r/Idontworkherelady How I Got Banned for Life From PIzza Hut

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welcome to our slash I don't work here lady we're Opie gets banned from Pizza Hut for a life I went out for lunch and decided to have some McDonald's the restaurant has two doors out of which one is closed due to being next to a remodeling area inside the venue I'm sitting across from said door just enjoying my meal when an old couple tries and fails to open the locked door they somehow manage to not see the sign indicating that the door is locked while pressing their faces against the glass old guys spots me and signals the door I ignore them and continue to eat I should mention that I'm not dressed in any way as a McDonald's employee I'm wearing a copper red shirt and blue jeans eventually they make it in and he alone is over at my table lazy piece of blank ain'tcha only on Thursdays why didn't you open the door because I'm eating and I don't work here you're lying get me your manager my manager is in New York on a business trip B s he screamed as he slapped my tray off my table with my meal on it so I get up he squares up and I walk past him I make it to the register with him right on my heels yelling stuff like not so tough now right gonna go cry to your manager now I didn't need to ask for the manager since the old guy was being so loud the manager shows up this lazy piece of blank wouldn't open the door for us because he was eating so do something about it that's right and he knocked my tray off the table you got that meal for free you'll get another so quit your whining the manager says you're right he is getting a meal for free you need to leave I can't have you assaulting my customers so please leave or you'll be escorted out but the customer is always right and you shouldn't reward lazy employees for being lazy and talking back to a customer he doesn't work here he is a customer and you're on your way out by this point it seemed to have clicked for the old guy he stared at me then back to the manager he called his wife and both walked out got a free meal and they gave me an Oreo sundae thanks old guy our next reddit post is from PDX cranberry my buddy was taking me out to a fancy French restaurant as a treat and I was pretty gussied up I really enjoy getting dolled up and wearing a beautiful dress to enjoy a wonderful meal however the city in which I live Portland Oregon has a reputation for diners dressing down even in fine-dining restaurants it's a running joke among locals you'll go into a restaurant where a couple will easily drop a couple hundo on one meal and over half the room are wearing hiking clothes or yoga pants I only mentioned this because the staff tends to be better dressed in the clientele I was wearing all black with my hair in an elaborate updo and chandelier earrings I think the all-black is what started things this particular restaurant has a well-known and frankly downright foxy chef who typically works at a station Expo and plating where everyone can see him it's also near the door to the only washroom in the server station it's a huge restaurant and with only one washroom there was a bit of a line I waited and waited and at one point I think the chef and I exchanged a few pleasantries when I was next in line a middle-aged man in a Portland issue plaid button-up and jeans got in line behind me he had cranky energy and was shifting from foot to foot it didn't seem like he had to go badly just that he was impatient I've been waiting much much longer than him and found his constant sighing and scoffing irritating when it was my turn I reached for the door only to have this awful man push in front of me and nearly knocked me over shoving himself into the open door I was so taken aback I just sort of froze and said excuse me I was next which is when he wheeled around and started yelling about how he wasn't going to wait while some waitress changed her tampon and then yelled at the chef that he should have a staff bathroom because it's disgusting that the staff used the same bathroom as guests and implied he might not pay for his meal because of it I stood there in absolute shock and a full bladder while this man took care of his business clearly taking his sweet time out of spite maybe some about his personality made me think he hadn't taken a normal dump in years the chef apologized to me and a waiter who had been at the server station commiserated I decided F it I don't work here but even if I did there's no reason to be treated like I'm not a human seriously dude you're wearing muddy Teva sandals and suddenly acting like we're an effing Downton Abbey when he came out I used my entire body to block his path out of the bathroom and gave him a stern but quiet lecture about how eh I actually wasn't an employee and B there's nothing wrong with sharing the bathroom with the staff and told him that he had ruined what should have been a special night out again this all happened in full view of the entire kitchen staff and several members of the waitstaff I hadn't realized it at the time but this jerk was actually seated directly next to my friend on the banquette his female dining companion was sitting next to me I'd been gone easily 20 minutes and my friend was confused and annoyed I figured at that point I had nothing to lose so I loudly explained what happened while gesturing to the awful man and making pointed eye contact with the woman the man looked furious and the woman just silently glared at him after a few minutes the waiter wordlessly dropped their check they were mid meal and hadn't been offered dessert it was clearly a very pointed but polite fu get out from the staff after his rant they paid without incident and as they got up to leave he tried to put his hand on her shoulder only to have her jerk away and say don't touch me that face when you realize your partner is a complete butthole who got thrown out of a restaurant for screaming about tampons we got a cheese plate and glasses of sparkling rosy as a gift from the restaurant Cheers I have a feeling somebody is not getting laid tonight our next reddit post is from at 7:10 somewhere so yesterday I was at my favorite local supermarket I've been shopping there pretty much once a week for the past six years I know the place like the back of my hand I know most of the employees by name I live in a small town of about 4,000 people as I'm standing in the taco I'll trying to decide exactly how hard to punish my bathroom later I picked gos pepper salsa so a lot I'm approached by a woman who must have been 75 if she was a day son can you help me locate the aluminum foil sure it's right up this way and I walk her to aisle 7 B it's pretty high up let me grab it for you do you want the rental to the store brand the name brand please I hand her the 200 foot roll do you need help finding anything else I'm a walking directory of this store she hands me her shopping list I spent about 10 minutes filling her cart with heavy and hard-to-reach items and then I got back to my shopping with a smile and have a great day as I'm standing in the checkout I see the sweet lady arguing with the floor manager Greg he goes to my church we're pretty familiar with each other over by the Express line I pay for my groceries and walk over to be nosy and maybe help out the sweet lady is telling Greg that the big guy with the red beard helped her and I didn't get his name and she wants to see him get a bonus promotion or employee of the month something Greg is insistent that no one what that description works here I get to the counter and before I can explain that I don't even work here Greg pipes up oh you mean mark yeah he's one of our best employees mark this lady has been over here singing your praises for the past five minutes I didn't even know you were working today me lying through my teeth well Sharon a cashier I know called me and said we were slammed so I came in on my day off well that's some real initiative how would you like to be assistant to the regional manager we're both huge office fans oh my god thank you are you sure well you've definitely earned it see this is why I shop here instead of Walmart even though you guys charge more you care about your employees and your employees care about your customers so that's how I became assistant to the regional manager at a store I'm not even employed by our next reddit post is from mundane seesaw the end result of this story which I'll tell you up front is that we lost the ability to order from several Pizza Hut's for life it used to be we had a phone number that was very similar to a Pizza Hut their number ended in five five seven five and ours ended in five five one five now these two numbers are commonly mixed up for obvious reasons this was back before the days of cell phones and everyone having their own personal number and we actually had to get a caller ID because of this for years we had this Pizza Hut's client base call our house about 50/50 split sober drunk and order pizzas the thing is people will not listen when you tell them sorry wrong number we would have drunk people call back four to five times and then begin screaming into the phone I know this is an effing pizza huh you butthole or give me the number or I'll kick your butt this was pretty normal and the Pizza Hut was even aware of this and profusely apologized when we would call them never giving us anything for free though despite the massive inconvenience that the phone ringing off the hook well pizza corporate then pays for an advertisement on paper billboard and phone book and guess what they botched the number they put our number on the things for the phone number as one of the locations in our town for Pizza Hut's Pizza why because ones and sevens are the same number apparently the phone calls we get effing explodes it goes from like three to five phone calls a day to like a hundred to two hundred initially we were directing people with the message that simply said this is not Pizza Hut their number is such-and-such it didn't end we would get calls with people screaming into the voice recording I want an epi pizza this is B as I'm going to kill whoever doesn't answer this effing phone aren't boomers great we got that stuff all the time from older people I cannot tell you how many times I've been told to kill myself for trying to direct someone to the correct place and for some effing reason no one ever listens well upon this happening my dad calls into the Pizza Hut and says look all we want is to not have to change our number if you guys will please change yours or pay for ours to be changed it was like a ten dollar convenience fee or something well stop getting your dang phone calls the manager cussed my dad who had him on speakerphone calling him a boatload of names for kidding him bad reviews as well as losing customers to his branch which is locally owned what an effing joke it's costing their business a solid 10 grand easy over a phone number why not just change it I don't know my dad looks at the phone hangs up and says okay butthole you want to be like that about it my dad then instructs my 17 year old self and my sister to take all calls from now on if it rings pick it up take the order and say okay your pizza should be there in one and a half hours then when they call back to tell them sorry the driver just left and if they call back a third time say well I can get you on the phone with my manager but he's probably going to kick your butt if you keep complaining and then switch the phone with someone else and have them say listen here chump you aren't getting your pizza and we're keeping your money effing gets over it or something along those lines anyway two weeks pass and my dad tries to get the Pizza Hut to change our number for free never pointing out that they effed up their ad as apparently they were completely oblivious to this fact again the manager screams at my dad saying I don't have the money to change your effing number we even tried calling other Pizza Hut's to get the issue resolved and their corporate with no real luck fair enough it's game time why for two reasons one my dad got a phone with a transfer button and two because summer was rolling around and me and my sister loved Epping with people over this it was a really bad influence on us to be honest we fielded phone calls every day all day long we had people come over and they loved partaking in the same thing we had a general plan one every other call would get a pizza delivery two on the other calls we get them really pissed off talking smack to them and saying okay do you want to speak with my manager and just cold transfer them to the Pizza Hut's oh man it took six more weeks of us doing this and the Pizza Hut closed a few weeks before they closed we got a phone call from Pizza Hut corporate who more or less threatened us with a cease and desist but it sounded like they didn't really understand what was actually happening as it accused us of stealing their phone calls LMFAO we called their corporate and explained what was going on and even played our recordings of talking with him before about the issue and ignoring us all they said is you had better stop this is illegal over and over we didn't stop they were aware of what was going on but didn't want to do anything about it to fix their fubar a few weeks after the owner lost his job he called our house and was trying to argue with my dad about how bad of a person he was because I lost money and got my butt beads several times apparently we pissed a few people off so badly they actually went in and attacked him and other staff to this day it cracks me up that a company can be so oblivious and is a single reason I don't believe we live in anything close to a meritocracy anyone in this position who has any merit would instantly change the number but not a corporation who has money to sue and not a middle manager who has an ego problem hmm should I pay ten dollars to change my phone number and fix my failing business or should I let my business fail and lose the Tim's possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars I've invested hmm our next reddit post is from ligament er II I went in clothes shopping today the dressing room had a six item limit and I had more than six things to try on so I left some with the dressing room clerk at the desk I folded up the things I'd tried on that I wasn't buying and brought them to the clerk and exchanged them for new items as I was doing this a woman tapped me on the shoulder saying hey hey carry these in here please I guess assuming I was a clerk too I don't work here sure you do I just saw you folding clothes I was returning those items I'm in a hurry here excuse me and I walked off because I didn't have time to get into it with her and try on everything I needed to hey she followed me thankfully the desk clerk saw her and went over to help her so she left me be I went to the changing room put on an outfit and stepped out to see it in the full-length mirror bear in mind I changed my clothes at this point I don't know how this didn't make it clear that I was shopping but she asked can you get this for me in a smaller size I pretended to not hear her and rush back into the dressing room to avoid the confrontation apparently I was in such a hurry that I didn't properly latch the door because sliding the dress over my head tits flopped out in the breeze this woman follows after me and opens the door I take the dress off and see her staring mouth a gate and she just says you really don't work here do you stunned but mostly irritated I reply would I be naked if I worked here she walked away I shut the door and finished up when I came out to give my next round of items to the clerk the woman was waiting for me she apologized over and over and said she'd been on autopilot all day I told her not to worry about it and hope she enjoyed the show I wonder what the clerk thought happened you really don't work here do you Oh what gave it away wasn't my nipples that was our slash I don't work here lady and if you liked this video hit that subscribe button because I put out new reddit videos every single day
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, idontworkherelady, i dont work here lady, r/idontworkherelady, idontworkhere, i dont work here
Id: oUcR91GOnsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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