvise webcams around the apartments to keep an eye on it while I was at work for the remainder of my stay there I spent the entire summer not feeling safe in my own home I can't believe the cheek of some people at least the Realtors had sense and weren't money-minded Realtors were amazing and very respectful of boundaries never bought people over the weekend never came unannounced to be honest they weren't worried about selling the place or their Commission apartment was being sold a little under mark value and it was sold like a week after I moved out they definitely didn't have to suck it up for the sake of sale not only that if they the realtor had been a little less sensible they could have very well found themselves without a realtor license I'm glad everything worked out I actually reached out to them a year ago when I was looking for a long-term rental and they did everything they could but renting is a nightmare in that town due to many short tourist rentals and inflated prices on whatever is left let me guess a revenge no sudah posted by user zombie pizza chef titled Nora Karen your brat cannot have our carrots so this just happened today we're trying to sell my current else and so we had a showing usually they lost only about an hour but our real estate called us and told us they wanted more time which we agreed to thinking they would want to buy it we come back about 45 minutes later and see our real estate agents their real estate agents and a family in the driveway the following conversation goes as followed dear Lord this formatting hurts my soul we've got mum our agents their agents entitled mum quiet dad and the brat or spawn of Satan other agents says I'm so sorry there's a slight problem what is how much for your cat's excuse me well we were looking at your house and my daughter loves cats and she saw them and fell in love so how much sorry they're not for sale and that brat daughter goes mommy I want them look I'll give you 500 for them both I'm sorry but they're not for sale I hope this doesn't change your opinion about the house I only want the cats well then I'm sorry I wasted your time we just walked towards the house at this point assuming they're done entitled mother says agent talk to them and work it out their agent says look they're very valuable customers to our business and we really need to make this sale will you please consider throwing the cats in as a bonus they're adjusted to the house and I'm sure the family would take great care of absolutely not there are fur babies Brandt runs past my mum and runs into my house we look at the entitled mother as Stunna shhhht laughing entitled mother says well she won't leave till she gets what she wants Wow you're a terrible parents excuse me you're the one who was teaching your kids to be selfish brats at this point we run in to find the brats covered in scratches and one very chunky very fluffed up cats mommy had hurt me whoo whoo crying sad face we're leaving you will be hearing from my lawyer for this yeah okay entitled mothers scoops up brats and leaves in a huff her husband mouths sorry to us and turns and leaves sorry the format is god-awful I'm just super annoyed that's okay RP thank you for the epic story posted by user Blau mes titles my mother thinks she deserves half of my child support bonus payment to spend it for her own pleasures sir I live in Germany where the government is planning to give everyone who is eligible of child support 300 additional euros over the course of three months due to the disadvantages of the corona crisis still going on I already have my earned flats and I study sir I am still able to receive payments for some reason they're my money always get sent to my mother's bank accounts and she sends it to me it is worked out so far but she usually sends me 10 euro less than what I'm supposed to receive I never care too much because I don't want to [ __ ] about 10 bucks sir I gave my mom a call and asked her if she saw the news and reminded her to send me the money which would be 100 additionally each month for three months altogether she suddenly said well I will take a hundred and fifty of them we both deserve it don't we I was shocked and asked her what she intends to spend it on I could finally go on some short trips and buy expensive food was her response just a short notes my mother has been jobless ever since I was born and refused to get a job till this day she often cries about how I have more than her and it's just unfair so she's literally told me it's perfectly fine to just take half of the money that is supposed to be for me edits since this blew up I want to clarify that I have my bank accounts so please keep that in mind before posting posted by user snuffle bug titled entitled mom thinks her kid is entitled to our pygmy goats my parents live any big rural home with a big open garden surrounded by forest there is a single one-way road along one side they also owned for baby pygmy goats my dad's pride and joy the goats live in a fenced off corner of the garden one side being against the road bear in mind the fence is roughly six foot high because of where they live they often get dog walkers and people walking past the garden and naturally they love to look at the pygmies usually this is no problem at all as they all respect the property and just look from a distance until this lady pygmies are loud when they're scared they scream to the high heavens so when we heard them bleeding we went to go check out if they were okay that's when we found a random child in the pen with them our cast are entitled mother entitle kids and my father so this entitled kid is running after the poor goats trying to grab them and pick them up and the mother who was on the other side of the fence just watches and dad says excuse me how and why is your child on our property he wanted to pet the goats so I lifted him over the fence and title kid is now trying to climb back over the fence which isn't working because it's pretty flimsy dad says I need you to leave right now you're trespassing and stressing my pets out he's not doing anything he's just playing there's no sign saying we can't go in it's obvious this is private property leave now and never come back some people are so selfish my kid just wanted to pet them why are you being so rude to us dad then lifts the child back over the fence the entitled mother says don't ever touch my child how dare you don't touch my parents how dare you entitled mother storms off and now there's a sign on the fence saying this is not a petting zoo no trespassing disclaimer no goats were harmed during the making of this post smiley face posted by user Mad Hatter 555 titled entitled mother tries to strand me in Nicaragua this happened in 2007 but another post reminded me I went on a mission trip sponsored by my former employer to Nicaragua to give I exam and free glasses to people in need after two weeks I was exhausted and just wanted to get back to Colorado and take a hot shower and a nap there was about 30 of us on this trip together we board the plane and everyone gets seats except me my boarding pass says 14 e middle seats I'd prefer aisle or window to dance but I just want to get home get to my seats and there's an infant sitting there I'm tired but I'm still polite and say excuse me 14 E is my seats I flashed my boarding pass to the guy in the window seat and he shrugs at me in the kid and goes back to his book the entitled mother on the aisle 14d pulls out her tickets she says 14d this is my seat sit somewhere else I'm not trying to sit in 14d I'm trying to sit there pointed her kid and saying because that's what my boarding pass says and I show her the boarding pass again she says screw you I paid for this seat sit somewhere else that says 14d mine says 14 e did you pay for one seat or two do you have another boarding pass for your son flight attendant arrives and says you need to take your seat sir ma'am I can't sit down as a kid sitting in my seats this man is threatening me and needs to be removed from the plane what how did I threaten you sir we can't depart until you take your seats he should have to take the next flight for threatening me if I remember correctly there was one flight into Nicaragua and one flight out every 24 hours to and from the US I pause and to look between the flight attendants and the entitled mother and I say to the flight attendants I'm having trouble locating my seeds can you help me and I hand the flight attendant my boarding pass the flight attendant hands me my boarding pass back and leaves meanwhile the thirty people from the mission trip are trying to come to my aid namely the lead chaperone Janet a brief thing about Janet's you mention an anime character that is sworn to fight for what is good and right and just but that character is a god leveled Karen Janet's like why are you still standing what's going on I'll talk to someone who do I need to talk to almost all of our stuff got stolen when we got to the hotel in Nicaragua on the first day of the clinic Book of Mormons at you passports clothes camera shampoo I had my passport and my camera on me but I was one of the few Janet hulked out of the hotel manager and everything magically reappeared I had seen her go nuclear and I did not want to see it again inside an airplane I say to Janet hey it's fine a little bit of confusion nothing to worry about I didn't know how you can be so rude to me just take the next flight I'm actually worried that Janet might overhear what's actually going on and yet this lady and a kid off the plane so I don't respond to her flight attendants returns with the head flight attendants and the head flight attendant says sir you need to take your seats or we can't departs I can't find my seat I need assistance and I hand over my boarding pass head flight attendant says to entitled mother can I see your boarding passes ma'am entitled mother hands over a single boarding pass and she says and the other one what other one I paid for this seats he's rude and needs to take the next flights flight attendant and head flight attendant to whisper flight attendant to parts for the front of the plane I'm pretty sure for security which fYI airport security in Nicaragua is ak-47 toting army personnel me to head flight attendant say I just want to sit down and go to sleep Chafee just ignores me flight attendant returns and says come with me sir entitled mother says enjoy your layover in Nicaragua a-hole I'm not taking the next flights we moved an elderly woman into first-class you can have her seats it's the first row after first class I sit down at my seat with a bit more legroom and pass out don't open my eyes until we land in the States and everyone lived happy ever after while it was a good outcome for you and the elderly lady I just wish someone would have stood up to the mother of the child instead of letting her get her way it sounds like she's pulled this more than once and too many have already caved to her behavior thus reinforcing it's that being said extra legroom and not having to sit next to a baby on an intercontinental flights also a win/win posted by user Tillich 360 titles in law evicted us illegally back story my wife and I have been together for over ten years we have two children together one is autistic and the other one is like me with ADHD OD d OCD and anxiety in 2017 I was in a really bad car crash with my 2012 Chevy Volt when it completely powered down leaving me without control and sending me off the highway into a tree at 60 miles an hour I did my best to stay on my feet and keep working but over time my back got worse and worse until October of 2018 when I got to work I was physically unable to get out of my car I went to one doctor after another trying to figure out what we could do and we tried everything I was eventually diagnosed with thoracic degenerative disc disease that and another weird bone issue that can't be fixed I was out of work for two and a half years but my wife being the saint that she is kept us afloat as best we could she's an office worker that works with attorneys and taxes making an OK income and I worked door-to-door sales for a national cable company and I was making over 100,000 a year needless to say getting knocked out of work killed our budgets and we needed to move to be closer to family as we were searching my wife's mother offered to buy a house and do a rent-to-own contract with us housing there in the Midwest is cheap averaging under $900 a month we agreed and the whole family helps us move our house was a mess me not being able to bend over our kids being young and we have three dogs I was embarrassed to say the least but it became apparent that as soon as I was unable to work my wife's family wanted me gone my wife even told me that they said that she should leave me and she would be better off with a man that isn't disabled we move and all is going well my kids are in school and getting all the support they need making friends and overall loving it's our wort istic son hasn't attacked anyone or bits or hits or had a freak-outs us living closer to home with my family support Sanders we start to recover but with me still not being able to bend over or even sweep the floor without it feeling like my spine is going to explode makes it so our house is still a mess I eventually try to find another sales job working for a car dealership I lasted 19 days before having to quit I get recommended to see a pain doctor locally and go to see them I get shots have MRI scans and other stuff and nothing works the doctor recommended a chiropractor now I had grown up believing chiropractic stuff was a scam or better yet as taught by Penn & Teller bull poo however I go and my god was a painful but I noticed I could move better the chiropractor puts me on as scheduled to go times a week for six weeks I never miss an appointment and see the changes take effect quickly I can put on socks again I can move I can walk more than a block best of all I could make love to my beautiful wife again but I still can't to this day pick something up off the floor without laying on the floor to get it as soon as we moved into our new house I asked about the rent to own and my in-law says it's a family matter and to worry about its that my wife has it taken care of turned out it was just verbal in law says that they will do the normal landlord stuff and will make repairs as needed and remove a dead tree that looked like it was going to fall on the house at any day time passes and we asked about the tree and repairs and in law says she will get them fixed when I move out not we just I move out I'm adopted and acceptance means a lot to me and family is a true gift but I had never expected this and just walked away more time passes and our chihuahua - and mix has found the extra bedroom as the perfect place to poop and pee and there we keep the door closed he can crawl through the air vent like a super villain in a heist but to leave poop instead of steal the Royal jewels this goes completely unnoticed as we don't use that room and even have a padlock on it because we only use it as storage and haven't needed to add or retrieve anything in that room over the two years I have gained over 150 pounds and my wife is right in the 200 pound mark so we start walking and trying to get in shape my wife decided we should get a treadmill and we could turn the extra room into a gym we find one and in law helps wife bring it home wife gives in Lord the key to the padlock and she goes into the room screaming and crying happens and in law storms out of the house the next morning being Sunday my wife gets a call from her mother saying her mother was coming over to clean our house my wife tells her no that it was 6 a.m. and we would clean the house we didn't know our dog was using that room as a toilet in law hangs up on wife and leaves my wife and tears I call in law and tell her no means no to not come over without 24-hour notice or unless invited she hangs up on me my wife has a panic attack and goes to bed I tell her I'll deal with it sure enough a few minutes later a loud banging on our back door I go to the door and tell her to go away she says this is her daughter's house and that I'm not welcome and I needed to let her in I tell her no and tell her if she doesn't leave I will call the cops she replies with she will call the cops if I don't let her in I tell her to call them and we will see whose rights back story about me personally I graduated college with a degree in criminal justice and had worked security up until I met my wife and chose to have a safer life I studied law and kept up with law enforcement trainings and studying the law as well I know what a landlord is and isn't allowed to do and since she had clearly cut me away from the family I saw no reason for exceptions to be made she pulled out her phone paused and put it away I told her to leave again and she refused I dialed 9-1-1 yes overkill when it's a small town but I don't play games at 6 a.m. on a Sunday I tell dispatch what's happening and they say they will send an officer she yells and screams and eventually my wife comes down to face her in law explodes on wife for letting me call the cops and tells her a bunch of nonsense about her having to choose her or me my wife tells her she chooses me in law leaves crying I have a job interview the following day that turns into an instant job again in car sales and dumb at the dealership until 9:00 p.m. that nights when I get home I find my wife crying eating a tub of ice cream and watching TV I asked her what's wrong and she explained that in-law and stepfather came over yelled at her and made her sign a contract for other bills her mother had helped us with in the past raising our rent by $200 a month no mention of me in the contract or anything I call in law and tell her we will not be doing that as we are a team and financial responsibility falls on both of us and must involve both of us wife also tells in law she is siding with me again on this the next day while I'm at work my wife calls me crying and hysterical she had been served at work a letter stating that as we didn't have a rental agreement the landlord was evicting us in 30 days under Iowa law if you have a month-to-month rental agreement or no agreement at all the landlord can end it if they give 30 days notice however we had a rent-to-own contracts very difference I picked to stand our grounds because we would win and start compiling as much evidence as I can not only to win the case but to seek damages for everything my plan was to use the money from the damages to end up buying the house and totally saying blow off to the in-law my wife tells me she doesn't want to fight and that we will move and cut ties with in-law I tell her if she's sure I'll go with it we find a place in the next town over and move instantly our kids have issues in school this school was not ready for special needs kids and overall I would say the whole thing set our family back about another two years we are stable now I left the car dealership when kovat hits and went back to working security so I would be an essential person and secure and pay on top of all of this another thing about in-law has always taken me off she plays the I'm a good Christian card all the time while speaking bad about minorities in terms of sexuality she doesn't know that my wife and I apologize and before we had to move back home we had a girl friends that lived with us full-time for three years when one of our friends was getting married and the wedding date also fell on a family gathering in-law exploded on us saying why would we go to a lesbian wedding when it means nothing to God and asked what's wrong with people I was about to open my mouth and spilled the beans about a lifestyle when my wife gave me that look in law still doesn't know that her hatred of others effects us on a daily basis and recently my wife started trying to patch up things but I'm still treated like crap even though I'm working and supporting the family again I really hate this woman and wish when I caught covered and was sick that I went over to visit her and gave her a big hug and spit right in her eye she is truly the worst person I've ever met damn mopey you really went off on them system my mum's entitled friend thinks she can control my hobbies so this story is a thing that happened a week ago and I'm still mad my mom decided to let us invite friends over again now that the government led us with the pandemic damage so my mom decided she would invite her friends over first I mean sure why not little did I know that my mom was gonna invite her extremely noisy friends let's call her Karen for obvious reasons anyways Karen comes over and Tara and my mom start talking so far there's no problem then my mom goes to cook dinner so of course her being intrusive and nosy Karen barges into my room without knocking notes I barely know this lady and asks what I'm doing in stuff you know the usual small talk at this point I'm not annoyed because I like conversation anyways and she isn't saying anything harmful so I start telling her what I'm doing so here's the entitled part some backstory since a few months now I have taken a strong interest in learning languages I just find it to be a very fun and relaxing hobby so it carried on for a while so I tell her I'm learning Dutch and that so far I've already learned Portuguese thinking she would do the usual adult thing where she asks some questions and make some small talk you know but no she starts saying stuff like wow you're learning all these languages yet you can't even write in your own native language I'm Pakistani so technically I do is my native language but I was born in Canada and only speak Urdu with my mother so I'm extremely rough in terms of pronunciation and can't right now I didn't think she meant badly so I simply explained this is just a fun hobby I've taken a liking for and learning writing in Urdu would be extremely difficult because it's totally different than any language I can already writes and it would be more frustrating than enjoyable she proceeds to get mad at our learning other languages is slowly salvaging my heritage or some BS like that at this point I don't see the need to continue this argument so I simply respond sure I think of it thinking that's the end of its but no it's not she continues to tell me how I need to drop my current language project and prioritize my native language because I'm destroying my culture luckily my mom saved me when she called us down for dinner once we started eating Karen was still offended as to why I wasn't learning adieu and she was until she left once she left my mom told me sorry about that she can be strange at times I'll try to keep her away from you next time dang I love my mom posted by user I just want to be happy titles girl believes she should be dating my boyfriend because he used to like her before he even met me so for all of sophomore and junior year my boyfriend had a crush on this girl let's call her knee they had classes together and he would always flirt with her and ask her out but she would always reject him my boyfriend met me at the end of our junior year and he instantly liked me but at the time I didn't have feelings for him and saw him as my best friends we would always hang out with each other and he would always post me on his stories when we hung out which was every single day almost which later I found out knee would obsessively watch and it wasn't until the end of our first semester of senior year when we started dating fast forward to the end of senior year when it's grad nights senior Disneyland trip my boyfriend was leaving for the Army in a few months so I said it was fine if he only hung out with his friends because I wanted him to make those memories with those friends he's had since kindergarten and we had the rest of the summer to do things anyway so I hung out with my best friends let's call her Anna and her friend group which just happened to include me bit of backgrounds for the past two years Anna has always told me about nee who would always start drama hurt her friends feelings make fun of them used religion to justify calling them tramps etc but when I met knee on grad nights I didn't really talk to her but I thought she was nice and treated her nicely for that entire day I was aligned with her for it max 30 minutes and not once did the topic of my boyfriend's come up I didn't even know she was friends with my boyfriends or that she even knew who I was because I literally met her hours before the next day my boyfriend was acting weird to me and finally he asked me are you mad at me me being confused as hell I was like no what why and he says well nee told me that I ruined your grad night by not hanging out with you and that she said that you told her that you were mad at me and that I'm a bad boyfriends I immediately call Ana and tell her what's up she then tells me for that the entirety of senior Lee was going around to my friends trying to find dirt on me if I've screwed anyone over backstabbed bullied etc so she could tell my boyfriend so he would break up with me but since I was a total loner and didn't talk to anyone that backfired on her so she started making up lies there was like three days me and my boyfriend were on a break and she said while she was in their sixth period class my boyfriend who sat next to her leaned over and told her he really wanted to kiss her and said he told her other stuff like that at first I believed it but then I realized my boyfriend wasn't even in school for the times she said he told her those things ana said for the entire time me and my boyfriend were dating that knee would always flirt with him and my boyfriend either noticed and didn't respond what just didn't realize it at all and didn't respond so she saw no reason to tell me because he never reciprocated that behavior to her knee would always screenshot text conversations with my boyfriend out of context and one Anytus show me to make me jealous but when Ana would see the entirety of their conversations it's extremely obvious he wasn't flooding me would tell her friends how much she wanted to grind her ass on my boyfriend at school dances and when her friends called her out on it she'd always be like oh I always forget that he has a girlfriend finally she snapped and told her friend group slash Ana that I'm a [ __ ] for stealing her man and the because i friend-zoned him for like eight months i didn't deserve him and that she deserves him because she actually cares about him and he liked her way before he even met me so she should get first dibs like girl you friend zoned him for almost two years of course he moved on you missed your chance too bad after that situation where many other things happened her friends finally realized what a horrible person she wants and ditched her so now she doesn't have any friends but she still has the audacity to tell the one friend that stuck by her that I'm the reason she has no friends like she wasn't a horrible person and did it to herself my situation just happened to be the last straw for her friends to stop hanging out with her joke's on her me and my boyfriend is still going strong a year and a half after that whole thing happened posted by user crew dog 3950 titled 'he's entitled customer demands a refund and karma got him in the end this happened a few years ago while I was working as an assistant store manager for a big-box automotive retail store I wrote this down right after it happens no names were used of course English is my first language apologies for any formatting errors and this is a bit on the long side TLDR at the end so let's get on with its me is me the assistant store manager CW is co-worker SM is store manager DM is district manager EC is the entitled customer PL is police officer and the DA is the district attorney I was working the afternoon / evening shift as I often did it's just a normal day and customers are coming and going early on in my shift EC comes into the store and picks out a set of headlights that he thinks will work for his car I offered to check and see if they were the right ones as I didn't want him to be inconvenienced to have to do a return later if he had picked out the wrong item he declined and said he was in a hurry and he knew that he had the right item and to stop wasting his time I cashed him out and he went on his way before leaving I informed him that our company policy was that if any electronic item were opened that it could not be returned about an hour later ICI comes back to the store demanding a refund that I sold him the wrong products I again informed him of the policy and asked if he had opened the product and tried to install it on his vehicle to which he said yes he then made a smartass comment about don't you know you have to open it to see if it works in no way shape or form did I have an attitude when I told him that if he would have let me do my job and look up the parts but he wouldn't be in this situation apparently this take him off he left the store for a few minutes I assumed to calm down then came back and told me that he bought the right product at our competitor and wanted his bloody money I told him that I could not complete a return for him I pointed out the return policy on the counter he said he didn't give an F he wanted his effing money or there would be hell to pay I told him he was no longer welcome at the store and he needed to leave to which he refused I told him that if he didn't leave I would call the police and have him arrested for trespassing and causing a disturbance he said f you call him I don't give an F I want my 20 dollars unbeknownst to him a co-worker was already on the phone with the police dispatch telling them that we had an unruly customer in the store and refused to leave EC finally realized he wasn't going to bully me into giving him the return and started to walk out while saying don't let me catch your B ass outside of here I'm going to wal shoot you dear Lord Co Wonka was telling dispatch everything that was happening entitled customer finally left and a few minutes later I heard the crackling of a police radio in the distance coworker was telling the police officer that I was the one involved and to talk to me about the incidents police officer came over to me and asked for and ran my credentials also asking for the details of the incidents I told police officer what happened and told him we have it on security camera all sir I offered to show him the incident on and give him a copy as we would be pressing charges police officer looked at the footage of the incident and took a copy for evidence purposes he write the reports and had me coworker and a few others co-workers write statements and to watch happens police officer asked if I knew the entitle customers name I told him I did and could also provide his address and phone number as it was in our computer system for warranty purposes on other items when I told police officer entitled customers name he said I know who he is he's a bad dude and do not take this threat lightly I told him I wanted to press charges for terroristic threats trespassing and disorderly contacts as per company policy I had to write an incident report for the trespassing and the police officers showing up I also notified the store manager and district manager immediately after the police officer left towards the end of the shift police officer came back to the store and informed me that they arrested EC on outstanding warrants and the new charges he told me that the DA would be in touch with me about testifying in cords a few months later the DA called me and asked for me to come into their office to have a recorded interview and to bring any witness statements that I had and I did as requested once seized court date got closer and I was preparing myself to go testify I received a call from the DA telling me the charges were dropped that I didn't have to testify in courts I asked why e C's charges were dropped and he told me that he had made a plea deal and that the charges from his warrants were going to put him in prison for a long time being curious I asked DA what the charges were from easties warrants and he told me I cannot release that information at this time I asked when his court date was going to be that I wanted to try and be there luckily for me I write the schedule at work so when I found out the date I gave myself that day off I went to courts and found out that easty had been charged with first-degree murder conspiracy to commit murder felon in possession of a firearm and all the charges that go with it and multiple drug-related charges he was found guilty on all charges and is currently serving life without parole after the court case I thought to myself that somehow I had a hand in helping catch this guy police officers didn't know where he was until I gave them easties address but to think that they got the information over a twenty dollar return that couldn't be made huh I know eventually the police officers would have caught him most likely over something stupid like a blown headlights karma wins again posted by user Val oh seven one nine titled the time I supposedly invited a complete stranger to dinner one day I was grocery shopping and I had gotten to the checkouts I loaded all my groceries onto the belts and was watching the cashier do her thing when the wild Karen made herself known apparently she did not approve of the bottle of cooking sherry that I'd planned to add to my pot roast she says yeah you shouldn't use that stuff you should go get real sherry that stuff just tastes terrible okay Karen starts in criticizing the other groceries she doesn't approve of going on and on about how this is nasty and that is awful I had finally had enough and saying I'm sorry I forget sometimes but when were we introduced I only ask because I honestly can't remember inviting you to dinner the cashier got this huge grin Karen moves to a different checkouts edits I live in a dry County it's not really worth it to drive two counties over to find a liquor store not for pot roast posted by user T paba raisa raised titled 'he's entitled grandma lets toddler walk across our property and jump into our pool so this was like two years ago middle of summer in florida all ages were at the time of the story my 17 male brother 13 male had a bunch of neighborhood friends over ranging from 9 to 14 in age mostly rowdy guys they were swimming in our pool behind our house the pool is maybe six foot from the house on two sides of it and is screened-in since these aren't my friends I was just vibing on the couch inside but I could see the whole thing go down from where I was sitting I also should note I live in a small middle-class subdivision and pretty much everyone has a pool served a grandma in her 60s we'll call her entitled grandma from down the streets had her grandson 3ish also known as entitled kid out on a walk had a leash in everything you know the kid heard my brother's friends and decided to check it out entitle grandma decides to let him walk all the way back there across our property my mum 50 female was back there getting everyone towels and stuff entitled grandma opens our screen door for entitled kid and he goes running in and jumps my mom saw it and caught him before he could touch the water mind you he's not in appropriate swimwear she then tells entitled grandma that he can't go in the pool and please get off our property until grandma asks why he can't swim with the other kids my mom explains that he cons because these kids are 9 to 14 years old and her kid is 3 so it can be a bit dangerous also it's her property and she's sent sir hmm eg was not having it and told the kid to jump in my mom blocked him and they finally left grudgingly posted by user tight oak which titled cousin and uncle thought they were entitled to my grandpa's money three stories in one about my uncle his son my cousin and their feelings of entitlement towards my grandpa for you can't really do a tldr easily but basically my uncle and cousin feel they deserved my grandpa's money without any effort to earn its background my grandpa is a very stoic ex-military man he's not great at showing emotions a one-handed hug is the best you'll gets but if you're in trouble he'd fight to the death for you he's done very well for himself financially over the years but believes in helping people to help themselves not just giving free handout story one when I first got my driving license I had enough money for a small old banger but my grandpa offered to loan me 1,000 pounds to get a better car the deal was that I had to put at least 90 pound a month into a savings account for a year at the end of the year I would give my grandpa the 1000 pounds back and I could keep any extra and any interested had earned two months later my cousin got his provisional and wanted to get a small moped my grandpa made him the same deal at the end of the year I went round to my grandpa's and asked him for his bank details to pay him back he asked for proof I had the money and I showed in my bank statements he told me because I kept the agreements I didn't have to repay him and a 1000 pound was my reward for showing him that I could budget and save properly two months later my cousin's year was up my grandpa had to chase him about it at which point my cousin mentioned that I'd got to keep my money so it was only fair that he got the same my grandpa told my cousin that if he'd done the same he would also be allowed to keep the 1,000 pounds it turned out my cousin had only been putting 22 25 a month aside and once he'd heard about my gift he'd taken the whole lot out of his savings and spent it my grandpa told him that because he hadn't kept the agreements he now had to repay the whole Lots and for the next year my cousin had to pay ninety pound a month directly to my grandpa story - following the events of Story 1 my cousin was a bit bitter towards my grandpa and me initially but did apologize after about a year for acting entitled to keep the 1,000 pounds which my grandpa accepted and they moved on over the next year sir my cousin got into a lots of debts he got evicted from several places for not paying rents and got several CC J's County Court judgments against him he racked up a load of credit card debts and got the bailiffs chasing him he then tried to trick our other aunt in signing as a guarantor on a payday loan with ridiculously high interest when my grandpa found out about all of this he took him out for a drink and offered to loan him one lump sum to clear all of his debts and then my cousin would only have to repay my grandpa each month interest free my cousin agreed to this took the money and promptly spent it on a new motorcycle for himself my grandpa cut him off after that and to this day they still don't speak my cousin maintains that he was entitled to the money as where family story 3 about two years ago my grandpa had a heart attack and needed a pacemaker he since recovered and is doing great but at the time it really shook him he opened up to the family about his will for the first time my granny and Grandpa had three kids my mom my aunt and my uncle my granny passed away when I was a child and my mum died when I was a teenager my grandpa has since remarried but he and my step grounded to keep their personal finances separates as they both have their own businesses and investments etc my grandpa told us that the money is being split 30% each to my mom and my aunt 20% to my uncle and 20% split evenly between old kids and grandkids the reason my uncle gets less is because he got into so much debt in his 20s that he almost had to declare bankruptcy and my grandpa had to bail him out my mum's share is to be split between my two sisters and died my uncle immediately kicked off saying that he should get the same as his two sisters when my grandpa shut that down he tried to claim that my mom's share would be split between him and my aunts also rejected his final claim was that my sisters and I shouldn't get any share of the kids 20% if we're getting our mum's inheritance my grandpa told him to shut the hell up or he's getting nothing we don't really talk to my uncle or cousin anymore hope you guys enjoyed sorry it turned out so long dear Lord posted by user Fred said read titles sexist male vs. disabled female in a hardware store I put him in his place I'm a 29 year old disabled female incomplete quadriplegic with hand and arm function and I love going to the hardware store I don't look like the sort of person that would know her way around a hardware store but I do I'm always painting or making things like shelves and tables and any furniture my friends or family needs most of the people at my local hardware store know me by my name and very rarely ask me if I need help finding anything as they know that I know these stores inside outs the only time I need help is when there's something that's too high for me to reach on one of my outings to the hardware store I was making a bookshelf for my friend's kid I went in search of screws and dowels to assemble the shelf there was a man in the same section looking lost he was probably mid-40s let's call him Ken I say hey May can I help you find anything I want to build a floating shelf but I don't know well you won't know anyway well first off you're looking at plastic sealed plugs which is usually used for and I was cut off ha ha ha I think I'll find someone who actually knows what they're talking about he walked away and a few minutes later returned with an employee who would Steve so Steve Owens like okay so what's your planning well I'm gonna build a floating shelf but I'm not sure what I need Steve noticing me says oh hey Obie what was it you used to make that floating shelf last month sorry buddy addressing Ken this isn't my usual department if you want to know what you need you should ask Opie she knows more about this department than me as I was saying if you want the shelf to hold plastic plugs won't do a great job if the shelf is going to hold weights and it will probably rip the plywood you need to know where the studs are in the wall and if they're metal studs we need the screws for metal a floating shelf we'll need brackets and you should use timber that weren't to warp so MDF is the best Ken looked sorry confused at my explanation and I could see Steve trying to hold back a smirk I spent the next half hour trying to help him get everything he needed and explaining how to find a stud and what timber to use I hope you learned not to judge a book by it's cover your gender doesn't show your abilities or your knowledge entitled dance wants me to support my entitled mum not sure if super entitled to the outside but to me they're both entitled pieces of crap that think they do no wrong so this happened to last year a little backstory my mom has merged off of people her entire life from purposely getting pregnant with me when she was 17 by lying to my dad that she was on the pill to living with my grandparents the last 25 years after my dad divorced her when I was three there's a lot of stories I could go into but suffice to say that she only wants people to take care of her from money to cleaning and thinks she does no wrong and she's the victim often screaming at my grandparents when they ask her to get a job to help since they had declining health and medical bills piling up she would say things like I do a lot around here I pay for some of the food with her food stamps or everyone always blames me for things and goes on a tangent trying to guilt trip and bully my granddad now that my grandmom has passed three years ago now there's a story here - about how she declined quickly from lack of care thanks to these people wouldn't put up with it anymore and sold his house to move into a nursing home leaving my mum her other two teen kids aunts her husband and kids and my uncle who was probs autistic to be honest without some place to live this was finalized about four months ago my mum with two kids is now living in a crappy linking barely functioning camper in a Walmart parking lots my dad has tried his best to shield my brother and me from most of the insanity growing up even spending twenty thousand dollars in legal fees to get full custody but it doesn't stop her from asking for money trying to crash it out places etc etc eventually I moved to a different state and she still doesn't have my address sir on to the entitlements tale one year ago I got a text from my aunt it reads as follows I'm going to be a little harsh with you right at this moment you and your brother needs stop dip pending on everyone to take care of your mother dad will be moving into an independent living facility within the next month and she is using dad living for free here and not contributing in any way o P here she's doing the same fudging thing the house stinks in the area where she lives and it reeks of stale cigarettes and foot fungus and Bo she needs to get her act together and if need be y'all need to help her get it together it has come to the point where there are arguments constantly about it nastiness dad being in the hospital for the last few days and now at a rehabilitation center he needs to have it stress-free at this house and he needs to be able to sell this house the one complaint of people that would come to look at this house was the smell that was in the house and that should never ever be something that is complained about in a house that is being showed to sell I apologize if this seems rude but at this point I don't really know what else to do you and your brother really need to step up and start taking care of your mother some way shape or form your mother is always boasting that you make seventy thousand dollars a year but yet you never helped her out you were to take care of your parents just like they're supposed to take care of you if at some point in your life you devoted your life to God you were still a Christian whether or not you live that way or not you were sealed for the day of redemption if she doesn't find a way to get out of this house within the next week or so she will be without a house I'm sorry but that is the cold honest truth she has a car but she won't fix it I understand that it is an easy fix but she is too good of a thing with her freeze taxi service in Bryan the truth of the matter is that she will not have a place soon brother needs to help where he can and so do you if you want to start a fight in this house then complain to your mama but I hope you don't and you do the right thing now understand that my brother and I have spent our lives trying to make something of ourselves my brother just got on his feet and a good job in his early twenties I just moved to a different state and started getting my life back together after some incidents I'm 27 at the time my aunt does the same craft that my mom does she has two kids there and a husband she refuses to work and thinks she's better than everyone and really annoyingly religious I decide to not text back at the time I was furious because she knows how hard we've worked to be where we are and still is asking us to a support our entitled mom so I decided to copy and paste the text to my dad he is where some crap gets ugly this is his text to my aunts sorry for errors in this parts he's not a great text allall hi aunts it's dead sorry to hear about your dad he's a good man and I've always liked him no matter what's going on he was always nice to me now that being said it's very sad what's going on with mum and her kids although she has had plenty of time to get her crap together and did nothing I have done everything in my power to make sure that my kids didn't get sucked down by her and told them this day will come and she will not leach off of them well I didn't raise my kids to be dumbasses unlike your parents did sorry but the truth is that it's their faults that every one of you are fudging stupid I mean all four of you are fudging worthless and stupid as Frick and I saved my kids and helped them to have a good life and it's not their responsibility to raise their worthless ass mum it's sink or swim and I would advise you to put her on the street and let her swim on her own but don't guilt trip my kids which are fully aware that this day was coming and they are no they aren't dumb enough to let that happen to them that stupid trample sucked the life out of my kids and that crap isn't happening so leave my kids out of it and put her on the street where she belongs I didn't raise stupid kids and both of them are smarter than all of your dumbasses put together so take your guilt trip and shove it up your ass have a nice fudging day after that I think my aunt took an exception to the text and absolutely blew up my phone saying I don't deserve this treatment is this what I get as your aunt you've really become selfish then she started talking about how God loves me and crap and this went on for days it's been a year later and I have not texted her back and I will not get dragged into the toxicity and support my able-bodied mother who doesn't want to do anything but get handouts there are a lot more stories passed in presence let me know if anyone cares to hear them it's entertaining at least posted by user silver sniper 512 titled entitled teacher can't make up her mind and specifically harasses me so I'm not sure if this is entitled to me it was so let me know what you guys think in sixth grade in a class of six seven splits my teacher had to leave for maternity leave and we got a new temporary teacher I'll call her T T had two kids one a year older and one a year younger than me the kid who was a year older was in my class as a grade seven and when I was in grade seven her younger kid was in my class too t started out being really sensitive and always favored the great her kid was a part of and when I was grade seven she favored the grade sixes for a trip she took them to a Toronto Maple Leafs game baseball they took us bowling and to a workout place when most of the time we were doing the workouts and it was not the easy stuff now I don't know what grade this was but she gave us work and said to the class to not bother her and if you need help ask your elbow partner so I was going through my work and I got stuck so I turns to my friends directly beside me and we started talking quietly about the work that I had trouble with the teacher got upset with me and said if I needed help ask her which really confused me she just told the entire class not to ask and to ask your partner so I went up to her and asked for help she got even more angry and said can't you see I'm busy Oscar elbow partner so I responded with I did but you said and she cut me off angrily and told me to sit down I forgot what I did then whether I asked my friend again or I just struggled through its I don't know if she just hated me hated our group or just hated kids because there was another time she specifically targeted me on something that all teaches I've had allowed kids to do which I'll mention quickly below so I was finished my work and T said if you're done do something quietly so as someone who loves doing arts I pulled out my sketchbook that I loved and was expensive for me at the time and one quarter filled with arts and started drawing she for some reason without warning took it from me and said I could have it back at the end of the day but when that time came she still didn't give it to me why I don't know she didn't tell me or I forgots my parents had to contact the principal to get her to give it back to me and my parents gave her hell for it's posted by user txp a cool titles my teacher got mad because I have a VPN so she can't see my screen okay so my school has a system in place that they can view the screens of students but here's the thing my computer has a VPN so they can't originally I didn't think this would be an issue until I got this email now cast Artie for teacher IP is me P is principal teacher through email says hello RP I have come to the conclusion that we can't view your screen we have very concerned if you're actually doing your work or cheating please fix this issue ASAP thanks teacher I say hello teacher the reason you're unable to view my screen is because I have a VPN in place to protect people from stealing my info or in your case viewing my screen well that's unacceptable you must turn it off so we know you're doing your work my apologies but I'm not able to turn it off and even if I could my parents wouldn't allow me no you have to turn it off or get rid of it if this problem continues I'll report you to the principal as I said before I can't I can send a video of my work but that's it no you must get it off you have two days or I'm reporting you I stopped messaging her back after this two days later principal messages me in says hello Opie teacher has informed me you were rude to her and wouldn't listen would you like to explain no and I sent screenshots hmm thank you I'll have a conversation with her and feel free to continue using the VPN it's really not a big deal I'm not sure what happened after that but she stopped bothering me so I'm pretty sure I'm fine but I don't know edits thanks to all who commented and liked it means the lights but I'm just here to clear some things that seem to be confusing one it's not the school's laptop it's mine - I have no idea what the VPN does or what VPN it is or if it's even VPN not allowing her to see my screen 3 I live in the u.s. I guess there's different laws to the other places or something like that if there's anything else you need clarification on I'd be happy to respond to your comments posted by user trolly a titled z-- karma is a birth usual mobile stuff this is a story from a close friend of mine Sara's the friend Karen is who you think they are on to the story when the craziness was happening here in Australia at one point they said we could go out for exercise as well as necessary items Sara owns a labrador puppy and she took it to the park where there's an off-leash area Bonnie the pup bounded up to say hi to a man taking a walk he tried to kick it then gave Sara an earful about it not being on a leash she pointed out the signs saying she didn't have to be and for him to get lost a little further along bonnie saw another dog accompanied by a karin and his pups do bounded up to say hi karen had a stick and hit Bonnie Sara told Karen off in very colorful terms picked Bonnie up and turned to walk away now this is an off-leash area that is next to the local river and in the last six months trees have fallen across and into the river Karen decided to also let her dog go for a swim with the leash still attached head dog was only tiny a chihuahua or something the current grabbed it and dragged it under the log and the dog was stuck Karen had to go in fully clothed to get the dog the water would have been freezing cold as we've had temps of 17 degrees / 62 degrees Fahrenheit during the day at the lowest she came out - wrenched and angry with the shivering rats a high mean dug in her arms Sarah saw what happened and walked away muttering come as a [ __ ] love edits chihuahuas aren't always horrible but from what I have read the small dogs have the highest percentage to be biters my folks have a small dog and she'll lick you to death instead always depends on the owner first it by user little motion titles Karen tried to get a free hotel stay with a law suits for context I'm a 22 year old woman but I've been told I look around 17 I work for a boutique hotel and resorts as a front desk supervisor our resort is separated into three buildings our hotel our pools and spa and our restaurants I'm used to pretty high maintenance people for the most parts and I've worked in customer service since leaving high school so not a lot bothers me and I can usually diffuse stressful situations easily basically I've seen my fair share of Carens I'm not sure how it is in other hotels but at my hotel reservations that are made for the day as check-in are treated with a bit more security since we've been scammed before it's a security policy to make a copy of the driver's licence at check-in in case the credit card turns out to be stolen that way we have a picture of the guest today we had a same-day reservation come through a third party something like Expedia or Priceline which was no biggie when the guest comes in she seems nice enough there are typical Karen haircuts or anything like that I grow through the merchants asked to see her ID and to get a credit card for incidentals she hands them over and I set the ID on our scanner what are you doing or I'm just making a copy of your ID for our reservation you can't do that I thought then took the idea to double-check that it wasn't a military ID which is illegal to copy in the US it was a regular state driver's license I'm sorry ma'am it's a security policy we do this with all same-day reservations you think I'll scam you you treat my people like this my mother is disabled and you're making her wait in the car to clarify she was of Hispanic or Latino descent one of the two no ma'am we do this with every same day she cuts me off get me your manager I sigh and radio my manager to the front desk once she's there Karen goes into this long rant about how we were stealing her personal information and how it was against the law to make copies of a person's ID my manager looked at her then at me she's the woman on the ID just go ahead and check them in I did as I was told and checked the group of four into one of our handicapped accessible rooms these rooms were bigger with low-profile beds and rollin showers for wheelchairs around an hour later Karen called the desk asking for an extra blankets asking me to turn off the thermostat for her because she couldn't figure it out asking for extras of the free coffee in the room and whatever else she could get for free no biggie that's what I'm here for now here is where I nearly snapped later in the evening she called me asking if we had a step stool for her mother to use to get into bed now her mother was around my height at five foot seven and these beds were low-profile already but she was for lack of better words extremely overweight so I believed it may be a bit more difficult for her to get from her motorized scooter onto the bed I let them know we didn't have a step stool in this building but that I would be happy to call the spa in pool to see if they had one we could use the girl I spoke to at the desk told me they had step tools in the locker rooms but she didn't think we could use them she asked around and her managers said that they didn't have any extra stools I called Karen I'm sorry it doesn't look like we have any stools and property for guests use in the rooms for your inconvenience I'd be happy to give you a meal voucher for dinner she huffed you have trash cans your desk writes yes ma'am I have one trash can that means you have others in the building we can use I paused trying to figure out how that tied into our issue I'm sorry you do have to in your room rights well yes but they're small and not sturdy enough if we double up we can use that's ma'am you can't use our trash cans as step stools don't tell me what I can or can't do you have two of those trash cans don't you well not for that purpose no Opie you have empty rooms don't you we do here's what you're going to do you will go to those rooms and get me however many trash cans I need no ma'am I'm not that made her mad she says excuse me those plastic trash cans of waste baskets for bathrooms even stacked up they aren't made to hold the weight of an adults that poses a risk for your mother and if she fell off and got hurt or if they broke and she cut her leg that would make us liable it's a major safety hazard you know you're breaking the law by not making this room handicap accessible the beds in those rooms are low-profile and up to standard she apparently didn't care and cut me off again asking to be transferred to the manager I let her know I was acting manager since the woman she had spoken to what the check in had gone home for the nights and wouldn't be in for two days you can't be a supervisor role manager you're too young ma'am I'm 22 no you're not okay I told her that I would be happy to help her to come up with another solution call her at home I'm sorry you're going to call your manager at home she demanded I can try to reach her no you're going to reach her and she hung up no I didn't get through to my manager it was late into the night at their points of course I didn't so I sent one of our maintenance men to the storage room had him clean off one of his work stools and had him take it to her was it clean enough of course not but she took it I'll sum up the rest of tonight's drama since this post is long enough Karen decided to ignore our non-smoking policy smoked a weed inside of the room leading to complaints from other guests when security confronted her she told them she would sue us for harassment because it was medical we allowed her to smoke on her balcony she then threatened us for breaking a law because we didn't have a snack vending machine on property after many other complaints she called me telling me to call my manager to comp her room for her trouble I told her I wouldn't call due to the time that I was again active manager but that if she would like I would be happy to put all of tonight's events into an email for her I'll write an update if anything happens tomorrow night's cldr Karen tried suing my hotel for being racist and not having enough snacks for her midnight munchies posted by user schmidt face titled he thought he was entitled to laughter a couple of years ago my mother died tragically unexpectedly at the young age of 50 it was a horribly traumatizing nights and few weeks for my whole family I have four siblings three of which were young teens at the time as you can imagine I was not in the best headspace for a while after this but a girl has to pay the bills so after two weeks off I went back to one of my jobs at a grocery store it was my second shift back there I was working the register around 7:00 at night a middle-aged white man and his ten eleven year old son came through my line the man started out fine then proceeded to wink at me and make a stupid joke for the life of me I can't remember the joke it was something anyone in the service industry has heard hundreds of times it isn't ringing up oh must be free hahaha what I do remember is I was at the end of my 8-hour shift and still emotionally decimated I didn't laugh just nodded and continued ringing his groceries up the silence that followed his joke was deafening then really not even a damn word he then turns to his son and said some people have no sense of humor don't even try with them that's why they work places like this feel bad for the Sun that will grow up being just as poisonous posted by user goom's McGee titled neighbor is ticked catnip is taking over her yard after I warned her not to plant it we moved in a year ago and have been friendly with the neighbors I now understand why people are no longer friendly with neighbors in this day and age one is a creep who upon meeting I told my husband's to never leave me alone with hubs didn't believe me until his wife left him because of some crazy Church affair crap the others were great until they weren't we bought this house because it had over 1,000 square foot of landscaped beautiful garden beds it had been neglected for three years so it took me hundreds and hundreds of hours to clean it up and now breathtaking my neighbor noticed I was working on the garden and told me how much she wanted to put in a garden any time I was splitting hostas or lilies I made sure to offer them to her which she happily accepted I started noticing she was placing them in bad spots like places that just didn't make sense no overall design not in the Sun condition whatever not my problem I was gonna toss them anyway she asked me for tips and I suggest making a rough plan of the beds before buying things she ignored that and continued to place things in haphazard spots whatever she can do her she doesn't need to follow advice well then came the catnip we both have cats and it can be a pretty and sustainable addition to the garden when contained catnip spreads fast it gets huge and just keeps going she asked for some and I was nervous I should have followed my guts I gave her some but this time I wasn't subtle in my advice I told her you cannot plant this in the ground it needs to be contained somehow pots garden edge you know I probably said it three times well she didn't and I saw it spreading and spreading clay to my lights so I went to Home Depot and grabbed some garden edge and lined my fence with it no way was i letting it into my yard so it spreads and spreads and she thinks it's just so beautiful until it's out of control and she trying to pull it out but it just keeps coming back and she's unwilling to put in the hours or money to get rid of it so she gives up and it takes over her lawn and the three other neighbors they ticked because they are constantly fighting with it now one day we were all chatting at the fence line and she told everyone it was my fault I was shocked and I asked how so and she said that it was my fault for giving it to her and I must have some other type because it doesn't spread now she's demanding I fix her and the neighbors yards luckily they laughed her off and took my side but no more free plans for you Christian holier-than-thou entitled mother tries to manipulate me I gave her a taste of her own medicine this story happened earlier this week to preface this ever since the covert lockdown my church has been meeting online via livestream this has extended to small groups which are now done through zoom meetings this particular week was much like the others in terms of small groups Bible talk cracking jokes and discussing pop culture however joining us this week was my friends Artie from out of town the entitled mother of the story who from what I heard had a tendency to have a holier-than-thou demeanor at one point of the chats we got to the topic of hobbies I took a moment to discuss my hobby of gaming my big mistake of the story I talked about my gaming collection of different gaming consoles SNES Nintendo 64 GameCube PS 1 2 3 we switch and gayboy cube and games that I've collected over the years which my friends found to be fascinating so onto the story the cast are Opie me entitled mum the friends aunts and my friend so about 40 minutes in about the small group I get a phone call from my friend's phone number I picked it up only to be greeted by his aunts who says hello Opie entitled mother what a surprise well I'm calling you from friends phone because I wanted to talk to you about something ok what do you want to talk about during the small group you mentioned that you have a collection of video games and video game systems yeah what about them well you see it's just that strong Christian men like you shouldn't be wasting time playing video games you should be dedicating your time towards getting married starting a family and teaching them the ways of God and the Bible I'm dumbfounded I'm like wait once remember the Bible tells men to put away childish things and video games are definitely under that category I'm disgusted and I'm like so what are you suggesting I do with my collection then you should donate it to a child in need better yet my son loves video games and his birthday's come up so you should give it to him I'm sure he'd be grateful I'm starting to get really angry and I say I'm not sure I would feel comfortable doing that I'll tell you what I'm in town until Wednesday I call you back tomorrow this gives you plenty of time to pray about it hopefully God convicts you to man up and put away childish things good night now and they hang up i sat there for a good 15 minutes with anger stewing in my mind over the audacity of this entitled mother I wanted to call her back and courser outs until a light bulb went off in my head at the moments an evil Grinch grin had crept across my face my mind had just formulated a perfect response to entitled mother's request the next day I spent the day waiting for friends auntie to call me in the evening the moment came I saw my friend's number ringing my phone and the evil Grinch grin came back to my face why hello entitled mother how are you today I'm doing well have you thought about our conversation from yesterday why yes I have what did you decide me in my best jolly holier-than-thou Joel Olsteen voice says God Jo Larson so sexy well I prayed long and hard about what she said and I spent some time reading the Bible and well growing boys very pivotal to the future of the kingdom of God and building the relationship with Jesus is very important to the upbringing in all honesty video games are just gonna be a distraction to him and time spent playing them is better dedicated to learning about the Bible but that's remembering titled mother the Book of Proverbs tell us to start children off on the way they should go and Ephesians tells us to bring them up in the disciple and instruction of the Lord so unfortunately I will have to pass on gift in your son my gamin collection however I will gladly send a Children's Study Bible and a DVD collection of VeggieTales to the friend and he can send them to you but I pee weights it's not going to be an issue I cut her off but still in my jolly holier-than-thou voice say I'm sorry entitled mother but I have an important dinner arrangement goto goodbye now and I hang up I turn off my phone after that to make sure that the entitled mother couldn't call me back later on that night friend sent me a message on Facebook apologizing for his aunt's behavior apparently she took his phone behind his back to make both calls and got really upset when he found out about what entitled mother was asking of me but at the end of the day I still have my collection and my hobby gamer Mario Kart anyone posted by user Thor's hammer Oh 999 titles my own mother is the entitled parent so my father has always doted on my mother worked hard so she wouldn't have to and could stay at home to raise the kids except my mother was a firm believer in what she called personal responsibility in her words I didn't wear those clothes so why should I have to wash them that was sent to me when I was nine by the time I was 12 I was doing the dishes washing my own clothes taking care of the dogs emptying and cleaning the cat box preparing my own meals and a plethora of other chores on the family farm yah all of us kids were in the same birds my dad was always gone working hard to make sure that we had a good life while my mother was always watching Maury Povich lauren order various court shows jury jury and taking naps while us kids did all the chores and basically raised ourselves she ultimately became incredibly spoiled and quite frankly completely out of touch with reality as it does time moved forward and all of us kids moved away got married and had kids of our own I specifically moved to Europe over 3,500 miles away the family farm suffered a bad fire and was passed into other hands and my folks moved into town my dad's still working hard while my mother still stayed home so she could watch Maury Judge Judy and other trash TV ever the same and unchanging that was until about a month ago so my dad started to feel a lot of pain in his back so bad he couldn't walk or really move the doctor started a whole battery of tests and after a month they discovered he has leukemia that has spread to his spine resulting in stage 4 bone cancer the doctors believe it's a non aggressive form of the disease however it's too advanced to ever be cured so they're trying to force it into remission through chemotherapy and immunotherapy I called to see how they were doing and my mother basically took over the call this was her reaction to my father finding out he has a disease that will ultimately kill him one day likely sooner rather than later she was worried about how this would affect their finances and as such her trips to the casino not how they going to pay the medical bills or maybe even the mortgage she was worried about the casino he was in an appointment for part of his cancer treatment and she was annoyed because she had no idea if he was rescheduling his chemo for October so she could go on her cruise like he was supposed to be doing she bought a new living room set a few months ago my dad in his immense amount of pain finds it to be extraordinarily uncomfortable he finds himself in even more pain every time he sits down on the new couch however his old recliner he finds very comfortable so naturally my mother moved it out to the garage and tells him if he wants to be comfortable and sit in his chair he can go out and sit in the garage hands know the garage is not set up for comfortable human use it's used for tools storage and her car that he paid for because she hasn't worked in decades sir my dad is not allowed to bring his chair the only one he finds comfortable into the house he's paying for so he can be comfortable because my mother doesn't find the chair aesthetically pleasing instead according to my mother he can go out into the garage and sit surrounded by junk with nothing to do but chain-smoked because she doesn't want that ratty old chair in her house and speaking of smoking the man is dying of cancer and is trying to quit smoking because of it so what does my mother do well I bought him the lights this time okay great mom now he can go out in the garage and chain-smoked the light cigarettes because there's nothing else to do out there and when I suggested she at least clean up the garage and set him up a place that would allow him to watch his football and be comfortable her only response was why would I do that and then proceeded to complain about how much cleaning she has to do now that he's on chemo and is therefore immunocompromised at first I thought she was just in denial but when she said he'd better be asking those doctors to move his chemo for October so I can go on my cruise like he's supposed to be doing I realized that she's just an entitled monster who refuses to do things to make a dying husband more comfortable because they would be mild inconveniences for her posted by user GES titled entitled dog parents yells at me because I told her that her pit bull needs to be muzzled so I 18 female work as an office assistant slash secretary at a veterinarian office since I mostly just check people and schedule appointments and stuff for their pets I'm not certified in animal care or anything a few months ago we had this one lady let's call her s come in with her medium sized pitbull mix I check her in and on her dog's file it says that he has a past history being aggressive towards the vet and vet techs this means that he's required to have a muzzle on before going into the room with the vets this is the conversation that follows I say hey it looks like dog has a past history of being aggressive towards the vet so he's gonna have to have a muzzle on before he goes into the room do you have one with you um no I don't have a muzzle with me he won't need one I'm sorry ma'am he's gonna have to have a muzzle on before the vet can look at him it's the rules we have some that we can use for the appointment why is it because he's a pitbull he's just a big baby and wouldn't even hurt a fly this is discrimination against pitbulls no ma'am it's not because he's a pitbull his file says he's been aggressive toward the vet before a lot of dogs don't like the vet so it's pretty common for them to have to be muzzled regardless of the breed we've had to muzzle Chihuahuas before that's true my chihuahua possum has to be muzzled every time we go to the vet she's a vicious dog dog just doesn't like the vet to be touching him or messing with his body parts just tell vet not to do that and he won't bite like last time ma'am how is the vent supposed to do his job if he can't touch the dog he needs to make sure everything is working right I don't care my dog is not going to be muzzled and that's final you were discriminating against my poor little baby dog because he's a pitbull I can't believe that I'm facing this kind of harassment for owning a pitbull at a vet's office for God's sake we went back and forth like this for awhile I kept telling her that her dog isn't going to see the vet until he has a muzzle on and she kept telling me he didn't mean it and that I was saying that he's aggressive because he's a pitbull eventually she put a muzzle on the dog and he apparently acted fine and not aggressive with the muzzle on but since he was aggressive once without the muzzle he will still have to be muzzled for future appointments she ended up filing a complaint against me because I was discriminating against her and her dog but it never really went anywhere she has another appointment next week so that's going to be fun posted by user dreams of clean teeth titled entitled dad pics on teen girls because he's intimidated by bouncer I am a hostess at an outdoor beer garden we are open to families during the day but in the evening everything becomes 21 plus yesterday a couple came to eat with a toddler for lunch who was screaming and crying before they even walked in as the hosting team we made sure to seed the family at a low top table with seats with backs to accommodate their child because we are nice and thoughtful hostesses apparently the couple let their child run around the restaurants and make a mess with the gravel on the grounds and the bouncer asks the couple to please keep their child seated he even referenced the signs in the wall stating children must be seated naturally the couple gets angry and decides to leave on their way outs they march around the hosting table and start berating us saying hi I think you guys did a great job as hostesses you've been nice and dull but I have a suggestion just a suggestion we came to this restaurant because it's kid-friendly and we just wanted to have a good time but that man told us our kid can't run around and have fun how is a kid's supposed to stay seated in a place like this that's made for kids to run around myself and the other hosts are visibly confused you should have told us beforehand that our child wouldn't be able to run around when you see that someone has a child you need to inform them of the rules before seating them I'm just trying to make a suggestion for you guys to help you do a better job next time because now our experience was ruined and that's why we decided to leave and then the man just walks away and the three of us were just left confused and ticked off like one I think I know how to do my job it's not your fault you can't control your child in public too this is a bar it is not exactly family-friendly we just tolerate children during the day and three it's not my fault you're so insecure as a grown man that you have to take your anger out on three 19 year olds because the big scary bouncer told you to control your snot Goblin ah posted by user the lunatic Brits titled your guinea pig looks sad and scared so I'm taking him with me just like the title says an entitled crap stain tried to take my guinea pig because she's thinks that it looked scared and sad now before I go into detail I wonder why a small animal would be scared of loud drunk and obnoxious idiots barging into my home hmm sir currently 11 p.m. at the time of this post and it's hot as hell in the UK and I'm just about to go to sleep but low and behold a drunk idiotic obnoxious brain-dead [ __ ] comes barging into my home and starts talking crap about me my dad and my younger brothers for those who catch on quickly I'm indeed talking about my mum who I have blacklisted out of my life who thinks the world revolves around and has a hissy fit when someone proves her wrong she starts sobbing and crying sing lunatic nobody loves me why does nobody love me to which I explain to her you're an abusive drunk you'll cruel and vindictive he talked crap about your own fudging kids and then start to wonder why nobody in your family loves you she tries to bullcrap her way out of it saying oh I don't mean it's I only say those things when I'm drunk protip she doesn't sir as I'm tired ticked off and done with her I tell her she can either get out on her own or I'll call the cops to get her out she reluctantly does sir but when she walks past my living room and sees my guinea pig curled up next to a frozen water bottle she goes on look at your little baby he looks so sad at this point I walked to the door and order her out much more aggressively to try and get it through her head that she has to leave when she walks up she goes fine I'll [ __ ] leave but I'm taking a guinea pig with me it looks sad and scared to which I grab the guinea pig out of her hands and shove her out locking the door behind me with her going how dare you I'm Your Mother I demand you give me your guinea pig so I can look after it she's still outside screaming her head off while I'm stuck wide awake in this dreadful heats calming and soothing my guinea pig and she wonders why I want to get a restraining order against her posted by user hey it's me look titled entitled mother steals myself started college fund for sister's birthday so whole growing up I found myself having a hoard of entitled parents step and otherwise my mum was great most times but still felt entitled to my stuff as I was her kid on to the story when I was a kid after my twin brother got diagnosed with cancer I became obsessed with saving money for my future I figured if only one of us got to have one I'd make it awesome enough for the both of us he's in remission for ten years next month but at the time I didn't know he'd live this meant every holiday I was on I found myself saving all the money I gots because I was going to go to Harvard I was going to have an awesome Korea and zero student debts had also met Lawrence weed gardens as well as Judah and babysit kids when I got old enough at the point this story happened I had a happy ten thousand dollars saved up not enough for all the college but only three thousand less than my total loans for college I was also Nuttall doubt of bank accounts because of my age and no one wanted one with me this meant I had roughly $10,000 in hundred-dollar notes I'd trade smaller bills with my mum in my closet in a shoebox my mum had my sister when I was 14 and she was born very early 27 weeks and spent most of her first year in and out of hospitals so my mum has dedicated her life to making my sister's life the best it can be one day shortly after my sister was born my mum asked if she could borrow some of my money as they would be short on rent that month due to my mum and stepdad being in the hospital so much and having their savings depleted I made her promise that she would pay me back and handed her $500 from the box and told her to put it back in said box when she would say pay me back I checked two months later and she had paid me back cool then my sister's birthday rolled around it was an amazing feat that she had made it to one year my mum was ready to have a huge party she rented out an entire aquarium because my little sister loved Ariel she got my sister a custom-made dress that looked like Ariel's pink one from the movie huge cake from the best local bakery tower of presents the whole nine yards me at the end of the party she announced that she had taken notes from my thrifty saving and it started my sister a high interest saving accounts with $1000 at the mermans so when she turned 18 she be said she also informed family members that any money she received as a gift today would go there we weren't wealthy by any means so I figured that my stepdads parents wealthy old money had paid for all this I was 15 at the time that this happens with a permit from school that I was able to get a part-time job I went to put my first check in my shoebox and I had noticed it only had one envelope in its versus the ten I had I opened it up expecting to count one thousand dollars but it was only three hundred and seventy four dollars showing whoever took it had the foresight to put back what they didn't use I had an absolute panic attack like fell to the ground screaming hyperventilating crying unable to speak panic that's when my brother came in he wasn't sure what to do so he got my mom she got down on my level and soothed me to where I was able to communicate anything she asked what happened and here's the exchange roughly a Emma's mom means me TB is twin brother now what happened everyone's alright are you okay robbed we got robbed what do you mean honey I started crying again and said I only have $300 I noticed that my mom became slightly less comforting and her tone became slightly less nervous 300 a did you take it she was referring to my brother no why would I steal from Opie I didn't even know she had money well Opie I'm sure you lost it no fifteen year old needs $10,000 anyway we'll get you a bank accounts that way this won't happen again I didn't lose it well you must have thrown it away then or something that's when it suddenly clicked how my sister had such an awesome party mom please please tell me that you didn't take it for my sister's birthday my mom got defensive and started acting like and this is the best way to describe it's a guilty dagon wrong per character during the rythm minigame she says I would never what would I even use it for your sister has had a hard life you would be lucky if that's where your money went you even got the money from us only part of its but whatever I remember distinctly putting 500 in your stupid box my twin brothers like all my god mom's a thief I'm not the thief I've given everything so you kids can have the best lives I was at the hospital every night with I shaved your head when your hair started falling outs this continued and would be a lot of typing but you get the gist mum you gave me that money because you guys didn't have rent that's [ __ ] TB outs this is between Opie and I woman's a woman she pushed my brother out and locked the door behind him sweetie one day when you become a mum you'll understand that you would do anything for your kids when God gives you to sick kids who get better you want to celebrate them don't you want your sister to have a good time doesn't she deserve to go to college one day you're so smart and strong you don't need help like the other two you'll probably get a full ride anyway I was in tears and too shaken up to talk I just sobbed in the fetal position she continued to talk at me for a while but I don't remember much other than waking up there for school the next day with my comforter on me and TB sleeping in my bed with his blanket / pillow I never got any money back but after buying a small safe with that paycheck instead saved up more and worked two jobs when I was 16 so I could have money I ended up with about five thousand dollars after having to pay for my own car and insurance to get to and from work and a few other things No posted by user iced shower titled entitled mother doesn't like it when other people wear face coverings I'm on mobile so sorry if the formatting is weird I was shopping for food and other essentials with my fiance yesterday and we were both wearing masks that I'd made out of some old t-shirts we noticed that the whole time we were in the store a woman and her son were not socially distancing at all and she was actually letting her kid put fingers in his mouth and pick his nose before and after touching things they also weren't wearing masks but I wasn't too bothered about that since it's not mandatory in the UK unless you are using public transports personally I wear one when I'm in a public building because I really don't want to get sick but I know I can't force other people to wear them too we got to the frozen food section and it was just us alone in the with this lady and her son her kid looked at us and started asking his mother why we were wearing masks his mother answered very loudly like she was making sure we heard her mommy why are those people wearing things on their faces what things their masks yeah why are they wearing those because they're idiots why are they idiots because they think breathing air will make them ill well that's silly I know I looked over at her at this point and narrowed my eyes the woman did the same and walked away dragging her kid behind her by the arm I honestly don't know why she seemed to take such an issue with two strangers choosing to wear masks it wasn't like I walked over and demanded she and her kid wear them I don't know people are weird edits after reading the comments I now understand that wearing a mask protects other people rather than myself thank you for letting me know I've been wearing them in public since the start of the pandemic and March and will continue to do so even though a lot of people seem to think social distancing is not a thing anymore thank you so much for all the up votes I know it's not your traditional entitled parent story filled with a lot of screaming calling the cops and stealing other people's property but the encounters still annoyed me enough that I wanted to share it I hope everyone is staying safe Loveheart all right guys that's all for today's video I hope you enjoyed this one today tell me what you thought of it down in the comments below um if you're not subscribed to the channel I would love you to subscribe because I love your face and I love seeing you here every single day that you are here in this video I don't know what else to say today guys I hope you enjoyed the content I do have a second channel that's called Maki - link should be up on the screen somewhere here if you don't have ad block installed if you don't know where to find the channel you can go to my main page just click on the Maki face and it should be on the right somewhere there or on channels if you're unfair I hope you guys have a good one I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 148,823
Rating: 4.7788248 out of 5
Keywords: EntitledParents, entitled, parents, r/entitledparents, r/entitled, r/entitled parents, rslash, markee, markee reddit, markee entitledparents
Id: f_gc-ceGt-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 11sec (7691 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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