r/Dangerousdesign | aaaaaAAAAAAAAA

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grandma's last ride is it oh yo she gonna go out in style though do a kick flip grandma all right grandma's gonna do an even sicker flip this time let's go [Applause] [Music] hey what's up everybody welcome back to mk good to see you here how you doing you kevin how you doing anyway i'm your host robin and today we're going to be taking a look at r slash dangerous design i have a feeling this one's also going to make me a little mad but without much further ado let's just jump right into it let's do it before i change my mind this architect accidentally built a death ray that melts cars and fries eggs again melts cars good lord that is seriously not cool wow i'd probably get a sunburn just thinking about this building get a bone broken every time you slide down jeez dude perfect picture seconds before disaster i guess if you're ready for it it can be kind of fun this bike track in croatia oh oh what a good day for a face plant all right what do we have here uh oh uh oh uh gonna burn down the park not a fan of that projector right this'll totally work step out of a bathtub down a flight of stairs anyone no i'm good i'm good with the normal shower i have this hair bleach that looks like a box of cereal are you kidding me what is this garbage this bad boy oh my god what is that called again is that the reliant robin am i thinking of the right car either way wow how in the world did the engineers think this was a smart idea at least build it with a roll cage welcome to brazilian engineering rules there are no rules is that supposed to be stairs it looks like a saw taking your eyes off the road for too long or too often could cause a crash resulting in your injury or death to others focus your attention on driving okay let me tap my freaking touchpad in the car this is great this is caution gumballs and bouncing balls mixed together wow it's great to know that you put a sign on here telling us you're stupid desert edition claymore ouch leaving the do not out of the search result had a seizure now what hold the person down or try to stop their movements put something in the are you serious okay wow god forbid you have a baby or a little dog oh boy that's slightly awful you know i do gotta wonder what's going through the minds of these people when they design this because it's clearly not safety emergency door release and a few trams in my city what how the literal hell is that legal no serious question i know this ain't the usa that this is in but how enough time for a nice refreshing drink of oh oh uh why oh oh ah this one kind of hurts my eyes oh stop what the hell is this sure does look nifty sure doesn't seem safe for nifty though it looks nice sure but i didn't even know that was a real extinguisher oh sorry i was staring at it wondering what the hell you were talking about are you serious stocking juice next to dishwasher detergent at walmart where's the juice and where's the detergent failure is not an option if that's your front door might i suggest a doormat that would explain why my ankle hurts ultra flight kickball not for kicking oh for god's sake china you guys are just not getting the point of these lift is broken because of the fire alarm and my man can't leave alright then are you serious okay we've got a ferris wheel on a pile of bricks you can find in every american home's backyard yeah i would love to ride this you know i've honestly wondered about this for the longest time i mean think about it this can't be the absolute worst thing in the world right i've seen much worse car mods and look it probably gets ice cold up in that yes that seems like a smart driveway solution i guess i'm selling my car because i'm never going to that garage all right we have the rectal one and the oral one okay i understand notating which is for which but this looks like a hospital or a doctor's office do you not sanitize these incredibly stupidly thoroughly beforehand anyway every time multiple times imagine trying to turn the radio up and you end up going backwards on the highway yeah i've driven in that truck before dodge what the literal hell is your problem and i know it's not just dodge wasn't this like a chrysler thing either way very stupid and not at all safe thanks a lot guys i mean the potential is there all right we have allergy relief and women's laxative well lucky for you whenever i go to take medicine out of my medicine cabinet i read it just to make sure you should always do that it's a no-brainer what was their first idea stairs made from piles of rusty nails what is this man oh oh one thing goes wrong and you have a [ __ ] rock slide in your house super fruity kneadable erasers each one has a different fruit smell sold at elementary school book fairs oh yep i do remember those god what a terrible idea find the shower oh i love this game all right let's see there it is right above the bidet and toilet at the bottom of the poop dungeon is there a drain down there i think there's a little drain down there wow this is the type of bathroom you just want to show off to your friends for the novelty look at my horrifying bathroom no no no one's allowed to use it because i don't want you to die or be eaten the cannonball loop water slide a slide so dangerous it was shut down almost immediately after opening i can see why that is not a good idea this spike in my shower just waiting to catch me slipping i would not be showering in there until that was removed hmm very sneaky stairs oh oh that's not cool i'd have to put like a piece of gaff tape on that thing you know bright yellow in the 1930s you could buy artificial snow made out of 100 asbestos we really did use that for stuff we didn't need to didn't we nuclear power plant and spider farm what could go wrong not much let me tell you this russian stadium didn't meet fifa's regulation on capacity so they added 18 000 seats in the most terrifying way possible now their cool stadium looks like utter garbage not that stadiums are cool i think they're complete dumpster trash and wastes of yes taxpayers money but whatever this is the biggest abomination of them all all right we have the electric box and uh cool let's put the sprinkler right up its butthole stairwell in a hotel i stayed in maybe you should no longer stay in said hotel probably break an ankle great idea and you can keep the trucks running for warmth i mean that is actually a cool idea but if you turn them on you all know what's gonna happen candy scented hand sanitizer look i like scented hand sanitizer but come on come on for 25 dollars you can turn your yard into a death trap don't trip all right tequila rustic sculpture rustic metal agave plant for outdoor yeah that would be a good way to die wouldn't it 1940 helmets with communication tubes that sure what the hell uber will soon know if you're drunk and could refuse to pick you up that defeats the whole point of uber you are correct it does i think we've hit a wall here guys wow quite legitimately was the escalator still running there's no way car manufacturers what if we made a transmission dial me let me just adjust my volume yep seriously yup it's a really sure-fire way to completely destroy your car on accident cosmic candy hard wax beans okay what kind of stairs is that even oh really really dumb ones seriously what is up with people trying to redesign stairs they're stairs we don't need anything special wheelchair x games that also seems to be a recurring theme this apartment in london with no front door just stairs leading to a window wouldn't want to use this one drunk wow that better be cheap i know it's not because it's in london but that better be cheap if i walk into an apartment i'm thinking about renting and there's no door to get in dude immediate 50 discount [ __ ] is your shower wiring up to code no yeah we didn't think so oh i am not a fan hope you don't drop anything uh-huh yeah me too what's going on here i feel like i'm taking crazy pills nah it works just don't touch it like ever though you have to go and turn off the breaker to get that thing out of the wall ah why does this feel so much more dangerous than everything else we've seen here today a stiff wind all your co-workers are dead not suitable for children three years of age or younger well that does seem a little odd but whatever it's a [ __ ] button demonstrated above is a new fire signal box that locks the hand of the alarm sender until released by a policeman or fireman with a key thus deterring the sending of false alarms okay great all right you want to pull the fire alarm you must sacrifice yourself this 1930s design lets you hang your baby over the side of a building in a cage urban hell urban hell the only way you can get your kid outside is to hang it outside the window don't live there just move to the middle of the ocean fresh air everywhere similar design one can kill and one tastes good i wonder which one tastes good probably that bleach yummy yummy thank you tesco apparatus for facilitating the birth of a child by centrifugal force 1965 was wild hey uh who's the dock on this inventors george b blonsky and charlotte e blonsky if you two are still alive somehow what the hell were you actually smoking do not unzip mattress cover don't unzip it we really enjoyed this mattress for the first year and a half our son had an accident on the mattress so we tried to clean it without removing the cover but we couldn't get the stain out we regrettably then decided to remove the outer cover and unleashed an invisible fiberglass storm into our house we've spent thousands of dollars trying to remediate this disaster we hired servpro to help filter out all of the glass particles in the air we have little fiberglass shards in everything that won't wash out we'll have to throw out all of our clothing the bed mattresses sheets blankets towels and pretty much everything with cotton by the way i called zionist and they told me yes we are aware that's why it says to not remove the cover then why did you put a zipper on it if you took the time to read this please listen to me why is there fiberglass in a mattress warning label inside of a helmet i received when we rented four-wheelers all right let's see this helmet is a novelty item only and is not made for intended for nor designed for use as a protective piece of headgear under any circumstances the manufacturer disclaims all responsibility if used in any manner i guess any manner is a word now other than as a novelty item made in china well i'd be going back into the rental area and saying hey uh-uh and on that lovely note we've come to the end of another video ladies and gents before we get going though we gotta check that fan art i literally got read it just so i could share the fan art i made love you all oh i'm glad you did that eye is staring directly into my soul don't don't look everyone look away now always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed today's video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed today's video well consider getting yourself subscribed and clicking that bell icon and hey if you want to hear or see more of yours truly make sure to check out the link in the description below and until next time i'll be seeing you later
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,188,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes
Id: haVwsZAKHlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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