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I I don't even want to know hey what's up guys welcome back to Ma my name is Robin and today I'm going to be looking at some posts from our / crappy design may the Comic Sans and lens flares flow unfiltered no entry entrance only them getting mixed signals here you're not driving just if you're drive drive and distracted G Fargo Police Department how much did that one cost you Oh nope got got a move on now occupying furnished models parts land to wear mini Annapolis dot-com sure huh Pizza Pizza I mean it's descriptive I guess I think you should probably just go to a licensed professional for that also oh thank god it's on Windows Android Type C and on MacBook OSX entrance not an entrance again with the mixed signals please share vote find out who's like you Tommy we me - hmm not me me we - calm oh oh I don't know how to read this without it sounding just just awful did they try to make a shower out of a urinal church roofing for Jesus Oh God you big for Jesus you fig for Jesus to church skin with your phone or visit www.samhsa.gov/dtac with food oh wow this is just oh man it's freaking my eyes out women maximum occupancy 146 men maximum occupancy 54 dang how much bigger are those dudes oh oh I see it's supposed to say countdown but whoever designed it was blind quick put a sign that says do not walk on grass right there at the edge and watch people freakin explode chromotography solutions strategies for making small molecule unknowns known kid kid you got to turn it around you're looking at it the wrong way kid hey instant pot seven and one multi use programmable pressure cooker I need me one of these I will henceforth be known around the office as the guy that won't stop walking into a door Stimson soul solutions transformational life coaching you are the artist of your own life so paint something beautiful don't you just love it when people don't follow their own directions learn from the star the best bowling physics ever real-time multiplayer bowling most realistic became ever me she looks like she's just having a great time how to tell when a slot is close to hitting a jackpot step one you can't also let's be real most people aren't even gonna notice that design flaw alright which floor you going to I'm headed to three oh you mean a no I mean three Dollar Tree where everything's a zero zero dot one dollar sign man how hard would it have been to just flip the colors on the bars just just reverse it real quick before you print the page not that difficult is it during this time of stay at home we asked our Parrish family to support advertisers as often as we can those small businesses make our bulletin possible funeral homes incorporated connect dick code XYZ y equals x - 1 z equals y and 1/2 the x equals daily garage rates you know those are actually fairly competitive but if they don't make that dang decimal point more pronounced they're gonna give people heart attacks soos once upon time make the sprog happy by tracing over his big smile you could also make him happy by getting rid of his crushing debt you know I'm not qualified in anything but I feel like this is incorrect you know I'm not smart enough to know how to use one of these things anyway so whatever please tell me this is on a birthday card colonic hydrotherapy machine oh yeah clean me right out oh yeah just feed it right into the trash good going oh ho in my nightmares watch it wit such watch but with touch a hatchet hang - whatever I think I know exactly what laptop this is and it's terrible can someone please explain to me what this is before I start crying just none of this looks right none of it feels good at all select call by the art the artist d'art oh they ship you know I'm just gonna go ahead and ignore the red circle blow-up portion of this because I just want to point out that they like to pretend that for some strange reason Wyoming Montana and Idaho have nobody living in them it's just blank slate there are cities there guys no alcohol beyond this point I mean it's readable but if someone's drunk they're not even gonna bother wait a minute what is this a bottle of and is that the Crayola logo but for something different Jesus died for you 24/7 this amazing piece of user interface at my dentistry office oh wow gosh dentist makes so much money what is this crap tallest celebs ranked holy cow there's a bit of a discrepancy there man snapchat news articles are just the lowest tier garbage ever why is Elmo inside of my toilet things are starting to look up uh-huh god this is just awful it looks like an old MySpace page Oh what the what avid gamers could look like in 20 years researchers made a model that depicts what avid gamers would look like in 20 years if they kept up with their daily habits the hunched model has pale skin bloodshot eyes swollen ankles from lack of movement and an indented skull from headphones Wow you know that's just what I look like now what's your problem this basketball hoop with a gravel court at a state park laughs watch free right now addict stand-up comedy veterans Robin Williams film funny sad heartwarming and inspiring buzzwords buzzwords astonishing a real poop inhuman I want to return it I want to return it my husband took one and said the materials were inferior and I feel embarrassed for buying it I've emailed you to say that I want to return it and have been waiting for a reply so sorry and feeling ashamed we hired a plumber to install it but the water comes out too far back and sprays out underneath the seat we moved it as far forward as possible but it still doesn't work it doesn't hit the vaginal area at all no way to contact you what is this over what he knew foe on the one my heart loves Song of Songs tennis training tool tennis trainer rebound single tennis racquet trainer oh man that's an accident waiting to happen Wrestlemania watch and time on-demand w network why do I get the feeling this advertisement was not meant for me what what the heck what are they advertising please tell me this is for an oven that only goes up to 200 degrees ah directions for a peach smoothie or coleslaw dressing thank God I won't be able to read it after the first step ah North everything is north it's all north north huh what's going on here that arts really cool seriously what's going on here hey let's go get our nails done we're at anals oh look at him run run kids ah yes this would appear to be somewhere on earth come on might want to go back to the drawing board on that one American Airlines the first joint selection angle is a hundred and eighty degrees wait I mean what can I say about this what can i really say about this enjoy the much cheaper items sold by wish no thanks I'm good cruise man what a design this anti drinking poster at my office that just looks like a menu and makes me want to drink man the titles and Comic Sans that's all I can look at I've always wanted pants that looked like they were used to clean up poop somehow I don't think mr. cacao is politically correct in today's climate Thank You Reese's happy eat happy eat the elevator buttons in my apartment building yes I too learned how to count in elementary school 1g two three four five six seven say it's easy I would not be able to do that I would have to remove either the door or the light and it's probably gonna be the light who hires these people who pays these people now you're the HIV store congratulations food aid dropped in to Afghanistan was the same color as cluster bombs unopened food unexploded bomblets wait a minute I can't win in Africa bud I don't think you can win anywhere more homeless hate yeah it's about time we hated those stinky homeless even more they deserve it no life fun grow just dense create I can see what they were going for but it's still a horrible idea also good luck getting that to work on any modern phone man this is just weird ad for shipping Add to Cart ad for delivery how about you just go to the store if you want brownie mix oh god family for all mine all lay yours man this one's sending me some real bad vibes the fact that I have to scroll through every single postal code is infuriating oh I would never get anything done if I had to do that I would refuse to press allow to verify that you're not a robot oh they want to send me notifications now app is now uninstalled get out in graped cat photo keychain your cat looks really weird week over week change and consumer spending by platform if only I weren't colorblind I'd be able to tell which from which yeah look I'm not gonna lie to you I'm not even going to attempt to read everything that's in here I mean look at that my brain would probably overheat and light on fire if I tried for some reason I don't think that wall lamp is to scale not sure why though this AP's infographics against a dark themed background wolf search result for playstation pants on Amazon ah golf men's pinstripe stretch dress pant why were you searching for PlayStation pants anyway ah good old 50-room can you escape the 100 room x value baby can be read as unintended baby in French an online French childcare store these are all starting to make me feel sick error sorry an error has occured please try again well at least it's being honest oh man that's almost as bad as Comic Sans you know what maybe it is as bad alright not being able to read this aside if you force me to use Facebook or Google to sign in to your site I'm not using it ah hell spring it's what we experienced here in Colorado we open our yeah I've got a sneaking suspicion they knew exactly what they were doing with that ridiculously expensive Tommy Bahama glasses self scratching ah that sucks man inflatable swimming pool kid way way way way way is it the pool or is it a child that you can inflate to swim in the pool am i 1,000 piece African wildlife puzzle full image on side of box I don't think so oh thank god we made it to the end again honestly that felt more like mildly infuriating than crappy design but hey I think they kind of go hand in hand always remember if you enjoyed this video make sure to hit that like button and hey if you really enjoyed that video consider subscribing and hitting the bell icon and until next we dive into the horridness that is crappy design I'll be seeing you around [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 846,520
Rating: 4.9352798 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, r/crappydesign, crappydesign, crappy design, crappydesign best posts, crappydesign top posts, bad design, awful design, diwhy, diwhy top posts, diwhy best posts, diwhy emkay, bad diy, bad life hacks, life hacks, crappydesign emkay, r/crappydesign emkay
Id: xnmZhsFVf78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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