r/Choosingbeggars "I DESERVE YOUR MONEY!"

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welcome to our slash choosing beggars where people expect free slave labor chick-fil-a is celebrating a week of things for our everyday heroes come in and enjoy a free original chick-fil-a sandwich on Monday EMT professionals on Tuesday firefighters on Wednesday police officers on Thursday and nurses on Friday teachers what about respiratory therapists what about us moms we're everything above and plenty more what about school bus drivers Union workers but what about youtubers - the bartender who made me a Jack and Coke while I met an upscale fundraiser I get I said make me anything but really read the dang room to the guests who got upset at the Jack and Coke I just made him when he said make me anything use your big boy words I get it you're in the VIP section at Dave & Buster's but come on read the dang room the TLDR of this make me anything okay I made you anything shocked Pikachu face I worked retail at a large sporting goods store around the holidays my store had a large trampoline for sale of which a customer bought but quickly found out it was too large to fit nurse' dan no problem we told her we would put it on hold for her and she could come back when she found a car to borrow or something to help her out this was an early December and it was common practice for us to put items in the back with a tag saying it's for ex customer and that she already paid fast forward a few weeks later Christmas Eve around 5:30 store closes at 6:00 same customer calls and asked if she can come get her trampoline but she'll be late fine we'll be there anyways closing down I go to the back stock area only to find someone has solder trampoline no big deal another store is 15 minutes away with one in stock I hop in my personal truck drive to the other store pick up the trampoline and head back to the store I arrive at roughly the same time as the customer we tell her we can just move it straight from the bed of my truck into our car sounds good wrong we go outside and find she's in the same car she came to the store Ian weeks ago and has her son in the car presumably the one who's receiving the trampoline for Christmas again we tell her that this trampoline will not fit in her car at this point she's irate that the trampoline is not wrapped for her this isn't a service that we've ever offered or advertised then it won't fit and that we've now ruined Christmas for her son because he knows he's getting a trampoline now and he won't have it tomorrow morning at this time my store director graciously offers to put the trampoline in his car and drive it to the woman's house that's fairly close by we don't offer delivery by the way she agrees the rest of the story is now secondhand due to me no longer being there and was told me by the director of my next shift so the director drives to her house with his trampoline on Christmas Eve instead of being with his family he arrives to which this woman goes inside and shuts the door without offering any instruction or help to my director he proceeds sustained at the front door and knock for an extended period of time before she opens the door as if she's bothered that he's there he tells her that he's just going to put the trampoline outside the garage which infuriates her because it's not under the tree he obliges and by himself gets his trampoline up her front porch stairs into the door which he discovers is closed and locked again he again waits on her to open the door to which she never does at this point he decides that enough has been done to appease this customer and goes on his way to enjoy Christmas Eve with his family now fast forward to the day after Christmas the next day the store was open and who comes marching in this lady and she's furious the director takes her to his office and she proceeds to scream and throw up its demanding a refund because we ruined Christmas for her kid because we were so unaccommodating to her apparently she was mad that he didn't put it under the tree for her my store director quickly shuts us down explains what happened why he left it where he dead and everything we did to make sure she got this trampoline she's not having any of this and at this time she's asked to leave the store because of her screaming she refuses the police department is quickly called and she's escorted out of the building and as far as I know never seen again at the store reading anything has the perfect response to this of course she expected him to climb up the roof and go down the chimney giving away a free TV is this still available pending pick up if they don't show I'll let you know okay okay I don't drive though okay we can't bring it anywhere why because I don't want to okay well I don't drive okay I think we can safely follow this one under I don't see why that's my problem would you trade your car for a riding mower you can pick it up in League City hello if I understand correctly you would like to trade a riding mower for a $19,000 car and we will have to come pick up the mower yes is it made of gold no it's red oh my god what a flipping idiots I wish more Walmart's would take their handicap fitting room and turn it into a comfortable nursing and breastfeeding station I know of one that has nice decals on the wall a rocking chair and cushion on the bench for comfort extra plugs so someone can plug in a breast pump to pump milk and a radio so the mom can put on music to listen to while feeding their children sounds like you forgot disabled people exist but okay imagine being so entitled that you think being slightly more comfortable is more important than basic rights for disabled people and then publishing it online on social media and expecting people to agree with you my family and I are new to blink and have no extended family near I know it's a long shot but would anyone be willing to let us crash your Thanksgiving will bring a pudding pie and napkins but we most enjoy the company of others and a family that has fried turkey homemade stuffing bourbon pecan pie cranberries not that jellied can junk and deviled eggs with light paprika non-smoking and pet free homes only thanks in advance and amazingly Opie delivered with comments sorry I don't share my bourbon pecan pie though I want an invite to my pets are actually the smokers and all I serve is jelly can cranberries so I'm out that's hilarious be thankful that there are always restaurants that you can go to this guy three crying while laughing emojis I asked the kids they have no clue they're pets and they said maybe next year only if you promise to talk politics and religion at the dinner table oh so close but I paprika the bejesus out of my eggs from an article on how to have a cheap wedding tip number five have a free photographer a professional photographer can easily cost you around eight hundred to three thousand dollars now that is a waste of good money as photographers run their own business you may want to approach them and strike a bargain cover your wedding and they can use it as a platform to advertise their business that is a win-win situation there if that doesn't work out try to look for a budding photographer in your family or perhaps that friend of yours who is brilliant when it comes to taking photos exploit these talents you will be more comfortable and competent striking pose abun pause when you know the person behind the camera no fees at all if someone asks you to photograph their wedding for free I think the best solution is to say sure happy to do it and then just don't show up hi is the piano still up for sale yes I've had offers for about 1500 but the asking price is about two thousand would you do one thousand no Lowell I've had offers for fifteen hundred why would I go down to a thousand please is nearly Christmas and I'm kinda low on money right now why are you buying a 2,000 pound piano if you're low on money you know what you're a scumbag taking people's money near Christmas f you scammer wait that's a scam that means every time I've been to a shop at Christmas I was scammed because they wanted money when I tried to buy something near Christmas so for context on this next one this woman is trying to hire a photographer to photograph her 14 person family I was hoping you would do them for some pills wait what you know like perks are Lyra tabs um I'm sorry but I don't accept drugs as a form of payment no they're prescription they're not my prescription I'm sorry but I'm going to have to decline you as a client I don't feel comfortable right now and I don't know if I'll feel comfortable during the shoot there are some great local photographers who are just starting out if price is an issue I would definitely recommend contacting one of them and seeing if they could give you a better deal have a great night [ __ ] it's just a pill I really need pics and have no monies you need to be kind hello how do you go from calling someone a [ __ ] to saying you need to be kind in the same sentence will you do $200 hello the asking price is three times the amount you just offered I'm asking 575 I've seen the same thing sold on here for $100 LMFAO I just sold it for five hundred and thirty dollars good luck finding it for anywhere near what you're offering just bought it for two hundred one hundred percent of knockoff enjoy though also you're listed with zero transactions nice try selling beats headphones for two hundred bucks I would like to buy your Beats Studio three wireless headphones for a hundred and ninety dollars sounds like a deal to me are you in my city no other city I can do a hundred what do you mean a hundred for the beads 130 you said 190 I'm not selling them for any less than 190 I didn't mean to I'm homeless with two kids please f off you said 190 don't waste my time with lies if you were homeless you wouldn't be buying headphones buy some food for your imaginary kids don't be a jerk bro don't be a pathetic liar come on I love the final attempt come on oh well in that case here let me drive on over and give them to you for free community request the ferries to sunrise ceremony to Alcatraz have sold out early this year due to in ordinate amounts of white people buying tickets this is reprehensible if you're white and have a ferry ticket please post here so that a black indigenous a person of color can attend we need to stop gentrifying everything please have a conscience and offer your ticket here for free no selling please this should be a given but you know gotta say it Thanks curse those white people and their shuffles Dec buying tickets to Alcatraz now taking applications for a girlfriend you must be one female to age 16 to 23 three Japanese exceptions will be made for white girls if small and skinny no blacks for willing to do as I ask five Heaven IQ lower than mine a hundred and thirteen six have zero male friends seven cook three meals for me a day aid be willing to split the bill on a date nine be into kinky stuff we'll discuss in p.m. ten send me nudes every day if I don't see you nude in person 11 have intercourse with me as I ask 12 be on birth control condoms make me feel trapped I simply can't find anything that fits thirteen ideally not of a job 14 install a tracking app on your phone so that I know your location at all points I am a kind gentleman who will protect you at all times and in return all I ask is you pledge yourself to me please message me if you feel you fit this quota how does this guy expect his girlfriend to split the bill on dates but also not have a job and dude I'm really sorry you can't find a condom that fits hopefully one day they'll make one small enough an anonymous redditor liked your comments so much that they've given it the silver award want to say thanks to your mysterious benefactor reply to this message you'll find out their username if they choose to reply back things for the silver kind stranger just kidding imbecile why would you give me silver but not gold what the heck am I supposed to do with 50 coins r-word f you why are you so poor that you give me silver but not gold just kill yourself selling Lenovo gaming laptop hi I'm wondering if this is still available sorry this is a gaming laptop I'm not selling to women it's not a sewing machine yesterday a homeless person asks for money when I was drunk I was feeling nice so I pulled out my wallet and pulled out 26 bucks only meant to pull six bucks I separate the six bucks from the 26 give him six dollars and put the twenty back and this mother-effer says nah man the flip give me that twenty dollars not this BS and that's the story of how I gave a homeless person zero dollars instead of six dollars hey saw your comment but as of right now my Commission's are closed sorry working on a give away project but I appreciate your interest of course my friend not a problem but I do want to let you know that I have scouted your art for a while now and we'd love to help boost your art on our main page with over 200,000 followers we just need you to send us a full colored full shaded picture of a character we give you to make sure it's your art is that fair like I said my Commission's are closed and I won't be handing out free art I appreciate the offer but you only have 25 followers and have no ties to any account bigger as far as I can see so you'll understand if I think this is a little suss I'm saddened to hear this but you should know you've lost an amazing opportunity today we could have made you into an incredibly popular artist very quickly and all you had to do was send us a piece of Arts I'm not one who is quick to anger so I'll give you one more chance to reconsider a fully shaded fully colored piece of art of our character sent to us by the end of the week and we'll pick you up you can get as angry as you want I'm not sending you free arts then unfortunately I will be forced to block you and let my associates know that you're not someone who's worth working with we will ruin your chances of ever making it big in the art world and you will come crawling back okey-dokey listen this guy has 200,000 followers I have 1 million 200,000 followers so believe me when I say that someone what 200,000 followers can't ruin anyone because I have more than a million followers and I couldn't ruin anyone if I wanted to so honestly this guy's just full of baloney is the ring still available yes can I have it for $7,000 and you bring it to me going through a tough breakup why is your breakup my problem I paid $18,000 for it and why do you deserve it for $7,000 happy you jerk inward die and you think you'll get it now is there still a chance well if nothing else you've got to admire this woman's optimism no wait that's not optimism that's audacity hey guys so I'm pulling together a production with myself and a few other professionals this shoot will be a great chance for networking and gaining experience as well as credibility because of this the shoot is a reverse rate of $50 towards the production each day of course we plan on doing some sort of crafty thanks I am reverse interested reverse meaning you're asking people to donate $50 and work wasn't there a post like that recently someone posts a screenshot wall Wow charging someone to work I would like to buy your blink for a hundred and fifty dollars can we meet up tomorrow sorry bud I had to put gas in my car but I got $100 I'll see you today what a coincidence because I also had to drive to the meet-up point put gas in my car so it's back up to 150 hi I contacted you from your card hi how may I help you I am a regular of your lunch services so you send my food to this address blank I wanted to ask as I am a regular can I get one month of lunch free no the subscription is 550 per month for everyday lunch but currently I'm short on money as a regular can I get some flexibility I checked the address and it seems we've been sending food there on the name of blank and you just subscribed for one month so you're not a regular one month is regular I can do 500 dollars I can't give a penny then don't take the service you'd deny a donation to society nice idea I'll give some food to rein in people as a donation to society that was our slashed using beggars and if you liked this video hit that subscribe button because I put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,904,234
Rating: 4.9252214 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, choosingbeggars, beggar, r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggar, choosing
Id: VfkQWwUKbmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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