r/Entitledparents "GIVE MY CHILD YOUR GUN!"

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welcome to our slash entitle parents we're an untitled mother demands that someone hand over a loaded firearm to her precious baby so I work at a grocery store I'm also 24 years old but my family has chronic baby-faced this is important to the story it's my day off and I wanted to get some chores done like cleaning the garage and give my dogs a bath but I'm out of dog shampoo and the garage has a major spider infestation so I run to the store I work out for dog shampoo and bug killer I then pass the beer aisle and think to myself how awesome a nice beer would be after I get all my work done and pick out a couple single bottles of brands I've been meaning to try out behind me I hear someone loudly exclaim ahem I look behind me and see a woman with a full cart and baby in the seat I assume I must have been in her way as I did have earbuds in and I take a while to read the labels when I decide to try a new beer oh sorry I say moving out of the way you're not old enough to buy that are you she scoffs um yes I am I know I look really young I get it a lot don't lie to me I had three boys two of them are teens I know what you kids get up to she then points to the bug killer in my card and I bet you're getting that to get high off aren't you miss I'm old enough it's my day off work and I'm getting some stuff done like killing spiders in my garage giving my dog's a bath and then relaxing with a nice beer then show me your ID No then you're lying lady I don't need to show you my ID unless you're a cop or an employee here it has my private information on there she Huff's and looks around possibly for an employee or someone else to back her up but no one was around so I just leave a few minutes later I'm gonna check out in the self scan and guess who I see again entitled mother she glares at me again and watches as I scan the beers and then wait for the employee to clear me for it when the employee walks up entitled mother of loudly says you better check his ID he's underage the employee just kind of dumbfounded at her um miss he works here I know for a fact he's over 21 I sold him beer before entitled mother goes quiet she probably wasn't expecting that I did in fact work here she scoffs and says well can't ever be too careful these days and walks off the employee and I have a laugh about it as she scans my ID and then I pay for my stuff so this entitled parents kids apparently try to get high by sniffing poison those are some grade-a jeans you got there lady our next write a post is from king bee man I met the park with my daughter and girlfriend helping her plan this slide as cute kid is running around with a stranger's kid playing with a fake gun and finger guns now I'm trying to make it a personal habit to always carry my gun with me wherever I go I fully conceal it as much as possible but I'm guessing when I reached up to put my baby girl on the slide it must have revealed it cuz next thing I know I feel a tug in my shirt where my gun is so I quickly turn around and it goes as follows what's up little buddy the cute kid says let me see your gun we're playing cowboys and he doesn't have one he points to his friend no no sorry pal no one can have this but me it's dangerous the cute kid looks angry so he pretends to shoot me and runs off over I hoped but no soon I hear a ahem what why can't my kid play with your toy what's away the toy gun on your hip um no sorry this is a real gun and it's dangerous I proceeded to check to make sure it's still hidden under my shirt and it is so just take the bullets out and let him play with it how about you f off she has a baffled look well I never what's the harm of him playing with it if it's unloaded I'm sure you haven't and because loaded or not I've been letting a child plate with an effing gun you half-wit don't you have someone else's business to mind I'm going to call the police because you have a gun at a park go right ahead it's a public place she Huff's and storms off not to be heard from again it was an annoying encounter that put a damper on my already sour day so when the entitled mother says what's the harm of him playing with it if it's unloaded I'll tell you exactly the harm step one police yes there's a child here on the playground with a real gun step two son this is the police put that gun down immediately step three but your hands up mister pewpewpew and at that exact moment that police officer has to make a decision does he shoot a kid who's pointing a real gun at him or does he risk getting shot himself our next reddit post is from SSG vegeto background so I work at a pretty big pretzel company but for privacy reasons I will call it uncle UNH's anyway I had worked there for a year already and this happened pretty early in my second this particular pretzel place was inside a small amusement park in Pennsylvania not Hershey Park important for later all right enough lame back story now onto the juicy story so it was the last five minutes after my shift so I'm tired and want to go home we were busy cleaning and not paying attention to the window because normally most families would have left by this point then we hear a knock on our window I'm the cashier so I walk up to the window and say the line I always say hi how can I help you today the entitled mother standing there says yeah are you closed we closed five minutes ago great do you have any leftover pretzels yeah we do why can I have them how many would you like five all right that comes to 21 15 for 23 your pretzel what aren't they discounted if you have a season pass it's 15% off no you're closed so the pretzels should be half all I wanted to go home and stop caring and why do you think that you're close so that means the pretzels are a day old and should be discount we switch out our pretzels every 30 minutes these pretzels are only 30 minutes old fine babe do you still want them if they're full priced the tired dad's standing with her said I don't care hurry up so we can go home fine so I can get 15% off right if you have a season pass yes no I should get 15% off because you're closed ma'am no as you stated we're closed so we're no longer selling pretzels I'm only offering them to you because my boss ones as many sold as possible see you can't sell them so they're free no they're not I'll take them home and eat them for my dinner I was too tired to care as I had just worked a five hour shifts I know that's not a lot but it was 95 degrees Fahrenheit and I had to deal with kids the whole time plus I'm 15 and they can't have me on for much longer you don't need them my kids are hungry then buy them some food no they are free for me yes for you they're for twenty three mommy can we go home now the entitled mother starts screaming something that no one but dogs could understand and leaves opie you should have just stared at her dead in the eyes and thrown away every single pretzel you had it would have been worth it for the look on her face our next reddit post is from sweet Trevor alright first post on here be merciful reddit I'll try to keep this short for you guys I'm a 16 year old lifeguard and it was a relatively busy day at the pool I was currently guarding the deep into the pool and this father had been turning around and not paying attention to his child all day we had talked to him about it several times but he constantly just said she could swim fine and paid attention to her for a couple seconds before stopping again the daughter was maybe eight and she could swim but she'd been doing it all day and was tired at one point the father left her in the deep end and went to talk to some fellow parent in the shallow end the kids started to show signs of drowning flailing arms bobbing up and down the water etc she's freaking out so I blow a long whistle the sign for an active victim and get off my stand and going out for the kid not a very hard save nothing dramatic I just had to offer her the lifeguard tube to hang on to and tell her not to grab my neck we get to the wall and the dad is already standing there and he blows up on me I don't remember exactly the stuff he said but it went something like what the heck you pedophile I told you she could swim what are you thinking touching my kid I was shocked I couldn't think of anything to say and he started screaming about getting my manager for wasting his time and touching his daughter I got back up on stand a little shaken one it's my first save of the summer and - I was just yelled at and called a pedophile in my place of work which involves watching children not exactly the best situation luckily my supervisor is a 26 year old woman who doesn't take flak from anyone especially about her lifeguards when I got off my shift she told me he'd complained to her about me she had seen the whole thing and shooed him out about endangering his child and kicked him out of the pool he hasn't been back for the rest of the summer this almost sounds too impossible to be true but there are actually people out there who believe this like that famous resuscitation lady it is never okay for men to give CPR to an unconscious woman resuscitation is just a fancy word for rape I wonder if one of these entitled parents were drowning in a pool if they did want a lifeguard to save them or if they'd rather just have the lifeguard let them figure it out on my own our next reddit post is from taken by me I've been reading this up for a while and never thought I would have something to post but here I am last week I was traveling for work it had been a long two days of meetings and I was exhausted I had just arrived at the airport for my evening cross-country flight home when I got the dreaded text from the airlines saying my flight was delayed two hours due to mechanical problems I decided to pass the time by getting something to eat I found an airport restaurant and sat down to order I ordered my food and pulled my phone out of my bag to catch up on email and browse the web while waiting for my food to arrive while I was waiting a family with a mom dad little girl about five years old and a middle school-aged looking boy sat at a table near me I didn't pay much attention as I was looking at email on my phone but then I hear the little girl exclaim in a rather loud voice look mom the lady's on her phone at the table I then hear the mother reply yes she shouldn't be doing that it is rude to have a phone at the table I glanced over and the mother says to me we have a rule that no phones are allowed at the table my first reaction was to say something snarky as exhaustion was definitely getting the better of me but then I thought better of it and decided to be polite I looked at the little girl and said we have the same rule in my family but since I'm here alone I'm not being rude to anybody but looking at my phone now at this point the son looks like he wants to crawl under the table from embarrassment and the dad is trying to hand the mom a menu and says it's okay let's just order I think that will be the end of it but no the mom says obviously you have a family so you know how important it is to follow rules I would appreciate it if you put away your phone in a tone that a parent would use on a petulant teen the little girl chimes in and says yeah you have to put your phone away my brother can't have his phone at the table so you can't either I look at the little girl and say and as sweet as a tone as I can muster well the great thing about being a grown-up is that I can do whatever I want so I'm gonna keep looking at my phone and turn back to my email the mother's sighs loudly the team looks even more embarrassed and the dad tries to get the mom to just order and leave me alone the mom calls the waiter over and asked to be reseeded he grudgingly moved them to a front table my food arrives and I eat in peace enjoying browsing reddit Opie you should have been like well in my family we teach people not to stick their noses in other people's business but clearly your mommy isn't teaching you how to do that our next reddit post is from karma cookie so a little backstory is in order I have two young adult children living at home ages 18 and 19 they both work and go to college I trust my kids I trust their decision-making skills when they graduated high school and turned 18 new rules went into place no curfew just call me and let me know if you're going to be out all night so I don't worry you can call me at anytime for a pick up no questions asked just don't be stupid and drink and drive yes your significant other can sleep over or come over for the weekend just let me know what's going on pay me a small rent during the summer when you're working full-time and pay your part of the car insurance you have your chores and I have mine we all work together I tell them that if they're being buttholes and they listen in turn I listen to them there is very little fighting or arguing in my house this is their time to spread their wings and learn how to be a responsible adult and have me as a safety net lately and one of my kids significant others has been spending a lot of time over at my house he's here pretty much all the time two days ago I got a call from a number I didn't recognize and I answered it it was my daughter's boyfriend's mother hello you need to tell my kid he isn't allowed over your house anymore who is this this is Tommy's mother I already know where this is going Oh Tommy's mom I have to say you raised a great kid he is always polite and respectful in fact look I don't care what you think about my kid he is never at home he isn't spending any time with me okay there isn't much I can do about that yes there is tell him he can't come over to your house anymore I want him home and you've set a bad example for my son your daughter has no curfew and I am sick and tired hearing how nice it is at your house I miss him and want him home me speaking very slowly and basically growling into the phone are you done yelling at me I think I stunned her into silence I'll take that as a yes do you trust the way you raised your son what it's a simple question do you trust the way you raised your son of course I do what does that have to do with anything do you trust him to make good decisions yes yes of course she's starting to calm down now mother to mother I know things are not okay your house right now her husband drinks a lot I am trying to give your child a safe place when things are not okay at your house she starts to cut me off at this point but I won't let her it's not your fault he throws your son out for days at a time doesn't he yes I can hear her choking back the tears do you need someone to talk to would you want to go out to lunch that way you can feel safer knowing whose house your son is at and that he's safe that would be okay we were on the phone for about an hour after that what started out as an untitled mother was just a scared woman feeling very very alone sorry there wasn't any righteous retribution but I think it turned out okay I'm gonna try to get nineteen-year-old Tommy's curfew changed from 10:00 p.m. to midnight and maybe you can stay over for a weekend this post goes to show that maybe all entitled parents are just misunderstood and deep down they're good people now that was our slash entitle parents and I'm our slashes mommy mom slash and I expect each and every one of you to subscribe to my precious babies channel because he works so hard in his videos so he deserved your subscription also be sure to like his video otherwise I'm calling the police
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,816,146
Rating: 4.9406071 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: h1pw1MWJHoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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