r/Maliciouscompliance Racist Lady Freaks Out Over Interracial Couple

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welcome to our sloshed militias compliance we're an entitled Karen tries and fails to apply for a job I live in a long long hilly rural road it has a 45 mile per hour speed limit and is a no passing zone the entire way it's illegal unsafe and nearly impossible to pass someone no matter how slowly they're going because it's a quiet road and away from town locals will normally drive 50 to 55 miles per hour this was fine until police started setting speed traps because the road is so hilly it's easy to accidentally go 55 miles per hour when going downhill this is how they got me and a lot of my neighbors okay fine it is technically speeding but I leave work around the time the cops start hitting back home so I either see them fly ahead of me at 60 miles per hour or tailgate me the entire way home it pisses me off so I started driving this speed limit exactly the speed limit 45 miles per hour down the entire stretch of road when we come to those sharp turns I go all the way down to the 20 miles per hour suggested speed almost every night a cop gets stuck behind me the entire way and there's no way for them to pass me they also can't turn on another road because all the others are just gravel back roads that lead to farms my long long hilly road is their only routes it definitely pisses them off they'll turn their brights on and weave around their lane to try and get me to speed up as soon as I turn onto my driveway they gunned it I've even had one turn his lights on to make me pull over only for him to speed past me and drive ahead it's probably not smart to inconvenience a cop but what else am I supposed to do I'm just respecting the speed limit our next reddit post is from spiral MX I took a biology class my sophomore year in high school and my teacher was pretty cool she was laid-back funny and didn't have your typical teacher vibe she'd set up a curse jar in the room and the funds were used to pay for supplies 25 cents if you saw but one dollar if he dropped an f-bomb one day we were doing some group work in tables the ones with Bunsen burners in this in the middle behind me was a kid that was particularly annoying and pretty talkative Patrick was probably the type of kid who later went on to cure cancer or create minecraft smart kid but he was basically a 17 year old Martin from The Simpsons anywho we're all trying to do our work and Patrick is getting on my nerves he keeps making loud bad jokes and poking his head in on our project telling us what we're doing wrong I asked him twice to just worry about his own table but the third time I lost it I walked up to the front of the class pulled out my wallet grabbed one dollar and put it on the teacher's desk turned around and said quite loudly Patrick shut the [ __ ] up I walked back to my table and sat down the entire class was silent and was staring at me and then the teacher she looked down at the dollar bill on her desk and started laughing out loud the rest of the class joined in and Patrick's shrunken to his seat the teacher then said well he paid his dollar and that's the story of how I told a kid to STFU in class without getting into trouble our next read of posters from sumo ninja let's call her Karen just because it fits she came in and applied for a job and when I looked at a resume and application I realized she knew some of my old neighborhood friends and schoolmates she interviewed well so I gave her a job told her to be in Monday at 9:00 a.m. Monday morning she's not in she no calls no shows Tuesday no call no show I had now written her off Wednesday she shows up about noon claims she was in her basement Sunday night and her brother was working out and he accidentally knocked her out during his intense workout she claimed her doctor told her she had a concussion and she should stay home for a couple days she had no doctor's note no marks on her head but thinking her story was so off the wall it could almost be true I let her come to work the next day she worked Thursday and Friday we paid at the end of every week and I gave her a check Friday I also did not deduct the day she missed she came to me and asked about the full paycheck I told her we were a family business and realized people had lives outside work we tried to make sure people knew they were appreciated and tried to take care of our people she teared up and thanked me and said we could count on her she worked the next full week did okay she seemed to fit in seemed the third week she showed up Monday but Tuesday was another no-show no call we didn't hear from her for over two weeks when she finally showed up her story was the stuff of legends she claimed her husband had forged divorce papers a couple years previous thinking she was divorced she moved back into her parents house she claimed her ex-husband was at her parents house when she got home to last night she worked he told her he made up the divorce and the paperwork was phony so they were still married and wanted to get back together she claims she refused and he kidnapped her she said it took her and tell a couple of days ago to get away from him she wanted to come into work the next day she didn't call the police and he wasn't arrested there was nothing in the paper or the news about any of this she wasn't hurt thank God she asked if I believed her I did not but told her that I really needed someone I could count on coming in reliably every day I gave her a paycheck for one week she'd worked one day and told her I wished her good luck I had already replaced her and her replacement was one of the best employees we ever had here's the malicious compliance the next month I come into a phone message from someone at a company who had called for a reference for Karen as my secretary is handing me the message she's laughing at the look on my face I asked if she was kidding she said she was not she said she got a call from a man saying he was the owner of a company in the area and he asked about Karen then my secretary asked if she could listen in on the call she was a pistol she then goes and gets my partner and tells him I'm going to call and give Karen a reference now he's in my office laughing - I called the guy and we make some small talk I tell him what we do and he tells me what he wants Karen to do for him I tacked fully avoided answering any of the questions about Karen directly I think he was beginning to suspect something remember folks employers can get in a ton trouble for bad references he finally asked my opinion of Karen and what I said was if you can get Karen to work for you you will be very lucky he heard what I said and how I said it he repeated that back to me exactly as I said it all my words were the right ones it was my tone and intonation that got my point across he thanked me and hung up Karen comes into my office a couple days later she looks mad but it's trying to be pleasant she told me she's having trouble finding a job and mission she's used me as a reference she wanted to know if anyone from a certain company has called me she knew they did she told me she really wanted the job a company X I told her that I'd been called and that I told the guy he'd be lucky to get her to work for him my secretary confirmed that's what I told him she told her she was right next to me during the whole conversation Karen smiled and thanked me and hid it for the door she said she wondered why she was having so much trouble getting a job she asked if she could continue to use me for a reference and I told her absolutely I also told her that I'd tell everyone the same thing that any employer would be lucky if they can get you to work for them she walked away smiling happy and clueless so I never heard before the companies can get in trouble for giving out a bad of our friends so I looked it up and apparently if you give a bad reference and the person doesn't get a job you could potentially be liable for defamation so down in the comments here's how some people have handled references my nectar says I once had a boss field to call about an ex co-worker of mine his side of the conversation sounded like this yes yes he worked here now before you start asking questions I want to tell you that we have a policy about not seeing anything negative about previous employees that's all I have to say about so and so and then colotti ola says I knew an HR manager at my old job who when asked for a reference for a bad ex-employee would answer every question with so-and-so is with us from 2000 playing to 2000 blank was he a good worker so-and-so was with us from 2000 blank to 2000 blank any problems with other staff so-and-so was with us from 2000 blank to 2000 blank usually the caller got the idea pretty quickly our next reddit post is from heya this happened before I graduated college I was working a part-time housekeeping job for a doctor's office after closing the most annoying thing was the blatant disregard for the people who worked there in particular the women at the front portions of the office would throw trash everywhere and not put it in the can under their desk the floor would be covered in trash right around the trashcan and most the time I wouldn't even have to change the garbage bag just dump the very few pieces that managed to get in the can and then literally crawl around under the desk on my hands and knees picking up all their garbage I'm talking paper thrown everywhere old folders they've clean up from closets candy wrappers tuna cans you're eating tuna in an office and thousands of peanut shells to name a few they just didn't care the amount of lazy you have to be to throw garbage right beside the can and not in it astounds me I never complain to anyone about it because even though it pissed me off I figured it was less effort to just pick it up that is until I got a note a very passive-aggressive note from a particularly messy woman letting me know I threw her Calendar away and why would I ever do such a thing then o P posts a picture of the note and for those listening and not watching the video this lady highlighted the note in a very obnoxious ways so I'll do my best to copy her style so I left an unopened still in the plastic calendar beside my trashcan yesterday why would you throw it away if it isn't in my can please don't touch it Thanks one the calendar was propped up against her garbage can that's usually the universal sign of hey this needs to be thrown away and they threw stuff like that away all the time why put it there if it isn't trash - there's so much garbage under your desk every single night how am I supposed to know when something is trash three it isn't my job to determine what is and what isn't to be thrown away it was my bed that I threw the calendar way because I didn't pay attention to the dates or anything on it like I said there's always garbage everywhere but when I got this note I was pissed the nerve after I spend so much unnecessary time cleaning up garbage that you can't be bothered to actually put in your trash cans because you're too lazy fine if it's not my can don't touch it you got it I won't touch anything that isn't in your garbage can I left everything that was on the floor exactly where it was and just changed the bags needless to say she didn't like that and complained to my supervisor my response was but I was just doing exactly what she told me to do shrug my petty self was pleased then my supervisor told the office manager that if they wanted their trash taken out then they were to put it in the trash can otherwise nothing would be thrown away with the exception of boxes labeled trash that were too big for cans down in the comments dishy sums up my thoughts about this entitled Karen pretty nicely okay I'm just picturing her pulling out all her different highlighters to circle and underscore stuff and God just plain F this entitled bit then victim says she spent more effort on the note than she did on actually using the trashcan our next reddit posts from heterochromia cat I've been living in Japan for a little over two years with my husband he was born here and we decided to move to his hometown it's a small city but there's enough to do without getting bored I describe us as an Asian man white female couple it's not so common in Western countries and it can feel like we're some rare shiny pokemon in rural Japan lots of staring occasional secret pictures or even small chats if an old lady is brave enough to approach us it can feel uncomfortable eating at a restaurant because kids will turn around in their seat and stare at us the whole time with an open fish mouth coincidentally there's a small US military base located in the city the closer you are to downtown the more American families you see I'm constantly mistaken for being military by American and Japanese which is understandable besides myself I only know five other interracial marriages here it's always locals who asked about my American husband when I'm out alone which I respond in Japanese watashi no ato WOD Nihonjin desu ooo cocconi sunde imasu which translates very roughly to my husband is Japanese and I live here or something along those lines Americans never ask about my marriage as they assume my spouse is American when we're together in public we do an abnormal couple behavior such as holding hands no couples rarely hold hands in public let alone say I love you in Japan we don't go downtown too often since it's all paid a park and it's a nightmare to find a place it was a beautiful warm day for the first time in months but we decided to battle for a spot and walk around the shops the crowd was heavy since the weather was great and winter was ending the season for new American families to move here just finished so I'm sure this was many people's first time to leisurely walk and shop outside we find a parking spot and made our way to the outside shops of course we're holding hands and casually talking and laughing wow I hear this from an American woman about 10 feet behind us you should know that a Japanese stereotype against Americans is that we're rudely and I'm noxious li loud and this well was loud enough for me to turn my head around at the noise she was with two other moms who had like three kids each they were staring at me but perhaps we just accidentally had eye contact at the right time seriously aDNA their little home wrecker is doing this in public chil woman you're so loud even I can hear you we find a table nearby at the Starbucks outside we're enjoying our drinks when the same group of women approached us with their strollers in tow they definitely had some sort of purpose with something to say to us let's call her on Oh which means woman in Japanese excuse me but you need to keep whatever you're doing in your messed-up home doing that in public in front of families to see is disgusting and immoral kids don't need to see such a bad display of marriage I am so confused as was my husband who can speak English who knew drinking coffee outside was a crime against humanity and marriage I am sorry what did we do you know exactly what you're doing she points to my wedding ring no I don't good lord does your husband know about this is he on a ship right now that's so like a depend upon I miss her friends laughs in case you don't speak military a depend upon Thomas is slang for a military wife who stays at home all day doesn't clean uses their spouse as an ATM and looks like Jabba the Hutt it dawns on me she thinks I'm a military spouse and I'm cheating on my American husband I started laughing because she's suggesting I'm cheating on my husband with my husband this is my spouse I'm actually not part of the military community and have a Japanese visa the woman looks my significant other up and down the two women behind her apologised but the ANA didn't believe it no one would voluntarily want to live in this little town nicely but you're not representing the military community you make all of us wives look like [ __ ] who is your husband and what this rank also I need you depend in ID my husband is a high rank so he'll make sure your husband is aware of your infidelity she pulls out her phones or probably type my response I'm offended since this is actually a nice place to live and very open to foreigners look my husband's name is blank and he's sitting right here I'm not going to show you my military ID since I don't have one and you're not the police as proof you can obviously see our wedding bands match and here's a picture I show her my phone screen which is of us in traditional Japanese clothes on our wedding day her eyes became huge at the picture her two friends in their spawn have already started walking away why are you in a relationship with him you should be in a normal relationship and start having a family with a marriage in kids she says some other statements which I'd consider racist against the Asian race it's so ironic because we're in Japan and she's fussing about me being married to a Japanese man my husband has been quiet throughout the whole exchange and says to me we should go I agree and set up stop the things you're saying are extremely offensive I was part of the military community myself years ago and what you're doing is against spousal conduct she smirked go ahead and tell people what I did then my high-ranking husband is an e7 and everything will be swept under the rug no matter what happens you can't touch me so that's what I did no this is a small military community someone does something minor and has talked about between wives like chickens later that day I run into my friend who works in the base and she's well known in the community for being one of the main event coordinators I don't miss this chance to comply with on his demands and explain to my friend about the exchange and how it made my husband extremely uncomfortable with her remarks she asked me if this person looked like so-and-so which I said yes my friend rolls her eyes she just arrived a couple months ago and is already causing problems with rumors and drama looks like we have a racist - I'll make sure what you said is passed on it's been half a year later and I didn't hear anything about Ana again since I distance myself from making military friends here I have only been in my new city for a little over two years and experienced more drama from military families and I have my whole high school career that is until now last week I ran into my friend who's getting ready to move back to the United States we had a little discussion about her moving and my family planning and dropped a bombshell do you remember Hana who accused you of cheating on your non-existent military spouse and called your husband a racist name of course I haven't heard anything from her since well I mentioned we were already having problems with her not long after she got here I told my boss that there's a person who was bothering and threatening civilians and asking for IDs which isn't allowed for someone with her staff my boss was extremely interested after I mentioned her name because Ana was scheduled for an interview in my department I suggested we look at her social media accounts from her past behavior because we don't tolerate racism it was easy to find her Twitter and Facebook particularly Facebook since we have many mutual friends her social network service was shocking while she said her Facebook to private her Twitter was littered with malicious tweets and retweets this included racist slang for many nationalities colorful language and using her husband's military rank to bully others she made it very clear that she went to see her Korean City burned to the ground and why would anyone want to learn Japanese and it sounds terrible we printed some of the more extreme things she posted and we still invited her to the interview oh and did I mention my boss is Japanese so she comes into the interview which I was a part of I asked for three good things about her and she said I am dependent I get things done and I am friendly my boss just looked at her for a second before he pulled out her tweets and asked her to explain how she can friendly serve the local community if she hates it so much Anna was floored and said someone hacked into her account despite there being at least three years of slanderous tweets we thanked her for coming and said we can't accept an employee with this conduct as far as I know she's still not working because some spouses found her Twitter not long after the interview and was shared in all departments no one will touch her application now so all of this was because I told you about her accusations yes oh and she's kind of an outcast socially right now because she cheated on her husband a couple months ago there you have it folks because one person couldn't mind their own business they lost a potential job and had their social media exposed super ironic since she became the depend upon him as an adulterer the same thing she was accusing me of that was our / mushes compliance and this is our / puppy bloopers Karen smiled and what the ho tog what is that Karen smiled and thanked me and Karen smiled and thanked me and headed to the door doggy come on man I'm trying to record here your wagging tail is pink against the wall Karen's smile Karen
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,615,970
Rating: 4.9391441 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, maliciouscompliance, malicious, compliance, r/maliciouscompliance
Id: w3vl5ap0hz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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