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wait it's all legos always has been good morning at least for me everyone welcome to mk my name's jack and today we're looking at some who me hums first up there was some fan art appreciation by smitherin666 good to know satan's a part of our community it's their first hit at mk art using their oc violet and you know what i think it's really cute i actually love how the hair is kind of used as the background as well thanks for that one state smitherin real nice work well this is one way to use children's toys once they've grown out of them there's a cursed comment abortion joke in here somewhere though i just know it how would this even work do you have to type in the right pin number to cook the grenade if so what's the point of the keyring other than for it to be pulled hey why was six get a seven because seven blew up nine so if you want to be self-fornicating while holding swords you have to take the sword out of your mouth first it doesn't work otherwise i know this is a cool pose but realistically if you're keeping your eyes off the enemy like this you're dead unless they're just so stunned by your amazing epic anime pose that they just can't move that or is because you're naked and they're uncomfortable approaching you either way it's actually quite an effective strategy when you think about it speaking of weird anime inspiration come real life death skates no but seriously unless you're constantly balancing on your toes or your heels you are not going to be out of skating those okay who's been messing with the reality stone again guys i swear to god this is the last time i'm looking at you core just cry about the fact you can't afford the other console like everyone else [Music] now imagine the water is acid nothing out of the ordinary here just two mermaids boxing in their backyard now this is water sports when you're sitting on public transport and hear someone's phone vibrate next to you and then you realize that wasn't their phone okay i've seen videos of people doing this to their chickens everywhere and i will never stop loving it just look at it look at his little arms they're just always in a buff pose like you want to go bro come on let's do it and they say going bold is a bad thing unlimited suction say what you want you have to admit this is an effective tactic to stop losing the remote looks like someone woke up halfway through getting devoured by freddy krueger if you don't know that reference then why are you making me feel old come on this is very trippy and confusing to look at until you clearly notice that this is transformers actually when did the first transformers movie come out i'm curious 2007 jesus oh i assumed maybe 2013 or something jeez i'm going through like a quarter life crisis right now man again damn it course stop using the reality stone to make your eraser more erasable okay what is it with men's bodies and their ability with suction okay first we have the bald guy now we have this dude i am afraid of what i'm gonna see next oh thank goodness it's just a reminder that there's a demon living in my basement that just looks like a cat man yes demon no no no no no all right i'm done nope nope no no no no no no you don't do that to my eye i cannot look at it i i'm not even looking at it i'm just looking away look at the wall that is a nice wall fancy and stylish on the outside basic and cheap on the inside just like me i'm pretty sure those battery packs would melt or explode before being able to cook this thing oh he's playing minecraft on my computer with less than 10 mods installed oh yeah that thing's getting cooked what is this thing made out of and how is it not tipped over yet i know we can clearly reference this as being toad's cup let's just imagine that for a second a society where everyone's cars are designed as hats personally i choose a fedora so that way everyone tries to avoid me on the roads because they think i'm a creepy neckbeard oh my god no you guys don't take a photo of me i'm so embarrassed this is a coffee mug i would not dare drink with around police though could you imagine attempting to rob a bank only showing half the coffee cup to try and make people think you have an actual gun attention passengers could the person who has given up on men collect their luggage from the arrivals area thank you now this anime wife is too basic nothing unique about oh wow those mismatched nike sandals marry me this cute kitty is experiencing the reality of every retail worker who returns from shift fight on against the karen soldiers fight on never thought i'd come across something where giving in more eyes makes it look cuter okay but i think them having a bath is just tripping them out looks like someone's enjoying some vitamin d i had to make that joke of course i did it's still morning for me shut up i can do what i want i can't tell if maybe that's a scar or something but is is he sad why is he sad well looks like i'm gonna have a hard time repairing this now stop quit stop hitting me okay okay i'll stop i'll stop making those jokes i'm sorry this is very cute but please don't attempt the other parts of the scene okay you will you will not survive honestly i'm just impressed this cat is so chilled seeing the fact that there's two like bodies right beside it let alone its servants feet are inside them keep it g ready guys just keep it g rated let's move along nothing to see here just a cat in someone's pants just move along and that's why i spent my third wish on the nipple rings honestly i thought it was a great investment the card i just found on the street thought it looks cool oh my god this is horrifying i'm just going for a stroll okay again what is with all these self-portraits of my sister on this subreddit [Laughter] oh my god [Laughter] oh if this ain't the most perfect symbolism of a relationship that is working day 127 i've managed to gain trust of the locals finally however no customers have wanted to purchase me yet i'm running low on supplies and resources and i can't find a way out either way it seems i've gotten myself into a rather large pickle i can see this is funny but if you know what dolphins are actually like and do then you'd find this very terrifying swim away little girl swim away oh what how why are they all sticky together i don't how why are you smiling at this oh gee this is no better than the b thing this is no better than the b thing no [ __ ] you wanted to turn left at the motorway that's where you went wrong buddy oh sorry mandy let me just reverse yeah an adorably fluffy dog being adorably badass what more could you want okay i think there was a lapse in judgment that occurred here not judging you for it just concerned with your purchase okay no why why are you powering the controller with the phone or the phone with the controller what are you achieving here i imagine this is how someone in the 1910s would think uh headsets would work in the future when we're playing games and stuff like you'd literally call them with your controller it's the circle of life but it doesn't work in this case okay ladies we're going to move on to the cleaning kitty pose now so get those legs nice and straight in the air remember to breathe [Laughter] i love that the angle of the officer's heads looks like there's if they're actually facing towards where the head would be i mean you got to admit this is freaking genius blasphemy waifu i don't care what your alcohol tolerance level is that is not safe and this is no better jesus i'm pretty sure you shouldn't use water on electrical fire buddy that no no no no no oh god damn it no you know what this is cute look if a simple-minded creature like a cat can follow this kind of rules then i'm sure humans could too why why can't we follow these rules i'm hoping this motorbike has very good suspension otherwise that baby is going for a ride not to mention it'll likely be death by the time it's two when your family won't let you get a cat you be the cat damn seagulls took my chips now they took my shoes your children are next oh the bone anatomy of a balloon dog i didn't want this who who wanted this did anyone say they wanted this no no this is a familiar scene from some movie i do not know what it is but i am remembering it oh my goodness this is so nostalgic for some reason what is this scene from this is very creative for making it look like the landscape is as pretty as if the house wasn't there in the first place but then you also consider the fact that that is gonna be reflecting the sun everywhere like you need one umbrella over your head and one in front of your face to get to this house hey guess who they're reading to their children see it's worse when you don't do the dumb pun oh boy it's this image from a while back yeah no no i still don't like it if this is your first time seeing this image welcome welcome to my nightmares okay dude bro i'm sorry but your car just didn't look aerodynamic enough i'm sorry for insulting it earlier it just it it's dumb you gotta know that buddy it's dumb just taking the car for a drive honey i'll wear too wherever i want hey pig how do you say beer can in jamaican i don't think that's very funny john we heard you like denim jeans yeah and denim shirts now get ready for denim kitchenware no damn it he's figured out how to put me in standby mode get a cat they said it'll make the home more homely they said they don't damage the property like dogs do they said oh my goodness who is this person playing saxophone so majestically with these swans i love them i want to marry them man i'm always going to love those teachers who actually take part in fun jokes like this with students i mean this is a joke right he isn't capable of actually doing this i am taking my kids out of the school oh god steve you said they hate it brent this does not work with my phobia yeah we see some of you commenting asking us to read from the bread stapled random things subreddit and this is as close as you're gonna get delicious rice and ice cubes don't forget that nice dressing of tomato sauce considering how serious and dangerous a police officer's job is he wouldn't be wielding this katana if he didn't know how to use it which i feel makes it extra terrifying damn i feel like this dude saves a ton of electricity costs when it comes to heating up rooms he looks like he could just warm you up just by putting his hand on you not to mention put your shampoo and conditioning routine to shame look at those luscious locks yeah be careful walking behind these dividers to get changed so you don't accidentally grate your skin off oh my god it's just like minecraft well depending on the version you're playing come on it's really the open mouth smiles that are just selling this for me damn the police budget must be getting tied if they haven't resort to old equipment though thanks to one youtuber every time i see that helmet all i think of is swagger souls i just think it's him hey bro we heard you like bass so we completely ruined your car you're welcome it's got brilliant sound you can't drive it anywhere without getting pulled over and it's got excellent sound it's that's all it's got man we took out the wheels too i know there's that saying dress for the job you want but i don't think that really works when it comes to a car attention everyone i have an announcement hang on just give me a sec oh hang on it's there it's there personally i've made a killing through the anarchy happening in america right now is my associates and i wait what i mean bork bark wolf funny dog have you tried dmt approach really good stuff i feel like this is only absurd because no one else has thought of it yet seriously this innovation of thinking is what's going to get us to mars oh no even baby yoda's getting political now the things i rely on for avoiding issues is now getting into those issues oh that funky monkey that literally scared the i can't look at that photo oh wow that yup this is why i'll never dare play horror games this is creative what would make it hmm and therefore more terrifying is if it started moving i mean not only is his nose not covered anyway he he's using he's using contos man today's content has a lot of relevancy to people who talk smack but have nothing to show for it like oh yeah that's the kawasaki ninja oh definitely yep bet it sounds just like it too you like snapping photos of my older sister liberty no i'm sorry bro i didn't know man i snapped something of you oh lord phil swift has some new competition i just sawed this police car in half i know this is just a computer but for some reason it still gives me some gory dissection vibes it just makes me uncomfortable to look at it i mean not like me i'm not the discomforting thing am i oh god well wait no is this is this real like wouldn't they need to dry it too i just i am so confused if this is actually a thing or not i keep trying search terms but it just keeps advertising clean energy for me god damn it this is some slightly creepy abstract pokemon art and i actually love it pikachu looking like he's probably eaten from the parasect there but you know i'm sure he's doing good honestly i fully endorse this method now if he also had a generator zipped in a wheeled luggage suitcase that would just be bonus see this is the kind of cosplaying i would pay to see at conventions like screw the actual recreating from actual shows let's just make our own versions of them i think my favorite that i've ever seen would have to be four guys i came across who are wearing samurai armor made out of beer cardboard boxes seriously genius stuff whoever they are if you're out there i love you i can't tell if it's already hit the mattress or if it's just about to but either way this bear has no idea how this is happening right now wait i i touched the ground why am i back up here no looks like someone wants to go outside but not have to socialize or talk to anyone today ladies and gentlemen we did it we've beaten ps5 at its own game just get some white plastic pieces on the side for extra deceit god damn it i can't aim can't even do my own washing what am i worth anymore you know if our bones were thick like this we could do so many more reckless things without injury it would actually be really beneficial hi there you didn't pay for your happy meal so i'm gonna take your chocula flag control this is air force one we're making a decent now for timmy surprise birthday well hold up there we don't see you on our radar we're just gonna dive bomb into the building over what ah there you go see but you forgot the ps3 now you gotta try and fit that in as well i'm starting to feel like these aren't people parroting the designs these are people who actually work for playstation trying to cover with concept designs this blacksmith would definitely unfairly inflate the cost of his wares and i would be fine with it because he's just so fluffy and cute what is your confession my child nothing really i was just wondering if god could smite my servant why is that it doesn't give me enough treats so yeah you know off with them looks like someone farted in their suit and forgot to enable airflow some would say this is weird i would say this is a pro gymnast in training honestly hope that dad does stretches and stuff for his back and neck otherwise that's going to be killing him when he's older hmm not the coolest thing to make a computer out of but i'll take it wait it's all legos always has been see what even a bird can do it even a seagull knows how to socially distance and he isn't even affected by it uh humans we're dumb well that's it guys we're done with today's video thanks so much for watching glad to have you around as always obligatory request that you like the video of course and if you haven't subscribed yet please do let us get over two million we're so close clicking that notification bell so you're always updated on the newest videos coming out and if you have some spare time still why not say hi to robin or lexi in some of that other videos we've got plenty of content for you guys to check out every day so always come back and say hello because we love you all right enough this happiness my name's jack you're amazing i'll see you next time bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,524,652
Rating: 4.9187732 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/hmmm, r/hmmm best posts, r/hmmm top posts, reddit hmmm, r/blursedimages, r/blursedimages top posts, r/blursedimages best posts, blursed images, reddit blursed images, blursed images emkay, thanks i hate it, reddit thanks i hate it, thanks i hate it emkay, reddit funny, r/hmmm emkay, hmmm emkay, emkay
Id: Zg4DhxFOs1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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