r/Revenge + r/AssholeTax - HOW I BANK ROLLED MY STUPID BOSS!

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g'day there guys it's rosie hubby machi back at it again with another a-hole tax video now with that said I want you to sit back relax Chuck a prawn on the barbie and get ready for some bloody good content now our first post is my user Abe Froman kingsaurus titled x' celebrity chef ain't good enough for pizza men I've always wanted to earn my own place so I could charge jerks but that may be why I don't earn my own place but this story involves the owner I worked at a celebrity chef nearly fine-dining restaurants on the Las Vegas Strip we make gourmet food that doesn't always sit well with the proletariat one night we were graced by the presence of the famous celebrity chef himself he mostly did meet and greets and all the scary chefs went wobbly in the knees when he asked to see what they were cooking we had a customer complaint to come in during this time and he decided to fix it himself we sold pizza but it was gourmet pizza not Domino's the complaint was a common one that our pizza wasn't like they were used to I knew there was no way to please these low-rent customers and was interested to see how an elite chef handled them long story short he remade them two pizzas by hand they had no clue who he was and didn't care they could be starring on TV for all they knew the guy simply complains the pizza wasn't good enough he wanted a Chicago thin crust pizza just like national chain makes we simply couldn't do it made to order you can't just make the pizza dough and oven for thin crust magically change from your standard pizza the guy turned down the first pizza and the two celebrity pizzas he would have had his meal comped with free dessert if he wasn't such an ass the celebrity owner basically told him he doesn't know crap for cannolis and he can go to Papa John's for his crap pizza and kicked his ass out he then turned to all of us watching employees and said I earned the place I can do that don't you ever bloody do that what national chained is Chicago a thin crust no idea he was just asking for a particular style of pizza that we couldn't do and sent three pizzas back for not be the specialty that he wanted it happened to all the time if you're not used to gourmet pizza you might think it's bunk this was 20 years ago maybe he wanted stuffed crust from Little Caesars or wherever whenever I think of gourmet pizza I think about thin crust like Neapolitan style thin crust where it's almost cracka thin and crispy crunchy on the other extreme of that I know a girl actually from Italy that makes her made pizza that she calls pillow pizza because the crust is thick and chewy like biting into a pillar she kagra does have its own style of thin crust but all the chains within it a local I don't know of any national chains that have Chicago thin crust fun facts Little Caesars is Detroit style pizza I know too much about pizza was this celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay actually it was dr david robbins who runs wolfgang puck's v vegas restaurants no idea why I'm still scared to say his name for some reason Wolfgang sounds like a name of a 90's gang that would slick their hair back it does sound scary to say loll also who complains about pizza that craps my favorites our next post is by user Linden the [ __ ] 97 titled stuck-up millionaire who owes that whole town money gets what's coming let me start this post by saying that this story doesn't involve me in any way it's about the guy who used to own my parents property let's go on Greg all you need to know about Greg is that he is a stuck-up millionaire who thinks he's so perfect and spiritual but never pays anyone whether he gets a loan from the bank a friend or someone did work for him like seriously I could write so many stories about this guy on reddit from what people have told me so please let me know if you would like more about him anyway on to the revenge one of the people Greg owed money to was an earthmoving company six months went by and he didn't pay them so they drove a truck full of dirt and gravel to his house and dumped it onto his driveway so that no one could get in or out of it they then proceeded to call the other earthmoving companies in the area telling them not to go over there so that the only way anyone could in or out was if he paid them and of course they made him pay everything he owed them before they moved it an ex post is by user of elephant titled it only takes one to tax that many I think this sub is the closest for this story we are a restaurant that had pivoted during this crisis to provide takeout meals mostly pasta meals that come in a tin to heat up at home we basically portion out the meals into the tins but if there is extra at the end of packaging we will put the overage into one meal sort of an end of the batch bonus for random people at least until someone ordered two of the same item and got one regular and one larger portion instead of contacting the restaurants where we could have explained that their good fortune of getting the bonus package the customers decided to post on social media but the portions are inconsistent along with the picture please keep in mind that two hundred and fifty gram weight is labeled on the package so it's easy to see that one was more than it should have been anyways now that the management has seen the post we are directed to toss out any food that is not full portion size it's the end of the bonus because of someone who didn't realize the tin was half full not half empty at some pessimism humor foyer I still distribute the extra at the end I just distribute it more evenly despite the fact that I'm breaking protocol I hate it when people avoid direct confrontation and go all passive-aggressive online to get sympathy likes right if someone says they don't like something I try my best to fix the situation while I can in the moments but I swear people won't give you the chance to fix it because they'd rather play the helpless victim on Yelp there's a reason that site is named after the sound a hurt puppy makes why nots politely respond on social media explaining their good fortune I think this would be well received by the general public and helped to dispel notions of poor quality control by the way I completely agree with you about not wasting food it's a lesson I've been hitting hard with our kids do not waste food particularly now with all the difficulties involved in getting food on the table and all the workers who are risking their health safety and life corporate baby where the human touch withers into dust what human I lost my way in office once and accidentally wandered into the floor labeled higher management I was super confused because all I saw was server racks and then I realized hey I has been here for a while now wage is too placated to realize it why toss it if you can't sell it as a portion and did not supposed to give it to a paying customer why don't you put it on the side for an employee to take home or give it to a homeless shelter slash food pantry I still spread it around I can't throw away good food any time but especially now but that's corporate life an unhappy guest is a public concern keeping everything consistent and not making waves while not mentioning waste is business done behind closed doors and not just this one place unexpressed is by Indian Joe titled how my boss saved big on printing suppliers some time ago I worked in a small print shop doing big size digital prints way too long into her I spent almost three months there to give you an idea of the general atmosphere there were seven people working there when I started all of them have been there since at least five years by the end four of them had quit the boss tried to get new people to work here so during these three months I met four new hires three of them had quit within ten days I was supposed to do 39 hours per week but never went under 40 and routinely did 45 the maximum legally allowed here my boss complained about that telling me that I had better get better at my job and that I was costing her money fixing my daily mistakes in evening overtime it was actually her official motive for giving me my two weeks notice the actual motive was that the day before I left to go home 30 minutes after closure time the only reason I was late this day is because she was berating me about the excessive overtime I did i crap you not she was blaming me for the facts I proved wrong machine login hint and when she refused to accept the proof I just said if you don't want to listen to anything it's useless to try to talk with you and since I'm exhausted I'm going to sleep see you tomorrow in the morning the next day at 9 a.m. she gave me my two weeks and during this two weeks she had me do overtime everyday including this same very day by giving me extra urgent work to be done by 8:00 a.m. the day after less than 10 minutes before closing time one of the machines was a three by two meter you can read those measurements it was a flatbed printer used to print flat sheets of PVC dye bond aluminium or anything flat stiff and under ten centimeters four inches thick these were supplied in 3 by 2 meter sheets but were often cut to size with our digital flatbed cutter since it can cut any shape we often cut lettering or logos and leftover material had fairly irregular shapes one of our bosses policies was to never thrash any printing material because we can reuse them and save money and the planet as a result there were layers of mixed materials stacked on every wall last-minute jobs being our specialty nobody ever had time to sort them out the actual story we got a job to do on 3 millimeter thick PVC it would have required two and a half sheets we only had three in stock but the boss wanted to keep two for a later job we could have had extra suppliers delivered the next day soon enough for this later job to be done in time instead the boss ordered me to gather all the 3 millimeter PVC that I could find to see how much we could save I spent two hours rummaging around the shop measuring and sorting every PVC leftover that I found I then spent two more hours to see how the files to print could fit in all those wacky pieces but in the end my boss was happy we could do the first job with only one sheet and the scraps the morning after I started printing it was 55 signs printed both sides since I have to use several leftovers all of different sizes the file prep is not as straightforward as usual I had to manually prep eighteen files to print on nine sheets instead of just using an automated nesting tool with a flatbed printer double-sided is not automatic you have to be meticulous while preparing the files and while aligning the sheets on the machine if everything goes well it can be done in four hours everything did not go well when I started using the leftovers some were too dirty to be cleaned and some looked okay on one side but was scratched on the other as a result I had to discard some sheets but keep them stored anyway because save the planet and redo some files taking longer than anticipated worse some was so old they had weirdly off gassed this is invisible to the naked eye but once printed it would interfere with curing the inks producing random speckles instead of solid color even more time wasted since I had to redo the files for another leftover sheet and reprint last but not least somewhere from a previous supplier and while being the right thickness required different settings with the cutting machine of course you could not tell them apart from each other this ones had to be redone reprinted and recut I spent only eight hours this day printing this job only because it had to be delivered the next day my boss reluctantly accepted to let me do the last prints on a new sheet and order some more for the second job because it is the only way she could ensure that we would have it done in time in the end we used two sheets and some scrap and it took me a total of 12 hours the PVC sheets cost around 12 euro per square metre so around 72 euro per sheet my time cost my boss around 50 euro per hour in total it cost my boss around 744 euro to have this job done why is it a whole tax if I had done it efficiently using the sheets in the stock directly I would have used two and a half sheets and with new sheets I would have avoided a lot of problems and I would have had way less work to do on prepping the files and setting up the machine I could have been done in three hours for a total cost of four hundred and fourteen euros not counting my coworker time on the cutting machine nor the extra ink even more expensive than the one for your inkjet printer my boss cost herself 330 euros and screwed up her margin since the signs were for a friend and she accepted a lower price step-over dollars which is your pay to pick up pennies the cost of the material how much per hour does he cheat you on pay that he can afford to waste time she always accepted jobs knowing we barely had enough time he has she accepted two jobs knowing she had not enough supplies she combined a piss-poor organizational sense with a micromanaging personality I don't think it ever dawned on her that more last-minute jobs did not mean more money when it makes overtime skyrockets unexpressed is buy a maken wha titled you want to trespass on my property and call the sheriff on me for target shooting prepare for a hefty jerk tax I own some rural undeveloped acreage that we plan to build on someday in the meantime we would camp or drive out and spend the day target shooting the property is well posted with no trespassing and no hunting signs the main access is gated with an eight-foot metal gate there are berms ditches jersey barriers and logs and any points along the ten-mile stretch of road along where anyone would even consider accessing the property the neighboring properties have all done the same so basically there is no easy access on a thirty mile length and even with all that people still cut the logs move the barriers fill in the ditches to access the property on their quads and dirt bikes last weekend a couple of friends and I decided to go out there and do some short-range target shooting maybe 25 yards we're maybe two miles into the woods and suddenly a guy and his eight year old come up behind us on dirt bikes and the dude goes off yelling at us about shooting and endangering his young child remember we are shooting shirt range targets we have set up against a hillside so no errant bullets whizzing around and it's my property that is posted I try to explain he is actually trespassing when he says [ __ ] shut up and let the men handle this my male friend says it's her property you need to talk to her so once again I try to explain to him that he is trespassing he tells me to freak off and says he's calling the sheriff because we are shooting and we need to stop what we're doing and follow him out to the road to meet the sheriff because the property is gated no shit-jerk I gated it I said we would not leave but go ahead and call so he walked away in cold while he did that I also called and told the Sheriff's Department the gate was unlocked and they could drive in or if they wanted to call me when they get close they said it would be about an hour and they would come to the sides now we had probably a dozen rounds already loaded in three handguns so we figured what the hell told the dad we were going to target shoots and of course he flipped his and called the sheriff again we fired them and then made sure all the guns that were on the table opened so the sheriff could see that they were empty and sat there talking amongst ourselves while that jerk stood with his son sheriff shows up and the guy explains how he and his son ride there all the time describes how he cuts some logs and used a small khabardaar to make an entrance so they could get in shows what direction he came from when he right up and discovered those dangerous shooters the officer just lets him talk and writes it all down then he comes over to us and I show him my ID and my phone or I have pulled up the tax records to share I am the owner and this fine gentleman does not have permission to be on the property the officer goes back over to the men and get some information for his report asks if those are the dirt bikes that they were riding and the guy proudly says yes then the officer asks where the helmets are guy says he doesn't need them on private property officer asks if the guy's bike registrations occurrence again guy says they don't need to be on private property so the owner asks who owns the property and that's when the guy realizes things are not going his way so far his a a--j whole taxes cost him a ticket for no helmets and a double amount ticket for the kid not wearing one two tickets for unregistered bikes two trespassing charges of vandalism charge for the work that he bragged about to access the property and he had to push both the bikes two miles out to the road and then walk another three miles to his truck plus whatever the cost is to repair the damage he did making the access and damages for the trail system that he created if he hadn't have been a jerk and I would have just told him he couldn't ride there and blocked his access as for our illegal shooting the sheriff complimented me on my grouping which was nice loooong this was beautiful my justice burners are at full mast always glad to know I have given a random Internet stranger a burner you're a good man fella I like the cardia jib how dumb do you have to be to not understand that you can't assert private property rights when you're trespassing he did a lot of work to trespass so he didn't slip his mind also the sheriff complimented me on my grouping which was nice Sheriff sounds cool he had to enjoy levying this jerk tax Sheriff just glad he didn't have to have to do dead trespasser paperwork not just paperwork he'd need to call the coroner and there'd be at least a couple reports asking questions what a wonderful example that man is setting for his son I'm glad you and the officer showed his son how to be in adults thank you for helping the next generation you may want to consider speaking to a lawyer about suing this guy for the cost of the trees that he cut down tree law is a big deal and the cost of those trees could be far far bigger than you might expect the are slash legal advice subreddit is full of posts about people whose trees were cut down and some of the judgments are higher than the cost of my home it sounds like you'd have a slam-dunk case against this guy based on what he told the sheriff already on it's cold my attorney and I'm actually meeting a guy from a company that does environmental impact studies out there next week to walk the trails that come from the entrance that he made he was pretty smart about it because you can't release his handiwork from the road and he would park on the other side where it's not posted so people would think he was riding there were you going to ask for restitution and/or file a civil suit against him mama don't play around and our last pose for the day is by who I am 69 titled a customer gets a five hundred dollar tax on an eight dollar meal just found this sub and now I have the place to share one of my favorite stories I work at a famous chicken chain that is known for our politeness at my store we offer free meals to police officers in uniform who eat in the restaurants my coworker greeted this customer and asked for his order he promptly showed what an ass he was by berating her for having to wait in line for all of two minutes he did it so loudly that three officers eating lunch heard him he used very foul language and took four minutes to do so before placing his order strike one for him he then showed his next move by camping out in a booth and making a mess that I only expect from large families with multiple small children this included throwing his trash on the floor in plain view of the offices strike two he then went to his car and started throwing what seemed like an ocean of old fast food wrappers and cigarette butts out of his car into the parking lots this was strike three for him as this was littering all three officers went out and made him clean up his mess and wrote him a tickets where I live littering carries a $500 fine and if he contested it the judge could tack up to 60 hours of community service sir this guy ended up paying five hundred and eight dollars for his lunch this man deserves some community service I'm thinking maybe a week or so a cleaning toilet set a chick-fil-a chicken place ah nah just as a former employee of said polite chicken restaurants their toilets are decently clean make him clean at Taco Time or chuck-e-cheese this is why I make my kid help me clean up every bit of mess he makes in restaurants he can't help making messes he's five and utensils with small hands and poor coordination but he can be aware of his impact on the world and help make it better I agree I show my kids how to clean up and I explain it I do most of it as the little ones a little but it's important to teach them as they get older itself incentivizes them to not make a mess dealership tried to scam me on my car and gets what's coming so about a week ago I was in the market for a new car I already had a four year old car so the plan was to trade in my old car and draw over the equity into a new one I searched online and found the exact car that I wanted so I called the dealership and schedule a time for the test-drive after the test-drive we began to discuss the financial terms of the new car loan always go to dealerships pre-approved and also the trade-in amount for my old car going into my trade-in I did my homework I found out that the fair market price for my car was ten thousand dollars private party and around eight thousand dollars on a trade-in the dealership ran the numbers and came back to me with an offer for six thousand four hundred dollars on the evaluation they put the lowest trim and options on my old car while also putting that the car was in fair condition instead of good or excellence which I can honestly attest to obviously I put up a fight with the offer and eventually the sales manager came out to explain the low offer siding covered 19 his mother's gallbladder and a bunch of other excuses I really wanted the new car so I sucked it up and decided to move forward as I was still able to roll over a few thousand dollars towards my new car at last the contract signing comes around and don't get put with his smooth-talking finance guy who attempted to upsell me on a bunch of useless warranties that were exorbitantly priced when I was finally able to look at the contracts the pricing for my trade-in was listed at seventy two hundred dollars not sixty four hundred dollars I verify with the finance guy and he confirmed the 72 hundred dollar price I assign key signs and the documents are processed a few moments pass and from the other room I hear him talking to the sales manager about how the car pricing was wrong the contracts $800 my favor from what I overheard they listed their internal price on the contracts meaning all the things they told me previously was complete bull crap and they were trying to stiff me the finance guy comes back to me and says that the contract was void because the pricing was wrong and that we'll have to fill out a new set of documents immediately I knew he was full of crap in college I took an extensive legal contracts course taught by an attorney and the one thing that was beat into our heads was the requirement for two parties to make a contract legal and that it also takes both parties to void a contracts the dealership screwed up and then tried to trick me into voiding the contract I simply refused and cited the legal requirements to void a contract the finance guy then began to argue with me saying how it wasn't fair to the dealership that I was getting more money for my car and how I should do the right thing meaning that I should just bend right over and let them rip me off on my trade-in obviously I refused and the dealership had no choice but to let me go on my merry way in my new car with 800 more dollars in my pockets unexposed is my user slytherin rabbets titled put up a noise device to stop teenagers without thinking through the consequences good luck going broke this is about one of those sound devices that emits a high-pitched noise it's supposed to keep teenagers away from certain areas as it hurts their ears but older people can't hear it apparently I'm 26 and I can still hear them so I call BS on that it hurts and I refuse to patronize any business that uses them I grew up in a relatively affluent and northern English village two miles walk from a private school we call them public schools in the UK which seems to confuse other nationalities the village had a local shop which was much more expensive than the Tesco is ten minutes drive away but was popular with the locals much of their clientele was the locals which were mostly well-off retired people stay-at-home mothers and children from the school many of whom were wealthy Chinese students who thought nothing of spending a load of cash on snack my family is moderately well-off I was one of the poorest kids at the school on nice days some of us all the children who lived in the village it was a boarding or day school and about six of us teenagers would day people's who lived in the village would walk home from school as it was a lovely walk that took us through the fields and along the riverbank and this was a low crime area so our parents allowed this we would often get a drink and ice cream from the shop ond our way past we stopped doing this when the shop owner who I shall call Karen who never had issues with us before suddenly decided she objected to teenagers and followed us around the shop to make sure we weren't stealing and they yelled at us for loitering when we stopped to unwrap our ice lollies and put the wrapping in the bin outside the shop so we decided if she didn't want us in her shop we wouldn't go a few weeks after this several mothers were surprised to find the young children started crying when they walked past the ears hurt and they were too young to articulate this others found their dogs wouldn't stop barking in the vicinity of the shop one of my friends had the idea it was a sonic device when she heard about it and mentioned it to her mother who apparently confronted Karen who smugly admitted it she thought it was very clever to keep teenagers outs there were six teenagers in this village even if we were being difficult and we weren't it was overkill when she could have complained directly to our parents it did keep us teenagers outs but this went around the village quickly like any small community the mothers whose young children had been reduced to tears were furious anyone with a child or dog automatically stopped shopping there to avoid causing pain to the child or dog I would estimate 75% of the village had a dog and didn't shop there when alone because they were angry at Karen for causing that pain the woman who lived next to the shop called the police because her children couldn't use their garden as the sound traveled Karen was ordered to take it down as the sound reached private property not because it was causing pain to children which still bothers me and she was fined quite a lot I think it was like ten thousand pounds but this was ten years and I may be misremembering I know she didn't take it down when first asked politely often the first step before police take action and they had to force her and then there was some back-and-forth but I wasn't privy to the details the device was gone but no one went back to the shop she had been so hostile and smug about her brilliant idea ignoring complaints from parents and dog owners that no one wanted to give her money the shop became a ghost town for a month or so then she shut down and then she got drunk and ranted at the town fate's about how no one supported local businesses anymore she was a normal person until this happened though it's weird as for the teenagers thing she had known us for years so the sudden 180 was weird I would have blamed the boarding students instead but they were escorted by a teacher when they came once a week edits in answer to some comments this didn't happen overnight there were three or four days before people realized what was happening and then another few weeks maybe a month before she was forced to remove the device she was asked nicely first and refused it took time to get the relevant paperwork to force her to do it can't remember the details here while she insisted she was right then at no point did she apologize to the lady next door and she rather doubled down all in all it took around four or five months for the business to fold this was not instant she had time to either explain the sudden 180 if there was a valid reason or to apologize edit to yes in British English public and private schools are the same thing but the Americans called public school we call state schools I googled it apparently it was because the public name refers to the school's origins and schools open to any public citizen who could afford to pay the fees they not funded from public taxes it's an odd thing but most Brits now use private / public / independent indeed changeably when talking about these schools added three I mentioned this to one of my old friends and he reminded me that one of our other friends saw a gap in the market from the students who stopped going to the shop as their ears hurt and started bulk buying stuff at Tescos at the weekend and selling them to the boarding students for inflated prices apparently he made 2,000 pounds before he was caught and this was ten years ago it was also bizarre because the school started taking the boarding students to Tesco instead they could have literally bought the same food for a third of the price I've been lucky never to really struggle for money I've never been super rich but I've never had to worry about food or shelter or university costs which makes me luckier than most but that wasting of money just blows my mind my dad grew up super poor and built his own business from nothing he always made my sister and I appreciate the value of things I have some stories about some of the wealthier boarders that may make good our slash entitled people vada and our next post is by user mm FQ death titled company I used to work for gets hacked for forty five thousand dollars so our little backgrounds my last job and I have had some issues in the past I worked in IT at a family-owned company a basic rundown of what happened was my girlfriend had to go to the hospital and we share a car something didn't get done the date was supposed to because of a network outage and the boss decided the me coming in early the next day wasn't good enough and fired me now when I say I worked in IT I mean I got paid barely anything I also worked as a web designer network security analyst database manager Sales Coordinator server manager etc although I only got paid $13 now all while I was there the owner expressed concerns about other companies receiving ransom attacks I told him that there were a few measures we could take but they would add a cost to our network security budgets this was about a month before I got fired I met with several companies made my recommendation and was shut down on the company I selected as the best fit due to cost I expressed how bad of an idea it could be and it was still shut down and we chose a cheaper option which was fine because I had other measures in place to avoid it now my boss the director of IT is a great however he's a terrible IT technician he's always busy answering emails never gets anything done on time offloaded all of his work on to me and had me doing everything he had no idea how to use any of the software we bought no idea how to monitor anything no idea how to recover from an attack etc when I had to leave early to get my girlfriend to the hospital for an extremely painful kidney stone I told him I would come in two hours early the next day and get done before anything was there he approved it and I told him if he wanted to do this install I left everything there and it would take maybe 25 minutes prior to this everything was on hold for two days because our entire network was down due to him causing a loop back on a network switch which caused errors and threw everything into a panic which I fixed as I said I was let go the next day this all transpired about a year ago so today as I'm still friends with many of the people there I got told about this hack it was the exact thing the boss had been worried about the network was hacked all of the records and backups were deleted all information was stolen off of the servers and they were ransomed for forty five thousand dollars which they paid because they couldn't fix it now I had offline cloud backups I had an offline server dedicated to malware removal from networked components etc I had it already if my boss would have taken the time to learn it or if I was still there I could have at least gotten the data back without paying the ransom or prevented the attack entirely it's a terrible thing that happened but holy crap am i loving it that is what they deserve our next post is my user DJ DJ Osama bin Laden titled the jerk discounts when I was in high school I worked as a cashier at a grocery store in a pretty affluent neighborhood this meant that there was the occasional encounter with miserable entitled middle-aged Karan's projecting the stress and inner torment of their own midlife crisis unto me before they home and engulf the chardonnay and chocolate i just scanned for them the story worked out had a senior discount day on thursdays which happened to be one of the days that i worked one day i had a woman come through my line who was probably in her mid 50's she wasn't senior old yet but she was definitely getting there she didn't respond to my hello which I don't really care about anyways after I scanned her things I started scanning the stack of coupons that she brought many of which were expired and wouldn't work I explained this to her politely but she wasn't having any of it in the most awful nasal and patronizing voice she starts going on a rant about how it shouldn't matter I just got the coupons and isn't there a way that you can just take it off yourself my response to that was of course no in the most polite way that I could she seemed to accept defeat but she wasn't done trying to make someone's day as bad as hers she tells me how stupid it is that we have Halloween candy out in late November it was on clearance and how much better the other stores in the city were because they wouldn't do things like this all while angrily referring to the store that I was in as you as if I was the person in control of these things she was almost done complaining when I remembered it was Thursday I immediately typed the code in and the words senior discount 10% appear on the screen in front of her upon seeing this her expression very quickly changed from that of a smug entitled narcissist to someone entering the throes of an existential crisis she turned to bread in the face as she put a card in and went to grab her cards I wished her a nice evening and she left without saying a word moral of the story if you want to exact revenge on a Caryn make them feel old an ex post is buying cold snowy peaks titled literal absentee DIY landlord tries to screw me over loses everything he tried to gain from me once upon a time when I was young and single and found myself flush with a surplus of cash I decided to embark upon single male living and found a townhouse for rent in an HOA community that seems like a pretty decent deal it was a separate unit with one level that was theoretically a DA but never got anyone to rent it it took me two full years to figure out why and it was the worst absentee landlord in the worlds he was headed off to Ecuador to live full-time in this weird yoga retreat thing and chased after Ecuadorian Beach bunnies or something imagine every greasy balding ponytail hippie you ever met then add complete incompetence to that and an inherited set of opportunities that he had slumlord as a living but sold off except for one units at this HOA his own place landlord had hired the property management company that managed the HOA property maintenance groundskeeping etc to rent the place but insisted on doing the paperwork himself since I was the first renter he had had for this particular units he had lived there previously and was moving to Ecuador he approved me had me hand him cash for the cleaning deposits warning warning sign paperwork that turned out wasn't the paperwork the management company needed and then flew to his new home in Ecuador that night he handed me the key to the townhouse and drove off in a cheap rental car and the last thing he said to me was if there's a problem I expect you to work it out with the management company I won't be available for a month or so at this point Klaxons should have been going off in my head when I walked into the unit's it was trashed like messy frat house moved out trash I called his number and I called the property management company and said this isn't cleaned at all back and forth went on for a good while but it was still a house I should have walked but I didn't at that point eventually the management company got him to admit that he left the unit trashed I wouldn't move in at all I was able to share the receipt for the $600 cleaning fee he signed hurriedly for and submit that so they waived the security deposit they would normally have required and said they would require landlord to pay it so it all worked out three months later the jerk landlord is back in town to pare down his material possessions ie sell crap he left behind and wouldn't you know it's the water heater in the unit died I contacted the management company they contacted him and he said I'll take care of it he showed up one day broke the lock getting in his rationale was that he owns the place so he could break the lock if he wanted to without putting a 24-hour notice up that he was going to be working on it I got a call at work from a neighbor and drove home as fast as I could to find jerk landlord sputtering as the new water heater ruined two bookshelves worth of hardback books and rare board games at that point I had already called the management company and they not only had photographs of the jerk landlord screw-up but also took him aside and told him I could prosecute him for criminal trespassing I was furious but landlord promised he'd get money from his insurance company to fix everything and I'd get replacements for my stuff guess what never happened I eventually rebuilt my collection but at that point I was done with him entirely and more or less demanded that the property management company be the only ones involved oddly enough they were pretty much on that too when I decided to move closer to my work taking me up for an hour to get home driving by car - less than five minutes by bicycle I was torn because frankly once I'd figured this jerks modus operandi for the rental I could do pretty much whatever so long as he got his check he never checked email so if there was an issue I went through the management company and inevitably they just said go ahead and take care of it busted appliance etc and take it off the rent he always sent screaming emails threatening to evict me if he didn't get his full rent payments because he had a crappy building but I was on a long term lease of two years and had locked in what was then above average pricing for the building but as it went on was something like one third of the rent in my area for my place the $200 jump in monthly rent was one thing but if I was honest about everything saving $200 a month in rents meant I was spending 2 hours a day in traffic and a hundred and fifty dollars more in the gas the new placement I could walk pretty much anywhere on top of that dealing with the jerk landlord over the Internet for the past two years was too much and I knew he'd try to jack my rent up $300 above what the place was worth the minute that two years was up which was about what I was going to pay for the new place and the bastard still hadn't given me the money for my books and games that he had ruined sir I made sure to send in the notification exactly on time as per his instructions to the property management company who at this points knew me and knew what was likely to happen when I moved out and true to form he did exactly what we all expected him to do he attempted to claim the cleaning deposit as security and then said I would have to pay for the damage I caused due to my negligence with the water heater and pay to have the unit recarpet 'add there was no carpet anywhere in the house because part of the reason he didn't want to pay for cleaning was because he tore up all the carpet from my unit before I moved in and then decided he could just paint the floor instead unfortunately it was an old hardwood floor and not the subfloor I had all of his shenanigans documented to a fare-thee-well I had signed documents from the landlord along with a signed letter indicating that it was due to his incompetence as well as the notification and photographs of the damage he had caused trying to fix something outside of his experience I even had a photograph of him with water spraying him in the face because he tried to sold a copper pipe and when that didn't work he tried to duct tape it shuts to be clear I did absolutely no work on his property whatsoever I called the property management company that he had hired to do all the work and when he screwed up installing the water heater in my units and had ruined the carpet as well as a bunch of my stuff I called his insurance agency because he was living in Ecuador and couldn't be bothered to deal with his properties other than to collect a rent check so when he pulled his now infamous bullcrap I was able to trot out all the documentation on the property management company and I had kept and I still had a copy of the insurance claim I had filed with the full list of ruined property and the total he signed and dated that he had in fact collected money from by this time I had already moved out everything out of the unit's except for a cheap old laptop a folding table a chair I found in the alleyway and my cleaning suppliers because I was working from home for a week while packing up my crap and moving out I sent him an email with the management company cc'd but also cc'd a friend of mine who worked at a law firm at the time as the front desk receptionist but the domain was a well-known law firm in my city and had handled the landlord's divorce once upon a time the email in legal terms but TL DR said so should I send this letter of demand to the insurance company because I'm confused and as I recall you still owe me some weigh between 1000 and 1200 dollars in my personal property damages you never paid due to your mishandling of the water heater installation and thus the full list of other landlord bullcrap should I contact your company and insurance agent as per your standing instructions five minutes after I sent that email I got a call from the property management company saying that they would take care of everything from that point on and that if I hadn't heard from them by Thursday to expect couriered documents on Friday morning Friday morning I woke up to a courier hand-delivering me a forty 250 dollar check and an itemized receipt for everything the landlord had tried to screw me over for it included the cleaning fee but surprisingly also these standard security deposits and the owed money for damages that he had received from the insurance company but never paid me and a full refund of my last month's rent I found out about four years later but the HOA had a lien on the property for about a year but couldn't start foreclosure until I moved out so they backdated me and refunded my rent check turns out jerk landlord was pocketing the rent but hadn't paid utilities or HOA dues for six months which was handled through property management company so the HOA foreclosed on his units the property management company got 15% and the place sold for $600,000 after they hired a condo flipper I get the impression they were all just sitting there hovering waiting for me to hand over the keys to the property management company and then the minute I was out the door they were filing paperwork and lawsuit saying go go go get the rent a completely clear this no liens no liens because if I could have shown that the owners still owed me any money at all I could have theoretically tied up the repo of the unit jerk landlord tried to sue them but for some reason didn't want to leave Ecuador I'd like to imagine it was a warrant for his arrest for insurance fraud but still I froze my psycho neighbor out of her apartment in college my two friends and I decided to find a place together off-campus we found a beautiful three-bedroom house with surprisingly affordable rent the basement of the house was listed as a separate apartment but as it had a separate entrance and the indoor stairwell had been blocked off we weren't worried and the thermostat was upstairs then the demon neighbor moved in from upstairs we could hear everything this adult woman would call her mother and scream at her to pay for her cell phone bills and give her grocery money aka Taco Bell and cheap tequila she would scream at whatever guy she was sleeping with to bring her meth and one day she brought home three puppies to scream at - we were terrified of this woman and the noise was hell also we'd been idiotic enough to sign a lease stating we were responsible for all utilities period meaning we were now financing her gas water and electric but with only two months left on the lease we thought we could just ride it out but then she started smoking constantly according to the landlord she had quit for good when she had signed the lease but for good only lasted two days since it was winter the heat was running nearly 24/7 and the smoke was wafting up from the vents our apartment in dala belongings began to reek with smoke we contacted the landlord because we'd signed for a bloody non-smoking apartment he told us we lived in a state where you could technically call an apartment non-smoking even if it's shared ventilation with the smoking apartment screw you leasing laws at this point my two roommates were heading out for a two-week vacation they were online students while I was residential leaving me alone in the apartment with the demon smoker in the basement I couldn't sleep or eats because my idiotic stomach decided to react to all the secondhand smoke by aching and cramping constantly after three days I was a little insane I made a plan I checked the forecast lows in the 20s all week I borrowed a friend's ultra insulated sleeping bag I bought one of those ski masks with the holes in it from your eyes and mouth I got out my stocking cap my silk long underwear my woolen socks and my down parka I bought tea hot cocoa and ramen and prepared to live off of a diet of hot liquids and I turned off the fudging heat day one she's screaming at her mother for forcing her to move into this frozen crap hole of an apartment day two she's screaming at her boyfriend or meth dealer because he won't let her move in with him day three she's screaming at the landlord about how she's budging freezing day four the landlord is at my door I greet him in full ski mask parka stocking cap array looking like I'm heading out to rob Santa Claus at the North Pole he asks me if I don't find it a little chilly in the house I reply I had found all of that cigarette smoke a little warmer day five she's screaming about the [ __ ] upstairs to anyone who will listen and I'm sitting upstairs clutching my car keys and my pepper spray with 911 typed into my phone she finally decides she's fudging leaving and moving him with Greg even though he just got out for stabbing Travis and he lives with that fudging creepy house in the woods with all those jerk biting dogs day6 she's gone I silently bless Greg marl of the story there's a bloody reason the rent seems too good to be true PS for those wondering I did have a friend who worked plumbing stopped by to give me some advice about how low I could go before I burst water pipes to hell and back geez this person is this was evil you're so evil remind me not to move in with them that's a it's a good mental note here alright game is unexposed is bye call me swelling ttan titled the girl Friday with the PhD takes over the business from ungrateful owner this is a long tale it is also a textbook case of why you don't abuse loyal associates so my spouse was the second person hired at a consulting company in a very specialized industry in her 15 years with the firm I grew to a respectable three office eight to ten employees at each location entity she in the earner grew the business on the contacts expertise and presentation of my wife to the extent that my wife's abilities and education we're the main reason the new business came through the door over the years her scope of responsibilities grew so that the earner was basically 75 percent absent and mostly unaware of the day-to-day activity as he got more and more removed from the business he would make overtures that he would eventually retire and sell her the business he was so dependent on her income generating that he took out a life-insurance policy on her I did not involve myself too much but at a major industry party I attended with her he introduced my wife to the table as my girl Friday basically a secretary which was weird over the years she tried to get an agreement in place to buy the firm even if it was years away he always delayed and made promises but never followed through I told her this guy doesn't respect you or your contribution he will never sell you the business because there is no reason to he can make more money by stringing you along and essentially you are the business why would he sell it to you one day out of the blue my wife received a raise in a Burness a very minor amount of money and a contract that included a non-compete non-disclosure agreement after reading it she realized that the owner was trying to lock her down from leaving for another firm she had beginning feelings from other companies to make things even more suspicious she received a call from a competitor who said they were final stages of jeu Jilla gence and they wanted to meet her the jerk was selling the company and didn't think to tell her or ask if she was interested in buying it she ignored the agreements and there were no other agreements in place she was totally free my wife is extremely loyal she has missed so many special days working for this guy stuck around when they were wobbly even skipped paychecks when there were tough Financial Times she was furious the absolute maddest I've ever seen her we discussed starting her own firm and I asked how much business is contractually obligated to stay there if you leave it turned out that most agreements were either handshake or 30-day at will I also asked how many would leave with you she said about 75% including her biggest source of revenue who didn't even know the owner in a very short time my wife took a three week vacation she had months of unused time during which time she rented an office in the same building and made all the arrangements to set up a new shop she agreed to leave any indole company property behind and do her best to give the old company in their obvious amory for litigation she called her clients and said I'm leaving if you want to look into relocating your account with my new company you'll need to quit the old one before we can discuss it first understood the implication while she was on vacation she received a panicked call from her boss we lost XYZ company do you know anything about it she said I'm sorry but I just sent you an email I've resigned all my keys and company stuff is on my desk bye-bye the new firm took basically 90% of the business and seamlessly transitioned into the same company as it was before but with a new owner even most of the office staff would come aboard within a year her old company closed down except for the small office her old boss ran she sees him once in a while and he just scales at her noise alright our next post is by our k9j titled slumlord loses his business over $300 security deposit I rented a little house from a man who earned a painting business the power was off when he came to see the property but he assured us everything worked even put it in the contract the place was dirty and poorly maintained so we negotiated these security deposits down to three hundred dollars turned out the heat and air didn't work along with the refrigerator and dishwasher I asked him to have someone look at them and he cursed me up and down he called and left threatening voicemails he would show up unannounced and let himself in on one of the visits I showed him that the crawlspace was flooded and was a breeding ground for thousands if not millions of cockroaches and mosquitoes that would come up through the floor vents there was absolutely no duct work even though he claimed the heat and air worked fine he accused me of causing the flood myself even though I showed him the source was a pipe that had rusted through he refused to address any problems and said if you don't like it then you can move you can take pay for a bargain and expect to live in the Ritz this man was a terrible man in general once he hired someone off Craigslist to cut down a tree in the rental properties yard the man worked literally all day for the agreed one hundred and fifty dollars cut up and hauled off the tree he came back that evening just standing in the yard I asked if I could help him he said he was waiting for the owner to get paid the owner kept replying saying he was on the way but never showed up and they were told us he had punched the previous renter in the face and refused to pay him for a day's work for his company he had bragged about renting to illegal immigrants and not having to do anything because they wouldn't sue we had a newborn baby so we called his bluff and agreed to find a new place to live we left the home in much better shape than we found it he said he would mail us the security deposit but never did he dodged my phone calls until one day he called the say you want getting it back he broke the contract when you left early so go screw yourself I was really upset because we were new parents and had very little money that $300 was a big deal to us and a drop in the bucket for this man he owned an upscale painting business and had 15 rental properties the next week I was on line leaving negative reviews for his business when I clicked a link and noticed his website's domain had just lapsed I knew what I had to do I immediately bought it then created a home page with contact info for his biggest competitor I emailed him from his old domain asking if he wanted to buy the website for three hundred and twenty dollars the cost of these security deposits plus the price I paid for the domain he was irate he started calling my work threatening to sue my employer he even contacted my parents and threatened to sue them he left a bunch of threatening voicemails for me saying he was going to beat me up and he knows where I live and he has my social security number I received emails from several review sites asking if I was trying to update the contact info for the business he must have used his old domains email as his contact email I didn't want to get in trouble for impersonating his business so I did not respond the contact info was never changed I received a few emails from potential clients I called him and told him about the painting job requests I gave him the contact info for one of the clients to prove I wasn't just making it up I told him it was the last time I was going to do that for him and suggested he buy the website back in order to not miss out on any other jobs he told me he was taking me to court I told him I had recorded his threatening phone calls and saved all his texts and voicemails he said he was going to sue me for illegally recording him which is not illegal in my state I said I look forward to seeing you in court where I count to sue and press charges for harassing me and I hung up he called me back and cussed me out for hanging up on him I say call me back when you can speak respectfully to me and hung up again we repeated this about five times each time he was more angry until the last time he spoke respectfully and explained he hadn't got a single job in months I suggested he focused more on creating a web sites to find business he lost it and cussed me out again six months passed and he still hadn't bought the web site for me I get a call from him begging me to do the right thing and give him the website back I told him the current price is three hundred and fifty dollars six months later I get another phone call I told him the current price is three hundred and eighty dollars eventually he texted me to say I went out of business I hope you're happy I responded I hear having a website really helps your business three hundred and eighty dollars and it's yours he told me what a terrible person I am and said Karma's beer I responded maybe if you stop trying to rip people off your karma wouldn't be so bad that's the last time I ever heard from him the major business listing site confirmed his business did indeed close I renewed the domain for another two years just in case he was bluffing a few months later I drove by his office to see if it was still there it was empty with a for rent sign posted I never got that $300 back and spent money on domain registrations but it was totally worth it edits I removed pricing and domain renewal timeline because I was estimating it and it was bothering people it was in 2013 through GoDaddy but if it really matters to you I can send screenshots of verifying emails company info and the domain address just message me because I can't post it here or it would break the rules of not giving out personal info wouldn't messaging people break the rules of giving out personal info I don't understand anyway guys our next post is by countess streets titled height approved I originally posted this in malicious compliance but I think it belongs here - this isn't my story but my parents it was probably the first time I witnessed malicious compliance and I still remember it well it was about 25 years ago so I was about 8 years old and we had just moved into a 150 year old house that was in need of major repairs my dad thinking ahead knew he would need a large garage and workshop to really get started on the renovations properly on the edge of a yard was an ancient barn that was falling apart and needed to be torn down my dad figured this was the best place to build his new workshop so that was the plan we had met and were on good terms with all the neighbors of that points when the plans for the new workshop were finished my parents went around to all the neighbors as a courtesy to show them the plans and get their blessings the neighbors whose property the current barn and a new workshop would border I'll call them the Peters were concerned about the height the existing barn was 16 foot high and they asked if we could only build at one-story 12 foot max as to not block the Sun in their yard sure no problem my parents agreed they wanted to go for two storeys for extra storage but just one wasn't a deal breaker so the old barn was torn down and the foundation laid for the new one during that time there was a falling-out with the Peters and my parents I'm not sure what happened but it turns nasty one day my brother and I were playing street hockey and mr. Peters came out yelling at us to get off the road you half-breed craps my dad is black so we're both half black you'd have to earn your place in this town what though what's wrong with him upon hearing this my mom had to physically restrain my dad from going over and beating the living crap out of him eventually he cooled off and started on his plan the plans for one story went out the window soon the new garage that was only supposed to be one story soon gained a second in the blueprints if they were going to direct racist comments at his kids my dad would build what he wanted as the construction started the Peters came over to ask why there was two stories being built and we're told to go screw themselves we didn't hear from them again until the roof started to go on the bylaws of the township limited all-out structures to 24 foot high the Peters called the township and then a building inspector claiming that the new garage was over 24 foot high if it was over Heights the entire thing would have to be torn down and rebuilt costing us tens of thousands of dollars I remember the Peters standing there watching the inspector with smug looks on their faces two days later we got the final report back from the ship and inspector 23 feet 11 inches just as my dad had drawn up in his new plans he sent me up on the roof of the garage which is plywood no singles yet with some spray paint and had me rights 23 feet 11 inches height approved in two-foot neon orange letters across the entire roof facing their yard and house not only did the garage block all sunlight from reaching their yard but my dad waited until everything else was done before he shingled to that side of the roof they had to stare at those neon orange letters for almost three years we didn't hear a peep from them for the next 10 years until they moved rightio and our next posters by user mad Brewer three nine nine one titled past allies cheats and steals he gets exactly what he deserves if you want to read on YouTube that's okay with me you can call me kaljaa or ropey as my username is not easy thanks kaljaa sorry i'm on mobile also I'm sorry but I need to be very a bit vague about where this happened that's alright Kandra love you the cast past a bob not real name contractor and me Cal drew or AP if he wants it's fine with me kaljaa Baqarah setup I have been a computer technician for more than 15 years I have worked on all kinds of computers everything from tiny point-of-sale computers to large rack server computers I had been attending a new church to me I was trying to date a woman there this church was her idea that relationship crashed and burned but that's a different story sorry to hear kaljaa now we can start it was about five years ago I just sat through a long sermon about generosity and giving to those that need help at the end of the sermon Pastor Bob asked for an additional donation because the church's roofs needed repairs and it would cost twenty thousand US dollars that's right twenty thousand freedom dollars for a new roof after the service I'm talking to my date Pastor Bob walks over to me I said hi and he introduced himself we talked we talked a bit Pastor Bob asked what I do for a living I tell him I am a computer tech with a shop as I'm telling him I have a feeling he already knows what I do Pastor Bob asks me to have a look at his laptop it's of being very slow so I agree I turn the laptop on and I hear a clicking noise this Clues me in it's probably the hard drive but I can still access the data this is a good thing because it means I can probably recover the data so I tell Pastor Bob the hard drive is dying and it needs to be replaced I also tell him I can probably recover the data Pastor Bob asked how much it would cost to fix I tell him for most people I would charge around two hundred and fifty dollars however I feel I can donate my time so I would need just sixty dollars for a new hard drive Pastor Bob agrees so I write up an invoice new hard drive 60 bucks labor zero bucks data recovery zero bucks and two to four days for the repair Pastor Bob signed the invoice thus I take the laptop to my shop I open the laptop HP y to use so many screws and clips I get the hard drive out and connected to my recovery rig I set up the recovery to clone the data to a new hard drive but not the new one for the laptop a high-end storage drive I go home after locking up the shop next day Monday I open the shop and check the recovery rig it's working but it will take at least ten more hours so I start to work on other tickets then at closing time I lock up and go home next day Tuesday I've had pastor Bob's laptop for two days I open the shop and check my recovery rig good news recovery completed 100% data recovered report says hard drive developed too many bad sectors now I have a choice I could put a 1 terabyte hard drive for 60 bucks or a 120 gigabyte SSD for 60 bucks or I could pay some money myself for a 240 gigabyte SSD for 100 bucks I decided why not and put the 240 gigabyte SSD into the laptop R then clearing all the data over from the nuchal recovery store which drive to the new to 40 gigabytes solid-state drive an hour later the clone is done so I check everything the laptop works great and is exactly like how it was before the first Hyde Drive had died even the logins still worked therefore I call Pastor Bob and tell him his computer is done he says that's great and he will be there soon to get it about 45 minutes later Pastor Bob walks in I show him his laptop working and much faster he loves it and signs the pickup form he then pays me with a check for $60.00 its importance he paid with a check I do a bank run on Monday and Friday so that Friday at the bank I am informed that pastor Bob's cheque is void what's why Pastor Bob had placed his stop payment on the check consequently I called him and he ignored my call I go to church on Sunday Pastor Bob gives a sermon about not lying I walk up to talk to him and he avoids me so I leave and decide I'm going to write it off I spent $100 and some time to do something nice a few weeks later a customer walks in looking for a new computer to welcome him I offer him a drink and go over his options I'm chatting him up and he tells me he is a contractor he mostly does siding and roofing he is thinking about offering solar that's why he is getting a new computer I asked how much does a new roof cost he says up to about $10,000 so I asked him why would someone say $20,000 he had no idea I thought it was strange I asked about the church contractor said it would have been simple and about $5,000 and he could probably do it for less contractor buys a nice new laptop sorry the setup took so long the revenge starts now something about what the contract is said bugs me later why would Pastor Bob lie and say $20,000 for a new roof and why would he stiff me for 60 bucks I then remember I never cleared the Recovery rig storage drive I check and there it is pastor Bob's laptop Dada I look around it's slow and I'm all caught up on repair tickets fittingly I looked around a bit he had all of his logins stored in a folder on the desktop including his online dating logins and online poker did I ever mention Pastor Bob is married I start printing his online dating messages I look back and find pastor Bob had been a dull tugging several women from his online dating he had been paying for his dates from the church's donation funds I'm getting angry now that I realized he had adult hug to the woman I was dating when I was dating her Jesus Christ it was then I decided to break Pastor Bob LA I printed out all his dating messages and the women he adult hugged for the last six months except I refused to print the naughty pictures it was an impressive package I then decide I need copies of the package therefore i order 100 packets printed from a major online printer a few days later my order of revenge packets arrived these revenge packets are amazing double-sided staple bounds with a cover with pasta Bob's face on it now the conclusion and I think it's worth it this church had a calendar of what the sermon might be about a perfect Sunday was approaching I go to church that perfect Sunday I show up a bit late everyone is in the church so I put a revenge packet on each car I have a few revenge packets that are in yellow envelopes fittingly I put them in the mail I sent one to all the high ups in the church and I sent a special package with some of pastor Bob's naughty picks to Pastor Bob's wife I set the return address to the church I also emailed a bunch of people the revenge packet from a burner email a couple weeks later after I went back to the church pastor Bob was gone so was the wife several of the women were also gone including the one I was dating I asked one of the important people there what happened the answer was amazing I was told about the revenge package and how everyone had got him one the day my revenge it appeared the Sermon pastored Bob had given was about the evils of adultery and cheating on your wife thank you church calendar the fallouts Pastor Bob was fired and shunned multiple women from the church have not returned including the one I was dating pastor Bob's wife is divorcing him and she is the one that owned the house in the cars no longer Pastor Bob is now being sued by several people including the one that fixed the roof he never paid any of them there were also rumors of a criminal case of embezzlement no one has seen Bob in a while now the church might close if they can't find a new pastor but the church's money is very low apparently he also spent over thirty thousand dollars on online gambling TLDR past allies steals and cheats on his wife with multiple women gets found out and doxxed gets fired divorced and arrested and no one knows I did this to him no it's because you might ask it's quite possible that several of the very young children and babies at church were his but I cannot confirm this I have no idea where bob is now I would think still in jail edit thank you so much for the awards it's amazing all right that was a that was a sick story thank you for that I really like that one Pro revenge aside what are the legal ramifications of taking a customer's data and giving it out without permission I'm all for what you did but also you don't want to give Pastor Bob a means by which he can come back to you with a lawsuit that you can't win that is a good question I see it as when he stopped payment on that check he voided any privacy protection I would have given I don't know if that's how the courts would see it or not right if he didn't actually pay for a service is he still considered a customer or did Bob just give his computer and all of his personal information to a guy he knows from church what are your legal obligations as a professional if you're not being paid for your service and didn't Opie technically pay for that information since he paid $100 for the new hard drive for the laptop so many questions fire me before I quit I ruined your since I'm still in school I took a job at a bakery of types which I won't name the place has bread in the name but also sells overpriced salads and sandwiches I worked there for close to a year where I had this boss named Betty not her real name of course Betty and I didn't get along whatsoever she had gotten the previous general manager to quit because she had an affair with him and threatened to tell his wife if he didn't leave he quickly left the job and she was promoted to the position I didn't like her but I have to respect the dedication to be the general manager of a smaller store when I first started working there I was respectful but she would do things that would get on my nerves for instance I would clean all the places I would be hired to do and once I was done and relaxed for maybe five minutes she would run out of the manager's office screeching why aren't you working I would tell her of course I did my job and as a cashier if nobody is there to help then I didn't have anything to do she would glare at me that I would see her accidentally drop an entire pot of brewed coffee onto my freshly mopped floor for me to clean so I learned quickly to always look busy once she realized that I wasn't going to kneel and kiss the ground she walked on she started dropping my hours the store ran on a game of Thrones type politics for who got promotions and raises somehow all her friends were managers and would bully the rest of us she barely was at work she would drive to my job clock just in case corporate decided to check her hours so she was essentially stealing hours when you clocked in it printed out a small piece of paper telling when you clocked in she would just drop them on the floor for me to clean up I usually would pick them up and stick them in a pocket so this led me to finding petty clock in and out stubs in my pocket at my house this will be important for later did I mention that she was super racist she was white and the most of the staff while my fellow high school peers who were all mostly people of color one day at work she walked out and told us when you're on the clock I own you when we all reacted to look at her she back pedaled and was like oh I didn't mean it like that this will be important for later so after a while I got sick of practically begging for hours so I went to my current job but decided I merely wanted to drop my hours which were already barely a day a week but suddenly when I got my new job she scheduled me every single day of an entire week she never did that even when we were on semi-good terms so I obviously told her I had a new job and couldn't do this after that I went home and caught my friend who was still working there to tell him I was going to quit tomorrow he has a bad habit of putting his phone on speaker when he's cleaning at work so Betty overheard this obviously the next day I walk in and go through the respectful motions of saying thank you for the opportunity and blah blah blah Betty let me through the entire speech before she said oh yeah I was meaning to tell you you're fired I was so blindsided and ticked I cussed her out my mom raised me to treat women with respect but this fudging fat overweight hippo looking [ __ ] ticked me the hell off she's the type of girl to think binge eating was a personality trait calm down no big so I left and was mad about being fired before I could quit but didn't push the issue I'm only 18 and I already had another job I wasn't expecting Betty to give me a good reference anyway I would have completely left it alone if it wasn't for the district manager Ben not real name texting me the revenge he thought I was still working there so I explained to him I was fired he was stunned due to the fact I was a decent employee he asked why she let me go and I explained it to him and he was angry he clarified that she fired me before I quit and I said yes he was ticked that she did this and asked if there was anything else she might have done I kind of just vented to him for a bit when I told him about the racist remark he asked if anyone else would collaborate with me I forgot to mention that she slowly fired and forced people to quit and replace them with her friends and family which according to company policy she couldn't do something about conflict of interest yeah you don't say I asked all the people who are working that day if they could and if you said they would say they did but one did even better my one co-worker Andy is convinced he's the next big vlogger so he always has his phone out or just using audio recording for hours for a chance to catch a funny clip I've watched his content and let me just say it's super cringe but turns out he labels each recording by the day and times so when he checked he found her making racist remarks I got a brilliant idea and with my other fired or co-workers forced to quit we decided to scour Andy's recordings we found some great moments of Betty seeing controversial things or just being nasty like once a guest sneezed on the baked pastries and 20 coworker told her she laughed it off and said nobody would know but this wasn't enough for me I try to avoid conflict but when I'm in a situation I'll follow it through I looked her up on Facebook and found out she was married nobody knew this so when she had the affair with the other manager and basically blackmailed him she was also married and cheating I don't think anyone ever cared enough to find out because she was a nasty old lady so I found the old managers mark Facebook and found out he and his wife were separated turns out even after he quits betty was still trying to blackmail money out of him when he didn't she told his wife anyway causing his wife to divorce him and basically leave him to go back to live with his parents I did some research and in my state blackmail or extortion is a third-degree penalty which has a max of 7 years in prison with a fine over $10,000 to the victim so I told the old manager what my plan was for her he agreed to call the cops on her but I asked if he'd wait until I'd finished my part first he said he would give me a week so I met with the district manager Ben and showed him all our evidence the recordings and the written statements from the other ex co-workers and people who were still working there I also gave Ben the slips of paper when Betty clocked in and then left and returned eight to ten hours later to clock out Ben thanked me for the information and then I left a few days later while walking past the store I noticed it was closed in the middle of the day I texted a guy who still worked there and he told me everything turns out Ben first checked the security cameras to see if she was there for the full time she claimed to be big surprise she wasn't so Ben decided to investigate the stores expenses since if she's lying about her time what else could she be stealing he found out she was stealing money from the store the guy didn't fully explain how she was but just that she was turns out she was breaking a lot of health and safety codes and used the money for repairs etc for herself so she was fired immediately along with all of her minions and that left barely anybody to run the store they shut down to clean up the store and fix things she didn't make so she's out of a job and Demark told her husband with photo proof granny nudes I know ill that she cheated on him but mark phrased it so it seemed like she still was so Betty's husband flips out and decides to divorce her and Betty is the type to post everything on Facebook so she's begging someone to let her stay but all of her friends and family totally bailed on her so she was living in her car looking for a job that's when Mark decides to sue her for extortion so she scrambles to find a lawyer and to make it even worse the company decided to sue her for all the money she stole and plus all the repairs and lost revenue while the store is closed Betty's life is crap she had to sell her car for drastically under what it's worth to pay for all the legal trouble mark told me bits and pieces of her crying in the courtroom but not too much I was never super close with him last I heard of Betty is she was living with her sister who definitely hates her to think she would have just avoided all this if she just let me quit edits I just like to answer a few questions most people have had about the validity of the story first off I didn't have a good relationship with Betty so there would be no reason I would even look her up online besides I don't even have facebook so I had to actually look her name up to find it next is my friend accidentally recording her racist remarks don't most of you know that one friend who was sure they're going to be famous or is obsessed with their online image he's like that and it gets annoying when he thinks every moment is a photo opportunity next is the timeline not all of this occurred as quickly as I stated I had to cut some parts out for the sake of the story you wouldn't want to read a basically a filler arc in a reddit story right I'm guessing Panera Bread was the store if so this story is definitely believable I've known many people that have worked at Panera and the experience is terrible Panera is losing here Li 100% of its workers every year as fast food turnover crisis worsens crisis or fate coming home you can't treat workers like they do and not expect a crisis the chickens are coming home to roost for them and wife thing is they will get bailed out just like every other big company the CEO has asked the employees to write slash call to their Congress people to ask for a bailout for the company not for the employees for the billionaire owners they've been in a freefall of upper management incompetence since the founders sold the company to a holding company built on Nazi slave labor I did not see this coming unexpressed is by grape ice-cream float titled faked proof that I had a flat tire so that the lazy people in my group project would have to do the presentation themselves therefore likely will fail I'm in a class for a group research project slash presentation is a huge chunk of overall points everyone knows in group projects that you always have that one slacker who doesn't do anything that you have to compensate for however I got stuck with possibly the worst three people to be in a project within the class I did the entire research presentation poster boards etc among many annoying things myself I tried talking to them and telling them they needed to put in their share of efforts ignored I'd send them tasks to do ignored I try to schedule meetings they'd say they were coming and then leave me alone at the library this happened from the get-go it was abundantly clear that they expected everyone else to do the work but everyone else turned out to just be me rule we couldn't have things 100% memorized word-for-word and we couldn't read off of anything we had to actually know the subjects I was fully prepared to do most of the talking and even wrote down a small script for them and told them to know what to say during their part at the very least the night before I told them we had to meet or at least go over the whole thing one time once again none of them showed at this point I'm livid and decide they can just do it themselves which means they'd get up there not know a damn thing to say other than the small info I gave them and they couldn't even bullcrap anything because they did no research thing is if we miss without an excuse we fail the project if you have an excuse you have to have documentation I commute and live an hour away so I decide that i'll conveniently have a flat tire right before class went out and actually bought a tire so I could have the receipt to prove it emailed the professor who said I can present by myself during his office hours turns out they completely bombed and not only probably failed the project but since they're bad students might even make them fail the class edited to say the professor stated at the beginning that we were not allowed to contact him about people slacking in the group and said to work it out amongst ourselves said that we were adults and that he wouldn't even respond to emails about it had the exact opposite happened to me once I was in a group with two girls and a guy the project was done over the entire semester and presented in parts the breakdown is we pick a country and explore birth death and migration rates as well as the country's economic status and how this affects said ray the chicks and I did our parts to the best of our ability the dude pulled no-show moves at every turn didn't have a sitter didn't have a ride etc so we went on without him and we let the professor know that he had contributed nothing and we wouldn't be putting his name on our work the professor made the guy be his own group and he had to do about 35 pages worth of work on his own presented over four parts it was satisfying did this exact same thing in college two of us did the work to others decided not to participate every step of the way day of the presentation comes the two slackers got up to present with us and the professor told them to sit down I had emailed to her two days before the class and forwarded to her all the communication or lack thereof between myself and the two slackers she gave them a week to come up with her own presentation they still bombed and I wore a huge grin the whole time our next post is by Mirabelle titled x' x found out our baby's name from the local newspaper a bit of an older story this happened almost 14 years ago my now ex-husband worked a twenty-four hours shift that nights and he didn't come home after his shift had ended I was very worried I went to see his workplace but they said he went home after the end of his shift his friends knew nothing about him he didn't answer the phone I was nine months pregnant at the time so you can imagine how upset I was I didn't sleep at all that night in the morning he showed up with a hangover and said he didn't want to be a father anymore I was shocked what do you mean he doesn't want to be a father anymore we already had a three-year-old daughter by that moment who was a genuine daddy's little girl he said he needed time to figure things out for himself and that he doesn't love me anymore I literally collapsed I called my mother crying packed two suitcases one for myself and the other for my daughter and the ex took me to my mother's place I had time to pull myself together by then and as he wished we agreed to take a half year break that he still be there for me and the kid it's wrong a week later he asked me for a divorce I did not give it to him I told him our children and not guilty of anything and the smaller one has the right to be born from a legal marriage two weeks after the breakup I found out he was cheating on me with another woman who also had a husband and a little son two families got broken up at the same time three weeks after the break-up I gave birth to our second daughter and she looked just like in my eyes but everything else was like him I cried because I knew she will never be able to grow up with her dad I called him and told that the baby was born and I need him to come with me so we can name our baby and get a birth certificate for her he said no he's busy being out with his friends partying for a week I hated him at this point so I called the local government and asked if I was legally married and wanted to name the child would my husband have to be there with me I was told no just take the marriage certificate with you and that's enough of course you can't do that nowadays but then you could and anyone who wants to comment that the baby wasn't his both our girls are his I never cheated on him cheating goes against everything I believe in the day after I got out of the hospital I went to named my daughter but I didn't mention it to him three weeks later he called me and shouted at me why did he have to read about our child's name in a local newspaper in our country the names and dates of births of new babies in smaller towns are put in a local newspaper I answered him calmly you didn't have time to come with me your friends were more important so you didn't deserve to know before the break-up he insisted that we only give one first name our first order has to since he didn't come with me to name her I put two first names he should have come along his mistake she was 6 months old when he first saw her because he did not bother to visit her before the divorce I put alimony on him through courts we signed the divorce papers six months later and it was four days after our fourth wedding anniversary but on our anniversary I called him and said happy anniversary a hole and a year late on the 1st of April I called him again and said that there was a mixup with the divorce papers we're still married he freaked out he said he didn't want to have a wife and kids and bla bla bla I told him that too bad you have two kids till the day you die but you don't have a wife April Fool's you idiot and hung up the phone it felt great edits Wow did not expect this post to go down like this have to make something clear I was 21 at the time sir I was young give me a break what I left out of the earlier was that just before we split I always wanted to give two first names from the beginning our older daughter has two names too he wanted to have one and since he made a clear sign that he didn't want to come to the naming I made my choice and why was I in a hurry because I had no money I needed to name the child and get a birth certificate so I could apply for the child benefits from the state every child gets them when they am born till they were 18 months olds so I could buy food and diapers and all the necessary things I didn't even have a stroller a month before the break-up I gave him seven thousand dollars for a car purchase and a GI alehouse repair which the local authority had given me as a pregnancy support for the baby the usual process in our country by the government he promised to pay me back in a year but he didn't so that's why I made the April Fool's joke it wasn't my money the money was meant for the baby someone mentioned that he would never get peace from me because I was still bullying him no I won't that's a first of April joke that was the only one and the last one I ever made to him after that our communication is civilized I'll let him know if the girls want to invite him to a school event or if they want to visit him or if there's any need for this data signature to the school or any other legitimate paperwork there's quite a bit more but I'm gonna cut it off there and just go to some comments did you have zero red flags before that shift when he ghosted was he totally normal I'm glad you and your girls are good I mean we did have our problems but nothing that major we were living with grandmother and grandfather in law at the time so when we disagreed on something we couldn't yell it out it was very civil didn't want to upset anyone everybody said that we had the perfect marriage even grandmother in law were in shock when we separated and ex got a mouthful from grandfather-in-law unexposed is by Ned Wragby titled a lady almost hit the front of my car trying to pull into a parking spot I was turning into sir I just sat there so I'm at Costco in need of dog food and it's ridiculously busy for a Monday barely any parking spots until I spot one at the end of my Lots I make my way down the aisle and I'm about to turn into the parking spots when a lady runs over the curb and almost hits me to take the spots thankfully I tapped my brakes in time or she would have taken off my bumper I look up and she is shaking her head and wagging her finger in a no emotion at me what the hell I was like okay I'll just wait for her to back up since I'm obviously turning into the spot she doesn't my girlfriend is with me and was ticked that the lady wasn't budging I gave her my Costco card and just sat in the aisle in a faceoff with this lady she goes inside gets the dog food comes back out and loads up the car she then pushes the cart into the spot we were waiting for and hops into the car the look on the woman's face was enough to give me satisfaction for a week she had to get out and move the cards so she could park once I reversed through the entire aisle worth it unexpressed is by user asdf quite e27 titled I put a fake note on a Corvettes windshield that read sorry I hit your car you probably won't even notice the damage because it was taking up four spots so title is fairly self-explanatory but I'll elaborate I was trying to find a parking spot at my University the Lots was notoriously crowded but my campus didn't have a lot of options while searching I saw a Corvette taking up four prime spots near the front of the lights after about 10 minutes of waiting / looking for his spots one opened up towards the back of the lights furious at the nerve of the driver being Siri inconsiderate s' I wrote a note saying sorry I hit your car you probably won't even notice the damage and left it on their windshield when I got out of class and was headed back to my car I saw a very stereotypical college-aged Corvette owner frantically searching the vehicle while yelling into their phone I don't know who they were talking to but I feel bad for them having to deal with this person sir my auntie is kind of a ditz and sometimes takes up two parking spots because she doesn't play cards attention to the lines a while ago she was really confused by a known someone left on her car it said this is not a Ferrari it was pretty hard for me to choke back a laugh when she told me about it oh my god that's a hard disc those are the worst at least with expensive vehicles you can understand the motive but one is crap box a Honda Civic takes up multiple spots it's baffling like when I get stuck behind a muscle car going five under the speed limits all I can think of is you should have bought an S inverse are our last pose for the day is by user waffle Raven titled buried and gone I was about 9 or 10 in primary school there was one kid who was the bane of everyone's existence let's call him Jake Jake was a little crap he was spoiled rotten and delighted in seeing others miserable one time when a friend of mine was climbing a tree he threw a half brick at him and knocked him off never got in trouble for this because no adults or it's long story short he's a crap on one Friday he was being particularly crappy basically pulling hair telling me I'm a [ __ ] for reading books telling others that they were worthless and generally being a little crab so while he was running around causing mischief I quietly put down my book and went to the storage room we kept shoes there honestly can't remember why I think to stop the floor's getting scuffed up but can't tell and found his brand new super pricey his shoes I took one of them just one and took it out to the yard I dug a hole as deep as I could in the sand pits and dumped the shoe in after burying its I went back to my book but my mother picked me up Jake was frantically looking for his shoe his our mother caught on his heels berating him for losing something so expensive I left as far as I know they never found it mother lies takes my money from me then gets screwed over financially back story so I'm nineteen female and had only been living with my mother for a good three and a half years who was put into foster care at a young age and don't remember living with my mother at all before moving in with her she would tell me how great it would be for me to live there and how I would be treated with respect in da-da-da-dah well since I started college things went to crap my whole life I wanted to go to college farads but my mother convinced me that it was stupid so I chose to go to a business degree I got into my state's business and marketing Honor Society during my last year of high school for having a 98 average in all five of my business classes my first semester of college everything started out fine then the end of September hits and I got a reimbursement from financial aid let me add my mother is on SSI for minor disabilities and hasn't worked in the past 18 years she has arthritis and fibromyalgia so apparently she can't work I got public assistance that I never knew about since I was never allowed to do paperwork for anything I thought we only got food stamps but apparently she lied and said I was paying a couple hundred dollars for rent so she could get more money so she was getting nearly five hundred a month for my needs I never got anything unless it was Christmas and three hundred and fifty dollars a month for food stamps my boyfriend had to buy me food because I was never allowed to eat at home and didn't want to get a three thousand dollar meal plan on campus anyways I got a healthy $2,000 back from financial aid which I originally planned on spending on clothes I hadn't had a pair of fitting jeans since I lived with my mother a laptop for school and food well apparently every time I get money it belongs to my mother she demanded I give her most of the money so I spent $1,500 on some jeans for me and a brand new ps4 system PS Vita PS plus and a bunch of ps4 games for my boyfriend I know that sounds reckless of me but he's paid me back for it she was ticked and belittled me til I gave her the rest of the money for rent and bills and food she went off and bought her boyfriend drugs I was mad because obviously that's just not okay I just pushed through the semester and kind of sucked it up like I usually do February came along and pretty much the same thing happened she demanded my $3,000 I got more this past semester because I only had to pay for one textbook to pay for rent electricity the Wi-Fi food and everything under the Sun she got mad when I refused to give her more than 350 dollars I went off and spent the money on my anniversary including outfits gas to meals and some gifts a new phone my phone barely worked and was seven years old and prepaid my phone plan for the next few months I also bought myself some food for when I was Homer she was irate how dare I spend my money on my boyfriend and not the woman who birthed me I tried staying away from home as much as possible driving around with my boyfriend for the most parts but every time I came home I would get yelled at well March was when crap hit the fan I needed my Medicaid card they put cash assistance on that card for convenience and birth certificate for a program that helps people get jobs in the area and she wasn't having it apparently saying I needed them was being rude and disrespectful I ignored her for the most part and kept insisting that I needed them right away because I had to leave she gave them to me after half an hour of me telling her I needed to leave and just started yelling at me so I left for a few hours and I got a call from my caseworker asking when I would turn in the time she I had to get a signature from each teacher stating I was in class to help keep my insurance benefits and food stamps I didn't know about the cash assistance and she told me I could lose the cash assistance if I didn't I asked her what she was talking about and she told me I got approximately $500 a month to pay for rent and other things I needed I informed her that I never knew about that and she was very upset that my mother was using the money on god knows what she told me to change the pin on my card and not to let my mother touch it so I changed the pin on my card went home and my room was torn up my clothes were everywhere and my old laptop was missing my Christmas gifts from my boyfriend were gone and I was very upset I told my mother that I just wanted my stuff back and she just threw everything at my door I started packing my bags cuz I was done with her garbage she demanded I give her my Medicaid card back since she keeps everyone else's she got in my face through my glasses on to the floor tried throwing my new phone and was just screaming at me til I gave it to her I have post-traumatic stress disorder so I panic when someone is even slightly loud after she went to the store and tried buying something with it she came home and started shoving me around demanding I give her the pin I was just like my father I was a piece of garbage for buying Jean's that actually fit me for once in my life I was trash for liking the presents I got from my boyfriend and not for her I got pants that were two sizes too big and very low-rise for Christmas ya know etc etc she actually hit me because of it and hit me til I gave her my pin so of course I was dumb and gave it to her someone for some reason called the cops and they showed up shortly after and her and her boyfriend started yelling at them that I was abusive and manipulative and a pathological liar I showed them where she hid me and tried explaining that she took my medicaid guide but they didn't care the cops never care because supposedly my mom's boyfriend has put half our local police force into the hospital after the cops left other said that my boyfriend's who has done nothing wrong and has only been supportive of me through this was a pedophile I'm here older than him and that he was not allowed to enter the house again then she said I had a new curfew of 6 p.m. I had a class that ended at 5:00 and took me two hours to walk home so that was stupid and if I left the house I was to never return so I left my boyfriend took me to a homeless shelter specifically for teens and young adults that were in abusive situations and had nowhere else to go I got my own apartment with the potential of getting a roommate at some point and I honestly have never felt better in my life the following day I go to get a new card and my mother had taken out 260 dollars at 5:00 a.m. with the help of my older sister I had four dollars to buy food for two weeks before I could apply for my own food stamps and cash assistance case most of the time I only had water and I would eat every three days at my boyfriend's house when the virus hits his dad refused to let me over even though he knew what was going on to a certain extent I didn't eat anything for a week before being able to get food stamps I wish I had gotten a job but having eight classes one of which was six hours a week for him Easley won credits took up the majority of my time the college suggested I withdraw to focus on my mental health I was afraid of leaving my new place because I didn't want to be attacked by my family all my mom's boyfriends drug addict friends I went from seeing my therapist for half an hour every other week to seeing her for an hour every week she suggested that I cut contact with my mother permanently even though it meant losing a good $3,000 worth of stuff I bought for myself over the past twelve years I got paid to babysit and take care of the farm while in foster care I was so so upset about losing all 40 of my stuffed animals they really meant a lot to me and were the only things there that helped me calm down from a panic attack I know it sounds immature but I've had most of them since I was about eight years old then something popped in my head while I was applying for my own food stamps and cash assistance case The Revenge I realized that I could easily report my mother for welfare fraud not only had she been taking my $500 a month but she had lied and said her boyfriend and her didn't share food and were roommates she paid to use other people's food stamps and she has sold her food stamps for cash to buy fast food or drugs sir I did just that I went to our state's website and reported her for fraud adding when she took the money from my card at 5:00 a.m. that one day I went into detail gave the exact location of where she did it and everything I said she used other people's cards all the time which was very true and how she demanded my card whenever I had it a couple weeks later I get a letter from the Department of Social Services they accidentally sent it to my address instead of my mom's thinking she moved along with me I opened it and read that she was denied public assistance denied medical insurance and denied food stamps she met the requirements for getting them but because of my reports she lost everything but SSI as far as I know what probably helped was that I told the DSS she stole my card and requested a new one and the lady at the front desk was mortified I found out she took the money out later when I was setting up the card online and saw all previous transactions for the past year she's out eight hundred and fifty dollars a month more than her SSI and out of health insurance which was paid for by the state all because of me and I boasted about it to my therapist my therapist actually congratulated me because I'm very shy with people so to report something like that was very unlikely of me unless you got me very angry not sure if this was appropriate here but it took a lot out of me to even be able to do it thanks anxiety okay I hope you guys enjoyed that post our next one is by user cyber chief titled when trying to get your deposit back from your landlord is like drawing blood from a stone back in 2018 I had a temporary internship in California at insert tech company sir I took a recommendation from a friend about a room for rent it would be living with five other people but otherwise it looked fantastic with spacious common areas multiple huge TVs full amenities community rec center with pool short drive times to multiple places of interest and all for six hundred and fifty dollars a month utilities included I contacted the landlord I will refer to as crappy landlord and he seemed fine on the phone so I sent him my security deposit to move in a month later when it came time to move in I discover a few caveats that came with his low rent price the common areas world dusty none of the lodge TVs worked properly if we wanted access to the rec room and center and pool we would need to pay the $80 per month membership fee and all of the short drive times estimated were exaggerated unless he was speeding at two times the normal speed limits whatever it's not the end of the world especially at the relatively low price I will survive but then it got worse in the coming months crappy landlord decided to charge us an extra $20 a month for paper towels and public cleaning suppliers crappy landlord only checked the community mailbox once a week when he was in town and refused to trust anybody with the mailbox key as it starts to roll into the summer in June crappy landlord decided that a con cost too much and we were using too much so he removed the thermostat from the wall okay one day some of us hands confronted him when he was at the house since crappy landlord also slept at the house about one day a week and I'll never forget his words as he rushed out of the house it's legal for me to do it and I don't care since I don't have to live here well sir screw you I'm tilted as all hell at this guy's obvious money grabbed from six tenants well it turns out he's right he legally doesn't need to provide air conditioning so the next day I purchased a high-end BTU free-standing portable air conditioner that exhausts out the window holy crap this thing was luxury of course I pumped my room 265 degrees Fahrenheit the lowest setting we have a couple other minor disagreements that wind up with crappy landlord texting me that it's fine if I want to break the lease and move out early perfect when crappy landlord finally gets a whiff of my aircon setup he comes to my room to complain about my aircon units I reply curtly it's legal for me to do it and I don't care since I don't have to pay for electricity he leaves later and sends me a text it basically is telling him that he needs to remove the a/c unit from the room and pay an extra hundred dollars per month from the time that he installed the a/c units screw that guy yeah okay unbeknownst to crappy landlord I'm taking his move out offer seriously and this whole time I have been rallying the troops all the tenants have been very upset about everyone's living situation so with some minor encouragement I managed to convince two of the other six tenants to move out at the same time as me they were on a month-to-month arrangement and I finally submit all of our notices of intent to vacate at the same time barely a week after my previous conversation with crappy landlord he's ticked he was just trying to get me out of the house but now he has three rooms to fill instead of just one I asked about my legally mandated pre move out inspection in no uncertain terms he told me to go screw myself he said he's too busy to perform an inspection hmm well that's illegal but okay time comes to move out I found another room for rent much closer to the office for only $100 a month more we all move out and I text crappy landlord about my security deposit no response i text again no response okay I see where this is going I spend days and days reading the law compiling evidence and screenshots and listing the laws that were broken The Smoking Gun was the statute that requires a pre move-out inspection and a list of things to fix and itemized list of deductions within 21 days or else crappy landlord loses the rights to withhold any of my deposits in addition he would be subject to treble damages if he's found to be acting in bad faith I text again and again Holly crap that's a long text message it's basically just repeating what was sent just before I give him plenty of leniency and I even cite laws so I can prove in court that I'm acting in good faith and crappy landlord intentionally ignored the laws than I made him aware about crappy landlord probably thinks I'm a young pushover college student who won't follow through with legal threats well sir we're going to court because I'm patty is all hell when it comes to people trying to screw me over I file in small-claims for six hundred and fifty dollars plus travel damages plus court costs crappy landlord files a counterclaim for of $2,000 for damages to property claiming I caused flooding and I broke the microwave okay buddy in response I gather testimonies from three of the other tenants and they build my case into a 40 page packet of evidence complete with page numbers a table of contents and descriptions for every screen shot and further I make three copies of everything and submitted to the courts and the defendant crappy landlord the court date is set for November and I leave the state just before Christmas so just in time to appear in person since my internship ends and I fly home in December he starts filing request to postpone the trial he cites a doctor's appointment and the motion is granted court date is rescheduled for a month later in December but still before I fly home new court date approaches and he files another request to postpone citing another doctor's appointments somehow that motion is granted as well and where he rescheduled again to January damn January rolls around and surprise surprise guess who's got another doctor's appointments conveniently on the same exact day of the trial denied the court finally got fed up of his bullcrap and denied the motion because he can't prove he scheduled the doctor's appointments prior to the court date being moved well I'm not in California anymore I'm across the country on the East Coast crappy landlord thinks if I'm no longer in the states he'll automatically win since I'm not willing to fly it back to California well unbeknownst to crappy landlord California courts offer an option to appear by telephone ha ha courtney comes and i get the call i'm sworn in and then connected to the court i'm given time to present my case unfortunately i didn't prepare a script sir i kind of summarized the events and explained why I deserve money then crappy landlord gets time to defend himself and explains his counterclaim he doesn't prepare anything either and he ends up rambling about random crap that doesn't help his case at all for example he spends a lot of time explaining how another one of the tenants was crappy and so his behavior was justified he doesn't even have a sliver of evidence for his counterclaim when the judge asks for it the judge asks a few more questions and announces that he'll review the evidence and will get the decision in the mail a couple weeks later I get the judgment saying I made six hundred and fifty dollars crappy landlord gets nothing well damn no treble damages for me however it's just my luck that the crappy landlord is a piece of crap that won't accept defeat he files an appeal for who knows once it's granted reader trial is scheduled for May 10th this time I'm ten times more prepared once again I'm sworn in and then they connect me to the courtroom speaker this time I have a hashed out script that I read making sure to emphasize how often I informed crappy landlord of the law how often crappy landlord knowingly broke the law and how I offered so much leniency and so many opportunities to do the right thing once again crappy landlord doesn't prepare anything but instead rambles on so much that even the judge tells him to get back on track multiple times crappy landlord claims I caused water damage and had to replace all the carpets the judge asked for an invoice or receipt he has none crappy landlord then claims I broke the microwave so the judge reads him the three witness statements that all state I didn't break the microwave crappy landlord says they're all lying he still has no evidence whatsoever at this point the judge clearly sounds done with his crap and says we'll get his decision in the mail and the call ends a couple weeks later I get the judgments and I'm owed 1800 dollars and crappy landlord still against nothing aw damn would you look at that his appeal did not quite work out for him he goes from owing or 650 dollars to owing me 1800 dollars being the crap head that he is he files for a mistrial claiming I was not sworn in and that I lied to my testimony denied outside of court crappy landlord offers a payment plan of $20 a month which will take seven and a half years to pay back or otherwise he refuses to pay up okay I see how am i collecting money is gonna be I figure out he banks at BOE by looking up checks that I gave him for rent and seeing where they got cashed I file for a writ of execution that'll allow me to perform a bank levy it's granted so I prepare a packet for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department's and going to be a way to take his money LASD serves him with papers and orders Boa to freeze his accounts after his allotted time 30 days to contest the seizure la CSD seizes his money plus 10% APY interest plus sheriff fees I finally get the glorious check in the mail 20 months after moving outs all probably frame its turtle 1890 three dollars and 91 cents edits for everyone telling me to cash the check I already deposited the money into my bank account via mobile and check depositing edit to small claims cases are cheap to file you'll pay about $50 in most states and it'll be rare to be as high as $100 plus the loser that has to pay you back when you win edit three tips for situations like this find small claims guides there's a plethora of helpful information is out there because everybody wants you to win even the court wants you to win at least in California they offer a free in-person small claims advisory clinic where employees advise you and walk you through the whole process make sure you know the whole process and what to expect document everything have conversations through tests or email if possible for easy screenshots photograph everything even if you don't think it's important because the landlord might just claim you damaged int do your research on the law know what is legal and illegal and know the penalties for violations compiled evidence against your landlord and cite the laws that they are breaking the easier you make it for the judge to see that your rights the more likely that they will side with you get supporting witness statements it changes from case to case from he said she said where the landlord is calling you a liar to a 4v1 where the landlord has to call everybody a liar just don't commit hearsay long have them appear in person or have them sign and submit a declaration follow procedures to the T last thing you want is fewer evidence to be thrown out because you didn't send a copy to the defendant at least 10 days before the court dates come to courts prepared and remember the 7ps proper planning and preparation prevents people performance judges like people who are on top of their crap if you come to court unprepared thinking that you can just talk your way to a win it will be dead obvious and don't expect the process to be quick it'll take a while for your landlord to get their comeuppance but it'll be worth it at the end of the day the court wants you to win it'll just take a while when the forestation says that was amazing so well written in eloquence but yeah karma comes back tenfold or in your piece-of-crap landlords case tree threefold sorry not to evolve tree law way to go sticking it out I hope he loses his other tenants too and Opie says thanks writing was never my strong suit so that's a very nice compliment my girlfriend was in the middle of exactly this with the female version of crabby landlord in Burbank we have moved to Portland and crappy landlady has appeared after a number of postponement motions I her purse turns out as well as yours Dawn's also about the story it was gripping so many twists you have been cheering you on every so often it fell like you were losing just to come back and slap him in the face so yeah take a poor woman's up for it the story on how I got promoted to director of sales and sales recruitment now I've been with my current employer for many many years now even though I've quits I've come back to them my company also had an incentive if an employee comes up with a way to do business better or changes something that has a net benefit to the company they get a percentage of the increased revenue / profits over the years with this company I have had several major impacts while about a year ago I was talking to a senior levels manager let's call him Bob and Bob was telling me about how the company has been having an issue in recruitment and hiring of new talent for our sales division now I had been in sales before engineer of the pitfalls our structure created and why senior reps would Excel and junior reps would get crushed and had a really good idea on our turnover challenges then one night I had an idea on how to change the sales structure of our company almost entirely which would still retain our senior reps but also make it easier for younger more junior reps to find success and stability by a result of reducing turnover I spent a good amount of time designing this plan before I ever presented it to anyone since this was Bob's area of expertise after many revisions and bouncing it around my head I called Bob and I presented my idea to Bob Bob liked it alliance however he had a few minor tweaks and he brought up concerns company executives would have I tweaked the plan and came up with rebuttals to those objections and shared my plan with Bob I did this several times I would say that my plan stayed about 90% original Bob had been with our company for decades at this point and I've known him for the entire time so I trusted Bob would be sure to credit me considering my name was all over my presentation I sent to Bob I expect Bob to share in the love with me should there be any I felt like I needed Bob as an ally to make my idea work which is why I brought him in my plan I followed up with Bob and he basically made it seem like my idea was rejected that the company was going to keep on doing what it's always done okay fine whatever crap happens it's not the first time my idea has been rejected and cue a few months later and our new fiscal year is starting and our CEO calls everyone to a company-wide meeting and decisive down to watch I witness our CEO praised Bob for coming up with a brilliant new sales structure strategy and compensation plan it is my plan with my name removed the CEO is gushing over how wonderful this idea is and how he thinks it will benefit us greatly I'm fudging fuming ticked Bob stole my work put his name on it and took credit he violated my trust and lied to me he taught me the company have rejected the idea yet here I am watching the company implement my idea I get on the phone with my VP and let loose now my VP let's call him tim is a really good guy and I trust him tim is taken aback and says that right around the time I presented my plan to Bob Bob started presenting to senior management and it was almost immediately considered a great idea in fact Bob knew the company was considering forcing him into retirement because they felt Bob was holding the company back and the company needed to make a change and this idea saved Bob's job now to give you an overview of how in-depth my plan was it completely restructured compensation plan completely changed how we present ourselves to new potential hires completely changed our sales training to be more focused on real world realities refined the sales order process to reduce workload and streamline did all that using current infrastructure each step included suggestions on how to implement the change and Bob oversaw all of this in his current role I then asked if I could prove that it was my idea that I had presented it to Bob and so forth now Bob and I had discussed this over email and Facebook message our and another chat app I went through our emails Facebook Messenger and the chat app and took screenshots created a PowerPoint which makes it easier to present ideas and sent it to my VP two days later my VP called and said I needed to go into a conference call with HR my VP and the CEO in that meeting we discussed the plan I had created the collaboration I had done with Bob and my plan to implement it not only that I presented the research I had done which Bob did not have access to and justified why my idea was a good idea the CEO seemed impressed with what I had done and convinced that I was the true creator I was then asked what I thought had happened and I straight-up accused Bob was stealing my idea and removing my name from its in an attempt to further his career I was told they would be having a separate meeting with bulb and after that they would inform me of any future changes a week later my VP called me and asked me if I was offered the chance to implement my plan would I be willing to do that this was obviously a promotion and I said of course two weeks later I get a call from my VP telling me he's coming to my location to visit me he also tells me I should make sure I look sharp and presentable and I tried to figure out why he was coming but he wouldn't say two days later I come into the office check my email now all big retirements slash resignations are announced company-wide I see an email stating that bob has retired when I found strange is the retirement date was effective immediately and that his replacement will be announced shortly generally there is a time period for a takeover to happen and the replacement is announced in the email along with a brief overview of their qualifications the time for my VP Teixeira comes and in walks my VP and the CEO we go out to lunch and the CEO says PJ I came to visit you because I always think it's best to give people major promotions the news in person but I'd like to offer you the position of Director of Sales and sales recruitments and put you in charge of implementing your idea to which I accepted naturally then I asked is this why Bob um retired to which the CEO smiled and said after talking to you and talking to Bob and discussing it among senior management it was decided that it was time for a change time to inject a new blood into our organization and Bob really wanted to start his retirements so it was best for everyone I smiled and said thank you I know perfectly well Bob intended on working until the day he died unexpressed is by user poor man's yacht club titled the old owner reverse card one day I came from work in someone else's car was parked out the front of my house no matter I parked outside my neighbor's house when I wake up the next day and go to my car to leave for work there's a note tucked into my windshields I unfold it and it reads do not park here ever again or else in a font so large it takes up the whole page of paper I folded it up placed it in my glove box and there it's sad for nearly a year until the day he parked out front of my house I talked the night he left on his window and went to bed the next day as I was enjoying my coffee I watched his wife go to get in the car and noticed the notes she read it with a puzzled look and quickly turned to rage I thought she would storm over to ask me about it but apparently she recognized her husband's handwriting and went to ask him he had to sheepishly explain to her that he had left it on my car and she brought him over tail between his legs to apologize we had a beer and he stared at the floor the whole time it was cool unexposed is by user revolutionary basil titled try to elbow your way to the front at a gig I'll guess I'll just sing to every song this was a few years ago in Spain I just happened to find out that one of my favorite bands were playing a gig on the other side of the country from where I was living as the gig was on my birthday weekend I figured why not sir I found someone else who wanted to go we organised it and all planned for a fun weekend of sightseeing and music fast forward to the gig itself we got there at a good time so we could grab a drink and find a good spot to watch the stage just as the band came on to spanish girls started elbowing their way towards the stage deciding to stop just in front of me which was pretty infuriating as they were also holding their phones up to video the band blocking my view now I know every song of this band and I have a singing voice like a cat being washed so I hit upon a perfect revenge every time this girl tried to film I would sing along at the top of my voice every damn song as well as singing along in hereas just for fun I ended up having a great time when avoiding her elbows and she has zero video without my voice in it annex posters by DeWanna titled the school counselor called me a liar this happened about 10 years ago when I was in the 11th grade I had to make up a point five of a credit for a math class I screwed around in in my freshman year so for the first half of the school year I made up my credits and was finished with my math class for the rest of the time in high school at the end of the semester the school passes out on new schedule for the second semester well they gave me mine and it was missing one of my classes they didn't bother placing me in another class at all and just left it blank I had no way of getting home one hour early so I needed another class to fill my schedule well here's where it gets interesting well I went to the guidance counselor to fix this mistake well the only way to see a counselor is to check in to the main desk in waves well my math class was my last period so I sat in the office until school was let out and went home next day instead of my last period class I sat in the office until the bell rang I did this for days and went back to our math class and sat there the math teacher got irrationally angry and kicked me out of class because I didn't belong there well day five of sitting in the office I decided to tell my mother and my mother's way of dealing with things like this was calling her mother personally I hate my grandmother because she's a mean and hateful person but it worked out for me this time she called the school to talk about the three different people until she got on the line with my counselor well she called my grandmother a liar and said I've been skipping classes every day she later called me to the office and showed me her sign-in sheets she said how dare you lie to your grandmother you never signed my sheets well she showed me a yellow piece of paper and the one I signed was a purple construction paper like sheets well I told her what I thought about her and she sent me back to class my grandmother did not take being called a liar nicely she knows the head of the school council and called him from what I heard she led into him so badly that she called my counselor and just led into her she called me back to her office a little later and apologized to me and said she would immediately fix my schedule a whole week after the schedules went out the head council member said he was tired of her crap and wanted to fire her but she begged him on the phone she kept her job for two more years after this and because I didn't need an actual class they made me an office aide and received 100% a in that class and watched soap operas with the nurse every day and hung out with another good friend who was an aide to sorry for my bad writing I went to school in rural Florida that swamp country isn't it where Swamp People out here our next post is by user future butterscotch nine titled cheating boyfriend betrayed by his good Christian sister in the best possible way this story is now somewhat famous in my circle of friends and one finally roped me into spilling it on here here you go Evan this is the tale of myself and this perfect girl named Charlie part one exposition this took place roughly two years ago at the twilight of my senior year high school it was early May and our graduation was set for early June so with most of our brains switched to summer mode and our teachers fresh out of screws to give my friends and I fine we fell in line with the majority of our class and started ditching our friend group consisted of a handful of minor characters in addition to my boyfriend of three years Kyle my best friend since middle school Sarah myself and a recent inclusion Brad who not gonna lie was and is a bit of a white knight white knight white knight Kyle belongs to a Christian family no not the nice charity giving actually Christian Christians but rather the homophobic slur singing will kick a homeless guy in the face and then sit in church act like a saint Christians they always went to church every Wednesday and Friday and while they invited me I never went due to being a an agnostic be a closeted bisexual and see almost physically sick from their hypocrisy they never really liked me because of this they also were entitled it wasn't evident until they got into trouble you see they helped organize the church's funding grants donations charity maintenance etc which put them pretty high on the pecking order the church while not the centerpiece of our part of town still claimed a lot of the district's authority figures as patrons it was the sort of unofficial institution that sneaks its way into politics without ever being directly involved so whenever they got pulled over or issued a parking tickets they would drop a couple names and dodge the whole thing Kyle himself was decent I'd known him since elementary school he was usually nice and he was hot shallow I know but it was high school so I tolerated his idiotic and oftentimes narcissistic behavior they treated him like God's gift to earth but it was his sister Charlie who redeemed the whole family she was a year younger than I and Kyle and was the only genuine Christian in the group however she also had an impish streak in her that led to some fun hijinks you could always tell she had a devilish epiphany with this little hop smile that she'd make we'd often hang out and she was a blast to be around we were very close and she often confided in me about stuff she couldn't tell her family me a great friend to them the perfect little Christian daughter Sarah was a really good friend who had helped me through the death of my mom I wasn't diagnosed with depression or anything major but I loved my mama to pieces and it shattered me her and Kyle were always there for me and she was the one who pushed me to ask him out I trusted her about as much as any teen as I could anyways back to the story one fateful Tuesday Kyle Sarah myself and our mutual friends headed downtown to get food skate and generally do stereotypical annoying teenage stuff getting bored of our current activities I asked Kyle if he wanted to race on our boards to the end of the street it was just past the lunch rush so most people were either back in their offices or stuck in traffic he accepted in about 30 seconds and a loose flagstone later I ended up planting my face into the sidewalk and fracturing my arm I tried to shake it off but no one else was having it considering I was walking like a newborn deer into my arm was beginning to swell we ended up making a visits to the ER where they confirmed that yes I did have a fractured arm and a concussion to boot the concussion was my idiots tax it wasn't too big of a deal as far as accident scary but considering my sorry stage they wanted me to stick around so they could do a few more tests brace my arm and generally just ensure that I was healthy enough to return to my idiot Rhee thankfully Kyle and Sarah had offered to stay with me because apparently their parents didn't care and we were already ditching so school the following day wasn't a big issue I ended up spending the night in the hospital the hospital had been under start for years so once your condition was deemed stable enough they tended to shove you into limbo and went home the following day with the usual concussion orders effectively I was to become a vegetable for ten days wanting to get back to my recently attained freedom I complied meaning I spent about seven days sleeping and eating I only picked up my phone after the doctor cleared me to which I found an unexpected message pods to the act Brad had gotten my number from Kyle in me a link to a private data storing accounts one of those services where you can upload pictures videos etc and lock it behind a passcode for personal use only and a password I being intrigued by this sudden plot hook in my boring life followed it's to find literal gigabytes of pictures all showing Kyle and Sarah in compromising positions and captions hollering things that were definitely not beneficial to their relationship with the Lord I'm talking everything from individual nudes taken from the chat of snaps to full-on money shots and everything in between it looked like an amateur porn album the most recent of which was dated to as you probably guessed that Tuesday evening Brad explains that Kyle had this whole thing where he to upload videos of him and Sarah doing it for his close circle to whack off ads I personally would have simply used pornhub like a normal human but Kyle had always been a little self infatuated so I wasn't too surprised at this narcissist level move now says he is sorry Brad had apparently just been included and was sickened by the whole thing for some context in our three years of dating the furthest Kyle and I had gone was a bj after a football game that January he spewed BS about saving it for marriage while digging down my BFF I was shattered the two people I had placed my unconditional trust in head without my knowing been taking turns pounding that trust away all the while being fully aware that of their importance in my life I confronted Kyle about this when we next hung out at his place and he denied everything at first said I was being a paranoid [ __ ] when I showed him the evidence he involved his parents who started claiming I photoshopped the photos and videos and threatened that they would report me for making child porn Sarah and Kyle had only just turned 18 the past September knowing the police would prove me rights but not wanting to tank Brad for possession our city had been throwing the book at people for this four years I dropped it and I left I thought we'd broken up but apparently his parents and system we stayed together until after graduation to faced with his extended family apparently they knew deep down he was guilty but the usual entitled parent indices flared up not wanting to make waves yet I reluctantly complied and began regressing into my earlier negative mental spaces part 3 the revenge the funny thing about religious families is that they are just as prone to producing LGBTQ children as non-religious ones Kyle had avoided the sickness Charlie hadn't not one week after our argument I was at Kyle's house helping him keep up the act we hardly interacted sir I turned to Charlie for companionship this typically happened when Kyle and I would get into fights as Charlie's chill demeanor and deep concern often led me to confide in her sometimes with things I didn't even share with Sarah this being the biggest argument of our relationship was no different while we were chilling in her room she started to get really antsy her normal bubbly demeanor was gone contrary to your typical homosexual I didn't have a strong gaydar so I assumed she'd learned of Carl's infidelity boom yes but actually no I asked her what was wrong and she said she had a secret to spill I wasn't really in the mood for drama or comforting but it being Charlie I let her go in what has yet to be the second biggest surprise of my life she told me about how she'd been in the closet for years 14 or 15 when she first started figuring it out and apparently for a long time she'd been trying to get closer to me because I was the only person she truly felt comfortable around her family was almost stereotypically homophobic and really only approved of her church friends she was jealous of Kyle and our relationship but thinking I was straight and not wanting to rock the boats she resigned herself to her angsty teenage heartache that was until the HMS relationship struck an infidelity iceberg and she figured she could finally shoot a shot now given any other circumstance I would have said hell no we'd known each other for over a decade and I'd been dating her brother three years it would have been scummy and Charlie was practically assisted to me at this point but the blood started rushing in the lizard brain started screaming for payback I'll spare the details for her privacy but one were hula da and her and I were enjoying the afterglow when the gears really started turning I felt like crap I knew what I'd done was wrong but given my current situation I frankly didn't care about that I'm also felt bad for Charlie at the time my feelings were twisted in painful and I thought I didn't really like her that way so I thought I'd just oneand dimed the only non family member who I still trusted she caught on to the vibe I was giving off and ended up talking me out of some bad thoughts while we got dressed and said our goodbyes we ended up continuing the relationship after that for her she finally got to be with her longtime crush and I got an escape when the day of graduation came and went we maintained the charade until both our families as well as their church group went over to their place for a massive dinner celebration and commemorative slide show now I'd known about this event since the fall and hadn't thought too much into it until the incidents during our fling Charlie had been pushing me out of my slump and towards thoughts of vengeance apparently her parents had been spreading rumors to that church group that I had been cheating on Kyle and they were saying that after the dinner he was going to dump me in front of an entire crowd that included my family I didn't really care about myself but my dad had gotten a lot of flack for remarrying after my mom died some of it even came from me but having the perspective of age and distance I got over it I was not about to have him publicly embarrassed by some crap heads who thought they blessed the ground they walked on before it was just petty high school drama but this was no joke my dad worked for the district reps office the district wrapped grow up at that church it was part of his one of the people persona a few choice words and my dad's job would be history guess Kyle's parents in their malignancy never thought that part through or maybe they did and I'm giving them too much credit either way this was now personal so Charlie being her impish self began scheming she was loved by the church group sir it was easy for her to get the role of prepping the slide show she even gave a whole speech about how she couldn't wait to finally give her brother and his friends the recognition they deserved she then began compiling the videos and photos from the circle-jerk accounts that Kyle had made idiot hadn't changed the password alongside screenshots of the conversation in a group chat they had she got those by borrowing his phone making a call and sending the screenshots to where phone before deleting them from the message history and integrated them into a slideshow it was structured so that a slide would pop up with a bunch of pictures of the boys in question alongside their favorite bible quotes then the next slide would include the screenshots of their respective conversations and whatever pictures they had listed as their favorites censored and from after they had turned 18 for obvious reasons altogether this slideshow took Charlie a few days to compile but not once did she complain or ask for a break she was on a mission and alongside being hot in its weird way it was also a shifting my perspective on our relationship so the night comes and we're all sitting around the table making small talk and putting on our best fake smiles several church families are giving me smug you're gonna get what's coming to you looks but I shrugged them off and stuck with my family for most of the night Charlie and I avoided each other to ensure no one got suspicious finally the moment of truth came everyone was called into the backyard where they had rows of chairs set up in front of a massive projector Charlie portrayed her best innocent little sister act before starting the soundtrack the slides began to roll and people began to gasp and yell in tune to good old days by Macklemore seeing the looks on Kyle and his family's faces as they realized what was happening was priceless in turn each boy was brought on screen and put on blast and each time everyone was too busy recovering from the whiplash to stop it the few that did tried to grab Charlie's laptop but she quickly scooped it up and ran into the house locking herself in a bathroom the projector was Wireless no one thought to turn off the projector idiots finally after almost five minutes of Bible for quotes and nerds the boy of the hour was put on screen his quotes Hebrews 13:4 give honor to marriage and remained faithful to one another in marriage God will surely judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery it was intended to create the setup for my humiliation oh how the turntables a handful of videos played showing his 18-plus exploits alongside screenshots of the rows of content he had made with texts dating back to the summer of 2017 implying the length of his fling it hurt to watch but I found my solace in the sweet nectar of vengeance laid before my eyes finally came the last slide a blank white page with a single audio file link even I was confused at this point seeing his audio wasn't included in our plans charlie crept back outside and clicked play and Kyle's parents voices came screaming through the speakers apparently Charlie had recorded their entire humiliation plan in detail and had added it to the slideshow as evidence of my impending setup the girl had covered all bases and when the show ended she stood next to the projector beaming that devilish half grin it took a few seconds for anything to happen Kyle and his family beat a hasty retreat to the house but the party being at their place they had nowhere to go several church members conveyed their disgust at Charlie Kyle and the boys in equal measure for the event she ignored them called out to her parents and waited for them to peep their heads out when they did he quickly planted a massive kiss on my cheek and pronounced herself as gay needless to say that didn't go down well my parents and I left in a hurry and Charlie now deep in crap came with us part for the aftermath Charlie and I had been dating since as you probably guessed her family have cut ties with her so she ended up crashing at my place my stepmom wasn't too pleased with how she'd gone about my revenge but my dad thought it was hilarious he collected his $20 from my stepmom they'd had a bed over when I'd come out apparently and argued on our behalf for Charlie to stay over after all they had an interesting first impression and there was no risk of pregnancy to top it off it was the perfect way for them despite Carl's family after they'd trashed my reputation and tried to make me an outcast he caught some jokes and snide remarks at work for the next few weeks but given the circumstances and the fact that I was a teenage daughter apparently we're prone to bouts of roguishness he got off in there hung as for Kyle you say well his family got barred from their church after his collection came to light which caused them to fall from local grace they lost the ear of local officials and the various name drops they'd been using to avoid various fines and penalties caught up to them last I heard from Sarah they had moved to the next state over and Kyle was living sexless in his parents basements squeaking by at a community college Sarah and I made up eventually it took a lot of apologizing and no small amount of groveling on her part but not wanting to resent her for the rest of my life I got over myself and allowed her back in when not as close as we used to be but that trust is slowly growing back let's just hope that she keeps her stuff in her pants this time Charlie and I lived together until I went off to college where we've been long-distance since she managed to get into a school two hours away so we often spend weekends at each other's dorms or somewhere in between doing our typical Hellenistic thing it's taken me some time to fully recover and as cathartic as our revenge felts it did little to truly bring me solace despite the implications of this story I had a real deep connection with Kyle and while it's easy to write off as teenage drama it still scarred me my family and Charlie have helped me rebuild our relationship may have begun unconventionally and could certainly be classifiable as trashy but we don't care we're happy and I have a girl who's gone above and beyond for me not everyone can say that the Karen that breeds minyan Karen's this all happened around Christmas / New Year's but I just found this subreddits and I'm obsessed with it so now I have to give you my story my grandparents emigrated to Canada from Italy in the 70s and opened up a restaurants when they passed away the restaurant went to my parents over the decades they grew and expanded its I have been working at the restaurant since I was fifteen over time my parents got older and eventually retired to becoming snowbirds go to Florida for the winters they left the restaurant to me about a few years ago but still retaining a small percentage of ownership as an additional revenue stream along with their savings and annuities soon as I gained control I pretty much modernized the old place remodeled the restaurant change the logo reached out to local and national papers to put out ads invited food critics bloggers vloggers et cetera it was very slow at first and I began to worry that the loan that I took out to do all this was the biggest mistake I had ever done and I ruined three generations of my family's business but eventually began to work in the local semi-famous youtube featured us in one of his videos and that was the catalyst for more people to come and review us and eventually we were seeing five to ten times the amount of business we usually gets even if it's a Monday we became a hotspot for major events and it wasn't uncommon for a celebrity to come on Thursdays I even arranged for special high-profile chefs to visit and cook for our guests which cost a fortune so during the holidays we beyond packs it got to the point where people would have to make reservations in July to get a table in December this process took years to get to where we are now when it gets busy I don't just sit in the back office I'm on the floor doing whatever needed to be done even if that means greet people bussing tables or even mopping the floors other nights when we have high-profile guests or events I'm in a blazer and I'm acting in charge two on one night a group of six women walked in five of them looked like they is still in their early 20s and the head of the group looked like she was in her mid-20s best theory she was one of the four girls older sisters or a possible older sorority sister two incoming college freshmen maybe I was greeting at the door as they were walking up queen bee Karen was telling the baby Karen's on how this place is awesome food is amazing and they might even be celebrities here when she came up to me she told me she needed a table for six I replied of course can I please get the name on the reservation she looked at me and said oh I didn't make one but it's okay the owner is a personal friend of mine he said he always has one or two tables that he keeps open for special guests and said we can have one of those tonight now generally this is true of many high-profile restaurants and lately I have been doing that as well but I had no clue who this woman was and she definitely never spoke to me about any of this I did get she was trying to get in without a reservation but she literally picked the worst person she could possibly try and talk to about this I told her I'm sorry but we cannot seat anyone without a reservation as you can see we do not have any seats available I didn't want to go all out and say that I'm the owner and we have never spoken before so I never promised you a thing because I didn't want to embarrass her in front of the other girls that she was with at first that is she then went and said out loud to one of the other girls to take a picture of me she will speak to the owner and make sure I'm either cleaning the toilets or fired by the end of the week the other girls following her lead were like yeah kiss your minimum wage job goodbye I'm not sure if they were internet with her but they honestly thought she knew the owner queen bee karen then went on and said look you can just give us a table or i can make life very difficult for you this is not worth losing your job constantly pointing just trying to put me down saying things like obviously you aren't here because if you were you would know who I am and never even try to tell me anything other than yes or of course constantly trying to belittle me and get that table at this point it was a long day for me and the way I saw it I had three options one tell her I'm the owner and just call her out on all this to just give her the table and let it be three teach queen bee Karen and her little minions a lesson I chose option three for various reasons including some personality flaws I am aware that I have but I like to think I was at least fifty percent really wanting to teach her a lesson I smiled at her said of course ma'am follow me please and I gave her one of the three tables we keep open in case a celebrity comes in happens from time to time I told her I apologized for everything and she's right it would be simpler just to give her the table I also told her that first three rounds of drinks will be complimentary i sat them down and personally served them as they were sitting down I told them we do need one of you though your credit cards and ID's just to keep on file and we will give it back to you before you leave queen Karen gave me her cards and told the baby Karen minions that tonight was on her I took their orders and got them their free drinks and told them due to how busy we are tonight there might be a delay on the food all the girls were thinking of and cared about were there free rounds they ordered their three rounds and still no food they eventually called me and asked me to check in on the whole time giving me the world's most nasty attitude since even before they ordered I told them I will check when it's but also asked if they would like any more drinks they ordered two more rounds by the time the appetizers arrived at this point they're all drunk having done nothing but drink on an empty stomach most of the nights and only having had salads after as more food arrives the drinks are ordered what these girls never realized was that they are at our VIP table which alone costs a few thousand just to sit in but I didn't charge them for that what I did charge them for words all the super expensive cocktails they had throughout the whole nights except for the first three rounds in addition the table they were sitting in as mentioned was VIP so the menus were a bit different for once they don't say prices on them trade secrets and in addition it had certain high rent menu options such as white truffle black caviar dishes and especially imported West Coast oysters among other things at one point in the night I was honestly rethinking what I was doing and thought I might be going too far with these poor girls they might not know any better but some things reassured me out that nights such as one of the baby Karen's asked me if I felt like my life was worthless since all I ever became was a waiter also one of my other employees told me how they were discussing how to screw with me to the point that they can just do this whenever they once and I will always know to give them a table I also overheard them say he's cute but I would never date a waiter like that he's such a pushover there were a bunch of comments like that the whole nights so I kept on there with their life lesson by the end of the night each girl racked up a bill on the range of five to six hundred dollars per girl when I handed Queen Karen the bill of four thousand two hundred and thirty two dollars and twenty three cents with tax and tip included of course I have never seen anyone sober up so quickly she went from laughing and giggling with her friends to million tears she called me over instantly and asked if this was some kind of joke I took the bill looked it over and said oh yes I apologize I'll get you the correct bill in a moment again she felt a complete sense of relief thinking she got someone else's bill called me a freakin idiots and went onto talking with her friends to be fair I did make a mistake I did forget to count her eighth order of a dozen oysters that cost about a hundred and twenty dollars per order so I gladly just went back and added it to the order then I went back to give her the correct bill she flipped out again going crazy I just asked if there was something on this bill that she didn't order she and the girls in shock go over every single line of the bill including the first few lines that show that their original three rounds which say complimentary they then took out their phones and line by line went over everything line by line for the 100th time adding everything up extremely rattled queen bee karen simply said one second I need to use the washroom part of me thought that she might just pull it down and - and leave the baby Karen's with the bill but kind of low-key I did in a way reminds her that I had her ID and credit card without making it obvious I thought she was going to run out on the bill ten minutes later she comes back with new makeup obviously she had been crying and makes up a whole story on how the food was awful the drinks were bad and so on and so forth demanding that as bare minimum I should cut the bill in half with the agreement the baby Karen's will chip in even though she initially told them that the night would be on her then as if a light bulb went off in her head she again mentioned her relationship with the owner as if it were to give me additional incentive to cut the bill in half holding back a grin at this point I told I know just know I can't change the bill she whips out a phone and shows me a series of texts with someone called my restaurants name owner which I pretty much realized was just what she was doing in the bathroom probably changed one of the other Karen minions contact name and deleted previous texts to start this new script I read them and clicked on contact info and told her that's not the owners cell number her reply was oh she has multiple phones for business and stuff of course you don't know all his numbers I remember well this girl thought of everything except I'm the actual owner I told her how about this if we call him and he says that it's okay to take 50% off the bill then I'll do it her reply was yelling and screaming over the time we're the few remaining customers all began to start looking and I knew okay to end this I told her already in a less accommodating voice cut the crap little girl you don't even know the earner you have never been here before and if you keep yelling I will call the police her demeanor changed and she was trying to defend herself the best she could my reply to her weak comeback was my grandparents founded this restaurant my family has been running this place for generations I have worked here almost my entire life I am the one and only owner of this restaurants and I have never once seen you heard of you and I definitely never made a stranger I don't know and have never met before tonight any promises the many Karen's were just frozen and didn't even know how to react queen bee karen was in tears I said now I gave you the table you wanted one of your specially reserved tables for high-end clients which I didn't charge you for and I gave you three rounds of free drinks if you don't pay your bill I will call the cops and hand them your ID in tears queen Karen signs the bill and the mini Karen's took out their purses to give her whatever cash they had which equaled maybe a couple hundred bucks with a promise to pay her back more two days later a man walks into my restaurant fuming and asks one of the bartender's to speak to me I was in the back office for a bit working so he waited a good half hour for me he was the queen bee Karen's father she was with him - keeping her head down I took them both to my office showed him highlights of these security cameras which were especially good quality of audio because they were in the VIP which we had to keep good records of because we have had other unrelated incidents before so I showed him most of it their comments their orders their everything when all was said and done he stormed out with her and was screaming at her the whole time that they were walking away haven't seen or heard from either of them since but the original bill I gave them the one that didn't count the 120 dollar oysters is framed on my desk side notes I didn't lose as much overhead on the table and three rounds as you might think the table was originally supposed to be empty so I didn't lose anything since I didn't expect to gain anything to begin with and the overhead for the food and other drinks more than covered the loss on the three free first rounds I thought about posting this on your clear revenge but I read some of the stories there and I think making this girl pay a few thousand and giving her a life lesson doesn't qualify for some of the revenge there is life ending revenge stories and losses in the tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands edits geez there are some serious Karen's DMing me and stuff guys yes there are posts in my history about questions about a job at a bank last year my ex's brother fell on really hard times and he went to live with us for a few months he also is a reddit user he posted when using my PC which I didn't and don't care abouts choose to believe it or not here is my story and enjoy its dropping Mike walking away Iranian an ex post is by user bootleg moon titled how I made bratty Thumbelina stop flirting with my boyfriend's so back in high school I dated a guy who will call Jared after school Jared and I would hang out at his place with a group of 3 to 5 friends one girl in our group of friends was interesting we'll call her Trixie Trixie was a pretty girl whose entire personality revolved around being cute and petite also despite being in a relationship herself she was clearly into Jared she would claim that things were too heavy and ask only him to carry them comment on how tall he was compared to her ask him for piggyback rides you know just general nonsense that made us both sort of uncomfortable I wouldn't tolerate this now but we did at the time because we liked hanging out with her boyfriend well it being that time of the month I bought a new box of tampons to keep it under the sink it was one of those variety packages that included different sizes which is important for later later that afternoon I went to grab one and I noticed that six or seven of the Lite tampons were already missing what the hell then I realized Trixie had been going to the through a lights being so aggressively petite and adorable I guess she considered it beneath her to use regular tampons when we hung out the next day she finished all of the light ones I was wondering what she do when she approached me off the side and asked if I had any more I quietly told her no sorry but she could always use a bigger size so she wouldn't have to change them so often she answered very loudly looking right at Jared oh I can't use those jumbo tampons like you I'm way too tiny what the hell I guess she thought it would sound sexy or something so what did I do I hated the entire box of tampons in his room and replaced it with a box of diaper thick maxi pads that I only wear to bed the next time she went to the bathroom she was in there a long time probably searching for the tampons that I'd moved when she family came out wearing one of the diaper Seitz pads chic wrinkled like a fudging newspaper wherever she walked Jared knowing full well asked the room at large what's that sound and she left shortly afterward she also cold-shouldered me from then on which was just an added bonus as far as I was concerned as a cherry on top of the cake I heard through the grapevine that she gained at least 50 pounds since high school bet you don't ask other people's boyfriends for piggyback rides anymore hard Trixie Ryder and unexposed his myuser GT 2810 titled a company gave out ten thousand fliers that had my phone number on them so this one happened quite a long time ago when I had my first office job I did fairly well and after a while was promoted and got my own room with it came my own phone line the day after it was installed I arrived at work to find the message light blinking I checked and the mailbox was full with 20 messages oh I thought there must have been some mistake there sure was message after message off from people wanting to book a chalet while I was still checking the messages calls started coming in I'm like Hello yes I want to book a chalet do you have one available for this weekend you have the wrong number si pauses for a moment's but this is xxx right no this is an office in town he pauses again but the number is ex ex ex ex ex ex ex yes that is my number but this is an office we don't have anything to do with chalets but I want to book a chalet um we don't do chalets you have the wrong number but your number is xxx xxx right yes it's my number but this is an office not xxx we don't do chalets so the conversation went and the moment I hung up another call came in and another I had the phone off the hook all day the next day I decided to put the phone back it's rang immediately hello hello I went to book a chalet you have the wrong number is this xxx xxx yes that is my number but this is not xxx but the flyer has this number ex ex ex ex ex ex flyer what flyer this flyer for a special offer on chalets between these dates so I ended the call and looked for the main line of xxx company I called them and told them I couldn't do any work because of all the calls that were coming in because they printed my number on their flyers so you printed my number on your flyers my phone is ringing non-stop I can't get any work done well that's not possible do you have a flier or the artwork yes I'll just have a look and yes is that number my number on your flyer um yes it must be a mistake look I'm sure it is a big one what are you gonna do the Flyers have all been handed out there's nothing we can do well how many Flyers were printed ten thousand they couldn't do anything they didn't want to do anything I asked them to pay for changing the line and they refused they didn't offer anything and even asked me to direct all the callers to them at the correct number so I started answering all the calls and it took a week but I told everyone we were fully booked till the end of the promotion or ha ha ha that's good and our next post is my user yeah I probably did it titled my neighbor's partied and kept me awake I think this fits in petty revenge let me know if I am wrong years ago I lived in a classic Southern California apartment complex the kind that is two stories high and doll have balconies or porches if you are on the ground floor at the time I worked in a grocery store and could have shifts that started as early as 3:30 when I had that shift on weekends sleep could be hard to come by due to various gatherings around the apartment complex I usually would not say anything about noise until 11:00 p.m. on weeknights and midnight on weekends a new couple moved in right above us and were incredibly noisy at all times they hosted a party on Friday and Saturday nights since they had just moved in I decided to let it go and not be that neighbor the next weekend it happened again and on Friday night about midnight I went outside and looked up at the people on the balcony and asked if they could quiet down they mostly complied and I went to bed the next night they were added again and this time I went out to ask them to be quiet and I luck got a lot of screw you and just go back inside I did I figured that I would wait for a better time to actually meet the upstairs neighbors the next Friday afternoon rolls around and I can tell they're getting ready to have another party they see me and start giving me grief and letting me know that I had better not complain etc the potty wrapped up around 1:30 a.m. Saturday night was worse they were still partying when I left for work at 3 a.m. I heard some parting shots as I walked to my car I knew I had to act but I did not know how then slowly a plan emerged and I knew what I was going to do I baked cupcakes for the new neighbors I waited until Thursday morning at 2:45 a.m. I took the plate of cupcakes to the neighbors I went to the door and politely knocked the door opened and he was mad he started to say something and then he looked up he was about 5 foot 6 and I am 6 foot 1 tall he was slight and I probably weigh about 175 pounds I just put my best neighborly grin on my face and held out the plate of cupcakes he regained some composure and starts to angrily ask me what I was doing then he said my favorite line do you know what time it is I have to get up for work in a few hours Frick you a rude once again I held out the cupcakes and said I am so sorry I just figured that you're always up at this time since I see you every weekends it was then that it clicked in his feeble mind but not when I was getting ads he accepted the cupcakes I fully thought that I would have to do this again but he seemed to have learned his lesson after that most parties wrapped up by 12:30 a.m. all right and unexpressed is by sumo ninja 17 titled monkey-see monkey-do got to work a couple days and saw that my prime parking spots right next to the employee entrance was open put on my turn signal and turn into the lane right next to the spot the lady in the car next to this spot was loading her trunk with groceries so I was being careful just as I was about to start into the spots two people walk down the lane between her car and mine and I stayed stopped to let them pass safely the lady was done loading her trunk at about the same time she closes the trunk and looks right at me making eye contact she wields her cart into my space keeping eye contact the whole time she puts the cart up against a parking pillar parked long ways so there is no way to fit my car into the space with the cart there she kept eye contact with me until she sat in her car game on I stopped my car and got out I walked to the cart and turned to make eye contact with her I then pushed the cart directly behind her car keeping eye contact as long as I could I then walked past her do making her shuddered as she was trying to get out to move the cards I sat in my car and pulled forward and parks I gathered my work gear and got out I expected the car to be behind my car but I looked up and saw her walking back from the cart Corral she was no longer making eye contacts I thought about making a sarcastic comments but decided that since she did put the cart away I should let it go she was an a-hole and I was a jerk right back it was a tie almost I did get a little petty revenge out of it alright guys that's the end of today's episode of our slash revenge tell me what you thought about all these stories down in the comments below I'd love to hear your opinions thoughts your own stories with its what did you guys think of all events tell me down below anyway this has been Mark II I hope you have a good day night sleep whatever you been up to and I'll see you in the next episode bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 139,190
Rating: 4.7946429 out of 5
Keywords: Markee, Markee revenge, revenge, prorevenge, pro revenge, professional revenge, r/revenge, r/prorevenge, r/pettyrevenge, petty revenge, r/nuclearrevenge, nuclear revenge, reddit prorevenge, reddit, markee, markee reddit, r/assholetax, r/jerktax, r/rslash, rslash assholetax, r/aholetax, Markee Reddit, Reddit, Markee assholetax, Markee jerktax, assholetax Markee, assholetax
Id: 0sP9wF3GCt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 35sec (10835 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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