r/Holup | oh no

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top was three years ago a lot has changed we blessed right aha [Music] hey hey hey what's poppin it's me rob and welcome back to mk today i thought i'd mosey back on over to r slash hold up you know break the monotony of my life a little bit so today we're gonna be going there without any further ado let's jump right on in there shall we all right let's go billy eilish is 18 years old now y'all know what that means yep she's now legally allowed to operate the 2019 viper rt808 thousand pound air pneumatic forklift hats diesel lift truck that is of course if she acquires the proper certification whew folks i totally did not think that's where that was going for a minute you know what i'm saying all righty then let's see what we got here i'm not exactly sure what these are i don't know if they're google searches or what sums up the country or what iceland being safe makes sense england bad food i mean i kinda guess i mean i like their food i like the english breakfast man see we've got good at soccer mafia loves japan loves japan everyone's happy handsome men huge santa claus i'm gonna have to ask the gf about that one hey finns what's up with the santa claus you want to explain that one to me i'm kind of confused ah financial collapse they had one job you will marry me no no see they're not asking fellas what's their band name challenge of the day name this band with four words or less my chemical dependency good god though their hair is immaculate would y'all still eat it my name was chloe i wanted to live [Laughter] your personal choice killed me don't buy it i'd look for one with my name on it like those coca-cola bottles i mean honestly same that'd be funny seven things every kid needs to hear i love you i'm proud of you i'm sorry i forgive you i'm listening communism has failed every time it was tried you've got what it takes hey wait just a minute when the baby looks like your husband and not like one of your co-workers what go ahead find the curved line i see it yeah it's right there and there and there oh and down there and over there as well there too ah there's a lot of curved lines in this did you know in 1989 japanese economics professor rantaro futanati found a way to legally counterfeit money in tokyo he made over 2.4 billion yen before being caught but no charges were pressed due to his incredible legal loophole to know how he did it search futonari inflation on google images disclaimer [Music] hello do you have a minute to talk about dracula no wait dracula yes you're vampires yes we have pamphlets vampires have missionaries where else would new vampires come from i assumed you bit people there are many hurtful stereotypes may we come in absolutely in dc a friend of mine was reading the exorcist he felt it was the most evil book he'd ever read so evil he couldn't finish it one weekend he threw the book into chesapeake bay i went to a bookstore bought another copy ran it underwater and put it in his desk drawer i really hope that's true because that's just hilarious out here living my best life tom is drowning saying about him you know i hate to be that guy i really do but tom doesn't look like he's drowning it looks like he's doing just fine there user 36284638292 idiot boy age 10 steals parents car to visit grandparents 68 miles away then tells the police he is a dwarf who's forgotten his license sneak 100 speech 100 illusion 100 yo that kid going places well his grandparents but it's still place is i love cheating if you don't cheat what the hell is wrong with you have you ever been cheated on oh shoot i forgot some people are in relationships to clarify i love to violate academic integrity on exams ah there you go welcome to plastic surgery addicts anonymous i'm seeing a lot of new faces in the crowd this week and i have to say i'm disappointed we bought a computer from you yesterday and it won't turn on press the big button i did press it then check the chord at the back maybe it's disconnected i'll get a flashlight don't go away i'll be fast why do you need a flashlight it's dark we have no electricity oh i see there's your problem you're an idiot florida man flies learjet with excavator like a toy plane this excavator operator took the aircraft for one last ride while probably doing plane noises my goals are beyond your understanding no i completely understand and i would absolutely do that too and if you think for one second you wouldn't you're lying to yourself and the rest of the world do all adults who've managed to get a ps5 for themselves not feel bad that it probably means a child won't be able to open one on christmas day you're pretty much snatching it straight from santa's sack for damn kids okay don't be mad at the adults that bought it to use it be mad at the jackasses that spent twenty thousand dollars buying like 500 of them so they could scalp them on the facebook marketplace be mad at them also i know that math does not check out kiss my behind it does not matter scalpers should get stitches you know what that doesn't quite rhyme we'll think of something better right turkish islamic preacher says men without beards cause indecent thoughts in other men because they look like women grow a beard you're turning me gay no you're just gonna have to deal with it beardy three generations um you can't choose a superpower but i'm sorry i'm not gonna do the voice you can choose a super power but the first person to reply can choose a side effect become a hentai main character you'll be the girl i think that's what they were going for anyway that's not really a side effect that was their intention hey yo what's up oh ice cream right very fun man happily includes wife's lover in their wedding photos cheating on me is part of her identity look whatever makes you guys happy and comfortable i don't give a [ __ ] this photograph i took of this bird in the sunset looks so peaceful am i higher does that bird look like a rabbit on skis in the middle of a long jump you ain't high that's for sure god dang you know what maybe you are california star owner prices all items at 951 dollars so thieves can be prosecuted king there are coupons at the front of the store that drop the price back down to normal oh man this seems a little complex there's nothing more satisfying than being prettier than your ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend fact he's not going just for looks anymore means you've taught him a valuable lesson what evil prank have you pulled off my mom's laptop wallpaper was a picture of her granddaughter i copied the picture a hundred times and made her wallpaper a slideshow of the same picture over and over again so the file would change but nothing would change visibly on the monitor the pictures would change every 10 seconds one of the images i painted a tiny little curly mustache on her so randomly for 10 seconds my niece would have a mustache my mom thought she was either losing her mind or had a computer virus and every time the mustache popped up it was gone by the time she tried to show anyone oh would we call this gaslighting in a very funny way i mean like it's it's cute gaslighting because then you admit it and your mom's like oh wow i'm gonna kill you why the [ __ ] i thought this was her neck uh um uh my boss looking at my negative drug test results so you're just weird yeah i know i'm dying my professor is sharing his screen and this is one of the tabs busty college girl you can only drink one i want instant death congrats you now have the power to instantly kill your opponents huh oh oh couldn't decide what art to put in my living room so i hung up a picture of the living room how does he have the picture in the picture oh mom was worried about my trip to detroit i sent her this picture i'm trying to imagine him asking these guys to take this photo me too i want to know what this little event was like all right what do we got people who don't know people who know well i guess i'm glad i don't know moving on indonesian celebrity says she accompanies her sons watching porn to teach them sex education or you could just have the talk with them once and answer any questions they have as they grow up we're gathered here today because your prayers didn't work or at least you didn't pray hard enough photos couple who tried to conceive for 17 years welcome sextuplets when you hit print hella times and all the copies come out at once i'd have a heart attack asians math is easy europeans math is hard americans is math racist say something positive about gay people not only do they leave more girls for us they take another dude with them oh man we are coming out ahead thief returns after stealing woman's car yells at her for leaving four-year-old son alone in the vehicle imagine getting lectured by a thief and him being right johnny created the group barbecue barbecue tomorrow at my place nice can't wait for a fat steak and a pair of ribs great any vegans here yeah me glad you asked sarah has been removed from the groove vegan stupid all right what else mars missions may be all female to avoid astronauts having mediocre sex during a 1.5 year journey i mean trust me i get the joke but do these companies not think women have sex at all if we send all women sex can't happen oh i have a mommy kink so i'm supposed to act like your mom yes and why are all these damn dishes in the sink a guy just gave me 50 worth of skins because he thinks i'm a girl i bought my girlfriend 50 of skins and this is what she said here's the screenshot proving it the context i added her tonight after a rough game we had a lot of initial friction in the game but we won anyways oh boy oh boy my thirteen-year-old cousin asked my boyfriend who's a teacher how he sleeps at night knowing he's given people homework well what did he say every problem has a solution now what's the solution of this you just accept your fate there you go problem solved you don't have to laugh but some of us are easily amused huh damn that is invisible heartwarming this two-year-old's family couldn't afford his 20 000 electric wheelchair and their insurance didn't cover it so a high school robotics team burned down the insurer's headquarters isn't that a lovely story everyone why are men only nice to you for three weeks that's the end of the free trial yeah i guess it gets kind of expensive after that i mean i don't know just finished decorating our christmas tree peter dinklage that's not you amy schumer tries to prank kanye west by diving in front of him and pretending to pass out kanye reacts by walking away neat everybody jumping on the anime wave now remember when we used to be weird for like an anime you weren't weird for liking anime you were weird for trying to do their special attacks during recess and naruto running around the school man the volume of a cylinder is found using this formula using uh this stuff and this find the volume of uh what what pi equals what women what's stopping you from looking like this there's actually a dude gentlemen what's stopping you from looking like this [ __ ] i'll use my pick for i'm not even unemployed i'm at work right now nearly 4 million americans man i'd be pissed is there any recourse for that work hard until you don't need to introduce yourself brie larson mia you know who i am brandon i need you to come in this weekend we're short-handed no excuse me no it's my weekend yourself you know what you got balls i like that we need that we need balls and i'm [ __ ] really promoting all right you know what good for you man 29 little hacks that could save your life is that a [ __ ] game boy cartridge case this is a legit life hack because keeping a condom in your wallet is bad news the friction from it being in your pocket or jostled around wears down the latex and can cause it to tear if you keep one on you in a game boy cartridge case that won't be an issue because no one will have sex with you am i the end people my 12 year old son says he has depression and i know he's lying because of the internet's control on young minds so i decided to treat his depression took all his games tv and book privileges and stripped his room to his mattress and dresser full of clothes and he shows no improvement so far starting tomorrow he'll receive a spanking upon every mention or display of depression or sadness i feel like i've seen that before but it still freaks me out this woman stole my iphone last week and doesn't realize that it uploads all the pictures to my icloud account if anyone recognizes her please tell her that i've bought more storage space and can send her the charger in case the battery runs out yeah okay sure uh-huh ah what a perfect time to end it on before we get going though let's take a look at that fan art shall we first ever post on this server here's mk button cuphead oh boy oh boy sorry i sure do love me some fk i'm getting the hell out of here always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed today's video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it well make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and if you want to hear or see more of yours truly you can check out the links in the description down below and until next time we'll be seeing you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 959,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes
Id: X7eev-o5hyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 01 2022
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