r/Entitledparents Mother Steals Seat and FREAKS OUT When Caught!

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welcome to our slash entitled parents where a mother tries to get total strangers to watch her kids for an evening today I an 18 year old male went to a local outdoor gym it's a fairly basic setup a few bars to hang off some planks to jump on to and parallel bars I like to do a workout after University in most days today was no difference I got into my workout gear and ran from where I'm staying at the moment to the outdoor gym I was the only one there when I got there just like normal occasionally there will be one other person after about half an hour a mother with a few kids came the kids would be between three to five they started playing on some of the bars and stuff as kids do I was fine with that I just didn't use those bars in my circuit while working out the mother kept looking at me she would have been mid 20s to 30s after about ten minutes she came over to me and said isn't it a bit weird that you're using a playground like this I was confused but responded this is an outdoor gym well you should go to a real gym so I don't have to worry about my kids this is here for the community I don't have an issue with kids being here but I find it kind of rude how you're asking me to leave well if everyone is allowed here how about you stop scaring my kids with your presence a big guy in the playground is scary what do you mean by that well the way you're here you probably touch kids I really don't appreciate you throwing around BS like that Wow now you're swearing absolutely disgusting my kids don't need to hear this she then left with all her kids Opie you sure just looked at her kids and been like now your kids are too old for me not my type our next reddit post is from r attitude i took my kid a seven-year-old girl to an animal sanctuary they announced that they would be feeding a baby sloth at a certain time so my kiddo and I hit over to wait my kiddo was right at the front close enough to look the sloth in the eye karen was standing to the right of my kiddo her son who looks to be about 11 years old comes shooting through the crowd and stands right in front of my kid my kid has a list of neurological disorders and can't yet navigate the finer points of social interaction so she freezes and starts to tear up I say excuse me you're standing in front of my daughter the entitled kid looks dumbfounded but doesn't move hey buddy could you please move to your right you're blocking my daughter entitled kid decided to give his balls a tug and replied so so don't be rude move please the entitled mother says in Hindi to the entitled kid ignore this stupid [ __ ] son I pushed my kid forward in front of the bratty kid then quietly two entitled mother in Hindi aunty this white [ __ ] knows Hindi the entitled mother grabs entitled kid and hot foot sit out of the crowd today's lesson kids don't assume someone doesn't speak a language because they're a different ethnicity our next reddit post is from Jamaican me scream I was traveling on a train yesterday afternoon back from seeing some friends I was basically traveling the entire length of the route with a journey around 9 hours going over 450 miles north so a long time I had a reserved seat for the whole journey with the seat next to me switching from being reserved for some of the journey for an hour to than being vacant at around hour six of my journey the Train was becoming very busy with families going home from day trips out the next stop saw the person sitting next to me depart and a woman who is looking and acting as if the group of scraggy students like me and families with little ones were far beneath her got on with a woman who looked my age who were both looking around for a seat the older woman he wrapped her in titled mother saw the space next to me and made a beeline for it with the other woman entitled kid in tow this is the conversation that followed hi I think you're in my daughter's seat oh really I'm pretty sure this is the seat I reserved doesn't it say so on the display the Train I was on had an automatic displays saying whether or not the sea was reserved my seat said it was reserved from the departure station to my arrival while the seat next to me said it next became reserved at a station about an away No the screens gone off these are the seeds for me an entitled kid now move at this point I got out of my seat to look at the screen which still said it was reserved and quickly sat back down nope it still says it's my seat the seat next to me seems free for a while if one of you wants to sit down why can't you just move we're probably traveling further than you anyway sorry but I'm really not going to move the entire mother raises her voice to attract the attention of others I can't believe you won't have the dignity to let me sit next to my child she can't just go sit on her own how old are you 23 so probably older than you you really should do what I say I'm 21 and look it's seriously I won't move from my reserved seat your child is 23 and doesn't need to sit with you I was feeling petty and so Rose my voice to mimic and title mother when saying this that's it we're getting this stat I will not be spoken to like this by a child with that they both left the carriage and I didn't hear anything from any member of the staff or anyone else though a lovely little old lady who was sitting across from me said that she probably would have sworn like a sailor and entitled mother and entitled kid if they'd spoken to her like that when they'd gone out of earshot the icing on the cake was when the train stopped about half an hour later so two stops after entitled mother an entitled kid got on I saw them both getting off and walking up the platform it took everything not to give them a little wave as they sculpt past can you imagine a 23 year old speaking to a 21 year old and saying I'm older than you you should do it I say like lady you're 23 the world stopped working like that at age 8 our next reddit post is from has my younger sister was diagnosed with cancer early 2017 as of now she's still having treatment and we're uncertain about winter treatment will end yesterday she tried to walk to the bathroom from her bed she slipped and landed awkwardly on her hand luckily when we got it checked at the hospital it was just a buckle it's not very serious but it requires a splint she didn't need a cast and it was in her left hand so I was happy with the outcome as it could have easily been worse anyway later on that day she was feeling a little upset and my mom went out to get all of us McDonald's I wish to spending time with little sister and helping her out with what she needed while mom picked up the food inter entitled uncle and entitled kid around eight years old they visit fairly often and we're used to them arriving because of how annoying the art a little sister I always keep my ps4 with games like fifa and fortnight installed downstairs so any kids who visit stay away from my younger sister and they don't bug anyone else the entitled kid says hi everyone me is surprised to see them oh hi entitled kid how are you okay can I play on this switch the switches for little sister it always stays in a room and she takes it to the hospital when she has to stay uh that isn't going to be possible little sister hurt her hand and she can't be near people have you seen her splints obviously I saw the splint then you know she can't and you also know that I have the ps4 with games you like downstairs I'll be down soon and I'll play with you I should add that I bought ps4 games I never used for the purpose of keeping visitors away from little sister her immune system can't handle people visiting but entitle uncle's family fails to understand I prefer keeping them downstairs because it's less pressure for little sister and puts me at ease knowing she's okay no I want to play on the switch with little sister I then suggest four entitled kid to take the switch handheld and take it downstairs entitled kid then throws a tantrum enter entitled uncle upstairs two little sisters room what did you do to upset him I told him that he can't play on a switch with little sister I then told him to go in the ps4 then I said take the handheld switch downstairs are you really telling me that a splint on her left arm stops her from playing games me is slightly shocked yes it does plus she's tired from being in hospital all day getting her arm sorted let her rest I don't care if she's tired or has a broken arm that shouldn't stop her from playing games with entitled kid I'm just shocked at this point then my mom arrives back home with McDonald's - shut up entitle a kid I gave him my McFlurry and told him to stay downstairs and go on the ps4 entitled kid then did just that I told him to load for tonight on the ps4 and play it his eyes lit up and there were no other arguments we are still trying to recover from the scenario because little sister was left upset by what untitled kid and entitled uncle said it's disgusting that their motivation to come to our house was to play on the switch and eat our food I don't mind giving the McFlurry all I cared about was little sister being happy especially after hurting her hand and all the other stuff she's been through the past two years does anyone else be like this kid who plays for tonight is the perfect example of every single fortnight player our next reddit post is from Draven some context here I host a weekly D&D game at a game store near my hometown I'm Prince with the owner and employees at the store and have been doing this for several months now I run a fairly beginner friendly game and we advertise it on the website and on signs around the store to get people interested this has all gone pretty well so far and I've made some good friends of my regular players while having a large rotating cast of newbies that drop in and out of the game well as I'm setting up for my game last week in comes entitled mother and her three children all aged between four and eight if I had to guess well entitled mother has a quick chat with the owner as he points in my direction and she comes over to me she asks if I'm in charge of the game night and I say yes I am she then tells me doesn't ask that her kids will be participating I explained that I'm a table capacity for my game that night so I wouldn't be able to accommodate any more players she says that's okay they'll just watch them I say that's fine and explain the rough start and end times of the session and she nods absent-mindedly while she Scrolls away on her phone before sitting down at the table next to me with the kids well about 20 minutes later my players are all here and taking their places at the table I'm not even halfway through my typical greeting and explains of the game for that night before entitled mother has gotten halfway to the door of the game store this is the exchange once I noticed this um ma'am aren't you forgetting something cue me pointing to her three kids just sitting at the table half-asleep at this point I'll be back at 10:00 to pick them up just make sure they behave alright she's not even looking up from her phone still walking away I'm not a babysitter you need to take your children with you if you're leaving I have things to do just don't let them get into any trouble and they'll be fine the owner noticing what's happening now no ma'am we are not going to be responsible for watching your children for you please take them with you when you leave fine I guess I'll just have to tell their father that day night is ruined because a bunch of effing nerds couldn't keep their eye on three kids for a few hours pathetic the owner says ma'am there are children in this or pointing to some of my younger players and I'd appreciate you not using that language in here I'm going to have to ask you to leave now the entitled mother turning bright red and grabbing her children rushes out Oh f off you butthole entitled mother then leaves and I spend the next few minutes talking with my players about the whole situation before we get back into the game so that was horrible but on the plus side I think I have an idea for an evil hag character my players can take on next week lull my name is Corinne Thea and I demand you give your plus-5 sword to my precious halfling our next reddit post is from deroga suruc and for context this takes place in a subway restaurant today a woman came in with her teenage daughter I say hello and asked if I can help them the daughter asked for the bathroom codes if she can wash her hands while untitled mother stands in line looking at her phone more people come in and titled mother is still on her phone this conversation happens while people are lining up behind her what's the sup of the day roasted chicken that's not what the sign says it says either chicken teriyaki ham turkey or I cut her off the some of the day changes every day since today is Tuesday its roasted chicken the daughter comes back and stands oh well that's really shady advertising whatever I'll get to six inches of that just keep the meat off my daughter's side she's a vegetarian I asked the daughter if she wants me to make her sandwich first so I don't touch me and then her veggies she says please and tells me what kind of bread she once I make it real quick and she asks about a garlic sauce we have she ended up liking it and went in for a sandwich I want that for my sandwich too and Chipotle and mayo okay what kind of bread would you like this is where entitled mother turns into a grunt I was just about to ask you what kind of bread do you have but apparently you can't keep your mouth shut at our subway we do not have the right to refuse service so I said oh I'm sorry she throws her hands up in the air stop wasting my time what kind of bread do you have I tell her after she told me to keep my mouth shut and she picks I go put the garlic sauce on first I changed my mind just the other two she gets a smug smirk on her face get another piece of bread so I do then she asked about the Chipotle steak I tell her I'm so sorry but we don't have the steak at the moment why is it on the board if you don't have it this is just ridiculous don't go promising things to people if you don't happen the team grabbed her mom's arm because by now the line was to the door and everyone was looking at her she told her to stop no I am NOT going to be lied to like this when the daughter cut her off and said this is why I live with that just take me home the daughter walked outside entitled mother looked at me then the people behind her she just asked for a sandwich to be wrapped up she threw down 20 bucks and walked out with her two sandwiches looking down good tip at least update she came in today alone with a big smile on her face order this of the day and told the manager I didn't give her change so this sandwich was free whoa nope I already told my manager about her and she said any change he leaves on the counter is considered a tip my manager smiled and said I've already heard from my employee and a customer what happened yesterday you're not getting a free sandwich that was our slash entitled parents and if you enjoyed this video please hit the like and subscribe button because it really helps me out
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, entitled parents fail, r/ entitled parents
Id: 9V-EdWdh5TE
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Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 31 2019
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