r/Wholesomememes | bruh,,. that's cute

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me and my wife at 40 years flexing on our grandkids that's what it's all about it got to keep that youthful spirit that youthful youthful spirit she's got fresh kicks on to that's a that's a mean granny what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is Damian and today we're looking through our slash wholesome memes let's all bright now we'll go to coochie oh that's um that's a name nay echo I like this uh but I want to mess it up alright I've looked it up hopefully I got this right let's celebrate not go to Khe she was a struggling artist when she created Sailor Moon I hope I said her name right I really just spent like a good minute and a half trying to like pronounce it like reading the sentence over and over and over hopefully I said that right oz at a low place so I read about girls I wish with my friends oh that's really cute I grew my hair out for over a year to be Bob Ross for Halloween my wife was a happy little tree and that is relationship goals to the fullest my friends hi I'm an orphan not anymore you're not I adopted I adopted I'm dead when it's later and you finally see your alligator yes listen alligators are cute little fellas when they're young but when they're big they're ferocious and you give them the respect they deserve like that that is their one request my cats out here I don't like you don't love when I pretend to nibble at his belly fat but I hear himself purring quit hiding your love from the people that matter the most a few weeks ago I tried to literally bore my three-year-old to sleep by telling him everything I knew about nuclear and particle physics it's a fair bit it was my specialty once every night since then as he's falling asleep his little voice pipes up tell me about Adam's daddy oh you're growing a genius parenting achievement I got my first I'm never talking to you again today by the way it lasted less than 10 seconds and then she made me a bead bracelet that says I love daddy good dad Brian good dad like the Beatles said it's getting better all the time thanks babe for 27 amazing years that's cute thanks Obama so every morning I passed the same woman with a kid we just smile at each other and that's it that's been going on for months now but yesterday I was sick so I stayed at homes today I saw him again the woman said her son literally asked where I wasn't if I was okay I'm weak kids are compassionate man at least he tried to be they try their best son gives a little goblins but for the most part I feel like everyone has a certain level of compassion this precious cutie pie is convinced that I am the general from Black Panther why on earth would I choose to disappoint him hashtag Wakanda forever uh-huh and he's so happy about it too guy behind blinking white guy meme raises more than 28,000 dollars for multiple sclerosis research [ __ ] what a good day I like my favorite thing is when people use their influence to do good things and I hope that was part of it I know ever since like I fell into em cane stuff I've been trying to do more and more good stuff just a support you know things I believe in but trying to do like once a month charity streams and stuff just trying to give back to causes and communities you know I think it's a lot of fun and I'm glad to see that that kind of good-natured you know love for people extends everywhere due to a shortage of robots some of our staff are human and therefore react unpredictably when abused or under pressure what they're saying is plain itis hey Bowles check it out what shakes bag of coins Bob Seiken Mabo day that was hilarious I love you and value what you bring to our team I love you too boss see that's cute but there's a knife funny watermark and therefore I cannot laugh at it note to my ex today my professor told me every cell in our entire body is destroyed and replaced every 7 years how comforting it isn't another one day I'll have a body that you'll have never touch that's whole that's not a wholesome meme that's like like I'm a happy that she's like you know she or he I'm not sure I'm 2 am I to assume I feel bad at the end of that relationship so terribly and not unlike amicable terms I'm so sorry how many want to be treated when their boys are around you know what I'll have my boys treat me just like this you know listen I'm a single man okay my boys treatment like this all the time and I know I couldn't be more grateful for it sometimes you just need a cuddle with the homies all right in exactly what I what we do it's me and the boys we got socks on it's okay new laureate michael mayer was on a lecture tour in spain when he heard the news about his nobel prize in physics here mayor's in the cafeteria of san sebastian airport looking at all the messages flooding in oh congratulations buddy that's awesome remember this popcorn is prepared all in the same pot in the same heat in the same oil but they don't pop at the same time so don't compare yourself to others your time to pop is coming that's a really cute message but this also implies something very disgusting you saying that everyone i compare myself to came out of my mama i challenge you to a duel very well thank you oh I see you've do it before yes I take my meds and yes getting help is cool I agree getting help is cool you have an issue that can be solved through any sort of like professional means therapy I highly recommend to everybody if you need a medication there's no shame in that please be sure that you put you as your first priority that is super duper important cream is concerned he might not have loved yourself enough today I'll do it for you creamy this day is horrible my crush says hi and says have a wonderful day my happiness and self-confidence way-hey up she rises weigh-hay and up she rises way sea shanties Jim Cummings the voice of Winnie the Pooh often calls sick children and hospitals and talks to them in coos voice he once called a little girl in the hospital dying of cancer the mother of the girl told him that that was the first time her daughter had smiled in the 600 Jimmy's a great guy loved Jim I never want my kids to mess up and think dad's gonna kill me I want the first thought to be I need to call my dad parenting with beer isn't parenting at all it's tolerating a child's presence until they're old enough to mind themselves let's talk about it he tried calling me dear when we were dating I jokingly told him don't call me dear I'm not your wife he never did it again fast forward a few years we get married and walking out of the courthouse he whispers in my ear I can call you dear now so now he calls me dear and I call him moose why moose anytime you feel bad about yourself just remember the devil literally went down to Georgia to steal a soul and ended up losing a fiddle contest instead what a loser am i right my mom saved my dress all these years just for this moment right here oh dude that's so cute oh that's awesome that's awesome this is my friend TJ wearing a costume she made for Halloween 1977 now keep in mind there was no internet to search for images she couldn't have rented and pause the movie because it wasn't released on video until 1982 no TJ just went to the movie a bunch of times took notes with a flashlight drew a bunch of sketches and put this together in nineteen freaking 77 so let's bury this book about how women didn't grow up on Star Wars well that's a debate I'm honestly just surprised that's even a debate like at all Star Wars okay so the movie came out by the time that plenty of women probably most likely definitely watch Star Wars and grow up on it my wife and cat watched the shy strake hit in the rescue to eat for the first time oh man that's awesome and they're both like intently watching in Hawaii you handsome devil I love your hair do I have to steal your Barbara one day have him get me a fade as good as that one they offered you $80 to clean the cemetery alone 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. y'all taken the job it's supposedly haunted $80 an hour dude you got me messed up if you think I'm gonna refuse that damn I wanna make sure each one of them tombs is spotless with the finest holy water animal trying to visit a friend aisle six Row 3 bro I might get haunted but I'm leaving every shift in a Bentley with Casper his homies in the back and that's what it's all about got a really long and crappy day of travel but then I played peekaboo with a baby on the plane and now everything's okay nice Fitz what a good guy good guy Fitz girl who was an 11 out of 10 looks in mirror look like a potato me and ugly boy looks in the mirror with finger pistols that's one handsome freakin man right there it's all about self perception my friend gourville is a Canton doesn't have a job the only ostensible difference between Monday and any other day is that John suddenly isn't around after haven't been home all weekend Garfield doesn't hate mondays you love John and is too proud to say I think it's cute that thing humans do when we see a boat pass and the people on the boat wave of them in the wave bags for absolutely no reason they don't know each other and they're not trying to communicate anything other than a genuine moment of wholesome human connection and excitement it's kind of cute isn't it nothing will ever compare to the unconditional love between a llama and a grandma grass cells under a microscope bothy looks so happy the Sun is our mommy and she is very big and very beautiful that was the cutest thing I've ever read grocery time Oh Frick grocery time hey yo what you used to call DS growing up friends Oh Robbie we are friends aren't thee pranking homeless people by giving them money off camera so it's not to exploit them nice this guy was motivating people at the gym vinyl lamps dude thanks lakitu you my lucky bro my brother hiding me taking the blame for something he did so he could go hang out with his friends this weekend cuz he's a good big brother my little girl is too and whenever she's happy she'll just shut out happy and there is nothing pure in this world than when she's just sitting playing with toys or eating toast and just yells out half people of the universe no it's doing a good job hardcore pokemon fans she was started based on type strategy etc me I just think he's neat meat see large meat - I am a hardcore Bulbasaur enthusiast I will love him - the day I die hey yo what's he doing his best and you mind your business man was sitting in class yesterday when I saw an older man sitting at the back of the hall with a huge smile on his face I went up to him on how to chat with him at the end he explained that he was a single dad and our professor for that class was actually his daughter it was her first time giving a lecture at a college he seemed so proud and it made my oh nice Here I am taking care of my granddaughter because her mother is busy taking selfies the work of a grandfather is never easy man my neighbor aged nine to ten just knocked up my door and asked if she could borrow my skateboard because she sees me on it every day she said her parents couldn't afford one you best believe I gave her my old penny board boy in my heart she was so happy oh that's adorably you got yourself a little shreddin friend now shredding our deed ionically adore weird teenagers who don't know exactly what the hell is going on yet this kid came in for a job interview at the grocery store today wearing very nice slacks and suspenders and a bowtie with his wool pink hair all done up and I'm just like oh we got a hire this kid he kicks butt dudes going to groceries prom and we couldn't stop him if we tried he's my manager now I only ant in a grocery prom kid while filming the hangover comedian Ken's young added little inside jokes into the movie to make his wife who is battling breast cancer laugh when she watched it I love you Ken that's Chet adorable love you Kenny chill a dad joke alert I'll walk it into Publix and a guy offers me the empty cart he was using and says he lost some cash in it for you out of control dad's a man that's what it's all about my neighbor he's like 10 or 11 just knocked on my door and asked if I could help him baking cookies since it's his mom's birthday tomorrow and he really likes mine you better believe I just spent three hours baking and decorating cookies with him he's so sweet and you've just given him in his family a beautiful moment to share as well so this week my eight year old brother kept asking for two of whatever we gave him for lunch for example two sandwiches and whatnot my mom didn't think anything of it so this afternoon a parent approached her and thank you for sending lunch for her son while she was in the hospital Oh oh my god dude kids are precious they know what sleepy support the homies and before we end this video let's take a look at a post from our /mk by user random bro underscored lead spooky fan art I tried tried you succeeded my friend I love it you succeeded in the spook factor we got the cobwebs we got a ghost we got this like a rickety board m'kay which I'm really messing with I like that I dig this is cool I love it thank you and thank you guys for watching our slash wholesome means if you liked the video leave a light down below and subscribe for more content from MK and as always I'll be seeing you
Channel: EmKay
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/wholesomememes, r/wholesomememes top posts, r/wholesomememes best posts, wholesome memes, reddit wholesome, r/blessedimages, r/blessedimages top posts, r/blessedimages best posts, blessed images, blursed images, r/wholesomememes emkay, r/blessedimages emkay, wholesome memes emkay, reddit funny, emkay
Id: v3RcRpzt52c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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