r/Choosingbeggars Entitled Kid Dumps BMW in River "I WANTED A JAGUAR!"

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welcome to our slash choosing beggars where people demand discounts on free products it will be 21 years since my humble beginning the fabulousness and I know you are all wondering what to give such a queen as myself worry not as I will enlighten you 1 all monetary funds are and will be acceptable hit up the DM z-- with the money emoji for bank details 2 in the matter of cosmetics clothing and shoes gift cards are a more acceptable option unless you know my shader size do not gamble 3 branded jewels accessories and perfumes are welcome do not buy me flowers do not buy me chocolates even if they are expensive you will be enlisted as an enemy of my weight loss progress o friends who live out of blank shipping takes 2 to 3 weeks so you've got time message me with the mail emoji for address details peace and love to you all and hope to receive my gifts on the 28th smooch people like this is why there are companies that sell glitter bombs by mail I am an exposed you on YouTube exposed me on YouTube because I want to get paid for my work no because you're a rude and inconsiderate person okay here's the deal I'll make the banner and put 300 penises on the banner I will remove one penis for every cent you pay wow you're so rude go F yourself for being so rude exposed me on YouTube because I want to get paid for my work go ahead just give it to me for free gotta go see ya well you are getting exposed on YouTube but not the way you expected selling Avengers in-game poster limited edition free is this still available yup 20 bucks pretty sure your ad says free the comment says give me a reasonable offer serious buyers only read before you speak no I read that just wanted to know why you posted us free if you're expecting reasonable offers so people can click on it and so I can get an offer remember nothing is free in this world mother-effer accept that poster you got you got it for free you know what else is free lying and saying that you'll buy the poster just meet me in this incredibly out-of-the-way and inconvenient location Indian man pushes birthday present BMW in the river an Indian man apparently angered at getting a BMW for his birthday instead of a Jaguar pushed the new vehicle into a river a video posted on social media shows it floating away on the river in the northern Indian state of Haryana it later got stuck on a bank of tall grass and the man said to be the son of a local landlord tried to rescue it police are investigating the incident local media reports BMW cars cost around 3.5 million rupees or about forty nine thousand dollars locally with Jaguars costing about four to five million rupees so down in the comments someone posted the video footage of this and this guy looks exactly how you expect them to and here's some footage of a fifty thousand dollar car floating down an Indian River hello ma'am I really like your t-shirt designs can I get one sure do you see a design on my profile you like or do you have a different one you'd like me to do I am a streamer I am good at the playing video games I want to t-shirt with my gamer logo on it please then this guy posts his logo which has water marks on it which as we know from the subreddit means he got someone to make it for him and then refused to pay so he's just using the water marked one like this please it's my xbox clan logo I need five please for my clan mates okay sure I can do that it would probably work best with dry-fit cotton material I can place an order through here but it might be easier for you to go through the link in my bio and upload your photo there no no I do it here please my address blank okay what color of shirts would you like black please ripped logo please of course the total four five shirts will be about eighty seven fifty before taxes and shipping each shirt will be seventeen fifty before taxes why sure it's expensive well those are actually pretty good prices for the value I have to order the shirts then apply the logo by hand blank a printing shop where I make all my shirts by hand which includes ordering shirts weeding out the design and then hand applying it to the shirts individually and I do that all myself free only free free t-shirts yes please ma'am I am for but I give you shout out on my gaming page um I'm sorry I can't do that I am however willing to give 10% off your order since you're a first-time customer okay ma'am I could pay $20 take it or leave it afraid I can't do that sorry please send me the shirts angry face I need your shirts for my gaming page please we're a big group and going to be famous please send me them you get shout out on all pages please stop ignoring me you're losing business sir I'm afraid I can only do one shirt for that $20 no I five five shirts please censures that address all of them no can do I hope you find what you're looking for after your mother greedy jerk Yury shirts are nasty I have friends who make them way better that's good have fun with that AB you blocked you [ __ ] how much do you wanna bet that this choosing beggar has a fortnight YouTube channel our next reddit post is from Manuel Raveena hello is this blank yes who is this how'd you get my number I got your number from blank I'm her sister and your name is I'm choosing beggar wanna know if I'm single too uh no I just want to be sure you are who you pretend you are so what are you one for me you never talked to me before I heard you was selling a $1,000 laptop was wondering if it's still available sure 1000 Unruh fundable want to buy it yes my son was looking for a laptop to buy and mentioned he sometimes plays on years oh yeah blink he is a good kid I'll be glad you'll get him my laptop plus his favorite games so Pay Pal or cash in hand yes but I can't afford it at that price hello oh sorry was busy so I can drop it to around 900 bucks no it cannot be 900 I could not afford such things I'm a single mom with a single job my boyfriend dumped me without giving me money what's your personal life have to do with behind my laptop and no offense but I heard from Jake you cheated on your boyfriend so he don't owe you anything what is the fact that I cheated on my boyfriend had anything to do with you exactly give me your laptop for free for offending me or I'm going to call your mom for calling me a cheater and selling your laptop that she probably bought for you she knows I'm selling it and I have her consent my son needs it you are too old to play on it anyway have a good day please my kid needs it don't you want him to be happy blank told me you had a crush on me and found me sexy what if I gave you a chance to date me with benefits uh no not a chance you're five years older than me and way to be a good mom if you attempt to do anything with my mom know that I'm showing her these tags and are not welcome on our property and Jake wants to have a talk with you and again have a good day good did this choosing beggar just try to prostitute herself out for a $1,000 laptop after just admitting that she's a cheater I saw the free dishwasher you have on Craigslist I live in Smyrna though got anything else to throw in to make it worth my time I'll tell you what I'll knock half off the asking price ope you should have been like how dare you make such an unreasonable offer for that I'm asking it double the asking price hey blank I read your post saying free psychic readings can you do mine yes I charge $20 can you pay oh sorry I read the word free that's why I messaged you WTF you can't even pay $20 how the f are you even surviving go F yourself you jerk I can pay on my payday but hey mind your language okay go F yourself you jerk go suck your dad's dick and tell your brothers suck your kitty cat I'm telling my dad to abuse you and tear your kitty cat you epping prostitutes oMG I'm reporting you to Facebook goodbye Oh P I think you read the posting wrong it's free psycho not free psychic hi there I've replaced Nicole at blank and I can't find the keys to the lock on the change drawer for any of our machines hi amber the keys are with me as my guys are the ones who empty the change and tally it every fortnight hi ABS is it I don't know why you would have the keys when they're our units I'll need them back please we should be the only ones with the keys I have the keys because the units were given to you free on the proviso that I get 10% of takings until they're paid off no we purchased them therefore we should have the keys surely there was a payment plan attached when this was negotiated amber that is the and plan since the funds weren't available at the time I decided to give them to your organization anyway and take a small percentage each fortnight until they were paid in full then the keys are all yours if you'd like to arrange a direct debit instead we can do that so you're saying that you don't trust us with the keys so you need to come out and count the money yourself no it was just a mutual agreement at the time but since you put it that way yes definitely I'll need the keys please how do I know that you're not the one stealing my staff counts the money in front of your staff then your staff verifies the count and signs the slip they both get a copy I believe that's how you would know okay it's simple I'll get the locks changed on each one and thank you amber Sebastian and I had a long chat prior to delivery he advised that the organisation lacked the funding and if we could work something out I said yes I'll give them to you and take a small percentage interest-free until they're paid off you are exhausting my goodwill now Sebastian had no authority to approve this don't think you can pull the wool over my eyes the locks will be changed and you won't extort us further extort they cost me $6,000 I gave them to you free 10% of the takings goes towards paying them off you keep 90 percent how was that hard to understand they're not free if you're taking ten percent what if one week they make $100 and the following week they make a thousand you are taking the same fee regardless you are a thief stealing from a charity okay you are officially the second stupidest person I know I'm the first for deciding to help your organization evidently in your scenario the first week ten percent goes towards your payment the following week $100 goes towards your payment and changing the locks makes you the thief amber just so you know so now you're resorting to instill me because you got cut so the more machines make the more you'd take how is that even fair we are done here either the keys or I change the locks I take that back you are not the second stupidest person I know I'll bring the keys tomorrow I thought so I'm in from 9 a.m. through to 2:30 p.m. don't play games with people you'll eventually find someone better than you I'll be taking the machines with me though I'll see you at 9 a.m. hopefully you won't trigger another migraine I'll have the police waiting good luck with that no need I'll bring the sheriff with me I'm sure he'll explain it to you very very slowly the sheriff won't come out at a day's notice nice try though but you're messing with someone above your paygrade you'll be leaving in handcuffs by his name is blank and his number is blank you can call him personally or verify with blank police station I'll call him and let him know to expect your call it's probably a friend of yours who will also be arrested for impersonating an officer of the law not very smart are you I'll humor you though huh you're awesome he explained it a lot better than you did you could have been more professional and explained it in layman's terms we're not all tradesman I want this paid off ASAP I do not wish to deal with you any further that's a pretty sucky apology amber I'll be there at 9 a.m. to collect my units I'll write a check for the amount paid so far don't choke on that foot luv don't you worry I'll have this sorted out no you won't good luck bye and then this absolute [ __ ] found the reddit post so Opie has this incredible update to the story you missed a call but the caller didn't leave a message you missed a call but the caller didn't leave a message it's amber from blink call me now it's amber I saw your screenshot of our conversation on Facebook call me no you missed a call but the caller didn't leave a message you missed a call but the caller didn't leave a message you missed a call but the color didn't leave a message you missed a call but the caller didn't leave a message I did not give you permission nor authority to upload our private conversation to social media i forwarded everything to our legal department ignoring this won't make it go away you need to call me you missed a call but the color didn't leave a message call me now I want this removed immediately this isn't now in the hands of our legal team I hope you have a good solicitor mate oh my god you botched surgery he's not answering let's blow up his Epping phone and annoy him into picking up what a great idea I'm not busy or anything I sit here waiting for your call every day I look forward to hearing from your legal team we can laugh at you together I beg your pardon you uploaded a private and confidential conversation between us and Chui Millie ated me in the process take it down before things get worse I won't ask again you missed a call but the colour didn't leave a message answer your phone no since your legal department is involved I'd prefer that you screeching me in writing also due to the rules of the post there was no identifying info despite people begging me for it this step in my office no it's me by reasonable assumption take it down now that's tragic oh well gotta go have fun now I'd love to see your face when you get trounced by our legal team great I'll send you a pic please forward all the go correspondence to my lawyer at blank I will love you so amber have bad news for you you're a very private freak out is now visible on a channel with more than 1 million subscribers if you want me to take it down I strongly encourage you to reach out to me I would love to hear what you have to say that was are slashed using beggars and if you enjoy my content and want to support this channel please consider buying my merchandise you can find the link to my merchandise down in the description
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,167,346
Rating: 4.9349523 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, choosingbeggars, beggar, r/choosingbeggars, choosing beggar, choosing
Id: QHPS8QmRkc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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