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welcome to our slash entitled parents we're a spoiled Karen makes a post on Reddit and gets absolutely destroyed in the comments I'm sitting in a doctor's office waiting room while a family member is being seen headphones in doodling in a notebook nibbling on an oversized chocolate-chip cookie a woman and her maybe three-year-old daughter sit a few streets away from me and the kid immediately starts screaming cookie at the top of her lungs repeatedly I turned my music up and tried to tune it out until the lady leans over and Yanks an earbud out of my ear I let out a what the f because it caught on my earring and hurt like hell and surprised me I just sat through a five-minute lecture about how I shouldn't use that language in the presence of a child and how ashamed of myself I should be and what do I have to say for myself meanwhile the kid is oblivious and still just screaming cookie cookie I told her that I wouldn't have used that language had she kept her hands off my property and not caused me pain by almost ripping my earring out of my skin well you're going to give my daughter year cookie to make up for being so fell in front of her and she reaches into my lap to grab my cookie I push her hand away because the cookie was in a paper bag between my legs so she was literally grabbing at my crotch and tell her she can buy her own cookie and if she reaches for me or my items again she's getting reported for harassment the receptionist who's been watching all this finally speaks up and says she's willing to call the police if I'd like and back up my statement I don't feel like dealing with that and it seemed to calm the mom down so now I'm sitting here listening to my music and taking the smallest bites possible and acting like this is the most amazing thing I've ever eaten while making eye contact with her she's glaring at me and keeps telling her kid the mean lady won't share her cookie and I'm going to make them watch me enjoy eating this for as long as possible side note who the hell takes food from a random stranger to give to their kid what if this was a what if this was an edible what if it it had medicine in it how are people so stupid and irresponsible Opie I think you've just found your answer instead of stopping her you just let the mom snatch the cookie away then after she B's the kid up I'd say oh by the way that was inedible oh my god that might be illegal but made it'd be funny our next reddit post is from Genco wolf my daughter had a friend over for a sleepover last weekend they're both 13 year old girls it was all fairly standard stuff watched sucky movies stay up too late eat too much junk food you know the drill both kids seemed to have a nice time and the visiting kid was nice enough for someone else's teenage child and I really didn't think too much more about it until the friend's mother called me Sunday night absolutely outraged over what I'd done while her child was in my care was it allowing them to stay up too late was it the junk food was it the choice of film I allowed them to watch know my crime was far worse than that imagine the mother's horror when she discovered I had a lot her child to wait for word drank tap water turns out only bottled water is acceptable for her family now I know some places there are issues drinking tap water we live in an area with excellent tap water quality so I was kind of baffled with what the issue was I told her um our tap water is fine and your kid didn't say anything at the time but oh no that wasn't good enough you see it tap water has toxins in it it's not safe and her family only drinks bottled water and she's frankly shocked and disturbed that her child was associated with the child of such an awful awful parent and that I could rest assured she would be calling Child Protective Services first thing Monday to have my child removed from such a harmful environment I was just kind of stunned and didn't really say anything and she hung up on me I'd love to know where she thinks bottled water companies get their water from and second we're in Australia and Protective Services isn't a thing here so yeah I wonder if this entitled mother brushes her teeth washes her hair cooks food and bathes in this toxic water or if she literally goes through like 20 bottles of water a day just to clean herself our next reddit post is from lupus warrior backstory my husband and I have been married almost 18 years my mother-in-law is the most entitled choosing beggar I've ever known I have many stories so if y'all like this one I'll add more when my now husband and I were engaged she had one credit card that he used for emergencies or small things we were buying a house and getting married so he paid off the cards we would have it if we needed it for the house all good nope the statement for the card came in and it showed thousands of dollars in purchases including Disney World tickets for three with all the accoutrements stereo system closed computer and desk several semesters of college for one of his younger brothers and more my husband was pissed we called the credit card company and they stated that it was on his second card he tried to explain that he didn't have a second card this is when they revealed that he had signed for a second card on his application hint he didn't apparently entitled parent saw him put an application in the mailbox he lived on the grandparents farm that had a main house and a few trailers for family to live in once he left she opened it and marked for a second card for herself and put it back in so prior to our engagement my husband was paying almost all of entitled parents expenses as he was the oldest of five and felt responsible for them dad was divorced and stepdad left once we became engaged and especially once I became pregnant he told untitled parent he couldn't anymore as he had his own family to care for now entitled parent did not take this well she took that second card and took two siblings to Disney World and everything else listed above my husband stormed in to entitle parents kitchen and demanded the card some of this is paraphrase is this happened a while ago but this is mostly how it went give me the credit card now what card are you talking about with a fake confused expression the one you sign for yourself and just spent thousands on oh I was gonna wait until your birthday and give it to you as a present and well now you ruined it she wanted more time to go shopping I'll bet give it now but now entitled parent hands over the card grudgingly and hubby promptly cuts it up making her very upset he tells her that was supposed to help us with the house wedding and pregnancy we decided to go for the trifecta and now we were a thousands of dollars in debt and she needed to pay us back I don't have that kind of money I am your mother and you needed to help me I have my own family now we are your family pay me now so entitled parent called in his youngest sister and youngest brother who are developmentally delayed to write my husband a check for $100 from each of their accounts to pay for their trip to Disney World and gave us another hundred dollars in loose pennies we never got another dime we had to wrap pennies every day for a week to return them before change machines were available the bank only took coins that were wrapped signed and dated fast forward three years she comes over to our tiny two-bedroom apartment and tells my husband what happened he used to be so good with money I had to get in front of him and told her to leave before she got hurt never saw him so angry in my life so that's how we ended up with ten thousand dollars in credit card fees including late fees he wouldn't press charges because it was his mom our next reddit post is from phillium so yesterday is Sunday I decided to get up early and go get myself organized me a 23 year old female and my partner a 26 year old male are in the middle of sorting out our flat and I needed to pick up some bits from Argos in the pet store for my cat my partner was working I live in a fairly large city near retail park and stupidly didn't check the Sunday opening hours for the shops so I got there at around 9:45 a.m. and most of the shops didn't open until 10:30 a.m. so I found a car said decided to have some breakfast and a drink until the shops actually opened when I got there the place was pretty dead and there was only me and two other people in there the table layout was only in groups of four so I set myself down and just played on my phone for a bit turns out there's a little kids workshop that goes on every Sunday nearby so while I was sitting there it got very busy very fast soon there was nowhere to sit down I nearly finished my drink but it was still only 10:15 a.m. and as it was freezing I didn't fancy standing outside the shop until it opened the queue was quite long at this point with maybe twenty people are so in line I noticed a lady Karen talking to her husband and looking at me she was maybe 15th in line they had a little kid with them maybe five or six Karen made a beeline for my table with the little kid in tow excuse me do you mind moving so we can sit down you guys are more than welcome to sit with me I'm just waiting for our girls to open in ten minutes and I'll be off then no you need to move we want this table to ourselves you finished with your drink so it's unfair if you to hug the table I'm leaving in literally ten minutes I don't want to wait outside in the freezing cold you're more than welcome to share with me till then by the time your husband ordered and got your drinks I'll have left anyway she raises her voice at me no you need to move no I have a kid that needs to sit down and you're being selfish her screeching had alerted one of the baristas who came over and asked if everything was okay she's finished her drinking won't loop so we can sit down tell her she has to leave I took a pointed sip of my coffee at this point to emphasize I wasn't actually done yet the barista said miss she still is drinking her drink and she's a paying customer as well she has a right to sit here she looks at me do you mind sharing your table I went to say that I'd already offered but Karen cut over me I don't want to share the effing table with Harry she needs to leave this is a family establishment I suggest you stop swearing and shouting and either share a table with someone or leave fine I'll leave and I'll tell everyone not to come here she storms off grabbing her husband the barista rolled her eyes at me and went back to the counter a minute later a young mother came over and asked of her cake is sit-down with me while she ordered drinks I said yes I spent five minutes playing with the kid and by the time the young mother came back I was packing up my bits to go and they got a nice table to themselves just by being nice our next reddit post is from March 4 pi I've been seeing an increase of Christian and titled parents so I thought I would add one I grew up as a pastor's kid and the amount of entitlement I've seen is astounding this story is one that first came to mind people tend to see pastor's kids as an extension of the church and not as real people so we would constantly have people taking advantage of us and my parents would make us go along with it there was a lady that attended our church that had three small children aged three to six I was about 15 years old the lady would often drop her kids off for free babysitting at our house my parents would of course say was fine and I would be stuck watching them one day she decided that she needed free babysitting and dropped them off without any extra clothes or anything the first day the youngest kid was sitting in my lap and threw up all over herself I gave her a bath and bound a long shirt for her to wear while I washed her clothes that night entitled parent never showed up to pick up the kids so I put them to bed in my bed and slept on the floor and the little girl paid my bed and her older sister informed me that she wasn't potty-trained and entitled parent had said that I would buy pull-ups for her I informed my mother who went out and got some then all three kids started throwing up and had fevers we tried calling entitled parent but she didn't answer the next day we managed to get ahold of entitled parent who told me that she wasn't able to pick up the kids and tell them next day so I had three sick kids for two days she finally showed up the next afternoon and I told her the kids had been sick oh I know that's why I needed a babysitter there grandma said she wouldn't watch him if they were sick and I needed a break the next day I was home sick an entitled parent showed up at my house and my parents weren't home she tried dropping off her kids and I refused and told her I was home sick from school she replied that I should be able to watch her kids because I was home I refused she then called my mother and tried convincing her that she needed me to watch them because she had a hair appointment my mother told them no because I was sick and would get them sick she responded saying that they were already sick and she didn't have daycare so I should just stay home and watch them for a couple days until we were all better I shut the door in her face my mother never made me babysit for her again our next reddit post is from one angry effing mom and this wasn't posted in our / entitled parents it was actually posted in our / relationship advice but I'm gonna cover it in our / entitle parents video for reasons that will soon become very obvious normally I use my Karen voice for entitled parents but since this is a really long post I'm actually gonna use my normal voice for this one I'm a 36 year old woman and my 40 year old husband called me a psycho for demanding the Cinderella Castle suite from a Disney customer service rep I'm writing this in the bathroom because I just got into a huge argument with my husband and I don't know what to do we and our three children had an upcoming trip planned for Disney World on Tuesday a 10-day stay at the Grand Floridian and a wonderful itinerary that included all four parks and Blizzard Beach of course the parks have now closed and my children are beyond devastated I called Disney's customer service line to speak with a representative about how they can make this right he promised a refund and the ability to rebook for another time but that obviously isn't good enough I told him that he needed to do better than that and he said he was just following the guidelines put forth by the company I suggested as a means to rectify this that he provided us future accommodations in this secretive suite located in Cinderella's castle I said the only way to make up for the hardship my children are facing is to provide us with a truly unforgettable experience one that goes beyond the standard Disney trip and will completely wash away the painful memories that will undoubtedly stay with them for years what better way to do so than to stay in the castle of Cinderella self he audibly sculpted this and said that was way way beyond his authorization he said that tens of thousands of people had had their vacations ruined and that it wasn't his or the company's fault and they were all doing the best they could this dismissal pissed me off I told him that yes it wasn't his fault but it was his responsibility to make it right surely instead of closing down a multi-billion dollar media conglomerate that's a hegemon in the global theme park industry would have the capacity to simply scream for sick visitors of the park entrances instead they ruined my children's entire year and what about the Fast Pass reservations that we meticulously booked during our first day of eligibility what about the dinner plans with the princesses how did they think it feels for me as a parent to tell my children that they can't visit the happiest place on earth because they might get sick and die after all this the smug rep just repeated he could only offer refunds for the time being and an opportunity to rebook I again stated that this was insufficient and that I at least expected a lifetime subscription to Disney Plus what the [ __ ] and he straight up laughed and said that's not my department I hung up the phone in rage and my husband immediately was like what the f was that he told me I was a psycho but for the way I spoke to the customer service rep that I was extremely unreasonable and rude and that he was genuinely disturbed by my behavior he said he doesn't know what happened to the woman he married and he's not sure he can ever look at me the same way again I am deeply deeply hurt that he would say such things about me when I was just trying to do what's best for our children our relationship has been rocky for the past couple of years and Disney was supposed to be an opportunity to rekindle that fire now it feels like that might not be possible he's usually quite soft-spoken so I'm shocked and devastated by the abusive language he directed at me and I don't know if I can forgive him now my children are crying and my husband is pissed off and my whole world is breaking down and I don't know what to do how can I make things right is that even possible I actually had to have a fan send me these messages through Twitter because Opie deleted her thread because she's getting massacred in the comments confused cashew says you have to be a troll because if not do you even hear yourself you're so entitled and delusional then Pam enak replies I work in customer service and can absolutely believe that this is real deep blue one says can you explain to me what makes you think your kids vacation is more important or different than anyone elses do you not notice that there's a global crisis going on that people are dying from and Olay replies to that I was supposed to go to Disney next week to I have cancer and was devastated cried a lot then accepted that it is what it is and I can go when all this calms down maybe I'll be feeling even better and enjoy it more like there are dying children whose make-a-wish trip was cancelled there are people suffering and dying from this pandemic shaking my head Disney will be there in six months a year two years self-quarantine says you sound like a huge a nightmare send my condolences to your husband and children and scrolling and I'm scrolling and I'm scrolling through this thread looking for just one sympathetic post none zilch zero every every single reply and his entire threat are just blasting this entitled Karon to make things worse you know that she's making the story sound better than it really is I mean she tries to make the customer service rep sound like a douche bag by saying that he smug and that he scoffs so she's intentionally dressing up the story to make her sound more sympathetic and despite all that it's still super clear how much of an entitled Karen this person is so whatever harassment that customer service rep had to endure you know it's way worse than she's letting on that was our slash entitled parents and if you like this video then hit that's scribe button because I put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,638,485
Rating: 4.941895 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: gsBQpK3eCdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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