r/Choosingbeggars LADIES, COME OVER AND GIVE ME FREE STUFF! Trust me 😈

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welcome to our slash choosing beggars where free is too expensive hey just a quick question do you have the book blank out from the library blank recommended it to me for an essay but when we looked it up in the system it was on loan she said since you're doing your dissertation on the blank you might have it hey yeah I do didn't think anyone else would need it lmao I'm currently using it but can return it in a few days of debts alright how long are you planning on loaning it out for it'll only be a few days like I said bling suggested it to me I wouldn't know about it otherwise would you be able to return it tomorrow my essays due on Friday so I need it soon I'm really sorry but I have a deadline on Friday to that I need it for we have to have a draft of a chapter of our dissertation and it's a major work in mine so it's kind of important I'll be in the library most of tomorrow though if you want to join that way we can both use it I don't work well in the library sorry it's too loud in the general areas but too quiet in the silent areas I wouldn't mind if you came to my house that could work I think most of my housemates are busy don't take this the wrong way dude but I'm not really comfortable with going to your house we barely know each other if the library doesn't work for you there's always the coffee shop in the blank building or if that's too loud then there's a cafe in Blanc which is usually pretty quiet but if you don't want to go there I can take pictures of the pages you need and send them over and just let me know the page numbers and chapters you think I'm going to rape you uh no I'm just saying I don't really feel comfortable enough to go over to your house sorry okay well I can't do the library or the cafes and if you're too stubborn to come to my house then please return the book tomorrow dude I'm not returning it I need it for my dissertation sorry I've given you options just let me know what pages and chapters and I can send them to you looks like Blanc was wrong that you'll help me I thought you third-years were supposed to be welcoming to second-years if it's so important to your dissertation you would buy it not just rent it from the library if you don't return it tomorrow I'll just request it simple as and I'll just request it back as soon as you take it out anyway requesting it wouldn't help you cuz I'd have a week to return it before getting fined meaning that I'd still have it when your essay is due and I'm a student dude the book is 52 bucks on Amazon I'm not gonna pay that much if I can just get it at the library I'm not arguing anymore though I'll be in the library on blank campus at 9:00 tomorrow morning and I'll leave around 5:00 although I won't be there between 12:00 and 1:30 because I have a lecture and then I'll probably take a break and get food if you want the book then I'll be somewhere on the second floor or if you send me the numbers and chapters I'll take photos I don't know what I expected from a female studying ancient history you're all selfish as f and all you want to do is one-up the men here oh yeah I'm sure blank will love that cinnamon night dude yo this girl is so nice she's trying to do so many things to accommodate this guy changing where she studies even going through all the trouble of photographing the book but none of that is good enough this guy's just like why can't you be like all the women we study in ancient history and know your place god I miss the times when women were just property hi I'd like to book blank for a night I'm putting on at blank in London unfortunately due to cost of venue hire etc there's no money in it but I can provide some drinks and food is JB available for this certain date I can be contacted by a blank or blank Brian what do you do for a living I'm a painter and decorator why can you come and do my haul stairs and landing there's no money in it but I can make you some cups of tea and a snack huh that's not the same it's exactly the same Brian exactly the same my favorite thing about this is that this guy opens by saying I've got money to pay other people just not money to pay you oh I'm your lowest priority in that case I'll totally do work for free Yeah right for context on this one Opie is trying to find homes for puppies that her dog just had this is blank blanks friend I want the male husky puppy with the blue eyes high blank so let me know when it would be a good day or time to come by to meet him it'll be good to see his temperament and personality so you can decide if he'll be a good fit for your family what for $200 but only if you can throw in a cage and food so I'm charging $600 as an adoption fee they have all their pedigree paperwork and have had their first major vaccinations and bet' visits he isn't neutered yet but usually purebred Huskies can go up to $1,000 so I really can't go any lower a crate isn't included but I can give you a bag or two of the food they've been eating to help make the transition easier to whatever food you prefer that's way too high a price for a dog it'll be my first dog but I can tell you're ripping me off okay I'm sorry but maybe he isn't the right match for you Huskies are very high-energy dogs and not the best for anyone who's inexperienced with bigger dogs like this are you seriously assuming that I'm not active enough for a husky it's not rocket science to train the thing you seem like a reasonable person I can probably swing for $300 but that's as high as we can go way way too expensive you're never going to find homes for them for $600 I doubt anyone around here has enough money to pay that much for a dog I rescued the pregnant mother from a puppy mill that did not treat them very well people have actually adopted most of them already there's only one male left the one you wanted and there are two females left I need to know that they're going to people who can keep up with vet visits and everything that they'll need dogs are expensive WTF please my husband and I just moved into our apartment and it's so quiet here we can't have kids and I've always wanted a fur baby of my own have a heart bling said you were a good person $200 and I'll be so grateful hello your effing ignoring me now real mature not I'll be sure to tell blink about this excuse me blank but I have Ortiz me not answering you for 20 minutes doesn't mean it's okay to start swearing at me over text an apartment isn't ideal for a large dog he's no longer available sorry a families meeting him tomorrow and go ahead I'll be sure to tell blank not to give my personal number out to strangers greedy jerk you're a horrible person that dog would have been better off at a puppy mill than with you come on 350 dollars I can go meet him to see if we're a match answer me $300 my son was so excited to get a talk and you're ruining his childhood by being stingy I'll be sure to tell everyone about this and warn them I think you need to re-evaluate your behavior you're an adult act like it this is no way to deal with situations that don't go in your favor and you said that you wanted a puppy because you can't have children but now you're saying your son wanted a dog it's 100 percent and not happening lose my number and move on you jerk you don't know my life scamming ho I'm gonna reevaluate your face trying to take advantage of minorities like me this is discrimination I can see your butt for this then it would be winning first of all if you keep this up I'll have no choice but to contact the authorities second of all I'm a minority myself let's keep race out of this it has nothing to do with me not letting you adopt them oh so you're an inward woman I'm white I'm a single mom and that makes me a minority I didn't mean it when I said I had a husband I figured a whack jerk like yourself would have been more open-minded about selling it to someone if there was more people to look after it hello house to take a fireball at you I hope your dog gets rabies and eat your stupid face off Karma's a B and so are you or by the way blink hates you too I'm gonna post this and expose you and I bet you're gonna wish you gave me the effing dog when everyone tells you what a girl you are so this person doesn't have a kid then she has a kid she does have a husband then she doesn't have a husband she's a minority but then she's a white person oh what a wild ride had that Ford truck to see that's on Craigslist I'm available to show it after 2 p.m. I'm guessing that $4,500 is a mistake usually these old Fords are around 500 to a thousand no it's not a mistake and I've had plenty of interest at that price it's 80,000 miles original rust free manual transmission truck with original paint I doubt that you actually had the records to prove the miles on that five digit odometer lmao clearly you don't have the money so I'm not going to waste my time with this conversation have a nice day sir clearly you don't have an effing brain are you effing kidding me you'll never ever get that much money for an old Ford truck it'll be up on Craigslist for two weeks then two months and then six months and you'll eventually drop it to a thousand what it's really worth you'll see in the end it'll be mine you in word dick [ __ ] lover Lowell maybe you're right but we'll just have to see let's give it a week before I sell it to you for 20% of my asking price either way when I hang out soon you seem like a cool dude posting on treasure exchange for new and used items for sale hey I got my first apartment would love some donations in search of red cookware black utensils square clear glass dinnerware square black table for four black leather sectional black bed frame flat-screen TV black and gold area rug food bathroom set please and thank you in advance I know it's kind of specific but I'd hate to take something I won't use away from someone else who will then someone replies try getting a job maybe that would help you achieve your goals oh man I've got this expensive $1,000 flat-screen TV just sitting around taking up space finally someone who can take it off my head so we have a couple that eats in the restaurant twice a week they both get a meal and they order milk shakes they've never once tipped any of our servers one of the girls asked him if there was something we could improve on service wise nope service is fine and then this with you one star when here today the service and the food was great we got our check then the server asked us why we don't tip often that was a very awkward question not going here again all right fine by me bye here's the artwork you wanted hope it's fine oMG thank you thank you I'm glad you like it you haven't sent the payment yet could you do PayPal I thought you'd since it already so sorry about that I thought it was for free no what I had clearly mentioned that cost you $30 yeah but you made it for free already because I thought you'd paid me for it could you please pay me on PayPal I don't want to do the work for free I don't even know you in real life but you already made it WTF stop begging me to give you money oh my god hey we had a deal I draw you you pay me right can you draw one for my friend too then I'll pay you for sure dude no you can pay me for this first stop begging me I'm not giving you anything does this person go to McDonald's and be like I'll have a burger please okay that'll be five bucks WTF I'm not paying you I can see the burgers behind you why would I pay you when you already made them oMG stop begging me for money I think I found your cat hi there do you have picture consent can i buy it my girls want to keep it I'm sorry so no this cat is my 9 year old daughters if you want a cat I have one you can have just not her I'm sorry goodbye why did you even mention it if this was the case and you'll be happy to know that opie posted this douchebags phone number on Facebook trying to get people to find who this guy is as a member of the YouTube community I am completely against daxing but in this case I think it's definitely justified on this next post Opie buys reddit silver for another editor and that person replies man you could have sprung for gold but ok thanks I guess I mean I only had a hundred coins you could have bought more though silver is kinda insulting it's kind of like oh I like this but not enough to actually give the other person something sorry I guess I didn't buy those coins I had a gilded comment so I had a hundred it's not meant to give you something amazing just a little flair on the comments well you could have bought more your greed is showing silver is really effing cheap I couldn't have bought more I don't even own a credit card after looking through your history it looks like you're not allowed to get a job maybe you should pull yourself up by the bootstraps and do it anyway so you can avoid coming off as cheap do people like me get some initiative and stop being lazy first off you know nothing about my life second you sound like a boomer do you know how hard it is to support yourself and go to college at the same time if I got a job my grandparents would likely kick me out of the house I can't go through my intensive program and support myself at the same time you're extremely disrespectful sounds like you're too effing lazy to do it looking through your history again looks like you're just gonna be a fat piece of garbage forever Oh boohoo I have depression and I have no motivation to exercise I bet that self-diagnosed and your just said sometimes not really depressed here's a tip stop being a lazy piece of garbage and start to rely on yourself rather than your family hope this message is the wake-up call you need yeah I haven't had to physically restrain myself for making a pharmaceutical cocktail out of my metas cabinet at least once every few months since the age of 15 I haven't had my energy drain for years I haven't had any interest for life drained out of me for years I haven't felt like life is gray and then I'm just a piece of garbage who doesn't deserve a life fu and I'll no longer be responding to your messages hopefully one day you'll see you're just a teenager being AG and you'll stop complaining about your life and blaming stuff on mud depression good luck being lonely forever because you won't stop being a drain on society and after posting this conversation on Reddit Opie got this message I saw your post you're an absolute effing wussy running off to your internet save space where you can whine about your depression in peace you're never going to amount to anything if you keep running from your problems well I won't be letting you get to me anymore thanks for your negativity quite a few people have donated a charitable causes good job you really think you're automatically a good person because you got some people to donate to some kids in a butthole country who aren't even going to see the effects of a worthless little $5 hope one day when you're starving because your druggie father relapsed and left you alone with no support you'll see that charities are just scams to take your money they don't actually help people and I hope one day you'll look back on this and realize despite your actions being bad they've directly caused good things to happen thanks for the help I'll now be blocking you have a nice day and in an incredible twist of karmic justice opiez post got gold platinum and multiple silver Awards that was our slash using beggars and if you liked this video then let me know by hitting that like button because it really helps my channel grow
Channel: rSlash
Views: 732,244
Rating: 4.9353924 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, choosingbeggars, beggar, r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggar, choosing
Id: zSkkRblYH24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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