r/Comedycemetery | bro,.. that's MAD funny

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how it feels to be musician watching a concert what's up guys and welcome back to Ma my name is Damian and today we're looking through our slash comedy cemetary you make $1,000,000 per month but you can never use emojis ever again redditors you guys are getting paid if we press the button yeah there's a hue and stupid but there's also an eye in stupid wait double kill I would just be like yeah as in you are stupid idiot yeah I got him if Abbey Road was released today was that right sad but true is it though is it sad but true one of the most dangerous animals in the world resting quietly next to a crocodile and listen that is just nature at its finest coexisting species baby it's what it's all about just because I give you advice doesn't mean I'm smarter than you it just means I've done more stupid stuff than you and that comes from the absolute unit goof zombie apocalypse what we think it looks like bunch of brain hungry flesh boys versus what it really looks like a bunch of phone craving flesh boys Alexa can you check my bank balance to tell me which album product I can afford apple juice alright thanks I guess oh dude that likes to play through joh to to a in the mirror it says a whole salute to that genius I'm a bagpipe duh their bagpipe remix a bad guy that'd be funny Vladimir yeah I treat me with respect look Oklahoma yeah it's Obama whatever Bahamas he's got him by the tide too you see that hi my name is Carmen that's a beautiful name is it a family name no I gave this name to myself it represents the things I enjoy the most cars and the men thus Cartman what's your name oh it's BJ Kitson pizza who is it represent friend you can't just write down color codes and expect people to get the joke me in an election oh I get it because it's the the Piper Perry and yeah the first guy shoot of sneeze would have been like transferring across three different ages and races and it'd say bless me all right I'm worried about your son he's been very distracted in my class good I'm sorry what'd you say girls when they meet up in detention don't talk to me boys when they meet up in detention and they're all grooving having a great time bro there's a thousand dollars in this purse okay we'll say 50/50 okay look about the remaining nine hundred Chuck Norris sucks Oh worth it so say that Bruce couldn't make it though Bruce Willis's is completely obliterated or I can make landscapes so can i oh I could make a nose so can i I can make circles but are there already circles of minecraft for like certain shadows like this just doesn't make any sense like for the logical standpoint there's already circles in the game chief a woman showed her husband because he stepped on a freshly mopped floor that is correct and it took you 20 minutes to arrest her why well the floor was still wet don't want to slip British people when they hear km/h instead of cups of tea per colonized nation Earl Grey flavor to confusion when quiet kid curses first time class programmers life without computer close your eyes bro okay bro what you see bro it's dark bro that's my life without you bro bro Facebook enter new password my wiener this password is too short get a roasted when you're waiting for your friend knows the Weiner you draw on the paper and they never do huh this man's not a man of culture you know you're having a bad day when dinner eats your lunch that's when you have dessert dude my girlfriend sent me a birthday gift and asked me to open it until the midnight I'm still curious I hope it's a dog why would you you would know it's a dog though like regardless of the package size because the dog would then be making noise to be let out of its package when I was born I was given a choice now with a big wiener or having great memory in which one did you choose I'll remember one legged armorstand with a boner as Bregenz big brain time baby 69 up votes - now why you up vote spooky memes it's my duty sir I agree man what's up virgin not anymore just ask your sister I don't even have a sister dumb idiot just waiting nine months dad what is an alcoholic son you see those four cars alcoholic with c8 but dad there's only two oh all right I want to call her Emma oh I'm sorry but that names taken you can have them a 1 2 3 Emma for 20 or Emma xxx Oh what I drink alcohol everyone says that I'm an alcoholic but when I think that the note says that a fantastic because it's not the same bro and you know it I found out you've been shagging another woman you dirty cheating bastard I packed all my things and I'm leaving you I'm gonna move back to my sister's house okay see you in two get here you know it must be hard being that fricking Savage and I'm Daniel Tosh she came right from me how dare you stand where he stood Dumbledore had stood everywhere in this damn school what do you want me to do Paw Paw float ya freakin Marty and a creeper outfit mmm freakin an actual creeper mm-hmm sixteen-year-old british girl earns 48,000 pounds helping chinese people name their baby's skirt not making meth brad pin World War Z and there's a cat fallen from the helicopter that day was freakin crazy your mom equals gay true and then I got text mr. Albert Einstein saying that he needs my help Pam of course Albert Albie e which again need dog God Mattel it's taking so slow but I got an idea gravity just turned that bad boy sideways and Adella it's complete all but genius did yeah I have a question we don't have time for questions all right but if Gert tried to speak Spanish would he say yo soy Groot or what do you say I'm Groot and mean words in Spanish great come here I need to learn to unwind everyone drives me batty I fly off the handle constantly I've got no body that's the Halloween support group baby I hate anime hey Justin Bieber can I have your autograph why you say death no I don't want to write in that book doesn't seem safe we should give you her vibrator remote are you messed up now you gave that the wily coyote idiot what is the biggest planet on earth Google are you high no it's the people that are stupid I'm so tired of having boys always texted me everyone wants me uh-huh yeah you know what they say low prices always attracts customers holy crap you freakin killed a dude you've been visited by Internet can a boat the next 12 seconds or no net neutrality oh I guess you gotta like the video I don't know if it counts but a doesn't hurt doesn't hurt if a Becca is good is llama bad I have no idea dude my boss tried to work at a brand new Lamborghini and I said wow that's an amazing car he replied give your work hard but all ya was eating strive for excellence I'll get another one next year oh really jeez thanks boss the chemistry lesson be a plus to na equals how easy banana minion time baby hairy spotter do you even Leviosa nah I like I like he'll Ron's looking at me now let's get some ice on this knee yes please how's that that's freaking sick dude it's your knee is dripping girl yo uh which machine you comfortable with the vending machine that's not what I meant you know that warning all Facebook accounts are being hacked and cloned to avoid this you must stay naked on your kitchen table singing I will survival doing the Macarena only then will Mark Zuckerberg travel down your chimney on a golden unicorn present you with a special blue token to protect your account now send this to everyone on your contacts list otherwise goblins will we in your fridge not my French mary has a dark sense of humor Mary blank quiet neighbors across the street because it's a cemetery get it Mary's a savage when you're young you got all the time and energy in the world but no money when you were adult all the money and energy in the world but no time when you're old all the time and money in the world but no energy and when you mean you got no time no money no energy no friends no girls and no reasons to live except for ausco MIDI cemetery minecraft translated hebrew translated back into English says mind power and that's not bad Google it's a pretty adamant sense well someone says you're too old for superhero movies and video games oh yeah check it out this is cool thing I learn from guardians of the galaxy it's a wind-up middle finger just for you sent the right D like a kiss this show has it nailed let's see something really scary we could go to bed early and be alone with our thoughts oh okay teachers ask students to draw the object in front of them they're all drawn vases and he's not drawing a face he's drawn he's drawn something else entirely baby you know you already know one K likes oh really but his his name is just one K Oh 69 nice minecraft good fortnight bad hotel trivago Keanu breathtaking enjoy your orange arrows my dude cuz they both like red it may be the parent I thought I'd be mummy how big his space wow what an interesting question the parent I am Donna freaking massive babe come over a chance I'm having a threesome with an older couple my parents aren't home I know what's your qualification I am a PhD what do you mean exactly with PhD past high school with difficulty oh he didn't get the job why not I said an epic fun eat at night I'm not really no teacher class does anyone know anything about PC gaming me step aside peasants my time has come this is a golden photobomb it only appears once every 20,000 memes why crap bad luck forever what do you mean it was a selfie of the dog the people photo bump and I can stop panicking Jesus has a plan accan LSD cocaine heroin meth protein please pray for me are we going to the hospital tomorrow I think I have a problem my eyes everytime I look into my wallet I see nothing please pray for this guy for a speedy recovery baby bro I ain't rat accidentally oh my god dude it'll eat [ __ ] from the inside don't worry I ain't rat poison - damn you're too smart dude listen for the front it's the American shield but on the back it's a bunch of Nokia's and that's the reality behind the caps shield don't let nothing else tell you otherwise okay vibranium not noti'm that amazing feeling when you solve math problem and return to your seat what's up no maths it's me I'm the maths guy when I'm watching a movie with my dad and suddenly a romantic scene comes on how to save world it's called the circle of life because it's fricking pointless I cracked the code geez is anyone a doctor I'm a doctor what's happening heart attack I'm a doctor in gender studies she's going to die she there is a snake in the world whose body grows 0.5 centimeters per second every 200 seconds and grows up to 1 meter but as soon as his mouth touches any part of his body he dies this is the only snake in the world that dies only by touching his mouth to his body this snake is found in Nokia mobile game thank you for reading so carefully you're just talking about the Nokia game this chick just told me she has a boyfriend the morning after sorry to tell you like this bro but I'd won no if I was you sorry bro came on to my girlfriend the day turns out she cheated on me while I was out of town the guy loved being known under the toilet seat solute maybe that's what it's all about rose be Imbros why work for a clown work for a king speech would hunt their destruction 100 my friend but she too could stay in place for 8 hours are you challenging me goes like man and I can stay like cheetah man I could same place for 12 ever terrible shaggy are you drunk good drunk person do this farts three times and pisses and pants actually yes that was supposed to be a backflip Batman the Batmobile won't start check the battery what satury oh boy I met battery not everything is my prefix dude it took me 30 minutes to get the milliseconds right can I get an iced yes you can nice I remember when tricks used to be shapes now they're just circles what if we can't see the shapes anymore because tricks are for kids I now pronounce you husband and wife you may update your Facebook status finally Jesus okay sound I can update that bad boy yes girls group chat oh my god did you see Brian today boys group chat a dog on a shirt what's a shirt and before we in this video let's take a look at a post from our /mk by user e - J leg fan out for M K because I'm 13 I don't know why this would be an indication that you're 13 this is just cool this isn't what age indicative this is just cool I like it thank you and that's gonna bring us to the end of our slash comedy cemetery if you guys liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,180,038
Rating: 4.960835 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/comedycemetery, r/comedycemetery top posts, r/comedycemetery best posts, comedy cemetery, r/comedyheaven, r/comedyheaven best posts, r/comedyheaven top posts, comedy heaven, reddit funny, reddit cringe, reddit meme, cringe, r/comedycemetery emkay, r/comedyheaven emkay, emkay cringe, emkay
Id: ZTiF_pcRy_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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