r/Crappydesign | disgusting.

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you're gonna have a bad time yeah if i buy this hoodie where the text somehow floats off of the sides of it yeah i'm definitely gonna have a bad time [Music] how's it hanging folks welcome back to mk i'm your host robin i'm pretty sure the tallest one and today we're going to be taking another look at our slash crappy design let's hop right in so i guess this is why i'm balding original gold label anti-hair thinning shampoo anti-oh i see the anti-hair thinning shampoo all right gotcha you think this is weird i went to a church once when i was younger that had an indoor gym that was carpeted full-size basketball court carpet real strange stuff folks be unapologetically you i mean i'm not sure what that means but i will give it my best random building eli eve b wait who are eli and eve there's a gap between two roofs right above a bench [Laughter] oh they knew what they were doing don't worry about that seriously there are some design choices that are so dumb they can only have been done on purpose a mirror in a hotel in italy to be fair i'm small but still [Laughter] well okay wait a minute this is a bottle of some kind of sauce right yeah clearly that's what it says on the side there and we have something slightly cannibalistic going on here this seems odd doesn't it carpet up the side of the bathtub at my grandmother's that's not even the worst part it's just that there's carpet everywhere again i'm sorry just get your grandparents heated floors okay or you know what else slippers they work too unattended sold children will to be sold to circus the circus all right uh i'm trying to make heads or tails of this one i mean i know what it's supposed to say but it's so bad i don't think it can say what it was supposed to say at all mmm a nice hot cup of cough color-coded instructions for the model i'm about to make in black and white oh man go get your money back what's uh why are you looking like that though you don't deserve equality isn't a very inspiring slogan to be slapped on the side of a building excuse me you don't deserve equality what does it say at the bottom does it say anything at all holy crap no way an image of a kitchen pot rack that i came across on ebay we're just gonna hang it from the ceiling right in the center there we're not even gonna secure the other side and we're just gonna let it dangle a little bit hey it's easier to get to this is not vitamin d it's an emoji on a bottle of magnesium what ugh face wrap face wrap no thank you i am gonna walk away immediately that monstrosity is getting no closer to me okay forget that you are loved oh i forget all the time trust me with good reason too it's not for nothing um where am i supposed to go or let's see uh shoot uh i couldn't tell ya i'm sorry man you're on your own on this one hey whoa you know what as it turns out little buddy we're not gonna play at this part because you might go home with a demon in your brain and i don't want that i've seen supernatural it's not pleasant welcome ho that's all i got for you because that's all the mat says apple and juice strawberry oh well at least there's no added sugar right oh god i saw the carpeted bathroom and would like to share this lovely kitchen carpet oh no no now why man what's next a carpeted garage ah there are some places that carpet should be illegal to put in your home it looks like guerrero has a massive upper body on two teeny tiny legs not sure if that's how you pronounce the name but i don't care yeah i can see why you'd think that it's kind of like looking at the kfc logo and thinking he's got a tiny little body home theater ah automation networking entertainment you did that yourself didn't you to save a couple bucks on some kind of graphic design good job easy way to piss off a mailman oh my god what that is some lame [ __ ] right there oh god okay i'm gonna give it my best call me to me all and i will give you rest jesus christ yeah jesus christ is right dude wait a minute uh does anybody want to go down to anals sorry i mean a nails never fresh frozen beef okay sure yeah that sounds delicious join us at nine i mean six [Laughter] this is why for six and nine we generally put a line under the bottom so we know which number it's gonna be no fair enough have a wonderful day she kind of looking like a xenomorph right now why'd they have to do it like that that's so mean our brand new location is no weapon is what no open pen pineapple apple pen oh yeah i love it when they put these clearly well thought out designs into the product but they're not thought out enough to actually you know [ __ ] function this bubble toy is shaped like a typical juice slash applesauce pouch for kids yeah they really need to stop doing that because someone's gonna be burping bubbles for like a week after this crap safety gate installed at the bottom of stairs without a handrail how helpful how very incredibly helpful the red light means it's done charging i've been waiting for three hours just why why why would they suddenly switch it supposed to be green for done red for charging you animals smiles that rook yeah whatever that means slippers with a tag on the insole that dig into your heel oh time to get your money back and by the looks of that brand name these are probably fairly expensive you know what just looked it up they seem to be around 50 to 70 bucks yeah go get your money back now wait just a minute they're the same size but one of them serves what is that 70 more servings on average what are we doing shots with it instead of full cups uh all right women's hearts are in the cavity where their heart belongs but as it turns out men's hearts are at their crotch i don't know enough about anatomy to dispute this so sure random sign my school's engineering club poster i'm pretty sure that the gear configuration wouldn't work black boxes to censor my school's name and logo totally fair yeah every time you see triple gears like that that's not how gears work this will not function at all if your ball is the wrong size it will go in the top but not come out the bottom oh oh that is the weirdest most unnecessary basketball hoop i've ever seen in my life don't even put a net on it most of them don't because people will rip them off why did you bother putting some ridiculously expensive netting on there these stairs are all different sizes oh that is a lawsuit waiting to happen unless it's in your own home which is that's a lot of broken ankles over the years for you and your family worried about someone tripping on the lip put step on the shower mat ooh i'm just thinking about all the broken toes stepping into this shower oh god my eyes hold on i sat in the glue angness glue agnit yeah wow whatever no no no we're moving on i'm gonna have a heart attack if i keep trying to read that it's time for some more yeah it's my favorite season right after udom and sprong installing curtains that don't close in a place that gets 24 7 sunlight in the summer it's not even the 24 7 sunlight that makes this weird what is the purpose of those curtains at all they're just decorative wall pieces next to your window this is annoying anywhere in the world just imagine this you get a set of venetian blinds and you just hang them somewhere on the wall nowhere near a window now do you see how ridiculous this is all new bolt 20 whatever the hell crappily photoshopped includes artificial sweeteners an ad for a beer found here on reddit what's up with that guy's feet hey you don't just ask people what's up with their feet okay but clearly someone was in the middle of their first photoshop class in sophomore year of high school let me guess this is somewhere in the united states where privacy is not allowed in a public restroom whatsoever because they assume people are going to go in there and do drugs or something rather than take a sh like a normal human being oh man there are so many things this country is behind on but oh i got to put this in the top 10. i'm sorry i really do i really do what the hell did this guy see furthermore what did he sit on these urban outfitter socks that look sweat and urine stained eww ah come on hey look it's just like the completely pointless curtains we were just looking at event great just to add some aesthetic to your room just letting you know now it's not going to pass inspection they do look for this stuff holy crap that is the largest smart watch in human history or the smallest human being ever like truly the smallest human being also you know it's a great product when the product's official name on amazon is kids smart watch phone for boys girls 27 and 1 video game smart watch for kids children hd touchscreen recorder music alarm clock calculator camera birthday age 3 to 12 years old black my workplace is wheelchair accessible is it are you sure the keurig starter kit free and 50 off all right anyway let's try and read what's up above oh we can't we can't read this beautiful offer from keurig ask screw keurig anyway they've got a horrible environmental impact and it's quite embarrassing placing a bench so close to the edge of a roof so that when a slight wind blows while it's raining the bench gets wet you know i've got a sneaking suspicion that civil engineers or whoever the hell else places these things does this on purpose just like we saw earlier at the beginning of these posts they're doing it to [ __ ] with ya well well well i've got nothing to say this is truly horrifying i really hope this wasn't a custom built home because you deserve a fat refund my friend or a much longer warranty you're probably going to have a bad time trying to type on this keyboard ah two z's no why [Laughter] man why is always getting the short end of the stick i don't know why and on that glorious note we've come to the end of another video folks but before we get going let's take a look at today's fan art mk fan art that i made alright count mk oh you made it a vampire i love it we need to see some more gotcha always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed today's video consider liking down below and if you really enjoyed today's video well then make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and if you're feeling super adventurous why not check out my links in the description down below and until next time i'll be seeing you [Music] you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 503,707
Rating: 4.9637804 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes
Id: fmePC_SRt8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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