r/Blessedimages | SAD DOG

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checking the weight it's small what's up guys and welcome back to Ma my name is Damien today we're looking through our / blessed images I used to hate flexing but it grew on me stop right there things are going to get gruesome there's a new guy at work starting called Wayne Bruce and I said my old nemesis man-bat and nobody got it honestly I'm wasted here I'm not all capes we're heroes bud I see this before the band wears his crown one of the one thing I didn't focus on the last time is the look of the dog I think the dog is like he's looking at me like your mind I'm busy I want to see what these can do hell yeah I'm tech decking on my chihuahua I wanna see you do a sick kick foot maybe an ollie is something I'm pretty cool pretty rad Michael orchard a heroic man broke into his neighbor's burning home and rescued their dog he later found out that the house fire was actually not real but was just a hallucination from the LSD he was consuming pogchamp hey high five little buddy he's like Oh [Music] beekeeping dog an astronaut suit detects infected hives by smell really that's kind of dope actually a sacred horse a man in Indiana made an 8080 costume for his horse intending to only get a few pictures before removing it when he took off the headpiece the horse got upset and insisted he put it back on which made his horse happy again now the horse isn't allowing you to remove any piece of the costume the horse is an 8080 cab won't leave his firefighters sight after he saved her and that's adorable Jack Black and Jack white finally team up to record a song as Jack grave wait did the entry make a song together I saw the video did the entry to a song Bobby dope damn girl are you a toaster cuz I want to kill myself wait damn I messed that up what I meant to say was damn girl are you a toaster because I want to take a bath with you that was hands down the best opener I've ever heard never change abandoned pup lands himself a full-time job at a petrol station and that's what we call me went on up in the world I like that guy and this is what we call a fantastic recreation look at this little guy he's standing next to his big old brother building blocks that's so cool Simba go on Simba roar and look at him he's doing a little roar I looked and behold a pale horse and the rider's name was death now Johnny Cash start playing the guitar starts singing the song is that low fly hip hop radio beats to relax and study - huh what are you studying how to be funny cuz I think you passed the test Hey look at that it looks like a big loaf of bread I need a something a big loaf of bread free kitten a bit fat but otherwise lovely and very talented easy really it looks like a man of many talents everybody ganks it to the bench wet made with rain just wipe the water off I mean it's really that easy maybe you ain't a gangsta cuz you don't like getting your pants a little wet but I'm a real gangsta your real gangsters pull the pants down and sit on the bench - my wife Majin it majnu guys what the hell is this name it's like margarine but misspell them with a T in there can I call her Marge what is this name that's it I'm going to Google Marge and eat gotcha - my wife Majin eat in my children ella rose and daniel adam without whom this book would have been completed two years earlier that's adorable that's romance when I'm crying he brings me his mice he goes hey man these make me feel better how about you - give it a try ah friendship goals hey I brought some milk from one of you do it it's 144 a.m. why do you need milk Adrian how much do you need I put cereal on the bowl and there was no milk like a whole gallon dead-ass if you come out to the window I sneak out of they'll give you milk ya mad dumb Adrian I'm leaving in five minutes he brings you milk I don't drink milk anymore but this makes me want to drink milk these homies out here giving each other the milk do you mount a cuss depends on how good the food is but usually both okay okay most and loneliest man in the world speaking is it mr. handsome they're first initials I am I am handsome Thank You bud I really needed that today I like that that's a cute one that's a cute one I like bad I've seen this one before he's drinking I had the creeper Cup oh man what if he takes an extra-long sip when the guy's talking just like and so bit in London actually surrender and he's just like the seals just like you're done good how's the drink hey what are you drinking huh you drinking rude juice could you be an awfully rude right now nobody's in danger however you can pull a lever to make the train get closer just so you can wave it all the people hell yeah I like I'm okay but deep down inside I want to release another Old Town Road remix and Smash Mouth says let's do it there you go it's okay to be gay it's okay to be straight it's okay to be black white lesbian bisexual religious and foreign however it's never okay to disrespect Minecraft you can take that lesson home to your kids it's the old town road oh yeah old town road there's a freaking owl outside how how how how the Frick do you spell it hoot-hoot there's a hooter outside my window get him out of here get him out of here my parents are at Disneyland and just sent me this making a little picture for the dog I gotta get me a friend who's gonna do that with me which friend which one of my friends will high-five me as we're going down the roller-coaster for the camera huh I don't got a friend like that right now in my life I wish I did my mans taking a little bit of a soak trying to exfoliate and you've intruded him on his most private hour please leave for the premises this goose used her wings to protect an abandoned puppy from the cold hope you went to sleep and stop shivering oh yo what oh my god that's awesome suspicious object leads police to shut down State Street but it was just a can of Chef Boyardee on wheels oh man is woody in that one other [ __ ] don't remember a name I don't remember a name Jessie thank you it's woody and Jessie me and my boys are doing some studying that is some confidence that's an entertaining photo Rob wants to give you a high five get ready and it's Rob given everyone high fives my dog is a circle because he is round to get the sauce you must defeat the sauce boss p.m. then you can beat the sauce boss let me play a couple of factoids we tell you a couple real true fed cuz about the songs boss he'll take crap from nobody number one number though he's the boss of the sauce he's just begun the sauce okay he brings you milk I've seen it already but I see it again now 69-420 gold he has went out with a guy and he gave me his phone to pick the playlist in the car he had a playlist called sexy time so naturally I chose that one it was nine hours of non-stop minecraft theme we are going out again tomorrow this is a blessing bet you don't have to do anything for it to work once you see it you're blessed forever you're welcome everyone you blessed your welcome the things we do for you on the MK Channel the things we do for you my grandma bought Slipknot t-shirts because she thought you were about knitting that's the most heart she didn't that's the she's hardcore like that what do you mean snuggles and his favorite hobby is napping oh I am on a special diet please do not give me treats brother they're lying to him please bring me the greatest treats hey you should probably try opening this carton at the other end not that with Tony I don't run your life or anything but it seems to work much easier when the drink comes out of the spout on top c418 stall for one hour please keep sending this to Jace lot please keep sending this to him please stop sending this to me we're all stretching guys look at him I love them zero subscribers special wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait so this is cute zero subscriber special one subs yes 56,000 subscribers my channels pretty much dying you in mind both but you and mine both for those of you who don't get it not MK my personal channels dying about the touch of stingray I should punch it though just a lot no Steve Irwin still got shooters out here over a year ago I threaten you out of anger over the death of a lost one the death that you were not responsible for today I returned to make things right to end the cycle of violence at what Steve would have wanted I'm sorry and I love you want a pancake does this mean I get three wishes no it means your car broke down bud it's time for you to disappear but it's not my will why Steve Lee calm purple boy I know that purple boy everyone dies but legacy is always a model thank you for everything dear creator I can't do a Stanley or Dennis impression but it's cute and I like it it's a good one I was told introduce my cat smudge here here the famous table cat fallen on instagram at smudge Lord there is do not tune it fool dr. doom toots as he pleases see that it's Tooting now that's a train I want to be on look at all these cute little guys yo not yes laconic Hazara zu big that's right when the Weathermen dies f hey buddy still fighting with the wife and none anymore what is Elmo looking at my dog is scared of fireworks so every year we sit him up with dog videos on an iPad hey go buddy watch away yota eats hamburger while my parents fight downstairs mm-hmm it's a peanut before I suck it down so my throat closes and creates a dam okay you a freak it's it's a peanut before I said just the imageries in my head eat the peanut before I suck at dongs so my throat closes and creates a tighter grip hey do you take his trucks with criticism on your posts there is absolutely nothing to critique here here's undergone zero design changes since Yoshi's Story that is because he is without flaw he is but a shy guy this is a rescued owl named Zeus he is blind but his eyes hold the universe and that's still the coolest look at eyeballs I've ever seen in my life and that brings us to the end of our slash blessed images and if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and as always I'll be seeing ya [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,096,481
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/blessedimages, r/blessedimages top posts, r/blessedimages best posts, blessed images, r/blursedimages, r/blursedimages best posts, r/blursedimages top posts, blursed images, r/wholesomememes top posts, r/wholesomememes best posts, wholesome, funny animals, dogs, cats, r/blessedimages emkay, reddit funny, emkay
Id: kyXk6uccZw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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