r/Choosingbeggars "You Expect ME to Pay for MY Vacation???"

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welcome to our slash choosing beggars salutations to all of my robot viewers alright guys that was kind of a joke to be honest there's a little bit of drama yesterday another youtuber accused me of sub botting but let me just say 100% I am NOT sub botting the growth on this channel has been absolutely insane but I'm not sub budding and I can prove it look if you want proof that I'm not body it's right here my analytics page you can see here this is my traffic sources how people find my channel and 53% and 33% which is like 86% of people find my channel because YouTube suggests it and people browse for it and the Browse feature means their homepage right it's on their home page so I'm not botting YouTube is bringing people to my channel you can see see it clear as day right here Huawei phone still available Huawei phone still available Huawei phones still available hi my friend needs a new phone hi yes the phone is still available I'll take down the ad once I've sold it work in blink city yes it was purchased here so it'll work with all carriers here delivered to University of blank no it's technically only pickup but I can also meet at blank or even blank if that works for you deliver please hello I can meet at blank or blank I'll also be closed to blank location on Wednesday I need it before Valentine Day Valentine's Day is on Thursday delivered to me tomorrow no delivery ad says pickup only and I've already offered to me to blank on Wednesday 350 then which location does 5 p.m. work for you I usually get off at $4 350 dollars that's nowhere close to what I'm asking for I pay cash no good luck on your search 355 no that's still not even close to my asking price it's ridiculous you don't deliver you don't lower your price do you want to sell your effing phone or not reasonable offers are considered but your offer isn't reasonable at all good luck in your search if you I hope the Chinese government spies on your phone 3 $68 nice no for Chinese New Year final offer you get cash I get girl come on please stop messaging me I'm not going to sell you the phone fu who the F do you think you are I hope you get tortured by the Chinese government fu I really like how tiny this guy's increments are it's like hey I'll buy your house off of you for $100 a hundred bucks that's way too low well how about a hundred and ten dollars huh selling gold iPhone six sixteen gigabytes perfect condition any accessories no well good luck with the sale I just bought one for a hundred and fifty dollars with accessories and flawless condition Wow are you trying to make me jealous of your iPhone 6 are you getting dinner today the link isn't in so it's just me and you not today I brought in my name cuz I'm skint until Friday F sake what am I supposed to do then I don't know perhaps to go get dinner by yourself I need you to go because I need to take my dinner early so could you just go to Morrison's for me and get some chicken bites and wedges I won't have any time because I've got to go pick Blanc Blanc is literally next to a shop can't you just get something from there no I fancy chicken bites not my problem but I don't have time again not my problem F sake now I'm gonna be late back from dinner just because you won't do me one little favor honestly thought you were nicer than that okay okay you're not even bothered are you didn't think someone I work with could be so horrible to me I had an operation only two weeks ago and I still can't do everything by myself but I'll just struggle because you're just choosing to be lazy two weeks is a long time and they literally cut your fingernail down because it's infected perhaps next time they'll chop your arm off and I'll give you a hand then in the meantime please learn some manners and understand if you ask politely and not just demand stuff I wouldn't mind doing you just a little favor okay so will you please go get it for me then No why tell me to use manners then this is so effing stupid not even talking about this anymore don't talk to me when I get in actually I understand where this choosing beggar is coming from after my butthole fell off and I had to undergo butthole reattachment surgery I was bedridden for like three or four weeks so really guys the struggle is real hi I'm interested in your service dog what do you mean she's mine she's not for sale although I train service dogs I can help you if you'd like no I want yours he's cute and my son wants him he has autism and needs him more than you you look fine she's not for sale again I can help you find a dog that looks like her and trainer Effie you jerk give me your dog you [ __ ] Wow not okay please do not contact me further oh man I think we've got a new record this choosing beggar went from hello to fu in two messages flat hi are you the person selling the Nintendo switch hello yes I am it comes with 10 games all of which are outlined in the description of my post does it come with all the equipment and a case yes it does once again all details are in the description is the price negotiable only your asking price is slightly out of my price range yes it is how much were you thinking 50 50 pounds I'm sorry but that's way too low as you saw my current price is 250 pounds which I believe is more than reasonable considering a lot of places sell it for around that price not including 10 games in case wow not everything is about money Here I am struggling mother of twins trying to buy them a birthday present and you have the audacity to say 250 is a fair price you disgust me look I'm sorry you're struggling but I'm working right now and unless you can offer me what I deem a suitable offer I suggest you look elsewhere wow you're working and yet you demand such a high price I am an unemployed mother I can't afford 250 I'll give you 60 ma'am I am a student I work part-time at a restaurant as a waiter to try and survive as a student with a 22-hour contact time as well as coursework and other school tasks that need to be completed I find it hard enough to find time to earn some income and get a good night's sleep things are stressful for me right now so I'm sorry but I'm sticking to my 250 pound price tag but what about me and my twins 75 final offer I'm sorry but I have to decline and I wish you look elsewhere also wish your twins a happy birthday from me good night Effy you look lady you think raising a pair of twins is difficult try satisfying a rabid fan base of 300,000 subscribers you don't know the meaning of suffering until you read the comments section of a YouTube video my boyfriend literally just got me some chocolate and a card for Valentine's like when I say I want chocolates what I really want is a ring or a necklace just because I say I want something doesn't mean I want it yes same here when I say like and subscribe this video what I really mean is PayPal me lots and lots of money when I was in high school I worked at a restaurant at the restaurant if you ordered a dinner you normally got a free salad bar and at our establishment this also included the vegetables in the hot bar one night a couple came in late and ordered drinks and steak dinners well done I explained that the salad bar was at their disposal and brought out their drinks they were both rude to me but I was used to this behavior at the time when you serve tables getting treated like garbage just comes with the job they had two plates each off the bar by the time their steaks came out keep in mind this was late at night and they were the only ones there they didn't have to wait very long for their dinners as soon as I put the steaks down the wife cut it with her steak knife and said that the steaks were too tough I asked if they wanted the kitchen to recoup them but they said no they just wanted to cancel the order I took the plates back to the kitchen and told the manager who proceeded to pull apart the steak with her hands it wasn't tough at all customers did this sometimes our district manager was notorious for giving away free stuff most customers would run you to death and then when they got it to the register they would demand discounts as was our policy I changed the ticket to charge them for only salad bars and remove the steaks when I brought the check to the table they said no we aren't paying for anything tonight I explained the policy and says since you ate off the salad bar I have to charge you for it they made the biggest ruckus ever over the cheque it was only eight or nine dollars but they actually liked we were doing them so wrong everyone on staff was upset the restaurant was empty and we were all there after closed dealing with these people the manager tried to explain it to them but they said they were not paying and that was final the manager was done she said if they left without paying she would call the police the manager told me to follow them out and get their license plate number I made a busboy go out with me because I was only 17 and scared of everyone the manager called the police that using beggars heard the manager and walked past their car in the lot I guess they were just going to leave it behind and come back later but here's the thing we were in a small town and I guess the police didn't have a lot going on because I had only stepped a few steps into the parking lot when three cop cars pulled in and surrounded them it was like a scene out of a movie and I'm so happy I got to witness it they marched the choosing beggars right back in and made them pay their bill the whole time the wife was crying and saying called the cops over $9 who does that and the manager stood there smug and said they are not welcome back it was a pretty good night you wouldn't know who calls the cops over $9 my hero good job manager without you this story wouldn't be nearly as satisfying according to the general manager of muffin break entitled Millennials have been given an inflated sense of self-importance due to social media and are no longer willing to do unpaid work to advance their careers you Millennials disgust me what kind of selfish stuck-up greedy person would refuse to work for free how dare you expect compensation for putting your hardwork and man-hours into a multi-million dollar corporation I mean they can't afford to pay you wages how do you think they got to be multi-million dollar corporations not by paying employees that's for sure alright a little backstory my ex-girlfriend 22 expected me 24 to pay for her dream vacation I understand money isn't everything but she's a waitress with college loans just graduated and still lives with her parents which is fine my ex came to me one afternoon and here's the conversation babe since I just finished college I want to take a vacation okay where would you like to go Italy me thinking in my head oh wow she just finished college how is she going to afford her half I was assuming we were going to split it so we discussed the trip for a while about what she wants to do etc basically she wanted to travel the country for two weeks and hit pretty much every major city so I say okay I'll figure out a rough price this weekend fast forward to Thursday night mind you this isn't a trip I'm dying to take I have a car payment I just bought a house it is barely furnished she still lives with her parents I'm not looking to spend a ton of money even if we are splitting it which I still think we are another conversation babe maybe we should wait a few years to do this trip she is a waitress and has yet to find a job out of college it's only been a month so that's okay why wait I want to go now I know we're gonna split it but I'm just trying not to spend money what do you mean split it me confused you can expect me to pay for both of us I kind of was I'm not paying for both of us I have bills and a mortgage I'm not in a position to throw around money like that she storms out and doesn't talk to me for the rest of the night I wake up to a text that says if you love me you'll take me to Italy we argued for about two weeks after that and she refused to talk about it I ended it with her about a week ago on that note I'm gonna start a GoFundMe for my dream month-long vacation to Japan I expect all of you to contribute because clearly you guys should be paying for it not me I've been friends with this girl for a long time it's one of those things where we have nothing in common anymore but we're still friends because of longevity we met in elementary school she and I have very different interests now for example I enjoy paying bills on time and she enjoys being 40k and credit card debt at 23 and blowing all their money on weed I ended up doing pretty well for myself after high school I graduated did my masters and ended up getting a very well-paying job in a highly competitive industry she is aware that my income is higher than the average person our age and so whenever we go out for dinner I spot her I only see her every couple of months so I don't really mind just paying for her food since she spends a lot of time texting me about how she's behind on bills why she suggests to go out to restaurants then is beyond me but sure I live in a big city and she lives in a smaller town about an hour away anyways her birthday was last month I took her out to dinner and bought her a present beforehand but for her birthday she wanted to go clubbing in my big city she decided to hire a party bus to drive her guests to a club in my city before she knew what her guest list was and charged her guests 20 bucks to attend to pitch in for it this number then became $40 per person really sure she just pulled that figure out of her butthole but okay now when I got the invite I never said I could make it I texted her telling her I might not be able to meet them at the club because the bus was scheduled to arrive at the club from her city for about 11 p.m. which means we would be out until 3 a.m. and I had a big meeting at 7 a.m. the next morning she said okay after about a day I told her I wouldn't be able to make it due to work the next morning the meeting was more extensive than I thought she was very upset at me and sent me an e transfer request I was confused because she said I owed her $40 for a party bus I never even would have been on it was driving from her city to mine so if I was even attending I would have just met them at the club apparently this is what she wanted she was expecting me to get off work at 7 p.m. drive an hour to her city leave my car there pay $40 to take the party bus back to my original city go clubbing then go back to her city pick my car up and drive another hour back home all while I have worked the next morning yeah okay she told me I was selfish I could easily afford $40 I should be on the party bus with her I was an awful friend I put work above all else and I'm stingy with my finances I remind her I never RSVP'd and even if I did I'd live in the city so why would I pay money just so I could commute back to it I told her she was being nuts because there's no way I'd pay any amount to give myself a two-hour unnecessary commute and go to my meeting hungover with zero sleep she told me she assumed I was coming because I knew how much she needed the money right now then maybe don't spend $400 going clubbing I don't know she blocked me for two days and then came back and tried begging again saying that everyone was bailing so she needed more people to pitch in alone that was our slash choosing beggars and if you are still curious about the Bott drama I made a community post explaining the situation and outlining all the evidence for why I can't possibly be bodying but in any event I asked you guys please don't raid the other youtuber I don't want to cause more drama I'm here to make friends not enemies my only interest is putting out consistent high quality content for you guys so come back tomorrow for another video
Channel: rSlash
Views: 3,933,495
Rating: 4.896636 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, choosingbeggars, beggar, r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggar, choosing
Id: 8on2kFv_sYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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