r/Entitledparents Goat HEADBUTTS an Entitled Karen!

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welcome to our slash entitled parents we're an entitled mom kids hid but by a billy goat my brother and his psycho wife asked me the other day to babysit their children and I said no I work a 9 to 5 job and do extracurricular stuff afterwards it's more important to which his psycho wife said you're going to babysit your nephew and niece is because we're on our way to your place right now and you're just gonna have to effing deal with it too which I then replied go ahead and try and promptly got in my car and left my place of residence and didn't come back until later I already had things to do the next morning my neighbor said that a woman was at my door with her baby and two little girls for an hour and a half knocking on the doors and windows just trying to get in to which I called my brother and was absolutely livid and told him to not let his wife do that stuff turns out they wanted me to watch the kids so they could go bar-hopping until 2:00 a.m. and not have me return their children until 10:00 a.m. I've told him in my family I'm child free everyone seems to leave me alone except for this jerk she has legit called me irresponsible and a man-child for not wanting to have kids when I first told my family about it how is it that the person who wants to ditch their children so they could go drink until 2:00 a.m. is calling other people immature our next reddit post is from nanny Lynn my mother-in-law is an awful entitled mother her and her daughter used to try everything they could to make me freak out I never gave her the satisfaction of yelling at her or arguing with her but my sister is not one to back down from someone acting like a spoiled toddler also my sister has a very unconventional way of dealing with crazy folks one day my sister had come over to my house we were watching TV with our kids so that meant Sesame Street The Electric Company and Mister Rogers all great shows by the way there was one hand puppet kitty cat on Mister Rogers that would meow while saying something for instance it would say meow meow meow friend meow when it was asking someone to be its friend for some odd reason this hit us both as hilarious and we began doing this to the kids like asking meow meow meow hungry meow we kept it up all afternoon just being silly the kids loved it later after dinner I went to drive says home she wanted to stop for a soda on the way to her house so we did to my dismay my mother-in-law was in the convenience store where we stopped this woman immediately started being awful to me she said oh my God why are you out so late it was 9:00 p.m. what are you even doing here does my son know where you are are you buying alcohol we were each holding a soda does my son know you're out buying alcohol she knew I never drink are you going to drive while in that shape we are my grandkids Lord this woman was exhausting before I could even open my mouth to answer my sister stepped up and said to her meow meow meow stupid meow my mother-in-law stared at her for a few seconds before stammering well what to which my sister said ah meow meow meow [ __ ] meow at this point several other people Neera started snickering without another word my mother-in-law turned on her heels and stomped out of the store I hadn't said a single word to her hadn't really gotten the chance I took my sister and nephew home after that nephew had been off looking at the candy bars in the store and had missed it all by the time I'd gotten home my mother-in-law had called my hubby priest cell phone dais and told him my sister and I had been drunk in public and was also ruder he knew better though so he asked me what had really happened he laughed so hard after I told him that he had tears in his eyes to this day my husband and his brothers will say meow meow meow meow to anyone being unreasonable that story was meow meow meow funny meow our next reddit post is from too lazy to gank I am a happily single 39 year old male I live in a nice neighborhood just outside of town my neighborhood is a single street with about two acres per household I'd look like I'm 18 if I shave baby goats are called kids a little background for you two weeks ago my goats had two kids I don't know if you've ever seen baby goats in person but they're adorable my male goat bruise is a nubian goat and the female Lily is a fainting goat they had a male and a female the male is surf flops a lot and the female is Esmeralda if I knew how to post pictures I would I obviously loved my animals my neighbors loved my animals as well they feed my dog leftover steak any chance they see him outside their daughter visits with the goats every day and has been so excited for the two new baby goats she named them yesterday was like any normal Sunday I usually take my dog for a car ride and then we walk in a local park for an hour or so my cell phone rang and it was my cool neighbors alerting me to a random minivans sitting in my driveway by the garage I live in eastern Tennessee minivans are not too popular my neighbors were just letting me know that someone was sitting in my driveway I wasn't expecting anyone and I don't know anyone with a minivan so I told them that I didn't know anyone with a minivan and that I would be on my way back I was about thirty minutes away they rang back and said some lady got out and ran down to where I had my goat pen I have my goat pen split at the moment to separate Bruce from the kids and Lily male goats sometimes played too rough with their kids out of jealousy when I arrived home and pulled into my driveway I was met by Bruce standing on the hood of a beat-up looking minivan also the sheriff and some police from the town were in my upper driveway and parking area talking was some fat lady I parked in my driveway behind the minivan and asked Bruce what he was doing out obviously he didn't answer but the fat lady came running over screaming at me that she was gonna sue my parents and I needed to get them there right away the sheriff and police officers were right on her heels and caught her before she made it to me this may not be verbatim but it's what I recall here in so much trouble that goat attacked me then it destroyed my minivan get your parents here this instance what the f were you doing on my property the sheriff said sir is that your goat yes that's Bruce this lady claims it attacked her and her car when she pulled into the driveway to turn around my neighbors came out when they heard the commotion my neighbor said she didn't pull in to turn around she went down to the go pin we have it on video I'll need to see that video if she did go down to the pin I'll also have video from the Penan from the house the fat lady was sweating and starting to back up like she was gonna make a break for it backed right up into the deputy the look on her face was of absolute horror could you put your goat away no problem give me a few minutes and I'll get a video recording from the pin while I'm down there I put Bruce away and notice that he had destroyed the fencing right by the gate to his side I also noticed that the gate to the kids side was Unchained and Esmeralda was missing I grabbed the SD card and ran up the hill screaming that I'm missing a baby goats where's my baby goat you dogface but how dare you talk to me like that ma'am if you know now's the time to tell I don't know what you're talking about look at my band it's ruined I need an ambulance after what that gosh darn goat did to me Bruce got out again and came charging back up the hill and climbed on the hood of the van screaming his head off it dawned on me that maybe she put as Murrell de in her van but the police officers were quicker ma'am open your van sir control your goats I'll try but his fencing looked like he beat it all up in anger I put my dog's harness on him and clipped him to the dog run she kept giving excuses why she won't open her van but we all knew the real reason she opened her van finally and the stench just rolled out of it oh my god what is that smell it's scared baby goat doo doo you [ __ ] you're lucky there are cops here here go ruin my new band you'll be hearing from my lawyer you'll get to speak to him after we get you back to this station tougher I took as Morell to back and check to see if she was hurt she wasn't just scared my neighbor's daughter carried her back down to the pan and I grabbed another panel to fix her Bruce broke out the deputy took the crazy lady away the sheriff and my cool neighbors came in to watch the security footage apparently she snagged Esmerelda and was coming back for sir flops a lot when Bruce broke out you could see her turn around and start waddling up the hill and Bruce charging right for her she got nailed right in the hips he got her again in the shoulder as she got up she shoved Bruce down and tried to get in her van but Bruce rammed her driver's side door he then jumped / climbed on her hood and was tap dancing his anger outs we were played her getting nails in the hip many times the sheriff was laughing we were all laughing Opie I will do anything to get this video of your coat destroying this entitled parents if you get in contact me I will buy that video from you for a thousand dollars please email me I want to see it my fans want to see it and to everyone else you have got to subscribe to my channel because if I ever get my hands on that video you're definitely gonna want to see it a goat taking down an entitled parent oh my god it's like a dream come true our next reddit post is from average dude and for context on this one Opie worked at an amusement park so here I am kind of dreading coming into work at this point because I know I have about three days left of working as a ride operator from there I would go on to work at the National Archives or the Smithsonian I think I decided on national archives at this point but I honestly don't remember this becomes relevant later so I'm working at my favorite ride in the park it's called the music Express if you know the ride that spins in a circle goes up and down a little goes backwards sometimes it's that there are everywhere hours in this case is a seat belt and a latch bar I'm working there with someone which is unusual as we were understaffed and that section due to a promotional event we were doing we load everyone up and when I get back down to the entrance after double checking my partner's work and him checking mine we really care about safety you were fired for not being up to standard on safety I get someone who will call Karen she asked me to come over to her and ask me to look at her daughter's arms the daughters about five or so the exchange goes as follows what am I supposed to be looking at the daughter has some various bruises and cuts nothing I did the usual for an active kid what do you mean what are you supposed to be looking at look at her arm I am sorry ma'am I'm not entirely sure what I'm supposed to be looking at here you cut my daughter do you mind showing me where uh kids show I'm where he cut you the kid points to the inside of her elbow I now realize exactly where this is going this is going to be an untitled mother trying to get something because her babies hurts it continues I finally figure out which cut it is on the kids arm are you okay is there anything I can get you is she okay she's been screaming at you for the past five minutes and other people have been trying to get your attention I want you to get her ice at the very least I don't have ice here but I can direct you to first aid no we're on the ride we want to ride it and she needs ice now as I said I can direct you to the first aid fine we'll do it your way we'll go to first aid but we're not writing she said this like it was some sort of thread saying I'm not writing as a thread isn't new to me anymore I'm used to it but I do also want to add a quick addendum that once we check all the seats we can't leave the right area due to safety concerns I won't get into now there's a new addition friendly co-worker that's fine I can't go with you to first aid though what why it's a safety concern because I am a nine-year season pass holder and I know you can come with me I finally got them out of their cars like I said before I can't haven't you heard the customer's always right you're coming with me I can't however if you follow the certain path you can reach first aid karen gets to the entrance and sees the guest service flag why can't you have an excellent guest service like the person who got that you're terrible at your job I am a nine-year season pass holder and work for this date I'm going to have you fired actually I earned that flag I also have this because I'm one of the best operators in the park no you're not give me some ice from that booth and we'll be on our way I'm sorry as I've said before there's no ice in the booth she says to my other co-worker get my kids some ice from the booth I can't we don't have ice in the booth the Karen stomps towards the booth I'm getting you both fired I am a nine years heathen pass holder and work for the state at this point I'm fed up with these antics she's put on for the past 15 minutes so you outrank me because you work for the state and I work for an amusement park he has in about two weeks I'll be working for the national government in DC which means per your own standards I ought rank you give me a pen and a sheet of paper I'm writing down both of your names and having you fired I grab a sheet of paper and pull the pin off my visor that I always have with me my name is Opie Karen pushes down on the pins so hard that the top of the ballpoint pen pops off and the ink with it mighty convenient isn't that give me another pin she whips the pin at me which I dodged my coworker hands her another pin and gives her his name how do I know your name is Opie keep in mind by this point she checked my ID on two separate occasions before this and I have a nametag that clearly displays my name on my chest at this point my memory gets fuzzy as I was completely caught off guard from Karen harassing me for a solid 20 minutes she eventually leaves and I try my best to go back to being my usually cheery operator self you know the one that has multiple awards from the park and one from a training company as well as having been videotaped for random screening of the park to then be later uses a model for how to be a good operator when my supervisor comes over and tells me I need to see the head of right operations Karen has apparently accused me of assaulting her and her daughter being an overall rude and arrogant jerk making suggestive comments as well as being rude to other guests same goes for my friendly co-worker head of write operations asked for my side of the story I say that I was working the music Express with my coworker when she stops me wait you don't mean the other ride what is that what she said just asking well neither me nor my coworker are trained at the other ride and only one person can be operating it at a time well she did say that right I laugh at the stupidity of it and from relief no as I said that wouldn't be possible that's basically how the conversation went and my coworker confirmed everything I said we were both sent home the next day with paid to make sure she wouldn't try to start anything more the next day I come in to find out that multiple people on the ride and in line at the Music Express had reported her for berating me and just wanted to make sure I wouldn't be fired because of the statements of those people combined with mine and my co-workers oral and written accounts of what happened she had her season pass revoked and was banned from the park for the rest of the year a satisfying ending if you ask me honestly I'm shocked Opie wasn't fired because I don't know if you caught this it was kind of subtle in this story but apparently she's a 9-year season pass holder that was our slash entitled parents and if I managed to get my hands on that video of the entitled mother getting destroyed by the goat then you're definitely gonna want to see it so be sure to subscribe to my channel
Channel: rSlash
Views: 836,522
Rating: 4.9546208 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: DftbvAv0eDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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