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what a beautiful moment my two-year-old saw just joe biden on the tv and said mommy that's the man who levitates at the foot of my bed every night oh so precious the true democrats yolo welcome to mk it's good to see you again i haven't cleaned this place since you left and today you're going to join me in some bit of a bit of a questionable memes of today we're taking a deep dive into our slash hold up so put on your dancing shoes for some reason clench your cheeks and let us dive in teacher draw your family tree the alabama kid well we try to go our separates but you know like family we always come back together you use the wrong principle this is a bad meme your son was caught with alcohol at school and he said his best friend gave it to him dad he thinks i'm his best friend meanwhile in the sims mobile community do babies grow on their own or do we need to interact with them i forgot to look at the group name and i was genuinely concerned i'm a bartender and have ruined a lot of grad parties by saying congratulations that's the same degree i got what can i get you to drink don't mind this guy just casually speed running to be the devil's associate ever wonder why girls don't go to the bathroom alone well we prove together like scooby-doo this is really gross never tell the boys wait i thought you said it was a b day well this costume party's getting a little bit morbid for my liking we're almost at the beach oh you meant beach day well good thing i brought my bathers ooh those fireworks oh my god it's bigfoot oh my god it's tiny weiner see anything cool lately no shut up this is so much fun i can't remember the last time i was blindfolded oh wait yes i do i am re-watching johnny bravo i'm gay la mal i'm not actually gay my boyfriend took my phone and tweeted that you wake up you're still a lizard sunning on a red rock it was all a dream the concept of selling feet picks to pay back student loans is already losing its meaning as you open and lick your own eyeballs to moisten them ah time to eat a bug very good time call 555.097 hey i'm the guy who called shut up and get in park and now okay you weren't kidding this is a good time how did you know you're the first person to call when i was little i thought sex was just kissing while you were naked and one time when i got out of the shower i kissed my cat on the head and then i remembered i was naked and ran downstairs crying saying that i had sex with the cat you should have seen my mom's face my mom read it me explaining how i freaked my cat this is on the internet now forever congratulations this is how aliens will remember you i caught two kids smoking pot outside my office 15 minutes later my boss caught me in two kids smoking pot outside my office it was a good time until the police came and noticed me bashing my boss with two rocks because i was high on acid outside my office i was playing a game i got a nice head shot everyone started screaming wait what game a chess tournament rook to c3 glock to h3 ask reddit what is the dumbest thing your government has done in the last 20 years [Applause] young actors who quietly passed away this year i wish wow please don't say that i paid my daughter r20 for washing dishes but now that she's sleeping i just stole it she has to learn early that crime rate is high in this country i was just at burger king and this dude was arguing with the gay cashier about his order and for some reason the cashier said see this is the reason all you straight men are freaking trash and the dude said wrong again buddy i like the pee pee too the whole time i'm in the corner like just to be clear if you carefully removed and laid end to end all the veins arteries and capillaries of your body you will die well you say that but also according to you pluto wasn't a planet so i don't know if i don't believe you in high school i was placed in the english bottom class where a teacher said to my face i'd never make it as a writer but today 25 years later after uncountable knockbacks from almost every publisher i'm ecstatic to finally be able to announce that teacher has died hashtag never give up i have a good and i'm not afraid to use it well if you say it instead of doing it you're clearly afraid to use it yeah don't live in fear man believe in yourself now believe in yourself you know what damn it they figured me out doctor i have some bad news you have a very rare disease what how rare you get to name it oh that's pretty oh oh oh oh jan has this schoolgirl fantasy it's a pretty common one i just i feel uncomfortable wearing the dress ooh what a twist ma'am do you mind stepping out of the car who are looking for drugs no smack me too let's go my mate has just seen the chernobyl documentary he actually grew up in ukraine in the 1980s and was able to count at least eight historical inaccuracies on one hand you know what's a shame documentaries these days can't be taken wait a minute there's something about this post i just can't put my seventh finger on common english mistakes mixing up there there and there using the wrong word two two or two using apostrophes for plurals enslaving innocent people putting commas in the wrong place so a woman in australia found one of the biggest huntsman spiders ever recorded hey yeah we've just decided that it's our prime minister now we've surrendered already it rules over us now no purpose for house fire could destroy that thing oh nice they're almost big enough to freak now it would have cost you zero dollars not to say this and yet you did serial killers gamers acting skins there is no similarity between us and the gamers oh you're [Music] me gets down on one knee not real person oh my god it's finally happening falls over the poison is kicking in someday a person is going to die in a self-driving car and the car is just going to keep driving with a dead body in it now a person dies in a normal car and the car crashes into whatever is in its path yeah this is a hell of a lot better than the catastrophe that currently happens hey kids it looks like grandma just pulled up to the house how about a c nope an r no mars fearless i gotta say this is some of the most freaked up stuff well well don't blame us you guys aren't guessing it right isn't the internet wonderful i have seen horrible things i'm chrome i know howard can you hear me blink once for yes twice for no just kidding your eyelids burned off in the fire come on howard that was funny imagine not supporting lgbt in 2020 we don't have to imagine ah for some reason i decided they are vampires i don't want to die a virgin poof dog ah nothing happened you are immortal now as if i was gonna get you laid you're a lost hope crush i just cut off four inches off my hair so um four inches is a lot oh is it now well you've given me a lot more confidence an alligator is swimming in a florida lake with a knife in his head i'm pretty sure whoever pulls the knife from the gator's head is gets to be the new king of florida excaligator bro me and jessica just broke up what why we thought last night about me drinking with you lately so did you let me choose love or my friends well so you mean to say you chose friends over love no man i choose love i love you bro i don't have my saxophone with me right now i'm home i miss you so much i missed you too a homeless guy asked me for money today i looked in my pocket and all i had was a 20 bill do i really want this money going towards drugs i thought to myself nah so i gave him the 20 parties oh a kitty oh well my cat really likes you and that kid says how i met your mother yep did it with the cat just like what she was she could take a pounding uh legal advice is it illegal to sunbathe naked on my property so i want a sunbathe naked in my backyard however there are roofers working on my neighbor's roof i am legally a miner does it count as indecent exposure if the roofers can see me legality aside why aren't you worried the roofers would be snapping cell phone pics of you use it in their spank bank for later or worse distribute it online because if they want to jack off to overweight boys that's their problem not mine i overheard my uber driver and his wife being sad about having trouble having kids so i left my nephew in the car i love doing god's work elderly neighbor gave me their son's old pc found these gems on it the nostalgia is real wow look at all these classic games i don't remember that game from my childhood 400 calories of oil 400 calories of chicken 400 calories of vegetables you see that yeah just enjoying a cool glass of [Music] a cop trying to distract the girl from her dad dying in a car crash don't scroll without liking i see that orphanage over there you're getting yourself a new house i want to punch her in the eye with a rusty fork well this is awkward i didn't mean to text that to you hi dad hello hi katie don't forget to wear gloves keep the fingerprints off of the fork even if it is a rusty one my favorite part of this is how you don't even question who it is the less i know the less i can say during the interrogation i dub this uh father of the year got your hands on the galaxy s8 show us the first photo you took that was a dock pack i'm sorry our phones can't send images with that small file size i loved growing up with the internet in the early 2000s i played flash games i took care of neopets i made friends on myspace poon gives young people an unrealistic and unhealthy idea of how quickly a plumber will come to your house it's true and they're not even that hot i brought brownies for all my co-workers not really because i was being nice but because i heard they were going to be doing a drug test and i didn't want to be the only dirty one so unless i plan on firing everyone i think i'm good surprise visit to see my girl's apartment for the first time one she already has the toilet seat up for me turn on the tv already on espn number three look in the closet a man so i can make a new friend an accommodating queen you can see that smile is just holding back tears this library at yale is basically the dream fun fact about this library if a fire starts in the library all the oxygen leaves the building killing all who are inside in order to protect the rare books oh okay i i guess it's not like as if you know these books are possibly replaceable by being just you know scanned and everything online so i can need to be reprinted again in a case of an emergency like this but ah sure yeah oh humans are the replaceable ones roses are red but something's wrong i met my wife on ancestry.com baby reveal gone wrong oh lovely it's a demon spawn that's it that's what it is my teacher got angry because i asked him when the next robbery is for the last time jeffrey i'm not getting the police off your back when a baby on board sticker is a little faded and beat up you know the kid is at least a year or two old now and the car is safe to ram well my car is currently out of control but because you put the baby on board son in the back of the car well well clearly i'm suddenly able to control this vehicle now and move right out of the way me swallows a tablet without water everyone else at the samsung store oh oh wow wow that is that is a lack of a gag reflex told my cousin he got me pregnant as an april fool's joke he was scared as frick lemal why was he scared i stalked this astrology whole twitter for about a week and told her i was a virgo and she let me smash because she thought she was compatible little does she know i'm a freaking scorpio universe just to line your cheeks with this wanna know how i know for a fact all of this horoscope stuff is a bunch of bull smack oh you're commenting and this is exactly what a scorpio would do that dumb ass smoke because i'm a capricorn for 10 seconds stop what you're doing and just listen what do you hear thanks for this turned out the hostage was screaming again takes a poop the guy i took it from hey wait that's mine what do you want it back shape-shifting is the best superpower because you can have any haircut anytime you want you can turn into a hotter version of yourself you can turn into a dragon you can turn into a robot you can turn into a shambling mound of abstract shapes and sulk outside your estranged father's house at night while chanting communists about his sins this took a weird turn but i'm still on board give me six shots of whiskey six shots what's the occasion my first [ __ ] well in that case let me give you a seventh on the house oh no offense but if six shots won't get rid of the taste nothing will on halloween we dress up as skeletons but every other day of the year our skeletons dress up as us cop you know you have the right to remain silent right when you apply for community college and they require a small essay hey don't blame me i'm just going up what i know i like to go to walmart for fun it's the small things merc what's your favorite thing to do in our stores steal time to put into practice everything my father taught me what is your father steve him can i push your stool in well let's see how dinner goes first down check the bow wow if you're single one you're either talking to someone too stuck on an x or three chasing someone who's taken no bro we ugly i'm so glad taylor swift became a legend i remember in high school my math teacher was like let's see what she is in 13 years and here we are 13 years later with taylor being a legend and my math teacher being in jail for sleeping with students let's hold up you see what i said there before you go it's time for some for not a special thing but you know that thing today's work is by uncapable they're no artist and they know it's bad but their dream is to be on mk they love mk and they are bad at drawing have they mentioned they're bad at drawing well look since it's your dream i think it's only fair that we make your wishes come true and that's the end of today's video wow great artwork there thank you so much for watching as always do like this video if you enjoyed your time here today and why not check you are subscribed some of you may not be you should be it's your judy do the duty and beast of screw beat all right delayed enough here's the artwork oh lovely seriously that's actually really lovely maybe put the lighting more like directly above the artwork though but hey look the shadow effect still makes it nice i love how you can just assume there's a backstory between the reddit and the youtube symbol guys there this oh my god reddit what did i do this time you know what you did please not in front of uncapable oh so you find me embarrassing now is this how you want to get featured on the channel and if you'd like to be featured on the channel then you should post your mk fan art in the mk subreddit because then we'll steal them as our own no not really we're too lazy to be villainous like that still keep creating your beautiful work love seeing it all now anyway time for me to scoot off my name has been jack you have been a beautiful face to not actually look at but to speak to remember you're only a failure if you don't try again and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 721,360
Rating: 4.9683022 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Holup
Id: agxN7qI_6jI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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