r/Pettyrevenge Karen Wanted my Parking Space

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welcome to our slash petty revenge where the revenge is small but the satisfaction is huge a couple of months ago during the first half of my workday my belt broke because I was buckling it back after using the restroom so at lunch I runs at the local Walley world and pick up a cheap replacement until I can buy a higher-quality one go in buy a bell then head back to my car I get back to my car and put the belt on while standing at my car as I'm putting on the belt I noticed a car has stopped in the aisle waiting on me to back out it was busy and the lot was full but I had lucked into the first spot next to the handicapped space primo spot I guess she got annoyed with waiting and as I was finishing putting my belt on I guess she thought I had decided just to piss in the parking lot in the middle of the day she rolls her window down to confront me did you just piss in the parking lots what what are you talking about you did you just piss in this parking lot disgusting hey [ __ ] who the hell pisses in the middle of a parking lot I was putting on a belt I just bought mine your own dang business BS you just pissed in the parking lots lady you're a [ __ ] I hope you're I'm planning on getting this parking spot because you ain't getting it like hell I ain't then the standoff begins no way in hell am i letting her get this space even if I have to sit there all afternoon we sit there five minutes ten minutes at least fifteen minutes with her even complaining to a car Wrangler about it he doesn't do anything of course then I see my chance a big truck parked about five to six spots further down the aisle is leaving and need space to back out and she's blocking him from doing so she backs up a bit and also gets closer to the cars on the other side of the aisle so the truck has room to back out this allows another car coming up the aisle to get behind the truck I head back out of this spot really quick as the truck is backing out she can't get around the truck to get my spot the car coming up the aisle gets behind the truck and because idiot lady has moved her car over the car coming up the aisle goes around to her and gets my spot idiot lady didn't have a turn signal on her anything since she had sat there so long I circle back around the next aisle to see her reaction she lays on the horn and yells at the car who pulled into my spot she is livid red-faced cursing etc the driver tells her to F off in the meantime another car has come and got in the space the truck backed out of so idiot lady had to keep circling to find a spot man it was sweet Opie it sounds like you really pissed her off our next reddit post is from Fox got socks I'm an attorney and used to work at a state government office where I had two supervisors one for my practice group and one for my section who from the very beginning decided to make it their business to treat me like garbage section chief had a habit of sitting on client questions for days then assigning them to me then when the client would inevitably ask why it was taking so long to do their stuff she'd respond only that I was the one working on that stuff making it look like the delay was my fault similarly the group supervisors favorite [ __ ] weasel read was to try to get me in trouble with both clients and higher-ups in our office for not doing things fast enough despite the fact that she would procrastinate for weeks on reviewing and signing off on work I actually did very fast indeed but what these hos beasts didn't know was that a I was saving all the emails they sent me that would include information like dates they assigned me work etc and be one of the aforementioned higher-ups was my former boss during my externship in law school so he liked me and knew I wasn't lazy or an idiot so one day group supervisor assigned me a question from our client agency involving a citizen's public records request and I prepared a draft response within an hour and sent it back to her I needed her to sign off on it before I advised the client but despite my getting a read receipt for my email she didn't respond for the rest of the day or the rest of the week edit in response to a question raised in the comments I had a policy of following up with people when I didn't get timely responses but had previously been told by the supervisor that she didn't need reminding about my email so I stopped doing that with her the client was supposed to answer the records request within a tight deadline under the law and eventually emailed the group supervisor to ask where the hell their answer was the group supervisor finally woke up and forwarded her original email assigning me the work to section chief to complain that I didn't do it in good time and then section chief forwarded that to the client and told them it was my fault it wasn't done yet so I having finally had enough wrote my little hands together in delight and proceeded to one reply all to section Chiefs emailed a client attaching my email to group supervisor containing the draft response I innocently wrote apologies for the inconvenience client our office rule is to wait for supervisory sign-off before providing advice but I've never the less attached draft advice prepared on date group supervisor and section chief do you agree with this advice may client act upon it to afford that response to former boss and very politely ask him in instances where there's a tight timeframe to respond to a client question is it okay to provide the client with a provisional draft advice like this within the deadline but let them know a supervisor needs a little more time to do the review and sign off the client ended up praising me for my efforts to get a response to him in a timely fashion and former boss thanked me for my question but said it should never be an issue in the first place then sent an office-wide notice to remind supervisors that they must provide necessary sign-off some advice within deadlines and must never blame those under them for delays in front of clients because that affects the image of the whole office he attached the emails in my matter as an example of what supervisors should not do so literally everyone saw what incompetent clowns they were our next reddit post is from brother P this happened about 20 years ago when I was a teacher in a small high school there was one teacher who was toxic and would say inappropriate things to students about the teachers he didn't like he once told some students of mine that I didn't get invited to parties because I was a stiff his dislike for me stem from the fact that I was vying for promotion to vice-principal and he felt threatened by it he had a bunch of other things that gave me a slam-dunk workplace harassment case against him but I never pursued it one day he brought in Donuts and left them in the staff room however being the guy he was he put little toothpick flags them with everyone's name on them but mine he also left note on the table saying help yourself not you Opie the one with his name on it was one of those powdered jelly filled things in full view of some of the other teachers who were gobsmacked by his behavior I took a straw sucked all the jelly out of it then refilled it with mustard then I put it back into the box unwrapped my sandwich and waited he came into the lunchroom with a eating grin on his face as he looked at me and nodded I munch my carrot sticks one of the women thanked him for the doughnuts he just smirked picked his up and took a big bite of it right in front of me the look of horror confusion and disgust on his face was priceless then wondersin ninety adds this below I have a satisfying story about Donuts - not really revenge more like Instant Karma but I'll share anyways I was a freshman in high school and was in the halls during class for whatever reason anyways this senior kid comes strolling in my general direction with a big box of donuts he lifts the lid and motions for me to grab one but pulls the box away at the last second a classic aha gotcha moments well unfortunately for him he hanged him away from me a little too quickly and the entire box of donuts slips out of his hands and directly into a very conveniently placed garbage can lid open and upside down there was no hope in salvaging him even one poor donut he scurried away in a huff and I walked back to class with a huge grin on my face and that's even better than getting her free donuts our next raid had posted from diffic you girl this happened almost a year ago at the time I was taking a bus right early to a hospital for chemotherapy which left me extremely weak and nauseous so when possible i sat in the handicapped section near the front of the bus occasionally people would ask me to move it's a bus to a hospital so a lot of people need the disabled seats and I'm young and outwardly looked healthy after my hair it started growing back of course they'd understand when I explained I needed the seat in Turbie lady a smartly dressed woman in her 60s she asked for my seat and I explained that I just had chemotherapy and I need the seat she calls me lazy calls me a liar and tells me that I don't look sick I'm too exhausted and nauseous to deal with this BS I've been trying to not throw up for the last half hour effort I decide and aim I puke all over her nice shoes she screams and jumps back I wish I had said something witty right then but I wish his busy puking she stood quietly red-faced at the other end of the bus and left me alone after that in retrospect I feel like a butthole for making the bus driver clean up my puke I was too much of a wreck to help I could barely stand up though I did apologize to him it was a spur-of-the-moment decision and I didn't really think that consequence through but man was it satisfying to puke all over that big edit thanks for all the kind words everyone I've been cancer-free for six months now and getting stronger I'm gonna take this brief moment in the spotlight to plug donating blood it really helps cancer patients and all sorts of other patients I received several blood donations per month and each time it felt like coming back from the dead I mean I can't speak for the bus driver but personally I would gladly clean up a cancer survivors puke if it means I got to see unentitled lady got puked on he'll give me front-row seats I'll even sit in the splatter zone for that kind of performance our next reddit post is from EQ and SIV fanatic five years ago my wife and I started new jobs in a new city right down the road from each other's offices employed with the same government agency our schedules were roughly similar for several months before she went to a night shift so she would occasionally encounter the same people or vehicles in our commutes the commute consisted mostly of two-lane roads with no passing one day my wife gets cut off by a fancy black sports car with a vanity plate let's say dick law he had been tailgating her for nearly ten minutes already she had the nerve to only go five miles per hour over this women on a busy downtown road so the moment he could he cut into the other Lane and past her giving her maybe only a foot or two of space after doing so and forcing her to hit the brakes suddenly in response she honked her horn at him justifiably in response to her surprise dick loss stopped his car in front of her dick law gets out of his vehicle and is an older balding male in a fancy tailored suit he starts marching towards my wife's much cheaper car shouting and ranting with his fists balled up and he hit her car a couple times thankfully it didn't get worse because my wife stayed in her car and already had her phone out calling 9-1-1 incidentally that's also her place of employment at the time and she was wearing a uniform which bears a bit of a resemblance to a sworn officers uniform dick law apparently notices all this apparently also taking note of her name tag after putting a crack in her windshield and immediately heads back to his car to drive off about a month later my wife ends up having to talk to internal affairs a prominent member of the legal community made an official complaint against her for reckless driving and aggressive behavior internal affairs thankfully is run by some awesome people and we had the physical damage on her vehicle that we photographed a partial recording of his shouting from the 9-1-1 call and the responding officers report the complaint was dismissed as unfounded due to dick laws prominent status as an attorney locally for almost 30 years nothing more could come of it legally my wife moved to night shifts and my own schedule adjusted slightly and I was working a typical nine-to-five hitting home from an office along mostly the same route that my wife followed lo and behold I soon discovered that with my adjusted hours I was leaving from the same parking garage as dick law every day of the week at the same time for the past nearly five years I waited for him almost every day of the week and made sure to drive home in front of him at exactly the speed limits this easily extended his home commute time by five to ten minutes each day depending on how much other traffic was on the road he tried tailgating me changing his hours that he was at the office and multiple other ways to escape this delay in getting home but thanks to an accomplice in his office I never had a problem learning his schedule or what vehicle he was driving when he sold his old one during times when I would take a vacation I had comrades from my department take up the mantle of driving slowly home to inconvenience this guy I've gone through three cars in the ensuing timeframe but he never seemed to want to make a confrontation of it as of three months ago I moved to a new office building and dick law retired shortly after the sagas ended and I can only assume he's off to enjoy a retirement of kicking babies or whatever it is lawyers do in their free time it was a good run and would always fill me with satisfaction at the end of each day no matter what I faced down the common stereotypical team says my father swears up and down that there are people paid to drive slowly like they have a network of people just to mess with him I now realize my dad may be the douche bag on this commute our next reddit post is from do you even lift I never really believed in the stereotype of the condescending holier-than-thou vegan I figured it was an invention of omnivores that liked to make fun of vegans and projects some kind of judgmental attitude on them and then I met her she came into this really solid Asian fusion restaurant that does carryout she was talking to her friend and the gist of the conversation was that she was appalled that she was even in this restaurant the food didn't even count as begin since they also served meat in fact for the 10 minutes that I knew her she basically had nothing nice to say about anyone or anything it was pretty spectacular listening to one person managed to say nothing nice for ten minutes she could win gold in the butthole Olympics I'd been standing in line patiently waiting to place an order with one person in front of me as she walked in that person finished ordering at which point she breezed by me like I didn't even exist I had like a tofu lo mein the woman behind the counter looked at me and I coughed politely I'm sorry I was here first this elicited the biggest most how dare you waste my time I roll I've ever seen and she wordlessly stepped back I ordered a chicken fried rice then she ordered her tofu lo mein and we sat back to wait for food ten minutes later the first order popped up at which point this woman mindlessly chatting with her friend about how much someone they both knew is a total [ __ ] swiped the order without thinking and without a thank-you and stormed for the door in a desperate hurry to ruin other people's evenings somewhere my first thought was isn't it likely that my order finished before yours and I almost said it and then I realized she was storming out with the meal she really really didn't want the next meal popped up about two minutes later I grabbed it knowing there was a solid chance it was tofu thank the very nice woman behind the counter and left without stopping to open it afraid that if I wasted a second time that angry Shu might have stormed back in and corrected her oversight I triumphantly ate a tofu lo mean back at home that night well I ate the lo mein and picked around the tofu I don't know if that harpy returned demanding her correct meal or if she just got home realized it was chicken fried rice and threw it away dejectedly I just hope she felt some level of the misery she seemed to enjoy forcing on everyone around her that was our slash petty revenge and if you liked this video then subscribe to my channel because I put out new write up videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 790,063
Rating: 4.9162679 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, pettyrevenge, petty revenge, r/pettyrevenge
Id: w0oT8eIPzOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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